the book


the book
“Dinner at My House”
“An Abridged Autobiography of the Years 1958 through 2013 with Commentary”
Barbara Nikonoff
ISBN 978-1-4675-7674-1
BBN Publisher Copyright Pending
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Dedicated to Jesus Christ Almighty who interceded on this writer’s behalf
and The Everlasting God of the Universe.
My spouse, as benefactor of this project has made it possible through his financial support and other
assistance to provide this combined information of website and book to the population of people.
Without the assistance provided by other concerned people and organizations of which some are
identified in this book, this project would not have been possible. All people should be thankful to God
for inspiring and assisting these dedicated individuals for their perseverance in continuing to deliver life
saving information to all, especially in these evil and dangerous times. These people are the true but not
exclusive, Apostles of God.
Table of Contents
Family Background
University Calamities
Attire and Body Art
Public Welfare
Artificial Vitamins and
Real Nutrition
Just Thoughts
The All Seeing Eye of Evil
The Ten Commandments
for Today’s Society
Genetic Identification
Electoral System
The Responsibility for
Interpreting The Ten
Secular Education
Commandments for
Mass Media
Today’s Society
Further Discourse on
Science and Technology
Manipulative Psychology
In 1900 the population of world people was 1.65 billion. One hundred years later in the year 2000, the
world population of people has been reported in recent times, to apparently exceed 6.07 billion people.
So in just 100 years and by the year 2000, the world population of people had almost quadrupled. Also
understand that during the past 100 years or so, huge populations of people have been murdered and
died due to many horrific wars, genocides, abortions and infanticides, government devised famines, and
overexposure to environmental toxins to suggest several calamities. In understanding these facts and
under all these miserable conditions for many, still the world population of people remarkably has been
stated to have quadrupled in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, it can be surmised that when
evil societal forces interfere with a human being’s personal and private decisions regarding family
matters and matters of religion, that general havoc is wreaked on the entire population of people. It is
this author’s belief that in particular, extraordinary fertility rates have been God inspired to considerably
increase for some groups and select nationalities of people during the past 100 years due to the
interference by some human beings in the sole jurisdictions of God, regarding procreation. Also
understand that through evil societal policies of gross immorality, a relatively few people have become
extremely wealthy, powerful, and controlling of vast populations of people through the above stated
murders, enactments of certain immoral laws and legislation, the incessant promotion of immorality
within the society, coercion, brainwashing, mind control, and other strong arm measures that have
dictated the very private and very personal aspects of the individual’s life.
One of the purposes of the writing of this abridged autobiography is to provide a historical record and
an account of the typical common practices, methodologies, and generalities of this society during the
past fifty plus years from this author’s perspective. Many specifics and details have been decidedly
removed for the consideration of other’s personal privacies and to avoid additional trouble. Be
forewarned that violators of this writer’s personal privacy may regret their decision to uncover more
detailed facts regarding the incidences and stories presented in this book. Also beware that
investigations into another’s personal privacy is in violation of at least one Law of God. Another reason
for the writing of this book is to provide the reader with some autobiographical information regarding
some of this writer’s life’s experiences which has led to some of the statements of Commentary shown
at the end of this book. Other statements written in this section were the combined result of extensive
research over the course of about ten years. Also, a recognition, sympathy, and empathy for people who
were left ignorant of knowledge regarding history, religion, and science and how world events are
interrelated with these subject areas, necessitated the writing of this book. Until provided with an
antivirus protected internet access in August of the year 2002, this vital information was withheld from
this author as well. However, if capable, free thinking adults still desire to engage in immoralities after
reviewing the facts thus acquiring a competency of knowledge, then the consequences of illicit immoral
behavior is probably deserved.
The hope is that future generations will be better able to recognize a society in decline through the
reading of this autobiographical book and take the measures necessary to correct the small problems
before overwhelming problems consume the society. Personal advice is offered throughout this book as
well as through bibliography cited author’s written discussions and recommendations. In particular, and
based on today’s society of vast evil and immorality, one has found many of Richard W. Wetherill’s
(“Right is Might”) suggestions and examples helpful when essentially combined with the following of
The Ten Commandments and other morality expounded in The Bible.
The literary style of this book as some may recognize is basic and reflects to a mild degree the general
conversational pattern of today’s society. In conversation today, subject matters are quickly broached
and abruptly changed by people as other topics are addressed one after the next in unison, which in
this author’s opinion shows a lack of willingness by many to discuss, resolve, and solve problems that is
likely due to an inability to cooperate with others, among other factors. This inability to cooperate is at
least partially based on the immoral viewpoints of some conversational participants and the
interference of evil that causes anxieties and other ailments and repercussions among some or all of the
conversational participants perhaps due to a tyrannical mind control situation. Should every person
decide through the following of The Ten Commandments and avoidance of Capital Sins and
Abominations to assist in solving for the good, only and just one of the critical issues presented in this
book, many of today’s societal problems would be solved resulting in happiness, peace, and prosperity
for all human beings. Of course this cannot be accomplished without earnest prayer, praise, and thanks
to God. It also would be wise to ask God for His mercy in forgiving people including ones own self for
immoral behaviors as we too forgive others.
A Bible was procured that was promoted as a direct translation from the ancient Aramaic Bible which
one initially believed to likely be the most accurate Bible. However in Exodus 20:13 of this Book,
Commandment VI is stated “You shall not murder”. As many people who study foreign languages know,
a word could have several meanings and connotations. So some people know that there is no one word
translation of some words within a native language when translated into another language. If this is the
situation then perhaps several words could be shown in parentheses when translating one word to
more accurately define the one word being translated. One therefore questions the word murder
translated from the ancient Aramaic. Could the word murder in Aramaic also mean to destroy or kill? It
seems probable that God would consider brain damaging a person or crippling a person to be destroying
or killing a person based on the degree of damages inflicted. Therefore I have decided to use the word
kill in Commandment VI as is stated in many other Bibles because kill can mean murder or the
destruction of a person by means other than murder. Also, the beginning word of You as stated in some
Bibles in Commandments II, III, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X was not used because You can be interpreted by
some people to mean You but not Me. Therefore I have decided to use the word Thou as stated in other
Bibles because Thou can be more precisely defined to encompass both You and Me.
Due to the realization that some people need and require a group affiliation or many educational and/or
professional credentials when presenting information regardless of the evidence presented in that
information, one has decided to present the population of people with likely spiritual credentials that
are in addition to recognized limited professional and educational experiences.
One day before my birth, Pope John XXIII was elected Pope to assume the position of Pope Pius the XII
who had departed this world earlier in the month of October 1958. John is the name of my godfather.
My brother Paul was born in April of 1963. Pope Paul VI assumed the position of Pope, after the death of
Pope John XXIII in June of 1963. In August of 1978, Pope John Paul I was elected Pope following the
passing of Pope Paul VI. He died approximately one month later and was succeeded by Pope John Paul
II. It is interesting to note that a duality of Popes names (which happen to be my godfather’s and
brother’s names) has never occurred prior to 1978. Also, the selection of names of these Popes, John
and Paul perhaps reflects New Testament doctrine related to those historical times of the last years of
the 1950’s through to 2005. In addition, one’s birth time was documented to be at 11:23 pm on
Wednesday, October 29, 1958, which is the same time shown on a pocket watch on the book jacket of
“Tragedy and Hope” “A History of the World in Our Time” authored by Carrol Quigley. Added to this, it
has been documented that the first internet transmission (ARPANET) occurred on October 29, 1969. The
word “login” was apparently the desired first word to be transmitted. However, only part of this word
“lo” arrived at its’ destination at 10:30 pm on October 29, 1969. It has been reported that the second
part of this word “gin”, “arrived about an hour later”, perhaps at 11:23 pm on October 29, 1969.
Another important historical book “Annals of the World” written by Reverend Archbishop James Ussher
and first published in the year 1658 states on page 17, that God finished His creation of the world on
October 28 and rested from His work on Saturday, October 29. Obviously interpretation is needed here.
Perhaps if all calendars and months of the year are analyzed equally (a ten month calendar was the
common calendar used at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth) together with documentations of the sightings
of the “Star of Bethlehem”, and careful New Testament scrutiny combined with the examination of
other historical records, Saturday, October 29 may have indeed been the date the Messiah, Jesus Christ
was born.
So, I do believe that I was dedicated to God to work on this project prior to my birth (dedicated by
whom I do not know) to perhaps to be a messenger. As messenger the requirement was and is to
present testimony and documentation regarding aspects of this immoral society to people for their
consideration, contemplation, and analysis and also to further inform people of impending disaster if
they do not return to adhering to The Ten Commandments and to avoid Capital Sins and Abominations.
Realize that serious and earnest prayer to God, repentance, penance, and forgiveness of others are part
of this formula.
Family Background
My paternal great grandparents on my father’s side of the family, includes early 1900’s immigrants from
the Southern Province of Calabria in Italy to the United States. Great grandfather born in Italy,
established a successful construction company and owned substantial tracts of land in a metropolitan
area of New Jersey which he lost to bank foreclosure during the depression of the 1930’s. Italian great
grandfather and great grandmother were the parents of nine children, five boys and four girls, who for
the most part were religious and followed the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
My father’s grandfather on his mother’s side of the family was of a Welsh immigrant father and
American Indian Creek Tribe mother descent. My father’s grandfather on my father’s mother’s side of
the family owned a technologically innovative for that period of time, refrigeration business. Father’s
grandmother on the maternal side was a homemaker of paternal German Jewish and maternal German
Lutheran extract who bore five children, two boys and three girls. My father’s mother died a few months
after delivering my father due to the additional stress of childbirth which further weakened her heart
that was damaged from a childhood illness suffered diagnosed as rheumatic fever. At the time she
acquired this disease at twelve years old, antibiotic medicines were still not discovered. Father was born
two months premature and weighed 2.2 pounds at his birth in 1931. My great grandmother often
commented that father was so small at birth he could have easily “fit into a cigar box”. After five months
in a hospital incubator, he was released to be cared for by his maternal grandmother and grandfather,
who as far as I can determine were of agnostic faith but Protestant religion. Several years later, my
paternal grandfather remarried a woman of Swiss descent and subsequently became the parents of
three boys. Paternal grandfather became the mayor of a town in New Jersey, who lived a modest
lifestyle with his family. Shortly after my father’s, father’s remarriage, my grandfather invited his older
son, my father to join with him and his wife in their home, however my father declined the invitation as
he was already very well settled, after living twelve years with his maternal grandparents in their home.
My maternal grandparents emigrated from the Southern German state of Baden-Wurttemberg in the
1920’s and considered themselves to be Schwabisch. My maternal grandfather arrived first after being
sponsored by an uncle who was a naturalized United States citizen. After my grandfather established
himself in secure employ, he arranged for his wife to immigrate. They settled in a metropolitan
apartment house in a town in New Jersey. My maternal grandfather worked in a bakery and received a
reduced rent for their living arrangements because he accepted a job as the superintendent of the
apartment house where they lived. He worked from the early hours of the morning to mid afternoon in
the bakery and then worked to satisfy tenants in the apartment house and maintain the premises in the
later afternoon to evening hours. When my mother was a toddler, the small family purchased a home.
My grandfather left his lower paying job at a bakery to accept a higher paying job at a pig slaughter
house. Maternal grandmother procured work in a sweater factory after enlisting the help of a relative
who came to live in their house to provide child care for my mother. Maternal grandparents were
mostly confined to the area where they lived, as neither of them learned how to drive an automobile.
My maternal grandfather attempted to learn to drive however his attempt resulted in an accident
where he collided with a service station gasoline pump which forever extinguished his desire to drive an
automobile. Maternal grandparents were privately practicing Catholics who I suspect read The Bible
somewhat regularly, but did not regularly attend Catholic mass.
During their childhoods, both my mother and my father received the sacraments of Baptism,
Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation at the ages designated by the Catholic Church at that
time. My father served in the United States army in the department of signal corps during the early
years of the 1950’s. He was not deployed to Korea, but was commissioned to France instead. Both
grandparents and paternal parents prayed to God and requested of town officials that my father not be
sent to a war zone, due to the fact that he was the sole surviving child of his deceased mother. My
mother visited relatives in Germany at age sixteen where she was awakened to the devastation of World
War II and the family casualties suffered due to this horrific war. My parents who became acquainted
with each other in high school, married in 1954. During their early years of their engagement and
marriage my father worked at a strenuous job at a paper mill. My mother was a legal secretary for a
Wall Street law firm. Later and after moving away from their family in a metropolitan area of New Jersey
to a quiet former farming community of New York State, my father successfully completed a union trade
program and began work as an apprentice. The home they purchased in the year 1956 was a Cape Cod
style home, located on a quiet neighborhood street. It contained two bedrooms downstairs and a living
area, an unfinished attic dormer upstairs, a full unfinished basement, and a carport on one third acre of
property. Their home was larger than their parent’s homes, as they followed along with their peers, in
pursuit of the “American Dream”.
Historical Events
1900-1910: The Boxer Rebellion begins in China. United States President Theodore Roosevelt delivers a
speech to Congress to gain their support to limit the power of monopolies. The first movie theater
opens in the City of Los Angeles. The first automobile, the Ford Model A is sold. The first airplane flight is
accomplished. The first camera is sold. The telephone and telegraph become more widely available. The
Russo-Japanese War begins. Czar Nicholas of Russia agrees to a Russian Constitution and created an
assembly known as the Duma. Pope Pius X publishes the encyclical Vehementer Nos. The Hague
convention is convened. The first world car race was held from New York to Paris. The first airplane
show was held in Paris. 1
Remark: An incredible quantity and variety of technological inventions are the highlight of this decade.
1911-1920: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire kills 146 garment workers in New York City. The
“unsinkable ship” The Titanic, sinks. The private banking system of The Federal Reserve is established.
World War I begins. The Armenian genocide results in millions of people murdered. The Mexican
Revolution begins. The Communists assume control of Russia. Our Lady of Fatima, delivers a message to
three children in Portugal to warn the people of the devastating consequences of atheistic Communism.
An influenza virus kills millions of people worldwide. The Treaty of Versailles is signed ending World War
I. The Soviet Union approves abortion for the Russian people. 2
Remark: This decade was marked with many deceptions and lies.
1921-1930: The first radio transmission of a baseball game is broadcast in Pittsburgh. A fire purportedly
started by foreign military kills 100,000 people in Smyrna, Greece. The Walt Disney Company is founded.
Stalinist “purges” begin in the Soviet Union resulting in the murdering of multi millions of Russians. High
school teacher John Scopes is arrested for teaching Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. The League of Nations
abolishes worldwide slavery. An 8.6 magnitude earthquake kills 200,000 people in China. Alexander
Fleming discovers penicillin. The New York Wall Street stock market crashes. “The Great Depression” in
the United States begins. Uruguay plays against Argentina to win the first World Soccer Cup. 3
Remark: During this decade more people were beginning to agree with Communism.
1931-1940: The Empire State building, the tallest building in the world for forty years, is completed. The
infant son of aviator Charles Lindbergh is kidnapped causing a three year sensationalistic media frenzy.
Adolf Hitler becomes dictator of Germany. The Long March of the Chinese communists begins. Parker
Brothers releases the board game Monopoly. The British Broadcasting Corporation launches the world’s
first high definition television transmissions. The Spanish Civil War begins. The Jewish Holocaust begins
with Kristallnacht. World War II begins. The carbon 14 dating method is discovered. Italy plays against
Hungary to win the World Soccer Cup. 4
Remark: This time period represented ten years of depression, diversions, and distractions.
1941-1950: The United States enters World War II. The first nuclear chain reaction occurred as part of
The Manhattan Project. The first in vitro fertilization of a human being occurs. The atomic bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States, ends World War II. The United Nations is founded. Eastern
Europe is turned over to the Communists as part of the negotiations at the Yalta conference. The United
States Supreme Court rules that religious education in the public schools violates the United States
Constitution. George Orwell’s (Eric Blair’s) prophetic book 1984 is published. The Korean War between
the United States, South Korea, and North Korea begins. Uruguay plays against Brazil to win the World
Soccer Cup. 5
Remark: Fear and trepidation, in most of the population of people most likely marked this era.
1951-1957: The first hydrogen bomb is detonated by the United States on Eniwetok Atoll. Sputnik I, the
first satellite is launched by the Soviet Union. The war with North Korea ends. Jonas Salk discovers a
vaccine to prevent polio. Abortion is approved for all of the Communist bloc nations of Eastern Europe
with the exception of Albania. The Vietnam War begins. The African American civil rights movement
begins. Hungary revolts against the Soviet Communists. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who exposed
Communists in authority positions in the United States, dies. West Germany plays against Hungary to
win the World Soccer Cup. 6
Remark: The years of forgetting the past and ignoring the present is initiated. In the United States
people focus on achieving the “American dream” of ever increasing materialism.
After mother suffered through some issues of infertility, I was born on October 29, 1958, at a local
hospital in a former farming community of New York State, delivered by a general practice physician.
According to family, my birth was a normal delivery however labor was lengthy, lasting more than 24
hours with no drugs administered to my mother. Mother was required to recover, rest, and recuperate
in the maternity ward of the hospital for one week prior to discharge. The total costs for physician and
hospital were less than five hundred dollars. Upon release from the hospital, grandparents assisted my
mother until she was fully recuperated. A first priority for my family was to arrange with the Catholic
Church for my Baptismal ceremony at three weeks post birth. It was understood by Catholic parents at
that time that the Church expected that parents select a first and middle name for their child based on
the names of Catholic Saints. The first name Barbara and middle name Mae were chosen as
representative names of Saints and were also the names of family members. The first born half brother
of my father and a close friend of my mother were asked by my parents, and accepted the responsibility
of godparents. A reception buffet dinner was held for family, friends, and neighbors at my parent’s
home, following this sacrament.
Retrospective: Provided a pregnancy was routine, a general practice physician was able and capable of
delivering an infant. More time was allotted for recuperative care by remedy specialists. Today, one has
noticed that many Catholic children do not have the first name of a Catholic Saint. By the year 2000,
media publicized and corporations promoted contests that encouraged parents through monetary
awards to name their newborn child after a consumer product or service. Perhaps the Catholic Church
has tried in the past to protect Catholics from this type of evil influence by requiring that children born
into the faith be given the names of Catholic Saints. The costs of medical care were vastly lower in 1958
even in comparison to the lower wages paid at that time. A possible explanation for this is that people
were more religious at that time and therefore were satisfied with less materialism. Receptions and
parties were usually given at the homes of people rather than at reception halls. Family and friends
usually offered assistance in meal preparations, serving, and after the party clean up thus reducing the
stress of the host and hostess.
Historical Accounts 1958: 7
The first parking meters were installed in Great Britain on June 10.
The Iraqi Revolution begins on July 14 resulting in approximately three thousand people killed.
NASA is created on July 29.
A typhoon kills more than twelve hundred people in Japan in September.
Pope Pius XII dies on October 9. Pope John XXIII is elected the Pope on October 28.
The John Birch Society was established on December 9.
The Chinese Great Leap Forward begins.
The Chinese famine begins causing an estimated thirty million deaths by 1961.
Brazil plays against Sweden to win the World Soccer Cup.
Remarks: Communism continues to consume countries around the world. Some people revolt, to no
avail. Some people attempt to separate themselves from communistic influences through the joining of
patriotic groups in the United States that also provided the American people with information regarding
communistic and atheistic infiltrations. The United States government provides taxpayer funds for the
exploration of space. World governments seek ways to increase revenues.
At three months old in January, I suffered a health crisis due to a cold virus which caused a high fever
and loss of appetite. A general practice physician paid a visit to our home to evaluate my health and to
provide for remedial advice. No medication was prescribed for this health crisis but a room vaporizer
was recommended. During this illness, I returned close to my birth weight of seven pound, four ounces.
After recovery, mother was determined to add plenty of extra weight to my small frame. By my first
birthday, I weighed thirty-two pounds. My first year diet consisted of whole milk beginning at five
months, cereal, pastina, and homemade prepared mashed fruits and vegetables. A “milkman” regularly
delivered dairy products to our front door which was convenient and eliminated some of the need for a
second automobile. My parents, who were on a strict budget necessitated the fact that mother prepare
baby foods and launder diapers. Because there were many children who remained at home during the
daytime in the neighborhood, mother and I sometimes spent the afternoons socializing with other
mothers and their children. No vaccines were administered to me or other young infants for that matter
during their first year and so mother and father were cautious about over exposing me to germs.
There were two parties given at home for my first birthday, one with neighborhood children and one
with family relatives. As a matter of fact, several of my childhood birthdays consisted of two parties, a
children’s party and a family relative’s party. Throughout young childhood, I remember feeling annoyed
and disappointed during the years when I was told that there would be only one birthday party,
exclusive of neighborhood friends.
My parents pledged money to help build a Catholic elementary school in our small but growing town.
This growth was largely due to the recent completion of a bridge that allowed people easier access to
the bustling areas of commerce and industry. Although my parents suffered through economic hardship,
as my father became unemployed due to a recession in 1960, they fulfilled their obligation and paid the
money pledged for the building of the school. The construction of the school was completed in 1961.
Retrospective: Physicians routinely advised parents in the 1950’s and 1960’s to remove infants from
formula at five months old. Today babies require expensive formula in their diet for one year or longer
leading one to believe that perhaps infants’ metabolic processes have changed during the past fifty five
years or so. Ill children were not brought to a physician’s office for care, due to the societal idea that the
illness could become worse by removing the child from necessary recuperative rest. Also, people
believed that a seriously sick person would be exposed to other germs by visiting a physician’s office
while in a weakened condition in seeking help for their illness and conversely germs would be spread
from the seriously ill person to others in the physician’s office. So, physicians in the 1950’s routinely
made house calls to attend to the more gravely ill. Most parents prepared their own baby food for their
infant to provide for nutrition and extra flavor through the addition of butter and other added
ingredients. Nutritious and appetizing baby food can be easily prepared today through the use of a
blender or food processor. Store bought baby food, during this era, was also considered by many to be
expensive. Disposable diapers were of poor quality and costly so most women laundered their own
child’s diapers or some, who were more affluent subscribed to a diaper service. Diaper service at that
time, required the parental removal of feces from the diaper prior to the service laundering the diaper.
The use of cotton cloth diapers reduced waste in landfills. In addition, cotton cloth diapers eliminated
some allergies in infants who had especially sensitive skin. During this era, most women with young
children were homemakers and thus there was some extra time for socialization between mothers
which included various exchanges of information regarding many topics and issues. Two birthday parties
for a child, one with family and one with neighborhood children were common place. This concept
perhaps leads to a degree of self centeredness. It would be beneficial to patients if house calls could be
made for a reasonable cost, by a physician or other qualified medical staff, to attend to the more gravely
ill. Also perhaps telemedicine could be used for some situations of medical care through a computerized
SKYPE arrangement. Most people during this era could be relied on to fulfill promises and obligations
even under difficult circumstances. As a matter of fact, at that time a handshake was considered by
many to be more reliable than a written legally binding contract.
Historical Accounts 1959: 8
Alaska is admitted to the United States as the 49th State in the Union on January 3.
Fidel Castro establishes Communism in Cuba on January 7.
The Barbie Doll is promoted for sale at a New York toy fair on March 9.
Busch Gardens opens in Tampa, Florida on March 31.
The United States military in conjunction with the United States Postal Service experiments with
delivering mail by missile on June 8.
The first skull of Australopithecus is discovered by Louis and Mary Leakey in Tanzania on June 17.
The Kitchen debate between Vice-President Richard M. Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev is
televised in the United States and the Soviet Union on July 24.
A flood in Taiwan kills about two thousand people on August 8.
Hawaii is admitted as the 50th state in the United States on August 21.
The first paper copy machine is introduced by Xerox Corporation on September 16.
More than five thousand people are killed in Japan in a typhoon on September 26.
The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is adopted by the United Nations on November 20.
Remarks: The United States continues to expand dominion. Parents begin to lose authority over their
children. Entertainment for children and adults alike becomes a priority. Well published anthropological
finds influences the beginnings of a disbelief in God or an agnostic view of God and in the perception of
erroneous Biblical doctrine. Communism continues to expand its’ influence reaching the North American
Hemisphere. Two world leaders debate in a typical suburban kitchen about the issues of the day.
During the course of this year, my father became temporarily unemployed from his union job due to a
significant recession occurring at that time which resulted in a downturn in the construction industry.
My parents became increasingly concerned with their financial situation as they were quickly depleting
their savings and they did not have a credit card, as credit cards were virtually non-existent during that
era. The building contractor with whom my father was previously employed telephoned our home to
speak with my father. I answered the telephone and asked him why he had removed my father from his
job. My parents were aghast that I would say such a thing at the young age of two years old and quickly
removed the telephone receiver from my hand. The building contractor stated to my father that he was
disturbed by my comment. My father apologized and stated that his daughter was merely repeating and
synthesizing conversation heard between him and his wife, in their home. Later that day, a scolding
ensued where answering the telephone was for me forbidden, for some years. In the course of that
year, mother obtained evening employment bridging the shortfall of funds for household expenses.
A family pet was a Beagle hound that I enjoyed playing with during my second year. Another enjoyed
pet was a parakeet that was occasionally let out of his cage for a flight around the house. Favorite toys
and activities were baby dolls and puzzles. Bedtime was promptly at 7:00 pm and afternoon naps were
at a designated hour of each day. Sometimes there was rebellion at bedtime where I was able to move
the crib from one area of the room to the door. At times, I would pound on the closed door for quite
awhile before finally drifting off to sleep. Father, who was annoyed at this behavior, resolved this
problem by drilling holes from the basement, to the floor of my bedroom and then bolting the crib legs
to the floor at the designated area of the room for the crib.
Retrospective: Some people in 1960 may have been objecting to and protesting the introduction of the
birth control pill on religious grounds and for other reasons of ethics, including regard and concern for
the health of women. These protests may have resulted in a punishment by evil doers in authority
positions that attacked the livelihoods of people through the initiation of a significant recession that
occurred in the early part of 1960, where many people lost their jobs. A tight money policy initiated by
the private banking system initially affects the construction industry in economic downturns, as bank
borrowing is usually a component of this industry. This recessionary period where many lost their jobs,
also may have served as a deterrent to other people, from becoming involved in the protesting of this
immoral introduction of an abortifacient and dangerous contraceptive hormonal drug supplied to the
general population of women. Young children are inclined to be truthful in their communication. They
later learn tact, deception, and manipulation of language, to varying degrees based on the morality of
society. In an immoral society, children learn to lie. Many times, mothers who were homemakers in the
1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s, would temporarily find employment during times of a family financial crisis
to provide for the monetary needs of the family until the father and husband, secured permanent
employment. Family pets provide children with a sense of compassion, responsibility, and love for warm
blooded living creatures. They also provide for the needs of companionship and friendship during those
times when other children are not available for play. The selection of favorite toys by children is
somewhat determined and based on societal norms and morals. For example, in a society that values
family, baby dolls may be a favorite play choice for many little girls. Young children require a basically
determined and adhered to schedule to provide for good habits, preparation, anticipation, confidence,
security, comfort, and knowledge.
Historical Accounts 1960: 9
A particle accelerator begins its first operation in Switzerland on February 5.
An earthquake in Morocco kills approximately fifteen thousand people on February 29.
Two scientists descend into the ocean in the bathyscaphe to be the first people to reach the lowest area
on earth on January 22.
The United States launches the first functioning weather satellite on April 1.
The birth control pill is approved as an oral contraceptive for the first time worldwide by the United
States Food and Drug Administration on May 9.
The largest earthquake ever recorded occurs in Chile at a 9.5 rating on the moment magnitude scale
killing approximately six thousand people on May 22.
A revolutionary music group called the Beatles, makes their debut on August 17.
A book publisher of a novel titled “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” is found not guilty of distributing obscene
literature on November 2.
Remark: The beginning year of this decade represents a year of dismantlement, upheaval, and change.
The birth control pill begins to be distributed to women in the United States causing early abortions.
Also women taking this pill become subjects of an experiment as the long term side effects of this drug
are unknown. The earthquake in Chile was the most powerful ever recorded at 9.5 on the moment
magnitude scale. During this era mild forms of pornography were not tolerated by many people
resulting in litigation.
By the time I was three years old, permission was granted to leave our property to engage in play with
other children within the immediate vicinity of our home. Some games of play determined by a group of
young children during this era was a popular game called “Cowboys and Indians”, other games included
Hide and Seek, and a game called “House” where children would designate themselves as father,
mother, and children. Parades viewed in town were influential and organized as play by this childhood
group, using various toy musical instruments. Television also had an influence on children’s play, as it is
recalled that most of us sported a “Beenie and Cecil” cap.
At this age, my hair was long, thick, and very curly creating agony during hair brushing and combing.
Mother became tired of the screams and tears and so brought me to a local barber shop for a short
haircut. Playmates would mildly tease that I looked like a “Tomboy”. A few years later, a famous model
made my childhood hairstyle vogue and popular with the “pixie” haircut. During the next thirty five
years or so, it was important when styling one’s hair that a desired part be precisely drawn straight. By
the late 1990’s and the early years of the turn of the century, many people were sporting crooked,
sloppy parts incorporated into their hairstyle. It was at this time that I decided to forego a middle part in
my hair, and brushed my hair completely back with no part.
Once a month, mother and I would shop at an all inclusive department store for household items and
clothing. These excursions I greatly looked forward to as the store contained an interesting pet
department, wonderful toy department, and a tantalizing candy section. Any desired toy seen in the
store was relegated to a birthday or Christmas list. The store also contained a diner like restaurant
where we would have a meal prior to beginning our shopping expedition.
On a weekly basis, I accompanied mother to the supermarket, which was a less interesting shopping
experience for me. The candy displayed at the checkout area however gained my attention and on one
occasion several packages of candies were dropped into a shopping bag by me as mother was busy with
the cashier at the register. Upon arriving home, mother discovered the candy in the shopping bag,
promptly scolded me, and explained that what I did was stealing and that groceries are paid for with
money. Later, I removed the candy from where mother had stored it and shared the contraband with
neighborhood friends and a guilty conscience. I had a sense of only partial punishment for that incident.
Frequently, family members would visit with us or vice versa on a weekend day to join together for
dinner and conversation. During these visits, a beverage was offered prior to the dinner with no snacks
or hors d’oeuvres served because it was believed at that time, by most people, that snacking prior to a
meal would “spoil ones appetite”. By the middle of the 1960’s, celery, carrot sticks, and olives were
offered by most, in addition to a beverage that was served prior to a meal. At the end of this decade,
cheese and crackers were offered in addition to the above. This concept has progressed throughout the
decades to include a “smorgasbord” of hors d’oeuvres served prior to a meal by 2013.
In the summer of the year, early one weekend morning, I awoke mother and father asking for breakfast.
They told me it was too early and that I should return to bed. I countered with a threat to drive to the
favorite department store for breakfast. Mother remarked that I should “go ahead” as father and she
were not arising from bed. Believing this to be real permission granted, I left the house and entered the
car parked on the top of our hilly driveway. I put the clutch in neutral and released the emergency brake
as I had seen my parent’s do many times. The car began to slowly move down the driveway. Panicking, I
jumped out of the moving car to an area on the side of our driveway. From there I watched the car cross
the street between fences on either side of the driveway and come to a stop on the neighbor’s lawn,
just several feet from their house. A short time later, I heard father’s anxious call. After a few moments
of hesitation and thinking perhaps of indefinitely hiding, I answered his call. A considerable spanking
ensued with a punishment of confinement to the property for a lengthy time.
Retrospective: Based on a particular area of residence, many children were free to navigate their
neighborhood and engage in play with other children. Speeding cars and pedophiles were not a thought
or consideration to most people. All people drove slowly through neighborhoods, were better educated
in morality, and at minimum, publicity was not given to immoral deviates, if they did exist. Youngsters
planned most all their own activities and games. Television, somewhat influenced these choices of
games played. The physical appearance of girls began to change as many girls wore pants for play and
kept their hair cut short. Shopping trips to purchase household items and clothing were much less
frequent than today. Many people listed items needed and saved that list for the designated “shopping
day”. Credit cards were not available which eliminated much impulse shopping with sometimes the
accompanying debt. It appears as though people have become more gluttonous throughout the past
fifty years as exemplified by the incremental additions and then the over abundance of foods served
prior to a meal. Most young children do not understand sarcasm and believe what is told to them in a
literal way.
Historical Accounts 1961: 10
The United States invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs begins and ends in defeat two days later on April
Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union becomes the first human being to navigate space on April 12.
Genetic engineering begins with Heinrich Mattaei’s discovery on the genetic code on May 15.
The construction of the Berlin Wall begins on August 13.
The Vietnam War officially begins on December 11.
An Israeli war crimes tribunal sentences Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichman to death on December 15.
An early NASA program launches Ham the chimpanzee into space aboard the Mercury rocket ship. Alan
Shepard Jr. becomes the first American and second person to explore space aboard the MercuryRedstone 3.
Remarks: A physical barrier, to separate Communist Europe from other nations is erected, but this
symbolic wall is ineffective as Communist philosophy continues to expand throughout the world. Within
forty years of this date every person’s heredity can be determined by a select few people in positions of
authority. Read the Commentaries on Genetic Identification and Science and Technology for further
information regarding the dangers of the above science. A war officially fought for twelve years begins.
The Nazi’s of World War II continue to be brought to justice. Communists assume control of countries
throughout the world extending their influence into the North American hemisphere. Space exploration
becomes a United States priority.
Most of our family vacations in the early to middle 1960’s were spent on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.
Usually a small beach cottage was rented for the week, where we spent our once a year vacation on the
beach swimming, sunning, beachcombing, and exploring areas that became familiar and new. In the
early years of the 1990’s, I returned to this area with my spouse and two children and noticed how
greatly the land area had changed. Erosion over the years, made this once familiar place unrecognizable.
On frequent occasions father would announce a slide show presentation. A tripod screen was erected in
the living room, with the projector placed several feet from the screen. After mother and I were seated,
the lights were turned off and father would place one slide at a time into the projector, carefully
explaining each slide. I immensely enjoyed viewing these pictorials. Then one afternoon during required
nap time, I decided to view these slides on my own. The projector, screen, and slides were stored inside
of my bedroom closet. While removing the projector from the floor of the closet, the case opened and
the projector fell to the floor, breaking the lens. Mother sternly entered the room and punished me for
this mischief. Eventually, father had the projector repaired but we seldom used it after this incident as
photographs became less expensive to develop and were easier to view.
Italian grandfather, grandmother, and young uncles frequently visited our home which was always a
pleasant and fun experience. I enjoyed listening to grandfather’s stories and felt safe with his
authoritative advice. These grandparents always seemed to select the most interesting and liked toy
given to me as a gift, sometimes for no specific occasion. For Easter however, instead of a toy,
grandfather provided me with a live duckling that created much pleasure and excitement. The duckling
followed me constantly for weeks until released by mother into a nearby pond.
Mother decided to accept a part time position of employment, working two days a week. Mother
explained that I would be staying with a babysitter whom she wanted me to meet. I voiced my chagrin
with her decision to return to work, but to no avail. Prior to her beginning her job, we visited with the
babysitter at her home. There were many beautiful dolls and interesting toys displayed in a room of her
home, which I was looking forward to playing with and so decided that perhaps I may like this
arrangement after all. Gradually, however, I realized that the lovely toys in one room of the babysitter’s
house were for display purposes only and not to be touched by children. Other toys that were available
for play were broken, missing parts, or damaged in other ways. Coloring books offered, contained pages
that were already filled so one spent most of the day at the sitter’s house watching television. As I was
the only child cared for by her and with no other playmates, I despised the days that mother worked.
This situation, fortunately did not last long as mother was asked to resign her position due to a clear
showing of pregnancy.
Retrospective: Due to increases in pollution caused largely by increases in the burning of fossil fuels and
uses of other toxic chemicals, polar ice has melted which has caused the erosion of many beach areas
around the world. Solar power and/or other clean energy sources will hopefully solve this problem.
Viewing and reviewing slides together as a family can create a sense of family cohesiveness and
opportunities for discussion. The individual viewing of photographs, removed this positive family
activity. Children who sometimes are involved in mischief are actually calling for attention, whether
negative or positive. Older family members in the recent past were usually revered for their life
experiences and wisdom.
Historical Accounts 1962: 11
An avalanche in Peru kills approximately four thousand people on January 10.
The United States Supreme Court on June 25, rules that mandatory prayers in the public schools are
The world is threatened with nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States due to the
installation of Soviet missiles in Cuba. The missiles are removed by the Soviet Union, averting this
potential disaster on October 14.
The Beatles rock and roll group releases their first single “Love Me Do” in early October.
NASA: John Glenn becomes the first person to orbit the Earth aboard the spacecraft Friendship 7
Brazil defeats Czechoslovakia to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: Telling children to pray to God in the public schools becomes unlawful thus handicapping vast
populations of children. Evil and immoral forces in positions of authority, threaten the people of the
world with a nuclear war (refer to the Electoral System Commentary for a possible solution to this
problem). The space program expands with additional goals and achievements. A unique, “long haired”
rock and roll musical group named “The Beatles” releases their first single on a 45 rpm (rotations per
minute) record.
In the spring of this year, mother and father prepared for the birth of their second child and my sibling.
The crib that was in storage was cleaned and assembled and placed in their bedroom. Yellow, green, and
white infant layette clothing that I wore as an infant was laundered and placed in drawers. Other infant
items were cleaned as well, in preparation for this greatly anticipated baby. It was arranged that
paternal grandmother (my great grandmother), would stay at our home just prior to the expected birth
and immediately following the birth and home coming of the baby. After mother and baby arrived
home, the plan was that German grandmother would stay for as long as needed while great
grandmother, returned to her home. Brother arrived at a local hospital on a sunny day in April. I begged
father to take me to visit mother and new brother but it was explained to me that young children were
not permitted to visit inside of the hospital. After a one week hospital stay, mother arrived home with
our new baby. The total cost for the hospital was less than $800. The fee for the specialist obstetrician
was extra. I was very excited to see, and looked forward to holding the new baby. German grandmother
scolded that I was overly anxious and that mother and baby needed rest. Finally, I was able to see my
new brother closely after washing my hands and face and donning a face mask that covered my mouth
and nose. It was recommended at that time that all others, except for the parents, wear a mask when in
close proximity to a newborn to prevent the spread of germs.
We often visited German grandmother and grandfather’s home in New Jersey, for the holidays. Two
courses of the three course meal were always predictable. The meal always began with a beef broth
vegetable soup with matzo dumplings and ended with a dessert of a hazelnut mocha raspberry torte
offered from a special bakery in a nearby town. After many years of eating the same dessert at
grandparents home, I began to despise this torte. However, several years after my grandparents died I
craved this cake and sought it out at many bakeries (as the one grandmother attended had closed) to no
avail. I have yet to be able to find the same mocha raspberry hazelnut torte of this childhood
experience. The dinner table conversation at grandparents home at times centered on the past and
included discussions about World War II and some of the events leading to this catastrophic war.
Grandmother would relay stories about family members in Germany who were subjected to Nazi
genealogical investigations in the regimes quest to identify and perhaps murder those people of the
Jewish faith or Jewish ancestry. Although both grandmother and grandfather’s family were of the
Catholic faith, they were unsure if Jewish ancestors were in their background. This situation as we were
told created much anxiety for my grandparents and the extended family residing in Germany. In
addition to conversation centering on World War II, grandmother usually spoke about her various
physical ailments and frequent visits to a physician whom she held in high esteem. Mother was annoyed
that grandmother relied to an extreme on this physician to solve her minor physical problems. Another
impressionable story relayed to us by grandmother was about a dear friend who had visited Bethlehem
with her husband. I recall grandmother showing me a Holy Land postcard sent by this couple to
grandparent’s home and thinking that someday I would like to visit this area. However, after hearing
further concerning this visit, grandmother relayed information regarding how disappointed her friends
were, with the various exploitations of the Holy Family that were seen in restaurants and shops in and
around the town of Bethlehem. As the story progressed to include the above information, my desire to
visit this city waned.
Prior to beginning Kindergarten in the autumn, mother was made aware of the dress expectations of the
school district. As part of the dress code, boys and girls were required to wear a clean cloth
handkerchief pinned onto their garment at shoulder level. The reason for the close in proximity
handkerchief was to provide for the cleaning of the nose or to cover ones mouth when coughing or
sneezing to prevent the spread of germs. There were two Kindergarten classrooms and two sessions,
morning and afternoon that were alternated in the middle of the school year. I enjoyed school, but
found writing difficult as it created pain in my hand. School was my first introduction to many rules and
regulations which sometimes resulted in me forgetting some of them. My teacher was firm and from my
recollection had many discussions regarding “tattle tailing”. She taught the class to discern between
minor and major tattling for infractions of school rules and behavioral problems. Any dangerous
behavior observed concerning personal and group safety were always reasons to inform the teacher. In
Kindergarten, I weighed eighty five pounds and was probably the tallest in my class. At five years old,
many people thought me to be nine or ten years old. This also created greater expectations of me by
some adults, who thought that I should be accomplishing more. However, mother always reminded
them of my young age.
I recall an overwhelming sense of excitement, joy, and terror during the Christmas of 1963. Every year,
an adult family member would dress up as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, to deliver gifts to brother and I.
Probably due to the birth of my brother earlier in this year, my parents, for a variety of unknown
reasons decided to provide me with many gifts. To distract me from the “Santa” preparations, a family
member lured me to the basement and then locked the door. The light was off and I was petrified. I
screamed, kicked, and pounded on the basement door crying for someone to open the door. A few
minutes seemed like an interminable amount of time. Finally, the door was opened and there before my
eyes, was Santa Claus with more toys than I could possibly imagine creating an incredible ecstatic, joyful
excitement in me. This over abundance of toys included a toy dog that walked, and dolls that talked, a
kitchen set and a doll bassinet and so much more.
Retrospect: Newborn infants were treated with extreme care during this time period. Parents were
cautious regarding the spreading of germs through dirt and air. Infant’s heads were always carefully
supported and the soft spot was guarded. Their delicate skin was protected with appropriate clothing.
Newborns were sponged bathed daily. The temperature of formula was precisely measured to body
temperature. Baby bottles were sterilized through a special bottle sterilization kit. Newborns were not
permitted to cry for long and were tended to promptly. It appears as though a genetic identification
project was well underway beginning in the 1930’s. The research into the general population’s
genealogy by the Nazi’s likely caused much anxiety for many people. It is also likely that this type of
background investigation silenced many would be dissenters and protesters of Nazism. In the 1980’s,
parents were asked to regularly send into school with their young child tissues, for the children’s use
should a child have a minor cold. It is ones belief that a handkerchief pinned to the young child’s
garment is a more sensible way to prevent a contagion in the classroom due to the closer proximity of
the handkerchief versus a box of tissues. During this era the Kindergarten classes contained at least
double the amount of students with classes of two sessions, as compared to twenty five years later.
When daughter and son attended Kindergarten years later in the same school district there were two all
day Kindergarten classes. This “Santa Claus event” was insane. Parents sometimes try to compensate for
some personal or family perceived inadequacy through the presentation of gifts that can lead to the
spoiling of a child. Extra time spent with a child is many times all that is necessary to alleviate personal
Historical Accounts 1963: 12
An erupting volcano kills about fifteen hundred people in Bali in January.
Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space on June 16.
Pope John XXIII dies on June 3 and is succeeded by Pope Paul VI on June 21.
Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at a rally in Washington D.C. on
August 28.
A hurricane kills more than seven thousand people in Cuba and Hispaniola in early October.
On November 18, Bell Telephone introduces the first push button telephone to the public.
United States President John F. Kennedy is assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22.
NASA launches their first orbiting satellite Syncom.
Remarks: Martin Luther King Jr. leads a peaceful ethnic movement to establish equal rights for African
Americans. The presidential assassination of 1963 is still being investigated as of 2013 in a quest to solve
a continued much publicized conspiracy theory. As feminists begin their causes demanding equal
opportunities in the work force, a woman is selected for a mission in space. The first United States
communication satellite that orbits around the earth is launched. People begin to push buttons on
telephones, but still say (even to this day) that they are dialing a number.
In January, we received tragic news that our beloved father and grandfather had died. Italian
grandfather passed away prematurely in late middle age, leaving behind my step grandmother and
three teenage boys. The funeral was large as grandfather passed away while holding office as mayor of a
town in New Jersey. I did not attend the funeral as mother and father believed me too young to
experience this event of sadness.
It was time for brother to move into his own bedroom thereby assuming my bedroom. The plan was for
me to move upstairs to a section of the Cape Cod attic dormer that was completed with sheetrock,
paint, and moldings. I objected, refused, and cried when informed that I would sleep upstairs by myself.
I feared the dark and additionally feared sleeping on a level of the house alone. My parents decided at
this time to purchase a different style of home in a new housing development that was being erected
not too far from our current residence. The above controversy was one of several reasons for the
decision of my family to move. The home my parents purchased was a four bedroom colonial with a
living area downstairs and all bedrooms upstairs. My father did considerable construction work on the
house to save money off of the purchase price. I would accompany father on these excursions to work
on our new home that was under construction. One time I played with and rubbed the soft and fuzzy
wall insulation on my face and arms only to be in agony sometime later. After the fact, father
reprimanded me and said that this soft and fuzzy substance contained shredded pieces of glass. We
moved into the home during the summer.
It was planned that during the move that I would visit with the widow of Italian grandfather to allow
mother and father to better concentrate on moving and organizing furnishings and other household
items. Shortly before moving and in the springtime, our family acquired another pet, a sweet tempered,
black and white tiger stripped kitten. After arriving home from grandmother’s house and during the first
day in our new home, I sought out the kitten. Mother informed me where the cat was located and when
the kitten was found, I quickly discovered that the personality of the cat had changed from gentle to
vicious, biting and scratching me as I held her. I stated to mother that this cat had changed after the
move to becoming mean and nasty and that I no longer liked this animal. Mother then admitted that
during the move, the kind kitten was found dead on the side of the road. Knowing how much the animal
was loved by me, she promptly replaced the kitten with an identical one given to her by an Italian
woman she knew whose cat had kittens. Over time, this kitten became tame when we subsequently
discovered that the cat had a strong penchant for spaghetti with tomato sauce that was demonstrated
by begging, purring, and crying when we ate this food for dinner. Finding this behavior to be amusing
and comical, we always rewarded her with a bowl of spaghetti. Later, mother discovered that the Italian
woman who had given the kitten to mother, regularly fed her cats spaghetti with tomato sauce instead
of cat food.
This summer of the move, I enjoyed climbing on the mountains of dirt resulting from the construction. A
cornfield, apple orchard, lake, and woods were nearby that I explored with newly found playmates who
were also residing in the neighborhood. One day while exploring the wooded area behind the cornfield
alone, I happened upon an animal trap that was opened with metal razor sharp jaw like teeth waiting to
ensnare a small animal of the forest. I picked up a stick and snapped this trap shut and simultaneously
watched this stick snap into two pieces. I thought this method of hunting to be cruel and inhumane.
After snapping the trap, I noticed a small black leather change purse lying on the ground near the trap. I
picked up the purse that was devoid of an identity card and found three bills inside of the purse. I
sensed an unnatural reward for perhaps saving the existence or limb of a living creature.
Mother enrolled me for first grade at the local school which years ago was converted from a high school
to an elementary school. I was also enrolled for religious instruction at the local Catholic parish. Early
dismissal from public school every Tuesday afternoon with town provided transportation, dropped
children off at the parish school for one hour and later returned to provide transportation to the
children’s homes. Town transportation services had ended for religious instruction by the time my
children were to attend Catechism. The religious education teacher was a full time teacher in the
Catholic grammar school who taught religious instruction to public school Catholic children for one hour
a week. One recalls her reading to the class stories from The Bible. A story read was the story about
Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac at God’s command. The story can be found in Genesis
22. One thought that God was being cruel and unfair to Abraham and Isaac because of this mentally
tormenting request that was for no apparent reason. At that point, I was thinking that I did not want to
attend religious instruction any longer. Years later in 1999, after reading The Bible, I realized that God
was punishing Abraham and Sarah for an arranged adulterous relationship with a servant that resulted
in the wanted earlier birth of Ishmael, after God stated to Abraham that his wife Sarah would give birth
to their child which they did not believe, due to Sarah’s advanced age. This story can be found in Genesis
15-16. In addition, the relationships between Abraham, Sarah, the servant Hagar, and Ishmael were
strained and argumentative causing Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away after Isaac was born. This
story can be found in Genesis 21. So much later in life, I finally understood the reasons why God
subjected Abraham and possibly Isaac to the mental torment of the possible murder of Isaac, at the
hands of his father, Abraham.
One requirement of the public schools was a strict dress code. Girls were expected to wear dresses or
skirts and blouses with appropriate undergarments such as slips, stockings, knee socks, or ankle socks,
and shoes. On the day designated for physical education girls were permitted to wear slacks if desired
with rubber soled shoes or sneakers. The requirements for boys were to wear belted dress slacks and a
woven button down shirt, long or short sleeve, with socks and shoes. Sneakers were only permitted to
be worn on physical education day. Blue jeans, or other colored denim were never acceptable to be
worn for school, as clothes made from this fabric were considered to be clothes worn for playtime. One
morning, confused with which day of the week it was, I dressed for physical education day wearing
slacks and rubber soled shoes to school. Immediately upon entering the classroom that morning, the
teacher sent me to the school office where mother was telephoned to retrieve me from school for a
clothing change. The desks in the classroom were organized in rows with an individual seating
arrangement. The instruction was rote, methodical, and specifically followed the textbooks.
Accompanying workbooks provided for additional practice. All school work was thoroughly corrected by
the teacher and the concept and acceptance of, for example, “inventive spelling” did not exist. The
classroom for religious instruction was designed in a similar way. Next to my desk, posted on the wall
were The Ten Commandments. The teacher reviewed these with the class and instruction centered
upon the learning of prayers in preparation for the Sacrament of Communion scheduled for the
following year. I recall questioning what the word “fruit” meant in the context of “The Hail Mary”. The
teacher explained that this word was an analogy to explain Jesus Christ in the womb. Many years later,
when I taught religious instruction, a child asked me the same question, and I uncomfortably gave her
the same answer because a fruit is most insignificant when compared with a child.
Beginning in first grade through third grade, a series of phonics reading books titled “Alice and Jerry”
were used to instruct students. I enjoyed reading these stories that were moral, adventuresome, and
sane tales about the lives of ordinary children. Asking mother if she could perhaps purchase these books
for me to read at home, she replied that these series of books were only made available to schools and
not to the public.
Retrospective: Many parents accommodated children to alleviate fears. Sometimes a death in the
family, prompts people to change their environment, perhaps in an effort to somewhat forget an
upsetting occurrence. In the 1960’s most families were larger than they are today. Most mothers were
homemakers who had the time to care for the family. Women were also more involved in the
community and with school curriculum. Abortion was considered to be immoral.There were clear
expectations and enforcements regarding public school requirements to include dress codes. Today the
wearing of clothes for play to secular public school is the expected dress of attire that could result for
some students in a casual attitude towards learning. The ability for children to focus was greater with
an individual seating arrangement. “Creative” lessons and other fanfare were not part of the
curriculum. Textbooks were closely followed and were read together in class. Workbook activity
required quiet individual study and practice. Homework was distributed daily with a possible reprieve on
weekends. In 2009 and with internet service, one discovered that used “Alice and Jerry” books could be
purchased online through book outlets. Other sane early reading books for children are also currently
available online by searching “basic reading books for children” followed by the individual years of the
1950’s and/or the 1960’s.
Historical Accounts 1964: 13
A woman is stabbed to death on March 13, while many of her neighbors hear her screams and do
nothing. Psychologists labeled this human behavior as the “bystander effect”. Aspects of this effect
include the lack of willingness of some people, to accept any responsibility.
The most powerful United States earthquake occurs in Alaska on March 27 at a magnitude of 9.2 on the
moment magnitude scale.
At least forty hidden microphones are found inside of the walls in the United States Embassy in Moscow
on May 19.
On June 25, the Catholic Church expresses their condemnation of the birth control pill.
NASA launches Ranger 7 containing television cameras to photograph the moon and launches Mariner
4, also containing television cameras, to photograph Mars.
Remarks: Many people prefer not to “get involved”, even when other’s lives, their own lives and the
safety of many, may be threatened. People are stunned to see the after effects of a tremendously
powerful earthquake. It becomes more widely known that the personal privacies of all people are put at
risk. The Catholic Church advises against the use of the birth control pill. NASA obtains clearer images
and photographs of the Moon and Mars through the use of television cameras.
Father had assumed the responsibility of bringing me to church with him for Sunday mass. A
requirement of girls and women at that time was to cover ones head with a hat or a veil. I despised the
hat designated for me to wear for Sunday’s mass. It was a large brimmed straw hat with a banded fake
flower trim at the base of the hat. After viewing adult women in church wearing veils, I asked mother for
this kind of head covering. She exclaimed to me that children do not wear veils, they wear hats.
Continuing to resent having to wear this hat for mass on Sundays, one wished that this was not a
requirement of the Church. Eventually, my wish was granted.
The summer of 1964 seemed to be extraordinarily hot and sticky one without the availability of a
swimming pool. The sprinkler mother supplied did not provide for a lasting cooling of the body. As the
summer of 1965 approached, I suggested to my parents that we purchase a pool similar to the small
three foot pool we had while living at our previous address. Mother stated that the time spent needed
to level an area for the pool and the pool assembly combined with pool maintenance would hinder the
completion of other projects planned, that were deemed of a higher priority. Mother informed me that
a new State park pool would be opening in the area at the beginning of this summer that we would
regularly frequent. Our first visit to the pool was pleasant. There was room to swim and the area
surrounding the pool was clean and had a fresh scent. The staff was accommodating and the people
attending the pool were polite and civilized. Mother, brother, and I were pleased and looked forward to
our next visit. We were surprised however that by our next visit, the number of people attending the
pool had substantially increased. Several busses of children of various ages were in attendance. There
was some rude and uncivilized behavior, but this was kept under control by a diligent staff who could
manage this increased and somewhat unruly crowd. Our third visit to this pool was horrendous. Many
bus loads of youngsters were in attendance, the bath houses contained an unpleasant order and the
pool was extremely crowded. Pushing and vulgar language abounded and the staff seemed to have
visibly lost control of the bathers and those sunbathing and playing in the surrounding areas of the pool.
A final straw of feces floating in the toddler pool prompted mother to quickly summon brother and I to
leave this swim park, never to return. We suffered through the large remainder of that summer with a
sprinkler used for cooling. By the summer of 1966, father erected a four foot high swimming pool in our
Beginning in the early 1960’s great grandmother and great aunt would send me birthday and special
occasion cards that contained pockets inserted with coins. The denominations of coins added to the
card, likely to compensate for inflation, were first nickels and then dimes and finally quarters. I was
happy to receive these coins and would count and add the total amount to a ceramic bank where my
money was saved usually to purchase a wanted toy. As an aside, it is interesting to note the changes in
the value of consumer goods throughout a forty five year time period. For example, an average doll to
include a “fashion” doll cost about seven dollars in the middle 1960’s. A typical single serving candy bar
cost between five and ten cents at that time. By 2013, the same or similar doll can be purchased for five
dollars while the similar candy bar costs one dollar. Perhaps toys are less interesting to children today
and candy bars are more desirable thus the consumer demand of these products is reflected in the price
(supply vs demand?) or maybe toys are purposely priced low to inspire a materialistic and selfish
attitude in children or to confuse children through an over abundance of toys purchased due to their
low cost. The last coin filled card received was from great grandmother that contained pockets filled
with quarters where I was overjoyed with the total sum of this gift.
I participated as a group member in the Girl Scouts throughout grades one through six. Our troop was
large, containing about thirty five girls. The leaders were active planning outdoor activities including
woodland hikes and craft projects where I learned the skill of knitting. Projects of community service
were also part of this program. For one community service project, we discussed how we could help or
bring cheer to the elderly in our town. The idea decided on was to present an impromptu bouquet of
flowers to an elderly person in one’s own neighborhood. In my neighborhood, one elderly woman was
friendly and very well known and I expected and knew that she would receive many bouquets of flowers
from other Girl Scouts living in the neighborhood. I knew of another elderly woman living not too far
from my neighborhood who was less well known and so I decided to provide her with a flower bouquet.
The bell was rung on the door of her home as I patiently waited for her to answer holding this pretty
bouquet of flowers. She answered the door and I announced that these flowers were a gift to her from
the Girl Scouts. She scowled and said she was not interested in flowers and slammed the door. With a
lump in my throat, I delivered the flowers to the husband of the popular, friendly elderly woman in the
In second grade, I had a teacher who was not only strict, but kept the class on constant high alert. She
carried a yardstick that she would pound on student’s desks to inspire academic achievement. I suspect
however, that some students were petrified and this tactic for them may have had an opposite effect on
learning. Throughout elementary school, there were repeated fire drills that required leaving the
building, and nuclear war drills where we filed down to the school basement and put our heads against a
cinder block wall. After asking about the effects of a nuclear war and receiving the answer, I wondered
how putting our heads against a cinder block wall in the school basement would save us.
Retrospective: It appears that some people take advantage of a crowded situation to create trouble and
cause mayhem. A few immoral troublemakers can influence many others to partake in like immoral
behavior. In an immoral society, where many have been deprived of a Biblically based moral education,
limits should be placed on the number of people permitted to attend an event or facility. In a good,
moral society, people police themselves and take the initiative to chastise others who are causing
trouble. One has noted throughout the past forty five years to 2013, that some specific non edible
consumer goods have remained constant in price (even with a considerable inflation rate over the
years), while the cost of other goods and services to include energy products, have skyrocketed. Some
people take their frustrations, anxieties, and aggravation out on others. Children may be especially
vulnerable to these attacks. Avoiding people of this nature is recommended.
Historical Accounts 1965: 14
The Vietnam War escalates and the first major protest of many begins on April 17 and is organized by
the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in Washington, D.C..
The Voting Rights Act to end voting discriminatory practices against African Americans is signed on
August 6, by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
The United Kingdom abolishes the death penalty on November 8.
A power outage lasting more than thirteen hours affects the Northeastern United States on November
9, which resulted in looting and property damages caused by wayward people.
NASA launches the first two person crew into orbit aboard the Gemini 3. Gemini 4 astronaut Edward
Higgins White accomplishes the first space walk. Gemini 5 astronauts spend eight days in space, the
longest length of time to date. Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 are launched and establish contact with each
other in space.
Remarks: Disenchantment and outrage with government policies regarding the Vietnam War spurns
many protests, mostly by young adults. Immoral people use the compromising situations of others to
inflict harm and damages on people. There are many launches by NASA this year including five
launchings of the Gemini program.
The spring of 1966 centered on Communion and a party planned afterwards to celebrate this
Sacrament. German grandmother took my measurements to sew a dress for this occasion. After
completing the sewing of this white eyelet dress, I tried it on to examine the fit shortly before the
Communion date only to find out that the measurements taken months earlier had changed as I had put
on a few extra pounds. Annoyances and frustrations were expressed and blame was cast, that this
stressful situation was because of me. Grandmother quickly made some adjustments on the dress but
still the dress was tight. Mother, who suffered from occasional back problems, became incapacitated
shortly before the Communion date which required her to remain in bed this day. German grandmother
stayed with mother to help and to prepare for the after Communion party. Father and other relatives
attended the ceremony. Our class received Communion outside of the area designated for the altar
where others who previously made this Sacrament regularly accepted the Communion Host. The small
to medium sized church was constructed in 1894 in the traditional style of that era. The tall ceilings
made the church appear larger. Beautifully carved wood and quality stained glass windows adorned the
building. The ceremony was lovely and accomplished as practiced and all remembered not to chew on
the Communion Host.
I knew of two families in our neighborhood who had adopted their children. The children were given this
information by their parents and so told other children that they were adopted. During this era, the
recommendation was to inform adopted children of their adoption and state to them that they were
selected and special. After finding out this information, I approached mother stating that the parents of
these children were not their “real” parents. Mother said that she had information for me as well,
stating that I was also adopted. I was upset by this new revelation and began to think about who my
“real” parents were and where they might be. I began to withdraw from family conversations and
resented some discipline and the required chores, believing that my “real” parents would be more
understanding and nicer. A few weeks later mother confessed that she did indeed give birth to me but
said that she was teaching me a lesson regarding who real parents are, as real parents are those who
provide for the upbringing of a child.
One evening in early summer, father hurried into the house from outside where he was mowing the
lawn to inform mother, brother, and I that he had seen a low flying meteorite racing above the cornfield
moments earlier. Quickly we dashed outside and looked towards the cornfield where we saw red,
orange, yellow, and pink streaks left in the atmosphere of the meteorites path. Other neighbors viewed
this scene as well. Father stated that because the meteorite was so close to the ground, it probably
landed in the apple orchard next to the cornfield. The police were notified about this unusual
occurrence where they stated that the meteorite was reported to have landed about ten to fifteen miles
away in a wooded area of another town.
In third grade, my eyes were opened to the societal problems and concerns of pollution. The teacher of
this third grade class seemed to have a personal mission of teaching the class about pollution in addition
to the other subject areas. I suspect that her obvious personal health problems of allergies may have
contributed to a need to teach this subject area somewhat extensively to her students. We read various
books on pollution, did reports on pollution, and viewed documentaries depicting smog, polluting
smoke stacks, garbage strewn along waterways, and thermal pollution from nuclear facilities that
resulted in detrimental changes to land and water ecosystems. The teacher discussed the relationship
between environmental pollutants and the increased health problems of people. The class was made
aware of the need for clean, alternative sources of energy. After receiving the above instruction, I recall
becoming aggravated with a town mosquito spraying program conducted for a few years in the summer
months of the second half of the 1960’s. This surreal experience began with town officials driving a car
into our neighborhood and announcing by bullhorn that all people should return to their home, close all
windows and doors, and remain inside their home. Shortly thereafter a truck would enter the desolate
neighborhood spraying the entire area with a chemical that created a thick fog obscuring all windows
views to the outdoors. Sometime later, the official’s car would once again return and an official would
announce by bullhorn, that it was safe to leave one’s home.
One morning father received a concerned telephone call from a neighbor who said to him that a
“peeping Tom” was discovered roaming the neighborhood. Through a succession of telephone calls and
direct conversation with others residing in the neighborhood, everyone was alerted to this still not
apprehended immoral deviate. The incredible outrage displayed by some people regarding this “peeping
Tom” baffled me at this time.
Mother purchased two Siamese fighting fish, a male and a female, a ten gallon aquarium, gravel, a filter,
and a water heater from a local pet store. Also purchased was a booklet containing information about
this variety of fish. She announced to me that we would be beginning a new hobby raising Siamese
fighting fish. I was amazed at the brilliant colors on the fins of the male fish and watched him battle
himself as he viewed his reflection on the glass of the fish tank. A short time later we realized that the
female was with eggs. Mother informed me that it was imperative that the water temperature remain
constant for the fry in the low 80 degrees Fahrenheit. After the male fish squeezed the eggs from the
female, mother removed the female from the tank to prevent her from eating the eggs. We watched the
male fish carry each egg in his mouth to a “bubble nest” built by him that was floating on the surface of
the water. Once reaching this nest, he deposited the egg inside of a single bubble. A short time later we
viewed tiny fry inside of the bubbles. The following weekend, mother had planned with father an
evening out to a restaurant and a movie. She stated that a babysitter would be caring for brother and
me during their excursion. The following morning we went into the room housing the Siamese fighting
fish and the newly hatched fry only to realize that the tiny fish had all died. It was discovered that the
babysitter had turned off a switch that operated the water heater.
For various occasions my family would be invited to visit with German grandmother and grandfather. On
one of these visits, grandmother, mother, and I were in the kitchen helping to prepare a meal to be
served and were talking about various topics. The subject arose of an abortionist living in grandparent’s
town. The house cited to me was familiar as we took many walks around grandparent’s neighborhood.
The house was large for that era and had a meticulously maintained professionally landscaped property.
I did not understand the word abortionist and asked what the word meant. After the definition was
provided I quickly exclaimed that the police should be notified. The retort was that many people in town
knew about this man and his practice, and so let somebody else call the police.
Retrospective: Joyous events and occasions can sometimes be dampened or ruined due to the stress of
party planning that is usually the responsibility of one individual. Fair divisions of tasks among family
members would most likely solve this problem. If others are not willing to help then perhaps a desired
celebration after an event should be cancelled. Some substances used for pest control in the 1960’s,
were later found out to be extremely hazardous to humans. For example, DDT
(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) has been found to cause genetic mutations that could cause birth
defects among other problems. DDT has also been linked to the formation of cancer. This compound has
also had a devastating effect on wildlife, especially birds, driving some species to the brink of extinction.
Invasive technology has reduced the outrage expressed about the “peeping Tom’s” of yesteryear to a
basic non issue. Caretakers should be informed of all important matters prior to assigning responsibility
and departing an area. Due to increasing immorality in the society, it appears that an increasing number
of people begin to suffer from the “bystander’s effect” perhaps due to a perceived realization of
potential persecution for reporting wrongdoings within an ever increasing immoral society. Probably
because many people did not report known illegal abortionists in neighborhoods throughout the United
States prior to the legalization of abortion, abortion was easily legalized by evil doers beginning in 1967.
Historical Accounts 1966: 15
The first artificial heart is installed in a person on April 21.
The National Organization for Women (NOW) is begun in Washington D.C. on June 30.
The building of the World Trade Center begins on August 5, using the architectural plans of Minoru
An earthquake in Turkey kills approximately two thousand four hundred people on August 19.
Video games are invented by Ralph Baer in September.
NASA launches Gemini 8 to dock spacecraft in orbit. There was a critical failure requiring the astronauts
to return to earth. Explorer 32 is launched to research the atmosphere. Gemini 9 mission accomplishes
the second United States walk in space. Gemini 10 successfully docks with another spacecraft and sets a
world record, reaching 474 miles in altitude. Lunar Orbiter 1 is launched to probe the surface of the
Moon. Lunar Orbiter 2 is launched to examine the Moon.
England defeats West Germany to win the World Soccer Cup.
Remarks: An American Japanese architect plans the construction of the World Trade Center. An
outspoken feminist organization that supports abortion for women is launched. Many people most likely
begin to question the increasing number of launches of the NASA space program with the accompanying
taxpayer expenses.
German grandmother was diagnosed with a terminal illness that I believe inspired an outrage in our
family. Grandmother, who worked very hard all of her life and who was close to retiring from her long
time job, had acquired a debilitating and deadly illness. Sometimes it is not easy for one to understand
God’s reasons for tragic occurrences. Grandfather, mother and father had decided together with the
physicians, not to inform her of the diagnosis to hopefully provide her with a positive outlook and hope
for recovery. Treatment for grandmother’s illness was administered at a renowned city hospital that
specialized in remedies for her particular sickness. I was horrified and saddened to see the results of her
therapy and dreaded these hospital visits. Her recuperation from this debilitating therapy was also
lengthy and upsetting to me.
The quaint and beautiful church in our town where I made my First Holy Communion the year prior had
burnt to the ground. Therefore the Sacrament of Confirmation was scheduled to be held in the school
auditorium of the local Catholic school. Relatives remarked that the age of eight years old was young for
Confirmation and informed me that their Confirmation was at the age of twelve years. To make ready
for this Sacrament, instruction centered on preparedness for the acceptance of the Holy Spirit. The Ten
Commandments were referenced and basically explained. I asked about the meaning of keeping the
Sabbath Day holy and was told that it meant attending mass on Sunday. As my family did not regularly
attend Catholic mass, I resigned myself to the fact of probable condemnation regarding the violation of
this Commandment. I realized much later in life, that perhaps there is an alternative to attending church
services to satisfy a requirement of this Commandment. All students were asked to select a
Confirmation name of their choosing provided the name chosen was the name of a Catholic Saint. I
selected an aunt’s name on father’s paternal side of the family named Louise. An uncle teased me about
the selection of this name, and mother was insulted as she was hoping that I would choose her name,
Eleanor. I relented and decided to please mother and so selected her name. The ceremony required the
wearing of a white rented gown. My assigned Confirmation partner was a boy I liked for his pleasantness
and kindness to others. The vague recollection that I have of this ceremony is the Bishop confirming my
acceptance of the Holy Spirit under the Confirmation name selected. Instruction in religion ended after
receiving this Sacrament.
Fourth grade as I recall was a year of confusion and an engagement in “daydreaming” for me. The
method of teaching and instruction had changed this year to student’s being grouped by ability, at least
for reading instruction. Prior to this time we read reading books together as a class taking turns reading
book paragraphs in order according to individual desk assignments. The Science Research Associates
reading program (SRA) was implemented in the school and students sat in groups (the desks were
pushed together), for this instruction (goofing off with classmates was also part of this experience). The
groups were categorized as A,B,C,D, and E with group A representing excellence and group E
representing below average with a required remedial intervention. Each group read and worked on
different reading and comprehension materials which were based on a graduated color coded card
system. I remember wondering at that time how one teacher could administer to these five different
reading programs, at the same time. The answer gradually became clear to me as all students basically
worked independently or shared their answers with group members, which I interpreted as cheating. I
also believed that the arrangement of sitting in a group was noisy and affected my concentration level
because of the various diversions and distractions caused by group members and the other groups
within the classroom. I was assigned to group B throughout the remainder of elementary school,
although at one point, I was threatened with being moved down to group C, due to a careless attitude
regarding the thorough completion of assignments. I recall sympathizing with the students in groups D
and E, as they were thought by other student’s to be dumb.
Beginning at about this time, bizarre fads began to surface among youngsters. For examples, beginning
in fifth grade in elementary school and beyond a child would be ostracized by peers for wearing white
sneakers and/or white socks. If the white sneakers were dirty, that was accepted. By high school, using
an umbrella to shield oneself from the rain inspired the ridicule of peers. Later and by the year 2000,
children were likely persecuted by others for wearing a jacket or coat in cold weather as many students
were seen not wearing this essential article of clothing in winter.
An interesting and popular toy that brother and I liked playing with on occasion was a red and clear
plastic rocket ship that we filled half way with water. The rocket ship set included a launch pad air pump
combination piece that the partially filled water rocket attached to prior to launching. Brother or I would
pump air into this rocket and then push a button attached to the air pump launch pad combination
piece and watch the rocket soar into the air sometimes releasing water along the way. I often thought,
even as a child that there was an important energy source available, but yet to be developed based on
the concept of this toy. The releasing of air from a balloon is similar to this idea.
Mother had suggested that I learn to play a musical instrument. Objecting to this suggestion due to an
uncomfortable experience contending with a belligerent instructor of violin a year earlier, I expressed a
protest to her suggestion. Later there was a reconsideration of thought and so mother enrolled me in
desired lessons of accordion. After months of study and practice, the accordion teacher encouraged me
to enter a musical contest where young musicians were invited to compete at a hotel in the city. At the
contest two judges were assigned to my performance. The selection of instrumental played was
accomplished without error and the judges complimented me on this performance. The judges then
asked me to replay the musical piece at a quicker pace where one, then two, then many errors were
made due to nervous anxiety. A merit trophy was the result of this performance.
In the summer of this year, mother suggested that I attend an all girls’ overnight camp for two weeks. I
was hesitant about attending, but after reviewing the activities through a camp information guide, I
decided that this might be a fun experience. The girls in the camp were assigned to specific areas based
on age. Further assignments by college age counselors were to tents containing four girls to each tent.
All of the girls in the tent of my assignment were compatible. We talked incessantly and were constantly
punished through loss of privileges and activities for speaking after “lights out”. One girl in our tent, who
attended the camp in a prior year, discussed a panty raid that took place during each camp session. We
asked this girl to explain the event more thoroughly. She stated that the older girls raided the camp
section of the younger girls, taking their underwear, sometimes from their luggage, or sometimes from
their bodies. All of us in that tent were terrified and began to dread this event. Fortunately, it rained for
about twelve days, causing most of the activities and events to be cancelled. I returned home with a
moldy sleeping bag and a vow to never attend overnight camp again.
Great grandmother, great aunt, and her husband paid frequent visits to mother during week day
afternoons. When arriving at the top of our street on the walk home from school and viewing their car
in our driveway, I would happily race home to speak with these loved relatives. Great uncle was an
outspoken and feisty World War II veteran who enjoyed speaking about issues, World War II, and
politics. An abominable story he relayed that one never forgot was about a battle he was about to
engage in located in the South Pacific. He stated to us that upon arriving at the place of battle, he saw
local women nursing piglets at their breasts because the mother sow was killed for food. Later, in the
United States and by the 1980’s working mothers used a machine to pump milk from their breasts for
their infants’ consumption while at daycare. By the early years of the twenty first century, some
establishments were involved in the abominable practice of producing cheese from women’s breast
Lower priced department stores frequently contained a pet department offering small animals for sale
such as birds, hamsters, fish, and young turtle hatchlings. This year, mother had purchased for me a
turtle terrarium and four turtles. The turtles were lively, interesting, and fun to observe and handle. One
day after arriving home from school, I discovered that one turtle had escaped over the four inch wall of
the terrarium. Two weeks later, the turtle was found in mother and father’s bedroom but was weak
from lack of food and water and died shortly thereafter. Later that summer, the remaining three turtles
were released into a garden pond that father had constructed in the backyard. A short time later, I
voiced my objection to mother and father about a new government regulation enacted that forbid the
sale of these small turtles. The apparent reason for this was that some kids were putting the turtles into
their mouths or were not washing their hands after handling them and were contracting salmonella
poisoning. This resulted in all people not being permitted to purchase these interesting and educational
One day, upon arriving home from school, mother surprised me with a dog, a striking black and tan
female German Shepherd. The service station where mother repaired her car was seeking a home for
this gentle, nine month old dog that allowed their service station to be robbed. Upon father’s approval,
this dog joined our other much older Beagle as a family pet. I enjoyed taking the German Shepherd
regularly for long walks in the farm area as well as in the forest near our home.
For Memorial Day weekend, mother and father informed brother and I that the family would be
vacationing for a few days at a town located along the coastline of New Jersey. I was pleased with this
short beach excursion but was concerned with the care of our pets while we were away. Mother stated
that a neighbor would be caring for our older Beagle hound, cat, and other small animals but the
German Shepherd, who was a young rambunctious dog and in estrus, would be placed in a kennel
because of concerns that she would be too difficult for the neighbor to handle. So the German Shepherd
was dropped off at the kennel just prior to us entering the interstate highway which was about ten miles
from our home. On our return and before arriving home, we stopped at the kennel to retrieve the dog.
At that time, the kennel owner informed us that the dog escaped by digging under an outdoor pen. I was
extremely upset, dismayed, and in disbelief that my beloved pet had run away from this facility. For days
mother and I searched the large wooded area behind the kennel calling the dog’s name but to no avail.
About two weeks later and as I was overcoming my grief, mother retrieved me from school and
informed me that the lost dog was found and safely at home. Mother elaborated further by informing
me that the dog had crossed directly in front of her car many miles away from our home while she was
returning from a shopping trip. Upon arriving home, one ran to the dog, embraced her and noted that
her paws were red, bruised, and cut in areas. Expecting a litter of mongrels to be born sometime later,
mother was pleased that the dog apparently was completely focused on returning home and rejected a
natural instinct to mate. One could not believe this miracle of the dog’s return and henceforth always
believed this dog to be a special animal.
Retrospective: Thought should be given to the selection of a relevant and significant Confirmation name
by the Catholic candidate. For a student to select a saint’s name that has no meaning or importance to
the Confirmation candidate suggests a lack of respect for family, mentors, or close friends by the young
person. To assist one with the selection of a Confirmation name, choose the name of a living or
deceased relative, the name of a godparent, a mentor, or the male or female version of the name
selected by one’s parents should one have been born of the opposite sex. For example and
hypothetically, if a girl named Catherine had been born a boy, the parents would have selected the
name Michael. Catherine therefore may want to select the name Michelle for her Confirmation name as
it is the feminine version of Michael. Paint sprayers sold in the stores are based on the same concept of
the rocket ship toy. Paint is placed in a container where air is pumped into this container and
compressed. A hose and handle connected to the container releases paint when a lever on the handle is
depressed. The amount of paint released is based on the pressure applied to the handle lever. Is it
possible that air pressure could be used to operate machinery including vehicles with minimal fossil fuel
energy (or perhaps solar energy) required to operate an air pump to be fed into an engine? If this is
possible then air is a clean, unlimited, free, and safe source of energy. Accidents, mistakes, and an
inability to think clearly are sometimes the results of a hurried environment. As a greater number of
mother’s engage in various employments, summer camps are established to fulfill child care needs.
Many times punitive laws are enacted effecting all individuals, due to the carelessness of a few people.
Our family’s home life began to reflect to a greater extent the happenings within the society. Sadness,
aggravation, annoyances, confusion, a sense of hurriedness, fighting, fear, and frustration for examples
became a part of everyday living. Leisurely walks and explorations of nature provided a relief for me
from these emotional upsets.
Historical Accounts 1967: 16
The body of Dr. James Bedford becomes the first to be preserved through a process called cryonics on
June 12.
The Great Britain Parliament decriminalizes homosexuality on July 4.
The Great Britain Parliament approves abortion on October 25.
The Beatles release “I Am the Walrus” on November 24.
The United States, States of Colorado, California, Oregon, and North Carolina approve abortion. 17
Protests escalate against the Vietnam War.
NASA: Three astronauts are killed in a fire aboard Apollo 1. That same day, three countries sign the
Outer Space Treaty. NASA continues to launch four spacecrafts this year.
Remarks: A dividing line is crossed to engage vast populations of people in gross immoralities. Various
rock and roll groups try to relay this message through music.
In the spring of this year, mother suggested that we breed our German Shepherd to provide an
educational experience for brother and I. Mother reflected on her positive experience with her
childhood dog that also had puppies. I was excited about this idea and offered any assistance required.
Mother contacted the American Kennel Club (AKC), who provided her with information regarding
kennels in the area specializing in this breed of dog. A local kennel was contacted and arrangements
were made for a sire. Mother would not permit me to view the breeding process which was fine with
me. A week or so prior to the expected delivery date, father built a whelping box in the downstairs
laundry room for the German Shepherd to sleep in to accustom the dog to the desired place for the
birth of her puppies. Mother worked two days a week and this day that I returned home from school,
she was at her place of employment. Upon arriving home, I sought out the dog who was nowhere in the
downstairs living area. I nervously climbed the stairs calling her name and began searching the upstairs
bedrooms. My parent’s bedroom contained two twin beds that were pushed together. I located the
German Shepherd lying in father’s bed with two puppies that had already been born. Frantically, I
telephoned mother at her job with this information. She hurried home to attend to the birth of four
more puppies. When father arrived home from work, he was stunned and aghast to discover this brood
of newborn puppies on his bed. Mother dog and puppies were relocated downstairs to the whelping box
and father spent a few nights on the couch during the bed cleanup process. I immensely enjoyed these
puppies and mother and I became involved with a German Shepherd dog club that was years ago
established in the area. After deciding to keep one puppy from this brood, I became involved in dog
training and dog shows where several ribbons were won over the course of several years. At one time,
we owned five dogs and father’s threat to leave, when the dogs outnumbered the people in the house,
never came to fruition.
Frequently on a Saturday or Sunday, my family would drive to New Jersey to visit with relatives. Our first
stop along the way was usually to great grandmother’s home where we would sit in the kitchen eating
an apple tart that she always made on Saturdays, and exchanged news. If we visited on Sunday, the
apple tart had a moth ball taste as she always used camphor in her cabinets to ward off flour bugs. I
learned to politely decline that tart on a Sunday visit. Great grandmother always reminded us of the
daily pill she had to take for an illness. I had great empathy for poor great grandmother who was
required to take a pill every day, in order to continue to live.
During the spring vacation of this year, I spent one week visiting first with maternal German
grandparents and then with paternal great aunt and uncle. At grandmother’s home, I rested with her as
she watched soap operas on television. I accompanied her on the walk to the grocery store. She taught
me how to sew and arranged for an excursion to the city to see an Easter show which I much enjoyed.
Great aunt picked me up later in the week to stay with her and great uncle who were childless. Great
aunt was an enthusiastic personality and young for her years. She enjoyed bowling and was a member
of a bowling team. Hence, time was spent bowling and chatting with league members. (A few months
later she brought me a bowling ball, and I joined a bowling league.) During this visit, she and I visited a
department store where we browsed through swimsuits. I saw a bright, multicolored bikini with a
matching cover up that I liked very much. I informed great aunt however, that I was not permitted to
wear a bikini. Great aunt laughed and bought me this swimsuit ensemble stating that it was an early
birthday gift. She also provided me with nail polish and an electric leg shaver that I thought was
amazing. Needless to say, mother was not pleased with these gifts and complained to father about his
In the neighborhood, lived a child who was regarded as a “genius” with whom I had the opportunity to
be acquainted. The boy was about three years younger than I and at three years old gave his father the
correct instructions on how to repair their lawn mower. At this young age, his vocabulary was equivalent
to that of a college professor. The child was an accomplished reader and knowledgeable about various
scientific topics prior to beginning public school. The public school district was unsure about a grade
placement for the boy so various tests were administered where it was determined that at least an
upper elementary level was the appropriate placement based on his intellect. However, other concerns
and factors were examined by the parents and school district such as various psychological
considerations. For example, because his physical development was that of a five year old, concerns
were that perhaps he would be bullied by other older children in the grade. The parents who were
religious Catholics decided to place the boy one grade ahead of his age and supplement him with a
higher level of instruction taught at home. A few years later and during a conversation with the boy,
who amused and amazed me with his intellectual prowess, the suggestion was made by him that we
form a band as through the conversation he became aware that I played the accordion. I humored him
by agreeing that perhaps we should form a band. Days later he called at my home to inform me that he
had “signed on” other members to join the band and that he wanted to arrange for a practice date.
Realizing that “I had put my foot in my mouth”, as I knew him to be an accomplished player of several
musical instruments while I was a novice accordion player, I politely declined his invitation stating that
there was a reconsideration of thought on my part not to join the band as my schedule would not allow
time to participate in practices. After the boy left our home, I stated to mother that this boy would likely
solve many of the world’s problems as it appeared to me that he always had the correct moral answers
and solutions to problems. Years later while visiting mother and father as an adult, one asked what had
become of this boy known in childhood. Mother stated that he had obtained a job as a foreign language
In fifth grade, an afternoon assembly lasting at least three days was planned for grades fourth through
sixth where students were brought to the auditorium to view film footage of the Jewish holocaust of the
1930’ and 1940’s. These films were extremely disturbing and students asked why it was necessary to
view this horror. School administration stated that perhaps by viewing these films a future catastrophe
such as presented in the films, would be prevented from ever occurring again. My personal view
towards humanity changed after viewing these films from a completely positive impression of people to
a cautiously optimistic view of people. I discussed my distain for these films with mother and she stated
that there was more to this story then met the eye and that I would understand this when older. It
became apparent shortly after the second half of fifth grade that our teacher was expecting a baby.
Most students became extra helpful to her and exhibited especially good behavior. This teacher
experimented with a variety of seating arrangements possibly to keep students alert and engaged in the
lessons taught. Sometimes our desks were arranged in rows, at other times desks were arranged in
small groups, large groups, and an open ended circle facing in the direction of the chalkboard. For some
lessons, especially arithmetic, students solved problems in front of the class on the chalkboard,
explaining each step and the reasoning used to arrive at the answer, to the class. It was at this time that
I thought about becoming an elementary school teacher. As a matter of fact, at 5’4 and weighing 120
pounds, some people who viewed my fifth grade class photograph, thought that I was the teacher.
Retrospective: The raising, breeding, training, and showing of German Shepherds provided a good focus
and interest to divert me from the ever increasing and disturbing societal news. Visiting with extended
family was a priority for us. Some people appear not to taste a strong mothball flavor in foods that they
store in cabinets treated with camphor. In comparing great grandmother’s requirement to take one pill
a day for an illness with today’s over abundance of drugs prescribed for the same illness, I cannot help
but wonder if the human body has evolved in an accelerated way during the past fifty years or so.
Without a competent education in Biblical morality, it is a “lost cause” to prevent immoral societal
forces from heavily influencing children, and I believe great aunt realized this fact.
Historical Accounts 1968: 18
Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated on April 4.
Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical Humanae Vitae on July 25.
News documentary 60 minutes televises their first show on September 24.
On September 24, Yale University opens enrollment to women.
The United States Congress legislates on November 14 that the dollar will no longer be backed by gold.
NASA launches four Apollo spacecrafts.
Remarks: An African American leader is assassinated causing some people to riot and protest. The
Catholic Church continues to condemn abortion. A news show I watched regularly beginning at age
twelve years old debuts. I was pleased with this documentary news show and was under the impression
that “60 Minutes” solved some problems and assisted in serving some justice within the society. Women
demand admission to formally all male colleges and universities. It appears that the government and
corporations are fully deciding the value of money. NASA continues launches into space.
We were informed by great aunt that compassionate great grandmother peacefully died in her sleep to
our astonishment as she appeared to be in good health during a recent conversation. Mother and father
decided that brother and I would not attend this funeral of grief. Mother chastised me for watching too
much television and encouraged me to read books instead. I agreed with her and stated that at times
cartoons and other shows created a sense of frustration in me and stated said that I would rather be
“doing than watching”. Mother provided me with many books that she had read as an older child and
suggested that I read them. I opened one book and turned the yellowed pages and began reading. The
characters described in the book seemed old and outdated and so I decided and told mother that I was
not interested in reading these “ancient” books. She purchased me a Nancy Drew mystery book and the
“right” reading material was found. I read every book in the Nancy Drew series during the next two
Frequently, and on our way driving to a shopping area, mother and I would pass a stately white building
with several large white columns supporting the front roof. The building had a large sign attached in the
front of the building identifying it as a Masonic Lodge. I asked mother to explain to me the definition of
a Masonic Lodge. She stated that it is a place where Mason’s regularly conduct meetings and they are a
group to “stay away from”. Additionally, it was implied that they were involved in some vague form of
corruption. Years later and by the 1990’s this building became The Church of Scientology. By 2010, one
recognized the similar agendas of both groups.
By the end of the 1960’s the State of New York permitted all retail concerns to remain open for business
on the Christian Sabbath Day of Sunday thus effectively negating blue laws that required Sunday
closures of many retail outlets prior to this time. The above legislation resulted in for those people who
were not well versed in abiding by The Ten Commandments, avoiding Capital sins, and Abominations an
increased influence over those individuals by merchants who desired to sell their wares on God’s
designated day of rest. Also employees of the merchants were largely expected to work on the Sabbath
Day. Declining to work on this day could have resulted in job dismissal for some employees. This
legislation also likely contributed to an increased sense of hurriedness and anxiety in most all people
living in the society. Obviously, the negating of blue laws were related to other immoral factors
occurring in the society which were an increasing general disregard in adhering to God’s Laws by many.
Sixth grade was my final year of attendance at the elementary school. Teachers dedicated a large
percentage of this year to the preparation of students for a new educational experience in junior high
school. So, instead of one teacher, I had two teachers because the subject areas were divided. My
English teacher was especially fussy and taught in the methodical traditional method of an earlier
curriculum. Essay and report writing were an integral part of instruction. She was a stickler for neatness,
demanded impeccable handwriting, and insisted that students follow the proper guidelines of
storytelling or report writing by answering the important questions of who, what, when, where, which,
why, and sometimes how, in all written work. During a sixth grade science lesson with another teacher, I
learned that if one parent has brown eyes and the other parent has blue eyes, that there is a one in four
chance that the child will have blue eyes. I also learned that two blue eyed parents could never have a
brown eyed child. I failed to understand this reasoning explained to me several times by science
teachers throughout this year and other years, as the human body contains many chromosomes
containing millions of genes connected to these chromosomes from past relatives.
Throughout elementary school, teachers at times would appoint two team “captains” to choose team
members for sports or other activities. Repeatedly, the same few students were always last to be
selected by their peers due to some perceived notion of some deficit of those children. Then one time
when I was selected as team “captain” I choose one child who was always last to be selected, first. The
child was elated and overjoyed but I was booed by my peers. Sympathizing with these few children and
myself after this booing experience, one then thought that perhaps the teacher should select and assign
team members.
Mother, father, brother, and I would somewhat regularly visit at a renowned military academy in the
area. The grounds were lovely and provided an overlook of magnificent views of a river and valley. At
this academy there were frequent concerts and football games that were scheduled on the weekends
which were also open to public attendance. Nearby, there was a women’s college that mother wanted
me to attend. Mother was not pleased with my idea of becoming an elementary school teacher citing a
lack of jobs in that profession. Instead, she promoted the idea of becoming a nurse and marrying a cadet
from the military academy. I liked this idea and decided that I may pursue this plan in my teenage years.
Mother and father planned with neighbors to spend a long August weekend with both families at a well
known mountain resort a few hours from our home. Mother announced that there were children’s
programs at the resort for brother and myself and the neighbor’s two children to participate in. With
suspicion regarding the children’s programs, but still harboring a positive attitude, I departed with family
and neighbors who were driving their own car, for this short vacation. As we neared the resort, we
noticed a traffic slowdown. We began to look around and noticed the people in the cars and vans on the
roadway. All were young people with many wearing anti-establishment clothing. Many of the men had
long hair. Some of the cars and vans had overheated and sat at the side of the road. Some of the
inhabitants of these vehicles, who were now sitting or lying on the grass, appeared to be under the
influence of marijuana or other drugs as their behavior was erratic. Father was beside himself and
wondered what the reason was for this unruly crowd. Mother turned on the radio only to find out that
the Woodstock Concert was this same long weekend of our resort vacation. Father became increasingly
nervous and agitated as we sat in bumper to bumper traffic. I was amused by this circumstance and
found it to be odd and interesting. We finally arrived at the resort after hours and hours on the highway,
almost missing dinner hour. Immediately, father and the neighbor with maps in hand, strategically
planned another route for the return trip home. As far as I was concerned my suspicions of the
children’s program, including a separate dining experience for children were well founded. There were
too many rules and regulations with regard to age. For example, a good swimmer was not permitted in
the deep end of the swimming pool based on age alone and not skill or ability. Dinner consisted of the
foods “children like” such as hot dogs, hamburgers, and spaghetti and these were served on a long table
in a dark windowless room. After giving this arrangement a try, I complained to mother and father that I
did not want to participate and so was excused from the resort’s children’s programs.
Neighborhood children usually played and engaged in activities outdoors. Games of ball and other
childhood games were organized by groups of friends. Fighting occurred from time to time, usually
dueto name calling. Physical appearances and perceived personality deficits were cited to instigate
these brawls. My group of friends arranged for adventures in fishing, hiking, sledding, skiing, and skating
in the nearby natural area, in addition to participating in the neighborhood activities of ball and brawls.
After moving from this area, and then returning in adulthood, I took a walk along the same wooded
paths as in childhood, a sense of relaxation and safety departed from me however, when I noticed a
hunter’s deer perch constructed in a tree along the pathway.
Retrospective: Children should be encouraged to read sane books. Parents can assist by providing a
choice of several different varieties of books written in series format, to let the youngster decide on
their favorite character(s) and series. Patronizing business concerns on the Sabbath Day whether for
reasons of leisure or otherwise encourages widespread societal violations of Commandment IV. Not all
plans are achieved. Children seem to become a nuisance to some parents requiring a separation from
them during vacation time. Some people make statements in an immoral society that defy common
sense and become facts. In an immoral society, ways of life change quickly.
Historical Accounts 1969: 19
The gay rights movement begins on June 28 with the Stonewall riots.
In Great Britain, the half penny is no longer considered to be legal tender as of July 31.
The first men walk on the Moon on July 21. The United States erects the U.S. flag on the Moon’s surface.
Pope Paul VI sends 73 messages of congratulations to NASA, from international leadership.
The first internet message is sent through the ARPANET system on October 29.
The second moonwalk is accomplished on November 19.
Remarks: Homosexual’s gain political clout that is based on sexual relations. The United States makes
first claims to the Moon by erecting a flag. The first message is sent via the internet. It would take more
than thirty years for many people to have access to this form of communication.
In the winter of this year, we were notified of the impending and expected death of my maternal
grandmother. She was admitted to a nursing care facility two weeks prior to her death due to the
inability of grandfather and parents to care for her in an increasingly difficult situation because of her
rapidly deteriorating health. German grandmother, a proper and genteel woman had departed our
family leaving a void, never to be filled. Mother and father determined that brother and I would not be
attending the sorrowful event of her funeral.
At Easter time, a local pet store displayed many newly hatched chicks in their store window. One day
while visiting this pet store without mother and father one decided to purchase these chicks at the price
of six for one dollar. I was hoping that the chicks bought were hens to provide our family with fresh
eggs. Upon arriving home, mother expressed some chagrin with this purchase but allowed me to keep
these birds. Initially, the chicks were housed in a large cardboard box that was set on the dining room
table. After three weeks though, it became clear through the emerging combs that all the chicks were
roosters. Releasing these birds into the backyard, they fought with each other continually until one day
three were discovered dead. Disgusted with this situation, I realized my mistake in purchasing these
creatures. Mother then boxed the remaining three birds and brought them to a local resident who
accepted them into their backyard chicken coop.
During the spring of this year, father became temporarily unemployed due to a downturn in the
construction industry. Father stated that the expectation was that this period of unemployment would
be extended and lengthy.
At the end of the school year, and in June mother called me into the kitchen to discuss an important
matter. I began to anticipate more bad news but contrary to this newly developed attitude of
pessimism, she stated that the family would be taking an extended vacation to Europe. I could not
believe what I just heard and was overwhelmed with joy, excitement, and anticipation. This was like a
dream come true as many of the faraway places that I read about in school social studies, would be
visited! The plan was that grandfather and I would leave two weeks prior to father, mother, and
brother’s departure to Europe to stay with relatives and visit with extended family members in
Germany. Mother and father had purchased a German car to be picked up upon their arrival with
brother in Stuttgart. They would drive to the small town in Germany where grandfather and I were
staying with a great aunt and uncle. From this point, grandfather, mother, father, brother, and I would
begin our European tour. Mother advised me that a passport and a small pox vaccination would be
required. Shortly after receiving this immunization, I complained to mother about not being able to
think clearly, connect thoughts, and focus. She stated that this was just my imagination and these
symptoms were likely due to the anxious anticipation of the impending trip. As luck would have it, a few
days later I fractured my wrist playing softball. Another girl and I were in the outfield of a school athletic
field running for a hit ball when both of us slipped on the grass of the morning dew and collided. Mother
brought me to a physician who confirmed a fractured wrist through x-rays. Fortunately my wrist did not
have to be reset and so a cast to the elbow was administered by a local hospital. I was very upset with
this problem occurring at such an inopportune time. I was told that perhaps the cast could be removed
prior to the recommended six weeks if I drank plenty of milk. This advice was followed and the cast was
indeed removed after three and one half weeks later as the fracture was shown to be healed through an
x-ray examination. I was supplied with a tan elastic bandage to support this sensitive area for the
duration of the next few weeks.
A day later, grandfather and I departed on an evening flight to Frankfurt, Germany. I had some
reservations about flying on an airplane and so suggested to mother and father that we travel to Europe
by ship. They replied that this suggestion was absurd and nonsense as the journey would take too long.
My fears about travelling by airplane were alleviated as the flight progressed. I witnessed on this
journey, the Northern Lights which were awe inspiring. After arriving at the Frankfurt airport,
grandfather and I boarded a train to a small town in Southern Germany. After settling in at great aunt
and uncle’s home, several excursions to visit extended family in Germany were arranged. One visit was
to a relative’s farm where grandfather, speaking in German conversed with cousins. Not able to
understand this language, I ventured into the farm pasture to view the cows. The animals were standing
close to the roadway so I crossed the pasture to obtain a closer look and to possibly pet these large but
docile animals. Suddenly I felt a wave of electricity surging into my leg and then throughout my body.
Quickly, I looked close to the ground and noticed a thin silver wire installed around the perimeter of
property close to the street. I desperately tried to move my leg but my leg seemed to be frozen in place.
After what seemed to be an interminable amount of time, finally I was able to pull back my leg from this
connection with an electrical wire. I could not believe what had just transpired and thought to myself
that this was a cruel way to keep animals confined to an area.
We visited pleasantly with other cousins at their homes and made excursions with them to several
restaurants in the countryside where we took leisurely and serene walks after eating our dinner. Three
cousins were about the same ages as brother and I so we engaged in discussions with them regarding
culture, sports, music, school, and other areas of pre teen to teenage interests. Within a few days,
grandfather, mother, father, brother, and I departed for our three week excursions to Switzerland, Italy,
and Austria. We all had a very enjoyable time visiting historical landmarks and experienced the vibrant
and lively cultures of these countries.
I began a new junior high school in September with a foreign routine that I was somewhat prepared for
in elementary school the school year prior. Students had five subject area teachers and teachers for
special subject areas. An electronic alarm sounded at the end of class to signal the moving of students
from one class to another. I was not forewarned and so had a sense of incredulity when told of the
preparatory requirements for physical education. I brought my sneakers to school on the first
designated day for physical education that was typed on a schedule and expected to change my shoes
for a sports activity. The students were told however, that a complete change of clothing was required
and orders were taken for physical education uniforms. We were given a tour of the locker room. The
room was open with shower stalls and no privacy for changing clothes. For several physical education
classes, I sensed a wave of embarrassment as I quickly changed clothing for this class. I began to
experience troubles in the understanding of the logic in solving mathematical problems and was
faltering in that subject area. Father stated that he could help me with homework. However, he also did
not understand the procedures shown in the textbook. He showed me another simpler method he
learned to solve similar problems. In school this other method was not acceptable because all the steps
as shown in the textbook were required to be written by the student for full credit, with partial credit
given for the steps shown in arriving at the answer. At this point I became confused and continued to
falter in mathematics throughout the remainder of school.
A series of occult books were unsolicited and were being widely distributed through the mail in the
United States by a major publishing company during this year. This decade was the era of published
encyclopedias, which were heavily marketed to a specified group within the United States and were
based on specific subject areas. Mother for example, subscribed to a wildlife encyclopedia series after
receiving a free first volume book in the mail. One afternoon, a free first volume book of this occult
encyclopedia series arrived at our home. The first free volume eerily depicted a Satanic like creature on
the cover of the book. Curious, I browsed through this book and suggested that mother subscribe to the
other books in this twenty four volume set. 20 She declined this suggestion and retorted that reading
about the occult, many times results in evil influences gaining power and control over the individual thus
resulting in the initiation of that person into the occult. This “free” book quickly “disappeared” from our
Retrospective: The early months of this year were a grievous one for our family. Mother lifted us out of
these doldrums with an extended, interesting, and varied summer vacation. One can compare aspects of
the current “Don’t ask”, “Don’t tell” government military policy with the purchase of the chicks. A cruel
way of confining farm animals to an area becomes common place for family pets by the end of the
century, with an electrified collar system. Dogs have turned to viciousness against their owners because
of this way of confining an animal to an area. After vacation, I returned to the questioning of various
situations, authoritative decrees, rules, and procedures that did not seem to make sense, be moral, or
just. By 2013, one recognized the effects on the individual with the relatively modern concept of school
districting. Large school districts where thousands of students between the ages of ten and eighteen
years attend together can confuse, disorient, divert, and distract from the school curriculum thus
affecting not only the students, but the parents as well. This large “corporation” mentality beginning at
a young age leads one to experience a loss of sense of self, individuality, and a degree of authority as a
person and as an individual whose opinion is listened to, valued, and respected. In these extraordinary
large schools young people, at a transitional time in their lives, can become overwhelmed and over
exposed to many, many fellow students problems and concerns while most of the students are not even
very well known to them, as in elementary school. This environment is analogous to students being
treated like “branded cattle” with each assigned a number. It should also be noted that large district
schooling of students is a Communist concept. Therefore, one suggests returning to the concept and
implementation of small neighborhood, town, and hamlet schools for all children five to eighteen years
to provide for a sense of self, family, a focus on studies, and a true concern for others due to the smaller
and more manageable environment. With the adoption of a small neighborhood school system, should
the student wish to attend college in likely a much larger and perhaps corporate like environment, that
student and young adult has established a strong sense of individuality and morality because of a good
preparation and a solid foundation in his or her small school experience. And certainly, the massive
school buildings that have been constructed can be put to good use as merchandise marts,
manufacturing facilities, warehouses, or used for other business concerns. Perhaps, some of these
buildings could be converted to community work and study homes. Read the Commentary on Welfare
for further information regarding this concept. And of course all funds obtained from the sales of these
buildings could be used towards the construction of many smaller school buildings throughout the
nations. Evil doers are promoting the occult and its’ practices to others, especially young people.
Historical Accounts 1970: 21
A powerful earthquake kills over fifteen thousand people in China on January 5.
The State of New York joins other States in approving abortion for New Yorkers on April 9. 22
A powerful earthquake kills approximately one hundred thousand people in Peru on May 31.
A powerful cyclone kills over five hundred thousand people in Bangladesh on November 1.
Bolivian artist Benjamin Mendoza attempts to assassinate Pope Paul VI on November 27.
Various terrorist groups around the world are involved in kidnappings, assassinations, and attacks
against the public and public representatives.
A harrowing occurrence aboard Apollo 13 causes astronauts to abort their mission.
Brazil defeats Italy to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: People around the world fail to be “on the same page at the same time” creating situations of
political, psychological, religious, and social mayhem and catastrophe. A return to the following of The
Ten Commandments, avoidance of Capital Sins and Abominations would more than likely grant people
the skills necessary for compromise, for one example. Individual and population repentance is part of
this formula. An unusual number of powerful natural disasters occur.
We received a telephone call from a neighbor of grandfather’s to inform us of his sudden death after
calling for him at his home. After receiving no answer after knocking at the door of his home and
telephoning him, the neighbors called the police who discovered his body inside the house. From time
to time, grandfather complained of headaches but this news of his sudden death was completely
unexpected. Grandfather was basically a quiet man who I joined on many walks around our and his
neighborhood. Mother and father believed me to be old enough to attend his funeral.
Mother worked three days a week in a local office building. At dinner one evening, she remarked about
a significant number of out of state licensed cars parked in the parking lot of her place of employment.
As the State of New York had approved abortion the year prior, she realized that the out of state cars
parked, were due to the establishment of an abortion clinic that had recently opened in the same
building of her employment. She additionally exclaimed that she and another working in the office of
her employment, swore that they heard the cries of babies coming from a nearby dumpster. My retort
was that we had to do something. Mother eased my fears and concerns by suggesting that the Catholic
Church would intervene in this nightmare.
Two of our female German Shepherds had given birth to a total of three broods of puppies. For each
brood of puppies born, we would assign a letter of the alphabet to that brood. Then each puppy was
assigned an individual name beginning with that letter of the alphabet, assigned to the brood. I grew
fond of all the puppies and hoped that they would be purchased by good, responsible people. At times,
mother and I would inquire of the puppies by contacting the purchasers by telephone. My interest
began to subside with regard to the breeding of our dogs after receiving a couple of disturbing
telephone calls from former puppy owners. These people called to tell us that the dog they purchased
from us was hit by a car and they were inquiring if we might have another puppy to sell to them.
For one class in school, we had an engaging teacher who occasionally digressed from lecture and other
classroom studies to tell us about a new puppy that his wife brought home. Every morning, this teacher
had a mess of excrement to clean up before leaving for his teaching job. It was an amusing story and
provided a short diversion from class work. At about this time, I discovered a practical joke item at
home. In a drawer, I found a plaster and paint replica of dog feces. It reminded me of this teacher’s story
and so I brought it to school. I showed this item to several classmates prior to class and jokingly and
mildly suggested that we put it on the floor of this teacher’s classroom, prior to his arrival in class. A
classmate grabbed this fake excrement out of my hand. I demanded that she return this to me as my
suggestion was in jest. She refused to return it, and placed it on the floor just seconds before our
teacher walked into the classroom, allowing me no time to retrieve it. Upon entering the classroom, the
teacher was visibly taken aback and aghast, believing this prank to be real. Someone in the classroom
exclaimed that the teacher’s puppy was here. His surprise turned to anger when he realized that this
was a practical joke. He picked up the painted plaster and asked who it belonged to. No one in the class
spoke a word. The entire class was threatened with indefinite after school detention until the owner
was identified. Still no one spoke. The teacher proceeded to give everyone detention beginning that
afternoon. At that point, I stated that the replica of dog excrement belonged to me. I waited for the
person who put it down on the floor to also admit her guilt, and I also thought others in the class would
tell the truthful story. No one said a word. It was demanded of me by the teacher to take this
embarrassing prank to the school principal.
In junior high I became more than aware of a young girl who was expecting a baby. I complained to
mother and father that I believed that this girl should not be attending school as she was a negative
influence on the other students and contributed to an increased atmosphere of promiscuity. Mother
gave me another of many moral lectures.
In homemaking class, we learned how to sew using a sewing machine. The teacher determined that we
would be sewing skirts and so mother purchased the needed material for this project. After completing
the skirt and liking this finished work, I decided that I would like to make more skirts at home however
through investigation I realized that it cost substantially more to make a skirt than to buy one.
Maxi dresses (dresses with length to the floor), were popular during this era and so after requesting this
style of dress, mother one day purchased me a dress of this style. After wearing the dress to school one
day however, I despised it as I had a sense of wearing a nightgown to school and could not focus on
school curriculum.
Near the end of the school year, students were informed that we had won a “Carefree Sugarless Gum”
contest where the Raspberries and Grass Roots rock and roll bands would be giving a concert at our
junior high school. I thought that this concert would most certainly be held during after school hours.
However, it was scheduled and attended in the school’s auditorium during regular school hours.
Mother, at this time experienced a health problem where it was required by the physician that various
laboratory tests be conducted on her blood. After obtaining the results of one test, the physician
remarked that mother’s blood contained a healthy high content of iron. The physician asked mother if
she was ingesting iron supplement tablets and her reply was no. The physician then asked mother about
the material of the pans that she used for cooking when it was determined that a cast iron frying pan
frequently used to cook foods was supplying not only her, but also our family with this necessary
nutrient.The above short story warrants a discussion about changes in cookware and bake ware that
began occurring at about this time. Teflon, which is a non stick plastic coating, was increasingly being
applied by houseware manufacturers to the interior of pots, pans, and baking sheets to prevent food
from sticking to the above resulting in the easier cleaning of these household products. Prior to the
inside applications of Teflon or T-Fal, cookware and bake ware were completely constructed of cast iron,
an aluminum and stainless steel alloy, stainless steel, aluminum, or heat resistant glass. In reviewing
information on Teflon and T-Fal, one becomes aware that upon reaching a range of high temperatures,
noxious fumes are emitted from this substance. Pet birds have died from these fumes and people have
become ill with influenza like symptoms after inhaling these vapors. One also wonders if ingesting foods
cooked or baked in Teflon coated products is harmful. A family member confirmed information to me
through a story about a large tropical bird owned by the family member that died while the family
member was cooking with a Teflon coated pot. Personal experience regarding the use of heat resistant
glass resulted in one episode of the glass shattering into the food while baking this food in the oven. By
2013, many cookware manufacturers were offering pots and pans with glass lids perhaps leading to the
same type of accidents as described above. One would also like to discuss the change in the handles of
cookware. Years ago, various brands of cookware offered handles constructed of a heat resistant
material where heat from the hot pot or pan was not conducted to the handles of the above unlike
today’s cookware that requires the use of a pot holder. A return to the exclusive use of cast iron, an
aluminum and stainless steel alloy, and stainless steel cookware and bake ware with heat resistant
handles would prevent health problems and also accidents due to the unprotected grasping of a hot
handle or problems associated with the shattering of glass into foods while cooking and baking.
Annually, and in summer father, mother, brother, and I would attend a popular amusement park in the
area. On my last visit to this park as the park was closing due to the planned construction of high rise
apartments on the property, I took possibly my last ride on the park’s impressive roller coaster. Upon
disembarking from this ride and exiting the perimeter of the ride, I saw a nameplate necklace lying on
the pavement just outside of this roller coaster. I picked up the necklace and read the name “Rebecca”. I
brought the necklace home and considered wearing it as it was attractive but then thought how foolish
and deceptive this would be as my name was not “Rebecca”. I vowed that although I liked the name, I
would never change my name.
Retrospective: Grandfather’s funeral was not the morbidity I expected. It was a solemn mass held in
tribute to grandfather. Why would some people think that if one is irresponsible the first time that they
would be trusted with similar responsibility the second time, especially with regard to living creatures?
There are psychological situations that occur in this society, that I do not understand thus disqualifying
me from answering. Early, in the twenty first century, it was reported that this same school that I had
attended was giving a presentation by an outside expert on internet safety, to include the issues of
sexual predators, “sexting”, bullying, and other immoral uses of the internet at 7:00 pm in the
auditorium. In an almost purposeful way, people have been discouraged from making their own
clothing. Logic seems to have become an undesirable trait of personality. Some people are asked by
their employers to change their name by 1997.
Historical Accounts 1971: 23
The height of the buildings of the World Trade Center, are completed on July 19.
An earthquake in Turkey kills more than one thousand people on May 22.
On August 15, President Nixon freezes wages, prices, and rents for 90 days.
A cyclone in India kills over ten thousand people on September 29.
NASA astronauts ride in a lunar rover.
Remarks: The tallest buildings in the world as of this date are constructed. The government intervenes
with personal livelihoods. Two astronauts are the first to drive a vehicle on the Moon.
In March and during lunch time, students were informed of a horrific accident and tragedy occurring in
the area of my residence at a railroad crossing where a train hit a school bus. Five high school students
died in the crash and forty four other students were physically injured, some seriously, requiring the
amputations of limbs and other permanent injuries. The railroad crossing did not have gates installed on
either side of the road but did display a standard stop and go railroad sign. The driver, who was
apparently behind schedule stated that he did not hear the train nor did he see the stop light. In
addition to the school bus driving job, the bus driver was also employed full time at another job. After
arriving home from school this day, I was invited to view the accident scene but declined this invitation
believing that I would be overwhelmed emotionally.
Mother and father for the first time announced to brother and I, that they would be vacationing by
themselves. I felt insulted and annoyed and asked them the reason for being left out of this trip. They
stated that they received a good off season rate through a travel agent, which would be considerably
higher during school vacation time. Mother informed me that uncle, aunt, and their infant daughter
would be spending the week with brother and I. I half understood their reason for vacationing without
us and was happy that my uncle and his family would be caring for brother and me during their trip. On
parents return, many souvenirs were given and mother provided us with the specifics of their wonderful
vacation on the island of Jamaica and stated that the entire family would be returning there next year as
they felt twinges of guilt, vacationing by themselves.
High school, beginning in early September was thwarted by at least three bomb scares during the first
week of school attendance requiring all students to vacate the school buildings while all areas were
checked for incendiary devices by outside authorities. These “bomb scares” were becoming
commonplace beginning in junior high school through the early years of high school and caused
significant anxieties and disruptions to student studies. I remember wondering at that time if there was
a way to trace the telephone calls of those individuals responsible for calling in these threats.
I began to spend increased time with school friends who lived in the neighborhood and other friends
who lived outside of the neighborhood which required some taxiing on the part of parents. The nature
of our friendship interests changed from being based on mostly outdoor activities to indoor activities.
We paid visits to a shopping mall, attended movies, listened to music, and talked confidentially to each
other about peers we liked and disliked. We did however and on occasion organize hikes through
wooded areas.
It was about at this time that I became aware of an increasing number of people who were suffering
from allergies. Mother often stated that the culprit of these new illnesses was the contemporary idea of
flooring one’s home with “wall to wall” carpeting. Even after vacuuming, these carpets are never
completely clean. Dirt remains at the bottom of the carpet that vacuums cannot capture. This dirt
resurfaces and becomes airborne causing an eventual allergic reaction in some people. In the past,
outside carpet cleaning companies would be hired on occasion to steam clean carpets however, unless
done quite regularly sensitive people still experienced the misery of allergies.
While browsing at the mall one afternoon, I wandered into a pet shop and saw the most magnificent
fantail guppies. I purchased a few pairs of these fish and began another new hobby of raising fantail
guppies. At one point, I had at least one hundred of these fish in two fish tanks and a breeder tank. It
was interesting and an enjoyment for me to see all the different variations of color produced through
breeding, on the large tails of the male guppies.
This summer, the family vacationed in a town alongside the New Jersey shoreline. The days were spent
at the beach and for some of the evenings we decided to stroll on the boardwalk. Alongside the
boardwalk were rides of amusement, food kiosks, small stores selling for example beach souvenirs,
beach attire, and play clothes. Also alongside the boardwalk were various booths of games of chance
and skill. Some of the prizes given at many booths were tee shirts. For the first time I viewed shirts
containing designs and messages of extreme vulgarity, rudeness, and outrageous pornography. I was in
further disbelief to see people actually wearing these shirts. For examples, one tee shirt worn depicted
two animated pigs copulating with the message “Makin Bacon”. Another shirt I recalled seeing showed a
finger pointing to the left or right with the message “I’m with stupid”. Would people in a sane society
produce or wear shirts such as these?
Retrospective: Fatigue caused by over working combined with a sense of hurriedness has resulted in
many accidents. For a few years there seemed to be attacks by some individuals against the educational
system. However, in retrospect, I recall being told by school authority that these frequent bomb scares
were a way to protest against the Vietnam War. Even then, I failed to understand this reasoning. I
thought why would people target children in schools to protest a war? Most children and young adults
were unaware of invasions of personal privacy launched against law abiding ordinary citizens. Perhaps
even then, children’s future careers and health were being handicapped do to an ignorant ease of
conversation with parents and friends. A word of slang is used to describe this situation, it is called
“blacklisting”. In my observation, 1972 marked the beginning of the mass production of vulgar and
immoral clothing that was targeted against certain groups within the population.
Historical Accounts 1972: 24
An earthquake in Iran kills about five thousand people on April 10.
In May, the Burundian Genocide begins. More than five hundred thousand people are murdered.
The State of New York rescinds its abortion law however the governor vetoes the repeal on May 13. 25
The Watergate scandal begins in June.
A powerful earthquake kills approximately five thousand people in Nicaragua on December 23.
A wave of terrorist activity is prevalent throughout the world.
The first hand held calculators are available for sale.
NASA launches Apollo 17 with a last Moon walk mission.
Remarks: The first hand held calculators make their market debut. Eventually, most people rely on these
for arithmetic computations leading to an inability by some to do simple calculations. When possible try
to add, subtract, multiply, and divide without using this computer, so as not to lose these skills.
Eavesdropping devices are discovered in government offices leading to an extensive televised inquiry
into this circumstance. President Nixon eventually resigns due to this scandal. There is a significant
increase in worldwide acts of terrorism this year. NASA concludes the Apollo program with a last walk
on the Moon
As promised the previous year, mother arranged a trip to Jamaica to include the whole family. I was
excited about this vacation but at the same time experienced a sense of trepidation regarding the
airplane ride and the visit due to mixed expectations based on some information provided about this
country. We arrived in Montego Bay where I was astonished at the small size of the airport however I
immediately felt at ease because it was simple to find one’s way around the airport. My parents hired a
taxi to take us to our place of vacation in Ocho Rios. Along the way I began to view many situations of
abject poverty that dampened my enthusiasm for this trip. During our stay, we enjoyed the general
hospitality of the people, viewed beautiful underwater coral reefs through snorkeling adventures, an
impressive waterfall was visited, a plantation tour was taken, and a White River raft ride was pleasant.
One day while snorkeling, two young men approached me and asked if I would like to learn to water ski.
I replied that I would and asked father for the money to participate in this activity. I paid the men and
they gave me two skis to attach to my feet, one ski was longer than the other ski. Objecting to this
mismatched equipment, I was assured by them of its functionality. I held on to the tow line as their boat
picked up speed and tried to pull myself up out of the water. At the same time, the boat bowed out but
the long tow line still remained straight. Looking several feet ahead, I saw a large coral reef just below
the surface of the water. Quickly releasing the line, I realized how dangerously close I was to being
dragged over a reef. I noticed that many of the school children in Jamaica attended Catholic school.
Contrary to this, there were others who practiced the occult voodoo and some combined occult voodoo
with Christianity. A return to the following of the Ten Commandments, avoidance of Capital Sins, and
Abominations would eliminate evil from within the society, probably resulting in a noticeable increased
prosperity for the people, among other positive developments.
Beginning in high school, one realized that the fluorescent lighting in the classrooms seemed to have an
adverse effect on my ability to think, focus, and concentrate on lessons. This became apparent to me
after leaving the classroom when I believed myself to be restored to “normal”. Later and by 2002 and
with internet access, one discovered that fluorescent bulbs contain mercury and are extremely
dangerous if broken. In addition, a unique type of radiation is emitted from fluorescent light bulbs. It is
suggested that one researches the dangers of fluorescent lights on the internet for further information.
Tenth grade biology was marked with students dissecting a fetal pig. I thought this requirement of the
course was gross and remarked to the teacher that the pig reminded me of a baby. I recall that the
biology textbook provided about two paragraphs that discussed creationism, which were not based on
any known facts, and so was unbelievable to most students. A section shown in the textbook, on
embryonic development compared the developing human being to a developing lizard and developing
chicken. The three illustrations shown appeared very similar.
A chapter read in health class discussed human sexuality, venereal diseases, birth control, and abortion,
of which the last was briefly addressed as being an individual moral choice and issue. The birth control
pill was cited as the most effective form of birth control. No mention was made of its abortifacient
nature. As the teacher discussed, taught, and questioned students on this material, there was a marked
change in the class behavior. Student’s began “goofing off” and became quite disruptive sometimes
throwing balls of paper around the room. Through this instruction, I became aware of the venereal
diseases of syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts, and herpes where the last two conditions which are not as
serious as the first two if left untreated, are however chronic for life with no cure. These diseases
combined with an anxiety of pregnancy at an inopportune time of my life contributed and/or prevented
me from becoming promiscuous. As far as I was concerned, it was not logical to risk the above
circumstances that could result from promiscuous behavior. Later and by the year 2000, apparently over
eighty different venereal diseases had surfaced in addition to the possibly devastating HIV (human
immunodeficiency virus) that sometimes leads to the deadly AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome) conditions that were discovered in the early 1980’s. Yet and unbelievably promiscuous
behavior continued at a brisk pace in the population of people and was beginning at younger ages to
include pre-teens through to the year 2013, leading one to believe that mind control is likely a factor of
these absurd and dangerous circumstances.
During this year, we began to read various renowned novels. Some of these books were perverted and
disturbing. Perhaps one reason for reading these books was to psychologically examine and interpret
some kinds of human behavior, as this was discussed in depth in class. We read “Lord of the Flies”,
“1984”, “Animal Farm” and “Hiroshima” for some examples. I became uninterested in reading anymore
of these kinds of books, and so used comic books that provided a shortened highlighted version of the
story or relied on “Cliffs Notes” to complete assignments.
At about this time, it was discovered by me that the teacher’s union, The United Federation of Teachers
and possibly to also include the American Federation of Teachers, supported abortion policies. I was
aghast at this media revealed revelation and presented the question to mother and father that “Why
would teachers who are suppose to like children based on their job selection, support and agree with
the murdering of children?”
The oil embargo beginning this year created much aggravation for mother and father. Supplies of
gasoline were greatly reduced by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) apparently to
protest the sales of weapons to Israel, for the Yom Kippur war. In the United States, people could only
procure gasoline for their vehicle on a weekday and had to follow an odd/even system based on the day
and the license plate number of their vehicle. Father would arise before dawn on his designated days to
fuel his car at a local gasoline station only to find a long line already established, prior to daybreak.
Sometimes the station ran out of gas and those waiting on line, sometimes for hours, were dismissed. As
many would surmise, fighting and arguing were also prevalent. Father was also given the task of fueling
mother’s car. In the neighborhood, people were being robbed of gasoline during the night time through
siphoning. Mother and father then purchased gasoline caps with locks.
In addition to the above aggravation, there were also shortages of certain products including sugar,
coffee, Tuna fish, bread, and toilet tissue which required mother to purchase large quantities of these
items when found available in stores. Later in the 1970’s, there was a water shortage where restaurants
were required to stop serving water to customers unless water was specifically requested. During World
War II, there was a vegetable oil shortage.
Mother had discovered a recipe for apple fritters that our family much enjoyed. We raved about how
delicious this food was and so mother made these apple fritters on a frequent basis. After weeks of
eating apple fritters, I however began to tire of eating this same food regularly. Politely and with
consideration for mother, I decided to keep this thought to myself. A short time later when apple fritters
were served again, father noticed carpet nails in his apple fritter. Bellowing, he told everyone not to eat
these apple fritters and inquired of mother on how these carpet nails came to be in the fritters. Mother
had no idea until she searched a bag of flour stored under an all purpose kitchen drawer that contained
some hardware items. The bag of flour contained many carpet nails that apparently spilled from the top
drawer into the bag of flour used in the recipe for the apple fritters. After being attacked by the family
for this inattentiveness, mother never prepared apple fritters again.
Retrospective: Countries that promote tourism as a main source of income usually are blessed with
beautiful natural resources. These countries should realize that a considerable number of potential
visitors may not want to visit a country where many of the native people live in poverty. Vacations are to
have a good time and relax, not to get depressed over the plight of people living in the country. A fair
and intellectual discussion on creationism is most times not offered in secular school textbooks.
Abortion is not an individual moral issue. Abortion harms everyone in the society. The truth was not
provided to students regarding the birth control pill. This method and other methods of birth control
(refer to the commentary on Abortion), can cause early abortion subjecting people to a wrath of God
specifically lodged against the individual and the society. Some people feel uncomfortable discussing
private, personal matters with other people of general acquaintance therefore causing perhaps,
rebellious behavior. The reading of perverted and other immoral books influences people in a
detrimental way. The interpreting of many books was a priority in schools and in media reviews of
literature during this era, while The Bible was largely ignored and if read or mentioned, was left without
interpretation by most readers. As many people protested the approval of abortion in the United States,
evil doers in positions of power and authority created various hardships for people that resulted in the
population once again, agreeing to accept more evil in their lives. Preoccupations with societal
immoralities resulting in frequent problems cause people to become inattentive to tasks at hand likely
resulting in more frequent accidents, satisfying an agenda of evil to inflict harm on people.
Historical Accounts 1973: 26
The Supreme Court approves abortion for the United States on January 22. 27
The Vietnam War officially ends on January 27.
The first cellular telephone call is accomplished on April 3.
The World Trade Center officially opens on April 4, as the world’s tallest building.
The Sears Tower becomes the world’s tallest building on May 3.
NASA launches Mariner 10, the first space probe to reach Mercury.
Remarks: Abortion is approved throughout all nine months of pregnancy in the United States. Citing The
National Right to Life’s “Abortion History Timeline” it is stated on January 22, 1973 that “The Supreme
Court issues its ruling in Roe v. Wade, finding that a “right to privacy” it had earlier discovered was
“broad enough to encompass” a right to abortion…”. All should recognize that the “right to privacy” in
other words, Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house (Commandment X), negated these similar laws
of God and government with the approval of abortion (to include abortifacient substances first
approved of and introduced into the market by the United States government’s approval in 1960). So
through societal acceptance, engagement in, and approval of abortion, evil doers were granted the
ability by Satan to enter with impunity another’s private domain. A war fought for nineteen and one half
years finally ends. The World Trade Center’s “Twin Towers”, the tallest buildings in the world open. A
short time later, the Sears Tower in Chicago, Illinois becomes the tallest world building. There is an
economic downturn likely related to the protesting of abortion approval. NASA’s Mariner 10 gathers
atmospheric information on the planet Mercury.
During my forty years of movie viewing, I walked out of the theater during only one movie “2001 A
Space Odyssey” due to becoming disturbed after viewing a baby in a large test tube. I also fell asleep
during only one movie “Independence Day” apparently tired of all the movie violence and creatures
from outer space. Movies viewed at about this time were The Exorcist, Carrie, and The Amityville Horror.
The first movie, The Exorcist was released in 1973. I recall attending the theater with two girl friends. As
this was the first movie we had ever viewed of this occult nature it appeared that not only I, but my
friends were dumbfounded while exiting the theater at the end of the movie. All of us stated that the
movie was weird and anxiety producing. We promptly changed the subject and went to a fast food
restaurant for a late evening snack. The book, Carrie published in 1974 which later became a movie in
1976, was also the story of a possessed girl. At the time, I thought this movie to be complete nonsense,
bizarre, and second rate as far as the acting was concerned. The final rejection of most Hollywood
movies, including movies containing much violence, such as the “Dirty Harry” and Mafia movies
including the “Godfather” series movies culminated for me with “The Amityville Horror”, showing in
theaters in 1979 which was a story about a haunted residence. At some point during the second half of
the 1970’s, I tried to dissuade friends from going to the movies, suggesting alternatives. Sometimes I
was successful in changing their minds but usually I was not. As far as I was concerned, going to the
movies to be terrified was not an enjoyable leisure activity. Therefore, I made my own decision to
decline some invitations by friends to view a movie that I did not want to see.
Beginning in the early 1970’s, consumer product companies began marketing deodorants that
prevented perspiration. Discussing these new products with family, mother stated that it is unhealthy to
prevent the natural perspiring of the body because through perspiration, the body cools down and
toxins are released. This information can be verified today on the internet. Perhaps some illnesses
experienced by people are related to the removal of the ability of the body to perspire naturally. Also
and since the 1990’s, other products have widely been marketed to whiten teeth. One has noticed that
people who regularly use these products have teeth that have become to a degree translucent (removal
of tooth enamel) possibly caused by the bleaching agents contained in the tooth whitener which can
result in various dental problems.
Throughout the years of junior high school and high school increasing observations of affection were
displayed by some students attending school to include passionate kissing, caressing, and amorous
embracing in the hallways of the school. One thought these kinds of private emotions made public to be
disgraceful, raunchy, and embarrassing to the participants as well as to the observers.
The curriculum for social studies this year was the study of American History. I recall liking the textbook,
as it was well organized and followed a clear chronological presentation of events. It was an easy to
understand general history book beginning with the history of the early years of the inception of the
United States and ended with the war in Vietnam. The class progressed through the book at a moderate
pace until reaching the Civil War. It seemed as though months were spent on the Civil War with still
having about half of the book to complete. Finally, near the end of the school year we began to read and
study about the events leading to World War I, only to have school end a couple of weeks later.
Beginning in the early teenage years, one began to recognize and was taught that the societal
expectation is that one should “wear many hats”. Throughout schooling it was learned that constant
adjustments of personality were necessary to be successful in one’s life. For examples, behavioral,
intellectual, and physical changes were considered necessary to compete academically, in ones job, in
sports, with one’s spouse, with one’s children, with one’s associates, with one’s friends, with one’s
family and while shopping to list several “hats”. Thought should be given to this relatively modern
psychological concept because one innately suspects that the “wearing of many hats” contributes to
various stresses in one’s life as well as varying degrees of mental illnesses and perhaps could lead to
insanity. Logically it makes sense that one should be basically the same person in all endeavors and
situations. Therefore the promoting by evildoers in the society to “wear many hats” is a “survival of the
fittest mentality” and is evil in intent. Akin to this philosophy, one has noted that some political
representatives and some others in the “professions” tout an extraordinary listing of credentials. One
often has thought throughout the years while reading the long lists of an individual’s credentials to
include high positions in many associations, that it is not humanly possible for one person to participate
in so many activities and situations. Later one began to realize that perhaps a network of corruption
enters into this picture to obtain certain job positions by well connected and specific groups of people
living within the society, possibly to fulfill the evil goals of a larger group.
A family member began objecting to various immoralities to town and school officials to no avail, as no
positive moral changes in policies and procedures were evident. The family member then decided to
write a poignant letter to the United Nations discussing areas of vital moral concern regarding national
and world societies. Shortly after writing this letter, the family member and spouse were audited by the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) creating turmoil and anxieties to the couple until the audit was
In the autumn of this year, I procured my first “official” job at a pharmacy/department store. Prior to
this job I earned money through babysitting and an allowance given to me by mother for cleaning the
downstairs of the house. At this new employment, I was trained on the operation of the cash register.
Later, I was assigned to the department of tobacco and photograph development. I enjoyed working in
this area and especially liked the aroma of all the various pipe tobaccos. I suggested to father, that he
might want to smoke a pipe. He playfully agreed and so I bought him a corncob pipe and a bag of cherry
tobacco. We all laughed to observe father smoking a pipe and realized that this habit was not befitting
of him. About a year and one half later while assisting at a front register, two men approached me
asking to change a twenty dollar bill for a poker game. Then they asked for more change and more
change. I suddenly realized that there was much less money in the cash register drawer. Subtly, I
summoned a store manager to the register. While quickly explaining what had transpired, the doors to
the store were locked and the police contacted resulting in the arrest of these two men for engaging in
what is commonly known as “flim-flamming”. I was reprimanded for “making change”, and soon after
left this job partly due to a sense of guilt and embarrassment over this incident.
On my birthday, I took the test for a drivers learning permit. Father taught me the skill of driving. As part
of the requirement to obtain a drivers license, an instructional film on driving had to be viewed. One
recommendation expounded in this film was never to tailgate as many accidents are caused due to this
behavior. I have always tried to adhere to this bit of advice and believed it has saved me from accidents.
I failed my first driving test because of a poor performance in parallel parking that was largely due to
nervous anxiety. Waiting another six weeks, I retook the test passing the second time. Father sold me
his car for a slightly discounted price off of book value. By the beginning of 1975, I was driving my own
To gain experience for a desired nursing career and help people at the same time, I volunteered first as
an unpaid ambulance corps youth member and later as an unpaid volunteer in the escort department of
a local hospital. This job involved transporting people by wheelchair into and out of the hospital. I would
chat with the patients and try to relieve their anxiety regarding health concerns and the hospital
environment. I was hoping to obtain a volunteer position as a candy striper, delivering reading material
and snacks to patients in a cheerful way, but this volunteer position was eliminated some years prior.
During the latter half of the 1970’s a “new” method of giving birth to a child was promoted by media
sources to women as a less painful and a more natural way to deliver a baby. This method of childbirth
was to give birth in a pool of water. Magazines illustrated infants floating underwater in pools after
being newly born. After viewing these pictorials I stated to mother that it is likely that infections to both
mother and child are more easily transmitted and acquired through this contained aquatic environment.
One also believed that perhaps through momentary inattentiveness, the infant could drown.
At about this time, I began attending “discos” with peers. As the admittance age was eighteen years old
or older, false identification was needed to participate. Driver’s licenses at that time did not contain a
photograph identification, so all that was necessary was to find an eighteen year old or older who
matched one’s description in gender, approximate age, height, and eye color and borrow their license.
The vast majority of students in school were not involved with drugs. There was a small group of
students in a class of over five hundred who were easily identified by their attire, grooming, and
unkempt appearance that most knew to be involved with marijuana and other drugs. This percentage of
students involved with drugs, drastically increased by the time my children were to attend the same
school twenty five years later. During the middle 1970’s alcohol, especially beer and wine were the
desired contraband of consumption.
For summer vacation, it was decided by a girl friend and I that we would approach our parents about
spending a week at the New Jersey shore. After considerable nagging, our parents granted permission
for this trip provided we take the bus. An aunt of mine suggested a place to stay where she knew the
owners of a small motel. This trip was somewhat dampened however, by a red tide that prevented us
from bathing in the ocean. An abundance of jellyfish of many varieties, including Portuguese Man O’
War also prevailed in this disgusting mixture.
Retrospective: The idea behind popular movies for young people like the Exorcist or Carrie was perhaps
to influence people into believing that they were possessed. Carrie went a step further by suggesting
that a person could will things to happen. Most young people were deprived of a Biblically based moral
education and some instead believed in ESP (extra sensory perception) and a sixth sense. Those
individuals may have been subjected to a strong, evil occult influence. Fortunately, most people at that
time viewed these films as “hogwash” and a Hollywood, make believe tale. Later in the decade, movies
such as the Amityville Horror and television shows on haunted houses suggested that houses became
haunted, based on some evil that previously transpired in a house. These suggestions possibly lead some
people into cursing a house, for all kinds of reasons. In an evil society, where God is deposed and Satan
rules, evil and immoral others assume control of most aspects of society including private homes. A
return to the following of The Ten Commandments, avoiding Capital Sins, and Abominations is necessary
to restore society to good. Perhaps a reason for not finishing the American history textbook was to
avoid uncomfortable questions by students. The results of the instruction and promotion of the
necessity to “wear many hats” in the society lead to various mental illnesses some of which were
described in two popular books of this time titled “The Three Faces of Eve” and “Sybil”. “The Three
Faces of Eve” was a nonfiction book written in 1957 that portrayed a woman with three distinct and
separate personalities which were identified and diagnosed by those in the psychology disciplines as
“Dissociative Identity Disorder”. By the 1970’s and beyond, this mental malady also known as “Multiple
Personality Disorder” became more severe likely affecting a greater number of people. A true story of a
woman with sixteen distinct personalities was written about in the book “Sybil” published in 1973. In
2013, an investigation into the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting “conservative groups” was
revealed in the media as a relatively new phenomenon as was cited in articles regarding a recently
formed “moral group” (The Tea Party), who were being subjected to financial audits. As one can note
through an above paragraph, moral and religious people who speak and write about the need for moral
and religious change in the society, have been targeted and persecuted for decades by the
governmental tax collecting agency of the IRS. So, all should understand, that this harassment by the IRS
directed towards moral and/or religious people and groups which is recently being investigated, is not a
new development. Movies influence people to engage in many kinds of behavior, both good and bad.
The movie “Paper Moon” was released at about the time of my experience with “flim-flam , which is a
clever way to steal. By the 1990’s many children were no longer or could no longer (mind control?) assist
their parents with household tasks and chores such as cleaning the home or mowing the lawn whether
being paid a weekly allowance or not. Car ownership represented freedom for me, as I could mostly
come and go as I pleased. Precise dancing became a priority for many young people. The use of drugs
both illegal and prescription became more and more prevalent as the society continued its downward
spiral into a society devoid of the God represented in the Bible. Today it is stated that red tides and an
over abundance of jellyfish are not caused by pollution. In the 1970’s it was well documented that the
above, was caused by sewerage, phosphates, and other pollutants.
Historical Accounts 1974: 28
The first bar code is scanned on a package of Wrigley’s chewing gum on June 26.
A purported closer human ancestor is found on November 22, named Australopithecus afarensis.
Scientists name the skeleton Lucy.
Darwin, Australia is mostly destroyed by a cyclone on December 24-25.
Terrorists continue lethal attacks against the public.
West Germany beats The Netherlands to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: Computers begin to assume a larger role in daily living. Lucy is reported to be the oldest
human ancestor found which basically reiterated a similar story from 1959. Perhaps the publicity
surrounding this discovery was also used to promote and suggest to a new generation the deposing of
Sometime during one’s years of high school attendance, taxpayers residing in the area became
increasing disgruntled with their ever increasing school tax bill. So one year when the annual school
budget was presented to the people for a “vote” to approve or disapprove the budget, the people
“voted” against additional school tax increases. A few revisions were made to the budget by the school
district but still the budget was defeated. In September, when school began for the next year, one noted
that it appeared that all of the administrators and teachers were still employed at the school. However,
the janitorial staff was greatly reduced resulting in the school becoming very dirty. I stated to mother
and father that the school was becoming a “pigsty” because the school budget was defeated by the
voters. One then began to recognize a system where the lower paid workers were dismissed to create a
hardship for the students and parents while the higher paid workers remained in their jobs. This strategy
employed over the years, resulted in the “voter” approval of most school budgets.
In the late spring of this year, two girl friends and I decided not to attend school and drive to the New
Jersey shore instead. We convinced our parents that no new school curriculum was being presented, as
the school year was coming to a close. Basically, the days at the end of the school year were spent in
reviewing material for final exams that my friends and I believed that we already knew. Leaving early on
a bright sunny clear day in June, I drove with two friends seated in the front seat of the car, listening to
music played on an eight track tape player, to a beach area along the New Jersey coastline. On that day,
I felt that life could not become much better. We enjoyed our day at the beach and drove toward home
stopping along the way for dinner. During dinner one friend suggested that we take a small detour to
view the church where she attended mass and participated as a member in youth activities. This girl was
a Mormon who spoke frequently of that religion and the certain practices connected to Mormonism. On
our way to view the Church, a driver did not see a stop sign and so drove within several feet of my car
not allowing me enough time to stop my vehicle. My car collided with this car resulting in an accident
with visible physical injuries to my friends. One girl’s leg was cut by the tape player and the other girl’s
head struck the windshield, resulting in a bump on her head. I sustained unapparent injuries to my neck
and back. An ambulance was summoned to bring my two friends to the hospital. I asked about the
passengers of the other car and was told that they were an elderly couple, and that the wife on the
passenger side of the car suffered a non-specified injury. Mother and father arrived at the scene and
drove me home. Fortunately, no one appeared to be seriously injured. I had a sense of guilt over this
incident and thought perhaps that God was punishing me for not attending school that day and for
participating in boisterous behavior. My car was out of commission for about two months during the
investigation and repair process. After this accident, the car was always mechanical trouble.
A friend became involved in a dangerous activity unbeknownst to the friends parents. One advised this
friend to quit this pursuit, citing the possibility of serious injury or death should an error occur. The
friend cited to me “back up” safety measures and exclaimed that the friend would continue to
participate in the activity. Discussing this situation with mother, I stated that one was undecided about
whether or not to inform the friends’ parents about this friends’ engagement in this dangerous activity
because the friends’ parents used corporal punishment to discipline this teenager, instead of other less
physically painful measures. So, one decided not to inform the friends’ parents because of their method
of disciplining. At the same time, I was hoping not to be informed when the friend planned to repeat an
engagement in the dangerous activity and if one was informed, I hoped that the friend would not be
injured or killed.
Another girl that I became friendly with through an association with a high school ski club was of an
enthusiastic, vibrant, and outgoing personality. Together we looked forward to weekend day ski trips to
nearby skiing centers. Both of us were novice skiers so we became companions on the various beginners
slopes offered by the ski centers. Over a short time period, we believed ourselves to be accomplished
enough to advance to the intermediate ski slopes. After descending from these more challenging slopes
only a few times, the girl stated that she was advancing to the professional ski slope. I advised her
against this idea believing the slope to be too dangerous for our level of skill. Disregarding this advice,
she ascended the advanced ski slope. A short time later I was concerned to see that she was brought
down the slope on a stretcher by a rescue team after breaking her leg.
Mother reported to us that an acquaintance was adopting from an orphanage a bi-racial child from
Vietnam who was the child of a Vietnamese woman and an American serviceman. Mother further
commented that many of these bi-racial children born during the Vietnam War were orphaned because
of the ostracism experienced by many of the Vietnamese women who gave birth to mixed race and
possibly the enemy’s child (North Vietnam). Mother suggested the idea that we too adopt a bi-racial
child from Vietnam. I was happily excited about this idea and offered any assistance needed. However
upon further discussion, mother and father decided against pursuing this contemplated adoption
partially due to their job related time constraints.
During this year, I suffered from some health problems that were real, but perhaps brought on by a
degree of hypochondria which lead to becoming self absorbed due to various physical ailments and
symptoms. Physicians could not identify any particular causes for my illness. At this time, I decided to
attend Catholic mass regularly on Sundays. I attended several masses but felt self conscious as I
attended mass alone. There is also a part of the Catholic mass where it is expected that people turn to
one another and say “Peace be with you” that is offered through a handshake. My last visit to mass
during this period of my life was when I extended my hand to say “Peace be with you”, to a person in
the vicinity, who was shaking hands with someone else. This was an uncomfortable and humiliating
experience for me and so, I felt anxiety about attending mass and quit this requirement of a
The high school curriculum I was registered for was termed the “academic track” which was a
curriculum of required specified courses of study to be enrolled in, based on a student’s decision to
attend college. I struggled through four years of mathematics courses including introduction to algebra,
algebra, intermediate algebra, and geometry. Walking through the school hallway with a school friend
one day, I could not help but notice a math grade on an exam that she had recently taken. The grade
was in the nineties and so I congratulated her on this excellent score. Looking at the problems on this
test, I realized that I could easily solve these problems. The course was a general math course that was
not part of the “college track” program. Later when I applied to some colleges for possible admittance, I
realized that a person’s overall cumulative high school grade point average was most important
concerning the four major subject areas and not the decreed difficulty of the courses taken.
One evening I discussed plans with father to go to a nearby disco with a friend. Father stated that 10:00
pm was late to go out and that I should stay home. I remarked that my friend was already on the way to
our home and we were going out but would be home by a 1:30am curfew. Father stated that he advised
against me going to this disco, but we proceeded anyway. I enjoyed discos for the dancing and
socialization and these establishments provided me with an alternative to viewing bad movies. We left
the disco that night to find that my car was nowhere in the parking area. I began to panic, believing my
car to be stolen. I could not call the police because I was underage for this disco activity and it was illegal
for a sixteen year old to be driving at night unless it was for employment reasons. I telephoned home
and explained this situation to father, who did not seem very concerned. He drove to the disco to bring
us home. On the drive home, he seemed aloof and a bit jovial as I was upset and ranting about my
“stolen” vehicle. When we entered the driveway of home there was my parked car. Father and mother
had driven to the disco with a spare set of keys and drove the car home. I thought father was wrong as
he should have stated definitely that I was not permitted to go out that evening. Much later, I realized
with my own teenagers, that due to evil forces within the society, parents lose much authority over their
children that may necessitate the reliance on sometimes complicated and damaging psychological
punishments or no punishments, rather than on emotionally inspired truthful confrontations as would
be expected in a good, moral society.
This year, I had an engaging and enthusiastic teacher for the subject areas of sociology and
anthropology. In the sociology half of the course, I recall viewing a popular film about Eskimos involving
a Caucasian sociologist who researched and spent time living among this group of people. An aspect of
Eskimo society depicted in the film was the sharing of wives between these people, to promote
friendship relationships. I recognized this practice to be adultery and could not understand how the
society could function normally under these arrangements. At the same time, some students in the class
thought this to be an interesting idea worth pursuing. The study of anthropology was largely based on
the evolution of man. The teacher advised the class repeatedly however, that there were gaps in the
evolutionary theory.
Occasionally, a teacher would be absent from school, requiring a substitute teacher to be assigned for
the day. The behavior of some students in class became horrendous under the authority of the
substitute teacher. Some students tried to unnerve the teacher in as many ways as possible. I
empathized with the substitute teacher’s predicament and later thought that perhaps a review test to
consume the entire class period, should be made available for a substitute teacher to administer to
students in a classroom, where an assigned teacher is absent for one day.
Retrospective: Teenagers are permitted to view violent and other movies of gross immorality but are
not permitted in a disco until eighteen years of age. I graduated high school with a cumulative grade
point average (GPA), which was in the middle of a class of over five hundred students. Mathematics
brought my average down considerably. If I had registered for general mathematics courses in high
school, I would have done well, which would have resulted in a substantial increase in my GPA (grade
point average). A university that I wanted to attend rejected me due to their requirement of a higher
GPA. As the courses taken were not specifically cited by this university, I was under the impression that
GPA counted more towards admission than the difficulty of courses. In other words, I was sorry that I
had not enrolled in general math courses in high school. A university staff member suggested that I first
attend a community college to raise my GPA and then transfer the credits to attend this university of my
choice. This advice was followed. In a secularized society where children are deprived of Bible study in
the schools, various immoralities read about in books and shown through films may appeal to some
students thus resulting in the individual becoming involved in the immorality portrayed. After enrolling
in three algebra courses, I could still not find the value of X.
Historical Accounts 1975: 29
In January the first small computer is available for sale named the Altair 8800.
An earthquake in China on February 4 kills approximately thirteen hundred people.
United States military Operation Babylift crashes moments after takeoff on April 4.
India is declared in state of emergency by Prime Minister Indira Gandi on June 25.
A dam collapses in China on August 8, killing approximately one hundred seventy one thousand people.
An earthquake in Turkey kills approximately two thousand three hundred people on September 6.
Kidnappings, bombings, and assassinations are prevalent.
NASA begins the Viking program with a launch to Mars.
Remarks: Final airplane flights to evacuate some people from South Vietnam before the control of
Saigon is turned over to North Vietnamese results in this one disaster. Internal strife in India results in
the suspension of the democratic process. An extraordinary amount of rainfall results in the worst dam
collapse in history. Earthquakes kill many in two countries.
Father would sometimes speak of people he encountered who annoyed him as they knew something
about every subject matter but did not know enough about any one subject area to be an expert in one
field of work or profession. He would remark to mother, brother, and I that this kind of person was a
“ham and egger”. Mother would restate this phrase as a “Jack of all trades and a master of none”. I
often thought that this was the kind of person that I would like to be, as I could intelligently converse
with many people, from all walks of life and professions.
A family member invented a helpful and useful tool for the construction industry. The family member
believed that this time saving device would be a popular item to purchase by tradesmen and so he sent
the plans he had drawn for this invention to the government’s patent office. After approximately a six
month waiting period, a patent number was finally issued for this invention. Shortly after receiving the
patent number, the family member noticed in a construction industry supply store the same apparatus
for sale that he had invented. Upon further scrutiny of the device, the family member detected a small
modification to his design.
I worked part time at a department store where I was assigned as a sales clerk to men’s apparel. This
position required one to assist customers, restock merchandise, place orders with manufacturers, price
label merchandise, tidy the department, merchandise the apparel to appeal to customers, and organize
the merchandise for special sales and promotions. I liked this job and enjoyed working with the other
clerks assigned to this department. Leisure suits were a popular ensemble during this era and sold very
well. Suddenly and abruptly leisure suits crashed leaving the store with huge inventories to mark down
to an extremely low price. Still the leisure suits did not sell requiring the store manager to discard these
suits. The suits were cut and thrown in a dumpster. I was disturbed by this action of waste and
suggested that the suits be donated to charity. The reply was that charitable donations are returned to
the store by some unscrupulous and corrupt individuals for a refund of money or store credit.
Driving home from work one night in December, a car in front of me drove off the road and slightly up
onto an embankment, knocking a few large boulders onto the roadway. The car returned to the
roadway with a driver who continued to drive erratically. I was annoyed as I thought that I might have
hit these boulders with my car. Additionally, I thought the driver to be under the influence of alcohol.
Driving around the boulders knocked onto the road, I decided to obtain the license plate number of the
car. I followed this car into a neighborhood off of this main road and made note of the license plate
along with the neighborhood where this person lived. Upon returning home, I telephoned the police
department with the above story and the license plate number of the car involved. I was told that the
license plate number obtained was not a valid number. Through personal investigation, I discovered that
a prominent town official was the owner of this vehicle.
Mother had approached me with information that she obtained regarding weekend dances held at the
prestigious military academy that we frequently visited when I was a child. The sister college to the
academy was closing its doors for unknown reasons, that removed this possibility for my college
attendance. Mother further informed me that invitations from the academy were extended to girls from
the community who were interested in attending these weekend dances. I asked three girl friends if
they would be interested in attending this social gathering. They said they would like to go and so we
attended several of these gatherings at the military academy. These dances however, were held for
freshman only. No upper class cadets attended this event and I was more interested in meeting an older
group of young men. Also, I sensed that the freshman were not really interested in establishing any
relationships due to the stringent requirements of school. Believing that I was wasting my time, I ceased
to attend these social events however my friends continued to attend these functions.
The second half of the decade of the 1970’s ushered in the concept of the “ideal woman”. Included in
this concept was the notion that women should be thin with little regard to bone structure and
metabolism. The media heavily promoted this concept to the society resulting in many women and
teenage girls becoming ill with anorexia, bulimia, and other illnesses including physical, mental, and
intellectual deficiencies due to malnutrition. A significant number of women have also died throughout
the following three and one half decades because of the societal promotion of this immorality. In
addition, and by the 1980’s this concept was expanded by influential media and remedial specialists to
include babies and young children which has resulted in illnesses and deaths to these members of
society. Parents should apportion plenty of extra time to feed their children nutritiously to prevent the
above calamities and to counter the attacks by evil against their family.
Senior high school year consisted of one social event after another that led me to have a sense of
frustration due to the lack of accomplishment. It was time for me to move on. At the same time, I
sensed that I was losing some of my intelligence by attending these constant picnics and parties.
Therefore, I applied for and was accepted as a part time early admittance student at a local community
college. I attended high school during the day and college classes three times a week in the evenings. I
always procured good grades in high school English and social studies so my parents and I were in
disbelief when I obtained a failing grade in English during mid-term. Four years of high school English
were needed to graduate. For some unknown reason (as I was always well behaved in class), a
personality clash between the teacher and I was determined to be the reason for this failure. When it
became known that I procured a good grade in college English, I passed high school English. However,
my high school GPA score was affected by this low passing grade.
After leaving a classroom one day and arriving at another scheduled class, I realized that I had
inadvertently left my pocketbook hanging by its shoulder strap on the back of a chair in the previous
classroom. I asked permission to retrieve my purse but was told to wait until the end of class. After that
class ended, I hurried back to the classroom for my purse. It was gone. I was upset by this as important
identification documents and other necessities such as my car keys were contained in this pocketbook.
At the end of the school day, I noticed a girl who I was cordially acquainted with walking out of the
school with my purse. I stopped her and asked her what she was doing with my purse. She said that it
was her purse and that people do buy the same style purse. Scuffs on the purse made this pocketbook
recognizable as mine, so I took it back and reported this theft to a school administrator. He verbally
scolded her and let her leave the office with no additional punishment.
Physical education consisted of various programs of sports that students would engage in for a specified
time period. Gymnastics was one physical education curriculum where students were introduced to the
trampoline. Activity on the trampoline was considered to be potentially dangerous, as falling the wrong
way could result in serious injury. A family member confirmed the possible hazards of the trampoline
through a story about a girl that was known, who fell the wrong way on this equipment resulting in an
injury that left her wheelchair bound for life. In physical education spotters were required to stand
around the trampoline and the physical education teacher would carefully monitor the one student
assigned to the trampoline.
During the winter of this year, I acquired a sinus infection. To alleviate the symptoms of this infection,
one purchased nasal sprays and an “over the counter” remedy to dry the sinus cavities in the head. After
months of using the above remedies, one was still not cured of this infection. I decided then to forego
using the sinus drying pills and nasal sprays resulting in the illness cured within a week after abstaining
from the use of these drugs.
A high school administrator, who had one duty of assigning after school detention to the wayward
enrolled, had a child who attended high school. This teenager was occasionally part of my circle of
friends. This student was constantly attacked by some of those students who were not following school
rules and assigned detention by the teenager’s father. At home, I stated to mother that the harassed
and incessantly attacked student should not be attending the school where the father was employed in
one aspect of the job, as a detention official. The student died shortly after high school of a substance
abuse problem.
In senior year, I was enrolled in an ecology course. The teacher was professional and knowledgeable
about this subject area. He provided students with information regarding ecosystems and the
importance of maintaining the natural balance of the environment. The teacher reaffirmed to us that
pollution was a serious threat to living creatures and needed to be reduced for the well being of all. An
assignment that I thought was unusual and odd was delivered to the class for completion within a
specified time period. The assignment was to seek out and procure a soil sample known or thought to
be polluted that lacked the nutrients for plant growth. After a few days of thinking about where one
might find soil of this nature, I concluded that no soil like this existed in the area. After further careful
thinking however, one realized that plants do not grow in gravel. So, through travelling to a local granite
rock quarry, I obtained two scoops of pulverized stone resembling the consistency of course soil. Two
students brought in soil that was heavily soaked with gasoline leading to a foul odor and noxious fumes
emitted into the classroom. Other students stated that their soil samples were obtained at known
polluted sites in the area. In school, seeds were planted in all the soil samples procured by students.
The outcome of this experiment was that plants grew in all the soil samples except for the soil soaked
with gasoline and the sample I procured of pulverized rock. So one could surmise and perhaps conclude
that unless circumstances are extreme, plant growth does occur even in polluted soil. Students were
also invited to participate in an excursion on a weekend day to a cranberry bog, where we walked on
spongy sphagnum moss wearing tall boots. We also visited an interesting area of New Jersey where
primitive and prehistoric plants such as the Venus flytrap still grew.
Retrospective: In an evil society, people who are well versed in many subject areas are often attacked by
others. The personal computer has likely eliminated some of the fraud and corruption associated with
personal patent and copyright infringements by providing dated documentation of work. The requiring
of receipts for all merchandise returns would eliminate fraud. The work of evil is apparent with the
constant promotion to students of picnics, special frivolous events, and parties. It seemed as though the
girl who stole my purse, was scolded for getting caught. Today parents purchase trampolines for their
children for backyard play. It is suggested that parents research trampoline accidents on the internet
before allowing their children to engage in trampoline use. Be advised that the popular inflatable
bounce house, for use by children, is like the trampoline. It appears that the rules for all people are not
the rules for some people, as discussed in the story of the DWI driver.
Historical Accounts 1976: 30
More than twenty two thousand people are killed in an earthquake in Guatemala and Honduras on
February 4.
In a highly publicized right to die case, it is ruled by judges on March 31 that Karen Ann Quinlin can be
disconnected from a ventilator.
An earthquake in China kills two hundred and fifty thousand people to perhaps six hundred and fifty
thousand people on July 28.
About thirty nine hundred people are killed in an earthquake in Turkey on November 24.
The first supersonic transport (SST) airplane is made available for commercial use on May 24.
The fastest train in the world begins service in Great Britain.
NASA lands Viking 2 on Mars.
Remarks: Many people die in three natural disasters. Karen Ann Quinlan, who was in a coma, lives nine
years after being disconnected from a ventilator. Also recognize, that some people who are in a
comatose state, do regain consciousness. Flights on the supersonic transport airplane known as the
Concorde take less than half the travel time of conventional airplanes.
I registered at the local community college for the course requirements needed to obtain a registered
nursing degree. After engaging in one semester of book theory and simulated practice, students were
assigned to various medical facilities. One of my assignments was to a unit in a general hospital where I
was further given a patient assignment. According to the patient’s chart, the diagnosis was a terminal
illness. Upon entering the hospital room, the patient was looking out of the window at a large cemetery
located across the street from the hospital. I felt compassion for this patient and disgust for the locating
of a hospital across the street from a cemetery, where patient’s window views were of this depressing
scene. Another requirement of this program was to memorize a long list of pharmaceutical drugs and
their uses and possible side effects. One believed after reviewing the effects of some of these drugs on
the human body that these prescriptions were dangerous and were sometimes more detrimental to the
patient, than the ailment for which the drugs were prescribed. So for a least two of the above reasons I
decided that nursing was not for me, and quit the program enrolling in the school’s business curriculum
Mother, at this time, made a decision to change careers. She enrolled in the community college’s social
service curriculum and program. This was a slight annoyance to me as it was an embarrassment
concerning my peers to have mother walking the hallways of the school that I too attended. She did not
however make a nuisance of herself although at times, I thought she was monitoring me.
I was beginning to become disturbed with Americans concerning obsessions with materialism. Much of
the conversation engaged in centered on procuring possessions such as certain automobiles. Other
conversation was self centered, sports related, or jovial. I liked to discuss issues and possible solutions to
problems and usually when I approached an issue oriented topic with American peers, the subject was
changed or dismissed.
The college hosted various clubs that students were invited to attend. I joined the international club
where I met many interesting and issues oriented students from around the world. It was at this time
that I met my future spouse who lived in two foreign countries and is multi-lingual, speaking four
languages fluently. Professors were assigned to this association to provide guidance to students. Student
members of this club were from many countries including: Austria, Brazil, British Guyana, China,
Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iran, Japan, Nicaragua, The
Philippines, Turkey, and the United States. In the spring of this year, some members of the international
club, including myself joined together in a French club sponsored three day tour to Quebec City, Canada.
Two small vans were chartered for the several hours drive to our destination. The scenery viewed
through the Adirondack mountain range was breathtaking and inspiring as we listened to classical music
befitting this experience. Two professors from the history and French department chaperoned students
on this excursion. The French professor was an eccentric individual who emigrated from Belgium. He
sometimes spoke in riddles with comical and perhaps cynical undertones. Prior to this trip, students
were discussing Eastern European politics. Someone had a question about Albania that no one could
answer. The French professor challenged students to research this question and provide the group with
the answer. Several days later, the professor approached the students to inquire about the answer to
the Albanian question. No one bothered to research this question to find the answer. Henceforth, the
group attending the visit to Quebec City was designated by the professor as the Albanian Delegation.
Blue tee shirts were distributed to each student attending this tour with the words Albanian Delegation
written on the front of the shirt with the address of the pensione’ where we lodged. It was
recommended that we wear the tee shirt for the duration of the visit. We arrived in Quebec City, a town
that reminded me of the traditional quaint villages of Europe with its Tudor style architecture and
narrow cobblestone streets. We secured our reservations at a bed and breakfast inn, unpacked our
luggage and dined at a recommended modern restaurant situated atop a tall office building in the new
area of the city. The floor of the restaurant revolved slowly around affording customers a complete view
of the city. I was pleased that my seating was next to the wall of windows, affording the best view.
Sometime later during the meal I desired to retrieve something from my purse that was placed on the
floor next to my chair. Not touching the strap of the bag, I looked to the floor where it was placed. The
pocketbook was nowhere in the vicinity. A feeling of panic swept over me as I thought about my
vacation money, passport, and other items of importance that were contained in the bag. Realizing that
the purse was placed on a stationary ledge, I circled the large restaurant, finally finding the purse where
it was placed, halfway around the establishment. Perturbed with this technology and wanting to remain
within a manageable environment, we dined at small cafes for the remainder of the visit. In the autumn,
I was legitimately elected as vice president of the international club. During this term, a large
international luncheon was planned and organized with food prepared by club members and other food
donated by ethnic cuisine restaurants in the area. Some students preformed dances that were native to
their countries. All college faculty and students were invited to attend this event.
Most all Iranian students at the college were engineering students. By the autumn of 1978, shortly
before the Shah was deposed, it seemed as though most of the student body at the college were
Iranians. In a jocular way, I suggested that the name of the college be changed to Persian Community
College. In a conversation with mother I stated that Iran is likely going to have an over abundance of
engineers that will result in lower salaries paid to this educated group. After the Shah went into exile in
early 1979 however, most all Iranian students returned to Iran.
There was a self proclaimed Communist who was an occasional member of the international club. This
student caused considerable consternation between members of the group and had a volatile temper.
The student caused many arguments due to the student’s insane ideas. Most of us were relieved when
this student left the meeting room.
There was a street in the town of one’s residence that presented a hazard when turning from this road
onto a major thoroughfare due to a blind area caused by a hill that obstructed drivers’ views. I stated to
mother and father that the above situation was dangerous to drivers and that it represented “an
accident waiting to happen”. Some people agreed with this assessment and notified the town about the
probability of accidents occurring at this location. Through hearsay, the reply given by town officials to
the above concerns was that funds were not available for a traffic light. A short time later, a young
teenager known to me was killed in a horrific accident at this intersection. After this accident, a flashing
hazard light was installed.
Retrospective: If the view is dismal from a window of a patient’s room in a medical facility then perhaps
a vinyl window appliqué can be attached to the glass. Some of these appliqués are frosted and others
have various designs to allow the light through, but obstruct outside views. Some students seem
unwilling to do extra research unless compensated by a grade as suggested by the outcome of the
Albanian question. So many engineering students from one foreign country seemed strange and
perhaps worthwhile investigating. Communists instigate plenty of trouble to achieve their atheistic
goals. It is important that one does not stop fighting with Communists otherwise they gain positions of
authority within a society, and eventually destroy the society with the assistance of Satan. To end the
constant battle and fight against Communism the vast majority of people should return to the
adherence of The Ten Commandments and other morality expounded in The Bible thereby gaining
God’s support to remove these evil doers from positions of authority. To digress and stereotype a bit,
one has noticed that Communists in positions of authority have pristinely clean automobiles, on the
other hand, Communist followers own cars that are more than often full of garbage, junk, and other
Historical Accounts 1977: 31
The world’s first personal computer named the Commodore PET is introduced in an electronics show in
Vietnam draft evaders are pardoned by President Carter on January 21.
Snow falls in Miami, Florida on January 19.
A twenty five hour power failure in New York City results in some people looting and causing other
damages on July 13.
The United States Senate investigates MKULTRA beginning on August 3.
The “Wow” signal is documented through “The Big Ear” radio telescope on August 15.
NASA launches the Enterprise from the top of a 747 airplane.
Remarks: People begin to purchase personal computers for home and office use, exposing themselves
to increased radiation due to the close proximity of the computer screen to one’s body. Families whose
drafted sons died and were seriously injured in the Vietnam War are affronted by the pardon of other
drafted sons who escaped the war by departing the country and then who were granted an invitation to
return to the United States this year “without penalty” by the President. Strange weather happens in
tropical Miami, Florida. Some people take advantage of a power outage to loot and engage in other
stealing in violation of at least one Commandment. The MKULTRA hearings conducted by the United
States Senate gives credibility and recognition to decades of planned, designed, and implemented
programs of first brainwashing and then the mind controlling of people which was the desire of evil
doers in positions of authority for the purposes of gaining wealth, power and control over the
populations of people. Recognize that these gross immoralities entered the society likely due to the
population’s own immorality. Many people were not following The Ten Commandments and were
engaged in Capital Sins and Abominations thus subjecting themselves to this type of brutality. This
situation continues to this day. Also recognize that believing the lies of witches, warlocks, wizards,
magicians, and fortune tellers also increases the peoples’ susceptibility to being first brainwashed then
mind controlled. An outer space signal is recorded leading some people to believe in outer space
creatures thus resulting in the possible deposition of God.
I was made aware of an international study program through a professor at the community college
attended. Discussing this program with my parents, they decided to grant permission for my
participation in this international language, living, and study experience. Arrangements were made for
me to attend a school in Germany. I departed the United States on a rainy, cold day in February arriving
at a major airport in Germany where I boarded a train to the city of my destination. Someone from the
school was supposed to have met me at the local train station but was not there. I hailed a taxi cab to an
office address that was provided to me prior to my departure from the United States. At the office, I was
informed that my schooling and living arrangements had not yet been confirmed. Worried and tired, I
waited in the office until the end of the day when I was finally told that a room was made available at
the school on a temporary basis. A few days later, it was confirmed that I could stay in this facility for the
duration of the semester. I entered the assigned room on the second floor of the school and found it to
be pleasant. The small room contained a desk and book shelves, an armoire, a sofa that converted to a
bed, and a sink with an above mirrored cabinet. The large windows offered a view of the front entrance
and a small parking area. The toilet and shower facilities for single rooms such as the one assigned to
me, were located in another area. The school attended here, was many years ago a hotel that was
converted into a school. The students who were assigned two to a room had a full bathroom attached to
their private living area. On one occasion while visiting with a fellow classmate in her double room, I
used the lavatory that contained a bidet in addition to the other common lavatory porcelain fixtures.
Recalling viewing this fixture on my previous trip to Europe in 1970, one was curious about how this
apparatus operated. Fully clothed, one fiddled with some knobs attached to the bidet but was unable to
turn it on and humorously asked the girl who was assigned to that room for assistance. She entered the
lavatory and showed me how to operate this device. We both laughed when viewing the strong jets of
water emitted and dispersed around this piece of equipment. I immediately recognized this device,
apparently promoted for cleanliness purposes to be a sexually stimulating apparatus perhaps inspiring
promiscuity. For a short time period, I did not have a key to the room and so I confined myself to the
room until provided with a key. A student in a neighboring room suggested that I lock the door of the
room from the inside, climb out of the window along a ledge and enter this student’s room through a
window. I thought this was a dangerous idea and declined this suggestion. Then the student proceeded
to demonstrate this tactic. Imploring the student to return to the room, a school official noticed this
escapade and the student was reprimanded.
The course of study was one of language immersion. The curriculum consisted of classroom textbook
study and practice in a language laboratory where individual cubicles were equipped with headphones
to receive recorded lessons in the language. Most of the students attending this school were from
regions of the Middle East and the surrounding area. There were students from China, Cyprus, Greece,
Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kurdistan (a region of Iran), Turkey, and the United States. Some students claimed
that their parents were politically connected to their home countries. Needless to say, there was much
political conversation concerning various perceived inequities regarding government policies. By the
time I left this school, I was tired of talking about politics but not about societal issues. Meals were
served three times a day, with dinner served at mid-day. Each day of the week had a specific meal
designated, that repeated for that day week after week. On Sunday’s, the kitchen was closed. I dreaded
Friday’s meal of a blood sausage which was a loosely filled sausage of blood and gristle that was served
with boiled potatoes. Each student was assigned a small refrigerator with a lock and key that was built
into a wall near the cafeteria. Some students complained about the cost of having to purchase meals in
town on Sunday, the one day of the week that food was not served to students. To accommodate some
student’s requests, the school administration permitted the students the use of the kitchen on one
Sunday. After arriving back from town, I heard noise and a commotion permeating from the kitchen. I
went in to see what was happening. There were many students cooking all kinds and varieties of food
simultaneously leading to a foul order. I greeted them and declined their invitation to sample some of
this food, and left the kitchen. At daybreak the following morning, a school official was pounding on the
door of my room demanding that I open the door immediately. Sleepily I arose from bed, answered the
door and asked what was wrong. He stated that the kitchen was left a mess and that I had been seen in
the kitchen the previous evening. He asked me if this was true. I replied yes, but tried to further explain
that I neither cooked, nor ate any of the food. The school official paid no attention to my explanation
and so I was also held responsible for the kitchen clean up. Upon entering the kitchen that morning, I
could not believe what I saw. Piles of filthy pots, pans, plates, and bowls were left along with greasy and
food encrusted appliances and countertops.
Although I did not have full bathroom facilities in my room of assignment, I was relieved and grateful
that I had my own place of solace. For many students who roomed two to a room there always seemed
to be some controversy, trouble, and the casting of blame. Once a week, housekeeping services were
provided where rooms were vacuumed and cleaned in accessible areas. I was complimented on the
tidiness of my room, which I did not think was very clean due to a dust build up on the bookshelves. I
then wondered about the appearance and condition of some of the other student’s rooms.
Frequently during the week, I would venture into town sometimes with fellow students or solitarily. I
noticed a considerable population of young people with birth defect deformities that were caused by
the drug Thalidomide. This drug was prescribed to pregnant women from 1957 to 1961, to prevent
morning sickness. A point worth noting is that Thalidomide has a similar chemical compound structure
to methylphenidate (brand name known as Ritalin) both of which are teratogenic drugs meaning that
these drugs cause birth defects. A rehabilitative hospital was located in the city where I attended school
which explained the considerable presence of this afflicted group. It was disturbing to see these
atrocities caused by a drug that was negligently approved for use by pregnant women, in some
countries around the world.
During a long weekend recess a student offered a ride in a car to visit Paris. Four students and I departed
on a bright and beautiful day in springtime enjoying the sights along the way. Especially stunning were
the groves of blooming cherry trees seen in the countryside of France on our way to visit Paris. We
arrived in Paris by late afternoon and immediately sought an inexpensive hotel in which to lodge for two
nights. The group asked me to inquire about vacancy and price as I appeared more European. At the first
hotel of inquiry, I spoke English to a woman at the front desk. She asked me what my nationality was
and I stated American. No vacancy was available. At the second hotel, I decided to speak in German and
rooms were available. After making the rooming arrangements, the group from the car joined me in the
In the morning, we discussed plans for the day. Everyone but I was interested in shopping. Reluctantly, I
agreed to join the others on a shopping excursion to find specific electronic items that the other
students wanted to buy, that apparently were less expensive in France. After shopping all morning and
still not finding the items sought, I was beginning to feel frustrated and aggravated as I felt that precious
time in Paris was being wasted. Viewing a historic fort from the shopping district, I excused myself from
the group, agreeing to meet up with them later in the day. I walked to the fort, then to the Eiffel Tower.
Contemplating a visit to the top of the structure, I decided against it after finding out from a person
about a crowded restaurant at the peak and long lines inside a narrow area that reminded me of a
sensation of claustrophobia that I experienced while visiting the Statue of Liberty. I met with the group
in the late afternoon at a café on the Champs Elysees, near the Arc of Triumph. As it turned out they still
had not found all of the items they were seeking to purchase and would be shopping again the following
day. The next morning, I decided to visit the Louvre museum, The Cathedral of Notre Dame and the
Sacre Couer. Once again, plans were made to meet up with the group later in the day. My visit to the
Louvre was my first experience touring a large art museum. Realizing the enormity of the museum, I
walked through it at a moderate pace however a few paintings were captivating, obligating me to
examine them more closely. Scene du deluge by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson depicts one man’s
desperate effort to rescue his family who are possibly brainwashed, from certain death ( check online:
“Scene of the Flood” by Anne Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson). Le concert champetre by Le Giorgione
depicts women as ignorant sexual objects who are possibly brainwashed and subservient to men (check
online Le Giorgione Pastoral Concert (Fete Champetre). Les Sabines arretant le combat entre les
Romains et les Sabins by artist Louis David shows one woman’s attempt to stop a raging battle of
carnage in a city where some people appear to be insane (check online The Sabine Woman 1799).
Exiting the Louvre later than expected I walked briskly to the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I entered the
Cathedral through a heavy door and was amazed by the colossal size of the interior. Notre Dame was
constructed between the tenth and twelfth centuries in a gothic architectural style. Few visitors were
inside the Cathedral at that time and so the sounds of a few footsteps echoing within the walls of this
enormous church, created an ambiance of eeriness. I thought about the story of the Hunchback of Notre
Dame and left the premises noticing a dark winding staircase near the heavy doors on my way out.
The school semester officially ended in June requiring me to make a decision on whether to return to
the United States or remain in Europe for a while longer to travel additionally, which would necessitate
being on a very tight budget. A student at the school was planning to travel after the completion of
school thus providing me with a possible travel companion however, the student changed plans and left
to visit Turkey. I decided to remain one extra month if I could stretch the German Mark that long to
travel within Germany and Austria. I packed the essentials in a large knapsack and left the remainder of
my luggage at a secure place in the school. Carrying with me a tour book, map, and youth hostel guide, I
set out on the journey that included the two cities of Munich and Salzburg. In Munich I intended to visit
the sight of the former concentration camp Dachau but changed my mind as I reconsidered that this
planned visit would be too depressing. I visited the desolate 1972 Olympic Stadium instead. This huge
area for the most part was suprisingly devoid of people. The visit to Salzburg was interesting as the city
could be viewed from the train as a circle nestled in among the beautiful Alps. I viewed the largest chess
set that I have ever seen in that city’s square. Most Europeans at that time could identify my nationality
prior to conversation by my shoes which were sneakers. I discovered in the food market a kind of milk
that did not need to be refrigerated and so I drank this for the low cost nutrition it provided. During my
travels, I met someone in the German army (Bundeswehr) who told me about a six month mandatory
service for all German men within a specified age group. In times of peace this group serves in projects
of public works. In Germany, many churches were visited, some grand and some small that usually
provided me with a sense of relaxation. I wondered why however, skeletal bones were displayed in
some of these churches.
Arriving home at the end of July, I procured full time employment at an apparel department store
assigned first as a cashier and then as a sales clerk in the women’s department. I attended the
community college in the evening earning twelve credits and an associate’s degree by December. I
applied for and was accepted at the four year university that I had wanted to attend after high school. I
now had the good grade point average that was needed for full time admission. My future spouse was
also attending a university of his choice, one of the most prestigious business schools in the country.
This was indeed a Happy New Year and was celebrated with another couple at a Yugoslavian restaurant
in the city. The food ordered was good and the live band enjoyable but the octopus served gratis, prior
to the meal was gross.
Retrospective: I was annoyed that arrangements were not secured for me at the language school prior
to my arrival as was “confirmed” prior to my departure. Sometimes a preoccupation with evil in the
society makes some people appear to be incompetent. In a good society, if one abuses a privilege, do
not expect any other privileges to be granted as in the example of the students who left a mess in the
kitchen. In an evil society, people that are not responsible for immoral situations are sometimes forced
to help rectify problems and situations. All college students who require boarding on school premises
should be provided with a small individual and compact room preferably with a window, shower, sink,
and toilet facilities to provide for the sanity of the student. It is important to realize as well that based
on the potential differing of moralities and immoralities of roommates, that a moral or perhaps a moral
and religious roommate would be ensnared by an immoral roommate to engage in various immoralities
to include promiscuity. Also, in some cases it is easier to ascertain damages to property when individuals
are made responsible and accountable. There is reason for concern that the popularly prescribed drug
Ritalin could have lasting adverse effects on a future developing human being. The obsessive acquiring
of material goods seems to have become an international priority as well, as discussed by the example
of the students in Paris. Based on the above cited Louvre paintings, it is most appropriate at this time to
discuss public nakedness. In the second half of the 1970’s in the United States some young people
became involved in a fad called “streaking”. This phenomenon, involved people running through
neighborhoods naked that caused many other people viewing this insane and immoral behavior, to
become upset. At about the same time, nudist beaches became more prevalent. College and University
art classes required the painting of nudes, enlisting a nude model to be present in the classroom. Public
exposure to nakedness continued to increase to today’s widespread decadent exposure and
bombardment of the masses, to public nudity. For example: Bicyclists have been permitted to ride their
bikes nude in a major world city. Thousands of ordinary people have shed their clothes for a famous
artist’s photography. Some municipalities in the United States permit people to walk around town nude.
Groups ride the city subways scantily clad in their underwear and other groups hold special events and
festivals wearing only their underwear. In examining art work throughout the ages, it is noted that
nakedness appears in art during certain specific times in history, perhaps times where evil has gained
wealth, power, and control over the population. It is further likely that the widespread population’s
absurdity to agree (likely due to the influence of evil) to remove one’s clothes, is a precursor to a
“Sodom and Gomorrah” situation that will most likely result in the complete and total destruction of the
society. It is a good idea to involve all young people in mandatory service to a country, but not
necessarily military service, for a reasonably designated period of time. This concept can provide the
youth with career and personal life experiences, an appreciation for one’s own country and people, and
cohesiveness within the society. After arriving home from Europe, my desire to wander was satiated. I
was now strongly focused on achieving the mature goals of completing university studies, procuring a
well paid job that I enjoyed, “marrying”, and establishing a home together with my partner.
Historical Accounts 1978: 32
It is declared by the United States Court on March 28 that judicial immunity applied in a case of
involuntary sterilization in Stump versus Sparkman.
In the United States, the production of the life killing but building saving Neutron bomb is postponed on
April 7.
The first test tube baby is born in the United Kingdom on July 25.
Pope Paul VI dies on August 6 and is succeeded by Pope John Paul I on September 28, who dies and is
succeeded by Pope John Paul II on October 16.
A leader of a cult group in Jonestown, Guyana appears to have brainwashed and mind controlled over
nine hundred members into committing suicide on November 18.
Argentina plays against The Netherlands to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: The United States legal system declares that courts cannot be held responsible for judicial
decrees of involuntary sterilization. The manufacture of the Neutron bomb is halted by United States
President Carter. The first test tube baby is born initiating the beginning and proliferation of fertility
clinics, where human beings are killed en masse . During this decade it is revealed through various news
stories that the brainwashing and subsequent mind controlling of individuals and groups was occurring,
which is and was likely due to attacks by evil against them. Mind controlling can occur because of the
increased immorality within societies, thus allowing evil to manifest itself (gain a stronghold) in those
societies. Adhering to the following of The Ten Commandments, avoiding Capital Sins, and Abominations
is no longer a priority for many people during this age.
Prior to beginning the university, I expressed reservations to mother and father about being able to
maintain a paid job and accomplish the requirements of the courses at the university. After reviewing
the costs of gasoline, tolls, and other necessities, father offered to provide me with an adequate
allowance which made it possible to quit my job and devote most all of my time to the requirements of
the courses at the school.
The first semester at the university was the most difficult one for me. I especially found a BASIC
(Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) computer course and an accounting course to be
formidable. Seeking tutorial assistance with accounting, I passed with an adequate grade. My
desperation and frustration with the computer course caused considerable angst. In this age, computers
were huge room size machines requiring key punched cards to be scanned in order, to receive a printout
of a program. After key punching hundreds of cards, I would arrive at the computer terminal and wait on
sometimes long lines with other students for the opportunity to run my program. Invariably, some cards
were punched incorrectly that created errors in the program which required me to key punch new cards
and then resume the procedure again. The final project assignment was to create a market research
questionnaire and to compile the results of a survey using the BASIC program. Overwhelmed with a
general lack of direction with this project, a fellow student offered assistance. I also passed this course
with an adequate grade.
Beginning in high school through college, group term projects became requirements of many courses
where the same grade was given to all group members or two grades were assessed, an individual grade
and a group grade. Through the years, I learned to seek out the more diligent, studious, responsible and
focused students in the class to team with, after experiencing memberships in groups where some team
members were not fulfilling their obligations. This slothfulness by one or more group members resulted
in a lower grade for all group members inspiring an ire within me. In contemplating this method of
instruction further, one recognizes a Communist ideology associated with some group projects including
corporate and compensation, where all group members are paid similarly regardless of an individual’s
efforts and achievements as a group member.
In April, my future spouse and I became engaged to be married. Not quite convinced that I wanted a
diamond ring to represent our engagement, I spoke with friends about perhaps selecting another
possible stone and asked of them their opinion on this matter. They discouraged me from selecting
another gem stone stating that a diamond is the traditional stone for all engagements and a diamond
ring, worn on the ring finger of the left hand is an unspoken way to communicate a woman’s
unavailability to other men. A ring of another stone, worn on the ring finger of the left hand, is irrelevant
to an engagement.
Beginning in 1976, we vacationed at a seaside area of Maine that we enjoyed very much. Initially invited
to stay at a cottage that friends of my parents had rented, we continued to visit this less developed and
quieter seaside area. One day during a drive along a rocky coastline, we decided to stop the car and
explore the scenic area. We happened upon pristine tidal pools containing small crabs, fish, snails,
starfish, and other interesting sea creatures. Then we noticed that some large rocks were hung with
mussels. We decided to gather these mussels for the evening’s meal. We returned back to the cottage
to cook the mussels and add them to a sauce. While cooking the mussels, we noticed many black pearls
that were inside of the shells. Some of these pearls were larger than others, interesting, and provided us
with an amazing surprise. The meal was delicious and so we decided to return to this area to gather
more mussels for another meal. So, we returned once again and filled our container with more of these
shellfish. Taking a different route back to the car, we viewed what appeared to be an old rusty town sign
stating a warning not to eat the mussels as they are contaminated with nuclear waste. We looked
around at this uninhabited, natural, and clean environment and wondered why this sign was erected.
Later during our visit, we went huckleberry picking in a wooded area not too far from the cottage.
Brother, fiancé, and I gathered huckleberries for a fresh fruit dessert. Father stated to fiancé that these
berries were called something derogatory meaning hemorrhoids. Hence, fiancé, an immigrant, had no
idea what he was saying, when referring to the name of these berries, creating plenty of laughter on this
trip. Later, he was told the true meaning of this derogatory word and chuckled.
In the autumn, I became particularly focused on my studies spending long hours in the school library
working on research assignments. Some of these assignments necessitated the scrutiny and examining
of statistics. At that time, I thought that I should return to examine some of these statistics more
carefully, when more time was available as there appeared to be discrepancies with some statistics
within a subject area. Along with extensive course requirements, professors would also provide students
with recommended reading lists that were sometimes very long and extensive. After briefly reviewing
these lists, I felt overwhelmed and sensed a need to withdraw. After a period of time, I reconsidered this
thought and decided that perhaps I would like to read some of these books on the lists after all, but
postponed that idea for a less hurried time of my life.
Increasingly, my attention was centered on completing school with a good grade point average and
obtaining gainful employment. Although the university offered opportunities to participate as a member
in various clubs and organizations, I refrained from joining any group partly because of time constraints.
Tentatively, fiancé and I intended to marry in the summer of 1981, so in addition to school and career
concerns, wedding arrangements were also contemplated.
Retrospective: For many students a minimum wage job and other jobs, interfere with a student’s ability
to do well in school that in some cases result in student failures. Prioritizing school work before paid
employment is suggested. Perhaps a loan or other arrangements can be made for expenses during the
time of school attendance. Group projects can inspire engagement in Capital Sins based on the dynamics
of the group. Each group member should bear complete responsibility for their contribution to the
group by assigning individual grades. In some countries around the world such as Poland, the
engagement ring and wedding band are worn on the right hand. The diamond ring as a symbol of
engagement came into vogue during relatively recent times. In some countries, two rings are exchanged
to represent the engagement of the man and the woman, thus making it known to others, the
unavailability for dating, of both the man and the woman. Foreigners and immigrants are sometimes
purposely given wrong information for all kinds of reasons, by native people. In an evil society, anything
of importance should be further researched by the foreigner or immigrant. Until in a predicament, I did
not read any of the suggested books provided by college professors due to a perceived lack of time. It is
wise for one to make time for important books. In conjunction with this suggestion, is an idea for people
who have accumulated important books in their library. The idea is to place labels on each book deemed
to be important. One label can be placed on the book jacket and another placed on the front book cover
should the jacket be removed, to advise future heirs not to discard the book. The reason for this
suggestion is that important books have “disappeared” throughout history, leaving populations of
people ignorant of imperative and life saving information. For example, in one’s own library the
intention is to label the books included as references in this book to state: “Important Book, Do Not
Discard under any Circumstances”. By the third year of college, I became more self centered and less
involved in fraternizing with peers as I was focused on achieving personal goals.
Historical Accounts 1979: 33
The Three Mile Island nuclear disaster occurs in Pennsylvania on March 28.
McDonald’s introduces the “Happy Meal” in June.
Pope John Paul II‘s visit to Poland marks the beginning of the solidarity movement on June 2.
Smallpox has been determined to be eradicated worldwide on December 9.
China’s one child policy is implemented.
NASA’s Voyager I photographs the rings of Jupiter.
Remarks: A dangerous and deadly disease is deemed to be eradicated leading to the abolishment of the
smallpox vaccine. McDonald’s, a popular self serve franchise restaurant offers child size food products
containing a protein and starch and include a toy for an inexpensive price. Perhaps the toy has replaced
the fruit or vegetable. Pope John Paul II’s visit to Poland results in the beginnings of an anti-communist
movement in that country. A meltdown of a nuclear power plant results in the emission of dangerous
radioactive substances. People in China are forbidden to have more than one child resulting in massive
abortions and other societal immoralities.
One day while fiance’ was driving, he became involved in a fender bender with another vehicle. The
circumstances of this small collision took place at a stop sign where both cars were stopped. Fiance’
thought that the car in front of him was moving and so he moved his car forward and bumped the car in
front of him causing about $100 in damages, to the rear bumper of the car ahead. The police were
summoned to the scene of the accident and a report was filed. During this time period between the
collision and the police officer completing the accident report, the driver of the other vehicle was biting
his lips causing his lips to bleed. The police officer asked this man to please stop biting his lips. A short
time later, fiance’ was served with a legal action where he was being sued for $1,000,000. This created
about two years of emotional distress to fiance’ and I, until this case was settled. There was talk about
garnishing his salary after full time employment was obtained after completing his university studies.
This lawsuit affected his and my ability to concentrate on school studies. I was thoroughly disgusted that
an attorney would accept a case such as this and believed at this time that there was a serious problem
with the legal system in this country.
To reliably transport me to school, a new car was needed as my old car was a gasoline guzzler and
mechanical trouble since the accident several years earlier. Savings were used to purchase the car and a
loan was secured to be paid after securing full time employment. Before purchasing the car, reports on
the automobile manufacturer and model were researched and scrutinized to avoid purchasing an
automobile model with known mechanical problems. The car selected was a used one year old small
economy car with a manual transmission that delivered between thirty to thirty five miles for each
gallon of gasoline consumed. The car was most reliable during the ten years of ownership when it was
finally sold due to a perceived discomfort with the interior seating. One regretted selling the car because
of this problem. Years later in 2000, one purchased a similar style of automobile where the highway gas
mileage was only between twenty five to thirty miles a gallon, which lead one to believe that instead of
progressing with gasoline engine efficiency, the society was retrogressing concerning this matter.
Throughout college regular visits to libraries were necessary to complete required reports and projects.
One visited several large libraries in the vicinity of my residence where usually the important books and
periodicals sought related to the thorough completion of the project, were not available at these
sizeable libraries. Through investigation one discovered a very small library that usually contained all the
information one needed to complete an assignment. I often wondered aloud to fellow students why the
larger libraries did not have in their inventory the precise sources needed to thoroughly complete a
topic for college reports. The students agreed with me but could not answer my question.
The course requirements of this year demanded intensive research, study, and reporting, sometimes
requiring a written and oral presentation. A group project in which I partook involved the hypothetical,
complete marketing of a new and innovative product. Our group, with the professor’s approval selected
a novel product to market. My responsibility in this group project was to report on the most cost
effective way to transport and deliver the product to the retailer. Some of the research involved
contacting various transportation companies including truck, rail, and airline companies. Through
investigation, I recognized another mode of transportation, a concept called “piggy backing” which is the
idea of combining freight carrying trucks with railroad service. A local trucking company did not have
time to answer my questions regarding transportation costs but invited me to their office to research
through trade books the various costs to transport goods by truck from one location to another. To
research the costs of airline transportation and the costs of “piggy backing”, I discovered that the New
York State Library of The Transportation Department of New York State was located in one of the
buildings of the World Trade Center. I visited this library and was thus able to compile all the costs
necessary to include in my assigned area of the group marketing project. It was taught during this era
that marketers focus on one attribute of a product, to sell a product. Two of the reasons given for this
concept were that too many attributes of a product promoted, would confuse the individual. There was
also the idea of shared business between competitors, based on each competitor focusing on one
aspect (market niche), of like products. For example, in 1980, in selling a tooth paste, one marketer
would focus on cavity prevention while another marketer would focus on bright, white teeth. Today,
many benefits of a product are sometimes promoted to appeal to all possible perceived needs. In the
above case, today, one marketer promotes cavity prevention, tooth whitening, breathe freshening,
germ fighting, etcetera, in selling a tooth paste. Other projects assigned to students required a
marketing revitalization campaign for common existing products whose sales were in decline. These
students reports were presented orally and some were very innovative and impressive. A short time
later, through public advertising campaigns in print and televised media, I saw two of these almost exact
marketing campaigns being used by the manufacturers of the products that students had reported on in
their oral reports months earlier at the university. I enrolled in a one credit course to provide for the one
needed business credit to graduate. This course was a weekly seminar style course where students
listened to and took notes on the discussions of chief executive officers of corporations. Each week a
different chief executive officer was scheduled to discuss a business topic. One chief executive officer,
who worked for a major food products corporation, discussed keeping costs low and managing to excel
within a thrifty budget. This executive claimed to live this corporate philosophy in the executive’s own
personal life and provided one example of this philosophy by driving a small, compact, economy car.
In the last semester of school, I pondered the idea of pursuing a degree in law at this university to help
rectify injustices in the legal system, and believed that I would be admitted to law school based on a
good grade point average. Discussing this idea with my parents, mother stated that jobs in that
profession were scarce due to an over abundance of attorneys and further stated that they would not
be paying for additional schooling. I contemplated obtaining a student loan to pay for the law school
tuition but decided against this when realizing the amount of debt that I would incur upon graduating.
Because I commuted to the university and did not live in an on campus dormitory, I was less involved in
the social “scene” and other occurrences at the school. One day, I heard sirens and looked to where
these loud sounds were coming from. There were at least two fire trucks parked in front of the
university dormitory. I expressed my concerns about the safety of students living on campus and their
possessions to another student who lived on campus. I was told by this student that dormitory fires are
frequent enough, so there was no need to be alarmed.
On a cold cloudy December afternoon, I drove into a parking space in the parking lot of the university
thinking about a project presentation due when news was delivered by the car radio that former Beatles
member, John Lennon had been shot dead. I was sad and thought about the image of John Lennon who
had been portrayed as a peaceful, non violent person who tried to deliver this philosophy of love for life
and people through his songs. I wondered who could murder such a seemingly gentle and kind person.
Sensing that I might cry, I refocused my attention on the tasks at hand and proceeded to class.
School ended in December, but graduation ceremonies were scheduled for February. Diplomas were
mailed to students in January. On opening and viewing my diploma, I noticed immediately that business
was spelled incorrectly. Annoyed, I telephoned a fellow student with the news of this error. The student
stated that this student’s diploma would be returned for a corrected one and asked me if I would be
doing the same and also asked about us, attending the graduation ceremony. Replying that my
contemplation was to keep the blundered document, I stated that I would not be attending the
ceremony. The completion of university studies with a 3.1 cumulative grade point average, earned a
BBA (bachelor of business administration) degree.
Retrospective: Some people have no scruples in inflicting harm on others to gratify themselves. Products
are marketed to the public somewhat differently today. Instead of focusing on one market niche, many
supposed attributes of a product are promoted. Perhaps this tactic leads to the confusing of people and
removes competition from the market place. Or perhaps people are now required to know something
about everything (a Jack of all trades and a master of none). There are at least several explanations for
the apparent corruption discussed in the case of the two student reports, used by professional
marketers. Perhaps, these almost exact reports presented by students in the classroom, and then seen
in outside media was just an odd coincidence. Or, maybe invasions of personal privacy in the homes of
students where reports were discussed with family members and stolen through eavesdropping,
occurred. Or perhaps there was a “student spy” in the classroom, relaying information to businesses
promoting products. Another possibility is that student’s ideas are being provided to outside businesses,
by the college or university. If that is the case, then the student should at least receive credit for his or
her idea(s) to include on a resume when seeking a job. If one in an authority position touts good values,
such as in the corporate executive’s use of an economy car, then others may become thrifty with their
budgeting. Diversions and distractions on school campuses that have possibly lead to fires and other
emergencies could be reduced through the assignment of students to individual rooms, where the
student is held accountable for their room of assignment.
Historical Accounts 1980: 34
Time can be automatically and precisely set via a satellite transmission to clocks (including household
clocks) containing the receptor for a global positioning system on January 6.
A heat wave in the United States kills about seventeen hundred people from June 23 to September 6.
The longest tunnel in the world, the St Gotthard Tunnel opens in Switzerland on September 5.
An earthquake in Algeria kills more than three thousand five hundred people on October 10.
An earthquake in Italy kills more than twenty nine hundred people on November 23.
NASA’s Voyager I discovers a moon of Saturn.
Remarks: Household clocks can be automatically reset by outside sources. If someone can come into
one’s home to reset a clock, what else might this technology assist an evil doer in, with regard to one’s
own private domain?
Securing three interviews for sales positions in three different areas of business, I contemplated which
position would be mutually beneficial to both the employer and me. The first interview was secured
with a financial investment firm where I was offered a position as an investment advisor. One reason I
decided to decline this position was that I felt uncomfortable investing other’s money, based on advice
given by me. I did not want to be possibly responsible for losing the hard earned money and savings of
other people. The second firm of interview was for a sales position at a personnel agency. I thought that
the two interviews for this position went well and expected to either be called in for a third interview or
be offered a personnel agent position with the firm. The third company interviewed was for a position of
junior sales representative for an apparel manufacturer in the city. After three successful interviews I
accepted this position. Shortly after accepting the position of junior sales representative, I was offered
the position of personnel agent but declined this offer as I had already accepted another offer and had
more experience with the sales of apparel due to the part time jobs held while attending school. I
quickly became accustomed to the grueling two hour morning commute and two hour return, by bus
transportation into and out of the city. As the bus entered the port authority terminal, each morning I
viewed the dismal living conditions of those people who dwelled near this port authority building and
wondered why their living conditions could not be improved. Shortly after beginning this job, I was
asked to learn more of the responsibilities of the position by working together with a veteran salesman
for a specific designated time and who resided and worked in the Denver, Colorado area. As this was my
first visit to the western area of the United States, I was interested in how the land area appeared from
the airplane. The land area around the city of Denver appeared like a parkay floor from this aerial
window view. At the airport, I was met by the salesman and his wife who were a friendly and hospitable
couple. After checking in at a local motel, I agreed to meet the salesman the next morning at a specified
hour. On my way out of the motel room the following morning, I experienced a mild earthquake for the
first time in my life. Shaken by this event, I was reassured by the salesman that there was no need for
worry. Some time transpired uneventfully as I learned and practiced the skills required for this job. One
evening, the salesman invited me to dine with him and his wife in a suburban area just outside of
Denver. Driving on our way to his home, we noticed many police officers and other security. The
salesman was asked to halt his vehicle which he did and identification inquiries were made of both of us.
When the salesman asked of the problem, we were informed that an assassination attempt was made
on President Reagan and that the potential assassin lived in the area. That night, I witnessed an
incredible meteor shower on the deck attached to the salesman’s home. A few days later, I awoke to a
major snowstorm with about a foot of snow already on the ground. With a rented vehicle, I carefully
drove to the salesman’s office in the Denver Merchandise Mart. By lunch time no trace of this major
snowstorm was visible outside, as all the snow had melted. Needless to say, I was happy to return home
when this learning experience was over.
As the job responsibilities became more known to me, I realized the seasonality of this business with
times of the year that were hectic and other times of the year that were dull, with little to do. I did not
like the fact that the job was not consistent in work and daily routine. This city job also exposed me to
more immorality. One afternoon, a police officer informed our office of a “peeping Tom” who was
apprehended in the ladies room lavatory who was observing women from a toilet stall in the bathroom.
I wondered about the time I used the ladies room that day and the subsequent possible violation of my
privacy, and was perturbed and embarrassed. Another time someone claiming to be from a messenger
service, walked out of our office with bags of apparel. After verifying that no messenger service was
called by office personnel, I pursued this individual following him onto the elevator and demanded that
this apparel be returned. The potential thief released the bags of apparel from his hand and I took this
merchandise back up on another elevator to our office. A short time later, a police officer was
investigating an assault on a man in an elevator. The assaulted man cited me as a possible corroborating
witness to his assault. I stated that I did not see this man assaulted but was merely reclaiming stolen
merchandise. Apparently after I reclaimed the merchandise from this thief and left the elevator, the
thief assaulted someone else on the elevator. Later, the manager of the office chastised me for pursuing
the thief. The manager stated that the thief may have had a gun and used this against me or other
people. At this job, the women who worked in the office did not take an outside lunch break and were
expected to remain in the office throughout the entire day which resulted in the mid day meal being
procured, through food delivery services. I found this expectation to create fatigue in me as I always
seemed to need a breath of fresh air sometime during the work day.
At various times during the year, sales meetings were attended at different locations across the United
States. After one sales meeting, I decided to join a group in a golf game. As I never golfed before, the
ball landed far from the hole. I became the brunt of jokes and mild ridicule from this group that I had
joined. However the group quieted down when I accomplished a hole in one. The circumstances of this
unusual achievement involved me hitting the ball and watching it skip over a pond, ascend onto an
embankment and enter the hole at the top of the hill. No mention was made of this feat, but I was
laughingly cited at dinner time for my poor golf performance and given a gift of “super grip” to use
during my next golf game.
After a sales meeting scheduled in Colorado Springs, the sales representatives and managers were
invited to attend a barbeque at the top of Pike’s Peak where a picnic area was established. One sales
person remarked to me that the view was astounding from this vantage point. Looking at the rolling hills
surrounding us and noting burned out and browned vegetation from a drought situation, one remarked
that the view displayed was too scrubby and dry for my liking.
I was asked to cover a market where the salesman assigned could not cover his territory for a short
period of time due to personal circumstances. While setting appointments and planning the itinerary, I
was offered a piece of cake to eat by an employee of the organization. I expressed thanks for the
offering and proceeded to take a bite of this cake. As I proceeded to bite into the cake their seemed to
be a reconsideration of thought on the offering of this treat, as I was told that the cake contained
Increasingly, I was made aware of problems with the “draw against commission” salary system of the
company which was implemented for the sales representatives. This method of payment advanced a set
salary that was paid to sales representatives regularly but was deducted from their end of the season
commission once the merchandise was shipped. In other words, sales people worked only on a
commission basis but most of the future commissions expected to be paid to the sales representatives
were advanced to them, through as I recall bi-monthly salary checks. This system caused much anxiety
to the sales people not only regarding the placement of orders but also regarding the shipping of orders.
Sometimes, due to internal manufacturing problems the apparel was not shipped on time resulting in
retail buyers threatening to cancel orders because of untimely seasonal deliveries. Sometimes orders
were cancelled, leaving the sales representative indebted to the company for the commissions already
paid to the sales representative. One thought this salary system to be unjust because the sales
representatives were held responsible for manufacturing and shipping problems that were beyond their
control. One can further realize how a person or a particular person, who is perhaps targeted by evil,
could be rendered financially bankrupt due to this system.
As fiance’ and I had arranged to marry in the summer, I stated to my parents that fiance’ and I would be
vacationing for a long weekend in May at a beach area in a nearby state. Mother was aggravated at this
statement and informed me that I was to wait for these excursions until after our marriage was official.
Not wishing to cause consternation with mother and father just prior to our wedding, I cancelled these
Fiance’ and I were marrying on Saturday July 25. Arrangements were made with a travel agent for a
honeymoon in Jamaica. I was annoyed that the costs for airline and hotel were considerably higher for a
Sunday departure as compared with a Saturday departure. I invited all of the workers in the office
where I worked to the wedding and the reception. Most of them sent back the response card stating
that they would be attending. At the wedding rehearsal in a Catholic Church, I was informed that the
traditional “Ava Maria” would be played on the church organ after the marriage ceremony. I was a bit
disappointed and expressed this to church members who officiated over weddings as I was hoping that
“Here Comes the Bride” would be played. I was pleased that during the ceremony “Ava Maria” was
played on the walk to the altar and “Here Comes the Bride” was played on the walk from the altar at the
conclusion of the ceremony. After the Catholic Church ceremony the traditional rice, apparently
symbolizing fertility was over abundantly thrown at spouse and I. By the end of the 1980’s, bird seed
was thrown at just married couples and by the 1990’s, bubbles were blown as the couple left the
church. It is interesting to note that during the medieval times, flower petals were tossed at the
newlyweds. At the wedding reception the table designated for office workers from the office of my
employment was left empty, costing my family a considerable amount of money. On our honeymoon, a
friendly chap who was Jamaican, asked us if we would like to explore the surrounding area near the
hotel where we were staying. We replied yes as we continued our friendly conversation and walking at
the same time. We walked for a short distance and suddenly found ourselves in a maze like area, where
people were gardening with machetes’. He then asked us for money regarding this “tour”. Unable to
find our way back, we provided him with one quarter of the amount asked for.
One night in summer while driving home from mother and fathers house to our apartment and on a
major highway, our car began to experience mechanical trouble. The car was pulled over to a grassy
area on the side of the road where spouse and I contemplated a course of action with regard to this
incident. Spouse decided to venture out into the dark to telephone a local service station to tow the car
off of the highway and then to repair the vehicle. Upon returning from a local service station, spouse
informed me that the highway authority has contracts with a select few service stations based on the
highway location of the inoperable vehicle. Spouse stated to me that a service station located many
miles away would be sending a tow truck based on this highway authority contractual agreement. After
waiting for a considerable amount of time, a tow truck finally arrived to remove the car from the
highway and to provide a ride for spouse and I to the repair station. At the service station the repair was
promptly accomplished where apparently there were several issues and problems with the vehicle
resulting in what one considered to be exorbitant charges. One suspected corruption regarding these
repairs but realized that there was little spouse and I could do and so paid the costly bill by credit card.
In August, spouse and I received our wedding photograph proofs where we selected some of these
photographs to be enlarged and incorporated into wedding albums. Some of the photographs were
weird as the photographer super imposed our faces in unnatural settings. For example, spouse and I
were shown in one photograph looking down from the ceiling of the Church at our wedding ceremony.
It is debatable but probably likely that this kind of distortion of reality is immoral.
As time transpired, it became obvious that that the autumn months of 1981 consisted of either spouse
or I having to leave on a business trip, leaving little to no time for the “one year after the marriage
honeymoon”. By 1982, I tried not to let the agendas of others interfere in the harmony and peace in my
It is most appropriate at this time to divulge to the reader my personal views on an intimate relationship
between a loving couple who are obligated and entrusted to one another. A person’s reproductive
organs have always been considered by me to be “sacred ground”, which means that these parts of the
body should never be violated, and will inspire a wrath of God against the individual and society, if they
are violated. Some examples of violations against reproductive organs include: abortion, birth control
devices that are inserted or worn, douches, tampons, genital mutilation, thermometers, and the
unnatural entry of anything that is not as God the Creator of nature intended these organs to function.
Throughout our marriage, spouse and I subscribed to an aspect of the natural family planning method
that gave us the desired number of children that we felt at that time, that we could spend time loving,
caring for, providing for, disciplining, teaching, and managing.
Retrospective: Without making a promise, as many times unforeseeable circumstances occur especially
in an evil society, a person should try to abide by agreements to provide for a positive moral view of the
individual and societal stability. All people should be provided with decent living quarters. Also, consider
that perhaps dismal living areas may be purposely located near port authorities, as an unspoken threat
to people commuting into cities. The strange events in Denver, Colorado that occurred during a short
period of time were eerie and surreal. The job in the city exposed me to the immoralities of perversions,
trickery, thievery, and assaults. To revive and refresh oneself during the work day, everyone should be
expected to take a short mid day recess from work. My poor performance in the golf game was not due
to my inability to hold onto the golf club. If I had eaten the hashish cake, I would have been physically
incapacitated for at least two days and afflicted in other ways. Honoring your father and mother
provides one at minimum, with a supportive family. Taking advantage of certain situations of people to
earn more money is corrupt. Some people take advantage of others predicaments to steal from them.
One also questions the legality of highway service station contracts to perhaps include other
government and select business arrangements that serve the public, unless the lowest prices are
obtained in serving the public through these contracts. Accepting an invitation to an event and then not
attending the event (unless an unusual problem arises) is bad manners. Threatening and confusing
people to acquire money, is immoral and corrupt as shown in the example of the Jamaican tour. A good
way to gain an understanding of the reproductive organs is to acknowledge these parts of the body as
“sacred ground”. It is necessary to also note that birth control pills and other birth control devices that
do not violate the concept of “sacred ground” are none the less immoral and dangerous. The long and
short term consequences of using these drugs can result in damages to other organs in the body, as the
human body is an interrelated system. In addition, some religious groups such as Catholics, Orthodox
Jews, and Shiite Moslems have condemned the use of certain birth control devices (read the
Commentary on Abortion), because they can end a human life in violation of Commandment VI. An evil
society desires to dissolve personal relationships between people. Had I known that invasions of
personal privacy were occurring whether frequent or infrequent and recognized the implications of this
fact, it is likely that I would not have “married”. Instead, I probably would have remained single, chaste,
and focused most all of my attention and energy on a job.
Historical Accounts 1981: 35
The Soviet Union initiates the popular western daylight savings time on April 1.
An assassination attempt is made against Pope John Paul II on May 13.
“Propaganda Due”, results in the resignation of the Italian government on May 26.
The rock and roll band The Rolling Stones begins a “Tattoo You” tour on September 25.
A NASA test of the Columbia Space Shuttle results in three workers killed.
Remarks: The Communist Soviet Union wishes to conserve energy as well. A professed Communist,
attempts to assassinate Pope John Paul II that results in the transport of Catholic Popes by a protected
pope mobile. The Masonic government in Italy is apparently deposed. A greater number of people begin
to have themselves tattooed thus resulting in the defilement of their bodies by wizards.
In January, I was beginning to become disgruntled with many aspects of American Society. Amongst
problems of increased immorality, I noticed that people in general were becoming more abrupt, nasty,
and combative. Seeking to make a change from this environment, I applied for spouse and me to
immigrate to Australia. Hearing positive reviews about this country and the people, I believed this nation
to be a congenial and friendlier place to live. An application for permanent residency was filed through
the Australian Consulate in a city. I was disappointed and insulted when our application for permanent
residency in Australia was returned denied. The reason stated for the denial was that business and
commerce people were not needed in the country. Teachers were cited as needed and given priority for
I decided that a job change was necessary after hearing from another employee that I was hired to
satisfy the government’s requirement for business firms to hire people to comply with “Affirmative
Action”. I regarded this comment as the “final straw”. To think that I was hired not for qualities to aid
the organization in achieving sales goals, but rather to satisfy a government requirement was beyond
insulting. I applied for and was hired by another apparel firm for the position of showroom manager.
Prior to beginning this new employment spouse and I vacationed in Aruba. This island was a pleasant
place to visit as no poverty could be visibly ascertained. Most all of the people living there appeared to
have a nice home. We stayed at a small resort on the island that did not have a casino. Speaking with
the native people, I was informed about a desalinization system to supply the needed fresh water to the
island’s inhabitants. I was impressed with this idea and thought that other countries could satisfy
drought situations using this technology. I was however, alerted to the fact that aquatic animals
including coral reefs were dying due to the high concentrations of salt that were dumped back into the
ocean following the desalinization process. Our stay at this small resort was peaceful and enjoyable. One
night however, we did attend a gambling casino of another larger resort. At one point spouse and I were
winning money, and then lost the money plus more. I found this activity to be anxiety producing,
aggravating, nerve wracking, and not a pleasant way to spend vacation time.
I began my new job directly after returning from vacation and was immediately put on guard when I was
introduced to another woman who was hired for the same position as I. Both the other woman and I
were not made aware on the interviews that two people would be hired for the same position. I sensed
that one of us would be dismissed after a trial period. Both the other woman and I were compatible, and
so neither of us lost this job. The other woman eventually requested and was granted a transfer to
another state. The manager of the office was a young middle aged woman who dressed in brightly
colored clothing, with shoes to match and sported plenty of costume jewelry. I admired her courage in
wearing these ensembles and wished for the same courage to wear like outfits, when reaching her age.
There was a woman who worked in this office who had recently given birth and had returned to work
shortly thereafter. She brought a device into the office that I had never seen before. It was a breast
pump. The woman excused herself to the ladies room several times during the day to pump milk from
her breasts to supply the daycare provider with milk for the employee’s baby. I believed this media
promoted phenomena, to be animalistic and dehumanizing, the equivalent of treating a woman like a
cow or goat. From time to time, models were hired to help promote the sales of apparel. I noticed that
one model had white powder on her face. Informing her of what I thought to be talc under her nose,
resulted in plenty of office laughter. I was later informed that this was not talc, but cocaine.
To partially divert ourselves from the plight of other people, spouse and I decided to buy a house and
move from our apartment that we rented after our marriage, near the city. After reviewing real estate
newspaper advertisements we decided to investigate a house in a small city area of New Jersey. This
house was an older colonial on a small lot of property. It contained seven bedrooms, a nice living area, a
full finished basement, on a maintenance manageable lot of property for an inexpensive price. Both
spouse and I wanted to purchase this first house viewed. A family member however inspected the house
and stated that the house posed a hazard due to old electrical wiring. In the autumn we investigated an
old cottage, near to parent’s home that was dilapidated and in dire need of repairs. Father was
optimistic that these repairs and an addition could be completed at a reasonable cost. Based on this
advice and the parental offering of repair and construction assistance and an interim loan, spouse and I
decided to purchase this home. It was believed by family members that the house would not pass a
bank inspection without major repairs and renovations. Mother and father loaned spouse and I some
money until a mortgage could be secured with a bank, when at that time, spouse and I would repay the
A new supermarket was constructed in the vicinity of our apartment of residence. One decided to visit
this new store during the time of its “grand opening”. After grocery shopping at this new supermarket
and proceeding to the register to pay for these items I saw for the first time a checkout system that was
based on inventory bar codes. Each item was scanned through a computer system where a
computerized and electronic voice would state to the customer the price of each item scanned. I did not
like the system due to its impersonal nature, the hypnotic electronic voice stating each price of an item
(implemented perhaps as a way of brainwashing customers among other reasons), and the possibility
that customers could be overcharged for items because the grocery items were not individually price
labeled. Therefore, I returned to shop at an older supermarket in the area that ticketed each item with
its price and where I could view the price of each item displayed on the register at the time of checkout.
Beginning in October of this year, our weekends were spent demolishing and discarding old and rotten
materials from the small house. As it turned out, more of the house needed to be demolished than was
originally thought. An architect was hired to plan a new home, combining the salvageable areas of the
old home, with the new. To save money, mother and father were in charge of hiring subcontractors. We
quickly realized that to hire workers paying an hourly wage, resulted in the hired help working at an
extremely slow pace. Hourly paid foundation workers were dismissed due to the slow completion of the
job, thus exceeding our budget for this work. Mother, father, brother, spouse, and I finished the
foundation work by podging over the cinder block with cement. Carpenters were hired to frame and
roof the house. Fortunately, the roof was on the house before winter weather struck saving us possible
damages to the interior plywood used as a base for flooring. By the end of winter, the outside shell of
the house was complete.
Retrospective: Perhaps some people are not permitted to emigrate by governments unless they agree
with societal immoralities. A person should be informed on the job interview that he or she is being
hired because of an “Affirmative Action” issue with the government. Realize, that some people may not
want to work for a firm, where the firm has been somewhat forced into hiring a particular group of
people. Affirmative Action programs could also negatively affect work relationships within a company. If
more than one person is being hired for the same position, potential employers should inform the
prospective employee of this fact on the job interview. It should be noted that coral reefs are being
destroyed throughout the Caribbean. One hypothesizes that perhaps other Caribbean countries’ coral
reefs are also being adversely affected by desalinization processes where high levels of salt are released
into the sensitive ocean ecosystems of that area. As many know, ocean currents are of a largely
contained circular pattern in that region of the world. I began to realize how widespread the illegal drug
problem is in this country when I began interacting with people from different professions, in the city. I
still think about how my life may have been different, had spouse and I purchased the first house we
viewed and were interested in buying. By the time of the completion of this book, all major retail stores
used computerized billing and receipt system where merchandise is not labeled with a price and is
scanned very quickly, which does not allow the customer time to view a price during the time of
checkout (the computerized voice stating the price was eliminated within a short time of this year). In
addition, merchandise that is higher in price is many times placed on shelves that are labeled with a
lower price resulting in higher charges. Also, computer inputs sometimes do not reflect the price shown
for an item on the shelf of display resulting in a higher price charged to the customer. To assist in solving
these problems all merchandise should be individually ticketed with the cost of the product. Also, some
of these suspected purposeful “bait and switch” practices of some retail stores are corrupt and against
written laws of this land which are unfortunately increasingly not enforced by the authorities.
Historical Accounts 1982: 36
Eight planets in the solar system align on one side of the sun on March 10.
An assassination attempt is made on Pope John Paul II on May 12.
Many countries agree not to participate in the killing of whales and join with the International Whaling
Commission to end the slaughter of whales worldwide on July 23.
An earthquake in Yemen on December 13 kills over two thousand people.
People are murdered in the United States due to product tampering by the deranged.
Italy beats West Germany to win the world soccer cup.
NASA launches the Columbia Space Shuttle for three different missions.
Remarks: An unusual astrological event occurs that happens only about every one hundred years. A
priest attempts to stab Pope John Paul II, while on a visit to Fatima, Portugal. Product safety seals and
other tamper proof packaging are the results of the murders apparently tied to a pain relief medication.
Today however, some tamper proof packaging, makes accessing the product extremely difficult. Also,
some tamper proof packaging is now attached to products that are not ingested, causing considerable
By late winter, spouse and I relinquished our small apartment close to the city of our employment and
moved in with mother and father. This temporary situation allowed us more time to work on the
construction of our home after work hours and save money on the apartment rent. We were however
back to the same grueling long commute as prior to our marriage.
We purchased attractive solid oak kitchen cabinets second hand from someone who was renovating
their kitchen with white Formica. Spouse and I saved thousands of dollars on this buy. Brother and I tiled
the bathrooms, spouse installed all the interior molding, father in law built a shed, and all family
members painted the interior of the house and floored the kitchen. Workers were hired to install wood
flooring in other areas of the house. Subcontractors installed the sheetrock, electrical, insulation, and
plumbing. One time, mother brought a case of beer to some construction workers. This good will
gesture resulted in mistakes made in that particular area of construction. Still without heating, spouse, I,
and a newly acquired dog moved into the house in early May. The furnace selected to heat the house
was a computerized energy efficient furnace that caused considerable trouble during the first several
years of operation requiring plumbers to circumvent certain aspects of the initial installation. We quickly
realized that the warranty on the furnace was not worth much. This computerized, energy efficient
furnace was very expensive to fix and was extremely noisy, growling and popping constantly during its
twenty seven years of operation.
A bank mortgage was secured for an annual variable rate of twelve and one half percent. Fixed rate
mortgages were at about seventeen percent at that time, prompting spouse and I to select the variable
rate. Father and mother were repaid the money borrowed during the several months construction time
frame. A few years later, we obtained a thirty year fixed rate mortgage at about a twelve percent
interest with a local bank. I was perturbed when the mortgage we obtained through a local bank was
sold to an out of state bank more than a thousand miles away. I was also annoyed at a bank
requirement stipulating that a seven hundred dollar credit card balance (our only outstanding debt
besides the mortgage) had to be paid before we could secure the fixed rate mortgage. The selling of the
mortgage resulted in the escrow account withholding to be increased from one year to one and a half
years reserve, causing a financial hardship to spouse and I.
Our summer vacation was spent in Maine, at a rented ocean front two family house that we would
return to a few times over the next five years or so. On our last visit to this house, the ocean at high tide
was under the pilings of the house that caused the dwelling to shake causing concern to spouse and I.
There was also a for sale sign in the front of the house that the ocean apparently had bought, because in
a subsequent visit to this area in Maine a short time later, the house had disappeared.
In October, spouse and I had decided to view a movie after eating dinner that was showing at a local
cinema. The dinner dishes were cleaned but hot food that was left over, remained on the kitchen
counter to cool. Our young dog was confined to the laundry room as she could be destructive at times
by chewing on furnishings. Spouse and I then left the house for this two hour movie. Upon our return,
we entered the kitchen and noticed a door molding detached from the frame. I remarked to spouse that
he did not use enough nails when installing the moldings. Then I saw the left over dinner on the table
with utensils and a bottle of half consumed beer. Realizing that someone had entered our house, I ran
around the home checking rooms. The dog was safe, but our belongings were burglarized. All my gold,
gemstone, and silver jewelry were gone and spouse’s commuting bus tickets were stolen. We called the
police and filed a report. Later, I thought about a small half dollar coin collection owned which was
contained in a coin bank. This bank as I remarked to spouse several times over the year, was very well
hidden and the hiding place was divulged to spouse. The bank was inside of a wall unit cabinet behind
record albums and other papers. When I went to retrieve this bank, I realized that it too was stolen. I
wondered for many years how the burglar found this bank and eventually resigned myself to the fact
that he was probably a professional “cat burglar”. I was extremely upset after this incident, feeling
personally violated. In addition, irreplaceable family heirlooms were stolen causing additional grief.
During the week after the burglary, I prayed to “Italian grandfather in heaven” that the burglar be
caught. I thought about praying to God, but reconsidered that God was too busy to be concerned with
my stolen jewelry. By the following weekend, father telephoned the house of friends that we were
visiting that evening, to inform me of the apprehension of the burglar by the police. I could not believe
what I just heard and asked him why he was notified. Father told me that the burglar was caught
burglarizing another person’s home and he was wearing my high school ring with my name engraved
inside the ring. Spouse and I quickly left the home of friends and drove to the police station where the
burglar was being held. In a hurry, I drove with the hazard lights on my vehicle. Someone driving in front
of me did not pull over but instead, would not let me pass. This one sided game went on for some time. I
remarked to spouse that if someone was ill, a deranged individual like the one driving in front of me,
could cause the death of a person.
After arriving at the police station, I was informed that this burglar was out on parole from a state
prison. He also was a drug addict and apparently desperate for money to support his habit. Although I
never saw the burglar, they asked me to pick him out of a five man lineup. I stated that a sneaker foot
print left on my kitchen door, as he kicked the door in to gain entry to our home, suggested the thief
was small in stature. And so, I picked out the smallest man in the lineup, who was indeed the burglar.
Unfortunately, all of the items stolen except for my high school ring were not retrieved. The police had
originally stated that they retrieved a Seiko watch that I owned and perhaps a few other non descript
items from the burglars home, but these items were no longer available when I telephoned two police
stations (due to different jurisdictions), to pick them up. The burglar stated that the jewelry was sold to
a pawn store in the city. For a short period of time, I checked a few pawn stores in the city to see if my
stolen jewelry was displayed.
Early one morning, prior to sunrise and following my work morning routine, I sleepily entered the
kitchen to prepare the coffee. Deciding to have a piece of cake for breakfast, I reached to a cake box
that was set on top of the refrigerator and placed it on the kitchen counter. Upon opening the box, a rat
jumped out startling me and putting me on high alert as it jumped off of the kitchen counter. My dog
chased the rat to a corner of the living room where a base board radiator pipe came up from the
basement. I watched this animal mold its body like gelatin, to squeeze through the opening in the floor
cut for the pipe. I took a break from work to investigate remedies for this situation at a local city
hardware store. The clerk recommended first putting out rat poison. I objected to this method of
exterminating the rodent because of my fears that the dog and other benign animals may eat the
poison. The clerk then suggested rat traps, baited with peanut butter. I agreed to try this method and so
purchased the rat traps and a jar of peanut butter. The only animal caught with the rat traps was my
dog. After several unsuccessful attempts at catching the rat using this method, I resorted to the clerk’s
first recommendation of using a rat poison which was placed in the attic and half basement to avoid
ingestion by our dog, which finally did away with the critter. In later years, daughter complained about a
mouse that had invaded her home. She too tried mouse traps that were ineffective. Discussing this
matter with her, I suggested that she use poison to rid herself of this (or probably these) creatures once
and for all. She stated that she would place the poison in the kitchen where she had seen a mouse. With
a dog and a child I suggested that the poison be placed in the attic. She stated to me that the mouse is
not in the attic, it is in the kitchen, but she decided to follow my advice for a short time. Within a week,
the pesky critter(s) was gone. In conjunction with this advice, I would also recommend that ant traps be
placed on a high shelf in a home as family pets and possibly young children are attracted to this poison
as well.
At the end of the year, I came to expect a bonus from my employer. For this Christmas, all the women in
the office received a red purse. Upon opening the purse, I anticipated the end of the year bonus to be
inside. The purse was empty.
One day after cashing my paycheck at a bank in the area of my employment, a well dressed man in a
three piece suit bumped into me in the bank lobby. I turned to my left, and noticed his hand in my
purse. Grabbing hold of his wrist and then his other arm, I summoned for help. At that point, another
man bumped into me causing me to release the pick pocket. Both men quickly departed from the bank.
No money or other items were taken.
Retrospective: A God given energy of youth allowed spouse and I to work long hours in the city and then
to work late hours on the building project of our home. If it is possible, a fifteen year mortgage is a more
sensible loan to obtain. Bankers lose a good rapport with customers when they sell customer loans to
another financial institution. It was a dangerous situation to stay in a home where the ocean was under
the house and immoral to rent a vacation house under these circumstances. At the time, I had a wrong
view of God. God is personal and is everywhere. To this day, I wonder how the burglar found the bank of
coins. After the burglary, I felt like everything in the house was dirty. If someone is flashing hazard lights
on their vehicle, there is obviously a problem. Other drivers should be courteous and considerate of this
fact and let the driver of such a vehicle pass. People addicted to drugs are the cause of much crime.
Eliminating the evil of drugs from a society should be a priority for all. Be aware, that dress presentation
in the case of the well dressed pick pockets, can be used to steal or inflict other harm as people usually
“let their guard down” among well dressed and groomed individuals.
Historical Accounts 1983: 37
A man receives six years in prison for bigamy on April 11.
State abortion restrictions in the United States are declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on
June 15. 38
Sally Ride becomes the first United States woman in space on June 18.
Riots in Sri Lanka in July, result in approximately three thousand people dead.
The first sustainable embryo transfer from one woman to another occurs in July resulting in a February
3, 1984 human birth.
A recording of the lowest temperature on earth is found in Antarctica at -89.2 degrees Celsius on July
Several situations of alert occur in nuclear plants around the world.
NASA’s Pioneer 10 is the first space vehicle to exit the solar system.
Remarks: Do bigamy laws still apply in the society, where the religious sacrament of marriage itself is in
question? Some human beings increasingly interfere in matters of God regarding procreation which
results in all people living in the society to be harmed. Nuclear power plants are proven to be accident
prone and dangerous. Individual States in the United States continue to lose autonomy and authority.
By early February, those in the office of my employment were made aware of serious problems at the
firms manufacturing facility in Italy, where the apparel was obtained for resale through our office. In
March, goods were still not available resulting in the dismissal of most all of the workers, including
I was relieved with this occurrence as I discovered that a baby would be born to spouse and me in
September. Waiting for the designated time period, unemployment insurance covered about half of my
weekly salary for six months. I did however show an earnest attempt at finding a job to the New York
State Unemployment office. I obtained several interviews, but was not hired most likely due to the
pregnancy. During this relaxed time and unhurried environment, I accomplished jobs around the house
and assisted mother with her employment, gratis.
In the spring, mother and father invited spouse and I to attend with them a Sunday buffet brunch
offered at a hotel located on the premises of the prestigious military academy located near to our
homes. It had been years since I visited this academy and was surprised and pleased that the academy
hotel was offering a buffet brunch opened for attendance by the general public. Expecting the usual
pancake breakfast with eggs, hash browns, sausage, and bacon with perhaps deli meats and rolls to be
displayed and offered, one was in awe upon entering the dining room. I viewed the most sumptuous
gourmet food including expensive smoked fish and shell fish and costly cuts of beef all available for
unlimited dining at a low price. I wondered and questioned how the establishment could realize a profit
from such an extravagant yet inexpensive offering. As the years progressed, these kinds of Sunday
brunch buffets were and are available at many varied restaurant establishments throughout the United
An important factor and criteria in selecting an obstetrician was that the physician did not provide
abortion procedures. I did not want the first hands holding my child to be the hands of an abortionist. It
was difficult to find a physician meeting the above criteria. Eventually, through the recommendation of
an acquaintance a physician was found who was purported not to engage in abortion practices. Another
factor considered in the selection of an obstetrician, was that the physician have a low rate of cesarean
birth deliveries. I did not want a surgery that would result in the scarring of the uterus thus limiting my
potential for future conceptions and/or births of children. I was also concerned about health problems
that could arise later in life, due to this procedure.
The initial examination began with me stating that I confirmed my pregnancy through a store purchased
pregnancy determination kit. A physical examination however, was still required that included an
internal administered by the physician. After this rough procedure, I felt sick and thought that I may
suffer a miscarriage because of this routine obstetrical protocol. A gel like substance was then applied to
my abdomen and then an electronic device resembling a microphone was placed upon the gel. The
physician informed me that this was an ultra sound stethoscope to obtain the heartbeat of the baby.
One thought that this discomforting device had the potential to be dangerous. I arrived home, rested
and then drove to the pharmacy to purchase the prescribed vitamin pills. At about this time, I noticed
pregnant women on exercise television shows, exercising vigorously. I was confused watching this and
thought this to be a dangerous situation for the continued viability of the developing baby. Questioning
the physician on this, the statement was that this kind of exercise was fine. The physician scheduled a
glucose tolerance test at the office to test for diabetes. Prior to attending this appointment, I was
outside mowing the lawn. Hot and thirsty, I drank about a quart or more of sugary ice tea just prior to
the physician’s appointment. Needless to say, the results of the test returned positive for an above
normal sugar content in my blood necessitating a visit to a laboratory where my blood was taken at
about one hour intervals for about four hours. Later in the pregnancy, the physician suggested an
ultrasound procedure. I stated my objections to this, innately believing ultrasound to be possibly
dangerous and untrustworthy and so declined this suggestion. It was also suggested that I take a test to
determine if the baby I was carrying, had spinal bifida. I rejected this test, realizing that if the results
were positive then perhaps abortion would be recommended which I would reject rendering the test
As the delivery time approached, it was stated to me that the physician would be away on vacation
during the time that our baby was due and that a substitute physician would be on call if the baby was
not born within a week. I was infuriated when informed of the substitute physician as this physician was
also a known abortion provider. As it turned out, the baby was born within the week. My last visit to the
physician’s office prior to the birth, involved an uninformed painful internal where membranes were
stripped causing an early labor situation. A day or two later a full labor situation began, when at that
time I was admitted to a local hospital. There, a shot of Pitocin was administered causing extremely
painful contractions. No pain medication or procedures were offered to me nor were any asked for by
me. Our baby girl was born naturally on a Saturday afternoon, appeared healthy and alert, and provided
me with a grand diversion from the earlier bad experiences. The birth of my daughter was probably the
happiest day of my life. Throughout the two nights at the hospital, I was constantly awakened for blood
pressure and temperature checks and other requirements. I was anxious to leave with our baby and was
discharged two days later on Monday. The total costs for a routine budget delivery (tests, prescription
drugs, and other procedures were declined) was about $8000. Weeks later, I reviewed the hospital bill.
Most of the costs were astronomical including a charge of $22 for an acetaminophen (Tylenol) tablet (by
2013 the cost of this tablet rose to $60). One contacted the hospital regarding these vociferous
overcharges to complain when subsequently one was informed by a hospital official that people with
health care insurance pay for those without insurance, through their insurance plans. I stated to spouse
that taxpayers should pay for those people without medical insurance not the people with private
medical insurance plans. The obstetrical, pediatric, and hospital costs were largely (85%) covered by job
provided insurance. Still, overcharging for products and services, results in all people paying more
through insurance plans and taxes. And, if those with insurance plans are truly paying for those
individuals without insurance then insured people should be made aware of this fact and the real
charges of medicines and procedures should be billed accurately and not inflated to cover those without
insurance. Perhaps an additional surcharge added to the bill can be implemented, to pay for those who
do not have medical insurance.
At home, baby, spouse, and I quickly settled into a routine. The day was organized basically on a
schedule with some flexibility that provided for the smooth functioning of the household. I decided not
to breast feed because the expected uterine contractions due to this method of feeding the infant
provided me with an uncomfortable and unnatural sensation. In conjunction with my philosophy that
the genitals, to include those of infants and children are “sacred ground”, the touching of these parts of
the body of children was to me immoral and abhorrent. Whenever changing diapers, a tissue, baby
wipe, or wash cloth was used as an intermediary to attend to the necessary removal of excrements or to
the applications of ointments applied to our infant children.
A first priority after arriving home was to make arrangements for our daughter’s baptismal with the
Catholic Church. A friend and brother agreed to accept the responsibility of godparents. Daughter was
baptized at seven weeks post birth. A large party to celebrate this event was given at our home which
thoroughly exhausted me.
One afternoon in middle December, I decided to put my infant daughter out on the deck for some fresh
air. I bundled her up, placed her in a blanketed stroller and wheeled her onto the deck, off of our
kitchen, in a quiet backyard. As I was cleaning the kitchen, I looked out of the kitchen glass doors from
time to time to check on her. On the last glance, I saw an American pit bull terrier with his head in the
baby stroller. Petrified, I remained calm and coaxed the dog away from the stroller. I was relieved and
thankful that the baby was fine.
An elderly woman who I was acquainted with was seriously ill and hospitalized. In years prior, this
pleasant woman spoke to me about the history of the area of our residences in the 1940’s. I sensed a
quaint nostalgia when she spoke of the many herds of deer seen throughout the area during this time. I
surmised that the past rural nature of the community was the reason for the abundance of deer which
were rarely, if ever seen roaming the many populated neighborhoods of this era’s community. Later and
by 2000, the community of our residence and neighborhoods were inundated with many deer,
pheasants, wild turkeys, coyotes, occasionally bears, and other unusual untamed wildlife. The reason for
this phenomenon is an enigma based on my past instruction and experience related to the behavioral
nature of wildlife. Deciding to visit this kind lady in the hospital one afternoon, dinner was delivered to
her room while I was in attendance. She was too weak to feed herself so I fed her. On my way out of the
care unit in the hospital, I saw many food trays being retrieved in the hallway, untouched by the
Spouse while on a business trip for a corporation, inadvertently left a satchel containing the receipts for
the hotel, meals, and transportation costs of this trip on the seat of a taxi cab resulting in these business
expense verifications becoming lost. Upon arriving home and after explaining this situation to his
superior, it was stated that because of spouses’ inattentiveness regarding this matter, he would not be
reimbursed by the corporation for these business expenses. On hearing this reply, one was
flabbergasted and completely disgusted and stated to spouse that a person cannot be a human being in
this company who occasionally errs. After paying a substantial credit card bill for this corporate business
trip, spouse procured a job with another corporation in 1985.
Retrospective: When manufacturing ceases, many become unemployed. Losing a job at this time largely
was a godsend as I was able to remove much stress during this circumstance of my life. Most employers
understandably do not hire pregnant women. To this day, one is suspicious of the motivation behind a
gourmet buffet offered at an inexpensive price where logically no or little profit is realized from this
endeavor. The situation of pregnancy, in some way provided me with a considerable sense of
vulnerability as I had to solely rely on my spouse for financial support, confidence, and worthiness. Some
obstetrical procedures are invasive, unnecessary, and cause psychological distress to the patient. It is
not logical or reasonable to accept the fact that about half of today’s births, necessitate a cesarean
section. Why would a physician who does not provide abortions, enlist a substitute who does provide
abortions? Ultrasounds deliver sound waves through barriers to provide one with an image of the baby
in the womb. Remedy specialists have stated that this procedure is safe for an unborn child because of
the low levels of decibels used to gain an image of the baby. Many times these images of the unborn
child are blurred probably due to the low level of sound waves administered. Ultrasound photography
studios however promise a clearer image of an unborn child likely due to the use of a higher level of
sound waves administered to the unborn child. Beware, that sound waves do cause damages to various
materials and as many know, high decibel sound waves can break glass. So how much more susceptible
and vunerable is the fragile unborn child to this technology? In addition and throughout subsequent
years, one increasingly noted that incrementally to 2013, more and more children were suffering from
varying degrees of mental retardation and physical and developmental disabilities and handicaps. One
suspects that ultrasound and amniocentesis are responsible for two, among other factors of these
lamentable circumstances of many of today’s youths. So if this hypothesis is correct then the very
instruments and procedures used to identify certain and specific defects in human beings for mainly
abortion purposes, may be actually inflicting other undetectable defects on the developing human being
within the womb. Do not ingest sugary substances just prior to a glucose tolerance test. It is interesting
and worth researching a comparison of costs, average salaries paid during these times and insurance
plans, together with the accommodations of obstetrical care in 1958 with 1984. Individuals should
review all costs associated with covered insurance plans and complain to insurance companies and
those issuing the bills when charges are outlandishly high, to help reduce the insurance costs for
everyone. Neighbors should not allow their dogs to freely run around the neighborhood. Perhaps the
idea of a patient advocate presented in the Commentary on Remedies could assist with the difficulty of
providing necessary nutrition to patients, who are unable to feed themselves.
Historical Accounts 1984: 39
There are several child care sexual abuse stories in the media during the 1980’s. One of these stories is
the McMartin Preschool abuse story of March 22.
Indian troops kill an estimated two thousand people at a religious Sikh’s shrine on June 6.
A young man in the United States remained in a coma for nineteen years beginning on July 13. He finally
awakens in 2003.
After Sikh security guards assassinate Prime Minister Indira Gandi on October 31, anti Sikh riots cause
the killing of perhaps twenty thousand or more Sikh’s in India over the next four days.
A poisonous gas leak from a Union Carbide Chemical plant kills over eight thousand people and injures
over one half million people with twenty three thousand people later dying of their injuries beginning on
December 3.
A famine in Ethiopia kills one million people.
Two NASA astronauts accomplish the first tether free space walk.
Remarks: It appears as though some children are being abused in daycare as their parents earn money
at jobs. Many people in comas eventually regain consciousness and so should not be considered to be
volunteer “organ donors” (as many times other people give apparent permission (mind control?) for the
donation). One has noticed “cause and effect” situations in many of the historical accounts. A return to
the following of The Ten Commandments, avoidance of Capital Sins and Abominations will hopefully
curtail or greatly reduce worldwide violence and disasters. The poisonous gas leak in Bhopal, India
detrimentally effects the environment to this day.
Partially due to the loss of a second salary, spouse sought and was hired for a higher paying job within
the industry of his experience. Still, we were on a very strict budget having sixty dollars a week for food
and baby formula after all the bills were paid even though spouse had more than doubled his salary in
just five years. The prices and costs of taxes and services such as utilities, insurances, various home
repairs requiring the hiring of tradesman for examples, were skyrocketing. This necessitated stretching
the dollar as far as it would go. Turkey, ham, chicken, chopped beef, and pasta, were the main food fare.
Garage sales and rummage sales provided for the extras. This financial situation was all worth it to me as
I was happy and enamored with our baby daughter and always seemed to manage to engage in pleasant
activities with her costing little or no money. Returning to full time work to earn extra money was not
worth the sacrifice of losing precious time with our baby.
By the spring of 1985 however, I decided to seek part time employment to cover one particular debt
that we had incurred. The position was for employment on holidays and weekends leaving husband to
care for infant daughter. I applied for and was hired to work in a medical facility. Prior to employment, it
was required that five medical tests be taken on my blood thus requiring five test tubes of blood. I
reluctantly agreed to this requirement. Thinking the test tubes to be small (about three inches in height
and a half inch in width, as seen in school laboratories), I was aghast to see the size of the test tubes
used. They were about eight inches high and one inch wide. After taking this blood, I thought that I
would faint and so was told to rest for awhile. The position was for a job where I had access to medical
records. A record viewed contained information about a young woman who was the mother of a young
child and who was pregnant with a second child. The woman and her unborn child died due to the
woman’s previous to the pregnancy, diagnosed diabetic condition. A short time later, I viewed the chart
again, and noticed that large amounts of information regarding this woman’s death were removed. I left
the job shortly thereafter.
During the middle of the 1980’s, a new idea for living was touted and recommended to women in the
United States known as the “supermom” philosophy. This idea was largely and heavily promoted
through the mass media vehicles of magazines and television. The “supermom” worked full time (40
hours a week) with extra time needed for commuting. The “supermom” was a loving wife and mother of
usually at least two minor children, who was actively engaged in the lives of family members. “Quality
time” for family was promoted as being far more desirable than “quantity time”. This meant that about
a half hour to one hour per day was spent on concentrated, intense time with family which was deemed
more valuable than many hours spent with family in a relaxed atmosphere. The “supermom” was very
well organized and managed the family’s life extraordinarily well. Setting appointments, scheduling, and
early planning were key components to the success of this life style. In addition to scheduling “quality
time”, “supermoms” also accomplished household work daily after their full time job and commute. The
life philosophy of the “supermom”, made many traditional moms who stayed home with their families,
sense feelings of inadequacy and incompetence. As I was always busy on a daily basis with child care,
house, yard, and errand responsibilities I wondered how the “supermom” could physically and mentally
accomplish so much in one day. A few years later and by the end of the 1980’s, stories began surfacing
about young working moms who were becoming ill do to exhaustion and hectic, stressful days of work
and family responsibilities. I realized then that the “supermom” philosophy was hogwash and evil in
intent. Later the philosophy of the “stay at home dad” was promoted which I believe at this time, has
fizzled. Probably for some couples, resentments between husband and wife surfaced perhaps due to a
reversal of the traditional roles of men and women. Today, many parents of young and minor children
work full time, relying mostly on paid help with the rearing of their family. It would be best for all
concerned if the traditional family roles were reestablished. To possibly assist with this return process
read the Commentary on Family shown at the end of this book.
Beginning in the middle 1980’s through to the time when I last departed my home in 2005 one
frequently experienced an anxiety related to the logistical thinking of mothers with children in shopping
center parking lots. On frequent occasions one viewed while driving in the parking lot, young children
left unattended by mothers who were busy loading packages and strollers into the trunks of their
vehicles. These children at times would step or run onto the parking lot driveway causing considerable
angst to those driving past the parked cars. It is also likely that children have become injured or have
died due to the adults’ inattentiveness regarding this matter. Therefore one suggests that upon arrival
at a shopping center parking location the adult should remove the stroller or carriage from the trunk of
the vehicle prior to removing the child(ren) from the vehicle. After shopping, secure the child(ren) in the
vehicle prior to placing items in the trunk of the vehicle.
Retrospective: At that time, it was amazing how a determined person could stretch a dollar to make
ends meet. For some examples, a ham or turkey can last all week and provide a new and different meal
every day. Garage, yard, and rummage sales provided all kinds of household goods and toys in almost
perfect condition, for very little money. Turning down the thermostats and shutting off the lights when
leaving a room considerably reduced our utility bill. All outside landscaping and yard upkeep was
accomplished by spouse and I. Engaging in “do it yourself” projects reduced the hiring of tradesmen.
Clipping coupons and stocking up on extraordinary priced sale items reduced our grocery bill. Using a
hand towel instead of paper towels to dry hands reduced our costs of paper goods. Vacationing within
driving distance and renting an inexpensive cottage where we prepared our own meals reduced
vacation costs. Shopping at the end of the season for clothing and shoes for the following year reduced
our costs for apparel. Confining celebrations and special events to the house, reduced entertainment
costs. Filling the car gasoline tank half way reduced frivolous driving. Repairing holes in socks reduced
the cost of hosiery. Adding insoles to sneakers prolongs the life of these shoes. Visiting farm stands in
less expensive areas of the state provided fresh produce at a low price. The purchase of a less expensive
economy car provided a savings in vehicle price and gasoline consumption. Beginning in the latter years
of the 1990’s through 2013, it became increasingly clear to me that many people, especially the early
middle aged and younger, do not know how to budget or to be thrifty with expenses resulting for some
in huge debts and unpaid bills. Whether this behavior is due to a childhood where many hours were
assigned to a daycare provider and/or is societal based (mind control?) is unknown to me. Possibly a lack
of discipline is a factor as well. Day care providers often do not discipline a child thoroughly for bad
behavior due to fears of litigation. “Time out” is the “catch all” style of disciplining today regardless of
the type of bad behavior displayed. In the past there were many ways to discipline a child based on the
poor behavior exhibited. Read the Commentary regarding this topic in Just Thoughts. In the 1960’s and
before, budgeting limited funds was a major factor in maintaining the family’s well being. Nutritious
meals were planned by mothers using food products that were on sale at the market. Sometimes large
roasts of meat could provide through the cook’s use of ingenuity a varied and sumptuous meal for most
of the week. Media supported the idea of stretching and reducing a food budget by depicting cooking
shows demonstrating to viewers how to cook tasty meals on a small budget. Throughout the years, one
usually subscribed to an American Indian and religious philosophy that food should not be discarded but
eaten until finished. For example, all meat on a turkey should be eaten and the carcass used for a base
broth in soup. Gristle or undesirable meat can be served to pets to reduce pet food costs. In the past,
used clothing in good condition and toys were graciously accepted from relatives and friends whose
children had outgrown these items. Children, many times also enjoyed wearing the clothing of an older
and well respected relative or friend. Couples reviewed their finances together and agreed on how the
available money would be apportioned, spent, and saved with future needs or potential future needs
taken into consideration. Sometimes in reviewing bills together, couples would decide that some
services were unnecessary or could be reduced resulting in substantial savings to the family. Through
experience, one can tell another that these money saving suggestions when implemented can become
over a short period of time fulfilling and satisfying accomplishments to family members. On the other
hand, today some parents refuse to accept “hand me downs” from relatives and friends even when
these items are in good to excellent condition. Some couples today do not combine their income and
plan how their money is to be wisely spent and saved. Instead some money is contributed to the
household by the partners while other money is kept in an account for an individual’s exclusive use. One
has noted that animosities and resentments surface in a couples’ relationship due to this arrangement.
When I saw the size of the test tubes to take my blood for a job position, I should have walked out and
found another job as this practice is, in one’s opinion an unethical requirement to obtain a job due to its’
pervasive invasiveness.
Historical Accounts 1985: 40
Mohammed Al Fayed buys a famous London department store on March 11.
About ten thousand people are killed in a cyclone on May 25 in Bangladesh.
A powerful earthquake kills over nine thousand five hundred people in Mexico on September 19.
The first of a series of video game systems is released on October 18.
A volcano erupts in Colombia on November 13 killing twenty three thousand people.
The first Arabic Muslim travels in space for NASA as a payload specialist.
Remarks: Muslim’s become more visibly involved in the Western world. Three natural disasters result in
the deaths of many people. Attention deficit disorders in children become more prevalent at about the
same time video game systems are marketed to the youth.
The winter of this year was a gloomy one. A childhood friend had died at the young age of twenty eight
years old from what I believed to be an illness caused by over exposure to environmental toxins. I
attended the wake and funeral. At about the same time, I began to hear about other high school
classmates who had died or were seriously ill.
It was about at this time that I began to believe that we were being overcharged for our school, town,
county, and local taxes. Our house was shown on the tax rolls to have been newly built in 1983. I stated
to spouse that at least one third of the house rests on an old foundation. The fireplace and some
exterior walls were also from the original building built sometime in the 1930’s. A family member
suggested that I research other houses in the neighborhood comparing their home and taxes with ours
and provide this information, together with the information concerning the old sections of our house to
the town assessor. I researched houses in the immediate surrounding area built in the 1970’s. In some
cases, the square footage of these homes was considerably larger than ours, and they were paying less
in taxes. I delivered this information to the town assessor together with the information concerning the
older sections of our home. I requested that our assessment be pro- rated or averaged and reduced
based on the sections of the home constructed in the 1930’s. After a short time, I was notified by mail
that our application and request for assessment reduction was denied. Sometime later in the early
1990’s, I was informed that many people in town were hiring private firms to reduce their home
assessment and hence their town, county, local, and school taxes. I believed this to be corrupt because
these private tax reductions effected public funds and so I refused to participate in this scheme.
In February, I was elated to learn that spouse and I would be anticipating the birth of our second child in
early October. I returned back to the physician who attended to the birth of my daughter. Knowing what
to expect, I declined all unnecessary tests and ultrasounds and remembered not to ingest anything
sugary before the glucose tolerance test. The pregnancy was routine however I refrained from mowing
the lawn due to an experienced abdominal pain during one grass cutting. This resulted in tall grass
growing in our yard with snakes enjoying this habitat, during the times of spouse’s business trips, which
were sometimes quite lengthy. I developed varicose veins on one leg, that trouble me from time to
time, to this day. By about middle October, the baby was more than a week and a half past due and so
the physician stated on a Friday that an inducement would be necessary by the following Monday. On
Saturday night, my labor began at about 9:30pm. I telephoned the physician’s home to state that my
labor had begun with the time given between contractions. The physician’s spouse answered the
telephone and asked me to hold for the physician. I was holding on the telephone for more than one
half hour. The spouse returned and asked if I was still holding on the line. I replied yes, the spouse
apologized and once again summoned the physician. At about 10:30pm, the physician answered my
telephone call. I explained to the physician that my labor had begun and notified the physician of the
time between contractions. The physician stated that this was impossible as the physician had just seen
me on Friday, and nothing was happening regarding the impending birth. The telephone call ended and
incredibly so did my labor and contractions. At about midnight, a call was received from the physician
asking me where I was. Confounded by this question I stated that I was at home and that the labor
contractions had stopped. The physician informed me to come to the hospital immediately. I telephoned
mother and asked her to babysit daughter as spouse and I were leaving for the hospital. Remembering
to pack the acetaminophen, spouse and I departed for the hospital after mother and father arrived at
our home. I arrived at the hospital at about 1:00 am on Sunday and was brought directly into the
hospital delivery room. The physician requested at some point during the delivery to stop pushing as the
physician could ascertain within the birth canal that the umbilical cord was around the baby’s neck. The
cord was loosened and removed from the neck of our child, to my relief. I will be forever grateful for this
God inspired, physician’s expertise regarding this matter. Our son was delivered naturally fifteen
minutes after the arrival at the hospital, with no drugs or inducements administered. I remarked to
spouse that this was the second happiest day of my life. Directly following the birth, the physician asked
spouse if he would like to request “a husband’s stitch”. Requiring to use the lavatory facilities in my
assigned room immediately following the birth of our son, I entered the hospital bathroom and noticed
blood on the seat of the commode. I summoned hospital staff, but no one came to clean up this body
fluid that was apparently left by the roommate. After cleaning up the mess myself, one was able to use
the commode. The hospital roommate was a woman who had just given birth to a fourth or fifth child.
As I was resting and recuperating the morning after giving birth, the spouse of the hospital roommate
entered the hospital room and began ranting and raving at her for giving birth and stated that she
should have had an abortion. This was upsetting to me and so I asked the physician to discharge me and
our baby from the hospital as soon as possible. I declined the circumcision on the baby scheduled for
later that day that was offered for “cleanliness purposes” and departed the hospital on Tuesday
morning. Upon arriving home, company awaited me where I felt obligated to serve coffee and cake. The
total cost for this basic routine pregnancy and birth was about $10,000.
Less than a week after arriving home from the hospital, spouse was required to leave on a lengthy
business trip. Miraculously, I had the energy and strength to solely care for a two year old and a
newborn during this business trip.
I became aware of a new trend that some people were becoming increasingly involved in with regard to
the birth of their child. The taking of photographs and the videotaping of childbirth was gaining in
popularity with young couples. Thought should be given to this practice as childbirth is a traumatic
experience involving the considerable exposure of private body areas and bodily fluids such as blood. To
wantonly film or photograph this occasion is in one’s opinion, immoral.
In the summer of this year, spouse and I invited friends, a young couple with a one year old child to visit
our home. While the woman and I were in the kitchen chatting, spouse and spouse were in the backyard
chatting. The children were both outside in the backyard. Both the woman and I assumed that spouse
and spouse were watching the children while we prepared the food to be served. After a short while, I
walked outside to discover that the friend’s one year old child was floating on the surface of a one and
one half foot deep garden pond installed on our property. Horrified, I quickly ran to lift the child out of
the water. The child vomited water but thankfully, appeared to be otherwise fine. Scolding the spouses,
I realized that the woman and I had not officially given the responsibility to the men, to watch the
During the 1980’s and the early years of the 1990’s, one became annoyed with a device that many
people were purchasing and installing in their backyards, known as a “bug zapper”. This gadget when lit
at night would draw insects to it and then would electrify the bugs. I stated to spouse that people using
this equipment do not realize that they are drawing more bugs into their yard rather than eliminating
insects from their yard.
Retrospective: Some methods for assessing a home are unjust and possibly corrupt (this may depend
upon who you are). All women should avoid vigorous exercise during pregnancy regardless of the
promotion by evil media, of pregnant women shown exercising on television. It is brutal, insensitive, and
evil to suggest a “husband’s stitch” to a spouse directly after the woman has given birth to a baby. A
person has obviously lost their mind when it is suggested to a spouse who has just given birth to a baby,
that the child should have been aborted. The insanity is compounded when this statement is made in
front of another woman, who has just given birth to a baby. It appears as though rises in prices,
sometimes results in reduced and substandard services. Make clear to all concerned when authority or
responsibility is granted or delegated.
Historical Accounts 1986: 41
The first computer virus named “Brain” infects personal computers beginning on January 19.
A national resistance group allegedly responsible for the deaths of one half million people assumes
power in Uganda on January 25.
Pope John Paul II is the first contemporary pope to visits a Jewish synagogue on April 13.
On April 26, a devastating nuclear disaster occurs at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet
Carbonic acid omitted from Lake Nyos on August 21 kills about seventeen hundred people.
An earthquake in El Salvador kills approximately fifteen hundred people on October 10.
NASA’s space shuttle Challenger explodes in mid air 73 seconds after launching killing all seven people
on board.
Argentina defeats West Germany to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: The first of many computer viruses render personal computers useless. Tracking these virus’s
to those who are responsible for their disbursement, should be a priority of investigative agencies of law
enforcement. The nuclear substances emitted from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant wreak havoc
around the world for several years. An unusual occurrence in a lake kills many people. The Challenger
launch was viewed by me on live television. I was shocked and saddened by this tragedy.
Our son was baptized in early February at the age of almost four months old. I continued to postpone
the baptismal ceremony due to a sensing of the necessary requirement to plan and host a party after
the event. Busy with a two year old, an infant and household responsibilities, I had no inclination, time,
or extra motivation to move forward with party planning. Recognizing that we were waiting too long to
have son baptized, spouse and I decided to skip the party plans and made arrangements with the
Catholic Church to have son baptized. Brother and his fiancee’ were asked and accepted the
responsibility of godparents. Mother, father, father in law, brother, his fiancee’, spouse, daughter, and I
dined at a restaurant after this sacrament, to celebrate son’s baptismal.
At the end of February, we were invited by mother and father to attend with them a rustic resort in the
Adirondack Mountain area of New York, for a few days. Mother and father had reserved a cabin for this
excursion. The dining facility was contained in a lodge on the premises of the resort, requiring a short
walk to dine. At night, the temperature dropped to an exceedingly low level most likely several degrees
below zero Fahrenheit. The heat in the cabin was not working efficiently requiring me to sit with infant
son during the night, near a fire in the fireplace of the cabin. I was very concerned that son, with red and
chapped skin would become ill during this excursion. On the day of our departure, we quickly realized
that the battery in our car was dead due to the bitterly cold temperature. We telephoned a local
automobile service station to jump start our vehicle. That business did well that day, as most of the cars
in the parking area had the same problem.
The utility company serving electricity and natural gas to the area of our residence included two bar
graphs comparing customer usage of natural gas and electric for the current year and the prior year on
the statement of the charges billed monthly. Initially, one believed that every year our family was
consuming more and more natural gas and electric. One then would state to spouse that we needed to
be more diligent about turning down the thermostats and shutting off the lights in the house. Later, and
at about this time one realized that an ever increasing quantity of natural gas and electric was not being
consumed by us but rather the utility rates were increasing. One then realized the “usage charts”
displayed on the bill to be false.
In middle summer, we procured tickets to see a performance held at the prestigious military academy
near to our home. This occasion was one of the very few times that spouse and I left young daughter
and/ or, infant son with a babysitter. The girl asked to babysit was a seemingly pleasant young teenager
that I had not asked to babysit before. Spouse and I left that evening at about 7:30 pm and returned
home at about 11:30pm, relieving the babysitter at that time. Quickly checking on our sleeping children
after arriving home, spouse and I went to bed. In the morning, I entered our infant son’s room to
retrieve him from the crib. It was at this time, that I saw many small cuts on his thighs. Summoning my
two year old daughter, I asked her what had transpired the night prior. She stated that she did not know
and that the babysitter stated to her that these small bloody cuts on the baby’s legs were from a
“lollypop”. Spouse and I concluded that these small cuts were inflicted by fingernails. Confronting the
girl who babysat for us later that morning, I was informed of a recent parental hospitalization and the
young girl then ran away from me. Suspecting then that the family was troubled, there was an inquiry
made of an acquaintance who worked for the Department of Social Services. The advice given was not
to pursue this matter with social services as spouse and I might be accused of this child abuse,
potentially resulting in the removal of our children from our home.
At the end of the summer, spouse, daughter, infant son, and I vacationed at our usual vacation seaside
town in Maine. Upon arrival to the rented cottage and after unpacking our belongings, we strolled to
the beach. Infant son was walked to the beach in a stroller and this was left at the entrance of the beach
while we took a short walk on the beach. On returning to the beach entrance after our walk, the stroller
was gone. I was disgusted to realize that some people are so immoral that they would even steal a
baby’s stroller. We carried our son for the extent of that vacation.
Retrospective: Society influences people to engage in activities and events that they may not really want
to participate in. Through repeated self examination obviously conducted over a lengthy period of time,
it is possible to decline these expectations and the influences of others. Examine obvious factors of a
circumstance before deciding to participate. For example, before deciding to go to the Adirondack
Mountain region for a long weekend in February with an infant, the temperature should have been
checked for that area, during that time of the year. The babysitting experience was a horror for me. It
was something that I wanted to forget. An employee of social services frightened me and so this abuse
was not reported. At the same time, I did not want to become involved with a family who was obviously
troubled. I also recognized at about this time, that other families seemed to have become more
troubled. Infant son, a chubby boy, appeared to be happier when carried.
Historical Accounts 1987: 42
A Disneyland theme park is approved to open in France on March 34.
The Harmonic Convergence occurring on August 16-17, where the planets were exceptionally aligned,
correlates with an ancient Mayan calendar.
A conference to discuss artificial life is sponsored in California from September 7-24.
A radiation accident occurring on September 13 in Brazil causes the deaths of several people and the
demolition of several city blocks.
A typhoon on November 25 kills more than one thousand people in the Philippines.
The movie “Moonstruck” is released on December 16.
A Philippine passenger ship, the MV Dona Paz sinks on December 20 after colliding with an oil tanker
killing all four thousand three hundred and seventy five people on board.
No missions occur for NASA this year.
Remarks: The French agree to absurdities as well. The grand tine is ushered in with the coming of the
end of “Hell Cycles” beginning an age of “universal peace”. A conference to recognize artificial life is
begun in the United States State of California. The “Moon hit’s one’s eye like a big pizza pie” in
“Moonstruck”. NASA has no missions for this year.
In early January, spouse was dismissed from his job position due to the selling of the corporation and
the subsequent mergers and acquisitions by other corporations, of the various divisions, within the sold
corporation. The employees who decided to stay with the division of their assignment in the sold
corporation were required to relocate to another area of the country, required by the purchasing
corporation. Spouse and I although concerned about this situation of unemployment were confident
that another job would be secured promptly as spouse had good credentials, experience in the industry,
and spoke four languages fluently. Others in the family seemed to be more upset with this occurrence
than spouse and I. During this time of unemployment, together we enjoyed our young family. Shortly
following his dismissal, spouse procured a job with another corporation in his field of experience. This
job was obtained with the employer knowing about spouse’s jobless situation. The salary offered was
for slightly less than spouse’s salary at his previous job. Spouse and I were a bit disgruntled over this fact
and so when another job opportunity arose a few months later, spouse quit this job and joined another
company offering a higher salary. At this time, the company who paid the lower salary offered spouse an
increase in wages which was above the salary offered of the new job accepted. Questioning the ethics of
this situation, spouse declined the offer and joined the other firm.
It was recommended by the school district that incoming Kindergartners have nursery school experience
prior to beginning full time school. Various reasons were cited for enrollment in nursery school including
the providing of young pre-school children with peer socialization skills, beginning learning skills, artistic
skills, and physical exercise. I agreed with this recommendation and therefore enrolled daughter whose
fourth birthday was in the autumn, in nursery school. At home, I prepared daughter for this experience
and she seemed to look forward to this new two and one half hour morning routine. On the first day of
nursery school, I walked her into the classroom and encouraged her to become familiar with the
atmosphere of many children, books, toys, and other displays in the room. Satisfied that she was
comfortable, I bid her farewell promising to return within a short time. Daughter began crying and asked
me not to leave. I explained to her that parents are not permitted to stay in the classroom during class
time. Daughter became hysterical begging me not to leave her. The teacher at that point firmly stated
that I should not be manipulated by this behavioral outburst. Not believing this behavior to be
manipulative but rather inspired by fear, daughter and I departed the classroom. No refund for the
semester’s tuition was issued for this situation. By the spring of 1989, daughter was prepared for
nursery school and attended the school with confidence.
On one routine physical examination for daughter and son, instead of seeing the pediatrician, we were
assigned to a nurse practitioner who worked at this physician’s office. I thought the physical
examinations by the nurse to be thorough and satisfactory. When inquiring about the amount of money
owed for these visits, I was asked to pay a figure familiar to me for the pediatric physician’s visit. I asked
the desk clerk why the fee was the same for the nurse as the physician. Expecting to hear a logical
explanation for this, the desk clerk reduced the amount owed for the physical examinations of daughter
and son. I thought this to be outrageous. At another visit, I questioned the physician on an article that I
had recently read in the local newspaper. The article stated that the fluoride placed into the water
system in this area for healthy teeth could cause kidney damage. I was reassured by the physician that
the quantity of this element was so miniscule that kidney damage could not occur. A telephone call to a
town official provided similar reassurance.
At about this time Jehovah Witnesses briefly visited our home and provided me with a book that I found
to be informative. The story of the Creation and Adam and Eve was explained in a logical way that
coincided with the scientific evidence regarding early civilizations established by man. The book
explained that for millions of years, human beings were ignorant animals relying on hunting and
gathering for food and caves for shelter. But as it was explained in the book, about twelve thousand
years ago, Adam and Eve became aware of God’s existence and this was the beginning of the
intelligence of man. After reading this book, one vaguely became aware and was somewhat enlightened
to the probability that incomplete and perhaps false instruction was being taught in the public schools.
A short vacation was taken to a mountainous area of New York State that offered a large animal park,
horseback and pony riding, and a theme park. While attending the theme park, we boarded a small train
that rode us around the facility. The train went through a wooded area where unexpectedly, “robbers”
came out of the woods, boarded the train, and demanded gum or candy from the passengers. Daughter
was petrified and began crying. I was annoyed that a theme park where most people should be having
an enjoyable visit causes grief to some people, especially children.
Some of the toys that were popular at about this time included motorized vehicles and a talking
animated bear that sang songs and told stories through a cassette tape inserted into the back of the
bear. Another toy that was popular was a computerized doll that interacted with a child. How this toy
operated is an enigma to me, to this day. The motorized vehicles I disliked immediately and refused to
purchase this item for my children. I believed that these vehicles were depriving children of healthy and
necessary physical exercise which is needed to build muscles, especially in growing children. I do not
believe that I made this sentiment clear to family members however, as they purchased a motorized car
for daughter and son for Christmas. Our children used this vehicle two times. Both times, my shins were
the target for the little drivers of this car. When the battery died after two uses, I refused to recharge it
and so the vehicle remained in our garage taking up space until it was finally discarded a few years later.
The talking bear, also a popular toy, I ignorantly liked at that time. A toy like this confuses children into
believing that machines are real living creatures. One can ponder the dangers of this situation. Another
toy purchased for daughter was downright evil. This toy was a doll that conversed with people and
spoke some very nasty language. As a matter of fact, some people who purchased the doll claimed that
the doll spewed curse words. This doll was never played with by daughter as it appeared to frighten her
and the doll too was eventually discarded.
Some businesses were marketed to appeal to children and provided adults with entertainment as well.
One restaurant attended offered a large indoor playground for children. One piece of equipment was a
structure containing many balls that children inside the structure played with. The last time this
equipment was used by daughter and son was when I viewed another child vomit inside this structure.
The restaurant also contained an animated animal band. These machines were larger than adult people
and played various musical instruments, songs, and offered a comedy show, while patrons dined. Once
again, ponder the dangers of animated machines that appear real.
The consequences of indoor play equipment, toys, and crazy play contraptions at establishments
seemed to result in children acquiring more frequent viral and bacterial infections than in the past. This
situation necessitated more frequent visits to a physician’s office where an antibiotic in the form of a
pink liquid was prescribed. Patients were told to finish the bottle of antibiotic even if the symptoms of
the cold were gone. So based on the frequency of illnesses and the body’s resistance to the antibiotic
that occurs over time, the drug was reported during this time, to be losing its effectiveness. I also
noticed that some parents were not dressing their children appropriately for cold weather. Hats and
hoods were especially neglected to be put on children prior to venturing out into the cold. A short time
later, all cords to tie a child’s hood to their head were removed by clothing manufacturers with the
statement that hoods with ties to secure under the chin, represented a choking hazard to children.
Retrospective: If the first company offering spouse a job had set a wage equal to or for slightly more
than his previous salary at the disbanded company, spouse would not have sought another job. Many
schools are unreasonable regarding the issuing of refunds for some situations. Throughout the years it
became known to me that The Jehovah Witnesses publishes religious, educational, informative, and
interesting facts and stories in two booklets issued monthly in addition to other available educational
materials that are freely distributed to the populations of people, regardless of their religion. Theme
parks should carefully review their programs. If there is anything frightening in a program for example,
then a warning should be posted to advise all of this fact. Toys for children should be carefully, morally
scrutinized before purchasing. To maintain sanity, surreal business establishments should be avoided.
Indoor toys and play equipment where many children are using these items should be washed and
sanitized regularly to reduce the transfer of germs. Most heat in the body is lost through the head. It is
important to wear a hat in cold weather to provide for a stronger body resistance to cold germs.
Historical Accounts 1988: 43
The Great Seto Bridge, the world’s longest automobile and railroad bridge, opens for traffic in Japan on
April 10.
The United States Surgeon General equates nicotine addictions to heroin and cocaine addictions on May
The Iran and Iraq war officially ends on August 20 with one million casualties.
An earthquake occurring on August 21 in Nepal and India kills about one thousand people.
It is reported that thousands of people are killed in a cyclone in Bangladesh on December 2.
An earthquake in Armenia on December 7 kills between twenty five to fifty thousand people.
The United States embassy in Moscow is demolished on October 27 due to eavesdropping devices built
within the building.
NASA launches the space shuttle Discovery.
Remarks: People continue to be diverted with engineering feats. Some people fail to recognize the
dangers of technology and the importance of Biblically based religion. It is stated that people who
smoke cigarettes are equal addicts to those who use heroin and cocaine. One has been acquainted with
people over the years who have quit smoking cigarettes in one day unlike heroin or cocaine addicts who
require lengthy intervention to eliminate their addictions to these substances. Perhaps an unspoken
threat (other more serious addictions to contend with based on mind control?) to those who smoke
cigarettes and their families (as much publicity abounded in media since the 1970’s to convince people
to stop smoking cigarettes) was an intention of this statement.
I began to notice housing developments being erected in the area of our home. These developments
were like nothing that I had ever seen before. One house after the next, were the size of mansions and
priced at about $1,000,000. I wondered how so many people could afford to purchase such expensive
homes. I reasoned that two good salaries and a large debt incurred by the owners of these houses were
the likely circumstances for most of the purchasers, of these gigantic homes.
One day after arriving home from work, spouse announced a new dress code for Friday’s at his place of
employment termed “casual Friday’s” where one was expected to wear a collared knit or woven shirt
with no tie, blazer jackets, casual shoes but no sneakers, and casual slacks not made from denim or
fleece. This requirement necessitated the purchasing of a third wardrobe of clothing causing a financial
hardship for ourselves and other families who were on a strict budget.
Our week’s summer vacation for this year was spent visiting Orlando, Florida and the vicinity. We stayed
outside of the Disneyworld resort area at a nice hotel. Daughter and son enjoyed their first airplane ride
and the two days spent at Epcot Center and Disneyworld. I thought the technology enlisted in the
Disneyworld haunted house was a bit extreme as we were joined by a “ghost” in the assigned family ride
cart. The technology in Epcot’s dinosaur ride and exhibit was incredible. I was annoyed with the
“visiting” of countries around the world, as this word used was false and likely has confused children
into thinking that they have actually visited these countries and places portrayed. A pleasant time was
spent visiting Sea World and an alligator zoo where I was awakened to how fast an alligator can move
when hungry. One day, the decision was made to visit the nearby Coco Beach. After renting an umbrella,
we chose a place on the beach to sun ourselves, picnic, and swim. Spouse went into the ocean for a
swim leaving daughter, two and one half year old son, and me on the beach. Daughter began feeding
pigeons near to our picnic area. I was tending to son for a few moments and then returned my focus to
watch daughter feed these birds. Both daughter and the birds were nowhere in the vicinity. I began
yelling and summoning spouse out of the water. He returned my rants from the beach with a friendly
wave from the ocean. People picnicking on a towel near to ours offered to watch toddler son while I
searched the beach for daughter. At that point, I feared that I might lose two children. I declined their
offer and carried our heavy son, trying to run at the same time, seeking daughter who was lost on the
beach. All of the umbrellas were the same colors of yellow and white, further disorienting me. Finally,
spouse joined me on the beach where daughter was found crying a short distance away.
One was disturbed by advice given by remedial specialists during this time period regarding childhood
illnesses that included a symptom of fever. Parents were being told by remedial specialists to submerge
their child in a cool bath to reduce the child’s fever. As many older people know, chills often accompany
a fever and placing a person in a cool bath could result in a more serious illness. Advice given by
remedial specialists in the 1960’s regarding a fever was to give the ill person plenty of clear fluids to
drink to prevent dehydration, perhaps administer a cool wash cloth to the forehead, and give the ill
person an aspirin or acetaminophen to ingest to assist in reducing the fever.
During the summer, daughter was registered with the public school system to attend Kindergarten.
Later in the summer, we were notified and invited to attend an orientation where we met the teacher
and viewed the classroom. The classroom appeared much different from the time when I attended
Kindergarten in the same school district. Many play stations surrounded an area of tables. When I
attended Kindergarten, there were no toys in the classroom. The instruction in the early 1960’s was
rote, and organized with textbooks and workbook reliance. Questioning these arrangements, we were
told that the individual child learns in different ways and so a “play, debrief, replay” philosophy was
enlisted as a way of teaching in this classroom. I felt leery about this new method but trusted that
educators were competent, proficient, and gained good results, through this teaching approach. The day
I sent daughter off to school on the school bus, was an anticipatory day for both daughter and I. I could
not understand at that time, why another mother was crying at the bus stop.
For a holiday celebration in daughter’s Kindergarten, parents were asked to send in treats. As a class
mother, I was to attend the event to assist the teachers and one also volunteered to bake cupcakes for
the students in the class. After preparing, baking, and frosting, and setting the cakes on trays at home,
one proceeded with the cupcakes to the school to help with this event. Upon arriving in the class, I
noticed that another parent(s) had also sent in cupcakes with their child. These cupcakes were from a
bakery and were topped with plenty of frosting, sprinkles, and other attractive to children, plastic
decorations. Both sets of cupcakes were delivered to the children when I quickly realized that they
preferred the commercial bakery product to my home made cakes. Hence, all of the cupcakes that I
prepared early that morning were thrown in the garbage. I stated to spouse that one person should
have been assigned to prepare cupcakes for the children.
With daughter off to full day Kindergarten and perceiving that son needed more socialization with other
children I contemplated acquiring a part time job. I also had a nagging sensation that I should be
contributing financially to the family even if only to pay the grocery bill. So, I applied for and was hired
for a part time job with a medical billing firm. Son attended a nursery school three days a week and a
babysitter twice a week, for four hours a day. This job became quickly disturbing to me as I noted the
astronomical medical bills sent to people. Even after payments by insurance, people still owed
exorbitant amounts of money, bills beyond belief, for usually a serious and lengthy illness. I stated to
spouse that one illness could completely bankrupt a person. I was beginning to become sickened by this
job and was not happy with son’s babysitting arrangements as I believed there to be too many children,
under the care of one woman. The small amount of money obtained from this job, was not worth the
family and personal sacrifice and so, I quit this job.
After departing from the above employment, I contemplated purchasing a food truck to deliver
frankfurters, hamburgers, sandwiches, and beverages to people attending the town parks in the area. I
believed this would be a likely lucrative business as this kind of business idea had not yet been tapped
by others and there was a need for this kind of service for people participating and attending ball games
and playgrounds in the area. A town official was contacted to procure a permit to engage in this
business where it was stated by the official that food and beverage vending was not permitted on or
near town parks. After returning from Florida in 1999 and during the attendance of daughter’s softball
games, a truck selling ice creams, cakes, candies, and chips to park attendees was viewed on the road at
the side of the park.
Son was very interested in books and so he and I frequently visited the local library to review and
borrow books pertaining to his interest of dinosaurs and pre-historic mammals. A designated amount of
books on a topic were permitted to be borrowed at one time, so son carefully scrutinized the books and
then decided which ones to borrow for that week. He became so proficient at three years old in knowing
all the dinosaur names, their habitat, and other characteristics about them that when I viewed a five
year old child prodigy on a television talk show discuss his knowledge of dinosaurs, I thought about
contacting the show to discuss our son, who might be considered by the show’s producers, to be a
younger child prodigy. While at the library, I browsed through many children’s books that I thought to
be crazy in content. Some other books depict ethnic groups as less intelligent than others. For example,
African Americans or immigrants are sometimes portrayed to have a poor command of the grammatical
structure of the English language. The writing of these kinds of books for “special effects, can lead one
to a prejudice against certain groups and can promote to the reader, poor language skills. In the adult
reading area of the library I scanned through mystery novels, but could find none of interest due to too
much violent or insane content. I eventually found my way to the biography section and borrowed
books about the lives of renowned people. It was at about this time that I considered and contemplated
writing my own autobiography about the life of an ordinary person, as no books in the biography section
of the library could be found covering this kind of story. I also borrowed books found in the travel
section on places that our family might enjoy visiting. I was also interested in local history. This topic
with its selection of books was difficult to find as the history books regarding the local area were
contained in a small separate room within the library building. I went into the room over a course of a
few visits to investigate town history and historical buildings in the area. These books could not be
borrowed so time was needed for library research. I did find out some surprising facts about the
community and vowed to return to this room for further research when more time was available to me.
The Parent Teacher Association was sponsoring a book fair in the school’s gymnasium and was asking for
parent volunteers to assist with book sales at this event. I offered to volunteer for one afternoon of the
several days fair. Immediately after arriving at the book fair I assisted a customer with a purchase of
several books by calculating with a pen and paper the amount owed for the books. Suddenly and
abruptly another PTA volunteer pulled the paper containing the completed calculation from the table
stating to me “that we use calculators here”. Speechless and appalled at this rudeness of the ill
mannered woman, I observed her as she recalculated the figures for the books using a calculator that
arrived at the same figure as I. Expecting an apology for this abrasive behavior none was offered so I
departed the event.
This year’s Christmas Eve dinner as usual, consisted of the preparation of fish. I was hosting Christmas
Eve dinner to mother, father, brother, his wife, father in law, and our family. After the dinner
celebration was over, the dishes were cleaned and our family retired to bed. A few hours later, I awoke
with strong abdominal pain. Son also was ill with similar pain. Both of us had a high fever and
experienced severe digestive system remorse. The next day mother informed spouse of a rash that she
acquired. Mother and son recovered from this illness thought to be food poisoning. I however continued
to experience severe abdominal pains and so spouse brought me to the hospital. Here it was most likely
confirmed that I had indeed suffered from food poisoning. For many months, my digestive system had
still not returned to normal requiring several visits to various physician specialists where tests were
administered to ascertain the problem. All of these tests were returned normal. Waiting sometimes
weeks for the test results however created anxiety in me, which probably compounded my abdominal
distress. Through other physician examinations at this time, it was recommended that I procure a
mammogram screening. I was annoyed at this suggested test as my problem was digestive related.
However, I followed the physician’s advice and made an appointment for a mammogram. Informed that
this procedure was a minimal, painless procedure, I was in awe when I viewed the size of the
mammogram machine. It was a floor to ceiling gigantic piece of equipment that presses a woman’s
breast onto a metal plate at mid level. This procedure was not painless and I feared that I might acquire
cancer due to this test. By the middle of 1990, I quit visiting physicians and sought out a chiropractor
who eventually solved whatever problem I had.
Retrospective: It appears as though some people have sacrificed large amounts of family time to achieve
materialistic goals. Illusions create insanity in people. Hand signals were reviewed with spouse after the
Coco Beach incident. Trust one’s initial instinct regarding a situation. If instructed otherwise, investigate
and research the history of anything of importance and armed with evidence, reject ill begotten advice
or procedures. Societal pressure, especially more pronounced in an evil society, greatly influenced me
into believing that I needed a job with a salary. At this time, I was more valuable to my family working at
home. It appears that the rules for all people are not the rules for some people as shown through the
story of the desired food truck business. Many young children’s books do not illustrate children but
instead picture animals or creatures that cannot be discerned, but portray childlike speech, activities,
and other child characteristics which may confuse young children into believing that they are animals or
some other weird creature (children’s television shows are similar). A uniformity of health care
procedures based on a particular illness, may result in the substantial lowering of costs. Hypochondria
can exacerbate a problem or create new problems.
Historical Accounts 1989: 44
The first Global Positioning System (GPS) is launched on February 14.
Two media giants Time Incorporated and Warner Communications begin a process to merge on March
A Quebec electricity system collapses due to a geomagnetic storm on March 13.
The Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels of oil in an Alaskan sound on March 24 damaging the natural
A tornado in Bangladesh kills approximately one thousand three hundred people on April 26.
The Berlin Wall is dismantled in November.
Illuminated communists are gaining more power throughout the world.
NASA launches space shuttle Columbia on a “secret mission”.
Remarks: The initiation of satellite systems to track people and things are placed in orbit. A strange
event causes a major power outage. Deceptions abound in the world. Absurdities are becoming
increasingly common. Two colossal media giants assume even more power.
Father in law was not feeling well and so spouse or sometimes I would accompany him on visits to the
physician. Father in law also seemed a bit confused on these physician office visits so either spouse or I
would accompany him into the examination room as well. The first physician attending to him tried
various remedies to reduce his cholesterol and assist with other problems and health related
complaints. Still feeling ill, a specialist was recommended who diagnosed him with a debilitating,
terminal illness. Based on father in laws personality, spouse and I decided not to inform him of this grim
diagnosis as spouse believed that this information would depress him thus further affecting his physical
health. A therapy was offered that both spouse and I knew to be torturous. The physician also stated to
spouse that the progression of this illness would likely be slow, based on his older age. Both spouse and I
therefore made the decision to forego the debilitating remedial treatment offered to us for father in
While at a scheduled parent /teacher conference, one discussed an aspect of the elementary grade
curriculum that appeared to me to be confusing and disorienting to students. The teacher replied that I
was the only parent questioning and complaining about this aspect of the curriculum which created an
unsettling feeling in me and extinguished my desire to pursue this issue further.
In the spring of this year, I decided to return part time to school to earn a master’s degree in elementary
education. The reasons for continuing on with my education were at least three fold. A career congenial
to daughter and son’s schedule was desired. I also wanted to fulfill an earlier career goal and wished to
be more aware of what was being taught and how curriculum was taught, in the public schools. The
return to university studies also provided me with a return to a “sense of self” as I began to regain some
perceived lost intellect.
One day, while visiting a fire truck exhibit in the community with young son, I met the obstetrician who
attended to the birth of our children. This physician was attending this leisure event, with the
physician’s own children. I felt a sense of uneasiness meeting with this person in a casual way, in town.
At about this time, spouse, daughter, son, and I attended a large three ring circus at an arena. This event
brought back memories of my visit to the circus in the 1960’s, where the same feelings of confusion,
disorientation, mild annoyance, excitement, and anxiety resurfaced. Based on daughter and son’s
behavior at this three ring circus, I became aware that they were likely experiencing similar emotions as
I. At this time, I realized that this atmosphere of attempting to view the three different performances, in
each of the three rings at the same time, may very well be inflicting psychological damage on people. A
one ring circus is the saner circus to attend.
Sometime during the early 1990’s I read an article in the local newspaper that requested volunteers to
provide assistance in a local food pantry and clothing depot. I decided to answer this call and visited this
organization where I stocked food items according to categories on shelves. After completing this job, I
asked the pantry manager to provide me with a schedule to return for repeated assistance. I was told to
come whenever I desired. By my second visit, there were several volunteers in the pantry where we
were bumping into each other as we stocked the shelves. At that point, I did not believe assistance was
needed and so I quit volunteering for this charity.
In the early 1990’s, spouse, daughter, son, and I visited an Amish area of Pennsylvania and Washington
D.C., on two separate long weekend journeys. During our visit to the Amish country, we toured an old
Amish farmhouse where I was enlightened to the mechanics of wind energy used to provide an energy
source to this home. This old technique is only now gaining in popularity as a viable energy source. For
the first time, we visited a wax museum in the area that was eerie and surreal. One child became
frightened, cried, and screamed when viewing a lifelike wax rendition of Abraham Lincoln delivering the
Gettysburg Address. The first and only cat show attended happened to be hosted in the hotel where we
stayed for that weekend. I was in awe of all the various breeds of cats including an unusual hairless
variety. Our first time, three day visit to Washington D.C. reminded me of the time spent in Paris due to
similarities in the architectural designs of both cities. We visited landmark buildings and monuments, an
aquarium, Smithsonian Museums, and toured the White House. This tour required arriving by 5:00 am
to purchase tickets and then wait on an already long line at that early hour to only gain entry to the
White House, several hours later. I thought the wait was worth the visit but chastised myself for not
arriving earlier. I was especially saddened by the viewing of the names of soldiers killed during the
Vietnam War that were engraved at eye level on a simply constructed marble stone monument. A
vendor offered a photograph with a novel life size cardboard rendition of the President and his wife. I
thought this deception to be crazy, but amusing at the same time.
This summer, our family was invited to attend a picnic sponsored by spouse’s employer. The picnic was
held in a lovely wooded area of New Jersey and was administered by a catering business that specialized
in large group outings. Good food and drinks were served, amusements were provided, and raffles for
prizes were won. I could not believe however, the uncivilized behavior of some young people attending
this picnic compound. I was aghast to view a few male youths standing next to the swimming pool, with
genitals exposed and urinating into the pool.
Wanting to become more involved with daughter, her classmates, and the school she attended, I
volunteered to be a class mother and a Daisy Girl Scout co-leader. Meetings were regularly held in the
school cafeteria during after school hours, where a troop of about fifteen girls worked on craft projects.
I suggested to the parent’s of the girls that excursions into the outdoors be planned, that would benefit
the girls. An apple picking excursion, a day fishing outing, and a hike were offered for parental
consideration. These suggestions were declined by most parents due to fears of Lymes disease. By the
time our daughter entered the first grade, another troop was organized based on what seemed to be
religious designations. There was basically a Christian Girl Scout troop and a Jewish Girl Scout troop. I
decided to quit co-leading at this time.
This year I had access to a video camera. Initially pleased with access to this equipment, I quickly
realized that I was missing important events by looking through a lens. Somehow recording and then
viewing the recorded event, was not as relevant and fulfilling as actually viewing the event.
Retrospective: Spouse and I considered the decisions regarding father in laws illness to be extremely
difficult requiring much ethical discussion between spouse and I. A stronger religious affiliation may
have assisted us at that time. I do believe however that God aided us in making the right decision for
father in law regarding his illness. Reading informative books and watching less television can assist one
in maintaining a higher level of intelligence during the times of life that are less intellectually
stimulating. Sometimes divisions of groups within the society serve the purposes of evil. Provide unpaid
volunteers with a schedule to eliminate the appearance of an over abundance of volunteers. Wax
figures and cardboard renditions of people are occult inspired “contributions” to society. It is best to
avoid contact with these types of art forms. Sometimes simple memorials deliver a more effective
message to the public than the larger, grand memorials. It appears as though evil forces are gaining an
increasingly destructive influence over some of the youth.
Historical Accounts 1990: 45
Bell Labs creates a digital optical processor on January 29 that uses light rather than electricity which
may result in the development of faster computers.
McDonald’s, a fast food restaurant opens in Moscow, Russia on January 31.
Large bank accounts are inaccessible in Brazil for eighteen months beginning on March 15.
On June 21, approximately forty thousand people are killed in an earthquake in Iran.
About one thousand five hundred people are killed in a tunnel stampede leading to Mecca on July 2.
Sixteen hundred people are killed in an earthquake in the Philippines on July 16.
McDonald’s, a fast food restaurant opens in China on October 8.
The channel between the United Kingdom and France is established on December 1.
NASA launches the space shuttle Atlantis on a “secret mission”.
West Germany defeats Argentina to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: For years, havoc was wreaked on Alaskan wildlife due to the Exxon Valdez disaster. Alternate
routes to the city of Mecca should be established for pilgrims, to prevent stampede situations. “Happy
Meals” are offered to more people around the world.
Occasionally and at about this time, one would be invited to join with other women for a “girl’s night
out” which sometimes included visits to bars, pubs, and taverns. I would decline these invitations
because of my commitment to spouse and believed that our relationship would be compromised if I
accepted these invitations. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, “married” women (which should have, but did not
include some “married men”), did not singly carouse with friends in nighttime establishments and if they
did, most people believed the marriage to be doomed which usually was the case.
At this time it is appropriate to mention because of an increase in popularity, some parties and practices
of some events that I believe have crossed a line from acceptable morality to unacceptable immorality.
Some people became involved in hosting lingerie parties that apparently seemed to have replaced the
more morally acceptable household items and giftware parties. These lingerie parties were attended by
women who were acquainted with each other. At this kind of party, women were expected to purchase
obscene intimate garments. Coffee and cake were served as usual. For other parties, to replace benign
party games, outside entertainers were hired such as belly dancers and male or female strippers that
were sometimes initially dressed in bizarre and sometimes frightening costumes. Games of physical
activity or skill for children at special events were replaced with immoral face paintings on children that
became increasingly evil with skeletons and devils applied onto the faces of youngsters. Temporary
tattoo’s to attach to one’s body some with rhinestones and other colored “gems” were becoming
commonplace. Salon birthday parties, with a focus on cosmetics applied to young girls became
prevalent. Discotheque, laser gun tag, and slumber parties which should be of concern to parents in an
evil society, and other outlandish birthday parties for young children hosted by parents at home and
establishments, were becoming commonplace. The above mentioned parties replaced the more morally
acceptable children’s parties of the past that consisted of serving cake and ice cream, opening the gifts
and thanking the guests for these gifts, and providing for a few children’s games such as pin the tail on
the donkey, musical chairs, and bobbing for apples for some examples.
Many children were no longer involved in “free play” situations with other neighborhood children. The
scheduling of play dates became commonplace where calendars were marked with appointment times
for child socialization. I refused to agree with this new procedure for arranging playtime and so the
children of parents who did this, did not play with our children due to the absence of the spontaneity to
socialize with a friend. In other words, getting together to play with a friend became a “forced” situation
because of a parental desire to adhere to a playtime schedule. I also noticed an increasing lack of
respect shown by children to adults. Many children began to address adults by their first name with
permission granted by some adults to do this. This general lack of respect for adults by children can lead
to a lack of obedience shown by children when chastised for bad behavior or dangerous behavior, by the
adult in authority. Also noted were the presumptuous and rude behaviors of some child guests who
helped themselves without asking permission to food items in the visiting household. I also noticed that
small groups of children when playing together with minimal adult supervision resulted in destructive
behaviors, such as the wanton throwing of toys around a room. Additionally, this behavior suggests a
lack of ability regarding an organization of play, by the children. Outdoor play sometimes consisted of
children screaming when engaged in an activity which I despised as this behavior created an anxiety in
me due to a sensing that perhaps a child was physically injured.
My life became increasingly hectic due to the running to our children’s school for a variety of reasons
including scouts, PTA (parent teacher association) meetings and events, class mother duties, and the
frequent bringing and returning of our children to and from school. The birthday parties of children’s
classmates consumed many weekend hours due to the transporting of our children and the cordial,
friendly conversation with other parents whose children were also attending these parties. I began to
wonder how parents with more than two children could manage the logistics of this society’s
requirements. Religious education scheduled one day a week at the local Catholic parish also
necessitated the transport of daughter and son. Also, to help at the parish and gain teaching experience,
I volunteered to teach a second grade religion Communion class. To digress a bit, I was surprised when
provided with a monetary payment at some point during the religious education term. When first
provided with a check, I inquired about the reason for this payment. It was stated to me that a small
stipend was paid by the Church to cover teacher’s costs. This was completely unexpected and I stated
this to a religious education staff member. The staff member said that the policy is to issue the check
but the money could be donated back to the Church. In addition to all the above activities, I was
enrolled in nine credits of courses per semester at the university that demanded time for class, study,
and research assignments. Spouse also continued to travel extensively with his job which necessitated
the delegation of all household and yard upkeep responsibilities to me. In the autumn of this year,
spouse had resigned from his current job to accept another job with a higher salary and more
responsibility. This job required more extensive and frequent travel. To boost my energy level, I
purchased a box of “energy” vitamins that contained individual packets of about five vitamins in each
packet to be consumed daily according to the directions on the box. On day two of ingesting these
vitamins, I became sick and nauseous disgorging the contents of my stomach. Later, I thought that
possibly I experienced a bout of vitamin poisoning and that this quantity of vitamins prescribed to be
ingested, was dangerous to people.
Telephone calls provided a constant disruption to my schedule and diverted my focus from the tasks at
hand, creating a frustration and annoyance in me. Some people began to purchase answering machines
which aggravated me further as the person telephoned by me answered my telephone call at their
convenience through this message system and I answered the caller’s call at the caller’s convenience.
Eventually, I too purchased an answering machine which over time became a ridiculous situation as call
back messages went back and forth via these machines. It was confirmed in thought and spoken about
with family members at about this time, that I would write an autobiography sometime in the future
about the life of the common, average person living in the United States, during this day and age.
For our tenth anniversary, spouse and I visited the Bahamas for five days and four nights without
daughter and son who stayed at mother and father’s home. This vacation provided me with a well
needed rest and relaxation. I thought some of the man made atmosphere in the resort where we stayed
to be incredible. Spouse and I dined in restaurants contained within the resort that specialized in various
international cuisines. These restaurants made one almost sense that he or she was dining in the
country where the kind of cuisines were served, due to the extraordinary and illusionary decorating
schemes. I was worried, anxious, and perturbed however, with wild jet skiers who were driving these
vehicles too close to ocean bathers.
Earlier in the summer, a family vacation was spent on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I noticed that beach
erosion on some areas of the Cape was great when comparing the beach area to earlier childhood visits.
On this visit we avoided visiting artistic and “bohemian” Provincetown where many homosexuals reside,
due to the growing epidemic of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) among the homosexual
population. I believed that this virus could be transmitted through a mosquito bite as in the case of the
virus of yellow fever.
Retrospective: Some aspects of the decade of the 1990’s initiated many people into a “pre-hell”. People
should decline invitations to immoral gatherings. If one is surprised at some unexpected immorality at a
gathering or event, one should leave. Festivals and events containing aspects of evil should be avoided.
As more adults engage in immoral behavior, so do children. Also, engagements in immoral behavior by
the individual, when not a subscriber to evil occult philosophy, many times, results in reduced
intelligence. Eliminating unnecessary outside activities reduces stress, provides for more family
productiveness, and the maintenance of sanity. In the past it was considered rude not to open birthday
gifts and personally thank the gift giver at the birthday party. It is remarkable and bizarre that many
people today cannot seem to be without a mobile cellular telephone. Perhaps this phenomenon is
related to increasing abortions within world societies (surgical, drug, and laboratory). Many people in
the early half of the 1990’s and before, regarded most telephone calls which were land line based, as an
interruption and a nuisance. The corruption of the real environment creates problems of perception in
the individual that evil uses to gain power and control over the population.
Historical Accounts 1991: 46
An earthquake kills approximately one thousand two hundred people in Pakistan and Afghanistan on
February 1.
A well known media promoted physician, assists patients with suicide. One State revokes his medical
license on February 5.
Operation Desert Storm ends on February 28. Approximately thirty five thousand people are killed in
this seven month war.
The Croatian War begins on March 31. More than ten thousand people lost their lives in this civil war.
A cyclone kills one hundred and thirty eight thousand people in Bangladesh on April 29.
A bank is indicted for defrauding depositors of five billion dollars on July 29.
The deception of the dissolution of the Soviet Union occurs. Illuminated Communists have likely
assumed control of the world.
Remarks: Physician assisted suicide makes its debut. Many people die in a cyclone. This author has
suggested the reading of some books and websites in the bibliography of this book to substantiate the
fact that world power and control has been assumed by a relatively few individuals largely due to the
fact that a majority of people no longer abide by The Ten Commandments, avoid Capital Sins and
Father in law, a strong and determined man for his age continued to farm an acre of property
surrounding his home where he mostly grew tomato plants. Some of these tomatoes that he harvested
were the size of large grapefruits that he shared with family and neighbors. He also raised chickens,
rabbits, and owned a flock of fancy pigeons. One day he desired to remove himself of the pigeon hobby
and so captured these birds and put them in a box that was then loaded into his automobile. He drove
many miles away with them and then released the birds into a large wooded parkland area. Upon
arriving home from this trek, he saw the pigeons waiting for him on their perch outside of his house. By
the autumn however, father in law, a feisty eighty two year old World War II veteran, had to be
hospitalized for a condition that was apparently not related to his terminal diagnosis. After a day or so,
father in law commented to spouse about the good and friendly care he was receiving at the hospital.
He remarked that many physicians stopped by at his assigned room to greet him and inquire about his
health. Expecting him to be quickly released from the hospital, spouse and I were horrified when
informed by a hospital staff member that father in law had suffered a debilitating disorder rendering
him incapable of speech and the consumption of food and liquids. The physician advised spouse and I
that a feeding tube inserted into father in laws abdomen could result in infections. While spouse and I
were debating the insertion of this feeding tube for about half a day, father in law died, relieving us of
this difficult decision. Father in law passed away less than one week after entering the hospital, leaving a
void in our lives that was never to be replaced. Father in law was given a Russian Orthodox funeral on a
cold, drizzly, dreary, dark day in November. Daughter and son did not attend the wake due to the usual
protocol of the open casket but did attend the funeral. After the funeral, it was expected that spouse
and I would host a gathering of the funeral attendees. I was not in the mood to entertain after this
gloomy event but agreed with social protocol and provided a meal to the guests after the funeral.
As this was my first experience in arranging for a wake and funeral one was aghast at the procedure
involved in the selection of a coffin. The arranger of the wake invited spouse and I into a room at the
funeral parlor containing several coffins. Here we received a “sales pitch” on the benefits of the
different coffins offered. I was sickened by this procedure believing it to be insane and bizarre. After this
“shopping experience” I stated to spouse that all dead people should have the same decent coffin
offered to relatives for funeral services. Another idea would be to allow the family to privately inspect
the different coffins with the prices displayed of the various coffins and then to provide the funeral
arranger with their decision regarding the selection of the casket.
By the middle of spring, daughter was completing her requirements to receive the Sacrament of
Communion. The instructor responsible for the student practice of the Church Communion ceremony
was a nun. In the Church, a considerable number of mothers expressed outrage over some of the
aspects of the Communion ceremony. I could not believe at that time that some people would dare to
question the authority of a nun concerning religious procedures. Having completed the Sacrament of
Reconciliation, daughter, participated with other children in receiving her first Holy Communion Host. A
large family party was held at our home to celebrate this occasion.
University studies were coming to an end with my final year requiring teaching and classroom
observations and a student teaching experience in the last semester. In the spring, two classroom
observations, one for reading and one for mathematics were required. The public school reading
instructional observation experience began with the teacher providing a general instruction to the entire
class on topics of reading, including comprehension, grammar, and writing skills. After completing this
instruction, students proceeded to their reading group where the expectations were to complete other
assignments in a group setting. One teacher was assigned to oversee several reading groups with each
reading group assigned different reading curriculum that was based on individual student assessments.
The second experience was an observation of a parochial school’s mathematics class. After the teacher
provided the students with a mathematics lesson shown on the chalkboard, students were told to
reference previously assigned work. Proceeding by rows, every student had the opportunity to state an
assigned problem, explain how the problem was solved, and provide the answer to the class. This
instruction was rote and methodical and provided an ease of understanding.
In the autumn, I was assigned to two public elementary school teachers, spending approximately two
months in each classroom. The first experience required the teacher to spend about three to four weeks
preparing the children to learn after the extended summer vacation. Many students appeared restless
and seemed to lack an ability to focus on the lessons at hand. After the students became accustomed to
the classroom routine, the teacher progressed slowly with the curriculum. I noticed that when the pace
of teaching and work assignments increased, sloppy and incomprehensible class work was returned by a
considerable number of students. I further noticed that some children lack the ability to write as they
speak. Provided a child is speaking properly, there should be no reason why this language cannot be
written comprehensibly. Possibly due to anxieties and the inability to slow down, comprehensible
sentences are extremely difficult for some children to write. The children seemed also to be motivated
by a materialistic reward system where stickers or school supply items would be awarded for returning
the careful completion of school assignments. During this two month observation and participation
experience I noted that the student’s behavior and demeanor changed from a general disengagement to
alertness and disciplined preparedness for learning. It was at this time that I noticed the disruptions that
occur when students are removed from the classroom for remedial or enrichment curriculum with a
specialized teacher. These interruptions occur on a daily basis, sometimes two times a day. The children
return back to the classroom in a confused and somewhat disoriented state of being. The classroom
teacher at this time interrupts classroom instruction to inform the absent students of the missed lessons
and the expectations of the students, to complete that work. I suggested that students requiring
specialized instruction be given this either before school, during recess, or after school to benefit all
concerned. I noticed that some students suffered from considerable emotional problems due to societal
abuses included in general immoralities, which can be expected in an evil society. For examples, a
student showed me a burn mark apparently inflicted by an adult on the student’s body. This was
reported. In another case, a quiet and seemingly congenial student unexpectedly lashed out for no
apparent reason and knocked over this student’s desk, during instruction time. The student was
removed from the classroom. Another student occasionally left school grounds during less supervised
times such as recess, knowing full well of the punishment the student would incur for this repeated
behavior. The second student teaching assignment began after the term was well underway. This
teacher covered the curriculum at a brisk pace where students were expected to maintain their focus,
follow instructions, and move at a moderate rate during the transition from one subject to another.
There were considerable behavioral problems with these students, which required an interruption of
the lessons for reprimands.
Between my university educational experiences and my experiences with daughter and son’s schooling,
I noted some “catch all” phrases that people seemed to be believing and adhering to, including myself at
this time. For examples, “It does not matter what children are reading, as long as they are reading” and
“It is more important that children write down their thoughts and stories than to pay attention to
proper English grammar and the spelling of words”. It was also believed that some children were
“learning disabled”. The first phrase, “It does not matter what children are reading as long as they are
reading” probably inflicted much damage on the youth. For example, a popular series of books
marketed to children between the ages of eight and twelve years old known as “Goosebumps” was a
destructively evil set of reading material designed to engage children in occult practices. The second
phrase “It is more important that children write their thoughts and stories than pay attention to the
spelling of words”, became known as “inventive spelling” and was accepted by teachers so therefore the
spelling of words were not corrected in written assignments. This practice perpetuated an increasing
amount of errors in all of the student’s written work. One reason stated for the acceptance of “inventive
spelling” was that educators did not want to harm the self esteem of the beginning writer. I also began
to realize that some teachers had other jobs after their jobs teaching at school, where the acceptance of
“inventive spelling” for example, became a convenient reason not to thoroughly correct student’s work.
When I attended public school, the quantity of assignments and instructional practice was much greater
necessitating plenty of teacher time required, to correct the work of students. In my opinion, many so
called “learning disabled” children fail to understand certain disorganized classroom procedures and the
general dynamics of the classroom. In addition, it was not uncommon for one third of students in a
classroom to be under the influence of the teratogenic drug Ritalin ingested for apparent concentration
problems. The potential for short and long term detrimental effects of this drug on children and others
warrants investigation. It should also be noted here that certain apparel worn by some students
distracts other students from their studies. For example, shoes with flashing lights, regardless of what
school personnel may tell one, causes a distraction to many people including students and teachers.
Retrospective: If I had been previously informed that the casket was to remain open during father in
laws Russian Orthodox funeral ceremony, young daughter and son would not have attended this mass. I
thought the process in the selection of a coffin to be bizarre and unnerving. It is my opinion that all
people, after death, should have the same decent coffin. The first Bible our family received was
thankfully provided by the arrangers of the wake. This Bible greatly assisted me by the beginning of this
century, in the understanding of how religion, history, social studies, and science are interrelated. After
reviewing father in laws hospital bill, apparently every greeting by a physician cost at least $100, as
there were many charges on the bill for about this amount. In conjunction with a return to morality in
the general society which consists of abiding by The Ten Commandments and avoiding Capital Sins and
Abominations, to help correct the learning problems of children, a return to individual seating
arrangements with a greater reliance on textbook, workbook, and writing instruction would likely
eliminate the decline of student academic achievement that is so prevalent in the public schools today.
It is also suggested that to significantly increase student achievement, Bible study should be
incorporated into all public school curriculum because any education is grossly incomplete without this
study. With the implementation of these suggestions, children become self motivated and self rewarded
when good work is accomplished at school which eliminates the need for special privileges or
materialistic rewards to be disbursed to students, for accomplishing school requirements. Perhaps the
lengthy summer vacation should be reduced to prevent the loss of some school skills requiring extensive
reviews in the next grade, to regain these skills.
Historical Accounts 1992: 47
A war between El Salvador and rebels ends on January 16 after twelve years of fighting that resulted in
the deaths of seventy five thousand people.
Hurricane Andrew strikes South Florida on August 23 causing $26.5 billion in damages. No human
casualties are reported.
Hurricane Iniki that caused $1.8 billion in damages to the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai and O’ahu on
September 11 was reported to have caused six deaths.
Riots beginning in December in India kill more than one thousand people.
An earthquake in Indonesia on December 12 kills approximately two thousand five hundred people.
A civil war in Afghanistan that continues to this day has killed more than one million people.
NASA launches the first flight of space shuttle Endeavour.
Remarks: It appears that some major storms incredibly and unbelievably, have resulted in relatively low
human casualties.
By January, I had completed the studies at the university, for a master’s degree in elementary education.
I attended the graduation ceremony in May earning a MS (master in science) degree with a 4.0
graduating cumulative grade point average. At about this time, one planned to return to academia to
earn a PhD in a field of which I was uncertain.
Most of our spare time during the spring, summer, and autumn was consumed with repairing the
inherited house of father in law. Spouse and I desired to rent the house until the time daughter and son
were grown where we seriously contemplated dividing the property in two and giving each child a half
acre lot to build their own home. I wanted daughter and son to remain close throughout their lives,
assisting each other when needs arose. The house was a small two bedroom cottage that was originally
built in the 1920’s most likely used as a summer home as there was no insulation in the outside walls.
Some of the interior of the exterior walls were removed due to extensive damage where we noted that
newspapers from the 1920’s were used as what appeared to be, a kind of insulation between the inside
lathe and the outside wall. Father, brother, spouse, and I insulated the exterior walls and then sheet
rocked the interior side of the walls. The house water was derived from a well on the property that left
rust stains on the porcelain plumbing fixtures. The health department was contacted to test the safety
of this water for consumption. It was determined by them that the water was safe to drink, but
contained a high iron content caused from the pipe leading from the well to the house. The rust stains
necessitated the cleaning of the porcelain fixtures daily so I investigated connecting a water pipe from
the house to town water. A neighbor told me that there was a waterline in the street running adjacent
to the house. This was also verified to me by a representative of the water company. With this
information, an excavator was hired to dig a trench for the waterline. A plumber was hired to convert
the well water system to a town water system and to install the water pipe from the house to the street.
When the line was ready to be connected, I telephoned the water company to schedule a connection
date. At about this time, I was informed by the water company that there was no water line in the
roadway in front of the house. I was greatly perturbed at the original information provided to me by a
water company representative and requested that restitution be paid to reimburse us for the expenses
incurred that were apparently due to the negligence of a water company employee. After much contact
with the water company, restitution for costs incurred were finally provided by this corporation. Months
later, another neighbor positively informed me that there was a water line in the road that extended for
the entire length of the road. A business that specialized in the sale and installation of carpet was hired
to provide flooring in an area of the house. Instead of parking their large truck on the driveway and
carrying the rolled carpet to the house, the driver of the truck drove this vehicle onto the lawn and as far
as possible to the door of the house. After the carpet was installed, the driver of the truck attempted to
back out of the yard. The truck tires became stuck in the soft soil under the grass leaving us with a
significantly damaged front yard to repair. An apology was offered by the carpet company. In early
autumn, the house was in good condition and available to be rented. Our philosophy regarding the
determination of a rental fee was to set a monthly rental price significantly below comparable rentals in
the area. Through this reduced rent, spouse and I hoped that the tenant would be satisfied and would
not damage the property. By October, spouse rented the house to a man and his elderly mother. Spouse
was impressed that this man knew much about construction and even offered to make minor repairs on
the house if needed. I had mentioned to the tenants that the electric heat in the house could result in
large utility bills for these renters. The tenant seemed unconcerned with this notification until receiving
the first bill. Within two months, the tenant expressed his outrage over the cost of this energy source. At
this time, spouse and I purchased a wood burning stove that was inserted into the fireplace of the
home. Thereafter, the tenant complained that the house was too hot requiring the opening of windows.
I applied for an elementary teaching school job with three school districts near to our home. I was
hoping to receive a teaching job that was confirmed by the late spring, to begin in September as I
believed that summer preparation would provide for a good classroom organization and plan. But for
the interim, I applied to several school districts for substitute teaching and was called in to substitute in
many classrooms. Substitute teaching can be anxiety producing as one never knows what to expect in
each new classroom of assignment. Some teachers leave no plan or minimal plan for the day. Student’s
many times also take advantage of the substitute teacher’s unfamiliarity with a classroom routine and
behave atrociously. Other teachers are better organized for absences with plenty of review work that is
clearly labeled for use by the substitute teacher. Sometimes the students in these classrooms are also
previously advised that there will be a punishment for misbehaving with a substitute teacher. Some of
my experiences substituting were in special education classrooms. These classrooms contained less than
one half of the number of students of a regular classroom. Here I noted a wide range of abilities and
disabilities of the students contained in one classroom. Some students appeared to be normal while
others appeared retarded. I wondered about the effect of those students with greater disabilities on
those students who appeared normal. I was also astonished at the number of special education
classrooms contained in some elementary schools. When I attended elementary school in the same
area, special education classes were virtually nonexistent. Except for special education, where there are
usually two teachers assigned to a classroom, I can offer some suggestions to classroom teachers for the
smooth functioning of their class during times of teacher absences with the following: Assign to
substitute teachers the class reading of textbooks where students can take turns orally reading from the
textbook. Assign review questions usually shown at the end of textbook chapters, to be answered in
written format and returned to the teacher. Assign review tests to maintain order and quiet in the
classroom. Provide the substitute with plenty of worksheet materials. Provide a book of literature to be
read to the class by the substitute teacher. Ask the substitute teacher to provide the names of those
students who are misbehaving for future punishment. By September, I had not procured a teaching job
but was offered a job of teaching assistant which I accepted in my mind as a one year “stepping stone”
to a permanent teaching job. This teaching assistant job was part time where I worked with small groups
of students on reading, writing, and comprehension skills. It is my opinion that the noise level
permeating from other reading groups contained in the classroom results in a distraction that effects
the concentration of both students and teachers.
A suggestion was provided by spouse and me to son during this autumn, to join a young boys’ soccer
team that was established in the area. Son was congenial to this suggestion and so he became a
member of this young boy’s team. There were a few practices prior to the first game played where the
coaches introduced the boys to the rules and mechanics of the game. The first game was played
between two teams on a middle school’s sports field. During the game, I could not believe how the
tempers of some people and one particular coach were flaring based on some of the young boy’s
performances on the field which seemed to create further anxiety in the boys. One boy was found
running in the wrong direction and was subjected to the red faced anger and derogatory remarks of a
coach. After viewing this incident, spouse and I decided that son would no longer be participating in this
One snowy, cold and icy winter evening after gratefully arriving safely home from work and errands, I
realized that there were few groceries in our home to prepare dinner. One of our children suggested
that food be ordered from a restaurant providing delivery service. I stated to daughter and son that if
one believes that the weather to be too dangerous for driving, then one should not expect another to
drive in said weather to service the person who is unwilling to venture out in the weather him or herself.
Years later a person known to me and as part of the person’s job requirement, was to deliver prepared
foods to people. This person stated that food delivery requests to private homes are busiest during
snow and ice storms and other dangerous inclement weather.
In the spring, spouse, daughter, son, and I vacationed for about one week and a half on the Hawaiian
Island of Maui. We received an excellent discounted price by a major hotel which prompted us to make
these vacation travel arrangements. We realized why the special deal was offered after we arrived at
the hotel. The hotel swimming pool was not available for use as it was being repaired and refurbished. I
remarked to spouse that people should be informed of facts such as this by a hotel prior to confirming
reservations with payment. We spent our holiday visit bathing in the beautiful warm ocean, touring a
plantation, visiting a sugar museum, ascending to the crater of a large volcano, whale watching, and
exploring an interesting roadway with sights along the way to a well known town. Unbeknownst to
spouse and I, the visit to the top of the volcano required the wearing of a sweater or jacket as the
temperature was below freezing with flurries of snow. Needless to say, we were uncomfortable walking
around this crater in summer attire. The road to a popular town with renowned sights along the way
suddenly found us driving on a one lane road designated for two way traffic. In addition, this section of
the road was constructed on the side of a high mountain with no guard rails installed, to prevent a
vehicle from possibly descending off of this mountainous cliff side road. I was petrified and hoped that a
car would not be coming from the opposite direction. At one point along the way we were finally able to
turn the car around. Family members in our rented vehicle were silent until we safely arrived back on
the roadway off of the mountain. I remarked to spouse that signs should be posted warning people not
to drive on this dangerous stretch of roadway. There is a kind of bird native to Maui that caused me
considerable angst while driving. This bird is a mynah bird that travels in small groups and lands at an
alarming rate on roadways in front of oncoming traffic. I remarked to family that this kind of bird
appears to be suicidal. Having a good time on the island of Maui, we departed with many souvenirs and
sections of Plumeria branches that did bloom after a year in potted soil.
Retrospective: It appears as though some people purposely try to aggravate and harass other people for
apparently no rhyme or reason. In an evil society, it is very difficult to please many people. All people
should be informed of procedures, requirements and other “surprises” applicable to them before
agreeing to become involved in a situation. I was aghast to find such a dangerous section of roadway in
the United States, State of Hawaii. I could not find any information to explain the strange behavior of
the Hawaiian mynah birds.
Historical Accounts 1993: 48
United States President Clinton reverses most all pro-life progress in government accomplished over
many years on January 22. 49
A ferry accident in Haiti on February 17 kills one thousand two hundred and fifteen people.
There is an attempt to blow up the World Trade Center from a parking garage in the North Tower on
February 26. Six people die in this explosion.
The World Health Organization declares a crisis on April 23 due to the resurgence of tuberculosis.
Pope John Paul issues encyclical Veritatis Splendor on August 6.
More than one thousand people are killed in Operation Gothic Serpent in Somalia between August 22
and October 13.
More than ten thousand people die in an earthquake on September 30 in India.
NASA launches space shuttle Endeavour to repair the Hubble Telescope.
Remarks: Five executive orders regulating abortion are rescinded with a signature implemented with the
sweeps of a pen.
In June, I completed an application and interviewed for a teaching job at the school where I was teacher
assisting. I was astonished at the number of people participating in this first interview. At a round table
sat several teachers and a school administrator where I was questioned by this group on how I would
teach and manage a classroom of students. My ideas were contrary to some of the accepted school
practices. I believed that a return to the traditional methods of instruction to include a strong reliance
on textbook, workbook, and other relevant materials were the way to successfully teach students. I also
stated that to prevent confusion and disorganization, all students in a classroom should be “on the same
page at the same time” as this philosophy has been proven to be an effective way to teach and learn.
After the interview, it was commented to me by a member of the interview group that the presentation
was good, but the content was rejected. However, I was invited to remain in my current position of
teaching assistant. I departed this job in June, at the end of the school year.
In the early months of this year, I suggested to brother that we host a party for mother and father for
their fortieth, ruby wedding anniversary. Brother and his wife thought this to be a good idea but due to
their time constraints, could not be involved in the planning process. I offered to plan the party and
brother and his wife offered to pay half of the party costs. Reservations were secured at a reception hall
for a Sunday afternoon to accommodate seventy five people. A variety of hors d’oeuvres were arranged
to be served in a room adjacent to the dining room. Three different entrées were selected to be offered
to the guests at the sit down dinner and a three tiered cake was selected to be served for dessert. After
confirming these arrangements with the reception hall, I reserved a disc jockey and a photographer for
that date. Custom invitations were ordered through a greeting card store where mother and father’s
wedding picture was portrayed on the front of the invitation. In addition, small bottles of wine were
purchased as party favors and personalized with mother and father’s anniversary date. The total costs
for this anniversary party were less than one fifth the costs of a comparable wedding reception.
A week following the anniversary party, son having completed the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the
requirements for the Sacrament of Communion, participated with other children in receiving this first
Holy Communion Host. Because of the large party held for mother and father the week prior, a small
gathering with immediate family celebrated this occasion at a favorite restaurant.
By the early spring, the tenant was in arrears with his rental payments. His elderly mother who was
apparently helping to pay the rent had moved out of the house. The tenant repeatedly provided me
with checks returned for insufficient funds. Due to these circumstances I insisted to him that he pay the
rent in cash which he did on two occasions. But by the summer, the tenant was at least two months
behind in rent payments and I was becoming increasingly aggravated with him and his excuses. At that
time, I was beginning to think of filing eviction proceedings against him. Shortly thereafter, I was
contacted by an attorney that the tenant had hired so that he could remain in our house without paying
rent. I could not believe that this action was legal. Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I
informed the tenant that he could remain in our house but that spouse, daughter, son, and I would be
moving in with him. At that point, the tenant moved out leaving his Argentinean Mastiff for us to care
for, for the next eight years. Years later, at a shopping center the attorney who assisted the tenant to
remain in our house without paying rent, was handing out political flyers to promote himself for the
political office of judge. I reminded the attorney of this incident and remarked that he had gall to solicit
my vote for this office of judge. He told me to leave or he would contact the police. I left and made a
personal visit to the police station to report him. This person became judge in town for many years.
Our two week summer vacation was enjoyed visiting the national parks of Yellowstone, Grand Teton,
Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion, Slide Rock and Red Rock. The planning of this vacation began on a
snowy day in January when I reserved accommodations at Yellowstone for a three night stay at different
lodges within the park. In July, airline transportation brought spouse, daughter, son, and I to an airport
in Montana. There we assumed our reserved rental car and drove to the north end of Yellowstone Park
requiring us to pass through a high mountain range. Just prior to crossing the mountain pass, we visited
a town where I entered the largest candy store ever seen. A family restaurant where we dined provided
us with our first tasty meal of chicken fried steak. After dinner we proceeded on our journey through the
mountain pass. At the top of the mountain it was snowing and icy making driving hazardous. The
natural beauty of this area however was breathtaking. Various kinds of wildlife abounded throughout
Yellowstone Park and incredible geological wonders of nature astounded us. Also impressive were the
other parks visited in the nearby area that provided us with a well needed natural, fresh air atmosphere
of enjoyment and relaxation. We departed for home, happy and satisfied, from an airport in Arizona.
For son’s birthday, a party was arranged at the local bowling alley. I was asked by a bowling alley
employee if I would like wedges placed in the gutters of the two lanes reserved. I stated of course not
and asked the reason for this strange inquiry. I was told that some children become upset when their
ball falls into the gutter and so to prevent disappointment and to provide for a child’s positive self
esteem, wedges are placed in the gutter that results in all children knocking down pins.
I began noticing many children with braces on their teeth. I asked a friendly acquaintance why her
daughter was wearing braces as this girl had straight teeth. She informed me of some obscure problem
that was virtually undetectable. Years later, a dentist stated that daughter and son needed braces. I
declined this absurd recommendation as both our children had straight teeth.
During the early 1990’s, I became increasingly aware of a DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)
program offered to the public schools through local police departments. Many schools participated in
this weekly program that required time allotted away from school curriculum, to address the societal
illegal and rampant drug problem. Some children who were left ignorant of drugs and their uses became
well versed in the many varieties of drugs and the effects of these drugs on the human body. The
program was engaging, exciting, and involved students in role playing. The automobiles driven by the
police officers were vehicles confiscated from drug dealers. These cars were often “hot rod” vehicles
that attracted the student’s attention and were awe inspiring to some youths.
At one open house, I noticed and read essays that were written by students and posted in the classroom
and the corridor of the school. The topic of the essay paraphrasing was “If one wish or want could be
fulfilled, what would you ask for”. Most of the content of student’s essays consisted of the desiring of
material goods or personal attributes related to an aptness in sports. Few essays contained desires for
the resolutions of national and world problems.
In 1989, localities in the State of New York began enacting a series of laws regarding the mandatory
wearing of bicycle helmets. The laws first applied to children under the age of five years of age, and then
in later years, expanded to include all ages in some counties. To some people, this law is considerably
oppressive and could be dangerous for one’s health as most body heat escapes from the head. The
wearing of a helmet could cause some people to overheat, causing heat related stress to the body to
include for examples, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Individuals should be relied on to make common
sense decisions regarding the wearing of a bicycle helmet. For example, when first learning to ride a
bicycle perhaps a helmet should be worn, or if one rides a “racing bicycle” ( a bicycle with thin tires)
that can skid easily, then perhaps a helmet should also be worn.
In the autumn while outside raking leaves in our yard, a bus on a scheduled route was driving past our
home. Suddenly, I heard the brakes of the large bus come to a screeching halt to probably avoid hitting a
car that I had seen at about the same time which was turning around and exiting from a neighbor’s
driveway. The driver of the bus exited that vehicle and asked to use our telephone because a man who
was standing on the bus had fallen to the floor and was injured. The paramedics were called and arrived
at the scene and the man was taken away to a hospital by ambulance. At about this time, I observed a
car and a driver driving by this accident scene, that appeared to be the same car seen turning around
earlier in the neighbor’s driveway. I noted the license plate number and provided this to a police officer
called to the scene. By about the following week, I was asked to give two testimonies concerning the
observation of this accident, one to a bus company representative and one to an insurance
representative. Later in 1998, an attorney contacted me at me at my home in Florida and wanted me to
testify in court. I stated that the officials involved in this case had my written testimony given in 1994
and I asked why there was a need for me to appear in court. The attorney stated that the passenger who
was standing on the bus and had fallen to the floor was suing the bus company, the person pulling out
of the neighbor’s driveway was involved, and there were other problems surrounding this case. The
attorney offered to pay my airfare to New York to testify in court. I declined this offer and stated that
our family would soon be moving back to our residence in New York. I also stated that the testimony
that I had given in 1994 was accurate and I questioned my ability, four years later to recall the specifics
of this witnessed accident. Shortly after arriving home in New York in early 1999, an attorney contacted
me to meet at an office located in the town of my residence in New York . After agreeing to meet with
this attorney I was astonished to realize that the meeting was attended by several attorneys about the
specifics of my 1994 testimony. It appeared to me as though through much probing of these several
attorneys that they were trying to convince me through various means to change my 1994 testimony.
Later in the summer of 1999, and after and during evil attacks from evildoers from within the society, a
private investigator came to my home to ask me to sign a paper that was contrary to my original
testimony. After a significant amount of preceived verbal coercion, I still refused to sign this paper. Later
in the autumn of 1999, another attorney came to my home one evening after I arrived home from work
and stated to me that I would be monetarily paid to give my testimony in court concerning this case. At
that point, I became perturbed and told this attorney that I would no longer be assisting them in this
Retrospective: It is good for business to employ over qualified people in low paid jobs. Price gouging
seems to be evident for certain celebrations. The laws in the United States seem to protect immoral
people to the detriment of moral people. A vacation in a natural, pristine environment provides for
peace of mind. Disappointments are an expectation of life for which children should be well prepared.
Skill is not mastered when cheating is permissible. Installing braces on the teeth of children for little to
no reason is one of many examples as to the reason why many of us pay extraordinarily high insurance
premiums. In some ways, the DARE program could entice some students into becoming involved with
drugs due to the many exciting aspects, fanfare, and content of the presentations. When I attended
junior high school, students were required to individually submit an extensive semester report for a
class in health, on the dangers of drug use. The corrupt treatment of witnesses by authorities is perhaps
one reason why people do not want to become involved or assist in helping others in legal or other
situations. All passengers should remain seated on a bus until the bus stops.
Historical Accounts 1994: 50
In January, a United States physician’s organization endorses the training of laymen to provide
The Rwandan genocide begins in April resulting in the estimated murders of one million people.
A tunnel connecting England with France is completed on May 6.
Sweden legalizes civil unions between homosexuals on December 19.
The NASA space probe Magellan is destroyed in the atmosphere of Venus.
Brazil defeats Italy to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: Blood money is satisfied with the deaths of multitudes of people. An engineering feat is
completed after many years. Back alley abortionists are resurfacing. The acceptance of homosexuality,
thereby increasing the prevalence of homosexuality, is agreed upon by the mainstream society.
The firm of spouse’s employment advised him of the necessity to relocate to South Florida. I thought
this directive to be incredulous and asked spouse for clarification and the firm’s reasons and motives for
this transfer of our family. Among other reasons, spouse stated that a consolidation of a sales
department was desired by management. I inquired of spouse about the possibility of seeking another
job within the industry of his experience but he was not pleased with this suggestion as he liked his
current job at this firm. Deciding to make the best of the situation, we were invited on an exploratory
visit by the corporation, to view our possible new area of residency. So in February, spouse, daughter,
son, and I departed for a long weekend to a city in South Florida. Combining leisure activities with
inquiries into the costs of housing in the area, we departed South Florida with a positive preliminary
view and attitude concerning this relocation. A major concern of mine regarding the move was the
quality of education in this area as I had heard negative comments concerning the city’s public schools.
One stipulation that I had with regard to the move, is that we maintain our residence in New York to
provide an easier return for our family should the transfer be deemed detrimental. In April, spouse,
daughter, son, and I departed for a long weekend on a house seeking expedition to South Florida,
leaving our two dogs a Golden Retriever and an Argentinean Mastiff, in the care of mother and father.
After viewing several houses, spouse and I settled on purchasing the first house viewed, a four bedroom
ranch house built in 1960, with a nice pool on one third acre of property that was situated on a main
road but was abutting a typical 1960’s, early 1970’s neighborhood. It was at about this time that I began
noticing the confusing and disorganized layouts of some of the newer homes built. Some of these homes
provided me with the sense of being in a maze. Bedrooms were scattered throughout some houses and
not confined to a specific area. Open living areas made it difficult for me to discern exactly which room I
was viewing. Realtors stated that rooms such as these could be designated for any desired living area. I
rejected this kind of house based on in my opinion, a disorganized private living area. Another house
viewed that was for sale was owned by a retired career military man and his wife who raised four
children in the home built sometime during the early 1970’s. The home was located in a nice
neighborhood of similarly styled homes. The home featured four comfortably sized bedrooms, an extra
large living room containing a large television set that was obtrusive, no dining room and a very small
kitchen barely fitting a table built for two. I wondered how a family of six could have shared their meal
together in this tiny kitchen. The reason for the skewed size rooms of the kitchen and living room, with
no dining room became more than apparent to me by 2013. The corporation had hired a relocation
consulting business to provide us with information concerning various aspects of the area, including the
school districts. The home we purchased was purportedly in a good school district of this area of South
Florida. Still uncomfortable with the schools, I decided to investigate private and parochial schools in the
area after moving into the house in early summer.
Upon arriving home from this April trip, a very injured Argentinean Mastiff greeted us at the door of
mother and father’s house. Upset about the physical appearance and condition of this animal, mother
told me that the dog had broken through an all glass door of their house after spying a cat in the
backyard. The dog, bleeding profusely, was taken by mother and father to a veterinarian where many
stitches were required. After several weeks recuperation, the dog recovered.
Daughter and son seemed to be pleased and happy concerning this move but were dismayed with
leaving school friends who were invited to visit us if in the area of our new home. Over this three year
transfer period, several friends, immediate family members, and extended family members did visit us.
During the time of the proceedings to close on the house in Florida, I contacted a realtor to rent our
residence in New York to pay for our taxes and other costs on this residence. The house was leased to a
congenial couple and their child. Previously, reliable and responsible tenants were selected by me to
lease father in laws former house. Mother agreed to collect the rents, pay the taxes, mortgage, and
other expenses and handle minor repairs through the contacting of tradesmen if necessary. This was a
big relief to me as I was unsure how I would manage this real estate from a distance of over a thousand
miles. At that time, I had a local or location mentality where I believed that physical presence in an area
was a necessary ingredient for functionality. And so, with the above concerns resolved, mother, a
cousin, and I departed for Florida to paint the newly purchased house and arrange for new carpeting to
be installed in this home. Minor repairs were also necessary which we decided to resolve after moving
into the house.
Prior to moving, I discussed with daughter and son the sorting through of their numerous toys and the
subsequent decisions involved in deciding which toys to keep. I too decided to purge our home of
unwanted or unnecessary household belongings. We decided to sell these items at our first and only
garage/yard sale. Most all of the items were priced under $5.00 with the majority of items priced below
$1.00. I could not believe how some people still insisted on bargaining to receive a cheaper price on an
already ridiculously low price. At that point, I decided that in the future I would donate all unwanted
household items to charity.
On a hot, stifling day in early July, we supervised the moving company who loaded our furnishings and
belongings into a large truck to be moved into the newly purchased home in Florida. The truck departed
one day prior to our family as we decided to spend the night at mother and father’s house, to start fresh
on our travel early the next morning. We awoke early the following day and drove to our home to
survey the house for the last time prior to the moving in of tenants. While out on the deck of the house,
spouse saw our cat that had disappeared months earlier, running towards our home. The cat bounded
onto the deck, excited and seemingly relieved to see us. We were pleased that this cared for pet
returned to us who was apparently lost for months in the neighborhood, but I could not believe the cat
returned at such an inopportune time. Fortunately, mother and father had a cat carrier available for us
to use on this extensive road travel trip to South Florida. So, before 9:00 am, spouse, daughter, son, and
I departed in two vehicles for Florida. In addition to two people in each car, each car contained a large
dog, one car contained our long lost cat, and the other car contained daughter’s gerbils.
Our trek to Florida involved several stops along the way to relieve ourselves and our pets. We stayed
overnight at a middle way point in South Carolina. The following day, we passed the moving truck
containing our belongings on the interstate and early the next morning, we met the moving truck at our
home in Florida. After unpacking and settling into this house, many minor repairs were made by
ourselves and through the hiring of tradesmen. There were substantial differentials in the costs to hire
tradesmen in Florida versus New York where qualified people in Florida could be hired for considerably
less money.
A first priority was to investigate the schools in the area. The elementary school son would attend I
believed to be aesthetically and academically sufficient. The middle school daughter would attend I was
not impressed with due to two factors. The physical appearance of the school was a windowless building
reminding me of a jail. Also, many school personnel were inattentive in acknowledging me as I waited
for a considerable time at a counter in the school’s administrative office, before leaving. It was at this
time that I thought about homeschooling but as I had no internet access, I was lost in understanding on
how to proceed with this arrangement and time was of the essence as the beginning of school was just a
few weeks away. Private schools in the area were for the most part were expensive and some of the
curriculum shown to be taught at some of these schools, appeared odd to me. Finally, spouse and I
decided to send daughter and son to a Catholic school where I transported our children back and forth
on a weekday daily basis. Daughter and son liked this school and son became involved in school
activities. Son joined the Boy Scouts and the school track team and received a commendation from a
Florida congressional representative for academic excellence. Daughter continued with her previous
interest in gymnastics.
Throughout childhood that began with the planting of flower seeds that were purchased through a PTA
school fundraiser and enjoying the results of these plantings, I increasingly developed throughout my
life an interest in plants and gardening. The house spouse and I purchased in South Florida was set on a
property containing many unusual and interesting trees, shrubs, and plants. As a matter of fact, one
reason for purchasing this house was that an old majestic ficus (banyon) tree was located on the front
yard of the property. The yard contained other trees such as coconut palms, carambola (star fruit),
papaya, guava, mango, sugar apple, jack fruit, longan ( bearing fruit similar to lychee in taste), tamarind
(used to manufacture worcestershire sauce), meyer lemon (a green citrus fruit resembling a lime), wax
jambu otherwise known as a rose apple and more. I learned that due to nematodes and other pests
inhabiting the soil that it is required that citrus trees and some other varieties of trees in South Florida
need to be grafted onto the roots of another tree that is immune to these pests, to insure healthy
growth. One fruit tree that was especially prolific in fruit yield in our yard was the sugar apple. One
stated to spouse that this fruit could easily compete with the sugar cane industry in quantity available
related to price to offer people an alternative to cane sugar. In other words, I believe that the same
amount or weight of sugar apple fructose sugar could be purchased for the same or similar price as
sugar cane based on the prolific yield of this tree. Fructose as some people know is healthier and more
easily metabolized by the body than sucrose and so is especially beneficial to the digestive systems of
children and the elderly. The method to derive sugar from the sugar apple would also likely be simpler
than the processes involved in deriving sugar from cane.
One day after shopping in a local supermarket, a horrific thunderstorm began just minutes before I was
about to exit the supermarket. After waiting for sometime in the store, the rain unabatedly continued. A
store employee offered and then gave me an umbrella someone else had lost, to shield me from this
extended and heavy rainstorm. The employee insisted that I keep the umbrella. This act of kindness was
When first arriving at our home in South Florida, I realized how attuned I was to the surrounding
perimeter of my being. On our property and throughout the area many quickly moving lizards dwelled
causing me to jump with each movement of these creatures that were within the vicinity. By the end of
our stay in Florida, I was no longer as jumpy and was more relaxed with the disturbing actions of not
only lizards but of others, including both animals and people. I credit this “lizard training” for providing
me with a more relaxed disposition.
During the summer, I encouraged daughter and son to become familiar with the neighborhood and
hopefully meet other children within their age group. A park was nearby that I gave permission for
daughter and son to independently visit. One day daughter and son arrived home from this park with a
pail filled with water containing mosquito fish that they had caught in a canal in the park. I looked at
their legs thinking that mud was splattered on their calves and shins. Within seconds I realized that this
was not mud but leeches. I forbid them to venture into this canal for this reason. A few weeks later I
provided daughter and son with another good reason for not entering the canal as I viewed a water
moccasin snake curled up at the canal’s water’s edge. A short time later, I was disturbed by a story in the
local newspaper of a young boy who was murdered on his way home from school. I did not allow
daughter and son to independently visit this park again after reading this story.
Retrospective: I had nagging thoughts that we may not like this new area and mistrusted the
corporation’s reasons for the relocation. I had heard about other people who were relocated due to a
corporate move who regretted selling their home in their former area of residence, as they later found
themselves without a job shortly after moving. If my family was contented in Florida after approximately
five years, we intended to sell our residence in New York but maintain father in laws former home. I
found the relocation expert hired by the corporation to be helpful in familiarizing us with living in this
new area of the country. The consultant hired was a person who lived in this area of South Florida for
many years and thus could offer much advice as well as statistical information. An all glass door has
been responsible for many injuries and deaths over the years. It is wise to attach decals or some other
identification to clear glass so both people and animals recognize this kind of barrier and door. Some
people who are unfamiliar with the computer and the internet still view life on a local level. We more
frequently had repairs accomplished on our home in Florida due to the reduced costs of hiring
tradesmen. Home schooling children is much easier today because of the internet as much and varied
school curriculum can be found on this medium. At times I saw groups of children jumping from a bridge
in the nearby park into the canal to swim. Perhaps the posting of signs regarding dangerous wildlife
inhabiting the canals such as poisonous snakes and alligators would dissuade youths from this activity.
Historical Accounts 1995: 51
An earthquake occurring on January 17 in Japan kills about five thousand people.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average surpasses 4000 for the first time on February 23.
A computer hacker is arrested for infiltrating security protected computer systems on February 15.
Pope John Paul II issues the encyclical The Gospel of Life on March 30.
Valeri Polyakov becomes the first person to remain the longest in space on March 22.
A bomb destroys a large United States federal building on April 19 in the State of Oklahoma killing one
hundred and sixty eight people.
An earthquake in Russia occurring on May 28 kills about two thousand people.
About eight thousand five hundred people are killed in Bosnia.
NASA’s space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir space station.
Remarks: Spouse returned from a business trip in the former country of Yugoslavia and showed me a
book given to him there. The book depicted artist renditions of the Bosnian genocide where the heads
of people were shown being kicked around a field like balls. It was suggested that we deliver this book to
the United Nations. One was horrified at these renditions and discarded the book. A member of a
militia group destroys a government building in Oklahoma. Later, in 2002, I became aware that
apparently this person was found to have in his possession the Operation Vampire Killer 2000 report.
Early in this year, I was informed by a family member that grandmother, the widow of Italian
grandfather had acquired a terminal illness. I was upset and perturbed that kind and congenial
grandmother was suffering. In August, spouse and I visited with her at her apartment where she was
being cared for by a competent and efficient Polish woman who was referred to a family member by the
Hospice organization. I was saddened during this visit and could not think of what to say. Spouse did
most of the talking to her and I was amazed at how lucid grandmother was as she responded well to a
discussion and conversed intelligently with spouse. It was recommended to us on this visit that we not
return to Florida as the expectation was that grandmother would die within a few days. Annoyed with
this statement, I returned to Florida with spouse as I did believe in miracles and no human being knows
when another human being will die. Life and death are the jurisdiction of God. The following day in the
month of August and after arriving back in Florida, a telephone call was received that beloved
grandmother had passed away. I immediately made arrangements with an airline to transport me back
to New Jersey to attend grandmother’s funeral.
By January, we were well settled into our home and had become familiar with the area of our residence
in Florida. I was busy maintaining the house and yard when I realized that four full days were required to
maintain the premises with Friday reserved for a shopping day. In Florida, the constant raking of leaves
was added to outdoor responsibilities as tropical trees are always shedding their leaves. Spraying to
eliminate bugs was also added to my weekly repertoire. Saturdays and Sundays were reserved for family
time. One beach we inadvertently visited on a section of long beach allowed topless women bathers. No
sign that we viewed informed us of this fact. We vowed never to return to this area of beach and
inquired about and discovered a “family beach”. Later however and in 1998 we saw a young woman on
this “family beach” completely naked and apparently on drugs who was being tormented by some men.
An interesting visit to a national park culminated in producing an anxiety in me as alligators roamed
freely on pedestrian walkways. Another park we visited near to our home to swim and sunbathe had
many raccoons roaming throughout the park that picked through the trash barrels. I expressed my
concern to spouse that these animals could be carrying the rabies virus because raccoons by nature are
nocturnal animals. After smelling a foul odor and noting a large pipe running under this body of water
used for swimming and wading, I thought perhaps that this bathing area was contaminated with
sewerage, so for two reasons we no longer returned to this park to swim and bathe. Eventually, we
discovered quieter areas of beach to visit that were not as decadent and bizarre.
The home purchased by spouse and I was about one half mile from a large salt water bay. One day while
driving along a roadway adjacent to the bay, I noticed an old house that was left to deteriorate facing
the bay that exhibited a sandy beach area in the back of the dilapidated structure. That evening at
dinner, one wondered to spouse why smaller beach areas were not available for community enjoyment
alongside this bay. In planning an outing to the beach in this area of South Florida, one needed to drive
many miles away and through much traffic to attend designated crowded beach areas where exposures
to considerable immoralities were occurring to those attending these beaches.
A few times, we enjoyed excursions on an airboat which brought us through a major wetland area that
contained alligators, unusual and interesting birds, and fish. At some point during this airboat excursion
people on the boat were invited by the guide to step out of the airboat barefoot and onto a spongy,
water covered moss contained in the wetland. Later, I realized how potentially dangerous this action
was as the marsh contained, in addition to alligators, many poisonous snakes.
On one visit to a wildlife sanctuary, I viewed a young couple who was picnicking along a brackish water
tributary that led to the ocean. They were eating food from Styrofoam containers and when finished
eating threw these containers, bags, and other garbage into the tributary. I was greatly perturbed as I
watched this garbage float away in this pristine, natural area.
For my birthday, greeting cards were received from people of my acquaintance. After thoroughly
cleaning our home either on or near my birthday, I received a birthday greeting card in the mail one
afternoon. Sitting down at our dining room table, I proceeded to open the mail beginning with this
birthday card. Upon opening the card, I discovered it to be filled with sequins, small pieces of confetti,
and glitter. I was annoyed as this mess spilled onto our dining room table but was relieved that I did not
open the card while standing inside the area of our home.
Through a discussion with an acquaintance of who was of Cuban heredity, I discovered that vital
medicines such as inexpensive antibiotics were being withheld from many people living in Cuba,
resulting for some people in early deaths. The person explained to me further that when this person or
other family members visited with a physician for their health concerns that they would ask the
physician to prescribe extra antibiotics. This person would then mail the unused antibiotics to extended
family residing in Cuba.
On one occasion while we were entertaining a young child visitor from New York, I reserved
accommodations for the five of us to depart on a one day cruise that began in the morning and ended in
the late afternoon. There were a considerable number of children aboard this small ship. After lunch
time dining, the passengers were invited to attend a show in the lounge/auditorium. Some of the
content of the show was extremely lewd and pornographic and definitely not appropriate for children. I
stated to spouse that all people should be advised of a show’s licentious content prior to entering the
lounge/auditorium, to view a show.
As a family, we became members to area zoos, a botanical garden, and a planetarium and wildlife
center. These memberships were relatively inexpensive and provided us with free unlimited admission
to the facilities for one year. I particularly enjoyed our visits to the botanical garden and daughter and
son enjoyed the zoos and animal parks. I began to realize that one aspect contained in most animal
parks is a program where an “expert” discusses the various habitats and habits of some animals to an
audience of park visitors. The expert many times, handles the wild animals and sometimes invites
audience members to do the same. These kinds of presentations lead some people, including children to
believe that they can handle wildlife when finding these creatures in the natural environment. I would
constantly remind daughter and son that a snake bite by a non venomous snake could still cause an
infection and a bite by a wild animal could cause disease.
Daughter joined with other girls from her school to participate in a cooking contest that was held at a
county fair in a large park. Upon paying admission at a booth and entering the park fairgrounds, I
immediately noticed people bungee jumping from a high platform. This activity created an anxiety in me
where I chose not to watch these bungee participants. I believe this activity to be crazy and dangerous.
Also at this fair was a large tented area containing farm animals. Noticing a large crowd of people
gathered in one area of the tent, I ventured there to see what was occurring. There I saw a highly
distressed cow giving birth to a calf. I thought this to be disgraceful and cruel to the animal to have her
give birth in such a crowded with people and unfamiliar area. I was also concerned with some people
who viewed this trauma, including children, as much blood surrounded the birth area. Another
component of this fair was an exhibit of Native American Indian crafts, and various demonstrations of
American Indian culture including dance and instruction in the ways of Native American Indians. It was
here that I was informed that Native American Indians were permitted by the government to kill
endangered species such as the Florida panther. I believed and stated to spouse, that this law of
exception contributes to an animosity by some people within the general population, to a prejudice
against Native American Indians. Daughter’s team of two girls, were judged to win a third place ribbon
for a meal prepared.
Son became involved with a Boy Scout group from school where he embarked on a camping excursion
with spouse and some others in the group to a camping area on the bank of a large lake. During the
night a large storm struck the area that caused considerable angst to both spouse and son as they
huddled together in a small tent. Spouse and son enjoyed building and racing a pinewood derby car at a
Boy Scout event where they won second place. Another event organized by the regional Boy Scout
group of the area, was a family evening and night Halloween outing that invited participants to explore a
“spooky forest” after dark. The forest was a pine forest where scouts were dressed in ghoulish costumes
and would attempt to frighten people who walked along a dark path through this wooded area. At the
end of the pathway that circled back to the campground, a substantial hole was dug that some people
fell into in this dark area. I was most disgusted with this hole and finale, as some people could have
suffered a serious physical injury due to falling into such a large and unexpected hole.
The family vacation for this year was our first extended excursion on a cruise ship. We vacationed for
one week touring the Eastern Caribbean waters and visiting the islands of St. Thomas, St. Maarten, and a
cruise line private island which we enjoyed. I thought this kind of vacation to be lavish, extreme in some
cases, and well planned by cruise line employees. A full daily itinerary that was placed under the door of
our cabin early each morning created a sense of hurriedness in me, prior to breakfast. The amount of
food and quantity of meals served aboard this ship was gluttonous and many times wasteful as people
would fill their plates with more than they could eat thus discarding the leftover food. I stated to spouse
that two meals and a snack daily would have been more than enough to eat. A disco for young teens did
not allow parental entry which perturbed me greatly. This policy was not stated or posted prior to the
admittance of teens. Port holes that I discovered in an inside the ship’s lounge provided an underwater
view of people bathing and swimming in the pool which provided me with an uncomfortable feeling and
so after that discovery I avoided the activity of swimming in the ship’s pool. Later in 2001-2002, Spouse
daughter, son and I were on a Christmas/New Years cruise where we attended a New Year’s Eve
celebration on the ship. The celebration consisted of viewing the most mind boggling magic show that I
have ever seen. At the end of this show and at midnight the ceiling of the auditorium opened to release
thousands and thousands of balloon and “tons” of confetti resulting in the adults in the audience
becoming knee deep in this celebratory material. I thought this entire evening to be bizarre. Also during
this cruise, a woman with an infant of about ten months old was seated directly in front of me holding
her baby whose head was at her shoulder level. We were seated close to a passage way to the outside
ships’ deck. I was talking to the baby who faced me and who was lively and engaging. The mother, who I
believe was from Spain, appeared not to speak English. Suddenly, a tall heavy set English speaking man
wearing an oversized Disney World tee shirt and who was walking through the passage way grabbed the
baby from the woman arms and tossed the baby in the air a few times catching him each time. A wave
of anxiety overtook me as I observed this scene in disbelief. The woman and mother of the baby had a
frozen smile on her face as she waited for this unknown “goon” to return her child to her. After giving
the child back to the woman we both nodded our heads to the left and the right while engaging in eye
contact as she quickly departed the area with the baby.
By early spring, I began to wonder if my twenty year high school reunion was in the planning process. As
I learned from almost missing my ten year reunion, I knew it necessary to contact the appointed
classmates to inquire of the reunion date, time, and location. In 1986, I was dismayed to realize that
mother and father were not notified by mail or telephone call of my reunion as other classmates parents
were. I could not understand this as my parents address had not changed since high school. About five
hundred people or more, including some spouses, attended the ten year high school reunion in 1986. So
for this year, I contacted a class officer and discovered the date, time, and location of the high school
reunion. Airline transportation and then a car rental, brought spouse and I to this event in August. It was
nice to see my former classmates and interesting to share news. I was disappointed however when only
seventy nine classmates out of a graduating class of four hundred and ninety seven people attended the
event. In 2006, mother and father were contacted this time regarding my class reunion, but I was
homebound due to attacks by evil and too immersed in this project to attend my thirty year high school
reunion. Later, and by 2011 I began to wonder how many former classmates were still living. As one can
note, there was a huge difference in reunion attendance between ten years and twenty years. In an evil
society, vital information is withheld from the population because people are attacked and sometimes
murdered. Therefore it is suggested that high school graduating classes establish a network perhaps on
the internet to communicate with all (based on permission granted by the classmate) fellow classmates.
In December of this year, a teacher had suddenly departed the Catholic school of daughter and son’s
attendance. I was asked if I would like to assume the abruptly departed teacher’s job. After substituting
for two weeks in this upper elementary school classroom and contending with a significant number of
incorrigible youths and also having no time to prepare for this class, I declined this offer. It was at this
time that I became more aware of the extent of immorality in the schools including elementary schools
where I was awakened to the fact that “having an abortion” was common enough even within this
young age group.
Beginning in 1996 to about 2002, there was a marked change in contemporary music. The music
promoted to the youth through media at this time exuberated hypnotic orchestrated melodies perhaps
to further aid in brainwashing and mind controlling the public and especially the youths to engage in
Retrospective: Evil exposes all people to immorality by not clearly labeling through signs for one
example, decadent beaches. Some people attack or take advantage of people who are ill or under the
influence of drugs. When one with knowledge remains silent about potentially dangerous situations
other ignorant people are subjected to harm. Students are not receiving a good education regarding
environmental issues. Some people try to annoy other people for apparently no rhyme or reason (mind
control?). All people should be advised of a program’s content prior to agreeing to participate. It is very
likely that many children have been injured or died partially due to the casual attitude of some wild life
experts regarding the handling of wild animals. Some people inflict much psychological damage on
others. A return to the following of The Ten Commandments, the avoidance of Capital Sins and
Abominations enlists God’s support to protect one from these psychological attacks. The issuing of meal
tickets or a meal card for two meals and a snack daily for each person would likely reduce gluttony and
food waste on cruise ships. Charging a price for each meal is another idea that would also likely help to
eliminate the wanton discarding of food on cruise ships. Perhaps the posting of daily itineraries in
various locations throughout the cruise ship, instead of submitting itineraries under each cabin door,
would provide passengers with a more relaxed atmosphere. The schools alone cannot solve the
problems of an immoral society. An effort by all major societal groups, individuals, and parents is
necessary to remove evil from within the society.
Historical Accounts 1996: 52
The first small and light weight cellular telephone is introduced into the market place on January 3 by
A ferry sinks in Tanzania on May 21 killing about one thousand people.
The first mammal, a ewe named Dolly is cloned in Scotland on May 21.
In the United States and on June 12 a panel of federal judges rejects a law against obscene material
presented on the internet citing the right to free speech and expression.
A cyclone in India kills approximately one thousand people on November 7.
NASA examines a meteorite found in Antarctica and suggests that this rock contains evidence of life
from the planet Mars.
Remarks: Many people purchase mobile cellular telephones subjecting themselves to dangerous
radiation. People become increasingly reliant on these telephones that cause sometimes accidents or
fatal distractions. Some people continue to interfere in jurisdictions of God through the cloning of
mammals further likely inciting His wrath against the people.
In December of 1996, mother and father visited at our home in Florida for the Christmas holidays.
Father was being treated by a physician for a long standing problem. I noticed that he developed a
physical problem that was most assuredly not related to his long term illness. I inquired of mother and
father if the physician attending to him on a regular basis had noticed this other ailment and the reply
was no. With this information, I insisted that father see another physician. Upon arriving home in New
York in January 1997, father visited with a few physician specialists when it was finally determined that
father had a serious, life threatening problem that required timely surgery. I made arrangements to
travel to New York for father’s surgery which was thank God, successful. Rehabilitation at a specialized
hospital was necessary for his recovery. So after recovering somewhat from the surgery which was
about within two months, father was scheduled for therapy. I, once again arranged to travel to New
York to visit with him and mother during some of the time of his rehabilitative therapy. Joining him at a
few therapy sessions, I noted one aspect of the therapy for his condition, was to rest his weight on a
large three to four foot soft ball and move around the therapy room while trying to maintain his
balance. I thought this therapy to be absurd and preposterous as even I, in good physical condition could
have easily fallen off of this ball and sustained an injury.
In the spring of this year, a dreaded problem with tenants had occurred. The tenants who had rented
father in laws house telephoned my mother upset due to the fact that a skunk had apparently inhabited
the basement of the house. Mother telephoned me with this problem and seemed aggravated with this
situation. Partially because of this problem with the skunk, the tenants decided to vacate the premises.
The security payment provided by the tenants upon renting the property was returned in full as the
premises were left in good order. After discussing the difficulties of managing a property from a long
distance, reluctantly spouse and I decided to sell this property. The house was sold shortly thereafter.
Beginning in the second half of the 1980’s, many towns and municipalities across the nation instituted
laws and requirements regarding the recycling of materials initially to include only paper but in later
years expanded these programs to include glass, plastic, and aluminum. I have for the most part been
diligent in recycling these materials over the past twenty five years or so. During the late 1980’s and
1990’s, I became annoyed with restaurants that provided meals and left over meals in containers that
were less biodegradable and not recyclable such as Styrofoam. In New York State, a deposit fee of 5
cents is added to each and every soda and beer bottle and can as a deposit and incentive for people to
return these containers to the store of purchase. This procedure has created aggravation for many
people who have very busy lives. Many people do not return these containers to the store but rather
place these in recycling bins for weekly pick up hence losing their deposit money. In the State of Florida,
a deposit is not charged on soda, beer, or any other recyclable containers. All recyclable materials are
recycled by people in Florida that appears through my observations, to be at about the same rate of
recycling participation as in New York.
One day while housekeeping, I glanced out of a window in the front of our home and viewed a small
bulldozer truck carrying plenty of yard waste including stumps of trees and large branches. I watched
the person driving this truck dump the entire load of yard waste onto the front lawn of our property. I
rubbed my eyes, was dumbfounded, and momentarily paralyzed as to what I just observed. After
emptying this load, the truck turned around and proceeded back down the street. At that point I
decided to pursue this slow moving vehicle on foot. The bulldozer turned down a street and into a
neighborhood. I finally caught up with him at a home location where significant landscaping and tree
cutting was being accomplished. Out of breath, I chastised the driver of this vehicle for his audacity in
dumping this yard waste on our lawn. The driver told me that he was not responsible for this action and
that I should speak to his “boss”. His superior apologized and told the driver of the truck to pick up the
yard waste dumped onto our property. After removing this yard waste from our lawn, it appeared that
this load was then dumped on someone else’s property further up the street. I noted the name of this
business and decided to report them first to the police where I was told that this situation was not
within their jurisdiction and then I sought to report this business to the Better Business Bureau. It was at
this time that I discovered that the city had no Better Business Bureau.
Throughout the course of this year, I was increasingly reading in the newspaper about various newly
approved English curriculums in the United States public and secular school system. One program read
about, termed “Ebonics”, was approved for a large school district on the West Coast of the United
States. I remarked to spouse that this language was a conglomeration of languages and slang that would
likely render the students handicapped when the time came to seek a job to provide a living for these
former students. I also was becoming confused and disoriented in communicating with some young
people. Slang and the “bastardization” of the English language, made it extremely difficult to understand
what was being spoken by some youths.
One began to recognize that many people were purchasing “take out” meals perhaps due to a perceived
lack of time to cook a meal at home. One stated to spouse that by the time a meal is ordered over the
telephone combined with a waiting time issued for “pick up” by the food business together with driving
time to retrieve the meal, a person could easily have prepared a warm meal at home saving money,
time, and a degree of aggravation.
One weekend day, I watched on television a potato peeling competition that I thought to be akin to
corrupt. Participants in the contest were given a barrel of potatoes to peel and the first person to finish
peeling this barrel of potatoes was the “winner.” Contestants used a paring knife instead of a vegetable
peeler as a tool to accomplish this goal. I was disgusted to view the contestants removing most of the
potato along with the skin for discard. I remarked to spouse that apparently product waste was not a
consideration in the formulation of rules for this debased televised contest.
During this year, I was disturbed to view in the area of our residence in South Florida a large shopping
mall built in the middle of the 1980’s being demolished to erect another shopping mall. I thought this
action to be insane and wasteful.
I decided to purchase a curio cabinet to safely display family heirloom figurines and other porcelain and
crystal items. Delivery men employed by the furniture store delivered this piece of furniture to our
home and placed it in the desired location. They also set several glass shelves in place using shelf pegs.
Pleased with this purchase, I placed the above items into the curio cabinet. A short time later, I heard a
crash coming from the location of the new cabinet. Running to this area, I found to my devastation
broken figurines and other cherished items. The delivery men neglected to put the total amount of pegs
required under each glass shelf.
Spouse and especially I were involved in son’s many sports activities. One activity was track where son
competed with a team of students from the Catholic school of his attendance against other students
from other Catholic schools. On occasion and after school, I provided transportation to son for track
meets that were a considerable distance away from our area of residence. At one track meet, a fierce
thunderstorm began just prior to the time of the event. Expecting the event to be cancelled, I was
disturbed when the group officials decided to proceed with this activity. Determining that the
“lightening had passed”, the athletes ran in the pouring rain. Son was also involved for two years with a
Khoury baseball league organized in the area. I volunteered to be score keeper which required my
attendance at every game. At times this volunteer activity was annoying to me as I could not watch the
game because I was too busy keeping an accurate count and score. In addition to weekend games
played, much practice was required during the weekdays. The Khoury league home games and most
practices were accomplished at a field bordering a major highway. The first time I viewed a baseball
fouled off onto this major roadway, I became concerned and nervous for the drivers of vehicles on this
highway (later I became use to this occurrence). Fortunately, no driver that I saw during this time was
injured nor a vehicle damaged. I remarked to another parent attending the game that the location of
this baseball field was dangerous for drivers on the highway and especially for those people driving a
convertible, roofless automobile. I believe the reply was that this was true but there were no other
fields in the area where the team could play. One day, after dropping son off at baseball practice, I had
to retrieve our ill Golden Retriever dog from a veterinarian. After arriving at the office, the veterinarian
informed me that it was likely that our dog suffered from a terminal illness. As this was not verified, I
decided to bring our beloved pet home. Two men working at the veterinary office picked up our dog and
proceeded to carry her to my car. Suddenly and robotically, they dropped the dog on the floor of the
office lobby. Maintaining my composure and politeness, I reaffirmed to them that I was taking the dog
home and to please carry the dog carefully to my car. Upset with this experience and with the dog in the
back seat of the car, I hurried to retrieve son from baseball practice. As I reached the main road, I
realized that due to a power outage that every traffic light was not functioning on a major United States
Florida highway causing a traffic nightmare. Worried about son, I was relieved and grateful that a
baseball coach stayed with him until I arrived at the baseball field about one hour after the designated
practice time ended. The team to which son belonged achieved second place in the area in 1996 and
first place in the area in 1997, where they were involved in playoffs with other teams in the city. In the
autumn, son joined a basketball team that occupied his free time during this season. It is appropriate to
mention here some dangerous actions regarding the collection of money for children’s sports related
activities. On a busy, multilane highway, I repeatedly observed children running onto this roadway
during apparent traffic stops (turning lane arrows not included) to collect donations from drivers for
sports uniforms and other sports related activities. Also, infringements and invasions of personal privacy
were noted at some sports stadiums where officials demanded to search individual’s pocketbooks and
As a subscriber to the city’s newspaper, I began to read an increasing number of disturbing and
deranged stories. At some point, I ceased to read this paper in its entirety and selected only those
stories that were less bizarre. There were many stories in the newspaper that reported on children
killing and murdering themselves and each other with guns. Some stories stated that parents had
insisted that the guns were well hidden and that they could not understand how the youngsters found
these dangerous weapons. Also, there was a placement that was shown in the newspaper on a regular
basis that I thought to be odd. These were lists, contained in several pages of newspaper that showed
the names of many, many people that could not be located by banks who were seeking them out for
inactive bank account activity.
Through television and in the newspaper I became increasingly aware of the growing tragedies of
missing persons. Relatives and friends reported that adults and children left their homes never to
return. If a missing person states to another where he or she is going prior to departing an area and then
not returning, suspicion should be cast on the intended destination of the victim. Authorities should
pursue with vigor the contact person last intended to be seen by the missing person. Be advised that evil
doers in positions of authority to include perhaps a doctor, lawyer, or “Indian Chief” may have killed the
missing person but deny ever having contact with the person.
One day while driving through a town in South Florida, spouse, daughter, son, and I became stalled in
traffic in front of a large convention center. The convention center was hosting an exhibit of guns for
purchase. As “presentation is half the battle” one observed some of the most unscrupulous appearing
individuals and groups that I had ever seen to this year, departing that convention hall.
During the dry season beginning from December to May in South Florida, many wild fires are a concern
to many people living in this area. In the rainy season beginning from June to November however, the
area experiences an abundant amount of rainfall. Thinking about the drought situation in this area of
South Florida after returning to New York that was also experiencing an unusual drought, one realized
that to my knowledge, manmade reservoirs to contain water from the rainy season do not exist in the
area of South Florida. Reservoirs would likely be of great benefit to the people residing in this area of
Florida during the dry season.
A priority of mine after arriving in South Florida was to register to vote. One day while casting my votes
through a ballot system, one realized that the wording of various referendums were very confusing. For
example, there was an environmental issue concerning pollution being emitted into the Everglades by a
corporation in the area. Environmentalists desired to issue sanctions against this company to end the
pollution and voter support was required for the above measure through voting for the corporation
being permitted to continue to pollute the Everglades or against the corporation therefore requiring
sanctions to be implemented to end the pollution. In reading this referendum one recognized that if one
thought that one was voting against the corporation, one was actually voting for the corporation
because of the wording regarding this issue. On returning home from this “voting” experience I stated to
spouse that a person requires to be highly intelligent to decipher the “double speak” when voting on
some issues.
At the end of October, I applied for and was hired as a reservationist in the travel industry. Prior to
beginning employment, a urine test was required which necessitated my attendance at facility
designated by the corporation to administer this test to determine narcotic use. I was asked to provide a
sample of urine and shown the lavatory. The laboratory attendant requested that my purse remain
outside of the lavatory during the procuring of this sample which caused me angst as I thought that
perhaps I would be robbed. A two month training period required intensive instruction on the
corporation’s computerized reservation system. After completing this extensive program, I was
informed that I was required to change my name. I was furious that this requirement was not told to me
prior to learning and studying the company’s products and procedures as I would not have accepted this
job, had I known about this requirement prior to beginning employment. I asked why this name change
was necessary and was told that there is another “Barbara” working for the corporation. I stated that
one of the reasons for a last name is to solve the problem of confusion due to a duplication of a first
name. The retort was that it is not “safe” to use one’s last name when in contact with the public. At that
point I reluctantly assumed my Confirmation name for this job. At the end of the training program, it
was required that the class view the products of the corporation exhibited at another location. I was one
of several employees designated as a group driver. This required using my own vehicle when corporate
vans were plainly visible and available for use in the corporate parking lot. I was annoyed that I was
required to take the roadside risk with employee passengers in my vehicle for corporate business. I was
also not reimbursed for mileage on this visit. In addition, one was dismayed to realize that Christmas Eve
was a full working day with some shifts ending at 11:00 pm. Most all management did not work on
Christmas Eve night. Other “lower level” employees working that night were required to prepare
materials for promotional mailings to members of a travel club because there were very few
reservations made and inquiries from the public that evening. As far as I was concerned this corporate
policy was worse than a “Scrooge” situation where even “Bob Cratchit” was dismissed from his job
earlier on Christmas Eve.
Retrospective: I believe that one aspect of father’s post surgery therapy where he was required to
balance himself while resting his weight and moving around on a large ball to be insane. Government
should rely on a publically educated and an environmentally concerned population of people to recycle
materials without charging deposit fees on some kinds of containers. To provide additional incentive for
some people, a widely publicized bulk price could be set for recycling paper, glass, aluminum, and
plastic. It appears as though some people purposely try to aggravate others for no apparent reason.
Reporting these people and businesses through various avenues on the internet may assist in solving
this problem. It is recommended that shelf pegs be glued into a curio cabinet for one example prior to
installing a shelf. Some aspects of an immoral society require people to be overly cautious through
various legislations of law that serve to annoy many people. Other aspects of an immoral society permit
crazy, insane, and dangerous situations, procedures, and activities. There are still a significant number of
religious and moral people in today’s society which provides one with hope and faith in humanity.
Apparently the virtue of not being wasteful and the words of wisdom that state “waste not, want not”
ceases to be of moral relevance in today’s society as shown in the examples of the potato peeling
contest and the demolition of the large shopping mall. There are less dangerous ways to collect
donations or earn money for children’s sports. Laboratories designated to conduct tests on individuals
for outside groups, should provide lockers where clients can safely deposit valuables if necessary. Once
again, all people should be advised of a program, procedures, or requirements prior to agreeing to a
situation. A solution to this huge problem may be obtainable through the reporting on various avenues
of the internet immoralities inflicted by some people and businesses on other people. It is also
important to note that people who do not divulge the full content of a known situation are probably
guilty of “bearing false witness against neighbors” which is in violation of a Commandment of God.
Historical Accounts 1997: 53
An earthquake in Iran kills approximately two thousand people on May 10.
A DNA analysis completed on July 10 of a skeleton identifies the fact that many people are related to a
one hundred to two hundred thousand year old woman whose remains were identified by scientists as
The Dow Jones Industrial Average doubles in just thirty months to close for the first time above 8000 on
July 16.
NASA launches a space probe to Saturn.
Remarks: DNA dating to about one hundred and fifty thousand years ago is identified as being contained
in people living today. Read about the potential dangers of this technology in the Commentary on
Genetic Identification contained in this book.
In June of 1997, shortly before daughter had completed the Catholic grammar school, I investigated
perhaps enrolling her in a Catholic high school. This high school was a considerable distance from our
home and was a girl’s only Catholic school. While touring the school, I noticed some wise and arrogant
attitudes of a considerable number of students. The school was also overcrowded where daughter
would have been placed on a waiting list. The tuition was also significantly higher in cost than the
Catholic grammar school. Next, I explored a public magnet high school where students focused their
studies on a specific curriculum or industry of potential employment. Daughter and I visited reportedly
one of the best magnet schools in the city that was far from our home requiring personal transportation,
but focused on daughter’s current contemplated future career interest. Daughter was not enthusiastic
about attending this high school as she was not positive about definitely and seriously pursuing this
future career goal. So, I enrolled her in what was reported to be a good general curriculum high school
in close proximity to our home. At about the same time, I noticed and was informed of some additional
problems that were occurring in the Catholic grammar school of daughter and son’s attendance. Some
students were “out of control” and appeared to be corrupting other students. For examples, dress codes
were constantly being violated and circumvented. Girls were required to wear skirts to a length of just
above the knee. Some girls were wearing mini-skirts to school causing classroom disruptions. Boys and
girls were required to wear a collared knit shirt tucked into their trousers or skirts. Some students
initially were not tucking in their shirts and then eventually most all students were not tucking in their
shirts. Vandalism of hallways and restrooms was becoming more frequent. Some students refused to
participate in curriculum and were apparently not motivated by the possibility of failure. When son
failed to turn in a tuition payment that remained in his knapsack about a month after its due date, I was
thinking that perhaps he too was losing his focus. By the time daughter and son departed the Catholic
school most students were no longer using knapsacks to carry books but wheeled their books in luggage.
People in the area of our neighborhood advised me to enroll son in the gifted program at the middle
school, as most children in the neighborhood apparently were enrolled in this program. I believed son to
be a bright boy but not exceptionally “gifted” so he was enrolled in the school’s regular curriculum
classes. I was disturbed to learn at this time that public middle and high schools nationwide hired
security to patrol the schools. When I attended these schools in the 1970’s, no security was necessary as
outlandish problems with students were few. I also noticed that not many parents were involved with
their children’s school as the parental attendance at parent’s night yielded minimal participation for
students enrolled in the regular school curriculum. Perhaps parental participation was greater for those
students enrolled in the gifted program.
In the spring, daughter had completed the requirements to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. I was
pleased that the students were provided with The New Testament of a student Bible for religious study.
This was the first year a Bible was used for religious study. In prior years, religious workbooks were
distributed to students to provide for curriculum and study. Daughter chose a Confirmation name of her
choice as she could not be influenced to choose my name. She was confirmed on a day in May at the
local parish church. It is probably appropriate to mention here a huge change in people’s behavior
regarding Communion. At an Easter mass, I viewed most people chewing on the Communion Host after
receiving this Host from the priest. When first seeing this at mass I was flabbergasted as I was strictly
taught by the nuns of my religious education that one never chews on a Communion Host. It was stated
at the time of my instruction that the Host dissolves in one’s mouth as one is engaged in prayer.
After a long day, usually I would watch television for about an hour or so prior to falling asleep. I did not
for the most part watch regular television but instead viewed shows on the Public Broadcasting System
(PBS) of this city because I believed these shows to be more educational and less “crazy and insane”
than the shows presented through other networks. One day while viewing an initially pleasant PBS show
on Chinese culture that depicted old traditional Chinese values and various customs, I was horrified,
sickened, and shocked to view at the end of the show the murder of a beautiful baby girl. Apparently,
the parents were in violation of China’s one child policy. The chubby infant was born lively and alert and
then she was quickly stabbed in the back of the neck by the attending physician. Later in 2002, and with
internet access I discovered that the same hideous and horrific situations of infant murder were
occurring right here in the United States. At about this time, I also viewed on television the many
repetitions of an advertisement that I thought to be insane, incredulous, and grossly immoral. A
renowned statesman/politician was shown on television discussing his penis erectile dysfunction
problem. I was hoping that daughter and son would not see this advertisement that promoted a
dangerous drug to apparently solve this highly personal and embarrassing problem. At that point, I
became furious with the government and wondered what kind of “One nation under God” government
was leading this country.
Beginning in 1997, spouse was increasingly complaining about problems with his job concerning and
including corporate politics and personality clashes between workers among other more serious
problems. One of many stories was a ridiculous one regarding the arguing and fighting over pens that
were ordered and purchased for customers. Some employees wanted to keep one pen for their own
use. Others insisted the pens were gifts for customers only. Several memorandums were exchanged
until this crazy situation was finally resolved. After moving to Florida, spouse was repeatedly threatened
with job dismissal not due to his lack of sales procured but rather due to other problems, including some
of the problems mentioned above. During this turmoil, I was relieved that we made the decision to
maintain our residence in New York. Finally, after hearing enough insanity concerning this job, I took
personal action and spouse was dismissed from his job in February.
I increasingly began to note, especially concerning adults as they are expected to know what is proper,
poor etiquette and manners. For examples when a guest is invited to one’s home and provides a cake to
the hostess, it is improper for the hostess to deliver the cake to guests for serving in the container the
cake was placed in at the time of purchase. It is also poor etiquette not to bring a small gift for the host
and/or hostess who are sponsoring a gathering. In addition, chewing food and speaking at the same
time can not only can lead to choking on food but is also unmannerly. It is considered to be uncivilized
behavior to make noise with one’s mouth when chewing food. Food should be chewed quietly and
swallowed with the mouth closed. It is also audacious to request of an acquaintance to borrow another
person’s automobile. It is plain to understand the reasons, as the risk factors connected with driving a
person’s car who is not a family member can cause significant angst and expense (if in an accident) to
the owner of the vehicle.
In August, an opportunity presented itself to visit the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza in Mexico.
While at this site of antiquity, a tour was embarked on where various ruins were identified, described,
and interpreted by the tour guide. The Mayan culture was also discussed where I learned that many of
the Mayan people were born with a “butterfly” birthmark shown at the base of their spine. My interest
was piqued at this revelation because a few family members were also born with a “butterfly”
birthmark, also known as the Mongolian birthmark, on the base of their spine. Years earlier, mother
confirmed to me that this “butterfly” birthmark originated from her German side of the family. In
researching history, areas of Germany were infiltrated and under the authority of the Huns, who
apparently based on this birthmark, were related to the Mayan Indians of Mexico. This circumstance
further proves that many people throughout the world are genetically related.
In some ways it was a relief for me to be working full time as domestic responsibilities were becoming
increasingly overbearing and aggravating. To relieve stress and increase my energy level and stamina
and endurance, I began bicycling two times a day, once in the morning prior to work and once in the
evening after work accomplishing a total of twenty miles each day. As time progressed at my job, I
realized that this environment at monetarily paid employment was also crazy and aggravating. A
considerable number of employees appeared not to know how to dress professionally for the job. I
followed the required dress code and always wore a skirt suit or pantsuit with appropriate hosiery and
dress shoes to work. Some others would wear sweatpants, sweatshirts, no hosiery, sheer clothing
allowing others to view underwear and believe it or not, no underwear that showed nudity, low cut
shirts were worn exhibiting the partial breasts of women, and extraordinary tight pants with sometimes
high heeled shoes were worn by men. These people were in violation of the corporate dress code and
were constantly reminded by management of this fact. I stated to a manager that people in constant
violation of the dress code should be either dismissed from their job or should be required to wear a
uniform. At about this time, I applied for and was appointed as employee advocate. As many employees
had complaints, I decided to gather their suggestions on ways to improve sales, compensation, and
working conditions. I asked each employee in my group to personally provide a suggestion or
suggestions regarding the above matters. Good suggestions were returned to me but management
appeared not really to be interested in these ideas. I noticed that a considerable number of people
working for this organization could not write comprehensively, creating problems when examining the
history of reservations for one example. The corporation soon after began summoning some employees
to attend English classes which were conducted on a regular basis during working hours. The call center
contained open cubicles that required an individual to maintain full focus and concentration on the task
at hand. I noticed that for some people this was difficult or became difficult over time due to the high
level of noise in the area. Perhaps smaller groups contained in sound proof rooms would have
eliminated some of this noise. Another practice at this corporation was to post every individual’s name
and their weekly sales on an erasable board that faced each sales group. Some people seemed to be
adversely affected by this practice where they believed themselves to be incompetent based on a
perceived poor weekly sales performance (which could drastically change on a weekly basis) as
compared to others. Some employees contributed to this feeling of inadequacy by the lower sales
achievers, by teasing those with low weekly sales. Good employees seemed to quit the job likely due at
least in part, to this system. In addition, some people working at the corporation acted as if they owned
the office supplies, promotional materials, and other materials necessary for all to accomplish one’s job.
Any request for these items, many times resulted in a nasty attitude by the designated disburser of
these items. In the reservation call center hundreds of people answered inquiries from the public and
secured reservations for the corporation. For most, this required sitting in a chair for seven hours daily
(one half hour for lunch was granted as well as two fifteen minute recesses). Many of the chairs
provided for workers were old and did not provide good back support that could lead for some, to
health problems. At other jobs worked at, my complaint was the same. Leaning back on a chair, could
result in toppling over. Much fighting ensued between employees to procure one of a few new or
restored chairs which were intermittently made available. Towards the end of my employment with this
corporation, I recognized the solution to this problem as well as the solution to the constant “fight” for
office supplies. Employees may want to consider investing some personal money to purchase their own
chair and office supplies thus alleviating and/or eliminating the constant “battles” to obtain these job
necessities. After approximately eight months viewing a computer monitor at work and on a full time
basis, I began to experience vision problems. I complained to spouse and family that my former good
vision of 20/20 was damaged very quickly working behind this monitor. Others too were seen at the end
of the work day departing their computer based jobs, with severely bloodshot eyes. I also began to
suspect that substantial increases in young women acquiring breast cancer could be due, at least in part,
to radiation exposure that is emitted within close proximity to the human body via the computer screen.
As part of an employee compensation package, all individuals working for the corporation were
provided with an annual vacation at the small cost of taxes and other low fees. The requirement for all
workers regardless of job position was to be employed for ten months with the organization, before
receiving this benefit. As time progressed, I realized that the rules for all people concerning the time
constraints of this benefit were not the rules for some people as some people in certain positions, were
allowed to take a vacation prior to the ten month waiting period. Occasionally flowers would be
delivered to people at work for various occasions such as a birthday. It was at this time that I noticed
that many of the flowers appeared unnatural. Inquiring as to the name of some of these flowers, I was
told of a name of familiarity but then it was stated that the flowers were dyed sometimes in iridescent
colors. I thought this practice to be absurd, crazy, and evil. At about this time I also discovered that
engaged couples were arranging for financial prenuptial agreements. I believed that this practice
doomed a committed relationship from the inception. At the end of one working day while exiting the
office, I could not help but notice a piece of machinery left on the top of the stairwell that was leaking a
strong odor of gasoline in this area. I asked a couple of employees for assistance in this matter as I
feared that a fire could erupt in this building but they declined to help. Lugging this machine down to
the lobby, I asked another employee for advice on where to safely store this gasoline leaking piece of
equipment. This employee recommended that it be placed in an exceedingly hot furnace/generator
room located across the road from the office building. This insane recommendation was immediately
rejected. Shortly thereafter, I found a janitorial closet contained in the parking garage where I safely
stored this machine. On another day, I was asked to attend a travel expo in another state. The expo was
located inside a well known large hotel where room was available to make a reservation. An employee
advised me not to stay at this hotel where the expo was located but to stay at another hotel, located
miles away from the travel expo. The employee’s reasoning for this advice was that the recommended
hotel offered by this employee had more luxurious accommodations. I failed to understand this logic as
a close proximity to the job at hand would likely be for most thinking people, to be of a higher priority.
Another concern of mine at this job was a dangerous crumbling parking garage where many small and
large chunks of concrete were falling from the ceilings of this multilevel garage presenting a physical
danger to people and damages to vehicles. I stated to management that the garage should be closed
until repairs were made. A large empty field was located nearby that could have provided temporary
employee parking. This advice was completely ignored. Shortly thereafter a few employees were
increasingly talking about the same conversations with me at work that spouse, daughter, son, and I had
just discussed the evening prior at home during dinner time. At first I thought this to be coincidental.
Later, and after thinking carefully and noting the spy retail stores in the area, I began to think that
perhaps eavesdropping by outside others was occurring inside of our residence. But on the other hand I
thought this to be ridiculous as our family were average law abiding citizens. A short time after being
suspicious of this severe invasion of privacy, two employees of the corporation were making odd faces
at me when encountering them in the corporate parking garage. When I inquired about why they were
making these strange faces, they denied that they were making faces. At that point I believed that our
family was being attacked by satanic evil forces within the society and so I quit this job almost
immediately after this incident.
After departing this job in September, I became increasingly concerned for daughter and son’s safety as
it was beginning to become apparent to me that other people seemed to be under similar attacks by evil
forces. I insisted on driving son to school when earlier he rode his bicycle to the school with other boys
from the neighborhood. Daughter was also driven to high school by me and another family in a car pool
arrangement. At this time, I noticed that an important stop sign was removed from a dangerous
intersection near the middle school. After witnessing several near misses regarding collisions of vehicles,
I telephoned the county and inquired as to the reason of why this stop sign was removed and strongly
recommended to the official that it be restored. The county official stated that the stop sign was moved
further down the street where large homes were in the process of being constructed and that the
county regulations state that only a certain number of stop signs were allowed on this kind of
neighborhood roadway. I reiterated to them, to no avail, that the law in this case was absurd and that
the stop sign at this location was necessary and should be replaced. Within a short time after this
telephone call, I witnessed the aftermath of a horrific accident when driving towards home from the
middle school.
One early weekend morning while spouse was bicycling in the neighborhood he saw a baby of about
two years old wandering on the roadway in bedclothes. Spouse stopped his bicycle to ask the child his
name and inquire where he lived. The baby could not speak and so spouse thought to bring him home to
our house where the police would be notified. Shortly thereafter, another bicyclist stopped his bike and
spoke with spouse about this potentially dangerous circumstance of the child. Soon afterwards
however, a panicked father emerged from a home a short distance away calling the baby’s name and so
the child was found. Also at about this time, a substantial increase in the number of stray dogs was
noted. Many people seemed to be oddly and wantonly releasing their dogs this year to run freely
throughout the neighborhood which was a dangerous situation for the animals because the
neighborhood abutted a very busy roadway. Some of these dogs also had nasty dispositions proven with
one dog biting me on the leg while I was bicycling.
In October of this year, son had appeared pale for a few weeks and not generally appearing well. I
decided that he should visit a physician for a physical examination. I telephoned the medical office that
we had visited in the past and was provided an appointment for son with a physician that we were
acquainted with from a prior visit. When the physician entered the examining room with a young child
carrying an inflatable beach ball, I realized that this person was not the physician we were familiar with
during a past visit. I asked the physician his name and he stated the name of the physician that I was
familiar with at a previous visit. I asked him that if you are this physician, then who was the other
physician? He stated that he did not know who the other physician was even after I provided him with
the other physician’s physical description. Deciding to put this confusion aside, the young child was
identified as his daughter who he was minding for the day. As son was being examined, the young,
approximately two year old child was resting her weight on this inflatable ball and was moving around
the examination room that was reminiscent of father’s therapy the year prior. I was afraid that she
would fall backwards and injure herself on the tile floor of the examination room. The father and
physician of the toddler seemed unconcerned with my fear concerning his daughter. At the same time, I
was worried about son’s health. Through an examination and a test, it was determined that son was
Retrospective: Many youths are no longer abiding by adult authority. To prevent frequent disruptive and
belligerent protests by a girl or girls, parochial schools should require girls to wear uniform skirts below
the knees to prevent mediocre, time wasting disruptive disputes with teachers who sometimes use
rulers to ascertain appropriate skirt distances from the knee and others in authority at the parochial
school (in other words if a girl’s knees can be seen then she is in violation of the dress code and should
be sent home to change her clothes to be in compliance with the dress code or for repeated infractions,
be dismissed from the school). Including shares of stock for all employees in a company where one
works as part of the annual compensation package would likely improve employee diligence and work
efforts within the firm. Some people seek clandestine ways to protect their families from evil when the
society becomes increasingly immoral. In an evil society, many people become unconcerned with their
own safety and the safety of others. In an evil society, the destruction and/or murder (or killing) of other
people grants those in positions of authority more power, wealth, and control over the population
resulting in tyranny. A return to the following of The Ten Commandments, avoidance of Capital Sins and
Abominations and the removal of evildoers in authority positions which can be accomplished for one
example through a verifiable voting system (read the Commentary on the Electoral System), is necessary
to return the society to good. Prenuptial agreements are likely appropriate today based on the
presumption that “marriages” have become like a business arrangements and some participants may be
mind controlled. Read the Commentary on Tyranny for further information. If a child has a tendency to
wander, a lock should be installed on the child’s bedroom door. Son appeared ill to me just following a
required by the school district immunization for hepatitis B which is a required series of three
immunizations administered over a three year period. Due to this apparent reaction to the vaccine, I
refused to have him immunized for the other two other vaccines in the series. I sensed that son and I
were being attacked by evil during that appointment with the physician.
Historical Accounts 1998: 54
More than five thousand people are killed in an earthquake in Afghanistan on February 4.
The largest suspension bridge in the world is completed on April 5 in Japan.
More than five thousand people are killed in a second earthquake for this year in Afghanistan on May
A tsunami in Papua New Guinea kills about one thousand five hundred people on July 17.
A war begins on August 2 in The Congo resulting in the murders of about four million people by 2003.
A flood in China on August 7 kills approximately four thousand people.
The first Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip is inserted into a human being an August 24.
A hurricane in Central America at the end of October kills about eighteen thousand people.
NASA’s Lunar Prospector detects water contained in soil on the poles of the Moon. The Galileo probe
suggests Jupiter’s moon Europa also contains water. Japan joins the United States and Russia in space
France plays Brazil to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: There are an unusually high number of natural disasters that occur this year. Engineering feats
continue to astound many. Four million people die needlessly during a change of government due to the
fact that election systems have been proven to be corrupt. The chipping of human beings for
identification, location, and other purposes begins. Read the Commentary on Environmentalism shown
at the end of this book to understand the potential dangers of this procedure and technology.
By the end of 1998, spouse had obtained another job that was not within his industry of experience. This
job required relocation to New York which suited our needs but the work hours were long, about sixteen
hours a day including the commute to a nearby city. Spouse worked at this job for several months
before procuring another job within his industry of experience. In November, I interviewed and was
hired for a job in the travel industry working on a part time basis for five and one half hours daily. The
day I began paid employment, I was required to fill out necessary forms. The manager of the
department of my assignment excused me upon arriving at work in the morning, to the office lobby to
complete paperwork. The human resource employee gave me at least a six inch stack of forms that
needed to be completed. By afternoon, the manager of my assignment came to seek me out where she
found me still completing paperwork. It was noted by both of us that the amount of forms required for
completion for a job had substantially increased over the years. On arriving home, I discussed this
phenomenon with spouse. We agreed that the amount of forms and paperwork to be completed
throughout all aspects of business, medicine, law, and government for examples had reached the point
of harassment. In addition many required forms to be read contained “double speak” and other
incomprehensible language. The working atmosphere of this job was considerably quieter than the
previous job in Florida. In early December of 1998, daughter and son were enrolled in school at two
former schools of my teen and pre teen attendance. This transition was not as difficult as the Florida
transition as daughter and son were familiar with many of the students in this area of our residence
prior to moving to Florida. Spouse, daughter, son, and I temporarily moved into mother and father’s
home until the house in Florida was sold in April. At the end of March, knowing the sale of our home in
Florida was probably secured through a contract, the tenants renting our New York home were given
two months notice to vacate the premises. By the end of May, arrangements were made to move the
contents of our home in Florida to New York. Having just about a week between the vacating of the
tenants and the moving in of our household furnishings and belongings from Florida, we felt it necessary
to hire an interior painter where under less hurried circumstances we would have painted the interior of
the house ourselves. Also hired was a restorer of wood floors. This man was asked to sand the existing
wood floors and apply a semi-gloss varnish surface coating (there was a flat varnish on the floor prior to
the restoration), so that I would not be burdened with the constant waxing of these wood floors. The
day prior to the scheduled moving in of our furnishings and other household belongings, I realized that
the man restoring our household wood floors had applied a flat finish varnish on the wood floors. At
that point, there was no time to redo the floors with a semi-gloss varnish. The tenants left the house in
May with some issues of repairs that required immediate attention. Most likely, some of the security
money should have been withheld as there were some damages inflicted to the premises that were not
due to normal use of the residence. I however was in no mood to potentially argue my case for
withholding the security due to attacks by evil against my family and me, so we returned the full security
to the tenants. By the end of summer, spouse and I had fixed other issues of repairs in the house and on
the premises. By the spring of 2000, a new roof was needed on the house. After obtaining three prices
from different roofing contractors, we selected the lowest price from all bids submitted that were equal
regarding the services of the contractor. At this time, I realized how extreme in cost bids for a job could
be. In the 1960’s and into the 1970’s, most contractors charged about the same price for a particular
job. By the 1990’s and the early years of this century, the prices charged for a job could vary by more
than several thousand dollars. Due to this circumstance, I began to recognize a strange “dual” economy
in the United States. I also became in a crazy way grateful to the workmen who charged the lower price
even though based on the salaries of spouse and I, the prices charged were what I considered to be fair
with some workers but still expensive with others workers chosen (as we chose the lowest price). Also,
one noted that in some areas of the trades there were few to only one business to choose from
regarding certain contractual work. For one example, one desired to activate an old well on the property
to supply water to the outside gardens of our home. One business in the entire county specialized in this
trade who when asked for an estimate for this job, provided me with an extraordinarily high price to
reactivate the well, resulting in the postponement of this idea. Returning to discuss the installation of
the new roof on our house, I was pleased with the contractor’s workmanship but I was aggravated when
he placed a sign advertising his business on our property without asking spouse or I for permission to do
this. After returning home from work, I saw that the roofing contractor had placed his business
advertising sign in a newly seeded flower bed. I removed the sign and placed it on the ground. The
following day after arriving home from work, I saw that this sign was attached to a telephone pole
located on the property of our home. Using a ladder, I removed this sign as well. Later, in the early years
of 2000, I purchased a tool shed from a home improvement store to be delivered and placed on our
driveway next to the house. After arriving home from work, I was flabbergasted and greatly perturbed
to see the shed installed facing the neighbor’s side of the property instead of facing forward towards the
street. I politely telephoned the home improvement store to reschedule a day for the tool shed to be
positioned correctly. One day while I was working, they returned and positioned the shed correctly, but
left about a one foot access between the shed and a fenced backyard access gate.
In the spring of this year, one was invited to attend a conference and seminar concerning the joining of a
firm to sell financial investments to others. The financial company was owned by a major world
corporation. A film was viewed and lectures were presented to convince the attendees to join the
company. A repeated statement in the lectures and in the film was that financial investments offered by
this corporation were “not a pyramid scheme”. The frequent number of times this phrase was repeated
made one suspicious that perhaps this was a pyramid scheme and the corporation was attempting to
brainwash the participants through the continuous repetition of the above phrase. Through careful
scrutiny, one recognized and concluded that these financial investments were pyramid schemes where
the majority of people lose their money invested while those involved with the firm from the early
stages, gain the money lost by the majority. Of course most can recognize this system as a clever way to
steal, and is in violation of a Commandment.
This year, I noticed that most all of the school busses in the community had changed the former clear
glass windows of a few years earlier and replaced them with very dark, almost black tinted glass. Since
the weather in this area is not particularly sunny, such as in South Florida, I contemplated the possible
reasons for this likely expensive change to the windows of the school busses. Throughout the former
years and in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, I noticed at times children fighting on school busses as I was
driving my car around town. I recall complaining to spouse about this bad behavior of some of the
youths and remarked that it is difficult to operate the school bus vehicle under these circumstances.
Years ago when I attended public school, students’ who caused altercations on school busses were
banned from riding the bus. I then thought that perhaps the clear windows on the busses were changed
to a very dark glass to prevent others in the community from viewing what was transpiring inside the
school busses.
During this year, one noticed an extraordinary amount of litter and other garbage strewn along
roadways in the area of our residence. I wondered aloud to spouse why suddenly there appeared to be
so many slobs in our community. Shortly thereafter, one read about volunteer litter removal crews
being established to clean up and dispose of this unsightly and incredible over abundance of garbage
strewn. Coinciding with and possibly because of this uncommon amount of garbage scattered along
roadways, the area became inundated with very large and aggressive black crows. I observed one of
these birds knock over a bird bath in our backyard. However, once the litter problem was resolved by
the volunteers, the crows left the area.
In the autumn while grocery shopping one day, I viewed a long line of people that stretched horizontally
from one end of the large supermarket to the other. Curious about the reasons for this line and
expecting that food sampling was in progress I was aghast to observe an individual on line being
immunized with a syringe, for as it became known to me was an immunization against the influenza
virus. I believed this practice to be unsanitary, unpalatable, and completely inappropriate based on the
food environment of this business establishment. It also occurred to me that perhaps in the future,
people would be standing in line inside this supermarket for a euthanasia shot.
One evening while viewing television with a “family cable” subscription, I viewed for a few minutes a
most disturbing, pathetic, and a tremendously psychologically damaging show. The host of the show
refereed a “race” between two naked women with blackened circles applied to nipples and front
genitalia running with quarter coins placed in between the cracks of their derrieres to a finish line.
Throughout this year and the beginning years of the twenty first century one read many disturbing
stories of youths in the local news who were frequently killed and seriously injured in car accidents and
through drug overdoses and suicide pacts. For example, one story described a group of teenagers in a
neighboring county who jumped off of a high waterfall resulting in their deaths. Other frequent suicides
involved individuals jumping off of a nearby bridge or stepping onto the railroad tracks in front of
oncoming freight trains. The railroad’s reaction to these disturbing tragedies was to install louder,
blaring horns on the trains and the thruway’s response to people jumping off of the bridge was to install
suicide call boxes close to the roadway on the bridge. Also, news reporters who interviewed some
people who knew the victims would bizarrely state that the deceased youths were behavior problems
and trouble makers in addition to other derogatory remarks, concerning the sad and early demise of
these children.
Acquaintances offered me some advice regarding the ever increasing immorality within this society. One
acquaintance suggested that I ingest drugs which instilled in me a quiet outrage as I rarely ingested as
much as an aspirin throughout my lifetime. It was also remarked that “Jesus provides” which I did not
understand at that time. Later I interpreted this message to “hey Zeus provides” when I recognized how
people gain wealth and power over others through the promotion of evil in the society (read the
Commentaries shown at the end of this book). Another acquaintance suggested that “I move closer to
God”. This advice I found to be most helpful as I began to diligently read The Bible.
Another acquaintance informed me of the terminal illness of a family member. I was sorry to hear about
this illness and expressed and extended my sympathy to this person and the person’s family. The
acquaintance then informed me that funeral arrangements had already been made for this ill family
member. I thought this to be bizarre as the family member was living.
After resettling into our home in New York and by the early autumn, son, thirteen years of age began to
receive disturbing solicitation in the mail. This solicitation invited him to join the NRA (National Rifle
Association) which I was staunchly against as I despise the aftermath of what firearms have inflicted on
many people in this country. Several pieces of solicitation mail from the NRA were received over a two
month period. Finally exasperated and aggravated with this solicitation of a minor to join a gun club, I
telephoned the organization to express my disgust with these harassing materials sent to son and also
stated that I believed that this solicitation to be illegal as son was considerably underage for gun
ownership. The group member spoken with over the telephone apologized and removed son from their
mailing list.
Throughout this year, I began to experience an unusual fatigue and exhaustion. Deciding to seek
remedial assistance, a physician prescribed various blood tests. All of the tests conducted on my blood
were returned normal except for a thyroid test. I was told by the physician that to remedy this thyroid
problem, a daily pill would be necessary to ingest for the rest of my life and blood tests would be
required every three months. I rejected this remedy as I despise pill taking. About this time, other family
members related by blood or marriage and acquaintances were also diagnosed with thyroid problems. I
thought this to be odd and wondered about the reasons for the apparent increases in problems with the
thyroid gland. Later and by 2010, it appeared through extensive internet research, that environmental
factors including the adding of fluoride to the water system was adversely affecting the thyroid health of
many people, including young people.
During our three year stay in Florida, the New York area of our residence experienced an unprecedented
drought situation. Upon arriving home, I viewed an almost dry reservoir and dead animals and trees
scattered throughout the area. Son, a fisherman was lifting fish with his hands out of muck and small
pools of water from a greatly shrunken tributary leading to the reservoir. The county of our residence
enacted several water emergency measures to curtail water usage. One measure forbade the watering
of vegetation growing outside. To enforce this temporary decree, helicopters patrolled the
neighborhoods at night with flood lights causing loud and anxiety producing night time noise and
disruptions to probably many people. Later however and by September, a hurricane struck the area and
released about nine inches of much needed water onto the ground. But due to the severe dryness of the
land, floods caused extensive damages throughout the community. Shortly after the hurricane, the
county returned to the severe situation of drought. I decided to attend a meeting in town regarding this
water emergency where alternate water supplies were being discussed among other matters. At this
meeting, a chart was presented by the water company that was the most incomprehensible chart that I
have ever viewed. Very expensive solutions were presented to solve the county’s inadequate water
supply such as installing a pipeline from upstate New York to our area. Some officials at the meeting
blamed an increase in population in the county for the drought rather than the unusual extended dry
weather pattern. Exasperated with what I perceived as nonsense, I suggested that brackish water be
removed, desalinated, and purified from a nearby river that contains along its banks some
industrialization. At this meeting, some people were inquiring about federal funds that were made
available to the community following the hurricane. It appeared to me that some people were trying to
fix long standing drainage problems on their property at taxpayer expense. I also noticed that some
people were coddling to town officials for this money. For example, I viewed a woman at this meeting
wearing a mini skirt and go-go boots inquiring as to when someone from the town would come to her
home to re-survey her property for apparently a previously existing drainage problem.
Upon arriving home after our three year hiatus in South Florida, I became increasingly aware of what
seemed to be an inordinate amount of noise in our neighborhood. I asked spouse if this was just my
perception or did he too sense the same quantity and variety of noise as I. He agreed that the area of
our residence had become extremely noisy. Shortly after moving back into our home, jack hammering
on the road near to our home was occurring. Traffic had substantially increased on the road in front of
our house. Vehicle horn blowing became much more prevalent. Noisy yard equipment was being used
to the extreme. Tree cutting and wood chipping became common and regular. The playing of loud music
at parties became prevalent. Shooting at a nearby police firing range seemed to have increased. Blasting
at a nearby rock quarry was frequent and seemed to have increased in intensity resulting in the
considerable shaking of our house. Airplane traffic to nearby airports seemed to have redirected their
routes to fly above our home which was documented in the local newspaper. And many pickup trucks
and other large vehicles in the area contributed a frequent loud electronic beeping noise when
reversing. A short time later, emergency sirens from a nuclear power plant located in the area, would
continually be tested. I believed that in the summertime, our family was more subjected to these noises
more than others because we do not have air conditioning where the closing of windows would have
been a possible small buffer to some of this noise. To digress somewhat, my views and reasons for not
using air conditioning are that it is expensive to operate in this area (it is less expensive to operate in
Florida) and can cause illness due to inside/outside temperature extremes. Our house also contains
casement windows that make it impossible to install an air conditioning unit. Cutting a square into the
exterior wall of our home was not an option that spouse and I would consider. In addition to the above
noise and on a few occasions, nails were discovered in the tires of our automobiles. Also windows of
family vehicles were discovered smashed in apparent overnight vandalism. Later, and by 2011 this
vandalism continued with extensive damages inflicted with likely a hammer or crowbar on another
family vehicle. The harassment mentioned above was just a sampling of some of the persecution my
family and self endured for not agreeing with societal immoralities including abortion.
At times I purchased goods from catalog companies and later by 2003 purchased personal and
household items from internet retail sources. This year as well as into the early years of the 2000’s, I
became aggravated with a seemingly new post office policy that required the recipients of any size
package to retrieve that package at the post office. I remarked to spouse that if postage is paid to a
specific address, then it is the responsibility of the post office to deliver that package to the address
identified on the label of the package. Later, and by 2003 packages were delivered to our home address
but were always delivered on Fridays. This problem however by 2009, was apparently resolved as
packages were received at our home address as normal, throughout the business week. Another
complaint of recent development regarding the mailing of certain correspondence as certified mail
resulted in return receipts with illegible signatures and printed names. One asked spouse, why does one
pay a premium for certified mail, when the person receiving the mail cannot be identified should a
problem arise concerning the delivery?
In addition to sensing fatigue and exhaustion, I experienced aches and pains that I believed were related
to back problems. I sought the assistance of a chiropractor for this matter and shortly thereafter quit
these visits due to a new therapy I thought to be uncomfortable and unsound. This therapy was the
application of a damp cloth that was wired to administer low levels of electricity into the body. Another
family member sought assistance from a physician for feelings of general malaise. After a physical
examination, the physician exclaimed to the family member that this family member was the “walking
dead”. I was horrified that a physician would state this to a patient who is feeling ill, and promptly
secured an appointment with another physician.
I became aware and subsequently visited with a woman to whom I was cordially acquainted and who
was ill with usually a very long term debilitating disease, but in her case, the disease became extremely
accelerated. The woman had three young children that she tried to care for, to little avail during the
daytime. The interior of the house was in shambles and dangerous for little children to inhabit. I asked
her full time employed spouse if assistance could be provided to her on a daily basis through social
services or insurance. He stated that eligibility for home aid care could not be provided through any
government agency or insurance. Trying to seek assistance for this woman and her children through
charity, I joined a volunteer group at the local Catholic parish. I notified the leader of the group of this
woman’s and her children’s plight but was told that this Catholic group only helps the elderly. Thinking
that perhaps I could change their minds and obtain assistance for this woman and her children, I joined
this unpaid volunteer group where I was assigned to a pleasant woman of Polish descent who lived with
extended family members. After accompanying her over a several week time span to medical
appointments and assisted shopping excursions, I decided that she did not vitally need my help. In
addition, this Catholic volunteer group required that I submit time sheets for the hours spent
volunteering. I asked the reason for this nuisance paperwork and was told that the Archdiocese wanted
to document the number of people the Church was helping. Returning back to visit the debilitated and
incapacitated woman and her three children, I saw three kittens in the house. She informed me that her
spouse brought the kittens’ home to her to provide her with company. I thought this to be bizarre. After
attending school, daughter offered unpaid volunteer babysitting care for the three youngsters. While
minding the children outside one day on our driveway, a car drove by containing teenagers who were
shooting paintballs at daughter and the children. This crazy situation aside, a good opportunity is
presented to discuss this latest fad and sport of the late 1990’s to early 2000’s. Many youths during this
time purchased paintball guns for games of sport. I noticed that this sport activity inflicts considerable
pain on the participants when struck by a paintball thus leading to and creating anger and participation
in other Capital Sins in the youths.
In the spring of this year, I contemplated together with spouse the possibility of hosting a foster child at
our home. Deciding to gain more information on this, I attended a social services informational meeting
on foster care. At this meeting I was astonished at the large amount of money provided by this agency
on a monthly basis for the care of one child. There was a range of fees paid to foster parents based on
the age and circumstances of the child with a top fee paid of $1200 a month for a disabled child. In
addition to this monetary amount other allowances were made for clothing and medical care. One
person attending the meeting asked if social services also pays for college. A single person was inquiring
about hosting a foster child and was apparently eligible to do this. I left this meeting saddened and no
longer desired to host a disadvantaged child at our home.
Prior to beginning monetarily paid employment, an odd visit was paid to me by a parent of a friend, of a
family member. Invited by me into our house, this person who I discovered to live in a wealthy
neighborhood inquired of me of my opinion on the installation of both indoor and outdoor in ground
swimming pools that this person was contemplating installing at this person’s home. As our family does
not have an in ground swimming pool, I especially thought this inquiry to be bizarre. After much
prodding of me by this person unknown to me, I politely suggested that the person speak to someone
specializing in the swimming pool installation field. With the assistance of spouse who thankfully arrived
home from work earlier than usual, we slowly succeeded in ushering this person out of our home.
During the course of this year, I began to read The Bible for the first time and vociferously recognized
the huge trouble that this nation and world was in and would increasingly continue to be in, if people do
not repent and return to the following of The Ten Commandments and other morality expounded in The
Bible. To repent for my transgression of not keeping the Sabbath Day holy, I read and reread the Bible
on a daily basis for several years. I did attend Catholic mass on several occasions during this year but
was disturbed about some occurrences that were not within the ordinary expectations of mass. For one
example, it was announced at services that Communion hosts were found on the floor of the church. A
church official chastised the parishioners for what I believed to be a great sacrilege.
Retrospective: Evil desires to confuse, frustrate, and disorient people through excessive and/or
incomprehensible paperwork. Some people appear to purposely not follow instructions even when paid
monetarily to accomplish a job. People under attack by evil lose some or all of their ability to work for
their family’s best interest. The abiding by The Ten Commandments, avoidance of Capital Sins and
Abominations together with earnest prayer to God can offer protection from evil doers. The high
decibels of sound emitted from the emergency sirens of the nuclear power plant that are regularly
tested, should be investigated for causing hearing loss especially in young children and infants as this
group is probably most susceptible to damages of the inner ear. Some people during the hot and stifling
days of summer, blast their air conditioning leading to a strain on the power system thus potentially
causing power outages. This selfish practice causes others who use less energy consuming fans for
cooling, to unfairly suffer. The electronic beeping sounds emitted from pick-up trucks when in reverse,
in my opinion is an unnecessary annoying noise that people should not be subjected to. One’s
experiences with package (mail) deliveries this year and in some later years, led to the contemplation
that perhaps important mail is being withheld or delayed to some people to harass specific people for a
variety of unknown reasons. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find competent paid professionals to
assist in solving problems. In an immoral society, some people brazenly assume liberties over other
people’s family and property. Paint ball gun play many times illicit the responses of pride and anger in
the participants who are struck by paint balls both of which responses are Capital Sins. Games of laser
gun tag can also result in similar reactions. Anxiety, agitation, and motivations for revenge are
components of both games and so for these reasons, the above popular games should be avoided.
Eliminating the addition of fluoride to the water supply may result in reduced thyroid problems for
people living in the society where this substance is added. Some people appear to have no common
sense in a society where many people are agreeing with gross immoralities. In an evil immoral society,
some people in authority positions become abusive towards others. Evil doers within the society seek to
eliminate in as many ways as possible those people that are speaking out against immorality and who
are offering sane solutions to problems. Beware of people that use clever ways to gain access to one’s
Historical Accounts 1999: 55
An earthquake occurring on January 25 in Colombia kills more than one thousand people.
Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones, become the first people to circle the earth in a hot air balloon
concluding on March 21.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches above 10,000 on March 29.
An earthquake in Turkey on August 17 kills more than seventeen thousand people.
An earthquake in Taiwan kills about two thousand four hundred people on September 21.
Exxon and Mobil Corporations merge to form the world’s largest corporation on November 30.
A woman becomes the first person to row across the Atlantic Ocean by rowboat on December 3.
NASA launches the Terra program which consisted of a group of satellites placed in orbit to monitor the
Remarks: Unprecedented feats are accomplished by individuals. Many people are killed in natural
disasters occurring throughout the world.
As I knew abortion to be one of the gross immoralities in the United States, I wrote and prepared a
letter to be sent to President Bush regarding the tax payer funding of fetal stem cell research for
experimentation in laboratories. I was against this tax payer funded support of embryonic stem cell
research. The letter written stated my objections to this kind of research that in essence was due to
abortion and based on abortion. I further objected to the use of human beings for laboratory
experimentation purposes. But before I had the opportunity to mail this letter in August, President Bush
had made the decision to allow the federal funding (tax payer money), to be distributed for embryonic
stem cell research in laboratories for sixty four approved embryonic stem cell lines which rendered my
letter invalid and passé. Therefore I discarded the letter. At about this time, I began watching the daily
workings of government through the televised transmission of activities in the United States House of
Representatives and the United States Senate. Much of what was being discussed contained an
extraordinary large amount of abbreviations which made most of these programs incomprehensible to
me. After watching many of these performances, I arrived at the conclusion that the government was
purposely trying to confuse, confound, and disorient the American public who were viewing these
shows. At this time I ceased to watch the daily happenings within government.
On July 4, spouse, daughter, son, and I attended a fireworks display sponsored by a nearby town. On
exiting this event and while walking to our automobile, one noticed an oblivious appearing young
woman pushing a baby stroller containing an infant of about one year old. The child was sucking on a
pacifier whose large handle emitted many haphazard flashing lights. Sadly and looking at the baby’s
forlorn face one realized that an infliction of brain damage was likely occurring to this child. Later and by
2012, one became aware of other apparently less obtrusive “lighting systems” being marketed to babies
and young children. For examples lighted pillows, blankets, and wall lights depicting various designs and
changes of color, likely results in producing illusions to tired children, that affects a child’s way of
defining reality. Also these lights could have a hypnotic effect on the young child’s developing brain.
During the winter of this year as I was driving to work but stopped at a traffic light, I noticed children
standing at street corners apparently waiting for school busses in below freezing weather, wearing no
winter coats or jackets. I further and increasingly understood at this time the urgency of correcting
societal immoralities.
One read an impressionable and disturbing story in a Sunday newspaper magazine supplement about an
African woman who gave birth to twelve children but was left with only one or two children because the
others had died of malnutrition and disease. She spoke about her plight with a reporter where it was
explained that she relied on periodic charitable distributions of rice to sustain her family. She spoke of
how often times her large bag of rice was stolen from her hut shortly after obtaining this food thus
leading to the starvation deaths of some of her children. The village where she lived, in the past, was a
self sustaining village based on an agricultural economy where most people living in the village planted
and harvested their food supply. This food supply was stored in a cooperative community type of
warehouse where it was recently repeatedly stolen by a few people living in the village and then sold in
a city market to the benefit of those few, which left most of the people living in the village without food.
The reporter asked her why she did not leave the village to live in a more prosperous area. She lamented
that she was too confused and too weak to leave. Some of the comments written by readers of this
article shown in the magazine the following week were extremely wicked. Some people wrote that she
should not be giving birth to children and if she finds herself expecting a child, she should abort that
child. No comments that I recalled offered good advice or a possible solution to this poor woman’s and
the honest villagers’ plight. Perhaps through the abiding by The Ten Commandments, avoidance of
Capital Sins and Abominations the villagers can gain God’s assistance to restore the village to a moral
foundation and thus prosperity.
There was a story in the local newspaper about a single parent with several children who was financially
incapable of providing enough financial support for his family. He lost the place of his and his family’s
residence and so social services intervened in this family’s plight. Apparently, since no affordable
housing was available, the family was placed in a motel for about six months. At the end of this time
period, the bill to taxpayers amounted to close to $60,000. I stated to spouse that this large amount of
money could have likely come close to purchasing a condominium for this family with little or minimum
mortgage. At about the same time, a large parcel of land owned by the State of New York containing
many quality multi-story grey stone buildings in a wooded and natural area became available for
purchase by the county or a town. A town in the county purchased this expansive property and officials
asked the public for their input on how this property should be used. A meeting was scheduled that I
attended to discuss this issue. I was thinking that a section or all of the property (based on need) could
be used for a community work and study home as explained in the Commentary on Welfare. Contrary to
my thought of using the property to help the poverty stricken, most all of the people attending the
meeting suggested that the property be used for leisure activities of town residents to include the
establishment of a golf course. A few suggested that a portion of the property could be used for town
offices. After listening to other’s ideas concerning the use of this property, I decided not to broach the
subject of a community work and study home with this group of people, due to fears of attacks by evil. I
dishearteningly left this meeting as no suggestions were made to address the concerns of the many
needy people residing in the county and the astronomical costs to the taxpayers due to the lack of
affordable housing and the lack of comprehensive career training for the poor.
One evening while attending a high school open house and meet the teachers’ night at daughter’s and
son’s and my alma mater school, one noted several trailers used for classrooms placed on the lawn of
the school. As the school enrollment was significantly less than when I attended this same school, one
questioned the reason for these portable classrooms. The answer received informed one that a large
section of the school containing many classrooms was no longer available for use by students and
teachers because this area was now designated for storage.
This summer, I purchased a new automobile to reliably provide me with transportation to and from
work as my older vehicle was increasingly experiencing mechanical troubles. Shortly after purchasing
this vehicle that I was pleased with, a driver hit the rear of the car while I was stopped at a traffic light.
Within a few weeks after this car was returned to me repaired from the automobile body shop,
daughter asked me to drive home a friend of a friend. I asked daughter if there was someone at the
friend of a friend’s home who could give this girl a ride back to her house. The reply was that no one
could give her a lift home. Reluctantly, I agreed to transport this girl to her house. Without giving me
prior advisement that I was nearing the home of the girl, I was told to make a left now as I was about to
pass her house. Not seeing an approaching car due to the obtrusive lighting at dusk, my car was hit on
the passenger side. Thankfully, no passengers inside the vehicle were seriously hurt. I noted that at least
two adults were in the home of the friend of a friend’s house, with at least one car in the driveway, as I
waited for forty minutes before the police arrived at the scene. The driver of the car that hit mine stated
that he was driving a rental car as he was in an accident just a few days prior to this one. He could not
believe these circumstances and stated that we should get together for dinner. I stated that I had just
purchased this car and already was involved in two accidents after not having had an accident since I
was sixteen years old. I interpreted these two accidents within this short period of time to be attacks by
evil doers within the society.
Through limited internet access at work, I became aware of an internet business that offered
investigative services to the general public at a nominal fee. These services were advertised to supply
the patron with highly personal information on anyone desired of the patron’s request. I was greatly
perturbed at this sanctioned invasion of an individual’s privacy. A few years later, I was disgusted to
learn that satellite views of individual’s homes could be accessed on the internet. In both of the above
cases no permission granted by the subject of the inquiry was needed. By 2006, I recognized more
invasions of personal privacy as most everyone’s home address is posted on the internet with no
permission granted by the person of residence. The above stated examples of privacy invasions are likely
in violation of God’s Law regarding coveting.
In the winter of this year, spouse, daughter, son and I together with another family of our acquaintance
attended a bowling alley to engage in this sport. The interior of the bowling alley was darkened and
multicolored lights were flashed in a strobe light way onto the bowling lanes as loud music played. I
could not concentrate on my bowling technique and could not clearly see the pins at the end of the
lane. I believed this to be an absolute insane way to engage in this sport and have not participated in
this activity since.
Over the course of the previous few years and well into the early years of the twenty first century, I
noticed how extravagant gift giving was becoming. Bridal and baby showers changed from casual
acquaintances giving small gifts to many giving very expensive gifts. For example, the purchase of a
carriage for a baby in the past was usually given by a close family member or was a combined gift of
several family members. During this time, a casual acquaintance would purchase this large and
expensive gift for example, for someone with whom they were merely friendly. In addition, registries
with a listing of desired gifts, was distributed to party attendees by the future recipient of gifts. Through
further contemplation of this practice, it becomes clear that some people are politely demanding certain
and specified gifts. In the past, this practice would have been considered to be extremely rude and ill
mannered behavior.
This year one became aware of some people seeking vacation excursions that included programs to
swim with sharks. By 2012, a sea aquarium in the vicinity of one’s residence invited children and others
attending the aquarium, to “pet” sharks contained in a shallow pool.
A student had informed me about a disturbing phenomena that was occurring at school. After paying for
lunch, many students would throw any returned change (coins) around the school cafeteria and school
corridors. I would surmise that some school employees acquired plenty of extra money due to this crazy
behavior. I also was alarmed with the over abundance of curse words and lewd discussion that I had
heard permeating from the mouths of youths and other young people who were not only students but
also employees of the corporation of my employment. I stated to daughter and son that through the use
of expletives people lose their civilized vocabulary and thus can only speak using cuss words. In addition,
I increasingly noticed the volatile tempers of all people both young and old. The slightest inconvenience
or problem experienced often times resulted in an outburst of intense anger usually directed at a
particular person. In the past and as a youth, I commonly recognized the grouchy and nasty attitudes of
some older people but rarely did I witness this in younger people. Now, both old and young exhibited
irritable dispositions. The tattooing of one’s skin and multiple piercings of one’s body to include ear
lobes, tongues, and the naval area were also becoming very prevalent with the youth. Discussing this
increasing problem with a parent acquaintance, the acquaintance stated that the tattooing of her child
would be fine, but she objected to the possible use of non sterile instruments during the tattooing
procedure and so she accompanied her daughter to the tattoo parlor. At this time I recalled the
elementary school that both of our children had attended. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) had
sponsored a weekend fair at the school where face painting and temporary tattoos were offered to the
children of the school attending this social outing. I recognized during this discussion that young children
were being prepared by the Parent Teacher Association to have their bodies desecrated in later life
through this apparent benign introduction to “temporary” tattoos many years earlier. Still, I thought this
parental attitude to be bizarre. Later this year, I became aware of the extreme promiscuity of young
people. Many were involved in sexual activity and viewed this God ordained intimate aspect of
marriage, as a physical education exercise involving many people and partners (this was a type of an
insane sports team mentality). In conjunction with the above stated immoralities, the showering and
washing of one’s body sometimes three to four times a day became commonplace. Among several
reasons given for this obsessive behavior was that the shower provides one with a means of relaxation.
Drug use apparently was another means of a highly destructive way to relax as the schools became
infiltrated with illicit drugs. Beer and wine, the popular intoxicating beverages of my era of youth in the
1970’s and legal for purchase at eighteen years old was legislated to be illegal in recent times until
reaching the age of twenty one years of age. In an almost purposeful way, dangerous drugs replaced
these low in alcohol beverages.
Spouse, daughter, son and I were invited to and attended a sixteen year olds birthday party that was
held in the large basement of a church. This event included a variety of participants including young and
old, traditional and conservative and liberal and progressive. The music played at this celebration was a
combination of the reflections of all of the above kinds of philosophies and lifestyles, which in at least
two of the above listed cases is most inappropriate based on the location of the event. Therefore it is
suggested that any celebration’s program attended at a church or contained on church premises be
carefully scrutinized by church officials for good moral content, prior to the event. This includes the type
of music desired to be played, as well as certain performances and activities that will be portrayed to
parishioners and the general public on church property.
I was mortified when informed that the local Catholic Church, a beautiful and quaint field stone building
was scheduled to be demolished to build a larger church on this same plot of land. This demolition did
not make sense to me as I believed that an addition to the existing church could have easily
accomplished the perceived need for a larger church, at much less of a cost than building a new church
while at the same time, maintaining this most loved church. After suggesting this idea to a church
official, I was told that builders had stated that it was more cost efficient to demolish the old church and
then construct a new church. I thought this reasoning to be bizarre. In the spring, son was confirmed in
the parish school due to the demolition of the church. Son selected brother’s and godfather’s name for
his Confirmation name. A requirement of the Confirmation program was for the youths requesting to
receive this sacrament to attend Catholic mass regularly. Attendance cards were required to be
submitted to the priest at the conclusion of mass. I thought this to be disparaging, an affront, and an
undue additional burden on the priest.
Retrospective: The use of abbreviations is one method evil uses to confuse language and confound the
listeners. For one example on how language is confused, I noticed that some abbreviations can refer to
more than one meaning. An investigation should be conducted to ascertain valid reasons why a large
section of classroom space is no longer available for students and teachers use. Also, is this bizarre
situation of available classroom non use to the preference of rented portable classrooms, occurring in
other schools? People are increasingly attacked by evil within the society. Reject insanity by not
participating in deranged activities and other situations. God warns people not to tattoo themselves.
Read the Commentary on Attire and Body Art shown at the end of this book regarding the Bible passage
related to tattoo’s. People are accepting decrees that defy common sense.
Historical Accounts 2000: 56
Scientists basically can identify the genes of all human beings by June 26.
NASA launches five space shuttle missions.
Remarks: Many people do not understand the tremendous dangers of genetically identifying individuals.
Read the Commentary on Genetic Identification shown at the end of this book for further information.
I was increasingly recognizing that I was experiencing a problem comprehending conversation. I was
unsure if this problem was due to me, or the others that I was conversing with. I decided to read some
of the textbooks that students were were using in school. Much of what was written in the textbooks, I
perceived also to be incomprehensible. I read sections of these textbooks to spouse and also our
children. Spouse agreed that some passages written in these textbooks made no sense. Certain words of
irrelevance not related to the subject of the sentence, were haphazardly placed in sentences seemingly
designed to confuse and confound the reader. In addition, some sentences included in paragraphs were
shown to have nothing to do with the topic of discussion. Also the use of two negatives in sentences
actually resulted in a positive (turning English into mathematics) further confused and disoriented the
reader’s understanding of a topic. When I approached some students with this fact, it was remarked
that it does not matter what is written in the textbooks as the teachers do not use or closely follow
these books for instruction. Apparently also report “writing” consisted of printing information off of the
computer and turning this information in to the teacher for a grade. I also became aware that young
people were identifying most ingestible substances as drugs. I was told that because I smoke cigarettes
and drink coffee or occasionally tea that I was a drug addict. Upon inquiry, I later discovered that this
curriculum was being taught in the schools. As one can realize the above curriculum taught to young
people justifies the use of extremely dangerous pharmaceutical grade drugs. Another course offered at
school required students to actually sell a confectionary product. Apparently, the students that sold the
most products received the higher grade. I do not know where the money was disbursed from the sales
of these products. During this time I curtailed my acceptance of social invitations. One of the last social
gatherings I attended was a few weeks after the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center
buildings, where I was discussing this horror with others at a table. Shortly thereafter, all of those sitting
at the table removed themselves from the table and left me sitting at this table alone. My focus then
concentrated on family, job, and the seeking of reasons for the increasing insanity of the society. Even
though I infrequently communicated with others outside of family, I still became aware of two atrocious
and audacious situations concerning the children of acquaintances. Apparently, these families of my
acquaintance were reported and then subjected to the decrees of outside authorities regarding the
disciplining of their children (with the threat of the removing of their children from the home if the
agency’s program was not followed). This made no sense to me as I believed both of these families to be
upstanding, righteous citizens. Through a school and community program (D.A.R.E.) it also appeared
that many other parents were being reported by children and others to school officials and other
officials, and then subsequently to social service authorities for the “abusive” disciplining of their
On one business trip to South Florida for the purpose of instruction on a cruise line’s policies and to view
cruise ships, I was scheduled on a flight from New York to a South Florida city. The first flight scheduled
was a connecting flight which required me to board the smallest airplane that I have ever ridden. There
were about twenty people on board and the stewardess announced that the weight of the airplane had
to be balanced prior to takeoff so people were asked to change their seats. After this harrowing flight
and arriving at my destination of an in port cruise ship tour, I viewed a most disturbing and eerie display
on one ship. Mannequins with the faces of past celebrities were scattered throughout the ship’s
facilities. I was also introduced on this trip to new security technology where a person’s retinas were
scanned prior to boarding the ship (one believes that a person’s fingerprints are sufficient for infallible
identification purposes). One also believes this technology to be innately evil, perhaps even inflicting
blindness in some select targeted people. This device may also have been put to use to threaten other
people who may have been objecting to societal immoralities whether through discussions inside their
homes (obtained through extremes of coveting) or with others outside of their homes. On another
business trip, I viewed people while walking along the ship’s deck, inside of front windows abutting the
ship’s deck, obtaining various body massages. I thought this practice to be an invasion of personal
privacy to the recipients of the massages and I also believed this display to also inflict psychological
harm on the ignorant passersby.
Prior to boarding an airline flight to the city of a ship’s departure for a vacation, airport personnel
searched one’s handbag where the agent discovered a small travel sewing kit that contained thread, a
needle, safety pins, and a small three inch scissor with a one inch blade. The small scissor was
confiscated and placed in a bin where I noticed other items some of which were not sharp, prompting
me to wonder why these were taken from other passengers.
A confusing new method of written communication debuted and was used especially by many young
people that combined numbers with words. For example, instead of writing the word “before” the word
and number combination “B4” would be written. Many times one became confounded with this type of
communication. One day and while at work, a co-worker notified me and also possibly the client, that a
travel reservation made cancels “2nite”. One questioned the co-worker on this note where it was asked,
does the reservation cancel tonight or in two nights? A short time later, a manager asked the co-worker
to correct this language to reflect “old” English grammar because others might still be thinking the same
way as Barbara.
During the winter of this year, I planned a long weekend excursion to a mountainous upstate area of
New York State where spouse, daughter, son, and I engaged in the activity of skiing. On the last day of
our visit, daughter suggested that we participate in horseback riding that was offered in the area.
Daughter had previously and regularly partook of this activity in Florida for several months but quit after
a disturbing incidence. After the riding instructor in Florida changed stables for lessons, the owners of
the second stable released several dogs out of their home during the instruction time causing the horse
daughter was riding on to jolt and act erratically. I therefore determined that this new stable of lessons
was unsafe and so daughter quit the program. But to return to the horseback riding offered in New York
State, I agreed to engage with family in this activity. After crossing a snow covered field on horseback,
the guide directed our group to a trail that ascended a hill. We noticed that there were two
snowmobiles driven by people within a near but acceptable distance from the horses. I expected these
snowmobilers to stay clearly away from the horses as any moral person or people would do. Instead
however I was terrorized when the snowmobilers crossed directly in front of the animals causing the
horses to become highly agitated. The horses that we were riding bucked and one sprung up on its hind
legs. I was very concerned for son who was new to this activity. Thankfully, we all arrived back to the
stable safely where my legs felt extremely weak upon descending from the horse I was riding.
Beginning on Friday evening September 7, I wrote a letter to be copied, distributed, and mailed to the
president, vice president, and all senators and members of The House of Representatives. I innately
knew that the craziness and insanity in the society was somehow due to abortion. I also believed that
people were becoming ill and dying prematurely likely also due to abortion policies. I recognized this as
an emergency situation and so this weekend I was very motivated to write and send this letter to all
members of the federal governing bodies which was placed in the outside mailbox at the local post
office on Sunday evening, September 9, 2001. The content of the letter is shown below.
September 7, 2001
Dear Honorable Congressmen and Senators,
As decisions are currently made, pending, and forums for discussion established regarding stem cell
research, it is necessary to carefully review where we have been, where we are going, and where we
want this Nation to be, in the future. Is one human soul worth more than another? Is the human soul
becoming a commodity to be produced, bought, and sold by Corporate America? Has permission been
given by the dead embryos (murdered human souls), to extract their stem cells (genetic material), to
benefit other living human souls? And, most of all are we completely losing our humanity?
Sanctioned abortion is a horrendous tragedy permitted by our Great Government (built under God),
with the passing of Roe vs. Wade in 1973. Such an important ruling, with tremendous moral
implications, affecting every man, woman, and child in America, was never voted on (in a “democratic”
society), by the American People. The law was passed, basically due to the influence of “special” interest
groups and agreeing “Supreme” Court Justices, with absolutely no consideration for the views of
Americans, and most citizens were staunchly against the passing of that law. However, over time, most
of US have become conditioned and have adjusted to the ultimate ramifications of the passing of the
right to abortion law. Americans can rationalize “As long as it is not my child they are killing”. But the
irony is, our children, grandchildren, and families are all being killed, but in a different way. Examine the
content of the media (network television, movies, and some internet content), and the violent materials
and weapons sold and look at the recent occurrences in the biotechnological complex. We do not need
“specialists” or rocket scientists to tell us in what direction to head. What we need are thinking,
common sense, stable, and well grounded people in politics, who are truly working to bring America
back to sensibility.
While abortion remains permissible, there can be no peace of mind nor conscience in America. A $300
tax rebate is nice, but it is not what America needs nor truly wants. (*author’s note: tax rebates were
being increasingly offered by government and publicized in the media) Facts need to be faced. Roe vs.
Wade needs to be overturned and this gentlemen, is the real issue we are currently facing. If there is no
abortion allowed, then the entire stem cell issue (cloning, “Genetic enhancement” etc.) is moot in not
only the public sector, but private sector as well. No decision will ever be necessary regarding an
aborted human soul’s genetic material. We can put an end once and for all to the questions,
compromises, and painful decisions made, regarding the use of aborted human body parts. It is time
that the abortion issue be rekindled by Conscionable People and brought forth to a democratic vote by
the American people.
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
On Tuesday morning September 11, 2001 I felt an anxiety and a strange sense of foreboding upon
entering the parking lot of the business of my employment as one observed a taxi cab departing the
parking lot that was advertising a movie titled “Original Sin” on the roof of the cab. Shortly after settling
in at work, word was delivered via the internet that one airplane had struck the World Trade Center
building in New York City. A sense of excitement and stress combined with anxiety overtook me. While
trying to maintain my composure, I learned that another airplane struck the World Trade Center. Shortly
thereafter, I was introduced to a woman of Egyptian birthplace and descent who was hired to begin
employment this day. I was asked to introduce her to the responsibilities of the job. I wondered why she
began work on a Tuesday and I thought about the odd coincidence of the letter I had just mailed and
was sickened. I requested to leave work and was dismissed from my job early that day. The first place I
drove to after leaving work was daughter and son’s school. As I entered the long in length school parking
lot, I was stopped by a security guard just after turning off of the road and into the parking area where I
was told to “slow down”. I did not believe myself to be speeding but further slowed my vehicle to a few
miles per hour. To digress a bit, at a later date while retrieving one of my children from the school,
security was voraciously waving the people on who were driving vehicles to move faster within the area
close to the school that was infiltrated with young people standing outside of the school and crossing
parking lot roadways. I was annoyed at this procedure and was reminded of the earlier security
chastisement of September 11, 2001. I reported this abuse of security forces to a school official where I
was asked to identify the culprit(s). I gave a physical description of one security employee, but
mentioned to the school official that all of the security guards in that area at that time were involved, so
the description given of one person was meaningless. The school official stated that she would
investigate the incident. Shortly thereafter, the school official informed me that security was
reprimanded for this affront and breech of their own policy. But to return to the events of September
11, 2001, upon driving to the front doors of the school, I observed daughter, upset and sitting on a wall
in the front of the school being comforted by a teacher. There were no other students in the vicinity. I
retrieved daughter and proceeded to drive home when I noticed that there were no other parents
coming to retrieve or inquire of their children in the parking lot at that time. Upon arriving home with
daughter, I believe that I telephoned the school inquiring of son’s health where I was informed that he
was in class. Especially this day, and the months following this catastrophe a sense of surrealism became
part of my everyday life.
Shortly after the September 11 catastrophe I erected large anti-abortion signs on the front lawn of our
property. I was given some flack by town officials for the erection of these signs but after investigation
by town attorneys and other officials it was determined that these signs were legal under law. Further
explanation is given of these incidences in a 2003 letter written to those involved in the World Trade
Center catastrophe in New York City.
During the winter, it was required by my employer that I attend a job seminar presented in a conference
room at a local hotel where other employees from throughout the area would also be attending. Prior to
beginning the seminar, employees were invited to procure a beverage and continental breakfast that
was provided on a buffet table in a section of the room. Shortly after sitting at tables with our pastries
and beverages and listening to the presentation, blood curdling screams and crying were heard
emanating from the catering room next door. These screams of terror were followed with the loud
applause and laughter of many people. Employees attending the seminar just glanced at each other
some in a confused way and others in a disgusted way. Feeling sickened and upset with this occurrence I
decided to investigate during a short seminar recess what was occurring in the room next door only to
find out that this “celebration” was a Bris Milah. I thought that the laughter and applause following such
a painful and solemn ceremony was completely inappropriate and lacked compassion for the tiny infant.
At the end of the year, an opportunity presented itself through my job where spouse, daughter, son,
and I could relatively inexpensively, vacation aboard a cruise ship with ports of call including Jamaica,
Colombia, and Panama. In Jamaica, after visiting a renowned waterfall, we once again found ourselves in
a maze like situation as we tried to find our way back to the bus which was soon to be departing back to
the cruise ship. The entrance from the parking lot into the area of the waterfall was straight and within a
short walking distance. The hurried exit from the waterfall was long, winding, and arduous as we
maneuvered around many retail shops. The suggestion is to switch the entrance and exit to this
magnificent waterfall as some people may be in a hurry to catch a bus on exiting this natural wonder.In
Colombia, we hired a tour guide to show us the sights of the quaint and antique areas of the city of
Cartagena. We visited an antique Catholic monastery located on the top of a hill where we were
mistakenly told that St. Augustine resided there. Later, and after provided with home internet access
and reliable service, I discovered this monastery to be not where St. Augustine resided but to be an
Augustinian monastery. While on the way to the monastery I was disturbed to view a partially clothed
baby precariously tottering near a precipice of a hill. Inside the monastery, very old and antique Spanish
coins were displayed in glass cases in a museum room. I wondered why however, newly minted Susan B.
Anthony coins were also displayed together with these antique coins. Visiting a church in town, I was
frightened to view a complete skeleton of a renowned church leader displayed in front of the altar. I
believed this display to be evil. Later we shopped for souvenirs. One shop entered displayed large
amounts of emerald and gold jewelry on the top of empty glass jewelry security cases. I thought this to
be bizarre. In Panama, I noted the severe poverty situations of many people residing in Colon. I
wondered how this could be possible as the country of Panama most logically receives huge revenues
from the fees paid by the thousands and thousands of boats and ships that pass through the Panama
Canal on an annual basis. The infrastructure of this area of the country is also primitive. Some roads are
dangerously narrow and unpaved. While visiting an old and ancient fort at the top of a hill, our tour
guide’s automobile tires became stuck in mud as the access road to this fort and popular tourist
destination was unpaved.
Retrospective: When I attended public schools in the 1960’s to 1970’s, textbooks were relied on for
most all classroom instruction. At that time and for the most part these books were comprehensible.
Public school districts may want to reference textbooks from the 1960’s for comparison purposes. In an
immoral society, many people do not want to discuss issues of societal importance or become involved
in changing immoral situations thus giving evil doers, free reign to inflict further immorality and
damages on the society. Children and others are reporting parents for some perceived or real injustice
or abuse that is similar to what was written in the prophetic book “1984”. Perhaps also some parents
are being reported through extremes of coveting occurring inside of their homes. As far as one is
concerned, items “taken” from passengers should be returned to them when reaching the destination of
their flight. Confiscated items could be placed in a package and sent to the departing flight where airline
personnel could maintain the designated contraband until arriving at the destination when it is then
returned to the passengers. Considerable thought should be given to the wanton practice of
circumcision where Biblical religious instruction is void or lacking for the male children undergoing this
procedure. This Jewish Covenant, when there is little or no teaching of Biblical morality could serve the
purposes of the occult. In other words the Covenant is not between God and the person but between
the occult and the person. The occult therefore could gain an evil influence over the biblically
uninstructed circumcised male who may have, because of the circumcision, a tendency to agree with
societal evils. Contrarily uncircumcised males lacking a biblically based moral education may be a
specific target of evil within the society due to an innate tendency to disagree with some (but not all)
evil agendas. If an uncircumcised or circumcised male adheres to biblically based morality, protection
from evil is granted although this becomes complicated as asking for materialism (a job for example),
usually becomes a request and component of legitimate religious people in an evil society. Attacks
continue against people for apparently no rhyme or reason. Strange and odd occurrences and situations
appear to be happening in other areas of the world as well. The letter sent to federal lawmakers in
September of this year, contained information pertaining to one of many major problems in society. The
timing of this letter sent was eerie as prior to this I had only sent one other letter to an official and that
was in the early half of the 1990’s. If the other problems are not resolved to a specific extent in
conjunction with the elimination of abortion, it will probably be extremely difficult if not impossible to
end abortion. Although if abortion did end, people would likely become more moral and thus not be as
easily influenced and/or mind controlled by evil hence their sanity would be restored, resulting in the
ending of the other major immoralities within the society. Read the Commentaries and The Ten
Commandments for Today’s Society shown at the end of this book for further information. Also, at the
time of the writing of this letter I was deprived of important information as I did not have reliable and
virus proof internet service at our home.
Historical Accounts 2001: 57
Noah, an Indian Bison is the second cloned animal to be born on January 8.
Two earthquakes occurring on January 13 and February 13 in El Salvador kill about one thousand four
hundred people.
An earthquake on January 26 in India kills more than nineteen thousand people.
About three thousand people are killed in the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center
in New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C..
About one thousand people are killed in mudslides in Algeria on November 10.
NASA’s NEAR shoemaker is the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid.
Remarks: The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks results in an unprecedented increase in security in
the United States that corresponds with many people losing various liberties and freedom.
By January, I decided to become involved in the pro-life movement as I began to more clearly recognize
that abortion and infanticide were one of the major reasons for the increasing immorality and insanity in
the society. I joined a local Right to Life group who arranged for bus service to Washington D.C. for the
March for Life demonstration and walk on Constitution Avenue to the Capital building. Upon arriving in
Washington D.C., I was astounded to view the large crowd of people that gathered from all areas of the
country for this event. After listening to speeches from religious groups and political leaders the people
attending the event proceeded to walk to the Capital building. I decided that rather than to try to follow
the local Right to Life group who was maneuvering through this crowd of people, I would instead view
what was occurring at this March. This decision resulted in me losing the familiar faces of this
hometown group. After the March, I somehow found my way through a complicated and attendant free
but computerized subway system to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception where I attended
Catholic mass. Prior to attending the scheduled mass, one stopped at the cafeteria of Catholic University
which is next to the Cathedral, to procure a small meal. I brought this meal to an outside table where
other students sat at other tables and dined. While the students dined, one watched food packaging
debris blow off of a table that was not retrieved by the any of the four students, sitting at the table. I
was disgusted to view this general lack of concern for the environment by the students. After attending
mass I strolled through this immense Cathedral together with thousands of other people. I noted in the
center of the dome of the Cathedral a painting of a blond, blue eyed man. I thought to ask who this
person was but decided against it as I was in a solemn mood that day and did not desire to converse
with others. I assumed this man to be a Catholic saint. Bus transportation was provided from this
location back to the area of my residence.
During the next four months at work, I regularly checked a mass media news source to scan the news for
any progress in the correcting of immoralities within this society. I strongly believed that the terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center buildings were most definitely related to abortion. Most all news
reviewed suggested that instead of rectifying societal problems (including abortions in laboratories),
societal immoralities were increasing. At this time, I thought about quitting my job to work full time to
assist in the goal of eliminating abortion. So finally, one day in May I left the company of my monetarily
paid employment.
After leaving my job, I discussed the critical need to end abortion with various people including some of
those in the prolife movement. I believed that an intensive national educational campaign was needed
to end this tragedy. The responses I received ranged from indifference to mild acknowledgement of this
problem where it was explained to me that funds were not available for such an endeavor. Frustrated
and exasperated with the above conclusion and resignation, I decided to attempt to raise money for a
national highway billboard campaign to alert the population to the urgent need to end abortion. One
idea contemplated for products that I could sell in order to raise the necessary funds for this project,
were religious flags. This idea was solidified one day while driving through town. At the local Catholic
school, I noticed the flag pole installed on the premises with two flags flying on one pole, the American
flag was positioned on top of the flag of the religious order. I was thinking at the time that a religious
flag should be flown above the national flag (as we are “one nation under God’) when two flags are
flown on the same pole. But with that suggestion aside, I visited the local library to research the symbols
of the five major world religions and discovered that the Buddhist religion was represented with a
Wheel, Christianity a Cross, Hinduism an Om, Muslim a Crescent Moon and Star, and Judaism with the
Star of David. I believe Divine inspiration assisted me in selecting the colors of the flags to arrive at the
following combinations: The Buddhist Wheel was represented in gold with a dark green background, the
Christian Cross was shown in brown with a yellow background, the Hindu Om was depicted in red with a
gold background, the Moslem Crescent Moon and Star was shown in white with a navy blue background
and the Jewish Star of David was depicted in blue with a white background. I also thought about
combining these symbols on one flag to suggest cooperation between these faiths. The background
color selected for this representation was purple with a dove and olive branch featured centrally. I hired
a computer graphic designer to photograph the flags and place them on an advertising slick for mailings
and Sunday newspaper supplement promotions. Somehow I managed to find addresses of flag
manufacturers in the area on our virus infiltrated home computer. After a few telephone discussions
with different companies, I settled on one company in New Jersey to manufacture six sample flags. I
then visited our home computer to provide me with directions to the sales office of the flag
manufacturer. The directions provided by our computer stated that one needed to cross a bridge over a
river only to cross the river again after driving several miles on a highway, by tunnel. I stated to spouse
that the computers were likely being programmed to provide false and illogical directions. Through this
experience one can surmise that other false and illogical information is being provided to the population
of people through “reliable” sources on the internet. After procuring the sample flags from the
manufacturer, the promotional business hired photographed the flags and produced ten thousand, eight
and one half inches by eleven inches advertising slicks. The advertisement is provided to view by the
reader at the end of this year’s autobiography. The business address has been removed. Shortly after
producing this advertising material the graphic artist’s home and place of business was infiltrated,
burglarized, and vandalized by a group of wayward youths while the graphic artist and the family were
not at home.
In conjunction with this flag manufacturing and promotional process, I sought the assistance of an
attorney to explain the establishment of various business options. I requested that this flag company be
established as a not for profit organization as all profits procured were intended to be used for an
educational campaign to end abortion. The attorney informed me that there were certain restrictive
government rules and regulations regarding charitable, not for profit organizations and when some of
these were explained, I rejected this type of business establishment due to these restrictions as these
restrictions would have prevented me from saying what I wanted to say. The attorney then stated that a
corporation would be established with charitable deductions taken at the end of the fiscal year. The
attorney gave me the example of Paul Newman’s pasta sauce company where all profits from the
business benefit charity. This is how the attorney stated the flag company business would be
Prior to soliciting flag sales from the general public, fifty letters and as I recall other pertinent
information were sent to major corporate foundations requesting financial support for a national
highway billboard campaign to end abortion. Forty eight letters and cards were returned rejecting this
request for funds.
I realized that religious organizations would be a key market for the purchase of these flags and so I
procured a four volume directory set of books containing the names and addresses of every religious
organization in the United States. An advertising company was hired to place the flag advertising slick
into the coupon section of the Sunday newspapers in the markets of Portland, Bangor, Lewiston,
Waterville, and Augusta Maine, Camden and Woodbury New Jersey, St. Paul Minnesota, Chattanooga
Tennessee, Roanoke and Lynchburg Virginia, and Lafayette and Lake Charles Louisiana. In addition, son
and I addressed and mailed a cover letter and the advertising slick to 8791 religious facilities of all
denominations throughout the United States. The letter is shown below.
Dear Religious Leader:
Flags of Inspiration, a private and not for profit organization, is offering Flags of Religion to end the
murderous Right to Abortion, in the United States of America.
Since 1973, in the United States, a holocaust of 45,000,000 human souls have been systematically
exterminated with the seemingly “Good Housekeeping” stamp of approval of the United States
Government. This translates to a daily execution of 3,500 human lives. As we all know, this horrendous
desecration and attack on human life was not voted on by the people, in a “democratic” society.
Basically, it was passed, on the opinions of a few people (“special” interest groups) and agreeing
“Supreme” Court Justices. This travesty of legislation, has resulted in the tossing of our Nation’s people
into moral and mental turmoil. People seem to be no longer as caring, loving, and concerned about
others, as they were in the past. The approval of Roe vs. Wade, has caused the loss of our own
Flags of Inspiration, is planning a National Billboard Campaign to eradicate this awful tragedy. The hope
is that a national “Grass Roots” highway advertising effort, encouraging the public to contact political
officials regarding this heinous “right” will result in the rescission of this wrong. All profits received from
the sale of Flags, will be used to fund a National Highway Billboard Campaign to rescind the abortion
Flags of Inspiration, is offering Flags of 5 World Religions and a World Unity Flag depicting an
Understanding and Respect for other’s beliefs. The Flag of your choice can be displayed with dignity at
the Community’s Place of Worship. Also, congregational members can demonstrate their support for
ending abortion, by purchasing a Flag for display at home.
And, as we are “One Nation under God” the consideration may be, to display the Religious Flag of God,
above the National Flag.
Thank you for your support.
This four month long extraordinary effort yielded one order for a flag from the State of Ohio for the
Jewish Star of David. The purchaser of this flag was sent the sample flag free of charge and the personal
check was returned together with this flag. Needless to say, I was upset with the outcome of this
endeavor but at the same time I became highly suspicious as to what was transpiring in this country.
It is most appropriate at this time to discuss the computer as it related to the lives of our family. In the
early 1990’s, spouse and I purchased a second hand computer that included many programs for
daughter and son’s use. Although the program materials were good as they contained educational
subject matter including encyclopedias and specialized subject oriented materials, the computer was
extremely slow and frustrated daughter and son. In 1997, spouse and I purchased a new computer
system with similar educational materials and games that were included with the purchase of the
computer. This computer system was a “closed” system as it was not connected to outside internet. At
that time I recall that internet services were just beginning to be introduced to this area of South
Florida. My objection to this home computer system purchased was that there were too many games
included with the purchase of the computer. In the year 2000, spouse subscribed to an internet service
almost exclusively used by daughter and son. I was not pleased with the service as it was recognized by
me that daughter and son were likely accessing some illicit websites. Every time I tried to cancel this
service, the corporate representative of the internet provider would insist that I continue the service
through giving me a huge range and variety of reasons to keep the service. Shortly after subscribing to
this internet service, the computer became infiltrated with so many viruses that it was virtually rendered
useless except for what seemed to be plenty of invitations to view pornography. Finally, after a flaring of
tempers, I was able to cancel the subscription with this internet service provider. Due to all the viruses
that infiltrated the computer system, the computer was discarded. To accomplish some research on
questions that arose related to the abortion issue, I borrowed books and used the computer at the local
library for internet research. There were about seven computers available for public use at the library
with each computer given the name of one of the seven dwarfs in the fairy tale story of Snow White.
This method of using the internet became frustrating to me as questions could not be researched and
possibly answered immediately as a trip to the library was necessary. Also, there were sometimes long
lines of people waiting to use the library internet service. In August of 2002, spouse purchased a new
computer with protection from viruses. From about this time we also hired a computer technician on an
annual basis to install anti-virus protections as new viruses are always surfacing on the internet. Finally
in August of 2002, I could reliably research from home, topics pertaining to abortion and other related
evils within the society. Researching one afternoon, I happened upon a news story related to the
Oklahoma bombing of a government building that mentioned the Operation Vampire Killer report. 58
Once I discovered and read this report, I was on my way to the solving of so many puzzles. An important
book that was mentioned in the report which seemed to suggest, based on a book excerpt, that
invasions of people’s personal privacy were occurring since the early years of 1970, was incredibly not
available at the large local library. As a matter of fact, the only library that this out of print book was
available at within the closest proximity to our residence, was Rutgers University Library. At that point, I
believed that important books were being withheld from the general population of people to perhaps
keep them ignorant of important history (and life saving information) regarding the implementations of
evil policies by industrialists and government. Through considerable and extensive research on the
internet over the course of nine years I discovered some other very important historical books that
explained the progression of evil in modern day society. After much reading and some sorting of books
that I believed were not as important or contained possibly damaging to the reader, occult information,
I condensed my findings to a book list placed in the original for
consideration of books to read, by the viewers of this website. Questionable information gathered
through the reading of some of these books prompted me to further verify what was written by the
authors through researching on the internet for the purpose of confirming facts stated in these various
books. Most of the time, verifying information for what was stated in the books read could be found
through other sources on the internet. One book in particular, “Tragedy and Hope” required several
months of careful reading. This book in my opinion states the system implemented by evil to achieve the
goals of gaining wealth, power, and control over the population. In other words, creating a tyranny
situation for secular populations of people because and due to the people continually agreeing with,
which results in engaging in, immoral policies and practices. All facts stated in this book of my
investigation were verified through other sources on the internet. I thought that this book contains so
much information that perhaps hundreds of books could be spawned through more specific and
detailed analysis of some of the topics and issues presented in “Tragedy and Hope”. Another key book of
importance that the reader should pay careful attention to is “Votescam”. This book documents the
extensive corruption in the tallying of votes. Other information regarding this critical priority for
rectification is found in many other websites (search: corruption in the voting system, electoral fraud,
tampering of electronic voting machines etc.). The books on the website book list and book bibliography
together with the other websites, audio courses, and documentary DVD’s shown essentially combined
with Bible reading, presents all of the evidence both concrete and circumstantial that is needed to
determine that the masses of people suffer greatly (through illness, poverty and death (murder, killing,
and suicide) when Biblical morality is not adhered to by the people. In addition, statistics were reviewed
including crime statistics from 1960 to 2000 where it was shown that there was a marked increase in all
crimes during the period from initial abortion approval in 1960 (abortifacient birth control pill) to more
recent times of rampant, overt abortion. Also, various illnesses were researched showing an increase in
occurrences of all illnesses and especially and unexpectedly in the youth of the general population of
people during this time span. A wide range and large number of charitable organizations were also
established and surfaced during this 40 year time period as well, most likely due to the above stated
facts. Shortly after being provided with reliable internet service, one began to realize how explanations
of procedures and systems had changed after the internet became widely available for the public’s use.
In the 1970’s through the 1990’s when one questioned people in positions of authority on practices
and/or procedures that seemed odd or immoral, warped but logical explanations for the above were
provided to me which one reluctantly accepted based on the authority’s “expert” position and lack of
knowledge on my part. Later in the early years of 2000 and after internet access and Bible reading, when
questioning immoral practices and procedures to officials by stating the evidence gathered to support
my position, it was then stated that the official was just following the guidelines by the official’s
authorities. In other words they were “just following orders” which is reminiscent of the explanations of
lower level Nazis concerning the Jewish genocide during World War II.
The reader of all past letters written by me should read these letters with an understanding that I was
still grappling and in the process of acquiring more information. Obviously, these same letters would not
be written today. In some cases I have interjected an author’s note so as not confuse the reader with
regard to the progression of and the completeness of this project and conclusions finally reached in
2013 and provided to the reader through the completion of this book and Commentaries shown at the
end of the book. That being said, the following letters were written to officials in 2002. I have decidedly
removed some passages of the following letters to prevent the identification of private ordinary people
should some other people decide to engage in coveting and possibly harassment and other more major
crimes against individuals. In other cases, the author’s discretion was used to edit other passages.
Where editing has occurred, this will be noted to the reader through the use of parentheses and a *.
Also, some grammatical errors have been corrected.
In August of this year I wrote and sent a letter to the Commissioner of Education for the State of New
York. As has been written in this book throughout the years, I became increasingly concerned for the
well being of the youth of this country. As has been shown, the public secular schools over time and in
many instances have completely replaced parents as the primary educators of their children. I noted
that the youth of today were clearly being educated into increasing immorality resulting in the
destruction of many youths. At the time, I did not positively realize that this was being done purposely
to gain more wealth, power, and control over the population by evil. The content of this letter is shown
below with authors’ notes.
Dear Commissioner Mills:
The decision to write this suggestive note is based on the experiences encountered during the 13 year
time span of New York State school attendance of my children. (*Author’s note: I decided not to
elaborate on the three year hiatus in Florida due to complications and distractive long windedness and
irrelevance, as this is a national problem).
The advice of education experts was strictly adhered in our household. “Inventive spelling” was the
order of the day. Experts touted that “it is more important that a child express views than to err in the
spelling of those views”. Thus, many times spelling was left uncorrected by the teacher. The result of
this philosophy was that the simplest of words and grammatical structure were deficit in children well
into the junior high and high school years. Employers are now dealing with these communication
problems of employees.
“It does not matter what children are reading, as long as they are reading” was recommended.
Therefore comic books, Goosebumps novelettes, and other questionable literature were not
discouraged, and even encouraged by teachers and other revered administrative staff. This viewpoint
has contributed to children’s attitudes changing to a more violent and warped view of society and
human kind. An open house in my son’s middle school’s art class showed that many children, when
asked to draw freely drew devils, monsters, and other hideous creatures and depicted violent acts. This
artwork was displayed to parents, who were visibly shaken and distraught over these illustrations.
The key phrase of the time was “Higher order thinking skills are most important in this environment of
technology”. Never mind that children cannot add or multiply two simple figures in their head, without
the use of a calculator. It seemed as though common sense skills, according to curriculum masters were
no longer necessary.
After years of following “experts” advice, the conclusion is that they are very misdirected in their
philosophy. This severe inaccuracy of child guidance has resulted in a significant majority of children that
are unable to contend with the basic requirements and issues of life.
My daughter has graduated from high school and my son is in 11th grade. Neither will benefit from any
new school reforms. The suggestions offered are based on experiences (theirs and mine) with the school
district and Albany mandated curriculum. The hope is that other children will benefit thus ensuring
future competent leaders and citizens.
1. Textbooks are a teaching tool and usually cover a full school year’s curriculum. Textbooks should
be used. A teacher should not deny the use of the designated textbook in favor of endless
“creative” lessons. Curriculum in the textbook needs to be closely followed to ensure that the
required skills and knowledge are acquired by the student. The teacher and the students have a
full schedule abiding by the textbook curriculum and accompanying materials (ie: workbooks).
An effective teacher corrects student’s work thoroughly, plans future lessons, and contacts
parents regarding student’s progress when necessary, without having to plan constant creative
2. Teachers should be only responsible for teaching the basic grade levels’ required curriculum.
These include English, mathematics, science, social studies/history, and a foreign language if
grade appropriate (*Authors note: At that time I did not realize the vital importance of Bible
study to the complete education of the child.) Extra curricula are the responsibility of parents
and the religious organization to which the child is affiliated. Too much subject matter to cover
results in a rushed and/or “watered down” curriculum. Other topics are not the responsibility of
the school district.
3. The mathematics curriculum needs to emphasize universal life mathematics skills. Additional
and more advanced skills are the curriculum of colleges and universities. A suggestion for high
school students is to require a year long course on Federal and State income tax filing. Certainly,
different scenarios can be explored and computed using basic arithmetic skills and the
deciphering skills required in solving word problems. The result of this educational agenda,
should lend itself to adults that can understand their own financial situation. Also, this will
probably result in greater honesty in filing. Accountants know all the “loopholes” the average
person does not.
4. There has been much discussion about increasing the length of the school year. In the distant
past, children were required to assist in family farm fields, as we once were a largely agricultural
society. This no longer applies to most children, yet they continue to remain off from school for
3 months. Teachers do need planning time, professional training time and rest, as time spent
being a thorough teacher during the school year, can result in days where teachers work past
midnight. A compromise to teachers and solution to excessive non productive time off is to
make mandatory one month of community service work over the summer, in order to fulfill
graduation requirements. High school students are usually blessed with much enthusiasm and
energy. I’m sure charitable and not for profit organizations throughout the State would be
pleased to have the added assistance and helping hands for those in need. The benefits to
students will be the peace of mind and good feeling that one receives from helping others, a
greater appreciation for their own life situation, and perhaps have an idea on a fulfilling career
goal. Of course, students should be able to choose from a variety of charitable organizations to
fulfill graduation requirements. So, the suggestion is to extend the high school year by one
month, to include community service work.
5. “Centers” in the early primary years, can add to or create attention deficit disorders. Centers
involve children’s assignment to various school work areas (blocks, dress up, etc.). It goes
without saying and based on talent and interest, that a child will favor one center over another.
A child will watch others, and want to be at their favorite center. However, rotation is the “order
of the day” and so the child faces anxiety until their turn comes to go to a favored station. Is it
possible that all children in a classroom can be “on the same page at the same time”? Education
experts seem to have to justify their expertism at the expense of harming children by creating
curriculum that can lead to anxiety, frustration, and attention deficit in students. If the basics
work (as they have in the past), then why change tried and true curriculum? Additional
excitement, mayhem, and sometimes chaos, especially in these times are unnecessary. Children
need stability, consistency, and clear direction in assignments and expectations without added
distractions. Basic and common sense skills are the requirements that are necessary to succeed
in managing life’s situations. Too many children have attention deficit disorders and are
medicated with Ritalin on the recommendations of health professionals and school staff. Have
studies been conducted as to why this is occurring in an unprecedented way? My notion is that
a new and exciting lesson plan on a regular basis and rushed curriculum can only add to the
problem of over stimulated children. The basics and repetition are the requirements for success
in the classroom. And probably, there should be periods of rest and meditation at appropriate
6. Finally, state school psychology practices need to be carefully examined. At an open house, I
viewed 3 posters on the psychiatrist’s office window, inviting students to gay/straight alliance
meetings. I thought to myself, if you’re not a homosexual now, you will be when you leave the
meeting and a partner will even be provided, courtesy of the school district. Years ago, if a
student had that kind of inclination, he or she would be referred to an outside agency for
counseling or help, if requested. Why are these types of meetings taking place in the public
school system attended by underage children? Let’s even put sexual orientation aside. These
meetings are directly or indirectly promoting sexual promiscuity.
It is beginning to appear as though there is an orchestrated effort to undermine the success of many
students. For example, a social studies course properly entitled Participation in Government was
abbreviated (by Albany mandate, as told to me by a school counselor) as PIG Issues. The students
thought this abbreviation on their schedules was humorous and therefore did not take the course
seriously. Perhaps, the abbreviation was purposely imposed, to keep young people out of a well
defined government hierarchy of self serving politicians involved in graft and corruption.
In addition, school counselors are advising students on which courses are “important to graduate”
and which courses are “unneeded”. Why should a student or anyone for that matter work on a
project that is unneeded? This is bad advice to give a student.
School districts certainly cannot be blamed for all of society’s woes. However, they do not need to
further contribute to the problems. Schools can be and should be one of the stabilizing forces in a
student’s life.
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
The above letter was copied to the local school superintendent and local board of education. The
Federal Department of Education was copied as well as a New York State senator.
In June spouse, son, and I attended daughter’s high school graduation ceremony. Years earlier I had
graduated from the same school. Three hundred and twenty one students graduated with daughter.
Four hundred and ninety six students graduated with me. The county population of people grew by
approximately one third from 1976 to 2002. Based on these figures and with comparable fertility
rates, my hypothesis is that probably more than half of daughter’s graduating class was aborted.
During the ceremony there were three students each to the left and right (total of six students) of
the central speaker at the podium, who were translating speeches into sign language. I thought that
only one person was necessary to accomplish this translation should there have been persons in the
audience who were hearing impaired. After the ceremony, one became aware of a student friend of
daughter’s who “won” a scholarship to a nearby college. After congratulating her and her parents on
this award, I was informed of the school’s tuition. The student’s mother stated that the annual
tuition to this mediocre school was thirty thousand dollars and that the five thousand dollar annual
scholarship received still made the college expensive. The parents had another school in mind for
the student to attend that was less costly however because of the scholarship award, the student
insisted on attending the more costly school. I stated to spouse that a scholarship of this nature was
nothing more than a discount coupon that served to entice and influence students into enrolling in
an expensive school resulting for some in large debts.
This year, son expressed an interest in acquiring a tattoo. As I was in the process of reading and rereading The Bible, I recalled a passage that warned people against defiling their bodies with tattoos.
However, I could not specifically recall where I had read this passage in The Bible. Hurriedly and
exasperated I searched The Bible to present proof of God’s disgust with tattoos. Finally, after much
searching, the passage was found in Leviticus 19:28.
Beginning in August, there was a construction project underway at our home where spouse and I
hired construction workers to install on a backyard deck a sun porch. This construction was well
worth the cost as the large amount of natural light provided by this room aided in maintaining a
good, positive mood for me throughout the seasons of the year but especially in winter and also
during the years of home confinement beginning in 2005 to the present day.
Over the course of the past decade and one half, major highway authorities in the States of New
York and New Jersey became increasingly oppressive with regard to toll collecting. In the 1980’s, a
New York bridge toll discount coupon booklet was sold to daily commuters for a reduced toll when
crossing a bridge in the area. This coupon booklet was purchased by placing an order with the
attendant at the toll booth. Later and by the early 1990’s, a highway authority banking system was
established where commuters desiring a reduced toll for the bridge crossing would be required to
place funds in an account (where money was electronically withdrawn) at a location miles away
from the bridge crossing. If a highway authority bank account fell below the required funds for toll
payment, the commuter was charged an extraordinary fee or penalty for insufficient funds. Also, a
deposit for an electronic device was required which one placed on one’s vehicle windshield for
scanning at the toll area. Over time and by this year, toll lanes in New York and New Jersey
accepting cash payments were greatly reduced and inconveniently positioned for some drivers on
the roadway causing an increase in accidents as drivers attempted lane changes to reach a cash toll
booth. In addition, many large lighted signs flashing directions, sometimes not in unison at each toll
booth, disoriented and further confused many drivers likely leading to additional vehicular
On September 2, 2002, I wrote a letter to alert forty seven major national newspapers throughout
the United States of the urgent need to end abortion. The content of this letter is shown below. This
letter has been edited from the original shown in
Dear New Editor:
Since 1973, in the United States, a holocaust of 45,000,000 human souls (or developing human
beings), have been systematically exterminated with the seemingly “Good Housekeeping” stamp of
approval of the United States Government. This translates to a daily execution of 3,500 human lives.
As we all know, this horrendous desecration and attack on human life was not even voted on by the
people, in a “democratic” society. Basically, it was passed on the opinions of a few people (“special
interest groups”) and agreeing “Supreme Court Justices”. Any attempt to overturn Roe vs. Wade
was based on the “exception to the rule” rather than common circumstances.This travesty of
legislation has resulted in the tossing of our Nation’s people into moral and mental turmoil. In
general, people seem to be no longer as caring, loving, and concerned about others as they were in
the past. The approval of Roe vs. Wade has caused a loss to our own humanity.
Enclosed is a letter mailed to more than 500 Senators, Representatives, the Vice-President and
President. The last of several groups of letters were mailed on September 9, 2001. Eerily, 2 days
later, the passenger jets hit the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and one destined to hit the White
House, crashed in Pennsylvania.
Over the past several years, I have become increasingly concerned about the state of our Nation.
Media seemed out of control with blatant indiscretion in reporting and programming, internet
arrived totally unregulated, guns and other weapons were being sold indiscriminately (and all these
horrors still exist). The final straw, to me personally was and is the human cloning issue and genetic
manipulation, coupled with the use of aborted fetus stem cells to insert into others.
I was unusually motivated and compelled to write and send the enclosed letter (dated 9-7-2001),
out by the date it was sent. (*A representative from)Vice-President Cheney’s office phoned me
shortly after the anthrax incidences and advised me that while every Senator received the enclosed
letter, members of Congress (Representatives) did not. I was asked by his office (*representative) if
“I knew how Washington worked?” I said no. If I send a letter to a person with the correct address, I
expect them to receive it. I told (*the representative of) Vice President Cheney’s office that I verified
the addresses before sending the letters, with Representative Benjamin Gilman’s secretary, as she
informed me where to find the addresses on the internet. Vice-President Cheney’s office told me
that most of the letters sent to the U.S. House of Representatives were being forwarded back to N.Y.
Representative Benjamin A. Gilman. Mr. Gilman received about 250 (*authors note: corrected to
434) letters destined for and addressed to members of the House of Representatives.
I am asking for any assistance that you can provide to rescind Government sanctioned abortion in
the United States. Americans are upset by this abortion “right” and would rather not know the
details and horror of abortion. The rescission of abortion is a major necessity to help America
achieve the morality and conscience we once had as a Nation. “As we continue to kill our own, our
own in turn will be killed” not necessarily physically but perhaps mentally.
Please deliver this message, as the well being and continuance of the Nation and World depends on
Government sanctioned abortion being rescinded.
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
During this same month, I mailed all the letters to date to 191 Ambassadors of the United Nations.
On my way to the post office to mail a batch of some of these letters to the United Nations and
sensing a stressful urgency, I was pulled over by a police officer (which I regarded as a nuisance that
I did not need at this time) where he attempted to give me a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. I
refused to accept this ticket and told him to send it to my home. This incident resulted in me being
strong armed and brought to a county facility to speak with a psychiatrist. This incident is further
explained in another letter written in 2003.
It did not seem possible with so much correspondence sent to government and other officials that
this imperative issue to eradicate abortion could result in no positive changes. As a matter of fact,
abortion was increasing especially in laboratories. I began to contemplate that perhaps people were
not receiving the letters sent. The example of the 434 Congressional Representatives who did not
receive the letter sent dated September 7, 2001 only fueled this thought. So, at the end of
September, I decided to hand carry these letters to other government agencies including The
Federal Communications Commission and The Department of Justice. I also delivered the letters to
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, The National Right to Life office and once
again to The Washington Post. I was also beginning to sense that some people were trying to
prevent me from delivering the truth to the American people. I stated to mother that I might not
return from this visit as I might be shot by an assassin. She advised me not to go but I insisted on this
visit to hand deliver the letters and other information on abortion to the above mentioned groups.
Shortly after arriving home, I was horrified to learn that a sniper was murdering people in
Washington D.C..
After my failed individual attempt earlier in the year to raise money for an educational national
billboard campaign to end abortion in the United States, I decided to attempt to enlist the support
of pro-life groups, to raise this money collectively. I thought it would be easy enough for many
members of Right to Life and other pro-life groups to sell chocolate bars to earn the money for a
national educational campaign to end abortion. A distributor of chocolate bars came to my home in
November to discuss this potential fundraiser. Following this visit, I wrote a letter sent to four Right
to Life leaders and copied three politicians and the chocolate distributor on this letter. The content
of the letter is shown below. The names of some people have been removed from the original letter.
“Dear Right to Life Leader:
A chocolate distributor for both Hershey Chocolates and Nestle Chocolates stopped by my home for
a meeting on 11-8-2002,(* author’s note: The name of the person and telephone number has been
omitted) to discuss a possible candy fundraiser for Right to Life Groups to partake in at the national,
state, and local levels.
The time is now for Right to Life Groups throughout the Nation to organize and move forward with a
National Public Service Message Campaign. The statistics on abortion, a phone number to call, and
perhaps a graphic display of this horror will convince mostly unaware Americans, to act against this
National Tragedy.
One idea is to present this message through National Highway Billboards. An East, West, North,
South campaign on major National Highways inundated with the above message will be the catalyst
to rescind Government sanctioned abortion, once and for all. Several highways that can be
suggested are Interstate 95, Routes 80, 5, 40, 10, and 35. About 10 billboards on each highway
repeating the message should result in a positive outcome. In this era, most people have a cellular
phone available to them as they drive and will make that important phone call.
Obviously, this type of Public Awareness Campaign costs money. I spoke with a national outdoor
billboard advertising company (author’s note: The name of person, telephone number, and
company has been omitted). This person gave me an approximate cost to advertise a message on a
billboard for 30 days at the rate of about $5000 per billboard. The cost to advertise is based on the
population exposure in the different areas. If we ran the campaign for 3 months, the cost per month
would be less. The rate declines according to the length of time that the advertisement is displayed.
So, if National Right to Life Organizations could raise $1,000,000 through the sales of chocolate bars,
we could accomplish this very important public service message goal that I believe will result in the
rescission of abortion not only on a state level, but national level as well.
The chocolate distributor has provided me with samples of the fund raising candy. Each confection
will cost about 46 cents. The distributor explained that we could possibly receive a further reduced
price (probably based on quantity) from the National Account manager at either Corporation. Each
confection is suggested to retail at $1.00. We can work together on the best distribution method
and the payment terms can be negotiated.
Kathryn Beich Chocolate was originally a company from Ohio that produced chocolate bars strictly
for fund raisers. They were purchased by Nestle and were recently resold to an investment group.
Their sales of chocolate are still limited to fund raising groups. 30 chocolate bars (samples provided),
are included in each box (10 caramel, 10 crunch, and 10 almond). A sample of each variety has been
provided to you. Nestle Corporation can provide us with the phone number of the recent new
Nestle has offered their commercially sold turtle product with a fund raiser label as well at about the
same price. Hershey Corporation does not offer a special chocolate confection for fund raisers only.
Samples of the various offerings have been included.
My suggestion is to sell a chocolate bar that is not offered in the stores. Kathryn Beich, a fundraiser
bar only and a quality chocolate, offering 3 varieties, seems most suitable. However, whatever the
consensus is, I am sure they are all good products. The goal is to raise enough money to inform the
general public of this Great American Tragedy and to enlist the public’s support to eradicate
I was hoping that we could pass out leaflets to Marchers in January requesting information on the
organizations interested in participating in this campaign. Members of organizations could fill out
forms at the March or send back the name and address at a later date to a designated office to let
us know if they are interested in participating in the fundraiser. The person to contact regarding this
suggestion is Miss Nellie Gray, the organizer of The Right to Life Marches for the past 30 years, for
her opinion or feedback.
To reiterate, and based on recent election results, we currently are in a strong position and have the
support in Washington to end abortion. We now need the help of the American Public to “drive this
message home”. Prayer, determination, and action achieve goals!
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
There was no response to the above plan to raise money collectively for this suggested public
service message campaign to end abortion.
Later on the 18th of November, all the letters written to date were mailed together with another
letter to all Supreme Court Justices, their Law Clerks, all Senators, the President, the Vice President,
and a New York State Congressional Representative. This letter was also shown in the original
Dear Supreme Court Justice and All Law Clerks,
Enclosed is information provided to our Senators and information that was attempted to be
provided to our Congressional representatives just prior to the September 11, disaster. Also
included are the reports on the endeavors that I have personally undertaken to rescind abortion
following the events of 9-11-01 and other relevant facts that are indirectly related to the approval of
abortion, by the United States Government.
In determining upcoming agenda priorities, the rescission of Roe vs. Wade is of the utmost
importance and is vital to the National Security of this Country. Hopefully, after reading the enclosed
material, you will be convinced that it is imperative that this “right” be declared murderous and
against The Constitution of the United States of America. Our forefathers, in writing The
Constitution, intended that all innocent life be revered, held sacred, and be protected by the laws of
this Country.
A correction of this gross error and severe injustice against humanity by our previous “Supreme”
Court Justices, is necessary. The well being of our families, friends, neighbors, and Nation depends
on this horrific evil being finally denied, negated, and overturned by the last judges, that are
hopefully working for the People of The United States of America. At this point in time, you will
decide the ultimate fate of this Nation and will also influence World Policy regarding the heinous
“right” to abortion, otherwise known as baby killing.
Please, when faced with this decision, make the good choice and abolish the killing of our own
young and at the same time, save the people of this Nation from additional mental and physical
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
At about this time, a gentleman came to my home and introduced himself as an attorney with
whose name I was vaguely familiar. He then proceeded to discuss Planned Parenthood and also
provided me with Planned Parenthood’s regional offices’ 990 income tax return. After he left my
home, I thought the visit to be odd and turned to spouse and asked him for his suggestion on what
to do with this completed 990, 2001 Planned Parenthood income tax form. Then I mildly suggested
that perhaps I should turn it over to our accountant .
Retrospective: This year, I was hurried to acquire as much information on abortion as possible. It
was beginning to become known to me that this issue was a major reason for the increasing and evil
immoralities within the society. The elimination of a reduced toll system for some people (for
example commuters), would eliminate some of the evil and corruption of the highway system. A
legitimate government elected by the people in a verifiable voting system (read the Electoral System
Commentary) could investigate and prosecute highway authorities charging exorbitant tolls. The
outcome of my attempts to raise money for a public service message campaign against abortion,
were bizarre. I thought that at some point I would return to reexamine the possible reason(s) for
procuring only one sale from the effort to sell religious flags, when more time was available. The
implications of my experience regarding this business are great for many people. Is evil determining
the livelihoods of the small business owner? Is evil destroying the businesses of people to gain
additional wealth for itself? Is evil preventing good business ideas from coming to fruition? Are
potential patrons of businesses being prevented by evil from purchasing the products or services of
some business establishments? The reader can likely ponder more questions regarding my
experience with the religious flag company and the implications of this experience for other people.
Once provided with reliable internet access, I became overwhelmed with an incredible amount of
information. My days of educational wondering were largely over. I decided to focus on one issue at
a time to provide for sanity. Over time and through careful study and the extensive research of
individual issues and then eventually combining this knowledge of individual issues, conclusions
were derived resulting in the completion of this book. I believe that the Spiritual guidance of Jesus
Christ assisted me in at minimum, the organizing and sorting of this information. Regarding
statistics, it should also be noted that the immigrant population has soared over the past two
decades or so possibly to provide the appearance by evil of a still vibrant and numerous population,
economy, and country. If lack of money is an issue to deliver pro-life messages than perhaps
campaigns can be organized to raise the needed funds. By 2011, one had arrived at a solution to
finding specific Bible scripture regarding various subject areas of concern. This could be
accomplished by having a Biblical index shown, listing topics of interest and the page numbers
showing where those topics are addressed in The Bible.
Historical Accounts 2002: 59
The Open Skies Treaty is signed on January 1 regarding the gathering of information about activities
of concern to the military of some nations.
The No Child Left, Behind, Act is signed into law in the United States on January 8.
About two thousand people are killed in Nigeria during explosions on January 27 at a military
The Sierra Leone eleven year civil war ends with approximately fifty thousand people killed on
January 18.
NASA replaced all of the original instruments in the COSTAR (Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial
Replacement) system on the Hubble Telescope.
Brazil defeats Germany to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: People are ignoring critical issues regarding the rectification of immorality. Children are
continually harmed as a result of this attitude.
One afternoon, a young woman called at our home to procure signatures for a potential candidate who
desired to be elected to a local political position. At that time, I had only glanced through articles on the
internet that strongly suggested that the voting system was corrupt. I decided to return to the evidence
regarding corruption in voting at a later date as I was immersed in gathering information on the abortion
issue and delivering this information to leadership. The woman asked me to sign a petition to endorse
this particular candidate for political office. I stated to this person that I had found some information on
the internet that strongly suggested that the voting system was corrupt and that I would not endorse
this candidate due to this probable fact. The woman stated that many people know the election system
is corrupt and told me to sign the petition. A wave of unusual confusion overcame me as I asked the
woman to leave and ushered her out of my home. My days of regularly voting on election days were
over at this time as well as a past retort to people who did not vote but still complained about political
and social issues. This retort was “If one does not vote, one has no right to complain” as this adage was
based on a false notion that the voting process and election system was legitimate. Finding out about
the corruption in the voting system was devastating for me especially by 2004, when at that time I
began to research this issue further. The book “Votescam” however together with other information
found on the internet brought me out of my mood of desolation as it was suggested that a sinister,
worldwide conspiracy by a relatively few individuals, was well underway to gain complete and total
control over vast populations of people (tyranny). I decided to also alert people to this likely fact.
In January, I convinced spouse to accompany me to the March for Life in Washington D.C. and to attend
the conferences sponsored by the March for Life organization that were scheduled two days prior to the
March. Spouse and I drove to Washington D.C., leaving daughter and son in the care of mother and
father (due to possible attacks by evil) as this visit required two overnight accommodations at a hotel. At
the conferences I was made aware of the severe population decline in the peoples of Europe largely due
to abortion. Apparently immigrant groups were increasingly fulfilling the necessities of societal
functionality in Europe. I believed that this was also occurring in the United States. At the hotel of the
conferences I glanced around the lobby only to view too many young people sitting on the lobby floor
who were tattooed, body pierced, and disheveled in appearance and who were supporting an end to
abortion in the United States through the attendance of The March. At that time, I thought about what I
could do to further assist in ending this Great American tragedy. A speaker at the March for Life
Conference was an attorney from the Texas Justice Foundation who stated that this legal group was in
the process of litigation to overturn Roe versus Wade. I believed this to be a step in the right direction
but realized that the support of many more people was probably necessary to overturn this court case.
Several weeks after arriving home from the March in Washington D.C. and on March 24, I wrote and
sent the following letter together with some of the previous letters shown in this book, to two attorneys
of the Texas Justice Foundation. The names of the attorneys have been removed. The county of my
residence has also been removed.
Dear (Attorneys):
Enclosed is information that you may find, if not valuable, then informative regarding efforts to overturn
Roe vs. Wade.
My husband and I had the opportunity to hear Mr. (attorney’s name) presentation at the conference
sponsored by March for Life this past January. Your organization offers a last hope for the continuance
of meaningful life, health, and prosperity for The People of The United States of America. The majority
of Americans pray that The Texas Justice Foundation is successful in overturning the murderous
legislation decreed by our Supreme Court in 1973.
As an individual, I have been frustrated and at times exasperated, in the discussions and endeavors with
various right to life groups throughout our Nation. While support to rescind Roe vs. Wade is described as
the “Mission” of these organizations, I do not see a Major Public Awareness Effort taking place. A lack of
money seems to be the constant excuse.
Please contact me regarding any assistance that can be provided in the further dissemination of
information or financial concerns that myself or (County) Right to Life can provide, with regard to this
vitally important lifesaving litigation.
In God We Trust
Barbara Nikonoff
The Texas Justice Foundation’s response to this letter was the sending of an informational package
regarding the Court Case and an informational advertisement designed to gain public support for this
endeavor. Discussing this need for more population support regarding the ending of abortion with
spouse, we decided to place a full page advertisement that was provided by the Texas Justice
Foundation in our local hometown newspaper on May 14. This full page advertisement cost several
thousand dollars and the money spent dishearteningly appeared to be in vain by July, as other courts
dismissed the case of The Texas Justice Foundation to overturn Roe versus Wade. However an attorney
of the Texas Justice Foundation felt confident as was stated to me on the telephone that probably on
appeal, the case would be reinstated. In addition to this disappointment, an attorney from the Texas
Justice Foundation informed me in a letter dated May 21 that only four friends of the court forms
included in the advertisement placed by me, had been returned to The Texas Justice Foundation.
However, on the positive side of placing this expensive advertisement, I had faith that infant’s lives were
saved in our community as a result of the placing of this public service message advertisement.
Within three weeks after returning home from The March for Life and on February 9, I wrote and sent a
letter to the President, Vice-President, all Senators, all members of the Supreme Court, some members
of The United Nations, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State. The complete content of this
letter is shown below and was included in the original The author has
interjected current notes.
Dear Political Leader:
Once again, information is being provided to you with an answer regarding the current situations of
alert in our Nation, and similar alert situations in many other Nations throughout this world. (*author’s
note: The newly formed United States Department of Homeland Security issued a color coded system
for alerting citizens to varying degrees of terrorist threats.) I cannot speak for other Countries. Cultures
and priorities certainly vary among Nations however, there is a need to inform the leaders of other
Nations, as well as our leaders, of the harm they are indirectly inflicting on their citizens and themselves,
through Government sanctioned abortion policies.
Enclosed is information provided to all members of the United Nations in September 2002. An additional
letter mailed to the United States Supreme Court (including all Justices and Law Clerks), was delivered in
November 2002. As you may know, the United States has recently suffered yet another devastation.
That devastation was the destruction of the Colombia Space Shuttle. (*author’s note: Odd occurrences
and increasingly strange and bizarre behavior of people were being reported through news agencies and
through general observations of other people throughout the society. Some oddities have been
mentioned in this book.) We have been told that this was due to foam insulation bumping the left wing
of the space shuttle at life off. American’s do not believe this explanation and neither should our
international neighbors. The United States Government is in the process of trying to present another
plausible fabricated story. The answer to this question is “The Power that Is” will make things that are.
No Nation with a policy of murder will survive. This murder includes the murder of little unborn Citizens.
Messages of warning are given to all. The shuttle disaster was a warning.
I attended the March for Life in Washington D.C. on January 22, 2003. Also attended, were the
conferences held for two days prior to the March. These conferences were sponsored by March for Life
(President Nellie J. Gray). The most powerful presentation was delivered by a theologian who happened
to be an audience participant and who was asked during a lunch recess to substitute for a speaker who
cancelled at the last minute. His presentation was an exclamation of the fact that our leaders have
ceased to work for the “Common Good”. This occurrence has lead to the gradual destruction of the
family unit and society as a whole. This destruction has become increasingly accelerated.
A solution for a return to normalcy of the human being and society at large (at least in the United
States), is to ratify The Human Life Amendment (number 28). (*author’s note: One has concluded that
the right to life of all human beings should be written into the primary document of the Constitution as
Amendments can and have changed.) Four inclusions to our Constitution are necessary. The following
necessary inclusions are listed.
The personhood of the child is established to be at conception.
The unborn child has the right to life from conception to natural death.
The unborn child has full legal protection and rights provided by this Constitution.
Upon the date of the ratification of this amendment, the act of abortion shall be prohibited.
Although abortion was approved from the “bottom up” (States to Federal Government), there is a need
now, to have abortion voided from the “top down”. I think we can all realize that “time is of the
March for Life delivers a gift of red roses each January 22 (the anniversary date of abortion approval
(January 22, 1973)) to our President, Vice-President, Senators, and Congressional Representatives. The
true meaning of the red rose is one that symbolizes short life and martyrdom. However, the
interpretation of red roses to me and to most American’s is a gift of love. Red roses are usually sent to
sweethearts. So, I did not participate in the March for Life Red Roses Campaign. This campaign raised
money to deliver red roses to political officials on January 22 (the date of the March). Instead, I am
forwarding on a Turtle Chocolate Bar and a pin that represents the little feet of United States Citizens
slaughtered since the approval of abortion by Government. Please enjoy the chocolate bar and do not
“stick your head in a shell”. Our citizens need “Good News” and want an end to the environment of
terror and anxiety. Also, with hope a place can be found beside the flag pins displayed on many officials
lapels, for these tiny little feet. Once again, these feet represent the feet of precious Americans that
have been exterminated and are exterminated daily with the approval of our Government.
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
Due to the signs erected on the front lawn of our property that were admittedly abhorrently graphic in
the depiction of abortion and included abortion statistics and a telephone number to call, neighbors
apparently were increasingly complaining to town officials about these signs. On March 27, I decided
that an explanation to neighbors within the vicinity of our home was needed so the letter below was
delivered to neighbors together with information regarding The Texas Justice Foundations litigation and
a newspaper editorial that was well written by a local resident who was confident that Roe versus Wade
would be overturned. The local resident’s name has been removed as well as our home address.
Dear Neighbor:
It has come to light that there are neighbors or is a neighbor, (who) has objected to Town Officials
concerning a Public Service Message Awareness Effort displayed outside of my home at (address).
I apologize for these signs that neighbors have been subjected to during the past year and a half. At this
point in time, it is probably necessary to offer an explanation as to why these signs were erected. The
intention of these signs is not to desecrate our neighborhood. I too value a clean, tidy environment and
also do not like to be subjected to disturbing messages. However, perhaps after reading the enclosed
information, you may understand and agree that there is a greater need to deliver this important
message to not only our local citizens, but Nation as well.
There is important litigation regarding the Rescission of Roe vs. Wade and the supporting case of Doe vs.
Bolton (information from The Texas Justice Foundation and an informational editorial by a local resident
is enclosed) that will be brought forth to the Supreme Court, sometime this summer. I have been told
that it will be sometime during the month of July.
I am asking that neighbors please bear the signs for another year, with the hope that this message will
inspire our citizens to telephone Washington D.C. and express their outrage regarding Government
approved abortion legislation. If Roe vs. Wade is not overturned by litigation brought forth by The Texas
Justice Foundation, I will remove all signs and the flagpole with flags from my property and hope for the
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
On March 15, after reading an article in the New York Times Magazine posted on March 9, that
discussed the progression of abortion in the United States and mentioned the Fourth Circuit Court in the
article, I decided to write and send the enclosed letter to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal Judges, Law
Clerks, Circuit Executive, and Clerk of the Court. Other letters included in this book were forwarded on
as well. Written below is the content of this letter included in the original
The author has added one current note to the original letter.
Dear Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal Judges and Law Clerks:
After reading an article published in the New York Times Magazine on March 9, 2003, I feel that it is
imperative that the enclosed information be provided to you.
There have been profound changes that have occurred in our Nation after the approval of Roe vs. Wade
in 1973. These changes are not generational changes. Consideration and respect for others, as well as
our own sense of dignity have largely been lost in the years following the Federal Government’s
approval of abortion. I fear that if our Nation continues to uphold this immoral legislation, within 20
years, we will cease to exist.
Communities throughout America seem to have lost a sense of humanity after the approval of Roe vs.
Wade, and this loss includes genuine concern for others. In the past, children in our town were regularly
outdoors playing with other children in the neighborhood. Over the years and since 1970, there has
been a slow but marked and insidious change to this normal environment. Today, rarely are children
seen outside playing and conversing with one another. Recreation equipment abounds in our
neighborhoods but it has become unusual to view children using this equipment. As a matter of fact, so
few people are seen in their yards that the deer, coyotes, and bears have moved into our living area and
Please review the enclosed materials and decide on matters of Court with good and moral conscience to
help the United States of America become the Great Nation we once were. We cannot continue to
cower down to the microscopic few that are largely without morals, a social conscience, and are
completely self serving. They have dictated National Policy for too long to the majority’s detriment.
Exceptions to the rule, should not be the basis for Governing America. (*author’s note: Exceptions to the
rule and small minorities of people who tout and promote immoral values have been increasingly the
basis for changing policy, laws, and legislation in America to likely aid in engaging the masses of people
in the same immorality of the few. Therefore, evil doers in positions of authority should be removed.)
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
Between the years of 2001 to 2003, I regularly attended county legislature meetings especially when
Planned Parenthood funding was to be discussed and more than likely apportioned to this agency in the
coming fiscal year. Protests against the funding of this agency occurred throughout the year where prolife people were given the opportunity to speak for three minutes to state their case against the funding
of taxpayer dollars to be given to this evil agency. During this time frame, I delivered a presentation that
is shown below to the county legislature regarding this funding. Several words have been added for
clarity shown in parentheses. Some words have been removed to prevent identification of the locality
and individuals.
“My name is Barbara Nikonoff, and I am here tonight to address the Legislature regarding the approval
of funding for Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars. The funding of $18,500 was approved at the
December third meeting.
It is difficult to fathom that the Legislatures (*in the) Democratic Party, a party established to serve in
the best interests of the working people, could vote to fund an agency so harmful and destructive to the
minor youths and parents of this county. As far as I am concerned, these people are not Democrats. As a
matter of fact, through this funding approval they have worked against the Democratic ideals and
principles to protect underage children.
Even after being provided with information regarding the deceptive and clandestine operations of
Planned Parenthood at the November sixth meeting, nine legislatures, all Democrats still apportioned
taxpayer funds to this organization that diligently works against American Family Values and the
doctrines of all religions.
Planned Parenthood has a policy of confidentiality that extends to minor children. They also have
become a child referral (*agency) for public middle school and high school nurses, not only in this
county, but statewide (*and country wide). Parents are not made aware of their own child’s dangerous
School nurses that are privy to promiscuous or contemplated promiscuous activity (*of children), do not
contact parents and neither does Planned Parenthood (*contact parents). So what can result from these
deceptions? The answer is dead children. Death sentences through HIV infection can result and parents
are never made aware of their child’s harmful and potentially deadly activity by very aware (*and) so
called “professional adults”.
A school nurse in (the) county who is also the president (of an important nurse’s association), stated in
an editorial printed in the (local newspaper) on October 13, that “Planned Parenthood is one way for
school nurses to offer assistance to children whose parents have chosen not to educate them.” She also
states that an effort is made to have a child get parental support for their actions. Where are the
thinking adults in this picture? These people are working against families and unfortunately so are a
majority of our elected legislative officials.
Please contact your local assemblyman or a New York State Senator regarding this obscenity of
legislation to fund Planned Parenthood.”
Pro-lifers delivered information to the local legislature regarding a link between the development of
breast cancer and prior abortion(s). Research indicated that women who had abortions were more
subjected to this devastating disease. I hypothesized that other societal ills were also related to
abortion. A chart was presented to the local legislature explaining my theory that breast cancer,
rampant drug use, crime and violence, attention deficit disorders, divorce, and other societal ills were
related to abortion approval and connected to this government funding of Planned Parenthood, an
organization that provides abortions and abortifacient birth control to the public. I also believed that
annual mammograms recommended by physicians to begin at age forty contributed to an increase of
radiation accumulated over time in this sensitive area of the body, thus perhaps causing cancer.
Questions regarding the above statement and hypotheses would likely be: Demographically, which
women are following the physician’s advice? Are they largely women who have had abortions? Are
women following this advice, agreeing or complacent with evil? Are women following this advice fearful
of retribution by evil if they do not agree to annual mammograms? Are women following this advice not
following religion as taught in the Bible? These hypotheses however were not stated in my presentation
to the county legislature as they were additional complicated thoughts. On May 6, another presentation
was delivered to the county legislature. The content of this three minute presentation is shown below.
“Good evening, my name is Barbara Nikonoff, and I am here tonight to address the Legislature regarding
their approval of the County Taxpayer dollar funding of Planned Parenthood. This organization perverts
our young people into engaging in life threatening, dangerous promiscuous behavior. Planned
Parenthood has contributed to the HIV infection epidemic and the murder of human life throughout our
communities and nation.
So tonight, I will correlate two fairy tales that are relevant to this funding that we are all probably
familiar with. The first fairy tale is The Pied Piper of Hamelin. As most know, the Pied Piper stole all of
the children from a town called Hamelin. For purposes this evening, I have renamed the story The Pied
Piper of United States Government and their affiliates.
Our legislatures by approving the tax payer funding of Planned Parenthood, have become Pied Pipers.
Our children are being stolen away from their families by officials in town government and stolen away
by the schools that we all support.
Parental knowledge and permission is not needed for any underage child to receive an abortion or birth
control drugs from Planned Parenthood. Even our school nurses that are aware of a child’s potentially
deadly behavior do not inform the parents of the child.
Our children are being corrupted by trusted, outside forces to self destruct.
The second fairy tale to be discussed is The Emperor’s New Clothes. In this story, all the adults in town
agreed that the Emperor was wearing the most exquisite clothes that anyone had ever seen when in
fact, he was wearing nothing. An innocent child pointed out that he was stark naked. Finally, after the
child’s recognition, the adults in authority positions were brought to conscience and agreed that they
had all accepted a lie.
Nine of our legislatures, even after being provided with testimonials from citizens and other verifiable
information, still refuse to recognize the heinous truth that Planned Parenthood indoctrinates and
decrees (evil) to the underage young people of this community and nation.
Other citizens as well recognize the truth but are reluctant to step forward to express dissatisfaction
with government policy and the dissatisfaction with the microscopic few that seem to always dictate
More people are needed to call themselves to conscience and rise up to protect their children and
families (from) the forces that can and will infiltrate and destroy lives given the opportunity.
Government approved abortion has influenced our leaders to embrace a terrible disregard for all human
Fortunately there is hope. The Texas Justice Foundation is currently involved in an extensive effort to
overturn the case of Roe versus Wade and the supporting case of Doe versus Bolton.
To find out more about this life saving litigation please telephone one of the numbers shown. (*author’s
note: The Texas Justice Foundation’s telephone numbers were presented to the audience.)
Thank you”
An above ground pool was installed on our property in the late 1980’s. The pool’s wall was composed of
many interlocking aluminum slats that were designed to last for many years. To save money on our
water bill (as the water rate increased after April 30), spouse and I cleaned the pool and refilled the pool
with clean water by the end of April. Upon arriving home in the evening after the legislature meeting
where I delivered the above public address, I heard a tremendous explosion coming from our outside
yard. Concerned, spouse and I investigated the outside perimeter of our property in the dark, only to
find that a slat of the wall of this pool had been pushed out from the other aluminum slats causing the
pool liner to tear and simultaneously caused a loud, explosion like noise with the subsequent result of
the pouring of thousands of gallons of water that rushed out through this small opening in the pool wall.
In May, one decided to purchase a dog to provide a playmate and companionship to another dog
purchased in November of 2002. The breed of dog decided on was a Rough Collie that after some
investigation one was able to purchase from a specialized breeder of these dogs for eight hundred and
fifty dollars. The seven week old puppy purchased was lively, disciplined, and of an affectionate
disposition who I knew would be compatible with our other young dog. After the purchase was
complete, one reviewed with the seller the American Kennel Club (AKC) papers depicting the puppy’s
heredity lineage when it was discovered that the puppy had already been assigned a name by the seller.
Objecting to this situation, I was informed that this was the procedure and policy concerning this breed
of dog and that one could not change the official assigned name. Later and on the drive home, I
expressed my aggravation and disbelief over this oppressiveness with spouse stating that a person was
not even allowed to select the registered name for a dog purchased by them. At home we reassigned
another name to the dog selecting the name of the same breed of dog from a television show of
yesteryear named “Lassie”.
Still viewing no positive news in the corrections of societal immoralities through the processes of laws
and legislation, on May 22, I decided to send the following letter to many former tenants of The World
Trade Center and to the Port Authority and Fire Department of New York as these workers were largely
involved in administering emergency services after the destruction of the immense, skyscraper
buildings. Some editing has occurred from the original website posting. The recipients of this letter also
received other letters presented in this book to date and as I recall, some information on abortion.
Dear Select Former Tenants of The World Trade Center, The Port Authority of New York, and The Fire
Department of New York:
After providing information to Political Public Servants and after exploring other political avenues with
minimal results, it is probably necessary to provide the former Tenants of The World Trade Center,
Emergency Service Workers, and Others involved with the same information that was provided to our
Political Representatives.
In addition to the enclosed information that is all verifiable, there have been other unusual
circumstances that have occurred that you or your organization may want to consider and investigate.
As you can see, much correspondence has been sent to Political Representatives just prior to and
following the September 11, 2001 catastrophe. This further background report is included as an
addendum to the information provided to officials.
On the afternoon of September 10, 2002, I was arrested by (the police) for the failure of not having my
seatbelt attached. I have always worn my seatbelt in the past although I felt that the shoulder harness
was uncomfortable and a distraction to driving. After noticing many vehicles with black glass, I decided
that the law was no longer fair and is unreasonable. Even the (police department) vehicles have black
glass. But because I own a vehicle with clear glass, there is subjection to unfair treatment of law. Police
officers can see inside a car with clear glass versus not being able to see inside a car with black glass.
However as you read further, you may understand that the seatbelt law was not the real reason for my
In my experience as a lifelong resident of (the county), New York and a resident of the above address for
20 years, (*authors note: I decided not to discuss the long windedness of the three year corporate
transfer to South Florida) never have I seen such meticulous police monitoring of (*a road that is)
one block from my home, that transpired on the one year anniversary week of September 11, 2001. My
theory for the reason of this harassment is described below.
Anti-abortion signs revealing abortion statistics and telephone number to call were erected outside in
the front of my home shortly following the September 11, 2001 disaster. The (Town) Code Enforcement
Officer stopped at my home and advised me that the Town Code dictates that all signs erected must be
erected 20 feet from the property line. However, most sign displayers do not follow this restriction and
are not asked to move signs further from the property line to accommodate the Town Code. Some
examples of groups and individuals that do not follow Town Code regarding sign display are political
candidates and businesses that promote their services and products. But “to keep the peace”, we
promptly moved the signs 21 feet off of our property line to adhere to the Town Code regulation
regarding sign display.
The date of my arrest, September 10, 2002, the officer at the scene tried to provide me with a ticket for
this seatbelt infraction. I refused to hand accept the ticket and told him to send it to my home around
the corner. He told me to get out of the car and with another police officer called to the scene, pushed
me into the outside of a police vehicle, handcuffed me tightly and brought me to (a local) sanatorium.
At the sanatorium and after this demeaning treatment by (the police), I was required to interview with a
psychiatrist at the facility. After a brief interview, I was told that I was free to leave. A taxi cab was called
to bring me back to my home. While waiting for the cab, a neighbor who also is the minister’s wife from
(a Christian Church in the county) and who happened to be visiting a sick friend that day, saw me
standing outside of the complex waiting for a taxi cab and offered to give me a ride home.
After arriving home, I was furious and was in disbelief due to the treatment inflicted on me by local
town police officers. I thought about a course of action and decided to telephone The Federal Bureau of
Investigation in Manhattan. Prior to phoning the F.B.I., I informed my husband and the carpenters who
were working on an addition to my home (of) the recent events that had just occurred to me. No one
could believe this horrible treatment. I telephoned the F.B.I. from my son’s room as it was the quietest
room in my home because of the construction taking place at the time. My dog was in the room with me
because he became agitated by the construction noise. While reporting this police incident to the F.B.I.,
my dog in seemingly perfect health (*died). My husband and son buried the dog in the backyard that
The next day, September 11, 2002 at 9:00am, I delivered all information provided to you up to 9-11-02,
to the captain of the (town) police department.
After thinking the seatbelt incident over carefully, I decided to hand deliver the enclosed information to
various official offices in Washington D.C., as I felt that local officials were trying to frighten me into
remaining silent.
On September 12, 2002 I provided the psychiatrist who interviewed me at the sanatorium with the same
information provided to you. A few days after the delivery of the information, there was a sewer
explosion at the sanatorium and a 40 year old employee of the complex died in the explosion.
Even though I was upset over these occurrences, I still decided to go forward with the planned trip to
Washington D.C.. I suggested to mother that I may not return home alive because someone may shoot
me due to this honest revelation. She of course advised me not to go, but I insisted that I must proceed
because there was the need to hand deliver this important message to others not previously informed. I
was hoping that others might help, where previous people contacted failed to do so.
So on this trip 9-24-02 to 9-26-02, I hand carried the information provided to you up to that date to the
National Right to Life, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, The Federal
Communications Commission, and The United States Department of Justice (*authors note: Scottish
bagpipe music was being played by a musician outside and in front of this building).
Shortly after I arrived home on September 26, 2002 the sniper began killing people in the Washington
D.C. area.
If necessary, further information can be provided for your review and consideration regarding other
unusual circumstances that have occurred just prior to September 11, 2001 and events that have
occurred after this catastrophe.
Lessons from high school state that “we do not kill the messenger because we do not like the message”
or perhaps many people do like the message and would like to help change society for the good of all
The Texas Justice Foundation is asking for your support to help overturn Roe vs. Wade and to have
abortion be declared against the Constitution of The United States of America. Government approved
abortion legislation has resulted in the killing of our own young and the physical and mental killing of
existing lives as well.
Financial assistance is needed to proceed with this litigation in a thorough manner where “no stone is
left uncovered”. Friends of the Court Documents and Affidavits are needed. A Public Service Message
Awareness Effort is needed. Informing the public can be accomplished through volunteer work,
newspaper editorials and paid advertising.
We are all held responsible for the murderous abortion legislation approved by Government. We pay for
abortions annually (through) our tax dollars sent to Government. Twenty two million dollars in the year
2000 alone was disbursed by the State of New York for Medicaid sponsored abortions. Other tax dollars
are indirectly used to fund abortion through Planned Parenthood funding on both a State and Federal
level. Please read the enclosed editorials on how Planned Parenthood has influenced our underage
children in publically supported schools.
Once again, all of these issues presented are either directly or indirectly related to abortion approval by
Government. Society has paid and will continue to pay while Government sponsored abortion continues
to exist.
The Texas Justice Foundation can help. Please contact this organization to find out how you can support
either individually or collectively The Texas Justice Foundation in their efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade
and end abortion in the United States of America.
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
By middle June, I was still haunted with the fact that 434 Congressional representatives had not received
the letter sent dated September 7, 2001. Since that time, I had acquired more information regarding the
devastating consequences of abortion and believed it to be imperative that all leadership be informed of
the facts and circumstances that I had uncovered. So, this month I compiled packets of information
containing all the letters written since September 11, 2001, editorials written by others concerning
abortion, information on The Texas Justice Foundations efforts, a chart depicting some of the societal ills
due to abortion, information on my own personal efforts to raise money to end this tragedy, and a prolife periodical magazine distributed that discussed the harms of abortion. Each informational packet was
placed in 435 manila clasp envelopes and loaded into luggage to be personally delivered to the
Congressional Representatives working in the Capital building in Washington D.C.. Upon arriving in
Washington D.C. on June 22 and at the Capital building I was informed by a tattooed security guard that
no mail would be accepted into this facility. I asked how mail is delivered to the Congressional
Representatives and was told that the mail, due to anthrax contamination fears was scanned at another
location unbeknownst to him. Finally, and after more inquiries another guard gave me the approximate
address of a Pitney Bowes facility for scanning the mail prior to delivering it to Congressional
Representatives. Somehow I found the facility and brought in the luggage containing all of these
packets. At that point, they informed me that I would have to pay postage and that checks and credit
cards were not accepted. Exasperated, an employee of the organization stated that I could visit a
business nearby and purchase a money order based on funds in my checking account and with a credit
card number for further payment security. So I visited this business and was relieved after this
considerable trip to Washington D.C., to obtain a money order for a considerable amount of postage
due. After a few hours of waiting for the processing of this mail and the acquiring of the money order, I
was told that the packets of information would be accepted and delivered to each Congressional
Representative. Also at about this time, I visited the New York State Capital in Albany to deliver the
same packet to the governor, the United States Marshals, and the New York State Right to Life office.
While in the building of the governor, I was directed upstairs to the lobby of the governor’s office by a
security guard where I was told that I could leave the packet with a secretary. The secretary informed
me that procedure had changed due to the anthrax contaminations and that the mail would be received
at another building in the complex. I finally found the mail facility after descending down a freight
elevator to an underground parking garage where there was a small, obscure office to accept mail in this
darkened garage.
Satisfied that leadership had received all the information that I believed to be important, I spent the
next several months scanning the news for positive developments to eradicate abortion. Much to my
chagrin, nothing of a significant positive development occurred regarding the abolition of abortion. At
this time, I believed that the public needed to be informed about this devastating issue that had
permeated the society and was the cause of so many societal problems and ills. In October, I consulted
with a website company, managed by young adults, to place all letters and other information on the
worldwide internet. I was disinclined to select repulsive photographs of aborted infants for the
introductory page of the website. I thought that perhaps these photographs should be placed at the end
of the website as I did not want to sicken the readers of this site. On the other hand, I thought that
people should become more aware of what abortion does, in addition to ending a human life, to many
babies. So, three photographs of abortions were shown on the introductory page. These photographs
are not included in this book. After much “trial and tribulation”, the website was finally established by middle November.
After believing that I had exhausted all avenues with various organizations of leadership, I reluctantly
decided to inform the general public of this serious problem with the hope of gaining the people’s
support in the quest to eradicate abortion. I had previously assumed that the general population of
people, were not responsible for laws and policy implemented by those in authority. I later realized that
all adult people share in varying degrees in the responsibility to return the society back to a moral
foundation. A first priority was to inform people about basic moral law through providing them with The
Ten Commandments as I increasingly recognized that many people were not following these Laws. The
avoidance of Capital Sins and Abominations are to a slightly lesser degree foundational, but of extreme
importance because if people are engaged in these severe sins, they are more than likely to eventually
violate some or all of The Ten Commandments. So, in the initial offering of the website, in addition to
the letters posted, the foundational Biblical Laws, advisement of Capital Sins, and the referencing for the
reader’s research of Abominations, was presented. This website posting in November 2003, is shown
below under a heading of Reminder. I have changed the word You as originally posted to Thou as
explained in the Introduction.
These Ten Laws of God are listed in The Bible, explained in the Quran, alluded to in The Books of
Buddhism, and strongly suggested for a harmonious and peaceful life in The Hindu Books.
I. I the Lord, am thy God…you shall not have other gods besides me.
II. Thou shall not make unto thee any image of idolatry, or any likeness of anything that is in
heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
III. Thou shall not take the name of Lord your God in vain.
IV. Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath Day.
V. Honor your father and mother.
VI. Thou shall not kill.
VII. Thou shall not commit adultery.
VIII. Thou shall not steal.
IX. Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
X. Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
Bearing false witness against your neighbor can be defined as concocting purposeful, malicious lies
against others for destructive purposes.
Coveting your neighbor’s house includes harming others by enlisting technology to enter another’s
private domain.
An intellectual, forthright, devoted, and trustworthy Society can review these Laws of God and
understand their meaning.
Capital Sins
These sins committed without recognition and repentance will lead to the breaking of God’s Laws.
Destructive criticism
Resentment of other’s blessings
Demanding more than a comfortable life
Consuming more than needed
Promiscuity and sex without love
Destructive competitiveness
Purposeful sloppiness in endeavors
1. The Creator and The Creator alone is solely responsible for determining the genetic codes and
traits of all living creatures.
2. The Creator and The Creator alone determines when a Life begins and when a Life ends.
3. The creator and The Creator alone decides on the laws of science that can be relied upon as fact.
Abortion, Cloning, and ( Fetal) Stem Cell Research have resulted in an unreliability of all
scientific, rules, laws, and facts.”
To return to this book, a question that arose through my inquiry of several Bibles is the fact that
probably a further more detailed definition of Commandment II is necessary as various Bibles state this
Commandment differently. So, Commandment II likely needs to be clarified for the masses of people
who may reference several different Bibles. Commandment IV concerning keeping Holy the Sabbath Day
and designating this Day as a day of rest, states throughout the Bible that this day is Saturday according
to when the world population of people begin their week (on Sunday). Obviously it is important to
ascertain the correct day as Sabbath because God has stated and designated the last day of the week, as
the Sabbath Day. The statement of the selection of this day as a day of rest should probably be further
analyzed. Perhaps if Christians began their week on a Monday then the Sabbath Day is correct as
Sunday. However, it might be to everyone’s benefit to have the same Sabbath Day for all, especially in
this modern day world of interrelated world business and commerce. It is also more than likely that
specifics regarding all the Commandments should be more clearly explained to the people especially and
due to the highly technical and complicated aspects of society today. A Diagram is shown at the end of
this book to suggest a possible hierarchy of “Responsibility for Interpreting The Ten Commandments for
Today’s Society”.
To follow religious practices when one knowingly or unknowingly violates The Ten Commandments
which are the basic and foundational Laws of religion is ludicrous. Practices are important to bring one
closer to God as one acquires a greater understanding of God. So in other words, the hierarchy would be
to first abide by The Ten Commandments followed by adhering to other lesser laws to include avoiding
Capital Sins and Abominations followed by the engaging in the required practices of the religion.
I was seeking a history of abortion to answer the questions on how the history of abortion related to
religious Law as Stated in Commandment VI and also how societies were affected by abortion policies in
the past. I recognized that in almost every Book of the Bible, abortion was directly or indirectly cited
through meticulous interpretation, as the killing of a human being and was a primary cause for the
destruction of a society. I could not at that time find any significant information on the internet
regarding a secular history of abortion. Whether this was due to my ineptness of searching or the
unavailability of information is unknown to me. An erroneous account of St. Augustine of Hippo was
provided on the website based on information given to me by a tour guide in Colombia where we visited
an Augustinian Monastery in the year 2001 (the reader can reference this year for further information).
This false information posted on the website has been removed from this book. To find the date of the
beginning of government approved abortion in the modern day world as this could not be found by me
on the internet, I telephoned a pro-life organization where I was told that abortion was first approved in
the Soviet Union in the year 1920. As an aside, the second country in the world to approve abortion
discovered through as one recalls the same source, was Sweden in 1938. The first proliferation of
pornography in the United States was introduced from Sweden sometime in the early 1960’s (about the
same time the abortifacient birth control pill was introduced). Whether or not this is related to Sweden
approving abortion as a “freer” socialist country and the development of the pornography industry is a
valid question. Communist countries only allow citizens to violate a “few” of The Commandments and
other lesser Laws to maintain a semblance of sanity in the society until greater purposes are realized.
Other less oppressive occult controlled societies permit greater immoralities to destroy the population
of people until a plan is realized. The information as shown on the website of the initial offering is
“In 1920, Russia approved abortion for the people of that country. The scourge began. Their legislation
affected the United States social and economic well being in the 1920’s. Other nations during that time
period were equally affected. However, still other nations followed Russia and approved legalized
abortion for their citizens. Abortion approval by government has created a worldwide moral decay.
Family and community values have deteriorated and this situation has become increasingly
“Wars fought prior to World War II (*author’s note: possibly corrected to World War I, based on
country) and prior to abortion approval were fought in vastly different ways. Before World War II a
greater degree of compassion, concern, and respect was shown towards others, friend or foe. Prior to
World War II, civilian populations during war time were not military targets. During World War II, people
were exterminated based on predetermined political, religious, and racial and cultural designations.
Huge masses of men, women, and children were murdered with no human compassion shown.”
“During the past 36 years of abortion approval by government, the United States has suffered. Please
investigate and draw your own conclusions as to how abortion has affected your life and the lives of
others you know and love. “The Power that Is” will make things that are and that is based on our own
decisions. We cannot continue to kill our own innocent children and expect a peaceful and continuing
“After examining all of the evidence (*author note: available to me at that time), it is my opinion that
malicious people have gained an evil power, through government approved abortion policies.”
I then related the above information to religion using information on the “Vision at Fatima” in Portugal
that was discovered by me in the book “Fatima and the Great Conspiracy”. This information is presented
as was shown in the original presentation of
“The following events are a short summation of the first chapter of a book entitled Fatima and The
Great Conspiracy written by Deirdre Manifold. The first chapter discusses the Vision witnessed by three
children from Portugal and others in the year 1917. The remainder of the book discusses the rise of
Communism and the role that religion plays in identifying the sources and policies of evil, that if left
unchecked, will result in Worldwide annihilation.”
1. “May 13, 1917: A vision appeared to three children from Fatima, Portugal. The Vision asked the
children to return to the same location for 6 months on the 13th of each month.”
2. “June 13, 1917: The Vision provided the children with information regarding their lives.”
3. “July 13, 1917: The Vision provided the children with a prediction of a horrific war due to the evil
planning by the impending new government of Russia. Government approved abortion was part
of the Communist plan. The Vision stated to the children that evil planning by the Russian
government and subsequent policies enacted would spread like a plague throughout the world.”
4. “August 13, 1917: The children were kidnapped by a government official and therefore could
not be present for the Vision. However, eighteen thousand people assembled at the meeting
area and witnessed a miracle. The children were released from captivity on August 19, 1917.
5. “September 13, 1917: The Vision promised a miracle on October 13, 1917.”
6. “October 13, 1917: A miracle of the sun was witnessed by seventy thousand people. Some of
the people attending were disbelieving journalists who were hoping to discredit these Visions.
They could not deny that what they saw was fact and completely inexplicable.”
A rudimentary, handmade chart was also presented in the initial offering of the website. The chart
featured abortion as the central problem with lines drawn from the center to identify some of the
promoters of abortion. The chart also identified some of the damaging results of abortion on the
society. This chart has been decidedly removed from the book due to the possible confusing of the
reader because of the incompleteness of the chart.
After establishing the website, my task became much more simplified in the delivery of information.
Small cards were printed containing the website address and included the statement that September 11,
2001 and Abortion are Related. These cards were mailed to many, many organizations and schools
throughout the United States and many other countries around the world. On the early morning of
December 5, I passed out cards to employees of the United Nations as they entered the facility for work.
After approximately one hour of distributing these cards, the last card distributed on this day was to a
belligerent woman who demanded to know my group affiliation. The reply was that I was a member of a
right to life group but was representing myself as an individual. The woman held the card given to her
up to my face and tore the card in half and abruptly walked on. Distraught with this nastiness, one
ceased distributing cards to employees of this organization and left the area. As far as I was concerned,
this year ended on positive notes regarding this issue and I sensed somewhat of a relief because others
were being informed of potentially lifesaving information, and were additionally being informed of one
of the major reasons for the ever increasing societal immoralities. People were also informed of the
basic reasons for the moral, social, political, economic, and religious decay of today’s societies through
for one example, the violations of The Ten Commandents.
Retrospective: Some people appear to be assuming an unnatural, evil influence over other people. The
point is to no longer work for the overturning of Roe Versus Wade as this is likely to be used as a rue to
eliminate religious and moral people who are and have been working to end abortion. As most can
realize, the overturning of Roe Versus Wade and the accompanying case of Doe versus Bolton will likely
have to be approved by each individual State taking many years for this positive legislation to happen in
all fifty States under the current corrupt election system. In the meantime, the too few pro-lifers and
outspoken religious people who are working to end abortion will most likely be eliminated from this
issue due to an extended time factor thus eventually rendering the abolition of Roe versus Wade and
Doe vs. Bolton void and null as some corruptly elected leaders in some States will continually dismiss all
attempts to eradicate abortion. Read the Commentary on the Electoral System for further information.
Evil, after this “setback” will continue on its way to the New World Order plan to murder up to 75% of
the world’s population and place the remaining 20%(about 5% will be leaders) in a worse than slavery
situation (due to extremes of coveting in a 24 hours of surveillance and monitoring of slavery individuals
combined with the mind controlling of slaves). Therefore, the right to life of all human beings, beginning
at conception, should be written into the primary document of the country. In the case of the United
States, this document is The Constitution. An Amendment to The Constitution is no longer acceptable,
as Amendments can and have been changed in the United States (note the Amendments on prohibition
in the United States, 1919 and 1933 for examples). Let it also be known that there is no “fight” to end
abortion and there are no winners. What moral and religious people seek are resolutions and moral
solutions to ever increasing and widespread societal problems. When all of the evidence is presented,
both concrete and circumstantial, the facts speak for themselves. Those people who still demand that
abortion remain legal and sanctioned by government are either evil or insane. For some people in
authority, it apparently does not matter how much evidence is presented regarding the detrimental
outcomes inflicted on other people through evil policies and legislation. Funding and support of evil
agencies and practices is continually approved by those in authority positions. One way to “love your
enemies” as taught by Jesus Christ may be not to specifically identify them. I increasingly realized that to
arrive at the truth, a competent education and the integration of history, religion, and science were
Historical Accounts 2003: 60
The Iraq war begins on March 19 resulting in the deaths of one million five hundred thousand people by
The Human Genome Project is completed on April 14 where human genes are identified to almost 100%
An earthquake in Algeria on May 21 kills approximately two thousand two hundred people.
Dewey, a cloned deer was born in the United States on March 23.
Prometea, a cloned horse was born in Italy on May 28.
An unprecedented heat wave kills more than seventy thousand people in Europe from June to August.
An earthquake in Iran on December 26 kills and estimated twenty six thousand people.
NASA’s space shuttle Columbia explodes upon entering the atmosphere for a scheduled landing in
Texas. All seven astronauts on board were killed.
Remarks: Many people die in wars and natural disasters. The implications of genetic identification and
how this relates to Biblical teachings are made known to me in 2011. Read the Commentary on Genetic
Identification regarding the possible consequences of engaging in the use of this technology.
Recognizing that there were no real positive developments to remove the evil Planned Parenthood
influences from the secular public schools, I investigated hiring an attorney to possibly litigate against
this organization which I believed to be in clear violation of government laws regarding minor
(underage) children. The following is the letter sent to an attorney together with other information,
concerning this matter. Identifying names and locations have been removed.
“Enclosed is information regarding the September 11, 2001 catastrophe, the influence of Planned
Parenthood in (said) county, and common school practices and agendas (occurring) within our (school)
districts. Demographically, people residing in this community have achieved a middle to upper middle
class lifestyle. Most people residing in (said) county have attained a (school) degree beyond a high
school diploma. Certainly, the community is representative of (where) the people of America aspire to
be, at least economically. So, it is difficult to fathom the “mindset” of so called experts working within
our school districts and government.”
“Please review the editorial written by (a public school nurse) and printed in the (local newspaper) on
October 13, 2002.”
“(The school nurse), is the president (of an important nurses association), and a nurse at (said high
school). After reading her editorial, my understanding is that (said school nurse) is recommending the
services of Planned Parenthood to our minor children and is likely advising school nurses throughout the
State to do the same. It also appears that this advice is given to our underage children without parental
knowledge. If you agree with my interpretation of her essay, then our children are in grave danger.”
“If this perverted advice is given to children by revered adults in our community and State, I can
guarantee that this sinister promotion of immorality and destruction to children is occurring to school
children nationwide. Parents, who love their children above all else are not made aware of their child’s
potential deadly behavior by trusted “professionals” who are aware.”
Please review the enclosed materials and advise if litigation against the (said school district) and the
State of New York is warranted and viable. If you (believe) that there is justification for a lawsuit, please
advise of the legal fees.
Yours truly,
Within ten days or so after sending the letter and package of information, I contacted the attorney to
perhaps schedule a visit to his office. At that time I was informed by him that one “cannot sue the
Federal Government”. I contemplated the implications of this statement and realized that all of the
children would either be dead or destroyed by this agency and/or this agency’s “mindset” that was
apparently adopted by many evil doers within the society to gain wealth, power, and control over the
people. I refused to accept this verdict. (For additional information on how Planned Parenthood
promotes their immoral agendas to minor children, a Planned Parenthood website designed for the
youth can be found at this time on A return to the following of The Ten Commandments,
avoidance of Capital Sins, and Abominations together with earnest prayer to God could remove evil
doers from their positions of authority, thus returning the society to a moral foundation.
In January, spouse was required to participate in a conference sponsored by members of the industry in
which he was employed. Upon returning home and within two weeks, a traffic ticket violation was
delivered to our address. The ticket showed a photograph of the license plate attached to spouses’
vehicle and a charge for a considerable sum for driving through a red stop light. Spouse remarked that
the light was green as he was driving through the intersection and then suddenly within fractions of a
second changed to red as he drove under the traffic light. Spouse did not recall viewing the amber light
of caution that allows one the extra time to pass through an intersection. Other people have also
complained of similar experiences where apparently the amber light of caution has been removed from
some traffic signal lights.
A few months after beginning the website and in February, spouse was
dismissed from his job apparently due to a redundancy of a position based on a corporate merger. By
August however, he had procured another job in the industry of his experience.
One viewed at about this time, an interesting documentary on television that discussed the
implementation, process, and construction of large bicycle roadways in the South American city of
Bogota, Colombia. Discussing this documentary with spouse, one thought that this idea could benefit
many people residing in congested cities in the United States such as New York City for one example.
The documentary viewed depicted large bicycle lanes established, which were the size of a two lane
roadway that were separated with large concrete barriers from the motor vehicle roadway shown
adjacent to the bicycle roadway. Bicycle racks were installed throughout the city for the residents use to
secure their privately and individually owned bicycle. Racks were also freely installed in areas containing
apartment buildings and other multi-family dwellings. Bogota city officials involved in establishing this
program repeatedly remarked about the success of this implemented idea for transporting people in a
safe way from one area of the city to another. In 2013, one read in “The Wall Street Journal’s” May 28
edition about a new bicycle “ride and share” program established by New York City officials touted to be
the first transportation innovation in this city in 75 years. This program offers designated bicycles to rent
that are provided for public use by private investors in the program. Narrow and possibly dangerous
bicycle lanes have been established on motorized vehicle roadways throughout New York City for this
“innovative” transportation initiative. The cost to use a “city” bicycle, if an annual member, is $95 a
year. This fee allows the bicyclist the use of a city bicycle for forty five minute intervals at a time. Others
using the bicycles pay a $9.95 daily fee or a $25 weekly fee. One does not know if a fine is levied against
annual members if the bicycle is not returned to a station within forty five minutes. As one can clearly
note in comparing the two bicycle programs, the New York City program is profit oriented, elicits safety
concerns, and is designed to confuse to a degree those who wish to participate in this “ride and share”
bicycle program. On the other hand, Bogota, Colombia’s bicycle program was designed to help and assist
the city’s residents as their program was financed through business and public taxes costing bicycle
riders no additional money. Also, the Bogota program encouraged the private and individual ownership
of a bicycle likely leading to less “wear and tear” on the apparatus resulting in less product waste.
In March, spouse, daughter, son, and I vacationed at a renowned seaside resort. As this time of year was
considered to be “off season”, spouse and I received a good discounted hotel rate. Upon arrival at the
hotel and at check in, we were given our room assignments. Daughter and son were assigned to an
ocean front room while spouse and I were assigned to a parking lot view room. Needless to say, I was
aggravated at the hotel’s “trouble making” attempts to cause consternation within our family. At that
point spouse and I decided that most all of our meals would be purchased outside of the premises of the
hotel. We also vowed never to return to this resort.
After vacation, I began to search for other historical information on the internet that could be possibly
related to government approved abortion. The following is an excerpt of some very basic information
and odd coincidences that I had uncovered regarding abortion approval and historical events. I
immediately added this information to the website to hopefully pique the interest of historians into
examining more closely the issue of abortion and its interrelatedness with history, thus relieving me of
some of the responsibility of this massive project. Shown below are excerpts of a rudimentary “Analysis”
added to the website on April 27. The author has made a few current changes shown with parentheses.
Points to consider:
The first state to enact abortion legislation (approve abortion) was the state of Colorado in 1967 under
the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential administration. Abortion was approved for the entire Country, under
the presidential administration of Richard M. Nixon. The date of National abortion approval, January 22,
1973 former President Lyndon B. Johnson died of a massive coronary.
The war in Vietnam dramatically escalated under the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential administration.
Most Americans followed the war closely through information provided by the media. Anti-war protests
and riots were also of deep concern to Americans. In other words, United States citizens were
completely absorbed with the Vietnam War, other events related to the war in Vietnam, and domestic
events of (much) strife and turmoil (occurring at that time). As the American people were being diverted
with a barrage of Vietnam War news and other significant movements and events occurring at that time,
abortion legislation was approved by our political leaders with relative ease and little complaint from
the public. In January of 1973, then President Richard M. Nixon announced an accord with North
Vietnam. This (was) the exact month and five days after abortion approval for all the people of The
United States of America. With (complete national) abortion approval, (greater) power and control over
the population was obtained by those in positions of authority.” (*authors note: Abortion was approved
for the United States on January 22, 1973. A peace accord to end the Vietnam War was signed in Paris
on January 27, 1973)
Please investigate all of the spy equipment products available for purchase to the general public.
Various eavesdropping equipment is freely sold on the internet. The least expensive eavesdropping
device is the SS Sound Receiver, selling for $39. This equipment is sold openly to further control the
population. A jamming device for self protection is not offered to the general public. (Therefore), the
people of the United States of America should conduct themselves in the utmost professional manner,
as anything you say or do inside the “privacy” of your home can and will be used against you.
On May 23, after recognizing that there were no results in my attempt to engage others in historical
research and its connection with abortion, I decided to increase the scope of the results of abortion
approval in the United States. With web placement difficulties, several ideas were presented to the
public through the website as shown below in a heading labeled as
“Discussion: Abortionists at Work”
Some examples:
It has been brought to my attention that our voting system has been corrupted. As most people know,
our votes are cast as numbers (supposedly for reasons of confidentiality). These numbers are being
manipulated with to “elect” predetermined candidates to public office. A solution to this problem is to
provide the voter’s name (author’s note: and identification number), with how the person voted. This
information should be open to public review. Accountability insures honesty. To lodge a formal
complaint, contact the Federal Election Commission at 202-566-3100.
A national plan to effectively educate our children is necessary. Most of us have recognized a dramatic
increase in special education classes and confusing class curriculums. The result of 30 years of largely
chaotic indoctrination has resulted in many people lacking the basic skills necessary to function as
responsible citizens. A basic educational plan to recover the higher educational standards our nation
was once known for is shown below.
School uniforms: A national school uniform policy for grades K-12 is necessary. Various articles of
clothing worn to school creates distractions and irrelevant and destructive competition among our
National Textbooks: a universal (national) textbook policy with textbooks carefully chosen for accurate
and factual content information will alleviate the discrepancies in the quality of education that children
receive based on school district. All children in our nation will have similar knowledge and skills.
Workbooks and other materials that follow the textbook curriculum are also essential.
Discipline: An integral component of a student discipline plan is to insist that abortion be declared
against The Constitution of The United States of America (see the information provided in the website).
Many teachers have complained about ever increasing behavioral and emotional problems of students.
These problems can be directly correlated and attributed to abortion approval beginning in 1967 by
government. To comment, please contact The Federal Department of Education at 800-872-5327.
A vast majority of our trusted physicians are offering advice and remedies to patients that defy the
realm of human common sense. Our doctors are over prescribing drugs to the detriment of people’s
health. Advice and remedies based on a holistic approach to medicine are rarely offered and
recommended. Some advice given to people by doctors is downright dangerous. Some women have
undergone life threatening surgeries to remove their healthy breasts because someone in their family
had breast cancer. Others have had their sweat glands removed by doctors because the patients felt
that they were perspiring excessively. Some physicians have informed our young people that headsets
are not dangerous, nor responsible for hearing loss. And the list goes on, on, and on with this type of
irresponsible and dangerous advice given by our physicians. To express your opinion, contact The
American Medical Association at 312-464-5000.
The Federal Communications Commission has permitted harmful and mentally damaging programming
to be aired to our population. I think we can all agree that a large portion of children’s programming is
dangerous to the competent mental development of our youth. Many other shows are bizarre,
incomprehensible, and insane in content. Networks, both radio and television have not been held
accountable by our “policing agency”, The Federal Communications Commission. To voice your concerns
contact The Federal Communications Commission at 888-225-5322.
The Federal Department of Energy has been severely remiss in exploring the capabilities of solar energy
technologies (search solar power and solar energy). Fossil fuels and nuclear power are still being touted
by The Federal Department of Energy as the most effective energy sources. It is my belief that currently
95% of our nation’s energy needs could be served through a solar energy program. Solar energy is clean,
completely safe, and inexpensive. As most know, a global warming trend has caused increasing
environmental concerns and this problem is directly related to the emissions created from the burning
of fossil fuels. Also, many employment opportunities would be made available during this 50 years plus
conversion process. To demand that this technology be given serious consideration, contact The Federal
Department of Energy at 202-586-1924.
(*author’s note: this section has been edited from the original posting)
There is a report written in 1992 and currently shown on the internet that many Americans may find
relevant to the abortion issue and the malicious plans of government entitled “Operation Vampire Killer
2000. (*author’s note: The second half of the report suggests that Americans should arm themselves
with guns. This may not be the best advice based on the immoral and insane progression of the society.)
Son, who was graduating from the high school of my former attendance, was in the process of selecting
a college or university for enrollment in September. A high school guidance counselor recommended a
school that did not offer courses in his desired field of future employment. Other frivolous attributes of
this school were being promoted to him. It took much convincing on my part to dissuade son from
attending this senseless college based on his career choice. I was annoyed at this interference and bad
advice given by the high school guidance counselor. The university son eventually attended, spouse and
I visited with son, to attend an orientation. The orientation for son’s desired course of study was
satisfactory but the living quarters shown for the occupation of four students were completely substandard. I wondered how four adults could possibly store their belongings, sleep, shower, dress, and
eat in such a tiny area and still maintain their sanity. I remarked to spouse that son would need a larger
living area. At this time, I also became aware of financial aid for students. Some students I discovered
were obtaining government grants for free college or university attendance while their parents built
large additions onto their homes or purchased new and expensive automobiles. I decried this system for
its inequity and corruption believing that all students and/or their families should pay for school tuition.
Low interest loans are a good option for those students who are lacking the funds necessary for school
attendance. No free government money (taxpayer funds) should be disbursed for an individual’s college
or university costs. Son graduated from high school together with three hundred and eighty two
By late spring, I realized that a more intensive promotion by me regarding the website was necessary as
no positive changes were observed concerning the abolition of abortion. As I had already spent
considerable personal and family money on this endeavor, I thought about how I could deliver the
website address to many people at a low cost. One day while driving, I noticed a bumper sticker on
another driver’s car. At this time I thought that this method of advertising the website would be a
relatively inexpensive way to promote the website to others. So, by
summer bumper stickers were printed with the website address and the statement that September 11,
2001 and Abortion are Related. Other bumper stickers were purchased that stated Abortion= one dead
and one wounded. I applied a few of these bumper stickers to the rear and front fenders of my car and
drove around the local area in an attempt to deliver this important message to the communities of the
county of my residence. One day while driving through a neighborhood of newly built mega-mansions, I
noticed two trucks about to pull out of a very long driveway. Off the foot of the driveway was a narrow,
circular turn around. Logistically, to allow one truck to pull out, I believed it necessary to pull into the
long driveway as the first truck was in the process of pulling out of the driveway. This resulted in my
vehicle facing the second truck just several feet onto the driveway. After pulling out of the driveway, the
driver of the first vehicle disembarked from the truck and told me he was telephoning the police as I had
entered his property. I told him to go right ahead as this was completely an absurd reaction based on
the circumstances. I was surprised when the police actually arrived at this scene. The police officer
stated that I was trespassing. I retorted that there was a logistic reason for pulling into his driveway and
that some people pull several feet into my driveway to turn around and that I would never telephone
the police concerning this frivolous matter. The police officer then stated that the road was a private
road. In the past in our community, if a road was private this was posted at the entrance of the road. In
this case there was no sign posted informing other residents and snow plows of this fact. A short time
after this incident, I sensed harassment as many cars began to pull into my driveway and turn around
over a short period of time. I however, did not telephone the police.
I purchased a list from a pro-life group that contained the names of corporations, businesses, and other
organizations that supported through their donations the murderous and destructive agency of Planned
Parenthood. I was astounded at the many familiar and trusted names on this list. I boycotted, to the
best of my ability the organizations shown on the list through the removal of patronization of these
concerns. Also contacted in 2004, was the pro-life group who released the list where I inquired of
possible private labeling contracts of those listed, as some of the organizations shown may have been
involved in this kind of business. The pro-life group could not give me any information on the private
labeling contracts of the businesses shown on the Planned Parenthood donation list. Later, and by 2011
another list was published free of charge, containing the names of corporations and pharmaceutical
vaccines containing the fetal stem cells of aborted human beings. Some food companies also were using
derivatives of these cells for flavor enhancers. This tremendously evil occult practice is designed to
engage masses of people in the horrific immorality and crime of cannibalism so that evil doers can gain
more power over the population and wealth for themselves. Comparing the list of 2004 with the list of
2011, I realized that a few major food corporations owned hundreds if not thousands of brand names. I
stated to spouse that to reject this insane and despicable immorality, one may not be able to eat. An
interim solution to this problem may be to consume only fresh and natural (organic) products. However,
most of us do not know if the businesses engaged in adding aborted human beings cells to food
products, are also involved in the farming, meatpacking, and seafood industries for some examples. I
believe the responsibility for the deplorable addition of aborted human beings stem cells in food
products, vaccines, and body creams, rests with the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and
possibly with the law enforcement agencies of government.
Through the media, one was informed of an August march across a bridge in a city to support abortion
policies in the United States. Believing that this group of people failed to recognize the intense
destructiveness of abortion on the society, I decided to notify the marchers of their grave mistake in
supporting abortion, through the delivery by car of information on bumper stickers containing the
website address “” and the statement that” Abortion and September 11,
2001 are Related”. After arriving at the destination one noted thousands and thousands of mostly
women marching across a large pedestrian walkway located centrally on the bridge. Upon entering the
ramp to the bridge, one obtained a closer look at the participants. Most of the marchers were young
tattooed and body pierced women, some displayed an unnatural haircut and hair color and many
appeared disheveled. These women were led in groups by older women between the ages of
approximately fifty to seventy years of age who on the other hand appeared conventional. Puzzled and
alarmed at this scene, one wondered what was really transpiring here. Experiencing a sense of urgency,
one drove across the bridge several times to deliver the important message of
By late summer, short overnight and two night trips were made to Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, upstate New York, Ohio, and Rhode Island. Through increased
investigation on the internet, news stories, insane and crazy stories related to me by acquaintances, and
Bible reading, I recognized an impending emergency situation in the country and decided to alert the
national population to the probable need of a complete governmental change accomplished through a
non violent removal of current government officials and the implementation of an interim government
who would promptly be required to legitimize the election system through voter identification and
verification methods. The following are excerpts of this “Recommendation” added to the website on October 14.
Based on the information provided in this website, it is essential that a complete change in government
occur. The Operation Vampire Killer 2000 report referenced in the website proves together with the
researching of other unrelated sources of like information investigated and divulged on the internet that
the objective of our government is to kill as many Americans as possible. Additional investigations can
be conducted from information presented in Operation Killer 2000 that further proves the malicious
plans and power obtained over the people by the government through abortion agendas. To repeat, the
government has obtained an evil power over the population due to government approved abortion
policies. Our government has completely ceased to work for the Common Good of the people of this
Nation. Therefore, a revolution is necessary to remove these dishonorable and untrustworthy people
from political office.
One suggestion is to move as many unarmed people to Washington D.C.. About twenty million people
are estimated to logistically arrive in Washington D.C. over a five day period because of traffic
considerations. The plan is to physically remove all Senators, Congressmen, the Vice-President, and the
President from office in a non-violent way, and place on an interim basis, trustworthy leaders in their
place until legitimate elections can be established. One way to verify the legitimacy of the election
process is to provide the voter’s name, the voter’s social security number, and how the vote was cast. It
is necessary that this information be open to public review and scrutiny to verify that the votes were
counted as cast.
A life is defined as a human being capable of making his or her own decisions. Animals are servants of
human beings and servants of each other and are never to be abused. However animals are incapable of
making their own decisions and are completely directed by God or Satan based on the circumstances.
After thorough investigation, I have concluded that a revolution is vitally necessary to ensure the
continuance of this Nation and our Nation’s people.
Following the above addition, a more extensive road trip to promote the website through advertisement
on bumper stickers was accomplished to notify inhabitants of States to the South of New York. The
States visited on this trip included Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Virginia. Upon returning from this trip and viewing no positive news
regarding the abolition of abortion or the legitimizing of the electoral system, I decided to cross the
country to promote the website. The tires on the car were checked by a local service station where it
was determined that the tires were still in good condition for this approximate 6000 mile road trip. At
some point along the way to Los Angeles and about mid way through the country, I decided to apply
additional bumper stickers which included the website address to the doors and back of the car. Unless I
stayed overnight at a one story motel where rooms were easily accessible from the parking lot, I found
that I would be assigned to one of the most inconvenient rooms of a motel complex which required me
to lug a heavy suitcase up many stairs. I believed this situation to be an attack by evil as most motels
were not crowded at this time of year. If I asked for a ground floor room, I was told that none were
available. On this road trip, as well as previous road trips I noted some very dangerous road construction
zones. One zone in particular contained probably hundreds of saw horses with electronic flashing lights
attached that were placed within a few feet of each other causing me to experience on one early
morning, a bout of driver disorientation and dizziness. This experience was somewhat alleviated when I
decided to try to ignore the saw horses and focus on the lined roadway. Another roadside hazard of
relatively recent development was the installation of strobe lights on police vehicles. During the course
of my cross country trip, there was an accident on a curved highway above the road of my travel. Two
police cars were at the evening scene of the accident, flashing the police vehicles roof top strobe lights
that momentarily blinded me (until I passed the scene) causing concern that I might have an accident
too. At a gasoline stop in Utah, a station attendant without solicitation stated that I needed new tires on
my car. Concerned about this observation as the tires were checked prior to my departure from New
York, I self examined the tires and determined that they still had plenty of tread. Every morning on this
trip before setting out on the highway, I stopped to refuel at a combination gasoline and food service
shop. At that time, I would purchase my morning coffee and hoped to procure a buttered roll. During all
of my road trips, not one convenience store offered a buttered roll for sale. All of these shops sold only
doughnuts or Danishes for a quick breakfast snack. To compare and in the past, buttered rolls or bagels
were always available as a purchase option in addition to doughnuts and Danishes in these kinds of
establishments. One also noted that ranchers and burly appearing men in the western area of The
United States were waiting on a long line at a convenience store to fill their coffee cups not with regular
coffee (as there was no line for this coffee), but with cappuccino coffee which is a sweet frothy coffee
that is usually a favorite of women. The States visited on this eleven day cross country trip included
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan,
Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West
Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. One also drove through the grounds of the prestigious military
academy near to ones’ home to alert cadets of the website address with the hope of assistance to
correct societal immoralities, from this group.
After this extensive road trip, it seemed to me that a considerable number of people encountered along
the way appeared to be ill. Concerned about this observation, I added the following passages on
November 12 to the “Recommendation” of October 14 which is edited from the version shown in the
original addition to
The United States of America in the year 1917 helped to finance the Communist Revolution and thus,
was indirectly involved in introducing abortion to the Russian people. This was the beginning of a larger
plan by world leadership to dominate the people of the world. The consistent breaking of God’s Law
“Thou Shall not Kill”, grants an evil power and control over the people to leadership.
Abortion agendas have become a bounty of power for the “merchants of death”. These merchants of
death have deceived the people with the question as to when life begins. The discourse and confusion
that this question has raised, has allowed for the massive murder of human life. Whether a soldier is
murdered on the battlefield or a human life is murdered in the womb or in a laboratory that is
considered by God, to be an equal breaking of God’s Law “Thou Shall not Kill”. Therefore, the correct
answer to the question when does human life begin is human life begins at the moment of conception.
The plan of world government is to eliminate half of the world population and place the remaining half
of the population in a situation that can only be described as worse than slavery. It is the responsibility
of the people to remove these “merchants of death” from power positions in a non-violent way and
place in political office leaders that are truly working for the best interests of the people.
To prevent the rise of tremendously evil men to power positions, it is necessary that government
abortion policies be abolished on a worldwide level.
A revised and simplified chart was also added to the website on this date that featured abortion as the
central problem causing many societal woes. The woes included on the chart were: increased crime,
illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and mental imbalances. Other results of abortion policies were
depicted and shown as increases in suicides, accidents, homosexuality, invasions of personal privacy
through technology, contaminated vaccines, and power over the population (tyranny). This rudimentary,
handmade chart is not included in this book.
This year ended on an aggravating, disheartening, and incredulous note as no positive moral changes
could be ascertained by me in the society of The United States of America.
Retrospective: Family members should become more aware of purposeful and destructively evil
interference by others launched against families by outsiders. Most of the time, older family members
are working for the good and best interests of the family group. All members of a family group should
cooperate and abide by the older patriarchs and matriarchs of the family as it is more than likely that
these people have greater wisdom due to a larger number of life’s experiences, as compared to the
younger members of a family group. In other words, “Honor your mother and father” that also likely
includes in this Commandment of God, grandmothers and grandfathers. Crowding people into a small
area is used by evil doers to further agendas of immorality to include abortion. I noticed vast tracks of
uninhabited land during my drive throughout the United States where it seemed at times that I could
drive for hours without viewing a home. Over the past one hundred years, people have been
increasingly directed and crowded into metropolitan areas perhaps to aggravate secular people thus
leading to further public support for abortion agendas. Proof of this mechanism used by evil was stated
to students in the college classrooms of the late 1960’s and 1970’s. Some college professors informed
students that given the current population increase each person would have by a near future date, the
equivalent room of one eight and a half inch by eleven inch piece of paper for living space. Obviously,
this instruction contributed to the ever expanding evil within the society. I visited thirty nine States to
deliver and inform people of the consequences of abortion and the suggested need for moral change
within the society.
Historical Accounts 2004: 61
South Korean scientists report the cloning of thirty human being embryos on February 13.
Except for voting rights, the Vatican becomes a full member of The United Nations on July 1.
A hurricane in Haiti kills over three thousand people on September 13.
The world’s highest bridge opens in France on December 14.
A horrific earthquake and tsunami devastates Southeast Asia killing more than two hundred and fifty
thousand people on December 26.
The tallest building in the world opens on December 31 in Taiwan.
NASA’s Scramjet achieves a new world speed record which was recorded at nearly 7000 miles per hour.
Remarks: Scientific ethics by 2004 appears to be a non issue. One of the worst natural disasters
documented occurs in Asia. Hours prior to the tsunami striking, some people reported that animals
inhabiting the area were seen flocking to the hills and mountains.
Combining a statement made by an author in an important, out of print book written in 1970 with Bible
reading and subsequent interpretation, I realized that God, the benevolent Creator would never allow
other evil human beings to invade and infiltrate the personal privacy of moral people to include family
homes, automobiles, and other places where people congregate for meetings, discussions, and other
individual personal matters. The reason for this gross immorality of privacy invasions became clear as I
examined the abortion issue. Later, it was recognized that the violations of most or all of The Ten
Commandments by many people has led to the inevitability of violations and abuses against all
individuals to include for one example invasions of an individual’s privacy, by strangers. Still not
recognizing the complete magnitude of this problem but realizing that the immorality of abortion was
connected to invasions of privacy, I added the following, but perhaps incomplete “Explanation”, to on January 26. Two recommended websites have been removed from this
explanation as shown in the original website, but are included in an investigation section added in 2006.
World government has been aware for many years, that Satan provides for an enslaving of the
population through government approved death agendas. Prior to abortion approval by the government
of The United States of America, any person eavesdropping on another through electronic means was
promptly killed by God. Zbigniew Brezhinsky, National Security Advisor to former President Jimmy Carter
and advisor to four other presidents stated in his book “Between Two Ages” (published in 1970), that
“Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up to
date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. (*author’s note:
This is circumstantial evidence regarding the corrupt practices of privacy invasions. The government was
waiting for complete national abortion approval to potentially invade all American homes with
impunity.) These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” To reiterate, this
satanic evil of surveillance and eavesdropping was granted through government approved abortion
policies. The government of the United States of America approved abortion between the years
(*author’s note: corrected to 1960) 1967-1973, to move forward with their agenda to enslave and
slaughter the people of the United States of America.
As abortion was beginning to be approved for the people, by world government, Winston Churchill, the
former Prime Minister of England stated to the London press in 1922 that a “band of extraordinary
personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian
people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”
Russia’s Communist government approved abortion for the Russian people in 1920. For further
information reference the Operation Vampire Killer 2000 report. With abortion approval came intensive
government surveillance and monitoring of the Russian people.
On March 23, a New World Order membership list was cited on the original website of The 1999 list was placed on the internet by a Denver, Colorado spiritual
group that I thought to be interesting (this list has apparently been removed from the internet at this
time). The list cited members of the Tri-lateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, and the Council for
Foreign Relations. When I removed the duplication of names the number of people I counted belonging
to these three groups, totaled 666 members. For those people who believe the “mark of the beast to be
666” as stated in the Bible’s Book of Revelations in 13:18 as follows: “Here is wisdom: Let him who has
understanding compute the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and its number is six
hundred and sixty six.”
I believed this find to be significant. Below is this addition with minor editing and an author’s note,
which was added to the original website in the basic section titled “Analysis” presented on April 27,
There is a New World Order (NWO) Membership List that can be retrieved through (a) search engine
that many people may find to be interesting, telling, and important. (author’s note: Steps to arrive at the
numerical figure 666 were shown to the reader.)
Review the names on this list. Remove the redundancies (duplication of names). Caution: Some
have used first name and middle initial in some places and used first initial and middle name in
other places, with the last name.
Attending a Bilderberg meeting does not necessarily make that person a Bilderberg member.
One last name is not shown (so) therefore that name was not counted.
After removing the repetition of some names, the total number equals 666 new world order
members. Double check the figure for yourself.
Read The Book of Revelations in The Bible, and draw your own conclusions.
I recognized that although many people desired to change immoral situations, people continued to
participate and engage in activities and certain procedures and situations that allowed evil to continue
unchallenged. In other words, an increasing number of people were becoming complacent or stated
that they were agreeing with evil (possibly to “keep the peace” for one example or perhaps people were
being threatened or mind controlled). The result of these attitudes or situations is devastating to
society. View the diagrams presented in 2006 concerning this topic. To provide advice concerning
potential immoral situations, the following addition titled “Consideration” was added to on January 15. This has been edited from the original presentation.
1. Avoid admittances to hospitals that encourage a “culture of death” philosophy. For example,
some hospitals permit abortions and euthanasia to be committed on hospital premises. All lives
are placed in jeopardy in these “hospitals of death”.
2. Turn off the television as most programming is intended to cause psychological damage to the
viewing audience.
3. Decline the “right on red” option when operating a motor vehicle. This suggestion was created
to cause increased vehicular accidents. Also, some “turning lanes”, especially those that share a
turning lane with opposing traffic have caused “head on” collisions and should be avoided.
4. Shun movies, museums, sporting events, shopping malls, street fairs, gambling casinos,
pornography, Broadway shows, concerts, picnics, parties, (and other events) that serve to
distract and divert (people) from the abortion issue (and other societal immoralities) thus
causing additional mental damage.
5. Do not vote on any election days. This includes all local, state, and federal elections. The
numbers are being manipulated with to serve the “Communists” death agendas.
6. If family and friends feel comfortable discussing the information presented in this website, the
information provided in “Fatima and the Great Conspiracy”, and the information supplied in the
Operation Vampire Killer 2000 report, it will be therapeutic to those concerned, as recognizing
problems is the first step in changing situations. (*authors’ note: On April 5, Considerations 7
and 8 were added.)
7. Reject assistance from fertility clinics if desiring to conceive a child. Some clinics are delivering
excess sperm and eggs to fetal stem cell research laboratories for experimentation purposes.
For further explanation read “Beyond Abortion: A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation”, by
Suzanne M. Rini. Also (search) “World Stem Cell Map” and “Brave New Babies: Stem Cell
8. Consider abstaining from all sexual activity as the entire adult population of this country and
other countries in “abortion world” are being forced into a life of prostitution, pimping,
pornography, and worse. (*authors’ note: On November 21 Consideration 9 was added)
9. Investigate companies where investments have been made through stock purchases including
mutual funds, 401K and pension retirement savings plans. Even some innocuous seeming
corporations have invested profits in fetal stem cell abortion laboratories. Examine the
company’s 10K disclosure statement for corporate profit investments. This statement is
sometimes included in the annual report. If not included, the report is available on request.
Consider divesting from stocks and securities held in corporations that contribute to human
death agendas. (*authors’ note: On December 26 Consideration 10 was added)
10. Most of the people living in this nation can discern between right and wrong and good and bad.
It is the responsibility of the individual and their family group to reject persuasions of decadence
and messages of encouragement to engage in immoral behavior provided by the surrounding
environment. By agreeing with agendas that we know are wrong and bad for ourselves and our
families, we permit the government of the New World Order to achieve its’ goal of mass
By the third week of April, one had become increasingly annoyed with the police department’s lack of
action concerning the increasing immoralities occurring within the community of one’s residence to
include problems occurring in the middle school and high schools especially with regard to rampant
student drug abuse. In addition, one was aggravated with the police due to perceived personal attacks
launched against oneself by this department of law enforcement. So, one afternoon I decided to tailgate
a police car resulting in a well deserved ticket for following too closely.
It is most appropriate at this time to discuss common dental practices and the influence of dentists in
my life over the course of fifty years or so. Beginning at about the age of five years old, mother annually
scheduled me for dental visits. I can recall that during the early years of my dental experiences that
there was usually a large crowd of people waiting to see this professional. In later childhood, more
dentists moved into the area of my residence and so appointment times were usually on schedule due
to an apparent decline of patients per dentist because the number of dentists increased. Today, in a
county of approximately three hundred and ten thousand people, I have counted six pages of dentists
listed in an eight and one half by eleven inch telephone book. Each page contains four rows of
approximately forty dentists per row. Large advertisements have been excluded from the page count
and only single lines containing the names, addresses and telephone numbers have been included.
Whether a perceived over abundance of dentists is significant to current prevalent absurd and insane
dental practices is unknown to me. Perhaps there is another reason for many dentists, at least in this
area of my residence.
Beginning as a young child, x rays were always part of the initial dental examination. In the early years,
these x rays were taken without chest protection. In later years a lead apron was placed over the chest
area for protection from radiation. Usually after the initial examination, mother was informed that I had
several cavities that needed to be attended to. As a young girl and upon arriving home, I would look in
the mirror to find these cavities. Usually I could only view one or two brown spots on the teeth in my
mouth. I would then complain to mother that I could only see one or two possible cavities where the
dentist had stated that there were several. Mother would explain that the x rays are finding cavities that
I cannot see with the naked eye. Later, and as a teenager I would be told on occasion that I had two,
three, or four cavities in one tooth. I found this very hard to believe but the repair work was
accomplished. Sometimes after leaving the dentist’s office, I felt extremely disoriented and confused
and recovery from this experience seemed to take several days or weeks before I hopefully regained my
full focus and intellect. I also gradually began to realize that the biannual cleaning of teeth may have
actually resulted in the removal of important tooth enamel due to the use of a grinding machine and
another sharp instrument thus perhaps resulting in a greater number of cavities. By the age of nineteen,
most of my back molars were completely covered with silver colored fillings. At this age, I began to
suffer from headaches that apparently were due to three impacted wisdom teeth which were removed
by an oral surgeon. Also at about this age, I had some root canal accomplished on a few teeth. The
dentist I attended recommended that these “dead” teeth be capped. I postponed these capping
procedures until I was in my middle thirties. After moving to Florida in 1995, I sought out a dentist
through an apparent prestigious dental network organization. The dentist I selected was within close
proximity to our home. During an initial visit, I was aghast when I viewed the x ray machine. This
machine resembled a deep sea diving helmet that was completely placed over one’s head. Needless to
say, I experienced trepidation with this new machine. After the technician took the x rays, I heard loud
exclamations in Spanish emanating from the x ray analysis room. Inquiring as to what was transpiring,
the technician informed me that the x rays would have to be retaken as nothing could be discerned. I
exclaimed that I had received enough radiation for one day and excused myself from this office, never to
return. Later, and while still living in Florida, I made an appointment with another dentist who I was
initially very satisfied with. The dentist capped one “dead” tooth in my mouth by first filing down the
tooth and then crafting a temporary cap while impressions made were sent elsewhere for the sculpting
of a permanent cap that would fit precisely with my other teeth. This cap was installed in my mouth
approximately two weeks later. After about a year however, I noticed a general deterioration of the
office and noted some unsanitary conditions so I ceased to attend this dentist. Asking for a dentist
recommendation from an acquaintance, I scheduled an appointment with the recommended dentist.
During the examination, the dentist and his assistant were watching a television talk show. I ceased to
attend this dentist as well. At this point, I thought there was a problem with dentists in this area of
Florida. After arriving home in New York, I attended a few other dentists where I noted other
unprofessional behaviors and practices. For examples, one dentist tied my tongue with a string with a
later explanation that this procedure was a test for cancer. Another dentist answered what seemed to
be every telephone call while in the middle of dental procedures even when a receptionist and secretary
were employed at the dentist’s office. Still another dentist stated to me that a cavity I detected through
a mirror view was merely a discoloration of a tooth. Another dentist confirmed to me that this
“discoloration” was a massive cavity that had to be attended to immediately. Finally, and after the
above confirmation, I believed that I had found a knowledgeable and professional dentist who was a
little short tempered but at least appeared sane. After attending this dentist for more than a year and in
2005, I decided to cap my two front teeth as they were pitted and slightly chipped. Initially, an
anesthetic (probably novocaine) was administered to me before the front teeth were filed down for the
supporting stems of the caps. The dentist then formed two temporary caps from an impression set in
dental cement which was placed over the filed teeth. I was then scheduled to return in two weeks to
have impressions made for permanent caps that would be manufactured, as I was told, in California.
Another dentist also informed me at an earlier date that permanent caps he installed were also
manufactured in California, as the price was charged was less. I thought this to be odd. Upon returning
two weeks later and sitting in the dental chair, I noted much surgical equipment on the trays next to the
dental chair. I thought this to be unusual as impressions for caps involve merely placing one’s teeth in a
contoured mold which is filled with softened dental cement. When the cement dries, it is forwarded on
to a specialized business that sculptures the permanent cap to precisely fit over the stem and to comply
with the other teeth in the individual’s mouth. The dentist then proceeded to insert a needle behind my
upper lip and administered some drug where I began to experience difficulty in breathing. The dentist
then stated that he was “wiring up my teeth”. I then sensed that I was beginning to lose consciousness.
At about this time two teenage girls walked into the dentist’s examination room and asked to use the
lavatory and asked for directions to the lavatory located in his office. At about that time I summoned all
the energy I could and praying to God, I stood up from the dental chair and dashed out of this office.
Terrified, I somehow drove home. Upset and at home, the dentist’s assistant telephoned to reschedule
another appointment. I stated to her that I would not be returning to this office. At this time, and by the
first week of May 2005, I believed my life to be in danger and therefore decided not to leave the
premises of our home and property. To the date of April 2013, I left my home by automobile on only five
occasions, two of these occasions were in March 2010 to visit another dentist where I had to have a
tooth extracted that was causing a painful periodic flaring of my cheek due to an infection. The dentist
attended, referred me on to another dentist and oral surgeon to have this back molar pulled. Spouse
accompanied me into the examination and procedural rooms as a patient advocate during these visits. It
occurred to me at about this time in 2005 that I had never read or heard about malpractice lawsuits
lodged against dentists. The people may desire to ponder the reasons for this anomaly.
By this year, it became clear to one that some people are permitted freedom of speech as guaranteed in
the United States Constitution but others are persecuted in many ways and/or perhaps murdered when
they exercise their right to freedom of speech. It is also important to note that the type of freedom of
speech widely permitted in this nation and in media over the course of forty years or so has been largely
One desired at this time to perhaps have the website translated into
several foreign languages to aid other non-English speaking people with the understanding of the vital
need to return to the adherence of The Ten Commandments and other morality expected of people by
God. So in June, one began corresponding through email with a translation business in the United
Kingdom that was located near London. Shortly after informing the representatives of the translation
business about the above website to be translated into several foreign languages, subway bombs were
detonated by deranged individuals resulting in the deaths of fifty two people and the injuries of more
than seven hundred people. Further information on these bombings can be found at Immediately following the subway
bombings, the translation business one was corresponding with ceased communicating with me
regarding translation services and costs but did send irrelevant emails. So, one decided to abandon this
translation project due to perceived threats launched by evil doers against the society. Later one was
pacified with the knowledge that foreign language readers could obtain a poor translation of through the internet at .
During these past few years and at this time, one experienced an unusual wave of appliances that were
breaking and ceased to function. For examples, an oven and range, two clothes washing machines and a
dryer, refrigerator, freezer, barbeque grill, and two dishwashers had to be replaced within a short period
of time. Some of these appliances were less than five years old. As odd as this conclusion may seem to
some people, one believed this phenomena to be further financial attacks against our family by evil
One day after spouse arrived home from work and at dinner, I remarked to spouse that a window
cleaner I was using was actually making the windows dirtier by causing a streaking of the glass with oil
like smears. A day later and while at work, a manager of the firm of spouse’s employment remarked to
spouse that a window cleaner he was using was actually making the windows dirtier by causing a
streaking of the glass with oil like smears. Spouse relayed this story to me at dinner time the following
day. We glanced at each other with disgust. By August and after securing an important business
contract, spouse was dismissed from this job for reasons unknown to him. This began two and one half
years of financial hardship for our family. Just before spouse acquired another job in January 2008,
spouse, daughter, son, granddaughter, and I were prepared to permanently leave the United States for a
country in South America. During this extended period of unemployment, no charity such as food
stamps was applied for as accepting charity from evil sources, subjects those who are accepting the
charity, to be influenced by evil.
In November, a family member underwent rehabilitative surgery. Unable to visit this family member at
the hospital, I worried at home about this individual’s well being. In the afternoon following the surgery,
a frantic telephone call was received by another family member. This family member stated that
following the surgery, the physician prescribed morphine via an intravenous system to be taken by the
patient, when experiencing post operative pain. The family member and patient overdosed on this
substance requiring an emergency visit to the cardiac care unit in the hospital where thankfully the
family member recovered. I was upset and in disbelief of this apparent and blatant malpractice.
At about this time, I received several telephone calls from a financial institution where the
representative advised me that daughter and son were entitled to have free jurisdiction over their
financial accounts. I stated to the representative that I would not be disbursing the accounts to daughter
and son until they reached the age of twenty five. In subsequent telephone calls, I was threatened by
the representative that I was in violation of government law. This remark by the financial representative
caused considerable consternation between me and daughter and son. Later, I was attacked by evil
forces for refusing to turn over these accounts to our children. Therefore, sensing considerable coercion,
the accounts were turned over to our children where I hoped that they would responsibly maintain their
wealth for a contribution towards the purchase of their future homes.
By the end of this year, in addition to much cleaning and organizing of our home, I became involved in
craft projects including the painting of shapes and abstract artwork on canvas.
Retrospective: It appears as though some people are being brain damaged and possibly murdered by
trusted remedial specialists. In today’s highly technological oriented society, it is difficult to determine
by moral and religious people whether people are being targeted for invasions of privacy and
harassment by Satan, or by actual eavesdropping (for one example) through technology implemented
inside or outside of private domains by evil doers. Many “adult” children squander parental savings for
them due to immaturity at the ages of eighteen to twenty one years of age and squander these savings
due to the interference of immoral “outsiders” interfering in family business. Read the Commentary in
Just Thoughts about this topic for a possible solution to this problem.
Historical Accounts 2005: 62
Pope John Paul II dies on April 2. Pope Benedict XVI succeeds him on April 19.
A hurricane on April 29 results in more than one thousand eight hundred deaths in the United States.
The largest United Nations World Summit is held in New York on September 14.
An earthquake on October 8 in Pakistan kills more than eighty thousand people.
Scientists state on December 12 that they have created mice with human brain cells.
Suicide bombings are prevalent throughout the world in the years 2002-2008.
NASA deliberately strikes the comet Tempel 1 with a component of a deep impact probe to study the
materials emitted from the comet and the crater resulting from the impact.
Remarks: A horrific earthquake in Kashmir and the surrounding area results in the deaths of multitudes
of people and the disappearances of entire towns. A new priority for scientists appears to be to increase
the intelligence of some animals.
Beginning on January 6, I continued to add some advice, information, and ideas to “Consideration” as a
title in the original website in 2005, to the established website begun in 2003. Below are shown these
additions to the original website
11. For perhaps some peace of mind concerning required dental or medical intervention an organization
of professionals who support life principals can be found on the internet. The association of participating
dentists and physicians deplore the destruction of human life whether the murder is (committed)
through surgical, drug induced, or laboratory means. This medical association is also against euthanasia,
assisted suicide, and the killing of the human person by other methods. Information on this association
including a nationwide listing of participating dentists and physicians can be obtained by logging onto (*authors’ note: In retrospect, this organization contains too few remedial members and the
medical and dental referral system likely voids any benefits or peace of mind this organization provides
to patients.) (* On February 20, the following was added to Consideration.)
12. Research blackbox voting, corruption in the voting system, and vote fraud. Also read “Votescam, The
Stealing of America” a book that can be purchased or read in its’ entirety on the internet. Diligent
investigation will reveal that a foolproof and verifiable voting system is necessary. The following solution
is offered: Votes registered by voting machines could be directly posted onto the internet showing the
following information. 1. the voter’s name 2. the voter’s identification number 3. the individual voter’s
vote(s). This tabulation method ensures accuracy as the individual and others can self check the vote.
Protecting the confidentiality of the voter’s vote, lends itself to the following question. Are the people
really concerned (about) keeping their vote “confidential” when all personal lives have been stolen and
in many cases destroyed partly due to a significant number of people attaining political office
illegitimately? (*On August 2, the following was added to Consideration.)
13. If seeking an obstetrician or gynecologist for required care, contemplate telephoning the selected
physician’s or midwife’s office prior to scheduling the visit. Ask if he or she provides abortion services or
gives abortion referrals in addition to the ordinary gynecological and/or obstetrical practices. For
obvious personal safety reasons and for the safety concerns of a conceived infant if carrying a child,
ponder selecting a physician who does not provide abortion services nor gives abortion referrals.
On March 5, I added a short commentary to the title of “Explanation” shown in the original website and
added on January 26, 2005. Below is shown this edited commentary.
World government is currently in the process of (public relation campaigns) to approve abortion for the
people of South and Central America, African countries, and the Middle East. The Iranian government
recently approved abortion for the people of Iran in July of 2004. One way to force through abortion
policies is to maintain severe poverty situations for a majority (of people in a country that has not
approved abortion.) For example, on a recent visit to Panama (a country that has not approved
abortion), I noticed many people living in horrible squalor conditions in the city of Colon. One mile (from
the downtown area) were many vacant and abandoned quality apartment buildings that were rendered
unoccupied when the United States of America’s government relinquished its’ authority over the
Panama Canal on December 31, 1999 to the government of Panama. It is my opinion, that the people
have not been relocated to an improved living area because abortion continues to remain illegal in
In the early months of this year, I decided to provide the people with some Biblical references regarding
the grave sin of abortion. The following March 13 addition to contains this
information. Some editing and identified additions to the original presentation have changed this
website addition from the original offering.
Many of the more recent editions of Bibles, erroneously use the word pregnant to describe a woman
carrying a human life. Older editions of Bibles use the words “woman with child”, to describe the
earliest stages of human development.
To illustrate (and) referencing four Bibles including The Family Rosary Commemorative edition of The
Catholic Bible copyright 1950, The New American Bible 1992-1993 edition, The Holy Bible King James
Version copyright 1977 and The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures revised in 1984, the 1950
and 1977 Bibles state throughout the text (when referencing pregnancy) that a woman is” with child”.
The more recently published Bibles 1992-1993 and 1984 editions state that a woman is pregnant.
The word pregnant dehumanizes human life. This perversion of vocabulary has equated a human life
with that of an animal servant. The definition of pregnant shown in Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate
Dictionary, copyright 1971 states the meaning of pregnant as; 1a: containing unborn young within the
body: Gravid b: capable of producing 2: abounding in fancy, wit, or resourcefulness: inventive 3: rich in
significance or implication: meaningful 4: containing the germ or shape of future events 5: exhibiting
fertility: Teeming.
“A woman with child” obviously ascertains that the woman is carrying a human life. Pregnant on the
other hand has five distinctly different meanings. Definition one states containing “unborn young within
the body”. The body, could be that of an insect, fish, animal, or human life.
Recognize that human beings are unique lives created in the image of God, who are capable of making
their own decisions and have been endowed by The Creator with a moral sense of duty and justice. The
Ten Laws of God provide humanity with the definition of morality. Other creatures are servants with no
moral understanding. Animals have instinct and instinct is directed by God (*author’s note: or Satan).
The Ten Commandments are the Laws of God. Breaking these Laws results in severe punishments
inflicted on the individual and/or society as a whole. Should a government establish laws that supersede
The Ten Laws of God all of the people living in that society are punished through tyranny for one
Abortion is exemplary of human government legislating laws permitting or in some cases mandating
infanticide (which) are in direct defiance to The Laws of God.
Throughout the seventy-three Books of The Bible (*author’s note: some Bibles have sixty six Books),
abortion and the slaughter of other innocents is completely addressed in both a straightforward and
ambiguous way. Societies that have wantonly murdered the innocent together with the guilty suffered
their own complete demise.
The Book of Exodus describes the Pharaoh’s and the Egyptian government’s fear of a remarkably fertile
group of people, the Israelites who resided in their community. (*Perhaps) the government was fearful
of being displaced politically so they ordered that all male infants born to the Israelites be put to death.
Corrupt government fears dissent among a vast population and so tries to reduce the population as well
as gain control over the population through evil policies. In recent times this has been accomplished
largely through abortion (murder) and through the enlistment of eavesdropping and surveillance
equipment (coveting) that has been used against the people. Be reminded that evil abortion policies
permitted this type of coveting.
Contemplate also the six day journey of the human being through the fallopian tube and the seventh
day attachment to the wall of the womb, with six days of toil and the seventh day of rest on the
Sabbath. An analogy can be drawn to some birth control drugs that in essence cause abortion by
prohibiting the human person’s attachment to the wall of the womb on the seventh day. Peace of mind
escapes the people while these drugs are approved for use by government.
Divine Knowledge is Imparted to People
Genesis: 1:27 God created man in his image; in the Divine image He created him; male and female He
created them.
Genesis: 2:7 The Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the
breath of life, and so man became a living human being.
Genesis: 2: 21-22 So the Lord God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, He took out
one of his ribs and closed up the place with flesh. The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that
He had taken from the man.
Genesis: 1:27 explains that human beings are unique beings created by God. Genesis: 2:7 teaches that
man was granted with a life, when God made him aware of God’s existence. Rudimentary moral Laws of
good and bad, right and wrong were bestowed to man by God and these Laws were expected be
followed. Genesis: 2 21-22 explains that God imparted woman with Divine knowledge as well.
A story of two human beings, Adam and Eve is presented in The Bible. The name Adam is a connotation
for the word “man” in Hebrew. After God imparted Adam and Eve with rules to follow, Adam and Eve
decide to defy God and break His Law. The punishment delivered by God for breaking His Law was a
complicated life filled with hardship. Adam and Eve repented for their transgressions and thus were
permitted by God to maintain their superior intelligence over the beasts of the earth. Descendants of
Adam and Eve progressed insightfully to become agrarian farmers and foragers of metal tools thereby
advancing human civilization.”
The Bible Condemns Abortion
As stated previously The Bible addresses the issue of abortion straightforwardly and ambiguously.
Examples of the sanctity and personhood of the human being from the moment of conception are
provided from select Books of The Bible. With further independent research many more examples can
be found. It is clear that abortion is considered to be murder by God.
The Book of Psalms is a collection of Hebrew songs that contains Scripture of The Lord. The beginnings
of human life, with a definitive personhood beginning at conception, are discussed.
Psalms: 22: 10-11 You have been my guide since I was first formed, my security at my mother’s breast.
To You I was committed at birth from my mother’s womb. You are my God.
This passage explains that God lives within us from the moment of conception and provides care and
nourishment to us through our mother.
Psalms: 139: 13-16: Discusses the individuality of the human life beginning at conception.
Truly You have formed my innermost being; You knit me in my mother’s womb I give thanks that I am
fearfully, wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your Works. My soul also You knew full well; nor was my
frame unknown to You when I was made in secret, when I was fashioned in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes have seen my actions; in Your book they are all written; My days were limited before one of
them existed.
Psalms 139:13 discusses (*the soul), genetics, and predispositions (*possibly based on society of the
times) that are determined at conception together with the growth of the child within the womb.
Psalms 139: 14-15 gives God thanks for His awesome creation of human life. A recognition that God
knows each soul from conception and the strength of character connected to the soul, is acknowledged.
Psalms 139: 16 reaffirms that God is all knowing and remembers everything. He reminds us that an
individual person’s life is finite.
Further exacerbation of Biblical condemnation of abortion is shown in Exodus (*:21: 22-25.)
When men have a fight and hurt a woman with child, so that she suffers a miscarriage, but no further
injury, the guilty one shall be fined as much as the woman’s husband demands of him; and he shall pay
in the presence of judges. But if injury ensues, you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth,
hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. (*author’s note: I would
like to offer to the reader, this passage as stated in The Hebraic Roots Bible which is a literal translation
from the ancient Aramaic Bible as follows:)
And when men fight, and they strike a pregnant woman, and her child goes forth, and there is no injury,
being fined he shall be fined. As much as the woman of the husband shall put on him, even he shall give
through the judges. But if injury occurs, you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for
hand, foot for foot, branding for branding, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
It is my opinion that the above passage is very important. The passage defines a life, and the
punishment for ending a life including the life of an unborn human being. Some evil entities have
changed this passage in some Bibles to suit their needs for wealth, power, and control (*tyranny) over
the population of people. For example in the above compared passages, a “miscarriage” means the
death of the unborn human being while a “child going forth” means an early birth but not necessarily
the death of the infant.
Beware of the Purveyors of Death
Deuteronomy 14 states the kinds of animals that the Israelites were permitted to eat and forbidden to
eat. Further insight and study of this passage may reveal additional meaning. The final sentence is a
forewarning to society on the dangers of surrogate parenting, which is so common today. Deuteronomy
14, passage 21 concludes with “You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.”(*author’s note: One
possible interpretation of the above passage is that) others who are not the child’s parents should not
deceive the child with false moral messages of caring and understanding. Many times, destructive
advice is given by these purveyors of immorality thus inflicting harm on the child. Organized groups such
as Planned Parenthood have assumed the parental role of moral teacher with programs that promote
immorality, for a larger evil purpose. Planned Parenthood is an organization that is partially funded by
federal, state, and local taxpayer dollars. When society supports such an organization, parents lose their
influence and authority over their children and the evil purveyors of death gain that influence and
authority. Among other Laws broken, children cease to honor their father and mother.
Government approval of abortion in the cases of rape and incest goes against Biblical teachings. Rape, is
considered to be a Capital crime usually caused by lust and anger. Incest is an Abomination. The child
that may result from these crimes is completely innocent of engaging in these evils. If the government
compounds these crimes by permitting an act of murder to be committed against an innocent person,
that is the unborn child, (*then) society is punished.
Deuteronomy 22: 25-26 addresses the crime of rape. If, however, it is in the open fields that a man
comes upon such a betrothed maiden, seizes her and has relations with her, the man alone shall die.
You shall do nothing to the maiden since she is not guilty of a Capital offense. This case is like that of a
man who rises up against his neighbor and murders him.
(* author’s note: Recognize that the rapist is not murdered (in violation of Commandant VI) by those
seeking justice but rather his life is removed through other means.)
Betroth as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is a promise to marry. It is plain to see that the above Biblical
decree can also be applied to a married woman.
In the circumstance of consensual or nonconsensual sexual intercourse, Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 further
teaches: “If a man comes upon a maiden that is not betrothed, takes her and has relations with her, and
their deed is discovered, the man who had relations with her shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels and
take her as his wife, because he has deflowered her”.
Here it is explained that a punishment must also be determined by society for the rape of an unengaged
The abomination of incest is explained in Leviticus. Abominations are considered to be high crimes,
grave sins that are worse than Capital Sins. Webster’s Dictionary defines an abomination to be
something extremely disgusting and hateful.
A Pessimistic Outlook on Life Does Not Justify Abortion
The Book of Job is a Biblical story about a man named Job who was considered to be a God fearing,
righteous citizen who resided in the land of Uz. He was blessed with seven sons and three daughters,
wealth and prosperity. Satan tested Job and within a short length of time, Job’s seven sons and three
daughters (apparently) died (for examples of various deaths: spiritual, intellectual, physical, or
psychological) and he lost all of his worldly possessions. Shortly thereafter, Satan returned again and
inflicted a physical ailment of boils on Job’s skin. Job became emotionally distraught and was filled with
despair. Three friends, upon hearing of Job’s misfortune, journeyed to Job’s home to console him. Job,
in his depressed state of mind, laments to his friends:
Job: 3: 3-4, 11, 16, 12-13 “Perish the day on which I was born, the night when they said “The child is a
boy”! May that day be darkness: let God above call for it, nor light shine upon it! Why did I not perish at
birth, come forth from the womb and expire? Or why was I not buried away like an untimely birth,
Wherefore did the knees receive me? Or why did I suck at the breasts? For then I should have lain down
and been tranquil;”
Abortionists have used these passages to affirm and to convince an ignorant public that God, through
this writing condones abortion (interpreting writings out of context). An additional passage that has
been cited in Job by the purveyors of death, speaks of Job’s continued laments to his friends that he
wished he had never been born.
Job:10: 18-19 “Why then did you bring me forth from the womb? I should have died and no eye have
seen me. I should be as through I had never lived; I should have been taken from the womb to the
The story continues as his three friends believe that Job is somehow responsible for his serious
misfortunes but they surmise that perhaps he is not responsible and so they sympathize with Job. Job
recognizes that God has always guided him and was his mentor, beginning at conception.
Job: 31: 18 “Though like a father God has reared me from my youth, guiding me even from my mother’s
The story concludes with God speaking to Job who repents for questioning God’s actions. Job’s seven
sons and three daughters were restored to him as well as his prosperity. It is important to note that at
the beginning of the story, Job’s sons and daughters were reported dead, but at the end of the story
were restored. This explains that death can occur in (at least) two ways, spiritually and physically. A
spiritual death is caused by a loss and/or void in morals that leave a life unfulfilled and empty. Abortion
policies cause spiritual deaths.”
God is with Every Person
God has a plan for every life prior to conception. The word of God is spoken in Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I
formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I
appointed you.”
God’s plan for Jeremiah was to become a prophet. God has a plan for each person (and grants talents to
each person). However, decisions of man sometimes prevent God’s plan for each person’s happiness
and fulfillment in life from being realized. It is clear to recognize how God’s plan for those lives aborted,
will never come to fruition. Jeremiah 1:5 explains that God considers the unborn to be human lives.
Trickery is Treachery
Some have quoted passages (from) The Bible to justify the murder of the born and unborn. These
passages are always taken out of context. Examine the complete story. Read about the transpiration of
events prior to the decision to commit murder of innocent lives and the repercussions or aftermath that
followed. The Bible, read in its’ entirety with intent focus will yield a clear understanding of the
consequences that human lives suffer for the breaking of God’s Laws (The Ten Commandments). The
Text likewise repeatedly demonstrates how corrupt government leads people astray into breaking The
Ten Commandments for governments own short lived benefit of great wealth, power, and control
(tyranny) over a continuously decimated population until the society as a whole is destroyed.
Psalms: 106:36-41 provides an example of a society destroyed.
“They served their idols which became a snare for them. They sacrificed their sons and daughters to
demons. And they shed the innocent blood of their sons and daughter, whom they sacrificed to the idols
of Canaan, desecrating the land with bloodshed. They became defiled by their works, and wanton in
their crimes. And the Lord grew angry with his people, and abhorred his inheritance; He gave them over
into the hands of the nations, and their foes ruled over them.”
A Statement on Science
Scientifically it (has been) proven that life begins at the moment of conception. Cells begin to divide
(growth occurs) at the time the man’s sperm has penetrated the woman’s egg. During the process of the
journey from the fallopian tube to the womb, the human life is growing. Upon attachment to the wall of
the womb, the human life continues to grow further. (*author’s note: After an individual is born, the
human being continues to grow until reaching the age of approximately 21 years of age.)
A child is not viable or able to live outside of the womb usually for nine months. A woman carrying (a
human being) has a moral obligation to adhere to the Laws of God by (allowing her body) to provide
nourishment and habitat to the (human being) during the first nine months of life. (*authors note: If
circumstances are inconvenient for the parents to care for the baby after the birth, then adoption is the
moral response.)
Modern science has shed additional light on how The Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ may have
occurred. Realize that a woman’s egg contains the complete requirements for life of forty six
chromosomes prior to fertilization. (*author’s note: Read the information provided in Just Thoughts,
regarding the biological processes of this phenomena.)
Further Biblical Statements on The Laws
God provided The Ten Commandments to prevent human lives from suffering needlessly due to
ignorance of God’s Laws.
“Timothy: 1: 8-11 “But we know that the Law is good, if a man uses it rightly, knowing that the Law is
not made for the just, but for the unjust and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for criminals and
the defiled, for patricides and matricides, for murderers, for immoral people, for sodomites, for
kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine, according to the
gospel of the glory of the blessed God, which has been committed to my trust.””
Jesus Christ speaks with a rich man who asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus Christ replies:
Mark: 10: 19 “You know The Commandments: “You shall not kill: you shall not commit adultery; you
shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; you shall not defraud; honor your father and mother.”
(As of this writing), a good discussion offering a Biblical perspective on abortion policies and government
can be found on the internet at
In April and May, extensive internet research was accomplished to investigate the Illuminati and the
havoc that this occult organization has inflicted on the world during the past 125 years or so. The
following simplified and basic presentation regarding this subject was added to on May 20. I believe that Jesus Christ assisted me in the sorting of a
tremendous amount of information concerning this time period to provide the people with a basic
understanding of the transpiration of events occurring at this time. The presentation as shown in the
original under the subtitle: ”Consider the Facts and Examine the History”
is below. Some corrections, minor editing, and current author’s notes are included.
The Seeds of the Apocalypse
Adam Weishaupt the founder of the Illuminati was born of February 6, 1748 and died on November 18,
1830. Weishaupt had a parochial school education and was taught by Jesuit priests. He founded the
Illuminati of Bavaria, Germany on May 1, 1776. The Illuminati and its’ affiliates the Masons and
Freemasons gained in popularity and membership throughout Europe and America.
The goals of the Illuminati were to establish an all powerful one world government through the
abolishment of traditional religion, family and culture, love for one’s own country, and private property
ownership. Weishaupt read many books on the practices of the occult. He believed that “if the profit is
greater than the damage, it becomes a virtue.” Weishaupt has been credited with establishing the
“Kingdom of Satan” on earth, which is a kingdom of eternal death.
Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 and died on March 14, 1883. He was a descendent of several family
members who were rabbis in Trier, Germany. Marx’s father converted from Judaism to Christianity
because he was threatened with losing his position as a lawyer if he did not proselyte.
Marx’s most influential writing was the “Communist Manifesto” published in 1848. The Manifesto called
for the existing form of government to be replaced with a deadly, Communist ideological form of
governance. The “Communist Manifesto” opposed all religion and The Laws of God, morality as taught
in The Bible, family and traditional values, eternal truths, private land ownership, and family inheritance.
The Manifesto proposed that the government assume the role of teacher of children, control of the
economy, medicine, social programs, and most everything else concerning the individual’s life. The
“Communist Manifesto” proposed the establishment of an income tax to support the programs of the
Communist government.
It is likely that Karl Marx and others read the writings of Adam Weishaupt as much of the Communist
philosophy is identical to the beliefs of the Illuminati. Illuminati and Communist ideology circulated
throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. The Illuminati and
Communist philosophies at one point in time were combined. Illuminated Communist leadership
believes that God exists and recognizes the path of righteousness but decides instead to subscribe to
occult teachings, that is, anti-Christ agendas (the opposite of the Laws of God and Biblical codes of
conduct). (author’s note: to gain power and wealth over the population masses through engaging the
people in immoralities.) The Communist ideology of atheism is arranged for the belief of the population
masses so the Communist government can assume the position of God with Satan’s assistance.
The general dissatisfaction of people with the monarchial governments that were prevalent at that time
provided a ripe opportunity for the Illuminated Communists with their well defined alternative
government, to incite further increased discontent among the population. Russia was the initial target of
the illuminated Communists as the poverty situation of the people, especially the peasant farmers was
most severe in that nation.
In 1883, Russia’s first illuminated Communist group was established. The group actively sought the
support of industry workers in their attempts to overthrow the existing government. On January 22,
1905, the Illuminated Communists with their followers revolted against the monarchy. The revolt
resulted in the deaths of one thousand people and that day is remembered as “Bloody Sunday”.
The Seeds are Planted
As Illuminati and Communist doctrine continued to circulate throughout Europe, various groups
organized as followers of these philosophies. A follower of an illuminated Communist group known as
“The Black Hand” instigated the beginning of World War I by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand of
the Austria-Hungarian Empire on June 28, 1914. The assassination and the social action that followed
provided other illuminated Communist groups with the prime opportunity to revolt against the existing
European Monarchies. Within a short period of time, a full fledged war developed involving more than
twelve nations. During the course of the war other crimes against humanity were committed by
illuminated Communists such as the genocide of the Armenians. More than one million Armenians living
in Turkey were killed by Turkey’s newly formed government known as the “Young Turks”, an
organization that developed from secret societies.
The result of World War I was more than fifteen million people killed (perhaps not inclusive of
genocides) and a large Communist nation established named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
formerly known as Russia.
With the illuminated Communist’s mission completed in Russia, the new government quickly proceeded
to approve abortion in 1920 and subsequently and covertly engaged in the use of basic espionage
technology equipment to eliminate (murder) those people deemed to be enemies of the State. Untold
millions of human beings lost their lives through these Soviet government policies. Under the leadership
of Josef Stalin, (at least) twenty million Russian people were killed for disagreeing with government
policies. Josef Stalin, an illuminated Communist ruled over the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953. Stalin
attended a seminary school as a youth and at one time considered becoming a priest. This religious
knowledge, reversed to occult practice, served Stalin’s illuminated Communist agendas.
Beginning in May 1917 to October 1917, a monthly message from God was delivered to three children
and others in the town of Fatima, Portugal. The message warned the people against supporting the
illuminated Communists that were quickly gaining public support throughout the world. This message
was largely unheeded. In 1918 to 1919, an influenza epidemic killed millions of people worldwide.
Charles Darwin’s book “Origin of the Species” (first) published in (1859), discussed the process of natural
selection in animals. During the early 1900’s the book’s ideas were transformed and were applied to
human beings becoming the foundation of the eugenics movement. Hitler’s plan to develop his own
godlike “Aryan Nation” was based on eugenics theory publications that were popular reading at that
An influential woman in the Communist movement in the United States was Margaret Sanger. She was
born one of eleven children in 1879 to a poor family living in Corning, New York. Margaret Sanger’s
sister helped to pay (for) Sanger’s tuition at a nursing school (that) she attended in early adulthood. Her
training as a nurse was used to promote birth control to the poor living in New York City during the early
years of the 1900’s. Sanger was an atheist who proclaimed “No God, No Masters”. Additional quotes
spoken by Margaret Sanger (*author’s note: were offered on a website that is no longer available, one
quote in particular shown on this website, indicated that Sanger desired to eliminate African
Americans.) Sanger aligned herself with like minded Communists promoting eugenics, euthanasia,
selective breeding, and sterilization. She became Planned Parenthood’s first president and eventually
promoted the use of the abortifacient birth control pill through that agency.
Malignant Roots Spread
Illuminated Communists continued to infiltrate the nations across Europe, Asia, and America with their
Godless society ideologies. The Second World War instigated by the governments of Germany and Japan
began in 1939. Adolf Hitler, Germany’s leader envisioned a consolidated Europe under his Nazi control.
Hitler attended Catholic a school as a child, was an altar boy, and considered becoming a priest. Hitler’s
fragmented knowledge of religion served an illuminated dictatorial agenda. As leader of the Nazi
regime, Hitler implemented eugenics programs to accomplish his goal of achieving a “master race”. He
deemed that the Jews and the handicapped were not human beings and were to be killed. Dissenting
people who spoke out against the Nazi government were also murdered. A total of twelve million
people were killed under the Nazi regime. Meanwhile in the Soviet Union “Stalinist Purges” continued as
more than twenty million Russian people were killed for dissenting against government policies. To
replace the dwindling population, Stalin outlawed abortion in 1936 (*authors’ note: by 1955, abortion
was reapproved in the Soviet Union). In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed an agreement
called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact to divide Europe between the two countries. Japan had similar
ambitions to consolidate Asia under Japanese authority. China was suffering from internal strife as the
Communists continued to gain influence in that nation.
More than nine nations were involved in World War II resulting in sixty two million people killed and
many nations delivered into the situation of illuminated Communist governance which was the desired
outcome of world leadership.
The Roots Metastasize
Near the end of World War II, illuminated Communists had infiltrated the United States and were given
cooperation of government. In 1944, the first in vitro conceptions of (human) life occurred in a
laboratory. (authors’ note: In vitro fertilization of rabbits occurred in 1934 initiated by scientist Gregory
Pincus. 63 In vitro conceptions of human beings occurred in 1944 initiated by John Rock.) Thereafter,
untold numbers of human lives continued to be created, killed, experimented on, and implanted into
At this juncture, that is permitting the massive slaughter of innocent human life, the United States
became a nation of “fighting Communists” vying for control of other nations to consolidate power for a
one world government.
The Korean War fought during the years 1950 to 1953 resulted in the deaths of approximately six million
people. The war was apparently fought to prevent the Soviet influenced “hard line” illuminated
Communists in Northern Korea from inflicting oppressive policies in Southern Korea. This also served to
divert and distract attention away from the immoral and murderous scientific breakthroughs that were
occurring at that time in the United States. (The) development of the birth control pill, a drug that
sometimes causes abortion began in 1951. By 1960 the United States Food and Drug Administration
approved the abortifacient birth control pill for use as a contraceptive. It was unbeknownst to the
majority of users that the pill could cause the abortion of a conceived (human being). Most women were
told that the drug prevented ovulation. (As of this writing and) for further information on the history of
the birth control pill search (on the internet) “American Experience The Pill Timeline.”64
In 1955, the Soviet Supreme Court secured their power by legalizing abortion for all the countries seized
by the Soviet Union after World War II, with the exception of Albania.
The war in Vietnam was officially fought between the years 1957 to 1975. Escalation of the war occurred
between the years 1966 to 1971. A peace agreement was reached on January 27, 1973, with final troop
withdrawals completed in 1975. Basically the premise for fighting this war was the same as for fighting
the war in Korea. Vietnam served as a diversion and distraction to the American public from focusing
attention on the “soft line” illuminated Communist seizure of political power in the United States.
Agendas of mass murder that are typical of illuminated Communist strategy to confiscate power
expanded in 1967 with surgical and drug induced abortion approved by four State governments. The
Federal government’s approval of the slaughter of innocent unborn human lives through abortion, was
legalized for all fifty states by the Supreme Court on January 22, 1973. (As of this writing) see for further information. (A primary) purpose of the
Vietnam War complete, a peace accord was signed in Paris five days later.
The official reason given for the war in Vietnam was to prevent the “hard line” illuminated Communists
in North Vietnam from seizing power in South Vietnam. Approximately three million people lost their
lives as a result of the war.
Among other United States illuminated Communist agendas deceitfully foisted and promoted to the
public and legalized during this Vietnam War (and) abortion approval time period, was gambling through
government sponsored sales of lottery tickets which became an encouragement to commit the Capital
Sins of greed, (gluttony, and envy). And, the rescission of Sunday business closure laws (which was) an
encouragement to defy God’s Law regarding a holy day of rest on the Sabbath Day, also occurred during
this time.
Throughout this century, the genocides of many have occurred worldwide ordered by illuminated
Communist governments. From 1976 to 1979 the Khmer Rouge, the brutal “hard line” government of
Cambodia was responsible for killing five million people (authors’ note: almost one half of the
population) in an effort to (apparently) depopulate cities. The Khmer Rouge, lead by Pol Pot was fearful
of the educated people dwelling in the cities who had begun to protest government policies. The Khmer
Rouge after reading Marxist theory, considered people in cities to be threats, parasites, and a hindrance
to an illuminated Communist utopia where few people are needed to serve the State.
At this Time (2006)
The illuminated Communists in control of the United States have decreed the status of Americans now
to be that of “fighting Terrorists”. With the advent of billions of human lives killed in laboratories,
millions killed through drug induced and surgical abortion, and potentially much of the population
murdered through new laws permitting euthanasia and assisted suicide, this label may be appropriate.
The short term survivors of these policies can expect to experience reduced intelligence, confusion, and
other syndromes as people revert to animal status.
The Iraq war began on March 20, 2003 and continues today. (*author’s note: The Iraq War ended on
December 18, 2011.) Estimated deaths due to this conflict, has exceeded two hundred and fifty
thousand people. (*author’s note: by the end of the War the human casualties were estimated to be
more than one million people.)
Is it likely that this war’s purpose is to further the Terror Illuminated Communists agendas in the Middle
East (authors’ note: and South and Central America) and to serve as a diversion and distraction to
euthanasia and assisted suicide laws approved in the United States?
Following the above website additions in March and May, I read The Qur’an to prove and to show as
one example how The Ten Commandments are stated in the religious book of the Moslem religion. This
author is confident that The Ten Commandments are also stated in the religious books of the Buddhist
and Hindu religions as well. Others are invited to do this research. The following text was added to on June 2.
A common theme restated throughout the Qu’ran is the constant battle to contend with the various
injustices inflicted on the population of believers, by unbelievers.
The believers can be defined as those people who follow The Laws of God and adhere to morality as
taught in The Qur’an and clearly defined in The Bible. Conversely, unbelievers either do not abide by all
of God’s Laws and moral codes of conduct or choose those Laws and morality that are most convenient
to follow at a given time, based on circumstances. Unbelievers if provided the opportunity can incite
believers to commit Capital Sins, Abominations, and perhaps violate God’s Laws due to the unbelievers
negative effect (and influence) on society. See the diagrams at the end of this section.
It is vitally important for people to acknowledge and seriously consider adhering to The Laws of God.
The purpose of this presentation is to disclose The Ten Commandments written within The Qur’an and
to provide examples from The Qur’an that teach about the grave sin of aborting an innocent human life.
Reference: The Koran Interpreted; A translation by A.J. Arberry, Copyright 1955.
The Ten Commandments as Taught in The Bible and The Qur’an 65
Commandment I
I the Lord, am thy God…you shall not have other gods besides me.
“Qur’an: “Your God is One God; there is no god but He,” The Cow, Book II, passage 155”
“God bears witness that there is no god but He-and the angels and men possessed of knowledge
upholding justice; there is no god but He, the All-mighty, the All-wise.” The House of Imran, Book III,
passage 15
“God – there is no god but He.” Ta Ha, Book XX, passage 5
“Verily I am God; there is no god but I;” Ta Ha, Book XX, passage 10
“Know thou therefore, that there is no God but God.” Muhammad, Book XLVII, passage 20
Commandment II
Thou shall not make unto thee any image of idolatry, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven
above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Qur’an: “Hast thou not regarded those who assert that they believe in what has been sent down to thee,
and what was sent down before thee, desiring to take their disputes to idols, yet they have been
commanded to disbelieve in them? But Satan desires to lead them astray into far error. Women, Book
IV, passage 60
Commandment III
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
“Qur’an: “Do not make God a hindrance, through your oaths, to being pious and godfearing, and putting
things right between men.” The Cow, Book II, passage 220”
Commandment IV
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day.
Qur’an: “And well you know there were those among you that transgressed the Sabbath, and We said to
them “Be you apes, miserably slinking!” “And We made it a punishment exemplary for all the former
times and for the latter, and an admonition to such as are godfearing.” The Cow, Book III, passage 60
Commandment V
Honor your father and mother.
Qur’an: “Thy Lord has decreed you shall not serve any but Him, and to be good to parents whether one
or both of them attains old age with thee; say not to them “Fie”” The Night Journey, Book XVII, passage
Commandment VI
Thou shall not kill.
Qur’an: “And kill not one another. Surely God is compassionate to you. But whosoever does that in
transgression and wrongfully, him We shall certainly roast at a Fire; and that for God is an easy matter.”
The Cow, Book II, passage 260
“Therefore We prescribed for the Children of Israel that whoso slays a soul not to retaliate for a soul
slayed, nor for corruption done in the land, shall be as if he had slain mankind altogether;” The Table,
Book V, passage 35
Commandment VII
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Qur’an: “And approach not fornication; surely it is an indecency, and evil as a way.” The Night Journey,
Book XVII, passage 30
Commandment VIII
Thou shall not steal.
Qur’an: “whoso defrauds shall bring the fruits of his fraud on the Day of Resurrection;” The House of
Imran, Book III, passage 155
“do not exchange the corrupt for the good; and devour not their property with your property; surely
that is a great crime.” Women, Book IV, Opening Statement
“This is the recompense of those who fight against God and His Messenger, and hasten about the earth,
to do corruption there; they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately
be struck off, or they shall be banished from the land.” The Table, Book V, passage 35
Commandment IX
Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Qur’an: “Consider how they forge falsehood against God; and that suffices for a manifest sin.” Women,
Book IV, passage 50
“And who does greater evil than he who forges against God a lie, or cries lies to His signs?” Cattle, Book
IV, passage 20
“And do not conceal the testimony; whoso conceals it, his heart is sinful;” The Cow, Book II, passage 280
“Diver’s institutions have passed away before you; journey in the land, and behold how was the end of
those that cried lies.” The House of Imran, Book III, passage 130
Commandment X
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
Qur’an: “Stretch not thine eyes to that We have given pairs of them to enjoy – the Flower of the present
life, that We may try them therein; and thy Lord’s provision is better, and more enduring.” Ta Ha, Book
XX, passage 130
Further information and discussion on The Ten Commandments, The Bible, and The Qur’an is available
on the internet through Wikipedia Encyclopedia under the search headings “Similarities Between the
Bible and the Qur’an and The Ten Commandments.”
Some Statements on Abortion Cited from The Qur’an
“You shall not shed your own blood, neither expel your own from habitations.” The Cow, Book II,
passage 75
“From God nothing whatever is hidden in heaven and earth. It is He who forms you in the womb as He
will.” The House of Imran, Book III, Opening Statement
“and fear God by whom you demand one of another, and the wombs; surely God ever watches over
you.” Women, Book IV, Opening Statement
“And slay not your children for fear of poverty; We will provide for you and them; surely the slaying of
them is a grievous sin.” The Night Journey, Book XVII, passage 30
“O Prophet, when believing women come to thee, swearing fealty to thee upon the terms that they will
not associate with God anything, and will not steal, neither commit adultery, nor slay their children.”
The Woman Tested, LX, passage 10
This passage about The Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ provides an example of life beginning at
the moment of conception.
“So she conceived Him, and withdrew with Him to a distant place. Mary, Book XIX, passage 20”
The Choice
A. Verbal and visual attacks and actions against The Laws of God and morality (evil) are subdued
with an equal reaction by those who follow the Laws of God and Biblical moral codes (good).
B. An increasingly greater number of people are participating in evil. Those involved in works of
good become tired and either agree with evil, stop caring, or become complacent.
C. People recognize evil and repent for sins committed. They pray to God to intercede and assist in
the fight against evil.
D. Less people participate in evil. Maliciousness loses its’ momentum.
E. Refusal to comply with evil results in the triumph of good. Evil is subdued through the vigilance
of the good. (*author’s note: In other words, people repent for their immoralities and return to
the following on The Ten Commandments, avoid Capital Sins and Abominations therefore
gaining God’s assistance in removing evil doers from the society.)
A. Verbal and visual attacks and actions against The Laws of God and morality (evil) are subdued
with an equal reaction by those who follow the Laws of God and Biblical moral codes (good).
B. An increasingly greater number of people are participating in evil. Those involved in works of
good become tired and either agree with evil, stop caring, or become complacent.
C. All people participate or comply with evil.
D. The society is destroyed.
A. All people recognize and follow the Ten Laws of God and adhere to the moral codes as taught in
The Bible, resulting in happiness, prosperity, health, and peace for all.
B. Or verbal and visual attacks and actions against the Laws of God and morality (evil) are subdued
with an equal reaction by those who follow the Laws of God and Biblical moral codes (good).
The Righteous Path and The Wrongful Road
“Have We not appointed him two eyes, and a tongue, and two lips and guided him on the two
highways? Yet he has not assaulted the steep; and what shall teach thee what is the steep? The freeing
of a slave, or giving food upon a day of hunger to an orphan near of kin or a needy man in misery; then
that he become of those who believe and counsel each other to be steadfast, and counsel each other to
be merciful.”
“Those are the Companions of the Right Hand. And those who disbelieve in Our signs, they are the
Companions of the Left Hand; over them is a Fire covered down.” The Land, Book XC, passages 10, 15,
and 20
Noah speaks to God about his attempts to forewarn the people before they are killed and the land
“He said, My Lord, I have called my people by night and by day, but my calling has only increased them
in flight. And whenever I called them, that Thou mightiest forgive them, they put their fingers in their
ears, and wrapped them in their garments, and persisted, and waxed very proud.” Noah, Book LXXI,
passage 5”
On June 15, a compilation of references that I believed to be significant for the people to read and
research was offered in the original website under the heading “Query”. Shown below are these
Organization Name
Website Address
American Life League
Chuck Baldwin Live
Covenant News
Human Life Alliance
Human Life International
Life Decisions International
Life Dynamics
New World Order an Overview
Operation Rescue West
Priests for Life
Pro Life Action League
STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood) International
Terry Schlinder-Schiavo Foundation
Information regarding a good, well defined alternative government, a government that closely follows
the original government of the United States of America can be found on the Constitution Party website, Explanation of the Party’s platform can be found under the heading “Issues”.
Additional commentary by Constitution Party leaders can be found on another website, the American
View at (authors’ note: Another website, The Idaho Observer at
has a good article as of this date in their archives that was recommended in the original titled “Police State USA and Big Brother’s Most Cool Tool by Amy
Worthington.” 66 Another website of current and historical importance is a world map and information
concerning fetal stem cell research. This website at this time can be accessed at . Other information concerning fetal stem cell research is currently
found on a website address , titled “Brave New Babies: Stem Cell
Research”. To verify information stated in websites and books as well as used for other research,
Wikipedia encyclopedia was an important and valuable investigative source.)
Book List
The Geneva Bible 1560 edition
The Student Bible New International Version 1992 edition
The Koran Interpreted; A translation by A.J. Arberry
Books pertaining to infanticide
Beyond Abortion: A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation
By Suzanne M. Rini
Ending Abortion Not Just Fighting It by Fr. Frank A. Pavone
Grand Illusions by George Grant
Lime 5 by Mark Crutcher
Supreme Deception by Sybil Fletcher Lash
Won by Love by Norma McCorvey and Gary Thomas
Economic, Historical, Political,
And Sociology Books
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins
Fatima and the Great Conspiracy by Deirdre Manifold
Foundations, Their Power and Influence by Rene A. Wormser
Hacked, High Tech Election Theft in America By Abbe
Waldman DeLozier and Vickie Karp
Mao, the Unknown Story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday
The Bilderberg Group by Daniel Estulin
The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian
The Naked Capitalist by Cleon Skousen (not a substitute for
Tragedy and Hope)
The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen
The Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins
Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time by
Carroll Quigley
Votescam, The Stealing of America by James Collier and
Kenneth Collier
These books were added in 2008
From Crayons to Condoms, The Ugly Truth About America’s
Public Schools by Steve Baldwin and Karen Holgate
The Black Book of Communism, Crimes Terror Repression by
Stephanie Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panne,
Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, and Jean-Louis Margolin
The Freedom Documents compiled by Chuck Baldwin
Between November 2003 to 2007 and in addition to delivering the website address through car bumper
stickers while driving on national highway excursions, business cards containing the website address
with the statement that “Abortion and September 11, 2001 are Related” were mailed to many
organizations. For examples cards were sent to: every fortune 1000 corporation and all major
universities, colleges and technical schools of higher learning in most every country around the world. In
the United States, cards were mailed to five hundred and twenty pre-schools , five hundred and twenty
Hospice care centers, ninety nine veterans affairs offices, ninety military installations, eighty three prolife organizations, seventy two adoption agencies, sixty two abortion clinics, forty nine Native American
Indian councils, thirty five major charities, and hundreds of cards were mailed to other various
individuals, groups, and organizations throughout the United States and the world. In addition,
hundreds of cards and e-mails were sent to travel resorts and others involved in the travel industry
around the world.
Retrospective: Agents from foreign countries have increasingly provided resources (money for one
example) to some nations to approve abortion and expand immorality within that nation’s society. The
Bible provides indisputable information and evidence that abortion is considered to be the murder of a
human being which is in direct violation of the sixth Commandment. People who continue to defy God
through the violating of one or more of The Ten Commandments are responsible for the destruction of
the society and the people residing within that society.
Historical Accounts 2006: 67
About one thousand four hundred people are killed in a ferry accident in Egypt on February 3.
A mudslide in the Philippines on February 17 kills one thousand one hundred and twenty six people.
In May, the Human Genome project (genetic identification) is completed.
An earthquake on May 27 in Indonesia kills more than six thousand people.
NASA’s Stardust mission returns to earth with the first dust from a comet for analysis.
Italy defeats France to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: It appears as though scientists have made it possible to now positively identify the ancestry of
all human beings. Read the Commentary on Genetic Identification to understand the possible
repercussions to human kind due to this technology. Another earthquake kills thousands of people in
In January, an acquaintance of daughter’s, daughter’s employer, and I hosted a baby shower for
daughter. Among the over abundance of gifts received, cold medicines and other over the counter drugs
for children were given to daughter. I thought these “gifts” to be completely inappropriate and an
immoral influence on daughter. I noticed throughout recent years that parents were relying heavily on
medicines both prescription and over the counter for the slightest infant and/or childhood cold. I stated
to daughter not to use these medicines unless the illness situation of her child was close to an
emergency (for example, a high fever). An important article regarding the disbursing of cold remedies
for children was found on the internet titled “Cold Remedies put Children at Risk” which discussed how
many children are being poisoned and die due to over medicating them with these drugs.68 A short
time later, spouse was contacted for a job interview with an over the counter drug manufacturer. After
researching the company, spouse discovered a lawsuit launched against them because hundreds of
children in a Caribbean nation died apparently due to the ingestion of one of the corporation’s over the
counter drug products. I thought this “coincidence” to be harassment by evil.
At about this time, it became known to me that some retailers and credit card companies included
expiration dates on gift cards. If a gift card is paid for with cash to the amount on the card, it is stealing
to include an expiration date on an issued gift card.
In February, spouse and I welcomed our first grandchild, a girl who was born to daughter. The birth and
the next several weeks after grandchild’s birth were however, harrowing for me. Daughter was less than
one week past her due date for infant delivery but the physician deemed that labor induction was
necessary. On the day scheduled for labor inducement, daughter was informed of the drug to be
administered for this procedure. Daughter rejected this drug as she was aware of several dangerous side
effects to the infant resulting from the use of this substance. Instead, she requested a “safer” drug to be
administered for labor inducement. Experiencing significant labor discomfort for more than thirty six
hours, granddaughter was finally born naturally. Daughter requested that the hepatitis B immunization
not be administered to the newborn. Two days later, daughter was dismissed from the hospital but the
physician stated that infant granddaughter must remain in the hospital due to a blood infection and a
jaundice condition. It was a sad day when daughter returned home without her baby. A few days later
infant granddaughter was released from the hospital. Daughter had decided not to breast feed the baby
and so a brand of infant formula was prescribed by the pediatrician and a small supply of this formula
packaged in individual serving bottles was provided to daughter by the hospital at the time of the baby’s
release from this facility. Upon daughter arriving home with granddaughter, I proceeded to warm a
bottle containing infant formula on the stove by placing the bottle in water that was contained in a
sauce pan (microwave ovens remove nutrition from food). Daughter asked me why I was warming the
bottle of formula as it was stated to her by a staff member working at the hospital that the formula
should be given to the newborn infant at room temperature. I was aghast at this detrimental advice
given to her by a professional. I explained to daughter that the body temperature of a breast feeding
woman is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and that any formula or food given to an infant should be at or close
to this temperature. Exhausted and emotionally drained, daughter also recognized and could not believe
this bad advice given by a remedy specialist. I particularly noticed that infant granddaughter’s eyes
appeared to indicate an illness to me and so I was extra diligent and attentive to the baby and would not
allow her to express discomfort through crying for a need. One also innately believes that a post
traumatic stress syndrome could develop in infants that are left to cry for a lengthy period of time. By
the time the remnant of the umbilical cord became dislodged from the infant’s naval, daughter was told
that a bath, through the submersion of the infant in water, could be ministered to the baby. So, within
two weeks of birth, granddaughter was placed on a soft contoured sponge that was submerged in a
shallow bath. After being placed in the bath, infant granddaughter became overwhelmed and flailed her
arms and legs. Daughter immediately removed her infant from the bath and wrapped her tightly in a
towel where the baby drifted off into a deep sleep. While dressing her, granddaughter could not be
roused. Daughter frantically telephoned the pediatrician about this circumstance and visited with him
and granddaughter immediately. The physician also could not rouse granddaughter from her slumber
and suggested to daughter that the baby may have had a seizure. The pediatrician telephoned the
hospital and admitted infant granddaughter for various tests. The baby awoke from her sleep while at
the hospital two hours after the bath incident and appeared normal as reported to me by daughter.
Daughter remained at the hospital for several days to care for her newborn baby while awaiting the
results of the tests prescribed by the pediatrician. Since testing done on the infant required results to be
obtained by a laboratory in Chicago, Illinois a lengthy stay in the hospital was required because of the
wait involved to obtain the results in writing from this distant city. After arriving home, daughter and I
decided not to submerge granddaughter in a bath of water until she was three months old and so daily
sponge baths became routine for granddaughter during the next two and one half months.
Through news reports, one became aware of the hazards of BPA (bisphenol A), which is a chemical used
in the manufacturing of linings for metal cans that contain food products. It was reported that BPA can
cause brain and nerve damage, cancer, hormonal problems resulting in reproductive problems and/or
human developmental defects and is especially harmful to infants. A news story from China, depicted
parents with infants waiting on long lines to procure medical help for the children apparently made ill by
BPA. Television reports alerted people in the United States to the dangers of this substance. Concerned
with the lining of granddaughter’s baby formula cans, one contacted the formula manufacturer to
inquire if BPA was a compound in the linings of the formula cans used by this company. The reply was
yes that BPA was used in the lining of cans and that the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) had
approved the use of this chemical compound for lining the cans of food products.
At three months old, daughter desired to have portrait photographs taken of granddaughter.
Granddaughter was dressed in a formal dress in preparation for these milestone photographs. Daughter
selected a photography studio contained within a major department store to take and develop these
photographs. After taking several photographs of granddaughter in various poses, it was suggested to
daughter by the photographer to remove the clothing from granddaughter for additional poses and
In August, granddaughter received the sacrament of Baptismal at a local Catholic Church. A small dinner
party to celebrate this event was given at our home.
Over the course of the year, granddaughter recovered from what seemed to be an early ill beginning.
Vaccinations were declined and granddaughter became a chubby, strong, vibrant infant who began
walking at nine months, one week post birth. She amazed me with her memory and recall and was able
to recite with very little adult help, the poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas” at age twenty- two
months post birth. In 2011, when daughter was reviewing papers in a file cabinet, she discovered that
granddaughter was immunized with the hepatitis B vaccine shortly following birth. A quiet outrage over
came me as I then realized why granddaughter may have suffered from these earlier health problems as
a newborn baby.
It is most appropriate at this time to discuss the environmentally polluting (to human beings and
nature), disposable diaper. A half century ago and before, babies undergarments consisted of a cloth
diaper with perhaps a liquid proof pant worn over the diaper. It is also interesting to note that most
children at that time were completely toilet trained by two years old. At this time, it is not unusual to
hear of a child who is still not completely toilet trained at four years old. Today, disposable diapers are
offered for purchase that contain within the diapers, a potentially dangerous liquid absorbing gel. If this
gel is released from its’ containment within the diaper while worn by the infant, harm could possibly be
inflicted on the baby. In addition, these diapers are contributors to creating the huge amounts of waste
seen in landfills. Today, quality cloth diapers can be purchased with safe Velcro closures. Biodegradable
paper diaper inserts can also provide extra protection from leakage and allow for ease when changing a
baby’s diaper. Soft reusable vinyl and cotton pants can also be found for sale on the internet to provide
additional protection from leakage.
In the autumn, a disturbing, barely discernable telephone call was received by son who was away from
home attending a university. He informed spouse that he was attacked by a group of wayward youths
the night prior and had just been released from the emergency room of a hospital located in the area of
his school attendance. After hearing of this attack, spouse drove to son’s off campus apartment that he
shared with other students, to visit with son. Son suffered a concussion and other head injuries and
trauma including lacerations requiring stitches on his lips, head, and chin, a black eye, and a swollen
face. Other bodily injuries were sustained as well. Son had informed spouse and me that in addition to
being attacked by several individuals, broken glass bottles were being used by the wayward youths as
weapons against him. I suggested after this incident that son return home from school and attend a
college in the local area where he could commute to school but son refused as he was determined to
complete his studies at this far from home university. Because spouse was dismissed from his job in
August 2006, health insurance coverage had expired for our family. Fortunately however, the police
informed us that the money to pay for son’s extensive treatment in the emergency room of the hospital
for injuries sustained during this attack would be covered under a crime victims fund established
apparently by government.
Retrospective: Progressively, and comparing the pregnancies and births of my parent’s children, our
children, and daughter’s pregnancy and birth of her child, mothers in a vulnerable, ill, and recuperative
position are increasingly expected to be on guard for attacks by evil doers against them and their
newborn babies. A possible solution to this problem is to provide a patient advocate for all patients
contending with various remedial specialists and this suggestion should also probably include a patient
advocate for infants (as our granddaughter was given an immunization that was declined by daughter,
for one example). It is safest not to submerge a newborn in water for a bath until the baby reaches three
months post birth as a bath in water can traumatize some newborn infants. Is it possible that the
hepatitis B immunization routinely administered to newborns, causes a blood infection in some babies?
A comprehensive DVD explaining and depicting good and proper infant care should be distributed to all
new mothers by all facilities involved in providing childbirth services. Prior to the distribution of this
DVD, the content should be reviewed and approved of by other outside interested groups such as some
prolife groups and religious organizations for two examples. Laboratories within close proximity to one’s
residence and treatment center should be used by remedy specialists (this includes the manufacture of
dental apparatuses) to provide for timely results. People should beware that pedophiles and
pornography inspired individuals are prevalent throughout an evil society and are sometimes engaged in
specific professions to satisfy their perversions. Babies and young children need careful supervision at all
times to protect them from these unscrupulous individuals. I believed that granddaughter’s good
memory, recall, and physical health were due to not immunizing her and the providing of good and
proper nutrition with an accompanying relaxed atmosphere of rest. Artificial vitamins were not given to
granddaughter. I believed that attacks by evil continued to be launched against our family during this
year because I do not agree with and speak out against the immoralities in today’s society.
Historical Accounts 2007: 69
A $1.5 billion international program to study the North and South poles is approved by international
government on March 1.
A possibly habitable planet is discovered by scientists on April 24 named Gliese 581c.
An occult Harry Potter series book sells more than 11,000,000 copies during its’ first day offered for sale
on July 21.
A suicide bomber kills five hundred and seventy two people in Iraq on August 14.
An Olympic winner of five medals in the year 2000 is required to return these medals on October 8 after
it is discovered that the athlete used illegal performance enhancing drugs.
Approximately five thousand people die in a cyclone on November 16 in Bangladesh.
NASA launches the Phoenix to study the planet Mars upon a scheduled landing in 2008.
Remarks: An increasing number of people are apparently enamored with the occult. Delving into the
practices of the occult can result in people becoming occult members. One suicidal person kills many
people in Iraq. A cyclone, once again kills multitudes of people in the poor country of Bangladesh.
After reading a book containing historical documents related to the inception of the government of the
United States, I realized that many people were either knowingly or unknowingly involved in treasonous
activity against the foundations of United States government policy and laws. Without a doubt, the
formation of the government of the United States is based on The Ten Commandments of God. To prove
this point, excerpts from The Bible, the book “Freedom Documents”, and personal commentary was
added to the original on January 5. Below is shown this addition with
some minor editing and current authors’ notes.
The Geneva Bible 1560
Exodus XXI:22 Also if men strive and hurt a woman with childe, so that her childe depart from her and
death follow not, he shall be severely punished according as the woman’s husband shall appoint him, or
he shall pay as the judges determine. (*authors’ note: Commandment VI states Thou shall not kill.)
This older edition of the Bible clearly recognizes that the unborn child is a human being with exactly the
same rights as an adult. Today abortions continue unabated in laboratories and through drug and
surgical procedures. In the United States, (more than) fifty million people have been murdered by
surgical abortions alone (since 1973). One state has approved euthanasia and assisted suicide as a
further way to murder people. One can only imagine where this will lead. Arbitrary decisions will be
made by others regarding an individual’s life and some will be “assisted in suicide” whether they want to
die or not. It is time for a new government.
Quotes Citing God and The Bible in Founding Government Documents
The Mayflower Compact of 1620: “In the name of God, Amen”…”Having undertaken for the Glory of
God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant
the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia.”
Fundamental Orders 1639: “Forasmuch as it hath pleased the Almighty God by the wise disposition of
His divine providence”…”to maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus
which we now Profess, as also, the discipline of the Churches, which according to the truth of the said
Gospel is now practiced amongst us; as also in our Civil affairs to be guided and governed according to
such Laws, Rules, Orders, and Decrees as shall be made, ordered and decreed as followeth:”
The Rights of the Colonists and a List of Violations of the Rights 1772: “Among the Natural Rights of the
Colonists are these First: a Right to Life: Secondly to Liberty: Thirdly to Property, together with the Right
to support and defend them in the best manner they can”…”Just and true liberty, equal and impartial
liberty in matters spiritual and temporal, is a thing that all Men are clearly entitled to, by the eternal and
immutable Laws of God and nature, as well as by the laws of Nations and all well grounded in municipal
laws, which must have their foundation in the former”…”In the state of nature, every man is under God,
Judge and sole Judge, of his own rights and the injuries done him:”
Thomas Jefferson on Slavery 1784: “And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have
removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of
God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I
reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever; that considering numbers in nature, and
natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation is among possible
events; that it may become probable by supernatural interference! The Almighty has no attribute which
can take side with us in such a contest.”
The Northwest Ordinance 1787: “Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good
government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be
Ben Franklin’s Call to Prayer 1787: “I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more
convincing proofs I see of this truth: ‘that God governs in the affairs of man’…”We have been assured,
Sir, in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they Labor in vain that built it.”
George Washington’s First Inaugural Address 1789: “I shall take my present leave: but not without
resorting once more to the benign Parent of the Human Race, in humble supplication that since He has
pleased to favor the American people with opportunities for deliberating in perfect tranquility and
dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of government for the security of their
happiness, so His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate
consultations, and the wise measures on which the success of this government must depend.”
George Washington’s Farewell Address 1796: “Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to Political
prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensible supports”…”Let it simply be asked, Where is the
security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which
are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice?”
Second Inaugural Address of President Abraham Lincoln 1865: (with regard to slavery) “Both read the
same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange
that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other
men’s faces, but let us judge not, that we not be judged. The prayers of both could not be answered.
That of neither has been fully answered fully. The Almighty has his own purposes. Woe unto the world
because of offenses; for it must needs Be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense
The Biblically Based United States Constitution 1788
During inaugural ceremonies where public officials take their oaths of office, a hand is placed on the
Bible. This oath is a promise to fulfill the duties of the position to the best of one’s ability. By placing a
hand on The Bible, the unsaid oath is to uphold Biblical principles while in the position of serving the
Citing the United States Constitution, Article II section I, the last paragraph concerns the oath of the
office of the President of the United States and states as follows:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,
and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
It has been protocol and custom in this Biblically based society for the newly appointed President to
place his hand on The Bible while taking his oath and also adding “So help me God” after the oath. The
gesture of placing one’s hand on The Bible and the ending statement demonstrate that there is
recognition that God’s Laws supersedes the laws of men and women.
The internet is a good source to review past (United States) Presidential inaugural ceremonies.
Senators and congressional representatives assume their positions of office in a similar fashion. While
the oath is read, the prospective public official places a hand on The Bible. Article VI, third paragraph of
the United States Constitution explains:
“The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State
Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States,
shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be
required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under The United States.”
The writers of the United States Constitution knew and recognized that no religious Test is necessary.
When one places his or her hand on The Bible, that person is held accountable by God and obliged to
God to abide by Biblical principles (at least) while in the position of public trust.
There is also recognition in the United States Constitution that Sunday is regarded as the Sabbath Day as
the majority of citizens are of the Christian faith. As stated in Article I, Section 7, second paragraph:
“If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within Ten Days (Sundays excepted) After it shall have
been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if He had signed it, unless the
Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be Law.”
The Presidential inauguration day is always on January 20. If this day is on a Sunday, the public inaugural
ceremonies are scheduled for the next day, Monday as further recognition of the Sunday Sabbath Day
(*authors’ note: Commandment IV states to Remember to keep the Sabbath Day holy).”
It is also interesting to note that of the twenty-seven Constitutional Amendments, seven concern voting
and voting rights (Amendments XII, XV, XVII, XIX, XXIII, XXIV, and XXVI). The irony is that currently there
is sufficient evidence and reason to believe that the voting system is completely corrupt.
Caveat Emptor
The pledge of Allegiance to the Flag recited daily by multi-millions of people affirms the existence of God
as the Omnipresent Supreme Being (*authors’ note: and whose Laws are expected to be followed). (The
United States Pledge of Allegiance) is stated below:
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
“One nation under God” was added in 1954. The explanation for the addition is stated in the
congressional record, United States Senate: The pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, June 22, 1954.”
People who are ignorant of the Congressional record’s explanation and reasons for including “one
nation under God” in the Pledge (of Allegiance), may believe that the government legislates laws and
decrees in accordance with Biblical teachings. People may also believe that they are absolved of the
responsibility to embrace, (abide by), teach and enforce as individual citizens, Biblical (Laws), morals,
and codes of conduct.
Likewise, the discussions and reasons for this addition to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, have been
severely neglected to be taught (to children) in the United States public school system. These (three
reasons and examples) could be interpreted to mean intentional deceit on the part of government.
From the Declaration of Independence 1776
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
Powers from the Consent of the Governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes
destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Forms, as to
them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness”…”But when a long Train of abuses and
Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards
for their future Security.”
(authors’ note: The Ten Commandments are shown throughout the structure of the building that houses
the United States Supreme Court in Washington D.C. and are depicted in other government State
buildings throughout the United States, as well. It is also important to note that either God or Jesus
Christ (as The Messiah) and whose Laws have authority over government laws is specifically referenced
in the United States Constitution in Article VII as follows: “The Ratification of the Conventions of nine
States shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the
Same. Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of
September in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the
Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In Witness whereof We have hereunto
subscribed our Names.”)
A point for all people to ponder is that when a government such as the government of the United States
assumes the apparent responsibility for the enforcement of Biblical morals and codes of conduct for the
people living in a nation, the people living in that nation may erroneously believe themselves to be
relieved of the responsibility for doing their own due diligence in maintaining religious morality in the
society. The above assumption many times results in evil doers in positions of authority to cease to
enforce religious morality within the society (for self wealth, power and control), while the population of
people still believe the government is enforcing morality. It should also be noted with disgust that a
considerable number of religious organizations have also mislead their members. By the time the
masses of people realize what has occurred and are finally awakened, the society many times is
saturated in immorality making it nearly impossible to change these immoral situations due to an
establishment of a tyranny situation. The return to the following of The Ten Commandments, avoidance
of Capital Sins, and Abominations and serious prayer to God with repentance and penance for sins
committed will hopefully remove this situation of tyranny so people in the society can accomplish the
positive moral changes within the society as explained in some circumstances in The Bible.
By the beginning of the fourth week of January, spouse, after much diligent job searching over the
course of the previous two and one half years, secured a job in the industry of his experience.
Throughout this year, I spent much time reading books, three of which I deemed to be important and
are included in the book list shown in 2006 and specifically identified in the addition of 2008. Daughter
had returned to her full time job which required me to care for her infant daughter. The child brought
much joy to spouse and me throughout this year as we both enjoyed caring for her. This experience also
led to the contemplation and subsequent resolution of thought that unless financial circumstances are
dire for grandparents who care for their grandchildren while parents work, no money should be
exchanged between close family members for this arrangement. I was also aware of child tax credits
granted by the government where tax money collected, is returned at the end of the year to the parents
for child care expenses. I do not believe that close family members or grandparents should charge
taxpayers for providing care for their own close relatives or grandchildren. I also believe that evil gains
an influence over the participants of this innately and potentially vastly corrupt system and
Through the progression of information added to the website of, one
began to realize that important testimonies written by others like myself would be of great benefit and
perhaps life saving, to other individuals who are reading and also hopefully recommending these stories
to others. A worthwhile, timeless book read at this time that contained some testimony of the age of
the fourth century is “The Confessions” written by Saint Augustine where one recognized that similar
immoralities were occurring in this age as are occurring today. Another testimonial book of interest read
that is also relevant to current times is “The Mammoth Book of Eyewitness Ancient Rome”.
One afternoon in December as I was in the process of writing and sending holiday greeting cards, I was
reminded that a relative had moved from the address of the prior year. Mother, who usually keeps tabs
on family address changes, was not available to speak with so I impatiently decided to check for this
address on a directory on the internet. After finding the relatives’ new address on the internet, I
experienced a wave of guilt after realizing that I had likely engaged in a form of coveting because the
relative did not grant permission to have the home address posted on the worldwide internet.
I realized this year that older small appliances were more efficient and designed to function properly as
compared to new small appliances recently purchased. For two examples, in the early 1990’s spouse and
I were given a gift of a coffee pot that attached to the bottom of a cabinet to provide for no loss of
countertop space in the kitchen. The coffee pot operated well for many years and so when it ceased to
function, one purchased the same brand and type as a replacement for the prior coffee system. After
installing the new under the cabinet coffee pot and preparing coffee one immediately became
aggravated because the spout on the new coffee pot caused the coffee poured to spill onto the counter.
Unless pouring the coffee very slowly into a cup from this container one could expect to clean up spilled
coffee. Another appliance given as a gift to spouse and I was a hand held mixer. Time after time while
whipping heavy cream with this mixer, one would remark to spouse that it is taking an extraordinary
long time to whip the cream. At first I thought this was due to the relatively new process of ultra
pasteurization of dairy products. Later and by 2013 while using an old mixer from the 1980’s, one
realized that there was a problem with the design of the new mixers whipping attachments as the old
mixer whipped the cream much more quickly as compared to the new.
Retrospective: One believes that all intellectual people can agree after reviewing the evidence regarding
the establishment of the government of the United States, that the foundation of this government is
based on the adherence to The Ten Commandments of God. In today’s immoral society, evil doers
deceptively provide ease, convenience, and expediency to engage others into violating one or more of
The Ten Commandments and/or to engage people in Capital Sins and Abominations.
Historical Accounts 2008: 70
The first artificial eyes are implanted in blind patients in the United Kingdom on April 22.
A cyclone in Burma on May 3 kills more than one hundred thirty three thousand people.
An earthquake in China on May 12 kills more than sixty nine thousand people.
Athlete Michael Phelps wins eight gold medals by August 17 at the Olympics.
The first proton beam circulates on September 10 in the large antimatter Hadron Collider located at
CERN in Switzerland. More than ten thousand international scientists are involved in this project.
NASA launches the space shuttle Atlantis to deliver a scientific laboratory to the International Space
Station. The spacecraft Phoenix lands on Mars.
Remarks: An athlete acquires more gold medals than any athlete in recorded history. A potentially
devastating anti-matter technology is activated and celebrated by the scientists engaged in this project.
Anti-matter equipment renders the subject of criminology as we know and understand this field, null
and void.
In browsing the history of organ donations and the donations of other human body parts, I recognized
that in the early years of these procedures, organ donations were just that, donations. No money
purportedly exchanged hands, for human organs. The procedures involved in the installation of organs
were costly but remedy specialists stated that the organs transplanted into needy individuals were a
free and priceless gift of life given by one person to another. By the 1980’s, the illegal selling of human
organs began. Beginning in 2000, I began reading disturbing mainstream media news stories where
human cadavers were found to be missing body parts and organs throughout the United States. The
style and way the stories were written, led me to believe at that time that these body parts were
removed at the morgue or funeral parlor, after death. Later, it gradually occurred to me that these
missing human organs and body parts were likely removed prior to the death of the person thus causing
the death of the person. By 2004, China apparently became the world’s largest source of human body
organs for purchase. Through initial investigation, I discovered that in particular Falun Gong members (a
spiritual, humanitarian group in China) were being arrested and imprisoned for their beliefs.
Additionally, it appeared that this group was being widely targeted as well as other prisoners, for
execution through organ removal performed at Chinese prisons. At this time and for further information
regarding these gruesome atrocities review . Also review Wikipedia Encyclopedia under the
heading “Organ Transplantation in the People’s Republic of China.” 71 In 2011, I read an anxiety
producing United States mainstream media news story about a young man who awoke from a coma
hours before remedy specialists were scheduled to remove his organs for transplant. (Read “21 Year Old
Man Wakes from Coma Before Doctors Take Organs” available at this time on the internet.) 72 Another
story read discussed a nurse practitioner who was dismissed from his job as a transplant coordinator
after objecting to the removal of organs from some patients who he considered to be recoverable. This
story is currently available under the title” Organs taken from patients that doctors were pressured to
declare brain dead: suit”. 73 Through researching these inhumane abuses of organ donation I came to
realize that the removal of organs from one living person to cause the death of that individual in order
to provide an extended life to another individual is still the unquestioned murder of a person (the one
whose organ(s) were removed). Akin to this immorality and violation of Commandment VI (Thou shall
not kill), is the growing of organs from a conceived human being (all human beings have been
conceived) to serve another human being through the conceived human being’s destruction, is once
again in violation of God’s Law. For further information on this application of technology read on the
internet available at this time “Cell Scientists Hope to Grow Human Spare Parts”, CNN, May 22, 1999.
Many people residing in an evil society have been increasingly finding themselves to be “in the wrong
place at the wrong time” and suffering various hardships and anxieties due to this phenomenon. A short
story immediately comes to mind exemplifying the above statement. A neighbor was seen outside
gardening in his yard one sunny and breezy afternoon while a family member worked nearby on our
property on the installation of a fence that bordered the two properties. Suddenly and in disbelief and
awe, one watched a large tree fall to the ground just moments after the neighbor left the area of his
gardening work thus narrowly escaping serious injury or perhaps death. Jesus Christ informs us of these
circumstances with the following Biblical passages in Luke 13: 1-5
“And some were present at the same time reporting to him about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate
mixed with their sacrifices. And answering, Jesus said to them,” Do you think that these Galileans were
sinners beyond all the Galileans because they were killed this way? I say to you, But if you do not repent,
you will all likewise be destroyed. Or those eighteen on whom a tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do
you think that these sinners were sinners beyond all men who lived in Jerusalem? No, I say to you, But if
you do not repent, you will all likewise be destroyed.”
Jesus Christ also provides us with advice concerning these unusual accidents, frequent accidents, and
near accidents due to the evil of the times with the following passage from Matthew 6:34
“Then do not be anxious for tomorrow. For tomorrow will be anxious of itself. Sufficient to each day is
its own trouble.”
In the spring of this year, I decided that a dilapidated fence surrounding our backyard needed
replacement. New wood fencing was purchased and delivered to our residence when I applied a wood
preservative to the fence and the supporting posts. Following the application of the preservative and to
prevent the early decay of the posts, I dipped each supporting fence post into a bucket of tar to coat the
lower end of the post with this substance prior to ground installment. After accomplishing this
preparation, a family member offered to install this fence together with an acquaintance. Work on the
fence was halted when it was recognized that the fence was being installed crookedly. By the autumn,
two men were hired to install the remainder of the fence and realign and straighten the fencing that
was installed crookedly. The agreed upon installation price was quickly increased due to a stated need
by the men to purchase additional materials to accomplish the job. After providing a partial payment for
about one quarter of the work accomplished and the extra money requested, the two men did not
return to complete the job. By the spring of 2010, I contacted another business to have the majority of
the fence installed. This company decided on by spouse and I to install the fence, requested a
considerable sum of money upon the signing of the contract. I refused to disburse any money until work
was accomplished and offered to pay the installers daily after work was completed for that day. The
spokesman for the company informed me that this arrangement would necessitate an approval by
another individual. The spokesman left our home that day but contacted me several days later to state
that our payment terms would be accepted. The fence was then installed and straightened to spouses’
and my satisfaction. Later, in 2010 a small section of the fence was damaged by a storm. I telephoned
the company who installed the fence to possibly accomplish this needed repair only to discover that the
telephone number of this business had been disconnected with no forwarding telephone number
A popular apparent independent news source offered to readers a possibly prophetic statement spoken
by Jesus Christ two millenniums earlier found in The Hebraic Roots Bible in Luke 10:18 that states:
“And He said to them, I saw Satan falling out of Heaven as Lightening”.
It was stated in the article that in ancient Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus Christ, that the word
heaven in Aramaic is ubamah and the word lightening in Aramaic is baraq. The article implied that
current President Barack Obama is the anti-Christ through the restating of Luke 10:18 to be “I saw Satan
fall like baraq ubamah (pronounced the same as Barack Obama). After reviewing Luke 10:18, one was
confused with this interpretation and so decided to replace the words heaven and lightning with
ubamah and baraq in the true passage of Luke 10:18 to read as follows: And He said to them, I saw
Satan falling out of ubamah as baraq. One may then interpret this passage as the removal of a satanic
possession or mind control of the person.
After arriving home from Florida in 1999, I increasingly noticed a large number of retarded people being
shuttled throughout the town and county in vans being driven on roadways. I wondered why suddenly
and recently, there were so many mentally challenged people residing in this relatively small
community. In later years and through internet research, I realized that perhaps some of these retarded
people had mental retardation inflicted on them by others. In addition, I became aware during this year
that normal preschool children whose parents had a low financial income were offered free nursery
school for their children at a large preschool for mentally, intellectually, and physically disabled and
challenged children. I remarked to spouse that normal preschool children would likely suffer from
problems perhaps similar to the disabled children through attending class together with this group.
The community of my residence lost a considerable number of people in the September 11, 2001 World
Trade Center disaster. Therefore, and as of this date, community memorial ceremonies to honor these
victims are annually scheduled for on or about, September 11. In reviewing the evidence and
testimonies provided by many architects, it unequivocally appears that a conspiracy to destroy those
buildings was enacted by others besides (in addition to) the obvious perpetuators of the plan. Building
seven of the World Trade Center was destroyed several hours after the attacks by airplane on buildings
one and two of the Trade Center. In addition, architects have repeatedly stated that two airplanes
striking these buildings could not completely destroy these gigantic skyscrapers as they were destroyed.
It has also been suggested by demolition experts that buildings one and two of the World Trade Center
were imploded shortly after the airplanes struck the buildings through the use of incendiary devices that
were installed in the buildings, prior to the airplanes striking these two buildings.
Retrospective: Beware of disbursing large sums of money to hired workers prior to starting a job
especially when the materials for a job have been acquired by the homeowner. Contemplate paying
workers on a daily basis after portions of the job are accomplished to satisfy the hired help. One may
also contemplate purchasing the materials by one’s self for a hired help job due to much corruption and
fraud in the home repair and improvement industry. Older pre-teen and teenage children may be able
to assist at preschools where disabled children are enrolled. Using normal preschool children to assist
disabled preschool children is detrimental to both groups of children. It is one’s opinion that the World
Trade Center attacks were used as a premise to start another immoral war or wars (perhaps even World
War III). A return to abiding by The Ten Commandments, avoidance of Capital Sins, and Abominations
would likely gain God’s favor and assistance in removing evil from positions of authority.
Historical Accounts 2009: 74
An earthquake occurring on September 30 kills about one thousand people in Indonesia.
Scientists claim on October 1 to have discovered the earliest human skeleton to date named
Ardipithecus ramidus.
Scientists discover thirty two planets outside of the Solar system by October 20.
Scientists have divulged on November 13 that water was discovered on the Moon.
NASA launches a space photometer through the Kepler Mission to search for extrasolar planets in the
galaxy of the Milky Way.
Remarks: Some scientists continue to spend taxpayer money on inconsequential matters while many
people on Earth are suffering and in need.
This year I sent a charitable donation to a group after receiving interesting and pleasing “free” gifts in
the mail from this group. For my birthday, the charitable group sent me a birthday greeting card. I was
annoyed and wondered how this group discovered my birth date and also thought about other
information that this group may have accumulated about me.
Over the course of the years of my home and property confinement, I believed it necessary to maintain
a daily schedule to provide for a sense of accomplishment, satisfactory mood, and disposition. With the
arrival of granddaughter and on the days’ daughter worked, the early part of the day was scheduled to
teach the child about shapes, alphabet letters and sounds, counting, vocabulary through story time,
opposites, sorting, patterns, calendar, science topics, and religion for some examples. Granddaughter
learned this preschool curriculum well and progressed nicely. I was pleased with the results of this
instruction. At this time, I contemplated, investigated, and decided to home school granddaughter
provided that daughter approves of this kind of instruction. After moving to Florida in 1995, I thought
about home schooling daughter and son but due to the fact that we did not have internet service at that
time, I was unaware of how to acquire different curriculum for this endeavor. The assumption was that
textbooks and other materials were supplied by the school district to the homeschooling parent and so
the only perceived benefit to this situation at that time was to remove daughter and son from potential
adverse social situations in the public schools. Later, I discovered on the internet many accredited home
school curriculums available for purchase. Combining this discovery with my own observations of
granddaughter’s rapid progression with letter recognitions and sounds, arithmetic concepts, religion,
and science and health curriculum, I decided that homeschooling would be of great benefit to
granddaughter’s intellectual development. On the other hand, there were concerns about social skills
regarding interactions between other children in her age group to provide for socialization and to
prevent self centeredness. However, this concern was countered with the acknowledgement of possible
attacks launched by evil in the schools against children (by other children or adults), in today’s immoral
society. It would be ideal to instruct two or three other children of the same age to provide for
socialization, empathy for others, and increased motivation in today’s age. Another thought considered
was that perhaps granddaughter would not be prepared to survive in an evil society after completing
years of home school studies. It is a pity that a parent should have to consider this circumstance. Also,
when reviewing assessment requirements for home schooled students in the State of New York, I
realized that some immoral curriculum would be necessary to teach to granddaughter in order for her to
pass the secular school tests thus subjecting her to evil influences. A possible solution to this problem is
to establish home school assessment tests created by a home school council. Likewise, parochial school
evaluations and assessment tests should be created by parochial school councils to eliminate the need
for some immoral instruction that is necessary to pass required secular school tests. Some people may
be interested in reading an article found on the internet at this time titled “Home Schooled Students
Excel in College” at . It would be interesting to
investigate how many students in this study had a comprehensive religious education home schooled
experience and how they fared after completing college.
Following teaching time with granddaughter, about one hour was spent outdoors regardless of weather
and temperature with the exception of rain. Lunch was provided to granddaughter followed by an
afternoon children’s show on DVD or VHS format. These children’s shows were for the most part
selected by me. Most of the shows purchased, I thought to be of adequate moral content. Some shows
selected were discarded after viewing due to extreme evil content. Broadcast television was not
watched by granddaughter at our home. By the time granddaughter was nearing her fifth birthday, she
began pointing out to me violations of The Ten Commandments depicted in some children’s shows. I
thought this discerning by granddaughter to be a positive development. Usually either during or shortly
following the children’s show, granddaughter napped for about two hours. I would like to mention at
this time granddaughter’s requirements for sleep were largely comparable to an adult’s schedule. She
slept throughout her five years of age about eight hours a night with a one and a half to two hour nap in
the afternoon. I do not know if this abnormal sleep pattern for a baby and toddler is currently prevalent
throughout the society or not (young children usually require twelve hours of sleep at night in addition
to a nap). Perhaps others may desire to research this perceived anomaly. While granddaughter napped,
small household tasks were accomplished. Following her nap and seasonally dependent (due to time
changes and daylight) she played outdoors. Afterwards, dinner was served, preparation for bed was
accomplished, another children’s show was viewed, and bedtime determined by her degree of
tiredness, was usually between 8:00 to 8:30 pm. The summer time was more relaxed regarding
preschool instruction as we spent more time outdoors. On the days daughter was off from her job,
extensive cleaning, yard work, or perhaps household repairs or maintenance were scheduled. Our home
was thoroughly cleaned twice annually through the moving of furniture. This heavy duty cleaning usually
required several weeks of my time to accomplish. I was never disappointed with the amount of dust that
accumulated behind and under furniture over a six month period. To provide for the anticipation of a
somewhat different and leisurely activity, family birthday events were celebrated with much more
fanfare than in the years prior to my home confinement. By following this schedule and routine, it
unexpectedly seemed that the years went by more quickly than ever before experienced in my former
more active, adventuresome, and at times hectic life. However, I did experience much frustration due to
this considerable personal sacrifice inflicted on me by evil doers within the society.
This congenial schedule was basically abandoned by this year due to the decision to write this book at
this time. As I was pre-occupied with the taking of many notes throughout a two year period in
preparation for this project, many other tasks fell by the wayside. But I realized that unless this
explanatory book was written, I would not be able to help my family choose the path of righteousness
and morality because of the ever increasing immorality within the society that they would be
surrounded with and subjected to on a daily basis. I also asked myself the questions of how much is my
family worth? How much are acquaintances worth? And how much are neighbor’s worth who I define as
populations of people throughout the world. The answers to these questions further prompted and
dedicated me to this extensive and considerable project. One major concern of mine during the course
of writing this book was the necessary need to occupy granddaughter. Although most of this book was
written during daughter’s days off and during the night, to present this book in a timely fashion, some
days required book writing while granddaughter was under my care. Much to my chagrin, children’s
DVD’s and VHS shows were relied upon by me more than under ordinary circumstances. However, and
to contradict incomplete scientific research that states “Children should not be watching more than four
hours of television daily”, (for one example read “Mental Health Deteriorates with Increased Television
Viewing” posted at this time on the internet.) 75 I counter with the question of content. Is one hour of
extremely violent television more detrimental to children than four hours for example of educational or
moral television? When the questions of programming content are related to the time spent watching
television are answered, then legitimate conclusions can be drawn regarding television viewing.
During this year one became increasingly aware of the damages inflicted on other people through
“social networking” on the internet. Private information divulged, lies, harassment, persecution
(bullying), defamation of character, and other attacks launched by some people against other people
abounded through this form of public communication. Some people who were the targets of others
were destroyed in various ways through psychological distress which lead to suicides, murders, and the
destruction of personal relationships, job losses, and physical illnesses including damages to the brain
for some examples which once again serve the purposes of evil to gain more wealth, more power, and
more control over people. It is also important to note that this form of communication likely involves
participants in the violation of at least two Commandments being Thou shall not covet and Thou shall
not bear false witness against neighbors which renders social networks immoral because of the way the
networks are used by a substantial number of people. People should seriously consider abstaining from
the use of these forms of communication until people understand how to communicate in a public
forum. Also, it is unusual that social forums do not charge a subscription fee. Have people wondered
how the social forum business can continue to function without an income. Perhaps social forum
businesses earn their money through an unknown network where money is funneled into these
organizations for destructive reasons.
The responsibility for paying the bills to include the review of credit card charges was relegated as a
responsibility of mine, after a twelve year hiatus partially due to spouses’ at times, hectic schedule.
Through the review of charges, one recognized several unauthorized charges to our credit card. Some of
these charges were for small amounts of money (twenty dollars and below) where one realized that
some busy people would likely just pay the bill and not question these small charges to the credit card
company thus permitting the thievery to continue. Also, and by 2013 bills were received containing
charges for services not rendered. For two examples, a utility company charged a substantial
cancellation fee when services were discontinued because the promised lower utility rate was false. On
another occasion spouse cancelled an appointment at the last minute due to unforeseeable job
circumstances. A large bill was delivered because of this situation. One contacted both businesses where
it was stated that these corrupt bills would not be paid.
In winter and after a snowstorm, granddaughter and I frequently ventured outdoors to toboggan from a
hill on our front property. As granddaughter tobogganed down the hill, I was reminded of the anxiety
experienced with daughter and son regarding this activity years earlier because of the location of trees
at the base of the hill. This apparatus together with like apparatuses marketed for children’s use do not
contain a steering mechanism. Over the years, one read stories in the news about people and especially
children who were killed or seriously injured when their uncontrollable toboggan or “saucer” crashed
into a tree, causing head injuries to the riders of these apparatuses. Is it possible to attach a steering
mechanism to this snow gliding equipment?
By the third week of October, I began writing this book beginning with the end of the book. With many
unorganized notes in hand, I organized and sorted through these for topic relevance. Articles copied
over a several year period were also referenced as well as, and to a lesser degree, books read because
the information contained in these books was known. I began writing with the Commentary on Attire
and Body Art partially due to the problems of finding respectable clothing at a reasonable price for
young granddaughter. I was also aware of how fashion attire digressed, deteriorated, and became
extremely immoral over the course of about twenty five years. I recognized this phenomenon together
with the promotion of body desecrations as occult generated in their attempts to consume the society
through immorality. As usual, the occult targets the youth of a society probably because they are most
impressionable and are willing to try “something different or new”, among other reasons. At this time in
my life, I was awakened to how manipulative psychology was used against the population, including
myself to achieve the personal goals of evil doers (wealth, power, and control over the people) within
the society. Several examples of some of the psychological methods evil employs to convert the
population to immorality were written in the Commentary on Manipulative Psychology. News stories in
the mainstream media became increasingly disturbing regarding murders, suicides, and serious injuries
of students occurring either off campus or on the premises of universities and colleges. Combining my
college and university experiences of my youth and books read with today’s profound campus
immoralities, the Commentary on University Calamities was written to suggest an evil conspiracy
designed to inflict harm on the youth through the extensive promotion of immorality. I recognized that
many and a wide variety of illnesses were consuming the population of people including the young.
Several possible reasons for this anomaly were discussed in the many Commentaries presented. One
reason cited for the increasing health problems of people was poor nutrition. The Commentary on
Artificial Vitamins and Real Nutrition was written to alert the people of a concerted effort by evil to
weaken them. Suggestions and advice were offered to improve the diet of the population of people and
to assist in eliminating the health problems of individuals. I also believed it necessary to point out the
increasing obsessive behavior of many people. Moderation of behaviors is lost in an immoral society.
One type of obsessive behavior can manifest itself with compulsive game playing. Therefore, the
Commentary on Games was written to alert the people to this diversionary, distractive, and possibly
physically damaging tactic used by evil to obtain their goals of wealth, power, and control over people
leading to population demise and obliteration. Another more dangerous obsession creating substantial
mental health problems in people is that of pornography. The mechanisms used by evil to engage many
people in these Capital Sin’s of lust and likely anger and possible Abominations were discussed in the
Commentary on Pornography.
In November, the Commentaries on Family, Drugs, Electoral System, Environmentalism, Economy,
Remedies, and Secular Education were written. Throughout the past thirty years or so, evil has created
situations to harm individuals emotionally, psychologically, economically, socially, and physically
through attacks against the primary and extended family. The Commentary on Family provides some
examples of the devices implemented by evil to destroy the family for evil’s own gain of wealth, power,
and control over the population which eventually results in the complete demise of the society. A return
to the following of biblical morality by family members would assist in reducing evil within the society. In
an immoral society various coping mechanisms are relied on by many people. Some coping mechanisms
are positive while others are harmless, less harmful, and harmful. For examples a positive coping
mechanism is praying to God perhaps with no particular request in mind as God knows a person’s
concerns. A harmless way to cope with stress due to societal immoralities for example is to walk in the
outdoors. A less harmful way to cope with societal immoralities is to perhaps ingest a few glasses of
wine at the end of the day. This coping mechanism however requires discipline to avoid harmful
alcoholism. A harmful way to cope with societal immoralities is through drug use. The Commentary on
Drugs addresses this problem together with examples of other more serious crimes that drug use
perpetuates. The Commentary on the Electoral System suggests the root of societal problems. To
remove some of the evil doers in authority positions within the society, the election system should be
legitimized. A suggestion on a way to legitimize voting was presented in this Commentary. The
Commentary on Environmentalism was written to enlighten the people to the harm being inflicted on
them by evil doers through the ever increasing introductions of toxins emitted into the environment
which includes the human body. The hope is that through increased awareness of toxic attacks by evil
that people will be better able to protect themselves from environmental poisons through the refusal
and rejection of participation or involvement in activities, procedures, practices, applications, and
technologies that are dangerous to one’s health. The Commentary on the Economy was written to
present some examples on how the economy is corrupt. The root cause of many economic problems
more than likely rests with the Federal Reserve (and other connected world banks), where evil doers
always earn wealth regardless of the prosperity or poverty of the population of people. In an immoral
society the “dictators” of the economy can prevent all people from sustaining a living wage through
tyranny. Social policies are also “dictated” by the evil doers of the banking system. Suggestions to
fundamentally rectify this situation were offered in the Commentary on the Economy. Through
research, I came to the conclusion that a considerable number of remedy specialists are agents of evil
who should be removed from their positions of authority. It is obvious that an extensive review of all
remedy practices, procedures, and prescriptions is necessary. This review should be initiated and
implemented by moral and religious people who are knowledgeable in remedial fields. Examples of
remedy abuses were cited in the Commentary on Remedies. The Commentary on Secular Education
provided several examples of the vast immoralities occurring in the secular public schools together with
remedial advice and possible solutions to problems. Further information and many more examples of
the destructive nature of public secular schooling can be found in this abridged autobiography and in
the books shown in the resource section of 2006 and the bibliography shown at the end of this book. It
is more than obvious through the presentation of much evidence that evil is destroying the youth of this
country (and perhaps world), through immoral indoctrination in the public schools.
In December, the Commentaries on Public Welfare, Mass Media, and Tyranny were written. The
Commentary on Public Welfare discusses a system that is self perpetuating to the recipients of welfare
and does not provide sufficiently for the self reliance of the welfare recipient. The people relying on
welfare for sustenance should realize that accepting money and services (especially with no exchange of
work) from evil sources, subjects those individuals to added societal influences of evil. Suggestions were
presented to solve some of the problems of the welfare system. In contemplating all of the good, moral,
sane, educational, and religious programs that could be presented to the population of people through
mass media, one can easily become outraged over the current status of programming and written
content of much of mass media. It should be noted that television, in and of itself, may be in violation of
Commandment II as stated in The Hebraic Roots Bible Exodus 20:4 as follows: “You shall not make a
graven image for yourself, or any likeness in the heavens above, or in the earth beneath, or in the
waters under the earth;”. The Ten Commandments were cited in this Commentary on Mass Media to
basically inform the population of people on the machinations evil uses through mass media to engage
many people in immoralities. The last commentary written during this year was the Commentary on
Tyranny. The horror of this situation was briefly explained through a short history provided to the reader
with a few examples of the implications of this depraved state of the society.
Retrospective: It is likely that the charitable group sending the birthday greeting card was violating the
Commandment that states Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house. Examining The Ten
Commandments for today’s society could answer questions like the above. During times of emotional
and/or psychological stress, one should occupy one’s time to focus on other less stressful topics and
activities to provide for the continued functioning of self and family. Organization and a clean
environment contribute positively to one’s mood when under stress or confinement. A preoccupation
with accomplishing one task causes considerable frustration and exasperation with other tasks deemed
to be less important but necessary to accomplish as well. Beware of some of the previews of other
movies shown in parentally approved children’s DVD and VHS format shows. Some movie previews of
other children’s shows depict evil thus exposing the child to evil. By November, I realized the content of
each Commentary was one part of a larger puzzle. The best way I thought to express this concept was to
present each Commentary in a debatable hierarchy within a triangular pyramid depicting the eye of evil
at the top in a position of authority promoting, directing, and causing evil within the society with the
assistance of other evil doers and potential evil doers within the society.
Historical Accounts 2010: 76
The tallest building in the world opens in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on January 4.
An earthquake kills over two hundred and thirty thousand people in Haiti on January 12.
An earthquake in China kills more than two thousand people on April 13.
The largest oil spill in history occurs in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20.
The human genetic identification project discovers on May 7 that Neanderthals and human beings may
be genetically related.
Heavy rain kills more than one thousand six hundred people in Pakistan by July 29.
Antimatter is captured in the Hadron accelerator in CERN Switzerland on November 19.
NASA: As a member of The International Space Station, NASA together with other members achieves the
longest duration of a human occupation of space measured at eleven years seventy two days.
Spain defeats the Netherlands to win the world soccer cup.
Remarks: A devastating oil spill wreaked havoc on the fragile ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico and its’
shorelines. It appears that scientists can genetically identify people living today back to eighty thousand
years ago. The disappearance of people, places, and things becomes more plausible through the
containment of anti-matter. One has noticed through the review of historical data that large commercial
airplane crashes that were numerous over the past twenty five years or so have been greatly reduced in
the recent few years.
In early January, the Commentary on Abortion was written. A brief history on how abortion has affected
societies from ancient to modern times was generally addressed with the hope that people would
further investigate this gross immorality to gain more specifics and details concerning the demise of past
societies largely due to abortion. One can tie together the rise of the occult Illuminati and illuminated
Communists with the gradual introduction of birth control which led to the eventuality of rampant
abortion which was promoted by this group to populations of people throughout the world to amass
wealth, power, and control over the people. In the early years of this dastardly plan, Russia was likely
chosen as a “world base” for the illuminated Communists because Russia was the largest country in the
world. Tyranny for the Russian people began almost immediately in 1920 (the year of rampant abortion
approval) which was shortly after the illuminated Communists assumed power in this land (1917). It was
suggested in this Commentary that to gain the most wealth, power, and control over populations of
people that a deceptive murder policy be promoted to populations of people otherwise a birth control
program for men would have been established. Although a birth control program for men would be
considered an Abomination, it is a lesser crime than murder (abortion) thus resulting in less wealth,
power, and control over people by the occult. One can also easily understand that proclaimed
“environmentalists” who were apparently concerned about “too many people on the planet” and who
promoted abortion, were deceiving people. Why did the “environmentalists” not establish and promote
a birth control program for men? Reread the above hypothesis and possible reason.
By early February, questions regarding The Ten Commandments for Today’s society were written.
Throughout the writing of the Commentaries and this book, I recognized the critical need of the
population to not only return to abiding by these Ten Laws of God but to also reexamine the Laws and
to apply these Laws to today’s modern society. A diagram has been presented at the end of this book to
suggest The Responsibility for Interpreting The Ten Commandments for Today’s Society. Throughout the
writing of the Commentaries and book manuscript thoughts, observations, occurrences, suggestions,
and advice were presented in Just Thoughts. This Commentary in particular is likely to expand from the
presentation of the book manuscript to the official published version of this book. By the second week
of February, the completed Commentaries were put into PDF format and e-mailed to the website
company hosting to add to the original website. Additionally, a paper copy
was sent priority mail to the website company’s mailing address. Shortly after adding the “Book
Excerpts” title to the website that contained the Commentaries, I noticed errors and missing text. I
contacted the website company about these problems which were promptly corrected. I stated to
spouse that I understood that PDF format could not be changed or manipulated, and yet it apparently
was with this addition. The implications of my experience are significant for many other people. Can PDF
format be changed or put in another format where changes or omissions to text can be done? Also, can
websites be manipulated or changed by outside others? An e-mail sent to me by the website company
regarding this new addition of “Book Excerpts” when opened, contained a virus that was not contained
by our current antivirus protection service and so rendered our computer damaged. Eventually some of
this damage was circumvented by a knowledgeable technician hired by me to correct the computer
problems. By early April, the paper copies of the Commentaries sent to the website company were
returned to me by the postal service as undeliverable as addressed and unable to forward. By March,
attempts were initiated to begin writing this book but attacks by evil prevented me from this endeavor
until finally I was able to start the writing of this book in earnest during the last week of July. While in
the process of re-reading the Book of Jeremiah in The Bible, I also began investigating the Human
Genome project. With Divine assistance, I was awakened to the likely horror and the dire consequences
of genetic identification technology. At this juncture, I realized that I had not included a vital
Commentary in the “Book Excerpts” added to in February 2011 so the
Commentary on Genetic Identification was written and is included with this book manuscript. To
present the book in the most understandable and comprehensive format, I decided to organize this
abridged autobiography by year. To inform the reader of my background, a short history of my family
was presented. I believe that current events affect the lives of all individuals therefore several selected
historical references for each year were presented to the reader to provide a focus. For the most part,
these selected accounts were based on horrific natural disasters, new technological developments and
scientific inventions and discoveries for the reader to perhaps analyze further. A retrospective
containing a current personal interpretation of each year was also included to inspire reader discussion.
Remarks on the historical accounts were posted to initiate and inspire a combined effort by many
individuals to interpret and draw conclusions about specific kinds of current events and then realize the
implications of these for society.
I became disgusted with a kitchen soap dish because water drained into the dish after using soap,
scouring cloths, and steel wool pads. These items sat in the drained water and would quickly
disintegrate. I decided to search the internet for a soap dish constructed of any material where a drain
system was part of the soap dish purchase. Many soap dishes for a reasonable price were found but
they contained no drain. Soap dishes with drains were available but were expensive as most cost above
$15. Finally, a ceramic soap dish with a removable raised wooden slated drain was found for about $10.
I still considered this price to be expensive for a soap dish but at least the problem was resolved.
Another complaint and pet peeve of mine was the recommended temperature to bake some frozen
prepared food products. I recognized that if one followed the instructions on the packaging for baking,
this resulted in a burnt food product. I solved this problem by lowering the oven temperature by at least
twenty five to fifty degrees from the stated temperature on the package. I also was annoyed at the lack
of standardization of toothbrush handles. Prior to the 1990’s most all toothbrush handles fit inside
toothbrush holders that were placed around a ceramic cup holder which was installed in most
bathrooms at the time of a home’s construction. Today’s toothbrush handles due to their wide width,
required the necessity to purchase a free standing toothbrush holder thus cluttering one’s bathroom
vanity. The lack of a window crank option on the purchase of a new automobile was also found to create
significant aggravation in the later years of a car’s ownership. The electric window opener notoriously
faulted after several years of use thus requiring expensive repairs to be accomplished after being
subjected to inclement weather entering one’s automobile. I also increasingly noticed that weather
reporting throughout approximately a twenty year time frame regarding the amount of rain received in
an area, was in extreme error. After raining an entire day for example, it was reported in some cases
that one quarter of an inch of rain fell. Initially, I believed this grossly inaccurate measurement. Later
and after viewing rain filled gardening pails left outside in the yard, I realized that some weather men
and women were providing the public with false measurements. At other times it was reported that the
day was cloudy when one could view bright sunshine outdoors. I began to wonder if weather men and
women looked out of a clear glass window. I concluded that perhaps they were basing their forecasts on
erroneous technological data provided by computers or they were violating God’s Laws. In the morning
of the late autumn of 2010, spouse and granddaughter were sitting on a sofa in our backyard sun porch
room when suddenly a raccoon ran out from underneath a backyard structure. The raccoon then
proceeded to run up the stairs of our backyard deck and began scratching at the glass sliding door of the
room while showing its’ sharp teeth in an attempt to gain entry into our house before quickly turning
around and departing the area. After spouse and granddaughter explained this story to me as I was
unavailable to witness this unusual occurrence, I believed the animal to have rabies. Concerned for my
family, children, and neighbors living in the area, I decided to telephone the animal control office in
town. No one was available to take my call so a message was left. At about noon time, the animal
control officer returned my telephone call and I explained this situation to the officer. The animal
control officer explained to me that wild animals sometimes attempt to gain entry into a home when
the weather becomes cold. I stated that raccoons are nocturnal animals and that this kind of unnatural
behavior was indicative of a rabid animal. The animal control officer reiterated the above explanation
that chilled animals sometimes seek a warm area to inhabit during cold spells and also stated to me that
if this happens again that I should first telephone the police. Not wishing to argue a probable rabies virus
infecting this animal and after concluding the telephone call, I stated to spouse that I think every
incident that occurs in this town regardless of subject matter, must first be reported to the police by the
citizen. These short stories and vignettes have been presented as examples of the neglect of basics in
the society as “higher order thinking skills” are promoted and advanced to the population by evil doers
which results for many people in increased stupidity, satisfying a goal of the occult. So, one could state
that the more technologically advanced a society becomes, the more that basic foundations crumble
leading to a general lack of common sense in the population of people. Certainly, the abandonment of
abiding by The Ten Commandments and/or the engagement in Capital Sins and Abominations are the
deciding factors of this statement. In a moral society, technology is combined with a thinking human
being’s observations and calculations to arrive at legitimate conclusions.
During the summer, a visit was paid to our home by an acquaintance of a family member. The
occupation of the visitor was that of a nurse who worked at a city hospital. This person informed me
through a discussion that the same women repeatedly procured abortions at this hospital. I realized at
that time that perhaps a relatively few mentally ill women are responsible for not only the mass murder
of their children but are also likely responsible for perpetuating other gross immoralities against others
living within the society through these abortions. In addition, abortions occurring at hospitals
throughout the world are largely ignored by the pro life movement, while independent abortion clinics
are focused on for closure by these groups.
Granddaughter stated to me one afternoon that she was about to eat a cookie and remarked that this
cookie was a dog biscuit cookie. After showing me this cookie, I stated that this was not a cookie but a
dog biscuit. She laughed and showed me the bag of cookies newly marketed by a popular snack food
manufacturer for human consumption that appeared to be exact replicas of dog biscuits. At that point, I
had a discussion with granddaughter on how this immoral deception could result in illnesses for children
as food safety requirements are different for people than for animals. Many times animal food products
are stored on the floors of possibly dirty warehouses prior to packaging. If a child is confused between
the dog biscuit cookie and a dog biscuit, that child is at risk for acquiring a physical illness. Other children
who are eating “dog biscuit cookies” are at risk for mental illness.
A concern in our community and probably other communities throughout the United States is the
increasing problem of pedophiles. In our community and under law, citizens are continually notified of
the residences and resident address changes of pedophiles. A disturbing story written in the local
newspaper reported that a father and his two children, a boy and a girl visited a nearby shopping mall to
view a movie. After the movie, the father’s young daughter required to use the lavatory. The girl
entered the ladies room only to be molested by a man waiting inside this facility. Due to the vast
immoralities of the society, a possible solution to this increasing problem is to provide a children’s
lavatory for parental accompaniment at places where this is feasible.
Approximately twenty five years ago I acquired a children’s book for daughter and son at a yard sale
titled “Three Big Hogs” by Manus Pinkwater. This book is an amusing story about three domestic hogs
who were cared for by a farmer who one day stopped feeding them. The three pink hogs then set out to
find food but soon realized that if they remained in the neighborhood, they would become food. So they
ventured into the woods and foraged for themselves. Within a short period of time they grew long hair
on their bodies and grew tusks on their heads becoming wild boars which adapted them to be able to
survive in this wild environment. Prior to obtaining internet service, I wondered if this situation was true
of domestic animals that escaped into the wild. Years later and after rereading this story to
granddaughter the same question resurfaced and piqued my interest. So now with internet service one
discovered that some domestic animals do revert back to a wild state in nature provided they are able
to survive long enough in a wild environment until these “evolutionary” changes are accomplished.
Because of this fact, the theories of evolution as one believed and understood this discipline in the past,
one now realized at this time to be completely false. Also one has noted “evolutionary” changes in
people over recent years. Some people known to me appear differently than in the past. For examples
eyes have changed from round to almond shaped, lips have changed from thick to thin, noses have
changed from smaller to large or rounded to pointy etcetera.
During the course of this year, one became aware of a program where law enforcement officials could
purchase a home for half the asking price through a special program where the only requirement was
that the officer reside in the home for three years before re-selling the house. One wondered aloud and
questioned to family who was paying for this program. One then surmised that likely taxpayers were
subsidizing this exceptional offer to officers of the law. As most can realize, the above is another
example of corruption.
In the spring and after acquiring and working at a “job” for several months that cost son, spouse, and I
money as no money was earned at this “job” and expenses were incurred by son, son sought another
job. I stated to son that working for any legitimate company where a salary was paid to him would be
fine except for one particular corporation in the United States that I believed to be especially
destructive. His resume was posted on line where several contacts from potential employers inquired of
him further. Within a few days after stating to son that I did not want him working for this perceived
destructive corporation, son was contacted by this company for an interview. After a few interviews, he
was hired. Silently, I recognized this to be another attack by evil. Shortly, and within a few months after
learning many of the corporate procedures concerning this job, son was dismissed from this “job”
causing him a considerable emotional upset and distress.
Retrospective: Some people gain a tremendous amount of wealth through the murdering of other
people and this includes the murder of the unborn human being. By the way, this wealth is likely
acquired through a sanctioned system of stealing from other people (and perhaps murdering other
people), including moral and religious people. Why was there almost a two month long duration
between sending the paper copies of the Commentaries through the post office to the website company
(located about thirty miles from our home) and then returning them to our address in April, as
undeliverable? Law enforcement should trace those people who are sending viruses to other’s
computers and then prosecute these evil doers. After the posting of the Commentaries the website was transferred to another web hosting and design company. Tinted glass
yields a distorted view of the outdoors. Beginning in the 1970’s, one noticed a progression throughout
the years of the absence of storytelling that was usually delivered by older family members to teach
others about various situations of life. This has lead to the younger generations experiencing many types
of avoidable problems because they were not forewarned through the one means of storytelling.
Experience may or may not be the “best teacher” and the “school of hard knocks” is evil in intent. Evil
believes people are animals and diligently attempts to treat them as such. Evil desires to inflict much
psychological damage on others and has gained an influence over people and is dictating to them
through Satan.
Historical Accounts 2011: 77
It is reported on January 11 that over nine hundred people are killed in flooding and mudslides in Brazil.
An earthquake and tsunami on March 11 kills about twenty thousand people in Japan.
The first artificial organ transplant occurs in Sweden on July 7.
It is reported on September 24 that about three thousand people are killed in a Syrian uprising.
More than one thousand people are reported killed in floods in the Philippines on December 16.
NASA: A spacecraft photographs a substance resembling water on Mars.
Remarks: Scientists are constructing artificial organs for transplant into human beings. The earthquake
and tsunami in Japan occurred near a nuclear power plant resulting in damage to the plant and the
subsequent releasing of dangerous radiation into the environment.
By the third week of January, one was relieved to realize that I had included a triangular chart that
libeled me for an infringement of the licensing agreement of Microsoft Corporation. Because I used their
purchased software templates and an eye logo for a chart in “Book Excerpts” offered freely in the
original I recognized after reading the licensing agreement carefully one
realized that when offering this book for sale that this chart could not be used. At this juncture,
questioned the legality of this licensing agreement especially regarding templates. For example, if one
purchases actual templates to be used to possibly earn money, the manufacturer of the templates
obviously cannot litigate against the purchaser of their product or perhaps now they can. I
contemplated hiring a graphic artist to design the charts and diagram but due to fears of possible
attacks by evil against this person (read 2002) I decided to do the graphics myself. The book (initial
offering) was completed by the fifth week of January and prepared to be placed on Due to the abridged autobiography’s inclusiveness, the original website
was removed and replaced with the (incomplete) manuscript of the book.
At about this time, one confirmed contemplated plans regarding potential sales of the published version
of “Dinner at My House” “An Abridged Autobiography of the Years 1958 through 2013” by Barbara
Nikonoff. It should be noted for clarification purposes that one initially selected for the original posting
of the incomplete book in February 2012, a pen surname for privacy considerations and to exacerbate
the fact that most likely all individual’s surnames are false due to extremes of coveting launched against
“married couples” through the use of technology beginning in 1920. Later, and by 2013 the decision was
made to use one’s legal surname in presenting the completed book to prevent future confusion
regarding the authorship of this book. Profits received from the sale of the book will be designated for a
worldwide print media advertising campaign to hopefully educate as many people as possible, through
the reading of this book. The content of the proposed public service message campaign will invite
people to log onto to read “Dinner at My House” and hopefully place an
order for the published book. As I realized over the course of about a decade and one half, some people
do not share information so an advertising campaign to promote this book, would reach many of those
people left uninformed and ignorant. For those people who were assisted or helped through the reading
of the original website and/or this manuscript, (and one year later, completed book) the placing of an
order or orders for this book will be appreciated. Also, this book is in one’s opinion is a life saving book.
Through the purchase of this book, one will be helping others who will also be informed of the
important information contained in this book that perhaps, based on sales, will be translated into
several languages to help save others lives, through a worldwide media print advertising campaign
(likely accomplished through highway billboards). In addition, this book offers helpful advice to young
people establishing their homes for the first time (a great house warming gift). The book is also an
important addition to add to one’s own personal library. The purchase of this book will also aid in
eliminating eye strain due to the reading of the text on a computer screen online, which as most know,
emits dangerous radiation. So, there are several good reasons for purchasing this book provided that
one has the extra available funds to assist others and ones own self.
On Friday, February 10, the (incomplete) manuscript was posted on the internet by a website company.
I anticipated and expected preliminary orders to be placed over that weekend for an estimated July
delivery of the published book. Preliminary orders confirmed an individual’s intent on purchasing the
book through the providing of name, address, and contact information. No payment or deposit of
money was requested at this time. I was disappointed when no orders were received on Friday and
Saturday, February 10 and 11 and so I decided to check and test the preliminary order system
established by the website company by placing preliminary orders myself. No orders that I had tested
were arriving in the email established in my home computer designated for preliminary book orders.
Fearing that preliminary orders were lost, I telephoned and spoke with a representative of the website
company on Monday February 13 about this problem. The website company’s representative checked
the system and informed me of an error where orders were sent into the email address of the website
company. It was at this time that I was informed that no preliminary orders were posted in the website
company’s email for the intended purchase of this book. This error was promptly corrected and testing
confirmed that preliminary orders sent by purchasers would arrive at an email address established for
book orders to my home computer on February 13. More than nine weeks transpired where the official
published book was offered for sale. Incredulously, not one preliminary order was placed for the
published version of this manuscript on the worldwide internet. I then recognized that it strongly
appears that some people cannot earn an independent living or perhaps any living because potential
patrons of businesses are being prevented by evil forces in the society from purchasing the products and
services of some people living in this world (an obvious tyranny and occult situation). Perhaps another
reason for no orders procured is because I refuse to pray to “God” for materialistic requests (such as the
procuring of sales of a product) as I believe this to be indirectly stealing from people through a kind of
“mind control”. In a religious and moral society people decide for themselves regarding the purchases of
products and services. Also recognize that this was my second attempt to earn money to be largely used
for an educational campaign to assist in ending abortion and in restoring religious morality to the United
States and other countries around the world. Read 2002 for further information regarding the first
endeavor. These two situations that I have experienced I interpret for myself and others in like
situations, as indirectly stealing large sums of money from some or select groups of people who have
invested money, other wealth, and time in businesses and other job endeavors that were apparently
doomed to failure from the onset due to occult interference and attacks against some people by evil
doers. As a matter of fact, the above situations inspired and prompted me to reflect on other overt and
unusual financial circumstances that have occurred to spouse and I in the past that I now also believe (in
addition to the above) to be corruption in the form of stealing from some people for the purposes of
redirecting the stolen money to others who are perhaps asking or demanding of additional wealth
through possible requests to Satan or through requests made for additional wealth to evil doers in
positions of authority. For some examples, in the 1980’s, I completed and filed income tax returns for
our family. On one return in the second half of the 1980’s, I neglected to take a deduction of State
income tax paid, off of our federal return. I realized this mistake incurred to the advantage of the
Internal Revenue Service the following year, after making this error. No refund for this obvious error was
returned to us. Later, in the early 1990’s another small error was made on income tax to our advantage.
The Internal Revenue Service quickly notified and charged spouse and I for this error plus interest
charges. By 1993, spouse and I hired an accountant to complete our income tax returns which the
accountant does to this present day. Shortly after being attacked by evil in 1999, the Internal Revenue
Service charged spouse and me an exorbitant sum of money in 1999 apparently owed for back taxes
which under ordinary and normal circumstances, I would have challenged. Also, during the 1990’s,
spouse and I owned shares of stock in a major, conservative United States corporation. The price of
shares of stock in this corporation steadily increased and dividends were paid to shareholders. Suddenly,
abruptly, and unexpectedly the stock plummeted resulting in many shareholders including ourselves to
lose money invested. A short time later, the corporation reestablished itself in the same line of business
with a new name and new owners. One can attest to this personally as I was employed by one
corporation that was part of a large corporate park. The corporation in which spouse and I owned shares
also had offices contained in this corporate park of my employ. When the original company declared
bankruptcy, the new company assumed their office space, changed their name, repainted corporate
vans previously owned by the former corporation, and was involved in the same line of business as the
previous corporation. In retrospect, I believe the money invested by many people was redirected to
some people through a sanctioned form of stealing that also involves other immoralities lodged against
possibly objecting individuals to this system, and other corruption. Due to these kinds of apparent
corrupt circumstances, religious and moral people who follow and abide by The Ten Commandments
and avoid Capital Sins and Abominations may consider expressing concerns to God regarding perceived
wealth stolen from them. Some people may desire to ask God as judge, to have the perhaps stolen
wealth returned to them by those who stole the wealth, as part of serving justice. This request is likely
based on whether or not individuals were or currently are, asking or demanding of materialism which
also likely includes the requesting or demanding of certain job positions.
For granddaughter’s birthday, spouse and I desired to purchase a United States savings bond to be
hopefully used for granddaughter’s future needs as a young adult. Spouse was informed at the bank that
savings bonds could no longer be procured through United States banks as of December 2011 for this
circumstance and could only be purchased on the internet, with no paper bond issued to the recipient of
the bond. I was perturbed with this new system as many people who do not have internet service most
likely would no longer purchase savings bonds thus eliminating a substantial number of people who
might otherwise purchase these bonds for children or grandchildren for examples. Due to the above
fact, I have become suspicious of this apparent “low risk” investment because of the designed
elimination of some investors.
Spouse who barely and minimally attended dentists over the course of thirty years but still paid into a
group dental insurance plan at his jobs over the years, required to have somewhat extensive dental
restoration work accomplished on his teeth at this time. He was advised that insurance coverage for this
year’s extensive dental treatment would not be completely covered under the annual benefit thus
requiring spouse to postpone some dental treatment for next year. I stated to spouse that dental
insurance benefits should roll over from year to year if not used by the insured during some or many
In the autumn of 2011, daughter acquired a Quaker parrot through unusual circumstances. Daughter
and granddaughter were visiting at mother and father’s home. Granddaughter was playing outside in
the backyard when the Quaker parrot flew close to granddaughter and remained on a low branch of a
tree. Granddaughter ran inside of the house to report this “strange” bird to her mother and great
grandparents. Daughter hurried into the backyard and quickly captured this somewhat tame and leg
banded, tropical bird. Daughter contacted the authorities to inquire if this bird was reported missing by
its’ owner. No one in the area reported a “lost bird”. Daughter purchased a large cage and decided to
keep this bird as a pet. This bird has an impudent and somewhat nasty personality, attacks people and
nips and bites on occasion, which led me to believe that the previous owner may have purposely
released this pet bird into the chilly autumn climate. However, daughter and granddaughter believed
the bird to be humorous and frequently removed the bird from the cage. One day, spouse viewed the
bird sitting on granddaughter’s shoulder and relayed a story to her and daughter about a boy he once
knew who owned a parrot that he would invite at times to perch on his shoulder. During the last
invitation, the parrot removed the boy’s eye.
Daughter was moving from one residence to another and was in transition while her new residence was
undergoing repairs. During this repair process, daughter moved into our residence with some household
items some of which were stored in our dining room together with her small pets to include a hamster,
two parakeets, and a Quaker parrot. She also temporarily moved back into our home with her pet dog, a
Boston Terrier. One “privately” complained to spouse that we would now be caring for four dogs to
include our three dogs. Later that day and at about midnight, a family member informed me that our
Golden Retriever dog acquired in 2002 and nine years old, was found dead in a room in our home.
Arising from bed, one did not believe what I just heard but sure enough, our sweet tempered dog had
died with no indication of an illness (the dog had completely eaten dinner earlier that evening and no
pain was expressed). One was quite upset with this bizarre circumstance and believed this to be another
attack launched by evil against our family. Early the next morning, family members brought the dog’s
body to a local veterinarian for cremation.
During this spring and over the course of the past twenty five years or so, I viewed Canadian geese once
again flying above our home in a haphazard and disorganized way. Years ago and as a child, I always
viewed Canadian geese in this area, flying in a well defined V formation.
Beginning in the 1970’s, infant swings became a popular item to purchase for newborn and infant use. I
noted that when using this contraption for our children as infants, a few concerning side effects were
evident. One of our children appeared to be mesmerized and possibly hypnotized when placed in the
swaying swing. Our other child was terrorized by this device and so was not placed in this apparatus
after attempting a few trials. Granddaughter was never placed in an infant swing. Based on our family’s
experiences with the infant swing, I have hypothesized that perhaps the infant swing negatively affects
the sensitive and newly developing brains of infants. This hypothesis is worthwhile investigating by
concerned others. I was reminded to include this information after reading a recent disturbing
mainstream media story about an infant who was killed by the family dog while in an infant swing. It
should also be noted that some dogs become highly agitated by swings. Our dog who otherwise has a
good temperament with family members has tried to nip five year old granddaughter when she is using
an outdoor swing so therefore the dog is confined when granddaughter is using this playground
By the fourth week of April, most of the above text of February 10 through to the end of April was
emailed to and posted by the website company to inform others of the outcome of preliminary order
placements for the published book version of this manuscript. In December, one began the completion
of this manuscript.
During the course of the remainder of this year, my focus was on accomplishing necessary home repairs
and maintenance. The first project and most imperative was the installation of new sheetrock and tile
surrounding the bath tub area of the lavatory. Over the past fifteen years, water damages were
sustained to this area of our home due to what one considered to be the over use of the shower by
family members. Years ago and in the 1960’s, few people cleansed their bodies through showering.
Instead people bathed in the bathtub thus averting damages to the wall area surrounding the shower
and bathtub. The tradesmen hired, completed this work in one day, charged a reasonable price, and I
was satisfied with the workmanship. Later however, a modern dial like faucet installed created
aggravation as filling the bathtub required moving the dial controlled by a lever from hot to cold at
intervals to provide for an acceptable bath water temperature. At some point I plan to change this
“innovative” dial faucet back to a two knob, hot and cold system where the water temperatures are
combined upon exiting the faucet. Following the completion of this project, I installed a Styrofoam tile
onto interior hall ceilings that showed imperfections. This tile was light weight, easy to cut and install,
inexpensive, and resembled an old fashioned tin ceiling when painted. I also attached pennant lighting
to old and outdated “high hat” fixtures in the halls. This innovative lighting did not require any rewiring.
All that was necessary was to attach an electrical cord with a socket attachment from the old fixture to
the new that resulted in an attractive, quaint appearance to the hallways and blended well with the “tin
ceiling”. A tradesman was hired to attach molding between this ceiling and the walls which gave the
halls a more elegant appearance. His partner repaired sheetrock in the areas of the house that had
shown wear over the years where re-taping, spackling, and sanding was necessary. Through a discussion
with these men, it was revealed that a lack of union jobs in the construction industry prompted them to
seek independent work on their own. Later I stated to spouse that there is a need in our community and
likely other communities in this nation and world for new affordable housing that could maintain jobs
for a lengthy time for construction workers, and be of great benefit to many people. An idea for a
specific kind of affordable housing likely pleasing to most, especially single people, young couples with
perhaps one or two children, and the elderly is different than what is commonly offered and available
and is written below as follows:
Housing style: ranch built on a slab with no stairs to climb. Various options made available to people for
exterior siding to express a person’s individuality
Living area: modest sized to include a living room, dining room, comfortably sized kitchen with room to
seat four to six people, two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a laundry area
Land area: small, self manageable lot of property (for example 50 feet to 75 feet by 100 feet) with a level
fenced in backyard for children’s and pet’s safety and for privacy
Price: inexpensive in relation to other larger housing contained on bigger property lots in the area
It is also convenient and prudent to position the front entrance of the house closest to the driveway for
easier access when carrying into the house, groceries for one example. In conjunction with this
affordable housing development idea, one would like to offer architectural ideas to reduce wasted living
space within one’s home. Over the past years, one realized that two interior hallways leading to the
bedrooms consumed much potential living area within our home. Should another architectural design
been offered for construction workers to follow with a reduction of hallway space, spouse and I would
easily have had an additional room in our home. Perhaps then the living room could serve as a homes’
focal point with doors leading from the living room to bedrooms. The concept of a small hallway foyer at
the front entrance of the house is however desirable to probably many people because a foyer affords
privacy to most of the interior of a home. In other words, people who call for another at the front door
do not have a view of the living room or other areas of the home. In addition, one has found that having
a lavatory in one’s master bedroom to be annoying. Showers, baths, and various odors can aggravate a
spouse who is also in the room resting or sleeping. Also to provide for sound barriers from other rooms
within the home, one may consider installing insulation between the interior walls as well as the
exterior walls, at the time of the homes construction.
Another tradesman changed old and unreliable for light delivery, recessed lighting fixtures in the
kitchen. These were replaced with modern fixtures providing a “cleaner” appearance to the kitchen. The
tradesman also rewired a non functioning hanging tiffany style lamp that provides extra light to the
kitchen table. He also replaced other electrical outlets in the house that were no longer delivering
electricity to lamps and appliances. After completing this maintenance and improvements, I repainted
the kitchen, applied a new wall border and re-varnished the oak cabinets. Almost pleased with the new
appearance of the kitchen, I stated to spouse that a new countertop may be needed as the old
countertop clashed with the multicolored mosaic tiled wall behind the countertop. Realizing that a new
countertop would be of a considerable expense, I searched the internet for tile paint where it was
discovered that a waterproof tile, fiberglass, and porcelain paint did exist and was available for sale. The
paint was purchased and applied to the tile where I was most pleased with the result. In addition to the
above home projects, I repainted most of the rooms in the house with a fresh coat of paint.
The sunroom that was installed on a backyard deck in 2002 began to leak rain water inside the room
beginning in 2008 where the sunroom met and was joined to the house. Believing this to be a problem
with a seal, an employee of the sunroom company who constructed the room was hired to hopefully fix
this problem. The employee stated that there was a problem with the back roof and that a costly
reconstruction of the roof was necessary to fix this problem. One stated that the room only began
leaking in rain water in 2008, suggesting a cracking or problem with a seal between where the house
ended and the sunroom began. The employee insisted there was a problem with a back section of the
house roof but with my insistence of a seal problem, he apparently chalked the area between the roof
and the sunroom for a considerable amount of money. Shortly thereafter and during a rainstorm the
leaking was noted to be worse than before. Exacerbated, as I viewed puddles on the floor and furniture
leading to water stains on furnishings, I silently wondered what to do about this situation and worried
about the next rainstorm. Then, through what I believe to have been divine intervention, one was told
to retrieve from the garage a roll of heavy duty transparent plastic that was left here years ago by the
former owner of the property. Forgetting about this roll of plastic, one questioned where it was stored
or thought perhaps it was discarded. Checking in the garage, one was guided to the place where the roll
was indeed located. At that time, I realized how to temporarily fix this problem using a stapler. Where
the interior room met the house, the plastic was looped in half and stapled on either end of a fascia
board where the leaking was occurring and where the house met the room. This solved the problem as
rainwater was collected into this bag averting water dripping onto the floor and furnishings.
Aesthetically this plastic bag appeared terrible however the problem was solved until a more permanent
and inexpensive solution could be found. Discussing this situation with spouse, who was not interested
in a more permanent and attractive solution to the problem, I realized that an interior gutter would be
inexpensive and suitable however one did not know how to attach the gutter to the fascia board. Divine
information then stated to me that two lengths of gutter should be purchased and joined and sealed
together using waterproof silicon. Then through the use of hooks and chains the gutter could be
supported by the one inch in width fascia board. The procedure was to attach one hook to the inside of
the board and directly opposite another hook should be attached on the outside of the fascia board. The
chain was then to be wrapped around the gutter for the support of the gutter. Determining that about a
five hook and chain system would be required to support approximately a nineteen foot gutter, I
telephoned two gutter installation businesses to install this apparatus. After arriving at our home and
viewing the situation, both businesses told one that they could not do this simple solution to the
problem but instead offered other very expensive solutions. Not wishing to argue, I wondered why they
could not do what I asked. Discussing this with spouse, it was decided that I would try to install this
system myself. After about two years of draining water out of the bag system, finally and by this year, a
family member purchased two ten foot gutters, ten hooks, and five eighteen inch lengths of chains.
After promptly adjusting the measurement and joining these gutters together with silicon and attaching
one end cap with silicon on one side of the gutter, I attached the hooks to the fascia board. With
spouse’s assistance, the gutter was hoisted up where then the chains were looped around the gutter
and the links were attached to the hooks for supporting the gutter. The eighteen inch chains provided
for adjustment so the water would not spill out from the open end used for draining. After a few
rainstorms, spouse checked for an accumulation of water inside the gutter, but to our pleasant surprise
it was discovered that all the water dripping into the gutter had evaporated.
In the autumn, a chimney cleaning company was hired to clean out the flu of the fireplace and install a
cap over the outside chimney to prevent snow and ice from freezing the damper shut, making it
impossible to open during bitter cold weather. In the course of conversation with this tradesman, I
discovered that the fireplace style in our home was known as an English fireplace, a style commonly
constructed in the 1920’-1940’s. The way this fireplace is constructed yields much heat delivered to the
interior of one’s home. This revelation was significant to me because people of my acquaintance would
complain over the years that more heat escaped from their home when using their newer and more
modern fireplace. Perhaps the construction design of fireplaces should be revisited and investigated to
provide people with the best design for delivering and not removing heat from one’s home.
Also accomplished this autumn was the sealing of the outside driveway that was newly redone five years
earlier. Gravel contained in the blacktop was beginning to loosen so this sealing was necessary to
prevent damages to the asphalt. The business hired, did not collect payment after the completion of the
job, but rather sent a bill in the mail. This was a positive development because tradesmen, through my
experiences, usually expect to be paid immediately following the completion of a job, through the
course of a job, or sometimes even before the job was begun.
In May, one presented a catalog to daughter containing information on an excellent home school
Kindergarten curriculum that I volunteered to teach to granddaughter. The curriculum offered an
extensive and comprehensive number of books and other educational materials included for the child’s
use listed as, four mathematics books, six reading books based on the phonics method, six religion
books including a children’s Bible, two handwriting books, one science book and twenty nine science
lessons on DVD’s, five art books, and two music CD’s. Although daughter liked the home school
curriculum, she was concerned that granddaughter would become a loner and estranged from her peers
so daughter decided to enroll granddaughter in the public school. Until June of 2012, granddaughter had
only one immunization for Hepatitis B which was administered without permission granted by her
parents, shortly after her birth. To prepare for public school requirements daughter consulted with
granddaughter’s holistic oriented physician where special measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines
were ordered that did not contain cells derived from aborted human beings. Granddaughter was
vaccinated with this “three in one” immunization together with a polio vaccine in June. After beginning
school and in September, a telephone call was received by a school official stating that granddaughter
needed additional immunizations against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus
otherwise she could not attend school. Daughter objected to immunizing granddaughter within just
three months of receiving four vaccines. A school district official then contacted daughter’s job and
spoke to her job supervisor about this circumstance but the supervisor remarked to daughter that
granddaughter’s immunizations were not of his concern. Apparently after feeling further pressured,
daughter had granddaughter immunized with the above vaccines. About a week after receiving these
vaccines, granddaughter contracted the mumps. I was horrified and disgusted when one viewed
granddaughter’s swollen neck. I spoke to a school official about this matter when one was told that this
bout of mumps was not due to ten vaccines being administered too closely together but rather due to
an unusual “wild” mumps strain. Through discussion and the examination of granddaughter’s school
photograph, it became known to me that there were five boys and ten girls in her Kindergarten class.
Questioning daughter on this gender anomaly I discovered that the other Kindergarten class in the
school also contained five boys and ten girls. Thinking that perhaps this skewed two girls to one boy
ratio was confined to this area, I decided not to give this odd circumstance not much further thought but
stated to family that a normal gender distribution in a general classroom should be about an even
number of boys and girls in any grade level. As school progressed, granddaughter informed me of a
game played in school called “Poison Rope”. I asked her to explain this game to me when it was stated
that if the rope used in the game touched a Kindergartner, the child was “dead” and out of the game. I
stated to spouse whatever happened to the game “Duck, Duck, Goose” that was played when I attended
On Thanksgiving Day while preparing our meal, I asked granddaughter for the reasons of this
celebration. She stated to me that we celebrate Thanksgiving “to give thanks to the Indians for helping
the Pilgrims”. I promptly corrected her and stated that we give thanks to God for inspiring the Indians to
help the Pilgrims and give thanks to God for bestowing His daily blessings on us. Later that day, I
received an email from a Christian ministry that discussed the true story of the first Thanksgiving that
one was also left unaware of throughout my years of schooling. The story discussed a Paxuxets Indian
from what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts named Squanto who was sold into slavery prior to the
Pilgrims arriving in Plymouth. Squanto was brought to a slave trading port in Malaga Spain where he was
rescued by Christian friars. The friars instructed him in the Christian faith prior to him joining with an
Englishman travelling to London. In London, Squanto lived with a wealthy merchant where he learned to
speak the English language. Later, Squanto joined a ships’ crew led by Captain Dermer who sailed to
New England and dropped Squanto off in Plymouth. Shortly thereafter, the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth
sailing from Holland aboard an English ship. It is important also to note that the Pilgrims were not
leaving Holland to escape religious persecution as stated in many school textbooks. The Pilgrims had
already escaped religious persecution by leaving England to live in Holland. The reason they left Holland
was to escape the decadent society that they realized their children were becoming immersed in. So,
the Pilgrims left Holland to protect their children from the immoral influences of that society which were
occurring at that time.
To assist in hopefully changing the public school Thanksgiving Day curriculum, the following note
together with the email sent to me by the Christian ministry containing the true Thanksgiving Day story
were sent in November to the United States Secretary of Education, the New York State Commissioner
of Education, the local superintendent of schools, and the principal of granddaughter’s elementary
Dear Educators:
Enclosed is the true story of the first Thanksgiving Day, which teachers throughout the nation may want
to consider in incorporating into the current public school Thanksgiving Day curriculum.
It has been brought to my attention that the reason for celebrating Thanksgiving Day according to
current school curriculum, is that it is a day to give “thanks”. When questioning a public school student
on whom do we give thanks to on Thanksgiving Day, the reply was that “we give thanks to the Indians
for helping the Pilgrims”. As one can understand through the reading of the attached story, the above
answer is grossly incomplete and bordering on erroneous. In the past, public school Thanksgiving Day
curriculum concluded with that we give thanks to God for inspiring the American Indians to help the
Pilgrims and we thank God for His blessings bestowed on us in our own lives. For further understanding,
one can gain additional insight and enlightenment through the reading of the enclosed true
Thanksgiving Day story. This being that one American Indian “hero” Squanto who was instrumental in
helping the Pilgrims was instructed by Christian friars in Europe in Bible study and Bible interpretation
years prior to helping the Pilgrims in Plymouth.
Please consider adding a more thorough explanation for the reason of the celebration of Thanksgiving
into school instruction. It is time that God be brought back into the public school curriculum.
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
Beginning in 1999, the intensity and frequency of storms considerably increased in the area of our
residence. Even thunderstorms and other typical rainstorms resulted in high winds and torrential
downpours. At our home a section of a neighbor’s driveway washed out onto our property resulting in
much asphalt and gravel deposited in the backyard. Other thunderstorms and hurricanes resulted in
large limbs breaking from trees and/or fallen trees and power outages. Needless to say, the yard
cleanup from these storms accomplished by myself and occasionally son was arduous, laborious,
strenuous, and all too frequent. After a hurricane in 2011 and due to the flooding of this storm, I
decided to purchase a small gasoline powered generator to supply power to basement sump pumps and
possibly the refrigerators. On October 29, 2011 an unusual early snow storm dropped several inches of
snow resulting in many fallen trees due to the accumulation of a heavy wet snow on trees that were still
bearing leaves. On October 29, 2012 a severe unusual hurricane struck the area depositing only about
one quarter of an inch of rain but contained within its’ system extremely high winds. At about midnight,
this storm was most harsh, snapping live hardwood trees at their base like thin twigs. This night I
witnessed from a window one large tree on our property fall against another tree but its’ long large
branches still hit a transformer attached to a telephone pole on the property that resulted in a power
outage. In the morning, son and I surveyed the property (spouse was away on a business trip and due to
airport congestion could not secure a flight home) for damages, to discover the large limbs of a tree
blocking the entrance of our driveway. A third large tree was uprooted and fell with its’ fork wedged
against another tree. Son and I removed the large limbs of the tree that had fallen across the driveway
by using a dull electric chain saw connected to the gasoline powered generator and a reliable hand saw.
Our family was without electrical power for about one week relying on the fireplace and oven that does
not have an electronic ignition for heating, and candles and flashlights for light. The generator was
disconnected from the refrigerators due to a sputtering of the generator, where the appliances were
shutting on and off too frequently leading to a concern that damages to the appliances would occur. So
the food contained in the refrigerators was moved outside to a table located on the deck connected to
the house to provide for a cooler temperature. Later, a squirrel discovered this food and was caught
helping himself to a small bounty. Exasperated, one then decided to discard most of the food. The storm
created much devastation throughout the area especially to coastal communities where tide levels rose
to destroy entire neighborhoods. I could not help but wonder if evil was somehow responsible for this
storm. As many know, Stalin commanded Russians to pray to “God” to ask for an early snowstorm that
did indeed arrive to prevent a Nazi invasion during World War II. Be reminded that God relinquishes His
authority to Satan in an evil and immoral society. One may also believe that Satan has been in authority
during the past twenty five years or more through the historical examination of frequent natural
disasters and commercial airplane crashes occurring during this approximate time period. One has
thankfully but cautiously noted during the past three years, a tapering off of these great calamities likely
due to the people recognizing the one true God and thus have become more religious through the
following of The Ten Commandments, avoidance of Capital Sins and Abominations. This change in
behavior also results in evil doers in positions of authority being deposed from those positions, to be
replaced by religious and moral people, resulting in good changes for all people. In any case, one is
hoping for, but not praying for an uneventful and calm October 29, 2013.
In 1977, the United States Senate conducted hearings into the mind controlling of people to also include
the inflictions of hallucinations on people. The name assigned to this program is called MKULTRA.
Twenty thousand surviving documents (many documents were destroyed prior to the hearing) were
reviewed where it was learned that people were being controlled by other persons’ directions. The
control was apparently based on the subject’s exposure to chemical, biological, and radiological agents.
One believes that psychological factors can also lead to mind control and the creation of hallucinations
by evil doers launched against others. These psychological factors include but are not limited to
overexposure to violence, abortion, pornography, subliminal messages in media meant to brainwash,
stressful life situations, and the believing of lies for several examples. When people are deprived of a
religious education to include the necessity to follow The Ten Commandments, avoid Capital Sins and
Abominations the people are highly susceptible in an evil society to becoming first brainwashed and
then mind controlled. Some people who have recognized this evil have also become subjected to
tyranny situations for perhaps not obeying orders by the evil doers who are delivering messages to them
as individuals or as members of a group. It is one’s opinion that some of these mind controlled
individuals are also used by evil to varying degrees to attack religious and moral people and their
families who are fighting against and exposing evil. For an example and at an extreme level, this year a
young man dressed as a character in a movie showing at a theater shot and killed twelve people and
wounded fifty eight others in the State of Colorado. It has been suggested that this described intelligent
doctoral graduate student was swiftly mind controlled due to his father being involved in an
investigation to expose “the largest bank fraud scandal in world history”. As of this writing more
information concerning this matter is available in an article titled “Batman Massacre: Why, and How,
and Who” found on the internet at . So, and to reiterate, the United States
Senate through the holding of these hearings gave credibility to the established mind control programs
that included punishments inflicted on the victims by Satan if the victim does not do as told, launched by
evil doers against the people of the United States and World. The implications for this type of diabolical
“warfare” are great for all people. To reiterate once again, all people should think carefully about the
potential outcomes of mind control programs and the effects of these on the world population of
people. One concern and question of mine regarding this treachery is are women being forced into
promiscuity and then forced into aborting their child due to Satanic mind control with torture inflicted
on the women if they do not obey so evil doers can gain more wealth, power, and control over others.
And are women who are not promiscuous being forced through mind control to abort their unborn
children for the same above reasons? Perhaps the elimination of abortion to include abortifacient birth
control drugs and laboratory abortions would end the mind control of people. Once again to protect
oneself and family from this extreme evil, refuse to “think, say, and do what is wrong”, abide by The Ten
Commandments, avoid Capital Sins and Abominations and pray earnestly to God.
In December, another youth and a reported former honor student was Satanically inspired to first
murder his mother, and then to enter the local elementary school where he murdered twenty, six and
seven year old children in a first grade classroom and six other adults to include teachers and other
school officials before turning the gun on himself, committing suicide. This tragedy was especially
devastating and disturbing to me not only because so many innocent lives were taken in an innocuous
typical setting but also because spouse, daughter, son, and I had visited the town where the massacre
occurred in the early 1990’s where we considered buying a house and moving to that area of
Connecticut. Spouse was employed in that State at the time requiring a lengthy commute from our
home in New York. The most affordable area closest to his job was Newtown and so we sought perhaps
to purchase a home in that area. This typical New England “Currier and Ives” type of town was
remembered as quiet, quaint, and picturesque. During our drive through a downtown area I noted many
people ice skating on a pond. Sandy Hook is an area or hamlet within Newtown, that was comprised at
that time of older modest sized houses where many people were seen walking in neighborhoods. Other
areas of Newtown contained neighborhoods of newly built large homes and mansions. No people were
seen walking outdoors in these neighborhoods. Later, one noted the same phenomena in other like
neighborhoods scattered throughout the nation containing large homes and mansions. Viewing the
Sandy Hook Elementary school, I remarked to spouse and to our children that the school closely
resembled daughter and son’s elementary school in our community both of which were constructed in
the 1950’s architectural school style of the times. We decided to postpone the idea of moving to
Newtown when it was discovered through a realtor that water to fill a swimming pool had to be
delivered by truck so as not to drain wells in the area. Since this area was not particularly dry, I thought
this town requirement to be inconvenient and odd. Shortly thereafter, spouse was asked by his
employer to relocate to South Florida.
After receiving the December 31, 2012 issue of “People” magazine reporting on the story of the
Newtown tragedy and the individuals murdered, one realized that there were seven boys and thirteen
girls in this first grade class counting the one girl who survived the shooting by lying still among her dead
classmates. One then realized through this Sandy Hook tragedy that there was closely a two girls to one
boy ratio in this general classroom as well. This skewed gender ratio is not normal and should be
investigated for future population considerations if this is becoming the norm throughout the nation
and possibly the world.
Following the Newtown tragedy, many people purchased guns for perceived protection purposes. The
federal government then quickly reacted to this surge of gun purchases by approving legislation to
restrict and in some cases prohibit gun ownership based on some background checks of individuals
applying to own this type of weapon. Various interest groups fought this legislation by citing the United
States Constitution where it is stated that citizens have a right to bear arms. One thought that the right
to life is also stated in the Constitution, but has been disregarded, ignored, and not enforced for at least
fifty years leading one to believe that this important document is irrelevant in today’s evil society. It is
important to note however, that both the right to life and the right to bear arms are ambiguous in the
context that these “rights” were written in the United States Constitution. Note that the right to life
shown in Amendment XIV, line 2 states that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge
the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” The clause “without due process of law” could
mean that if the law changes which it has, then others could have the right to murder other human
beings in defiance of God’s Law that states Thou shall not kill. Regarding the “right” to bear arms, Article
II (Amendment II) states “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The clause “A well-regulated militia”
could result in the government completely regulating this “right to bear arms” by only permitting a few
select people to own arms. The obvious solution to eliminate increasing violence and immorality in the
society, is to restore the nation to a religious and moral foundation which is based on biblical morality
that at its’ very core stresses the necessity that people abide by The Ten Commandments, avoid Capital
Sins, and Abominations. Read the Commentaries shown at the end of this book for possible solutions to
Throughout this year and the end of the prior year, a family member was given the use of spouses’
automobile. The family member continued to drive through highway tolls resulting in extraordinary fines
levied and sent to spouse as owner of the vehicle. When questioning the family member on why the
tolls were not being paid, the retort was that the family member “did not know”. One stated to spouse
after receiving several of these bills not to allow the family member the use of his car any longer but for
some reason spouse appeared to be compelled to continue to allow the family member use of his
automobile. Believing this absurd situation to be further attacks by evil against our family, the following
note with copies of the many numerous toll violations were sent in November to two highway
commissioners and the United States Transportation secretary.
Enclosed is a package of toll violations totaling $1893.70 for actual tolls totaling $43.40, that (Spouse)
and Barbara Nikonoff residing at (our home address was written), have paid since September of 2011 to
the present date.
A family member was given use of our automobile and had the funds to pay for these tolls but for
reasons unknown to us did not pay these tolls leaving Barbara and (Spouse) Nikonoff responsible for
these payments.
I have several questions as follows to ask and would appreciate a written response to these by the New
Jersey Department of Transportation.
Does it seem odd that some people continue to pass through tolls without paying even though they
have the money to pay for the toll?
Why are some toll violators charged for just the unpaid toll, while other toll violators are charged the toll
plus an extraordinary penalty?
Are some people being targeted by evil doers not to pay the toll, perhaps as a way of attacking the
owner of the vehicle, if the vehicle is driven by another, who is not the owner of the vehicle?
Why are the owners of vehicles charged for toll violations when someone else other than the owner is
driving the vehicle?
Why are the penalties exorbitantly high in relation to the actual toll charge?
Are Barbara and (Spouse) Nikonoff due a refund?
Yours truly,
Barbara Nikonoff
Two years ago and for Easter, a female short haired rabbit was acquired for granddaughter. The rabbit is
quite tame and although housed in a hutch outside is at times permitted to roam in a room in our home
for granddaughter’s enjoyment. Last year, another long haired male dwarf rabbit was purchased to
enjoy as a pet and to possibly breed with the female rabbit for an educational experience for
granddaughter. In the late spring, the rabbits briefly were put together by me in an exercise pen
separated with half inch wire mesh screening when granddaughter was not at our home. This resulted in
a July birth of three identical long haired dwarf rabbits. Granddaughter enjoyed playing with the rabbits
and their kits but at six weeks old it was time to find homes for these small pets. A sign was erected on
our property facing the busy roadway in front of our home which advertised the kit long haired rabbits
for sale for $10. No one purchased a rabbit, much to my chagrin. Concerned about possibly having to
care for five rabbits, I was relieved when a local pet store offered to find homes for these creatures.
Within a day or two after giving the rabbit kits to the pet store, one noticed that the mother rabbit was
once again pulling out her fur to build a nest. Concerned that perhaps she was psychologically
traumatized when her kits were removed, one checked on the internet regarding this behavior of a “non
pregnant” rabbit. It was discovered that rabbits do suffer from psychological problems and so I believed
that she was upset when the kits were taken from her. A day later however, six newly born rabbit kits
were discovered in the hutch. In disbelief on how this could have happened, I questioned family
members on perhaps one of them playing a role in putting the rabbits together. All family members
denied a role in this possible mischief. Wondering if perhaps the rabbits bred through the wire mesh
screen dividing the exercise pen, I telephoned a local veterinarian who stated to me that it is unlikely but
possible that the rabbits mated through the screen. So once again, after six weeks one erected the sign
to sell these attractive all long haired dwarf rabbit kits for $10. No one stopped to view or purchase
these rabbits. I jokingly remarked to spouse that in this evil society one could not even sell inexpensive
and attractive rabbits if one disagrees with societal immoralities. Daughter decided to keep one rabbit
from this brood to house at her home and I kept one female for mother’s company and gratefully
another pet store in the area offered to find homes for the remainder of these small pets. After this
incident, a double barrier system was constructed in the rabbits exercise pen.
One viewed a disturbing and horrifying documentary on “China’s dying rooms” where babies that are
abandoned by their parents perhaps due to China’s one child policy, are brought likely to die. In this
orphanage toddlers were shown tied to chairs where they sat and cried most of the day in filthy
conditions. Other younger infants were depicted in cribs lying in their excrement, some crying and some
in a dazed state. It appears that once a child is born, the Chinese do not murder the born baby due to
violations of the one child policy but instead allow Satan through his agents to kill the child gradually.
Less extreme and less obvious are situations occurring in the United States which can also result in the
torturous deaths of children where evil agents combined with the complicity of parents are destroying
babies and children. For some examples, the administration of too many vaccines resulting in possible
damages to the brain and other organs, dangerous drugs administered to children such as Ritilin,
psychologically damaging media, false school curriculum, damaging advice given by professionals, evil
toys and amusements, poor nutrition, and exposures to poisons and dangerous procedures all
contribute to the demise of children in the United States and elsewhere.
In early October, it was time to renew the website domain name One
renewed the website for a ten year time period to expire in 2022 however, and at this time I thought it
would be important to future generations to view this website. Perhaps a fund could be established by
the website owner and a website company offering this service, that guarantees that a website domain
name with hosting will remain on the internet for a hundred years or longer.
Prior to departing for an appointment in a nearby town, spouse gathered coins to place inside one of the
parking meters, which were located and installed in this town’s downtown area. After arriving home,
spouse stated to me that the town had removed the parking meters in the area where he parked the car
but still a parking ticket was placed on the windshield of the vehicle. One inquired as to why this ticket
was issued as there was no parking meter where spouse had parked the car. The reply from a town
official advised me of the installation of “muni-meters” that are located somewhere within fifty feet of
available parking areas. I stated to spouse that one now needs to search within fifty feet of one’s parked
car for a possible “muni-meter” to avoid receiving a parking ticket.
Early in the year, a family member sought out and attended a remedy organization to assist with a
chronic problem. The family member had private medical insurance with a major medical insurance
company which was underwritten through a corporate group plan. The plan spouse selected and where
partial premiums were paid by us, was for eighty five percent coverage of medical costs by the plan after
a deductible was satisfied. Over a seventh month time frame billing statements were received where it
was shown that most of the charges were denied payment by the insurance company. The remedy
organization demanded from us what they called the fifteen percent co-pay. After reviewing the
insurance statements one realized that our obligation was for about sixty five percent of the charges.
After much exasperating inquiry with the insurance company through telephone and written
correspondence, it was discovered that the remedy organization was not billing the insurance company
correctly. This was finally revealed about nine months after the family member began treatment. The
insurance company then informed one that after a six month time period, the claim will no longer be
paid by them thus leaving the patient possibly responsible for the bill (this may also depend upon who
you are). I stated to spouse through this experience that patients were seemingly being held responsible
for how a remedy organization processes the billing to the insurance company. In early 2013, another
“explanation of benefits” was received by the insurance company that denied payment of a claim. I
contacted the physician’s office immediately about this matter as the remedy organization through
which one received the bill, was selected through the physician. The physician’s office worker instructed
one to disregard this statement because there was a problem with the method on how the billing was
processed by the recommended remedy organization. Based on the previous experience, I stated to the
office worker that if the bill is not paid by the insurance company within six months, the patient could be
held responsible for the charges so it is imperative that the charges be billed correctly to the insurance
company. One also recognized at this time that medical insurance companies have contractual
agreements with remedy organizations where less money is paid and accepted under a contact. For
individuals paying their own medical costs their charges are substantially higher. As one can realize, this
is a corrupt system.
While reviewing the costs of medication prescribed to a family member who is insured under an
apparent greatly reduced price prescription drug group plan, one realized that privately purchasing
these medications from a wholesale prescription drug outlet would cost one less money. One then
telephoned the corporate administrator of the group plan with this information. After much discussion
regarding comparisons of costs of various drugs, it was finally revealed to me that one was charged
more because of the way the prescriptions were written. Through this conversation, one discovered that
a ninety day supply of medications costs considerably less than a thirty day supply.
This year one discovered a booklet published in 2008 by a large and renowned charitable organization
on the “proper” care of an infant. The booklet was printed to be freely distributed to new mothers who
more than likely were low income because this booklet was free of charge and was printed by a
charitable group. After reading through this booklet that was written in a condescending and abrasive
way, one recognized that some instruction was detrimental to newborns and other imperative
instruction was not included in the booklet. For examples, in a section on feeding the infant, no mention
was written about heating the formula to body temperature prior to feeding the newborn. After feeding
the infant, the recommendation was to wash the bottle with hot, soapy water. Newborns bottles should
be sterilized to prevent illness. Other instruction stated to swab the umbilical area with rubbing alcohol
to prevent infection. An antibiotic ointment applied to this area after cleaning the area with soap and
water would likely be less painful than alcohol and serve the same purpose. The booklet stated that
infants can be bathed in a bath after their umbilical cord dries and dislodges from the naval area. Realize
that many infants become traumatized and anxious by bathing in a shallow tub of water. This trauma
could result in an illness related to the central nervous system or possibly even SIDS (sudden infant
death syndrome). Read 2007 regarding our experience with granddaughter bathed in a shallow bath at
two weeks old. It is prudent therefore to sponge bathe the infant until three months old. The booklet
promoted the use of a rectal thermometer to ascertain the infant’s body temperature but advised
parents not to insert the thermometer too deep. A less invasive and accurate way to obtain an infant’s
body temperature is through the use of a digital ear thermometer. For an illness with symptoms of
congestion, the booklet stated that parents should insert saline drops into the infant’s nose. These drops
irritate the sensitive membranes within the nostrils that could cause further infection. A cool mist
humidifier was advised to be used to alleviate congestion. Cool mist humidifiers dampen the
environment perhaps resulting in the chilling of the ill infant. A hot mist humidifier is the logical choice
for this circumstance. The booklet also instructed parents to use a nail clipper to trim infant’s nails which
could result in cuts to the baby’s fingers. One recommends using an emery board to trim a newborn’s
One was dismayed to learn that two States in the United States approved the use of marijuana, a
substance that was formally classified as a narcotic and an illegal substance. Years ago in the 1960’s and
the early 1970’s, it was taught in the schools that marijuana contains a substance known as THC
(tetrahydrocannabinol) that causes genetic and chromosome damages to the human body which can
result in organ damages including brain damages. Marijuana use also increases the risk of birth defects
in the future children of the users of this substance. The above instruction prevented me from becoming
involved in the use of this narcotic. Also, due to this approval of a narcotic substance by two States in
the United States together with other like prescription drugs written and prescribed by remedy
specialists, one wonders about the possible recourse of those who have been imprisoned due to
engagements in this narcotic and other similar narcotics.
Frequently, spouse would bring granddaughter to local area playgrounds for an outing. On one occasion,
granddaughter reported to me that she saved a baby from possibly being hit by a car because the
toddler wandered far away from the parent and was exiting the fenced playground through a gate.
Granddaughter viewing this scene quickly retrieved the young child and alerted adults in the area to this
circumstance. Also occasionally reported were young children that wandered freely in front of and
behind children using swings and slides resulting at times in injuries to the toddlers. The above are
merely two examples of adults not minding or carefully watching their children or the children they are
responsible to care for. Instead parents and other adults are seen mesmerized by a cellular phone or
engaged in conversation with other adults.
A story was reported in the media about a high school student and her parents who objected to global
positioning devices installed in students’ identification badges. The parents litigated against the school
district due to this requirement stating that the global positioning device installed within the student
identification badge was an invasion of personal privacy. One agreed with the position of the student
and her parents however at the same time realized the current widespread use of these devices. For
example, all passports contain a global positioning device (radio frequency identification/RFID chip).
Later and by 2013, it was reported that the judge ruled against the student and her parents.
Retrospective: As no preliminary orders were placed for the incomplete book, one continued writing
until May 2013 to offer the completed version to the public freely or for purchase. Instead of helping to
rectify immoral situations in the society, many people find individual temporary solutions and answers
to ever increasing problems. For example some people purchased large natural gas home conversion
units after the devastating October hurricane to provide for the ease of unlimited power to their home
during increasing frequent power outages. Based on the current situations of narcotic approvals by
government is it just to imprison some people for narcotic use?
Historical Accounts 2012: 79
Encyclopedia Britannica on March 13 suspends the printing of these books for the first time in 244 years
of publication.
The Large Hadron Collider has apparently made it possible for scientists to discover the elusive Higgs
Boson on July 4.
Multi millions of people are affected by a power outage in India occurring on July 30-31.
A typhoon in the Philippines kills more than one thousand people between the dates of November 25December 9.
Remarks: More than six hundred and twenty million people are left without electricity due to a collapse
of a power grid. Hopefully solar power and other independent sources of energy can avert disasters like
this one in the future.
In contemplating perceived reasons as to why I was chosen as a messenger to exacerbate the dire need
for the people to return to following The Ten Commandments and to avoid Capital Sins and
Abominations, one initially believed me to be most unqualified due to a lack of education and almost
complete ignorance in the disciplines of theology and history. Incredulously and in disbelief that
gargantuan national and world problems would be a responsibility of mine to relay important life saving
information to the people, I struggled and desperately sought out sources of information that could
assist me in this monumental endeavor. Thankfully and likely due to God’s guidance, relevant history
books were discovered through advertising at an apparent independent website news source. These
books are included together with other books discovered from other sources in the bibliography. I
surmised that through a progression of information provided to the people that the helm of this massive
project would probably be assumed by other more qualified individuals. Later, and by 2012 one realized
that a tyrannical mind control likely gripped the entire population of world people because no positive
moral changes were occurring and some or many people were being increasingly subjugated and
enslaved by evil which has been proven through verifiable evidence that has been presented throughout
this book. Also and in some cases more immoralities were being approved by governments and read
about in the news. Recognize that God does have mercy when people take responsibility and repent for
their transgressions (many of which were due to programs of a designed lack of education,
ensnarement, lies that some believed as truths, coercion, and persecution for not agreeing with evil
which eventually resulted in some people agreeing with evil) and return to the adhering of the Laws and
expectations of the one true God. Hopefully and prayerfully people are able to assume this responsibility
to change their immoral behavior and repent.
One also wondered why the Catholic Church would be possibly complicit in relying on me to assist in
correcting severe major world problems which I determined was not coincidental based on the names of
the Popes beginning one day prior to my birth and other pertinent related information. Read the
Introduction regarding this matter. Thinking about this more carefully, one then thought that perhaps
the Illuminati occult played a part in the selection of Popes names during these years as a way to
perhaps eventually incite the people to blame and attack the Catholic Church for assigning an ignorant,
albeit dedicated individual to significantly assist in restoring religious morality to the world through the
delivery of truthful messages, should these messages somehow and someway be capable of being
delivered. Believing that many other people, The Prophets and even Jesus Christ Himself had a more
extensive religious education prior to beginning their ministries than I, it seemed unlikely that the
Catholic Church would choose me for such a complex, extensive, and difficult job.
Also, logically and innocently, if a message is being delivered about the next Popes’ name, the Papal
conclave’s elect for Pope certainly would select the name of the next Pope that is being delivered to him
by God which is likely based on the historical times that is perhaps occasionally relevant to New
Testament doctrine among other factors. This acceptance of a name most likely became more difficult
when two names were chosen by the Pope elect which was unprecedented beginning in 1978 with Pope
John Paul I. Perhaps Pope John Paul I, questioned these dual names in 1978 and then realized together
with some others, that The Church itself was under a tyrannical situation perhaps and because most all
of the Western World and Asia had accepted abortion for one example as a government approved
policy, thereby making abortion “permissible and approved” for those people residing in these societies
to accept, engage in, and support as followers of laws of rogue governments and those few who have
assumed control of these governments and the economic world and subsequently of most all aspects of
the societies. Also, and equally relevant is that most all societies and countries in the world approved
abortifacient birth control drugs and devices that end the life of a human being by 1978 and laboratories
involved in various endeavors were also contributing to the demise of conceived human beings at this
time as well. Thus, and hypothetically due to duress, The Church may have reluctantly accepted the dual
names of two Popes.
In addition, and as many people know, the occult Illuminati to include Masons, Freemasons,
Communists, Nazis, Zionists, Scientologists, Raelists, Kabbalists, and Shriners, and other like
organizations are diabolical, deceptive, manipulative, clever, and tricky sects and all of the above violate
The Ten Commandments and are involved in Capital Sins and Abominations . These organizations and
groups consider the Catholic Church to be among their biggest adversary and so a goal of these occult
groups is to destroy the Catholic Church through by one means, the changing of public opinion from a
positive view of The Church to a negative view of The Church. This long standing goal and mission of the
Illuminati to destroy the Catholic Church is written about somewhat extensively in the book “The
Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled” shown in the bibliography section of this book. Be advised when
reading this book however, that there are several pages in the book that discuss Illuminati practices. The
reader may desire to refrain from reading this section of the book to protect oneself from evil
influences. So, whether or not I was selected prior to my birth by the Catholic Church or the Illuminati to
complete this writing is irrelevant to me as I believe that the one, true God has intervened and assisted
me in the delivery of important life saving messages to the world population of people.
I began to recognize that some people require immediate or future reciprocal help or assistance from
those who were given the help. For example a common mentality today is for one to state that because
I have helped someone without monetary compensation, I expect that person to help me in return
when I need assistance. As one can realize by this statement, assistance is rarely freely offered in an
immoral society and is based on compensation and not free help. It should be noted that some people
who require help cannot reciprocate the helper for that help at the time the help is given, or ever. In a
moral and religious society, people freely help others with no expectation of reciprocity. If a person who
freely helps others requires help, then God provides another person to help that individual under
ordinary circumstances. A short story comes to mind regarding this religious philosophy. One day in the
early 1980’s a tire deflated on my vehicle while driving requiring me to move to the shoulder of a
roadway where I anxiously sat and wondered what to do as I did not know how to change a tire and
cellular phones did not exist for most at that time. An unknown “good Samaritan” stopped his vehicle to
lend assistance in changing this tire for me with no monetary or other compensation expected. I was
grateful to this person who perhaps through a religious education was inspired to help me and I thought
about how I could help another individual or people in need of assistance in the future.
Throughout the past thirty years, one became increasingly aware of corruption and stealing occurring
within charitable organizations. Money donated to disaster relief organizations has been documented to
have been stolen by some individuals employed by various charities. In other cases, presidents and
other executives employed by charities have been shown to be receiving exorbitant salaries consistent
with chief executive officers and presidents of worldwide corporations. Some charities deceive
contributors by not revealing to them the percentage of the donation that will actually be used to assist
those in need. In some situations five percent or less of the donation is used to help the afflicted while
the larger portion of the donation is used to pay the salaries of the solicitors and other salary and
administrative costs. Religious groups have also violated and compromised their teachings, through
volunteering to campaign for funds to assist renowned charitable organizations, who for example help
the ill or impoverished but support abortion policies. Thoroughly researching a charity’s ethics regarding
their adherence or non adherence to The Ten Commandments would likely eliminate biblically based
religious groups from becoming involved in the solicitation of funds for a rogue charity. Another scheme
read about, discussed a large corporate foundation that supports abortion policies who donated a large
sum of money to a biblically based religious charity. This large donation given to the religious charity
was then publicized by the corporate foundation to the people who were receiving the assistance from
the religious charity. So, the people receiving the assistance were grateful to the religious charity as well
as the corporate foundation that provided the money to the religious charity for disbursement to the
poor and impoverished. Later it became known that the corporate foundation that indirectly helped the
above group was now promoting abortion to the same group of people previously assisted by them,
through their publically known indirect donations to a religious charity who disbursed the funds.
Hopefully, through extensive educational programs delivered to the needy, the people will reject these
types of deceptive and manipulative practices of some large “philanthropic” groups.
A disturbing news story viewed depicted a woman residing in a rural area of India who engaged in the
infanticides of several of her daughters through suffocation after their births. The woman appeared to
be smiling in an insane way as she showed the reporter the infants’ graves. On the other hand, another
story read discussed a mass sterilization camp in India where women undergo tubal ligation procedures
in an abusive way. Shortly after obtaining sterilizations, the women are released into a field to find their
way home. The work of evil is apparent in both the above reports because foreign aid money received
through the World Bank and other organizations by some people in India is dependent on many women
in India obtaining sterilizations, abortions, and likely also received through the practices of infanticides.
So it is plain to understand that as more women and their spouses agree to participate in infanticides
and sterilizations, a few people gain more wealth, gain more control, and become more powerful over
the vast majority of people through tyranny situations that once again, are largely created by the above
factors to also include abortion. A return to the adherence of The Ten Commandments, avoidance of
Capital Sins, and Abominations would eliminate the brutality inflicted on many others by evil doers.
More information regarding these “camps” and the financiers of the above program can be found on
the internet in an article titled “Who’s Behind India’s Barbaric Mega Sterilization Camps” by Celeste
An elderly ill man known to me was asked to vacate a nursing home that was providing him with care,
apparently because his medical insurance had expired for this care. Because the man was a veteran of
the armed forces, he was entitled to free care at a veteran’s facility. Upon inquiry into this benefit it was
discovered that no beds were available for him in this area of veterans’ homes. Discussing this problem
with a family member, the family member remarked that more veteran’s homes should be built to serve
ill and recuperating previous members of the military. Annoyed with this situation, I stated that what
should be done is not done and what should not be done is done. To support this statement one cited a
large shopping mall in the area of my current residence that was newly renovated with expensive
additions and new and lavish remodeling in the 1980’s that was currently in the process of being torn
down to build another shopping mall.
Another disturbing action of waste written about in the local newspaper was a story about a large
complex of solid brick apartment buildings that house low income and welfare recipients that has been
scheduled to be torn down to build a new apartment complex to serve the above groups need for
decent housing. To offer an alternative to the above demolition, incrementally and one by one an
individual apartment house could be completely “gutted” and rebuilt in the interior while maintaining
the sturdy brick structure and foundation of the building. Through this suggested cost savings process,
less people would be displaced and could likely return to a new apartment within a shorter period of
time both of which serve the needy and the taxpayers.
During the course of the early months of this year and in 2012, one became aware, even with minimal
socialization of four couples “divorcing”, some after many years of “marriage”. Three of these couples
have children who are teenagers or children who about to enter their teen years. Stating to spouse that
these “divorces” are only adding “fuel to the fire” as the teen years can be a difficult time in a moral
environment and extremely difficult and challenging for both teens and parents in an evil society. One
then reflected over the years and realized that many more couples known to me “divorced” when their
children were teenagers. By this year, it became more than clear that perhaps evil outside others were
responsible for strongly influencing and possibly even mind controlling these “divorces” at an especially
difficult time for the family to destroy individuals within the family. Hopefully through awareness and a
change of behavior to benevolently cooperate with family members this common, detrimental to the
family, life changing situation can be averted.
An initially disturbing statistic was made known to me by a reliable source on the internet. The 2012
United States presidential voting statistic stated that 50 percent of Catholics “voted” for abortion
supporter Barack Obama while 48 percent “voted” for Mitt Romney who has been reported to be
against abortion. Also stated was that of those Catholics who attend mass regularly on the Sabbath Day,
42 percent “voted” for Obama and 57 percent “voted” for Romney. Upset with this revelation that still
about half of Catholics “voted” for Obama, one then realized that these statistics were missing a
variable. That variable is how many Catholics have stopped voting because the election and voting
system is corrupt? A few days later, a statistic was provided by another source regarding the number of
eligible to vote people, who are still voting in the United States. That statistic showed that 27 percent of
all those eligible to “vote” are “voting”. This statistic, if true is none the less disturbing. Realize that one
quarter of the population can and has been directly and indirectly responsible for tyranny situations and
the destruction of the majority of the people living in a nation in the past and present. On the other
hand, if an oppressive mind control has become a factor for some people, but at this point in time, not
all people, then it does not matter to those completely mind controlled people, whether the voting
system is legitimized or not. If completely mind controlled individuals are told to “vote” and told to
“vote” for certain candidates, then that is how they “vote”. This is the predicament that I believe that
we are currently facing in today’s vastly immoral society. Recognize however that if the election system
was legitimized years ago when the society was more religious and moral then perhaps this tyranny
situation experienced today, would not exist. Another statistic made known to one cited through
numbers was the vast reduction of abortion clinics operating in the United States during the past twenty
five years. It has been stated that these clinics have been reduced by thousands since the middle 1980’s
to just over 600 by 2013. My question is how many general hospitals are involved today in administering
abortions to women to compensate for the closings over the years of independent abortion clinics?
A family member notified me of apparent new procedures regarding the ownership of certain stocks.
Forms were received in the mail by the family member with instructions necessitating the completion of
these forms. The instructions stated that if the completed forms were not returned within fourteen
days, the stocks owned by the family member, would be declared abandoned and confiscated by the
By this year, it became increasingly clear to one that most people would not deliberately and
intentionally invest their money in biotechnology corporations that were involved with the destruction
of human life and/or genetic manipulations. In reviewing the vast number of these large corporations
established and engaged in this pursuit (review one wondered how
these corporations obtained the funds to remain solvent. It is also likely that most people would not
invest their money to construct a dangerous device like the Large Hadron Collider whose estimated cost
is nine billion dollars for this single unit. Other projects like this one are in construction and in operation
in areas around the world with a similar price tag. Once again, the question is how are the funds being
acquired to pay for these horrific projects? Gradually one realized that the funds to support projects like
the above are most probably acquired through the stealing of money from the populations of people.
For examples, many people especially those in the fifty to sixty year old age range have realized in the
United States that much of their 401K retirement pension funds have been removed close to the time of
expected retirement and after retirement. Approximately a decade ago, it was reported in the news that
many people in the country of Argentina were robbed of their savings accounts with no recourse to the
depositors. It is one’s opinion that pension funds and savings accounts are being stolen from religious
and moral people to pay for immoral and destructive projects like the above examples and to supply evil
doers with additional wealth. If that is the situation one may perhaps ask God as judge to serve justice
to those responsible and to restore the perceived money stolen, to the victims.
It was reported in the local news of the community of my residence that it costs more than $23,500 to
educate one student for one year in the public schools in this area. I stated to spouse that for that
amount of money, one could hire a private tutor to instruct one’s child for at least four hours a day with
assignments of individual book work to be corrected daily by the parents.
By April, emergency procedures regarding terrorist attacks, fires, and wind storms in the school district
of one’s residence were made known to me as follows. For attacks of terrorism, students are required in
the early elementary grades to huddle quietly together in a closed door, darkened classroom lavatory.
During a fire, students are instructed to quickly exit the school building in line formation and through
brisk pace. For a wind emergency such as a hurricane or tornado students are told to crouch in the
classroom and cover their heads with their hands. School classrooms in the area of one’s residence
largely exhibit one wall of windows. It is a dangerous situation for students to remain in a classroom
during a high wind storm due to the possibility of the glass windows shattering. It would be more
prudent and sensible during a high wind emergency to evacuate the children to a windowless area of
the school building such as an interior hallway.
Throughout last year and this year, one became increasingly aware that items viewed by oneself for
possible purchase shown on retail websites were being advertised to me on news websites that I
frequented. Contemplating perhaps advertising this book on the news websites frequented, one then
wondered if perhaps the advertisement for this book would be shown only to me, or to those known to
me through a manipulation of the computer “airwaves”. In an immoral society, even with much
legitimate information, one never stops wondering.
By the end of February, one’s question regarding the above possibility was answered. A news source
frequented on the internet was delivering different news to spouse’s setting on the computer in
comparison to my setting. Both settings were viewed a few times for verification purposes, within
seconds apart and showed different news from the same news source, being delivered to spouse’s
setting as compared to my setting on our home personal computer. Once again, the implications for
these types of computer “airwave” manipulations that are delivering different information by the same
source to individuals or select groups of people (perhaps based on psychology among many other
factors) are great for all people from all “walks of life” in this world.
During the 1980’s, one became aware of the concept of the reverse mortgage where equity
accumulated in a home is disbursed to the homeowner at intervals to a specified percentage of the
value of the home. Perhaps this scheme prevents some stealing that may have been occurring with the
home equity loan concept, where lump sums are distributed to homeowners based on accumulated
equity which many times is quickly removed from the homeowner due to “unforeseen” circumstances.
In the 1980’s and in the United States there were no age restrictions to acquire a reverse mortgage. But
by 2012, the age restriction to participate in this system was increased to sixty two years of age and
older. There are initial substantial fees to be paid to lenders and others involved in securing reverse
mortgage approvals by the homeowner who desires to obtain a reverse mortgage. After these fees are
paid, the reverse mortgage can be secured. By 2013, much advertising in print media and television
promoted this idea to senior citizens. Recognize that if one’s home is too costly to maintain then
perhaps less expensive housing should be sought. The extra money accumulated from the sale of the
more expensive home could be used by the homeowner for future possible needs. One should always
ask oneself the question “what will happen to me and others who may be residing in the home with me,
when the reverse mortgage ends? If one sells their home after the reverse mortgage ends then the
person will have much less money to apply to another home and less money for savings. As the above is
a logical way of viewing a situation where some homes have become too expensive to maintain, then
one may ask the question are people being mind controlled to continue to remain in a home that they
can no longer afford? One may further ponder the reasons for promoting this illogical reverse mortgage
system. Perhaps evil is using this scheme to remove the wealth from the elderly to create future
hardships for them and to remove inheritance from their children and/or heirs. Through personal
experience, one has recognized that if extra money is not available to be used to expose evil agendas to
others, then evil continues unabated in destroying many people in the society. Also, and as many people
know, removing inheritance is one goal of illuminated Communists to keep populations of people in a
predicament and weak.
I became involved in a conversation with another concerning the proliferation of homosexual behavior
where one stated that the ever increasing homosexual problem in this country together with abortion
approval has resulted in an atmosphere of increasing violence perpetuated against others within the
population because of these engagements in violations of God’s Laws and Abominations. The person I
was conversing with stated to me that the above statement was “hate speech” and that one should not
hate another based on their sexual preference. I retorted that I have never hated anyone and that
criticizing wrong behavior and hating a person are two separate definitions. Note that the term “hate
speech” was heavily promoted in the media where people were threatened with arrest for speaking out
against immoralities in recent times and through these threats was used as a way to eliminate and
silence the criticisms of religious and moral people.
A story in the local news exacerbates a growing problem that one has noted throughout the community
of my residence over the past twenty years or so. On the one hand, this community exhibits many extra
large homes and mansions. On the other hand, older neighborhoods are comprised of smaller, more
modest sized housing. People living in these smaller homes are finding that it is becoming increasingly
more difficult to maintain their house due to rising costs and high taxes. In our family, spouse and I have
decided to reduce some of our high cost expenses through the elimination of an automobile and annual
vacations in order to accomplish necessary home repairs and maintenance and to pay for other
unexpected costs that one believes were due to a degree of mind control. The article read stated that a
woman was found dead in her home after falling through a floor in the house that was damaged by
water. The woman was discovered days after her death after she did not report for duty as a nurse in a
nearby hospital. A photograph was shown of this circa 1970’s bi-level home where the outside of the
house did not appear to be in dire need of repair but obviously the inside of the home was
uninhabitable. These increasingly frequent disastrous living conditions of many people are not the result
of a “robbing Peter to pay Paul” situation where a “little” stealing is occurring for a “good” reason.
Religious and moral people are being destroyed by wealthy others who continue to ask and demand for
more money and other wealth to satiate their ever growing “needs”.
I purchased for granddaughter a picture book of rhyming Bible stories for young children. While reading
a rhyme about Jesus and the children that loosely cited Luke 18:15, we viewed an illustration of ten
people gathered on a hillside. The rhyme was written as follows: “All day long The People come. Jesus
greets them One by one. Short ones, tall ones, Big ones, small ones, Happy ones, grumpy ones, thin
ones, plump ones,” etcetera (excerpt from “The Rhyme Bible Storybook” by L.J. Sattgast, 1999). I asked
granddaughter to find the shortest person and the tallest person in the illustration. Granddaughter
selected the illustration of a boy as the shortest person when there was shown another illustration of a
woman holding a baby. Stating that she was wrong in selecting the boy as the shortest, one asked her to
carefully review the picture again. She scrutinized the illustration for a time but could still not see the
baby carried by the woman. One thought that this inability to notice a baby is typical in a society that
has approved abortion, where infants are not considered to be important and valued. This perception
has contributed to an atmosphere of terror in immoral societies. The Bible substantiates this conclusion
in Matthew 14: 13-34.
On February 11, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would be resigning from his Papal duties
apparently due to increasing health problems. Later it was revealed that the Pope was retiring due to
God’s request, which was likely a way to make a further statement regarding the current immoral state
of affairs in this world. So, perhaps and most assuredly there were multiple reasons for the Pope’s
retirement. The last resignation tendered of a pope to this date was Pope Gregory XII, who resigned
during the time of the Great Western Schism beginning in 1378 and stated to end in 1417. Pope Gregory
XII was replaced by Pope Martin V. In reviewing information regarding this history, one noted another
Pope John XXIII named at this time, and Pope Benedict XIII and Pope Benedict XIV, who were involved in
this turmoil of vying factions within the Catholic Church. It is apparent through the review of this
information that confusion existed within The Church that was likely due and related to turmoil and
confusion occurring within the societies at that time. Realize that the Great Western Schism occurred
during the time of the bubonic plague (otherwise known as the “black death”) which killed multi millions
of people throughout Europe and Asia. Also, before and during the plague, a considerable number of
people living in those areas of the world were practicing sorcery and other forms of occultism,
abortions, and infanticides. With regard to the appointment of Pope John XXIII in 1958, it has been
stated that this was legitimate because there was no Pope John XX.
On February 15, a large meteor, about fifty feet wide landed in Russia in the Ural Mountains area. The
sound emitted from the crash injured more than one thousand people, broke windows, and damaged
buildings in a nearby city. Later this day, an asteroid one hundred and fifty feet wide, passed within the
relatively close range of 17,200 miles of earth. It is likely that the large meteor striking Russia was a
fragment of this asteroid. One believes that these events of the Pope resigning, the meteor striking
Russia, and the asteroid passing close to earth are further warnings from God to exacerbate the need
that people change their immoral behaviors and repent for their transgressions and return to the
following of The Ten Commandments and avoid Capital Sins, and Abominations. True and serious prayer
to God combined with an expectation of penance for wrong doings are also expected.
On March 13, a pope was appointed named Pope Francis. The last time a pope assumed a unique name
was in the year 913, when Pope Landus was ordained to this position. Pope Francis has stated that a
reason for the selection of this name is that he regards Saint Francis of Assisi in high esteem due to Saint
Francis’s concerns and works of good in helping poor people and so Pope Francis would like to emulate
this Saint in his Papacy. In addition to helping the poor, Saint Francis of Assisi is known as the Patron
Saint of animals and the environment. This unprecedented name selected by the Pope can be further
analyzed and perhaps interpreted for today’s world societies. In one’s opinion, this original name may
represent something new that is occurring in today’s society that has never occurred before. Pondering
this further, one recognizes that extremes of coveting, through enabling and sophisticated technology
has never been experienced by human beings throughout world history. At this time, it is likely that
many people around the world have by this date, recognized this fact of a severe violation of a
Commandment which has also been a factor in violations of other Laws of God. Based on the evidence
obtained through research, abortion policies accepted by the majority, has most probably resulted in
these severe invasions of privacy and accompanying mind control programs inflicted by evil doers on the
people of the world. So the unique name of the Pope could be an acknowledgement of the fact that
people understand the harsh reality of these times. Enlisting God’s support through the following of
God’s Laws and other expected moral behaviors will hopefully eliminate the extreme evil permeating
world societies today.
In May, this book was completed and prepared to be forwarded to an editor of a large publishing
company. The requirement for editing was to combine separate word files into a one word document
format. I did not know how to accomplish this task so a computer technician was hired to combine the
approximate seventy five word files into a one word document and file. After completing this job, the
computer technician forwarded the text of this book via email to the editor of the publishing company.
Later this same day, one reviewed the one word document only to discover that large amounts of text
were missing from this book. Checking through the saved individual files, one noted that in particular a
Commentary “Just Thoughts” was missing most of the text. Outraged over the likely “hacking” of my
personal saved word document files that are “protected” by an anti virus program with firewall
protection, one contacted the F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation). An agent spoken with about this
incident informed me that this agency does not become involved with individual matters of “hacking” by
outside others. The agency only assists and investigates groups (corporate and government for two
examples) who have been subjected to this malicious crime and fraud. The F.B.I. agent suggested that I
contact the cable/internet provider about this concern. After speaking with the internet provider, one
was informed that nothing could be done to trace the source of this “hacking”. Frustrated, one
contacted the editor of the publishing concern and informed her of the missing text from this book.
Later, one remarked to spouse that delivering the text via computer to a publisher could be an exercise
in futility. One then decided to forego the editing and have this book printed the “old fashioned way”
through a printer who provides a binding service. So, the missing sections of this book require retyping
through a saved printed copy and handwritten notes. An ISBN (international standard book number)
was secured and a copyright application was submitted to the government’s copyright office. With
regard to the issuing of a copyright, one can offer a suggestion regarding this process. The current
procedure is to file an application and include the published or unpublished work together with a fee to
the copyright office. Some people may not desire to publish a written work without a copyright. On the
other hand, to send an unpublished work to the copyright office may result in the inaccurate
documentation of the work by the copyright office because the author may change the unpublished
work. Therefore one suggests that it would be more sensible to issue a copyright on a temporary basis
perhaps for between six to twelve months to provide the author time to submit the accurate published
work with the copyright to the federal copyright office. Once the work is submitted to the copyright
office, then and at that time, the copyright becomes permanent. If the accurate work is not submitted
within a designated time frame then the copyright could be revoked.
Retrospective: A possible interim solution to the infanticide problem in India and in other areas around
the world experiencing the same problem, is to notify the people of adoption options through publicity
campaigns where members of likely religious organizations, can retrieve the unwanted infant from the
biological parents and place that child with an adoptive family, rather than murder the infant. Perhaps
to eliminate the “desire” to “divorce” a couple should acknowledge the probable fact that real
marriages do not exist in today’s evil world (but be reminded that adultery does exist through the
changing of partners). Instead, agree to be partners in an obligatory and committed relationship to
provide for family stability and function.
Historical Accounts 2013: 80
On February 15, a meteor strikes Russia injuring more than one thousand four hundred people.
Pope Benedict XVI resigns his Papacy on February 28.
On March 13, Pope Francis is selected to lead the Catholic Church.
Remarks: none
Genetic Identification
Genetic information unique to each individual is contained in blood for one example and specifically is
found in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is located in the nucleus of a cell. DNA identification began
in 1976 with an accepted profiling technique established in 1984, which is used today in several United
States DNA databases. Other techniques for profiling genetics are used in other databases throughout
the United States. Many countries throughout the world also have DNA databases that store individual’s
genetic information. It has been discovered that unauthorized (no permission granted by the individual),
data basing of individuals DNA is being stored in DNA data base centers.
Some people are concerned that this data basing of people’s DNA will be or could be used for evil
purposes. One article posted on the internet titled “Bill to Ban Unauthorized Use of Infant DNA Clears
Senate Committee” currently available at discusses
briefly the trepidation of several people concerning DNA data basing. A stated benefit to genetically
identifying individuals is the identifications of predispositions to various diseases with accompanying
early intervention by remedy specialists, regarding these potential disease(s). Informing people of a
future potentiality for acquiring a disease or diseases for example, may result in a hypochondria
situation for the individual, which can result in the actual acquiring of the disease(s). Experts have given
other reasons for the genetic identification of people such as criminal identification, paternity
identification, and family identification that can identify individual and family genealogy dating back to
thousands of years ago.
To contemplate one aspect of the above stated “benefits”, family identification is cited as a great threat
to all people around the world. Throughout history, various groups of people have been targeted and
annihilated based on a genetic group affiliation. In recent times, the Nazi’s targeted the Jews, based on
their heredity and religion, for death. Also understand that all German’s were subjected to heredity
investigations by Nazi committees. During the Nazi regime, genealogical records of all German’s were
researched through records and information that were stored in town buildings, churches, and
synagogues. Anyone found having Jewish heritage was potentially subjected to the same fate as the
professed Jews. The people in countries that were occupied by the Nazi’s during World War II were also
subjected to similar genealogical searches in the Nazi’s quest to eliminate (murder) those people of
Jewish heritage and/or ancestry.
The Bible states that the descendants of Abraham are God’s “chosen” people and will eventually
become as numerous as the stars in the sky as God stated to Abraham in Genesis 15:5
He took him outside and said, “Look up at the heavens and count the stars, if indeed you can count
them.” Then He said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”
It is possible that the occult and other evil forces may be targeting the Jews and those of Jewish ancestry
through DNA genetic identification , to gain complete, absolute, and unquestioned control over the
world as part of an anti God and anti Christ occult philosophy. Thought should be given to the fact that
most Europeans probably have at least one Jewish ancestor based on a study of European history. Be
aware that the continent of Europe is currently also experiencing a population implosion (a significant
decline of births as compared with the number of deaths), that could possibly be related to an initial
singling out of secular Jewish ancestry Europeans. The people of the United States, Canada, Australia,
South America, and Central America, as well as, perhaps people in other areas around the world, most
likely also have at least one Jewish ancestor. Inhabitants of the Middle East and the surrounding areas
more than likely have Jewish ancestry that can be found through genetic identification.
World War I and World War II resulted in evil gaining more wealth, power, and control over the world
population of people partly due to the fact that many practicing humanitarian and secular war wearied
people reluctantly agreed to the furthering of evil, immoral agendas that were devised by the wicked.
Further beware that through DNA identification, the diabolical agenda that the Nazi’s began, could
conceivably be completed resulting in evil obtaining complete and total control over the world. Genetic
identification could be used as an ultimate weapon against people and is an invasion of God’s privacy as
well as, a tremendous invasion of the individual’s personal privacy. The obvious suggested solution is to
eliminate all aspects of genetic identification of the individual. A return to the following of The Ten
Commandments, the elimination of Capital Sins and Abominations and earnest prayer to God to enlist
His support against this evil is suggested. Also, evil doers in positions of authority should be removed. In
addition, be aware of this statement in Jeremiah 31:37
This is what the Lord says: “only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth
below searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they have done” declares the
One may perhaps contemplate the above Bible passage in relation to invasions of privacy which include
genetic identification (Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house).
The unthinkable horror and hopefully remote possibility of the targeting for destruction and death of
vast populations of world people through DNA genetic identification renders the following conclusion in
Ecclesiastes 12: 13 and 14
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His Commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden
thing, whether it is good or evil.
Evil desires complete and total control over the world. One way to achieve this is possibly through the
annihilation of God’s “chosen” people who can precisely be identified through DNA genetic
Electoral System
Samuel 8: 6-9
But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And
the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but
they have rejected me as their King. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt
until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but
warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.”
For over two hundred years in the United States, most people voted for political candidates whose
ideology agreed with theirs, with complete confidence that the votes were counted accurately and
assigned to each candidate as cast. Recently however, it has come to light that the voting system
whether ballot, electronic, or lever, has been compromised resulting in false tally’s.
After reviewing much information and evidence regarding vote tampering, many people have stopped
voting as they have determined that the voting system is completely corrupt. Others however, continue
to vote apparently ignorant of the information provided in books and on the internet, or they are
complacent with the corruption of the voting system, or they are agreeing with the corruption of the
voting system. Some people may consider “voters” with full knowledge of the evidence regarding stolen
elections as traitors to the nation. In the past, traitors have been severely punished for their disloyalty to
the documentation regarding the establishment of the existing government. The evidence presented
has shown that electronic and lever voting systems have been programmed to change the votes from
one political candidate to another and add votes to a candidate when no person or people in fact, have
voted. The “phantom voters” have been discovered when comparing voter sign in sheets to the votes
counted in a voting district. Ballots also have been tampered with as it has been shown that election
officials have overstuffed the ballot box with votes of a desired candidate to obtain political office. On
some occasions ballots were removed if cast for an “undesirable candidate” by those who are
responsible for counting the votes. In both cases of ballot tampering, many times the sign in signatures
of voters did not match the vote counts in a district. At other times, names shown on sign in sheets were
the names of nonexistent individuals.
In addressing the current situation of maintaining a “confidentiality of the vote”, it is important to note
that some people may know how individuals are voting. Under the current voting systems, a sign in
signature could be matched to the person’s vote. After signing in, an individual is assigned to a voting
booth under the lever and electronic voting methods. The signature, matched to the booth assignment
could reveal to officials the individual’s vote. Given this fact coupled with the realization that most of the
individual’s personal privacies have been removed (review the commentary on Tyranny), then it is
logical for one to ask; why are the votes kept confidential? The very aspect of confidentiality of the vote
lends itself to the potential for huge corruption. A solution to this problem is to remove the
“confidential” aspect of the electoral process. Full disclosure regarding the votes is necessary. This can
be accomplished by providing the voter’s name, the voter’s identification number, and the voter’s
vote(s). This information, open to public review and scrutiny would eliminate most all corruption in the
tallying of votes.
Realize also, that at this time, there appears to be a grand conspiracy to gain complete control of the
world by some individuals. There is no better way to achieve this then by a concerted manipulation of
the voting system. This conspiracy, with all of its human rights abuses, is part of the New World Order
plan that many are familiar with. Some of these human rights abuses include: increased surveillance and
monitoring of the population including private conversation and private activities, mandatory
vaccination programs with an ever increasing quantity of vaccines administered to people, taxes to
remove a person’s savings and inheritance, mandatory abortion and sterilization, euthanasia and
assistance in suicide, increased exposure to radiation, legalizing and promoting dangerous drugs,
depleting a nations resources with little or no benefit to the population, to identify several.
In the United States, some people are realizing that the Democratic and Republican parties have the
same agendas of working towards a New World Order consolidation of world governments. One party
moves more quickly towards that goal, while the other party moves more slowly toward the New World
Order plan. In summation, the outcome for the people is the same however, the time of attainment
differs. For those people that are speaking out against immoralities and the destruction of society,
taking a few steps backwards by one party to gain extra time to silence the protesters is many times all
that is necessary. This is an old tactic used by evil to exhaust and remove moral opposition and
resistance to evil agendas.
Furthermore, in most countries where abortion has not been approved, a mandatory voting system is
the law of the land. The Central Intelligence Agency, World Fact book shows, when researching
government under the heading suffrage, that Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru to identify
some, have compulsory voting systems. 81 A few questions need to be answered. Could a “confidential”
compulsory voting system that people suspect may be corrupt but are forced to vote in, lead to a power
and control over the population? Could a “confidential” compulsory voting system lead to eventual
abortion approval? Has abortion approval in other countries made it unnecessary to make voting
compulsory and if so why?
Evil desires power over the population. One way to achieve this is through a corrupt voting system.
Jeremiah: 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet
to the nations”.
One can likely trace the practice of abortion to the time period of Adam and Eve, the beginning and ancient years
of a reasoning human civilization. In reviewing the history and rises and falls of past civilizations and empires , it
becomes clear that successful societies were brought to their demise through a series of common occurrences, for
examples, most all had similar and/or comparable problems of political strife, economic hardship, and militaristic
brutality and/or incompetence. However, further research will sometimes provide information regarding societal
practices. Where this information is provided, it is shown that one component that crept into the society and
became part of past civilizations and empires societal values, just prior to their demise, was the social approval of
child sacrifice including abortion and infanticide. Abortion procedures in the ancient past to more recent past,
involved the ingestion of poisons by the woman, insertion of sharp materials into the cervix and womb, or physical
trauma to the abdomen. During the middle ages, the bubonic plague otherwise known as the black death, resulted
in the deaths of most of the population of people in Europe. Understand also that prior to and during this plague,
many people in Europe were involved in occult practices including aspects of child sacrifice, including abortion and
infanticide. The purpose of the above discussion, is to cite Europe during the middle ages as an example of a
commonly known society destroyed, due to abortion and other occult, evil practices. Realize however, that similar
situations have occurred time and again throughout the world, during various times in history. Following the
middle ages, Western Civilization entered a time period of enlightenment where a good education became a
population priority. Scholarly books became more widely available to the middle class population as the cost of
books decreased due to the invention of the printing press. The Bible therefore became a widely read book.
Beginning in the 1820’s in the United States, individual states began enacting laws rendering abortion illegal with
the eventuality of all states criminalizing abortion by the year 1900. In 1869, the Catholic Church declared abortion
at any stage of pregnancy to be homicide. That same year Canada prohibited abortion with a severe penalty for
violating the law. In 1944, the first conceptions of human life occurred in a laboratory in the United States.
Henceforth, laboratory abortions have become commonplace as people involved in implantation procedures,
choose the number of children desired, the gender of children desired, and the heredity traits of the children
desired for some examples. In addition, human beings are used in laboratories and clinics, for various
experimentation procedures prior to being discarded. By the year 1960 in the United States, the abortifacient birth
control pill was made available for public use. At about the same time in the United States , individual states began
to approve abortion for reasons of rape and incest.
The birth control pill is a hormonal drug of progestin, estrogen, and steroids which are ingested on a daily basis,
monthly basis, or quarterly basis, depending on the program. The birth control pill can prevent the conceived
human being from attaching to the wall of the womb, causing abortion. Other abortion inducing drugs that can
prevent implantation are administered through other various means including injection, insertion, and
absorption. An absorption product available is a patch applied to the skin to release hormones into the body
(Ortho Eura). An insertion product available is a thin rod inserted under the skin releasing hormones (Implanon).
Other insertion devices are the vaginal ring and the intra uterine device (IUD). A contraceptive hormone injection is
also available(Depo-Provera). And another ingestible contraceptive available that is commonly known as the
morning after pill (Mifepristone), can be a combination of the hormones oestrogen/progestogen, or only
oestrogen or only progestogen. 82 Once again, all of the above mentioned contraceptives can cause the abortion
of a conceived human being by causing and preventing the individual’s attachment to the wall of the womb. These
forms of contraceptives can also cause extensive health problems to the bodies of women who undergo these
As one can clearly understand from the above discourse, women have been targeted and exploited by evil to
obtain power over the population and vast wealth for themselves, through the obvious and clandestine killings of
the human being. This premise and proof can be further argued with the following questions. Why was not a birth
control agenda for men set forth, perhaps using a similar hormone and steroid based drug program? Is it possible
that no wealth or power would be gained by evil through a contraceptive birth control program for men, due to
the fact that no human life would be extinguished?
Beginning in 1967 in the United States, individual states began to approve surgical and other drug induced
abortion culminating with all states approving these methods by the year 1973. Later laboratories and clinics
began procuring sperm and ovum through cash payment incentives and patient infertility issues, to be used for
implantations and experimentations which in and of itself, has resulted in a massive loss of human life, further
serving the agendas of evil.
The obvious suggested solution to this problem is to eliminate all aspects of abortion procedures through
government laws and legislation and through widespread population education programs that should include
comprehensive historical and religious information. For those people seeking to reduce the number of children
conceived and desire to assume some responsibility for this decision, the Natural Family Planning method has been
shown to be effective (this advice is not based on the recommendation of abstinence in the commentary on
Evil desires a brutal, immoral population. One way to achieve this goal is through the killing of the unborn human
Secular Education
Proverbs 22: 6 Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Early public education in the United States consisted of the exclusive teaching of six subject areas
including reading, writing, mathematics, history, geography, and Bible study, according to bibliography
reference “The Five Thousand Year Leap”. As the United States Constitution was written in accordance
to, and to comply with Biblical teachings, educators believed it imperative to include Bible study as a
subject area to be taught in the public schools. Through this curriculum, the people of the United States
became very well educated. Even foreigners who visited the United States prior to the middle 1850’s
were amazed at the superior intellectual abilities of the general population. By the 1840’s however,
Horace Mann, an influential national leader, promoted the beginnings of a new secularist public school
curriculum where Biblical religion, morals, and values were merged with nationalism. Eventually this
resulted in a gradual but complete disappearance of Bible study and the teaching of Biblical morality in
the public school. Today, school boards and school administrators decide on the relevance of subject
areas for study and they decide on the curriculum and how the curriculum is to be taught. Henceforth,
they establish their own morality to be taught to school children.
Currently, the “morality” taught in secular schools is a curriculum of immorality, which serves the New
World Order’s evil philosophies. It is important to realize prior to this commentary, that for each and
every immoral instruction, harm is inflicted on the school child. Satanic forces can begin to gain control
over the school child beginning in kindergarten. As the child progresses through thirteen years of secular
schooling, he or she has experienced and has been subjected to usually an onslaught of immorality.
Colleges and universities may further compound these attacks with further exposure to more
immorality. For children who are not well versed in Biblical morality, evil expands through ill begotten
indoctrination. It is no wonder why society is currently facing extremely difficult and insurmountable
problems (see the other commentaries for examples), as it is today.
Creationism, if taught at all in secular schools is presented to students in a vague, unbelievable, illogical,
way for deceptive purposes. An important part in the teaching of creationism is to explain this topic in a
historical, religious, and scientific context. Human beings have inhabited the planet earth for over two
million years, feeding themselves through hunting and gathering. About twelve thousand years ago,
they suddenly realized that food could be raised and grown right outside of their home. Thus people
became farmers and life became easier. This increased intellect in becoming farmers, most probably and
logically coincides with the arrival of Adam and Eve, according to a Biblical timeline citing the arrival of
Adam and Eve at 4000 years plus BCE (before the common era). Adam and Eve were provided with
increased intelligence by God, provided that they abide by the rules that were set forth by God. One can
now understand this part of creationism as it is explained in a factual, verifiable, and logical way.
Teaching a tolerance for homosexuality is abominable, immoral, and subjects students to the harm of
evil. The teaching of tolerance of immorality is akin to the acceptance of immorality which many times,
results in the individual engaging in immorality. The teaching of students about the dangers of drugs
involves identifying most everything as a drug. Coffee, tea, cigarettes, and many foods contain drugs
according to the masters of curriculum. Therefore many students can surmise that taking drugs is
acceptable based on the teachings that most everything contains drugs as chemicals are drugs. An
elementary school curriculum to differentiate the difference between a fruit or vegetable states that the
determining factor is that a fruit contains seeds, and a vegetable does not contain seeds. Therefore,
squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers for examples, are fruits. The determination of a fruit or
vegetable is based on the sugar content of the produce at the optimum ripeness, perennial or annual
nature of the plant and the plant genus. It is clear that some educators desire to confuse and corrupt the
children and cause consternation with parents. These examples of immoralities taught, bears false
witness against neighbors and violates at least one Commandment.
Many secular schools have decided that basic skills are no longer necessary due to various computer
reliance and so have omitted primary teachings from curriculum. This has resulted in the destruction of
the foundation that other ideas are built upon therefore limiting a child’s scope of thinking. In addition,
reliance on computers in an evil society is foolhardy and dangerous. At some point during the early
years of this century, some computers were beginning to be programmed to provide false answers.
Too many subject areas covered in school curriculum results in watered down, insignificant, tidbits of
information being acquired by students that cannot be considered to be learning. Much curriculum of
subject matters are taught as separate entities with little or no relevance to other subject areas which
results in student’s inability to understand worldly matters as one matter relates to another. Johann
Pestalozzi, a Swiss educator of the nineteenth century, wrote extensively about the importance of
showing relevance to all subject areas to develop a basic wisdom in people so as to better serve God,
themselves, and others. Also, curriculum has become increasingly disjointed with following little or no
sequence from year to year throughout schooling. This creates confusion, frustration, and complacency
in students that further serve evil’s agendas.
Parental authority is continually usurped through various means. Legitimate disciplining of the student
child by parents has been reported to teachers and school officials who contact social services to
chastise parents for not disciplining children in the way that social services and the secular school,
deems is appropriate. On the other hand, serious violations against children are reported to school
officials but have been ignored, largely due to the fact that that particular family has already been
destroyed. Journal/diaries are requirements in some classrooms where students are asked to write
about their personal thoughts on various topics or simply free will writings. These writings are reviewed
by teachers, school psychologists, and other staff who sometimes uses the writings for justification to
interfere in private and personal family matters.
Interruptions occurring throughout the day, deprive students of learning. Special remedial or advanced
programs in the secular schools require some students to be removed from the classroom at various
times during the school day. This results in distractions and an interruption of learning for all students
and becomes an added burden for teachers as they need to provide for a repetition of instruction for
absent students. It is plain to understand by this example, how secular schools accommodate corrupt
practices as it relates to an individual and how they do not accommodate good practices as it relates to
individuals, as part of a larger group. Complicating curriculum has been another agenda of evil in the
secular school system. Beginning in the early 1970’s new mathematics replaced the older, easier way of
solving mathematical problems. This resulted in many students becoming confused and frustrated
resulting in an increase in student’s failures in mathematics. Phonics, as a proven successful way of
learning to read, was replaced with a whole language approach resulting in serious illiterate problems of
students extending into upper elementary to high school years for some. Secular schools today do not
seem to subscribe to the old adage of wisdom that states “If it is not broken, then do not fix it”. Many
instead subscribe to “If it is not broken, then break it”, an obvious evil rendition of the anti-good.
Literature reading programs in secular schools many times, require the reading of violent, pornographic,
and psychologically bizarre books, furthering evil’s desire to convert the youth to deadly agendas of
immorality. Certain reading incentive programs, some involving outside groups are shown to be corrupt.
The outcome of one reading program pressures parents to dine at a specific restaurant through the
issuing of coupons to students, while the teachers promoting the program, earn free airline tickets.
Inviting outsiders into the secular schools for various programs creates at minimum diversions and
distractions from learning and at maximum inflicts sometimes irreparable damages on students, such as
those school programs offered through Planned Parenthood.
There seems to be a correlation that providing more money to schools, has resulted in poorer academic
student achievement. Also realize that most of the additional money funded to schools is to provide for
the ever increasing salaries and annual pensions of secular school staff.
Explicit sexual education programs causes anxiety, embarrassment, and sensations of incredulity in
many student’s psyche due to being taught such a personal topic in a communal setting. High school
locker rooms and showers provide little privacy for changing into gym and sports uniforms. It is likely in
an evil society such as this, that much immorality has transpired in the secular school’s communal “bath
houses”. In addition, school sports uniforms, cheerleader’s dress and other sports team’s attire, has
become increasingly scanty over recent years. Expanded school sports programs have resulted in an
inordinate amount of academic time, used for frivolous activities. After graduating from secular schools
and obtaining employ, many employers have found it necessary to teach employees basic reading,
writing, and grammatical skills as the secular school employee is unable to function competently in their
job due to a severe lack of basic educational skills.
To remedy the serious problems in today’s secular schools, several suggestions are offered with the
following. A return to the exclusive teaching of the six subject areas (reading, writing, mathematics,
history, geography, and Bible study), that were successful in the past are needed as well the addition of
science. These subject areas should follow in sequence from year to year to build a solid foundation and
provide relevance for the students. Computers should not be used or be relied on by students, for the
duration of grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Special remedial or advanced programs for some
students should be offered before or after school or during recess, to prevent needless interruptions
and distractions for all students during the designated school day. Mandatory after school hours
volunteer programs, to involve high school students in the community, benefits both students and
recipients. Benefits to students include an expanding of their understanding of others through
important compassionate work in perhaps by serving in nursing homes, hospitals, social service
programs to feed and house the needy, or by serving the community in other ways. Through
volunteering, the student also gains valuable experiences for the benefit of his or her future occupation.
The benefits to the recipients are obvious as there are more people available to attend to the various
needs of the community.
For parents who are currently struggling with secular school curriculum where homeschooling or
parochial schooling options are not a viable alternative, then the parental supplementing of a religious
education program based on the Ten Commandments, Capital Sins, and Abominations taught to one’s
own child(ren) is advisable. Various books geared to specific age groups are available to assist with this
All students should be provided with a lunch break in a cafeteria setting and the “grab and go” policies
of eating lunch in the classroom should be eliminated due to the problems at minimum of student
distractions and insect and vermin infestations in classrooms. Expanded after school sports programs
belong in the realm of town and community recreation programs. Too much academic time is being
wasted with sports related events and fanfare during the school day.
School curriculum is everybody’s business. If the schools are graduating immoral youths, everyone’s life
is placed in jeopardy (refer to the other commentaries and the books in the bibliography). Therefore, all
school curriculum including the textbooks used for instruction, worksheet materials, other literature
books read, films viewed, activities planned, health appointments scheduled with the school nurse, and
specific, weekly teacher’s plans for examples, should be posted on the website of the school. The
posting of a confirmed specific curriculum should be made available for public review and scrutiny one
year prior to implementation, to allow for community study, objections if any, and the subsequent
community approval of the curriculum.
Evil desires a population of immoral idiots. One way to achieve this is to prevent intelligent learning.
Mass Media
Mass media can be defined as the delivery of information to a large population of people. The first
modern venue used to convey information and influence the masses was the newspaper and magazine
largely distributed to the population beginning in the early years of the 1800’s, in the United States. The
oral presentation of information to the masses began in the United States with the debut of the radio in
1920. Television appeared, using both oral and visual methods to engage and indoctrinate viewers by
the middle of the 1940’s. At this time, a few media moguls began to gain control over newspapers,
magazines, radio, and television. In understanding the evil New World Order’s goals and agendas, the
probability of a specific ongoing brainwashing agenda delivered to the public over a course of about
eighty years through compounded mass media outlets (newspapers, magazines, radio, and television), is
likely. The situation of a few controlling the dissemination of information through these vehicles of mass
media only began to change in the middle to late 1990’s when internet access was made available to the
general public. By the early years of this century, finally alternate views and information could be and
were presented to the public by other groups and individuals. Many of these views were written to
counter at least eighty years of indoctrination by evil that used mass media vehicles to accomplish
malicious goals.
To substantiate the above discourse of the gradual and insidious process used to convert the population
to gross immorality a few obvious examples are provided with the following facts. In the early years of
televised broadcasting, people on television were shown to the public in a professional way through a
tidy appearance that included neat attire and good grooming. Cussing, derogatory language, and
disgusting subject matter was considered completely off limits and outrageous by the moral majority
and thus was not permitted to be aired to the population, by the governmental authorities. During the
early years of mass media, programming usually followed the proper guidelines of storytelling by
answering the important questions of who, what, why, when, where, which, and sometimes how, that
provides a sane way of delivering information. Adult couples were never shown occupying the same bed
on mass media television and the results of violence were not graphically depicted. The early years of
radio followed a similar professional format using appropriate and civilized language to relay
information. Gradually, over time, however various restrictions and restraints on television and radio
were removed resulting in the gross immoralities that one views and hears today on a continual and
constant basis. At this time, violence for example, is depicted on television in a horrendously graphic
way, submersions into the occult world are suggested in much programming, pornography and
pornographic subject matter overwhelms viewers and listeners alike, and invasions of beings from outer
space have terrorized viewing audiences.
To provide further analysis and evidence regarding an evil conspiracy to destroy populations of people
through immoral mass media indoctrination, The Ten Commandments are cited together with examples
on how the media influences the public to violate these Laws.
I: I the Lord, am thy God… you shall have no other gods besides me.
There are many examples the mass media uses to suggest violating this Commandment. One way is
through programming stories about out of space creatures and monsters that are promoting and
influencing a disbelief in God. Another way to suggest the deposing of God is through the mass media’s
depictions of manmade extraordinary scientific feats.
II: Thou shall not make unto thee any image of idolatry, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven
above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
As most people know, idols are constantly being promoted by the media to the public. For examples
actors, actresses, and various consumer products can become idols for some people. The second part of
this Commandment is continuously violated in the media through various images. In addition, subliminal
messages in mass media exposes viewers to immorality in a psychological way that influences viewers to
agree with the immorality being promoted, unconsciously.
III: Thou shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
An example portraying and promoting a violation of this Commandment is depicting the calling on God
in a casual way, as seen on some sitcoms.
IV: Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
Probably most media should not be viewed on the Sabbath day due to the heavy influence, promotion,
and suggestions of violating God’s Laws.
V: Honor your father and mother.
Most can clearly recognize how media parents are many times lied to, screamed at, badgered,
disregarded, and belittled to provide some examples, by their media children thus promoting this same
behavior by real children to real parents.
VI: Thou shall not kill.
The population has been overwhelmed with the presentation of murder, extreme murder, and bizarre
murder that is portrayed and constantly viewed by the population, through the vehicles of mass media.
VII: Thou shall not commit adultery.
The suggestion to commit adultery through depictions of adulterous relationships in mass media, has
inundated the population to the point where committing adultery has almost become an acceptable
expectation. (This commentary is not based on some of the questions raised in the Commentary on
VIII: Thou shall not steal.
Portrayals in the mass media of stealing are divided. Some programming depicts stealing as a punishable
crime, whereas other mass media depicts a kind of appreciation, humor, and heroism for thieves.
IX: Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Lying is rampantly depicted in most media and is common place in much on the children’s programming,
resulting in the teaching of the young, mostly innocent mind to engage in lying and exaggeration which
becomes a strong precursor to violating the other Commandments and engaging in Capital sins and
X: Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
Enticements and temptations to want what others have overwhelmed viewers continually in mass
media, through various programming and advertisements. The result of acting on mass media’s
bombardments of displays of wealth and product advertising for example, have resulted in huge debts
and misery for some people, serving evil’s purposes.
Rejection of the mass media that influences the violating of some or all of The Ten Commandments is an
initial step and an important part of removing evil from within society and necessary to reestablish a
covenant with God, as Kings 2: 23:14 states:
Josiah smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles and covered the sites with human
Based on the above analysis it is understandable and obvious how evil has used the vehicles of mass
media to infiltrate homes and harm individuals through brainwashing techniques and to convert people
to deadly immoral agendas that are determined by the wicked. The best advice that can be offered is to
remove as much exposure to mass media by substituting the time allotted for mass media with other
activities. This is difficult at first but becomes easier as time transpires. In fact, mass media can become
repulsive to one over a time period of abstention. Also, many people view television when tired which
may add to the susceptibility of the person to the brainwashing techniques of television media. For this
situation, the reading of moral books may be a good substitute for those seeking a restful alternative to
television. Due to invasions of privacy, more people rely on mass media for one way communication. It
is very likely that brainwashing and indoctrination through mass media outlets has increased, due to
more people spending increased time viewing television and internet for the above stated reason. Evil is
also aware of this situation and therefore may have intentionally increased the amount of immorality
portrayed, through mass media outlets. For some parents, it has become difficult to have lengthy
conversations with their children because of fears of privacy invasions, so these parents may turn to
television to occupy children’s time. Until this situation is resolved, parents can review children’s
programming in DVD or VHS format prior to the viewing by children. Through careful discernment, much
immoral children’s programming can be eliminated. Parents may consider that some children’s
television programming is morally acceptable, and thus permissible for children to view. But be advised
that some commercials shown in between the programming can be immoral. Adults can also protect
themselves from immoral indoctrination by viewing only moral, advertisement free, DVD’s and VHS
format shows.
In conclusion, most of the mass media suggests and promotes the breaking of some or sometimes all of
The Ten Commandments, influences participation in Capital sins, indirectly promotes Abominations, and
uses a variety of psychological devices against the public to achieve their goals. The mass media is a
major machination used by evil to obtain goals of perpetuating misery and destruction on the
population of people for the purpose of providing a relatively few people, with vast wealth and a power
over the population, that is provided by Satan. To combat the largely insidious nature of mass media’s
influences, sincere prayer to God, careful scrutiny, and/or a rejection of mass media is necessary.
Evil desires a population that agrees with evil for destructive reasons. One way to achieve this goal is
through brainwashing the population to immorality, through the use of mass media.
In researching the history of invasions of personal privacy through the use of technological devices, one
can deduce that the onset of this perversion began in the Soviet Union by the year 1920. It has been
documented that by 1960, Eastern Europe was inundated with electronic eavesdropping devices. The
approval of abortion by the communist governments beginning in 1920 in the Soviet Union and 1955 for
most all of the communist bloc nations of Eastern Europe, correlates with privacy invasions for these
nations, through the use of espionage technology. It is likely that the approval of the abortifacient birth
control pill in other countries around the world, subjected entire populations of people to technological
invasions of privacy. The term abortifacient can be defined as any drug or device that can allow for the
conception of a human life but prevents the human being from attaching to the wall of the womb, that
is of course necessary for sustaining that individual’s life. To prevent the attachment of the human being
to the wall of the womb is akin to depriving a person of food, oxygen, and water to cause the death of
an individual. In the United States, beginning in the year 1944, human beings began to be conceived in
laboratories for experimentation and implantation procedures, which over time has resulted in the
massive loss of human life and the subsequent breaking of God’s Laws, which further enabled evil to
invade personal privacies. It should also be noted that one country, Romania, severely restricted drug
induced and surgical abortion between the years 1967 to 1989, however abortifacient birth control
drugs and devices were still available that most likely subjected the country’s population to invasions of
privacy through technology. Also, other evil agendas in Romanian society continued unabated.
Thirty nine years ago in June 1972, it was found in a political party’s main office in the Watergate office
complex in Washington D.C., well hidden, miniscule eavesdropping devices. The outrage that followed
resulted in an inquiry and the subsequent conviction of five men involved in the installation of these
devices. Several years later retail stores began operations selling eavesdropping, surveillance, and
tracking equipment for some examples, to the general public thereby engaging the users of this
equipment in various Capital sins and at minimum the breaking of two Commandments, Thou shall not
covet and Thou shall not steal. At this time, as many know, technology has advanced at a tremendous
rate since the early years of the 1970’s. Today, if one is not involved or parlay to technological invasions
of privacy, it is difficult to know for certain how extensive, frequent, and widespread these assaults are
against the population of people. Recent documentations of invasions of personal privacy are few. One
recent news report however, discussed computers that were equipped with a web camera that when
activated, violated the personal privacy of some individuals through the transmission of various images
to an outside source. Goggles enabling the viewer to see through clothing were available for purchase in
the early years of this century. Many consumer and industrial products contain and/or have access to
the necessary equipment for eavesdropping and surveillance. Some of these devices include
transmitters, transistors, microphones, transducers, amplifiers, cameras, satellites and fiber optic
systems. Gaining one way access to personal, private information such as intimate conversation and
activities may be as simple as dialing a number or pushing buttons with a code specifically assigned to an
individual, a residence, or a place of business. It is easy to surmise why evil may desire personal
information on people as evil desires to destroy people in as many ways as possible (see the other
commentaries for examples), to gain power over the population and wealth for themselves. People are
harmed through invasions of privacy in many ways. For example, lives are stolen, relationships are
destroyed, and ideas and intellect are denied to their rightful owners.
Invasions of personal privacy yields vast information concerning individuals including, but not limited to
social, psychological, intellectual, sexual, and religious profiles. Also, habits, energy levels, attitudes,
opinions, likes and dislikes, dedication, principles, ethics, and motivation to suggest some, are subject to
the study of evil for destructive purposes. Evil can use this information to launch attacks against
individuals or groups of people. The results of invasions of personal privacy can include stress, anxieties,
confusion, disorientation, engagement in further immoralities, and sometimes even death to the victims
of this travesty further serving the agendas of evil.
A further clarification is cited in Daniel 11: 31 and 32:
His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then
they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. With flattery he will corrupt those who have
violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.
If the private homes of human beings have indeed been invaded through the use of technological
devices, then the entire issue of marriage for example and the sanctioning and validity thereof, is in
question. It is commonly believed that marriage is an intimate relationship between two people, a man
and a woman. Be aware however, that this fact is not stated in Black Law’s Dictionary’s definition of
marriage nor is it stated in Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of marriage. Perhaps old editions of these
dictionaries yield a definition based on the commonly known definition of marriage. Probably God
would not sanction a marriage where the personal home of the couple is compromised by “invisible
strangers”. The validity of marriage may be subject to the prior knowledge of the couple entering into
the marriage union. Therefore, the implications for marriage alone, where the personal privacies of the
couple have been violated through technological means are great. It is little wonder, why society is
currently facing legalizations of same sex “marriage”, multiple partner “marriage”, and other insane
“marriage” schemes and arrangements. An ever increasing “divorce” rate under these circumstances is
also understandable. If invasions of personal privacy are occurring and one may believe that they are
based on circumstantial evidence and sufficient although limited solid evidence, then sexual orientation
does not matter, as all people should abstain from sexual relations. In addition, any incriminating
conversation should be eliminated (see the discussion in this commentary on profiles). Personal sacrifice
is many times necessary to remove tremendous evils from society together with earnest prayer to God.
To eliminate this extremely malicious evil from society, a return to following the Ten Commandments
including eliminating abortifacient birth control drugs and devices and drug and surgical induced
abortion as well as the discarding and experimentation of laboratory conceptions of human life, is
necessary (Thou shall not kill). Capital sins and abominations as well should be eliminated as a possible
action or reaction to circumstances. It is also more than likely, based on the reading of some of the
Books in The Bible, that population repentance (that is the repentance of many individuals) from grave
sins, is necessary to enlist God’s support in removing invasions of personal privacy by evil.
Evil desires an undignified, subservient population. One way to achieve this is through enlisting
technology to invade the personal privacy of people.
Throughout the millenniums the family has been the mainstay and the reason for the very survival of
the human race. The dividing of jobs among family members, usually satisfied the requirements for life
of the group. The emotional support of love, care, and concern for family members provided for family
productiveness and happiness. During various times in recorded history, the family was attacked by evil
within the society which when left unchecked, eventually resulted in the destruction of that entire
society. In recent history, strong and moral families have been credited with the prosperity that many of
us have enjoyed until more current times. Immoral evil forces understand that the way to undermine
and fracture society, gaining tremendous wealth and power for themselves and their families, is to
annihilate the families of the populace through immorality.
During modern times, the recommended moral route was for a couple to remain chaste before
marriage, working at jobs and focusing their attention on the accumulation of wealth to be used for
their future home. After marriage most couples continued to work at places of employment until
children arrived, requiring the wife and mother to indefinitely postpone career endeavors. This suited
the family’s needs as the man earned the wages and the woman served as caregiver to the family. This
congenial situation was torn asunder beginning in the 1960’s.
Women representatives of evil forces known as “feminists” were able to influence women into believing
that their jobs at home were unappreciated by family members and were menial jobs of drudgery and
uselessness. The “feminists” convinced women across the United States that jobs of importance with
good salaries were waiting for them in the workforce. Some men also became stingy with the
purchasing of necessities and told their wives to earn some money. Others suggested their wives return
back to work to provide the family with extra material goods that were being heavily promoted and
advertised at that time on television and in print media. Women with young children were concerned
with the “right time” to return to work. Mental health professionals created a dissonance among
women as the more conservative ones stated that six years old (full time student) was the “right” age.
Others stated that three years old was the “right time”. So, depending upon a liberal or conservative
point of view, women with young children returned to the workforce, relying mostly on babysitters for
childcare. Today, the “right time” for a woman to return to work is when her infant is six weeks old.
This mentality of women quickly returning to the workforce with young children at home has created a
wide array of problems for all family members and has resulted in the disintegration of many family
units. For example, babies and children in day care situations, have suffered from an inordinate amount
of illnesses. At the end of a long day in day care, babies and young children are not just tired, but are
exhausted, cranky and overstressed. Some babies suffer from post traumatic stress disorder where they
have become so overwhelmed and frightened to be left with strangers, that they become numb and
emotionless akin to the removal or dulling of the human spirit. Proper nutrition of the child and all
family members has suffered in a hurried environment. Dirty houses due to lack of time to thoroughly
clean all areas of the home, has resulted in allergies that rarely existed prior to women returning to paid
employ. Stress, the result of a rushed, disorganized living environment has caused mental and physical
health problems, divorces, and family estrangements. Other problems of immorality in the schools and
community that are left unchecked due to the lack of time, have allowed evil to continue unabated with
devastating consequences to families. Unattended and unsupervised children have become involved in
the immoralities of promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, violence, pornography, and have become victims of
pedophiles and rapists. Children are not receiving a religious education or the education of common
sense taught by families in the past. This has lead to vast differences in society’s perceptions of
developmental age and chronological age. Many children are less mature for their age now than they
were in the past. However, society still allows some adult privileges at a given age. For example, most
teenagers today are not responsible enough or mature enough to drive a car, yet they are permitted to
do so by the government. This has resulted in unprecedented accident injuries and fatalities among the
youth. Children of low maturity level are also provided with a detailed sexual education through public
school and media that has inflicted great harm on many youths.
The return of women with minor children to employment has also resulted in a preoccupation with
materialism that has resulted for some, in huge debts. And, men’s salaries in real terms (purchasing
power), has declined to reflect a workforce that has doubled.
In considering the above history and effects of women with minor children returning to the workforce, it
is easy to understand how evil forces have meticulously planned a strategy to devastate families.
Another falsehood that has been promoted by evil to destroy the family through an innuendo is that
others care more for family members than the family cares. This tactic involves evil troublemakers and
outsiders who cause situations, to create family animosities, divisions, anger, mistrust, anxieties, and
other problems that occur when evil interferes, exerting and peddling it’s influences ( refer to the other
commentaries) for examples.
In an evil society such as this, the first and foremost priority should be the protection and continued
functioning of the family.