September 2016 Newsletter


September 2016 Newsletter
A Publication of Emanuel Lutheran Church
Volume XXXXI No. 8
September 2016
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Emanuel’s mission is to witness
to the good news of salvation through Christ to individuals, the community
and the world through discipleship and service.
Sunday School Rally Day – September 11
Sunday School is a “hole” lot of fun, and we’re rallying to kick off a
“hole” year of learning of and living in God’s love for the “hole” world!
We’ll celebrate with some “holesome” treats ... hmmm, I wonder what
they might be?
NEEDED .... desperately??!!!!
Sunday School TEACHERS!!!
Please see Laura Ellis-Kruse or Jamie Bostelman
to volunteer!
We will return to two Sunday services
beginning Sunday, September 11.
Attention all parents of 6th , 7th , and 8th grade students!
There will be a meeting on Wednesday, September 14,
7:00 p.m. in the adult Sunday School classroom.
If you cannot attend this important meeting,
please talk to Pastor beforehand.
We will be ON THE RADIO
during the month of September.
A tape of the service from the week before
will be broadcast at 10:30 a.m.
on WNDH 103.1 FM.
Tell your friends!
Caring Corner for September
Lutheran World Relief Kits
We can’t control when disasters strike, and we can’t end poverty overnight. Buy there are things we can
do now to help people around the world reach their full potential. You can help people dealing with
some of life’s most difficult situations – the aftermath of earthquakes and floods, fleeing home to escape
violence, and living in extreme poverty. We will collect items for Personal Care Kits, Fabric Kits, and
Baby Care Kits. There are instruction sheets available at the “Caring Corner” in the sanctuary. And to
summarize briefly, here is what is needed for each kit.
Personal Care Kit: one dark-colored light-weight bath towel (between 21 x 40" and 52 x 27")
2 or 3 bath-size bars of soap equaling 8-9 oz., any brand
One adult-size toothbrush
One sturdy comb, wide-tooth preferred
one metal nail clippers (attached file optional)
Fabric Kit: 2 spools of neutral-colored, general purpose thread, 250-300 yards each
2 pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (NO knits of 100% polyester); each piece should
match one of the sizes:
2 ¼ yards of 60" wide fabric
3 yards of 44" wide fabric
4 yards of 36" fabric
Baby Care Kit: 2 lightweight cotton t-shirts (NO Onesies)
2 long- or short-sleeved gowns or sleepers (WITHOUT feet)
2 receiving blankets
4 cloth diapers, flat fold preferred
1 jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt with a hood or include a baby cap
2 pairs of socks
1 hand towel, dark color recommended
2 or 3 bath-size bars of gentle soap, equaling 8-9 oz.
2 diaper pins or large safety pins
We may also need some of the (empty) school bags made; we usually have the Sunday School kids help fill
these bags with the school supplies we have collected through July and August. These Lutheran World
Relief kits, along with the quilts that have been sewn, are delivered for shipment October 14 & 15.
Stirrings From “Soul Food”
“Soul Food” is a ministry of this congregation. It’s not just a meal on Wednesday evenings; it’s a time
of fellowship. It’s not just supper for strangers; it’s an outreach. It’s not just a duty; it’s a joy. “Soul
Food” is NOT only a “community” meal; it is a gathering together to nourish bodies and souls. Join us!
Get acquainted with someone you might not know!
And help is needed with all that goes into these weekly meals. Helping hands are always welcomed.
We usually get together at 3 to start
“prepping”; the “head cook” for the week
determines the menu and usually
shops accordingly, but there are still ways
you can help. Dishpan hands are
ALWAYS in need, especially when choir
practices call some people away
from clean-up. We serve from 5 to 6 p.m.
(and may be extending that to 6:30 once the Wednesday night church activities begin!); if available,
take-outs are allowed only after we have served everyone in attendance.
Concentrating on healthier foods, we’d like to have less (or may even do away altogether with) desserts
and MORE fresh fruit!!! Salads and fresh vegetables are also welcomed every week.
With vacations, work schedules, health issues, family demands, etc., our “crew” is fairly “skeletal”
lately, and we welcome YOUR involvement! There is plenty of food, fun, and fellowship, and we share
prayer concerns each week. Come feed your body and your soul!
CROP Hunger Walk – Sunday, October 2, 2016
Mark your calendars now for the 12th annual Napoleon/Henry County CROP
Hunger Walk on Sunday, October 2, beginning and ending here at Emanuel. We
walk to be a part of “ending hunger, one step at a time!”
High School Seniors
If you are searching for a college to attend after graduation, you have the opportunity to apply for the
Martin Luther Scholar Award offered by Wittenberg University in Springfield,
Ohio. This award provides an $80,000 scholarship ($20,000/year for four years)
to Lutheran students who are nominated by their pastors and have at least a 3.5
cumulative GPA.
If you are interested in more information, please visit
You may also contact the Office of Admission to discuss the campus visit
opportunity at 877-206-0332 or
Please talk to Pastor Castello soon if you are interested in pursuing this scholarship.
Membership News
On July 10 Benjamin Ryan Godsey, son of Anthony and Erica, was brought to Jesus in Holy
Baptism Benjamin’s sponsors are Ryan Kohout and Alexandria Gruhler.
On September 3, Dominic Joseph, son of Eric Schwab and Brittany Hays will be baptized.
Born to Aleigh Busch & Joshua Jewell on August 9, 2016, was Luca Matthew, 7 lb 13 oz. Proud
grandparents are Steve & Julie Busch; great grandmother, Margaret Busch.
Funerals Funerals held this past month:
Daryl Lee Jones on August 4
John F. Schroeder on August 4 in Toledo (John was the father of Leota Pedraza)
Arleta Panning on August 11
Weddings God’s blessings to:
Missy Kloos and Adam Amundsen who were married on August 6 in Long Beach,
Washington. Their address is 6425 N.E. 23rd, Portland OR 97211.
Chris Ankney and Angie Wittmeyer who were married at Emanuel.
September 17 - Austin Cape & Jessica Yaney will be married at St. Mary’s Catholic Church
in Edgerton.
September 24 - Nathan Cordes & Kaitlin Rohrs will be married at Emanuel.
Remember our members in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in your prayers and with cards,
letters, and visits:
Lutheran Home (1036 S. Perry St., Napoleon)
Norbert Brandt
Karl Wiechers
Alpine Village (1032 S. Perry St., Napoleon)
Denelda Rohrs
Glenn Park Assisted Living
(2429 W illiam Diehl Ct, Defiance, OH 43512)
Burnice Agler -Rm 139
Miles Joseph -Rm 104
Van Crest Health Center
(600 E Joe E Brown Ave, Holgate, OH 43527)
Alice Langenhop
Rita Prigge -Rm 24
Orchards of Northcrest
(240 Northcrest Drive Napoleon, OH 43545)
Bob Showman
EMANUEL GOOD NEWS, a monthly publication of the Emanuel Lutheran Church
810 Scott Street, P.O. Box 501, Napoleon, OH 43545 (419-592-2616)
Pastor - James L. Castello (419-592-0847 or cell 419-966-2601)
Congregation President - David Schwab
Women of the ELCA President - Kelli Burkhardt
Prayer Chain Co-ordinator - Carol Castello (419-592-0847 or
Worship & Music Coordinator/Organist - Angela Tonjes
Bell Choir Director - Bill Panning
Living Spirit Director - Holly Mohring, Angela Tonjes
Parish Secretary - Patricia Mohring
Sunday School Superintendent Altar Guild Chairman - Barbara Hoffman
Custodian - Jack Robbins
2016 Church Council
President - David Schwab
President-Elect - Gary Bostelman
Secretary - Laura Yaney
Treasurer - Julie Kohout
Doctrine & Worship Board - Peggy Snyder & Holly Mohring
Congregational Life Board - Sue Schink & Carol Castello
Board of Education - Laura Ellis-Kruse & Jamie Bostelman
Properties Board - Marvin Mt.Castle & Jeff Mires
Finance Board - Maxine Eickhoff & Kelli Burkhardt
Notes from Angela
- Angela Tonjes
Thanks to all the section members who brought treats for fellowship time in August!
Regular choir practices resume on Wednesday, September 7 with a one-hour rehearsal at 6:30
p.m in the sanctuary. We will be working on our 10 cent song (!) and even a couple of free ones!
The choir will sing on Sunday, September 11 at the 10:30 a.m. service for Rally Day. The
selection will be “Sunday School Jubilee,” which is a mash-up of 5 fun and familiar children’s
songs, perfect for the start of the Christian education year.
Are YOU thinking of joining us this year? All you need is a love of music and singing and
praising God. Come by on a Wednesday night and give it a try.
Living Spirit
Practices begin on Wednesday, September 7, with a one-hour rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.
We have had several special requests, and we will begin to work on them for the coming year.
Living Spirit is scheduled to sing at both services on Sunday, September 18.
Have YOU thought about joining us? We are always looking for new members; we mostly sing
contemporary Christian songs. This group participates in worship on the third Sunday of the month
and special occasions. Please talk to one of us if you would like to take part!
Rehearsals start Wednesday, September 7, in the sanctuary.
After School Club
After School Club will begin on Wednesday, October 5. Emanuel children are
encouraged to attend, think about bringing a friend this year!
Sunday, September 4, will be the last summer service at 9:00 a.m. On Sunday, September 11, we will
return to the regular schedule of worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., with communion at late church.
Thursday evening services continue at 7:00 p.m. in September.
Lay assistants and sound board operators are always needed. Please sign up on the narthex bulletin
board. Your church needs YOU!
Emanuel’s services will be broadcast on WNDH radio in September. As per station policy, we
record the Sunday service which is then aired the following week.
Labor Day
In 1882 Labor Day was proposed as a holiday to honor all people who work. President
Grover Cleveland designated the first Monday of September as a national holiday in 1894.
This time of year was picked because It falls in-between Independence Day and
For many people, this holiday is considered to be the last day of summer.
During worship on September 4, look for the words “labor” and “work” in the hymns that are sung!
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as for working for the Lord. Colossians 3:23
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ur WELCA General Meeting will be held September 6 at 7:00 p.m in the basement of the church.
Our guest speaker will be Tracy Bartholomew who will be sharing her work on church mission
trips. Not only has she been on several mission trips, but her family is very involved in mission
work. It is always very enlightening to hear how God works through different people. We would love to
see you there.
Remember during the month of September to attend any circle you would like.
We will begin collecting for our Lutheran World Relief Kits, so watch the bulletin and Caring Corner for
additional information.
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and
empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one
another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the
church, the society and the world. -WELCA website
Kelli Burkhardt, President
Emanuel WELCA
Emanuel Blood Drive 2016
ell, it’s all over for this year. We came up with 44 good units. That’s 44 units that they didn’t
have before. What am I talking about? I’m sure that blood is long gone. It was to go directly
to the hospitals after testing. Yes, people, as much as I appreciated your giving blood for our
drive, I was just notified that there is a great shortage for this precious commodity. Im sure most of you
know that you can give more than once or twice a year. Yes, you can give up to six (6) times a year.
That’s every 56 days. I know that sounds like a lot to you, but if you did, you could have given a gallon
within a year and a half. To me that sounds great. So, around the middle of August, just find another
blood drive and sign up to give. You would really make me feel so very proud.
There are some people I want to thank: Janice Rabe, Janice Rohrs, Shirlee
Mires-Fejes, Dora Titgemeyer, Nancy Busby, Sue Kruse, Nancy Lange, Beth
Jenny. These women were kind enough to say “yes” when I called for help. Carol
Dille called me and said she would again be willing to be the Greeter for the whole
day. And then, of course, Judy Hoffman, who can make something from nothing.
She was in charge of the kitchen as she has been for many years. We couldn’t do
this without her. Judy has many friends from church who bring food to make this
happen. And...almost forgot, Jack Robbins who clears out the room, so we don’t have to move a bunch
of tables and chairs.
If you want to get in on the fun, please let Judy or me know, we’ll find a place for you. Until next
year, happy donating.
Your friend in Christ,
Rita Schweinhagen
Send a note of thanks
William Stidger, a professor and author, once found himself thinking about people who
had made a wonderful difference in his life. He decided to let his appreciation be known to
some of them. Soon after he had written to an aged teacher who had instilled in him a
love for poetry, he received a note from her in which she addressed him as "Billy." (He felt
that being called Billy was in itself a blessing now that he was long past childhood.) Her
letter went on to say, "I have taught school for 50 years and yours is the first note of
appreciation I've ever received. It came on a blue, cold morning and it cheered me as
nothing has in years."
Bill Stidger had also written to a retired bishop who had encouraged him when he
entered the ministry. The bishop replied: "You will never know how much your letter
warmed my heart. I've been walking about in the glow of it all day."
Surely each of us has been grateful for those who have taught us, supported us,
blessed us in many and various ways. Why not write a note or send an e-mail letter or
telephone those people? Such thoughtfulness and expressions of gratitude will not only
bring joy to them, it will do something for our own spirits as well.
Worship participants in September
Lay Assistant
9/4 (9:00) Ronnie Rohrs
8:00 ** NEEDED **
10:30 ** NEEDED **
Nate Brubaker & Jayce Brubaker
8:00 Nate Brubaker & Jayce Brubaker
10:30 Carter Burken, Elijah Wolf
9/4 (9:00)
Altar Guild
Sarah Yaney & Joyce Rohrs
Rupert Schweinhagen, Norm Bostelman
8:00 Bryce Reynolds, Steve Kloos,
Ruth Hershberger, Terry Hershberger
10:30 Bob Ivancso, Bill Panning
Tom Schroeder, Denny Ehlers
9/4 (9:00)
Sound Board
8:00 ** NEEDED **
10:30 ** NEEDED **
Readers and sound board operators are needed!!! Please sign
up on the bulletin board in the narthex or talk to Peggy
Snyder or Holly Mohring if you would be willing to help!
Altar Flowers
September 4 - Mohring family in honor of Michael’s birthday
September 11 - Bill & Sharon Panning in honor of their 34th wedding anniversary
September 18 - Terry & Ruth Hershberger in honor of their wedding anniversary
September 25 - flowers from the Rohrs/Cordes wedding on 9/24
To reserve altar flowers... Sign up on the flower chart in the narthex or
call the church office. Our flowers are done by Ivy League Floral & Design
Studio on West Washington Street. The cost is $20. Make checks payable
to Emanuel Lutheran Church. If you have special orders for your flowers
(certain colors, a larger arrangement, etc.), please contact Cori Ratliff at
Ivy League. If your order is beyond the $20, please pay the shop directly.
Please put the used plastic containers in which the altar flowers come in Angela’s
office to be recycled.
Collin Amstutz
William Behnfeldt
Noah Borstelman
Jack Funchion
Claire Good
Haley Saman
Audrey Schroeder
Jaxson Schwab
Thomas Schwab
Linley Diem
Lilith Castello Dunn
Carson Godsey
Caleb Graham
Lucas Helberg
William Hoffman
Tessa Knepley
Avin Rupp
Landon Zachrich
Emma Amstutz
Greydon Dilbone
Caraline Fickert
Addilyn Good
Jackson Groll
Ethan Plummer
Evelyn Ruby
Benson Schwab
First Grade
Grayson Castello Dunn
Joshua Jenny
Jacob Plummer
Aubrey Reynolds
Carmen Rupp
Alexander Vajen
Zachary Zwiebel
Second Grade
Calista Bost
Carter Bowen
Loella Dilbone
Alivia Good
Hayden Groll
Robert Hoffman
Brennan Jenkins
Lexus Long
Third Grade
Jorja Cowle
Ava Good
Taryn Kolodzieczyk
Lincoln Lucas
Kayla McCabe
Leah McCabe
Emma Reynolds
Fourth Grade
Charles Ankney
Kamden DeWit
Sophia Good
Jarrett Jenkins
Noah Jordan
Avary Miller
Lilian Sedon
Julia Zachrich
Fifth Grade
Cameron Burken
Elinora Dunn
Braden Vajen
Sixth Grade
Jaycob Celani
Shane Cowle Jr.
Rudi Dachenhaus
Ethan Fields
Hannah Jordan
Derek Miller
Caleb Perdew
Tate Rhodes
Colin Sedon
Seventh Grade
Laci Dachenhaus
Adam Degler
Izabella Hernandez
Alyssa Kruse
Emma Rowland
Nikole Vold
Eighth Grade
Morgan Ashbaugh
Jayce Brubaker
Nathan Brubaker
Carter Burken
Halle Good
Thea Perdew
Tyson Reynolds
Zachary Vajen
Elijah Wolf
Jessica Yunker
Ninth Grade
Jennifer Canfield
Macee Glick
Katelyn Heuer
Ryan Kruse
Danielle Olson
Kelly Rohrs
Chase Sherman
Haydon Speaks
Zachary Skeens
Tenth Grade
Abby Allison
Bryant Dachenhaus
Hannah Gustwiller
Caleb Hernandez
Alicyn Hopkins
Tessa Rhodes
Seth Tonjes
Molly Weirauch
Carl Yaney
Eleventh Grade
Madison Ashbaugh
Charlee Glick
Jalynn Landversicht
Adam Rohrs
Grace Rowland
Keegan Schroeder
Meghan Skeens
Twelfth Grade
Alex Andrews
Alex Bustamante Jr.
Luke Cable
Kenli Dachenhaus
Nicholas Degler
Abriana Hernandez
Alison Hernandez
Anastasia Kestner
Ryan Kohout
Dalton Middleton
Frederick Olson
Mitchell Walther