12/25/1875 - Atlantic County Library System
12/25/1875 - Atlantic County Library System
]llisceliRneous .i~.~lyertisementtF MiscellaneousAdvertisements..I : BLUETS NNADE /QUILTS, NowOpen,the best stock ia the Philade:phia market., Wedeal _ THE -N. J. IN FULLVIEIY Ad-,utle HAYES,,Prop’r. J. HEN Ashland...¯,; ..... ;.. 8 b3 . 8 41 4 58[0 57 WhiteH0rse......... ~10 8~05~17.03 Berliu.................. ’9 4o 9 03 b 1fit7 20 ~tmte Normal and ~iodoleehoois. Atco ................... 1O05 9 10 5 2.~b 28 1035 9~35351746 Watchmakers and Jewelers - Totalchargosforpupile, iu theOeutlemen’s" Waterford.... -Hail, $170 a year. ToPd charges for pupils An6ora ................ 10 45 927 b4017 50 ,i~il | ,%urth SecondBtreets ". in theLzdia~’llall,$t54ityear.Winslew............. #1 05 933 54617:fi Tptal charges in the Model School -1200 a -Vineland Junction. H l~ 9 30 5 4~17 59 " year¯ I[ammenton...".......11 a0 943 5 5718 04 For Cileulars with full particulars/apply t- DuCoeta..... .......... 12 08 948 0 0~1 Elwodd.~-........ ’!2~14 10 00 6.141 ,.LEWISM--JOHNSOk~-~ Egg Harbor ......... 1 30 10 12 II 241 Trenton, NewJereey. ...... ~’~- ’ ~ . ~ " has coaetantly rOLEP!:OPRIETOR ...... lot for Ha,mmonton, peeial ¯ , atteoti,m N;, J. will ha given to Coavey- lie will ala0 net as ,’trent for the SALE.AND 1tENTINO OF LANDSand the pnylnent..,fTAXES. Prompt attention paid to COLLECTIONS. " " . .~;i~ ~IANURE, Manure; ,% MANUFA37r’R OF B O W E R’ S the members than any other insura:lce offercd. -Andth at large u mount- of ~money-is--f~ive-d- t6 EDI~’fONDS~__ ~t~l)E YI:OM - No. 5S, BIG!flY STKEET. PIIILA, -Keeps u larxo ass,,rtmo.f of all kii.ds St:i :, . pe0’a lesnod S,c-,,ass0 .utthere.st -,T me,Ammoni fseturerdlrect from Eugland, wherc¯thearera~:e erav of Wheat is 50 bushcb, to the acre. DEPOT~I" 39 103 SOUTHSrI:EET P. ~LT,].’hOhE, -i~r-dah~,byGeo. Elvln#i. --&. GJClark - Durlug t e lIoilda~[, and nt less prices than an ,’ o)hsr 01~ti~;iail in the City. ~ A fide assertnxutt of .Opera-Glasses PIIYSIC[AN The Four% n h AND SURGEO.N, HA}/UaNTON; 1%. _~, ._. Residonoa on Central Avenuc,’hlibe house tnrmurly .ec_)t_~ed by D_n Bo~les, -oFa’llS -EGG-H ARBOt--CITTI: RFA/I;NED’ UNAD’UL. ¯ TEItATED POUDltETTE. . AND TUEgDAY, IIALF TIlE .~lsip(rllo~ PltiCE lov till :~prlilg ...... Vegetabio =~xl-Oinalic remedy of the ego. There is nothing like them UN]~(~U,~l.[l].lll~|) [~ )[~ .Tl) {’~-0CO er equal to thcal un ler the eun. They restsre the weak, invigorate ;l. L"t’I [~i’)l’lll’y :~t,l’(~(.~t. ................ t4AT Ett0’ ,gFL ,i;’t!TO OP, II IS " n . th’e llll)l~li Ib~tlUll|U| ill t hit%e re,,-),i’y itt!rvi’,’tt’d rt II/’W ),t,’thmd¢)I D.l,:l/lulLIu~-Eu.UL~[I~UI’ [,~’_’_’._J!’A~ DllXIlq4-Yp:trk:-’ n’g ir ,, ty I, If.its, Ih,’ t’i)tttl)l~ Of wl, i~’h "ill lihliltn 13"llllbl r!,)),.4 tint I,hlre tht’ <ll;ll). it Is I It ’lit’lJ ill liiIX,+SI’lilitllilli,l~ 21fllld .iS , ,)e It, il,llle. ~., I iii h,, hlht r Will Dir. i.li,,ii, it, I’;iig. ]lahlliD| t.i"Irul.l)l tt,r lililkltil( bili’dlilill m,!’l ~()li l) withIlil~ P.tll.~li ilCCOlapiiliVill~l_qloh I)lll’ililgi!. ’, T. ll.I V. ill ’i’°l II. i~llL.yht llli¢l llOl¯it~cl lli lollO )~ is I:,e ltit’l~t the feeb],, the New York Dt(}~l)e.dent: " Asto~y wore highly n~eolnelended’ to us. we bought ,,Wefor our own use, and we find, that they .ire worthy, of all tho praiee thoy have received." In ¯ Werth’a ship 10ad of quioiuc powders’andpills. [ guarantee entire satist’,,cli~),’and it~ :~ laver = ’~¯--¢osttveneisTll eontinu,]ty FOR nev,’r fllil .. CIRCULARS AND TERMS ADDRESS oe ¢lltiitrly Xeur,.Igin. llllit ulilltll,x lii. E I,TI,ICqP of Id, ~is ill Ol~l CILIA llS fill. 4Jhilis, l~’ever lln:i l’lles. a ENIhl emi ~illtlJl.~ ~TI I1 IRIl%4" u hiln //s l~ll’ll’A i’1~O1%" vf Ihe III It’/ 111 A N VOi¢)l’: I. NUPEltli. ~i:,’m~ ~/~rtlt. 1,stiles, ohl or you,g, will fi,d theea bitlera na adap’od to disca~os pceullnt t~)their WA’i"l: i’l S’ peei.lly h’ervlllllallaSlll I¯o,sitad% Willlt ef ’t!lpl)e. PhilharmO= bex. Ilio, ondtleil.rsl Del,illiv, oil ylehto ti ,., n all,, nlc, Vospor clk.irln of Ilielie luesllmubleBltt~r~. ................................... -I AWAKE and AR/lcI~D TheseOil oi IPlmoo.Fortes, .- - Irvl~ nlJ Illl ami / I L)hroln o8will .A~L~N ’S hi) sent ml)onl~.([ eOOili]¢luf,)r Jrqiulio¯~ on ec;pt i)f 511 een:t, Twoliew (hll)lOO% TiI:~ CII ERP.Y0 11tLSi atso ~,%11LE~ un,l ’l’l~,,~ltS "’ FOR ATth, 01tOl’S.. samei)rlee. A noluillfal ii.miuot of Fll)wers for 311c~lits, ur Iwodilt’oronl sui,.i~vts for Illtr 114 IO ~! IYzl.~-’ihlIffloli .~tl. ,~ Y. ................................ cents." llri;llalll _14rnit).’lirlmi.s, ni~)iioh)d)9x Ih~l)n-ti~t ion Estl~bll~hed. only$1 per ]01i. ~lillerll Itcrioiiii Llillll~o,ipe) n t e) ,’lxll Bead for Clreuhr% an,I see that our . , $ I8 r)u10a. Itl, iliil pricli ~ihl. eal h, or Iwe fer DOco,;l~, iqorall lh.,k Chroliaine Is en tile ]lugs. inos nesllrlell, $1 p,r ISll. [iolilirl;=re lind rchirrl ef Ilio Life.iteat only $.!’~![.ll!T. lU!).r, If and Orohestral OIltCAlt8 .ili. ~1~~.ll~~ll iS.D’Illr.]L{NI~l~.{I~A~ ll:~tll#nl’ttDlit)liz. lilil llr~ iq iie6il li f euiphi)inonlSOlid~ ler il thr lllnfll lllltllo) fnidl’olnllin¢l I’iJllllTW~f IIEAR WIIAT IS’SAID: . iortf.lla with ntioics rtovk .f i’lifl)nios W(illt~lNIll Itih I~’l’SSlllt vi)llllilln%,f lllUt,! I lind f’iliitl%ll|a T,w i’AUllS.OII) ~l~IUItlL’~ll) vr IiEAR WIIAT IS SAID, walli fi( Olli!O, ~(illehlalh)ii ~lllrilll. RIUSlt.I lflAl, I. ioo,l, Piirllelihir~l lice, i)r ilhielrit~d oireulir IIEAR WIIAT I~ <¢Allt oil rerl:l] it nf 3-ecnl81ilia|l. Waters’ New Scale Pianos liars ~re|tl. power elul a l¯lno lllllll~ililt" l, Wonlh,rfnl , tl’ecls bate rolililled frola ynur IIOSTON FRA.ME ~NI) CHROMOCO,. IOlint u, itl llll’ inod@rllII~’illrol’l:nllclllal 292Wilthlnglon.lt., lhiMi)n~ ,’t[ass. llr Perry’e llilicrs," and arcthi IlIOWI’IPIAN411tMAIll,.’. ’S’hoali ,d (lIFllflina andllililioll ll,e %a,lirrlilil¢ fvr O "Myvhllh aIT ilidie. Ieau hkrdlly.b~,tlcre h." yenr~,Illll ICIENi~X’I~II II’L’il I’lL! I.(’)%%’ tvr li-’l~lttibllsh(~(! hi 1L,~ll(). 7Solid iac Onecase P~rr)’Is’~lliitnr~ ~tlain. Cllllli Or pllll Clllll,d bltlllilllleO In Sll¢llll|lm Nolhhit~Iittu Ili~ ia huro," IF or qlllarttirly pnlynlelllal) Nol’(lilsl. ,i t lil,elll:lu iillidavll, of Iny ellle. 1 hull li) de hltndlllltl rllniesua I nililln ’~ A(lEN’I tt %IFAN’S’i~EIia Ivelr se i.(’l)llVIliC~ yila ol tiio wonderlulcu,u, ’ fOIllllltO ff~ltherr.M{nfiteni,CTiere#n’t ,tlhiwgt.l~.dLl~ll lonle hi Iliq world." , -nr ou ewaeaeh fl)riauln, Itt2 North IFront Ntlreel. l’hili)tl. ~Murlt ll,g, alll~ huvl¯lg the abavl~ Tradu-’ g ILI, U.~Th’ATEDt’A 72/,oGt, t;~1 ,t/.I I[,ED. "Dr. Wlis,m says that you arc n publlo’boua. )llllllllt£101~.%lrAl’lv]lllN A~~ON__ n ...... . " .......... Dye Siik¢, Wo,~lnu aiid Fli,lsc I]4)nle or crery’ 48111roadway) Ne~v" York. 1%O, BoX3t~[]T. flletl)r." desoi’iptll)n, Thuir cu;)eri,)rity ,,f ib’oin K 1,ai’llurrsh I Ntl niore rheu’mellsm," ’hosphate TESTIMONIALS OF WATE!tS’ PIANOS ,lies’ and~oiiil~iiillll’. I;~ld’llil’lill il llllloly ii Ne more headaoh@lI Ihnokl Io youl knnwu. O, sp. p,ld ,Merin,, ,~hawiv. dyed the AND O.%(IAN S, Ammoliatcd. Fortilizcr. Weemihl fill thlu paI er twlcu aver wiih Jutt iI,OSt brllll~ot ilnll philo auiors, E)l.po alill "Walers 0olleerte Farlor Ori~an po,lressos a Msrlnl,I~liswlsei.lill,e,l t,i io.k lille n .... AI,e,, (lMrmoriy manufaoturod hy T. ]!~ Gray.) heeullfd awl pueull,irly s,,fi I.n., The Con- ltueh lieliahiu esllilel~) bal tlio ~bov~mu~tauf. oorloll{lel I Its wIIh()attlelihl) lhl) I)¢sl evcrlililcinl , , re,i)’i,i. EId’tii.ve, ei,,,.n.e,lerliy,,dtelel)k lice. Oiir Iliilcre ale i)rellared Ullder Iho iliper liiilly orgitii. It I~ I)rl)i|ueell by nn ealra eltt Gr0llB ralrlO B like :i,’w, C, il aild l,iok e~t,ur work huloru ~ r~tlls, lieeuIlilrl~" vulolel, frlun whlqhIhe ~lfuet vltlon of l)r. D. ,% Purry, Memberef Iho lluynl galngeltewhere, t~ ulall ehllrllihlg, otlil Ill linl’aihm of iho hu Culh, ge of Phylieians and tlurgeolls) London, P0ruv~i Guano, Peuslan Br°neh .llice c.r. ilthN0 1 G~drnment a Vlna Sts. B inln valceiii tlllltlrtl, l".r sweetn(liil of tl)ilU and ’ .rehe~tr.Icff0cls It hasim 4)llu~l.’°--:l ", l’, 7 i.lea England, aad uf tho Medleil 011ui0 nf tilasgow, JOSIAH ft. ALLEN’S 80NS, %~TAMrppT~I Wewllrgiwt,,ierxotl~ ’D.,~llmll ~Im Fimll~lsd 1¢ lill. Vv .l-ia.~ I .ll~l_~. ul,m a,,,i w,lm,,n No. ,I ,q. Ill~htwitre .lkl~., l’hllti. All orderl ahnuhl be addressed to Iho "Th~ Cllneorto Purlor Qrlao II Iolnethlu 1 enllrely newiil 1# a 01~auliful psllor eruliuonl lluliluess tkmt will Pay Porry Aro.aatio Bitter Co., iosselllOl a iw0ei aiid p ~wl, rful Ioee, il. must HA~t~]~X~I~t"~ON from$.It,, SS per dny.o,,nlie p,irsoe,i In y,,nv r‘ eoh.nuqidill) e hiYeal i illi~lolda & hll~h p aao I~E~V ’EORil. U. B, TALMACE, In I)ublle faver,"--A’. )~, ~real)lg 411OSto Purtlewh,,’,Sre., c)rsamples worih setcrat iI.~. These illtlerll ore .,old eilher by lare tha: will i, nelih~yeutq It Ill w.rk aIonse SPURCEON Aa 0atilll~lrall IN VlI~ PAttLoa.--Theurchelo the botts or cume ut Ill m Bottle. will ht sont oa rceolpt .I IIf)y i.el,l~. T. il.i lViii ’fu;liiaga it .,.lit-r of thl tral or~llu Ii tho nnmoof a new recd rgaa re. Adllrel~ .I, LATllAM & CO , 19 NOW OPEN toll ill,,,, .,,It’.,,:.. C.II. tll.urgu.)n esJ!l- luioun,cd b# llorace Watersa~ld ~oU. 191Wa~hloRI,in ,t., II, sl ill, .%|n)l. )e’i,d Cuiitrltiui,,r, The, write I.I The Instrumelll taliee lhe natne Irom ll~ F~ant. Perllel la eeodlnl lellers f.r advice nl ]~si~g’llil~Oinolitli for tither I,qt.,r lit Plliluliea, Throl Ihllr ilileilel, i, ill l’olifi:l ilOlle I livile hyliViuventl l orcheitril alall. Tha vololu/uf ilifil21~:lt Chr,,.i,,ll. l’o)’ lar3er o,lm, producing 1he effest lif a full, lu I lilmO of C-iltlty el w~ll iI Tewnwhvll ihau ~"v .)lh~ r I,,ll,o r. CIIliO volot Its flnlatofflet Is 1)re I.lliy ruil,le. II i III l~ive ll~ a wouderllll imoanl Nell. 41.41*,tlld:411V/elltSio. ALL ItKllAY. ,~-,~l~ellrllallla ddoed whoa Ihe itolli aildrliwn. Thsn Ihl full of Ilaie iild anlilll.l inee I I Ihia wl I he ableretd. tiou Agent reoeatl eherdl ,nt~lld dewl b so thai an orehaatral TIlE l’lilltY ABOI~ATIO BITTER COse 380 iablC, lilill,inl Ju ~0 elf~lli liven. Tke alas li unique ae4 tssltor A Temllerlloee llllnse, wlqk. bls’nl,l~ avplel aud oir a hladiuml artlela of llirl|llle.--%’. Y. ¢oa, &O,," ¯’&O,, &O, . ON ~lIE ]~UIIOP~.&N PLAN. Jars east free. Prof- H, J. DoucotsM. D. AT |tEAMONAnLII~ !RATEII, G I~.N’FM WANTED. The Waterl Plaual a~l knows aa liloig the Treal DI:4EASII8 ()F Tllll LUNtlII. a/tl ~ ’ V~ItY ~IIOI)KItATE. ’?h. %itllt" iii..ll elld ’ W.ADAMW, I’lbti~k~,Ills £hilmllrl lit ..~ll. ~I very best. Wa are euahled ta apaak of Lheae Ill ellitONIO AFFP.t?IONtt. valletatbles la the ms,tiet, ll-.t ll.ds lu the ~ F.~r furthar pnrlhlullra a~ldrlsi ’ laitrlimlntl ~,with ooofit~iael, li~l l)rrioali, EI.EOTRltHT¥lelsailfirelly Ippllsd, li~.~wil~rl.--. }"#il’*Plig’lt?’ i. OFFICE,1-’i30rl~e ii.s l’hll~. ii.llvllri Proprlilol. illimmOllaet Ntw Jirlly. TODI LICATE FEMALES. tanda;d itlanures ,, DRtED A D GROUIiO XSH CUANO,, fanoy Dyeing Establishment of ’Limeand ",’,,,’..,c.’oep,,,,re,.,,r<.,r,n,.e,,.,,,.s,.,,,,r no ¯/ 51otf Sales inthe past yoar ,,ver ~I~’~T~ MOXTll,ia packages of 12 ~iiuccs cllch I ! Retails for 25 cts : f,’)laeks for $1, Janle~’=to-~vn, N----Y- ........ .’~:’- "’""’’""’"°""’""" "’’"’’""’""" Corne 0no. Band WESTSTBEETHOTEL, PARTnS. PIO-NIOS. renades, Dance ,o..d, c,,,,,p.r.,,,. Ol,,. B.T.EA,,,E,. ,, new volumowill bcgiu an $5,000, tribute some highly iutercetiag Cove." 1’~o vcnlarc at"llase ~kctohoa ol ad- at lhe uewvoiumc. EspeoiM attcntien curly Califlrula will alsu life that yet tp- ~i bu giy~u to " OIL Snow" You It PA’SPollTs. PURC ,SE Now: Incidents of American History~ r ~.o )v,l,, ~ #~ )-~xl~. ¯ ~>H,t ~ ~. Tho;ees~e Of thhst0ry Is iild in the South-= !How to Pum.chllse, With spirited pieturlai illust-atiens. ~n ~ersoot or by eertiflo., cheek, or Express) The earl,us departmonts~ "’Jac~-i--tho.Pul¯ ". .,, or Post~! Order, or Dr)f i, or enclose Greeabaoks- plt," "’/he ~id.~lu-Llu~,~’l.~od "Letter Ll.,~, ~ in * registered letter ~;’~ aid made payable to and the pagcstar "Very Litt|o Folk%" are ?~o } tho Industrial E~lrilti~Tnt4n .... . " " bn saorr uttraative , than . eV~lo Tho ]~’,mel~, , , ¯ The fuulls, raised ,l~,aale ef thcso Donde, La¯lin¯ ann. (lermau stories t toz tramtlatiet~, will bo al)plicd O t he Oi’~OuU of a’ ’ . Wninh have prowd so papular) will bo iioqn;~ut io the nuw volume, i~omeofihefinesLwaritsof CI~YSTAL PALACE ~VUlCHEVZU%"AMERICANWILLnn ]~noiInaS’: the Greatest P.dnters of thu C,~atary have beda western turritary, now forming the States of Leulehms and TeXaSra t the time Of AaroBurr’e treusen.’,’The etiaractera livsd:|n a’aoetiaa whtch wllsllowAmarloan, tlow~cuch, anli li~w Sp nlsh/and tllis;lecerd ofthi~ir advouttl. rosalivc’s~nlke ’a’stnry~’nf |U¯tenae an~! unflaggi~g interest thrnugheut. - ’By COL. GEO.Y. WAITING, Jr., llrst ~rti~ts ol )bedaywilleontribll nrigiuiil drawio~s h)r this. l?INE Alt’l’ AIAGA- Col. Woring ts nnlv In ~ur0,1e,’vlsltleg hi a The InduslriM Exhibiti.nls n ]egitilnsto enter. ZLNMl,’Ott TUE YOUNG,Dellailuuennuacc. loW¯boat rld6 of two hundred ’aed fitly tolle.% ,ri~e. chartered by tho Steto of New~’ork. mentso|"many latoreslhig uad nev,A features ef Iho m,)~l tbrtile und iutercsthig of the I,~ Dirnctors aro tho .best citizens of Now bo Nieholes w,ll cuntinuo undor tha euneo.~ful series af papers proail he oven mere iuIt has Lad sovon drawillg~s!aeo July 187,J, uditershJp ol; terestiog Ihau timt Wll our readers are aud paid out in prinoipai aad Intereeb faalillar, . ¯ . RECOLLEGT, Mercantile-Training-OF Establ/shod iu 18£i0. "T~ $S,000, Can ’find no b©tter nrsuler invesfinent, W]lich provss ~. G~ORGI, ~iliuulaeturer ..... arriving t,, glv~ it.. CI’EOI~CrlE Conillhtlnts, en,lneh letters Leading-Pi ano---of-the-day They oro esDecialiy adapted to persons sufferbig frent |rotn $1,000) Nltw tillivlln,-Corm M;D,&3,%’7,DePuy; F0K TIIE ¯ Jan. 5,1573. and give new lifu aod tonn lo lho broken d.wn system. laiosmatic and .nmhtriqp.~ di~triottl~thl l).FupepSiti, we li’£,)ln |ewselections B~NJAMI.N" SHEPPARD, President. -ILE ~ ILYh-B~L U P-T4) ~N-,-~¢c~ sta~T, and, to enable us to do so, we must sell ibr ready i)ay. ’]’~hankful for past :favors, we solicit a continu, anne of the Same liberal patronage that Frdm ll.e~. ~VM. F. MO}][L[SON, Rector of St. l~ke’s (3h~rch, Buff,xM, :,7. ~’. " On Ioaviag Iawu) I was r~laat~lntly obliged to part’with iny Gcorgi Plal~o-Forto. When [ sett]ad in BuffaLo one ,)f my ill-st saree was to provid- myfsml!y with .;no of the ealne mann. saoture, It fully eusteins the high reputation toe Geo,’gi inetrumeats ha, re in aii part8 of tae~ e.uulry." Mr. JOHN ZUNDIgL,Ortrariist oF Himrt. W’a.’,l :l-eelier’~ Chureh"Broaklyn.’say~i:: "The Goorgi has au exquDitu action,-and ever~’lbiog Ill)aria it SHOWS thorough ¯ workmanshlp and iudicutos dur.billly." R,I~V. d. IL MO(].O~LESFER.Presld~,ltllf [luchl,.I Ci,llez,. c~rtilL:s " ~.’e have ha,,o usiag twa of your Dlailo.t the l)a.-I year i~ our coBege, They have giveli, TI/e a~,~vo are oiTIya ,, ~OUL%’AM; " " . , being now more ; lhe-LowestPiemlumis-I~i.lO ..... I %1’]11 :--Wr-iio-’-~i~,-~ than thirty years, that saving would amount to Eacht’faction must draw ¯this sum. shurt stories. The publishers invite etteutiae ~o the followo more than All ~’rectiene wilt he¯good leith $15.00 to purahas0 a whole $20.00 Bond¯ $emu articles on Astronomy f,~r You ag People ing list of some of tho uttraotlve arttales secured O,e Million Fire ~uadred 711ons..d Doihlr for SeribnePe Monthly for thocomlngyeAr. In ¯ This is a ohanee for a fortuac, and im have beub l)rumised by toe pulluhlrEl/~liali as. the field of fioilon, h~sldesuiimereus novelettes The Losses by Lightlilll!g. cheaee for loss. trouomer, I~ICHARD PROGI’01~. and shorter stories, Ulere will be. Where tha Property is n,)t se,- on fire, Foing A $20 bond partleiputes io four drawings less than one cent pet" year toench member, each yoa{. fintil it has dratla ono of tho followThere will:lies ~!~iltinued story of Lifo iu Ioe Two RemarkablySerial Stori prcmiumr) extra ’ and exte6dedso as Ca that are issued and aut~ " The first of these, now complete In our hands = " " BAYAJ~D TAYLOR. By BretHttt’te) "THE BOY I~:IIliGIiIANTltJ_~_L__ " .... .. Beglae iutbo November nnmberl ’ . By 2fOAH ~J/,OOK~, ..... GE0. W. PRESSEY.J[nlllal~lllfali [] I ~r J. the ndvcntnres of a¯party t)f boysAa tha ~i,dwill rou for twelve m0uthe. Thl*~is Mr. ~1~0. W SAWYEIt.Tuekcrto.,.aV. J. ¯ The Bonds isau.ed by tha Induslrial ExhibCalifornia Gold Mines, in the o~rly days ul the l[ar’tl~’S first eatendeli work. T41e lceuer-aud" A L. ISZARD, Mays.Laodil~,, N.J." it|on Co., ’hra a copy:of th’e Europeau Govern- O01d Fever. chsractcrs whtoh, the author has choseu from ment Loans. ’hls fevoritc field, Califurtil’.~, ere l)aint~d with J. 2:" TI?O ’VBtI[DGE, "" The Bonds are U safe Investment. chara.~torlstia vividness and-power ; and the Furniture Store. We propose hereafter to sellourgoods¯ atr AIIIsDCLRII] T-M;?H! ’ B i t e re. NO.-ILQ() ()f I)(,ut,h, th,, S’r"i,V)).’c,fe ~,~ c, Ill,%|)ON I IFY I .~GINl[I l/N’II’AN C I~. ~s have taken, the first premiumover competitors at the State Fair-of~’~st’Virginia, in Ken- tucky, and at al; ¯other thirs andexpositions wherethey have been exhibited. Rector~r~y-S~ .fi.!~ ¯ : l’iI~. 3lsilals, N. Y.,tngust 14th,]873/ " T have pianos of othcr celebrated makers in the Sem’i~try. but tha tleorgfwas eeloetelil and used tit the coucertas tf’e he.~t. It i~ rreferred by teacbeas aad p,pfls.. Dr. D. S. PZRRY’S Crol)~l. LI Btl EtAl, .1:]1~ ElI71U~II,~ Oll~. usually called for in a avorite O--. OF PIIOSPHATES. on the Olil Fair Geounds. wit1 he offered f~r all ar:icles mneafaeturcd t)r ’~. t~t" Cl:Utl %’. ¯ An)" tnlt.(r iaf.rinati:,a will be given hJ VAI,. 1’. liOFMANN, " ~t)(’rctOr com TrMnleaves New York 0.15 A. M., Atsion 2.22 P.’3[., North Hammonton, 2.41, WinMaw Junotiou 2.4~, Cedar Lak,~2.~9. Laodieville ¯ .:.= ~:,._~.i, _..’: "Returning leavce’,Bayside at {$’30 A.M,VineLandlsville 7.38, Ced.r l,ako 7~5t)," Wi.idew JunetioYl’$ . ¯ lf,. s Nurth . llan monton 8 15) ¯ $.Y5, Atsluo arriving in NowY.rk 1.0~ P. M. Freight train (2nd class)leaves Ssudy H0oa at, tl.20 A. M., Atsi0n 11.03, North Bammonton I 1.2~. Winslow Junction l 1.34, Ce,¯ar Lake1t.55 L,nd,sville 12.05, Vineiand’2.30. Bsyside 1.47. AIV1EIIIi}AH POUDBETTE, Wi!l ho hchl on 8op embf2Bth’&29h,’7, THE GEORGI PIANO-FORTES. Cedsr:Lako 5.2~, in, trumenvin seminaries of :eurning. ,/.Uction 0.t)5, North IIammonton¯1t.131 Atsion =From.!{ev.-L. YAN-BOI~LEN, (i.35;:reachin~ N.~Yorkat:30ll:A ~i-~ricrt L t u r~tl,~o6£etyGENIIINE DOIIIILE wIONDA;Y The............... :subscribers keep constantly’, on. hand a general as-sortment of goods in their line ~f ..~ son’lblo prices, .Lt’~, This Fertilizer is h~idt~ I,repa:c*l ’his lt~ ~ithq:,6ei,,l referceee tO the;qi*eat C.)p.... GOld Spvo~ac1~s arid Ey@-Glasses ~uper-l’hnsp,te of .Lime contained in is of very ~ SPE C-IALUU’?Z" ’ more euleipriseand spirit during the coming year thaii ever before, lind :hetlce itself in both+ style sad contents we ln~. ~,0 027s~.ot (OFFICE.NEAaIlls D~’ELLINn.) C]lenlist, on haad aa,! for sale ) pomanu ............. COMhlISSIONER OF DEEDS. ¯ HENRY BOar’.it ]POTAN|i 8ALT .... SulphatoAmmonia CllallcerYr) ,IND¯ " In A SPECIALTY. " ¯ P rtlcularatteation paid=tuM^soN.cMAaiS Slid tini)lP-q. ," ’1" bl..I " ’ ’ - " ~tlnliili¯~CutlUtl]’ill~.T - A. J. KINS, ATTORNEY, AT-LAW, g . JJ[~I~SE.’~" " ~ L~. ~. I’~EW IUNG M o o. o. And n.i eiiort aill be spared by 61thereditor CENTENArlAL LETTERS, /¢ ny one obtainiag a prclaium, the cumpaoy i)uhllebers to maiatain and inercaeo tbo attrucplcdges itself not to .mako’ public. tiune und value of tho ~uguztae, ’ Edited b 9 dean l’ltlice C/tells 9 TLis enterprise i~ ~imply a now fetm ~t’ A ro~o aelleotion of llovolutionary Lottors, t%b,crQ)t[o,.]~rh’e $3.00 a .lleur; ,~il,91c ooel-¯ bolld ; iu no eonso ts it to he recognized as "’ alaiitly from etarles hi tho ilalids of tho do¯ ~c/’lll~l 12tilts~’ 0onli(#. i*oLItlnellli’lcC’,ll~/I. "" lottery. . Establishedin 186;’1..-’ snondeats uf Col. ,h)sel)h Ward. They arc full vi~mbu:. _ ............................................... There are l~o-blaoks,-Be sureaud purchoto- _ThueeL~ulumeubegin_wi.h_~Nu -af’lntoroiwund will I)o re,d-wlth-a rare-relish two nuw ready for 1874 aid 187blue lit mice. In eennceilun with the Ccnteinilal eelehratlon Tha mosl extenslve, thorcogll rind ea.’nl)l~.de l)oand in red rlld goldtllnd lOllli thn llulidi~ni. 5 w~ll lilly iO Fraction for DecemberCth,-1S75 -o~t-(lih.li{ml{~-’{,r ".- -%-C bil{lt Jffe(;e r -i~ded.--W7 of the-yuar.’ .................................. ililllillllbin (if l|ili kind lu the wt rid, Ei£ht 5 i ’ QaiirterlloudforJal,.3rtl,]87f) will ~ctld Ibe uiagazieuonoye~rl begiaeing Nu. IlltILLIANTI,Y II, T, US’T.ED~ AILTICLE~en llii)ilsand grii~hlatei~ ef tliie Cellcleholy in l~liu10 " " ]fslfB.nd " ’" " cus~ful i)astnl.ss, in ihe princil)ul ohle~ aad rCliibur JST~’))and eililer ot’ Ihe voiulu.s holllDt ¯i 71 " " " " Whole llvndl " I(iWIlS o~iho IJalicd ~tates. for$71 or u ~ub~nripLieu ..,1MERICAN COLLE(;l:78. All nmld~are exchangeuhlc intoe.lyh)i~, as ubuvl4 li,lSt¯l~iiid enu yuar, uod the lwo volulaes let $111. All Written rrspeoth.nly by their frleod~, will opIn lho ~nhurhs.f New YorkClay. .Eilch llond hLIder Is regard,hi its a honor- no,,redeitlor,s und buuk-sodurs will rvauile sub. pear darin~ the )’oar. The ruvivod hlterest In ary motubcr uf tbc lmiostil’ll Exhibition Co., Ihlril~llOli,~ alilt eUlil)l ~ vululues s.t the ahovo ooilel, e lifs nllihel tlleeo lioperaespeeia)lytlmoly 8¢ltiliNL’lt & CO, uad will scoar,~fur t’leln Ullnluai attention. iiad is wele,lno at-the pnrl-r~ of tho Ca., No. 12 ralee, 743’.,~7.ib llro’idWliyl ~. %-’. building, wllh elegontly -~gii~t 17thStroet. Agcnta waaled, OLD .NE IV YOR.K. al)arliultnhl I(ir Ilia appliAll oi)mlOlllllCatiolnl and remithineesI(i he Elegantly’ Illa.traled srllelee oa Ohl Naw .Now for tho Groat Contonnial, This "CATTL14POWltF.It" hil8 provc,l a eulia, uf and Ihe farryiog ~lut ef ol’r novol and mud0Io the lndastrlal ExbiLItion Co,, 12 l,:u~t l;’th 81r©~t,.ll~l, ,~th..A ve. uad. liroaaway,Ne w. ~ho-Ha~.vost-is-Good Ynrk, hy ,Inhn 1~. Mines, will sppcer, lit-nlieei I ........ ¯ llut u.firo~cativaand.li t:ei tttiii curl. flir .... ¯ ..... : .i~y~lelqall~. i~tlh.qd Lo f ................. a.d will llilrnct iho alioniion ol all In cliy or Yorh Cily. ’~ilioli:.,ICi, oli~,ul.’ol’Onp" Prospority Abounds I i!ouiilry, whonnirk whhInterett tho develnl). Fi)rthspurl,nsejiLgh’lng ihe Ilond, h,ddTimes are EaBy I I havereaelvodI hal i/f’e;/c’[ t ’aUVt&Inmnit’til aleut of ihe greet melrepull~Iund liff.cll0nilely llnml laec whuc.nteinll hils a hllsllieiti Ilf~ ers of tho |ndil~irls| l~,xhlblthm Cu,) fell nhd lie IO Ihe proitress nf iho lm r¢laember tho quahlt pecallarlqoi ef itt alden sivi4euculrom t’arliie ,l~ itilll 6tho’rs, whoused and pal~lnts havlag ~un~l to edu0uie,are pattie- eaiiiplele Iliforinlliioii AND NOW INTill" +lln TOttl!OBCl411il~I~ll tIJ& 0i nilirlnvt slnl n eamllleilll IIet of tha druwings tlnle. ¯ Jt alld thereby s~ ,ed tD,:/e /% dOTXttlek frl)nl su~ariy.(equested Io sendI’,lr deeulnenlsrl.]lit.~i O O 1{ lZ’ S Every nnmllor’Is I,rofudy" Ill{Isll%ted~ Ihus i])(i dl.e’alu ua,l dlath0 All J aiik "ill. TitYIT. Inl: to thoeollege, whiidi givo fall Infnrlnallen anlllu~irliled "Jonrnal,,rill ho-plilill~hedt ~,iz en~hllag u, to glen to nut Ile~erlptivc and nar. Ilttlo. ratlv0 arllclestiin Inlerest end i)crmancot vollio dre’a ¯ OI[AS. W]’:hLS, Prnlddenl, ¯ ?Ui~ Ilit~A? ILI,Ud?eATI~D nevor 0thihielt lu a non Ilhislraled purh.lle.ll. My Powder his al,vavs given full satlsfa~Subeerllltl,)n prleqt 0asDollor per Yuiir, 40sli NewII~vea, Court. ti,in as limolL rullahln enro" in all dl~ell~le~ (it .Iglrlel||iuraiil It ],’ullmli~y liYeeli|y. Ill)lilir Its accultulli0d matlaleuicnttl’-e niul~aAnTo..o ~e,,di,ll a club of t~l sul,serlb,,rs, llOItSES, CATTI, F. llOtlg i~l d ttVEEl’, li llaa hi Ihe fuluro will Im deleled, lie It Ihs wiih ~1 b, will bo glvsn ii Premium nf use Frlle. , will them thrifty iilld huulthyi prugresd. ’" #whole|lulid. Addro~;, eelel, l’aie tha Natlooal Ceiitmiaial by liiiilllng Oett )gs will g:dn hi fattonlntl In th© . ¯ /7~/te ,/~Z~Ho#’/,t~ .’])el~¢t~.t##e~t/# ~,iUlOI.Ol..’ii.n. ~Jlhill.~I,,t.er l,al,,,rlur°lll;tl, .ba.ie.r. a,,dwnr ,er.l.,I.g .eofb:,a oocupy"over twouty’pages of each uuiaber end .G¯olinsol21orc.~i.-L~w, ilutllb~r~ I{l~acii Ji Ihu ptiou Ask for thia Powdnrut y.ut.nearest’stol~,,or ytar,y a,illy ) llo~latiu tree7 tar 15;I.0a--aall hi oon(,lu l)r. ltollaad~ vigorous and thusly edi12 Eaii 17tb Blroet, NewYo,k City. ¯ adlire~s lna forA paull)hlet, ~lth full partlcuSoltoitor and Malltor in Chanddry, r ’’ i eliibs ol t©n or r‘lura h,r oily ~2,tb. Tills t( ria i, a# wall all rovh ws of the latest workslu hrs. ,l.~o.it ,hoCh~ei.e,t Wee~,~ ol,’oe:,,s,n,, Art) Literature a nll ttelenec. IR~D. A..’lllLI, b~llg,, Prop?. ’ CQMM[SSIONI’]ItO1~ I)EEDS. $60,will Purch~i~e 13 Fractions. ...................................... the (JOlltiilenll as it inls Ioil& boeii Iha beet and Alan TillttiIB, 129 ~’orth Frout~St., Phtlii. nioit i,lll)ulur--ln |act tho NOTAltY PIUllLIC. W ANTI<DAT ONOE)IIEltliS ,ueh il’ ,2th. $4a Yeninadvanoo ; 35ct~. a aumber. ill ,, Tao~y.Boneset/l’eiiuylo.vlil. Yarrow,rut. i~,IINT vull TaalttNri.~u As,, i~A~oP II ,t;,Es Th( 10 voD~oUmlllete, Nov. z87il, to Oei. 187D,. vxv8 ’ ANDlIAN’,ll, 1 iurgnleis, . hi)hadhi muroon elcth .......... ,., ......... $10.00 ltl.uro’e ltutui lies fur thu l,ust quarter of a ’dii do hound In half mnraeea ,30.00" Collcethlg, C.nve,.aelag, the ,,x,,autlon of UOr~lLe emitury beau unt lllily the stul.hlrd nuthorlty t Vols..hegln Jn NuYsiablr nnd lIl,ly. ¯ Any nf Papers.A. J D, ali,l IIENSZEY, all lugal a. i kiudrotl bul all i~)’brani,hes u r.grtuulture) ’llortiaalturo lies" promptly oUeude,l Io. II)n enrllor vnluuiee(lIO %’Ill) will i)e SUpl)llett Itlld lh)uieello AIfslrs, but u ohuieo) pure liati .ItS NOWriPEN toa Fruitllndl i’r~ldluee iol)lrately ti) partlls who wlih them tl com¯’ uuesCeliilunahlo Fulaily Paper. lit li’Jllnder IIAMMONT(IN, N, J. Enll~lilg’ollll~xitll dolnnd I;iniduutiilg Edher hal hid ~ver thlrly yeari pletu ,ols tit thii rgte, /. ,’. oluthl’ $2,U0; hull , ,C@llXlD.issioll Morch~lnt, ~ llinroec0 fS.O0, eiperil:neo ill an A~rleullurll AuUlliill I I liud l | . . .i ~lo. olsN. wator st. IInoksell~re nud Postmaltcrs will ba ~upplled C.C. W H I T E, PAY~II]~,, iii~ At)t, clatus lloecesiei rata ahlliiy alid prua. Ileal lllld sl~ivnLiflo knuwlcdgu.Tboaiiu [a to at rntes that will enable them tu fill eny ef the l"lillnlrll°li)hllll" above elri.rs render the Is#Ueaof tho #Lurid flit lltill eUl,erlar Hnheerlbrrs #ill I)lesse reuili lu P. 0. Moooy ia Iliuue uf lilly l)revlJul .ycar--tti lllske tile I.t. ATI, ANTIC CITY, RHFERr;NGES : i,cr w.rthy tho oordial lalil~litt uf ~11eugaged ordarl, or In llln~lt ClmekiorDrnfte, or by reg. &~ , iliered Imltcre. iM’.,ney lil,lell©rl n@~rigllt@red -IOllilllNt[i A MPIEllll ¯ .TY. I~C.i I~0. .hlhll q. Wlliou. Soc.l~ry and Trca.uroe Amer. IO rurat liurleiisl In II allo an aeeeptablavilitor I I~in Iusuraueo(~o. el" l’liillk to hiuiill~l hi bolh Tuwuau~{JOAalr$. tl Uola. ,ill studur’erllk. AT RI&NONIIBII~ Iteull’s Cottuge ell Atlinilo l~renllC I hct. VIr ~;tl’lF;l l |1 If:his , llurn & Bell. No. :Ill Market St. Phlla i~li~u lit’Jr 1 duseadiitiuot dlpllitllleilti--Pll ’ glala ind Pe.oll Avanne~, -, e, _~OltliiNl~lt & C0,,143 Bteadway, N.Y. / Clialkl*,y Albertson) Esq., Calliden Ca., N, J. ileal, ~lleullllo aud Lltl.rer.Ti lleeidll aows i Yet flirtillr paFtieu[llrs address I Iba Intilko,i, &e,i all carefully Idllud, thus "llivtag gloater vurlely ul useful luformat[er‘ audllili. 7 ¢lllIDul)ul lUalll’r t lillureperlsd witii illustri1 havetLu Inrleal~ vat[sty aud heat ass’urt-’ s~i CHARLEt WHITI~EY. tar Ilell¢ I thlli auy uti-er AmerieaaJournal. lud.ed Ilo’lt st’" umiit ,)f Shada aad Ornemsulal TreS¢, l’~vorit i, rll’h(~ 1)COl ]?fit}P lledge Pluhts, dhrubr, Pl.nt¢,’ .Bulbs, e,. hi Aihnile Cu ~li01 Appli, I’elkr I !)l.ichi to be dallvers4 eaehe shertsst n,dee. A,d eirtlhily the host onl eslant for tllo i"sr nnd Cherry Tl’lea ef tho bell vlliletleF. All of i~i&WO~iD, N, J. alert tbo llorilc-lturlll~ Ihe Florist, Ihl~loldt which I after at prlela as low. ai" I~l~, in tha , A,y ee.l, muulelilen from l[ammouton for llr,w,e, tha D~ieymaa sad thl ll,,usewifl. e-Unt r~. * ~.-~Jl~x’~$, Atllalle Chyl N.J., serviotl hi tha prolessJali will r~oelva i[][]ldiWith "21.1¯eell6,r ’~ for Ill iloriuui motte,’ipd Caii nnd eaemluamYilaek. I / LOWllilT pjllltOBBi llIBT. MAKE, II Its laudable u~. atlattlntioalfl0itlt thllto;noft. P. Vindn 0rte "trtyr¢ll lIwd ]li?reeemeat t" --t ~. P. LIII~L, WM. Y. ilAetilITT, --~ Jcrt,, the ’IULDltt’ll4L" Inirpesll lu mall[fei|, Ballsvuc A’io. Nuraerle), llammuutoui’~, $.. , OI[AS. R, t|’ELLA: Predd.,t. IIE.~t l" L, Ill]~l,, ~,:creta,’y. TheRightKindof Education for Young.Men. BUSINESS TRAINING,, ,.<vo,our St<ok a,,d be ,, n.,sls h,,as <e ,,,=,, eo.d,,,..,, ofe,,ra, .....,e.Ad-ThoIndustri I iEW-¥OiIKEil, ilExhibiti0n Ill. RURAL A.J.’ KINc, ~illltlg. L~,xldbtl~t0n ~,0,, HAIVIIVIONTON " 8TAHDARD IH IT8 8PHERE PIO-NICS, - G.o. Plasterer andBrid Layer, TreesI TreeBI! Troes1 I / MAI UREt NmRT-SOIr,. urvoyor and Civil Engineer, . ’ ,..a,. Sere,ados, Dances. T’,"O. ¢. BOOTS AND; A FULL STOCK. p.S. \,., y TILTON)S. Irrells, UAMMQIq~?~a A’PT~NTI~O0..N.J. iu the Lunatc Asylum+. crowding that building. - ]ff.4~ cgunt[es- tlm-t only ¯ent, in previous years, three or four innatle.~have--now seven or-eightcabove~ o , The Pennsylvania Railroad Company all- ire .~- le ~ew._ersey division of the road, in expectation of, the increase of travel to-~ Centennial ~xhibitiori, " _ _~7-’_~--ss..; ........ ¯ consolidatedFirst and secoi~d:New Jer-sey--Dtstriet.%- ha s=remgned. Collecto~ Tatum of fits First District has’beenretained as Collector ot;: the consolidated disLi’ict: " : .. ¯, . Themajorityin the Houseof l’tepresenSe.tiresseemin a hurry to’ carry out their peculiar procliviti s. Whena resolution wasoffer d in tliat bodytha~ wounded Union,soldiers shoud be given ~ubordinatepositions underthe officers of-the Ilouse, ]~rincipal argument being that as there was a restored Union there should be no distinctions,and ~ll- citizens-were equally entitled to appointntcnts, A colored woman,, who hag been in charge of the. ladies’ reception room" of .the k= few . . . .¯ . " . ...... __._._--------~- - - . ; ,. . ..- . , . = t . . . ..... anathematize them. ~. thieves and soW. a Shank bone lmrt’of ~h~ leg, a~d.put soft water f~ cover it, with a small from hurnin ’of he, _I.told him I_was~mtisfled that they did more good than harm, and that they were welcome to their share. The harvest began, and as the the range, and cook slowly for they found the stalks ’of thegra/n very , the army slx hours, then strsin, and w_hencold re- much stri~ moveevery_particle 0flat. _ Place m a~_ ) march out other pot five carrots, five omens,one stream through the barely ext use: and- here_ ~:~ clearly what the blackbirds were ufter. also stew They nouneed upon them and devoured ¯ ly for six hours; then strain-tSr0ugha add to.the soup, with half cob: ¯ Let all com~ pound grated breaxl crumbs, suet chopped fine, and currants; mix with of flour and one Season with. n utm_eg~;aI~d ~8uy~in ~nold,- ~erve will ~ SouP.-,Take one pound each-of any freshwater flsh--pike,poreh, eels, _ then stew" wi~ carrots, leeks; sweet herbs, and o~/ons, in as, muchwater as will cover them. Stow until all is re2 duced to a pulp, then strain, an&boilan hour, with a h~tle mace, celery, and ¯ mushroomcatsup, Or any h/gh-seasoned " " -/To 4~it~ Bz~±xs-5~mPoT,--Cover eight poundsof. lean beef with boiling water, add one teacttp of salt and boil until tender. It will be found much " nicer.than wban~corned in brine. If it is to .be eaten cold, whenit is cooked quite tender, drawout the bones, lay it in a tin basin the bottom of which is like a colander, Of course basin, .The ing i~ou on top the platemust colander will aimwer, but .disaAvantagoof slgping:sides, must be taken to have the plate so small as not .to rest.upon the sides of _.the c01ander, a~d yet ~xge en0ugh to . cover the meat almost entirely..~ ¯ Soda should be bought in small ties, _thewpo~dered, sifted~and k9 sorked in s large-mouth if te the al~, and ~;~rav~l’us a B~nleh, Inthe s pring of 1870, say~ a ~ correspondent o the It&rtieulturist I had the -$uperinter dents of planti~ Some two hu~ndred-~ rees-of-var/ous-k~ d~in-ana around our public grounds. The spring and.succeeding summer was oneot unusual-and excessive .drought. About of these .trees, white elm, s~t , e~talps, etc., American for street were " .... were on fin in a rather poor with a rich, black, within a few inches of the flutters being shallow. bowldered. The walk was covered with aboui four inches of gravel. Every one Of these trees grow finely, many6f them making a growth of branches two o~ more feet in length. Some of these seemed almost dead, elms when None hut of them were came.kind of trees plbuted-v ¯ inclosures in muchbetter soft, but withoul~ the gravel mulch, grew very little, many of them;probably half, died, notwithstanding constant care in watering, dsop and well drained soft, Shortening in, mulching¯withgr~s and litter, etc. The same fate attended more than half the e trees planted, by others MI over th couutry. Hence I conclude that gavel and small stones are unsurpassed as a mulch. They allowthe rains to readily panetral~..the ~ofl, xet~ia .moisture, ab. sorb’bsat and eqmdiss the temperature. Thepractical utility of gravel as a mulch, where it can bo e~ily proemS, should be tested by all tree planters. It will not injure heavy ol_a~ soil nt least, but will be benefl~L ...... ’. : " L Bmlk~llolmH. I~ye a oorrt~pondant : I once heard of an unfortunate gentleman who had "" ....... ....... " sound, ply by mind to makea sudden revuhion ; ~ wasdone by hkillfully o~usinghim to be. comejealous of hie wife, whowas a nest excellent lady, and nwaroof the process. Ontiffs hint wemight learn to uunnlgo a balky horse. He is iRsanh on the subJest of going, that ia self-ovid,me. If we san manage to make him thiult on someoLlittr subjset he will naturally forget abmtt goingl and go before lie knows it. Tbo followingdovices have bettn euoomafully tried to acoomplidathe dosired end : ¯ ¯ Flrst--Tfmg- a" string around th~ hermesear olo~t to the head. Second--Hitching the lior~ to the swingie-tree by meansof a cord instead of th~ tu~ ;’ the’ cord fa~toned to the horse s tall , Thkd--Filllng the mouthfull of some disagroeabht mthetsllo~ . Fourth--Tying a stout twine trouud the leg jll~t 16clewthe knee, andthen removing it wlm~he hen traveled some distanse. Never whip a Imlky home, for the more he la whi. pod the ertmier he will become. Let ever/thing be d~nagontly, for bc~tm~mawords only oonfuse him and makehim worse. ’l’r~at him in the mild manner you wouhl a crlmy ma~[aad you ~ ~uooced. ¯ ~o~1Wardlet gl~e K fm3nerwrites frttm Wo~.l’aHole t~, the ]LkmtonAdt,erttser aa follows.: A fewdayeago, aa tit. trolley in myllehla was rilmni~, th, blackbirds lw~u h, Rather about It, and my farmer began to .. . - ~.