June 26, 2016


June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
Shilling Family
Tim Herring
Worship Leader
Randy Blankinship
We Bow Down
We Shall Assemble
Opening Prayer
Leon Stewart
As the Deer Thirsts
Lamb of God
Lord’s Supper
Reed Blankinship, Hunter Harting,
Cody Porter
Landon Gilmer
Create In Me A Clean Heart
You Are the Song That I Sing
Dismiss Children
Our God, He Is Alive
Scripture Reading
Bruce Boatman
We exist to glorify God as a Christ-purchased, Spirit-led family,
dedicated to nurturing one another, seeking the lost, serving and sharing the word.
“Deviled Ham”
Luke 8:38-39
Jesus Christ
Home is the __________________
of the Christian faith.
Vic Collins
Steve Harvey
Tim Herring
Chuck Jones
Randy Blankinship
Young Adults & Youth
James Harting
Warren Howe
Senior Services
Don McCuiston
Home is the place to
__________________ God has
Luke 8:38-39
Lon Schindler
Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary
Family News
Randy Blankinship
This World Is Not My Home
Closing Prayer
Ryan Green Jr
Larry White, Gordon Carter,
Paul Fieber, Brandon Warrell
Mic. Team
Nikke Shilling, DonMcCuiston,
Chris Stobaugh
Rachel Suchecki & Sarah Nonnemaker
Children’s Church
Leon & Katundra Stewart
Bldg. Security
JP Suchecki
Bill Johnson
Don Steele
Lon Schindler
Senior Minister
John Paul (JP) Suchecki
Family//Life Minister
Brandon Harriman
Youth Minister
Mission Team
Bob & Flo Calderwood
Home is the ________________
with the gospel of Christ.
Malawi, Africa
Melanie Duckett
ood Morning Church! It’s been a great week! The SonShiners
provided a meal for us on Wednesday night and collected over
$1600 towards generators to help our church and community in
times of need. Our facility has been designated as a Disaster
Relief location. We will need three generators with an estimated cost of
$2500. This was a BIG step towards purchasing the generators and we
want to sincerely THANK the SonShiners, especially Wilma Allen, and
others who prepared food and managed the set up and clean up for this
This next week is going to really be EXCITING! Tonight starts Vacation
Bible School. Our theme this year is CAVE QUEST, Following Jesus,
the LIGHT of the WORLD! We encourage you to invite your friends,
neighbors and family to attend and participate. What a great way to
introduce others to the Lord in a fun and friendly environment. Vacation
Bible School begins tonight, June 26 – Wednesday, June 29th, 6pm – 8pm,
for ages 2 through 5th grade.
On Thursday several of us will be leaving for Orlando for the Equip
(Spiritual Growth) Conference at the Rosen Centre. A great conference is
planned featuring keynote speakers David Young, preaching minister at
North Blvd., Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, TN, Cary Hadley,
preaching minister at 14th St. Church of Christ in Leesburg, FL, Phil
Barnes, preaching minister at the Orange Ave. Church of Christ in Eustis,
FL and Lance Morgan, preaching minister at the Port Orange Church of
Christ in Port Orange, FL, Wesley Leonard, preaching minister at Southside
Church of Christ in Orlando and Jimmy Adcox, preaching minister at
Southwest Church of Christ in Jonesboro, AR. There are many other great
speakers featuring topics relevant to our lives today. What a great way to
connect with other Christians and fulfill your own spiritual growth.
Please join me as we pray for unity, for being good servants for the Lord
and showing love to our church family and community. We are so blessed
to have a loving and caring church family and we need to THANK GOD
for all our blessings.
Have a blessed week!
• Sunday Bible Study—9:00am • Sunday Worship—10:00am • Wednesday Bible Study—7:00pm •
3412 53rd Avenue East • Bradenton, FL 34203 • (941) 753-4153 • Fax (941) 739-6554
Website: www.53avecofc.org • E-mail: office@53avecofc.org
Prayer Requests
Lorraine DesRosier
Karen Laffler
Virginia Sahadi
Bettye Davis
 The Johnson Family
 Tyler Reid - (leukemia) Melanie’s cousin
 Edie Hubbard
 Katelynn DiTomasso
 Lon & Marilyn
 Charlie Brandon
 Donald Roberts
 Josh Mills
 Regina Hickey (Freda Tussey’s daughter)
stage 4 breast cancer
 Misty Gobel (cousin of Christine Byrd, stage
3 breast cancer)
 Gertrude Hutson (Christine Byrd’s grandmother, dementia & alzheimer’s)
 Shirley Van Ostenbridge (friend of Jackie
Cinnamon, stage 4 lung cancer)
Food Pantry: The food pantry is
located in the 2-story house and will be
open every Thursday from 9am-11am.
Summer Camp!
Registration is open for summer camp sessions at
CFBC. The website for registration is: cfbiblecamp.org
There are 2 ways you can be involved!!!
Teen Week: Camper s enter ing 9th gr ade - just
completed 12th grade.
Dates: Sunday, 7/10-Saturday, 7/16
Cost: $205.00 if registered by 6/25
1.) Donate money to the pantry!!! All money
donated purchases the food that goes to families
in need.
2.) Donate your time to the pantry. We can
always use help stocking the shelves, putting
together food boxes on Wednesdays, or passing
out boxes to those that show up for food on
Thursday mornings.
It’s Time Cave Explorers! Tonight!
Reflections from June 19th
Worship— 209
Budget- $4,791.00
Contribution– $6038.00
Come join the fun and don’t forget to
bring your friends!
Please see Don Steele - 941-266-2556 or
Tim Harmon - 817-357-2313, for ways you
can help!
We need plastic grocery bags!
Family Game Night
Friday, July 8th, at 6:00.
Come join us for some fun and
Mark Your
There will be a Family
Pool and BBQ Party at the home of the
Tawney’s on Saturday, July 16th, from 11am
to 3pm. Please make plans to come out and
enjoy the fun!
Service Opportunities
Communion Prep (June) Vilena Moore
Building Security
J P Suchecki
New Directory
The new directory pages are ready for pickup.
They are in the foyer. If you find mistakes or have
been left out , there is a sheet in the foyer to fill
out for corrections and another sheet for complete
info. If you need a binder, please see Jean or
Melanie. For now, please limit to one copy per
Women’s Summer
Bible Study
Ladies of all ages are invited to join an
8-week study of Mark on Monday nights
from 7-8pm at the church building.
For more details please contact:
Katundra Stewart—863-513-3911 or
Abby Webster—817-929-8456
Worship Leader
Bill Warrell
Katundra Stewart & Carol Barnett
Children’s Church
Chris Stobaugh
Larry White, Gordon Carter,
Jay Shilling, Brandon Warrell
Angie & Rick Wojtanowski
Bldg. Security
Paul F ieber
Friday Breakfast Friends
Begin your weekend with a smile.
Everyone is welcome to join us at 8:30 am
every Friday morning. We will be meeting at
Recipe Box, for the month of July. It is the
perfect setting for introducing your friends to
the church!
Men’s Bible Study
There will be a Men’s Bible study every
Tuesday morning at 9:30 at the 2-story house.