primary - Emanuel School


primary - Emanuel School
13 KISLEV 5775
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Primary Concert
Lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Page 2 - From the Principal
Page 3 - From the Head of Primary
Page 4 - From the Deputy Head of
Page 5 - Tribute to Phillip Hughes and
Primary Book Swap
Page 6 - Year 2 Pathways
Page 7 - Year 10 Chavayah Trip
Page 8 - From the Head of Music
Page 9 - From the Head of Drama
Page 10 - High School Sport
Page 11 - High School EActive 2015
Page 12 - Rashi Times
Page 13 - Kol Szenes
Page 14 - Rabin Bugle
Page 15 - Gesher
Page 16 - Marketing
Page 17 - Jazz on the Hill
Page 18 - Careers
Page 19 - From the P&F
Page 20 - 22 - Community
Page 23 - Emanuel Announcements
Page 24 - Calendar Dates
This has been a week of excitement for our young children. The performances of
‘Joseph’ by our Primary students on Tuesday and Wednesday showcased every student
from K – 6. They had been rehearsing and preparing for this production for months,
lead by the expert guidance of our Music and Drama staff, and supported by their
classroom teachers. The audiences were amazed by their confident, very wellorganised and entertaining performances, and the quality of the whole production. The
Wednesday matinee was attended by some of the Montefiore residents and the nuns
and residents from the Little Sisters of the Poor, who also really enjoyed the show and
were very pleased to be able to see our young students performing.
I add my congratulations to that of Ms Milner (page 3), to all of the children and the
staff who worked so hard to prepare the children for what was a gigantic production.
To organise over 300 young children and have them on-stage singing with such
confidence is an amazing feat in itself. That it all went so smoothly is a tribute to their
superb back-of-house organisation, co-ordination and attention to detail. We should all be very proud of the children and the music, singing and acting they
produced, also and of the work done to bring this massive event to fruition. The buzz
in the very appreciative audience was an indication of the excitement and joy felt by
all in seeing the little ones on stage performing confidently and enjoying the whole
experience at the same time.
Mrs Anne Hastings
Kornmehl concerts
As well, this week, very appreciative parents were treated to concerts by the Seashells,
Starfish and Dolphins groups. The care of the children from the Kornmehl educators
was so evident, as they encouraged and led the children in singing and dancing. To
bring such young children to the point that they can enjoy performing in front of an
audience requires a great deal of preparation and support, and is also an indication
that the children feel safe in their environment. Again I congratulate and thank the
Kornmehl staff for their dedication to the children in their care.
Mr Adam Carpenter
Mr Carpenter leaves on Sunday to join our Year 10 group in Israel for a few weeks (see
page 7), and so it’s important at this stage to write a few words about his significant
work as Acting Deputy Principal Jewish Life over the past 15 months.
Adam has shown great dedication and commitment to the School across all aspects of
this position, which are many and varied. He has gained much respect as well as
experience along the way. It is a great credit to Adam as a professional with much
integrity that Jewish Life has progressed so well under his guidance. He has overseen
the introduction of a number of initiatives, such as the Year 10 Maddatzim (leadership)
and Chavayah program (our inaugural Year 10 Israel trip), this year. The Jewish Studies
and Hebrew staff have appreciated his collaborative nature, generosity and willingness
to provide strong support to them. The student leaders have appreciated his guidance
and dedication to enhancing their contributions to the Jewish Life of the School. The
whole School thanks him for his great efforts over this time.
Since our new Head of Jewish Life, Rabbi Daniel Siegel, will begin with us from next
year, Adam will then commence in the newly appointed role of Head of Jewish Life
(Primary School) and remain as a member of the School Executive. He has done
significant work for the School in this additional role that he took on so willingly and
comprehensively, and we are very grateful to him for the selfless, dedicated and
significant contribution he has made to the School over this time.
Mazal Tov to:
• Naomi Sirmai (Year 12 2014), who has been shortlisted for the Young Writers
Showcase for her HSC English Extension 2 Major Work.
• Joel Epshteyn (Year 8), who is participating in an international soccer tournament in
Fiji next week. • Professor Gus Lehrer, who has been honoured by the Australian Academy of Science
for his life-long contributions to research in algebra and geometry. Professor Lehrer,
from the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Sydney University, has been a longterm friend of Emanuel School.
Quote of the week
‘That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what
you know is right, than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong.’
William J. H. Boetcker
Shabbat Shalom
Anne Hastings
What an amazing week! It was
wonderful to see the children prepare
and perform so confidently over the past
months and it was exciting to bring our
final show to you all.
Thank you for your support and for
coming along to see the show. I also
offer a HUGE mazal tov to all those
Thank you to:
Mrs Natanya Milner
Tracy Fischl
Mazal tov to Tracy and
Michael Fischl
(nee Caganoff) on the
wonderful news of the birth
of their baby boy. He was
born on 1 December and
both Tracy and the baby are
doing well. We wish the
family much health and
• Susan O’Grady, our producer and
choreographer, for her incredible
work doing everything from selecting
cast, scheduling and organising
rehearsals, communication, sound,
lighting and video organisation.
• Emma Buzo, our director and
choreographer for running our
rehearsals and organising costumes,
set design and collaborating with
sound, lighting and orchestra.
• Diana Springford, our musical
director, who rehearsed and
conducted the professional musicians
and performances, arranged the music
and organised the student band.
• Danny Burley, our piano
• Adam Majsay, Graham Burns and
Stefano Caroleo for creating the
professional band.
• Diana Springford, Emma Buzo and
Danny Burley who also taught all the
lyrics and songs to each of the classes.
• Garry Case and his team of student
helpers for organising the lighting.
• David Gwilliam who has been
instrumental in rehearsing and
conducting the student band and
general leadership of the Music
Department at this busy time.
• Michelle Favero, our marketing and
ticketing specialist.
• Andrew Delany and the maintenance
team for assisting with all the set up,
staging and general chaos.
• Emma Clemens, Colleen Elkins, Helen
Maynard, Anna Maylis and Sam Bauer
for going above and beyond to assist
with scheduling, costume and prop
• Class teachers and staff who helped
rehearse, made backdrops and
costumes and helped to pull it
together. Also thank you for coming to
all the performances at such a busy
time of year!
• Parents – thank you for coming and
supporting our performance and
thank you for organising t-shirts and
costumes. A special thank you goes to
the parents of the main cast for giving
up afternoons and weekends to allow
your children to be involved.
• Last but definitely not least! Thank you
to all our beautiful children for
contributing enthusiastically to our
production. After many hours of
rehearsals, learning lines, lyrics and
choreography, I could not have been
more impressed and grateful! A
special mention goes to the members
of our main cast and student band as
well as the backstage and front of
house crew for their incredible
contributions. They spent many hours
in rehearsals, both after school and on
weekends. I also thank the High
School students who assisted with the
lighting and organisation.
Main Cast:
Chase Weinberg, Daniel Sirmai, Ariella
Tracton, Talia Blackman, Amber
Langman, Cade Collins, Ethan Moliver,
Jemma Salamon, Mikaela Fraser, Alon
Erez-Rein, Lara King, Isabella Schulz,
Rebecca Nebenzahl, Ruby Hurwitz,
Jonathan Schach, India Sacks, Georgia
Williams, Mordechai Auerbach, Ari
Merten, Emma Dobrin, Mimi Silberstein,
Saya Oshlack, Asha Friedman, Jessica
Lowy, Cayla Miller and Jade Berson.
Student band:
Shoshana Auerbach, Izacc Khedoori,
Lachlan Corne, Blake Wright, Solomon
Auerbach, Miriam Itzkowitz, Ben
Cohen, Casey Flior, Ariel Berger, Ari
Karjalainen, Talia Sinani and Marc
Student Lighting Assistants:
Michael Khedoori, Samuel Dawson
Kelly, Isaac Barea and Adam Riesel
Year 2 Pathways
Last Thursday, Year 2 participated in their
Pathways Ceremony. They were
presented with their first School siddur
and were special guests at the Torah
Service. It was a moving and meaningful
ceremony and I thank the Hebrew and
Jewish Studies Departments, lead by
Hagit Bar-On and Adam Carpenter, for
their organisation of this wonderful
event. Mazal tov to all of the Year 2
children and their families.
Presentation Day and Evening
We look forward to welcoming you all
to K-2 Presentation Day and the Years
3-6 Presentation Evening next Thursday.
We ask that all children are in full
school uniform and that each boy is
wearing his kippah.
Character Ethic
Last week I attended three days of professional development training in
the The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This is the foundation for our
Leader In Me wellbeing program in the Primary School. I found the
course incredibly challenging and a wonderful opportunity to consider
my purposes and priorities. The introduction to the course talked about
effectiveness of individuals and the importance of character.
Character was described as the roots of a tree that influence the branches
above, our personality. To quote Stephen Covey: ‘Our first energies
should go to our own character development, which is often invisible to
others, like the roots that sustain great trees. As we cultivate the roots we
will begin to see the first fruits’.
Mrs Emma Clemens
The presenter challenged us to consider what five characteristics we
would like to define our character. I think this is an incredibly useful
exercise for both adults and children. How valuable to reflect upon what
you would like to be known for and use this as a compass for decisionmaking and a guide for daily interactions. Some character traits that came
up amongst the participants included loyal, loving, courageous, humble,
proactive, selfless, leader, fun and committed. I often observe character
traits like these at Emanuel School. There are many students who are
incredibly loyal friends, courageous in making positive choices, selfless in
service to others and leaders in the high standards they set. As we draw to
the end of the year perhaps you would like to consider what character
traits you would like to be known for. As Stephen Covey said: ‘People
who live by character ethic have strong roots, deep roots. They withstand
the stresses of life, and they keep growing and progressing’.
Upcoming Dates
• 10 December: Gymnastics display, 7:00-8:30am
• 10 December: Year 5 Science Day
• 11 December: Years K-2 Presentation Day 9:00am MPH
• 11 December: Year 3-6 Presentation Night 6:30pm MPH, students
arrive at 6:00pm
• 12 December: Year 6 Privilege Day
• 12 December: K-6 Channukah celebrations 12:30-1:10pm MPH
• 12 December: K-6 Farewell to Julie Chapple, 2:10-2:50pm MPH,
parents welcome.
• 13 December: Primary Picnic Day, BBQ. Details below.
Primary Picnic Day
Monday 15 December
K-6 students
Canteen: Please note that the canteen will be closed and students
will be provided with a sausage sizzle for lunch. They
must bring their own snacks and drinks for the day.
Many of our students were touched and saddened by the
tragic passing of Australian cricketer, Phillip Hughes, last
Our own budding cricket champion in Year 6, Jake
Greenberg, placed this tribute outside his classroom door.
Jake was selected this week to compete in the Under 13s
NSW State Challenge to be held in Dubbo in January. We
wish him every success.
The School and students also paid tribute to Phillip Hughes
spelling out his name and number with cricket bats on the
Waxman Drive.
Mrs Jacky Herman
Year 6 Teacher
Jake Greenberg
On Thursday 27 November we held the bi-annual book swap and what a
success it was!
This year we had 1183 books donated from students in every year group
which is an outstanding result. The students had a great time browsing
through the many books on offer to them and walked away with a fantastic
selection of ‘new’ books to read during the summer holidays.
Mrs Ginette Cameron-Gardner
and Mrs Jackie Blum
The books that were left over are being donated to charity.
Last Thursday, Year 2 students and their families attended a special Primary
School Torah Service and ceremony to receive their own siddur. This siddur
will be used by the students during their weekly prayers at School. In
preparation for Pathways, each siddur was personalised in a number of
special ways. Each child composed their own prayer of gratitude and parents
wrote their own special prayer for their child, both of which are
incorporated in the siddur.
Before giving their child the siddur, parents were led in the birkat banim –
the blessing of the children. After receiving their siddur, families recited the
Shechiyanu prayer and the students sang a Hebrew song of gratitude called
Todah. This beautiful ceremony was followed by hugs, kisses and the singing
of “siman tov u’ mazal tov”.
The pride and delight expressed by the children and their families were
something special to witness and one of those wonderful Emanuel School
events. Families shared a quiet moment at the end of the ceremony, with the
parents and students reading and sharing the special blessings they wrote.
Year 2 students will spend the remainder of the term joining the Years 3-6
students for the Torah service and familiarising themselves with their siddur. Mr Adam Carpenter
Acting Head of Jewish Life
Thank you to all the parents and family members who were able to attend
the ceremony and for the love and care put into writing the blessing for their
child. Thank you to Year 2 teachers, Ms Yunis and Mrs Phillips and their
Jewish Studies teachers, Morah Bar-On, Morah Becky and Morah Sandy,
who worked with the students in preparing their siddurim for the ceremony.
Our inaugural Year 10 Chavayah Israel trip has been in full swing for two
weeks now. Mr Bloom and the 26 Year 10 students are having an
amazing time and have already experienced so much. Through their
travels across the country, the group have learned of Israel’s history,
people and culture from the educators, guides and madrichim at
Alexander Muss High School.
They have climbed Masada at sunrise, floated in the Dead Sea, joined the
Friday bustle of the Jerusalem Shuk Machane Yehuda, experienced
Shabbat at the Kotel, explored the ancient tunnels of the old city of
Jerusalem, explored the many synagogues of Tzfat, visited Save a Child’s
Heart, eaten lots of schwarma, felafel and hummus, and so much more.
We are eagerly following their journey and are thrilled that they are
making the most of every opportunity. Here are some photos of their trip
so far.
In 2015, it will be Emanuel School’s turn to host the fifth annual Music
Exchange with King David School, Melbourne. We are looking forward to
repeating the educational success of our previous Music Exchanges and are
excited about the relationship our schools are building with each other.
High School musicians and staff from KDS will arrive on Monday
21 February (Week 5 of Term 1) to join with Emanuel’s student musicians in
a combined music workshop, culminating in a combined schools’ concert
on the evening of Tuesday 22 February. The visitors will depart early in the
morning, before school commences, on Wednesday 23 February. Students
in the Senior Choir, Senior Chamber Choir, Copland Concert Band,
Emanuel String Orchestra, Senior Stage Band and Senior Guitar Ensemble
are eligible to participate in this event. Current Year 6 musicians who will
be in High School in 2015 are invited to sign up for this fun experience.
Mr David Gwillliam
While there is no cost to parents associated with the 2015 Emanuel/KDS
Music Exchange, we rely on the generosity and hospitality of Emanuel
families to host King David School students during their stay in Sydney.
Host families would be required to collect King David School students from
Emanuel School at 3:30pm on Monday afternoon and bring them to school
in time for their bus departure for their return flight on the morning of
Wednesday 23 February. The visiting students could commute to school on
Tuesday in the same manner as host students. Host families would be
required to provide the following meals for King David School students:
dinner on Monday, breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner on Tuesday, and
breakfast on Wednesday.
It is expected that all members of the extra-curricular music ensembles
listed above will participate in this exciting event. It is understood that
Year 12 students may appreciate the flexibility to attend some academic
lessons on the Monday and Tuesday. We are more than happy to cater for
our HSC students in this way.
While we will not be seeking definitive commitments to be involved in the
Music Exchange until the commencement of Term 1, we are very keen to
tentatively establish the billeting arrangements for the visiting students from
King David School before the end of Term 4, 2014.
I trust you share the Music Department’s commitment to building our
relationship with King David School, and in so doing, providing another
outstanding opportunity for our student musicians to remain inspired and
challenged in their love and enthusiasm for music.
A billeting form will be sent to all current members of the eligible
ensembles and to current Year 6 Concert Band and String Ensemble
Please return the form to Mrs Joanne De Araujo, Music PA, in an envelope
clearly marked KDS Music Exchange by Friday 12 December.
Joseph - photos by Ofer Levy
Year 9 Make-Up Design
This week Year 9 Drama students worked on bringing their make-up
designs to life.
They created some wonderful, imaginative and interesting transformations.
Well done Year 9!
Ms Samantha Bauer
NSW Beach Touch Tournament
The NSW Beach Touch Tournament was held at Maroubra Beach on
Tuesday 25 November. The participating schools included state and
independent schools from Sydney and country NSW.
It was a large tournament with a very high standard of competition.
Emanuel entered six teams, comprised of a Year 7 girls team, two junior
girls teams and three junior boys teams. A total of 49 students represented
the School on the day.
Our junior girls teams were successful, winning both the gold and silver
medals for the competition. The gold medal winners included Sara Aaron,
Amy Altman, Maya Buhrich, Jade Christie, Chloe Corne, Karen Davids, Yael
Grunseit and Ruby Klisser.
Ms Kristy Reed
For many of our players, beach touch was a new sport and students did
well to learn the rules and tactics of the game. All of the teams performed
very well and some great tries were scored by many of the players during
the day. The members of all six teams are to be congratulated on their
amazing effort.
Kristy Reed and Sharon Fairfax
EActive Term 1 2015
In Term 1 2015 the EActive program will continue, with a wide variety of
sports and activities for students of all ages. The program runs from
Monday 2 February through to Friday 27 March. The first people to
purchase their tickets will be accepted into their activity. An email has
been sent with a thorough outline of the each of the EActive options.
High School EActive
Tickets for all High School activities can be purchased using the link:
Mr Ray Francis
Ms Kristy Reed
Activities offered in Term 1 include:
• Touch football
• Basketball
• Yoga
• Tennis
• Paddleboarding
• Cricket
• Girls fitness
• Boys fitness
• Dance
• Surfing
• Pilates
• Indoor trampolining - Skyzone
If you have any questions please email Kristy Reed (Sports Co-ordinator)
Primary School EActive
Tickets for all Primary School activities can be purchased using the link:
Mr Adam Ezekiel
Activities offered in Term 1 include:
Years 3-6
• Basketball
• Cricket
• Yoga
• Surfing (Years 5 & 6 only)
• Tennis
• Futsal
• Running / fitness
Years K-3
• Dancing
• Multi-Sport Games
If you have any questions regarding Primary EActive please email Adam
Ezekiel on:
Mr Heath Morley
The highlight this week for Rashi House was surely going on a date with
someone they would usually never converse with and answering quirky
and witty questions when playing the humorous yet innovative game,
‘Speed Dating with Rashi House” during House Assembly. This week,
people in Rashi were not divided into their family groups but instead
people were paired at random with anyone in the House. Everyone was
excited when Harry and Libby announced what we were playing, as
everyone loves to socialise and talk about topics generally not talked about
with peers, like the difficulties in eating four cockroaches or having to eat
butter off someones toes. Ugh! While answering questions and laughing
hysterically at each other’s answers, we were treated to some calm,
melodious, romantic music, tea light candles, incense, rose petals and to
some Freddo chocolate frogs. Yum!
The first question that started the game was, “Describe your ideal person”.
Some answers included brunette-coloured hair, blue eyes, tall, and
strikingly gorgeous, meanwhile others answers were sporty, knowledgeable
and one with a great sense of humour. Then the next set of questions were
all subtly linked to marriage like: ‘Describe your ideal Honeymoon’, or
‘How would your propose to your date?’ Some of the answers included
Bali, US Virgin Islands, France (Eifel Tower) or even Greece. In terms of
proposing to one’s date, people suggested Led Zeppelin’s Fireworks and
other innovative ways. This particular love-themed assembly was absolutely
phenomenal and we all wish to have more fun and exhilarating games like
this one in the near future.
Congratulations to the following students:
• Ashne Amoils, Sienna Amoils, and Noah Solomon for receiving
Distinction certificates for the ICAS English competition and who were
also placed in the top 8% of the participants in New South Wales. What
an amazing achievement!
• Jared Elbourne, who was one of two swimmers who won a medal at the
Metsea (Metropolitan South Eastern Area) Summer Championships. He
swam personal best times in all six events, qualifying him for the
prestigious NSW Metropolitan Championships. Great work Jared!
Here is also a review on the CDSSA Girls Touch Football Gala Day:
On 25 November, High School girls and boys went to Maroubra Beach.
The senior girls team included, Maya B, Amy, Yael, Chloe, Jade, Ruby, Sara
and me. We played a number of games and won the gold medal. Our
coach Ms Reed was a great mentor and support. Thanks to everyone who
was involved and made the day so special.
Karen Davids
Thank you very much for reading this article, Shabbat Shalom Rashi, see
you all on Monday and this is me signing off!
During the High School Assembly this week the following Szenes students were
awarded Distinction Certificates in the English ICAS competition; well done to Year
8 students Isabella Brockwell, Sonia Redman and Gabriel Sebban.
Jonty Gering (11) spoke about Movember, which was supported by Nathan Cohen,
Nathan Morton and Jonathan Moallem. The students raised awareness of male
health issues including prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health issues.
Mazal Tov to the Fiddler on the Roof – cast for the 2015 High School Musical
Especially the following Szenesians:
GOLDE, his wife - Jamie Lipschitz (10)
HODEL, his second daughter - Talia Rubinstein (9)
SHPRINTZE, his fourth daughter - Shoshana Blackman (9)
MOTEL, the Tailor who marries TZEITEL - Dean Smuskowitz (10)
FYEDKA, the Russian who marries CHAVA - Gabriel Wolf (8)
GRANDMA TZEITEL- Paris Freed (9)
SHAINDEL, Motel’s Mother - Jessica Lax (10)
MENDEL, the Rabbi's Son - Liron Smith (8)
MORDCHA, the Innkeeper - Joshua New (7)
VILLAGERS (Ensemble)
Aarin Regan-Lacey (9), Alexa Narunsky (7), Ashley Nabarro (7), Danielle Kramer (8),
Esther Reznikov (7), Jade Reuveny (8), Lenny Levy Vainer (7)
Shanee Israeli (10), Sonia Redman (8).
End of Year Reminders
As the year draws to a close students are reminded of the following:
Ensure that lockers are cleared of food and papers. Textbooks for 2015 may remain
in your locked locker over the summer break.
Speech Night:
Speech Night will be held on Monday 15 December, commencing at 7:00pm in the
Sir John Clancy Auditorium at the University of New South Wales. Enter through
Gate 9 High Street. Formal Uniform is to be worn including blazer and tie. Please
meet your Tutor at the venue for a 6:30pm roll call.
Australian Institute of Music (AIM)
On Monday 17 November I went to the AIM for a week. I was one of eight chosen
to do this experience. While I was there I sat in on lectures and workshops. I got to
have a lecture with the Music Producer of Triple J. He spoke about how radio
stations work, how they choose what songs they play and how they prefer to get
music from musicians. I recorded two songs which was great. I set up microphones for various instruments
and I got to record using the mixing board.
On the last day we went to a program called ‘A day in the life of a musical theatre
student’. We watched some performances and had a lecture on how to make a good
impression at an audition.
I had an amazing time and met some people that I wouldn’t meet in any other
environment. Hopefully I will go to AIM after school and see everyone again.
Micayla Laurence
Quotation of the Week
‘Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life
meaningful.’ - Joshua J. Marine
Enjoy the weekend.
Szenes House
The holidays are almost upon us and our school is slowly being transformed
into its ‘Annual Housekeeping-Holidays and Chanukkah Let’s get
everything-done’ state. There is only a week left and time has flown by.
House Assembly was as usual exciting and our House Captains are
certainly ensuring that we have an amazing and inclusive spirit. This week,
we had the launch of the ‘Rabinite of the Year Award’ and we saw the
recordings of Rabin House’s fine performances in the Inter-House Music
Auditions for next year’s school musical, ‘The Fiddler on the Roof’ have
recently taken place. Many Rabinites are in the running for parts and we
want to congratulate everyone who auditioned and gave their best.
The Year 10s have certainly had an exciting week. They finished their
subject-related lessons early this week and are enjoying an alternative
learning program that focuses on life skills. Earlier this week, they
participated in the Urban Challenge, a team challenge across Sydney that
tests leadership and problem-solving skills.
Reminder: Speech Night is on Monday 15 December. Please ensure you are
punctual and wear formal uniform. Don’t forget that your lockers need to
be cleaned out by Monday Week 10.
A Menorah, Chanukkah
Mrs Sonia Newell
Development Officer
What amazing talent in our Community!
Perhaps some of you attended the free Art Hop event on the weekend of
22-23 November. Art Hop involved ’hopping’ from artist’s studio to studio
in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs to see diverse art and engage directly with
each of the nine artists. Interestingly, six of these nine artists are members of our Emanuel
Community! You can read about the event and each of the artists on
Jean Kearney, alumna from the Class of 2011 and her parents, Michelle
Jersky and Keith Kearney, along with current parent Estelle Rozinski
(mother of Anastasia Uricher, Art Madricha, 2014/15) and past parents Lia
Klugman (mother of Keyla Klugman, Class of 2012) and Ruth Levine,
mother of alumnus Toby Evans (Class of 2006) displayed their works of art
in their respective studios over that weekend, with an opportunity to
purchase some of their pieces.
Art Hop group
Jean Kearney’s artwork
Dr Lynn Joffe, Director, Wolanski Family Specialist Learning Centre said:
‘What a wealth of talent hidden amongst the houses…….they add a
different dimension to what might be considered a conventional idea of
suburbia’. Jackie Black, Head, Visual Arts said : ‘It is really exciting to see one of my
past HSC Visual Arts students (Jean Kearney) still so connected to her artmaking practice’.
In last week’s Ma Nishma you would have read, on page 15, a report by
Year 8 students, Lara Joffe and Sonia Redman, about UN Youth. It was
great to see two Emanuel alumni return to School that day to help run this
event - Jonty Katz (Class of 2012) and Anthony Small (Class of 2011),
pictured opposite with Daniel Hellig-Smith, the Communications
Step aside Duke Ellington, stand back Count Basie, Ella, we may just have a
rival for you! It’s time to swing, time to chill and time to have a whole lot of
inspiration from Emanuel’s finest Jazz musicians. From our talented Senior
Jazz ensemble and our wonderful staff trio to the exceptional alumnus group,
33 Degrees, we promise you an afternoon of delight!
The date is Sunday 15 March 2015 and we kick off at 2:30pm. Bring a picnic
blanket and goodies to eat (no meat please), although there will be lots of
delicious food on sale.
Mrs Michelle Favero
Marketing and
Communications Manager
We’ve also planned fantastic activities for Primary School kids to keep them
entertained while you enjoy the music and catch up with your friends. The
children be able to choose from activities such as cake decorating, sport,
wearable art and more – we even have a face painter to turn your child into a
dragon, fairy or clown.
You can’t afford to miss out. After Joseph, you know how quickly tickets sell,
so book today at
We have five stalls reserved for parents with crafty or service businesses who
would like to sell their wares at Jazz on the Hill (see above for event details).
Perhaps you have a jewelery store, are a massage therapist and can offer 10minute massages or perhaps even sell small, inexpensive bric-a-brac that
would appeal to our community.
If you are interested, please email me on
and I will send you an expressions of interest to complete. There is a small
charge to cover the cost of the fête tent, but you get to keep all profits made.
Remember, we only have five stalls available, so be quick.
Weren’t our Primary students amazing? The Technicolor Dreamcoat paled into
comparison with the talent of our actors, singers and dancers!
Now you can relive the Joseph days with free professional photos of the
performances offered by Ofer Levy, and you can purchase the limited edition
DVD from the School.
To choose your free photos, simply:
1. Go to 2. Click on ‘client access’ which is at the bottom 3. Enter the access code: joseph
4. Each photograph has a name. Email the name/s to
and Ofer will send you a high resolution version of the photo/s to put on the
Thanks Ofer!
To order your DVD go to
DVDs cost only $10 each and will be posted to you in Term 1 2015. There is
no limit on the number of copies you order but orders close on 17 December
Brought to you by
Fancy an afternoon of live swinging Jazz,
delicious food and fun activities for the kids?
Listen to the tunes of our Senior Jazz ensemble,
staff ensemble and our alumnus Jazz group,
‘33 Degrees’.
Sunday 15 March 2015 at Emanuel School
2.30pm - 5.00pm
Cost: $10 per person (family tickets available)
PLUS: Free childcare and activities for children
Years K-6 so you can chill!
PLUS: Loads of delicious food, coffee and soft
drinks for sale.
So dust off your picnic blanket and book today
This week some Year 9s have asked for tips on résumé writing. I thought it
would be handy to give an overview, especially as students look for part
time jobs in the holidays. Please note that my target reading audience may
be looking for a part time job in a café or McDonalds, or their first graduate
job after University or a parent/teacher wanting a career change/promotion.
I have summarised some key thinkers in this field, Jim Bright - (ACU
Professor of Career Education and Development) and Alex Malley who
wrote ‘The Naked CEO’ on how to make your résumé stand out:
Ms Claire Pech
Your résumé should increase the fit between you and the job you
are applying for (so yes, that generally means rewording it for each
job application)
Include information where it increases the fit, but leave it out if it
decreases the fit
You do not need to include everything you ever did, keep it
Create curiosity for the reader in the first
few lines (on average a recruiter spends six
seconds reading a resume!) Include:
o a career objective
o your key skills/strengths
o your career aspirations
Include minimal personal details
Verdana has shown to be most readable
If you are more mature include a career summary
If you are younger include a career objective (tailor this to the job
Use your achievements to set you apart, not your job duties
Try and find any parallels with anything you did at school/Uni/
work that can show experience in what the job (you are applying
for) is looking for
Write your covering letter carefully noting the key highlights of
your application. This is a great way to grab attention.
Proof read. Proof read. Proof read. Nothing will speed up your
resume getting thrown in the bin than bad grammar and spelling
I hope this is of use. Feel free to pop in if you would like me to proof read
your résumé. We have a very easy to use résumé-creation system on our
school careers portal (you will need to register first):
Tax File Numbers
As of next year, all tax file numbers will have to be applied for via an
online application and then a personal interview at the Post Office (and not
through the School). If you want to avoid this hassle please apply for one
before the end of term by getting a Tax File Application form from my office
in the Senior Library. All employers will require you to have one and they
take 28 days from application.
Studying in the US
US information sessions are being run in the US consulate during the
holidays. Booking is essential at
Also Redlands School is holding a ‘Study in the US’ information evening on
16 February from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Contact Ms Salier for more info on
19 JANUARY 2015
Susie Rosen and Sharon Schulz
Emanuel P&F Co-Presidents
•Boys’ trousers $25
•Shorts from $15
•Summer and winter tunics $25
•Shirts from $10
•Jumpers and fleeces $20 (small
and lots of other amazing bargains
on uniforms to be had!
We will also be selling Kippots for
you to stock up on - $7 each or three
for $15.
See you on the 19 January 2015 in
The Aron Kleinlehrer Performing Arts
Sara and the Uniform Shop Team
Emanuel Announcements
Candle lighting: 7:36pm
Shabbat ends 8:39pm
Parent Correspondence
Buses School Specials On 15 December buses will be here at
1.10pm for High School students and at
3.30pm for K-6 students.
Buses will resume regular service on Thursday
30 January 2015.
• Kindy newsletter to all Year K parents
• Joseph photography and videography to all K-6
• High School EActive program to all 7-12 parents
and new Year 7 2015 parents
Bus Passes
Rollover of passes occurs for Years 7-12 and
passes will come in within the first two weeks
of the new school year. Passes will be handed
to High School Tutors and Primary teachers
for distribution.
Year 6 and Year 2 students are required to reapply for 2015 and application forms have
been sent out to parents of these students.
Students can travel on buses for the first few
weeks of school without a bus pass but will
require one by Week 4 of Term 1.
Lockers Locker clean out starts in Week 9. Locks
remain on lockers and lockers are secured
over the holidays. Locker maintenance will be
done over the holidays and students have
been advised to report any locker damage to
their Tutor or to me. All students are required
to use the Emanuel School Combination Lock
which can be purchased at $20. These have a
three month guarantee. Uniform
In Term 1, 2015 students wear summer
uniform. Please refer to the diary for specific
uniform regulations. The Emanuel school bag
is a compulsory item. All students are
reminded to write their name on all personal
items to help with identification when items
are lost/misplaced/found. Tutors in High
School have permanent markers and can help
with this.
Ms Maxine Chopard
Please email before 8:00am to
OR RING 8383 7311
8382 7306
Receptionist, Primary School
Part-time position (20 hours per week)
We seek an enthusiastic and well-organised individual, committed to outstanding
customer service, who will provide reception support to our Primary School.
This is a part-time position for five mornings per week, during term time, starting from the
beginning of the 2015 school year.
For more information, please refer to the employment section of the School's website at
Applications, including a summary of experience and the names and contact details of
two referees, should be directed to the Principal at
Closing date: 12 December 2014
EMANUEL SCHOOL Where the Individual Excels
Emanuel School is a member of the
JCA Family of Communal Organisations
Ma Nishma Editor:
20 Stanley Street
Randwick NSW 2031
8383 7333
Ms Darryl Bourke
Ofer Levy (Joseph), Mrs Michelle Favero and others
Mrs Esti Lipson and Mr Greg Churm
Emanuel School is a member of the JCA family of organisations.