06/20/1874 - Atlantic County Library System
06/20/1874 - Atlantic County Library System
-=T- GEORGI I IAN0" ES. MiscellaneousAdverfiseinents. The*G~-~FPiah~Forteshhve~hk-e-n:th-e--fi t=s~~fdmiu mb~6r’MI competitorsat the ¯State,Fairof WestVirginia,in Ken- . tucky, andat all other fairs andexpositions ~’h~re.~Ii-cyave~eenexhilJite-d: imstrumeut in semina/iesof :earning." l~om P~v. L. VANBOKKELEN," RectOr of Jane Grey Seminary, .... ¯ 18t. Wharf.. Ae I1. aa0 _8~4 8M 9 08 WhJt~ Hera ......... /e_0a 1o ~ Wiuslew .............. ~_ Vlneland Junetien. TOWN OF ,HAMMONTON, .~ud-ad~oining the laud ef the l0 ]~ I O~, ...;... EIwood................ BEg .Harhor ......... llammonten I1 II 11"$0 12 l~i w 0n leaviu-Iowa Ip wJv, reluctantly’obliged to part with my Oeorgi Pla.o.Farte. When o in Buffal~ one of ’my first cares was to pc.vide my fem,:y with ~ne of tile same manu lends OoanUry." " " " ]~r.JOHN ZU~DE~ Organist of Henry 3Ya.d 3eoeher’, Church Broaklyn, says: e( The Oe gl has aa exgui~te~eticn,_nnd_e:~erythiug ~h]--lrau d-/udieafe-~tuT-~bt 11 .ry: shout it shows Beat " " ___ # "~¢~ ~e have ho,o using ~w~ of your piano~ the pu.*t great ~atlfaetioa, We regard them supocior instruments." year in our college, in are among the the Stmate. havlsg~lIf~e~Litiee for-- .) " lnlng, ~v. S. H. McCOLLESI’ER, President of Buehtel College, e~rtifies : are easily They have given and cheaply cleared were highly recommended to us, wo bmlght that they ere warthyof all the praise they have roeeived." one for our ewn use, and we find for COMPANY or Lauds ahown free tlon given by Theabove are only a few selections from letters continually arriving whichprove3 of expense G. The0e0rgi to be ’~he LeadingPianoof the days I guarantee entire~ntisfaction~and nevi,r flail to ~ivcit. :- .............................. ~ I~’0R.C!ROUL:M{S A.N_I).T_ERMSADDRESS-~ GEORGE A.-GEOI:~G-I, _ . Itlanulaetnrer o; Piauo-Fortes, INDIVIDUAL BELLEVUE F. A SPECIALTY. sties lion paid to ~SfASOl(te.MAarS Splendid new. Priiits.at DaCoJta.................. and ullinforma MILLER. AVE.,. Rlcharde’ Sent frm nreeeip~ "Cranberry of and its - Cultu - ’ - Bt LEAVESWIN3LOW JUNCTION For Alden, Shamoug arriving LEAVES ¯ or ~and DEPOTS : ¯ ~9 SOUTHWATER ST.. PIIILADLPHIA, 103 SOUTHRrRERT-fi ~.~T,.%OKE, Gee. Elvins. ¯ -~a~lsoexamine our line in.New York 4.30. NEW YORK at Wieslaw Junction at 3.05. LEAVES WIN8LCW ,I_U~OTION_ ~---r Cedar Lake, Landisville. Vinsa.o5. land~ Bridgaton, arriving at Dayside at .5.35. Goods from 11 cents. :... EggHart;or.,...:... .... telwoad .......... ~........ Srj~E X:~-~IT~ T _ Yard Wide Dress := .... PU~.I~SEE __ EVERYTHING PUT.ON A CASHBASIS. And look at thdse 15 to 45 cents. ’ .... Posen&.....,........,... and P rtieu~ar "As te~y , ZdlAWll .... CranberryLauds MT. M,nwts, N. Y., ~ugust 14tT:p 1873. ¢’ T have pianos of othct~ celebrated makers inthe Seminary. but the ~3eorg 1rod mad nttha eeeeertae the best. It is r referred by tenths.aa and pllpilF;= Ii~ottled Vhte Oamden,&:A.tlsntto R,IL A.G. R. BLODGETT, Supt. WM. 8.8NEDEN, ’Jeneral Manager. and M. M. Clark KIRKBRIDE’8 bt THAT WE ARE RBPLENISHING WEEKI,Y. Besides the abovewcare selling Fine Grof’eries:at die lowest ~ -. ¯ _" -.; . . : ~..’; ONE .DOLLAR PER BOTTI, ¯ Pil l|,A ItMl,l’Jl In. ik ...... EMItbllslled In 1~10. miasmatic and malarious worth a ship Ioadof districts they are qulMne powders and pills. T~ey at..,,..01.i,, .d-ptsd to Establishment persuus .uSer- J. ~g-~3"() N ES, ~J’~ North Front Ntreet. PhiJets¯ DyeFilks, W.uleu and Fa,tcV ti,oi~of every description. Theic su:,e,ri,trity of dyejt,g Ladie~’ and Centlemen’e t;nrluents t* widely kn,,wu. (.hap. and Merlu~ 3ilawt. dye./ the most brllll,,et and Idain o.l,,rs. Cr~l,e a,,d Merits,, .%awls el,mnwed t. lo,,k like new. "Abo, ,,.,,,eme,,’.e~p.re’.or e,,.~,,;-.,....,,I~.TO DELICATE FEMALE8. ro dyed. Kid Ol,,~e~ ele*,nwe,l or dyed t,, I-ok like .,ew. t;,,ll n.d look all’our work bet.co Ladles, old or you,g, wall find Iboso hJtlers espeelsllxy, adap’ed to dleraseo pvcal|a¢ at, their ~x. ~erv,,ueness, Lateltude, Wa~,t of Appetit.,, and OeneraJ Debility, all yield to the magic ci! alia of these luesl[mui,le Dieters. [here wouldnot be somuebot selluer~ THE . HAND-SOMEST STOCK OF ’SPRING CLOTHING WEEVERHAD. Thsreoentte~t of Fire-Proof8ales by the Engllah Qovarnment proved the superJorltyof AlumFilling, No othsrOafes filled with Alum aadl’lustet~f.l’arf~. ~M~tothe Ferr~s andt~ PHndpalHotelsandR.R. Depotu. \ ............. 7 ..... ..-+ - - : ¯7 growing." Andeke said, for the ringing,- ................. ¯ ........ ~’ Noneedof love whenthe birds are singing.’ "tis the summer’s’ ’ ’Sweet lovo~",tmld _ .lmmw .............. Andthe leafy earthts a ~eaof gladness; OhI m~beit my Andeke But many ~ddl~.": rl~;i~’Sriekbat altered his mind- ~hal~settledthe widow’scase. and Is staying ; .... tom a diamonds With̄ clusters.of four for bead boada~n each two million "dollars Worth’ bf " would take.a ~ain:of ears-eight-.. . black silk dressqs Fur This scarf over- forth, "Helltown.’ . the deeparc no li~ .,. the Concealed:comanChe’" .. iThisant -jet .fringe edges it.- _ ThetLiy-9-f-~9-ePtma°sof all women: "The ~ .lengthened~de_piecesfl.lloutlines Of .the#cuff, with h .~~:~, solid"jet"e~o/dered not.hea~ ~ion ~ Yohs’e~; :I wantedto comeat the ’business iu :+ roundabout "Bee sprang Prophelgi but ludrierons the,re.on. ~olx itself, the chore 18 hiffown l~mself~liat] of sweet Nelly a~ L horse and ride~ one without lea~iag his ffdghtful: a better Cause’? "~OW pla~ion-..Thts~imfortun~tew~ onb Of tho,~rara prisoners, .who,¯takea~to throw: wardaw~pt~thefilth horse,.her, flying heels th/owlng Upa cloud of dust which the deadinto the ear, s ho~eke~Pi~ I~ie ai~fdr I~mldr~dsofy~_~_ds n miracle, or mth~ behi~d’her."’:To’the leftof thera :glided ’ t2to !fixed ?" hadthe lille Renoo him in /f he on a leetle too a brin ddwn _can f6rm¯som#idea got t, hr0ugh"With th0’irximrtme6~2 .... ’ Beein~ ke know mn~h ab6ut amstill a stadia’, bdalness the The ear. I bethOu about the belt of my:edi torrid. ’.Thinks l,_that II. drawlike l m ~ottoeit’s i i~ miles:’at’" he hiul to make sure of it, ~Lthi~tre; menjus inflboenoeTof the |d press in f~eein’ the power o! 210 ,fit fo~r :qmee’*~lie~q~kzt~ ,-~.dm..,-Weddlng Outfit. ¯ "Pleaqe ~tell me ,your vmn," says a TrlSam cortes ent, "what outfit, , ""+": ......... :’ tt,wmaM.be eeonomlcalfor,~ to:.t amtuml~ Id~melerk t"KO a render! ’ ""le~ a small v did.’ It shet downthe hull that to do u~ Council learn ’ticket, they kickedhp, They held a scoot mcetin’one credit for see.t they Sturgls’e I an’ swore bandsafter t Is ,whether strike a ~ .Stub 19~reeHollowo~ ~.~matterwas the if[ream’e#’( company. Tht at Onet, an’ everymangot Sambtimo’l .... quartern or,more dwellin’ on the importance of ............ completion of the new madem.y~ ’ """’ " ...................... Boded Wheat. . ’:, Excellent dishes for breaking, dinner ~be+, erode,front. s.freshe, t, loft .then.make to IMt two. yearn. llavo "two time; The droml.of poplln ~r-lerge I,laek.~Teapelltalne hat ~sn be worn 11 his iflmmtng~’~to.sult the m t! tile year.. A beaver¯sae¢limfop lutlUtp~ml~le, b it thqrest ’of thff nslse~"of the ’trams coma but those are ored. Whestd’c,,ok the ,most smbee~°l’~ reathly, and a lhal modest but sumeient ~d ,.n uec~mnt of lmv, -~rdrobo ..... IIt’0ver. till bqve tt tmmhhmaml then w,~ed ~arts wa,er to ode, of CoVer ¢.lone’~andaflci" In+to boll sells Wllo’eIt wlll.’,bsrdy An exchange thus epltomltes the it.f<~r or. five hmml, or ,us. daily life o! J@oeditor.ln.ohief. ~from. ’" 11 ~lltt ~4¢r~e[~mt~shreml ly betweenthe hUMb’ahd’fl,,g’~#2 HardWhPtt ofany khld teqtRm still’ mort)fleer, addsouseklnds ’I13X00 ; be,cot~,.dall. wltboat aoftenla m elf+ ~he ’ manwbois TOll menot Ir~ meumfal’nambom~ t. " cvr’t~$,li himself ~tle career ¯ +anti l/+co ,¯.~t+ !~ but aaamplydrt~xaI if the, kttous.no,see,king,t4alt, ands,,nd F0r the e~ul I, dl~ta~latabert Os the most ,table warm,It) eat with mealsand veMelw Am4ktM~ ~e not what kl~I ~om.?’ I refrsn,lated from Celestial ]anguasb, ,w~lthcan M#Oorb0 butterasten AS t a dayandr~ilea elt|oy himself. Itlreadsl~us’: -’+ ....... .... ¯ .’ , r~ e~ d woes. whh eatJLl,e ~v,.d cohl. at brt~dtfimt ,.’.’Douotmamlfeetyourdkeonteutlnapleeeof %., )’,tet uron~uaat. The more tatofth6:renownod ~ ’ ....... ¯ .......... swept the bnwe:little horse, ..: the,gtation’ came in view, i he.looked@orto",short grained;’., i How,do yon like’my~edditerisl,t to ~avo the sos I’ve made J~st* ~b0ut ~ ’hid’ ti&e th wented4~di~ a: twb-foot trmaoh They’dmade awaywlth. A h~dv,4,y~vr ~ ,lot lifo] are, Oltll a01eel, [.o 0t~on &re they 8cue] I , :,i ¯ th~ of thebed ,Egg :. " A Co~iet Eevo~k . ...... i ~gmltyones................. ¯ ’ ~,. less restet~l ~hist~ ~tes~!Ig’ tn~we " "lcaddr stp~. d_tho_cry ,the + " Down of .the,]atte~ found’kiln’in’the mfdsf~6f u~ n~hriy"rewhich at ind timethr6~teiX’ 0 ¯ ’ ’ in the ~aty .~’ i i te seridus, oeearrod ,’tn..the ~rlth.tho’doetom I ) ...... covered, this victim’ ’Of ~tl~o fury the ,~ ’~~ of Germxmy. growingla ’or eve l~emtenm~m’y at St, Louis,,, Me.’ Daring ~ The W nlpst hideousthat ever soiled 4’ civil war [~ thisc6untiT" , a,~mobrs.r~evitablc, el tho dlnnar hourseveral convicts aimul-+I&nowhimj Ioould name him; ~ but to meet them; Not ~ sign kk ,~nome: for.lmnisbfi~ehf~’~i but.there, were: hoof.tre~ks spren~ from ’their seats at I went tit..once .toWashing-: and’ withdrawn: knlv6~: or,~ aliowing that the broke Get-. ¯ the ~vo orsix guards! present to fled..... Giving the horeoa + ,without stand still at .the. peril! ol their lives, drink, the rider mounted, and ~gain would makono sero nsof p~ ~ey were on the way to Keeraoy, which they did, Mr. Bradbury, one.of bim~thirdttme, e.db’~t6rs ’~ Thep~y~.’ the ofltoere 0f the prison, entered the added tresh fuel to their rage. Fuf~heFon ’they come up~na large ob. be tlt0 last, ~ _I ’ jeer in the centre 0f thd’trMl. ’It was roomand Wasimmediatel~’OrderedtO ’clans themselveslxl cv~ ~.,ca~fled at, the, .......... ~ the Wes~rn.boun¢l., atage with tho .be seatedand remain qmct.’ .Shortly approach, tmd,,,qo~ccM, tl .~m~§o’:son~orail ’,hi ’liars tuff red hors0s gonet, the. driver botweea the ~ter Warden Labrso entered and made or6 for~wh0eli~ witha bullet in his head, a speech .to the convicts whichquieted, l.,even’.losetheir +l v st th0 J being madd~ed:rloters... .. ,. , the ,he,passengers lying~ about’ the road, them tO the extent thatth’cy released I~o, ,, and ..the guards. The and the condueto~ m the boot wounded ,Mr. to zfury of:the time’s pause, and fn~tor fled the horse. Mt~o, consists, wae the bad will"h6t be’ deat~i; famished them. At the request of OoL vengeance..Th0 dcstroyem made no ’dis. pcd, alter mile is 10It behind, station after , the’ crime ’wltlle dnde/the Office after office an~ . homo 0anvas g passed, and no relief¯ Will Murphy,Presidant of th0 Prison 0om-tlnctloes. 0xempted.from thedeath pony. a committee of prisoners wont after IiOll~Owuspulled downor ] Lllnged. Koarnoy?’ Thetcnllled hurried from )lace to quarters, place, on~ . to.doctors all of the right of them with him to the 0ommissary~e ’ peoplb It ....... ¯ wherethe quality of the rationswas ex- seemedthat at,urn’ ’shunted men. .h.ad~ beeni!. Annual maraud.. Turning ’most of the convicts, but someof "-TA~to"Yoniiff’~’-~.~ wornsweptaway’like Straws’ ourv,[ with a triumphant yell they speed to still insisted, that the food was not: ’The military . I rn i855’a young8enfleman"r0gisterea: : the ths. The l~oad the ridoroff. Narrowergrowathe good, and oomplained that the quantiout but old hi,thing, The city his" namo"tatlio largest’ Zotgl tn’tho " of altorn~ space between them, and tho~gMlant ty allowed was insnffiotent for hard- waswhollyIn’the hands0f the mpb. City of ~huulsrlllei’Ky. He had a pretty : ~Twoda)s and twn’, ’nlghta"thls rblgn nf good wardrobe, :such as young me-. , l~orso redo(tbles his exertions, In the working men. Oo!.’ Murphy assured edge ; vim of the savages rides a tall chief them they should ,lmve an abundance terror lasted, a.nd b~twt~ef0rty, anti lilly nmmllyhave,, inol~diag a gold watch over niountod upbn a powerful horse, his to eat, and el good quality, mad oom- houses were destroyed, and ~ov~ral pernonaand chain, ’ l~0’wasin seereh of o0ou- , plumes streaming in the ~wind a, he parativo quiet w,a restored. A second ldllcd. Gee. Clhtton, and other high offl- p&tion. ’At th~exptration of two weeks urges the noble maimalho bestridds. revolt, however, broke ~ut in the shoe core aed eminentmen,had’repeatedl~frle~ he took. an’ tnvet~tory’ of thls.pere0nal ). lace, Youug ~ssox oan escape if lm turns shop during the afternoon, and threats in vtdnto al)PO~So the rabble. ,Th.,mtlliary ~treogthened~ but 1lama ~tunbcu, who effects : "OL*t of work and no bud- , with back. lint no l The sweetface of were me, do to burn the prison. Itws~ was 6<)remanded them, sill hopedfor peaccfsl ne~s," He .lied a brief interview with This is Nelly Johnson and theshrinking forms thou determined to force the ,convicts and w~,relnetant to’ begin the ’tile proprietor Of the hotel, Hi, trunk pf detenseloss l/ttlu ones comebefore into their coils, and at thts juncture a nqemt% aJt nndloelpllucd mas~of men. ~vtm~ftas Security for his board bill ; ’ the street blask toffol hie view, and dashing the prespiratlon companyof armedoitisons arrived, and, lml#Rer.of Athost the phys[clml~dllvcn he hypothecated his wetoh for the ~loan : ’ marching lute the prison, drew silk, t from his brow~the Eursuod dash on. took rethgo in the 0f $I0, and having kissed the tip end. ,r ploatll Ward. llut a fourn~es more mad sno- line, ready to fire outhe ’of his coral llugera to It kind snd’eym-i ere were of monetration of dlsobed cot is’at LandI , pethotio landlor~l he "wont diving for t Nearer comes thO pursuers. Now a.quieting offoot evon ontho mosttur. protecttheut. the:bottom;" He ’found "bott6m" on ’ silk tape.’ "’~ are ve~) to, youngEssox;for it Is three-score bnlent, and in ,tfew minntes all were , Water0treeS, where a atcemer was. -L be SHammed wit[~ behind bars and bolts, a gtmoxalatonesIon$i.w]th ,apron res to oriel Bl~e. od, bravo little lag diachargad of cotton by Dtttehmun,+ I spLrala of the greasdino a~d frlr ~orss; straln musolc’endnerve heart, ty having been lint deelaxed by the losano with rn~e, autl heMroeeand Yankees, tlavtnffpurohM~.., while the French back la or your workwitl be we~Ldbno I BLdo, officers of the prLeou. . diem doubtless rcady Ibr murder, they a heavy pair of boots, a blue shirt an~ owe: the tonrnnro in tho ,: ~owlcd eRer th0 tremblhtg Inmates, and ovorMls, he commencedrolling :a~d ’, ou~gEssex, for everything is at stake I fadhl0n, gLvlngthe appoarmaoeot Onw%rdrushed the horse, his hoofs Txtm Pot,~&--Tlto l)opos of Ilome madea determined effort Ioemrythe JaLl piling ootton atthe, rat..of five ee~ .,t mouldedto the Ion8 slender Waist , beating Useto theahort, ,lulok breaths have, until moderntimes, had a rather ty storm. ’ ’~er halo. Jn three weekshn~wlm:,lme~.~| front ie usually without darts, ~nd Gee. C!lnton,John Jay, Alex~tl©r Jlm- meted to the position of., ",lp~r~°~t,l The 8sp closes I Twang I A sharp’ roughtime of it. Thefirst flltoen, it Is /) with a belt. pain in the side, and the rider reeled lU s~Id,were bohe~led or ~uolfled, and ~mend Gcn. Stcubeupl,ccd ,thenu~olvs0 with a salary of 815 ’per ~m,qut~, I~u[IJ~.:. the saddle, but for au instant only¯ between224 and l~J0t ten were killed ia Jefore the wild lUu~h calling, cutreatlog., theexplration of"n|ne’ ~ilbi~thi q tb’: hl~ _ I~t~ok’s mother and old ~1~1. Bending low in the saddle, the whip]s a variety el ways. Of those who have mdexlmstcladng, bttt lhe teit|lltu,le c,red ~ fight to 8rowmellow.,bve~,&, Idd~’~ l,thLt~ lur great menIhSlh .l]°hoy tlememdo ~3f 8125.permonth,,~0-dm~y4~lt 8~lti~:+ &" wee" t, alklng about little babies, r~ised Iortho exit time, m~dfaster fled filled.the I~outifleal ohalr 170havebeen 0d Shutat Ica~t the doctomill w ho~ Offices , manis one of thpla~pt b~ ol~-t,-. "Why,’ said Mrs. Snooka."When J the horse. Italians, m~d most of’ them Romans ; 0*ey had foend human rcx.~hm should bo ~Ura in ~a~, ’stileS. " ’ , ’ , ,, wMn baby,they.pat me into’ a quarl And now the green ramparts and ni~e have been Greeks, nine Syrians,~ given op to them¯ ’ ,’ ..... pot and put the lid Over me~" ’* Aud ntoeka~ttgat~a of 1,’ors Kearney oamo flftoe. French, two fh~mPalestmo~t@o "’ "~ ..... ¯: ’- ~*:~ -t Tlds wmof eo~morefa~d, ~ml" they be. ...... ~iff ~ot law?" wi~s ’th0 a~tbx~lshin8 in view. The btd~.d ~vages turn and 8anlinbms, co. Portuguese t one AusIbrow ,~ton’up IuM+ b~l~k++Mthqq~J-~ A, SMrtmeate/Oak~,.~+~tekDI411nk: a inquiry. "They t~ll me I did," wt~ set out rapidly qp the trod, while t&t~ trireme ons D0toh, cue Baglish. ’ There Kmx*to dlem~-thr~e’t*glii~emt~’ of ]~dvt~ut[dnafy~Sdlifornia Is losing Its population by th~P~-~xpl~,r~q~pll~t ’~tWell, did yon fainting rld~ 0b~okatha |klteri,geh,l,n are eo meny Italian oardinqls thdt the vetelans--wlm nh,od an,nnd the Jail Co. emigration tothe east of the lkmky Mffffbb~’foli to knittin of his dvieg horse. One last look at chances are largely in favor of an Ital- eaaloxlallyn IdSlOl wouhlgooff |U ihe liantls, 8¯ ov~l~q~l@~r~¯ Mountaitmat the rate d ~,000 pec liku one bewitched, the wave8 sea ofgreed, and they enter /an popo. ot some uno In the crowd, Mr. Jay wtm month. . x r ’ 0 , J~ " \ ..... ... -.~ . : - ¯ . /. \: " " " I ....... ....... =r ¯aid tbeyum lesrui¯R. m~ the Republio~ L00AL:MISGE Forthis thdGovmi~ party k~mot; iml pebblethrown intuit by-theeditorof-tFe: evli;-aodouly,evil-eontinu¯lly~:~his ~~t~nd~hen,_with:the_hg~,_: meet’exits-in: both-parties~ " we sappose, e~ erecting some kind of ¯ is ~ny reek UPOnwhich . .... ¯¯ ¯ tam:mine tidings . . , ¯ :’ " " . and tLe r~ult will be the emue, eutlve~ andSudiml appropriation j. , of.joy, er eome thi¯g .reek of sectionalism. ele. ise between extremeS, eatidsotory-tobothHon~ngr~_ The eountry,"and ’ ~ :B, H. Be ¯ m*h ,him be hrait]~eato-~-o-si~/u ..... waa-,tsu,s,.. ..... .......... ; i ~i’-~at,/,,:~-;F"~=a, bill "sad ..... hu this#eL. otl~e~s, who .eympathbe:with:them:- --7 .... K~l]i-Plme ,, ¯ s:oos.: ..... 8~t,t!Pldlldm._~_ pertktion questi0u:--Andnow, Mr, Presi; - - .... " -will- *it do¯ bettor ~nee In -ifi t~t4nt" ¯ f someof.the largest ¯rid most " t-: Empori Gr um-:- Dry P..ot,.l,. s.c.,tag..,o. wtthoat "’ " ¯- " : Gloves, Hosiery, &o,, AND CAPS Ae D SHOES, "" ~ are’reeeivin¯,-u they deserve. the requited a|si~t¯nqe" ia I mlmufuturing, wnd ooeof the best posted menwa hunt.in men, onWalted to hbt in lades of sit.., a¯us. Only for these occasional poper Leaders, nor by the falsehoods.and mis- rotary, wrote ¯ request to the eommittee fits, a8 the produee:woula be .’sold ¯t ¯ fMtlou Onl~ representations that areoontinually thrust that-twelve of the fourteebdivisions less pries. The ditl~bu;ty san only be over . Kemember thte houa " *hum, one would herd|y suppose thet~wo S6~ :eompromise oome by progress’and by the-i¯~remd’- political Oat-tie8 existed in the county, so before-them, by Demooratio papers, nor sl~ould.be retains&it their aades. by the unscrupulous slanders and denun- h~s: been reached on’the qaestiou~f re- i~’owth of tnanufaetums.. If gentJemeu to rutlr0ad or boot from.wheuoe the3 worere- : -" ........... B~t we know there :are party spirits, elations of those who have been disapfor. ¯ ’ that ass watehiug :he,N~ing events,not poicted ¯by non apprL~eiation.Of their tat- Treasury Department, and the dLemissals SUbjset and establish, , ..... o~eo of the, @f these¯nay glone;~bot of the nltiou-- en!s, and h~nee forsook the party, to bring will not be so much at whole~ie u first that they will eonmmethe bread and . Ira¯. : . : .. .- . : : " ¯ dr. It. HELFRICH, watching, waiting, thinking, in silence, forth ¯nether, sod failed. But they are ~t opened. Many a poor family that hu meat ¯t the door, making the eoommer ... :gs hrel,y St., N,w Yo~lL ¯ and in grief, sometimes, at the~.pohti~l satisfied the-prineiples’of the :party are been called- here from ¯ disttnoo by the theoeighbor of the producer, then then ¯ 0tits head ¯ elerkshsp, will till be-zselUtien -and aspeet, md how.diffe~nt do the .same sound, ¯ and fight. ~.hey ~kdow they are and. appointment ]~ad-~-ve~r-be-en sbl; to toeave ¯ dollar not then.. Theof-the-question, grain esl~ing Steles . B_i~TfHLI~],~’: things ~pear to the.dtferent Ioolcers-oo. ~ogresmve. ¯They will give ¯re. rapidly reeedioK westward.. out licen~.e. :good:to the v-free-the. Iodieua,-Iowa ¯nd-M which tneF AtIn many eases there is:ant¯aa utah a market at home. for all they san the nation’s ~olitieai ~tspeet is bright, they wiileling to these priooibles till bet. It~ Im ,~o~1 ¯ glorious, progressive and ~ progre.,sing, .tog are found¯ L~.t our local, aswell as. need of the services of these clerks, lad preduee, working ~t ¯ stupendously groat, grand be based on the WZ’A’P~. ~ Republican party, and without reasonable excuse. and . throw overboard the dishonest The prastieal repeal cf the moiety law .. ~on iu every form; ¯eolviog of thedeep tional politieitn s when they eeme to the relntiug to the eolleetion of in the Senate by the House - the~ m-~t be and selfish, and put’.good, bill with ¯mendmente.-woul&~remlciu-¯ .... ¯. .~beri . Bintohl.eFa Pun tot; ~ " - Places," sad we ’ need not ~ falling off of the revenues of the snvtt¯tton to uidreu the veteran sol&ere true men mthet_whilethe other ean~e uothing but ty .......... , aeuudirest to . ¯ .... lear the fateof the Bepubliean psrty~ country, It isbedly worded ~nd sadly ontbatoeetsion. ¯ ’¢llAtq. O. BL&TOHLEY, Manul’aeturer, . - muu~’, op/~’emil, ,wrong, oorru~tion, 18.,;0 and the State and mixed in its provisions. It ie intended A cow e~ttle dim has broken out o n u, ¯ ee Stunt, Fknt., P~. fraud, dseeit, ~od the~bemie¯tsou of de- Purify local politics, " elation,-dating in 4high .places, sum n~tional must besound, to relate to the navigation laws.as we]! 88 near ~’ent0~. It elosely resembles spot~’O ~’~O ted fever, .but it¯eeem~ to pe at#stable; ~y,--be. . Custums. .. is ¯one good,--oo not one, .from: highest alive to your duty in the Campaign now refers io terms to the uavig#tio~ laws, before l~. ]Jet. work. with diligence, uader whi0hmoietieawilL~tillexisL The it; yet nooeh¯ve died. : to Ioweet--a~ even the..b~t are,full-of o,d provbion isiviog an appropriation of TheNewJermyC~wt~,of Tom’sXiv: . ~ueleaoue~. Th’us:the Spirit of par.~ :and ¯ determination to preserve the of the Republican party; ¯¯ud t~00,000 to be aw#vled by the Secretary st, says Dr.Kimbell:0Ll~tteuto~¯, hu ¯ ¯ ; "or TaX0~ IN ¯ :: everything that rises*0¯ the :golitieal bur-: we shall surely win. " of the Tre~ary:t0metitOrioua:idforinetsT ti-yiog qua¯o with ma0ee~ in the C L A ]~ lr,~ i:][3 U I L DI lV Go- is parhaps better than uo reservation st i prevention of seald in the emmberry, hen. But thaeare thoes amongae who; ~. 0ppoelin the Printing neon, when yon wilt : ~ok without prejudice, god while thef ¯ 0Ur ~~11 LO~:.. all, but the ~uti0n which the recent ." "-’ . fi4dlhn~emertmeasofOomoetlo~ I j : esemucht0_blame, tfiey__see ell. us!IT:mr_ :WAsnls(n’°s’D;G":June]4’1874"ela’°rraised-l~i~et-iM0~-n~m 8outbero rsilread is better ¯ "dues ¯m0ng Treasury of~cials~ will pro:mush, if ¯of more. to praise sod edmire. " weather hie again turned euddeuly vent any relieees : upon this tend for more eatld~eterily Goods! .... /_ lPerfeetion.b "¯trained I~ none, end per- ¯ TI~0 enid. :So enid wu it la*t I ....... ’ " .. , . . .... regularity, fr~ightiS ’delia.-more be. teen on the streets imperleot men. Me.a, ae noble, flue a¯d wearing were totheir¯ overcoats. :Just think .... ..... " prompt¯ y ¯on aeoomm0diuone are J~t¯u io Po;sibie, ms,_dothings ¯ with¯ epeoittto e~ort on tUeespart . me ..... :... ...... win be t.u. ettoUdtaeo to lhow . the only three da~s sines the mereury rose to:soy eitisens mix themsel u i ex theprivate or mum__ no oomrormtty wtm the totereate el Mn: Oin~k pure motive, and yet.their sots meyhave " .v p n . " ’ tbf_~nb]i~.~_~_. then’has g ~o4~q_ _la__:..n..~e_prlma.~Thukful_for_peet fro- -- ....... i a :deMdedlybecLeff,.aat~ro, _: .......... :: -:~i .1~5 in the shade; Such_weather_was ganiaed war.upon the-revenueswhiehwtll’J-’~-:-~beeneusto’-ar~:dur~ - ......... ~ ,. ..... .:~. vmm-woattutsollett s ohemOf tt~e publlo pat- ." ¯ ¯ ¯ tree -the " passage .ot... tats ’ moiety I togl tee pt~t ore, Then st present, it;" haul to tell what: :neve~z~erieueed here before. " reSUlt It’-’-’s :’¯ years, at neat, on tale romqle, gvorytblng w~raetod 18 reprmontd ’ r -I P Congress’is now in full b~st.+ Tbei .... - . . ¯ ¯ . .. ...... oe.:..Xtl gr]ttt;ylogtoetareslllouooer Eaammblrthatltknotroublotoahow.good~7 . " ’ the political future maybring forth. Par. bill. Spies tan informers are not atw¯ye ’.l . . IIt¯.L maot~meot, toe,end ears. H~.TS e present_ ,Co~gressmentaketo ho~twcather¯sdueks . ties are divided, sections are at first ele~ gentlemen, and mdeed your io-**how ¯ bala " ° ~ ssotio¯al w¯ots b!ind the eye*.to nil else tow¯tot--at leas* so it wouldseem from -so respood~ it hen no likioglor"the likes ¯ ~ .~ ~ :, .: n~ m r,~vo.r or" tan r~.a," in v¯ri0u, otyi,o. ’ ¯ ’ theJaot that they ave nev,r ready to ,at , - . . ’ a,lq tuar the ten ants oseg rot the To tho~ whowish to hay, tbelr feat ihod to tad there seems at times to be ¯ area of them..’ But that is not tun question ¯ _:_.t. :, ~ :__ , . -.pay . .. iu their be~t time until near the heel of .now and here. Are they neesesary evils strike--~wH paid last week." muutu ov o~nu¯ry--just previous to tun k,ep th,m warmend dry will plouo enll lid - want of national ratriodsm. 8tote.rights, sxaminuthe inrl* ¯¯d woJl eeleotmi stoeh of er whnt is equilly as dangerous to,na* -the session, when the bent is almost uu- in the revenue Berries? H,ve not eli endur¯bi~. ’ Now it ts ezpeoted what day, ¯ atonal promper;ty, .e~tiousl rights, are countries.at all times aieeeeivlligetioo and .... BOO,’S Om~]nEaL z~sawi. .... i........................... e~i)ping .out everywhere, over*hadowing nights, and Sunddys’will be-tbe~t~e commerce begun been compelled to u~m .~ at erJees to |altuvurybody. Theee are the ¯ and obliterating theweightier m¯tter, the with ,Congres. Only ¯me for eating, the eervie~eofinformers? John Harper, senior member.of the and .very little sleeping will be dedueted re#! questions, end they are grave noes FL 0U-R & ~ E ~.. ;) , latin¯st welfare. Beetiooal wants end ~rm of Harper Broths¯, h reported to of all’g~de| et bottom prJetu. demanda should be heeded, but *bould from.so¯tin¯el work. lethe sou¯try. Ths eleventhhourchaege be~eriously ill ot paralysis. , The .defelt, iu the House, of the ~en- of base in the 8enmte, whereby t~’ey re¯ *hey, be pmmount? That tkis seo-Oholt~ (}~ocel’/os ¯ Au ezohsego Says; "Wh~u nhomnu die’ ate ourrenoy I,ill yesterday ereated¯ crest sensldered ¯ resolve to, emit any authorieontinues bin Ioml paper beeatl~ j.5 airtiooM fseliu¢ him had mush todowiththe eouet,¯dy ou btuq. eoasterna~ion. There were many who ty to seeure books and papers of parties’ ded~t of the 0en~¯nial bill in Coolpxte, :voted against it, or did not vole ¯t all, in oberged with fraud, ie ¯ surprlseto many grieved tt sometl:ing iu it, he merely: -th~do-~-L The eeeliooal art¯stern hie n,me from the sulumriptioo witk 8tats rights sentiments, led me the House, who would have voted lor ~t It J| the redoemJu¯ feature of the bill, list to that other li.~t q~ite a~ Itrgo--tho~e were it not that it was under~toqd that and on it hopes mmy yet be built for ¯ re~outh to rebellion, bringing innumerable who borrow the paper ev,ry week ; he the President would veto it io nase of ile lurn In legl~letioo on the eideol the evils upon themselves, besides death, ¯ ever stnps resdJng it." ...... paesag~ .......... -Imfferi¯g, ¯nd devutation; as well as plae[’reasury, without iocreseing the laxation .The usweoaferenee oommittee appoin- of the citiseo. It is nnw Jnderstood thai The Finsnnial Editor of the Ph[led’el-lnl-amlll-stoneowthe-¯eek-of-tho-i yealerday by the 8euite:~idHou,e the-W~y,-and Mean~-(Yo-m-m t~h-#~o-,~-phiL~cdo~laLoeuupL0~[_thlt.podtio o _ Jn the *hap~ of debt. Now the 8¯us of the 8outhgarc mourning and groauing ie sensidered a good one, notwithstanding so¯surfed in nearly nil the Senate emend- for thirty-mur years, on the first of the coming mouth; end he sa,’s, "No one 4ver their aenf-indueed troubles, for whieh the West hla a t~o-th[rde majority in the meats to the bill. number o! Iho paper in all that time Lli~r,. ibey bite¯ (~ongresa and the Republican eommitteo. Uoth Senator Steve¯son, el having been published -i’huut ma’ter el Msrshs]l, of ~mrty. South 0am]iua ie but reaping her Ky., snd ~eproeeotative his preparing."111., of the oemmittee, are unlike ha-dThe ’bills reeentiy e~ople by bo,h ¯eward for her treashery and fratrioidal d money Thurmen, and yet they urn not l/ou.ea el Congress, affecting pensious, CONVnNSgDCo]D’zI.--A Prsnohmsn doelrines, whieh were imst~lled into every went into effeot on the 41h d,y ol this roams coff,,o, griudo it to fl,)ur, moistens ehild born and bred In the State, Iron, what i~ popularly knownas iaflutioniste, The In¯K-looked kxr report ot the 0on- present mouth. The bill increasing the it slightly, mixes tt in tW~Uif, weight el earliest life up, and ahedoserveabut little g~mpatLy or eemmiaeratioo. It ia but ¯ mitres no the ])ietriet of Oelumbil affairs pensions of seldlors and sailors whohove ~owdorodwhite sugar, and l)r,;s~ea tt into been tolslly di,ab’,ed provides for ¯mend. tablet,. On¯ of the~sean be divined st tma ie the wheel or.fortune, made by will be mode to-mo~ow, end it nseer, tim,people themoelvee, in¯ fit of political minedthat it will ant be at ¯11 ere4ilab!e meat of the low of last year, au tint eel- any time ~, l’ot or sohl water, maki0~ at Of~eiels. The people gen- die.’a tad Jailor~ who*hall have b,ten so 9non Ihe vary perleotiuo of ~offoe; end it susdwm, whleh wu stopped in its rove- to the/)latriot Julius, and they were lelt nt the bottom. orally bern have all ¯long, until quite pe.’manently and totally dis.bled ¯a to re ’|a oluimed that a poundof tt, e ber-y will Why should they oomplaio? They must recently, belcived Ibet very few error-, hod quirs the regular psreonel aid arid etten0- go touch lurthor by thi, th~n by any Imw wtit.--they might Jm well wait wlth been eommitted by the Board of Puhlio sues OI another peroou by Ihe loss .I other preparaliun ol thu bevorsgs. sight of both eyes, or hy the Io~5 ot the patio¯so--till the wheel makse another Works. Thn closing up of the invastigs, /Th, Pennsylvania Rationed Company, Involution. Why ¯then blame ConKreea tioo developed sstouodioK mismenage- sight of me eye, the sight of the other hvo put no ~ through Exl:re~ fro,n the Repuh)lm¯ party? lied these not msott to say the least, ¯nd the people al- haviug been previou,Jy lost, or by th, We t l)hilnd.]phi~ l,) L’mg Bru,oh. I, ~n lenient--all too lenieut--lbey would m.~t a, a unit will indorse the report ef I,a~ el. both hands, or by the I,~s e! both i~ but ¯ c.uple o| ~’eaks, or I1,} ug,) they ]bmvnremaoo to eomplaio. They Lees do~o the eommittse and gladly seoept any feet, or by any other Jnjery rt.suhing J. c~’;tUmu,,dodru,mi,,~ a through tl,in Ir0,n 1~ them what.they eould, butlike spoiled ehange of Iovemmentasa¯ improvement total and permqnsnt heJolnamne,s, ohaG L);ttd)u’g tu ~;,,WY,,rk, leenenlngIh0 tin,,, be entitled tn ¯ pendon ol IIG0 per month, w~r" mucb,;;y muklnqm,ly Iwe nr Ihro,, 81d wJ]Iful~t~dre¯, they will not l~e bow no the prmeol one and this,hall be In lieu el a pension el etnp~. This ia at: iauproremnnt Jo rrevel, There hse been, within the past two they m beLng pueisbed for the $31.25 per month g~tntod tn,nch pcrao~ iu a*vi.g of umu. wk~eh will bee,me dmmNhlem’Jmeof treason, ted not trot- ’ weeks, nsarly three hundred numerouslyelgned pathious from the North lad by asidm~eltoo, prnvided tbettbeinoreaee p.puler. Aa wu’ have a~id belore the. IIII slots, bet l*ebeard of erueltlse InJillIKI upon Iho p|tie¯t, mffod6g I]lVe. What, praring tbnt Government aid be of pauoion shall not be/ranted by re¯ran Pu.n,ylvs,la ltunlrosd Cumpa,y, Im:-s to’the 0ootJnenteJ P~ R. Co., of eny of the JnJurisa herein speeifl~%l un- ¯ tier the welfare ill’ the traveling 1 ubl o. Jml,,,Poeelf 7,/,i~~li~ewhileJn their exle¯tm il bldidildl ¯ dolbleqmdk fretaht railrotd less the **melavonmdt,d ie p~fflaewl¯l audIll dolug m~ prumOlas its owl.. : 0~oe O~L~tg’youa ~tont. - ink¯o i _~.q~" For retl ]i~ go to nobby Ii~ The *hipmeuts~l V~¯¯v¯¯~n’a. of 8trawberrles "Arl~.r,s Magmi~for July Is. she eertsinly m~nifeets a eommeudable enter. prise, and l,.desi~e to promote the welfare IOWa,. of the ~ O ~i e-e ’ .vsflinib ludlostinK’ageneral heeltby eoudition of the oomm~nity,£uanchdly*’a¯dpbysieally. .... ~-~retty-Mgh~--Hay& - Co.!e At least suoh-18tha J~dgmeotone wouldform 16rgolSeld orelover~ heir theWinslowststinn. true- th¯ ¯¯~tG thrifty little, b0mestead~,¯¯d @nomlghtlive iu elovur ¯there. the luimhtut ¯rewth of vegetation, the. fruit trees, grains vines, undother am¯il ft u,t plants~ Win. Hay-and Elmer Riehmond. all of wbioh¯re 1¯die¯torn. pot¯tin¯ to indueof Wluelow,druvu to Muy’eLandi¯¯, one ¯lut week, sad eeu¯ht and took fr6m the poud try and enterprise seldomequaled. It hsa been t7 or quality of g~odi, or In prieer. rome day. ¯ ~ The very latest_ sty!es Be:too "Ml|ppe~’ for the Lad!us. ut VAansval~¯’s. tmroion Ur¯lns, th* Olp~ll, mall, soeommed-. the n,wepapereof Phil¯delphi¯, and elswhere, and tbe ridioulu and lively ¯ppe~rouceabout the s~tlon. Mreasm Indulged in by.that sheet ¯re still reOur ira;t-growers ~re blest in memberedby mauyjand with no goodto, ling bayingpinuty of rain. It will lengthuoout the towardit, ]But wuhave grownsteadily, surely, no_w,formil*s in exte¯t~ the land whioh ~trawberry. scene¯, and makefruit Ilnar and- ¯and was th0 Jubjeetof~rtdieu~e~d ~derisiv~j0kes,, .more ¯bnndtat. Oar onterprisnt|g ueigbbori is the wondsroud admiration or visitors. We will spe~k of--~ l~’Jptiou.. All the. butter. It rosy comelate brought out.of the chaos .of weeds~brush,and _ _ _- llay la Aug~l. ¯ swamp,whieh_.de~rye.~peelal mentiou. ut thu oorner nf 0entrtl ivd¯¯e" ]~lmoedt5 the Optieiau. will visit = Comma¯sing Name¯ton ,qlslu noxt Th¯red¯y. Themwho lad Bro~u/wsy,ennui the net¯net and well kept , " ’wleb to sue bin will do well to someearly l¯ li01u rtrme 5¯that af Robert IJlttle. Mostof when he pureh~ed it tto day, Its 8oouafter the mot¯innmail ul poe" lihl*, thou~_hho will boherenil thu duy. eightyears or io ego. There wuu good house fruit. But Mr. Little hnm ll" NO ten-off .¯t Yendeveear’s, for eleaned up thowku!i lnt~ whleh il :ow under ~oslmpin reusoa it ia ¯ever put on. 0¯o prlo~ Iood ooldvatlon. Hohen ¯no uppIo sod pear e¯d tb¯t lower ,h~ any etkor dueler in of ¯eat¯see, well kept grounds, and gooderopJ, ~1~ 0aptai¯ CoTe¯an, of Mty’a Lind. Sevorel planes l¯ Breodwuy ha:’u been uogleer~J~g, w,ilo his volml wII lylog ut or maurbw’ed-foreerorslbldp of hb erew, do| out four youolrad foxel b~ua’ll-makl0~ th.om their burro%going ¯u,rly thirty feet be. which e FIWysarl qo w-- the belt on that tom sueurlog them. 0no of themdied loon ¯f- ilreel, well leawith [reit trent endplants, but -- -~r ankle¯, uud aa¯thor Jumped’overboardund hu beeaneglected fo: several yasre" and his efforts bsve been Welt made. Onsomeof the drowned, on the puss4pt home. poorest ground--wewill not sail it soil, for OwPteaOou~rt 8Ul’V. ) there seemeto be ¯one--we8on Ihrlfty trees, Alsu~o~l,.:. J., Juuulath, 1874. ’our¯ and potetoes growmg,vising in luzuri I¯ eider to seeemm6dute psrties ilvlnK ¯t ¯ anne with amylooati,m In town. Mr. Holt’s dlstaueo, the uederslgnodwlll °be ut Noreross ]¯,tel, M*y’slaaudi¯g, ou Monday ofeeoh.week, phase id workeda¯d oeeupied during hi8 ab. ¯ from 9 A. M.to’4 P. M., until further notion. oenee by Mr. Well¯ton, and Jhowetheeft*el el U. B. WKOHT, County SUpL OrlPICl Cneavv Seen. Aancell, N..T., June I~th, 18’f&J -:.7 or . ~ ~. HAR£W~LL, ...... ;~tl~ ~U~NT ~ te ~ _ r132~ 3 30 -.-;;- -4"73 _5--gr EdWard .......................... : ........ 1 03 Wm ....... . ........ "......~..... ~6-35 Busbee,,J.W....... ...,. .................. : ......; 2 77 " ...... - ...... ~.,,.. ¯ ~-8-44_Miss,...................... - ......... ~.1-0e-Clark.John......... "................ ¯ .......... ;._.AGa : ~VJ:’~in---~4o~d~ ............. ’ . -A;S..;;..;..;;;;;;..;.;...;,,............ ’2 65 _ ._Wm_H .................................... ! 02 _ _ _ NEARDLDHAMMONTON~old,DH........... . ......................... 2 04 -6-8¢ ~ 0e Clement, Sam¯el ................................. Cooper, Ralph................................... 2 04 Drown, T,8 ........... ~....................... ... I 02 Francis......... 4 83 :F, P, VANDEVEEAB,. B00ts andShoes. .o....,o..... 5 55 Dana,B. Y.,..... ................................. Demo,y, L..D.............................. ¯ .... I 5S Euder~, George..;;;,;..; ;; ;;;;;-..;;,;.~.~:..;.... ~4 I-do not proposeto pnf my ownOooJs. The -Fowler,Elwood ...... ; ......~...";;.;; ............; 9 12 QUALITY of the well-known variety T keep Chae .......................... ,.........~ 3 06 6 6~ that the credit systemis injurious to nll parries FOR INSPECT£0N. and 8ELL ON 1 25 Gerron,J B..................................... :nvolred. Wenowre:luee everything toao,~sh 4 08 ................................... basis~ and prppose to buy ann. sell tor c~sh or MERITS. Partioular attention given*"to CUS. Hughos,’Wm 43-tf Haoeum, Wm.................................. ;.: ]~ 30 exeha-uge/th-Us avoiding all I-o see in bad debts TOM WORK. : " Higglnson..B. S .................................. 7 115 end eavi~rg all dlsconnte in buying. Wefeel Ilartshorn,Wm~.; ............................. " e 62 eo¯fldent thatbyeodoin~weeunglveoufoueHoff:ran~ J,eob........................... .....;.. 7 53__ tomers asgood goode at le~sprises t~sn for- . ................. ~ .- .. Catherine .............................. 6 I~ morly. Our stunk iKlarge--]arger than usus:l The undersigned has opened a Berber 6bop on Henley, Hale, H. T ......................................... 3 24__ ~e¯d’our prices will be madeon a cash basis. 4 85 Anyrel~sonablequowityof gun’dewill be doBeil0vue Ave. " Warner ,;.....:.....; ...... . ......; .... 1..02 llve-ed. Barber She ooenUfnud~h~wbuld-turn~it to ¯6count, preener one ml)e of tke suttlon withoutextra charge, nnd ¯row riob. It w¯e thou¯ha whentbe Y&n Thankfulforpest,patro¯age~esolJcitacoukeen eret.eumehere theT wouldnot no’able to tin¯anne of the samein the future. " live eve¯, on what woes¯ppoled t~b¯ day morui¯¯, ooeuple/15 e¯re,aa~.they were dustry and pereevormieethese wanstunk have ~ell AII~L Yesterday Iornlag th¯ Union Rz- prospered, end nowhave boeutitul ~d thrifty DE~TI~T. the little ones. ttS.00 too well provided. ’ ...... c,,py ". ,Mrs.do.................................. folks the minds of old ¯nd and oeveutyfour.- ring, eolleotor of the town of Hammonto¯. ever~y_ ~Vas~- 4.*e~l~ ............. y~tn&ox; About Town. 410,80 quurts. North Hummontono~tlon hvn not-heard-frem." .............. ’:ImproVomoUt ~-’tho~6rdsr ’throughout -the AflLel~ ~: the- 20th of- June, 1874, town. -In a ride through osverul streets on " -- 6ur terms will b~ CASH. S, Tilt~-is-d0ing :bu-sluess on .,t 4110 MRN. I. ~’. POTTER. .... ~’~orns~ : " .... ,t~ ¯r0 worth 10alg-]y -" I~ WANTgD--Immedlately, at Paok- though but.re0ently engagedin the trade, u¯d truths, pure I - ~a-ssloonrggoed,_eapebleglr]_or wo_muu._Towe are glad ~o Jesmthat they ore to 0e annum,whieh.the *mehaa one ge0d w¯ges will be puld. to om "1871, ":; " ’ =!P.M~-~-.-- --;hand and seal this?tmmty- ~-, plane st?.*he .o~m wal¯ut’nr-._:.-/-::~-:-~une8Olh; 17.tf ud believe our readers will be a~ goodtime te aubsoribe. reod it. mageeinefor t munufteturingouterprtse, ¯~/d no ¯doubt they aWant. and gin. s the -bnv¯.donu_woll~_but t he~hevua l#ud~bledesire Wuhi¯sto¯i D.O. " ms:at¯ the-E~tery~s Often Treas. lutivn of this( the future may be, party unon all should be the rule and guide.of all 1~ :~ ’ " - from 14 to 5 while’it gave eeve~:di- -prices. for a&rienltur~pr0duots by any its ere~#odetrry ..... , . O’ur county is but ¯ speck, ~m niomvillous to the mugsay toe hove.been lookjn~f, and weit¯ be avoided, 8PgOXALTY..~M~.. HisOdebrated. Ool~m .... ohm, with thee salary to their heads, ap to fu~ti~h ius withn Ijrseh leo#! poiki- one. and we believe our 4~q~ro0nu i X etan~d-this-importaneo~Heuee this silent; ¯. ¯ ~ . ~d.tv. eLI item, iWe did~hi¯k~he~p¯perq~ellets i i survey o[ the p~litieal ]lndsoepe. The. t¯ry of the TreuUry, and with the e¯eepw~s°f the betmusp°rtation-eeeeunt’a drawb#ek; I meaul+It will at~.m~or~t-’" ’~ -:-tO: ~rl~.(~row8~l.":-’ --~ ....... exchanged wi6h our ,po~ifie¯l bppoueut : . ¯ would bays furnished . ¯ . any yours ozporieaoe i¯ the Oo-mmbston: basin|w, ef our ~ougty p¯liti0imuS to have etid voters of this county are,_in largo mejori’ chief gets $3000, the same te heretofore, . " ¯ud from h~J extonelv.mequ¯inUmee.withant, something. But they,merely looked ,On, ty, in the Republiean part.y, snell:they it exttititi0g very little,interest i¯ the’mat- are not to be drawn ¯way .from their po- sailed Prineipal Clerk& to 2,800 per now prevailing, and if it could be dons, ouh ,ittl l for¯lib powerfor both ohopo. Maehinerywill b’e .added adequateto th~ . Terms,$3 ¯ year. It Is the oldest ..... Imde¯tAer Of-. wh’ere;nlld.0.wel]. r |toumpowerJr to be brougkt into ___~VAeffofe,t(fle_Amevieaa" fe.’oue_pf_tbuyory_ .:Firmor.-meread it. ¯room on the |r~t ¯ umber oontolns from should 4.5Y, lad mt~mingim ~1 morning~1,ann At~ o¯ the r~lht cf.thslud~mmd ten to Sftoeu will be made ~ty~it~;0Mruad:Ksutnel~LJ~[~ of , ¯o~’el luvoutione~ ~U emg~thl lervle~ of X~red. A. ...... mentofTretauryof|ieialehasbeenmaehed, Y,,u are rbeeefor~ ~mnmoded to .|evy lush. .-eale of_:ao mueh --:-.:: - of the tlmber~:woed~borbe~e or~;,llsel~vllldiblO _propert~ of.the zwur. Endoa thin.premises’no taxed ¯s afore-old, n4:wl]l, Im~uMe~ut f0 pay the ddme~ with ousts, oeoordlng(~’ti~s’~ formof ,:OVertbo #tore. ]tog*re ~l~¯-i:-Attetaboxr~j~preu.:~J~’_0.. Wehave referred .to ihe oonditiou ~f sial¯retie¯; the South~ to showtht~ effsot : of the me- t]e’Cou,~ty just¯0eW, is local There is ¯0t ¯ ripple on the ooiide#l wa .lest. ..... ! r ,’ . ..... ¯ formed that .some Messrs. Davii, Patten, ud M. Vlaee¯t.. ¯re , gATU~I)AT.JuNn-SO, . o18T4. -" ": "/ " : ¯ on tbe:MmeaurlP, ivesr. ~ :~l~le proJsotore of . i. -/. Fruitsnd Prod¯so ion n¯er. -Huston~-Benjemiu............................... Holder, Eli. Est................................. A (~e~X~t ~OWel tO A~e~r.q ~afl/ G.W....:..;. .......................... OnSunday_from7 to 10 In ¯Holmes. Hn:blneo¯-&Go,~,.~..~.,.,....-...,,-,~.... the morning. I:iorton, JacobIt.~..,..~.....~ ............ ,...,. JOSEPH COAST. Ha~num P. R...................................... z.ine,T.W ............................. ~........... ..... .,,...oo.,.o.,..,,.,.,. o.oo..,.o ~ Kelley,Samuel ...................................’ DEAL-ER-I~ ];Ip~tt;T ~.. ................................. :-5 10 3 67 J 70 "2 04¯ 2 04 I ~I 1 ~I 3 41} 1 2(I *X04 ~IUL-0W-~IU U-aTe- MeKean. E. T ....... :..." ............... ........... 8 IS Morris,.Wm. L. ........ .....~ .................... 2 04 ~ 88 MH]or, 0. F ...... ;..... ........................ Myers, Cordelia. .............. ~ .................. e 12 REFEKE~CE8: ¯ ...... 8 38 Moulto¯, Mrs: ~ C ....................... un~ Troucurer AmerMort~.mer, J0bn.............. ~.......... .......... 1-41 is~n Innurauoe Co. of Philo. 2 ~-q Me,*Jlev, John................................... ~o. 3~I MarketSt. Phila Miebabaugh, Fred ....... .. ;;...;-...;.; ;;~;....~-,-~27 Albertson. Esq., C&mdon Co., N. J. -Watehes, Cloeks ~ Jewelry. Miller,-John ...................................... 4 $2 ]~|q.; Hammo¯ten, N. J. Repairing of all kinds~ in his line, done wt’b Marpole~A PEet ....... . ........................ 5 10 eat¯san and dispatch. Satisfaction ¯inert and Martin,.E, .C.; ....... ~......" .................... 8 16 MutuelCrdnberry Assoeiutien..:: ........... 5 L0 _Joe ..... .=~. s.v.~.~.~;~;.~,~| 0~ Wewould respectfully Inform our numerous ~Tpsoialuttentlon Nyl~ud, H ...... , ................................... 6 GI " eoatomersthat woare nowprepored to resolve WATOI~KS. Aho, dealer in Nicholla, Iss., ................................... e 36 orders.for Seal. Weare eelli¯¯it obeeper tbaa ¯ BOOK8 &:.STATION~R.Y If ewtou;-H~O;;.-.~;:..:.~....~T.....~.~.;.~:..;;;- T14.......... you can obtain as goodelsewhere.. Oliver, B ......... ; ................................ 19:14 all kinds. ’ Bineksmlth"eoel included. " Pressey~G.W................ ;...... ......... lO~ 03 NotV thetime putquality--the in your next most winter’s TOYS, NOTIO ~, FAI~CY ARTICLe8, You o"n’ia get the. to best for ....... ~9-~g Preaeey, H.T.............................. supply. Why! Bee¯use you save money¯ H031RRY,OLOVEa,&e., ut his Pressey,Mrs.T. Est. ......................... 1~ 24 888 Paso,Caleb..................................... OLD I~TAND, ¯ nod fire next winter--eomforl ~ . Bmtheqs(aid,., qt B~llev’" Ive I Page,Cbee................. , ...................... kinds and sizes so¯saintly o¯ hand. ~ | Rogers,.Rxra., ..................................... ~ Jl mull~prnmptly~ t Ridgeway,Samuel,Est ....... ..... ....... .... 5 ge ~ax bo aeeompaaLed by the’money ...... S~les . /Smlth, One. A. Eet .............................. 5 14 " Call u¯d try ut before you putehue. ’ ......... ~.,~ -9-It ~LSteelmaa,-J; ..................... n: ~ Y.i al._~ :. ¯ [ 8ta¯drlnt’, Samuel ........... ;,,,,; ............. 8 04 ~t0-43" The Baste’of NewJersey Be¯Ilia,John..................................... lf~|9 to Henry. W. Loft¯¯, Sanndere, J. C ....................... "; .......... 8 ~1 eneoenTn mmAWt j~]. ~ [[~*-.l~l~t. ste.., w,,.w,’-J,=v Colleotorof the townof Bnnre, J. W ........................................ 2 55 or* ,~e moat b~autSrul In ][ammonto¯of the enid Taylor,Robert.................................. S0d in lone Couuly. " "To~kinaon, T..................................... ’J i# III~ 1 53 nip 0,e CONbeet , WtlI~BBAS, the TownCo¯nell nf the townof Taylor,M.BExt.; .............................. e 12 ever plnc¢.d in Hemmo¯touintheeountyofAtlant*n.dil agree- Watoh~er, Dun el Eet ................. , ......... 2 04 Organ. J.t~r able to the eh,rtor of said town,on *h, 21stday We¯ks, We.H................................... 4 e8 ofFobrnery,A. D. 1874, deliyer.to thesub~ori- Wolrorton .................... . ..................... 2 0d be-, one of thejuatiees of the peweein and for Wixtor,Marvin........ ~........................... 14 09 e.tld oou¯ty, a zeturn o, taxer laid o¯ unimpro. Wilson, J.W.......................... ’...,.;’. ..... $ 42 and untenantedInns, tad on land ten¯uteri Weymouth FarmCo............................ 4 e8 f~l.ll[IgllNl:%u4ti/~ ned by persons no" tbe lawfdl proprietors, and by York,We.A...................................... 3 ~19 ~ I~IITATION those who were unable to pay their t-x iu said Zoiglor, A, J .................. of I~’ il U1~1A N . .................. 1 75 Philadelphia. ’L "’~t , :maya.m~ N., ~Yv , l~ay night,b~ aw0ke,in the middle ¯ of the j.. , , . the throat and.whis. worn . an~ side a: men. earn families their arrack on the burglar. :At this /ngpriee~ of -juncture the burglar’drew a p/stoI, and to provide two very scanty:- meals for : ( .’would have shot ¯ the farmer dead, had himself, ahd one only for bin wife and Hates I pushed .the one side. e~meupon a mass of bctweeu eight~ t in the. gr0in of her son. nine thousand men, womenand The burglar flreo again, hitting Mr. dren at a-, relief work.’ which w~ Bondin the right arm, near the elbow, road =or bank¯ of :earth. Civil Service ]lbf0rm...:;,The ’MaSsachusetts Senatej.pa~ed ’tl~ bili ..... [ngthe : 21 to I0. ¯ ....wasshotin Newburgh, ~N. Y., after having.bitten four pemone / i]neludlng’John~ i~’.’ Forsyth~ ~Iarehal Of Newbprgh:A:boy’had . st iattvu .... : ¯ Ii~ " . ¯ ’ v : " Lnrg&Nj m.ost~ .......~d~p~~romAes~, Z~owd~ ~ overturns that a crowd of "" ’ Belmont,.bound’the Sheriff, took and .hangedthem...... Thirty-five personshave-been-feed and-, ]oth, ’! -Jolm’S ~G~Ic~," Ne~" Yo~’kcity,~ sinceOet~21 boonreceived,and$21,10~L~0 disbursed....., It is predictedthat the grass cropseverywhere will.be heavy r~in fall , ow~g.to the unu~uM: during{hespring’¯... ~,Tl~r~" aro;,!forLy-eeven o~ .the:compost into the land :!: pistol; incutting theearthforthe. ¯ intoth~Ool. club.TheWeaponwasdischargedtwiee ,mentwee’infaireonditiQnase~mpare Iowa"burned their . " ¯while Mrs. Bond hel~ the barrel,, but with the majority. .... were -eafni~ iarmeroof Ou~hriocdunty, r_~=::-i " -:~ ..... :: = : Sting= no :d~e.;::~: Y0ung~:Bondre- from ten tetwelve cornbcoausethey-couldn’teeli’~it. Now they :: .... turnad:.with.a club, and broko:the leveling travel milts to purchaseit, "andpayhalf a " . burglar’s right arm with a blow.. The’ dollar a bushelfor~/t to feedt6 their ho~es. ple’I saw hero were squatted on the i with the intention ofsl~oot, bank and beating the road with ~mall ¯ Peter Smith,of Brooklyn,the non-society shot JohnCauningham, tho’utriker, ing the burglar, but before she could sticks from fifteen to. eighteen inches¯ cooper’who whoassaulted. himona VanBrunt etreet~ was use it her son had knocked him sense- long; The people sit in rows,.bein tO bail by Judge NeHuon in $L000 lessto theJloor withtwoheavyblowsdivided: into~malL gangsnumberin admitted on the head.., active.Canadian militia forceis to frbn~: t~ehtyl to thirty. ’The" workthe ...... The" ¯ ~ of the Bondswere do is the least possible, andthough th be]lrreducedto 30,0000~eersand men..~..The ~nefarmerwas terribly the Fort those isbarel bi providingf0rthe excavafi0n~of theheadandface.The ballhad made an ,’:_ the work" done by the i~.ople~ is:no Representatives ...... TheAttorney-andscour/ties...... Acontractor of JemeyCity lie.red was " was.brnieed by ~ ¯ worth one-fourth, of the ~ittance re ¯ of the UnitedStates lies decidedthat rgce~fiy l~t a_chv~Joad_unproto .~ Mrs,-. B~nd-had~: ceived.-~his-hhs:been-the-iact, I-be-- ~lrrespeetiveOfthe rime’orplace"ofmarriage,wherebya manwas.killed,, and he has c " deep.cut ¯over¯her left eye, wherethe lieve, on allthe so-called publi0works;" ¯. ortheresidence oftheparties, a white womau _ : " ~r~.-----~, burglar .had. struck .her.. Her son’s be ie the bast~for.:fliia.~ o ! " : ~’! : taken ’ : tarmer ~ought/t: in the groin. Th0 g t-o b Heeded.. the,, United . ~ed a Swans.and, ~eese; .. and was imbedded in the .. A great n~mberof Conflagrations that States.¯;.., (~vh~) . tre|h and. bfl~li~mq fHoinatton any the ¯ ~ecfruit ;!-’diseaSe ;we.U’ rubbed ~te the to rant and ~amfly them a good r KIDNEY and8LADDER C OMPLAINT$~ rally tar Cartagena,havebee~iembarked en~aT~Pan~eh~6uld save steamer at Orm prove gi~Ss dn~:th~d; " .... Over$200,000worth plun- the swans are victorious.the water at ,the geese then bound the’senseless burglar so he t~on. A useful lesson der werefonnd’in. their pssee~/:~n ..... i The llow Farmers Make Their Pork. : and, single-hand- i " could not escape ifhe cameto;: Mount- from an Ohio Democrat,S ’Rtate:(~6,~veh’tt~n meet i ~- ,~, Sterling, two.of. the’ crewOf. thewill svhooner .~ .who offwxth~eream~. kdl his i,~g~hotdb, she started as fast h~i it Manchester, Eng., recently, 0nAug.26..’...’..Frank Greenleafand~Iichacl , eou].d e~ry herl for .Milton. Arriving alarm of fire was raised, :A/argo room ¯ theme.: fa~ .... On~fa~to a’ some 200 . the~ishe ¯aroused Dr. Billings and was found tobe full of dense smo~, 1a. W.Hon~e,whowere lost on the:banks m wfog ~ ~a~ Some orop enough to feed"thema~ylonger,. for her house.. In an hour and a quar- monedto the Spot... On examination it in!-the schoonerSarah"Payree,~ havingboon two years ago I had not been home fd~ and he hod no old .eorn,to~,begin w~th, . ¯ ’¯ pick UP on -:the 20th. ,,It¯, after being i6 their_ twelve months.: Before -I~ left,~tSei’e Few farmers lmowthett old-eom~itheg_~il there, and ~vas soonfollowedby the eaused:bya largecoilof ’~en ~ax dory48hour~.- Theyfell mwithan abandoned had been great contests between-, the ground orboiled will’g0;one’third fur- . " ¯ doctor’and the ’constable. Mr. Bond taper, which was. still sm0ulde~ing.’.on that ih ..fattening~ hdgwthan: ~fie~n. : ~ ~:aud~hi~s s~n wore fo~d t~ be suffering the~ mantelpiece. The- person ,who Swcdkl~"br~g:neX~day:die7 being s~t&l Swanand tho gander out o~ the:. from their ~ch0oner,andSucceeded in getting. and ou driving in b~ the~ Corn kept 0ve~;go JesS, hogs ,e~ly~/s pever’ely f~om.their.. Wounds,but their closed the o~coon the previous eYeni a supplyof..wa~r andprovisions, but Wore the commop,.:oumy return.’after. .worth mora than; ~20 per cent. :. injuries .wereprououneed.not danger- had, it seems, blownout the ".light, l it, S -obliged!toquit her, as the brig wasfast sink-" .were tn the ’ m~s, ... The..ball.. was:.extt~ted fr0m ihg. Thenameof the brig" is unknown ....... ~-. -’ :-yonng-Bond!s wound .~]mlty,., ~ ’’ _i. peculiarly.de HenryEhtors,a saddler.residingin Buffalo,’ ¯ ’,ha~ a hogat.~o East’BuffMo : N0r, do The burglar was found dangerously ;stated, is the fourth alarm of fire in ~’ecently"bought pose that there had b’een~’ more’flian " "ured. fall down.~estairs had different parts of Maucbe~terfrom the cat~le yard. Hiewife ~ and danghter ~e now at " ’ same cause, and in each case the taper the point of d~athwithtrtchinm~piralis, and short trnce, which~e~erally ;arrives .in ear / ~ trom the club. ’heatdes, breaking ,-and:blue-tapers ~show-that all, foes the ;nowcorn would had~,~ractured:~ his froma .circus parade iri they’do uo~smuuldermorerthnn’~’few escaped he never fod e house .tobe the /or ~o places; He was aiso’badl ~. and rushed into the c~wd¯ moments, but that a t~een taper will doesnotcease " bruised; Th’e ropes and so infant in Eer.ai:mebefore they " siGnally burst in~,a man which i ry "~r~ he was placed on a bed,. He TheFreshman ClaseofBowdoln to be drawn from this story is, on no captured.:.... end she sai~ tsc~th6’ swan ¯ intensely. Dr. BiDingsg~zet gOvo~d~ .a~e. p.tthepropositlou, oftl,ogeese .grow ’-..fainLer;" - Hb.w/ll" ~0nie bdskets full o~=newcorn,bef0rethe1~; ear~s~L :in.~aa. hour. or. two _he. af~ount to select a green Waxtaper for C_0.~. ’ etsier~ and gave an.accountof ¯himself ofltoialor domestic use ; but there is Faculty,andreturnto CollegeWiththe under-[ plunging up to the fldet ofge~e~ which of January, C a q~uestionin~,she said; that;if’ the drill is.not abolielied, or scares him, and swim’ further out. it,w.Aq a~ early ~lng,,p/g; i~. hadL run ’ He.was-one~)f a gang of three pro nothing to prevent~ persons, choosing Jtmnling optional/theel~sawill askfor their di~. Presently they all setup a war :~croam, out, but wasie, [ all summer and.in the ~.seional burglars from Philadelphia tapers from acting in accordanc~.with mado .~,...The and the old gander, with his, neck a~ fall was shutup in t/ pen to fat ; the Ifisnixes is ¯George~yers.’,. His corn the advice g~ven in’aSons~ry,popula~ m~eal at the end of tho:/tn ohal, pert’had m>floor-and~ tho"only shelter veto of the’ oou"k~bula~ blil was str ight. as .a ruler, sallies cht,. ~kles weroJakeS.9hell au.d WilsonFry. at the tune of Q~oCrimean., war., ~ud Governor’s Houee,laoktug lenging, the swan to single combat, was’rm’l~’laidsot&re’onecorner’ of the ~hey. ’ tra~’~led/through ..the country giving "three cheers{or.the red, white, e~te~odin the.Maeeschm~tte . disgaised’ as umbrella, menders and and blue."--Pall MaU.Oazett¢. ’the l~eceesexy tw0-third~majority..Thevote That ia abceptod. The other, day--I pen~severed with rankweeks; ’,’Shoad’ ’ stood"Ill yeasto 70’flays.’ lq’the afternoonthin~, in Scptember~r s~w" Sdch ~d~eL mitred, the pig had ’a ~e~y’mud~lyand peddlers. Their plan of.’operation was : ThebliSs laid li01dofea0~otlier’bx th~ t’ main. ~- erth, and’that th0’lt, bo~~f’~hun the vpt0. wv~ :’ ’ threat, and there was "a ~ t/c’mebd0us ~ ~ ~tt th? ~li~led born in th~ n~ud]lhd" ’ " ¯ ! " IU Marsh, 18&t, the dam Of the reS. questionbeh~gagain ~ ’drlb~ ,J~iei.a~petito and prevented splsshing, and pother. "~The gander crvoir nearBheflleld~E ;lan 1,¢ ed--125to 80:/ ~ J tttenmg process. drew off, after somethree : or.’four ing 114,000,000 cubic feet of Statedetectivef, minutes of this intimate wrestle..But , /~t~to~.ap~t~pjr,.Ita.~t~rrls~. farmer Bond bad as.he follows the precedent of former .. Mr,.It. A.:~[nntnf EaolidvChloetells ~(,ox~win,a b~ and Sashsam of ns,how he, hills into tho.to~ " (]rover, the Democrats.candidate for Gee.gotcn the a~d at the sa~b iJ. From various ’ swan , human perishin~ had received a source. , In ’.he ’set 0ut ~t~ time been elected.by .nearly a thoue~i~d majority: of ra~ he~, and the gets’off, in Oregon .... ThoU.8. H~ebcommitte0oii’. whichset nli a monstrmm laud the sebl ol~oru~ feet ol~.tio.~h~0’ t~’~Q~;a~,,t0 ave,~, re,e~art, he eonohdedto orop the ioicing, nnd congratulates himself to search the w|t~ corn a~d potatoes, So oorh liltlon’offeredby Mr,~ogeltod’expelling Utah ~o first viotory of the period in while delegate Causes,pc aecotmt of Ida being a :anted with the rows, .which he rumains the ma~ter .... ~:Idll_botwoen_ _ poly~imist.:~ ~. ~hb~-U~-~-Ho,~of-ltepre-~ latt~i’~ t~t’ Myerswas eeat&~lv~ p~ed.the: bill ’ad~ittb~g fre0 ’of covered they fled,:leavtng him in the Kangaroo. Parks. .... , The raspdnty~llgoed~’at~daffleles lntemled’for tim before longbe corn grew to a conformitY, celebration’atP~llad~lphla,..,.. Kangaroo . My~,eait~it ~as hls~ih~ehtioflto kill some, noton] Thefrost has doneunpre~dei|tedtnJnry to all throe of the Bondsat the foot of the ti~e cropIn the hop-growt, g e0tlatJe~of Eug- of, England,- ,The only a ~o have done so but land...~lie most.that can be hopedfor is’a nflnemenl few rods away in the open groundwore him downon’May19, 186,t, f par~l~ropt:;; ,¯~)~,~thousandseal mhmre are eo~ pletoly riddled..What caused th/s withi now"ou strike gt fine Braidw~od mines,near ~truotivo flood. sine ~lar action on’thepart’ of’tlio’buK~ ¯ estates, With, stream whose ehanuelrnm Ultlcsgo,in eonse~uet~es ofedrhlneonesS~loim able’success, A paddock ful! of"kau-Mr. Hunt does netprofenil to say po~had been corn wlilshthe oon]p~l~y releasedto re&key.,.]Jenrygarcon on the cstato of a. nobloatan in tivoly, but is of the opinion that either before ’th’e .... and Nlff,.ompl~d~Jn a..l~wattr, ~, Y,r floe" Oxfordsh/re wasrecently catted’ by a the raspberry,bush is notagreeable’to at midnight mill,, wi~ctusht by: a revolv/n8 ~ bolt;In the Dr. Billings deciding that it would pack of~ belinda which had "lost thetl~ them, the potatoes were not disooyere~l be fatal to Myersto take himto jail, mill, e~id,’ after making ’severalt~volutlmm,a0ent of their (whiohis unprobahlo), or else the skade It sw~pt theb’o?ly dl~ xmt, meet w/th their ideas ot pro-. the constable beeam0 ’wedged bstwa0fi ~b0’s~sft about fifty priory. Thematteris oneworthy el to guard .himm~tfl an,| tli0 0oiling, as tirol It ntdpl)ed the macl’dnery. ~ridges that further inv0ntlgat[on, and rnkOwiS the vould be ,&ninu~med Fitok a w0rc beaten N|ff died latho hospital Ills bod~ wa~ fear. ~t the name 3meto begin the work of expertmcntwas the woundedburs’ full), manglod~ ,I. ,A man named llill attempted fires of about ,--OA/o #~r~¢r,’ lar. , he was aroueed tomurder hbJ wif~ ~trllamlRo~; Oht., with ’tb from a na snpial f~ars is dt d~0i’.:: ~Ib ’ Ite,be~IF tbr~oe’|tln a’, ’ ax, g~d she dofe.~d he,elf wlt~".’her ~ opened &~ mira intruding, tl ~ Jura. the ohl It wldehare fearfully hacked.’Her or/so’ of bear great extremes of ’sold I herewith ~c~! yen my remedy fo~ s near said the constable ’1 dlzcovored murder.~ouBht*help,, lie ~ttempted.emil. but’ dampis"fatai.’to it, It’ h~0-sting ~"whi0h I have nse~ for wanted to little depredation amongthe trees deet~t/o~ I U e~ttlog his tbto~t, bat the very ~s % and, ’hleh’ ~oU¢~,n publlsh,,for andshrqbs, though individuals ocea. who for a woai~d AFitohatewsgon to benefit, f the beeeommullity if, will not pr6vefa!al. ,/. ,, sioaal,y take .to nibbUn8the barks of upon fetal, ’ou find It of any value fl~e vehic ....... Thewill of the late JohnE4garThom~on~ i trco~ ’ Get a areal1 phial, with Some one , OAr- of the pe~n;~ Celtt,r~ B. IL.~~6utalns a prohaveit, flllott When he ’of ~.’Th~mpsqn etc., as well v~Jpn.Lbttafte~’~9’detth To ~e ; He was lye of the tha estate I~ t~,be~hq~md of for tim I,~pmo .the cave otf m~cUnfl ,m~dmalutehz[p[an hmtitutinnIn and w~lch*th6ehlhlfen’O~omplo),~ ~oPthe ~ensithat the t~Id,18~radil’~ ~iltl& dis. ItMlrotd of the were It and nees. Womb Dlea~ea S t~tel amnrtrtt -.: ]t~ms, .Bond.attended I~es of withinthe ’naeio Street euratlve rau e of this a. with the Suecess Based It both medicinetutroduced ever ~n~d sash., Merlt., ixed to all r thml loudest weter will in ¯ UK th IN l~tR~m A few droi~ from ©hrn~ or Bltt~m O0Centa. ? the Stomata and DIl~ou,t ~arraa Ouohbnt in Sonut|e: the tO/nfozmthe constable at tide pis~o of seillaise is ends more t r n i Ilmd~ at the en lu a ebo. 4" h I -. ¯? - i . , v w |. +- :.+,,f "¯. .~-__~____-_+L+~’~ "" "" 1 ~rI .... - . + I ..... I .... r ...... ¯ - I. _o . ": + 7 "’ " "’~",’+. " .,’ . , . - ." .’" i ¯ . I . ’,,. :, : [.. ~-., ,,: -.., ,,[ ’ -, ~,..Ii~ Is, an,: ¯ ’ 2- ............ : := ,, ....... ¯ ::"..:Y’/.-.i ......... #. . . :+-.¯ _ _ .~+~TW"&"T~’--’--’~--’~v~’~’~’~°--" .’., ’:"T .,,,’~J~:~’:~Z’.~+<X’~,+~E ,"’ ""? -’~o~.~ .,"..... ,+’ ~;’. ~ t1.~:.~’,= .,. ~ : ..........¯ ::+ +-tu~y+~and~at,-H~ other ’ eXhibitea:~:." +, ¯.+, ., .. . __ :: ~::::~._~;hzve/Ime~ .,.~,: : ,,. , + .,,,..., ......... .!~’:: +.~ .... Thelr durable build fIlzumentin ~mmin,rirs of.e,rni"g. . :¯. ..... ,.,, . v ...,~. ud’ r,o+~ncd ..... ~ ’,r--" " . ’;!’’:" +" +" T,’: - . - . lh~m Re~’.L~ ,VAN BOKKEI~gN,+Rooter of ~ne Grey 8emma., , " ..... " . ~fT.Meatus, ~. Y.~~ Ugustllt~. !8~3. ¯ . " ml[ Lavepianosof oth+reelebrntod makers In theSeminary, bn+ti~11 .tteor’giWeeee!e~ted Msd uredat the eoneertls the hebt. It is referred b ¯ he.Is n ’ " " s " - --]i~.JOHN-ZUNDEI,, 0r~+~oist ol"Henn̄ Wa.’d 3ee~her’s au61p ry." . ¯IP" ’~ n IP’e ~ur pie,on have ke~,n. ~Ym ~.00 i Instil~uce.. ¯ ...... L~e New York Independ¢~t : " " ........ 4+t" As -te.q y werehighly~eommeudel to us. weboughtone for out"ownuse, andwefind for COMPANY or INDIVIDUAL P~&~SH8 Illt tJleyareworthy ofI11 thep’taisotheyhaveremelved." : L’~td~shown fl, mof ezpenso ~udall fmfo~n liven by kl",L -.*.*....- ¯ 5’5/ " GEORGE A. :. ..... GEORGI, Manufacturer ot Plano-FerteS, ~ames.t~wt~., N: Y ,? LOOK HERE! " ’ ~I~ BELLEVUE AVg., H_+AMMBNTON~ ~¯ Zo" alL,+ t+tt ¢-51 8ea~rrN-=r~e~tot ......... ~---.........==......... , t J+ ~ -it+ r’ll .+52=+’. ;U " .... HENR-Y BOWER /£ r,.4~ 155 T.J~ T 31 ]~auQi.iotu~Plnir. 4Dhemlste GRAY’S FERRY ROAD,PHILA~,’ has eonst~ntlyon bnudand for male POTASII’aALT , for MAHIURE, um+~m~+~’l’:’ill+:.l+d4~; $ ~IIUI+II’H.’.+ I~’". : ned Hmdd0ddd 5 ~ m.l 11,00 1 mi.iid "811’. , : l~OI ~:l~c~-~ Well Faetory MglP4~4el+ N. Jo I~iOIITIIEiiNI~ II~"- " +-. : .... " -- Sol~IttmM;~ivlm~o~.,.;,-:,, I®W ]M’olPk~ ..- TI~eBe.t PaintiutheWorld mev. =,+,~+. Complete: Manure ~i~ s~,. ~= ~,~w~to" -~ : ~u~n~a~.au~m~i~-.-~,.: "BOW~R’$ !i./ EVERYTHINfi PUTONA CASH BASIS.1 Andlook st those ¯ Yard Wide Dress Goods from 15 to 45 Cents~ ........... :-----:--- SplendfdnewPrints at (11 cents, W ~lso examine , , % ¯ :our . .-: line o£ of the --- 8uPer-Pbogphsle with.India IO.4[Oe., faetmrer dJPeet from England, where lhe &verale orep of Wheat is 50 bushel to the I~re. DEPOTS: SOUTH’WATER ST. ¯ -- 103SOUTH Gee. Ely|u, "+~rs~l+hy A. G,vfllrlk. " I I ~lapted to all way a hotter UIInlLI~g_~jULI Belue from one.third I~ 0he-fourth ehlmptr:lnd i.nstissg It bur tbree t~lllff IS. inl~ 8MI the ,b01t lead and oil paintl, mnt~t uA’o~’’ el IIUal~ ’tell OCR--...~=’..1~., (1 IPa ....~.~ 8IMILI 01e WIolCMl0 on uYetv tlCl¯nU .... for u~e and P "" ........ : Vinl~ ;: [ NG WEEKLY.-- _ ;,,- : . ,:-_ " .-ACTIONOF THEHEART IMPJkRT8 A HEALTHY T~NETOTile BLOOD, CLgANRE8 Tlqlq tqTOMACH,’ " TI~71]AIDINGtDI(tESTION, . -. WINDOW’eJlIADE|, ’" . + ’ .,: : L&MflB%qUINN, " :-+ ~.UBT&IN.~ Pl(~rIIIglg IAMMPII TA8111ELll,n., NDII, dke. +’h St; ,rmqui,. prop<ms . hereafter t 0 ...... -sell ourgoods at :: ..... .aa,eortXmp.htio; ~" :"~’" the lowest Cnsh PHc~. tea ; Dr.Lewi,ltoed,"tluutleULty i AltredW, (~=,nt,,,ao,$.l~,. M.~,.~ w~,.+.w, tS, d to enable us to do so, H. E. BOWLKIIs M.D., wemust"sell for readypay.ou the ¯ t-tv s~.).~-zos -~. ~. z, +ur,~~ta., w.l~.to,mI c.n.P.Mn~. The i Best &rosario +.. . Ire glad te~ee tkat tim Anerfurt bu boo,, madofi)r .eve time Peu,lsylvamaCompiny.olomdymnneetoli/ +,.,,..,o ¯tmet¯ Imin Kfilled with itinerant street musioian~, who-lunoyodthe passers by generally hlve beenratk- -match bet~eenGoldsmith ~nstantPy ~kiog fur alm~.The musi- bat .: most/ofobeleadiag artiolsa ,,to . -Fi NITUAE+DEPOZ -- TIlE NATIONAL LI PANY utt~l over t.~_mm~tnLmr_mmLoLt~ 1’~e’B’’ =~e .hare ha~ been taken in Prussia, two ta on aomouut o~ the acoidents and - " : ; -the ga+me,-from-bei~-g-=~bbk]iS-lal,~p-b~, .are-ooeurrii+g the~;edaily,Ru.-aways ~reSwitzerlnt~da~dl-flfty in-En+~li~fid~-B:-aidehqs degeneratedinto & .g¯mbling aud quite frequent, and are iu most of Ih~ the etook 8ubsoHptionsPonoryivaoiaand " " cases causedby horse¯ tokiog Iright Philadelphi& eoqtributed $2 5nO,money-making soaeme, from000, makingthehave total aroma¯$4,405,000; The8ehuyIkill ~avy regatta ~meoff the whi~tling of the locomotives, ,-bieh 17th apd 18ch last., and were wit- are oonstnntly runnirg o0 the differen of thi¯¯0m $423,998,33 hns been paid in, ! o Mutualor Reotproc t nthe b~uksolthe rivcr~a~dc.~eeled we.: solici t a continuanee of the same ¯liverware. T.~ Pcsm~z~, t.. tq~ The " Tblser:c’< milil sry ergantzation of Be¯ mauagurshavē uot begunthe.lair’ ot ~.~.x,ms~ STOCK. the butlding,, day to 9 sOO% then is no PLAN,wblohmuseum’s.,t~ pNre4tmuu ton. Ms.e., puid a vbit .to our " ¯prmg were the gueats of the , SPRING PRICES pedestrian,hal beengiving nn ezhibition teemnt flll’l - ~’ , .,bn+.t..o, to /odepeudeut.Fuki. °’+/876. hie poweraofendurauceatthe(~hest-+ ’.~t"Ilia :’-~0ud0u ~ur~ertl. "el: we h¯+e-f~ith-thtt il~e’piluek,e~d v~u’ PIOPIglETOIg not earner Riuk, .He commeno,mlon Wed’lee’¯ ia the oldest mi,itary orgunizotion tidenee dump]eyed an O¢¢nu; a= ,I. BU1~igRTON. in’thislearne¯t "breaknesdnyto walktwo hundredmiles in tour in Manchu.eta.,.nd was. 0rgauizedin ink ground"will pruduce’it, meal eff~t.¯ " ¯ KXtn.l~¯ ffma’dP~| gxtremelyhuad,-days. An he only walk8 telI]+6ur. ¯ dny 171~6. Aftcr ~t street parade, thcy were " Trained Pyramids,..40 J sneerer|or’n&aeslrubleplmmt,g if’will b’eeeeu teat be’hea dii]]eultta~+kreviewed byMayor Stoekley, andI+artookuponthe-coumryat large, and that the ~+An meal workwill go t~wardu:.interruptedlyto u~ In perform,especially mshe walksa half of a h¯ndeome eoll¯tion it Ihe armory. Extrh0rst-e|us~ (¯otire grewu) Veryneed, " " .S5 T~te Praetleltl lllemUlOl I ¯/nile euoh dly blokwlrd& He hieel- Theywere enterl¯incd at the Coutincut,l sraudeoneummliiolh--Pub/t’eOpln~on. Fulr,’ .... S5 " readywalkedone hundred andfifty mslee~Holel, ane wt, re ,h.wuthe variousp.la0e¯ Slnoo,tlm orlpmketlou 5n 18+0,th¯ Na~oaat (euDoeelsitoek) ’ isS aud b~d¯ falr toflnI++h-aigIk~k-l~d/~eli.femur iu ourcity. Theylelt.lor’their 0g~ll___be~ ll~ ~DZ~ .kq~tl41adomls.lo,.o,l~LTed,-ntn~oott.th. .... do.... do..... ....... .40 ....... deoea.dof It91,90 in prem|nm~ ,Old r-lnl do do .4o Weetonh,e g~sat i~owers el endurance, borne on Friday, mu+hplesmdwith the TOTUrnN.: J.-Cou~l~~Mv ezPeri-~ @amp¯sin wouldh~’t¯ paid:*r Ik*lamapro~ ba’sme pyr’de. Ind Je sdmulatedto oom?lete his under- kind reception waiohhad been given Io meals have led to the oonelusiou that adams121,It4, ihowllglll[n by |Ulildng |p IkoNtvtosAi.ofover l.lt~.l,00, scald is nut a di~’ess I’ ’~ ~e , ’ ’ but t, king by, lhe applaa,e of the orowdawhothem. Tit+.Copltaland8eeurltle8of this 0ompuny yon#.n~un, eause~ by a w¯nt ot prol~er nourishment RIVleo ~¢XOURSIONS. ~look io see him. .’~S the oh¯rgeof tdnre luffloisnl Is e0mnlywithtao Iuureaoe Tutlp,(tin¯ Ivower) 9AL3h. The warm weathe~ has cumo upon us, to the cranberry pl~+nLat a’time whet~ r¢ Io tu., U~lou. " Pnulerio~ mi.siou t. lihy oents, Wes,on fled*, hie de it Isseverely 2elt by ell, Thoseof the 2ruit is makingIhe greatest deumndL ¯atd ’to be walkinginto a fortune.-rou, two e¯uses. Awm, I/m’lll"Allual~nlR" ¯ mOWLIl’~a,#, ~Vm J.nq: 50 S.m+eot our payeiei¯ee ~eemgre¯,ly in- tl,e eity d,tring thesummer, e¯peoinlly Firal, wantoflerti.ity iutbelhoil; seeond. 4 e, 5o .. anent.o, tere,toJ In hi~ underlakiog,and oqr pa- the poorerel.mane,feel the needof aome the petling of too ntueh Iruit uponth~ R M A N Norway ..... Bp’eettwloo.,tlpped,~l..50(~_4 50per100 l~era hav~ lengthy 8ce,,unta et.wh¯t ne recreation, nt|d the river exeur~l,msurn vines. Ferlilisora a~pi]lJed-++t-the-~igh~Amer.Arb.Vltw t.t. StoSin.&au(<94.50 d~ " n.ts, hey+he look. whenhi¯ !day’a work well palreoJzed.See¯shoat.leave bore, time, will help bring out it orol+ el erna.,all.ls,, end prlo,8. " -is done,-a.d-every-minute-part ieulamp , ,$=5~40pert00. ImVOrllfm~l~ wire.atmntoh In Ibq curuiugbim.A braa~ b¯,d ieat¯tioned river, t~cd the f~reis ulueedut e pti~u" 2urtilizer, . ou poor4M~otathatur .~ e heavily trtde--stlewrstes--ku0w~ nuapplloatlon, ~+ iu the rl.k, wh~nhPerlorm~texcellent that Will euLtthe ptireo, of the pooresl e~voredwith b.rrtes. ~t’~,~J~r~, ~r, 0holeu budd|oE plants omhru+’lngmany nov .!u~io, and~rve¯aa all uddttionalattrau- persons, It i¯ a great blee~ing that the Ia blonmouh oouuty, our laud is gen¯ ThbCnmpaty:l~mlrl’s ¯$~tlut lees ¯t duo..Itlu ut preen!scares, poor e¯n find ¯use sheep medoof travel, er~]ly goodenoughwithoutfertiliser~. Io nl~by0reapseIdl"d¢ll0rtpllo,+S’of I~ler~]e .’ H,,t huuloendwindow plan,s--allthe moJt ainu to spe0talur& (~ ande¯o haveIt ehenceto +.st "a breath bring out a crop et truh. It is i princio I+O~ ’ill lCAOICV. dim--atPr~perty--bulldl0"l°"rtle,’t~ lOW islkmltameo¯,b~ntnUdwl~tm*~pl/~0~’sk/tty. Imant+lful, To~"atouad(~obhagerh°lPSm,dklndSothnrtt vrrYvegetablulow ralsl~.plants, ’ IIOMB el Iresh elf. °’ OurParkal~o aff,)rd~ ¯n pin of pbi!osophvthat somethihge¯unot. m~.Bverythlugput down to tbweet eemh ) ’ ’olPrlUIltSt ~" "/’ " i hi]¯dullJhl~ab~u.d~ iu eh¯ritiee, and prl,,ss, opi)ortunityfor n ohesppi.~-ntcexour¯ioo, nose out o2 nothing, and you on¯not exJ&llg!i i.’]P~lllOMs’ ’ " within Ihe pa.t 2ewyeai. qut’e a number¯nd every fl’oo d,~y hundredsot persons pentto pinkfour or live ton5o1’ crar.berAprl| 18, IS. ’ 18tf. ’ ’ " .Pmldsmt.’ ¯ nawmonton ul buildinxs havebeen ereeted imrefor ¯pondthe dey there, who,il’ it wereant rie¯ from*lan~ that will not growa tom J~LII~II ll.IIIIo~lI4 8m+m~,.,. ;" ohsrit¯ble purpo~¯, they bei.g in mo~t iorlhl~ outlet, wouldbe obligedto spend u2 h¯y. +,..s ereotcd by vrLvuteeubeQription,-L. L. ~ pn~Al?r,, Truly vm~r.. W.S. KI~SALL. Iheir wholetime ;n nar:ownndcrowded ThePre.byteriauIlom~l f,~r Wtduws sod Agen¢lap/]ammo~tomand lr’wlM~y., ’ street& m,,s~e we=o,,, wh,oh.,, ben.,,, .ur.o The fo,owi,,g .,,, t,,, ~o~.ts +Pth,, ,t.~.~c,A~. .... -x-i~-u-rt-m--~ ~" ~j+_. el ereetiull 2ur~overa+year., i, rapidly al,I)rouuhing o,m,i)luliuu, and will bn There is no matnrial 6hanae +o lisle i. conzpromi~?’CiIrroney ]|ill uigned yeeler. + h,nn.tm)n-day by the i reddem: , ¯ mnrket I.od,,y. (,all opened in limlall, it i, ~itu¯tedot Filly- the money I h lizes ,Is u,uximumnf greenbaek I+ghthelreet ¯udJ),~rbyRoad,in the ,u- ,i,,uo to rule at 4(,?.’~ Imree.t, Fh¯,-nl... Jlevlllg rl~orvedIherllht Io mennfosl,re and Imrb.o2 t ha e,ly, OII¯ largelet ot groundtuereunlil¯ p-per rang+e(role 5(~6 per sisal.time at $;182,1)00,000,cnnoellingthe " loll Ibll fm¢,,rlte M,teA~’meJo Ills o,,nnIIe, el $18.1+(10 ~)’,~ of lhe reoalled$44,000,00<) O~md,n, BurlinEss,Oce.u,Allentlo,a,I Cop whiehw¯e donaled 2or this purposeby on,,um, ,e,e veynt u.i+mu.-d, the, ¯huttingit OUl ’Phere w~ ¯n unusus]Ly dull slunk re¯rMay, ~[ bet+by live untiestaut Lampreper~d,+*Ire, AnnTltoma., Thebuddingwill ,re=,, beiv~ throw, intooireulation. to fill erderl el f,,|lowlni flail I t~.d¯v, n. well h)r atockea~ lea.¯. co.L $75 0~I0. llll(i wUl[ttrlti~h lO~dllllOO. kul INSUgANOE 2, It ~ubslnlttlnllyaheliehe¯the di0"u~NO1 MA~,IIINH~ Goldeloped ¯t III I, 1415.OO. e,,n+ .b’,tweenhu,,k w,te,, +In.greenblek¯lh¯ greenback,and ~laliut,klare no ~o + defies+ l+r aleut one hundred inmates. . elaooo., lea., run OPTflH TAs*~ MaoA(e** erl WlqppqlMflld |41 le ++41J~lLt¯ ohjuotis to pr,,vido¯ ho,nslot ¯ned ,The | ant,sylvania’ Uompany’ ¯rd pard)’ owntwenty-onersilm.d, west (~ ,k. ,.,,.k,, anddestitu=el~malut,whowill ba sdunit-. ,0, pertloetars ,oudf,,r.lrr.’.r, t~ ted ulwnthe pavmentol¯ oumparallvelyof Pit,sburg the reports ,.+1 the ~ondiiio,~~erve~. Io.~ur requireda. part of tbu lank r.~, w. PItRB~EY~ ot whlohhavejuet been madepu~li, iI -,ttl~moul~,n, lq. J. luvoutorAMuuel’r,om¯li sum..ndwill Ihere¯ftorbe rrovlaud ’ .I It t~,~e~ ths r~orvee which tha T’hoBost and.O~e&pest L+f~ Immr- so.if Ior wi,lm~utcharge. Apr,lle~nt~will be the inu,unoeoi the l’oun~s’lvs,i~ (’m,- "Naiicw,I L, snk~arerequLred to keepm5 amoe .m toe world¯ pnny. Thbs ls’eommuu,lshle, slid e~lmOt reeeivedt~nmanyp.rt .f the Sl41e.pult~, ~ D ~I’ORTH. ]MD., fall ta strengthen the eredlt el tl,u (~oul- lilt" t~l,l,, nl|~ thusattt~lmnlinlly ad4stv M~rrbole ea. meko.r~vblnu l. ee.e or d.eth Jeer to eurlsin eo.ditious. The l[.mn tbo no|iwt, hxullutinn ~30LItN,UtHJ, 8TItLCTLY MUTUAL, vuAarsa -PUYBIOIA~r AND8ttlt(lgqH, will prove a boou for munyu~onwhom paoy. Thore i¯ io more dsm0ging.igu PIIItPIlTUAL. 4 It i,tovidcu lot Iran¯lerrin~ I+~__ llanxeovu.. ~... old ¯ge ha~nose, .,ud whoere delthute ot wo¯knee~in eouuootionwith r~ilwuy ~<~J,0tJ<~ ol JimN.tioualb..k cir~ulatitm InquireerR.¯ W,II. TIiOMAP0 ~ Roaldoeeeoa C.nt;il Avoeue,le Ibo ¯ff¯lrl than the rein.el of el&l¯ to pubIk-tgrl . linemen.tea,E.~J~... lion re farm*rllemapted byDr.Dnwle+. OIlhisworld’sflood~ from ]~mtoru to Westernbauke. 11-5 au.y detail, eonoeroJng their oporl- GE ¢ } lhe thepIrk= Quitealmmberofourprom- $/42 712 63,1eaviug the" amountin haud[ ..... " " " $279:585,70. coute¯t¯uts i, their s~aro efforts to wluinent ci, izens: h=vereeoiwdiujuriea by :.No pari0t oan reid without a twinge+. the r~sea. The. boat+houceeef.~the. differ, being turownfromtheir c¯rri~tges, whicho[ Shame that portionof therelmrtwhieh entelubswereg¯tlvdeoora~dwlthflage, have requited fatally, whiloothershuvo ehaws’¢hattheare¯tSta+eot ~OWYork liberalpatron, end presetited a b..Htilul Iplz~amaoe.-- oon,idemdthemselves fortunate tO eJ~c~l~ ....... owe¯ oulyr;II~-shu~s,Ma++.i~hd,m’tts ¯ ~ . age that Theoouree waeI?om.tbeFalfe Bridgeto with brok-u limbs;’ Thepark is agreit 272, Oregon240, C~lilornia249,1aoui~iau~ " .. in -theRecklend~-a-di¯ianoe-of-m+mileaad-n-h ,Ohio 33, W,seon~on62, Quite a par.ieit number ot,ted+iu dub¯ trom NewY,,rk qrebeing deemed sueh ob~t¯ele " M.D,;&J, W.DePuy. ~,,t od+er-eide¯ ihe-rice~ thktreilro¯ds an effortis made t.yan our acltho -MiebigaU 15, "ludiaha31.at~d~[;liiGoTs-3. J~w.|. t87S. al.tr. ~hioh werewonby different otul~ Tb.e rides tq have themremovedfromthe vi. A.e this pa~..;on is irrevoeably’oommitted " to the Ceute¯,:al,’a grand¯uceesa or ¯ were handeomo pieee¯ of eiuity ol i,. As D II. ~t. " lion, t I, .... ’20. ]1t~8UII~I~ tlJMM,NO 1411.SlSI*J The +Cheape st. . There hen u#+ar l~+n =¥alut+~+s~l the "that hlmbu~mm (la"lhs ....... .,:,-. ¯ "Fi~.uropeas~ Besides the above we are selling Fine G~oceries at the lowest ~ " -: r. - ] "~" -- IMPORTIRaAND DEALERBI+. Irellela-b~e CLOTHING, HATS& SHOES, DYSPEPTIC CHiEf W~LL #APIIUI~, - ’ PURIFIES 2HELIVER,~ EItU LATES TH]~ --THAT-WE~YRE?REPLENIS t] - of "ThLI Fertilizeris beingprepa:~a 0h{a¯s KIRK]BRIDE’S ’Juue PER YEAR proved veryexciting. The-ra0ewuforpa+renteW’h° were ¯t°leu’ °r Parehamed tr°m their - ’Truly thine~iu.lts[y/,indwerehrought tO.diis .... B~OAJ)BKUi. - pur.e of.$5,000, and waelWOn by Gold- oountry by menc~Ited .p.drones," who A N D ¯smith Maid The Celll~l].11~t~. Ioro~l the ,~nildren on streets, t0d first heat was m~deiu2.23 appropriated.their .hard-~¯rnedmoney. ~P" the Centennial maulse.r~ and #lthough 2.26, aud the tbird in 2.24j. A 1Brae Somn"padrones"-badhsmanyasadozen " Y~0urmseeefmlodter the * their_finmuees are u0t inn desirable/~hape, nmount-ofmon~y oha~ ..... the i’mult o! ¢hbrace L~e"knOWing-I " emvery+oru~ .YJ~erm ofTz~r~N Yei~rl .................................................... _ ou the buil+diogl .......................... +Tile..... =" Hardlya day passes bet’:Ibfit a Pmeot ,o~ reeemtly, passed by tl~e Senate and W0rl~ hueommeneed aGAINST LO~BBY io keoordsuoe withthe erigiu#l pious,, it base 5==11 ¯between profmmioa|d . phyers Hous* 01 Repre~enoatives, ic is rendered Bub60riberB Come¯ off, and:thedifferent’ oJul~meunlawlul.+or any personor ~)ersons,to beingthe .purposeto erect em¯o~inet~ " ]EPJ.veerect"l’,io’h~rLtng; ke~p eousta, afly hall, an8tt gallery, aa<! reaping a h¯rve¯t from the thousandsemployminorsto ¯at ae street musicians hall, ngrioultur#i --d r.r o.¯ and*h. yn.r**m wh.n+,.i,d on hand, a general as. whoassembleto witue~their playinE.-- iu tbia State. the peualty beinga fine or the grand pavilioo 1,000Jeet io~ ’ TbnPremium Notrel~qulred ny tbk C~pu. ¯ I, ureb.t ou. h-’fee i~,p. oth. H.~sortment of goods in theirli,..e, I intere.t felt i~ this gtme: that huudredahu also takou the hand, and 500. ia. width, nud: oove~ arei--~l r~- . It eeems: etrauge that there is so maohimpri¯uumen~" Thematter Itali¯qin Governmeut <~omp~ui.sin thl. Di.tri*t, whll¯ the~ush P~f.twem~,ores, the Otherhalls oceupyiM Nt i,,~. ,... comi~riging nearlyeverything adez.u ¯ores more. ,,.o will hereafterbelreed Irom~.bis nuis. In a d,,llar tot u ¯eat to wituem+ a game, three ,.uee. The musicians bare d,eappe¯~d, ~_ " wllLbeie,aredst ~e very Iow~tmUm. thousaodpersou~frequentlyusembliugaeareely one is tO be eeeo ou our streets, tb¯t 190,520¯htres bsve been~ubseribed. COtlDtry Hardwareor All I.ommo nrepremptly ptid. to witnes.a mtteb. Ba~e¯hall plsyiug ia they 5aviug t~keu up theirabode in ++meof whioL= 177.172 were takeu-in PenRyl~’ts.m~ S,t,~x-,o., Presto,nO FurnitureStore. P.u.a= L. Me~,. 8eemrl~r._:_+_ vanit.and 10:000~w~ew--Jersey~+-leaviog " . ........... i-trads in-this~city+ of-the-We¯tern~,khm-, the !ueigaific#utnumber 0f-3;348di+t+r~bhuo~K¯¯v=t, Treeeure=. ................. We " " the Atbleties receive $18+000Ior their P-oK DISASTER& PBRMIUM NOTES, ¯ Stall ABSgTTS, ,. ~ 01 :..,1711 ,.. l’~ d.2~ * ......... ¯ and emblems I gmmlnteo-endre sntisf~etion’-nud=nev,,r full t,~ ~ive I~" ]+’0R CIRCULARSAND TERMs-ADDR]~SS"~1 . . ~ ~-et are mil7andehetply01eared8n4 They have given ~ie+Georglto bee he ¯,LeadingPiqueof the d~y. . .. PilHL~Dm"pIII.~ ’ h&v[nir mlifaoditlea+fer, ,. - - =:.IPI~ i L~Id Therebmdo ..re imnn~ the. mlln the pa+q year in our eullege, as." 14~ : ........... ~om Ray. W’M..F. HeRR[SOS.Rector. of St L,d~e ¯,Chur~l~, ~uffm!o,?~.~. obli~eiL An part with my ft~orgi P~a++0- iPotqe. Wlion +~J+t~ On laving Iowa, I w~ rulqetantl? - : - -_ :.. i~um~euo~he+m~mmu_ Ineluro. It’thll~ sU~~’T~.~tioo’tens/Georgiin+trat~eall’hi~e i~’bll ’~.trm oP;the p h I a 41 /il e.’l’ ’ I A DI UI{A 0E OOMPANY _ 1 1o.7B1 St., ,’~P, ’ ,L ,ik,i’ ,,~ rI far C~IJ ,M,, I:sdl +++’ $ ’ O- trtltibt lltntt PIONEER STUMP PULLP.R LI F E OOMPAHZ, 00us ofLem0 ater,Pa. __ E-b- I I I