- Tonganoxie Christian Church
- Tonganoxie Christian Church
Upcoming Events On the Calendar: BITS & PIECES PRAYERATHON—AUG 30 Aug 30 1-Hour Prayerathon 5th Sunday— NO KID WORSHIP “Welcome to TCC” Event Sept 2 Nite Life Begins Sept 6 Fall StudyGroup U Classes Sept 13 Month of Missions Begins Sept 15 Bible Study Fellowship Join with other adults to spend time in prayer for our church, our leaders, our community, and our “Continue the Work…” Project. This prayer event will be held from 9:15-10:15 am in the Sanctuary. This will replace StudyGroup U classes for adults on this day only. WELCOME TO TCC — AUG 30 Join us for ice cream and a chance to welcome our new staff members to TCC—the Alberts and the Whislers. See page 3. NITE LIFE BEGINS — SEPT 2 Our Wednesday program resumes next month! Join us for a family meal and groups for the entire family. Aug, Sept & Oct 2015 Su Mo Tu We Th Fri Sa 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BSF 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 Bible Study Fellowship kicks off a nine-month study of Revelation on Tuesdays at TCC. For more information, contact Cindy Lindsay at (816) 210-6736. The school year for Genesis Christian Academy began on Wednesday, August 12. New teachers and students alike arrived and kicked off the day with prayer before heading to the classrooms. Please pray for a successful school year! Tonganoxie Christian Church New magnetic locks have been installed for the facility. New key fobs are required for entry, replacing all old exterior keys. Stop by the church office for details. V O L U M E 5 3 , I S S U E 8 A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 UPCOMING MONTH OF MISSIONS — SEPT 13 SERMONS TCC will spend some time emphasizing the missions we support. Guest speakers will join us for Sunday services throughout the month. Following this month, we’ll wrap up with our annual Missions Golf Tournament (details to be shared later). FOR WOMEN — SEPT August 16 Philippians (Ross Frisbie) August 23 Philippians 15 $59,960 (Ross Frisbie) August 30 Amos (Ross Frisbie) Tonganoxie Christian Church Established 1872 CONNECT WITH US: Office: 204 Washington Street Web: www.tongiecc.org Email: tccinfo@tongiecc.org Phone: (913) 845-2821 Look for us on facebook! Senior Minister, Ross Frisbie Associate Minister, Steve Howell Associate Minister, Jeremy Albert Children’s Minister, Dave Whisler Secretary, Andrea Novotney Treasurer, Merelyn Stites Tonganoxie Christian Church exists to exalt Jesus Christ by reaching people, connecting and equipping them to love God and serve others. TONGANOXIE CHRISTIAN CHURCH P.O. BOX 504 TONGANOXIE, KS 66086 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #4 $53,552 September 6 Amos (Ross Frisbie) Raised/Pledged* INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2 Elder Minutes 3 Welcome to TCC Event 3 Bits & Pieces 4 Upcoming Events 4 Our target is to raise the needed funds ($59,960) by the end of August. Once funded, the construction should happen quickly and allow us to return to worshiping in this space. Financial Help: Will you commit to funding this goal? Prayerfully consider what amount of giving you can contribute. Even a small amount can help, so we invite you to sponsor any portion you can. Forms are available from the office for you to share your commitment with us. Promise Keepers 2 Feed the Poor TCC continues to prepare for our upcoming renovation work on the sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. We thank those who have already contributed generously to this project—your sacrificial gifts will help us get started once the city approves our plans and grants a building permit. More is still needed, though, to make this vision a reality. We encourage every family to consider how they can invest and help us “continue the work.” Contributions can be sent directly to TCC, or they can be given during offering time at our weekly worship services. Please place designated funds in a special envelope labeled “Continue the Work,” or write it on the memo line of your check. Questions? Call the church office at (913) 845-2821. *Totals as of 8/17 Prayer: In addition to financial needs, we want everyone to be in prayer for the project and those who will be impacted by it. Join us on Sunday, August 30 for a special time of prayer for the church and community. This “1-Hour Prayerathon” will take the place of adult StudyGroup U classes. Join us in the unfinished sanctuary from 9:15-10:15 a.m. PAGE Inside the August Elders’ Meeting 2 Road Trip: Promise Keepers Thirteen men from TCC traveled to Dallas, TX, to attend the Promise Keepers conference on August 14-15. We began the day early on Friday and returned late Saturday night. “...nothing changes if nothing changes.” The conference offered us a great opportunity to grow closer to Christ, join with other men in worship, and fellowship among ourselves. Each speaker encouraged us to let go of sin in our lives and embrace Jesus. One of the most memorable quotes came as one speaker described the "elephant in the room" (that is, whatever sin you are hiding from your family and friends) and he shared that "nothing changes if nothing changes." We have to take the first step towards Jesus and begin the right change in our lives. We look forward to continuing to serve in the Kingdom work in Tonganoxie. Pictured (Left to Right): Front Row: Duane Ford, Mark Maxwell, Jim Ruth, Chad Gilliland, Scott Reynolds, Joe Krivjansky, Dave Whisler Back Row: Jacob Reynolds, DJ Klenklen, Tom Maxwell, David Moyer, Daniel Jones, Andy Jones TCC Ministries Help to “Feed the Poor” Decisions We are always excited when people give their lives to Christ! Bree Cash came forward on July 26th to give her confession of faith. Her baptism is forthcoming. Praise God for this decision from one of TCC’s college students! The Missions Ministry Team wishes to thank our church family for all of the food donated for Sack Sunday in June. We had 2 pick-up trucks worth of groceries to deliver. Fantastic! A big thanks to Mrs. Lawson’s art students for decorating our sacks, Brother’s Grocery for donating the sacks, and Bob & Francie Soetaert and Ross Frisbie for their help in delivering the food to the Good Shepherd Food Pantry. Jesus commanded us to “feed the poor.” Our church responded to His command beautifully as we always do. However, the need is everpresent. Current needs for the food pantry include: pork & beans, canned fruit, jelly, TONGANOXIE CHRISTIAN toilet tissue and toiletries, as well as other foods. Thank you for your continuing generosity! ————Each month, volunteers from TCC help serve meals at the St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen. Their faithful service has SUMMARY OF MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 6, 2015 MEETING Attendees: Chad Kietzmann, Jason Bailey, Scott Reynolds, Jonathan Myers, Larry Bailey, Michael Smith, Mark Maxwell, Ross Frisbie, Steve Howell and Jeremy Albert. Jim Ruth attended as a participant of the Elder Mentorship training which will go from April through September. • Jim Ruth provided a reminder of the September 19th all-day leadership conference at Ozark Christian College. This conference focuses on church leadership and it is highly recommended that prospective Deacon and Elder candidates attend along with current Deacons and Elders. excited for these two new additions to the staff and congregation, along with their families. Appreciation was noted for all of the volunteers that helped move the Alberts and Whislers into Tonganoxie. It was great to see many from the congregation out helping these two families move into town. • Ross and Steve shared their ministry reports with the Elders. Jeremy and Dave will share their respective ministry reports at the next Elder meeting. • Jeremy Albert’s first day as the Associate Minister of Creative Arts was August 3rd. His first Sunday leading worship will be August 9th. Dave Whisler, the new Children’s Minister will be starting August 10th. The elders are • On the last two Sundays in July and first Sunday in August, a class was offered in the Sanctuary to discuss plans and address any questions related to the remodel of the sanctuary. To date $6,500 has been donated toward the efforts and another $5,000 pledged to be given. Work will begin on the sanctuary when the full $60,000 is raised. We thank those that have given above and beyond their normal tithe to this effort. We are excited to see God move in our congregation as we remodel our sanctuary to be more inviting and upgraded as we continue to grow our congregation. • Recommendations for Elder/ Deacon candidates have been received and the process has begun with our nomination committee. Below is the detailed plan. July 3 to Aug 23 – Contacts made with prospects, acceptance of names August 24 to Sept 4 – Interviews with prospective candidates September 17 – Presentation of nominee candidates for Elder approval September 21 – Presentation of final candidates to congregation, per TCC Bylaws PAGE 3 Attendance Date Worship Study 7/12 286 129 7/19 233 110 7/26 291 115 8/2 260 114 8/9 292 147 Giving Date General Other 7/12 $22,060 $ 382 7/19 $10,937 $ 477 7/26 $ 9,738 $ 3,061 8/2 $14,459 $ 4,814 8/9 $10,271 $ 6,118 October 4 – Elections, per Bylaws helped hundreds of families receive meals. To make the serving experience better, our “Sewing for Missions” group recently completed a number of custom aprons for the task. Thanks to these ladies for their time and creative talents! A new round of Bible studies will begin on September 6! All adults are invited to choose a study to attend during the Pictured (Left to Right): Kait Kessler, Ashley Bailey, Tonya Bailey, Deanne Kessler, Diana Mitts, Vickie Hughes, Bethany Overmiller, Nancy Smith, Dave Whisler, Kathy Whisler, Lyn Smith, Steve Howell, Kathy Walker, Ross Frisbie On 5th Sundays of the month, TCC tries to offer opportunities for fellowship and connections within our church. This month, we’ll hold an afternoon ice cream social! On Sunday, August 30, from 3:30-4:30 p.m., join us in the Fellowship Hall and the front lawn to enjoy some cool treats and connections to other TCC members. The event will also be a great time to meet and chat with our newest staff members and their families—Jeremy & Lora Albert and Dave & Kathy Whisler! Take some time out of your Sunday afternoon to get the “scoop” on these terrific new additions to our church family. For your comfort, please bring a lawn chair. 8:00 or 9:15 hours. Class details can be found online at www.tongiecc.org
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- Tonganoxie Christian Church
Office: 204 Washington Street
Email: tccinfo@tongiecc.org
Phone: (913) 845-2821
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Senior Minister, Ross Frisbie
Associate Minister, Ste...