September 2015 Newsletter


September 2015 Newsletter
A Publication of Emanuel Lutheran Church
Volume XXXX No. 8
September 2015
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Emanuel’s mission is to witness
to the good news of salvation through Christ to individuals, the community
and the world through discipleship and service.
Worship Schedule for September
We will return to 2 worship services
at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
on September 13!!
Please mark your calendars!!!!!!!
Thursday night services will continue at 7 p.m.
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
# September???
WOW! With summer coming to a quick end, our WELCA will be holding their September meeting
on Thursday, September 3, at 7:30 p.m. We welcome Nanette Schwab as our speaker as she tells us
about her work as a labor and delivery nurse at Fulton County Health Center.
Everyone is welcome to attend and hear what promises to be a most interesting program. Come
and bring a friend!
# Election of Officers
Our nominating committee of Terri Haase, Andrea Hoffman and Michelle Slee have been busy
contacting individuals for our slate of officers for 2016. If you are contacted, please consider
participating with our women of the church as an officer or a member of the Altar Guild. And, of
course, volunteers are always welcome. : ) Just give a committee member a call!
# Missionary Fund
Have you participated in the Missionary Fund Offering yet? It’s not too late! You may drop your
Missionary Fund envelope which you received with your program booklet for 2015 in the offering
plate or bring it to the church office. If you don’t have that envelope, any envelope will work; or you
can designate WELCA Missionary Fund on your weekly offering envelope. If paying by check,
please make the check payable to Emanuel Women of the Church.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
# Fall Retreat
The Maumee Valley Conference Women of the ELCA Fall Retreat will be held at St. Mark’s
Lutheran Church, Defiance, on Saturday morning, October 3rd. The theme is “Dreams Do Come
True” with registration at 8:30 a.m. Registration forms are available on the bulletin board by Pat’s
Speaker at the Retreat will be Alicia Hernandez, Advocate for the Migrants of Northwest Ohio.
A love offering will be held – NO monetary gifts, please, only items from the following Wish List:
blankets, sheets, pillows, gloves of any kind (work, winter, etc.), socks, rice, beans, flour, salt,
pepper, powdered garlic, cumin, cooking oil, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste.
We will car pool from the church for anyone wishing to attend. Let’s have a good representation
from Emanuel!
# You Are All Welcome...
We have three Bible Study Circles – Miriam, Naomi, and Ruth. Come and attend any which may fit
into your schedule. Just check the monthly church calendar for meeting dates and times.
We welcome you to any and/or all of our monthly circle meetings or General WELCA meetings
held five times throughout the year.
Filling Home Guild News
This year the Festival of Tables will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2015 at the
Filling Home Therapy Center Activity Room. Doors will open at 11:00 to give
participants the opportunity to view all of the tables. The meal will be served at
noon followed by entertainment and door prizes.
If you are willing to serve as a table hostess, call before or by Tuesday,
September 15 to Bonnie at 419/533-5661. A hostess takes responsibility for
choosing a theme, decorating the table for 8 and for selling 7 tickets, a minimum
donation of $15.00 to benefit children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Tickets available by presale tickets sold at the door.
Filling Home Meeting
The Women’s Guild of Filling Home will hold their annual meeting Tuesday,
September 22, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Filling Home Chapel. We are in need of nominations
for the following offices: 1st Vice President and Secretary. If anyone would be interested,
contact Jamie Bostelman or Shirlee Mires Fejes, Guild Representatives.
Always Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA
This new campaign for the ELCA was approved in August 2013 by the voting members of the ELCA
Churchwide Assembly. The five-year fundraising effort, the ELCA’s first comprehensive campaign,
formally launched on February 1, 2014, and will end January 31, 2019.
The campaign seeks to raise $198 million in support of new and expanded churchwide ministries
around the world. Your gifts may be designated for any of the priorities listed below, or applied where
the need is greatest. (If you are interested in giving to the campaign, clearly mark your contribution on
your offering envelope.)
Renewing Congregations ... $8 million
ELCA New Congregations ... $4 million
Disability Ministries ... $4 million
ELCA Fund for Leaders ... $15 million
Youth and Young Adults ... $4 million
Hunger and Poverty
ELCA World Hunger ... $115 million
ELCA Malaria Campaign ... $15 million
Global Church
Global Ministries ... $7 million
International Leaders - Women ... $4 million
Missionaries and Young Adults in Global Mission ... $22 million
Learn more at:
Phone: 800-638-3522
Stirrings from “Soul Food”
“Summer Soul” is drawing to an end with summer’s end, but “Soul Food” falls right in line with fall
activities! We have been host to more and more families, it seems, with our Wednesday evening meals,
and “Soul Food” could be a place for YOUR family to enjoy supper
together each week! This is NOT only a “community” meal; it is a
gathering together to nourish bodies and souls. Join us! Get
acquainted with someone you might not know!
And you might enjoy helping with the preparation that goes into
these weekly meals! Helping hands are always welcomed! We
usually get together at 3 to start “prepping”; the “head cook” for the
week determines the menu and usually shops accordingly, but there
are many ways in which you can help. Dishpan hands are
ALWAYS in need, especially when choir practices call some people away from clean-up.
We serve from 5 to 6 p.m. (and may be extending that to 6:30 once the Wednesday
night church activities begin!); if available, take-outs are not allowed until we have
served everyone in attendance. We have eliminated hot dogs and have been
concentrating on fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Desserts , if available, aren’t set out
until 5 :30. There is always plenty of food, fun, and fellowship, and prayer concerns are
always shared. ALL are welcome!!!
Mark your calendars now for the 11th Annual Napoleon/Henry
County CROP Hunger Walk – Sunday, October 4, beginning and
ending here at Emanuel! We walk to be a part of “ending hunger,
one step at a time”!
Hospice of Henry County
Volunteer Training
ospice of Henry County is providing free
volunteer training to individuals interested
in working with Hospice patients and their
families. To volunteer you only need a
willingness to listen, a loving heart, and a desire
to help people. All Hospice organizations are
required to utilize volunteers.
Hospice volunteers have many opportunities
to assist. The need is great for volunteers in our
rural areas to provide brief caregiver relief.
Volunteers are also needed to assist with office
work or with community education and
Training classes begin on September 3 and
will continue on the 10th, 17th, and 24th of
September. Each session will last from 12:30
p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sessions will be held at the
Henry County Health Department, 1843
Oakwood Ave., Napoleon. Attendees are asked
to attend all 4 sessions.
If you have questions, please call Teri Fraker
at the Hospice office 419/599-5612, Monday
through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Membership News
Congratulations and God’s blessings to Joe & Amanda Dilbone on the birth of Lennon June
on June 16.
We pray for God’s comfort for the family and friends of:
- Rudy Eickhoff who passed away on July 30. His funeral was held on August 2.
- Julie Delventhal who passed away on August 11. Her funeral was held on August 15.
Weddings God’s blessings to:
- Dave Zwiebel and Jen Rogers who were united in marriage on June 20 in Grove City, Ohio.
Marv Mt.Castle officiated at the wedding.
- Nathanael Frey and Nikki Schink who were married at Emanuel on August 8.
- James Szelagowski & Megan Jenny who were married in Cleveland on August 8.
God’s blessings to Kevin & Laura Gerken-Ash on the birth of a son on June 22. Proud great
grandparents are Ken & Nancy Lange and Julian & Carol Gerken.
God’s blessings also to Mike & Anna Evans on the birth of Caroline Elizabeth on July 23. Proud
grandparents are Terry & Ruth Hershberger.
Caring Corner for September
Lutheran Wold Relief Kits
From LWR: “Pens and pencils, a toothbrush, a quilt ... ordinary items we take for
granted become treasures in the hands of their recipients. The items you send will be
cherished and used by people who take nothing for granted, for whom even a simple bar
of new soap is special. Your gifts of time and resources
toward making LWR quilts and kits are beautiful
expressions of God’s love and grace to those in greatest
need. Thank you for your partnership in putting them together.”
Ont the “Caring Corner” table there are instructions on the different kits – Person Care, Baby, Fabric,
School. There are usually even empty School Kits Bags already made, and we have had the Sunday
School kids help to “stuff” these. If you don’t sew or cannot be a part of a kit-making project, please
consider donating to the Women of the church to give to LWR Quilt & Kit
Shipping Fund. For every $1 you give, someone in need receives $8 worth of
essential personal items. Our kits are gathered and boxed for delivery to the
shipping point in New Rochester in mid-October.
Remember our members in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in your prayers
and with cards, letters, and visits:
Lutheran Home
Lorna Bostelman
Alice Langenhop
Denelda Rohrs
Alfred “Petey” Ruetz
Ted Titgemeyer
Glenn Park Assisted Living
Burnice Agler -Rm 139
Miles Joseph -Rm 104
(1036 S. Perry St., Napoleon)
(2429 W illiam Diehl Ct, Defiance, OH 43512)
Van Crest Health Center
(600 E Joe E Brown Ave, Holgate, OH 43527)
Alfred & Rita Prigge -Rm 24
EMANUEL GOOD NEWS, a monthly publication of the Emanuel Lutheran Church
810 Scott Street, P.O. Box 501, Napoleon, OH 43545 (419-592-2616)
Pastor - James L. Castello (419-592-0847 or cell 419-966-2601)
Congregation President - Ron Wiechers
Women of the ELCA President - Joan Collier
Prayer Chain Co-ordinator - Carol Castello (419-592-0847 or
Worship & Music Coordinator/Organist - Angela Tonjes
Bell Choir Director - Bill Panning
Living Spirit Director - Holly Mohring, Angela Tonjes
Parish Secretary - Patricia Mohring
Sunday School Superintendent Altar Guild Chairman - Barbara Hoffman
Custodian - Jack Robbins
2015 Church Council
President - Ron Wiechers
President-Elect - David Schwab
Secretary - Laura Yaney
Treasurer - Julie Kohout
Doctrine & Worship Board - Shelly Storch & Peggy Snyder
Congregational Life Board - Carol Castello & Sue Schink
Board of Education - Melinda Dachenhaus & Laura Ellis-Kruse
Properties Board - Ted Rohrs & Marvin Mt.Castle
Finance Board - Kelli Burkhardt & Betty Mowery
Notes from Angela
- Angela Tonjes
Thanks to all the choir members who provided treats for coffee hour in August– they were delicious!
I appreciate the ladies who helped get the beverages ready.
We will be having a party to kick off the fall choir season! This end-of-summer blast will be
held at the home of Mark and Angela on Wednesday, September 2 at 6:00 p.m. Meat will be grilled
and beverages provided – choir members bring a dish to share and your spouse/friend/children. We
will eat, play games and rehearse.
Regular choir practices will begin on Wednesday, September 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.
This time is tentative while we work out the Wednesday schedule.
The choir will sing on Sunday, September 6 at the 9:00 service, and on Sunday, September 13 at
the 10:30 service. One of our selections will be with the children!
Living Spirit
Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, September 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. We are scheduled to sing
on Sunday, September 20 at both services.
After School Club
Be watching the bulletin for information about After School Club. We will be meeting on
Wednesdays beginning in October.
Sunday, September 6 will be the last summer service at 9:00 a.m. On Sunday, September 13 we will
return to the regular schedule of worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Thursday evening services will
continue at 7:00 p.m. until Thanksgiving.
Rally Day
Rally Day worship will be Sunday, September 13. Favorite Sunday School hymns will be sung, and
the children will have some songs ready for the 10:30 a.m. service.
A lay assistant is needed for the 10:30 a.m. services in September. A sound board operator is needed
for September 6 at 9:00 a.m., and the remaining Sundays in September at both services. Sign-up
sheet is in the narthex.
Labor Day
In 1882, Labor Day was proposed as a holiday to honor all people who work. President Grover
Cleveland designated the first Monday of September as a national holiday in 1894. This time of year
was picked because it falls between Independence Day and Thanksgiving. For many people, this
holiday is considered to be the last day of summer.
During worship on September 6, look for the words “labor” and “work” in the hymns that are sung!
(continued on next page)
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Fun Organ Fact
The organ has been used at baseball, basketball and hockey games in the United States and Canada.
The Chicago Cubs were the first team to use the organ during play breaks in 1941. The Brooklyn
Dodgers hired baseball’s first full-time organist, Gladys Gooding. She became so famous that a joke
was made in her honor: “Who played every game last year for the Dodgers without making an error?”
In the 1990s, organists were replaced in ballparks by recorded music. However, many fans felt it was
an essential part of the baseball games experience, so some fields have been reintroducing organ
music. In 2009 the Atlanta Braves brought back an organist to Turner Field.
It’s Rally Day “Fun Day” on
Sunday, September 13!
With the celebration of a new Sunday School year,
we’ll have a “Fun Day” lunch after worship services
that day, with a “lastblast-of-summer” hot dog
feast followed by snowcones! EVERYONE is welcome
to join in the fun of counting our blessings for a new
year of Sunday School!
NAMI Four County
an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness
C Family-to-Family Education Program
Free Education and Support for Families who Have Relatives with Brain Disorders (Mental Illness)
Diseases of the brain are among the most common illnesses affecting our communities –
impacting men and women, young and old without regard to economic or social standing and faith or
lack thereof. One of every four adults have symptoms of a diagnosable mental illness and at least one
in ten children and adolescents have symptoms as well. However, only about one-third of those with
symptoms ever seek the medical help that can be very effective in managing the disorders. For some,
they don’t understand what’s wrong, and for others...they are ashamed to seek help for a mental
illness – fearing what other may think.
The Family-to-Family class not only provides comprehensive information about mental illness,
but also the support and acceptance that families frequently need even more when they have a loved
one with a mental illness.
This program is a 12-week course beginning Monday, September 14, 6 to 8:30 p.m. at First
Church of God, 507 N. Fulton Street, Conference Room, Wauseon. Classes fill up quickly so call:
Roger or Sharon Weaver 419/335-1099.
C The 16th Annual Candlelight Vigil for Mental Health will be held on Sunday, October 4, 6 p.m. at
St. John United Church of Christ, 50 Webster Street on the Defiance College Campus. Various
speakers and entertainment will focus on the year’s theme: Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives.
Following the program, weather-permitting, a short candlelight walk will be held across the Defiance
College campus with refreshments following in the church fellowship hall.
If you or someone you love is dealing with any type of brain disorder, or if you just want to show
your support, you are invited to attend this evening of events.
For more information about the Candlelight Vigil or NAMI, please contact Katie Beck, 567/2395477 or Ron Hofacker, 419/399-2356.
Worship participants in September
Altar Guild
Susan Mabee & Sarah Yaney
Sept. 6 - Tyson Reynolds & Morgan Ashbaugh
Sound Board
Sept. 6
** NEEDED **
Sept. 13-20-27 ** NEEDED **
Sept. 13-20-27
Lay Assistant
Sept. 6 - Laura Ellis
Ushers (Sept. 3, 20, 27)
8:00 Bryce Reynolds, Steve Kloos,
Ruth Hershberger, Terry Hershberger
10:30 Chris Peper, Paul mowery,
Terry Walther, Norm Bostelman
8:00 Jessica Yunker & Ryan Kruse
10:30 Thea Perdew & Halle Good
Sept. 13-20-27
8:00 Laura Ellis
10:30 ** NEEDED **
Altar Flowers
Sept. 6 - Janis Dachenhaus
- Gary & Jamie Bostelman in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary on the 11th
Sept. 13 - Bill & Sharon Panning in honor of their 33rd wedding anniversary
- Family of Eleonora Koppenhofer in honor of her 90th birthday on the 16th
Sept. 20 - Terry & Ruth Hershberger in honor of their wedding anniversary
Sept. 27 - Herb Koppenhofer in honor of his 90th birthday
- Rupert & Rita Schweinhagen in honor of our church family
T o re s e rv e a lta r flo w e rs ... S ig n u p o n th e flo w e r c h a rt in th e n a rth e x o r c a ll th e
c h u rc h o ffic e . O u r flo w e rs a re d o n e b y Iv y L e a g u e F lo ra l & D e s ig n S tu d io o n W e s t
W a sh in g to n S tre e t. T h e c o s t is $ 2 0 . M a k e c h e c k s p a y a b le to E m a n u e l L u th e ra n
C h u rch . If y o u h a v e s p e c ia l o rd e rs fo r y o u r flo w e rs ( c e rta in c o lo rs , a la rg e r
a rra n g e m e n t, e tc .) , p le a s e c o n ta c t C o ri R a tliff a t Iv y L e a g u e . If y o u r o rd e r is b e y o n d
th e $ 2 0 , p le a s e p a y th e s h o p d ire c tly .
Please put the used plastic containers in which the altar flowers com e in Angela’s office to
be recycled.
(Please let the church office know if there are any corrections or changes to this list.)
Linley Diem
Lilith Castello Dunn
Carson Godsey
Caleb Graham
Lucas Helberg
William Hoffman
Tessa Knepley
Avin Rupp
Landon Zachrich
Emma Amstutz
Greydon Dilbone
Caraline Fickert
Addilyn Good
Ethan Plummer
Evelyn Ruby
Benson Schwab
Grayson Castello Dunn
Joshua Jenny
Aubrey Osborn
Carmen Rupp
Alexander Vajen
Zachary Zwiebel
First Grade
Calista Bost
Carter Bowen
Loella Dilbone
Alivia Good
Robert Hoffman
Brennan Jenkins
Lexus Long
Jacob Plummer
Second Grade
Jorja Cowle
Ava Good
Taryn Kolodzieczyk
Lincoln Lucas
Kayla McCabe
Leah McCabe
Emma Osborn
Third Grade
Charles Ankney
Kamden DeWit
Sophia Good
Jarrett Jenkins
Noah Jordan
Avary Miller
Lilian Sedon
Julia Zachrich
Eighth Grade
(Jennifer Canfield)
Macee Glick
Katelyn Heuer
Ryan Kruse
Danielle Olson
Kelly Rohrs
Chase Sherman
(Haydon Speakes)
Zachary Skeens
Fourth Grade
Cameron Burken
Elinora Dunn
Braden Vajen
Fifth Grade
Jaycob Celani
Shane Cowle Jr.
Rudi Dachenhaus
Ethan Fields
Hannah Jordan
Derek Miller
Caleb Perdew
Colin Sedon
Sixth Grade
Laci Dachenhaus
Adam Degler
Izabella Hernandez
Alyssa Kruse
Tate Rhodes
Emma Rowland
Nikole Vold
Seventh Grade
Morgan Ashbaugh
Jayce Brubaker
Nathan Brubaker
Carter Burken
(John Canfield)
Halle Good
Thea Perdew
Tyson Reynolds
Zachary Vajen
Elijah Wolf
Jessica Yunker
Ninth Grade
Abby Allison
Bryant Dachenhaus
Hannah Gustwiller
Caleb Hernandez
Alicyn Hopkins
Tessa Rhodes
Seth Tonjes
Molly Weirauch
Carl Yaney
Tenth Grade
Madison Ashbaugh
Charlee Glick
Jalynn Landversicht
Adam Rohrs
Grace Rowland
Keegan Schroeder
Meghan Skeens
Eleventh Grade
Alex Andrews
Alex Bustamante Jr.
Luke Cable
Kenli Dachenhaus
Nicholas Degler
Abriana Hernandez
Alison Hernandez
Ryan Kohout
Dalton Middleton
Frederick Olson
Mitchell Walther
Twelfth Grade
Derek Belcher
Alexandria Biederstedt
Brock Brubaker
Austin Damman
Logan Ostrander
Bryce Reynolds
Stephen Yunker