Newsletter - Prospect High School - Township High School District 214


Newsletter - Prospect High School - Township High School District 214
1st Quarter-August 2016
The mission of the Prospect High School community is to maximize learning, to promote
personal development, and to respect individual differences in a safe and supportive environment.
Prospect Open House
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
7 p.m.
Parents are invited to attend an open house at Prospect High School on
Wednesday, September 14, at 7 p.m. This open house is designed to allow you
to follow your child’s class schedule and meet his or her teachers. You may also
visit with Student Services staff and administrators as time permits.
Please ask your son or daughter to fill out their schedule and bring it with you to the open house.
7:00 7:10
7:15 7:25
7:30 7:40
7:45 7:55
8:00 8:10
8:15 8:25
8:30 8:40
8:45 8:55
Prospect Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2015
From the Principal
Dear Prospect Families, Welcome students, parents, and guardians of the class of 2020! I am confident that you will find Prospect High School to be an excellent learning environment over the next four years. I look forward to the opening of the new school year, as it always brings new excitement and activity. We look forward to an early Homecoming week that will provide a variety of options for student involvement. Encouraging your son or daughter to try a new club, sport, or activity is one way of helping him or her to have a positive high school experience as well as a stronger academic record. It has been a busy summer here at Prospect with athletic camps, summer school, and pool construction. I hope that you are enjoying summer and that you have the opportunity to share some family time with your sons and daughters. As children become older and more involved in activities or part-­‐time work, it becomes more difficult to find family time. Summer might be a good time to build up these relationships as your sons and daughters are not feeling the stresses and pressures that may be present during the school year. These relationships, too, are important in school success. Throughout the summer months, Prospect faculty members are pursuing professional growth by taking graduate level university courses, participating in workshops here at Prospect, or attending conferences. Most teachers spend a great portion of the summer strengthening their own skills and developing or refining curricula. I am proud to say that Prospect teachers are very dedicated, professional educators who devote much energy and time into improving the education that is provided to the students of our community. Over the next several months, I look forward to hearing your voices and ideas. It is important for all of us to be partners in the education of your student. A great opportunity to become involved is at our annual Teacher-­Parent Council Open House. It will be held on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 7:00 pm. You will have an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers, learn about your child’s classes, and visit with Student Services staff and school administrators. Please mark your calendar so that you do not miss our Open House! The beginning of a new school year is a good time to talk with your sons and daughters about their expectations and hopes for this year. Help them to establish high but reasonable goals, and encourage them to talk with you regularly about their progress. Having a discussion of this nature will help you become more involved in your student’s academic progress and activities. I have great expectations for a terrific 2016-­‐2017 school year. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming activities, and I thank you for being caring, committed, and responsive! With PRIDE and RESPECT, Michelle Dowling Principal Prospect Parent
1st Quarter - August 2016
2016-2017 Thursday PLC/PD Schedules
(Professional Learning Community AND Professional Development Day Schedules)
Special Thursday schedules provide staff with time for collaborative learning and professional
development activities to benefit our students. Classes begin at 8:30 a.m. every Thursday with the
exception of the five dates listed below. On Thursday 8:30-start days, bus pick-up is the same as
regular schedule days. Students may use the time before first period class to use the resouce centers
or the Knights Learning Center. On Thursday, 9:30 start days, bus pick-up begins at 8:30, 2 hours
later than the regular pick-up schedule.
School begins at 8:30 every Thursday EXCEPT on Professional Development (PD) Days. These are
the 9:30 start days, as listed below.
September 15, 2016 October 6, 2016
November 10, 2016
March 2, 2017
From Student Services:
Guidelines For Dropping A Course
A student must have the approval of his/her parent or guardian to drop a course and must process the
request for withdrawal with his/her counselor. Once a semester begins, the following rules apply:
1. If a student drops a course on or before the 15th day (not including holidays, institute, and non
attendance days), no record of the course appears on the student’s transcript.
2. Students who drop a course between the 16th and 30th school days (not including holidays, institute,
and non-attendance days) will have the course title and a grade of “W” (withdrawn) recorded on
their transcript. (Note: “W” grades are not included in computing grade point average and do not
affect honor roll eligibility.)
3. Students who drop a course on or after 31 school days (not including holidays, institute, and nonattendance days) a grade of “WF” (withdrawn failing) is recorded on the student’s transcript.
4. If the administration, any time after the end of the 31st school day (not including holidays, institute,
and non-attendance days), drops a student from a course, the course title and a grade of “F” (failing)
are recorded on the student’s transcript.
5. “WF” and “F” grades are included in computing grade point averages and negatively impact honor
roll eligibility.
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Chronic Health Conditions in School
School achievement is dependent upon effectively meeting the health needs of all the students enrolled in
District 214 schools. If your student has a chronic health condition such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, or
seizures, it is important for the school, doctor, and family to work together to provide the best educational
experience possible.
In an effort to provide your student an opportunity for a successful school year, a number of health care plans
are available on the website. The care plan is designed to help the school collaborate with the
student’s family and medical doctor to insure student needs are met.
Care plans can be found under District Departments, Health Services, and then Health Forms. Once you have
printed the Care Plan, please review it with your doctor and return it to your school’s Health Office prior to the
beginning of each school year.
If your student requires medication or an inhaler during the school day, these forms are also available on the website. Please complete the forms with your doctor and return to the Prospect Health Office.
If you do choose to send medication for your student, it should always be sent in the original container and
labeled with your student’s name.
The school nurse is available to meet with you and your student to discuss the care plan or any concerns you
may have regarding your student’s health needs at school. If you would like to schedule a meeting, please
contact Prospect’s school nurse:
Cheryl Novak, R.N.
Phone: (847) 718-5319 or
Did you know that Prospect offers…
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
Prospect High School has a dedicated telephone line for those who need to reach us via a TDD. The phone
number is (847) 718-5208 and will be answered in the Attendance Office. Please do not call this number unless
you are using a TDD. Students may use the TDD during the school day by contacting a Dean.
Vision and Hearing Screenings
All special education students are screened annually for vision and hearing. Parents are notified of screening
results only if there is a possible problem for which further assessment is recommended. If you have questions
regarding this service, please contact Cheryl Novak, School Nurse (847) 718-5319.
Speech/Language Services
Speech/Language services are available at Prospect High School. Articulation, voice, language, and
conversational skills can be addressed. Hearing evaluations are available with parent permission. Parent,
teacher, and student self-referrals are accepted for speech/language screening with a signed parent consent form.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Speech Clinician at (847) 718-5582.
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Important Information for Parents and Students...
Final Examinations (January 18, 19, 20 and June 7, 8, 9)
Final examinations take place in each class at the end of the semester. These assessments generally
comprise between 10% and 20% of the final grade. Students must take the final exam on their assigned
date. In rare circumstances of emergency, requests for a change in final exam schedule must be made by
parents to and approved by Scott McDermott, Associate Principal.
Extended Absences or Vacation Requests
Prospect High School and District 214 adhere to the ISBE School Code on absences. In the rare
circumstance that an extended absence or vacation must occur during the school year, requests must be
made well in advance by parents via phone to and approved by Scott McDermott, Associate Principal,
District 214 iPad Program
District 214 has provided each student with an iPad. This tool allows students to access resources 24/7
and extend the learning beyond the walls of the classroom. Please remember that Prospect and District
214 manage student iPads. By default, restrictions are disabled, and will be enabled on a case-by-case
basis by school personnel. In order for students to participate fully and seamlessly in classroom activities
and their instructional program and avoid lost classroom data, parents and students are not allowed to
imependently enable restrictions on the student’s iPad. Rather, concerns or questions related to your
student’s iPad, should be directed to Matt Hamilton, 847/718-5267.
Sex Education
In accordance with the School Code of Illinois, we are required to advise parents regarding the teaching
of sex education. During the school year, various units in the following courses will deal with sex
education: Human Growth and Child Development, Parenting, Sociology I and II, Biology, Sociology
of Marriage and Family, and Health Education. Senior boys are instructed in self-testicular exam, and
senior girls are instructed in self-breast exam during physical education classes. You may review the
materials at any time by contacting the appropriate division head. Concerns or questions following your
review should be addressed to Scott McDermott, Associate Principal. If you desire to have your child
excluded during the teaching of certain topics dealing with sex education, appropriate arrangements can
be made.
Controversial Issues in the Classroom
Township High School District 214’s primary mission is to enable all students to learn the skills, acquire
the knowledge, and develop the behaviors necessary for them to reach their full potential as citizens who
can meet the challenges of a changing society. In a democracy that openly confronts acute and pressing
political, social, economic, and moral problems, it is likely that such issues will be evident in classrooms.
Discussions about these issues provide students with the type of learning experience that will help
prepare them to meet the challenges of a global changing society.
District 214 provides its parents/guardians an opportunity to grant or refuse permission for their son or
daughter to participate in a class activity or to request an alternative assignment when study materials
are deemed controversial. Parents/guardians with concerns regarding controversial issues, materials,
and curricula should contact the school’s principal/designee. The administration has established
guidelines, procedures, and safeguards for an unbiased, impartial handling of controversial issues in the
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Contacts for questions or concerns
If you have questions or concerns about a class, a co-curricular activity, or any other program of Prospect
High School, please contact the appropriate teacher, sponsor, coach, counselor, or administrator. We
stand ready and willing to communicate.
Following is a list of our staff who you may wish to contact at some time, as well as a diagram showing a
visual structure of the building organization. The diagram may help answer the question of “who to turn
to first and next.”
Student Services
College Counselor
Diane Bourn (718-5279)
Psychologists Jay Kyp-Johnson (718-5284)
Selby Roth (718-5300)
Counselors Samantha Becker (718-5339)
Rachel Brill (718-5287)
Colleen Carroll (718-5277)
Cathy Hill (718-5278)
Nick Olson (718-5282)
Mary Pinski (718-5281)
Todd Soderwall (718-5283)
Lynn Thornton (718-5286)
Social Workers Douglas Berg (718-5285)
Cheryl Wood (718-5288)
Speech Clinician Phyllis Kerendian (718-5582)
Health Services (Nurse)
Cheryl Novak (718-5319)
Student Activities
Assistant Principal
Frank Mirandola (718-5218)
Athletic Director, Boys Tom Martindale (718-5231)
Athletic Director, Girls Jean Rezny (718-5232)
Fine & Performing Arts Coordinator
Jeremy Morton (718-5554)
Student Council Lyn Scolaro (718-5400)
Attendance & Discipline
Deans Lisa Soukup (718-5205)
Mark Taylor (718-5206)
School Resource Officer
Chris Rondeau (718-5392)
Curriculum & Instruction
Associate Principal
Scott McDermott (718-5214)
Operations & Student Services
Associate Principal
Greg Minter (718-5212)
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Prospect High School
Building Organization Flowchart
Division Heads
Keith Bellof
- Math/Science
Gary Judson
- World Language/
Social Science
Adam Levinson
- English/Fine Arts
Julie Stoker
- Special Education
Chris Rondeau
Student Services
Dean of
Lisa Soukup
Mark Taylor
Jovan Lazarevic
- Career/Technical/
Driver Education
Fine and
Arts Sponsors
Tom Martindale
Jean Rezny
Arts Coordinator
Jeremy Morton
Student Services
Greg Minter
Associate Principal
Greg Minter
Associate Principal
Scott McDermott
Michelle Dowling
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Teacher Inservice Day
Institute Day
First Day of Classes – 1st Quarter
Labor Day
Non-Attendance Day
Columbus Day
Non-Attendance Day
End of 1st Quarter
Thursday, August 18, 2016*
Friday, August 19, 2016*
Monday, August 22, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Students Not in Attendance
Students Not in Attendance
Institute Day – All Schools
First Day of Classes – 2nd Quarter
Non-Attendance Day
Thanksgiving Day
Non-Attendance Day
Winter Break Begins at Close of Classes
First Day of Classes After Winter Break
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
Monday, October 31, 2016*
Students Not in Attendance
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016 All Buildings Closed
Thursday, November 24, 2016 All Buildings Closed
Friday, November 25, 2016
All Buildings Closed
Friday, December 16, 2016
Students dismissed early
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Monday, January 16, 2017
All Buildings Closed
Friday, January 20, 2017
Students dismissed after final
Institute Day - All Schools
First Day of Classes – 3rd Quarter
Presidents' Day, Non-Attendance Day
Spring Break Begins at Close of Classes
End of 3rd Quarter
Monday, January 23, 2017
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
Friday, March 31, 2017
Teacher Inservice Day
First Day of Classes – 4th Quarter
Non-Attendance Day
Memorial Day
Commencement Exercises
End of 2nd Semester/Last Day of Classes
Monday, April 3, 2017
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Friday, April 14, 2017
Monday, May 29, 2017
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Friday, June 9, 2017
All Buildings Closed
All Buildings Closed
All Buildings Closed
All Buildings Closed
No early dismissal
Students Not in Attendance
All Buildings Closed
Students dismissed early
(grades due 4/3/17)
Students Not in Attendance
All Buildings Closed
All Buildings Closed
Students dismissed after final
*Ten-month Educational Support Personnel are required to work Thursday, August 18; Friday, August 19; and
Monday, October 31, 2016.
BOE Approved 5/21/15
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 209
Township High School District 214 Food and Nutrition Service
Department Meal Program Information and FAQ 2016-17
All families desiring free or reduced price meal benefits must have a completed, current, approved application on
file for the 2016-2017 school year. If your child was receiving benefits last school year, you must reapply for the
2016-2017 school year.
If you are currently receiving SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), or TANF, and/or have a Foster
child, you may have already received a Direct Certification letter in the mail from us stating your child is eligible
for free meal benefits based on SNAP, TANF, or Foster child benefits. If you have received one of these letters,
you do not need to fill out this application as well.
If you would like to apply for Free or Reduced price meal benefits, please visit the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to
apply online. The form is located under the Applications/Forms Tab. Any families new to District 214, should have
received information regarding the activation of their Parent Portal account. For any parent needing assistance in
setting up an account for the portal, contact the help desk via phone or email at (847) 718-7676 or
• In our effort to go paperless, Please apply for meals online through the Parent Portal. (Note: parents must set up
an E-signature to submit - Applications E-signed by students will not be accepted).
A printable application (English and Spanish) is also available on our website: Application for School Meals.
Application for School Meals Eligibility for meal benefits will be determined within 10 days of receipt of
application in our office. A letter will sent by mail to your home notifying you of your child's (children's) eligibility
We will carry over 2015-16 SY (last years’) student eligibility status until expiration on September 15, 2016. A new
Special Milk/Meals Program application must be submitted annually.
• Meals are served every school day. For the 2016-17 school year, breakfast is available at all schools for $2.00 and
lunch is $3.00/$3.25/$3.50. Reduced breakfast is $1.00 and reduced lunch is $2.00. Milk (½ pint) is included
with the meal, but may also be purchased separately for $.60. A variety of a la carte options are available.
We look forward to providing meals for your child in our cafeterias. Our staff is committed to serving students
nutritious meals, while maintaining variety to keep students satisfied.The Food and Nutrition Services Department
has a computerized debit system that allows parents to prepay for school food services. This computerization
provides many benefits for students and parents in utilizing the cafeteria services. Please review the following
information to assist you in answering questions should they arise.
In our continuing effort to provide parents with the absolute best service, we have upgraded
This online payment service provides a quick and easy way to add money to your student’s meal account using a
credit/debit card or electronic check. You can also view recent purchases, check balances, and set-up low balance
alerts for FREE!
How does the prepaid system work?
The computerized system uses the student I.D. card to allow students and parents to establish a prepaid account.
The account may be used for breakfast, lunch and a la carte service. At the end of the cafeteria line, after the student
has selected his/her meal choices, he/she will need to present the student identification card to the cashier.
How is the prepaid account established?
There are several ways to establish a prepaid account for your students:
By check or cash – NEW for 2016.17: Pay by electronic check on or, to establish a prepaid account
for your student by check or cash, a form is included below. Additional forms may be picked up in the school
cafeteria or can be printed from the food service department website, under District Departments,
Food and Nutrition Service Tab. Complete the form and send it with cash or a check payable to your student's
school cafeteria. Hand in to any food service cashier.
By credit card – To set up an online account at, go to and
click on “register for an account”. Follow the instructions given to set up your student’s account. A convenience
fee of $1.95 will be added to your credit card for each deposit made per site. If you have more than one student in
the same school, you will be charged only one fee of $1.95 if funds are deposited into each of your students’
accounts during the same transaction session. For assistance in setting up or using an account, contact the support team at 1-855-832-5226.
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Meal Program Information continued
How long does it take to post funds to a prepaid account?
Payments made using checks or cash will be credited to your student’s account by the next business day.
Payments made using credit cards at are generally credited to your student’s account within
24 hours.
What cards are accepted for online prepayment?
Visa, Master Card and Discover credit cards are accepted as forms of payment.
How safe is my credit card information?
Information is stored with the website. To ensure the protection of all information stored on
the website, all online transactions for MySchoolBucks are handled with industry standard SSL encryption certified
by VeriSign. Additional detailed information can be found on the home page.
What happens when a prepaid account reaches a zero balance?
The food service cashier will alert a student when the balance is at or below $5.00. No credit will be extended.
Students with a zero balance must pay cash for their meals until their account is re-established. Students may ask
for the status of their account balance from a cashier any time a transaction is made in the cafeteria. If you are using
the online system, you will be notified by e-mail when your student’s account is low.
Can students charge meals with their student I.D.?
No. This is not a credit system designed to develop a bill to be paid at a later date.
Can students receive refunds?
Regardless of the method of payment, refunds of unused funds will be made by district check to parents only,
upon written request. Cash refunds will not be made to students. Unused funds will carry over to the next school
year for returning students. Parents can also request in writing to have unused balances transferred to another
District 214 sibling. Please send an email to to request a refund.
If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Food and Nutrition Services at 847-718-7638 or 847718-7639.
Thank You!
Please complete this form and mail (or bring) to your student’s school cafeteria along with your money
or check made payable to your student’s school cafeteria.
Student Name_______________________________________Bar Code Number_________________________
Pre-Paid Amount_____________________________________Check Number___________________________
Note: Return of unused funds will be made to parent/guardian only upon receipt of written request.
NOTE: Township High School District 214 Food Services will assess a $10.00 service charge for any check
returned for insufficient funds.
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1st Quarter - August 2016
Yearbook Portrait Information
Senior Yearbook Portrait – RETAKE DATE
When: September 27 (7:00 am – 3:30 pm)
Where: Community Room
*This is a YEARBOOK PICTURE SITTING ONLY – This means students will
have only one pose, they will not get a proof, and they will be unable to
order pictures. This is strictly an opportunity to get into the yearbook.
*Students must adhere to the school dress code. If attire worn does not meet the guidelines of the dress
code, then students must have their portrait taken again.
Girls – Please wear a nice blouse or sweater. Strapless, low necklines and spaghetti straps will not be
allowed for the senior section.
Guys – Must wear a collared shirt and tie. Coat and tie are preferred.
Underclassmen & Staff Yearbook Potrait Dates:
When: August 30 and August 31 (7:00 am – 3:30 pm)
Where: Community Room
Who: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Staff
*Students will be taken to the Community Room during PE classes or during their PE Waiver study
hall. The breakdown for each day is as follows:
Underclassmen & Staff Yearbook Portrait – RETAKE DATE
When: September 27 (7:00 am – 3:30 pm)
Where: Community Room
Who: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Staff
*A student in need of a retake must visit the Community Room before or after school, at lunch, or
during an open period. Students WILL NOT be allowed to miss class.
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Seven Semester Honors
Farzana M. Ahmed*
Pablo R. Almada
Michael T. Almisry*
Daniel R. Althoff
Jun An
Eric J. Angerer
Maxwell C. Arnold
Annalyse M. Babicz
Pooja Bahl*
Timothy Banna*
Anna G. Batcha*
Lauren M. Becherer
Apurva G. Belsare*
Paige M. Bennett
Macey N. Berkley
Lauren E. Berman
Kyle T. Beyak
Alexander W. Blethen*
Matthew A. Bohnen
Madeline R. Boldt
Anthony S. Bongiorno
Anastasia R. Bravos*
Kathryn R. Brooks
Jonathan T. Bruno
Alec J. Buchanan*
Demitra A. Burikas
Celeste N. Caldrone*
Jake S. Cavaiani
Paul Chartouni
Caroline M. Chengary*
Mikylah E. Chidester
Nina E. Churchill*
Matthew M. Ciechanowski
Elizabeth A. Clifford*
Eva M. Cole
Jason Costabile*
Jack C. Courtney*
Brendan R. Crosby
Gabrielle Cwanek
Kaetlyn J. Czurylo*
Aungelina T. Dahm
Christina S. D’Anza
Ruchika Darapaneni*
Kendall M. Dawson
Emma F. Dazzo*
Allison G. DeCant
Sean F. Dela Cruz*
Horacio De Los Santos
Daniel L. Devereux*
Vincenzo F. Di Fatta
Patrick F. Donohue*
Bridget C. Drufke
Brady R. Eckert*
James K. Farquharson*
Prospect Parent Newsletter
Laura S. Fehling
Andrew Fischer
Paul E. Flanders*
James P. Ford
Sam Gabriel
Elizabeth C. Gambino*
Grant P. Gavin
Kyle M. Gerber
Sean P. Gerdes
Hannah P. Getschman
Alexandra S. Gorodiski*
Marc S. Graff*
Lucas R. Graham*
Christine M. Granskog*
Emily R. Greene
Kaitlyn M. Gries
Jenna L. Gudritz
Joseph D. Hafertepe
Kevin D. Harrington
Margaret K. Hipple*
Jessica B. Hirsh*
Vishwas V. Hogirala*
Nicholas Holl*
Elizabeth M. John
Robert S. Karlov*
Keaton J. Keller
Payton E. Kelly
Joseph M. Kern
Oliver Khairallah*
Rebekah K. Kiner*
Ashley Kmiec*
Zoe C. Kollias*
Stefanie M. Kopp*
Adam Koszyk*
Viktoriya Kozlovska
Jennifer L. Krengiel*
Eryk Krzyzak*
Vincent Q. Lai
Madeleine G. Larock
Mark W. Larock*
Jenna K. Leane*
Ian C. Lenke*
Dana R. Liva
Claudia N. Lowe*
Iulia Lupse
Ashley Machanickal
Nicholas J. Macina*
Alec C. MacNab*
Marika E. Maggos*
Inga Majewska*
Leslie E. Maldonado
Madeline E. Mantych
Kelly A. Marshall*
Thomas J. Mathews
Jamie A. Maughan
Vanessa M. Maxwell
Olivia M. McAleer*
Danielle C. McCallister*
Timothy J. McDermott*
Eleanor E. McGough*
Emily A. McNally*
Jennifer L. Michalski
Grant R. Miller*
Samantha G. Minasian
Rachel E. Minter
Joseph A. Mitchell*
Adam S. Mockenhaupt*
Evelyn Mogielnicki
Sarah C. Moore
Charles R. Moreno*
Michael K. Morikado*
Brian T. Mulvihill*
Matthew A. Nadler*
Katherine L. Nejdl
Nicole J. Neumann
Brian T. Novak
Joseph K. Nowak*
Allison K. O’Connor*
Kacie O’Donnell
Evy S. Ohrstrom*
Sabrina R. O’Mara
Monika A. Orzel*
Arianna G. Osvath*
Joseph H. Paczko*
Mary M. Pancini
Morgan V. Pantone
Hyo D. Park
Jessica M. Parzynski*
Raj J. Pathak
Christine M. Payne
Jocelyne Perez*
Mary Rose Pettenuzzo
Jackson J. Pfeiffer*
Dimitra O. Plikas
Frances A. Ponicki*
Mary R. Ponicki*
Theresa C. Ponicki*
Katherine R. Porwit*
Mei Poy*
Mary Claire Rasmussen
Shannon R. Regan
Eric J. Reier*
Theodore G. Reimann*
Lauren L. Rendino
Charles K. Revord
Juliana Rizzi
Madeline R. Robertson
Melanie R. Ronayne
Brian J. Rowan
Emily G. Saenz*
Kimberly Sanello*
Stephen J. Schmit*
George A. Schober*
Kelly M. Schoessling
Jessica L. Sell
Carolyn R. Sherrick
Catherine A. Sherwood*
Ellen E. Siefke*
Ethan E. Skaggs
Reed C. Skocz
Catherine M. Speedy
Veronica Stanoulov
Quinn A. Stewart*
Sindi P. Stoeva
Alexander J. Straczek*
Magdalene A. Sullivan
Abigail M. Sunu
Alek H. Surenian
Thomas E. Surleta*
Benjamin D. Szafarz*
Melissa C. Sztuk*
Tara K. Taghavizadeh
Martin Talbot
Dominic Taldone
Joseph R. Thomas
James B. Thompson*
Jacob Thornton*
Stephanie A. Towey
Kishan K. Trivedi*
Natalie M. Tuczak*
Nicholas J. Tuczak*
Renzmark Vallesteros*
Michael C. Venit
Stephanie P. Venturelli
Michelle K. Vuong
Molly S. Walsh
Evan Wasiak*
Margaret F. Wiley*
Taylor M. Will
Harmony J. Youngquist*
Jessica Zaytcheva
Sarah E. Zombo*
1st Quarter - August 2016
Four Semester Honor Pins
Sami M. Al Dakka
Lauren M. Alberts
Jonathan T. Ampalloor
Elliott W. Anderson
Kyle Arms
Pasquale A. Atteo
Madeline T. Atwood
Jake W. Aumuller
Anthony H. Azarcon
Scott M. Baackes
Kathryn A. Bajkowski
Robert J. Baldino
Katherine E. Barr
Faye E. Barry
Kaylee N. Bartz
Evan J. Beer
Kristina R. Beihoffer
Jack D. Bellows
Rachel N. Benduha
Liam Benson
Stephanie E. Benson
Olivia B. Berman
Margaux F. Best*
Lukas P. Bieszk
Caroline B. Binley
Annie M. Boarini
Patrick C. Boarini
Veronica M. Boratyn
Jonathan R. Branch
Izabela Brandys
Mallory Brask
Karson G. Brinkman
Andrew J. Brooks
Michael W. Brown
Alexandra Brzezinska
Matthew R. Buck
Alyssa C. Caccamo
Cynthia A. Campos
Eulises Campos Quinones
Natalie T. Carioti
Lucas G. Carlson
Emily R. Cavanagh
Payton L. Chantry
Eitan Y. Chitman
Krzysztof W. Chwala
Jonathan D. Ciske
Taylor A. Clark
Mary E. Cole
Christopher J. Cooney
Matthew W. Cozine
Emmalynn M. Cronin
Maxwell J. Crowninshield
Matthew J. Culliton
Deborah C. Cunningham
Cole B. Dahlstrom
Anna E. Daleiden
Prospect Parent Newsletter
Heather Q. Dao
Megan M. DelSignore
Mila E. Diaz
Katherine R. Doherty
William J. Doherty
Megan L. Donner
Michael J. Doyle
Alyssa M. Duetsch
Amanda L. Dziadus
Christopher M. Endres
Brianna R. Ergastolo
Stephanie M. Evett
Kristen N. Fedor
Matthew M. Fergus
Luke F. Filipic
Katherine C. Fitzgerald
Peter S. Foley
Jack D. Gabriel
Grace E. Gadow
Giana L. Galle
Hannah L. Gallo
Kumar J. Gandhi
Travis J. Gates
Joanne George
Nicole Giammarino
Timothy J. Gibbons
Isaac B. Ginnodo
Sarah R. Glauberg
Nicholas Goelkel
Laura E. Gonyon
Katie A. Gravagna
Nicole Greda
Michelle E. Haaning
Christopher N. Haddad
Karissa Hammerstrom*
John M. Harford
John P. Harmon
Juliana K. Harr
Renae M. Heinze
Katherine Henckel
Lillian Hermes
Alec E. Heyde
Sarah J. Heyman
Veronica E. Holloway
Gianna N. Honcharuk
Peter J. Hong
Kenny Hsiao
Sarah A. Inorio
Gabrielle E. Ives
Alexis J. Jagus
Bridgette Jasinski
Alexandra L. Jehn
Nicolas K. Jozefowski
Bulgan Jugderkhuu
Zachary J. Kaminski
Adrian M. Kapustka
Christina A. Karmik
Olivia L. Karnes
Olivia R. Karr
Nathan Katzman
Alice M. Kenny
Maaz A. Khan
Dongyoung Kim
Jonnathan D. Kim
Courtney A. Klepitch
Jazzmine Klopack
Elai Kobayashi-Solomon
Sklyer R. Kociuba
Ryan J. Kopp
Ebru Kose
Alfin C. Koshy
Martina J. Kowalczuk
Emily A. Kowalczyk
Wojciech Koziol
Amy E. Kruse
Ross A. LaCamera
Kathryn E. LaCost
Thomas A. Ladd
Amanda N. Lai
Ryan L. Lakner
Karson J. LeComte
Lindsey D. LeComte
Jin Hee Lee
Kevin P. Lesniak
Jeffrey W. Lin
Christina E. Lindberg
Jacob L. Lomazov
Amanda C. Lowe
Natalie N. Lysik
Michaela S. Malone*
Elijah A. Mangaba
Ariel Maret
Miranda R. Marfilius
Daniel S. Marshall
Claire C. Marzolf
Maya E. Mason
Eva Matcuk-Gaiownik
Nicole A. Matters
Frank D. Mazur
Caeley M. McDonagh
Christopher F. McGuire
Zoe McRae
Samuel Meyer
Lauren A. Miller
Ryan F. Molini
Olivia N. Molli
Lauren W. Monsen
Faith R. Moreno
Alexander S. Morikado
Ryan A. Morton
Jessica Motylewski
Javier A. Mouledous
Julia Mozdzen
Molly K. Mueller
Michael P. Munao
Alexandra N. Mussatti
Adam J. Nadler
Arshpreet Nanda
Nyla Nazir
Zoe Neff
Jacquelene R. Neuhalfen
Kendall L. Neumann
Miriam E. Nelson
Grant M. Noble*
Clare N. Nolan
Steven P. Norton
Kailani R. Norwell
Eric S. Nowac
Brendan M. O’Brien
Danielle O’Brien
Clare M. O’Carroll
Michael J. Olson
Erin O’Malley
Dezirae L. Orozco
Ellen H. Paczko
Rachel A. Parks
Aarti A. Patel
Hirangi K. Patel
Kathleen A. Paxson
Heather E. Pecho
Berkeley F. Peldo
Kathryn Penner
Annika Pentikainen
Daniela Perciun
Geoffrey C. Perkins
Karina B. Petrunova
Hannah Piemonte
Niki M. Pizzato
Justin J. Placko
Kelsey Pogatetz
Adrian Politzer
Mary C. Powers
Devin T. Prasad
Alexander A. Preissing
Stefan R. Prem
Kelly A. Prete
Luke A. Reckamp
Angela M. Roman
Marisa L. Romanelli
Benjamin A. Rouske
Andrew D. Ruboyianes
Carolyn S. Ryan
Kathleen K. Ryan
Micaela Ryan
Faimy Saji
Alexis M. Salvadore
Joshua Samson
Christine M. Savaiano
1st Quarter - August 2016
Four Semester Honor Pins, continued
Eva P. Schacht
Kyle A. Schildgen
Clare G. Schroeder
Matthew J. Schultz
Brady S. Schwartz
Mason L. Schweinzger
Michael J. Schwingbeck
Cassidy R. Selep
Paulina Serowik
Laura D. Shaffer
Zhenlie She
Rebecca Shoemaker
Jessica P. Skudlarek
David M. Slupski
Jessica L. Smith
Kathryn L. Szukalla
Sebastian Szulakiewicz
Shreya N. Thakkar
Vsevolod Tikhomirov
John W. Tworek
Caroline J. Unzicker
Patrick B. Walsh
Mercedes M. Walter
Megan S. Weiss
Alex J. Whiteman
Kamila C. Widalski
Brittany C. Williams
Samantha J. Withey
Emily Woloch
Luke F. Wrede
Shannon T. Smith
Griffin C. Snead
Catherinie B. Sokolik
Eryk K. Soltys
Ashlyn A. Sordo
Camila Y. Soriano
Melissa G. Spacapan
Adrianna N. Spagnola
Maya Y. Stidham
Garrett B. Strother
Claire L. Stuckel
Ricardo Suarez Palomera
Olivia E. Sullo
Gloria Swanson
Olivia M. Sykes
Janeta Y. Yancheva
Abagail D. Younger
Kathryn J. Zardzin
Kyle P. Zielinski
Kelly Zim
Sara E. Zurbuch
National Honor Society Selection Process
The selection process for the National Honor Society is based upon four criteria – scholarship, character, service, and
leadership. These criteria are determined by the founding organization of National Honor Society and
are stated in the constitution that each chapter is required to adopt. Each chapter’s faculty committee is
allowed to determine how each of these criteria will be met in order to attain membership. Prospect High
School has established the following requirements for initial eligibility; a student must have at least a 4.8
GPA and be a junior or senior. Subsequently, the GPA is not a factor in the final phases of the selection
At Prospect, service has been defined as service shown through participation in school and community
activities. These eligible students will accumulate a minimum of 10 service hours as well as complete a
personal leadership essay. Students must meet the deadline (end of 1st semester) for returning their completed forms in
order to remain eligible for membership. Finally, all faculty will review a list of eligible students to assess their character.
Individual concerns will be directed to Prospect’s faculty committee.
This entire process takes place at Prospect High School during first semester culminating with the induction ceremony in
March. In mid-September, a letter is sent to all eligible junior/senior students who meet the minimum GPA requirement.
Students are then asked to attend a mandatory meeting at which time the entire selection process is explained and forms
For additional information, please contact Dr. Lynn Thornton (847-718-5286) or
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Congratulations to Veronica Holloway. Veronica is an outstanding artist.
Veronica received a Scholastics
Midwest Regional Honorable Mention
Award this year for her portfolio. Her artwork is sophisticated with
great attention to detail as well as
to her conceptual ideas. Veronica is
considered a role model by many of
our art students. They look to her
for advice and support. Veronica has
been involved in the art department
for all four years of her high school
career. She is always ready to lend a
hand and make a positive contribution
to the department. She is truly an
asset to the art department. We wish
her continued success in all of her
artistic endeavors!
The 2016 recipient of the Band Senior
Medallion is Megan DelSignore.
Megan has been a distinguished
performer in the band program
for the last four years. As a senior,
Megan was a featured soloist in the
marching band and served as flute
section leader. She has also been
principal flute in the Symphonic Band
for the last two years. Megan has also
performed in the musical pit orchestra
and show choir combo, where she has
played both flute and piano. Outside
of Prospect, Megan participated in
the District 214 Honor Band, where
she was first chair, and was selected
for the Illinois Music Educators
Association District 7 Band. Megan’s
hard work and dedication to her craft
has served as an excellent model to the
other members of the band program
and she is incredibly deserving of this
This year’s Biology Award winner has
displayed a depth of understanding
with respect to the field of biology that
is rarely seen at the high school level.
Her ability to comprehend complex
concepts and apply them to new
Prospect Parent Newsletter
Senior Awards
situations is most impressive. Her
work ethic is second to none. She has
put this impressive knowledge and
skill to use as one of the leaders of our
Science Olympiad team.
It is with great pleasure to announce
that this year’s Biology Award
recipient is Katie Gravagna.
This years Chemistry award winner
was chosen from a highly talented
senior class. He consistently
performed at the highest level in his
Honors and AP Chemistry classes.
This student is able to learn material
thoroughly at an accelerated pace.
He has the ability to apply newly
acquired knowledge to new and
challenging problems. While working
in peer groups this student was
helpful, patient, and motivating. He
is a thoughtful student, asking truly
insightful questions during class
discussions. During the year he was
a consistent, positive student role
model. This year’s Senior Chemistry
Award recipient is Jacob Lomazov.
Claire Marzolf is a four year member
of Orchesis and during her senior year
she served as a head choreographer
and student director. Claire also
served as captain of the competitive
dance team. Claire was a dancer
in the 2014, 2015 & 2016 Illinois
High School Dance Festival pieces.
Claire also was a dancer selected
to perform at the National High
School Dance Festival in 2014 & 2016. Claire is a hard working dancer with
determination, drive and a work ethic
that has allowed her to become one of
the strongest dancers on both orchesis
and dance team. She is an exceptional
dancer, student, leader and young
woman. Next year Claire will dance
as an Illinette at the University of
Illinois. It is an honor to award
Claire Marzolf with the 2016 Dance
Dayna has been in the Little Knights
Preschool for the last 4 years. Dayna
has a wonderful rapport with people
of all ages, especially children. Her
ability to connect with her preschool
students and her talent at teaching
simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are truly superior. She
has been very successful this year in
Education Academy our district 214
capstone course for education. Dayna
was chosen as one of the Golden Apple Education Scholarship recipients
so will be majoring in education and
will make a stand out teacher.
For the past four years, Eryk has
worked hard to achieve a level of
excellence in the French language that
can only be described as remarkable.
A natural communicator and fluent
in three languages, his command of
French is excellent in both the written
and spoken forms.
Additionally, Eryk’s passion for the
French language and culture, as well
as his sophisticated understanding of
global issues, provide an impressive
role model for the rest of the class.
This passion for French led Eryk to
compete in the National French Exam
in spring 2016, where he earned a
22nd place ranking nationwide. This
past spring, Eryk was also a natural
candidate for the Prospect French
Exchange to Sèvres, France, where he
served as a wonderful representative
of our school.
Eryk’s work ethic is exemplary, as
is his ability to positively influence
his peers during our French class
activities. Indeed, he shares his talent
and enthusiasm for French in a way
that truly inspires those around him.
It is with great honor and pride that
we present the Senior French Award
2016 to an exceptional student, Eryk
1st Quarter - August 2016
Senior Awards,
Krzys Chwala has been a part of the
journalism program at Prospect since
his sophomore year, and it is not an
overstatement to say that, in that
time, he has changed the face of the
Prospector forever. He completely
altered the way our newspaper
staff looks at page design, as it is no
longer a necessary evil; rather, it is
yet another way to express yourself
and tell a story. Krzys never stopped
innovating, as he was always the one
willing to take a risk to try to find a
new way to tell a story.
I have never seen a student more
passionate and selfless about an
activity, as Krzys sacrificed time,
energy and sleep to make the
newspaper better than when he found
it. He always had time to help his
peers with a struggling story or page,
and I have never had a better leader,
both by words and example. Krzys
always did things the right way and
for the right reasons, simply because
Krzys couldn’t fathom anything
It is with much pleasure and pride
that Krzys Chwala receive this year’s
Journalism Award.
Skyler Kociuba offered to manage the
Illini Fighting Hunger fundraiser and
succeeded beautifully. Additionally,
while working on the curriculum
for the topic “Look Deeper,” Sklyer
helped organize a presentation that
was presented to the Knights’ Way
leaders as well as the school. She also
managed to get the video done on
time and constantly kept in touch with
the development of this Knights’ Way
Skyler has been a great role model and
helped tremendously with Knights’
Way. Congratulations on all your
The 2016 Senior Mathematics
Award goes to a truly extraordinary
Prospect Parent Newsletter
student. This student really belongs
to Prospect-at-large because he has
excelled in science and English as well
as mathematics. This student appears
to not be motivated by grades, but
rather by his intrinsic interest in the
subject matter. His problem solving
skills, ability to connect related
concepts and speed of thought are
incredibly impressive. He was an
important four-year participant in
Prospect’s Math Team where he has
been a meet winner, division winner
and state qualifier. In addition, he can
often be found helping classmates
with their mathematics work. For his
efforts, contributions, performance
and achievements, the Mathematics
Department is pleased to present the
Senior Mathematics Award to Krzys
John Tworek is the recipient of this
year’s Music Department Senior
Medallion. John has been extremely active in all aspects of the music
program throughout his four years at
Prospect. He was a four-year member
of the marching band, where he was
a section leader, he has played in the
Symphonic Band for three years, was
part of the D214 Honor Band, and he
is performing as a featured soloist on
this spring’s band concert. He was
also in the choir program for three
years where he spent two years in the
Madrigals, one year in show choir,
two years in the combo, and was
twice selected for the ILMEA District 7
Choir. He has also participated in the
jazz band and symphony orchestra.
However, John is much more than a
list of ensembles, honors, and achievements. John is a model member of
each ensemble he is a part of. He is
dependable and a team player. He
sets a great example for those around
him by combining a great sense of humor with the ability to focus and work
hard. John has been a fantastic music
student and he is extremely deserving
of this honor.
This year’s senior award for Physics
goes to a student who is exhilarated
to learn about the laws that govern
our universe. She has a passion to
understand physics and enjoys the
struggle to obtain deep understanding. By all counts she’s been successful! A
top test-taker, a great contributor to
class discussion, and a thinker who
yearns to solve problems -- it’s a great
pleasure to award Marisa Romanelli
the 2016 Senior Physics Award!
This year’s Female Senior Leader
Award at Prospect High School
is Mercedes Walter. The Physical
Education department is recognizing
Mercedes as a natural leader with a
strong “voice”. Mercedes leads her
PE classes with a voice that provides
instruction and directs the students
towards fulfilling the expectations
of the class. She is always willing to
assist other Physical Education classes. Mercedes is a determined, goal
oriented, committed and a confident
young woman. These qualities
surpass her peers, and meet the
expectations of this deserving award.
Miss Saji is very deserving of this
year’s service learning award. Over
the course of her 4 years at Prospect
she has consistently been among the
top for giving of service hours to our
school and community. She always
approaches service with a smile. This
year in addition to her many hours of
service, Faimy also served as a leader
on the service club executive board.
The dedication and hard work that
Faimy Saji gives to everything she
does will be missed next year.
The recipient of this year’s Spanish
Award is Daniela Perciun. Daniela
was chosen because of her dedication
to the Spanish language and her
1st Quarter - August 2016
Senior Awards,
excellence in the 4 skills of reading,
writing, listening and speaking.
Daniela consistently understands the
complexities of the language. Daniela
speaks eloquently, writes wonderfully
and truly challenges herself in the
Spanish language. Daniela has only
learned English recently, and the
challenges of learning a language and
its intricacies has been at the forefront
of her push to control the language
and speak it to the advanced level that
she currently commands.
Daniela’s knowledge of Romanian
has certainly helped her to learn both
English and Spanish in a very short
time period. This constant challenge
of learning 2 new languages since
coming to this country has allowed
Daniela the opportunity to understand
more completely the Spanish-speaking
culture and grasp the intricacies of
the Spanish language. Daniela plans
to continue studying Spanish while
she attends Community College next
fall before moving on to a 4 year
Nina has been a part of the choral
program for all 4 years. During
that time she has participated in
every performing group that we
have to offer. She has been a show
choir performer for 3 years and a
dance captain. Nina’s choreography
has been featured in many of our
show choir performances. She is
generous with her time when it
comes to helping others or with the
organizing and planning of events
in the department. Her vocal talent
and ability to passionately perform
on stage is contagious. Nina is
resilient and hardworking. The
department has been lucky to have
her as a leader. Nina received the Pere
Marquette scholarship award and will
be going on to Marquette in the fall,
majoring in history. YEARBOOK
Kendall’s strong academic
performances in her core classes
Prospect Parent Newsletter
and in yearbook class are really
self-explanatory, however, what is
most impressive is her dedication
to her peers. As the editor-in-chief
for the yearbook, Kendall helped
out with numerous tasks, including
budgets, scheduling, contacts, and
teaching and guiding her peers. Her
meticulous manner and efficiencies
in problem solving are outstanding,
but even more impressive is the way
she helps her peers and remains
calm and patient in any situation.
The success in this area has instilled
the necessary foundation to ensure
ongoing achievement in her schooling
and beyond. Kendall shows a level
of maturity above and beyond her
peers. While she is not standoffish
or somehow aloof from her peers,
she nonetheless rises above the more
petty and immature concerns that
typify youth today. She instead often
serves as a clear moral and intellectual
standard to which her friends and
classmates aspire.
Remember, there is no one magic
move or secret that creates victory, but
lots of little items that when added
together can make one victorious;
Kendall has plenty of little things
that will make her victorious. I am so
proud of her!
Alec is a creative, talented, and
energetic young man who has helped
to make Prospect a more vibrant
community over the past four years.
His involvement in academics
and activities at Prospect reflects
commitment and excellence. Alec has
excelled in rigorous coursework. He
has been involved with Cross Country,
Track, DECA, Knights’ Way, LINK,
KLC tutors, National Honor Society,
Spanish Honor Society, Principal’s
Advisory Council, Harvard Model
Congress, and the Young Conservative
Club. He clearly has taken advantage
of the many opportunities that
Prospect has to offer. His interactions
consistently demonstrate a sincere
kindness and interest in the thoughts
and actions of others. Through his
generous gestures, his strong work
ethic, and his bright outlook, Alec
Hyde has truly represented Prospect
with PRIDE and RESPECT, and he
is most deserving of the Principal’s
Olivia is a student who has
distinguished herself with an
impressive list of Prospect’s most
challenging courses. She is an
intelligent, socially invested, and wellrounded student. Olivia has taken
on leadership roles as the Prospect
Marching Knights Drum Major,
and as a LINK, Knights’ Way, and
Physical education leader. She was
also involved with the Symphonic
Band, Varsity Basketball, Barcelona
Exchange, Youth Group, National
Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society,
and Peppers. Her positive attitude,
confident spirit, and her love and
concern for her peers have forged
relationships and deepened the
significance of school experiences for
all involved. She is a natural problem
solver who leads through example.
Olivia Sykes is a most impressive
young woman and a wonderful role
model for her peers. It is with pride
that Olivia is awarded the Principal’s
1st Quarter - August 2016
All-Academic Senior Athletes
Zanghia Abbey
Jazzmine Klopack
Nora Meyer
Megan Weiss
Adam Nadler
Steven Norton
Michael Schwingbeck
David Slupski
Jacob Arndt
Pasquale Atteo
Travis Gates
Ryan Molini
Brendan O’Brien
Luke Wrede
Mackenzie Bach
Matthew Cozine
Maxwell Crowninshield
Theodore Eckhardt
Luke Filipic
Alec Heyde
Kenny Hsiao
Karson Lecomte
Daniel Marshall
Kyle Schildgen
Brady Schwartz
Dongyoung Kim
Michelle Haaning
Miranda Marfilius
Alejandra Osorio Mendez
Taylor Sliwa
Kathryn Szukalla
Lindsey Lecomte
Luz Analitis
Molly Goldman
Veronica Holloway
Brenda Kendziera
Monica Krickl
Maya Mason
Nicole Matters
Caeley McDonagh
Clare O’Carroll
Angela Roman
Kathleen Ryan
Cassidy Selep
Jessica Skudlarek
Shannon Smith
Faye Barry
Kirsten Chamberlin
Nicole Greda
Gianna Honcharuk
Scott Baackes
Liam Benson
John Harmon
Brain McTigue
Michael Poulos
Kyle Zielinski
Evan Beer
Jack Bellows
Matthew Culliton
Jack Gabriel
Isaac Ginnodo
Alexander Morikado
May “Student of the Month” Recognition
Congratulations to the May “Student of the Month” honorees! Prospect staff has the opportunity once a month to
nominate students for a significant achievement in studies or activities including outstandig projects or performances,
noteworthy improvement, consistent achievement consistent application, cooperative or caring spirit, public or peer
service, leadership, etc. Students are recognized at a breakfast in appreciation of their efforts and accomplishments.
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
DECA is Prospect’s Business Club. It prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing,
finance, hospitality and management.
Twenty seven Prospect DECA members qualified for the state competition: Jonathan Ampalloor, Jacob
Arndt, Evan Beer, Stuart (Sam) Brown, Krysztof Chwala, David Fang, Reily Finn, Giana Galle, Zach
Hittie, Anthony Huayamave, Grace Kho, Jacob Lomazov, Jimmy McDermott, Adam Nadler, Karina
Petrunova, Kate Ponzi, Devin Prasad, Brendan Quinn, Jonathon Raupp, Katie Ryan, Brady Schwartz,
Mason Schweinzger, Austin Sibu, Shannon Smith, Itzel Velazquez, Mercedes Walter, and Dominika
Wojtowicz. This competition was held on Thursday, March 10 through Saturday, March 12 in Rosemont,
IL. The competition consists of an economics test, a content-area test, and two role-play business
scenarios. Over 1,500 Illinois high school DECA students competed.
The following three students placed in the top10 in their content areas and therefore received a medal:
Stuart (Sam) Brown
Shannon Smith
Krysztof Chwala
The following eight students will represent Prospect at the DECA international competition in April
in Nashville, Tennessee:
Zach Hittie, 1 place, Automotive Services Marketing
Grace Kho, 3 place, Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Jacob Lomazov, 3 place, Principles of Business Management
Jonathan Ampalloor, 4 place, Human Resources
Kate Ponzi and Katie Ryan, 4 place, Marketing Communications Team
Evan Beer, top 10, Quick Serve Restaurant Management
Mercedes Walter, top 10, Principles of Marketing
The DECA co-sponsors, Mr. Paul Hennig and Mrs. Cathy Fortuna, are very proud of this student group.
DECA is open to any Prospect student, freshman through senior, who has taken at least one semester of a
business course. There are many different events a student can compete in.
Women in STEM club would like to invite all PHS ladies who are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to join our Schoology Page! The Schoology group page will have information on guest speakers, internships, local STEM events, fieldtrips, and more! All ages and parents are welcome to join this virtual club. Here is the code: Access Code – 2MCW8-­‐5CMF5 Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Art Club – Mrs. Shaffer
Bass Fishing Club – Mr. Schaap
Book Bites - Mrs. Sylvester
Class of ‘17 – Mrs. Myers
Class of ‘18 – Mrs. Collins
Class of ‘19 – Mrs. Fonsino
Class of ‘20 – Mr. Hammerstrom
Cricket Club – Mr. Karcher
DECA – Mrs. Fortuna/Mr. Hennig
Ebony Club - Mr. Meyers
Environmental Club - Ms. David
Family, Career, Community Leaders of America –
Mrs. Collins/Ms. Curtin
French Club – Ms. Wilkens
GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) – Ms. Roth
Guitar Club – Dr. J. Kyp-Johnson/Mr. Taylor
International Club – Ms. Carroll
JAMM (Anime Club) – Ms. Kruse
Italian Club - Ms. Scolaro
Knights Under No Influence – Mrs. Stoltz
Knights' Way - Mrs. Fortuna/Dr. Kyp-Johnson
LINK (Leading Incoming Knights) – Ms. Carroll
National Forensics – Mr. Schnell
National Honor Society – Dr. Thornton
O.R.E.O. - Mr. Froats
Peppers. “Pep Club” – Mrs. Fonsino
Principal Advisory Committee – Mrs. Dowling
Robotics – Mr. Schaap
Roundtable - Mr. Andrews
Service Club – Mr. Hammerstrom
Spanish Club – Mr. Schultz
Student Athletic Training Aides – Mr. Marnstein
Student Council - Ms. Scolaro
Student Exchange – Ms. Carroll
Tech Crew – Mr. Morton
Theater Angels - Mr. Morton
The Underground Spirit Club –
Mr. Mirandola/Mr Kaminsky/Mr. Collins
Ultimate Frisbee Club - Mr. Camardella
WiStem – Mrs. Page
Young Life – Mr. Taylor
Zoo Club – Mr. DelBoccio/Ms. Genitoni
Math Team – Mr. Grasse
Debate – Mr. Schnell
Speech/Acting Team – Mr. Kaminsky
Academic Bowl - Mr. Bianchi/ Mr. Schnell
Science Olympiad - Ms. Brej
Chess Team – Mr. Olson
Cheerleaders – Ms. Gronski
Dance – Mrs. Burton
Boys Athletics
Baseball - Mr. Giusti
Basketball - Mr. Camardella
Cross Country - Mr. Stokes
Football - Mr. Sebestyen
Golf - Mr. Martindale
Gymnastics – Mr. Basler
Soccer - Mr. Elkins
Swimming - Mr. Lopez
Tennis – Mr. Rathe
Track - Mr. Renaud
Volleyball - Mr. Riedy
Waterpolo – Mr. Gryzbek
Wrestling - Mr. Whalen
Girls Athletics
Badminton - Ms. Rezny
Basketball – Mrs. Lovin
Bowling – Ms. Rusczcak
Cross Country - Mr. Wintermute
Golf - Mr. Hamann
Gymnastics – Ms. Erickson
Soccer - Mr. Froats
Softball – Ms. Leazer
Swimming - Mr. Lopez
Tennis – Mr. McColaugh
Track – Mr. Wintermute
Volleyball – Ms. Gerber
Waterpolo – Mrs. Tucker
Band Auxiliary/Color Guard - Mr. Barnum
Marching Band - Mr. Barnum
Chamber Choir – Mrs. Troiano
Madrigal Singers, Vocal Jazz – Mrs. Troiano
Concert Choir, One Stop – Mrs. Troiano
Company – Mr. Burrow
Newspaper – Mr. Block
Yearbook – Mrs. Stoltz
Mixed Company – Mrs. Troiano
Treble Choir, Varsity Choir – Mrs. Troiano
Orchesis – Mrs. Burton
Orchestra – Mr. Weber
Jazz Band – Mr. Weber
Poms – Mrs. Burton
Drama - Mr. Morton
Musical – Mr. Morton
(Special interest groups vary from year to year depending on the interests of the student body.)
To join any activity, all you need to do is listen to the morning announcements for the date and place the activity will meet, and simply
show up there. If you have questions, go to the Student Activities Office. Some activities are those for which you must try out. Many
hold clinics before try-outs, so, again, listen to the morning announcements. If for some reason you do not hear the morning
announcements, a printed copy is posted in the Student Activities Office, Counseling Office, outside the Main Office, or on our Web Site
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
What is Knights’ Way?
Knights’ Way is a student written and lead character education and
community development program here at Prospect High School. Topics are
developed by the students and presented to the entire school body at several
times during the school year.
How are Knights’ Way leaders selected?
Juniors and sophomores are nominated by the staff at Prospect High School, or
they may nominate themselves, to be considered. The nomination list is then
given to the entire
staff at Prospect High School for consideration. Prospect staff recommend
nominees based on their demonstrated leadership qualities.
What are the Knights’ Way topics for 2016-2017?
Knights’ Way Leaders on the Curriculum Committee have been working hard to create the Knights’ Way
topics for next year. The following is a list of dates and topics for the 2016-2017 school year:
Week of Kindness
Pen Pals/Communicating Friendship
Mental Health and Understanding
Date Safe/Healthy Boundaries
Digital Safety/Think About It
Goals and Dreams/Set Your Stage
September 29, 2016
November 3, 2016
December 8, 2016
February 2, 2017
March 9, 2017
April 13, 2017
This year on Friday, September 9, 2016, at Forest View Educational Center, each of the approximately 200
KW leaders will be trained to introduce and discuss classroom presentations on the above topics.
How can I help support Knights’ Way?
You can help support this program by applying for, and using, a Target credit card and designating
Prospect High School on your credit card application. Target will then donate a percentage of your
purchases to the Knights’ Way Program. Last year Knights’ Way received over $2,000 from Target
because people designated PHS on their Target charge card.
Who are the Knights’ Way co-sponsors?
Mrs. Cathy Fortuna
Dr. Jay Kyp-Johnson
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
PHS Speech Team Wins Major National Recognition
Rhegan Graham
Ben Marshall & Molly McDermott
Veronica Boratyn
2016 was quite a year for the Prospect High School Speech Team. After winning 4 individual state championships and the
overall Illinois High School Association Team State Championship, Prospect went on to qualify 11 students to the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) National Tournament. In June, members of the Prospect Speech Team competed at the National Tournament held in Salt Lake City. This 5-day tournament brought together over 4000 students from
1000 schools across the country to compete for the national championship in their event. Not only was Prospect the only
Illinois school to earn the prestigious School of Excellence Award (given to the top 20 Speech schools in the nation), but
several individuals performed in front of over 4000 people and brought home awards never before achieved by Prospect
Ben Marshall & Molly McDermott won the Duo Interpretation Final Round National Championship and finished 3rd
overall in an event that began with over 240 competitors.
Rhegan Graham & Veronica Boratyn competed in Informative Speaking against over 225 students. Prospect was fortunate
to have 2 of the 6 final round competitors with Rhegan placing 3rd in the nation and Veronica placing 4th in this inaugural
year for the event.
Because of their outstanding achievements, Ben, Molly, & Rhegan automatically qualify to the next national tournament
in 2017.
All students interested in becoming part of State Champion and Nationally Recognized Speech Team should contact Mr.
Kaminsky at
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
PHS Speech Team Thanks Jersey Mike’s
In May, Jersey Mikes at Randhurst held a fundraiser for the Prospect High School National Speech Qualifiers. This generous fundraising opportunity generated a donation from Jim Shipman and Jersey Mikes that greatly supported the PHS
National Qualifiers. What a great example of how they are supporting Prospect students!
Roundtable with the Principal
Friday, October 14, 2016
9-10 a.m. in Room 157A (Staff Cafeteria)
We would like to provide parents/guardians with anopportunity to meet with the principal, discuss topics of
interest to parents, and learn more about Prospect High School.
The next “Roundtable with the Principal” is scheduled for Fridah, Oectober 14, form 9 – 10 a.m. in room
157A (staff cafeteria). If you would like to participate, please leave a message at (847)718-5211 by
Wednesday, October 12. Please include your name and your student’s name. Thank you!
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2015
Check it Out – Room 143, the “ASSESSMENT CENTER” !
Welcome back to school! The Assessment Center is located in room 143 across from
the Student Activities Office (near the Attendance Office).
Planning ahead, below is the 2016-17 Assessment Schedule:
Note: there is a late registration deadline, please check online for these dates.
Registration Accommodations Registration Assessment
Test Date
ACT 9/10/16
SAT & Subject 8/12/16
ACT 10/19/16
SAT & Subject 11/5/16
ASVAB (Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery)
SAT & Subject ACT
SAT & Subject
State SAT (no writing)
ACT Illinois Science Assessment
AP Exams
SAT & Subject SAT & Subject FINAL EXAMS
ACT 10/1/16
at PHS
In School
Test Location
Not Available
Forest View Educational Center
Not Available
In School
To Be Determine by State
PHS – Juniors 3/3/17
TBD -­‐ March/April 2017
In School
To Be Determine by State
5/1-­‐5/5/17 & 5/8-­‐5/12/17
PHS Students enrolled in Biology I
Register @ PHS
Not Available
4/14/17 Not Available N/A
5/9/17 5/5/17
1/18 – 1/20/17
6/3/17 6/7 – 6/9/17
In School
PHS – Freshman PHS – Sophomores The ACT Test will be administered at Prospect High School on Saturday, September 10, 2016. This test is
recommended for Seniors. Registration deadline is August 5th. A registration late fee will be required from
August 6 – August 19. Go to If your child receives accommodations and will be taking the
September 10 ACT, please be sure to address any questions to their case managers. Note, all students,
including students needing “Special Accommodations over multiple days” need to register online.
On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship
Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) will be administered at Prospect High School beginning at 7:30 a.m. This is an
optional test for Sophomores and Juniors. Students who register for the test will be excused from classes
Periods 1 through 5 on October 19. This test measures critical reading, mathematics and writing skills important
for success in many post-high school educational settings. Juniors who score high enough become eligible for
merit and special scholarships administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and other
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Check it Out, continued
Corporation and other corporations. In order to become a finalist, students must have a record of consistent
high academic performance in all grades 9-12. Sophomores may take this test for practice only
Please note: Students who have an active IEP or 504 PLAN must contact their case manager no later than
August 25, 2016 to request test accommodations. A Student Eligibility Form must be submitted to College
Board by August 30, 2016 for the October 19 PSAT/NMSQT.
This fall Prospect High School will be offering a PSAT/SAT Test Preparation Seminar, which is recommended
for juniors wishing to enter the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The fundamental purpose of the
seminar is to prepare students to take the PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT Reasoning Test. The seminar focuses
specifically on test-taking strategies needed for success on the PSAT and SAT tests. The seminar will be offered
on two different dates and times. Registration letters were sent to junior parents in July. Additional registration
forms are available in the Assessment Center, room 143.
Please remind your child to check their school emails on a daily basis. Important information is communicated
through school emails. Periodically, please check out our site located on the Prospect High School web page
under Students – Assessment Center. We look forward to helping your child, and wish you and your family
the BEST!
Janice Sokolik
Assessment Supervisor
847 718-5413
Mosey Seul
Assessment Center Assistant
847 718-5414
Controversial Issues in the Classroom
Township High School District 214’s primary mission is to enable all students to learn the skills, acquire
the knowledge, and develop the behaviors necessary for them to reach their full potential as citizens who
can meet the challenges of a changing society. In a democracy that openly confronts acute and pressing
political, social, economic, and moral problems, it is likely that such issues will be evident in classrooms.
Discussions about these issues provide students with the type of learning experience that will help
prepare them to meet the challenges of a global changing society.
District 214 provides its parents/guardians an opportunity to grant or refuse permission for their son or
daughter to participate in a class activity or to request an alternative assignment when study materials
are deemed controversial. Parents/guardians with concerns regarding controversial issues, materials,
and curricula should contact the school’s principal/designee. The administration has established
guidelines, procedures, and safeguards for an unbiased, impartial handling of controversial issues in the
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Township High School District 214
Assessments 2016-2017
PSAT 10 is one of the assessments in the College Board’s
District 214 administers assessments to its students to provide
them, their parents, and their high schools’ staff with
performance information. The information is used for:
Placement in appropriate courses
Identifying the need for additional instruction
Monitoring student growth
Determining the extent to which students are meeting
district and state standards
Providing information to enrich the curriculum and
Providing information for making post-secondary
educational and vocational decisions
SAT Suite of Assessments. The PSAT 10 measures the
knowledge and skills that research shows are most essential
for college and career readiness and success. The assessment
includes Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. Visit for more
Target Population: 10th grade students
Date: April 5, 2017
Locations: BG, EG, JH, P, RM, W, TAFV, and Vanguard
State of Illinois Assessment Program
District 214 is committed to:
Providing frequent, purposeful, appropriate, and fair
assessments accompanied by timely feedback
Helping students and parents make good use of
assessment data in their decision making processes
Helping district staff understand and effectively utilize
assessment data
SAT State Testing
A state-funded SAT assessment will be administered to
all high school juniors. This in-school administration
will not include the optional writing test. See below,
under College Bound Assessments, for more information
about the SAT.
Township High School District 214 coordinates district-wide
assessment programs for high school students.
1. District 214 High School Assessment Program that aids
the district in evaluating the relevancy and effectiveness
of its educational programs and the extent to which it is
fulfilling its mission to students.
2. State of Illinois Assessment Program that complies with
the requirements of the State Board of Education.
3. College-Bound Assessments aid students in making
decisions with regards to their college plans.
Target Population: 11th grade students
Date: April 5, 2017
Locations: BG, EG, JH, P, RM, W, Newcomer Center, TAFV,
Vanguard, and YAP.
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) is a state required
sciences assessment that will be administered to students
enrolled in Biology I. The assessment is aligned to the Illinois
Learning Standards for Science incorporating the Next
Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Visit for more information.
This pamphlet describes the assessments, target population,
date and place for each assessment. Current fees shown for
optional tests are subject to change.
Target Population: Students in Biology I (typically 9th grade)
Dates: March/April 2017
Locations: BG, EG, JH, P, RM, W, Newcomer Center, TAFV,
If your student requires accommodations for testing under an
IEP or 504 plan and will register for one of the optional
assessments, contact the special education department in your
school at the beginning of the school year.
Vanguard, and YAP.
Assessing Comprehension and Communication in
English State-to State for English Language Learners
(ACCESS for ELLs) is a standard-based English Language
District 214 High School Assessment Program
Proficiency Test that tests students in the four language
domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
PSAT 8/9 is one of the assessments in the College Board’s
SAT Suite of Assessments. The PSAT 8/9 measures the
knowledge and skills that research shows are most essential for
college and career readiness and success, at the level of content
and skill appropriate for 8th and 9th grade. The assessment
includes Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. This
assessment is designed to provide assistance to students and
parents early in the educational process. Visit for more information.
Target Population: 9th grade students
Date: April 5, 2017
Locations: BG, EG, JH, P, RM, W, TAFV
Prospect Parent Newsletter
Target Population: All Students in the ELL Program
Dates: January/February 2017
Locations: BG, EG, RM, W, Newcomer Center, TAFV,
Vanguard and YAP.
1st Quarter - August 2016
Assessments 2016-17 continued
College-Bound Assessments
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit
Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT)
(optional) measures the reading, writing and language, and
math skills needed for college and career. The PSAT/NMSQT
can be used as a practice for the SAT. Scores from the
PSAT/NMSQT may qualify 11th grade students to be National
Merit Scholars. Visit
for more information.
ACT measures educational development in English,
mathematics, reading and science reasoning and an optional
writing test. This assessment measures skills necessary for
success in post-secondary educational settings, including
students’ reasoning abilities and knowledge of subject matter
fields. The ACT also has an interest inventory that allows
students to evaluate their interests in various career areas.
Although optional, this test or the SAT is required for
admission by many post-secondary institutions. For more
information and to register, visit
Target Population: 11th grade students planning to enter
college or wanting a college scholarship or 10th grade students
who want the experience of taking a SAT formatted test
before 11th grade.
Fee: approximately $25
Target Population: Predominantly college-bound 11th and 12th
grade students.
Fee: approximately $42.50 (writing test additional $16).
PSAT Dates
Saturday, October 15, 2016
All test dates are Saturdays.
ACT Dates
September 10, 2016
August 5, 2016
December 10, 2016
November 4, 2016
BG, EG, JH, P, W
October 22, 2016
February 11, 2017
April 8, 2017
June 10, 2017
September 16, 2016
January 13, 2017
March 3, 2017
May 5, 2017
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
SAT measures the knowledge and skills that research shows
JH, P, RM, W
are essential for college and career readiness and success. The
assessment is composed of Evidence-Based Reading and
Writing, Math, and an optional writing test. Although
optional, this test or the ACT is required for admission by
many post-secondary institutions. SAT Subject Tests are
offered to aid college placement in specific subject areas.
Students may choose from 20 SAT subject tests.
BG, EG, P, RM, W
BG, EG, P, W
Last March, the SAT was redesigned. For more information
about the changes and to register, visit
Advanced Placement Tests (AP) are offered for students
who have pursued college-level AP courses while in high
school. Certain score levels on tests may allow students to
receive advanced placement and/or credit upon entering
college. For more information, visit
Target Population: Predominantly college-bound 11th and 12th
grade students.
Fee: approximately $54.50
Subject Area Tests – approximately $26-$84
Target Population: Students enrolled in AP courses (optional).
Fee: approximately $91 for each test
Dates: Monday, May 1, through Friday, May 12, 2017
Location: Forest View Educational Center (FVEC) or high
school attended
All test dates are Saturdays.
SAT Dates
November 5,
January 21,
March 11,
SAT & Subject
SAT & Subject
SAT only
October 7,
December 21,
February 10,
BG, JH, P,
Note: College Board does offer the SAT test on other Saturday
dates. Above are the dates that District 214 will host the SAT
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Assessments 2016-17 continued
Assessment Calendar by Month
Assessment Supervisors
September 2016
Saturday, September 10
October 2016
Saturday, October 15
Wednesday, October 19
Saturday, October 22
Buffalo Grove High School – H.S. Code 140-447
Julie Chybicki-Zimmer - (847) 718-4030
Elk Grove High School – H.S. Code 141-778
Carol Biging - (847) 718-4425
John Hersey High School – H.S. Code 140-097
Kathleen Kaminski - (847) 718-5002
November 2016
Saturday, November 5
Tuesday, November 15
SAT and Subject Tests
December 2016
Saturday, December 10
Prospect High School – H.S. Code 143-062
Janice Sokolik - (847) 718-5413
January 2017
Saturday, January 21
SAT and Subject Tests
Rolling Meadows High School – H.S. Code 143-736
Ginger Mueller - (847) 718-5633
February 2017
Saturday, February 11
March 2017
Saturday, March 11
SAT only
April 2017
Wednesday, April 5
Saturday, April 8
PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, SAT
May 2017
May 1 - May 12
AP Exams
June 2017
Saturday, June 10
Prospect Parent Newsletter
Wheeling High School – H.S. Code 144-387
Paula Kruty - (847) 718-7135
District 214
Julie Kim - (847) 718-7939
1st Quarter - August 2016
The Boys Track and Field team concluded its season this
weekend in Charleston, IL at the IHSA state championship
track meet. Competing in the preliminary round were:
-The 4x400 Relay team of Kevin Sherwood, Teddy
Eckhardt, Jack Terry, and Andrew Shafis finished their
season by running a 3:28.73
-Kevin Sherwood also ran the 400m dash and posted a
-Anthony Kies improved his best 100m time by .22 seconds
and ran a blazing 10.87 sec
-Jack O’Donnell competed in 1600m run and ran 4:26.56
Earning state medals for the Knights were:
-The 4x800m Relay team of Luke Filipic, Matt Cozine,
Prospect Parent Newsletter
MacKenzie Bach, James Riordan, and Karson LeComte won
3rd place with their time of 7:48.90 -Karson LeComte came back later in the day and won his
second medal of the weekend, a 5th place finish, in the
1600m run with a 4:19.24
-Billy Matzek finished 8th place in the shot put by throwing
a 57-6 on his final throw of the day
-Freshman Michael Shafis won 5th place in the High Jump
by tying his season best mark 6’ 5”
Overall, the Knights finished in 14th place as a team with
19 total points. Congrats to all members of the Blue Circle
on an outstanding season!
1st Quarter - August 2016
Italian Students Take National and Midwest Honors Italian 2 Contest Award Recipients Prospect in the Italian Community Italian 1 1st Hour Prof Scolaro meets Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the Ribbon Cutting of the new Enrico Fermi School in Chicago Also pictured is Senatore Renato Turno and Cavaliere Josette Mentesana Weber Italian 1 8th Hour Italian 1 students celebrate Il Giorno della Repubblica at Casa Italia as guests of the Consul General of Italy Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
o Torneo di Bocce……un GRANDE successo!!!
Each year the Italian students celebrate the end of the year with their annual Bocce Tournament. There were 16 teams
and plenty of pasta and meatballs!!!! This year we were fortunate to have a team of "nonni e zii" (grandparents and aunts and
uncles). The afternoon was a lot of fun full of bocce strategies and ONLY ITALIAN was spoken. The students wore the official
Bocce tshirt, sang the Italian National Anthem at the start, and played bocce for 3 hours!!! Students who spoke in English were
disqualified from the competition. Medals were awarded for the first, second, and third place teams. Forza Cavalieri!
First Place
Second Place
I Nonni e gli Zii
Prospect Parent Newsletter
Third Place
1st Quarter - August 2016
Italian 4 Honors and AP Students on the Radio...Domenica Insieme Once again the Prospect High School Italian students were invited to Patrick Capriati's weekly radio show, Domenica Insieme. For this show, the students researched the history of and celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the "grande" I Pooh! As an additional surprise were two of Pat's sponsors, high school friends of Prof, John Conenna of Venus Travel and Victor DeBenedictis of GNV Heating and Air Conditioning joined the students. Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Prospect's AP Italian Class Receives a $100,000 Grant and an International Internship from Frantoi Redoro Grezzana (Verona), Italia The Frantoi Redoro Olive Oil Company in the town of Grezzana, located just outside of Verona, selected Prospect's AP Italian class to offer the students an opportunity to better understand the benefits of and cooking with olive oil, to research the culture surrounding the olive and the production of olive oil, and to engage in marketing and importing products. While enhancing their language skills, this project is in line with Prospect and District 214's Career Pathways Program. The program provides hands-­‐on experiences in a variety of careers before college. The students in the AP course have been working hard all summer. This internship is divided into 7 projects. The AP students selected their partner and the particular project based on their career goals. This grant provides the funds needed for the students to complete their projects, at no cost to District 214, through olive oil tastings at various events and venues while educating the public on the benefits of olive oil in ones diet and through cosmetics. The grant also provides for three $1,000 scholarships based on their final research presentations. Each student will present their research project in April to a team of professionals both in Italian and in English. The students will welcome two members of the Salvagno Family, Marco and Claudio, August 17 who will train them in oil tasting to begin their journey. The students will launch their project at Onesti's Little Italy Fest-­‐West in Addison, Illinois on August 18-­‐21. They will also be at the Chicago Botanical Gardens Sunday, August 21st. Along with Onesti, we are grateful to Elio Pizza on Fire and the Gonnella Baking company for sponsoring various aspects of this project after hearing about this one of a kind opportunity for our AP students. The students will also have an opportunity to have a Farm to Table experience with the Redoro Olive Oil as the star of the food at Campo di Bella in Mt. Horeb, WI in February, 2017. If you wish to join us at future tastings and project events please email us at to be put on our event list. Please follow us on social media as well. Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Student Council is pleased to announce
Knightimes 2016: A Knight in the Roaring 20's!
October 2- 8, 2016
New this year.....Bonfire Bash!!!
Wednesday, October 5
6:30-9:00 in the Stadium
Open to ALL Students ~ No cost other than Food Truck Purchases
Bonfire ~ Video DJ ~ Food Trucks ~ Games ~ and more......
Games include: Gladiator Joust, Slam Dunk Basketball,
GIANT Twister, Ker Plunk, 4 in a Row, Janga and more!
Friday, October 7 Coronation and Pep Assembly
Saturday, October 8 Knightimes Dance, Photo Booth, and Lounge
Tickets will be sold Oct 3-7 $15 in advance, $20 at the door
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
New Educator Prep Program Focuses on Building Educators
More than 25 District 214 students have publicly signed a
formal commitment to Educator Prep, a new program
designed to identify and empower future teachers. In a
May signing ceremony mirroring those for college-bound
athletes, the students, representing schools across District
214, stepped on stage and signed letters of intent.
The program is a collaboration between District 214, local
elementary districts, college partners -- specifically
Northeastern Illinois and National Louis universities -and the national organization Educators Rising, whose codirector attended the event. Dan Domenech, executive
director of AASA, The School Superintendents
Association, also attended the event and spoke about the importance of the new initiative.
The program is aimed at supporting students who will eventually return to this community as the next
generation of educators. Next year, approximately 900 District 214 students will be enrolled in the
Educator Prep pathway taking specific courses toward future careers as teachers. They will have access to
dual-credit opportunities at partner colleges, classroom observation and internship opportunities in area
schools, and -- for those who continue with and complete the college program -- specific professional
development and guaranteed student-teaching positions in District 214 or a partner elementary district,
with the promise of a job interview if openings exist.
“We have a crisis in this country in terms of teacher recruitment,” Brown of Educators Rising said. “The
eyes of the teaching profession are on this district.”
To support the program financially, including through scholarships or stipends for participating students
at the college level, contact Erin Brooks, Executive Director of the District 214 Education Foundation, at or 847-718-7688.
Save the Date: Decision 2016 - Panel Discussion
District 214 this fall will host political journalists
and consultants at a pre-election political forum,
allowing community members a free opportunity to
review the issues and trends at the heart of the 2016
United States Presidential campaign. The forum is
scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, September 20 in the
theater of the Forest View Educational Center, 2121
S. Goebbert Road in Arlington Heights. Panelists
will include Eric Adelstein, former State Director of
Illinois’ 1992 Clinton/Gore campaign and founding
partner of AL Media -- one of the nation’s leading
Democratic media companies; Pat Brady, former
chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and now a
consultant with Next Generation Public Strategies, a government affairs and media relations firm; and
Natasha Korecki, a senior reporter for POLITICO who authors Illinois Playbook. She previously worked
as chief political writer at the Chicago Sun-Times, covering state, national and city politics. Cumulatively,
the panelists have been key players in the analysis of influential political campaigns, with their voices
heard across print and broadcast outlets. A question-and-answer session will be part of the evening. The
program is part of a continued effort to engage the community around issues and critical learning
Prospect Parent
36 to the event, please register at
1st Quarter
is no fee but registration is required. To RSVP
or call - August 2016
Community Education at 847-718-7700.
Prospect HS Poms Clinic
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Each dancer will take a pom technique class & learn a pom routine.
All participants are invited to perform at pre-game at the October
14 TH football game!
Cost is $40, which includes snack/water, t-shirt & hair ribbon.
Things to Bring
Welcome & Group Stretch
Pom technique class (split by grades)
Snack/water break
Learn routine for football game
--Jazz shoes or gym shoes
--Water bottle
NAME OF DANCER__________________________________________________GRADE___________
PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________
T-SHIRT SIZE (please circle one)
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
It’s all on the homepage! 2. Quick Links: Education apps and key resources • District calendars • Email sign-­‐in • Infinite campus portals • Moodle • Naviance • Prospect Parent-­‐Teacher Council • Schoology • Staff Directory 1. Trending: Everything that matters NOW. • Open registrations • Daily announcements • Scholarship information • Parent volunteer opportunities • Fundraisers • Social media pages • ProspectorNow • Reading lists • Winter weather closing procedures • Beginning and end-­‐of-­‐year info 3. Search bar: Search the entire PHS website! Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
ASBESTOS HAZARD EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACT In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and the Illinois Asbestos Abatement Act (105 ILCS 105/), you are being notified that all District 214 facilities contain various amounts and types of asbestos-­‐
containing building materials (ACBM). These materials do not pose any hazard to individuals unless the materials are disturbed. The District maintains compliance with all applicable governmental and regulatory asbestos rules and regulations. The District also maintains compliance with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) guidelines for operations and maintenance activities. The District routinely performs operations and maintenance activities, required inspections, and surveillance activities to verify that the materials are being managed according to IDPH and CCDPH guidelines. The Building and Grounds Department of each individual facility and the District Operations Department have on file copies of the AHERA Management Plans that describe the locations of all ACBM. These Plans are available for inspection during regular business hours. Contact the Director of Operations for more information at (847) 718-­‐
7619. PESTICIDE APPLICATION NOTIFICATION REGISTRY All District 214 facilities practice Integrated Pest Management to minimize the use of any pesticides on school grounds. The Structural Pest Control Act (225 ILCS 235/) and the Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act (415 ILCS 65/) requires public schools to notify parents/guardians and school employees at least 48 hours (two business days) prior to any pesticide applications on school grounds. The term “pesticide” includes insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides and fungicides. The notification requirement extends to both indoor and outdoor pesticide applications. Excluded from the notification requirement are antimicrobials such as disinfectants, sanitizers or deodorizers, insecticide baits and rodenticide baits. Pesticide application notification can be included in newsletters, bulletins, calendars and/or other correspondence currently published by each school and the District. All District 214 facilities have established a registry of individuals who wish to be specifically notified of pesticide applications on school grounds. To be included in this registry, please contact your student’s individual school or program for more information. Prospect Newsletter
At Prospect we have adopted a position that embraces conservation and have gone to on-line editions of the Prospect
Newsletter. At Prospect, we are concerned about the environment and are committed to teaching our students the
importance of protecting our planet.
However, we are sensitive to those families who may have limited access to computers, or who wish to have a paper copy
made available to them. In order to address these families’ needs, we have a small number of copies available in the main
office and have also made a mailing option available. If you would like the newsletter mailed to your home for the
2016-17 school year, please complete the form below and return it to the main office, attention “Prospect Newsletter.”
A new form must be submitted each year.
The newsletter is published four times during the school year, once each quarter. A mass email will be sent when a new
issue of the Prospect Newsletter is available on-line. Notification will also be posted on our website.
Student Name:_______________________________________________ Student ID#:____________________
Parent(s) Name:______________________________________________
City:________________________________________________________ State:________ Zip Code:_________
Return to: Prospect High School
Main Office – Newsletter
801W. Kensington Road
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2010
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
TPC Teacher-­Parent Council Membership Form 2016-­2017
Prospect TPC enriches the educational environment and builds relationships among Teachers, Parents, and Students. TPC participation will help you stay informed about Prospect High School. Annual Membership fee is $20 per family and includes a copy of the Knights On Call Student/Parent Phone Directory. There are two ways to JOIN TPC, either complete this form along with a check made out to Prospect High School and drop off at the Main Office OR sign up for TPC during online student registration. Your membership directly funds important activities and events including: Senior Scholarships, Mini Grants, Post Prom, The Knights' Way Program, Annual Open House and other activities. Please print clearly. Parent Name(s) Street Address City Student Name Student Name Student Name Zip Grade 09 10 11 12 Grade 09 10 11 12 Phone No. E-­‐Mail __________________________ Grade 09 10 11 12 TPC Volunteer Sign-­Up The success of TPC and the programs it supports requires the help of parents like you! Attend TPC bi-­‐monthly meetings, which provide an excellent opportunity for all parents to find out what is happening at Prospect High School throughout the year and/or consider volunteer opportunities. Support your student and teachers by getting involved! Volunteer Name(s) (Please Print) E-­‐Mail Address I w
ould like to help (check as many as you wish!): Committees (descriptions on back of sheet): ___ H
omecoming ___ Mini-­Grants ___ TPC Website Coordinator ___ Post-­Prom ___ Prospect Craft Fair ___ Hospitality ___ Scholarship ___ Class Reps ___ Knights on Call Directory ___ M
arketing/Social M
edia ___ T
rivia K
night Other Areas: ___ Donate Baked Goods & Snacks for American Education Week in November ___ Donate Baked Goods & Snacks for Staff Appreciation Brunch in May Check your area of interest and return this form to the Main office. TPC
rev 03/16
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016
Acevedo, Oscar…5342
Adkins, Sandra…5568
Aldworth, Mike…5466
Amati, Jill…5213
Amedeo, Lori…5406
Andrews, Mike…5541
Antonoglu, Stella…5261
Bakas, Maria…5449
Baker, Lucas…5417
Barnum, Chris...5363
Becker -Newmark,Samantha.. 5339
Beer/ Joiner, Elizabeth …5542
Beishir, Timothy...5467
Bellof, Keith...5349
Berg, Doug...5285
Bergloff, Thomas…5344
Bianchi, Craig...5451
Black, Carrie...5386
Blades, Linda...5291
Block, Jason...5376
Bondi, Antonino…5468
Boorman, Rebecca…5578
Bourn, Diane...5279
Bragg, Ken...5344
Bramati, Philipe…5344
Branch, Steve...5576
Brej, Kathleen…5527
Brennan, Bill…5430
Brill, Rachel...5287
Briody, Frank...5529
Buczinsky, Teri...5543
Budden, Alexandra…5505
Burkhardt, Mary...5201/5430
Burmeister, Lance...5248
Burnett, Michele...5387
Burns, Claudine...5261
Burrow, Kevin…5364
Burton, Kristin...5366
Camardella, John...5452
Cannon, Dominic...5571
Carpenter, Jeff…5344
Carroll, Colleen...5277
Casas, Margarito...5344
Casper, Tim...5531
Chapekis, Denise...5261
Chavez, Gabriel…5344
Chen, Glenys...5579
Cholewa, Jerry...5344
Christoffersen, Li…5228
Cohen, Jason...5454
Collins, Amy...5247
Collins, Brock…5471
Collins, Lauren…5440
Collins, Ray…5268
Comstock, Denise...5350
Conners, Deb...5506
Cooper, Susie...5261
Corey, Gabriel…5430
Corr, Jill…5556
Cottin, Katie…5403
Cottrell, Lisa…5570
Cozine, Sue…5315
Curtin, Lisa...5246
Custable, Todd…5381
Prospect Parent Newsletter
Czyzewski, Dawn...5241
David, Mollie...5508
Davila, Marco...5344
Davis, Dominique...5515
Del Boccio, Nick...5523
DeLap, Ray…5344
Demma, Grace...5261
Determann, Mary Kay...5261
Diamianova, Diana…5261
Dowling, Michelle...5210
Drye, Qiana...5455
Elkins, Paul...5577
Ellen, Sue...5424
Evans, Matt…5442
Feeley, Allison…5472
Fonsino, Michelle…5470
Fortuna, Cathy...5249
France, Denise...5261
Froats, Tom...5507
Fuller, Marie...5569
Garms, TJ…5549
Gavina, Jose…5345
Genitoni, Alyssa...5525
Ghilarducci, Sandy...5222
Gilman, Richard...5361
Giusti, Ross...5377
Grasse, Mike…5528
Gronski, Jacquelin...5584
Halleen, Lisa...5357
Hamann, Jim...5520
Hamilton, Matt...5267
Hammerstrom, Erik...5547
Harder, Jaclyn…5534
Hardey, John...5585
Harney, Penny…5289, 5202
Heilman, Jay...5456
Hennig, Paul...5426
Hill, Cathy...5278
Hodges, Erik...5457
Hutchins, Lynn...5580
Johnson, Deb…5526
Jorzak, Jerry...5344
Joseph, John...5384
Judson, Gary...5314
Kaminsky, Jon...5469
Kanupke, Karen...5514
Karcher, William...5430
Kenney, John...5532
Kerendian, Phyllis...5582
Kim, Joyce…5552
Kiratsous, Shirley…5575
Klein, Molly...5444
Kolcz, Kevin…5025
Kopp, Tonia…
Kruse, Karen...5558
Kuhn, Bret...5369
Kunde, Karen...5428
Kyp-Johnson, Jay...5284
Langton, Dawn …5553
Lazarevic, Jovan...5240
Lazzarotto, Tim...5421
Leazer, Krystina...5380
Leon, Cesar...5344
Levinson, Adam…5302
Lindgren, Robert…5475
Love, Matt...5544
Lungu, Dorena…5344
Lussow, Nick...5551
Lynch, Al...5430
Marion, Linda…5592
Marnstein, Aaron...5405
Martindale, Tom...5586/5231
McColaugh, Michael...5510
McDermott, Scott…5214
McDermott, Tim...5557
Menacker, Danielle...5548
Meyers, John, jr...5583
Meyers, John, sr...5260
Minter, Greg...5212
Miossi, Susan...5261
Mirandola, Frank...5218
Mirro, Karen...5443
Morton, Jeremy...5554
Myers, Cambria…5559
Myftiu, Greta…5261
Nery, Roberto...5344
Nitz, Denise...5211
Novak, Cheryl…5319
Novak, Frank…5265
Nunez, Celso…5344
Olson, Nick....5282
O’Neill, Nancy...5215
Pacini, Jan…5518
Page, Katie…5519
Pak, Cindy…5445
Pinski, Mary...5281
Poisson, N. Andre...5245
Poulos, Vicki...5219
Pugawko, Anna...5516
Ramirez, Alain…5343/5344
Rathe, Brad...5465
Ray, Kristen...5460
Reibel, Rob…5385
Reithal-Cira, Frances…5261
Renaud, Jay...5472
Rezny, Jean...5232
Riedy, Michael...5512
Rivera, Maritza…5203
Rodriguez, Miguel..5345/5344
Rondeau, Chris…5392
Roth, Selby…5300
Scolaro, Lyn...5400
Sebestyen, Mike...5463
Seul, Mosey...5414
Shaffer, Barbara...5227
Shaffer, Joan...5430
Sherwin, Heather…5555
Sircher, Jennifer...5430
Smith, Audrey...5572
Soderwall, Todd…5283
Sokolik, Janice...5413
Soto, Irene…5261
Soto, Santos...5344
Soukup, Lisa...5205
Spicer, Kathy...5220
Sprenger, Cristen...5388
Stanford, Chris...5464
Stewart, Joanne...5292
Stoker, Julie...5567
Stokes, Michael...5574
Stoltz, Nicole…5560
Sylvester, Christie...5322
Szuster, Ewa...5261
Tantillo, Michelle...5503
Taylor, Mark...5206
Thornton, Lynn...5286
Torrisi, Benjamin…5511
Tran, Ngan...5261
Trenkle, Kurt...5513
Trinh, Dino…5533
Troiano, Jennifer...5370
Troyer, Greg...5502
Van Eck, Joan...5561
Van Hoy, Tracy…5441
Velinova, Venelina...5261
Walter, Felicia…5233
Waltmire, Susan...5261
Weber, Peter...5435
Welter, Jennifer...5524
Welter, Mark...5504
Weseman, Eve...5522
Whalen, Tom…5389
Wilk, Kathy...5423
Wilkens, Kathryn...5453
Will, Tim...5517
Wills, Jim...5530
Wintermute, Peter...5509
Winters, Scott…5588
Wolf, Barb...5430
Wolowiec, Timothy…5566
Wood, Cheryl…5288
Sandstead, Jenna...5447
Sanecki, Suzette...5573
Sapp, Leigh...5448
Schaap, Tim...5251
Schaffeld, Daria...5461
Schane, Maria…5303
Schnell, David...5462
Schoenbeck, Paul…5501
Schultz, Ryan...5446
1st Quarter - August 2016
for the
July 2015. The
project was
August 2016.
Prospect Parent Newsletter
1st Quarter - August 2016