The Zeta Pi Cry - Culver


The Zeta Pi Cry - Culver
Zeta Pi
Zeta Pi This Summer
type of decline
again so the time is right for more to be
Message from the Alumni Board:
As you can see from this newsletter, the
Alumni Board and the Actives have been
hard at work on a number of issues.
What an amazing time this is! We are
well on our way to insuring this
fraternity remains an important
organization on “The Hill”. We have a
volunteers, a committed college
administration, and committed actives.
We have numerous Boards and
Committees with no volunteers and until
these positions are filled the challenge
falls to the current 5 members of the
Alumni Board. Help is needed to assist
with the Alumni Advisory Board,
Committees in the area of Housing,
Rush, Social Events, Scholarships,
Communication and Fundraising and to
assist in building our new Mentoring
Program. Without additional assistance
the momentum can last only so long.
The last several months have taught us
that we are in a new age. There is no
doubt that over the years the TKE-MON
alumni have been generous with their
time and money. However, this new age
requires alumni assistance at numerous
levels. We have seen the momentum in
the past fade because of the
overwhelming amount of work that it
takes a group of volunteers to succeed in
every objective. We do not want to
There are so many in the surrounding
area that could help, and with today’s
technology it is easy for those far away
to video conference with fellow alumni
and actives. In fact, the current Alumni
Board holds all their meetings using free
video conferencing through Google
Hangouts. It really is easy, and we
would be happy to help you get started.
Please help this fraternity continue to
succeed by committing your time,
energy and finances and let’s keep the
momentum going. If you are interested
in helping please let us know by
or calling John Freitag at 816-6666887. The time is now.
Message from the Prytanis:
As many of you are aware, CulverStockton College is undergoing some
great changes within the next year. With
summer coming to an end, it is good to
know that the college has the largest
freshman class in Culver-Stockton’s
history. This means that the men of Tau
Kappa Epsilon have the opportunity for
a large pledge class of quality men
coming out of this recruitment season. I
feel that this challenge will be easily met
by our current actives and by our
Recruitment Chair, Frater Clayton
College advances, another change that
directly affects the men of Tau Kappa
Epsilon comes to us from Campus
Safety. Some of you may know that the
school has hired a new officer. This
person’s job is to watch over the
fraternity houses from his office in
Helsabeck Hall (the Alpha Tau Omega
house). They will also be walking
through and inspecting fraternity houses
more often and more thoroughly than in
previous years. It is my opinion that, for
the time being, this person should have
our compliance and cooperation. This
prevents any friction between the
organization. If this officer does their job
correctly, then they will not only be
protecting the school, but will also be
protecting the fraternities. It is
appropriate that we are flexible with the
school in their policy changes, as they
remain flexible with our upcoming
With that being said, I am thankful for
the alumni support that has been built
over the past months. This building of
support leading to the overall renovation
of the house, not only shows that
teamwork between alumni and active
members has high yield results, but also
acts as a recruitment tool. This growing
relationship between past and present
lends directly to Tau Kappa Epsilon’s
ideal of a better future. It is my hope
that we can use our chapter to
demonstrate the idea of Better Men for
a Better World. So, thank you to the Mu
Theta Nu and Tau Kappa Epsilon alumni
for helping the active Zeta Pi chapter
strive for the ideals of our brotherhood.
Finally, the atmosphere surrounding
Culver-Stockton College and the active
men of Tau Kappa Epsilon is alive with
change. This is change for the future;
this is change for the better. As we move
forward and face the struggles that
attempt to hinder our growth as men,
and as a chapter, let us be reminded of
the words spoken by Frater Wallace
McCauley, “ingrained in the fiber of
every member is the Teke spirit - a spirit
typical of our fraternity - a spirit that
does not shrink from sacrifice, that
knows no defeat; a spirit indomitable.”
Yours in the Bond,
Bruce Green
2014-15 Capital Campaign is in
Letters were mailed USPO or via email
July 11, 2014. Calls have begun, pledges
are being made & contributions are
arriving daily. As of this print we are
proud to announce that no contribution
has been less “Tommy TKE” – $100.00 $250.00 with many contributions at even
Are you spreading the word?
Let's all get involved in fund raising &
make the dreams a reality - Ne Cede
Donations may be mailed to CulverStockton College, Advancement Office,
Attn: TKE-MON Dedicated Account,
One College Hill, Canton, MO 63435; OR
All contributions are tax deductible.
A special thanks to all that have already
*Please remember that this is a TKEMON initiative and in no way should
distract from your contributions to the
College. They have a tremendous
scholarship program in place as well as
their own capital improvement needs.
Database is coming together:
The Alumni Board has been busy
integrating 8 separate databases into
one Master database.
So far we have identified:
1,203 total TKE-MON members
825 living / 378 have passed
70 are missing contact information
252 have confirmed email addresses
503 members we have had to contact by
USPO costs the fraternity precious
resources. If you have an active email
TKE Zeta Pi Facebook Site Now
Has 217 Members:
For the latest news and announcements
This is a great way to reconnect with
brothers who you may have lost touch
with. Join today, and spread the word!
Reviving MON Tradition:
In October of 1868, a group of young
men- all of whom were veterans of the
Civil War (both Union and Confederate
Calvary) created a new organization on
the Culver-Stockton College called the
“Mathetrophian Literary Society”. On
November 29, 1921, the Mathetrophian
Literary Society took upon the Greek
name of Mu Theta Nu.
The founding fathers were as followed:
David R. Hand, President, from
Richmond, MO
Robert L. Lotz, Vice-President, from
Bethany, MO
Thadeus Wagner, Secretary, from
LaGrange, MO
Thomas McAdams, Treasurer, from
Ursa, IL
Joseph H. Donley, Critic, from Hannibal,
L. McQuary, Critic, from Carthage, IL
Napoleon. B. Durham, Marshall, from
Jackson, MO
These men – with their desire to
promote social integration and the
encouragement of wholesome selfexpression – sought the most desirable
men in the student body for
membership. Originating from this
group was the following Articles of
“Believing the cultivation of our
intellectual and moral facilities to be an
object of the highest importance, we,
the undersigned, have formed ourselves
into a society to promote this object,
and have adopted the following
constitution and By-Laws as the bond of
our union”. The group quickly became
known as the “Maths”. Additionally, the
men of the Mathetrophian Literary
Society also adopted the Latin motto
“Ne Cede Difficilibus”- in translation it
means “never give up the most difficult”
and declared their official colors to be
Homecoming—“Tune in to the
TKE 35 Anniversary Celebration!
at and let us
know you are coming!!!
It is with this same spirit that the men of
TKE will honor their heritage by proudly
wearing the MON letters for one full
week in the fall of each year to
acknowledge those who came before
A block of rooms are reserved for TKEMON members at the new Quality Inn &
Suites, 201 S. 3 , Quincy under “Culver
Homecoming” for $79.00 + tax. Please
call Kelli McCutchen at 217-222-2666 or
visit to
reserve your room today!
homecoming shuttle service available at
Civic Center.
Friday, October 24th:
8:00am: Homecoming Headquarters
Opens Alumni Office, Henderson Hall
Pick up your Homecoming buttons, tshirts, kid's packs, snacks, and reunion
event name tags.
them creating the opportunities they
enjoy today.
10:00am: Culver event - Alumni &
Friends Golf Outing Spring Lake Country
Club, Spring lake Country Club, Quincy,
Donuts Coffee, golf cart, green fees, and
lunch provided ($75). Register on-line
12:00pm: Visit the TKE House and meet
the Actives! House Tours.
7:30pm: Blue and White Mixer (Joe
Charles Field House)
Ms. Peterson, Housemother ’51 & ‘52
Meet in TKE-MON designated area.
10:00pm: Fireworks (Viewing
outside of Field House)
Saturday, October 25th:
7:00am: Wildcat Fun Run/Walk
Henderson Hall Parking Lot
Ms. Crum, Housemother ‘60s
Canton) TKE-MON Alumni will gather at
the S.E. corner 4 Street and Clark (one
block east of OC’s, at the old liquor
11:00am: TKE House tours.
12:30pm: Scott Garner Memorial
Dedication (TKE House, Zenge Hall)
Hotel Accommodations:
black and gold. The organization’s most
common activities were declamations,
essays, original orations and general
7:30am: Shot Gun Start from the
Henderson Hall parking lot. Sponsored
by the C-SC Student Athletic Training
Organization. Cost is $10 and includes tshirt.
1:00pm: Lunch – with discussion on
house initiatives by Thomas Sutton (All
TKE-MON alumni are encouraged to join
us in the discussion)
2:00 pm: Football vs. Evangel
2:00 pm: Backyard game tournament
Saturday evening we encourage our
brothers/spouses to get together and
relax at the house or at the Quality Inn
Lounge in Quincy. To see the 2014
Homecoming schedule and register go
Please visit for
the latest information, and send your
REUNION YEARS: '54, '64, '74, '84, '89, '94,
Blue and White Mixer:
Please join us on Friday, October 24,
2014 between 7:30 p.m.- 10 p.m. for the
Homecoming Blue and White Mixer at
the Joe Charles Field House ($10).
We always have a great TKE-MON turn
out and it is amazing to listen to all the
stories. In addition, mix and mingle with
fellow Wildcat alumni. Enjoy a cash bar,
hors d’oeuvres, reunion class photos,
Greek photos, silent auction and get
your collectible Homecoming 2014
glass. Cost of attendance is $10.
Scott Garner Memorial:
Please join us at 12:30 pm Saturday,
October 25, 2014 at this year’s
homecoming for the unveiling of the
Scott Garner Memorial. Through
generous donations from family and
friends the concrete TKE Triangle is
being constructed on the hill
overlooking the football field. In
addition, a beautiful granite bench will
be dedicated to the life and memory of
Scott. Scott attended Culver-Stockton
College in the early 80’s and was a proud
member of TKE. He is missed by
many. TKE Brother Scott McGaughey
will conduct the dedication.
the content of the video is accurate. We
look forward to getting this exciting
project started, and hope you share in
our excitement. More to come!
Special Dates
August 22, 2014 – Students return to
The Hill
September 4, 2014 – Meet the
President, 5:00 PM, Quincy Park Bench.
Come and meet Culver-Stockton
College President Kelly Thompson and
her husband Clarke Schneider at the
Park Bench located in downtown
Quincy, Il. Appetizers and refreshments
will be served in celebration.
September 18, 2014 – Meet the
President, 5:00 PM, Robin & Kenny
Greger's House. Come and meet
President Thompson from 5-7pm at
Robin and Kenny Greger's House located
at 9 Orchard Point Road in Hannibal,
Mo. This will be a pool side event with
appetizers and refreshments available.
2015 TKE Golf Outing Planned June 1214, 2015:
TKE will partner with the College for the
June 12-14, 2015, Alumni Summer
Weekend. We will be playing golf
Friday, June 12 at Spring Lake Country
After the outing attendees can
participate in a number of fun events
planned by the college or hang out at
the TKE house, river or whereever you
feel comfortable. In the past the College
has offered a brew master class, smoker
barbequing 101, estate planning, art
classes and much more. In addition,
attendees will be able to reserve a room
in the TKE house for the weekend to
relive memories with friends! We hope
to see many fraters back for this soon to
be annual TKE event. More details to
September 19, 2014 - Meet the
President, 5:30 PM Patrick's Bar & Grill
(Westport Plaza). Come and meet
Culver-Stockton College President Kelly
Thompson and her husband Clarke
Schneider at Patrick's Restaurant in St.
Louis on the Westport Plaza. Appetizers
and refreshments will be served.
2014 - Meet
President, 3:00 PM | Come and meet
President Thompson at the Kansas City
Repertory Theatre on Dec. 14th from 35pm before catching the show, "A
Christmas Carol" for their 5 pm
performance. Tickets for the show are
$30 a person and can be reserved by
at Refreshments
and appetizers will be available during
the reception.
Alumni/Actives in Action:
Video History of TKE-MON planned:
Summer House Cleaning Party:
Frater Gregg Goss will soon be reaching
out to a number of alumni seeking their
participation in a video to chronicle the
history of MON-TKE. He has been
working with the college's historians to
confirm historical information to ensure
On June 6, 2014, Craig Bubnack put out
a call on the Zeta Pi Facebook site
calling for volunteers to assist in
cleaning the House. On June 9, Craig
was met by Zak Engelbrecht, Levi
Hudnut and Keith Smith; from there, the
work started. Craig reported, “It was a
great time, in all honesty, and I’m glad I
got to hang out with you guys.” The
Alumni Board would like to thank the
group for making their way to the
College to put time into cleaning TKE
House. Also, a BIG thank you to
brother Larry Sutton for providing the
funds for the cleaning supplies. Job well
Group shows up to stuff envelopes:
On June 19, 2014, Ken Hansmeier,
Thomas Sutton, Levi Hudnut, Lance
Smith, John Freitag and Nathan Sparks
worked at the TKE house stuffing 503
envelopes with the 2014 Summer
Edition (1) of the Zeta Pi Cry and survey.
The goal is to get in touch with all
members, even those in which we have
no email contact. Hopefully with each
mailing we will increase our email
database as well as our knowledge
about members. If you have an active
email address please contact us at
Emailing saves our fraternity precious
money when you think of the cost of
ink, stationary, stamps, envelopes and
time! Please help.
A big thank you to the group for helping!
New President
On the afternoon of June 19, 2014, new
President Kelly M. Thompson greeted
College alumni and students in “The
Lab” for the very first time. TKE was
front and center, and spoke with
President Thompson at length about our
rich history as well as future plans. Later
in the evening when posing with her for
pictures, she referred to us as the “TKE
boys”. Not a bad memory for someone
that met approximately 100 attendees
that night.
Surveys are coming in!
11) The alumni are there to help guide
the actives so they can enjoy an allaround
round great experience as part of TKE.
If you have not submitted your survey
12) I would be happy to help out if I
became awa
aware of a planned event. I
loved TKE as an active but have had little
contact since 1981, partly my fault,
partly the chapters fault.
This is the last opportunity
participate in the survey process:
We wanted to share a few of the
“Additional Comments”:
1) I LIKE the recent house move back,
like the recent homecoming celebration
at house. Keep up the efforts in
becoming top frat on campus!!!!!!
2) The survival of the TKE Chapter and
to maintain a good standing with the
college and community.
3) There are times I feel left out of the
loop and unwanted.
13) As someone who lives quite distant
from Culver, I would offer that an ideal
interaction would be one that is
reasonably duplicated at a local and long
distance level. Some of this is my own
fault for not being as active as I could be,
but some of it is that interactions are
almost always formulated for local
14) Create a reason for me to come to
campus ann
annually that will be of interest
and will increase my involvement.
4) Great job! One other opportunity we may be able to put together regional
5) I'm really excited to see the new
Alumni Board already taking decisive
action in addressing concerns and
formulating ways to solve said
Grade Report Spring 2014:
Delta Upsilon Fraternity
6) Does the chapter acknowledge our
financial gifts? The college did but
nothing from the chapter.
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity,
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,
7) Build sound relationship between
alumni and actives. Develop short term,
intermediate, and long term goals and
fundraising strategies. Develop annual
budget and monitor/review monthly.
8) I guess I would like to see a better
understanding of lifelong brotherhood
(love, charity, and esteem).
9) Alumni should offer support,
mentoring to the extent possible, and
actives should accept the input and, in
turn, do the fraternity proud.
10) Actives asking alumni for advice.
Actives inviting alumni to events.
Alumni getting involved without being
Sigma Kappa Sorority
Chi Omega Sorority
Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority
Alumni Board Campus Visit:
The Alumni Board is planning a trip to
campus for September
Septemb 12 & 13, 2014.
The purpose is to discuss how to become
a Top TKE Chapter.
The following
awards are available: Excellence in
Recruitment - Results, Excellence in
Recruitment - Chapter Size, Excellence
in Involvement - Community Service,
Excellence in Involvement - Alumni
Relations, Excellence in Achievement Academic Success, Excellence in
Achievement - Extracurricular Activities.
If our Chapter
hapter meets the minimum
requirements for at least 4 of the 6
Excellence Awards, the chapter will be
considered for recognition as a Top TKE
We will also speak with each Active
ember individually to evaluate their
standing in the Chapter,
Chapter and to reiterate
the expectations of College, TKE
ternational and the Zeta Pi Alumni.
We will review GPA, meeting
attendance, volunteerism,
and solicit
input on how to better improve the
We will also discuss
Homecoming and other topics.
Help us find contact information for
the following members:
Scroll, First name, Last name, Class
634, Scott Schindler, 2014
637, Dyla
Dylan Klauwhn, 2014
Help us identify what name belongs to
the following scroll numbers?
654, Derrick Lamarr
261, 612, 678, 679, 680, 681, 683, 684.
659, Dakota Kee
25, Dennis Stokes, 1963
671, Zack Blasgen
34, Barton Riedel, 1962
Dylan Tessier, active
36, Terry Piz
Samuel Rabidoux, active
64, William Schmute, 1964
G. Philip Allen, 1943
66, Jeffrey Zellmer
Dr. Dale W. Rosenburg, 1950
71, Don Andrews
James D. Crockett, 1952
94, Leslie Young
Richard R
R. Hollander, 1952
105, Peter Grandstrom
Robert W. Root, 1956
139, Andrew M
Terrance Armstrong, 1958
187, Melvin Turner
Clinton W. Goodin, 1959
215, Dennis Dawner
Christian Velasquez, 1983
216, David White
Scott R. Dozier, 1992
217, Ronald Held
Robert Miller
220, George Vokae
Brad Medske
236, Douglas Fink, 1972
D. David Boyd
244, Charles Derrick, 1972
Paul Vetter
315, Kevin Jaggard, 1977
Bill Stephan
338, Mike Rayner
343, Daniel Peasley, 1980
347, Mark Marquette
352, Dave Krepp
366, Kelly O'Donnell
373, Mark Wise
383, Jim Hummert
398, Ronald Casin
417, Samuel Hughes
428, David Michael
434, Rod
437, Greg Jones, 1994
442, Thomas Leavell, 1995
476, Joseph Moss, 1996
481, Darin Crenshaw
482, Ignacio Sanchez, 1998
511, Nicholas Rager
517, Darryn Severin
522, James Harrigah
539, Joshua Wheatley
560, Andrew Blackman, 2005
578, Jacob Bowman, 2008
586, Andy Frey, 2008
603, Jordan McCrary,
628, Matt Dewitt, 2013
629, Hung Duy Bui, 2013
Chapter Eternal:
97, David Everett, 1965, 12/13/2002
Edward H. Hulse, 1925,
100, Fillmore Galaty, 1963, 9/7/2008
Ray M. Jaggar, 1925, 12/31/1986
110, Dr. Robert Newsome,
1965, 01/01/2005
Harold C. Kime, 1925, 3/6/1993
114, William C. Walker, 1966,
Homer H. Wagner, 1925, 5/25/1976
115, William Haughton,
1966, 06/17/2007
J. Brooks Corwine, 1926, 12/11/2000
133, James Holliday, 1965, 4/12/1997
142, Edward Enerson, 1967, 1/1/2001
143, Paul Hodges, 1967, 09/21/2009
Please take a moment to reflect on the
passing of those listed below. If you
know of a member that has passed that
is not listed please let us know at
apologize for any errors.
155, James Glennon, 1968, 05/30/1988
Scroll, First, Last, Class year, DOD
192, James Kolberg, 1970, 5/17/2012
160, Harry Chernik, 1968, 1/1/2002
161, David Frese, 1968, 05/19/2005
166, William Norris, 1967,
168, Michael Logsdon, 1968, 3/18/2010
169, Dennis Little, 1968, 11/7/2011
195, Gary Brown, 1969, 01/29/2011
5, Rev. Jerry D. Palmer, 1960, 1/23/07
203, Ronald Sykes Jr, 1970, 03/26/1987
7, Jim Doi, 1960, 11/30/95
9, Elvin Besco, 1961, 3/11/95
211, Mike Scornavacco, 1971,
11, The Rev. Dr. B. Lee Brummel, 1961,
212, Edward Downer, 1970, 09/30/2004
13, Kenneth Marshall, 1961, 3/7/13
213, Robert Doty, 1970, 01/30/1999
14, Marvin Rannabargar, 1961,
240, James Nicolose, 1971,
15, Rev. James Sandy, 1961, 05/24/1996
249, Harold Bauer, 1973, 8/10/2012
20, Larry Ragerdale, 1962,
255, William Brown, 1973,
29, Bret Stanley, 1952, 8/2/2014
259, William Deskins, 1973, 3/21/2012
27, Bruce Clough, 1962, 9/17/1994
267, Charles Peek, 1972, 04/12/1996
28, Larry Kay, 1961, 1/21/2005
269, Jack Danskin, 1973, 07/28/2007
30, Roger, Lindberg, 1962,
285, James Conor, 1976
32, Paul Weisenborn, 1959, 11/04/2001
287, Steven Sutton, 1976, 10/29/2006
33, The Rev. Denton L. Jr. Roberts,
1959, 12/12/2011
301, Michael Bell, 1977, 03/12/2005
303, David McDonald, 1977,
35, Richard Harrison, 1958, 03/27/1993
319, Thomas Champley, 1977, 6/27/2013
39, Byron Ragsdale, 1962,
336, Dennis Doty, 1978, 09/11/2008
40, Joseph Knapp, 1960, 10/10/2005
341, Jerome Martin, 1980, 01/01/1977
43, B. Gary Hunt, 1961,
348, Curt Hogge, 1980, 03/31/2006
47, Rowen Zander, 1964,
358, Michael Romack, 1981, 02/12/1991
49, Donald Sykes, 1963, 5/2/2012
380, Scott Garner, 1984, 1/26/2012
52, Warren Johnson, 1963, 11/5/2000
384, Scott Holst, 1984,
53, Steve Vrlik, 1963, 7/2/03
512, Carl Ed McKenzie, 1998,
58, David McKay, 1963, 1/1/2004
John A. Ives, 1956,
65, Carlyle Stamper, 1964, 03/01/1987
James M. Lloyd, 1913,
68, Royal Rocca, 1960,
Estel C. Andrews, 1922,
70, John Garrison, 1962, 3/21/1981
John T. Carrigues, 1923,
79, John Bucke, 1963, 5/12/2013
Harold D. Elsea, 1924,
84, Roger Innes, 1965, 12/19/1967
Paul P. Elliott, 1925,
93, John Kenney, 1966, 2/18/1992
Fred E. Andrews, 1925,
John Mayfield, 1925, 10/17/1990
Oscar Homer Dameron, 1926,
Merle G. Humphrey, 1926,
Wesley W. Langdoc, 1926,
Travis McAllister, 1926, 4/12/1990
Charles S. Bilderback, 1927, 10/15/1985
Clark H. Cox, 1927, 11/20/1997
William Olin Hetzler, 1927,
Dr. John R. Lawrence, 1927, 1/17/1991
Reynold C. Johnson, 1927, 3/7/1985
Robert J. Snell, 1927, 1980
Gail Underwood, 1927, 3/22/1989
William E. Cason, 1928, Nov-82
Charles H. Cook, 1928,
Douglass A. Fagin, 1928, 3/3/1997
Otto D. Gabel, 1928, 2/4/1986
Wilbur R. Scott, 1928, 4/23/1993
Doane G. Trone, 1928, 10/25/1984
Irving E. Tuggle, 1928, 12/7/1989
Dr. A. G. Zuspan, 1929,
Sterling Bowyer, 1929,
Harold E. Caldwell, 1929, Jul-83
Ralph Vernon Calloway, 1929,
T. Larry Ferguson, 1929, 6/22/1980
David A. Foutes, 1929, 10/3/1984
Charles J. Jennings, 1929, Jun-84
J. Gordon Winders, 1929, Jun-83
Colman K., Winn, 1929, 9/4/1986
H. Estel Wood, 1929, 11/1/1991
H. Kenneth Zenge, 1929, 9/1/1992
Arthur B. Norman, 1930, Jul-83
Ralph V. Norman, 1930, Apr-81
Byron N. Scott, 1930, 10/15/2001
Finia R. Burkhardt, 1931,
James M. Hills, 1931, 7/27/1986
Ralph C. Howe, 1931, Dec-77
Dr. Charles L. Kingsbury, 1931,
C. Ross Miskell, 1931, 4/5/2003
Edna B. Tooley, 1931, 12/15/1996
J. Charles Wells, 1931, 5/25/1994
Logan A. Zahn, 1931, 3/15/2001
Dr.. W. Earle Zenge, 1931, 8/12/1983
Mr. Ernest Raymond Toben, 1937, 2-82
John L. Jr. Parsons, 1941,
Jessee W. Denniston, 1931, 7/5/1984
Ralph E. Walker, 1937,
George W. Barry, 1941, 1/29/1993
Sterling G. Bilderback, 1932, 9/28/1999
Roy D. Wilcox, 1937, 2/19/1996
Eugene S. Davis, 1941,
George E. Cox, 1932, 10/13/1990
Harold K. Wood, 1937, 8/13/1967
Raymond L. DeGreeff, 1941, 1981
Julius Daverman, 1932,
Sidney C. Wortmann, 1937,
Raymond J. Fountain, 1941, 3/13/2002
Paul P. Garrison, 1932, 10/15/1991
Joe R. Wright, 1937, 4/23/1990
Frederick E.Freise, 1941, 4/25/2001
Reilly S. Neil, 1932, 12/9/1996
Rodney W. Baillie, 1938, Dec-82
Lloyd Yarbrough, 1932, 3/14/1993
R. Ward Calvert, 1938, 7/18/1998
Dr. Alfred W. Humphreys, 1941,
Hez Brown, 1933, 1980
Dr. James R. Galbraith, 1938, 8/24/1991
Charles L., Larson, 1941,
Dr. C. Ferris Callihan, 1933, 6/8/1981
Rev. Richard S. Golden, 1938, 2/18/1985
Clarence K., Miller, 1941, 1/8/1994
Richard C. Collier, 1933, 5/14/1987
Roger Harris 1938,
Orville, Pomeroy, 1941,
William Eaton, 1933, 3/14/1983
Charles L. Hoff, 1938, 1/4/1991
J. Ross, Pool, 1941, 8/2/1990
Edwin E. Funk, 1933, 6/8/1995
Dean E. Krueger, 1938, 09/89
Charles A., Powell, 1941, 8/17/1998
Russell E. Powers, 1933, 05/01/97
Kenneth L. Krueger, 1938, Apr-82
Donald W., Roberts, 1941, Nov-86
Rudolph N. Snider, 1933,
Wilbur R. Lake, 1938,
Glenn M., Schlager, 1941, 8/28/1989
Arnold V., Barber, 1934, 3/18/2002
Wayne A., Simril, 1941, 1/2/1992
Pearson R. Crosby, 1934, 12/27/1989
Rev. Dr. Kenneth A. Kuntz, 1938,
Ernest H. Dennison, 1934,
Wilbur McSorley, 1938, 10/7/1993
Theodore R., Ware, 1941,
John R. Downs, 1934, 10/18/1990
Jeffrey B. Patterson, 1938, Mar-77
Robert O., Yates, 1941,
Joseph C. Place, 1934, 11/6/1989
John F. Whan, 1938, 1-Jun
Gerald W. Swift, 1934, 4/8/1990
Samuel H. Wolf, 1938, 5/8/1996
Lt. Colonel Donald W., Carline, 1942,
J. A. Zenge, 1934, 9/15/1979
Sherrill Isaacson, 1939,
Clyde W., Flaugh, 1942, 12/17/1992
Dr. Maurice H. Corbridge, 1935,
Garde B., Baldwin, 1939, 3/23/1983
E. Dale, Love, 1942,
Earl R., Bartareau, 1939,
Glenn S., Petrey, 1942,
Harry S. Elliott, 1935, 9/2/1992
Quinn H. Constantz, 1939, 9/10/1996
Jack Hayes, 1935, Mar-79
Dr. S. Morris Eames, 1939, 9/18/1986
The Rev. William E., Schleiffarth, 1942,
Harry Jr. Libby, 1935, 3/21/1988
Henderson Forsythe, 1939,
John H. Morawitz, 1935, 2/28/2002
Harold L. Holbert, 1939, 7/5/1988
Wade H. Jones, 1935, 11/30/1992
John B. Humphreys, 1939,
Wilfred Schlager, 1935, 2/14/1976
Glenn F. Kehr, 1939, 10/23/1983
William H. Hemmen, 1936,
Chester L. Krueger, 1939,
Malcolm C. Eckert, 1936,
Max, Marlett 1939, 1980
Louis H. LeDoux, 1936, 6/1/1991
Charles Jr. Metz, 1939,
Laurence Lindvall, 1936,
Carl E. Murray, 1939,
Charles H. Pitts, 1936,
Neal Sherrick, 1939, 8/17/1994
Victor E. Ricks, 1936, 8/24/1986
Thomas E. Slimp, 1939, 9/4/1990
Jasper R. Henderson, 1936, 1/8/1972
R. Harrison Underwood, 1939,
William H. Sener, 1936,
Roger M. Veach, 1939,
George J. Trump, 1937,
Major Steve Ligino, 1940,
Colonel Lee E. Baker, 1937,
Dr. R. H. Bowlin, 1937,
Dr. Joseph A. Dickerman, 1940,
J. C. Constantz, 1937, 5/20/1980
Robert E. Frye, 1940, 7/28/2002
Robert B. Hulsen, 1937, 6/10/1997
Lawrence Hoff, 1940, 7/15/1981
D. Wayne Kious, 1937, Aug-78
Hillis S. Israel, 1940, 2/7/1994
J. Edwin McMurray, 1937, 1/6/1993
J. C. Keithly, 1940, Sep-00
Elton F. Norman, 1937,
George Sweat, 1940,
Francis E. Staley, 1937, 7/18/1996
R. Marvin Zenge, 1940, 11/18/2000
Charles W., Wakefield, 1941, 5/31/1996
Kenneth W., Thornton, 1942, 1980
James R., Uhler, 1942, 9/7/1996
Delbert C., Walker, 1942, 9/11/1993
Major Albert A. Black, 1943, 8/14/1998
William F. Burnett, 1943,
Dean A. Davis, 1943,
George J. Hanna, 1943,
George J. Hendry, 1943,
Jack H. Morris, 1943,
Andrew V. Redpath, 1943, 8/25/1986
Carl B. Robinson, 1943,
Dr. George L. Stukenbroeker, 1943,
Dr. Charles F. Wilson, 1943, 10/13/1988
James B. Yager, 1943, Mar-84
George D. Addicks, 1944,
Dr. William S. Carter, 1944,
Mr. William K. Herod, 1944, 8/3/2003
Mr. William B. Seifert, 1944, Jan-85
Jerry L. Jr. Bair, 1945,
James W. Jr. Carty, 1945, 4/14/1990
Dr. Robert B. Sr. Constantz, 1945,
Wayne E.Hamilton, 1945, 7/25/1986
Earl J., Schwartz, 1950, 4/18/1995
Clyde E. Underbrink, 1945, 7/31/1995
Edward A., Sindelar, 1950, 12/15/1999
Rev. Phillip J. Woodworth, 1956,
Dr. James C. Jr Bolin, 1946, 11/1/1992
Dr. Robert E., Smith, 1950, 6/23/1994
Richard Elwell, 1957, 8/4/2013
Gene C. Church, 1946,
James R., St. Clair, 1950, 3/15/1979
Gary A. Glick, 1957, 4/29/1999
Dr. Francis V. Morriss, 1946, Jun-82
Billy B., Woodruff, 1950,
James E. Lloyd, 1957, 3/20/2001
Harold L. Wagner, 1946, 6/13/1995
Wesley, Fisher, 1950, 11/18/1997
Richard P. Martin, 1957, 12/16/2001
Dale P. Winsor, 1946,
Robert, Jones, 1951, 12/14/2012
Thomas E. Steinbeck, 1957, 7/17/1960
Rev. William L., Harper, 1947,
Ross E. Jr, Blake, 1951, 5/1/1997
Wesley J. Jr. Anderson, 1957,
Philip L., Bowden, 1951,
Ronald Oney, 1958, 7/9/2013
William L., Wasson, 1947,
George H., Curtis, 1951,
Harold Motter, 1958, 5/21/2013
Tom F., Wendorff, 1947,
Thomas A., Girhard, 1951, 6/14/1997
Alexander Banks, 1959, 7/12/2013
Robert A., Wilson, 1947,
Lane B., Henderson, 1951,
Carl R. Burns, 1959, 7/8/1987
Donald Stukenbroeker, 1948, 8/2/2011
Robert C. Richart, 1951, Sep-83
John J. Sassan, 1959, 8/20/1999
William G., Barneyback, 1948, 3/7/1996
Robert D.Sykes, 1951, 4/13/1999
Dr. Harry L. Pfeiffer, 1960, 6/29/2000
Richard E., Carney, 1948, Jan-98
John C. Troth, 1951,
The Rev. Dale K. Scott, 1960, 1/24/1996
Omer E. Jr. Curtis, 1948,
William L. Machir, 1952,
Warren T. Jr. Smoot, 1960,
James R. Jr. Ellis, 1948, 2/7/1999
Fred R. Aiken, 1952,
David L. Watts, 1960, Feb-96
Alba H. Fountain, 1948, 1/22/1998
Paul C. Aiken, 1952,
Simpson William, 1961,
LeRoy E. Newland, 1948,
Charles M. Blucher, 1952,
Rev. Robert L. Schlager, 1948,
Marion H. Johnson, 1952,
The Rev. Marvin R. Rannabargar, 1961,
Victor B. Seaburg, 1948, 4/21/1998
Donald E. Morrall, 1952, 10/19/2001
Johan N. Sverdrup, 1948, 5/15/2002
William C. Munson, 1952,
Stanley Luecke, 1948, 09/04/2003
Donald J. Payne, 1952,
Donald Hagerman, 1949, 2/13/2013
Horace L. Root, 1952,
Rolin T. Boulware, 1949,
David W. Steinbeck, 1952,
Donald A. Constantz, 1949, 12/25/1990
James L. Warren, 1952, 2/18/2002
William C. Douglass, 1949,
Donald E., Hurdle, 1952, 1/28/2002
Edwin E. Sr. Frye, 1949,
Charles R., Lake, 1952, 1995
William R. Garrison, 1949, 2-Feb
James A. Jr., Briscoe, 1952, 10/7/2003
James M. Jacobs, 1949,
Roger S., Hough, 1953,
James E. Kempe, 1949,
John, Eisenberg, 1953, 6/1/2013
Benjamin C. Kneuven, 1949, Jun-82
James H. Potts, 1953,
Harold W. Martin, 1949, 10/30/2000
Edward L. Tollefson, 1953,
William K. May, 1949, Mar-83
James G. Cocallas, 1954, 8/18/1997
Euen M. Weber, 1949,
S/Sergeant Dennis M., Buttig, 1987,
Adrian Jr. DeYong, 1954, 1/17/1991
Dr. Robert V. Winders, 1949,
Richard P., Sabados, 1993, 9/28/2003
Robert G., McKenzie, 1954,
W. Howard Frye, 1949, 10/25/2006
William R. Owen, 1954, 7/31/1985
Gerald B. Disney, 1950, 9/5/2002
Joseph J. E. Poc, 1954,
Dr. Francis O. Jr. Drake, 1950,
Dominic Troiani, 1954, 6/9/1990
William R. Gain, 1950,
D. Leslie Hadfield, 1950, 10/22/1999
Herbert W. Heintz, 1950, Jul-91
Richard A., Hopkins, 1950, 12/6/1994
William H., Kloster, 1950, 10/7/1989
William L. G., Mansfield, 1950,
Gerald D., Pilcher, 1950,
Robert J. Foster, 1955,
Richard Gigante, 1955,
Albert O. Meyer, 1955,
James E. Berry, 1956, 12/27/1996
Rev. Dr. Roy L. Griggs, 1956,
Carl R. Schroedel, 1956,
Ronald L. Walker, 1956, 5/12/1995
Barry Williams, 1956, Apr-83
Michael H. Rushmore, 1961,
Virgil K. Zuspann, 1961,
Zayac Jerold, 1961, 3/21/1988
Rev. Dr. Phillip E. Aeschliman, 1963,
Andrew T. Jr. Meredith, 1966,
Roger W. Hafner, 1967,
Terry J. Hallock, 1967,
Dennis M. Downer, 1967, 7/9/1979
D. Eugene Jr. Sykes, 1970, 3/26/1987
James D.Stevens, 1973,
David L. Allen, 1973,
Jerome C. Jr. Martin, 1977, 1977
win!The Alumni Board would like to
As a growing chapter in a new house, we’re
currently working on increasing our assets
and making our new home in Zenge Hall feel
more like a house than a residence hall.
Month-to-month in this column of the
newsletter we will maintain a “wish list” – if
you would like to donate anything from the
list or otherwise to the Chapter, contact
Thank you to those who donated
in the 2013 Telefund!
Plates and
Speaker system for the lounge
Thank you, Bill Baxter!
Cleaning supplies (Always needed)
Thank you to Larry Sutton for a
generous cash donation for end of
the year cleaning supplies!
Thank you, David Kaczmarek!
A fire pit
*Any monetary contributions will be
greatly appreciated as well. Donations
can be entered at the College web site, directed to TKE
Account or mailed to Culver-Stockton
College, Attn: TKE Account, One College
Hill, Canton, MO 63435. The College will
them mail you a gift receipt for tax
All contributions are tax
deductable and all purchases from the
TKE account are tax exempt.
thank the following businesses for
their continued support:
A special thanks to the following
College Administrators for all their
Richard D. Valentine, Immediate past
President of the College
Kelly M. Thompson, President of the
Doris Briscoe, Assistant to the President
Eric Barkley, Vice President for
Advancement and Alumni Programs
Construction, 413 Lewis St., Canton,
MO 63435; 573-288-3462
Jennifer Sousa, Director of Alumni
Marjorie Ellison, Director of
Advancement Operations
Signs in Time
Barbara Taylor, Manager, Financial
Records and Stewardship
122 S 9th St, Quincy, IL 62301
(217) 228
Mike Bringer, Director of Campus
Security and Facilities
Buff’s Engraving & More
Joseph Liesen, Executive Director of
Administrative Systems and Services
2 Coddington Ln
Canton, MO 63435
Harrison Monuments
1523 South 12th Street
Quincy, IL 62301
As we move forward as a chapter and
continue to build upon the legacy
that the Zeta-Pi Chapter of Tau
Kappa Epsilon has upheld since our
founding, we ask for your continued
support in everything we do.
Yours In The Bond,
Tammy Ellison, Assistant Librarian
Joe Stubbs, Coordinator of Greek Life
and Leadership
Last but not least,
least thank you to Bill
Shelton for his continued guidence with
TKE International.
Your assistance is
greatly appreciated!
The Zeta Pi Cry is formatted by
Craig Bastert ’13 with the
assistance of the Alumni Board. If
you have a photo or stories
would like added please forward to
The Men of Zeta-Pi
Bruce Green
Ben Bruckerhoff
Craig Bubnack
Zak Engelbrecht
Levi Hudnut
Nay Seldomridge
Chris Deeds
Craig Bastert