Dodd`s Kidney Pills
Dodd`s Kidney Pills
'-fhm •Av! Sgl»t?a . SEKTINHL-LEADER, SPARTA, MICH. Catarrhal beafnesa Cannot Be Cured by local applleationn aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is You't*e Foolish only one wav to cure Catarrhal Deaf news, and Utat 1b bv » ct>n#tltutlonal remedy. To S o f f e r Wi HAUVB CATARRH MKDICINE nets through th« Wood on thi* Mucous Surfaces of the System. i'atarrhsl Deafness »• Kidnej^Troi caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining ot tho Eustachian Tube. When thla tube Is Inflamed you havs a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It In entirely closed. I^afness Iii the result. Unless the Inflamma tion can b« reN» ma tf*d fce duced and this tube restored to lta noi^ s , tubjmct ro cronrtar%t ma I condition, hearing mnj^be destroyed pain and mcAmM forever. Many cases of T>eafneas are p /rw« (Ai« COSN. caun'*d by Catarrh, which In an Infl* mad condition of the Mnrous B«»'faC£SM a c h i n e G u n n e r , S e r v i n g in F r a n c e ONE KUKDREI) DOL.l>AR8 for any can* of Catarrhal T> «fne«a that rannot Copyright t®!7, by Arthur Onj Imp*T \'j0 cured by HALL'S CA1A11RH M«D1CINTC. ^ All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, over the grip. This guard Is studded ] wa» accepted, woiae luck. " A P f t f F f t i r ih CHAPTER XXV—Continued. To err Ih human Jind tlie ability to Ar 9:4.% that night we reported to the With steel projections. At night la m trench, which la only about three to hide it Is greatly deiiired. W h e n w e t o o k ee-wr the front l i n e brigade headquarters dugout to receive Save yourself from constant nclws and pains, four feet wide. It makes a very handy frocs 1«og-canuou*d dabdity, frun «--«atual Br1|ht'i DIMM mttd gmslhle w e r e c e i v e d an iwfiil shock. The lnotrwtlona from Old Pepper. I m p o r t a n t to M o t h o r a (tenth. Do at <!••{> air. Don't oiglwt tta w»r«»fa*.a fbwo4 Is bnttawK After reaching thla dugout we lined weapon. One punch in the face gen(ItnutM displayed *igu boards over ICxamine carefully every bottle of pain tn k»ina. stiffna**, swoUaa joint«( di«*tu»»»a, •• 01 wait la aacrstiosL erally shatters a man'a .law and you up In a semicircle around him. and he ibe top ot their trench show u i the Thar lndleat« auraly tha ATTACKS O* DiaJUAX can get him with the knife aa he goea OA8TORIA. that f a m o u s old romody v i n m e e that we hart c u l l e d their addressed us as follows: for infanta and children, and see that It down. G e t Imtnodiatcly t h o g r e a t K i d n e y imd 3 1 a d d e r R e m e d y , trenches. The signs read " F s l r / ' "All I want you boys to do is to go "M DODDH KIDNEY PXLU* Statt a w to cback lb* **•**+ of tOa anamiaa Then we had what wa called one Rears the " f a c t . " "Fat*/* and " F a n c y / ' And so over to the German lines tonight, surto haaltt*. n« otwi a4 tha tliouMadi who *«oi©a in ragainad ,*rasgtl>, vigor aod twppinm. But bo aura to gat U - m H h i — Wxa boa wta Of>, aeeartJtng <o tiM code names on prise them, secure a couple of pHmm- •Vome alongs." Theae are strands of Signature of DODD1! oo tha eovw — •tha nama »tth Vhroa our nee p. Then to rah U to, they ers, and return immediately. 0 « f ar- barbed wire about three feet long, ; in Use for Over ?K> Evsry Druggist Sa&s T h a U i i a a Salislactiwi-ar^lfaa sy<Sack GUA3AVTES. I t o U N ' d a o m e more Mg«a> which rend, tllNry has bombarded that section of made into a noose st one end; at the C h i l d r e n C r v f o r F l e t c h e r ' s C a n t o r i a other end, the barbs are cut off snd ••Com* en, we Mre »•••;•. t >. s l u i ' d 1 -if the line for two days and parson ally I Contribution boxes! seldom get full. llsh." beUeve that that part of the German Tommy slips bis wrist through a loop to get a good grip on the wire. If the K tt Is still s mystery to roe how they trench Is unoccupied, ao Just get « cou- prisoner wants to argot the point, why attali>ed tills knowlmJge There had ple of prisoners and return aa quickly Ju*t place the largo loop around »la been ro n i d i or ^rlaouer* tak«n, m n» it-osatbla." nock tnd no matter If Tommy wishes ft idust have been the work of spies The sergeant on my right, In »n un- to return to his trenches at thw waJk, dertone, whispered to me: la our own fca»e. trot, or gallop, Frit* is perfectly agree"Kny, Yank, how Mre we going .<> get able to maintain Tommy's rata of Three or four daje M e r # the Wg a cou('W of prlaoners if the old fool speed. p u s h « • t t o s h a t t e r P l l t l ' l n e r v e s by feint n d P«' iy *v<* •tolnk* 'per«<»nally that that part of the We were ordered to black our faces reeled •« the otftctnl r of July trench is onoccupled.'—sounds kind of and hands. For this reason; At night, ft*hy, doean't It mate?" J » l <rw the Kngtish and Germans use what •M NowAlthough we '•*• *• ri *constantly c 1 had * funny sinking wnsntlon In they call star shells, a sort of rocket hM 1 ft: It? and Uight, Mill my stomach, and my tin hat felt as if btm.Unjf their es St? s t a i r . They are flred from a large y%\ in* several tinn* it weighed about a ton and my enthusiwe foiled ' Oemum* pistol about twenty inches k-ng, which This w u aceoxnptti hwl by throwing asm was melting away. Old I epper is held over the sandbag parapet of tha mi Intuitu* bsrrng*' I n t o h i * l i n e s - — must have heard the sergeant speak trench, and discharged into the ait. AS it«n uilm; «nx>k« *i *il» we would put becau.K«i he turned in h!s direction and Thea# star ahells attain a height oi a curtain of white smoke «i-rnM No ta a tbumWrlng f«»tce aaked: about alxty feet, and a range of from fcfan'e l.*i^d, completely obstructing "What did vt>a s«yT' fifty to seventy-five yards Whan they hk« vU«-.v of our trenches, ni'il T he sergeant v»,'ith a scarlet look on hit the ground they explode, throwing 1 9 would raise our curtain of fire his face and hla kneos treiihling, out a strong calcium light which lights «i If la an net tia! attack. AH smartly saluted and uarwered: up the ground In a circle of a r*d'U» of "Nothing, air." doan our trenebea the men wauld between ten to ftftoen yards T^iey •ftout And rh*cr, ncid Frit* would run* ; Old Pep|wr said: alao have a parachute ata * shell which, hose wJtli machinr gun rifle. snd | "Weil, dvu't wi) it so loudly tbo nest after reaching a height of about s**ty lFftpuel fire thin!;!ft* we were c<»u>- ] time." feet, cxplo4os, A parachute unfolds If over Then o l d Pepper continued: and slowly floats to the ground, light * ? After three or four of theae dummy ; "In this section of the Gorman attack* hla nerves MWt have been trenches there are twe or thro» ma- ing up a targe d r d t to No Man's l>and. The ofUclal name of tha star shelli If W'*4r the breaking joint. chine guns which our trt'.lerv. in tlM a "Very-light/' Very lights are a MMM 1 On June 24. W t . at 9 K) In 'he iast two or thre«- ttaya, baa t>ef o ttftfc to prevent night surprise attacks on j Rftorntn« our guns <nen«l up, t n d heu the tr»t|ibes. If a Mar aboil falls in C o m p a n y b r a r x h h o u s e wditft run itself, a n d T h i * la o n e of tho S w i f t A C o m p a n y n»s lot looae. The *ftn we* te»rt<lc. a front of you. or between yon and tha t h a t it i s u p t o t h e br,si>ch h o o a e m a n t o Branch House Men. | | tooecant boom boom bocun In your ear, German lines, yon are safe from deteo- { r u n it Fi'oporly.. 1 At nlghc the s k j w*n a red glare. T h e y are all pretty much alike in the tion, as the enemy cannot sea yon Cmr bond ardment Bed lasted shout Any b r a n c h hooae m a n w h o doesn't through the bright curtain of light, j w a y they feel toward their work—and that two hour* when I t l t l started replyBut If It falls behind yon sn<l, s s Tom- I s e e h i s w o r k in t h i s h g h t is t r a n a f e r r e d t o is what this ad is about. log. AHbvogh w# were wending over my say a, "you get In the star shell s ome other p U i » with Swnt H Company to tiMi shells to hla ooev our casualties T h e y kno ar that most people couldn't rone/ thco tha fun begins; yon ha»*a w h i c h h e is b e t t e r adaptec',. * era cey '(her* was a conitai'U get such iRood meat promptly and in good to He flat on yt*ur stomach and remain j a" roam of **tetcher* coming out «f the T b e y a r e picked m « % t h e s e b r a n c h condition if It weren't for th t branch houaea ab--i|lotety motion'eaa until tha iigbt of r* ttnw." <iUoa trefch**!! and tdrifcl h o u s e m e n . K v e r y tirr e y >u sit 4 o w n t o a ? the abeli dies out. This taksa any* j of they are in charge. ; r(!'» WffV I romioon Might. where from forty to iwventy »»«conda. j s t e a k o r c h o p o r cv:t of r o u s t yW c a n give s T h e y know tbotfjthe toranch house is Ipta the th^ noise of the gwos lv yon haven't tima to fall to the grateful tho hi to tha '^hclc c r e w c s t h e m <o«ne of the most important Inks in the chain «; hurt *£ou had the sauie «ei»f«v* grouml y..n moot ra»iw n sb*.^nfa'y <9# preparing andi distributing meat far a A n d r f » T i « t t b e r . in a gtmeral w a y , t h a t tl«m as wbeti rtdlnf an t he auh way you wtlll In whatever position you were in enter the tube wwlor tfte river going ration. a^erything m a k e s li<«|amoothiwr a n d wMtti the light exploded i it Is advlato llrooklytt—a aort of pressure on tfc« able not *^o breathe, as Frits baa aa j m o r e c o n v e n e r * for y m ; . t a tha r e a a h of th*t T h e y licnow that Swif* & C o m i * n y ftWWt « t r d r u m s tiui the ground eouataatly eye like an eagle when he thinks you t h o u g h t f u l n e s s a n d e f l r r t of a lot of p e o p l e have its branch house's run at t ie highast ttlag. are knocking at his door. When a star of w h e m y o u b n v c nov^wr h e a r d . notch of usefulness; that even a Swift & taa4e M M tho trot>«4he« were shell la burn)ng In Tommy's r*«r 5>a hofnuae Jaorive fchr»pcan hold hlif braath for a weak. cotiatao^.ty hvratiog over them, You black .an your face and bands so ^tod th#«M dangerous apota hy that the light from the star shells will \ «Off ttifo«gli open fieWa. &.E3* not rert«H*t on your pale faca. In a j The J W t f K t U a In the Oertuan line* trench raid there is quite suflleient j i<ta» owfui *«d I rut ly feJt a*>rry tor reason for your face to be pals. If you fKo*e tHK'vxiae ! feallaed h»w they u»uat don't believe me, try It Jtnt once. m l e eUetr.lug Ii. Then another reason fo* blackening ear front Mae tretvch, eeery your face and hands Is that, aftar you j we raunl hear aharp have entered the Oerinnn tren<?h at , la the tJcrwi-a.^ teeurhea, nltfttt, "white face" meens Germans, j were the aJir*iAl* f«»r '•black fsce" Kngllsh. Coming around m hearera and i&saat the « traverse you sea a white face in or fcUUag of •»*»* l^enoati In 1 front of you. With a prayer and wishM <»f Wa f r l h e r n i a l m ing Fritz "Hhe beat o' luck." you Intro- j *>iv I 1 httkf * te'4ftt ti'tie '>f tt. dues him to your "persuader" or j je.r|«Jtlfsi| th*' differeut ^|en*'»t*Ni al kntscfcle knife. Recslvirg First Ai4. " * htr: after awhile f u t aaed to it. A little later wa arrived st th* cons- i "••'••A «4Vt e t t t C th* f»arh>ue gnu e o « able to taj>e. Thtsae guna the munication trench named WHtakg I With that tfaaay,, p u f f y feelinjU a«d hurting n o on/, waa «tetto«M|ll In iioge •»uphnnt eettor where two of our co«u muni ca- street, which led to the Are tronch at | V ugovrtntttoea*tfw*r hundred yeidM tion trenches Jala the front 14o» a ad th.f point wa w*re to ga over tits top h e a r t ? For Quick R e l i e f — T a k e O N E »< a4 ihe trosxh—thaj were as the brigade is W» go o*er tlte op t o and out in front. Ui w»er*e r>» -'eaif#anv ; jnorrow morning I wan' to capturo two tn our rear ware fotn* stretcher beartn 'tfe'^r 4 v ea<l f»aee a to«tfat* wtth • »r three men fUMi fheee guns'^crevt a, er*i snd a corporal of the It. A. M. C »<>• forinrr loatea Aith<'agh we frte<t and fi\»ta the^n 1 may be aMe to obtain ra rying a p^uch containing mattlclnes «o he gttW t!«»fe waa e lurking valuable information as ta the e*art ami first aid appliances. Kind of a • NKillg i1l«a*ter. EiU'h location fkf the irun<^ snd ««f* urtlUery grim reminder to us that our expedig \®k •ef lag. if, after the will therefore be ab a ta tlmn tion wo* not l o l n g to ba exactly a plr- ?<1» with tha beat of hefora the attack, and thus fireveat nt< Th* oidrr of thinii was reversed. n i c g a n . ' {For your stomach's would ha itll) our losing a loi of mien while* tttdng In civilian Ut'e the doctors generally] l ack.'* hs ikl ho tw* lying "aoino- these communication trencbes u* being coma flrgtt with tho a idertakera tag- j lya attve m Y o u c a a f a i r l y t e e l , it w o r k . - I t d r i v e s t h « f i A S o » i o f y w g la aa »xld dilapidated op re-enfurcemeat*.'' trhere Ir. giOig la the renr and then tha lasttlfe ; Th»-»a were t'.-e li^tf^te'rtWa-* hs gave ance ruau, but In our case, tha mules-' ?ji.u*e. tl r *. W* whl«"h were e<-arre4 b o d y a n d t h e B l o a t g o e s w i t h It. takara w^SS leading, with the doctatS rltk kttMi l # > hvitietifc. No. !5 f t s t a a v a a Q t w K e k l } ' — l a d i g a a t i o a , H e - a r t b a r a . S a a r Si- a i a c k . s k . Kifi-pany had • T a k e off your N l a t l l W ^ ^ a dlaka. trailing behind, minus the insurance j tt«*n o f t t •• ' u a v - l Get £ A T O N t C fr>sn y*mr Druggiit with tha i'JKHJBL£ CVA f U IVY1LE a cook a pre- strip your ui^f »rtna of ali nuiaarais. adjustei\ * Us t)uurl:srv Th niWlf-, b«a a>mm a — m 4 > cik . s a a a < S B M I S W ' ta Mtlet On the ^ f i f t i i s . etc.. leave y<»ur p a p i s t with : i | a«<-a*s ta t. I TO HB COM INC I D , *am I tv'iat thr tti* i t m ' M *>•? t.h< I tout ha r t o e n r s Ttsrjr enptains. f apsaialty t h e s a S s y i . It Way Help £v#tttua;!y. ta Anyone Old In N»w YorkT if . «b« i\ftHight!a**b *Mdt r<»gl*ters<t a b o d i e s tO kfy,r* whan »'e*;wneiata s^e livery W o m a n Wncta 1 • Inne- l i e got «na|fltHNS on his oaaeo ! I . » onh*S1 ol UMUrt^Uir.etit tl'i ' In Ursea Barton's novel. "The Makthis wsti <v3 bv vnJwtbtiP aiie.-T N : tiWH and w <1 ot*t ^ a t n s t them \ Wise guy ; that's the only *af» i sup j 'nf'Mtuftiloti to theur. in «u,< stflhcic to* ing of t .eorj i f.roton " the ailtfcof issekYM to ho plentiful tn tb'ima fty and i U^ng to get iuurrie«;l of*. t u n u e a wti'i w e r e s a l s e p i n w a r s ) morrow and I don't any <tt you [ w y « : "No one is old In New York. .vugtrAa lit food for th nniiit. S e H M V y I" rev'-nr. T ; i M B i rtoi i Breport MlilttH l i l t aHitiw H H HSfS.-s BH d the , t»e taken stive. W ftat 1 want Is tt> o They drain In every year from sll ,Ac»v»rding fhe ' 1 ii'-*t d a y a n d I s i t e ii is a b . - ' - i h|mi«3i lo t u ' » l . i | a girl purts of Ihe country—millions of men* I i r ta<»o«n« and If I jy*{ them 1 I lava « llwt«'| ( funeral. heiievit > he can i | i g it la t> am^e whiting In their trenches wny which » t P asake them tUvnlgs ya*hf and vibrant. They stay and '5ltflT (•-'icye sin is blimlsi'uje. EPT1C PO ' > log* a! a n ya do t b ujt, • a!3 necessary lufmwaatteo as to their wwk, and grow into middle age; and 1 C h ^ m n XXVI. FOR PERSONAL O l M o b e ifatseats* f w girnv. T«u have yi»ur *aMca ->f two than suddenly they vanish. One may Mtarr*., uW.*rati«m eosl li walk, for tdocks on Fifth svenue tr j woapona—you may <arry y«ntt' *pefit) an the Western Front. AI -Le«^>iW«sdad by tydhk I Broadway St^l hardly *ee anyone over i sua tiers' or your knack e I t a i ' i s . and neatianarters I hHpj^aitetl f W d t a w Mad. Co. fa* teis yaaea f Mifh four 'Uty. Where do they go t<»? Wo one a c oo versa tion hatwsao our { each man wt)l arm bin A ha»li«n f wottdejr fa* aa»sal 41 C igeueiai officer commanding I j Mills homba, those to t aaa^i |wig in seernw ev*»r to die; no fiinerais ci>>g : aars' thru at and the tr attic. There a i e plenty of fu ? tjbe (nrlsloaal ceran»and*r From caae of envergency." oerais, of course, but yon don't notlea giiaveraattos I learned that wa A persuader la Tow ay * Oi (' i. •.SgKKtur»es OO D M! ;>\L Has;lent j ^ b w<i a gtaadard bea*,ffw)'d •aaasny, « - K<a a bowselu* d wnahf » <"*. 'r»: u.e pare, oriataai i.w«jw>< >vd IWr • bombard the Geraian lines f o r for a Club carried by lbs- hoiii SHHN It them aa you do in a little to *n. 1 great •gramimt>ths»r tsai, and: j »v, liver^Waddft r and ets»nve. ii k a Oil > our and oa *he Srst of July th« is about twe fe*«t Isaa. thin at ana and have wandered for hours tu t!t>* big *n!Mtrte• ? s> itli -r© p« rh-c1 fjft«.ra»l»«* Ti •* b«*" t wootfa, wondering wber* the hi Hi go 'be tldck th' "big was to o«rr wen' and ssrv thick st tftg oil ar^alja into t be aelht mad itmag m l [ kidnsj 4 *iid. bUd In a tea' days «ir4er* vrere taaaetf to end Va atu<>ded with •hart'4 s*e •t a r f u b e a . when they tile; and never yet have nt orpins of ibe tbv ki-daejfs an i thruagb tha bU»Mer, <kit4j| ii *1— * ur«St i'« ol ing oat Uaii pou*MK»u* germs. New hfc, \ i hat asr«K t. * n»t it « aa t s a a o o pr«:»p-' while through tha center of t«# ch;b J run gcroaa tha body of « dead bird. What becomes of old birds? NVbat beneh ent^r t tr* v, strengitll awi baalth *iil come a a v«* t | tb"»re la a ntn»-i*»eb k a d lia» orty a«l alo»g the one if. the hV'..«! aa<» *t- »n eantOiise t»»* ?reatn»eat. When ccvtapiaUr- i C a tha sf»erno. a of fhe etgttvh dhy of J it weight and bata, ee Whan j on teat cornea of old Hew Yorkers? These are j y rUr v.-g-.. r. mm thravr-u | »t by tha iv irai-orns-a ti> *our u^ual v*g.u»\ i v'Jf.ija'V strai>t«i5 ' At:wall sad I ware alt j a prisoner all you have t 4o la lust t w i n inyKler'.cs to me. 1 cannot ttSfttS ; •' '» • v.insntuta Not S w a t as Uktnn a carejil*' or two each day; taatf trill yo«a SHa tin* !« <be fl^atJib e rr%-! • h a mult-v.,* ! *Hcfo this club up In fWNli r him, and than/* a ra*1»W y<lrr beet git-f^'S fsth Sasp you ta «** liti«a» pre.ei ts*a of t he <ba*as*. fags sad tnak>.ag ant our report* of the j bullosa rm1. t he pel sonar's pa Irtoti sm i frtttaS cat I for you y " v Do oat delitf a minute. Drhfs are a*> Q«« A i « n o without M«««IA ..„.. I f.revtaas ntght's W-nr of the trencher. f«»i T>«ut*cbland naber A ilea*' fadea "No. In: t be COSitadl SKf KWW.'f px'tally dangi^irona in ka?'u" V and bladder T h e cliff d w e l l a r a k n e w n o t h i n g o f m ! a«Sy snd he very willingly c^Hnya the J:- u Meh wa baa to itttra in w bwad^usr a ben | l w , h l o . .\ii 4rag)giats seiJ w S y p HKDA | | n - ^ rt t-tt•,>«i Guoslea. '/'hej tans the fallowing d.*y. al.ea an order urders of bis cjvptor If. however, tlva t h e m a t o f m e t a l * . T h e i r k n i v e s « «ra | g g h ^ t l a m ci<n* *y Tt • OnwRr-s !*-»!» tJ*a U nut ft* lapresei from the hohes nf the daer, l I H H f e M•i>eH tiii i i ^.i-v i ta trat paase.T • .a -s tn ' a* 0<d prisoner 1gets hlgh-tooed ac,d refsbaa evsHU Tea tonic as UVS r ivfter4 I w m r i M l , H a a r l e m CHI t > i * Uigbiy polished (tad very aharp. Their follow y • • o tnply "perana<CNn SlSi ftkg link^ Pay^ax' reau t#% twenty *oiur:!»--*rs to tbsi> it* < c ffstas sraakt l l ^tvsof • '»rt*d tfereet fettm its* labara oiwtvohl utensils roni-.lsted >f fe>t- A |;vi oevf on r tranch ra»d that n»:;ht t'* ttrst removing hla tin hut, M k then•«* kid w-.j's ar thar orgun- or that ttt th« anaat 1I ms4 l'i»er SgS "Mri *— pft s- *ni y-'ur . Hr; •] , t«"y sn<l g»»t s few t.fernvaa pr(lisMS»ers ' r | w'-f?, 'br us • of the U^nd weigbjlliin tike tft^j >ars and casks made of liber and QAM • H mays yOSf eak majKfta When Vour Eyes Need Care ami. afv jpaaitivsly Asrapt v."11»» vMib aii'i'H. •-prompt ItlJ'slMt' w< par;»o-*a«. I lint-., i late? v t« "sunder t <teimm<s^ra ted. a im i Tatap t'VKsered with a substatv-e reaertldiug *f«iK-tew Simimmmm m M ta tkrw a*»» odern varnish. Although the earliest are ngea. Ask P>r tbe • Try murinewyeEye Remedy pyj'l ^^jji^t-eaiv-l *-P this l-"'b, and i-'uim:-. j Utv f . a notiae Irtiaoaer « f ( ) t y*a » l H' '.-«»•fc>v• 0 i t t > re, IT.W*Mr c'iJT Mvr * a . re prohiatoric, •-'H** e. liul.tfe 5 * ' * a ds*$ga!f\|li^sir f;DLl> M s f f l u srfth A?we;t, anil wan: the Tt.'«- knuc Acw;*' a*) •*<it -.s, i-i» ...» u •• »,« :< r h rt^f Myu JStM»k. THry are not a "patent • H M S i aa* Ask f»>r the i:wc»s have rglntad In alia oat evary K KElliO)! CO.. < a "asw discovery/" For JPWI Mars th* > Adv. k b . g*twi"y name t*> the oin«-tsrs fn ' t|te Marie r whle'u ia a^a>at tha world. *«^,e r f f-. -J - ug part*. » «<' •• k'U* with » I >sy ai«al g»iard j ago TOP By A n American Soldier Who Went Arthur Guy Empey Dodd's Kidney Pills £ The Branch House Man Swift & Company, U. S>. A. A r e You Bloated After Elating. ATONIC r SAI E, GENTLE REMEDY CLEANSES YOUR KIDNEYS ;rr.' -* •" rsr. m ' m 'j THIS 'W ; 1 f e : ;- S e A l l N E ^ L K A D K R , SPAKTA, 3* I C P Co. R, 108 Engineers, 33d Div. N E W C E M E N T ROAD R E P O R T STAMP PITR< Mrs. Adel bar t Baker who h been CLAIMS F I R S T VICTIM W t O P0ST1 tier ion sly ill trem pneumonia, folJ GOiAlMsi E7ENTS 36 wtr»fr influenru is reported as reM e t h o d i i t Eptsoopai C h u r c h Wr S t a m p pledge cards Lajmoxjoaux boulevard, the ncwlr Monday Nov. I S — L e c t u r e Course covering. persona in this vicinity b * W ^ preaci in& services at number, "Navy Girls." Morning Mrs. Harry Lymburner, who has completed stretch of cement , s e n t to Poa: master K t e k e r . | j 10:30. w m been HI at th© home of N Z. Cam- f r o m Comstock Fark to the A1 pi no buyer z.rb fl f.gflwaaldok All Evening services tit 7 : 8 0 . SATURDAY P. M. 2:30 to 9:30 COMING AUCTIONS inkb for a short time wan t^k*n to g r a v e l ha« claimed lta f rst victim. aro cordially Invited. Mrs. Godfrey von Platen of G r a n d p u r c h a s e r s , In order to get p. Saturday Nov. 16 Mrs Henry! But1rworth hosjital in Grand KapW. H. I r w i n , P a s t o r . Hapids, wife of Godfrey von Platen, credit Jor ttyrtr p a y i y j m * ? cent Bleached Cotton, . . . 30c. Smith, Household goods and farm Ms Wednesday for treatment report to Mr. Meeker tfc*; Epworth League tools. At residence on Centennial J. C. Ballard wa* in town Wed- lumberman, waa instantly killed on already p u r e b a t e d , so that t E p w o r t h L e a g u e meeting- „at 6 : 3 0 . 4«> cent Lonsdale Nainsooks, .35c a.vtiiuo, Spuria. A. II. Wlthijy, Auct. i e.-ds.y. Says he likas thy town and Tuesday night in an automobile a?, er entry may be ntado on t Mrs is enjoying his siew venture :i Bald- cident near Comstock Park. '• & ceat Bf-rkey Cambric, .. .32c! Baptist Church ionoer. lb This should be done at on Diomaa A. Wilkinson of MunkegonJ l o: SO Prea< hlng t crvle.e. Subject: Tneactajr, N o v e m b e r 19. A. Nord- ing. Mr von Plat limit for s t a m p sales eonelui 'Cod'a o r d e r is p?a« ts but It ih al- atrom, 3 miles north, 1 milo east o» M. D. Culver who has been it. a a sister was injured 30 cent Hainanok, 26c f t h e m o n t h of December. ways p&aeo based upon p u r i t y , for Sparta, farm tools and stock, 1 o'- Grand Uapid.s ?ioapltal for several en escaped with a few bruises. j t h e wisdoui t h a t i i f r o m above is clock. A, H. Withey, Auctioneer. weeks is report*4 aa improved and The party wan returning from, Mus 27 cent Cotton, beadhed or nnK CHURCH AJ5N01 kegon and reached Comntoc* Part | 24c first p u r e and t h e n p e a c e a b o . " bleached Friday November 22, William Hull will return bom a today. Just ww»t of | Bible flehobl a t 12 o'clock. Mra. W'allie Ccleman who h i s t e e n about nine o'clock. 1 mile east of ('amp I,ake, farm tools • mday morning subject: the railroad tra* ks Is a triple ctirv^i C h r i s t i a n Kndeavdr a t m. and stock. X o'clock A. H. Wlthey, suffering Jrom blood poisoning in 24c H*> j bleached Cotton, tUn a m of C h r i s t i a n ' Cat*Ji. in the road Mr. von Platen hsi w>i her hand for t h i past two wet-kif in Sonic service Auctioneer. U Sunday ever ng subj.^cr. traversed this route bat once Wfore slowly improving She was car-d ftvenluj; tf«>r vices, 7 : 0 0 , -Ject: . 15 18 cont Bleahed Cotton, and was no! familiar with road can niflnent F a i l u r e . " ; ; l •• t And w h e .» vossfcl Mrs. H. O. Klrl« U of Conklin was for by Mrs. H. S. Coleman at the dltfons. He mistook the third curve Lnion T h a n k s g i v i n g S e r vlft^ home of the lattir. t.'i.. 11 i' made of c i i ) w;. n u r r e d in a vial tor in Sparta, Tuesday. h iB in the road and the car went over the 25 cent Apron Ginghams, . .22o WWl. ^ «W M K fhorch if Mrs Chair les Moek a - t e n d e l tho of t h e putter, he inftde Hi !lev Clyde Uroen of tUrand Rapids funeral of her nephew at geeland edge and rolhiri down the n t i h a n k ' s r v o l , , n f f 111 H, Stewa af.-i: -• not»ter vo^tel, aa seemed | l r c h t b r, spent the week end w i t h L. D. Hall. .34o s o d t< Hie potter to osake i t . " Best Peruilei.. Monday. ment which at this point 1s a b o u t ' * * * *^ nu?*. Mrs. N. Gaut was m Grand Rapids 20 feet In height. Mr*, yo.i Platen — — _ ~ I'orr., to Mr. and M/a, Herrian Christian l-ndeavor Tueaday ordering new spring milli- Nelson last week an 8-i>ound Kirl Mr. v a pinned under the auto and her Other Percali 2 5 tc 33c LADIES LITERARY CLUB Christian Endeavor meeting 6:30. nery. skull crushed Mrs. Wilkinson r e f B . ' "I'"Mr,f.': r and Mrs. Nelson ai\> living on Letter J o h n H. S t e w a r t , P a s t o r . tj.„ . hasm : '^hey formerly lived c-ftved a compound fracture c»f the w C. M. C, 0 N. T., Star and R. Miss Agnes Carlson * spending u F'aine's farm. ,.U v.« , T I f T h f * regular meeting of the Ll in the village. Free Metliodiiit Church M C M Crochet Cot ton, spool, 10*: mouth wilh her parents, Mr.and Mrs « ~ z ; I Snrvi '• a .a fellows: Bab bath < h a r l e e Carlson, 10:00 a. tn.; p r e a c h i n g , 3c hoe l No. 2$Q Ribbon, worth now 30 LETTERS FftOM THE BOYS Plill 13 rat! at rum came home last ing, 7 p. m. O. A. 1 0 : 3 0 ; and 35 i©ent yd. Special . .. .20c 'riiuraday ami Ih still confined to the Mr.. John Spfcer who now .{eater From Frank iitkinaon to his wis- FOR SA1.E-THOROBRKD B.IBHED house with nHuenxa. Ko'k cockrels, M. * c stct^;. h . i in 0 r a n « Hapids visited her ter, Mrs. Forrest Field: J£»ts» ta Sunday School Crash, value, &5c*nt», sale . . . . 19o Afra. A. J. Ferguiion apent from 4€s t«r, Mrs F. K. Warren, a jvai't I>ear Slater: I zcl Mien. Alpine, R H. i Meet* i 10:00 o'clock, new t i m e i'hursday until, Sunday with relaLodiftfl' House dresses ait t h e right the week. We have been loing a lot of movevery * j a t t h e Myera school tives in Grand Kapidh. _1 j-nce. FOR .SALE -8EVKUAL Ii (Oil GRADE!; ng lately m> h iven't had time to j house. 8. B* L o w n , , Supt. Mr. and Airs. N. A. tfhaw drove write much. Received a lettr from j ft very ik ivited. to Itevenna Monday afternoon to at- yoa a few days *go and two oi' the S'-iKvilcd V *term in s k •.'>. 20. ^ X ' s t T J s r s tend the funeral of Isaac DeCan. Er.glishviUe B a p t i s t Church . and 25 cent*. 1 r Sparta papers. We took quit« a trip "J lender's P3mmuwjy, v 10. Roberts, and Mr and Mrs. N. a couple, of weelra ago Went thro j 10:20 " Trusting Htm." j Sunday * hot.>l f o l l o w i n g t h e m o r n - Guut Hpent Sunday in Coopersville Paris, but didn't get to t,*-o nni' h of ' ing service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lub- It as we Just v e n t thro Stopped Youn^ l o o p | e n Meeting at 7:CO. ben. about 15 mlnUtef but didn't cat j Subject; Tou aft a i d ? " Leader Have b m quite a Mrs. liowlird W i c k e d and Mf*t> of the yards. John McCarfy. ways back of th l lines for a Jtttle ) 7. 4 5 — " T h e Messenger w i t h o u t a L 'ua Gamble of Berlin wore Ruestn -e of Miss Gracfc' Heeby over the week rest, and it sec cm good to !>< j M-sesAge." 1 E H Phone 66 you don't hear :he ^ttns or thi» end. y Rev Levi Miller, P a s t o r . We are Mrs 8. W. Haines !•? spending th bombing planes it night. •lUiirtered in a nice little French week with her son-in-law and daugh'own for a few ditys. The «nre u^e! ter, Mr. and Mrs. la*c Lumpkin. us tine and the t o y s aure dd till u«» $aran*c. with good eats. ^Ve could buy tniU.! -'a Miflf Lucile Johnson who ts at- eg|f«, beefsteak, Inrtter and lot« tending; the University spent tho things that you can't get a? t h e ] week end with her parents, Mr. and front. We are oi^r with the Alter-! Vf ^ > , Mrs. A. A. Johnson. leans as id 14 does seem good to g a t ! A The next regular meetog of the with our fellows again am! we a* J tj. O. V. M. will be held next Tues- better eats. While w e got * * « « « * { lie*ter Styles without waste is t h e day Nt'vrn l» j r lf>. A good attend- before, there wa ui't mm h c h a n g e j pnli/ y approved by American women. ance i» asked for by the ofUcers. mrmtly bu^ly beef antflj hard tack.;' Cloverly designed, of approved maMrs. H. H. Trask who ha:4 been Utt we haven't had anv her4 ta'kl t t r l a i un t h e shap^lle^r laata. the Uncle Saai'g b^ys b a r e unhcsitA*]u guest of har mother. |j?ra. K. Sfn-e « | cmtv» hjjre. We all hai-d • f e g i y adopted t h e v/ri^t w a t c h , y o u Fall StytUft in DOROTHY DODD I"<*stcr, for the past three months, re- to leave the A u s t u l a n * for th««y sure w o r ( ? see h u n d r e d s of tivom in .every Shoej will rnuH-t your stvle ideas and turned Wednesday to her home i n ; e tftte bnnejt of fellow-*. This b r a n c h of the jtervice yon r f o )t w ear , nes ds, Is a nice country where we are now '• I OS. Carl Raytrnrn, sun of Kddie Rey- end ihe people aet m to he a tot hotOur 1'ainftlaftt fitting DOROTHY In tlie army—the na ry—the maburn who h.-is been at Camp Merrltt ter class than whrr.t? were before. IK>OD Shoes wfM i tand t h e test ot rine corps. la the train ng camp, in m m1, for about a year has been ordered ,M,T ^ rains almost every day and. " in woman * present day atctthe field, nt the ( r e n t und a t sea, to Camp Leo for training a* an offlcer o v ®eythilig is damn; a fallow |« out Ivttlee. these epiendid little e t c h e s »x{ of luck if he leavet, ciimp for an hour for ovetrneas service. A"\Y keeping our boys on time. if ho doesn't take his rain coat with Mistf>* Forn Hex ford and Olive him. Am feeling fine Taylor returned laat week to Jack-j Thay arw ,|u; hn avfy fat Frinlt Atkinson ' stay a t hotto-s son a f t e r upending three weeks at Come in and let u< Special Sale Church N aies P E R S O N A L rr-cirvrr./ui CD DORA CLUTE DAME FASHION IS PATRIOT TODAY ifei^ A. A, JOHNSON & CO, show you. Our t.tio* of Hvri.?t waioike^ is plet* All a?e thoronnvily reU I'rh <:<• are in^ly rattan nab D . C . S-IOl ,? 5PAkTA,££ ri « :<t ,P5I. - x"1 (< Your Account Is Solicited fei Tho butcher busitjeas Is t m a t t e r of pertKm&J e i j a s t i o n u w e l l at of m e a t If jcou Uk# the butcher ai»d believe in him you buy h b m e a t . W « like t * $ u tia like aa. Wt e v e r yIi ndy f s i r / y . t e a r aeoou.aH is gro>d with us. ^ r. «jj-. • > / . Phone - imWiVT T f a a s & r 22 Your m e a t bills v i l l be Iowa* ^ m fnMts w i t h G o Sparta, r r Sol© A g e n c y t h e i r homes here, while their sehooln wcio closed oti account of thclnflu-j ensn. w a n Michigan v Mr. and AJr»«. Charles Ballard am, SUerre Ballard were called tc Cad U u Friday b> the sorius Illness oi' Mrs, rmrcoe Resell, Sherre return-j ! :-'a?ord >v snd Mr. and Mrs. Un! j i-.ini wil: ^ m a . n for some time Cv.Mrgr HetHai is reported ill with j tnrtuensn. '• ,*s. WSU«m* l^right is rejerted as: te ill with th;> influenza. I Ttjrrc are still a good number of pewt card* Jeft at fiolender'* id ar m t which may be aenli to »he men in Arnii f. by amy one wfalling to do • and ltn>k the cards over wlften in th'. etnre and send one or o>ore m may be ^ s r e d . Neva Srt<xn\ bail placed h e r ) .•>rd»-T f>r irprtng oitlHuerjf in the |>e-j «'Oit MerkH. 1 Prlna w h o u in the n a v j | tn Rparta the fore part of I! I week. W h i l e riding hla bicycle on Dkv-; ' >oe sfr»'«f early Monday morn l e g j Earl Staurer wan run into by an awt-J omobile an<f( he was thrown from the! wheel; H.j we,* bnf$«ed a boot the! head and face but not seriously. Two trurkluod? <-.i; , . . from hers went lo Grind K^plds Monday olight to help la the ee1el>ratf >n Mir." MarJorJe Csrr. who teachsaj IB the J u it tor Hsgh nwhwl In 0 rand j H:\p\iU npi-nl i he wej«k * nd wfth harf pa rent* Mr and Mi«* W It f a i r ! Hh« -was vompneled hv Miss Kath- 1 erlne Ward!'* of ton la who also if a tejSfiher in U r s e d Hapids Through the ||>art|i, Real Ratal* v « la*-ae rftel rsitatc ilesl bs* joM> cli's^d In which A NoHl-'rurn «»*; hnf.*.'•# )||m fartn north and of Sparta for 150 ttcres In Jiarre ed by ;Rev J. N". Howard r? • •: veIllations are stated to ap^rugimate JliB.00'). All Millinery a t half price for «liwt b a l a n c e c<f t h e seiwion. Mrs N O n n i WATCH BALLARD'S' VICTORY SALE SPARTA, MICHIGAN