ISSUE 38 copy - Emanuel School


ISSUE 38 copy - Emanuel School
4 DECEMBER 2015 22 KISLEV 5776
Year 6 Pathways
Photos: Geoff Sirmai
Last Friday evening Year 6 students and their families celebrated the Year 6 Pathways Shabbat and Graduation Ceremony. Students led their
families in a Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat service, filled with ruach and singing, using a siddur they created themselves. The Graduation
Ceremony celebrated the achievements, experiences, growth and learning of the students over their time at Emanuel Primary School, with
speeches by Mrs Natanya Milner, Mrs Lisa Oshlack and Head Madrichim India Sacks and Jonathan Shach sharing what makes Emanuel
School and its community such a special place. Following the ceremony, students, family and staff gathered for a lovely Shabbat dinner.
Kol Hakavod to all the students for reaching this stage in their life journeys and for the wonderful Shabbat service they created.
Page 2 - From the Principal
Page 3 - From the Head of Jewish Life
Page 4 - Devar Torah
Page 5 and 6 - Chanukkah
Page 7 and 8 - From the Head of Primary
Page 9 - Primary Leadership - Coding Club
Page 10 - Year 6 Science
Page 11 - JeStar information
Page 12 - Enriching Days
Page 13 - Madricha Initiative and Camp
Page 14 and 15 - Jewish Studies
Page 16 - From the Head of Science
Page 17 - Maccabi MS Swim-a-thon
Page 18 - Beach Touch Gala Day
Page 19 - High School eActive
Page 20 - Outreach Opportunities
Page 21 - Rabin Bugle
Page 22 - Rashi Times
Page 23 - Kol Szenes
Page 24 - Careers
Page 25 and 26 - Kornmehl
Pages 26 and 27 - Gesher
Page 29 - From the P&F
Pages 30, 31, 32, 33 - Community
Page 34 - 2017 Scholarships
Page 35 - Emanuel Announcements
Page 26 - Calendar
Mrs Anne Hastings
Photo: Ofer Levy
Coming up
• Wednesday 9 December,
K – 2 Presentation
Ceremony, MPH, 9 am
• Wednesday 9 December,
Years 3 – 6 Presentation
Ceremony, MPH, 6 pm
• Thursday 10 December,
Years 7 – 12 Prize
Presentation, Sir John Clancy
Auditorium, UNSW, 7 pm
• Thursday, 28 January 2016,
Year 7 Orientation Day,
• Friday 29 January 2016,
Years 1 – 12 return to school
• 3 February 2016, Closing
date for Scholarship
Applications for Years 7, 9
and 11 2017 (see page 30)
Quote of the Week
‘We could never learn to be
brave and patient if there were
only joy in the world.’
Helen Keller
This will be the last Ma Nishma for 2015, so I
pay tribute to a number of staff members who
are leaving us this year.
Sarah de Wilt
Sarah has been on leave this year pursuing
her dream of flying the skies as a flight
attendant. Sarah has resigned from her
English teaching position since has decided
that she needs more time to experience her
new profession before returning to teaching.
John Drake
John has been teaching computing and
Mathematics since he joined Emanuel School
in 2010. A young, energetic and committed
teacher, he has worked hard to further
establish the computing subjects the School
and been very successful in increasing the
numbers of students doing Information and
Software Technologies in Years 9 and 10.
John moves to Newington so that he can be
closer to home and teach more of his greatest
passion, Mathematics.
Nehama Werner
Nehama joined us as a Primary, Gifted and
Talented teacher in 2009 and has been
teaching the Year 6 OC class since then, both
as a full-time and more recently a part-time
teacher. Nehama’s students have loved her
wisdom, enthusiasm and inspirational
teaching and her colleagues have greatly
appreciated her generosity, warmth and
friendly nature, as well as her commitment to
her students. Nehama is retiring from
teaching so that she can follow her many
other interests.
Sandy Lipworth
Sandy began teaching here back in 1988 as a
Hebrew teacher for K – 2 students. She has
retired a number of times but has been
enticed back to us to help us out with
teaching Hebrew in the Primary School.
Sandy’s experience, positive influence and
commitment to the students have made her a
well-loved teacher. It is hard to imagine
Emanuel School without Sandy, who says that
this is it. Hopefully we will see her around
the School in a casual capacity in the future.
Greg Churm
Greg is retiring from his position in IT and
Audio-visual support. He has been at
Emanuel School for 18 years and is loved by
all for his gentle, calm and always helpful
approach. He has great knowledge and skills
in all things IT and AV, and is a passionate
proponent of sustainability who has
encouraged the School continually to
become greener by using more renewable
energy sources and reducing our energy
footprint. Greg will be greatly missed from
our School since he is so well known by all
and has assisted us in so many different ways.
We wish Sarah, John, Sandy and Greg all the
very best for their next stage in their life
journey away from Emanuel School and hope
that they keep in touch with us.
We also wish the following staff all the best
for their leave leave during 2016:
• Jackie Black, Visual Arts Co-ordinator,
Term 1
• Lana Woolf, teacher of senior French,
Term .
• Stacey Rosenfeld, Hugo Adrian and Lior
Misrachi for the full year.
Gayle Beinart and Miriam Belnick have been
our canteen operators since 2011. They came
with the aim of transforming the eating habits
of our students and staff (at least while at
School) into more healthy, appetising and
enjoyable ones. That they have done,
establishing themselves quickly and cooking
with love, becoming the canteen that all
other schools wish for and being an integral
part of our School. We are so grateful to them
both and their helpers for the work they have
done and the commitment they have shown
to our students and staff and wish them well
for the next phase of their journey.
We are pleased to be able to announce our
new canteen operators – the Love Food
Company, run by sisters Verena and Angelika
Mortimer. They run two other canteens, at
Rose Bay Primary and Bronte Primary and
come with very high recommendations from
the teachers and students from these schools.
They are very excited to be able to take on
our canteen and will be devoted to
continuing the traditions of healthy,
sustainable eating within our kashrut
guidelines. Verena will be the one who
manages our canteen here and we look
forward to welcoming them early next year
to our School.
Student and staff success
Mazal tov to:
• The Emanuel Swim team who participated
in the MS Maccabi Swim-a-thon last
weekend, combining to swim almost 42
km to help raise money for multiple
sclerosis (see page 17).
• Our Nurse Genna Radnan who this week
received an award for her humanitarian
work from the African Australian
Community. • Richard Studencki (Year 12, 2016) who
has just completed his Certificate III in
Retail at McDonalds and he is now
qualified to be a manager.
• Joe Harris (class of 2013), who has been
selected as one of nine students to study at
the Shanghai Jiao Tong University for a
semester, followed by an opportunity to
take an internship and language study in
Asia, fully funded and supported by the
Australian Government and DFAT. I look forward to seeing everyone at one of
the Presentation Ceremonies next week.
Best wishes for a wonderful weekend and
Chanukkah, as well as a restful, enjoyable
and reinvigorating summer break.
Shabbat Shalom
Our Social Action Madricha, Sara
Ehrlich, reports on our student and staff
engagement in this year’s White Ribbon
event to speak out against domestic
violence and the increasing abuse of
women in our society. Below are her
reflections as well as those of her peers.
Rabbi Daniel Siegel
On 25 November, wearing white
themed clothes, our students and staff
participated in the White Ribbon Walk
to raise awareness and funds to combat
domestic violence, We joined a crowd
of thousands as we walked from High
Cross Park to Coogee Beach in the fifth
annual White Ribbon event.
Did you know that: Rabbi Daniel Siegel
Photo: Ofer Levy
• In 2014 on average one woman died
at the hands of a partner every week
in Australia. In 2014 we are getting
closer to two women every week. • One in three Australian women have
experienced violence from someone
known to them. • Indigenous women are 35 times more
likely to be hospitalised as result of
family violence • 40 percent of women have
experienced violence in their
lifetimes. These are just some of the frightening
statistics that we heard from the
speakers at the White Ribbon Walk. At
the walk, Minister for Women Pru
Goward encouraged men to speak up to
stop violence in the home. She
explained that White Ribbon Day
challenges men to speak out and act to
prevent violence against women but is
also a day when men commit to having
important conversations with other
men. We learnt that there is a secret side to
domestic violence. Speaker Pru
Goward gave examples of this violence,
such as when men control their
partner’s credit cards, car use,
computer access and phone passwords,
and are constantly suspicious,
demanding and volatile. We also learnt
that women are most at risk of being
murdered when they leave partners. We
therefore need to speak up about
domestic violence so that victims get
the support they need and perpetrators
understand that they are accountable
for their actions. NSW Police
Commissioner, Andrew Scipione,
encouraged victims of domestic
violence to come forward so police can
help. He emphasised how rampant
domestic violence is in our community,
pointing out that police still spend more
time dealing with domestic-related
incidents than any other types of crime.
These statistics are a clear signal that we
all have a lot to do to eliminate this
behaviour from the community. The walk certainly made an impact on
Emanuel students. Here are just some
of their thoughts: This wasn’t the first time I’d heard about
the White Ribbon Walk, however, it was
the first time I participated in it. I
thought it was incredible to see the
thousands of people come together to
make a difference and bring attention to
an issue that is being over-looked in
society today. It was very powerful
seeing so many males at the event
making a pledge against this brutality. It
was something I most certainly
recommend to anyone in the future.
Jacob Riesel The White Ribbon Walk was superawesome. It is a good thing to see so
many gathered in acknowledgment of
domestic violence. Adam Doctor What I found really interesting about the
White Ribbon Walk was the presence of
so many all-boys school students. I think
it was important that they came as the
issue of violence against women is really
something that should be raised among
young men so that they are educated
on what is right and what is wrong
before it is too late. It’s one thing for
women to campaign against violence
against women but for men and boys be
part of this is a real testament to their
Holly Lipman
The White Ribbon Walk was an eyeopening experience, the amount of
support shown by the community
displays the continuous effort to help
eradicate this issue, which to me means
a great deal.
Dana Rutner
A big thank you to everyone who came
on the walk, wore white non-uniform,
and bought merchandise to support this
important campaign (merchandise is
still being sold). It was great to see
Emanuel staff, parents and students
united to raise awareness of violence
against women. 3
We share with you the Devar Torah to this week’s parashah, VaYeishev,
written by Jaimee Alster and presented at our High School tefillot prayer
Rabbi Daniel Siegel
In reading this week’s parashah, we see karma playing out - what goes
around comes around.
Last week we heard the story of Ya’akov deceiving his father into gaining
Eisav’s blessing of the birthright. In return (karma), Ya’akov has to flee his homeland for decades, in constant
fear of death and his brother. In this parashah, Ya’akov is confronted with even more karma, as his older
sons are unkind to his younger son, Yosef. How ironic!
Tired of hearing Yosef boasting, Ya’akov’s sons sell him as a slave, while
deceiving their father in this.
After many years, Yosef works his way up from a slave, to an official, to
Pharaoh’s Head interpreter/advisor. Many years later, a plague strikes Yosef’'s homeland, and his brothers have
no choice but to ask the Pharaoh for help. Unbeknown to them, the
middle-aged man who holds the power to decide whether to give them
crops or not is their brother, Yosef. They are receiving payback for their
crimes against him. Again, karma. Now, let’s put this into our real lives.
We live in a world which is very unfair. War criminals who murder and
torture people are bathing in money and power. It seems like they will
never receive the karma that they deserve. But, they live in constant fear of
their lives.
Payback always occurs, in many forms. 4
Chanukkah Step By Step Guide
Ashkenazi tradition:
According to the Ashkenazi tradition, each member of the family lights his/her own Chanukkiyah. The shamash (server
candle) is lit first using a match and is then used to light the other candles.
Sephardi tradition:
According to the Sephardi tradition, each family lights one Chanukkiyah.
The Chanukkiyah should ideally be lit just before nightfall in a festive
manner, with all members of the family present.
On the first night, place one candle on the far right of the
Chanukkiyah, (facing you). Use a second candle as the shamash, the
server, to light the first candle. Then place the shamash in the spot
that is at a different height to the others. On the second night, place
two candles in the far right positions and light the left one first.
Continue in this way for each subsequent night, always lighting the
additional candle first.
Before lighting the Chanukkiyah, the following blessings are recited:
The prayers of Chanukkah:
Barukh ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam,
asher kideshanu bemitzvotav, ve-tzivanu
lehadlik ner shel Chanukkah.
Barukh ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam,
she-assah nisim le-avoteinu, bayamim hahem
bazman ha’ze.
On the first night add:
Barukh ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam,
she-he-chiyanu ve-ki-yemanu ve-hi-giyanu
lazman ha’ze.
Praised are you Adonai, our God, Ruler of the Universe, who sanctifies us with mitzvot and commands us to light the
Chanukkah light
Praised are you Adonai, our God, Ruler of the Universe, who performed miracles for our ancestors, in those days, at this
Praised are you Adonai, our God, Ruler of the Universe, who gives us life, sustains us and enables us to reach this occasion.
During and after lighting the candles, it is traditional to sing/recite the following hymns:
Hanerot Halalu: For audio go to:
Ha-nei-rot ha-la-lu o-nu mad-li-kin
Al ha-te-shu-ot ve-al ha-ni-sim ve-al ha-nif-la-ot,
She-a-see-ta la-avo-tei-nu ba-ya-mim ha-heim biz-man
Al ye-dei ko-ha-ne-cha ha-ke-do-shim,
Ve-chol she-mo-nat ye-mei cha-nu-kah ha-nei-rot ha-la-lu
ko-desh hem,
Ve-ein la-nu re-shut le-hish-ta-meish ba-hen,
E-lo lir-o-tan bil-vad, ke-dei le-ho-dot u-le-ha-leil le-shimcha ha-ga-dol
Al ni-se-cha ve-al nif-le-o-te-cha ve-al ye-shu-o-te-cha.
We kindle these lights [to commemorate] the saving acts, miracles and wonders which You have
performed for our ancestors, in those days at this time, through Your holy priests. Throughout the eight
days of Chanukkah, these lights are sacred, and we are not permitted to make use of them, but only to
look at them, in order to offer thanks and praise to Your great Name for Your miracles, for Your
wonders and for Your salvations.
Maoz Tzur. Below is the first verse, for the full version, including audio, go to:
Rock of ages, let our song
Praise Your saving power,
You, amid the raging foes,
Were our sheltering tower.
Furious they assailed us
But your arm availed us.
And your word,
Broke their sword
When our own strength failed us
It is customary to place the Chanukkiyah in a public place; if possible on one’s outward public facing window sills. If this
is not possible then at least on the main dining table so that all the family can enjoy the light of the Chanukkiyah
Chanukkah Links:
For a range of accessible articles on history, meaning, rituals and food of Chanukkah:
For a fresh take on Jewish ideas, culture and Chanukkah:
For a selection of traditional and contemporary Chanukkah songs to get the whole family singing along:
Mrs Natanya Milner
Wishing you a happy and safe holiday break
and thank you all for your support over the past
year. It has been such a pleasure to see the
children grow and thrive and I am so grateful to
each of you for your commitment to the School
and its success. Thank you to all the teachers
and Emanuel staff for their dedication and
energy throughout the year. I hope you have a
relaxing break with your families. This is
definitely a wonderful opportunity to rejuvenate
and ‘sharpen the saw’. Hopefully we will all
have a little bit of time to remember how to do
‘nothing’ and enjoy the moment. Here’s a little
reminder from Hobbes.
Mrs Cara Frank
We wish a huge mazal tov to Cara and Daniel Frank on the birth of their first child.
On Saturday 21 November, Oliver Hunter Frank was born. He is a beautiful and
healthy baby boy and Cara and Oliver are both doing well. We look forward to
meeting him soon.
Year 6 Pathways
Last Friday night’s Year 6 Pathways Evening was a beautiful Shabbat and Graduation
Ceremony for Year 6. Thanks to Mr Adam Carpenter and Mrs Sharon Schulz who
both spent considerable hours planning, organising and setting up. Thank you to Ms
Rebecca Gaida, Ms Erika Ktalav, Mrs Lior Misrachi and Mrs Jennifer Udovich for
preparing the students. Our 2015 Head Madrichim delivered a wonderful speech on
behalf of the student body. Mazal tov to all the Year 6 students and thank you to our
Emanuel families for sharing in this special event with us.
Fête and Fun Days
This week was filled with fun activities. Throughout the term, Year 4 has been
learning about small businesses, including planning, product development,
marketing and pricing. This culminated in a wonderful fête that they prepared for
Year 3. Thank you to Miss Lauren Wigan, Ms Tracey Walker and all the Year 4
children for their hard work and enthusiasm in preparing this wonderful event.
The Year 6 Fun Day is always a highlight of our year and I am just recovering from
today’s event. The Year 6 teachers and students spend hours planning fun activities
for the K-5 students. This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for a Year 6 gift
to the School and to end our year with fun and celebration. Thank you Year 6
teachers and students!
Sports Texts
We are now confident that we are able to consistently communicate with you via
text about sport cancellations. We are always trying to balance giving as much
notice as possible with the possibility of late weather changes. We are also
conscious that the system can take up to 20 minutes to send texts to all the
recipients. We are aiming to find a better solution than the wet weather line. Please
let us know how the new system is working for you.
Uniform Information
In the coming week I will be emailing you a letter with information about our
school uniform requirements. There is nothing new in the letter but in preparation
for 2016, I would like to ensure everyone is clear about the expectations as there
seems to have been some ‘interpretations’ that have taken place over the past while.
Please ensure you read it prior to buying new shoes and other uniform items for
Upcoming Dates
• 7 December: Years K-12
Chanukka Havdalah 8:20am
• 7 December: JeSTAR
Chanukkah Play for Years 3-6
students – parents who would
like to see their JeSTAR
children perform are asked to
come to the performance on
8 Dec as there will be seats
available at this performance.
• 8 December: JeSTAR
Chanukkah Play for Years K-2,
parents are invited, the Millie
Phillips Theatre 2:00pm
• 8 December: Year 6 Privilege
• 9 December: Years K-2
Presentation Day, MPH
• 9 December: Years 3-6
Presentation Night, MPH
• 10 December: Last Day of
Term - Years K-6 Picnic Day
and Emanuel’s Got Talent
• 29 January: Years 1-6, Term 1
• 1 February: Kindergarten,
Term 1 Commences.
Talent Show
I thank Mrs Julia Tritsch and the SRC for organising our first Emanuel’s Got
Talent show. We are so excited to end our year with this wonderful event.
Emanuel Students Out and About
As always, our students are involved in a range of communal activities. See
below for a snapshot from the past week…
Year 6 to the Salvation Army
A few weeks ago, some Year 6 students approached Ms Rebecca Gaida
wanting to take food to support homeless people. Thank you to Mrs Emma
Clemens and Ms Gaida for encouraging our wonderful student initiatives.
This week, a group of Year 6 students visited the Salvation Army to deliver
baked goods that they had made. We are so proud of them for their care
and initiative.
Year 5 Gesher Helpers
Thank you to our wonderful Year 5 students who enthusiastically assisted at
the recent Gesher event. Whether the students were welcoming guests,
serving food or leading tours, they represented Emanuel eloquently and
proudly. Thank you!
Fantastic Fundraisers
Mazal tov to Aaron and Raphael
Harpaz, Brayden and Devan Bloch and
Zaria Jankelowitz-Gelvan for their
participation in the Waverley Council
car boot sale. They sold old books, toys
and shoes and made $200 for Atlantic
Hope. We are so proud of their efforts!
School Shoe Collection
Please see the advertisement for Shoes
for Planet Earth on page 35.
On the final day of school (Thursday 10
December), students should wear sports
uniform for the picnic day. They can
bring in their school shoes to donate if
they wish to do so. They will be
collected at the Waxman Gate.
Thank you to Gia Janks and Simone Joffe for co-ordinating this initiative.
Coding Club takes place on Monday at second half lunch in Ms Walker’s
room. We have six people who come on a weekly basis: Joshua Moses,
Benjamin Cohen and Samuel Moliver and the three leaders, Aaron
Goldberg, Shane Doust and Ethan Moliver. We do coding such as Scratch,
Python and HTML/CSS.
In Primary School, there is no coding in the curriculum so Coding Club
gives us the opportunity to code in a school environment and gives
students the opportunity to code when they probably would never
otherwise get a chance.
Coding Club has been great this term. We hope that our passionate Year 5s
will be able to take over the Club from us next year. We have high hopes
for Coding Club in the future. Everything needs a place to start and Coding
Club is just starting now. Hopefully more people will become interested
next year so the Club can expand.
Year 6 Science – It’s electrifying!
“I have not failed. I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
Nikola Tesla - Inventor/Electrical Engineer
This term, Year 6 Yad Mordechai (and Year 6 Rehovot) have been
experimenting with electricity and light. Using their knowledge of
circuits, conductors and insulators, students made electrical circuits to test
the conductivity of liquids and solids. They had the choice of creating
their own game, diorama or experiment based on their area of interest.
The teachers and students were ecSTATIC when watching the
Ms Talia Hynek
Our lightbulb moment: We learnt that Scientists need to be patient and
that you can learn from unsuccessful attempts.
The wire-loop game (powered
by a potato!)
Testing tap water and distilled water.
Can you guess which one conducts
Testing the conductivity of liquids
When life gives you lemons
… make a lemon-powered
Moving a can with a balloon
charged by hair
Light polarisation model
Wire-loop game
1. What does JeSTAR stand for?
The idea of the Jewish Theatre for school kids was born six years
ago and soon after became a reality under the roof of Emanuel
Today, the Theatre is home to 50 children and gives them the opportunity to shine on stage. The
students have learned how to be real stars and this is what the name of the Theatre is about: Jewish
School Stars. Of course, a jester hat on top of the Star of David reminds us that the Theatre is also
great fun.
2. What does JeSTAR Theatre do?
The Theatre is exclusively devoted to young people at Jewish schools, interested in acting,
self-expressing and of course, performing. JeSTAR Theatre has at least three performances
every year. This year, our young actors performed a Purim Story for the Emanuel school
community, presented a Talent Show and next week — a grand Chanukkah play, where the
historical past meets the sci-fi future.
3. Who can become a JeSTAR?
If you:
• are interested in acting and performing
• enjoy games and fun interactive activities
• are looking to develop confidence and public speaking skills
• enjoy creating your own stories
• are looking for a group of fun friends you are welcome in the JeSTAR Theatre
4. Where can I see JeSTAR Theatre perform?
Next week:
Chanukkah play for Years K-2 — Monday, 7 December at 2:00pm at the Millie Phillips
Chanukkah play for Years 3-6 — Tuesday, 8 December at 2:00pm at the Millie Phillips
JeSTAR Theatre Showcase where every child gets a spotlight and an award — Thursday 10
December at 4:30pm in the PAC. This is a free event, open to everyone interested.
5. How can I find out more about JeSTAR Theatre?
For further information and enrolment for 2016 please contact Anna Maylis on or call 0410558624
These long summer holidays are wonderful opportunities for a family days
out. An expedition to a new place combines novelty with the chance to
learn new information and gives everyone opportunities to make new
connections with existing knowledge, thereby exercising their brains. We
know that children who see their parents learning find it to be an
immensely powerful and worthwhile experience, which makes an
important contribution to family role modelling and bonding.
Don’t forget to consider including ferry, bus and train travel as it’s a novelty
for many of our students and they often see it as the highlight of the day.
Do consider leaving the screens at home and making conversation a
feature of your expedition. If you know that you will run out of emotional
energy when answering those endless questions, combine with another
family and tag team. Grandma might enjoy coming too and will have a
whole different perspective as well as stories from family histories to add
colour to the memories of the day. Remember, she raised you without an
Ms Suzanne Plume
Co-ordinator Gifted and
Talented K-12
Include the children in the planning. Budding mathematicians love
working out the costs of the day and juggling maps and timetable details.
Do, however, remember to restrict the decisions children are allowed to
make lest you end up eating fairy floss and gelato for lunch.
Above all, have fun, be in the moment and make memories, which will last
Trip Planner Public Transport
Lego Pompeii at the Nicolson Museum
Australian Museum Holiday Program
Maritime Museum Sydney
Taronga Park Zoo Holiday Activities
Sydney Opera House Holiday Activities
Art Gallery of NSW
Street Buffet
I am collecting donations of books. These books will be given to homeless
people in Sydney as a festive holiday present. There is a box in the Senior
Library kitchen where all donations can be placed, or you or your child
can give the books directly to me.
I am collecting in conjunction with Street Buffet, an organisation that
provides food to the homeless every Sunday night in Woolloomooloo.
Street Buffet feeds up to 170 people on one Sunday night.
Hopefully we can donate enough books to ensure that everyone that
comes to Street Buffet with be able to receive a holiday present.
Thank you! If you have any questions or want more information please let
me know, please email me at:
Dana Rutner
From Saturday night until Wednesday next week, Camp Sababa, a camp
for students with disabilities, will be run by Year 12 students that have
just finished High School. The Year 12 leaders will partner with the students and take them to fun
activities including beach and Sailability. They will enjoy dress-ups, singa-longs and talent shows.
Big thanks go to our Year 12 volunteers: Emilia Rubinstein, Ella Simon,
Ilijana Avshalom, Arielle Sofer, Harrison Burnard, Libby Feldman,
Anastastia Uricher, Sharon Davids, Jenna Michalson, Gabriella Katz,
Rebecca Emder, Talya Jaffe, Micayla Laurence, Rachel Stanton, Julia
Meltzer and Kelly Glick. You are sure to have an amazing and truly
worthwhile experience!
Ms Rebecca Gaida
Year 9 explore the Rabin Exhibition
Last week, the Year 9 Jewish Studies classes were guided by Habonim Dror
Madrichim (youth leaders) through a thought-provoking and insightful
exhibition on the bigger picture surrounding the assassination of Yitzchak
Rabin in 2005.
In Jewish Studies this term, our students have been exploring the Mitzvot
(Commandments) surrounding Arevut, inter-responsibility, such as not
being a bystander, not bearing a grudge or taking revenge, but rather being
proactive and engaging in constructive criticism and healthy dispute. The
Rabin Exhibition complemented these ideas well and enabled students to
contemplate the importance and value of living these mitzvot in today’s
“I think that the Rabin workshop was useful and enlightening where lots of
knowledge was shared. Although I already had acquired much of the
information through other means, I think that it was still a very useful
session.” Liahm Simon
Mrs Daphna Levin-Kahn
Co-ordinator of High School
Jewish Studies
Shorashim Project News
During Tuesday’s assembly, Mr Sagi Ben-Yosef, the Executive Director of the
United Israel Appeal (UIA), presented an award to Joel Ehrlich for last year’s
Project Shorashim, which he won jointly with Eden Sadra.
Mr Ben-Yosef then presented certificates to the finalists of Project
Shorashim 2015 and we congratulate them all on their hard work and effort
to create such outstanding albums. These are beautiful records of their
families’ journeys and stories and will be cherished for many years to
come. We will find out from the UIA who the 2015 winners are in early
2016. The prize, generously sponsored by the UIA, is $1000 towards an
post-school Israel Program.
Mazal tov to the following Emanuel School Project Shorashim Finalists
Dylan Christie, Cade Collins, Ethan De Melo, Erin Forman, Beau Glass,
Mia Gold, Rebekah Goldsworthy, Gabriella Goodridge, Jake Greenberg
Brody Neumann, Jonathan Sebban and Tallulah Stein.
Year 7 has the power to play a part
Tikkun Olam meets the Global Goals
On Friday two inspiring speakers, Dr Kate Sinclair from Global Citizen
Leaders and her student assistant Daniel Baluyot, visited Year 7. They told
us what the 17 new Global Goals were and how they achieved them. What
I personally took from it was that little things can grow into big things. They
had a goal and they were very persistent to achieve it. They got many
people involved and they started making big decisions and that is how they
have helped millions of people. They did come across negative comments
and challenges on the way but they continued to reach their goal. That is
another life lesson learnt; to never give up. We had these speakers because
in Jewish Studies we have been learning about Tikkun Olam, which means
repairing the world. It was a wonderful great experience and taught us that
dreams can really come true if you keep trying.
Jessica Beutum
Jessica Beutum
Dr Kate Sinclair discusses the Goals
Discussing the Global Goals
View From the Kleinlehrer Family Science Building
Do you believe your eyes? Do you like explosions? Do you enjoy the
intricate and wonderful insides of amazing organisms? If so, you would
have been excited by the Science Spectacular Excursion last week,
organised by Ms Greenhill and supervised by Ms Lijovic. All students in
Years 7 and 8 were given the chance to enroll in the excursion and 16
took up the opportunity – an enthusiastic and excited bunch!
I think the photos tell a pretty good tale, and here is the experience in
the words of the students themselves:
Chemistry was a great way to start the day because the experiments
were exciting, interesting, educational and interactive. The experiments
were unique because you wouldn't be able to do them anywhere else. It
made us excited for University and for what was to come.
Ms Jennifer Selinger
The lecture on Illusions was extremely interesting and was a surprise to
us all - how vision affects your other senses. Even though it was mostly
talking, there was still an interactive part to it when we got to see
different illusions through pictures and videos. The speaker related her
information back to things that we know well, for example, the dress
(white and gold or blue and black) which helped us apply our
knowledge to what we were learning.
The Biology section was really fun because we dissected a mussel and a
squid. We learnt how things that look completely different can be part of
the same species.
By Jamie Orleow, Jesse Waller, Rebekah Goldsworthy, Mimi Silberstein
and Miriam Itzkowitz
The group
Also amongst the illustrations accompanying this article is a particularly
cute Solar-System-On-a-Plate produced Milla Kern, Matthew Joffe and
Nixon Blake in Year 8 as part of the Destination Mars topic. Whilst
definitely NOT to scale, it was a good attempt on their part! We got a
better impression of the scale of the Solar System when we participated
in the Edible Solar System activity. As we hunted for the ‘hundred and
thousands’ that represented Mercury, Mars and Pluto and paced out the
240 steps around the School that took us between Saturn and Uranus,
we gathered a fresh perspective on the sizes and distances involved. It
was a revelation for some!!
It has been an exciting, vibrant, frustrating, energetic and surprising year
in Science and we have enjoyed the enthusiasm that our students have
brought to their learning over the year. Chanukkah Sameach and a
wonderful holiday to all!
Solar System
Ms Kristy Reed
Sports Co-ordinator &
PDHPE Teacher
Maccabi MS Swim-a-thon
Each year Maccabi Swimming are involved in convening the MS
Maccabi National Swim-a-thon. This event is a 12-hour team relay which
aims to raise funds for people living with multiple sclerosis and support
Maccabi Australia. For the first time this year Emanuel School entered a
team into the event with a goal of raising $2000 for this worthwhile
It was a fantastic day with Emanuel really shining in all aspects. In total
the team of 14 swimmers swam an incredible 41.95km and have so far
raised an amazing $3364. Our fundraising efforts placed us at 7th on the
Australia wide team leader board.
Gabriella Goodridge swam the most laps of the Emanuel team,
swimming over 5km throughout the day. Staff member, Jackson Lee was
our greatest individual fundraiser, raising $720, with Jared Elbourne close
behind on $644.
Congratulations to Joshua Amoils (who started and finished the day), Erin
Nabarro, Joshua Zwi, Jacob Rose, Simone Rappoport, Allegra Goldman,
Shir Erez-Rein, Jade Berson, Gabriella Goodridge and Jared Elbourne for
swimming in this event and for displaying great teamwork on the day. I
also commend Gabriella Goodridge and Jared Elbourne for displaying
great leadership in the build up to the day and promoting the event to the
school community. Staff members Mr Adam Ezekiel, Ms Charlie McAskill
and Mr Jackson Lee all put in an amazing effort swimming in the team
and assisting on the day.
It was great to see so many Emanuel parents supporting this great cause
by cheering for our swimmers, counting laps and keeping our team well
hydrated. I would like to give a special thank you to Anthony Goodridge
for supporting our swimmers all day, Ian Berson for working on the BBQ,
keeping us well fed, and Bronwyn Elbourne from the Burger Centre for
all of her work organising the Emanuel team.
We look forward to an even larger Emanuel team in 2016.
Beach Touch Gala Day
On Wednesday 25 November Emanuel School attended the annual
Beach Touch Schools Competition at Maroubra Beach. It was a fantastic
day, with all students enjoying playing the game and developing their
Emanuel entered three teams into this competition: junior boys, junior
girls and senior boys.
The junior girls team consisted of Mia Nahum, Shai Stern, Kayla
Orlievsky, Gemma Beinart, Jade Reuveny, Amy Collins, Allegra Goldman,
Ashne Amoils, Danielle Rutstein and Claudia Burman. Although not
victorious, all girls displayed excellent sportsmanship and represented
Emanuel with pride. I congratulate them on their excellent effort on the
It was all in-house for bragging
rights when Unreal Madrid met
the Barbarians at the MPH on
Wednesday in a make-up game,
part of the Eastern Suburbs
Futsal association competition.
The two teams (each
comprising players mostly
from the grand-final winning
Queens Park outdoor football
team) are both on-course for
the finals but on the day it was
Unreal Madrid who cemented
their place at the top of the
competition with a convincing
6-3 win.
The match was refereed by
Robbie Ezekiel (Class of 2013)
and was played in a great spirit
with much enthusiastic
cheering from friends and
family in the grandstand (the
The senior boys played exceptionally well on the day, scoring amazing
tries and progressing to the semi-finals. The semi-final was a close match.
The boys were unfortunately defeated by Sylvania High School. Despite
the loss they were very gracious in their defeat. Congratulations to James
Cohen, Matthew Angelis, Harry Buch, Brendon Rutstein, Guy Starr, Jacob
Riesel, Etai Meretz and Satchel Kolt.
In a day of spectacular play and competition the Junior Boys continued
their great recent success, winning the competition. This team was
undefeated, winning the grand-final in impressive style 9-4. Throughout
the day there were excellent tries scored by the team members. Leo
Carroll is to be commended for displaying great leadership as Captain of
this victorious team on the day. Well done to Jake Kurlansky, Reece
Berelowitz, Liahm Simon, Joel Epshteyn, Brandon Kaye, Joshua Amoils,
Avi Goodman and Benjamin Shapiro.
A special thank you goes to Jade Christie of Year 10, who as part of her
work experience, assisted with the management and coaching of the
junior teams on the day. She displayed excellent knowledge of the game
and demonstrated exemplary leadership.
Ms Kristy Reed
Term 4 has been an exciting and busy time for the High School EActive
program. Students have enjoyed surfing, paddlebording, kayaking,
netball, Pilates, cricket training, kickboxing, yoga, waterpolo skills and
indoor trampolining.
The touch football program has expanded this term with four Emanuel
teams competing in the Easts Touch Competition on Tuesday afternoons.
The High School Basketball Program has also expanded, with teams now
competing in both the Opens and 16s Divisions in the East Basketball
League on Sundays and Thursday evenings respectively.
The addition of the Wellness Centre facility has also provided our
students with the opportunity to engage in a range of circuit training and
fitness sessions throughout the term.
In 2016 the High School EActive Program will continue with many of the
popular activities once again being offered and some new and exciting
opportunities for the students to continue to improve their overall health
and wellbeing. The Term 1 EActive Program timetable will be emailed to
all parents next week, with bookings opening at the beginning of next
Ms Kristy Reed
Over the summer holidays please consider the following opportunities now
offered to Years 9, 10 and 11 students:
1. East Timor - Gildapil Trip In September 2015 we sent a group of ten students with Mrs Hastings and
Mr Whitcombe to East Timor for ten days. Destination Dreaming organised
a new partnership for us with Lolotoe a small community in East Timor. The
students explored the environment, culture, and history of one of Australia’s
closest and poorest neighbours. We connected wonderfully with the local
kids as our students taught English in the local school to very keen students.
We are the first school (in fact first foreign visitors) to form a relationship
with Gildapil village and we are very excited about continuing this
relationship in 2016, as our first group loved it and we promised our new
East Timorese friends that Emanuel would be back.
Mr David Whitcombe
Senior Geography Teacher
Outreach Programs
The trip is only open to 12 students in Years 9 to 11. It will be from 7 to 16
August 2016. Destination Dreaming provides a guide, all transport, tours,
meals, accommodation and pre-departure workshops. Emanuel School will
also send two teachers. The trip includes four nights in Dili and five nights
in remote Gildapil. The trip costs approximately $4200 including all flights.
A deposit of $500 will be called for very early in 2016.
2. Northern Territory - Jilkminggan Trip This ongoing Emanuel program led by Mike Keighley (Far Out Adventures)
and two Emanuel teachers will run again from 30 October to 5 November
2016. It is a five-night trip including a night in Darwin and three nights in
Mataranka, with two full days spent with the children of Jilkminggan, firstly
at their school then swimming with them in their local river.
The trip includes two other Aboriginal cultural experiences, one outside
Darwin and the other outside Katherine, and a croc-boat tour on the
Adelaide River. We also visit Edith Falls and Mindil Beach Sunset Markets
in Darwin before we fly home. It is a brief but powerful journey which
leaves students in awe. The cost is $1700 including flights ($1100 without).
It will initially be aimed at Years 9 to 11 students but may be open to Years
7 and 8 depending on numbers.
Please let me know ( if you are
interested in either of the above High School trips. I will speak about these
trips at the information nights early next year. If there is something holding
you back, please let me know so I can gauge interest and see if we can
assist with any issues.
Holidays and sun-filled weeks are around the corner and what a year it has
been! House spirit has been at a high and we have many fond memories to
cherish. Year 7 and Year 8 students took on the challenges of Camp
Somerset; Year 9 mastered the slopes and participated in the Duke of
Edinburgh Award; Year 10 certainly created ruach at Zionist camp and are
right now either enjoying a visit to Israel or learning valuable skills in their
special program. Year 11 students began their senior year and the year
group has led our House in an exemplary manner. Year 12 students took
on the challenge of the HSC and graduated in style earlier this semester.
The last couple of weeks have been very busy and we are all still enjoying
the buzz from working together on the House Music project. Rabin House
took on Szenes and Rashi in the Inter-House Debating Competition and
came up with some interesting and though provoking arguments. Jacob
Wolf, Year 7, Adam Riesel, Year 8, Jamie Latham, Year 12, and Jacob Riesel,
Year 12, represented Rabin and the students can be very proud of their
Rabinite of the Year
The Rabinite of the Year Award is an in-House celebration of kind and
spirited actions by students in Years 7-10. It recognises students’
contributions to House spirit, all-round achievements at events and
competitions, involvement with charities and is awarded to a student with
an admirable character. There are many Rabinities who would be worthy
recipients of the Award and we would like to acknowledge and
congratulate the following students who were nominated this year:
Chase Weinberg, Ari Karjalainen, Rachel Jammy, Greg Allen, Tia Mallinick,
Rachel Turtledove, Romy Berson, Jake Harpaz, Tai Oshlak, Kiara Rosen-Tal,
Jonathan Sinani, Edan Amsalem, Erin Radomsky, Sara Aaron, Chloe Corne,
Gabriel Kichkin, Richard Yavits, Ronan Collins and Jenna Kaplan.
The 2015 Rabinite of the Year is Lauren Faul, Year 9 Rabin
Lauren always gives one hundred percent to all endeavours. She is
supportive of her peers, takes initiative and she has been involved in a
range of activities throughout the year. Lauren can be especially proud of
her fine effort with the Ride for Life fundraising campaign. She worked
tirelessly to ensure everyone enjoyed the events. The invited guest
speakers, Professor Boyer and Mr Malki, inspired the whole school.
Congratulations Lauren!
Maddalena Grigoletti-Labi in Year 8,
Rabin, performed with the Sydney
Childrens Choir at the Aria Awards
last week with Conrad Sewell. It was
an exciting day and she did spot a few
celebrities! They performed ‘Start
Again’ with Conrad Sewell.
Enjoy the holidays Rabinites. Relax, enjoy sleeping-in and practise your
swimming, so we are ready to take on Rashi and Szenes at the Swimming
Carnival early next year.
House Music can be described as a night that exemplifies the integration of
community into the School. We find it somewhat unbelievable that
an entire High School comes together and presents their musical
performances with the amount of passion and enthusiasm that we do. Even
though some of us aren’t as musically-talented as others we all join in
together on nights like these and the Emanuel community becomes truly
This year our full House performance was choreographed to a remix of the
High School Musical theme, developed by Ben Levy. The entire
House was really enthusiastic and looked amazing on stage. Our Small
House Choir performance was a cover of Lover You Don’t Treat Me No
Good by Chet Faker, with the stage being set up so that we were all
surrounding a small camp fire.
Our X Factor was Maya Buhrich and Kerryn Finn who sang an acoustic
version of XO by Beyonce. The girl-duo amazed everyone and were
awarded first place.
The Rock band brought about a feel of summer by singing In the Summer
Time by Thirsty Merc. Asher Klein, Daniel Radomsky, Chloe Ben-Mayor
and Adam Marx, our House Music Captain who brought home another first
place in the Rock Band.
Thank you to Adam Marx, our House Music Captain, who organised the
entire night and put in countless hours of effort to make sure it ran
smoothly, along with the Year 12 Rashi Tutor Group who all stepped up to
ensure that the night came together.
The night was enjoyed by everyone who attended. Szenes and Rabin were
amazing and many of their performers were highly talented and were a
pleasure to watch.
Rashi House and Music Captains
Maccabi MS Swimathon
The Maccabi MS Swimathon took place last weekend at Moriah Pool; Mazal
tov to Szenesian students and Tutors who participated in this fundraising
event: Mrs Kristy Reed (Year 7 Tutor), Mr Adam Ezekiel (Year 8 Tutor), Shir
Erez-Rein (11), Allegra Goldman (9) and Erin Nabarro (8).
Year 7 Shorashim Project 2015
Congratulations to the following Szenesians who were selected as finalists in
the Shorashim project: Beau Glass, Mia Gold, Rebekah Goldsworthy and
Jonathan Sebban. Good luck to all of our students.
Last weekend one of our Year 8
students received his senior Black
Belt in Tae Kwondo, a huge
achievement for a 14 year old. In fact
he can only technically get his
certificate after his 15th birthday but
he has passed the very gruelling
grading. Mazal tov!
As the 2015 school year draws to a close, we thank our Szenes House
Captains, students and Tutors for their continued support and wonderful
House Spirit shown throughout the year.
Happy Chanukkah to the Emanuel School Community. May the Festival of
Lights illuminate every part of your life!
Quotation of the week
“The end of labour is to gain leisure.”
Enjoy a well-deserved summer break.
Szenes House
On the weekend, along with 76,000 others I watched Taylor Swift perform
live at Homebush. I was escorting my daughter to her first big-stadium
experience. Much to my surprise, I was also blown away, not just by the
performance, but also the light-spectacular, the quality of the sound
production, the sheer numbers of glowing lights (cleverly handed out on
wrist bands to all fans as they arrived), the choreographed sequences of
tracks, set design and finally the rising and rotating catwalk Taylor Swift
paraded around. A few things got me thinking about her. How did this rise
to fame happen? How did her career unfold? Was this luck? Talent? Timing?
Genetics? To find out, I did some googling.
Ms Claire Pech
• Taylor Swift’s father was a Vice President at Merrill Lynch and her mother
was a Marketing Executive for a Fund Provider.
• She had acting and singing lessons from an early age
• At age 11 she submitted demos of cover tracks to music labels
• Also at age 11 she won a local talent competition (after many failed
• At age 12 she learnt her first three chords on a guitar and wrote her first
• At age 14 her parents moved to Nashville to be nearer the Country Music
• At 16 she re-signed with a new label that catapulted her into the
• At 18 she won Songwriter of the Year in Nashville
• At 19 she was nominated as Best New Artist at the Grammys
• She has now sold 40 million albums worldwide, is on the Forbes 100
Most Influential People List and has 66 million Twitter followers.
So as you can see her career history is a mixture of drive, talent, early
exposure, parental support and ability. Much of the research mentions how
clever her use of words are, how innate her clarity of song writing is and
how catchy her use of hooks and bridges are, so there is no questioning her
talent. But there are many talents out there.
What seems different here, is the drive that couples this. She is not afraid of
hard, hard work. I have no doubt she works around the clock to pull off
these huge world tours. I think this combination (often coupled with good
timing) can be a potent mixture to really excel in a career in this field.
Mixing talent, hard work, determination and drive can be the secret of
success in any career. What do you think yours will be?
It’s hard to believe we are at the end of the year. How time flies when you are having fun. What a busy and
exciting year we have had. So many beautiful and special moments and so much learning and development of
skills in all areas – socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually.
We have watched the children grow and mature and develop some wonderful relationships with their peers and
teachers. We know that the children are ready to take on new challenges next year, whether it’s going to
Kindergarten or moving up to be a Starfish or Dolphin. We look forward to 2016 and sharing another year
The concerts this week were another way to bring closure to the year as well as to highlight how far the children
have come and grown in confidence and maturity.
At this time of the year it is important to thank so many people who have contributed to our program in so many
different and positive ways.
• Firstly, to Morah Anna, our amazing Hebrew teacher – a big thank you for your enthusiastic, interactive and fun
Hebrew classes this year, the children loved seeing you and have learnt so much from you this year. Todah rabah
and have a happy holiday.
• To our lovely music teacher Miss Susan O’Grady, thank you for your patience and for teaching us so many
wonderful songs this year. We have loved our lessons with you and wish you a very happy holiday.
• To Mrs Esti Lipson for her calm and friendly manner in which she always completes any photocopy task so
effortlessly and capably.
• Thanks goes to Mrs Deborah Beder and Ms Gail MacKenzie for your collaboration and efficient manner in
which you process enrolments for the Pre-school.
• Thank you to our Year 2 buddies and their teachers, for coming down to Kornmehl to read to us each week.
• Many thanks to Mrs Ginnette Cameron-Gardner and all her staff from the Primary School library for welcoming
the Kornmehl children and families in the library. They have loved their visits each fortnight and we look forward
to continuing with these visits next year.
• Thank you to Mrs Gayle Beinart and Mrs Miriam Belnick and your team in the canteen for your delicious
catering, healthy lunches and yummy birthday cakes. We are going to miss you both so much and wish you luck
in your new endeavours.
• Thank you to Tammy, Coach Al and Coach Terry from Playball for another incredible year. The children’s grossmotor and ball skills have improved so much and along the way they have had a lot of fun and learnt many
other important skills such as following instructions and listening. We wish you all a happy holiday.
• Many thanks to the maintenance team, Mr Andrew Delany, Mr Peter Cummins, Mr Santiago Alfaro and Mr
Simon Hamilton for competing jobs so quickly and always with a smile. We really appreciate everything you do
for us at Kornmehl.
• Our thanks must also go to the IT department, with a special mention to Mr Zoran Taleski, Mr Nathanael Clarke
and Mr Greg Churm for constantly running up and down the hill to make sure all out IT glitches are sorted out
in good time. You all do an amazing job behind the scenes and we are very grateful for your expertise and
• We must also thank Tom, Greg and Max from Security, who make sure we are kept safe and sound every single
day. Many thanks for all your hard work during the year. It is very much appreciated.
We have been learning about Chanukkah, the story, the symbols and traditions. We have eaten lots of yummy
latkes and created beautiful art works of Chanukkiot and dreidels. We have been singing and learning lots of
Chanukkah songs. What a joy it is to celebrate this beautiful and fun festival together.
Work Experience
Last week we welcomed Jade Christie from Year 10 at Emanuel School for work experience. Jade was very popular
with the children, who all loved her playing with them and story telling.
Last Friday, we welcomed Jim and Jeany Kornmehl as our visitors for Shabbat. It was very special to have them join
us and continue our special relationship that we have with the entire Kornmehl family.
Montefiore Visit
Eight elderly visitors from the Montefiore Home visited the Dolphins last week on Thursday. During this time they
joined in with Morning Meeting, activity time and read the children a story. It was truly very special to see how
happy, and how much enjoyment everyone had.
Music with Year 7
All three groups were entertained this week by the fabulous Year 7 classes and their teacher Miss O’Grady, who
performed a number of musical stories they had been working on in class. The Pre-schoolers sat mesmerised and
so enjoyed these interactive and familiar stories being told through music. Many thanks to all the Year 7s and to
Miss O’Grady.
Happy Birthday
We wish a very happy birthday to Eitan Misrachi (5). We hope you have a special birthday.
Mazal tov
We wish a hearty mazal tov to Scott Hull and Melanie Lyon on the birth of a beautiful baby boy William last week,
a brother for Annaleise and Louise Rodney.
We wish ‘long life’ to Leona and Paul McGee and family on the passing of Leona’s father.
Holiday Care
Holiday Care will take place on Wednesday 16 December and Thursday 17 December from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
We wish all our Dolphins and Starfish moving on to Year K next year much success and happiness as they embark
on the next leg of their educational journey. We hope you will all visit us in the years to come.
We wish all our Kornmehl families a peaceful, safe and restful holiday.
We look forward to welcoming you all back on Friday 29 January 2016.
Back to School……
Mrs Sonia Newell
Development Officer
Last Sunday night, alumni and past teachers returned to School to see our
new Kleinlehrer Family LINC Building. Some of our visitors had not been
back on campus since finishing Year 12 some 20 plus years ago – what a
change since then!
Starting the proceedings in the Angles Leadership & Learning Centre
(LLC), a light supper was served by some of our Year 5 volunteers whilst
our visitors had the opportunity to catch up with each other and look
through old photographs and images, including their Year 12 photos. From there, everyone moved into our magnificent Millie Phillips Theatre
where, after the official welcome by Anne Hastings and Daniel Knoll,
Board member and Head of Gesher, our visitors were treated to two short
time-lapse videos. The first video was of construction of the Kleinlehrer
Family LINC Building, from removal of the D Block to the finishing
touches of the new building. It was amazing to watch the transformation
of the site! The second short video showed the making of the
collaborative artwork, created by the individual brushstrokes of our staff
and students to celebrate the opening of the building. Alumnus, David
Asher Brook (Class of 1998) who with his wife Hanna guided this
beautiful artwork joined us at the event. You can see this amazing
artwork hanging on the wall as you walk down the stairs to the LLC and
the Millie Phillips Theatre.
Campus tours, in particular of the Kleinlehrer Family LINC Building and
Science Block, were ably led by our Year 5 students who answered the
many questions posed by our visitors and who in turn, were suitably
impressed by the good manners and maturity of these students. We
thank the 15 students for taking time on a Sunday afternoon to help.
Lindy Wilson, Head of Primary and Year 6 teacher from 1985 to 1990
was lost for words at the changes. She loved her time teaching here so
much that she said when she left Emanuel School to move to the Central
Coast, she couldn’t teach anywhere else, so she made a career change
and opened a restaurant!
Siblings Leon Goltsman (Class of 1990) and Lana Shelest (Class of 1992)
were amongst our first intake of students in 1983, as was Russel Bergman
(Class of 1995) who now lives in Macau. A trip back to Sydney with his
wife and children to see family coincided with our event and so as Russel
said “I couldn’t not attend!” Alex Portnoy (Class of 1992) came from
Gosford, where he lives and works for the NSW Ambulance Service in
their IT Department.
I hope you have enjoyed reading our Gesher page each week. I look
forward to sharing more of your stories next year. Our Emanuel
community, which comprises current families, alumni, grandparents and
friends and of course, anyone with an interest in our wonderful school, is
spread far and wide and we love to hear your news, which you can send
We wish you a safe and relaxing summer break and look forward to an
exciting 2016.
Alex Portnoy, Class of ’02, Silvia (Malki)
Robertson, Class of ’95 and Russell
Bergman, Class of ’95
Leon Goltsman, Class of ‘90 and Lana Shelest, Class of ‘92
Michelle (Drexler) Levitt (Class ’00) with Paul Levitt and students
Our Year 5 helpers
Alex Symonds, Class of ‘99 and Daniel Barda, Class of ’89
Susie Rosen and Sharon Schulz
Emanuel P&F Co-Presidents
2016 is set to be another action
packed year for the P&F and we
are looking for energetic parents
who want to be part
of a great team and join the P&F in
the following three roles :
Mothers Day/Fathers Day
Purim Co-ordinator
We are very fortunate to have a
truly dedicated team of volunteers
to support these roles so if you are
keen to join us, (mums/dads/
grandparents all welcome), we
would love to hear from you.
JCA is hiring x4!
Are you looking for an exciting challenge in the new year?
JCA is continuing to channel Steve Jobs... "The only way to do great work is to love what
you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." ...and is now looking to
recruit four people to join our small and dedicated team.
For more information about any of these roles go to
Head of Engagement
Are you a dynamic, motivated and communally-connected person, ready to start as soon as possible in a newly
created role as Head of Engagement? You love our community, and love what you do as a marketer,
communicator, connector, innovator, disruptor, and all-round high energy engager. And because of that love,
you will do great work and never settle in the pursuit of JCA’s vision of ensuring a sustainable, vibrant and secure
Jewish community.
Can you lead, manage, mentor and motivate a small focused engagement team, and be an integral part of
JCA’s senior management?
Engagement Manager
JCA is looking for a vibrant, dynamic and engaging person to join our small team of Engagement Managers.
You will be responsible for assisting in the development and implementation of JCA's engagement and
fundraising plans for the Communal Group. This is the largest segment of our community and to be successful in
this role you will need to have strong marketing and communications skills, be able to work with a diverse group of
passionate lay leaders and our dedicated office team.
Planning Manager – Projects & Endowments
Are you a strong project manager looking to make a difference in our community? Can you manage JCA's
project giving initiatives, the annual endowment process and assist with a variety ofcommunal planning
You will work closely with dedicated lay leaders and talented staff within JCA and our member organisations, as
well as a small group of passionate endowment fund trustees.
This role requires someone with highly developed project management skills, including development, review and
maintenance of project budgets and financials, report writing skills, the ability to multi-task effectively and a high
level of attention to detail while still being able to see the bigger picture.
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
JCA is looking for a positive, efficient and organised person to start as soon as possible in the role of Executive
Assistant & Office Manager.
In this role you will, provide broad secretarial assistance to the CEO, President and senior management. And help
to manage the office and logistics around our events. We need someone who can be the heart and soul and
glue of our tight team, and keep us all on track. Sound like you?
T: 9360 2344 | E: |
YEARS 7, 9 AND 11 IN 2017
Emanuel School is delighted to offer
a number of Academic Scholarships.
Applicants will participate in the ACER
testing at Emanuel School. Students in
Year 6, Year 8 or Year 10 in 2016 are
We also invite students with an aptitude
for music to participate in the ACER
testing prior to an interview, audition
and music theory test at a later date.
Students in Years 6 and 8 in 2016 are
Applications close for both scholarships
on Wednesday 3 February 2016. No late
registrations will be accepted. Testing
will take place at Emanuel School on
the morning of Wednesday 10 February
2016. Those interested in participating
should complete an online form which
can be found under the enrolments tab
Music Scholarship participants must
complete both the Academic and Music
Scholarship application forms.
For further information please contact
our Enrolments Manager, Deborah
Beder, on 8383 7333 or by email at
Photo: Ofer Levy
Emanuel School is committed to
providing educational excellence
to all students. We encourage the
development of special interests and
talents and aim to extend our students
to the best of their ability. Our objective
is to foster a love of learning, a strong
sense of community and a pride in their
Jewish heritage.
We offer a wide range of subjects.
Our small classes facilitate personalised
learning, which is complemented by an
iPad/laptop program for each student
in Years 3 and above. Students enjoy
our extensive music and other extraour culture of deep and critical thinking.
An academic mentoring program is
available to all Year 12 students.
EMANUEL SCHOOL Where the Individual Excels
Emanuel School is a member of the JCA Family of Organisations
Candle lighting: 7:34 pm
Shabbat ends 8:39pm
• Dramatic Action enrolment for Term 1, 2016 to
all K-5 parents and Years 6-12 parents
• Musical instruments on loan email to all High
School students and parents
• Primary Picnic Day and Emanuel’s Got Talent
email to all Primary School parents
• Farewell to Zara, Zaria and Samara farewell gift
email to all Year 2 parents
• Yearbooks email to all Year 6 parents
T’s Texbooks at Alexandria sent us this photo of the the
huge load of textbooks which left their warehouse last
week bound for Tongo, Ghana. Many of these are
donations from Emanuel families.
Dramatic Action Performing Arts
Enrolments are now open for 2016
• K- 6 Drama, Wednesdays, 3:35pm 4:35pm, in the Emanuel School Millie
Phillips Theatre
• Years 7- 10 Drama, Tuesdays, 3:35pm 4:35pm, in the Emanuel School Millie
Phillips Theatre
Omri Goldberg and myself ran a fundraiser for a school and
village in Thailand earlier this year. Our School donated eight
laptops. The laptops and other donations have been of great
use to the Thai school and they have converted one of their
classrooms into a computer classroom which is very special
to them. The entire village is forever grateful for what we, as
a community, have done for them.
Jacob Riesel, Year 12 - 2015/2016
Every journey begins with a single step….
Ma Nishma Editor:
Ms Darryl Bourke
Mrs Michelle Favero and others
Mrs Esti Lipson and Mr Greg Churm
Emanuel School is a member of the JCA family of organisations.