Q-CUT – OVERVIEW - Quixar® Software
Q-CUT – OVERVIEW - Quixar® Software
W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Q-CUT – OVERVIEW 1. INTRODUCTION Q-Cut is a valuable tool for the wardrobe and shower screen industry. The program has been built with ease of use in mind. Keeping the functionality of the platform simple allows a new user to easily navigate their way through the program to build a complete wardrobe, walk-in, shower screen, splash back or mirror. The program will effectively minimise time spent by staff handwriting job tickets, cutting it down from ten minutes to just one. The program has been divided into modules, allowing the user to purchase and use the modules required. See Section 3 for more information. 2. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) All Quixar™ Software products feature user friendly GUIs so that even beginners can navigate their way through our products with ease. Quixar™ Software Page 1 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 3. FEATURES & MODULES Quixar Software has divided its Q-Cut program into separate modules, giving you the flexibility to choose which modules your business requires. This gives you a cost effective way in only purchasing what you need. The following modules can be turned on or off at any time by contacting Quixar Software: 1. Create Wardrobe Allows the user to create a wardrobe from various pre-defined templates, or by creating a complex design using individual zones and banks. 2. Create Walk-In Allows the user to create a two or three sided walk-in using pre-defined layouts. Quixar™ Software Page 2 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: 3. quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Create Shower Screen Allows the user to create a shower screen or bath panel from various pre-defined templates, or by creating a custom design. Shower screen products can be set up by the user, allowing the user to create their own formulas with ease. 4. Create Splash back Allows the user to create a splash back from pre-defined templates, or by creating their own design. Holes and cut-outs can be placed onto the product using drag & drop. Quixar™ Software Page 3 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: 5. quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Create Mirror Allows the user to create a mirror from various pre-defined templates, or by creating their own design. 6. Exporting Allows the user to export the bill of materials as either a text file or a csv file. 7. Pricing Allows the user to manage the pricing for all components, fitting charges, profit margins, wastage and discounts allowed, producing a final sale total for their product. Quixar™ Software Page 4 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: 8. quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Barcoding Displays a dynamically generated barcode for each job number which is displayed on the job ticket, allowing the user to easily scan the barcode. 9. Database/CRM Connectivity This module will provide a seamless connection with the users CRM software by saving all the data to the database. This module also allows the user to load previously saved designs and to save the users selections in the Options screen. (Custom linking to third-party CRM software available upon request.) Quixar™ Software Page 5 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 10. Importing/Exporting your Cutting List Data If Q-Cut is linked with a CRM product that stores any sizes entered at the quote stage, Q-Cut will grab these values and use them as default sizes for the product. Once measured, these sizes can then be over-written. The entire sites products can be exported as a MS Excel file for measurers to open and amend the spreadsheet on-site, then upload the file (with the correct measured dimensions) directly into Q-Cut. What does this mean? When it comes time to computing, the correct sizes are already entered! 11. Plan View Design a plan view for your product, adding multiple panels and designing each panel separately. Quixar™ Software Page 6 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 12. Support Package If the user has purchased a support plan, all program updates will be made available to the user for download as soon as they become available 4. BILL OF MATERIALS & CUTTING LISTS The bill of materials lists all the materials and components required to make the product. It is populated in real-time, updating its values as the user creates their product. Quixar™ Software Page 7 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Once the product design is complete, the user can schedule the product, which will automatically issue the job the next job number and display the cutting list(s) and job ticket(s). 5. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS Quixar Software continually makes enhancements and upgrades to its products. Along with any bug fixes, be sure to receive the latest updates as they become available by signing up to a support plan. 6. CLIENT SPECIFIC UPGRADES Do you want to tailor the program to suit your business needs? Do you want to link the products to your CRM records? Q-Cut has the flexibility to be tweaked to suit your needs. From something as simple as a change in formula to complex features you may want to include, Quixar Software can look after your needs with either an exclusive or non-exclusive upgrade. A non-exclusive upgrade means whatever change or enhancement you request will be made available to everyone else in future releases of the program. An exclusive upgrade means only you will receive the requested feature. (Higher costs apply for exclusivity.) 7. LICENSING & TRIAL VERSION Q-Cut is licensed software. Quixar Software offers a free no-obligation trial of the software. You can trial the software for free for a thirty day period from http://quixar.software/products/qcut/Q-Cut.zip. The following restrictions apply Quixar™ Software Page 8 of 9 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 to trial versions. 30 day free trial period Size limits – each product has a restricted maximum size limit Cutting List – only the first three products in each cutting list category will be displayed Exported files – only the first five materials will be exported Database – no database access is possible so no saving or loading is possible Restricted modules – Shower Screens require database connectivity and as such is not available in the trial version If you would like to purchase or rent the product, please contact Quixar. We are also more than happy to make modifications to the product upon purchase! 8. TROUBLESHOOTING If you require assistance, please contact Quixar Software at: Web: http://quixar.software Email: info@quixar.software Phone: 1300 784 447 Quixar™ Software Page 9 of 9
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