08/19/1871 - Atlantic County Library System
08/19/1871 - Atlantic County Library System
The as the slave of his Of#tairs, Androuud ble mmooiatio~ made her me; (O~opesltsBank6tmeL) - "- @100,00021 heard. At the end sho took breath, snd another o 4 me. Beneath s of ~mu~iol a re- My received 1 surance companieson thellfe of her son. It was rumored that a family redding on Strieker street, aud-i~titnato friends of ~ff.rs" ~Yharton, had euffered from the effects of her ~app@~e~l.i~timatc.know-,l ~ IT~IS~ili’c~ ledgeo fl,tl~te ~ ~o~s&~(. tb~t’ Wire. Wh¯rton borrowed ~2,0OOfrom one memberof the family in ~q.uestion, ¯nd on the day abe left hofia-B-fo~the jail the and interest. Whathappysunshine~ Inyour Wbntflowere _of Fmne~ about to the hair .upon moneywas ~aid, whois nowin very bad health. The lady who loenedthe money visited Mrs. Whart0n%-r~sidenco some time since, and few mcmsut~ ,was aions.~’~o!~t/s, agaio, and by direction of the physk.ian who had been summoned,-was ironedremoved front Wire. Wharton’s infant of the male When bh’deaud bees . WhatIf thc ehipTM WATOImS":& ’: 148 No~A ,SnQOND~L, cot O.f ~,a~; "" PII ILADELPHIA. ..... ¯ sledding the .reds ’,Allthat canbeseeu. ac=.o~=~t otWai’.h,. ~/ewe,,,.all.or. andPlated’Ware conetautlyon hand. i ¯ re~a ser~es ~ dormer-windowt Repalflng~f.Watehcs :andJewelry.promptly toward the ~dnd-for-ventflatii I atended to’ ....... Ba34.1y hies andbay-windows, some b s a’rehed-wRh-7~t~neOr~e-OOcl Yc] the.most chaste forms Of Saracenic designs, and. i~the absence of gl~t~ I~th ~dt#;Xnb~Cap~;~mbHI0al Bslt~, Ankbalconies and windowsfilled with ~ ’ery mleel Su~lxmeOrita, do. ’The’abovp’a~101es am fine trelliswork; which ’completely ob- lets, nowso : ~ll.knewn~. nd( ~eammended by the etructs the’piercing-curiosity of n et~ an- medtcahfaculty.that tRtlwneedb~saldby me; ger. ’Within’the ~alls and’the courts,but st ttie uue. tithe I.mJght say that I have however, art has often done her best ef- beenmaahfldturld’gthornfor.over twsntyyurs th~mfom I can reeg~hmendthom for durability, fort& ~#efulneesin all eases of Varlose Fountains, and inmumerablealabaster comfortfQd Go~.’Rhoumatlsm and cth’er We~essee and.plaster vases iilledwith fragrant and Veins, Of theLimbs. The presmro ,boleg equal in blooming flowers, .niches, beautifully everypertandtee fabricporous,rendersthem worked cornices, baths, paved floors, agreeablemadhealthy to wear. Oldsores when f~scoed and evengiltc~ilings, e~binet~ once.healed’are prevcnledfrom;spacing again ¯in worked arabesques, anddiv~us foris- by theuse of the Elnmtle N(oclk|ng. X detentrepo~,t~urrounded by these could~trea numeerof ieetaneeswherepersons ua’outlay of bundretisof dollars have -of--thn-~n~s,-woma~ of the afterobIJged’ta-glvs’up work,~espeols)ly whereolmmpassee her useie~ existence been theybad to stand ; but on wearingtbe Elastic t~i gratify the po, sions and disslpate the Stookiug~ haveresumedtheir daily ooeapation e~¯ui of net lord and master. at ones with ©omfort.TheBELTS aretevaloeorpuleeey, and .Wealth to au Criental seems to have able for abdomiealweakness, aeyutJaor tn uso. Rulesfor rneasuro. ii0 othervalue thanas a mediumforthe surpass will be centonapplicationto i~du]genee of indolence. . Whileone ¯ meat VINCBNT PERRY, n~ansere]sin unbounded affluence, thou4511 HMerSt, Gcrmantown,Pa sands straggls bene¯th the scourge ot P.S.--~bo above articles can be sent to an T of the Unionfor a fewpostage filth, rags, and poverty and hope]es~op- part stamps. pressiou. The markets of Constantifiople,withtheirCircassian and Georgian Whl]£ In OhloveI KI N G WASHtub. Dr.Cr00k’s ~ were found s appeanng clear to [i: flung her violently But for the sudden act of received ~ ii/bt~ldbin her stron have ever, ¯nd the symptomsare not apt to exci~e suspicion, and whenasecond dose ing in health, at least she is neceseary to do the work it is not Be rest more and remain easy to get the subject to take it. An er periods but the exciting phenomenn e’~l~rt poisoner wouldnot be likely to continue. The raps are loud and use opium on-account of the.difficulty sharp, and c~n be heard-at the distance ¯ in administering it and the probability ¯ of half a block. "They are not hears of detection. Of vegetable poisons ’when’ strangers are in .the room, but, .We]], strychnine stanOsn6xt to!oil(tim in the whenpersons are in position where they frequency of its use. Dru~sts are al- can seetritethe room and are not obwayson the aler~ when this poison is served, although none but the sick wo-in a~is~" th~fddm7th~-reps~gometltnes mantie~¢itdsof the mountains, of their . - - Is a-Preperatton-whlet’ou" dyer’ very dangerous part of the proceeding. occur,and at such times no movement h.~. beentried byth, native land, mostly supply the demands -l)abl/c for tenyeors~en( It only requires an infinitesimal dose to of the p¯tient can be observed... The yourself, of’whether of the Egyptian trade, r~^~,,~a v.~,~, i,rovdd itself lu thou’ ,~.v.v ..~ ~.,~U~, kill, aud the mxirderer is never left its case is very remarkable, and whentaken very young m~isses alw.sys deluge society .nnda of casescapehle o ,L_ caring nil disesse~ ot th( long suspense ¯bout howit is going to in connection with the fact of the wi~sueh;qnantittes’ 6f simpering A~ Orebestral Experience. ~.~ttt~ L~eg~. operate, Tile symptoms, however, are etr¯ngeness of the woman’s condition sense ~ud affectotion~ believe A correspondent of the St. Louis Rese marked and ’peauliar end the action and’ the entire absence of any distinct do.) It is a sure ss WINE OF TARt It w,tsttes without wearlUg the clothes--co pltblicas tells this droll story : so violent that suspicion symptomof disease, it affords food for self rubbing or egueeelng’ I was an orchestr¯ once, for ten minthe most entertaining speculation, cited. Arsenic is the mineral It washeefrom’oeeto tweotyfivnaxt|clee in which~ your younger utes, and afforded great satisfaction. ~cmonetof,mrminutes. most commonlynsc don’t want, or to treat them d, Lot me tell you about it. It was iu Troy It washestbe flnast lateu CurtMnb, IIandkercorrosive’ shblimate;’ Both are easily bit of.a preachment, for which you someyears ago. Mrs, Waller, the noted A Beauliflll Denton, ehlefs, .to., withoutanyteJury. procured upon ~inusa’olo pretexts, and get no reward except thankless insinua- tragedienne, was playing that child of It wa~hss tho heavleet QalLtsaud Bisukete. both are tolerably certain in their effects¯ Its going thrdugb the parish prison a lions about saving one’s breath to cool It wMhes whltor and morethoroughlyelean If thereis a post.morton, however, and few days since, the attention of_the re- one’s b~oth. Or maybe you say ooca- the Dismal Swamp, the "Duchess of thta by anyother proooee) Mstrong c=rrentsof and a dark attd nn analysis of the stomach and its con- porter was attracted to a younggirl, upwater are dashed throughev’ery Fastof the fa~lly to your sister i~aney, whois nix- ]i~alfll," it is. After a series of tentm by a competent chemist, they are patently not more than 15 years of age. trio. and pretty, ~’ Whenyou have lived unhappy duchess very properly gee It will savethreotimesIts costIn a elagloyear pretty certain to be discovered, It is a She had fair nut-browu hair, an~ ¯ e~mng as I h~ve, you will find that the the of her he¯d. She is confl¯ediu, Inlabozand wearof clothes. tbr~unate circumstance th¯t poisons ¯re plexion fresh and white as milk. The rity of very young people have out It reduoes weehday anhour. are rightmadhouse, and one ant of thoplay transgenerally either so violent and so pecul- mild blue eyes word singularly softand g’/ie Ki,9 WeeAcr istusooal/sd~ifwe oat little common sense." piresin this madhouse; and during caiar in their aetlon’tllat euspieion is intelligent, attd her whole appearance ly informed, after the nmme of the inventor: tire scenes the groans and cries of the aroused, or they remain in the sLomsoh indicated the free, joyous ch¯ra~teristics I)ut It maywellassumethe namoama royal ti~Yonderful~agaelly of n Dog. demox~ted are heard outeido. after death, and can be detected.by of youth and happiness. Yet thisamiatin) fur It Is destinedto lordIt overall competItors, and reigneupremoin the Laundry.Its chemical analysis. Thor’s might be such hie looking creature, this fair, delicate The Pordand (Me.1 Pre~a says : "The T~ do this ¯ecompaniment in shape, claims aro everywhereaekeowledgod, and not m~nagerhad the orchestra, all ablea thing as administering such a dose as Minerva, of slender form and ingenuous ¯following story, etran’ga as it may¯p- the bodied Dutchmen, who were usually in only aro lhoso whostoodalooffromall wMhleg would be entirely absorbed before death face, is enid to be a devil incarnate. 8he pear, is vouched by several witnesses msohlnee,but somowhohavebeen eslng other the music-room playing pouny-aute and leave no traces ofits pre~encoiu the was not a prisoner, only a visitor to the whose testimony is unimpeachable. A whennot ,,rnng in,’.~.at this m¯djune,nechinee aro ropleeleg them with tha King stomach; but tim -¯verage poisoner has inattention, and when the reporter saw short time ago a female Newfoundland Washer.~Baltlmore ~7(~stt in the green-ream under net the snienfiflo knowledgeto properly her she was conversing with a noted dog .was in the habit of coming to the I lure gathered TAnKisyIVa#?terarflvsd 4afoonSir|day evo. the stage. A hole was bored iu the ~il¯ adjust the potion to the constitution of burglar; indeed, she says sbo ia a eoasin house of ¯ lady in this city whowould nieg ; on li[onday morningI had my"malden’ . ing above, and ¯ string attached to the . f the victim, and in meshcases the oppor- ot PeteMundaye, end goesun3orthe throwto itpieees of coldmeat,whioh experience In washJnff. Apoet.mortem examdeskwee depended through ination byexperte ofthe fandly ellslted the tunities for experiment are somewhat soubriquet of Lily. Sheis almostas fairthe’dog would eat)and,having satisfied~rompter’s In solemn conclave sat theDureSsfollowing results: one-fourth ol thetime, threerare. Tartar-emetic (double tartrato of ¯ nd deiieatn as one. Her career is a re- its hun~er, go away ag¯in. So oon- st. fourths suvod; better duooandeleaner, a lavpotassa and antimony) i~ low down in markable series.of adventures and hair- firmed did thh.habit become, that at a men--one with the string in his hun(ling (unea~oulated)in the wear. Theservsuts ns the prompter tugged it above the list of poisons, andie rarely resorted breadth escapes. - About¯ year ago, she certain ]tour daily the lady would ox- and are d,dlghtod, audreywlfo aed I are ploesed. sent up a ,Its,nat to. Tim ¯alimony is.the ,poisonouslived in finn ,Antonio, Texa~, and for ~e0t the dog and the enimai wouhl put each cue for himself I will tsko greatpleereeein ree0ommeudiug tho howl that Sifted the hairs of the listonars princ/ph,, and it i~ to the detectiou of Sense real or fancied mis¢0uduc~reo0ivedlzs au)nppearaueo~ A low days ago, be- its front. One tdght during theDuchess l(i.g Wsehor.--~uanLxs L. TS0eTaAS) At*l~t. this substance teat "thetoxicologist di- ¯ sovsro custigation.¯t the ’hands of the fore. f~eding her, the lady said ~ to her, U.,~. A*se*eor, 211c,~.*t,ud, l~z. The KS.v Wa,Aeris eo ©omploto,ned aerects his experiments. ’, Aamaybeintag- man with whomshe was living. Burn- ’ Whydon’t you bring me ona of your of ~[alfli run~ I ,trayed into the greenewcrsso Well ul| the endldeelred,that thore is ined, the atmlyzi~g of tim contents of ing with resentment and conscioUs.of puppies ?’ repeating the qucstionsovoral recta nn(i enjoyed the wild-boast si)ow, eathlngmoredealrodlu thle t~ms.eavluginbof the stomach of a person supposed to inability te cope’ with him in physical times aa she stood at the window, the as I called thn bowling musieiaus. I|e,.ri., d maohlno.~l’Aila. .Pro., have be~n poisoned is a work of exceed- strength, she waited until tl*o next ntght dog looking ’at her in the face with an twccu ca0 i)etch of howls ¯ud attother /laving purchased’one of your A’¢.~Wa,Ma:,, ing delicacy. Thor0 is a multitude of when he wa. asleep, and then.lo0ksng exprcsdon of iutelligoneo, os if it under- quite nn iu~erval occurred. Duringthie ,.oehince, ned preotleally tested Its capacityfor interval o¯o by one the cufft’rs dropped conditions to be observed, tha negh’ct of thedoors stood ovary word theastoniehtuent, ladysaiq.The uc(,nomy of thno nedhhor, and also it~ oleeesof theroom, andclosing every next they, to the lady’s nt out, I was perched under a g,ts.light, any ohe of which mayvitiate the test, avenue of escape, she prepared fbr a ing properties,Idoneebesltate to say It wl)l of thatperiod, when d,, ull youelaine for it, and I will cheerfully aud it is only by a series of the tests, workof i~orrer almost ln~poasibh, to son- the usual hour, toe dog returned, and In, (lee l) i¯ ~omcnovel reeommcnd it to myfriendl to be the br,¢ each of which must give eertaiu fixed re- ooive. On one pretext or another she and behold I wue accompaniedby a lit- rise string conunececdto wiggle violoet werhlng machine~t have eysr leen.--J. W. ly. All the doumnted were gone, the suits, that the toxologlst assures hhusolf sent the innmtoeof the liousc aw¯y, ttnd tie pnppy.Tbol~dy f~dboth (logs, ¯nd LOAN, 07IV.l’rmn.~’#re#l,,Ballie*ore. of the presenceof any l)articular poieou. l)roeuring paper ahd ~oLher infl~mmeblo then took uptho,puppy into thu win- wails ef the d¯luned wormexpected ; I DoesJttakoallthedirtout? Tryit, eed wo or two awful shrieks, thiuking it The stomach is removed front tha material, bui|t u funeral vet]turo tho essertloe that yeuoaaootfind a pyre round the dew, whetsthe o~f~ dog stmmpered off let one ht help’era stairs, or bring the body by a surgeon, l|gated at e~oh end bodoftbo~’eepingmau. At I)leee cf linen eosoiled that the A’l.g |Va,Arr Thi~dono,sho and did notroturu tbrthresdaye. t duty. win eat emkoe]eanae cewIn five minutes.~ methat nothing can escape, put into ¯ sot fire to it, ¯nd-lockieg toe door be- the end of that time the do~ again aI)pair, s wasn’t enough ; ths #eat,)mJ,,M f/tnl. jar, hermetically sealed, and sent to the hind her, fled too house. ’fhemanwoke poured, when, after feeding lt,the lady : up attd down,when [ take pleasure In adding my testimony to tho ~hcmiat. Whe~ready to ¯pplythe t*s~ n whets the house wan f¯li of flames, said, ’ Next time good (tutlRlee of tho" KS),9 Wa,Aer." ~t does I) the chemist empties tim contents of the cud its escaping front the roomwas lit- I waat,to.sas its work well and effeotually and h undoubtedly a~omnohinto one ve~el, cbol~ up the crMl¥ roasted. One s/de of his body was one ut the greatest labor.earing maohlues ef m~culo-membrsnetnto mines-meat and burned ths age.--I)r.J. II. flcalcsex II} ,N.8~zt~Slreet, ahuost to a ciuder. I[o has never ut~ it into mtotber cornel, lla then reoovered the PAll,,. front his injuries, and ie with my first blast, that irides up the matter he is about to a hopoleminvalid, suttbrin~ sheknelton thestageabov~ hh one of the meet aualyce into as manyportious as there torture aud coutinu¯l an lu the Isvent[oe ol the King IVa*Aer, It WaM arm the ~gacity of the n)e: ’(l£arkl hear ye not, howeighing 5 poisotmsimpeot~L ~o~ iust~uoo, if gonerosity--porhep~ hie acute of e deslxeed that it ehoeld oombise a]J the good ever known. Wi~erc the on stryo-hine and tartar-emetic are the pot- ] tnent--lu’oveuted hht ])ro~(~t tie 8 I the wind comes the wall of tha lest ,luolitles oreveryotter wa*hingmuhlne,and eamOfrom and to whomit belouge sDirite?" She paused for the wall; I tout to belookedfor, the contents of each at tho s~metlmetohaveeet a SingleobJeoflotand she madeher e~oap~) t y jar would b~ divided Into two parts. I girl, is not known, but we h¯vo the santo of did my level best, and lifted her eta et)lo feature. ¯ Sucha machine Is the Kle~le,) Orleans. Arriving thl~ro, Ibqt 00’.;) The next thtug to’be doue Is to reduce] mt ’~’oalouse etr~ot, betweoq Ramp~tthe lady aud also of those whowere eye- /eehet off the boards with myfirst blast. rubbing, an weerJngaadtearing a"d Iset, but That eocutcd to inspire me. I ignored n.i Ioa~t, labor ma~le easy. the matter to a liquid etato.. Tht~ is attd Burgundy, where sin Is6W r~d~. wihmeeee to the occurrences as narraled the etope that misht have crantpotL~,y I Ifyea canu,t i)urahseea Ki.,j ll’.*~,r In dane hy l)amin8 water over it till its 8he is yet very young,. ~rt~inly not by us." ~ . ~L, )’(,url)laes*cedusthe nchievemsut, but blddiug farewell ¢oa~ato color the water. Dythis pro- [ more than t7 at’f~/rth~t‘ IIer viadic- The Secretary of thu Yol|ng Men’s great to all my fears of ruptured blood.vessels ]IET’A I L J’RICE,~I~ 00, ce~t the poison is transferred to the[ tire and savage fury wh~uexoRed,ia a Chriatiau’Aa~oc|atiop in Bk P~tuJ, J~inn., cr total d~afnu~, or fut¯ro punishes¯t, ~l),l wewLH f,)rwerd tho sameto yvnfree of water, audit is the water that is tested, terror to all I~r a~uaintanot~. It Is frdgl~t, t,) plaeeewheren,) ene le selling. or rather the solution is madeto precip- strange that beneath an exterior ~o fair in a letter to the Bo~tou’ 1VafrAm,,n, l lot out that which wtmmost within the a,y t, ae II net |at[riled, eHd w[theL to return Itate the poison. Tartar-enteric is time- ¯ nd beautif¯l .should be ooucoalod the makes the followmgetatemeut : Ou~As- aud hays, nover ha~l a etonlaoh-a~ha thu In~hhto a~ere muuth’e ,rJul, neeordlegt,, ly ai/hgl to urinals ~n ira loeb, whlohare ulemcnt of such iswlmsvzolouce.~ao ~cmiatiou h~sl)eZtc hundreds of dollars sines. L~ut the audieevv--thvy roared, d[revtloUl, we sgr~o to attd the mmtagorcursed, and Mrs.Wcdwithout t~uuting the t Or~tuel’ica~ne, July 29. N*~:FU,VD7’//E MO.VL’)’, ier flew t|OWlt the green-room et*dnL Watchin [r=o of/Ytlgh L ’£hern I was,abeorbed iu mytromendotte &’hi’st ’t¢"l#r. 3rn,rall#, to t~Ao),* llb. ":~’sther Clevelan,] youngmen who h,rs come here from performance, oblivious of all beside the ~r*tt ,ti#eu~,,ta ore e, md¢, ’Bo~tonintmarah of health, but in reality euocoN of my musical cffor~ The mancalIM upOti Mr.’ K|N(/WASII|N(I MACIIINt~4 MANUF. CO., ouly to find agrave in the b~utiful lot stertn whiah my,)rcheatrtd e*~sy wanreoongratuhtt4~l him upon of the Youug-Men’aOhriatian Amocia- ceived, aloeed my t~resr M a female I10P, III I, 1113 }lttt~r Street, wind Lt~trument~|isL 8aSl-ly d.l|edaIphla. tiou in Cahlaud4~mnetory." beauties. orūrid rsarcd amid re-Dr.Crook’s WINE 0FTAR4 carriage" The hones PLufSmith was a of a noisy had.s, bsok loJgiag,houss, arid’munched his meals obese.(or could ¯ cmpt;~:t fly, down.to,tha corner of the street, to the music shop of Carl mann, a German ~ctthr ~omewhero ".m ~oho. There be tinhered all da half son of , samoroom. , and Ca- for a sp¯ce of about :ses:wdteheard thr0w~g: abdut : of b~did1~at bish, anti on on pne ?his ~ small tradetm~hr went to the .to the heaven, to teach the piano to three or going:to stupid girls, . sundays, h/~ curled ~lf~-p isfhis den~ ahd amused nobody knew how, until Mondhymorn. ing. n¢ .lotions and There are~d few certainties ; "he never ~flimo: f¯~l would do on manyminds prehent t went to ehnreh, :~ut, he ~ieked. r¯gged elo-’ to take.the Bible for only what it clearly childr0n frdm the pKvdmef/t’~kh’en .they "Mr. Clavering I Whendldyou come ? ~ co from an expressive.pair of ’ . , ’¯ . foil near him, ¯nd gave them half.pen~, I amso g]~l,. ~ol,happy !" aho ex= bench. Thelatter . trough!iu the’spring ho~//0,1ime~hd’aU: Says. : ’ _ , nics Whenhe had arty; shared his, din- eyes. fim~d. . Then from the Puns and Punsters. her often wi~b a ma.gy d.i~ty cur,’ Who i~ thi~ :’ Arc you gl~.?. ?,.Are you_yoa-watse~ happy ? LOb., Abox~f E~ir~ ~teted aa a sort of escape-valvere/the ill~y welcome ]Lave kdpt. ;thepldsterer’e cellarCrock. proper, Tribut~ says : ’ ’ AwriLc~i~ milkin.house.’.lA of for me, my love, mydarling?" temper of hull the men aud womentn wh0aro.’.not ~ the.stteet;~ndher6ust~I~AtRsanfrom Shapt~ther handovgx~he~eyes, tour- had been.standing ~ his midnight snooze in the gutimr, manyin his cleaner work-clothes, and Sunday muriti~;’ YoUdo not ~eanyour words I was. thund’ scold ’night, aud" literally carried him suit, earned from the iucrcased number I amldreamingl ’I nnt madr’ of. ~in~lle,:prtrvidcd through Ahowilling "Youare hare, wide awake, Camilla,’ hometo North aml tl/e children, h~ five of assi,tancooftheir philanthroptcalfricnd, and I amasking ~0u to love me, .and,to As for Clavcring. ’ be my wife." ’’ ¯ .... ’’ marked, "If ho A rcasonleg) nll-su~ce~, thing) ), fine.enough to be She, drew him awayfo’~ ~ I~rlef:mo’ , . thastreet, ..::: ..Au.Intellectualhii~M.Ml, ’ of most, and laid’¯ her weary :head within !who~hM, a~ .morbid abhorzeneeof thqse vided; and after a little his arms.. /fhon ehe: psmmd’o~’~dher them, when p~asers-by p¯used tolisten to dresMng-room, and when khe.r0turned /u~th~l,eakage,, T~IS ended One~0qld., nighS. Pq.t~, w~returning days rie~h y0uug ~di0o. ’ she put out her hand, sa]ing: "Un, ,rOn,Sanday.thero wusmot~ frei~ h,i ydiW, ~ai~f ~’.:orend .~-thelWarbl~figoftho ’ ’," " ’ Whe,t she had been there sixmonths oL’~nilk,,htealdng, of crook~ dej: os0.,amt,~l ,a ~oll/l~/~htder the sh0".jeU-~e~ in Floiideb fourt0en Johnson On0laording ~t~.flmt Mn~,Rl°hardt ’ take me away t,f ell’thin." ’ I lCmsoul-sick turning of ,bartok.and,boxes." ’ ’" otEer, when’at’the~treet door he stumffU~tson ’ ’ Blouse, who . 0Rt, mako’a puix would pick in the musio-maeter’ar09m.: "Audyou will only sing-~-" ’ egar,barsel~whioh=h ~d. been ~bangea up mal~ who ~ bled, and. nearly fell Overa ~mall object Clavering ,, What do You’D~oposoto ~t6 With Crouchedon the step. ’ ’ "In your .nest. Come, we must not the~ previous *v/mh Wwasthrown over ¯ pooket4---Yut-’one" curt’Imagine the saved hiuny lives’ theother day. ~’lto ~FO~P~,_,~c~’~..a~n~-,~t.~c~’~’~°~’~ex ~.r I" dieaOvered~ )pleas:on tbn rail*cad whexo famouspupil ~0 ~aid her soft voice, forget Z’lucle Paul. He is waiting in the and ,~lm a~inegar ~i] led, AeauI "Ble~ us I Whst’sthisF’ Cried Paul, yourMarian, ’ ~v~ft~i @hickthp, gr~.ah:~’~t~thseven-tmlcdthe" rains h~.lanttermined~he roa~tt~eu, (2amelia is quite C¯l)ablo b~z for me." " striving to tegMubit equilibrium, . .with a candle aad,s t~ egg, We~’ basha~ 0f" convo~ahon ~guld ~havo and ran a’milo anc~’a bali .up the road ,,Only me, sir," and t~e small objectdoing:anyth|ng, ina a musical way. She The box was near at hm)d,aud, in e df;the:.siak ,in, the kitchen.’. ~’ its ,wr0et~.th~’no~e~ar’J, 16gicglinferehee-- to w~fi/~up/~ss~-ger’ii/aic. 4~ w/!h. t|de downlt ’Stood up, atttl becamenvory pale, thin, wil~ ]~0P 9vng~tr~ of whomthis court- momentthey stood at the.door. ¯ It v~ss )iokMwas,tm~n, ,~: tmyone dried, to hint it---0~’a cer~ nreeioug frbight"it ~ame thuudermg try ~kili be proud. Ah,hero she is l ’ tbe floor, . and ragged child. ¯jar, aud ]richard pushed it open to ,iokles s~ttvred " .when th~l)octor,htmself ~ow~’tho grt~o the I~y waved bi~ Rat. ¯ - Arc "Youhave |reproved won,icrfui] preserves were oVer.~ you hurt, little girl ~" low Camilh~ to enter, and saw tha p~ly looked..’wonderingly :eene~tsarc~am~ wlthw~lved~.tha~.’~ O~couree institution had made it w~all .d0na ¯’ No,sir." child," sMdthe lad ntan sittieg in one of the luxurious turned,~brooms thrown down/chalet St. ~udrew’e College )" then took off his coat tm0, "What areyou doing outhere in the gloved liand, chairs, his ,head lying back upon the benthe~moved,’about leaves Riohard’s fitrow abide" ,oft cushions, and his hands peacefully thrown from th~ bureau in n momelit; ’hut the englisebr reallzea o-night, nmlwill rennin’ ttbrbad many folded. "Nothing," taantelpioc*: swei~t, of otmameula that aomething wtm wrong, and stopped rears. Hero is ¯ little gift ss a token of "Uncle Paul I" cried Camilla. "Why, toys, n. feathec~ bed shifted’ oat of ira Dootor aeked "Whydon’t you go homo ?" i ¯ .The Provest corn- hie tzaha in ecaa0n to escape a fatal ca¯ : ’ome,abrancc," : , " I ain’t gotauyl" you ncul~ht~r boy, you nee fast asleep I lflaco, eli 4h9 bed,.and, the dlning~room .. ¯ Poor. "Well," said tastropbe ~ .. Hhe did uot tsndcrstand th,)t Mrs. (Jome, it ts.tnne to go homo, Ah I" . table turned, quickly, and completel]( ,’ Dear reel whcrtts yournsothor?" L~ ~’only to heep on as ..AnJ.ILinoia 3]~vefil3g. had plac0d a pretty.~ecElao~ man.haa.beeninthc~inm for aboutJack’two " " ][It heaw,n ]" Silo started back with a cry, for the over.in i tr~abs, while the f, thor ann and )’ou will get rich . . At thin Paul was dumbfounded, and of coral in her hand, sad then gathered hand.,he touched’was toy cold, ¯nd fell i~io0ie~M werelook~., g on. . ’ rdn~ment~ but a few daye seoiug that great tears were stealing up her shawl acd del)arLod; but when back,:stiff ¯ud helpless~ ’ on’~ouday a.lmokot of. wato~ stand)rtty, whomthet.nemies ~go he. was pronouhee~l’ hopele~Iv tat. downthe ehll~’8 weufitoe, be thrust the, her teacher spoke, she cried o¯t us if in...,. Cathilhh darling, comeaway. /.will ing.’ 9n.a beuoh ,two feet high, in the bxe fond of quoting, is our own :usable, and sent home. On arriving ~ioliu under tha’ardt which had held mortal pai,,,m~d without ~word,~low attend to him." kitchen, r( 1 pal The feather,bed, )r, Noah Webttter, who, in madsaid: ’sWell, the hroad, and putting the other round downthe strict towards l,bin’~ ’ Akalto . "Oh, ]t[ohtnl r’ , ¢ stere of " led.were t us dictionary, after vainly ’,, Hush, love I He is beyond us now, house edone, are turned the corner sha rushed poll moll ~ the tiny figure, he snide t s floor, aud other , to~ define a entered tbe room "Oh, l’va got a Itomo--a real Jolly ittto tha axnte of a gentleman,’~who,on ’Those strains of rituals have carried him s ~ of the previot throwing Woinghes #ale and tearful, satd’t ’*Why, to boaverb from when?e, they entae." ... place. Comoup aud see." r tkat ffsrttory mot .. Andthh hi the way oldppul came to little C~mi[la ’? Whatletbe nmtter Y" Tha poet "old nmu’ w~ dead. With ..... Silver ha nose Which eo ~ ht Oil, Mr. Clavertng, you are going the consummation’6f biS heeXt’h’wl~h, 01alining : have a neat little housekeelmr,and to be ; but in addition)hs "’Don’t you ;’Is it buying eslloo gownsand shoes out of hia away ]" ’ .... Leander C~, a farm save "-7~AUG IJ8T tg, IS?I. . POSiTiON OV©A.L SOHUlii~. Yurnearlya yearthe Demoeeate have been trying topersu¯de Short and themWewonderif t.hey think so, after reading hisspeechat Chiclgo, last Saturdaymight. ~ch’orzwa~amongthe ]Republicanbaiters in lili~curi, lut fall, and when Grain Brownwas elected through hle influenca, *he Democrats th~bt ¯they "Lid him." ¯~ilis course daring the lilt session of {3oo .gre~s, in which he opposed the Ku KInx .bill and San Domint~o¯nnexation, al~n ,created him Ireat favor amongthe Dora: curate. ¯ But hlu Chi~gospeech takeB ,ti’om them the crumbs of comfort which .they mayhave d~rivid fro,n it. has no fear thatthePreBideet ~iiil abu,e the pt*wers conferred upon him by the Ku u ~ bilL, hutolio~tL its ¢ismlge be,cause he believes that no such peweeought .to exist.in the Landsof any one pJrsoo, He also rebukes the charges that the measure was adopted by the Republioan~ ffor theil:,politioal advantage¯ ,persor,al relations with the Presidsut~they have alwa~,s beeu/deadly, and he has lie .grievauces of aw) kind with him. His ,~pposition,to the.San Domingoannexa ural pr0tectorB?" and wheedled the publisher of the Zeitainn was a mattBr.at iudividual opinio,, gel~t lute a newenterprise, ~ e. theJonrand cou/d in no.wise be cnnsidered in a Iris expected that between two and ~a[. "Get the city and county printing; Theirrepressibly "Jim" hangs out the three hunaredwomenwill attend Ihe .nezt~ .thedaws-you~cati-publieh on a venture; .perry light. The only belief he has in fallowing: =" term of the Mio~gaw~niv~sTi-~;.’Ot the have a vatent outside; kill the RgPU~LI,enmm,mwith the Democracyis for Ibe Callnax, Aug.17-11871.. tnirt~ in atth!ii-d-aeoe thd~st-~ioli~iao~ ~~-n~’hifi-Wlll-b ,t~,~ h~-on]y-Effg--.total/’emoval el all disabilitiesand disefi- _. ToSamuel M.Galll, *’Mayor-of-th’e.~[iy-bf one-tailed. " * liBh paperin Atlautie; WBIIdabblein poiSheriffof Atlaatlc Co., :franeh:sements. Thetime {s the case of Camden.Ed. Redmnn, l’,li~s Edith A..Smith, of South Had- iti~, 1be the year 1872 will reBound James M.~unb lI, B; Wilaon, If. H, Hoilmthcnd ~qoraoe.greeley and other prominentRe- d’aeobW.Start andothers. Icy, Mass., and under lourteen years of throughout the hillsand valesof thecounmublieans. This caiirso of 8enat.orSehurz Gentlemen :--I havejust receivedyourletter age, recently drove a span of horses at- ly; I’ll’do ths editing and you the modey ei’ thh leth, urging me to rlimatu in the llehl Inched to a Kniffin mower,cutting two making; you knowhowttts yours~ II ,is but another exampleof the ,bro¯d views for Oovninor,stating your be- and a hall acre,i’of heavy grass and doing .The moneymakingl" that vibrated .emerlained by the tlepub}ican organiza- !lefn candLdete that the "timehadsome"for the peopleto ic hau&omely, Afterwards she sodded through every "nerve of the mereeuary ,ties in which manmaydiffer widelyupS) maketheir ownnominatious,withoutdictation and rakedit, preparing it entirely forload- ~l~ost and"took." The JoarmdappeaP O ordireetinn fromauyeeIF-eouttltutedleaders. fog ou the ~art. inor point~, yet,be true to the mainprin- Theoentiments ed and announced the dcctrmes of Demonof myheart are tn perfect accordwiththe kl,d-~exprcssions co_ntiinedIo Io the opinion of the Ro~. T. De Wilt racy as its creed. Tbe writer, a. D em~ ciples of the paris. . .... routletter. Thin|a the peoplo’n fight andnot womanhasa r ght to do’ any- crat, felt utteTlYdisgustecl with tamnasii mine,but [ canunsureyouthat I wilt be a can- -Talmage ill= liOllfl~illIOR. dished up by persons whowouldwil’.WlltO. 8H&t3. dtdatefol" Governor of ~ewJerseytill the nom-thmg she can do wee, aud there should thus andsoll out Waaulna’ioll, D. C., Au9 lSt/~, 18T1 tuation iemadeat the 7th of SeptemberRe- be.no department ot merchandise, mesh- lingly playtheroleof Judas for thirty pieces of silver, ortheir equiv*/’he cominggubernatorial oon~estin New and mayttod defeudthe" antsm, art or science barred agaiaa~ her. alent innstionalcurrency .~er~ey tslooked upon¯with muchinterest by mMlelnConvention, aedwhosemsxYours, leading eeittielana hate¯ The’friends of the StatiBliC~ showthat two-thirds ot the im iB net ’*Let us have pence," but "Giv~ JAMESM. SCOVEL. womeu aidminiltration heremeanatmis~o see a man in lueatie asylumsare wiveeof fur Usaaliee." I/,~minated~not only¢lpahhbbnt@opular/for the wives, whosonervous coul,eet-~llUpropahly ’be eo sloesthat availihll- The "eew departure" ~as a fair propo.me~’~-overwnt!ked systems eUceuiilbed after a|ew years of hy will he aa Iml~ortantpaint to he considered. sitioa to the.people o(,the South; that if 8t;raie and tcnBion. If the,wishesof Jerse~men at Wiellillgton were t,~ h~ eentnltedt the uuanimaue ebuteewould_3 hey_,l~ould_ac~.ep t-t he -~ot k-which-has-~I~ Phoebe Coizena has been aide - - -IMtl,olr" b~n accomplished by the Republican pgr- notary pub!in in St [~uis. lioN, WtLUIIX ~omin, Duringhls four yaars in C-~ugrees,Judge ty, the North scald join in an endeavor The Western Uai0n Telegraph ComMe.remadeardent,earnest frlendtl of all who to have the disfranehtsement and other pany’,~ office at SanLaedre, Ual. has been lind intercourse with him"Byhleindustry,in¯ Obnoxiousmeasurescowin force, removed placed ender the sole "charge of s youog ~legrh~, energy,round bual~t,sa tlet~ andfamilla~ity with the great queatimeof the day, and It was a splendid offer, and one. wh~h, WOmae. ,¢~penilillywitheverytiling that pertainedte ifaeeepted, would havedonomuebtohelp Miss E. M. Ligg,ett liaeaccepted a Pan’the interests of Jereeyme% be provedhiineel: well.qualified to represent~ l~ere In urir ~a- the patty regain itB/ormer l~r!.stige, Bet fess~r’s chair iu ~/t ashburlie CollegeToilunal.hells of Legislation,andby his invarte- it was asking too muchof lheir southern pekl, Kansas. llle;eourteeyin his Intareours9with all, even humh!esi,-he:made aa mlanywalml,true brethren.who-desiresnpthifil~ less -t hails Sbhool, East ~oston ~ tbc fidendeaa anyreprssentaltveoar stateeversent retur~l of their unlimited poweraedwont- the Prescott t*.~oniiresa,andwehaveeealmlto ~believohe edicflocnco. They will bane uo "new anuuatex idbit kin- t. his nioi~tli-l-t hT-fi~s~ @till,more votesoutatde.the partythanany time any womanbus bectf tendeced such mannam~d,.andhis ackn*wledged rive eaeeu- deparmrc" d;Jelrine in-their platform, an honor In Mass. Thisis the first movetire abiIItles.wouldenablelilmtoflll the c~no me.t in a concerted planto put women ofg.v runt.with credit to himself,hie :party ~nd threats, to bolt flit iB pressed ~lpon on Sohnol Board throughout the cOnntry. and the Brits, If JudgeMoorewill not,permit them,so it is evident that it most begivhis mimeto be used, it will bewisepolicy to en up eruplit thu party. ~lr. Alexander Amherst 0ollegB proposes to admit numltlinte-eome ether mira, like him,free ,from H. SlepLons, now ~tiler of nn Athnlu womoeto its Curriculums. The tnatter part ,~r lot in the dlngreemcnte bel~eenearl. hasbeentcfenred to a ~mmittce consistnee/’actions,in the party--|cyne~lehmanaa paper,says.: ing el President Stearns, l{ev. ilenry ~HOS. Jo,aa Davi~aoil, Weshall never support, hy counsel or W.rd Bceoher and lice. Dr. PaineB. of tb,~ .%d,diotrlct.In that district, w~llchis vote, cilher any onn of the actual I~erp~-" the iitLvpt of I~/ewJersey, MrDavldeon J at "They will repert in October. attempted to dem,~*tiutnd4hnt he has all tba teopltaltes for trat6rs of the great frauds n p,,Imtar candidate. Hie allRtty is uulluee’ be imposed,upon the Oeoploof thts noun- A number.el yoong girls have started throe,,, lad ,Ida late eanvl~aef the dlerriet try in the shutter ol the so-ca/led amend- ,a paperat 1.1~oton, Pc. tieing tbeir own p’nve4hhnto be the manto toe, ire the good me.as to tt~e C, nstitluion, or any one of diung andtype-setting. ~xtll of tbelmlsa~el not onlydidhe poll n solid the aecel~a~ictoffer tliefuct to ther~ most The first ,prize for Gh;eekidiolarship patti#v,uto,but hesoeurdd Ihovotesof bundre, ls outrages. ,aa th~ Slate- Uoivt~rsity ot’Miss~lri has el p,,tI~ ~ppnoents. NORTHSTAR. monstrous !t Ihey ,~ill not ace@t,the aatendments, been aasrdud teateam!0 studButHer [Theabove will meet with the hourly nameiS Massif, F. lilp!cy." e.durs~mellt, ,ant only of the people el then the fires thi.¢ they will do whenchey get into power will b’o to repetdtllem, and. Miss Eslh~r Greatbatch whn4insjoet Athnti~ but the majority el the lt~irst ’ ’ probably be a hart ¯oflhe,r tlas~ed plal~ [ Iho .....~oond (sp~ial) . . , exumi.httoo ]qstriet. Mr. Moorereceived the largest that will . ". , hother the Northers wingwill . [lIurmol.at tile ufllVl~l’~lty or J.tonnon in"¯~ok l~’reneli |eric, 1% and 0outiter-oint also "ii~ ¯ ¯ o i~’ ever polledfor Congressiu this di~, . dr. p ,. ~ b. u h lct. If he would¯llow his nameto go aeocdo to lhis¯ "lomatna to bc scoo¯ 8CColid irlZ(, at t[in [auunatien whic t ’ I ’ ’ iJ,fll,)wed l’rol. (]uthrh’~h:ctures onPIysbuF,.e the (~t/v~atlon, it wouldgive alms Lo.dot lieh li.,~t universel,sati~fsetion in thin part of ALIVE HOMt~ JOURNAL-NDTA- "’ and , atoutIhe , eandndatea ’ Institute ..." ! to "first ¯ 18 7 0zo ; nr. tt~c tbo pr BLEGHANQE th. l’hute, ED, ~PUBLICAN,] lie PbyuicaIGe, lgraphy in thnexsmi, atinn ..... " .... ! J~apLUOabet!]Jelzrl/t ~lrl~ J.loll~. pas~"l" #’" "~t "’~l Ij-. ! II---I----, ¯ --I.| ~ullu " ¯ ¯alia vv.~qA ¯ I’t_ll* l¯al.ioy IS leettlros tn l|ul’nhug dies hard in thi~ pig-headed ed into the hands ot Messrs. OrangoJudd[ J869, /n J~8 ~li~s Gt’eatbateh pas~cd ’) 5 ~oadwnv..NewYork.... I o as a juai,)r whhfires-class healers and ,world ot ours. ~3e~/acon (G,.) Tel~..’apl~ &"Co..’. of .4 well known -ublishers ot the Astute:at l itSlm’d a prme for blalhenlulios at Ilia iB still, in the mesaIndh.rouslyabsurdway~ ...... " ..... ’ *[Caeibridgo local examination. In l)eo. talki.g of slavery aa "a s.Tslcn, sanet/o.ed J~grteuuor,st--a Journat J0ng WlHl~autat, J870 she "’a~scd as a ~nior wilh fi-et b.t’ thugl’t~a t .~chovab Ihinlsel/, underwhich rival ill 141erhllg value and elreulal.ton.[chlss honurl4, galnirii Ihe MilI-TavIor Oar lathers l+rospered Be n|ueh and were ’l~hn niarked impl~venlenl8thou expected I~eholar>hip, and e i,riteior nel~linal seenonly. Ehois a pupil ol the ~orth Lon. l~mivur+ahy reeugeizod.’nsI tie nublest type tO appear ill llearOl~sud Jla.le have heeuJOlt Collegiate~Sohonl for girls. 1 |~ho liunian race¯" ilow nlueh longer lully realized, aml it is nowone oflho Alhs yonng woman lalely wee the prize oh,lisest i}]ustratcd jnurllals snyw]lcro for hess exunlinali~ll in (}heali.lrv ’,re ~vo to, encomtterII|eso drearyspec:b,-uod/,)r tile family cirele--adapled to at lhe [lnit’e~ily ’tit Jthfinhurgh. 81,o lue.~,!l ,liuli.h conservatism whichItas no h~’ieal I,:lutionto thutavhicll nii extras bolhtllo jllvenilo sndedolt lleOllle, sadI i’anLcdthe iiighest anionif two |londr,.l but llllOh is bs~edlint only opel! the to-, uietllieg ihc specialwaiits of lilo hous~-land Ioriyeouil~#iitors. ’l’l~judges dcchilahv e:tti.el, hut upotl m,alelbing abe- keepc.r, lle~idca it ,tupplies very usliful , edth, it .lie wasineligible tu receiveIlil~ becauie M,¢wus ct wOr~lanl Sir lately ¢o<reso-cltali,lii ? ellnlllerS Ior i}le gardenlliJ fatal0 andan ~rize lilus Hale sans her o ltrescnt of $500- as inil, orlalil i, lgWt’leheet,livlmga valoahle a token,If his upprecialionof her ~OllOlar(),,e .~IfI be firstacts Or l[i’ivenuo Cotlt. rcsntneffthonews leraweek, nptolho ship. This Iphv refused toa¢cept. mi.~iitnerl)ougluss I’as beenthe abeliti!lo niolilelil O[ issue, ]~r0iu $500to $801) ~ellfltor ’l"rnulbllJl ie his Jiourihel Jul~ nl the e.utfidenlia] iloeitbln iu the tdlicotl,rlh of vi!iy tlne engiavinseheauiil~, uraUou at IJile~tl,lrg, 111.after pieadili i which woe lor a while F.eld by Mr¯ Clif rili.’]i WCel~lyilunihcr. ~i%Io nllliee it0111 a’ clot oeillly tl,r Ille Irceiblln t,IMl nlen ford Thomps~m. ’l’ho correepou~encewh1, ~lill lurlher mark i,f enterpriseOil Ilia cJu,.trili,ld its audiu.cuby Ihe|,/,luwieK: ~ Ll,~h be’wanchargedia selil to the sun,e part ill Iho publhhcl~t;they llaveb¢¢lir~d "Theright i.t wlimeuhi ilarii0illnie in lie gilvoriiilil’nt ul" lhu nouIllrywliulievi r division ss otlltr correspondence, I~ be ,I- t hnexclusive<ditur, al ~erviees,!t llJlIWAIttl t|iey a~kIce It, Calilitlt hedenied ulid Ihu le,dedt, by a qiccial c’erk, q’hia cosdi- EIJ(ILI~T+ N, llO widuly nnd luv!lrahly li iliOli wealdbeall til<~ bott.~randpolcr lllil)WII lly hie writings io ~crl’b.er’a lbr thclr llaltici/!ut;(lu." de,itial pt/:glen is I, not regarded n~t~ur Maathl.~,nndmany other ltlailstines aild hi II,e I!lOl.~r Irnoimetiunof tlw bu~io~l.s, ~,iilllml~. ~!!*1i!speciullyuii Ihochiel~upert It was throughthat ’ cocfldenlial ’* I!oti- ilih!lilling l~ditnr tit’ tbu.Nelo]’eric ].dt. ThePillle liatt !hlii,~ :t iqgitlililo Ihingin tleii that the NowYorkCentral Railroad p,-l![cal ll!r sllille lime past. Whhihia lelusillg ihe lille ell ’Ties the (h,~ut," lax dzcieiull was sleds known,to die dot- lllllable addhi,n lU ibe previouelylarle ’and the al~eeuillttnylngglhierh~gt’euil,hniid hll’Ollg 0ditoritil Inter,. Jleurth Ul/C] Illflll~l ef a lhr~lnc u| god. Weale ui a rlmo/!t of the itublio iulercst~. ]/li/It~l eao titlt foil lu Oleril nlld ~Ollimand hiss IO knowllt’lletlt%l t;lidld etltne lily i~(llt,a lO’liliilileiil lilal~i in uierd lioueehuld, in Iliill¢’e wilh aulholily In gral,I lJi. J[oh’ll,e liational ball.ca aheetbanL4.l#.ln ¢ily, villngu lillti t~onlry, l~pecililen COll. lie~tlt.ut’h ti liihL how, welllit] liiiiy luodutip, ai,d it prcse.lil~a goodIoeticl.,. in. i’lll deubilcs.’lbeuhiiinedel Ihopab- des,,r¥o tit ul,,I lie |insvt.r lirUl,erly h.II in Ther~.nil,lS of the (]overnmulltfor the li~liur~, as Ibuve.ToluinOul$$3 a yrllr. I,nelerlty theq nei~iiolii,l duel!ling v~helhi r I y’:,r e~tdit~gJt~li~ ~JJ, 7871,were $3~J,- ~’llngld nulnbuli 8 uenio. ]]¢tlt, Ot (m,/ i., lhall Imhcrt, al(,.r kil,,Wll ll~i "libel 373~Jd| btl; eltpeildltu/es for the tame //,.no ntld AmericanA,Jricldturi~t Ill- Greut.’° A. |r!r Iht, l.hlen Ihr(ine, the g!,ther, 114 ayoar. Butl,:raddonourboth i’ollliff Jult flOWse,.a Ihal lh," cesii,fnuch .I ,t l,!ri,.l were.t$.9.,177,188.... This il!themto },our suoply el Imldiag; they a I!le~c ell inrailure e01i be holler u~ed. elude, the i1~.57&1~65 paid nut aa later- ul ~rc each w~tth intlnitely motetha’l Ihu The age ofthronn~l ha~ eom,~|lew prelly re’ o:i iho imblie debl. sin nil cost¯ mnehpasi~d away, pHILADELPHIA. MO’II~4M~S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 31tf OverPaeklrd’a SMnon, HAMIIIONTON,N. J. 5.38 PE....................................... one-eighthof 2 Lizhtere,one-eighthof two Hauoum. ¯ , C. WalotI~, Co. 8~l~t. 2 48 Wm ......................................... SelueBoats.area-eighth of twoSeines,andoi.e Heath, 8 2| son variety. Au~, 7th, 18T1. 2t. llerl age, BenJ .................................... alghlb ofa fishing Roar. DANIEL WALTER Auditor. , 5 59 llawee, Antrlm F ................................ S, ~ Notion is hereby given that the ~ As BOOnas the present ve~efs on FI,~,.(1..W,.................................... 4 97 DatedAug.:~,’71. Board of Examiners of the town of Hem-the stocksat Tuekahooarc completedand : ~’s l-tia,h~us,,u ~Othe ................................ ton+~- -l~u-~h--~dT-rw-6-~oro~5-~l~ ~M~AT M-~RKE~ "~’" ! ~ill ~et- fdi’-tSe--e~ -/HIll.Rinhard ............. ; ......................’. 12; three mlmls, eto, Will be commen~d. . .......................... 3 72 We would inform the inhabitanii of lisa.non-/H.rtnn, Jacob R ....... eaudidai~sfor teacher’s eertifloate~, at the Oneia for Capt.George Duke ~ Co. ton andvloiaity that wuiutendto furnish|Hadley.R F ....................... : ........... 3 74 new ~hool building, ou Vine Street, ou and will bo built bvt~aptLee. Theother them withthebestiu ourlice. ’.. ~r~et~e~tia tAe[ ’JoicO, Samuel ............. ’......~.i..........., ..... 3 74. Saturday the 2nd. o| Sept. next, at one forCapt; Richard W. Godfrey & Co. and cAeapeet."Wnkeepconstantlyon hand. |Jordan, PS ......... ’ ................; .............. 9 91 =J~/~ee, gv-~ g ................................. ,... 2 4~1 " - ......... o’clockP, hi. will be built by Hezekiah Godfrey, Esq, "FBESH BEEF, MIUTTON, ~EAL, I- .... r .... ~ r in That his Priee~ are Lower than any J, R, CAROTIIEIIS, Town~u~t, Capi.. Duke is. now commanderel the ¯ Po~. eo~.vz~ ~EF, exams, |~’/.~.~: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ~ Aug. 16. ]870. Schooner "Johu S. I~c " and ,Capt, other ntorein the plane I tI~ Second quarterly., meeting for ~todtre_y_gf the " l~ophiu GocLfrcy~-’---¯ jhcwcr~: 7,,,,.., ..................................... 5~99 ~dll-l~-h~} Call and eec, and If they are not, iIamm0nten ~d~-the hh-I~g6 ~ The tax payers at Hamilton town- At the lowsstmarketprice. 435 1Leols, JP~ .......................................... ANDPRODUCE, in season.|Lelaculul~, H ................... 111. E. Church ou 8abbgth, (to-morrow) ship would like to knowwhat husbeeome VEGETABLES ; ................ ~ 10 Aug. 20,1871. I.oveFeastac9A, M,-- of the Clerko! said lowashiP, ashehas , .......... ,~orauam; ...................... ][I.egular ecrvie~sgt 10t A. /11. and 7~,P. not had the anuual etatemootfor the year A . ........ llllS~&l.W illnlli’wl~lll ,u, .. ~. iMnlerl Miller, Samuel .................................... ~. 1 56 1!I. Freaehing in the moruieg ’by the leT0 published, Has he forgotten ther~ is MI, L, J&~llil~O~, Meade DrIsiin ............ ~......... ; ..........; 4 e7 ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ C ;~ S ~q. presiding Elder Roy, J. B. Gruw. In a flee of $50 for ncghet of duty? If nol, ~ Maggie~ Chaa: ............................ ¯ ......... 2 07 Hammonto~, Jlay ]8, 1870. we would like to see it published. the ovenlngby the Pilfer. Subject-~’lT~e 0 21 Neitnn. MJ tJLI0paid)........................ M. V, If. ltlOORE, A TAX PAVES. IN fll&NfEii]g OF NEW JEBllIEY .Hi’dale. Ll’fi’. Quarterly OonferencoSatNewman, Martin........... ; ..................... 1 52 2 79 lit *’Tax-Payer"will examinethe ill:; Nieces, Ira......................................... urday evening at 7~ o’clock iu the church, - To JohnM.A. VeRb,nnd Eva, hie wife. ~lay’s Landing,N.J. 2 3I’ Btehels,WHenry.." .............................. of April ~tb, i~e. will find the lily virtue ofauorde:of the Court61"Cb~eery June~2, 1871. 4~-7 g Tho ¯boys soiling fruit upon th0 PUIILICA~I oor=o r o=-.....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..41 LOTNo. 5--Doingtwobuilding lala knawll~ aa Iota No.Ouoaud Two,inllioek No;’821blithe plan of Sa!d ~i~g ltarbor Cily lOlal, conln[n-ing tweleethousand~quarnfeet. LOT~’o. li~Belogseveral contiguouslotl% No.4?, 4~,44, 45, 46~41’, 4~, arid 40. In Farm-. T, otNo. 1153on the alp of the GIouceslix’ Farmaud TownAesoclatfae. ConditLons made known atsale JOIINC. ATIBOTT. "’i SIMONHANTIIORN Com’as l, LOOIBKUEHNLti, ) Dated~one~, 1871. 50-0 Admlnistra/or’s l~itlle. Byvirtue of an order issued out~nf"the 01phons’Coqrtof the Courtlyur Atlanrle~willbll sold at the residenceef DaaietTowneend~ mn.~ Now letit eeri~ will cover Coneidersb~e are noderil will be a It to on , :-~,. ~.tol Aekalonl--six water’free tickets issued to any apI~litlah.l’;~ ~or thiareason: and so I in 4 ; ~e~ttion it .... ~S new Methodist, or a new " . ~to~ " .. wh~b wo~d ¯ lamrnto CeekWelt the family depend~ upon -We know that then arethose who and their ~t’it as ,stat~ . .m~ an individuality as a Beesher him- could keep se~; it~ls going to have. a deal .mo~ erwise. Beecher in it thau any onenisrroWeree , knowof this : can fit in it without arbltnry order m~t~teaUyenclose and "covdr~ with .Chureh, all.tl~, state money, needed, wa~. !e ,rall~ f the the atmosphere tionably to he In the second ~torY of this th~rdbui~d-dollars. renoy stamp As iet~ii~i~t~l~°’~he inl~~rt~lbbtl~¯I of the le~iug.,th~ "Church treaS..the. rooms"for the j~ , wilt be women, ehureh of the , to five, toni and fifteen the -, A Big Farm. m~t ~dti ~ " dlb~ n h’ ~ ~I ~":" ’""-’" : The and taken I~ the two win ~d wbrl~ :of ~’ Tile other~; he York’.,’ P~isa~t~udby andextremelyvuJgsrfashionJ " ~i:J ’:’ With some he to shoe Some’ of diseb~r~d hie bonds rag before the flgh4 very the~ 1,~hes ’the dIw the ailm I, acoompani( aok..ca~e for safety, and started for her again, l l’ ~ ’ { The Wonderr¯l’ Vleterla’FMIs. ’ The last number intereattng~, lllndeol’nlpl/s In England. ’ The London correspondent of the Cmolnnatl Commercial nays : lndlimi stlt~ate;,,ldho’(really are mlsslonlrics’.are f~undln considerable numo bore.at C~mbri~geend Oxford.sine, wherethe’~’fli~d~ a" ~d~i.terset in ~H’~ltel’ litetature, Stimulated by.MaxMuller ’at th~ onb,~md.,by ~r. Palmer (author of an Interesting ,bqo)t ou 8urn lteliglon,} at the ’other ~u~vei~ity¯ They arc e~t~emely p~ul~r amolig their wlflter fellow.stodbnts~ ~ well. they maybe,’4br rileylhavo fine manners’and I~od looks¯ I fancy there Is hardly a handsomt~r youth u~ CumbHdg~than young Mahmood(now ’aVCh’flst’m’College,) whoso liu’eage ts’*~oed to the Prophet hltoeelf, ¯ hd who~ls a rol~ver MussulmanmtlonMist. We have a.other de=oendant of ameerAll, o[ tint ~oham’ofthe’~Yniverslty nl and son of a dlettngu{she4 of ends, who wrotea notable .~’ The 0rlgiu of Sciences," new llr.hmo I~,nq)(Worshlpper~ of’God,)Whocameto England withBabooge~hnbChaude~t~n,h&vo are. welladapted, for..this formerattiole espeeially. be~t"mediolne for and’ nowWith. turn it under when the"crop hes sttain~ full growth, and.the= sow with~xye,; and in. the e Take andwhenit is in blossom derand"so~ with_wheator and’seed withclover. waylandwillcertainly improve. Afte~ heapple. Itat~ theascdndoropofryaorwheathesbee~ in tachs the L~.ititeelf. ’/hisinseet"whs taken ofF, the land will be in good O? Oood cookery ’iatroduob~ from’ ~nghmdin the first enough conditioni usually, to plantain in produeing the highest. of tl~s: corn. " nor enche~efoster amor-: . hi& appetite, but’ in: prepanng every it One of What tho,EUerescolm Reveals. . Peor dish:w-e]l, however Simple ~r Common to keep swine in the Lewenboeck tells us of a’n insect n~ay be. There are, for instance, fami~,~of .t lie~/who never eat any good bread from d at t nrehard, whieh eat the infested apples seen with the microscope, of whie~ ’’ ’ one century to another, andhave no ides "aa they tWent3r-seven miRions would only equal of Burr ’of What it eon~st&~ Nor a~meats cooked numbers ’ a mite. better within their precincts. Those about Insects. of various e and healthy delieacies which the the cavitie~ of~ gr~in of e houeekeeperknoweintuitively how Moldis ’a forest c are never seen her~ ~l.ven a merou8 C 6Lre II~ed~ cannot get themselves A p~-eon might as well Hottentots. as far as aliy not to be, nor is tell ;about: the :ne~ and to the church of this ! "RgNOV~TZNO ~f01~N"T’~D.~At’a re" ~ o~at:meeting of the ~merican’ Institute Farmers’Club,wbi~d. ~hi~; ~lnostion was ~allbd~p;,one~of t~e mdmbensaid tha~ themOSte~e~t~al method, in.hiso~ air is pleasant ei~if~ed e zsmo’; ehureh; that edition’-is ~eeestobe be ] and~atte~tioni’-no s Many members~f 90ngreggtiona h~v,~ ;~iHtid~"~In~i~ ’nbf at \l ............. .+ . , ,: . : . . ¯ _ ¯ . , .’. .r YoungLadte~, Pltts§eld widt }y knownIn euperiorlty of intstraetion.. ) ’Rev. ~, Vi Sraan Ptineip++l., ¯ :’.. ,... " "t-4 "bebe- the Supreme Court, whereon9~0-od c~e ar--_ many,Aotakoeffeot on+the 1st of Ootober to gued~nd decided-will-f~tMsh~s ~a noxt, whinh reduces tho rateof internu- tes:. as many.Bnt ebeuld Congress be tional pcetsgo tor prepaid letters, if ex- compelled9ext winter virtually ~o decide ~ehangedbetweentho two countries by the question of the right o/ womencitiFensto veto, by 8ett]ing of contho elo~eJ mail via England,fromteo to tested aeven ccvts for each rate vf haft sn ounceof women,an or under. Unpaidlctters so exchangedCourt will be unncoessary, are to-be char~od-with-doublethe pre- there are manywhobelicvo this thc case. . paidratos, andthe iosuflloieut 3..Every womanwho wishesto be cnters with the poslage f)r uop dewedwith the right OI.votiug ou the after deduction el the amount same terms with the male citizen of the This arraogementthua term pc,rage of seven cents, or tbree sil- r~publio ahouldsend her oamoaudpoataddrees un a small slip of paperto ver grosehe, per siogle rate, on prepaid escphine$. Grifling, letters oxchen~ed between the United laced io an autograph States and ’ on and after 1st ioh+will-bekept Opeu)roxlmo, at the Capitol until woman ad or by tho dil’eet fines via eotrauehised. Sho~hould Hamburgor Bremen.Itis parlinularly ~ also such ~rimot money,large or ~o be observedthat this reductionapplies t file[re rs- 0 0 ly~o~q~ai-a-lV~--rr~pbn~de fie-e- amail,-as-ehorosy-wish-cx pcoded-in~ha other thao letters poslod in the Ut, ited cireulation of pt, litinal tracts underthe St,lies for Germany will centinuosubjent dirccti°n.°l~ the coumfittee, a,d she will to the Bamerates of postage and to ,he immzdlately reccive an acknowledgmenL samo conditio0s of compulsory prepay- ofbelh nameand mone~, and a specimeu meritas are nowapplicable tbereto, ot tho tract io prasentdistribution. Postma~tcre will levy and cellest poe!see 4. Women shuuld obtain hearings beoo an:l after tho’ls~’ol Oetobernexla By foro Icgisl’uive committeesofevery State, 8rguing the’question tot themseh, es; order ot the PostmasterGeneral. . JosEPlt H. BLaCK~’O~, should obtain lyceumand freo lecturcs in Supt. every townaud village; ehould rcad and ¯ ¯ fottit~’ them~lves with arguments for -,rJvato use, that father~, husbands,and " - FfOMII]~0e " ............ be moved-becauso~t their