Boy-Cott Magazine #10


Boy-Cott Magazine #10
Boy-Cott is about supporting the
It’s about the dj, mc, artist, writer
and the photographer.
It’s about the bmxer, skateboarder
and the film critic.
It’s about giving exposure to the up
and coming talented individuals.
Puttin’ their skillz out there for
our readers to enjoy.
And maybe, just maybe…..’ Boy-Cott
will play a role in helping them reach
someone who has yet to hear about
what they have to say, spray, draw,
paint,rap, or dance to.
We can all make a difference, and
we’ve started here.
Nutritional Facts
it’s all about the arts
expand yo mind!
Just b/c I like punk rock doesn’t
mean I’m white
Beats of Basquait
MFAH has never seen so many people
The Adventures of Monroe T
Why do simps exist?
CD Reviews
music is good for the soul
learn about people and their
Microphone Check 1, 2, what is this?
show reviews
who is black mamba?
do you know who i is!?
I love you all!
**Boy-Cott Magazine is copyright protected. No articles
or pictures may be reproduced in whole or part without
consent of Boy-Cott magazine. If attempted we will
send a flock or killer bald eagles to your house to
attack you when you least expect it, so watch your ass.
it’s all
about the
February 3 brought back the return
of the documentary film, “Afro Punk”
to Clark’s in Downtown Houston. Afro
Punk is a 66-minute documentary
that explores race identity within the
punk scene. It took the lives of four
people that have dedicated themselves to the punk scene. Instead of
dealing with racism, the documentary
took another direction dealing instead on race identity, black empowerment, interracial dating and more.
Spooner said. Also, what was pointed out was all the connection that
people have gotten from the movie.
From the website, people have been
able to have a forum to communicate and find other punks around the
world. One of the guys in attendance
said that the movie has been of powerful significance to him. For Spooner,
he is now about to release his first
feature film and also a book of “Afro
Punk.” For an added plus, people were
This was the first film for director handed Black Power buttons by the diJames Spooner, who was drawn to the rector. People thought different things
punk rock scene because of its ‘do it about the buttons but liked the movie.
yourself’ attitude and all the things it
taught him. Upon discovering his black Some of the donations at the door
side of himself, he decided to travel went to the People of Color Organizathe country and talk to other blacks tion, who are working on organizing a
and get them to tell their experiences. conference in the near future. Spokesperson, Karla Aguilar, stated that this
The films director was on hand also movie is important because it shows
for a Q & A session after the screening. what we as people of color deal with.
People of all races packed the Clark’s Sometimes we are taken for granted
Bar with some poetry held before by Caucasians when discussing race.
the movie as an added bonus. As the Even in the progressive movement
movie played you could hear people racism still exists. She also added
in the audience that identified with how race is still an issue in America
parts of the film laugh or grunt with and how it’s for us to make changagreement. One of the many ques- es. For more info on “Afro Punk,”
tions was when the film would be you can go to
available on DVD.“The movie has been For more info on the People Of
out for a couple of years now and will Color Organization, you can email
be available sometime this summer Karla at
beats of basquiat
By: Nibu Abraham
Beats by Basquiat isn’t your normal club night. Perhaps because BBB
isn’t in a club and is far from normal. This showcase presented at the
Museum of Fine Arts is a display of music from renowned artists such as
I Am the World Trade Center, Peanut Butter Wolf, and Grandmaster Flash
and the art of Jean-Michel Basquiat. His collage-type paintings included
the use of language and symbols and a deep understanding of color.
Perhaps what makes this artist all the more appealing is his background
as one of the first graffiti writers to have a gallery exhibit of his work. He
was a defining character in the world of modern art. And Beats by Basquiat is not only a tribute to his short life as an artist, but a celebration of
his work. Basquiat comprises 67 paintings, many drawn from European
collections, and 36 drawings, all of which is the background for a night
of music and dancing. There’s plenty of coffee provided by Starbucks,
plenty of art to view, and more importantly….plenty of females.
The Adventures
of Monroe T!!!
Ok everyone has had a co-worker that is always on the borderline sexual
harassment tip. So me and my other co-worker couldn’t take it anymore.
We decided to come together and make a mini sitcom about this guy
named Monroe. This is totally random but it’ll make you laugh until your
face turns red or wait purple if you’re ethnic. Enjoy::::::
THE PLEAD:” I want some Marvin Gaye, some Luther Vandross, a cute
UAC girl, would definitely start this party of right. She says she
needs to open a repair, check some status, a little uac will definitely get this party started off right..Oooo yes it will”
THE BREAKDOWN: Hey girl, How you doing? My Name is Monroe, Last
Name Tea. I was wondering, if I could scoop you up, in my Pimp azz
Shirt. Show you go time, in my fly azz ride. And don’t forget girl,
my name is Monroe!
Chapter 3: Voyage
When we last left our hero,
he was getting shot down by
a woman for the 37th time
in one hour. Which has to be
like a World Record or something? How will he rebound?
What is his next plan of
action? Only The “T” knows
Chapter 4: the coolest man
Not shaking his previous rejections by numerous ladies. Our
hero does a self-check in the
mirror. Fly ass pimp shirt, All
good, Pleat front dress slacks,
I’m the man, Alligator Black belt,
You know how I do, White socks
and sandals, you don’t get no
more player than this. Monroe
Chapter 5: the saga
In our last adventure Monroe was quote un-quote the coolest man alive and still rejected by many ladies. In Ch.5 Monroe
reunites with an old foe by the name of Sherri. He walks up with
his simp walk, simp wink, and “GATORS” As he approaches the dime,
she instantly rejects him like a bad habit and yet again he runs
home to masturbate. Monroe Out!
Chapter 6: pimp juice
Our hero is dress so playa fresh, and
goes to sprits on the customer 20
gallons of cologne. Simply known
to an original playa from the Himalayas like Monroe as the “Pimp Juice”.
Sprits Sprits, NO JUICE. What is The
“T” to do? No fear, Players like
The “T”, are some times down but
never defeated. Quick of mind, The
“T” knows CVS is open 24 Hours, and
they are always stocked up on Brut
33, Grey Flannel, Old Spice, English
Leather and Stetson. Monroe T is
back in the game!
Chapter 7: The Gym
It was just and average day and everything was “groove” Monroe walks
in the gym decked out in the spandex
t-shirt, shorts, and tall white socks
looking like a walking stress ball.
Coolin’ coolin’ wavin at the hunnies.
He struts to the left, struts to the
right, annoying all females in site. No
fear, shake da haters off, still rockin’
da brut 33 cologne. Monroe slows his
walk down to a slow bop as he spots
a fine dime. Shookin’ but not stirred
he rolls up to her like parkay butta’
on a frenchy’s biscuit. He utters these
few words how u doin’ gurl? The fine
dime turns around and checks out our
hero. She responds with I don’t talk to
walking Trojans.. OOOHHHH THE HORROR,
THE PAIN, THE ANGUISH!!!! Our hero is
knocked down but he’s ok b/c he still
has his CVS COLOGNE’S..... Monroe Out!!!
Stay Tuned for THE NEXT
by: H-Town Slim
“Wu-tang Clan ain’t nuttin’ ta fuck wit!”
And Ghostface Killah reminds you of this on “Fishscale,” possibly his illest solo effort
to date. “Fishscale” is so pure you have to snort it in small bumps or you’re gonna O.D.
–Trust me. The album starts off strong on the first cut, ‘Shakey Dog,’ with Ghost goin’
into his signature jaw-dropping visual storytelling over a classic Wu-style beat that you
can’t stop replaying. With more coke talk than the movies Scarface and
Blow combined, the super catchy ‘Kilo’ has Rae and Ghost pickin’ up right where they
left off on ‘Supreme Clientele’ – goin’ together like milk and cookies to the Sesame
Street hook, “all around the world today, the kilo is a measure/a kilo is a 1,000 grams,
it’s easy to remember”. On the Just Blaze produced ‘The Champ,’ a Mickey from Rocky
soundalike coaches Ghost through 3 verses of lyrical boxing over a frantic metal guitar
lick and blaring horns, where Ghost proclaims, “my arts is crafty darts while yall stuck
on laffy taffy/wonderin’ how did yall niggas get past me?/ I been doin’ this before Nas
dropped the Nasty/”! Catch Ol’ Dirt Dog spittin’ from the grave with the rest of the Clan
on the Wu-Tang reunion, “9 Milli Bros,” where Ghost sounds his most familiar. Veteran
producer PeteRock comes through with the dopest beat on the album for ‘R.A.G.U.’,
and his instrumental for ‘Be Easy’ meshes perfectly with Ghostface’s high-pitched
delivery. The cuts ‘Barbershop’ and ‘Underwater’ push songwriting creativity to new
levels, while the heartfelt ‘Hit With A Strap’ recounts eerie childhood memories of being
whipped with a belt; anybody who grew up in the ghetto can relate. This has to be the
most original cut on the album – definitely the most memorable. On the bonus track
‘3 Bricks’, Ghost manages to shine opposite a posthumous Biggie with witty lines like
“invest figures to address niggas/ workin’ out all I curl is my index finger.” Damn. All
together, Fishscale may very well have equalled if not outdone the greatness that was
“Supreme Clientele”, as impossible as it sounds. A definite must-buy for real hip-hop
heads everywhere. Go cop “Fishscale” and see for yourself. . .
[album reviews]
By: Nibu Abraham
It’s about time this ambiguously gay duo came out….with another album! The Legendary K-O, formerly known as K-otix (pronounced like chaotic,
not pronounced Kotex), made one of the most downloaded mp3’s in ‘05 with “George
bush don’t like black people” over the Kanye’s “Gold-digger” track. But even before
they topped charts…of I-pods, they were making noise with their 2001 release UNIVERSAL. The single off the album was good enough for KRS-ONE to bite off of, on one
of the weaker albums KRS made. But don’t get your backpack on just yet.
Titles like, “For the Hoes” to “Unemployed” makes this album appealing to guys with
jewelry in their mouths and snowmen on their shirts.
Although THE ARE (who produced universal) doesn’t appear anywhere onthe album, D
and MIC have enlisted the help of other producers including Loptimist, Symbolyc One,
Moonshine, and DJ cosmos. 48 seasons is defiantly worth the wait, but let’s hope we
don’t have to wait that long again.
My picks: “Talking Bout,” “Piece of mine,”“Moving On Pt. 3”
The Council
Music Group
By: Black Mamba
The name comes from the Star
Wars Movie Saga, and as you know
in Star Wars the Jedi meet together
to discuss what was happening in
their galaxy.Every Jedi must respect
the next in order to work together
towards a common goal.The Council Music Group’s goal is to make
the best hip-hop music possible.
Therefore, when these boyz
come together the make a
strong unit called “The Council”.
The Council consists of 4 MC’s:
Hash Brown (Mo. City), John Dew
(Mo. City), C-Mor Dough (Dallas),
and Phonix (Mo. City). They also
have an in-house producer by
the name of Jett I. Masstyr, who
does most of the production.
The Council started in Arlington,
TX on the campus of UT-Arlington amongst friends and homeboys that hung out, kicked flows,
listened to music, and partied together as freshmen on campus.
Almost every night, there was freestyle battle and they would participate and “wreck shop”. Around the
fall of 2000, The Council was born.
The Council Group will be
pre-releasing their debut EP
called “Black Bleach” on February 17th 2006. You can go to
to see what they’re about.
or Satin
By: Shina Rae
Comfortable as a bed covered
with silk sheets (esp. when
you’re...sleeping), the same
feeling is rendered when absorbing the sounds of local
band Satin Hooks. Letting
vibrations engulf you and
take you to that special place
few bands envoke. This triumvirate of rock slides their
way into your head by pouring
their hearts on catchy tunes
like “Kevlar” and “Soda Song”.
Just listening to the cd is
dope, but you gotta check
them live... This band is so
hard they break bones, literally. And they’ll keep playing; now that’s dedication.
Check them out at venues in
Houston and surrounding areas.
satin hooks
tony bananas
What is your full name?
Michael Andrew Marlor
How do you come up with
the name Tony Bananas?
Well, the first emcee name I came
up with was Vigilante, and then
it was JP Joules from the scientist
who invented the measurement
for energy. Tony Bananas actually
came from one of my friends asking me joke. He said what would
you call an Italian rapper? And I
said hey, it would be Tony Bananas
I feel like the odd man out in
the hip-hop game. As far as the
release date, I hope to drop it in
the early quarter of 2006.
At the first Def Trap I
noticed you had another
emcee on the stage with
you. Is he a part of Tony
Yeah, that was Jay Latino or HTown Slim as I would call him,
isone of my compadres who I’ve
known for a couple of years.
“People have no idea the bullshit you have
to go through to make it happen.”
It kind of stuck from there. So I
didn’t get that name from girls
because of my big appendage. But
in my research, I found out that
Tony Bananas is a big old timey
gangster. He was around before
Al Capone and more notorious but
for some reason not as famous.
I met him at a hip-hop open
mic at Helios that used to go on
about four years ago on Tuesday
nights. He’s the kind of kat that’s
on that ‘now you see me,’ ‘now
you don’t’ kinda thing. But look
out for him at my shows in the
near future.
What’s the name of your
new album coming out and
when do you plan to drop
“Odd Man Out.” The reason it’s
called “Odd Man Out” is because
Were you a previous
freestlyer before you
became a solid emcee?
Well, when I first started rhyming
ten years ago, that was my premise. I started writing poetry then I
started freestyling. Then I moved
to New York for a few years and,
in the dorm I lived in, I met a
couple of dudes that freestlyed.
One was from Brooklyn, one was
from D.C, one was from Cleveland, one was from the Bronx,
and one was from South Africa.
So it was all about burnin’ an “L”
and breakin’ off in yo flow. So
I never thought of myself as an
emcee. It was just something I
aspired to be.
Do you have any extra
hobbies beside hip-hop?
I collect bones, and I’m a geologist! Nah, I’m just joking, but I do
like to write poetry. I have about
five journals of poetry. Ummm…I
really don’t have any other hobbies besides smoking cigarettes
and drinking coffee. But in the
past I used to do stand-up
SUV’s). Let’s talk about what’s
fucking really going on. It would
also make it a whole lot fucking easier to put out an album.
There’s soo much that goes on
to put an album in store. People
have no idea the bullshit you have
to go through to make it happen.
I respect anyone that has their
album on the shelf, even Michael
Bolton! I’m not necessarily a fan
of his music, but I respect him for
getting his stuff on the shelf.
So Michael, I heard that
Qenetic Storm has made a
couple of beats for you?
Yeah, he’s made about eight
beats for me, and there’s also
Ned Flanders (a.k.a. The Grinch)
and Druwski from Three-Four.
“I want to captivate people and have them
say, “Damn, I can’t believe he said that! Did you
hear him”
comedy, and I’ve been to acting
If you could change a
couple of things in this
hip-hop game what would
it be?
In the music industry, I would
make it more about the artistry of
music and less about the business. I mean, it’s a business and
all, but its losing its substance.
The industry needs to stop worrying about how many units this
album is going to sell, or worrying
about what people want to hear
about (bitches, blades, blunts and
What are some of your
influences towards hiphop?
I would have to say the subculture of society and taking that
and turning it on the public, and
showing them a different angle.
Also, other music and emcee’s
– to be honest I listen to 25% hiphop and 75% other stuff. Not to
say I don’t know my hip-hop, I’m
just trying to expand myself in my
lyrics and style. I want to captivate people and have them say,
“Damn, I can’t believe he said
that! Did you hear him; he’s
talking about shittin’ on himself!”
I would never say that, but you
know what I mean. Think outside
the box….
Who would you like to
Black Mamba for doing the
interview and Boy-Cott Magazine,
Digi-Funk: “The Day the World
Woke Up,” Qenetic Storm, The
Grinch, Andres, Subroadway
Studios, BBC, Stress, H-Town Slim,
Henry D, Austin the Guitar player
that’s going to be on one of my
tracks, Andrew Rice, and I would
say my family, but they really
don’t know what I do. So I would
have to say all of my friends and
anyone that has come to my show
or showed me some love. Lastly,
the whole Houston underground
What does Hafaza mean
Our name represents Strength
and Wisdom. The name Hafaza
describes 4 guardian angels who
document a person’s life in parts,
both good and bad.
How long have you guys
been together
Me (stress) and J.O. Kinetic began
working together about 4 years
ago. Luno and D.J. Gonz came
into the picture at the end of
Was Hafaza always all
four of you
What are the names of
all the peeps in Hafaza
and their roles
Stress - Emcee
Luno - Emcee
J.O. Kinetic - Producer/DJ. - Emcee
DJ Gonz - DJ/International Pimp
What side of H-Town
does Hafaza claim
South Side
Has Hafaza been under
a different name in the
past or have any of the
members done other
Luno Featured on Shinx 045’s Antidisestablishment Album and also
Subsurface Records Gentlemen’s
Club Vol.1
DJ Gonz - featured on Suburban
Underground with DJ Inzi. (djinzi.
Stress - featured on VG Skillz The
Lockdown Sessions.
And Illegal Antidote (Stockholm,
Sweden) with Bucc, also Sphinx
045’s Antidisestablishment.
Subsurface Records Gentlemen’s
Club Vol.1
Have any of your people
in your crew dropped
any solo albums
*Hafaza Album 2006
*Luno solo album 2006
*DJ Gonz Project 2006
*Stress Feat. everybody 2006
How can people get a
hold of your music
To check out Hafaza music go to we are currently working on the album and
look to release before the end of
the year.
Who would you like to
We like to thank Family and
Friends Good and Bad and Those
who support the scene. If you’re
taking the time to read this interview, then Hafaza would like to
Thank You. If you rep the H! You
down with us!
The whole North Side, who continue to support Hafaza.
BBC, Halo, Kwest and C.O.S
who helped us along the way.
The whole South Side. Everybody that has been in the lab
with me or my crew and built on
some shit, Thank You. Last but
not Least we would like to Thank
Boy-Cott Magazine for the continued support. This is the beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace Stress
Hafaza Crew
he little brother + dilated people
First and foremost, let me say that Little Brother should have
been the headlining group. The energy they brought to Warehouse Live can only be measured in light years, but I‛ll get back
to that in a few. 1st up to bat was Rex Del Ray, and yes, Rex
Del Ray knows Rex Kwon Do. My man Rex is 100% original. I
mean, don‛t you get tired of the same ol‛ same ol‛ intro? Rex
Del Ray goes outside of the box. His stage show is soo real
and at the same time soo comical. I mean what hip-hop artist draws a six pack on his STOMACH with a PERMANENT
MARKER?!! The kid is brilliant on so many levels. The album is
soo entertaining, you‛ll be red or purple in the face, if you‛re
of African descent, from laughing. His set was dope and he got
some good commentary on
Next up was The Legendary K.O. They opened up krunker than
Rick James on “X”. They proved that it‛s worth to stick around
for the opening acts, as apposed to showin‛ no love. Hint-hint…
They played pretty much all of their bangers from “DROP
THAT”, to “FOR THE HOES”, to “UNTITLED II”, but no VZILLA. The crowd was feelin‛ it. Hell, even the security guard
had to get krunk FO‛ a minute. Then there was the corporate
bullshit. Man, it seems like the higher you go, the more shit
you have to deal with. K.O. was getting an encore chant, and as
they were about to wreck shop, the sound dude cut them off
right after the first verse. If that‛s that not BULLSHIT, then
I don‛t know what is. But they didn‛t go out like no punks. They
proceeded to chant: “When we gettin‛ it hype / YOU COLD AS
ICE / When we gettin‛ it krunk / YOU COLD AS ICE / When
we keepin‛ it live / YOU COLD AS ICE!!!!!!!!!!!” The soundman
also got a GIANT F-U from everyone in the crowd. FIGHT
through and rocked for a bit too. Not to be rude or a hater,
but his set was kind of dull.
Next up was Little Brother and it was a RUCKUS, absolutely
LIVE AT 5. Even Marvin Zindler would have been impressed,
and probably would have yelled, “THIS IS BIGGER THAN
SLIME IN DA‛ ICE MACHINE”. They played mostly all of their
new songs from “The Minstrel Show” and man it was DOPE.
Females were fallin‛ out like mothers at REVIVAL!! I mean, if I
were Dilated I wouldn‛t want to play after Little Brother. That
act was impossible to follow; it was brilliant from start to finish. If you missed their set, then you missed OUT!!!
Last but not least was Dilated Peoples, and they brought the
West Coast flava. The rocked “Live on Stage”, “When Worst
Comes to Worst”, and some other bangers from “Neighborhood
Watch” and the “Platform”. A good time was had by all hip-hop
black mamba
who is this
By: Jerrold Hawkins
A black mamba is a
strikes in rapid succession with 99% accuracy.
Who is Black Mamba you ask?
Black Mamba is all around
you. The Mamba can be in
the Shinny Suit hobnobbing
with the CEO making the
movies or mackin‛ the ladies
at the local haberdashery.
When the Black Mamba is
at home you can catch him
blazin‛ the trails on the
BMX bike. Or you can find
him in the club, with a bottle full of bub, dressed like
Bobby Brown, Rick James,
a Hyped Up Basketball Player on “X.” Or just maybe
with a mouth full of Grillz,
30 down at the bottom, 30
mo‛ at the top looking like
his name should be D‛Andre,
screaming out “I‛m Rick
James Be-Occh!” But above
all else, just know that this
Black Mamba is real to core
and he gets no realer! Recognize and Break Yo‛ self!
Black Mamba
Art Director:
Raven Bell
Art Contributor:
Val Alberto
Contributing Photographer:
John Powers
Contributing Writers:
Nibu Abraham
Black Mamba
Richard Hanna (A.K.A. Rad Rich)
H-town slim
Shina Rae
Jerrold Hawkins
Wanna be drafted to the Boy-Cott Team?
Wanna contribute?
Check us out online:
Stay tuned for Issue # 11:
Featuring: The Break Dancing
Movement and More...