August 2013 Newsle er


August 2013 Newsle er
August 2013
Dear Friends:
There is tragedy that’s occurring each moment you read this
newsleer. That’s right—tragedy as in the “Human Sex Slave
Trade” which takes place around the world.
This is no less true in the land of Israel. People ask me all the
)me, “you have to be kidding me—there are drug addicts and
pros)tutes in Israel?”
Since establishing our men’s shelter in January 2010, we have
seen many men with addic)ons come into our men’s program.
As a result of your prayers, your financial support, and the Lord’s
blessing, we have reported to you the rich rewards in men’s lives
being transformed by the Lord’s power and grace.
Old bus sta
on area of Tel Aviv
These men have gone on to victory over their addic)on, re-uni)ng with their wives and children, finding
gainful employment and serving the Lord in their local congrega)on.
This past May, I was in Israel and with Gene where we
feed at the old bus sta)on area of Tel Aviv. It is here the
drug addicts and pros)tutes live.
A lady, we will call her “Jane,” came in to receive a meal
where we serve. Gene drew me aside to tell me about
her. A3er he told me her story, I le3 for a lile while and
walked one block away. These pictures represent that
area in the old bus sta)on area where “Jane” lives.
In this top picture you see some of the pros)tutes and several men in contact with them. As I watched the
scene before me, I breathed a prayer, “Lord, how do we take this
area for you—how do we reach these people with the Good News
of the Gospel of your Son, Yeshua, Jesus?
This is a different world than working with the men caught in
addic)on. With the pros)tutes, it’s a world of women, drugs,
pimps and organized crime.
In an ar)cle, “The Real Harms of Pros)tu)on,” reported in the
Catholic Educa)on Resource Center, Melissa Farley says, “In
pros)tu)on, men remove women’s humanity….He removes her self
and those quali)es that define her as an individual.”
The pictures here are of pros)tutes in the old bus sta)on area. Their stories are unknown to us except for
“Jane.” Jane’s story is tragic, yet typical in many ways of those caught in the human sex slave trade.
To the right is “Jane.” I sat across from her as she ate her lunch and listened to a
Bible study which was being given at the table where she sat. She would take a
bite to eat and then turn her head to listen and watch those leading the Bible
study. She was not aware she was being photographed.
As she sat and ate, her ac)ons made it obvious she was also under the influence
of some substance. We have blocked much of her face for her protec)on. Jane
lives in the old bus sta)on area of Tel Aviv. This is an area never seen by tour
groups coming to Israel.
Jane angered a drug dealer and he took ac)on to break her even further than
she had already been broken.
He chained her to a dog house for six months and she was fed table scraps and
dog food. Eventually, she was able to free herself. However, she has no place
to run. She has been stripped of all iden)fica)on and is totally at the mercy of those who control her.
The picture to the le3 is not clear as we might like, but it
shows the bruise mark around her neck from the chain or
strap that was used to chain her to the dog house.
We have much work to do in establishing a women’s shelter
for pros)tutes in Israel in addi)on to our men’s shelter. Our
goal is to iden)fy a woman in Israel for the posi)on of director of the women’s program. We will bring her to the U.S. for
training in addic)on recovery and working with pros)tutes.
Once this is accomplished we will open the first and only godly women’s shelter in the Gush Dan area of
Israel in mid to late 2014. Gush Dan has a popula)on of 3.4 million people. This represents 42% of Israel’s
total popula)on. Tel Aviv is the largest city in Gush Dan with a popula)on of 410,000.
We need much prayer support and income in order to achieve this. This newsleer is the beginning of this
process. In addi)on we have developed the enclosed brochure. If you would like more brochures, please
indicate on the enclosed response form. You can also go to our website, and send us
an email for more brochures, ques)ons and comments.
George Wehnes
Executive Director
P.S. Gene our director in Tel Aviv says he and his team get to know these women. Often times he will hear
one has been killed or has died of a drug overdose or simply disappeared. Help us bring hope to “Jane” and
others like her who are caught in a hopeless struggle just to survive.
YES, George, here is my celebration gift for what the Lord is
doing in Israel for the homeless and the addicted.
[ ] $10.00 [ ] $25.00 [ ] $50.00 [ ] $100.00 [ ] Other
P O Box 564
Olympia WA 98507-0564
Phone: 360-923-0532
[ ] In Memory Gift for Don $______ Pledge:$_______ Check
[ ] Name_______________________________________ Phone # _________________
[ ] My prayer requests:
________________________________________________________________________ As we pray, work, and give,
we know God will call many
into His Kingdom
NOTE: See IMPORTANT, feedback below:
August 2013
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