3rd edition - november 2015
3rd edition - november 2015
CENTRAL PLAZA BRISBANE BY T E SI Z E digital@ISPT.staying.informed 1 3RD EDITION November 2015 INTRODUCTION WELCOME TO THE THIRD EDITION OF BYTESIZE This month’s edition is themed around The Learning Organisation – how can digital help us as individuals and the broader business to pursue learning and become the best we can be. We look at some interesting new technology and hear from world leading organisations. Cameron Gregson shares his thoughts on ISPT’s Leadership Development program. Find out how he’s changing his work habits as well as learning to meditate. Bill Gates reminds us to have some fun and to never stop asking ourselves what we can do better. How can we promote a culture of learning? What are you doing to keep yourself up-to-date? A recent Deloitte study found the importance of learning has jumped 25% over the last year. Learn something new every day. Try zidbits.com for weird and interesting facts from around the globe. We hope this edition of Bytesize gets the conversations going. As always, feedback and comments are most welcome. Send to bytesize@ispt.net.au Happy reading. Rachel, Erin, Marcus, Lucas, Rog and Jane. 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS “ In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. ERIC HOFFER OUR DIGITAL JOURNEY 3 APPLYING WHAT I LEARN 5 10 E-LEARNING TRENDS 6 PROFILE: BILL GATES 7 THE LEARNING CHALLENGE 9 THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL 10 THE CULTURE OF LEARNING 11 FIGURES & PICTURES 13 ‘APPY CHAPPY 14 TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL 15 2 2 OUR DIGITAL JOURNEY What is Digital? The means that connect people, businesses and machines at scale often with the following attributes: Cloud Computing, Social Media, Big Data and Mobility. What is Digital @ ISPT’s mission? #MakingDIGITALMatter – to support and deliver on ISPT’s Corporate Strategic Initiatives. What will our Digital Strategy be focused on? Customer Experience, Collaboration, Actionable Insights, Innovation, Alliances & Partnerships and Value Creation. How & Where will Digital play out? Through experiments (How) in: Commercial, Retail, ISPT, Data Visualisation, Customer Lab and Operations & Tech Services domains. What key enablers are required to bring Digital to life? Design, Technology, Content, Change Mgt & Governance. How is ISPT’s Digital program governed? Via a Working Group comprised of key leaders from the business (Rob, Michelle, Jill, Chris, Jocelyn, Jennifer, Martin, & Mayur) who are the face of Digital into their business and back into our program. These will also act as experiment owners/sponsors. We also have a Project Control Group (Daryl, Darren, Mark) who provide strategic direction, funding and resourcing inputs. Marcus chairs both groups and keeps Erin and myself honest! Who are some of our initial working partners? JLL, AECOM, TKM9 & Quantium. CLICK FOR INFOGRAPHIC PREZI INTERACTIVE 3 3 “ A learning organization is one that: Seeks to create its own future, Assumes learning is an ongoing and creative process for its members, Develops, adapts and transforms itself in response to the needs and aspirations of people, both inside and outside itself, and Allows people at all levels, individually and collectively, to continually increasing their capacity to produce results they really care about. 4 4 CHP LEADERS BLOG 2015 APPLYING WHAT I LEARN (G U E S T C O N T R I B U TO R: C A M E R O N G R E G S O N) 1 2 3 4 ISPT’s Leadership Development program has re-invigorated learning and re-learning on: How I turn up each day. I’m learning to meditate each morning through the Headspace app. Gradually I’m adapting and becoming mindful enough to insert short practice sessions during the work day. Prioritising and delegating for greatest impact at work and home. Benefits include letting go to empower others and an unclogged diary. Digital guidance from ibooks Mindfulness at Work and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. ‘Leadership is Work’. Changing my habits to target 60% of work time on ‘Quadrant II’ activities (high value, low time pressure), improving my focus and energy for the people and projects that matter most. Innovation & New Learning – Brain Pickings constantly educates and challenges my approach to an array of work/ life issues and the Zite and Flipboard apps further top up my business and personal interests. My current online PostGrad in Psychology is delivered through an interactive hub. Tutorials are managed through Blackboard Collaborate – enabling interactions, group participation and presentations. for small and large groups. 5 5 E-LEARNING TRENDS T H E T O P 10 E - L E A R N I N G T R E N D S F O R 2015 “ Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gamification Corporate MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) Personalised learning M-learning and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Augmented learning APIs (Application Programming Interface) Cloud Learning Management System Flash HTML5 conversion Wearable Learning Video in Learning C L I C K TO V I E W T H E A R T I C L E source: “The Top eLearning Trends For 2015” by Ruby Spencer, Elearningindustry.com 6 6 PROFILE: BILL GATES 6 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM BILL GATES ON HIS 60TH B’DAY This insightful profile piece has some simple messages. Bill reminds us to have some fun, to give back, to be passionate and collaborative and to never stop asking what you can do better. I bet the goal of putting “a computer on every desk and in every home” seemed a real stretch at the time. ▪▪ Find the right Deals ▪▪ Use your position to give back ▪▪ Read widely ▪▪ Don’t forget to have some fun ▪▪ Be passionate and collaborative in pursuit of your vision ▪▪ Never stop asking yourself what you can do better LEARN MORE HERE source: “6 Leadership Lessons From Bill Gates on His 60th Birthday” by Nina Zipkin, Entrepeneur.com 7 7 “ First comes thought; then organisation of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination. NAPOLEON HILL “ An organisation’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. 8 8 JACK WELCH the LEARNING CHALLENGE T E C H N O LO G Y & W O R K P L A C E L E A R N I N G Nigel Paine, author of The Learning Challenge, talks about the rapid pace of technological development and its impact on workplace learning C L I C K TO V I E W T H E A R T I C L E The increasing pace of change, increasing volatility and the pressures of globalisation have led to more changes in the way we work in the last 10 years, than in the preceding 50. Learning can now occur at the pace and place to suit. We can build virtual communities of practice. We need new capabilities in the workplace such as flexibility, curiosity, innovation and role spanning. Read about the skills and behaviours of a successful learning leader in 2015. source: “Technology and Workplace Learning” by Nigel Paine, Koganpage.com 9 9 THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL W H AT S H O U L D I B E L E A R N I N G? Digital means different things to different people. In simplistic terms, it’s the convergence of technologies, processes and communications that have strong Social Media, Analytics, Cloud Computing and Mobile disciplines at its core. Dr Michael Chui, a principal at McKinsey Global Institute shares the following learning insights: ▪▪ Understand and use data to gain sustainable competitive advantage. ▪▪ Identify the types of apps and services that a mobile-first strategy can deliver for work, play and staying connected. ▪▪ Listen and be aware of social conversations within and external to your organisation. ▪▪ Digital will be disruptive as it introduces different ways of thinking to solve problems, communicate ideas and deliver solutions in an increasingly agile, flexible manner. C L I C K TO V I E W T H E A R T I C L E source: “You have to become a learning organisation” - excerpted from “Looking Ahead” by Dr. Michael Chui, Spencerstuart.com 10 10 CULTURE OF LEARNING P R O M OT I N G E M P LOY E E-TO-E M P LOY E E L E A R N I N G Google taps its own ranks to teach valuable career-building classes as well as “extracurriculars” like kick-boxing and social skills for engineers. Fast Company takes a peek at the curriculum. It’s not about money. Google feeds 37,000 employees three gourmet meals a day. It can certainly afford to hire teachers. The company thinks it’s a good business idea to have employees teach employees. Here’s why: ▪▪ Promoting A Culture Of Learning ▪▪ Putting Employees In Teaching Mode ▪▪ In-House Teachers Get An “A” ▪▪ Any Company Can Do It C L I C K TO V I E W T H E A R T I C L E source: “Here’s a Google perk any company can imitate: Employee-to-Employee Learning” by Sarah Kessler, Fastcompany.com 11 11 “ Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. HENRY FORD 12 12 FIGURES & PICTURES G L O B A L H U M A N C A P I TA L T R E N D S 2015 Global organizations today navigate a “new world of work”—one that requires a dramatic change in strategies for leadership, talent, and human resources. LEARN MORE HERE source: “Global Human Capital Trends 2015, Leading in the new world of work” by Josh Bersin, Bill Pelster, Jeff Schwartz, Dimple Agarwal. www2.deloitte.com “ Once an organisation loses its spirit of pioneering and rests on its early work, its progress stops. 13 13 THOMAS J. WATSON ‘APPY CHAPPY TO D O I S T Todoist is a simple and effective task management tool that lets you say goodbye to paper lists and inbox reminders. It takes just seconds to set up and works by sending you one daily to do list each morning (one email to rule them all). The trial: At Bytesize we’ve been using the Free version of Todoist for the last week and found it incredibly easy to use. Inputting tasks and assigning dates is quick, painless and the daily digest each morning is preferable to numerous other reminders. Not to mention ticking tasks off is very satisfying! So why use Todoist over an email or outlook reminder? One reason - it’s simpler. Todoist keeps it all in one place, taking up less space for you. You’re not constantly seeing the same tasks and wasting energy and thinking time on them until you need to. The app helps chunk down an overwhelming to do list into Bytesize (pardon the pun!) pieces. PROS CONS • Clean, simple design and user interface. • ‘Set and forget’ helps you focus only on the day’s priorities. • Reduces inbox clutter and paper waste. • You can’t specify a time on the free version, so any tasks you add for the same day will not produce a reminder. Now if only there was some way for Todoist to actually DO some of the work for us.... Click here to visit todoist.com 14 14 TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Fluid information – an internet without screens might look like this source: “An Internet without screens might look like this” - ted.com The world’s smartest tutor C L I C K TO LEARN MORE source: knewton.com Tech trends that will change education by 2025 C L I C K TO LEARN MORE source: “5 Tech Trends That Will Transform Education By 2025” by Pragati Verma, Forbes.com 15 15 THANKS FOR READING questions, comments, feedback to by tesize@ispt.net.au 16 3RD EDITION November 2015