April - Beth Sholom


April - Beth Sholom
of Beth Sholom Congregation
Frederick, Maryland
April 2011
Volume XII, Issue 10
Adar II/Nissan 5771
Purim at Beth Sholom
First Seder, Monday Night, April 18
Second Seder, Tuesday Night, April 19
The Chometz (leavening) Search,
Sunday Evening, April 17
The night before the first seder, we
search for and symbolically eliminate all
remaining leavening from the house. We
do our searching at nightfall. This is an
especially enjoyable ceremony for children. This ritual is described at the beginning of many Haggadot.
The search is performed in the following manner:
Coming soon...
You will have the opportunity to schedule an appointment with a master tailor at your home or office. Beth
Sholom will earn a “commission” on every sale, so tell
your friends.
Watch your e-mail for information
Place 10 pieces of visible-size bread in various locations
throughout the house.
Make the following blessing: Baruch atah Adonai Elokeinu
melech ha-olam asher kid-shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivonu al
biur chometz. Then proceed, traditionally with lighted
candles, to look for any leaven that can be found.
The pieces of bread should be gathered into a container,
with a feather and a wooden spoon, and can be placed in
a small cardboard box.
After gathering the 10 pieces and whatever other leaven
there is, make the following declaration: “All manner of
leaven that is in my possession which I have not seen or
have not removed, or have no knowledge of, shall be null
and disowned as the dust of the earth.” @
Page 2
Beth Sholom Congregation
The President’s Corner
by Gayle Bromberg
I generally try to use this column to keep
our members informed about what’s
going on at Beth Sholom. This month,
although we have a number of stimulating and enjoyable upcoming events, and there is Board news
to report, I also feel compelled to focus on some cataclysmic
things that are going on around the world. I imagine that
many of you are similarly caught up in empathy and concern
for the people in Japan and Haiti, in the short and long term
aftermath of overwhelming natural (and nuclear energy) disasters.
Like me, you may also be concerned and perplexed about
what to make of all the revolutionary changes (and supportive or counter-revolutionary governmental responses) in the
Middle East. Our empathy and our thoughts about the troubles
in other parts of the world are part of our humanity, part of our
religion and morality, part of our love of G-d and our fellow
man, part of our sense of responsibility to help repair the
world. I know that mine are conditioned by my Jewish and
American heritage. For example, as an American, I want to
help support the peoples who are seeking democracy, rule of
law, a voice, a chance to provide for their families and raise
their children in a climate of peace and freedom. As a Jew, I am
also concerned about what all the unrest and changes in the
Middle East will mean for Israel, and for relationships be(Continued on p. 4)
Beth Sholom Congregation
1011 N. Market Street • Frederick, MD 21701
301-663-3437 • 301-663-8154 (fax)
Murray Singerman, Rabbi / rabbisingerman@gmail.com
Morris Kosman, Rabbi Emeritus / mkosman@aol.com
Gayle Bromberg, President / gaylebromberg@yahoo.com
Pauline Horn, Executive Director / phshulbiz@yahoo.com
Janet Potash, Adminstrative Assistant
Bulletin Editor
The Bulletin
by Marcy Taylor, President
The Women’s Seder, sponsored by Beth Sholom Congregation,
Beth Sholom Sisterhood, Congregation Kol Ami, Hadassah and
NCJW promises to be an inspirational event. The planning is
nearly complete and we are expecting a good crowd. There may
still be some seats left so if you are interested in attending,
please contact Sharon Kuebbing.
NCJW just started its spring collection – we are collecting
School Supplies for those Near and Far. This year we will be
collecting for Frederick County schools as well as supporting
Benji Smith’s Eagle Scout project by collecting school supplies
for children in Los Tocones, Dominican Republic. Please keep a
look out for more details.
This month we awarded the Frederick Ruth Tick Memorial
Community College Nursing Scholarship to Catherine Becker.
NCJW awards this $500 scholarship each year to a deserving
nursing student. Congratulations, Catherine!
Calendar of events:
• Sunday, April 3 (Unity Church, 1 W. 9th St., 4 p.m.): Seasons
for Peace and Nonviolence Closing Ceremony. The
Washington DC Baha’i Choir will perform, followed by some
interfaith discussions. NCJW will be providing the
• Tuesday, April 5 (Beth Sholom Community Center, 7 p.m.):
General Meeting. This is one of our most important meetings because we will decide to which non-profit organizations in our community we will donate.
• Sunday, April 10 (Beth Sholom Community Center, 10:30
a.m.): Guest speaker Joel Snyder (brother of Carolyn) will
speak about Audio Description, The Visual Made Verbal.
Low vision does not mean you need to miss out. If you or
someone you know cannot enjoy visual arts or TV, you
should attend this program.
• Thursday, April 14 (Beth Sholom Community Center, 6:30
p.m.): First Annual Women’s Seder.
• Tuesday, May 3 (Beth Sholom Community Center, 7 p.m.):
We will have an informal discussion with representatives
from the local Alzheimer’s Association. They are interested
in learning more about our connection to Alzheimer’s disease and want to share information about several educational programs for caregivers and support groups for people
with Alzheimer’s. This discussion will be followed by a
brief general meeting.
In June, we will be installing two officers for a two-year term:
Treasurer and Vice President, Administrative Affairs. If you are
interested in holding one of these coveted offices, please contact Marcy Taylor.
For more information on NCJW Frederick Section, please check
out our web site www.ncjwfrederick.org or contact any NCJW
Board Member. @
The Bulletin
Beth Sholom Congregation
Page 3
What is Chometz?
If one of the five grains--wheat, oats, rye, barley, or spelt--comes
in contact with water after being harvested, it becomes fermented,
or chometz. This fermentation takes 18 minutes, according to
tradition. Pesadick baked goods are made from flour that has
not been fermented. The term chometz also applies to dishes and
utensils that have been in contact with chometz foods during the
Most Ashkenazic authorities have added the following foods
(kitniyot) to the above list: rice, corn, millet, and legumes (beans
and peas; however, string beans are permitted). Prohibited foods
on Passover include the following: leavened bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers, cereal, coffees containing cereal derivatives,
wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye, and all liquids containing ingredients or flavors made from grain alcohol.
Watch for a letter in your e-mail or snail mail about selling your
chometz! @
Passover Candlelighting Times:
Monday, April 18, 7:31 p.m.
Tuesday, April 19 8:32 p.m.
Sunday, April 24, 7:37 p.m.
Monday, April 25, 8:38 p.m.
Page 4
Beth Sholom Congregation
The Bulletin
President’s Corner (cont.)
tween those nations and the United States. Will the Middle East
ultimately be ruled by more extremist and anti-Semitic regimes,
or will they achieve balanced civil governments that recognize
the benefit of positive and peaceful relationships with the U.S.
and Israel? I think that for many of us, volunteering and giving
are an important expression of our Jewish ideals. Since most of
us are unlikely to be going to Japan, Haiti, or the Arabic countries in the Middle East, I’ve been thinking about whether there
is something we can do as a Jewish community, whether it is a
combination of fundraisers (car washes, cake sales, craft sales,
etc.). If anyone has any ideas about this, or wishes to participate in community fundraising, please contact the synagogue
office, and we will help coordinate efforts and make everyone
aware of opportunities to participate. If you wish to donate to
Japan relief efforts through Jewish organizations, I am aware of
the following organizations providing or donating to Japanese
relief: the Jewish Coalition for Japanese Relief, the American
Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Orthodox Union. For
Haiti, there is also the American Jewish World Service, which
provides volunteers and aid in crises and then helps and empowers local groups to rebuild and create solutions for their
problems. We will also try to find speakers who can help us get
a clearer understanding of the issues in the Middle East as they
continue to unfold.
These huge disruptions of the world order put into perspective
for me how incredibly fortunate and privileged we have been,
and also how vulnerable we are to all of that changing due to
human or natural interventions. While all the things we are
working on at Beth Sholom seem incredibly small and insignificant in comparison to the devastating things that are going on
around the world, I hope that the things we do to take care of our
spiritual lives and build our Jewish community provide a platform for us to strengthen each other in doing acts of
lovingkindness and tikkun olam. Let me just take a moment to
let you know that the Budget Committee has met and has presented the Budget to the Board for review (March 23) in preparation for the Congregational Meeting. The Second Street house
is on the market and has had lots of showings. I have appointed
a committee to take a longer view of our budget and help us
decide how to manage our money once we sell the Second Street
house, and how to reorganize so that we can be sustainable. I
have also appointed a committee to advise us and make a recommendation on what we should do with the Second Street Synagogue, now that we have more information from PNC Bank about
how we can access and make use of the associated Weinberg
trust fund. We are also looking at how we can share our space
with other Jewish organizations and congregations and/or attract more organizations in the community to rent space for
events, meetings, concerts, kosher catered parties, etc. Our
Program and Membership committees, as well as Rabbi
Singerman, are continuing to work on providing meaningful and
engaging educational, cultural, and community-building programs, including Havurot (friendship groups for Jewish study,
Stacee Springer
on receiving the Distinguished Practitioner in
Social Work award by the National Acadamies
of Practice, a multidisciplinary organization
which advises public policy makers on health
care issues.
Stacee was given the award for her work in
palliative care with children with cancer and
U.S. veterans, her “little and big warriors.”
President’s Corner (Cont.)
practice, and sharing holiday celebrations and life cycle events).
We have also joined a coalition of synagogues who share information about Jewish educational programs and grants for enhancing Jewish education. I’m sure you’ll see some programs
that will entice you as you read the rest of this Bulletin.
Shalom, Gayle
Special Birthdays
Daniel Berkowitz
Susan Dwyer
Sylvia Elfman
Fred Hochhauser
Attention Parents and Grandparents:
We are in the beginning stages of considering a
once-a-week “My Grown-up and Me” class for
18- to 24-month old children. Classes would be 6075 minutes long, with three sessions per year, for
approximately 10 weeks each. Activities would include free play, art project, circle time (songs and
stories) and large muscle play.
Fees have yet to be determined, but we promise you
they will be reasonable! If you, or anyone you know,
might be interested in enrolling in such a program,
please let us know by calling the office at 301-6633437.
The Bulletin
Beth Sholom Congregation
Page 5
Beth Sholom Religious School Registration - 2011/2012
Registration fee - $50 / After April 1, 2011 - $100
Parent 1 - Last Name
Parent 1 - Address
Parent 2 - Last Name
Parent 2 - Address
First Name
Zip Code
First Name
Zip Code
Work Phone
Home Phone
Email address
Work Phone
Home Phone
Email Address
Hebrew Name (if known)
Date of Birth
__ New Student
__ Returning Student
Prior Religious Education ___ Beth Sholom ___ None ___ Other (please elaborate):
Special medical and/or learning needs?
Child 1 Enrollment Information
Please circle one: Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade
Hebrew Name (if known)
Date of Birth
__ New Student
__ Returning Student
Prior Religious Education ___ Beth Sholom ___ None ___ Other (please elaborate):
Special medical and/or learning needs?
Child 2 Enrollment Information
Please circle one: Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade
Hebrew Name (if known)
Date of Birth
__ New Student
__ Returning Student
Prior Religious Education ___ Beth Sholom ___ None ___ Other (please elaborate):
Special medical and/or learning needs?
Child 3 Enrollment Information
Please circle one: Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade
Page 6
Beth Sholom Congregation
The Bulletin
NCJWF rederickSec tion&Be thSho lomCon gregationPr esent
LowV isionD oesNo tMeanY ouNeedT oMissO ut
images-oftheater ,television/film,museumexhibitions,andotherevents.V
Presentedby:JoelS ynder
JoelSnyder ,amemberof Actors'Equity Association,the AmericanFederationof TVandRadio Artists,
andtheScreen ActorsGuild,isanationallyrecognizedartsadministratorandeducatorintheUnited
ButMr .Snyderisperhapsbestknowninternationallyaswasoneofthefirst"audiodescribers."
PBS' AmericanPlayhouseproductions, ABCandFoxnetworkbroadcasts,featurefilms,theIMAXfilm
And AStar ToSteerHerByattheSmithsonianInstitution's
National AirandSpaceMuseum.
Sunday April10
The Bulletin
Beth Sholom Congregation
Page 7
Please RSVP no later than Friday, April 29 – we need to know
how much food to prepare!
RSVP to -
by Carol Blum, President
Dear Friends –
I know many of you are disappointed that we had to cancel
our March 12th dinner, “A Taste of the Orient.” We did this
because we felt there were too many other functions around
the same time and in this economy, it was too much to ask of
you. Our new plan is to have a:
Mother’s Day Brunch for the Family
Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 12:30 p.m.
Beth Sholom Community Center
Reserve a table for eight
Adults age 13 and up
Children ages 3 to 11
$70 per table
$10 each
$ 7 each
Children under age 3 are free. Sisterhood is partially underwriting the cost of the dinner. Sisterhood will be assisted by
the Teen Volunteer Corps. A creative and delicious menu is
being planned.
Our gift to you is a FREE 5x7 PHOTO of your family, courtesy
of Sharon Nicholas.
Carol Blum: 301-662-5021
Andrea Eyler: 301-371-9457
Susan Dwyer: 301-662-2628
Listed below is our 2011-2013 Board of Directors and Officers.
Please note there are several vacancies and we need you to
step up and help us fill them. Please call Carol at 301-662-5021,
Norma at 301-874-2187, or Judy at 301-662-0231.
Sisterhood Board of Directors and Officers
Co-presidents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrea Eyler
Sue Peltz
Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Eissenstat
Recording Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . ._____________
Corresponding Secretary. . . . . . . . . Marion Zebovitz
Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roz Nasher
Carol Blum
Bingo Kitchen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________
Onegs and Luncheons. . . . . . . . . . . Shoshanna Staffone
Faythe Small
Gift Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Kaplan
Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shoshanna Campbell
Nominating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norma Kelsey
Board members-at-large. . . . . . . . . . Carol Blum
Norma Kelsey
Join us on Friday, June 10 for dinner and installation of
officers following services.
Beth Sholom
Early Childhood Center
by Margie Barber, Director
and teacher of 4-year-olds
Everyone at Beth Sholom Early Childhood Center, teacher and students alike, rejoice in the arrival of spring. After being cooped up
inside for most of the winter, it is an incredible release to be able to go outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
With spring comes a number of preschool events that we enjoy participating in each year. In April, all the classes will attend a model
seder. In May, we have a Mother’s Day Luncheon. The children are already preparing their songs for this special day.
In April, the students will be taking part in a Trike-A-Thon to raise money for St. Jude’s Research Hospital. During the week before
the event, the children will be learning important bike safety rules. At the event, each child will have the opportunity to practice their
bike-riding safety skills as they navigate an obstacle course that will be set up in the social hall. Parents will be pledging to support
the event. In these difficult economic times, and with gas prices skyrocketing, we will appreciate any donation, no matter how small.
Every little bit helps, and for such a good cause! @
Page 8
Beth Sholom Congregation
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
Beth Sholom Congregation
Page 9
We know that money doesn’t
grow on TREES,
but that shouldn’t stop you
from getting back to your
Jewish ROOTS!
Camp Shoresh is offering a special deal
for Beth Sholom Congregants, Religious
School or ECC Students who have never
previously attended Camp Shoresh
Camp tuition
$500 off/session
Special prices*
Regular prices
Little/Jr. Shoresh (3-6 yrs : $735
Shoresh (2nd-8th grades : $865
CITS (9th-10th grades : $965
(410) 358-8571
Applies to the first 20 campers to enroll. Application
and deposit must be received to qualify.
Does not include transportation fees
Does not include optional daily hot lunch program
Never previously attended Camp Shoresh
This generous grant has been underwritten by several anonymous donors
Page 10
Beth Sholom Congregation
Sunday, May 1, 2011
1 p.m.
Beth Sholom Community Center
1011 N. Market St., Frederick, MD 21701
301 - 663 - 3437
Keynote Speaker: Mrs. Bertha Schwarz, Holocaust survivor
Mrs. Schwarz will tell the story of her family’s escape from the Nazis. Her travels took
her from Antwerp, Belgium, to southern France, Marseilles and Toulouse, then to
Switzerland, Palestine and finally, the United States.
The program will also include a candle ceremony, music and readings.
Light refreshments will follow the program.
To help sponsor this program, please send a contribution
($18 or $36 suggested) to the Beth Sholom office.
Presented by:
Beth Sholom Congregation
Congregation Kol Ami
Open to the public.
Free of charge, donations gratefully accepted.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
Beth Sholom Congregation
Page 11
Beth Sholom Program Committee
APRIL 2011
by Elissa Gross, Chair
Many thanks to Barbara and Mort Libarkin for our recent program on the Yiddish language. We will try to offer a future class
based upon your overwhelming interest and input.
April 1*
Our next program, co-sponsored by NCJW, is entitled “Audio
Description: The Visual Made Verbal – Low Vision Does Not
Mean You Need To Miss Out,” presented by Joel Snyder
(Carolyn’s brother) on Sunday, April 10 at 10:30 a.m. (NOTE
TIME CHANGE). He will speak on his work with assistive narration for films, plays, museum interpretations, etc.
Our committee met March 23, and is
planning to follow through with a field
trip to the American Museum of Jewish History in Philadelphia, which will
be an all-day-Sunday
event for families and
roundtrip bus fare, museum admission and snacks. More to follow, but
for those interested, it’s not too early to get on
our customized mailing list for this late spring
event! Please let the Beth Sholom office know of
your interest.
We are also looking forward to hosting a
special celebration in honor of Rabbi
Kosman’s 50th anniversary in Frederick,
with corollary kudos to Carol on Saturday
evening, October 15, 2011 – please mark
your calendars now and follow up information will be forthcoming! Plans are also in
the works to sponsor operatic soprano Melissa Radbill in a special concert of Jewish music this fall. We
hope to identify sponsors for this unique event and opportunity to hear this recent Cincinnati Conservatory of Music graduate
(and one of our own!) in concert at the BEGINNING of her career!
Thanks to all committee participants for their ongoing commitment to serving and working on our Beth Sholom Program Committee! Our next meeting will be Wed., April 27, at 5:45 p.m.
Come and give us your ideas!
On a different note…if you haven’t been to Saturday morning
Shabbat services recently, you haven’t seen how inclusive and
welcoming our ritual practice is becoming – several new folks
are participating in a variety of areas, presenting a egalitarian,
diverse and motivating service for all to contemplate and appreciate - please decide to join us! @
Diane Vigder
Carl Dishman
Lillian Adelman
Herbert Newman
Paul Dubin
Robert E. Galinkin
Miriam Edland
Esther Halper
April 8*
Samuel Goldberg
Saul Guttman
Daniel Marcus
Paula Bondy
Jack Chapin
Pauline Macarthy
Gabriel Palti
William Pittleman
Bertram Vigder
Isadore B. Lyon
Rose Kosman
Pauline Mower
Gerry Radbill
Seth Zebovitz
April 15*
James R. Cohen
Gertrude Horowitz
Lillian Simon
Beverly Sklar
Marvene Halper
Lillian Pittleman
Mordecai Ben Mair
Minerva Rachel Dorris
Jacob Morris Glick
Morris Grossman
April 22*
David Glick
Mae Diane Lohman
Sarah Rude
Fanny Hoffman
Moshe Miller
Morris Reichel
Irwin Solomon
Leo Sperling
Arthur Markowitz
Frances Polansky
Charlotte Spero
Benjamin Adelman
April 29*
Rose Shapiro
Selman Ginsburg
William Nasher
Lee Sapero
Norman Cohen
Joseph Erlichman
Herman Miller
Sam Pollicove
Rebecca Kayte
Helen Stein
* indicates Friday on which name will be read from the Bima.
Page 12
Beth Sholom Congregation
Beth Sholom gratefully acknowledges the following donations:
Sid Kandel
Building Fund
Donna & Roger Strong in memory of Leonard Gorelick
Michelle, Sid and Barney Kandel in honor of the birth of Levi
Fay & Matthew Sanders for the continued good health of
Kevin Dwyer
Shirley Miller for the speedy recovery of Rabbi Kosman
Shirley Miller for the Yahrzeit of Moshe Miller
Early Childhood Center
Michelle, Sid and Barney Kandel in honor of the birth of Zeke
and Gideon Diamond
Fay & Matthew Sanders in honor of the birth of Levi Ashwal
Fay & Matthew Sanders in honor of Shuli Friedman’s first
The Bulletin
General Fund in Memory of Leonard Gorelick
Michelle, Sid and Barney Kandel
Regina Kaiktsian
Ricki & Denny Deragisch
Dotty Halle
Carol & Tim Cressman
Fern Camann
Martha & Martin Zweig
Shana Potash
Naomi & Carl Lazerow
Roz Nasher
Micki & Garry Cohen
General Fund for the Speedy Recovery and
Continued Good Health of Rabbi Kosman
Regina Kaiktsian
Martha & Martin Zweig
Dotty, Roselle and Tamara Halle
Tina Prensky
Sylvia Sclar
Rosanne & Richard Patchen
Marion & Eugene Zebovitz
Norma & Morrie Kelsey
Joyce & Milt Gordon
Gayle & Gene Klupt
Cindi & Barry Diamondstone
Bobbi & Woods Price
Janis Sclar
General Fund
Roz Nasher for the Yahrzeit of Ernie Nasher
Dori Bailin for the Yahrzeit of Abraham Bailin
Erica & Brian Parker for the Yahrzeit of Irma Parker
Ida Ruck for the Yahrzeit of Lena Mendelson
Marion & Gene Zebovitz for the Yahrzeit of Seth
Barbara Fromer for the Yahrzeits of Evelyn Rosenstein
and Norman Green
Albert H. Cohen for the Yahrzeit of Etta F. Cohen
Ellen & Larry Wolter for the Yahrzeit of Beverly Sklar
The Halle family in memory of Marvin Edelman
Ricki & Denny Deragisch in honor of Alvin Akman’s special
Shana Potash in honor of Alvin Akman’s special birthday
Joan & Michael Elkon in honor of Ron Rubin’s special birthday
Roz Nasher in memory of Mrs. Robert Marsh
Rosanne & Richard Patchen in memory of Bessie Nathanson
Norma & Morrie Kelsey in memory of Bessie Nathanson
Cindi & Barry Diamondstone in memory of Bessie Nathanson
Shapiro G’Mach
Candy & Bill Zentz and family
Jessica Zentz-Ridenour & John Ridenour
Michelle, Sid and Barney Kandel in memory of Mike Chertoff
Norma & Morrie Kelsey in memory of Charlotte Klosterman
Torah Fund
Sherry & Willie Greenfield in memory of Leonard
Sherry & Willie Greenfield for the speedy recovery and
continued good health of Rabbi Kosman
Myra & Glenn Treiber for the speedy recovery and continued
good health of Rabbi Kosman
Myra & Glenn Treiber in honor of Lewis Prensky’s Bar Mitzvah
Janet & Marty Potash and family wish
to express their gratitude to their Beth
Sholom “family” for all your sincere
expressions of sympathy after the recent
passing of Janet’s father. Your cards,
donations and shiva calls were very much
appreciated and remembered.
The Bulletin
Beth Sholom Congregation
Beth Sholom extends sincere condolences
Paula and David Nathanson and family
on the passing of David’s mother
Bessie Nathanson
Kate and Andy Rosenfeld on the
passing of Kate’s mother
Charlotte Klosterman
Page 13
Page 14
Beth Sholom Congregation
The Bulletin
Residential and Commercial
Sales and Rentals
Special Training in Energy Efficiency
Affecting Today’s Real Estate Transaction
Mark S. Hoffrichter, D.D.S.
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Mark S. Hoffrichter, DDS
Centerpark Medical Center
604 Solarex Court, Suite 207
Frederick, MD 21703
301 695-5755
Walkright is a shoe store specializing in
making your feet feel comfortable.
We measure, listen, and help you find
what you want for your feet.
2010 West 7th Street, Frederick, MD 21701 • Phone 301-631-1950 • Fax 301-631-1970
The Bulletin
Beth Sholom Congregation
Please check the website
for calendar updates
7pm Investment
Club meeting
Page 15
1011 North Market Street • Frederick, MD 21701
Table of Contents
Advertisements......................................................................8, 13-14
Announcements and Special Events............................1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11
Birthdays & Anniversaries..............................................................4
C a l e n d a r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
Early Childhood Center.......................................................................7
N C J W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Passover Information..........................................................................1, 3
President’s Corner..........................................................................2
Program Committee..........................................................................11
Religious Education..........................................................................5
Ya h r z e i ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11