Kjell Aleklett - Energimyndigheten
Kjell Aleklett - Energimyndigheten
1 NOG, Nätverket Olja & Gas ÅF:s huvudkontor, Stockholm, 9 september, 2013 Kjell Aleklett Professor in Global Energy Systems President of ASPO International Uppsala University, Sweden Kjell.aleklett@geo.uu.se www.fysast.uu.se/ges Blog: aleklett.wordpress.com Department of Earth Sciences Kjell Aleklett Globala energiresurser E = m c2 Förnybar energi Politiskt korrekt Bioenergi, sol vind och vatten (geotermis energi) Global andel ~15% Fossilabränslen och aska från en supernova Politiskt ej korrekt Kol, olja och Naturgas uran Global andel ~ 85% Kjell Aleklett Tillgängliga energikällor • Uran och Torium för kärnkraft • Fossila bränslen; kol, olja och naturgas • Biomassa: Skogsråvara, energiskog, rester från jordbruket • Torv • Vattenkraft • Väderrelatera energi: Sol-, vind- och vågenergi • Avfall • Värme från luft, vatten och mark Kjell Aleklett Det globala energisystemet 4 * Transformation of fossil fuels from primary energy into a form that can be used in the final consuming sectors. Kjell Aleklett Fossil fuel and other energies Kjell Aleklett 6 Kjell Aleklett 7 Kjell Aleklett 8 Sedan 1970 fram till 2010 har transportsektorns energibehov ökat med 74%. Det motsvarar en årlig ökning med 1.4% Under samma tid har Sveriges tillväxt varit ungefär 2% per år. Slutsats: Ingen tillväxt utan ökade transporter Kjell Aleklett What are important for today’s students? Students in Energy Systems at Uppsala University, Sweden Kjell Aleklett What are important for today’s students? Students in Energy Systems at Uppsala University, Sweden Food three times per day Shelter To make money Social relations Climate Security Kjell Aleklett 11 Our society needs oil !!! Kjell Aleklett Our Daily Barrel We have a liquids problem Kjell Aleklett Kjell Aleklett Deferent types of hydrocarbons listed as oil 14 Kjell Aleklett What is oil? • Conventional oil • Crude oil. • Oil produced as shales oil. • Unconventional oil • Bitumen and extra heavy oil from Canada’s oil sands. • Extra heavy oil from Venezuela’s Orinoco belt. • Oil produced from oil shales (kerogen shales) • Conversion into oil • Oil produced from coal by CTL methods (coal-to-liquids) • Oil produced from natural gas by GTL methods (gas-toliquids) Kjell Aleklett Reserves? 16 Kjell Aleklett 17 World Oil Supply in 2010 according to International Energy Agency • Total liquids 87.3 million barrels per day • Ethanol 1.8 million barrels per day • Processing gains 2.3 million barrels per day • Total oil 83.2 million barrels per day 2007 2008 2009 IEA: 82.2 Mb/d 82.8 Mb/d 81.3 Mb/d BP: 81.5 Mb/d 82.0 Mb/d 80.3 Mb/d 2010 83.2 Mb/d 82.1 Mb/d Kjell Aleklett When was oil produced? Kjell Aleklett Sediment deposit for oil and gas Kjell Aleklett There must be places where we can find more oil endowment - USGS Kjell Aleklett Oil and natural gas are produced in petroleum systems Kjell Aleklett Oil and Gas in the North Sea Kjell Aleklett Oil Production in the North Sea 23 Kjell Aleklett ASPO – The Association for the Study of Peak Oil&Gas Med Peak Oil avses den tidpunkt då produktionen av olja i ett område eller globalt inte längre kan öka utan går över till en platå eller minskar. Peak Oil betyder inte att oljan tar slut men att ökningen av produktionen tar slut på grund av att produktionen sinar. "The term Peak Oil refers the maximum rate of the production of oil in any area under consideration, recognizing that it is a finite natural resource, subject to depletion." Kjell Aleklett 25 Kjell Aleklett 26 Kjell Aleklett World primary demand by scenario 27 Kjell Aleklett Peak Oil - 2002 Kjell Aleklett 29 Kjell Aleklett New Policies Scenario WEO-2012 30 Prediction for 2030 WEO 2004 – 121 Mb/d, WEO 2006 – 116 Mb/d WEO 2008 – 106 Mb/d, WEO 2010 – 96 Mb/d Kjell Aleklett Statoil and Peak Oil 31 Kjell Aleklett 32 Kjell Aleklett World Energy Outlook 2008-decline Kjell Aleklett Breakeven of 360 non-producing & recent onstream oilfields from Goldman Sachs 34 Kjell Aleklett The Elephants – The Giant oilfields Kjell Aleklett Number and size of oilfields Kjell Aleklett Jack 2 – Kebnekaise and Mount Everest Kjell Aleklett Map of oil regions in the Arctic's Kjell Aleklett Estimated oil north of the Arctic Circle Prudhoe Bay Kjell Aleklett Oljeproduktion i polarområdet 40 Kjell Aleklett 41 Kjell Aleklett US scenario, not forcast 42 Kjell Aleklett 43 Kjell Aleklett 44 Kjell Aleklett 45 Kjell Aleklett The USA oil production 46 Kjell Aleklett Bakken 12-month Cumulative Production Map • Map shows wells with first production in 2006 or later. • Green areas indicate break-even or greater production volumes • Most production on the map is from the Three Forks reservoir. • Indicates that production is from discreet fields. Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc. ASPO USA 2012 Conference 47 KjellSlide Aleklett 48 Kjell Aleklett 49 Kjell Aleklett Bakken Shale Annual Base Replacement Bakken Shale Static Decline Profile Oil Production Number of Wells 350,000 3000 300,000 2500 2000 200,000 1500 150,000 Number of Wells Barrles of Oil Per Day 250,000 1000 100,000 500 • • • • Oct-11 Jun-11 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-10 Oct-09 Feb-10 Jun-09 Oct-08 Feb-09 Jun-08 Oct-07 Feb-08 Jun-07 Oct-06 Feb-07 Jun-06 Oct-05 Feb-06 Jun-05 Oct-04 Feb-05 Jun-04 Oct-03 Feb-04 Jun-03 Oct-02 Feb-03 Jun-02 Oct-01 Feb-02 Jun-01 Oct-00 Feb-01 0 Jun-00 50,000 0 Data from DI 38% annual decline rate. Must replace 182,000 bo/d each year to maintain supply. That means approximately 1,488 new producing wells/year at a cost of ~ $17 billion. 1130 new producing wells were added in last 12 months ($13 billion). Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc. Houston SIPES Continuing Education Seminar 50 KjellSlide Aleklett Flaring 51 Kjell Aleklett Production of crude oil Kjell Aleklett Giant oilfields in Saudi Arabia Kjell Aleklett 54 The laws of physics are stronger then the laws of economy Kjell Aleklett Oil (tar) sand production 55 Kjell Aleklett Oil sand production Kjell Aleklett “Crash Program Production” from Canadian Oil Sands, (Energy Policy, 2007) 7000 Thousand Bbls Per Day 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2006 2010 2014 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 2046 2050 Year Total Mining, Crash Program Total In Situ, Crash Program Bengt Söderbergh, Fredrik Robelius, Kjell Aleklett Energy Policy 35 (2007) 1931–1947 Kjell Aleklett 5 Mb/d - The size of the tap in 2030 58 Data by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. Kjell Aleklett The two new ”taps” from Alberta 59 Kjell Aleklett Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline 60 Kjell Aleklett The Yinka Dene Alliance 61 Includes 6 First Nations (Nadleh Whut'en, Nak'azdli, Takla Lake, 1 Saik'uz, and Wet'suwet'en) in northern BC who have banned the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines from their territories. Kjell Aleklett The US “tap” – The Keystone pipelines 62 Kjell Aleklett 63 Capacity 2025: 2.4 Mb/d Kjell Aleklett Oronoco oilfield Kjell Aleklett New Policies Scenario WEO-2012 65 Prediction of NGL, Unconventional and Tight oil 2011: 18 Mb/d 2035: 34 Mb/d (+16 Mb/d) Kjell Aleklett New future unconventional oil production Kjell Aleklett Predicted demand from the IEA scenarios 67 Kjell Aleklett The Uppsala scenarios and production according to BP 68 2007: Thesis by Fredrik Robelius and data from BP Statistical Review of World Energy Kjell Aleklett 69 Kjell Aleklett Energy and Economic Growth Kjell Aleklett Before the oil age, Sweden 1946 When I was born in 1945, none of the four small farms in my little Swedish village used oil for anything. Ten years later, the oil age had arrived: we had replaced coal with oil for heating, my father had bought a motorcycle, and tractors were seen in the fields. Kjell Aleklett Energy in Sweden during 100 years TWh 700 600 500 A factor of five Nuclear 400 300 Oil and gas 200 Hydro 100 Coal 0 1900 1920 1940 Bio 1960 1974 1982 1990 1998 From 1945 to 1970, Sweden increased its use of energy by a factor of five, or nearly 7 percent per year for 25 years. This journey into the oil age transformed Sweden from a rather poor country into the third wealthiest country (per capita) in the world. Ninety percent of the energy increase came from oil. Cheap oil made Sweden rich. Kjell Aleklett GDP per capita Kjell Aleklett “Business as Usual” and Oil Demand World Energy Outlook 2008, Kjell Aleklett “Business as Usual” and Oil Demand Kjell Aleklett 30 m 55 m Exponentiell tillväxt och Globen i Stockholm 340.000 liter 280.000 liter 110 m En vattendroppe har en diameter mellan 2 och 4 millimeter och det motsvarar en 1.0 10-8 kubikmeter. Det betyder att en liter vatten har 100 000 droppar. Exempel på exponentiell tillväxt: Minut 1 – 1 droppe, minut 2 – 2 droppar, minut 3 – 4 droppar, minut 4 – 8 droppar, minut 5 – 16 droppar osv. När är en hink som är 11 liter full? När måste du lämna läktaren som är 30 meter upp i Globen? När är Globen helt vattenfylld? Kjell Aleklett 30 m 55 m Exponentiell tillväxt och Globen i Stockholm 340.000 liter 280.000 liter 110 m En vattendroppe har en diameter mellan 2 och 4 millimeter och det motsvarar en 1.0 10-8 kubikmeter. Det betyder att en liter vatten har 100 000 droppar. Exempel på exponentiell tillväxt: Minut 1 – 1 droppe, minut 2 – 2 droppar, minut 3 – 4 droppar, minut 4 – 8 droppar, minut 5 – 16 droppar osv. När är en hink som är 11 liter full? Svar: 41 minuter När måste du lämna läktaren som är 30 meter upp i Globen? Svar: 55 minuter När är Globen helt vattenfylld? Svar: 57 minuter Kjell Aleklett 30 m 55 m Exponentiell tillväxt och Globen i Stockholm 340.000 liter 280.000 liter 110 m Kjell Aleklett 79 Fördubblingstakt Antal år ln(2) x 100 69 till = = fördubbling ökningstakt(%) x % Exempel: Ökning med 14 % Antal år = 69/14 = 5 år År: 2002 Antal: 250 Per 5 år: 2007 500 250 2012 1000 500 2017 2000 1000 2022 4000 2000 Kjell Aleklett IEA prediction for 2030 WEO 2004 – 121 Mb/d WEO 2006 – 116 Mb/d WEO 2008 – 106 Mb/d WEO 2010 – 96 Mb/d WEO 2012 – 86? Mb/d Kjell Aleklett Daqing - China ”Petroleum has a compact relationship with a countries political, economical and military strength.” Kjell Aleklett Chokepoints 82 Kjell Aleklett 83 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 in Davos Christine Lagarde, IMF, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Megatrends shaping our future: Increasing vulnerability from resource scarcity and climate change, with the potential for major social and economic disruption. Peak Oil Kjell Aleklett Future GDP and Peak Oil 84 Michael Kümhof Kjell Aleklett April 2013 - Peak Oil conference in Doha, Qatar: The Dictator’s Survival Probability 85 Kjell Aleklett Time is running out Kjell Aleklett Oil fields in Iraq Kjell Aleklett Oil fields in Iraq Let us squeeze in 100 Gb of oil into one bottle of Champagne. Kjell Aleklett “We are drinking oil!” If 100 Gb of oil is squeezed into one bottle of Champagne we have consumed 11 bottles. Kjell Aleklett The global reserve of crude oil is 8 (9) bottles of Champagne Kjell Aleklett Where to find the crude oil or the 8 bottles of Champagne ? Kjell Aleklett The global consumption per year is 30 billion barrels of oil One bottle of Champagne is equal to the consumption in three years and four months. Kjell Aleklett The USA is addicted to oil President Bush, Capitol Hill, 2006: “We have a serious problem. America is addicted to oil” From the beginning the nature had put two bottles of crude oil in the ground in USA. They are just now sipping on the last glass. Kjell Aleklett The global reserve of crude oil is 8 bottles of Champagne We will discover two more bottles of Champagne We also have three or four more bottles “sparkling wine” in Canada and Venezuela and shale oil in the USA. Kjell Aleklett The global reserve of crude oil is 8 bottles of Champagne We have in total 11 bottles (8+3) to empty and 3 more to find, in total 14 bottles. If it takes 3 1/3 years to empty one bottle everyone should be aware of that the party is over and that we need to sobering up! + + Kjell Aleklett 96 World Oil May 2012 “This book should be required reading for anyone seriously interested in the future world energy market and economy, especially politicians and policymakers. “ Kjell Aleklett