Naipal Chand - Canara Bank
Naipal Chand - Canara Bank
^f .t' t fl il toarntrqm#\canara Bank ti l:l 'ii ril il ll (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) Ref:MIRZApUR,BAJIMO KATRA/ZO 1 S, 16 Date:tfo8.2o1s To, Late Sri Naipal Chand, Legal-Heirs 1.Smt Durga Devi W/o Naipal Chand ?.Pr-"* Agrahari S/o Naipal Chand R/oBarkachha, Mfujapur,tJ.p. Dear Sir/Madam, surr:Notiee *,rler s-egfion r3(4) of the seeuritisatio, and *eeonstruetio, of illTff 1i,'"H;f,#H,,"*:lri*;1 ji.,H.#"J;ffiy,.et.zoo'*"o.,.,iiri-iirl- As you are aware, I,on behalf of Canara-Bank, Dfirzapure llaiirao tr(atra a"r"rru"al,, sJ"arr" btanch have possession of the assers "i:irr"ilriJj'#r"*"a t,."Lio;;;;, The undersigned pr< o"-- Paoposes fo sell the assets (thtough e-auction) n-rore sale Notice". fufly ,,o,.T!,::y,:rr H'ui"#id{xr,"#[ffi ,##d*#*{rl,[[ilH**'#,fl:ifi tIi:lout prbjudic e to any other righrs availabrero Yours fa irhfutly, d: AUTIIOIISED OFFTCBN CANARA NANI( ENCTOSURE - SALE NOTICE taken B(a) of describedin the Schedule of *tf##jiaf,f};+,Sit:iilAiqd;:I,il!,#y*,T1ff:l",T.Hff ;T,f of secrion senc,ins ;;:,iT}3$,,ffi rhe Bank underrhe subjecr Act/ 3i or any other turyntudcanara Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) E.AUCTION NOTICD SALE NOTTCB OF IDIMOVABI,E PNOPENTTNS TIIROUGII D.AUC'TION (ONLINE aucTroN) UNDDR nulDs s(6) & (e) or rrrn sncunirv TNTEnDST (BNI.on.BDTDNT) nULDS 2002 )fiff il.t'#3J,$il,"ji Jlj;?if:i ;y:'*:-W*!:]f*.r,-* des*ibed, herein,taken possession i:*;,#i"E;:I;,i:f,s: i*,:*.iri_#',,#:,i:1iTil,ii.ffff#T3.1:"?,#a?xiL5"?.J,ii, f""i,:,f#H:'Li:,#:1"?Xi.::*r,#";Jii;;r";;;;'il?1"fi,1':*:,,,il9,:TfffiilH :j 31:1,:X,"iii:..#:ff ::T,*:f i*lsruu"ti-on;;^;;;T;1#:"?#,#ffi:XH"l*i. ;:::'l::ffi"#ffi [?;YLXJHT: *;H:;#;;#;#ffi website www. ban ke auctionvti ;,5;g;'r;;;;;'"ffi ard. Jl. c 1' Nanne antr Address of the seeured crefito r: canaraBank Mfuzapur,Bajirao Katra U.P 2' Nanne and Address of t,e Borrower: Legal Heirs l.Snrt Durga Wo Naipat Chand 2shAgrahari ^2,.81aj R/oBarkachha, Laie sri Naipar '-r Chand, Devi / oN aip alCh and, S Mirjapur,IJ.p. S'Total liabilities as .,n rz.r r .tr :Rs. 1 ,94g3o.o0+int.+other exp.wEF 1 3. I 1. .2071 4'Last nate for reeeipt of tender doeu,re,ts:I9.09.201s upfo z:oo pm S'Tender doc*r'ent to rre surrr,itted : CanataBankltAtrzapurrBajirao Katra U.P. 6' (a) nate & rime *;u;#lt;oon to Z?li;uo,zotd p.m. (\^rith unlimited exfension of S minutes duration each till the (b) 7. portal of e- a,etconclusion I)etails of P19_nerty/i9gz The property is Land.plot gilg &gB4 Vill-Barkachha,Tehsil Sidur, Distt.Mirzapur 8. Iteserve Price: 9. fu Rs.7,11000.00 DDII) & Iast date of deposit of EDtIt: Rs.71,100.00 [Rs.Seventy One Thousand One Hundred onlyl by tg.Og.ZOtS upto Z p.M. ffi fi?:'f;1*,'#ifiiithe conditious prescribed in the securiry rnterest (Enforcemenr) Rures, 2ooZ ?;I;,i 'trffJxIj':f;"xf#""t;.Hmo[""]#n?i;il." is" basis includinsencumbrances, b' Auction / bidding shail be only through "onrine Electronic Bidding,, through the website www'bankeauctionwiiard'com' nidiJrs,are aiviseato go th"orgh the websi t]for detaled taking pafi in the e-auction sale p.""""airg, terms before / c' The property canbe inspected, with Prior Appointment with thebranchManager. *#:rf":mil.X;1ffi n:::ifflXj* Reserve Price and' the participatins bidders may improve g' EMD amount of 7oo/o of the Reserve-.Price is to be deposite d, by way of Demand draft in -iurru, favour of Authorized officer, Canara Bank,Ivlirzapur, vajir:ai oR shall be _deposited through RTGS/NEm/Fund Transfer to credit ?t a""ouni of ianaraBank,Ivrfuzapur,Balfuao katraBranch, on or before 19.09.20 I S by OZ:OOpm. e' rntending bidders shall hold a valid digital signature certificate and, e-mailaddress. For details with tegard to digital signature please contact_the slrvice rdf s;.;fir. Ms'Rek'a yadav contaet No- -t:r"";. r,fi.,Ba,galore, og4s33oa4os il*oug^ the website www'bankeauctionwizard"com' Immediately on tt bidders sha' approach the ruid ;;M;provider " iiiJ"aut" -of payment oi the EMD amount the fot obtaini;B digiiar'signii,r*rir not horcring digital signature) a varid, h' After payment of the EMD-amount,lhe inteldingbidders should submit a copyof the following G'6s.2075 ui 6[io'i,a, to canaii-;;;i, i;i:#ilYi*1,iu,}o.o;yb"*",Ji rvhrzapur Bqirao (r) D emand D r aft/ p ay or der tow ards EMD amount. u rf p vataid, thr oughRTGS /NEF., r:,kn9*ledgement ieceipt thereof *ilh Ufi N;.t" ,-, Yhotocopies \z) of PAN card, rD Proof .andAddress proof. However, successful bidder would,have ;LtTfI;i )i})J.?:rl#Titi,in.orisinalto *," n,,it"iiin ri*" i)v^,n, orbalance (3) Bidders Name. ContactNo. eddress, E Mail Id. (4) Bidder,s A/c detailsfor ontine relund of EMD. ;i;;ki;; f'TheintendingbiddersshouIdregistertheirnamesatportal@and'get their user rD and password rt"" or Prospectiv e aiZaii-'may avair online trainlng on Efrom the service provider Antares Sy.t*.rr "ott. itd-,Bor.galore, lfs.Ilekha yatlav Corrtaetauction No. o94533oB4o5lhrougIrtheweIrsite@Immediate1yonthesame date of payment. i' EMD deposited bv the unsuccessfulbidder sale. The EMD j' shalinot carry arry intereJ. shall be refundedto them within 2 d,ays of finalization of Auction would commence at Reserve Price, as mentioned above.Bidders shall improve their offers in multiplies of Rs' 1o'000. rhe bidder *tlo.uo*its trc rriil,lritri'iiri u.l";Iil: Reserve price) on closure of 'online' auction shall be a"Jii"a u, ,r"".rrf, i' Sale shall be confirme d, in favour the successfulbidder,subject to of "{ri;"r. "o"ii.*ru"";f;h;,;;br'#"secured crediror. k. The successful bidder.shall deposit Zd|7o of^ price (inclusive of EMD abeady paid), immediatelv on declaring him/her;;;h" successful bidder iia n i bu{;;";;d; Is days from rhe date of confirmation of ^iale by the r..r..a *edtt.r-.iili;;J;;.ssful bidder f;ilrl; pay thesale price within the pefiod stated aboi, tne aeposit ,:]?4";y i;;Jl]i o" forfeited by vr Lrts theAurhorised without any notice and propefi shart f6rthwith officer ' be put up for ,^r;A;;;:'reu I. AII charge, ,o, ance, stantp -'''y duty ana andregistration regtstration the successfulbidder ":lI"{ only. m. Authorised Offic auction*tth";i;"tfi,ffi"ffi::*;tti[*: ch, charges etc., as applicableshall be borneby stpone/cancel or varyrhe rerms and conditions of the e- n' In case there are brddets who do not have access to theinte,ret but interest ed, in participatingthe e?i!,ii?"i,ifin"";?i,:f:;';:t"r::tr#;:;Tl;jlf 'T,'Tf;,^our Bajirao K^;;^ b,anch wio as a o'For further details eontaet s K Driltal' c.ief Mamager, ca,ara Brr.k, [firzap,r service provider A,tares it'" *l'tit zsoozzroi'"-i^:i.13 systern"Ltf-,Bar.g-rl;*;,";..R*kli;rim, rhe woR co.taet No. l"?lj'',,"tyonfhesame Baiirao ,,atra Braneh Pj44i"s in rhe rasr minute,rsx#i:ll Neither Canara Bank nor.fltt sr*i*'"p.ovider (tnterner faiture. power rrii"*, wiI ue i'esponsibre foy any lapses/failure "i"i"J'r,r".or.r.;i;; ;i;X:;or vendor in suih cases. rn :;i:;;:{:;l;:i#ff:t***l;#::3:1;;;;;;;"il:;"d,omake,i*,,_.,,.".,,u"y po*t{ supplv and whatev..;L;;;;irecr thal thev.are abte ctrcumvent |-Yl such situation so '' and ui'iLi'io participate ,r"..rriilii.- -"" to in Place: Mirzapur oate:ff .os.2o1E AUTIIORTSDD OI,r'ICEN CANARA BANI(
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