Q-Cut - Quixar® Software
Q-Cut - Quixar® Software
PRODUCT MANUAL Q-Cut Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 1 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Program Version at time of compiling this manual: 1.0.5686.30718 © Copyright 2015 Quixar™ Software Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 2 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Modules ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 3. Installation........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 4. System requirements ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Updates and enhancements ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 6. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8 7. Client specific upgrades ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 8. Licensing and trial version ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 9. Toolbar .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 10. Start new deign.............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 11. Importing and exporting cutting list data .................................................................................................................................. 12 12. Creating a Plan View ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 13. Designing a Product Directly From The Plan View ................................................................................................................... 15 14. Loading a Plan View...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 15. Adding products: Wardrobes ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 16. Completing your design ................................................................................................................................................................ 30 17. Wardrobe parameters .................................................................................................................................................................. 31 18. Adding products: Walk-ins/Linen/Pantry .................................................................................................................................. 32 19. Adding products: Shower screens/Bath panels ....................................................................................................................... 34 20. Adding products: Mirrors .............................................................................................................................................................. 35 21. Adding products: Splashbacks .................................................................................................................................................... 36 22. Adding products: Bedside draws................................................................................................................................................. 38 23. Adding products: Windows .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 24. Bill of materials ............................................................................................................................................................................. 38 25. Exporting your design ................................................................................................................................................................... 39 26. Cutting lists..................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 27. Job tickets....................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 28. Barcoding........................................................................................................................................................................................ 41 29. Reprint ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 42 30. Loading a job.................................................................................................................................................................................. 42 31. Printing a screenshot .................................................................................................................................................................... 43 32. Saving a screenshot ...................................................................................................................................................................... 43 33. Resetting your design ................................................................................................................................................................... 43 34. Job Windows (After Schedule)..................................................................................................................................................... 44 35. Options ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 47 Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 3 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Page 4 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Q-CUT – PRODUCT MANUAL 1. INTRODUCTION Q-Cut is a valuable tool for the wardrobe and shower screen industry. The program has been built with simplicity in mind. Keeping the functionality of the platform simple allows a new user to easily navigate his or her way through the program in building a complete wardrobe. The program will effectively minimize time used by staff handwriting job tickets, cutting down a ten minute task into a task completed in under a minute. The program has been divided into modules, allowing you to purchase and use the modules required. See the following section for more information on modules. The trial version of the program can be used for an unlimited amount of time for free with restrictions in place such as a maximum product height/width and restrictions on the number of records produced on a cutting list or bll of materials. 2. MODULES The following modules are available for activation at any time: Module Description Create Wardrobe Allows you to create a wardrobe and produce a bill of materials list, cutting list and job ticket. Create Walk-in/Linen For future release. Create Shower Screen Allows you to create a shower screen and produce a bill of materials list, cutting list and job ticket. (Must have database module activated.) Create Splash Back Allows you to create a splash back and produce a bill of materials list, cutting list and job ticket. Includes runouts and drag & drop cut-outs/holes. Create Mirror Allows you to create a mirror and produce a bill of materials list, cutting list and job ticket. Includes runouts and drag & drop cut-outs/holes. Create Bedside Draws For future release. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 5 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Create Windows For future release. Exporting Allows you to export your materials as a text file or a csv file. Pricing Allows you to set the pricing for all materials and components Database/CRM Connectivity Allows you to save designs, load designs and link products to your existing CRM programs. Also allows saving options to your profile. Barcoding Produces an automatically generated barcode on the job tickets, ready for barcode scanning. Support Activating a support package will ensure you receive all program updates and bug fixes. 3. INSTALLATION You can download Q-Cut from the following link http://quixar.software/products/qcut/Q-Cut.zip Once the download has finished, simply unzip the file and run the setup.exe file. This will install Q-Cut on your machine. Once the installation has been completed, you can immediately begin using the program. If you have purchased multiple licenses, the program must be installed on each licensed machine. Please note that any modules that access the database will not work without the database being set up. Please contact Quixar™ to arrange a consultant to attend your site to install and set up the database. 4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The following table outlines the minimum and preferred system specifications. Requirement Minimum Preferred Internet ADSL ADSL 2+/Cable RAM (PC Terminal) 4GB 8GB+ Processor (PC Terminal) Dual Core 2.0GHz Quad Core 2.3GHz+ Operating System (PC Terminal) MS Windows XP MS Windows 7 RAM (Server) 12GB 16GB+ Processor (Server) Quad Core 2.3GHz Quad Core 3.0GHz+ Operating System (Server) MS Windows Server 2008 MS Windows Server 2012 Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 6 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 5. UPDATES AND ENHANCEMENTS Each time you log on to one of our products, a connection is made with the Quixar™ servers, running a check to ensure you are running the latest version of the program. If a later version of the program (or an update) is available on our servers, you will be notified upon login. You will be asked if you would like to download the update. To update your program: 1. 2. 3. 4. Download the update Go to Control Panel > Programs & Features Remove the existing program Extract the Q-Cut.zip file and run the setup.exe file. The updated program will be installed. Should you wish to run the update at a later stage, a prompt will be displayed on the main menu and the updates screen as seen below. The updates screen, accessed from the Help menu also displays the Software Development Notes (SDN), which list all the changes made to the program with each release. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 7 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 6. TROUBLESHOOTING This file can be accessed from within the program by pressing F1. Should you require further assistance, please contact Quixar™ at: Web: http://quixar.software Email: info@quixar.software Phone: 1300 784 447 7. CLIENT SPECIFIC UPGRADES Want to tailor the program to suit your business needs? Want to link the products to your CRM record? Quixar™ has the flexibility to tweak the program to suit your requirements. From something simple as a change in formula to complex features you may want to include, Quixar™ can look after your needs with either an exclusive or nonexclusive upgrade. A non-exclusive upgrade means that whatever change or enhancement you request, the change will be made available to everyone else in future releases of the program. An exclusive upgrade means only you will receive the requested feature. 8. LICENSING AND TRIAL VERSION Q-Cut is licensed software. Quixar™ offers a free no-obligation trial of the software. You can trial the software for free for a period of thirty days. The following restrictions apply to trial versions. 30 day trial period Size limits – each product has a restricted maximum size limit Cutting List – only the first three products in each cutting list category will be displayed Exported files – only the first five materials will be exported Database – no database access is possible so no saving or loading is possible Restricted modules – Shower Screens require database connectivity and as such are not available in the trial version If you would like to purchase or rent the product, please contact Quixar. We are also more than happy to make modifications to the product should you wish to purchase the product! Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 8 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 9. TOOLBAR Q-Cut offers you the following shortcuts, accessed from the toolbar: Icon Task Description New Design Start a new design Add new product Add a new product to your design Design Plan View Design/Load a plan view for the current product Load Design Load a previously saved design Export as text file Exports the Bill of material as a text file to the file location set under Options Export as CSV file Exports the Bill of material as a csv (comma delimited) file to the file location set under Options Save design Save the current design Schedule design Schedules the job into your CRM program and issues the next available job number Display Cutting List & Job Tickets Reloads the cutting list(s) and job ticket(s) for the current design Print Screen Prints the current screen Save screenshot Save the current screen as a jpeg file to the file location set under Options Reset Resets all drawings and sizes Options Opens the options screen Help Opens this product manual Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 9 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 10. START NEW DEIGN To start a new design, click on the button (shortcut is Ctrl + N) and you will be presented with two screens, the Job Details screen and the Bill of Materials screen (refer to Section 21) If your product is linked to a CRM program, you can click on the ‘Load Customer/Product from your CRM program’ tab. This will present you with a search screen, to locate the product from your CRM program using the filters (black input boxes). Select the desired product and the customer detail will be copied across to the details screen. Fields marked with an * are mandatory fields. If a product has not been set up in your CRM program but it has an existing CRN record, you can enter the CRN in the CRN box and press enter. This will load up the Customer name, address, suburb, contact name, contact number, sales rep and customer order number. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 10 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: User Entry Field quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Description Quote Design Number This field is optional. Filling in this field, however is mandatory if you wish to save the design without scheduling the products. This field then acts as a file name for later use. You can also use this file name as a template for re-use. Job Number – Main box The job number is your reference number. If you have a reference number from your own program or CRM database, it can be referenced here in order for you to link the design to that particular job. If you have purchased a database module, leave this field blank to automatically generate a job number. If you have cross-linked Q-Cut with your CRM program, Q-Cut will automatically generate the next id number from your CRM database. Job Number – small box The smaller secondary box is for multiple or spit products. See below. Qty The quantity box allows you to enter the quantity of products for the entire design. This applies to multiple products that are identical in all aspects. Changing the figure in the ‘Qty’ box will multiple all values by this factor. Measure Date This date will be saved as the date the job as measured. Customer Details If your product is linked to a CRM program and you have selected a product from the ‘Load Customer/Product’ tab, all these fields will be automatically populated. If you do not have Q-Cut linked to a CRM program, you will need to fill in all the details. Payment Terms Select whether the customer is a C.O.D or contract customer. This will determine whether pricing is displayed on any printed paperwork. Once you have entered/selected the customer/product details, click on the you wish to add from the popup menu. button and select the product Products which have sizes saved from your CRM program, will carry these sizes across to your products screen Products which have been scheduled and have been issued a job number cannot be re-computed. Splitting a Product into multiple job numbers: This feature allows you to split one product onto multiple job numbers with the same prefix. Let’s say for example that you have a splash back that has seven individual pieces. Rather than design seven separate designs with seven different job numbers, you can use the same product line from your CRM database with seven different suffixes. For example, in the ‘Load Customer/Product from your CRM program’ tab, we select the splash back record. We then click on the ‘Split Panels’ button on the right hand side. This then allows us to have as many suffixes for the same product line. (A ‘True’ will appear under the column titled ‘Allow Split’). We then add our on suffix to the small job number box on the job details screen. In the images below, we have entered ‘h’ as the suffix, as letters a,b,c,d,e,f & g have already been used, and displayed under the ‘Multiple Jobs’ column. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 11 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 As displayed in the image above, the splash back (the last record) has already been scheduled and given job number '35’. We have used this same record six times, using the suffixes a,b,c,d,e & g. (F was skipped on purpose.) Each time we scheduled the product, the schedule number used was: 35A, 35B, 35C, 35D, 35E and 35G. Using the same job number allows us to better manage job 35, rather than use a new job number for each piece. For the next panel, we would enter ‘h’ as in the image below. 11. IMPORTING AND EXPORTING CUTTING LIST DATA Q-Cut streamlines the process between measuring and computing. Products that have been set up in your CRM program such as Lotus can be exported from Q-Cut as a MS Excel file. This file can then be given to the measurer who will take the file on site (on a phone, tablet or laptop) and enter in the product measurements whilst on-site. Once the measurer has Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 12 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 finished measuring, he or she can then upload (import) the file back into Q-Cut. This process will then save all the measurements so that the product can be computed quicker, as the measurements have already been input. Exporting the data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the ‘Job Details’ screen, click on the ‘Load Customer/Products from your CRM Program’ tab Search and filter for the products you wish to export Click on the ‘Cutting List Data – Import/Export’ tab Ensure the Export folder is correct. (Will default to the folder saved in the Options screen) Click on ‘Export CRN Cutting List Data’ All the products that were returned in the results from Step 2 will be exported as a MS Excel 1997-2003 workbook. (.xls file) Updating the data: The exported file is to be given/sent to the measure who keeps it on his file on his phone, tablet or laptop. This file can be amended as many times as necessary. The measurer simply opens the file, locates the product and enters the sizes and product details into the spreadsheet. The file must be saved as a MS Excel 1997-2003 file with a .xls file extension. Files with .xlsx extensions are not compatible and must be re-saved with a .xls file extension. Importing the data: The data can be imported as many times as necessary. If a product already has a size stored in the database, the size will be overwritten each time the file is imported. 1. 2. 3. From the ‘Job Details’ screen, click on the ‘Cutting List Data – Import/Export’ tab Enter in the complete path of the file name. Click on ‘Save CRN Cutting List Data from MS Excel file’ All the products for the CRN will be imported. Any existing data will be overwritten. Editing/Adding data during the import: In a future release of the program (or if you wish to include this as a client specific upgrade) the ability to add extra products/rows or to edit the cells before the import will be designed. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 13 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 12. CREATING A PLAN VIEW Once we have our product displayed in the Job Details screen (See Section 10), we select the product then click on ‘Plan View’ in the bottom right corner. By clicking the ‘Plan View’ button for a product that has not yet been scheduled, the Plan View function will pre-schedule the job for you. This means that the product will now be issued with the next schedule number before you have begun to design the product. By confirming the issuing of a schedule number, the ‘Plan View’ screen will be displayed. From here you can design your plan view of the product. This feature has been designed primarily for splash backs, however can be used for any product. The order number will be displayed in the top left corner. This is the order number that will be associated with all panels for this job. Before saving, be sure to select the correct supplier from the supplier drop-down list. To design your plan view, simply drag one of the available panels from the right hand side, and drop the panel onto the large plan view on the left. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 14 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Some general objects, such as a kitchen sinks, couches and beds, are available for you to drag onto the plan view to aide in visualizing the layout of the room. Any relevant comments can be entered in the ‘Comments’ box at the bottom of the screen. You can use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen to accurately line up any panels or objects. Once the panels have been moved into the correct position, they can be labelled with unique identifiers, such as ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and so on. After identifying the panels, click on ‘Save’ to save the plan view. The plan can be amended at any time and re-saved. Click on ‘Print’ at any time to print the Plan View. For products that need to be split, it is advised to split the product first, before you create a plan view. 13. DESIGNING A PRODUCT DIRECTLY FROM THE PLAN VIEW Once all unique panel identifiers have been entered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Double-click on the panel to be designed The product screen (based on the type of product selected) will be displayed and you can design your product as per normal. Once the design of the product is complete, click on the ‘Schedule’ button. The job ticket(s) and cutting list will NOT be printed just yet. The panel will be identified as designed by the changing of the diagonal lines from light blue to black. Repeat steps 1-4 for all panels to be designed. Once all panels have been designed, click on the ‘PRINT JOB TICKETS’ button. This will display: a. Job tickets for all designed panels b. A combined cutting list for all panels c. The order report will be loaded in your report server. Enter the order number and click on ‘load report’ to view the order. Print all the forms displayed in Step 6. Order Numbers: By default, the same order number will be used for all panels for the same job number. In the example below, order number 9 was used for panels a,b,c,d & e. This is indicated in the list in the bottom left corner, and the order number displayed in the top left corner If we were to design panel ‘f’ at a later stage, by default; it would also be attached to order number 9. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 15 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 However, if order number 9 has already been sent to the supplier for manufacturing, we would want panel ‘f’ to be attached to a new order. To do this, we click on the ‘Next Order #’ button at the top left of the screen. This will issue us with the next available order number. All future panels will be associated with the new order number. Existing panels remain on order number 9. Current order number & supplier Unused Panels Panels already deigned and their order numbers Panels have been designed Objects Panel has yet to be designed Comments box Use these buttons to move the panels & objects by fine-tuning Reset the design 14. LOADING A PLAN VIEW By selecting a product from the Job Details screen, click on ‘Plan View’. If a plan view has already been saved for the selected product, it will be loaded in the Plan View screen. Upon loading the plan view, any panels which have already been designed will be displayed with black diagonal stripes. In the above example, panels a,b,c,d & e have all been designed. Panel ‘f’ is yet to be designed. The order numbers associated with each panel will also be displayed in the bottom left corner. The plan can be amended and re-saved as necessary. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 16 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 15. ADDING PRODUCTS: WARDROBES To add a wardrobe to your design, click on the the products. Simply select the ‘Wardrobe’ option. button and you will be presented with a popup menu of all The wardrobe screen is divided as follows: 1. The diagram, which dynamically changes based on your inputs 2. The configuration/one selection area 3. The extra inclusions box 4. The zone management frame Door Overlays: The doors can be opened or closed by sliding the doors across, by dragging it across using the mouse. This overlay can be turned on or off at any time by checking or unchecking the ‘Show Door Overlay’ box. (Pressing the ‘Reset Door Overlay’ label will reset and close the doors.) Reset the doors Turn on/off the door overlay 1 2 4 3 Zones: Each wardrobe is divided into a maximum of seven zones. This gives you the flexibility of creating a wardrobe with complex layouts. Zones can also be stretched to cover more than one zone. Default Sizes: If your product was linked to a CRM product record and quoted/measured sizes were entered, these sizes will be displayed on the product screen. As displayed in the diagram below, the quoted size is displayed in grey, beside the size input boxes. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 17 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 These sizes are NOT saved or used, however act as a safe-guard to ensure you enter the correct sizes. For example, in the above diagram, if the wardrobe was quoted at 2400mm in width, the final measured size you enter would have to be close to the quoted figure. If you entered 2900mm in width for example, you would immediately know that something is wrong, as a ‘?’ will be displayed. The default maximum tolerance for input error is 200mm. By entering a correct value (within 200mm if the quoted size), the ‘?’ will disappear. If you chose to continue with the ‘incorrect’ size, you will be prompted to confirm the sizes are correct. You can change the maximum tolerance in the Options screen. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 18 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Configurations: When creating a wardrobe, you have three methods to build your design: 1. 2. 3. Complete Combination Top & Bottom Configuration Top/Bottom Banks Complete Combination This option allows you to select a pre-defined complete configuration of a wardrobe. These pre-defined layouts have been selected from the most commonly used layouts. You can of course, have these changed by Quixar™ at any time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select your layout option The draws drop-down box allows you to alter the number of draws of the layout (even though the diagram shows four) The ‘Flip’ checkbox allows you to flip/mirror the layout Ensure the draw width, draw height and upright style are correct Click on ‘Add Design’ The dynamic diagram will change based on your selection. (Note that some insertions, such as hanging rods; may not be extended completely until you input the sizes.) Top & Bottom Combination This option allows you to insert a top & bottom combination of draws, shelves or hanging rods to one specific zone of the wardrobe. 1. 2. Select the zone you wish to insert from the zone drop-down box Select ‘Top & Bottom Combination’ from the bank drop-down box Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 19 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Ensure the draw width, draw height and upright style are correct Select the desired configuration from the pre-defined presets. (Contact Quixar™ to change these at any time) The ‘stretch’ checkbox allow you to insert the combination as a stretched zone. Click on ‘Add Design’ to add the selected combination into the selected zone. The dynamic diagram will change based on your selection. (Note that some insertions, such as hanging rods; may not be extended completely until you input the sizes.) In the above example, we have inserted a top & bottom combination of 3 shelves & 4 draws into zone 3. Top & Bottom Banks This option allows you to insert an individual top or bottom selection. This gives you greater flexibility over the layout of your wardrobe. Combined with using the ‘Top & Bottom Combination’ option, we can design even the most complex layouts with ease. Let’s say, for example we wish to create the following complex design. Step 1: a. b. c. d. e. We select ‘Zone 1’ from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Top Half’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct We select the ‘Shelf/Void’ option from the available pick list We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 1 of the dynamic diagram: Step 2: a. b. c. d. e. We leave ‘Zone 1’ as the selected Zone from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Bottom Half’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct (must be the same for the same zone) We select the ‘Tie Rk’ option from the available pick list We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 1 of the dynamic diagram: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 20 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Step 3: a. b. c. d. e. We select ‘Zone 3’ from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Top Half’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct We select the ‘Hang’ option from the available pick list We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 3 of the dynamic diagram: By skipping Zone 2, we have effectively added Zone 2 as a void zone for storage. Step 4: a. b. c. d. e. We leave ‘Zone 3’ as the selected Zone from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Bottom Half’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct (must be the same for the same zone) We select the ‘Draws 4’ option from the available pick list We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 3 of the dynamic diagram: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 21 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Step 5: a. b. c. d. e. We select ‘Zone 4’ from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Top Half’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct We select the ‘Shelf 2’ option from the available pick list We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 4 of the dynamic diagram: Step 6: a. b. c. d. e. We leave ‘Zone 4’ as the selected Zone from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Bottom Half’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct (must be the same for the same zone) We select the ‘Shelf 4’ option from the available pick list We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 4 of the dynamic diagram: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 22 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Step 7: a. b. c. d. e. We select ‘Zone 7’ from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Top & Bottom Combination’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct We select the ‘4x Shelf + 4x Draw’ option from the available pick list We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 7 of the dynamic diagram: Step 8: Now we wish to complete the design by inserting Zone 5. However, Zone 5 is in fact a stretched zone, taking up both Zone 5 and Zone 6. There are two ways in which we can add a stretched one, a pre-stretch and a post-stretch. a. b. c. d. e. f. We select ‘Zone 5’ from the Zone drop-down list We select ‘Top & Bottom Combination’ from the Bank drop-down list We confirm upright style, draw height and draw width are correct We select the ‘2x Hanging’ option from the available pick list PRE-STRETCH: We check the ‘Stretch’ checkbox We click on ‘Add Design’ Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 23 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 The above option is inserted into Zone 5 and stretched to Zone 6 of the dynamic diagram: POST-STRETCH: a. b. We follow steps a-d above We click on ‘Add Design’ The above option is inserted into Zone 5 but not stretched to Zone 6 of the dynamic diagram: c. d. We then click on the ‘^ Zone 5’ tab from the zone management box We then check the ‘Stretch >’ checkbox Zone 5 is now stretched to Zone 6 of the dynamic diagram: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 24 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 The post-stretch function allows you to stretch any zone, even after it has been added, so long as there is no active one beside it. For example, Zone 3 above cannot be stretched as Zone 4 is active. By stretching a zone, it will stretch from left to right, until it reaches an active zone. Removing a Zone: You can very easily remove an active on at any time. For example, let’s say we wish to remove Zone 4 from the above design. 1. 2. Click on the ‘^ Zone 4’ tab from the zone management box Click on ‘Remove Zone 4’ Zone 4 will be removed from the dynamic diagram: Other Zone Options Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 25 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 The following options are available for each zone: Stretch – stretched the one from left to right until it reaches an active zone Width of zone – allows you to set the width of the zone (for draws and shelves) Stretch width – if the one is stretched, this is the final width of the zone Insert mirror – see below Upright style – alter the upright style Remove zone – removes the zone Inserting mirrors/dressing tables: Let’s say we have the following design: We can convert this design, specifically zones 1 and 2to a dressing table layout. By checking the ‘Insert Mirror’ option under Zone 1, we have inserted a mirror into Zone 1. By checking the ‘Fill’ checkbox, we can stretch the mirror to fill the entire zone(s). Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 26 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 You can also alter the height of the table (shelf) to a seated height, or half of the wardrobe height. Door Overlays: By default, if doors are a part of your design, an overlay is placed over the wardrobe, giving you a visual representation of the wardrobe doors. By checking/unchecking the ‘Show Door Overlay’ checkbox, you can show or hide the door overlay at any time. You can slide the doors by holding down your left mouse button and sliding the door left and right. Be sure to enter your sizes first. Some functions such as stretches and inclusions may not work until you have entered your sizes. Wardrobe Inclusions: Shelving Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 27 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 1. 2. Top Shelf – Includes a top shelf and allows you to alter its dimensions (on by default) Top Shelf Storage Split – allows you to split the top shelf into 1-7 compartments 3. Extra Top Shelf 4. Small Shelf – allows you to include a small shelf above the top shelf and insert it into any zone Return Panels Allows you to add a left and/or right return panel, set its width and jamb type Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 28 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Cleats & Spacers (Infills) 1. Add a Front Cleat: ‘Full width’ will add one cleat the full width of the wardrobe (to be cut by the installer on site) and ‘Cut’ will divide the cleats into zones 2. Add a left or right spacer: ‘Flush’ will allow the spacer to sit flush with the inside wall (along the depth of the cavity) and ‘Face’ will include the spacer sitting front-on By adding a bank of shelves or draws in Zone 1 or Zone 7 and the zone sits along a wall (with no return panel), then a spacer (infill) will automatically be added to the bill of materials. Extras Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 29 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: 1. 2. Bulkhead – allows you to include/exclude a bulkhead and set its dimensions Floor Batten – allows you to include/exclude a floor batten to your design 3. 4. Metal Baskets – allows you to include metal baskets to the design Hanging Rods – allows you to alter the colour/finish of the rods quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 General Settings 1. 2. Depth – allows you to alter the depth of the wardrobe, which will alter the depth of the shelves and uprights (default is 447mm) Off-cut – By setting this feature to on, top shelves, bulkhead, floor battens, hanging rods and spacers will add the off-cut amount to their length, giving the installer extra leeway to cut the component onsite. 16. COMPLETING YOUR DESIGN Once your design is finished you have the following options: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 30 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: Icon Option quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Explanation Bill of materials You can view/print the bill of materials and input any extra charges or deposits paid. (See Section 21) Save Saves your design in the database. This design can be reopened and amended. A design number on the ‘Job Details’ screen is required in order to save the design. Save as template You can save your design as a template for re-use. By saving the design (as above), you can re-open the design later to use the same layout for a different job. In order to keep the template, you must re-save the new design with a different design number. Saving the design without changing the design number will over-write the original design. Schedule If your program is linked to a CRM program, Q-Cut will look up your CRM records and issue the current job the next available job reference number and produce a cutting list and job ticket for print. Press the reset button to design a ne product. Schedule & re-use data After scheduling your product, you can reset the design to begin designing a new product. If you have another product with the exact same measurements and configuration, you can keep the design to re-schedule it with a new number without resetting it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Print all your job ticket(s) and cutting list(s), Re-open the Job Details screen (Windows > Job Details > Restore the window size) Select the next product from the ‘Load Products’ tab. R-open the product screen (for example the Create Wardrobe screen) All the sizes and configurations will not have changed. Click the schedule button The new product will be scheduled with the same data as the previous product. This in effect allows you to design/schedule multiple products with the same data as a template, without having to save the actual template. Export as text You can export the bill of materials as a text file. (See Section 22) Export as CSV You can export the bill of materials as a CSV file. (See Section 22) 17. WARDROBE PARAMETERS Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 31 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 When you begin building your wardrobe, Q-Cut draws on various formulas and defaults to produce your bill of materials. You have the flexibility of changing these parameters to suits your business. The following table outlines the various parameters that you can change. Parameter Depth Default Value 447mm Related objects Top Shelf Found at Explanation Create Wardrobe Screen The depth of the wardrobe. Create Wardrobe Screen An extra allowance is made to allow the installer to cut these materials on-site. Options Screen When the width of a wardrobe exceeds this value, the related objects will be split into two pieces. Options Screen The thickness of the timber is used in various formulas. Shelves Uprights Offcut 50mm Top Shelf On by default Bulkhead Floor batten Hanging Rod Timber max 3600mm Top Shelf Bulkhead Floor batten Timber thickness 16mm 18. ADDING PRODUCTS: WALK-INS/LINEN/PANTRY To add a walk-in, linen or pantry to your design, click on the menu of all the products. Simply select the ‘Walk-in’ option. button and you will be presented with a popup The walk-in screen allows you to create a two or three sided walk-in. Pre-defined layouts are available on the right hand side of the screen. (These can be changed by contacting Quixar™) For a two-sided walk-in, simply leave Section B blank. The walk-in startup screen. To design your walk-in, please complete the following steps: 1. Select the layout for Sections A, B and/or C (if applicable) from the drop-down list. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 32 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 2. For any sections that have a set of draws, ensure the correct draws amount is selected. (Default is 3) 3. OPTIONAL: Flip the section to mirror image the section (Available for Layouts 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B & 3) 4. Enter in the widths of all sections, followed by the height of the walk-in 3 1 4 2 5 7 6 Once all the above steps have been completed, your walk-in diagram will be adjusted and the bill of materials populated. Walk-In Options: Option Explanation Section B Wedge Selecting this option will adjust Section B’s width to span the entire room width; meaning the widths of Sections A and C are shorter. Section B Full width Selecting this option will adjust Section B’s width to fit in between Sections A and C; meaning the widths of Section A and C are longer. Top Shelf Select whether a top shelf is included, or if the section stretches to the ceiling. Draws Change the quantity of draws for each section. Flip Flips the section (mirror image) Completing your design; see Section 13. Walk-In parameters are the same as the wardrobe parameters. Linen/Walk-In Linen/Pantry/Walk-In Pantry: To create a linen or pantry, select Layout 6 for each relevant side. For one-sided products, just use Section B. For twosided, three sided and walk-ins, use the relevant Sections A,B and/or C. Ensure you select the number of shelves by Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 33 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 changing the value in the ‘Draws’ drop-down list. You can also turn on or off the top shelf for pantries and linens. 19. ADDING PRODUCTS: SHOWER SCREENS/BATH PANELS To add a shower screen or bath panel to your design, click on the popup menu of all the products. Simply select the ‘Shower Screen’ option. button and you will be presented with a The various categories and products depend on the products set up in the options screen. See section x on how to set up a new shower screen or bath panel. 1. Select the category, ‘Shower Screen’ or ‘Bath Panel’ from the category drop-down box 2. Select the product type based on the products you have set up 3. The available products within the above categories will be displayed, simply select the desired product 4. Select the desired glass type and frame/fitting colour 5. Add any out of square run-outs as required The dynamic diagram will be displayed at the bottom of the screen: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 34 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Other Options: You can select which way the door opens You can add a small return panel You can add large cutouts (dog-leg cutout) to return panels You can select whether the return jamb is to be a full jamb or a half jamb You can alter the pivot block placement (default is 80mm) 20. ADDING PRODUCTS: MIRRORS To add a mirror to your design, click on the products. Simply select the ‘Mirror’ option. 1. Select the infill type 2. Select the frame type 3. Select the frame colour (if applicable) 4. Enter in the sizes 5. Enter in any out of square run-outs button and you will be presented with a popup menu of all the The dynamic diagram will be displayed: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 35 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Adding Holes/Cut-outs: If a hole or cut-out is required, simply drag and drop the hole/cut-out from the bottom of the screen onto your product. The hole can be converted to a power point cut-out simply by clicking on the hole. This acts as a toggle and can be changed from a cutout back to a hole simply by clicking on the cutout. If a hole or cutout was added, enter in its dimensions and its location on the panel. (For example, 110mm in width, 55mm in height, 80mm up from the bottom edge and 80mm in from the left edge) Click on ’Reset Holes/Cutouts’ to remove and reset all holes and cutouts 21. ADDING PRODUCTS: SPLASHBACKS To add a splash back to your design, click on the all the products. Simply select the ‘Splashback’ option. button and you will be presented with a popup menu of You can create your own shape by clicking on a dotted line (toggle on/off), or you can begin by choosing a predefined shape. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 36 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: 1. Select the desired shape from the pre-defined shapes in the lower right corner 2. If required, you can alter the shape by toggling on or off each line section 3. Enter in your sizes 4. Enter in any out of square run-outs 5. Select the paint colour (if applicable) 6. Select the glass type quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Adding Holes/Cut-outs: If a hole or cut-out is required, simply drag and drop the hole/cut-out from the bottom of the screen onto your product. The hole can be converted to a power point cut-out simply by clicking on the hole. This acts as a toggle and can be changed from a cutout back to a hole simply by clicking on the cutout. If a hole or cutout was added, enter in its dimensions and its location on the panel. (For example, 110mm in width, 55mm in height, 80mm up from the bottom edge and 80mm in from the left edge) Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 37 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 You can include up to four holes/cut-outs on your splash back. 22. ADDING PRODUCTS: BEDSIDE DRAWS For future release. 23. ADDING PRODUCTS: WINDOWS For future release. 24. BILL OF MATERIALS As you design and change your product, the bill of materials is dynamically populated to reflect all the componentry and costings involved with all the added products. This screen essentially displays your cutting list in more detail. It is important to note that if you are creating a design for two separate products (for example a wardrobe and a shower screen) then all the components required for both product will be displayed in the one bill of materials list. To work effectively, this function works in conjunction with the database module to store all your pricing information. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 38 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 At any time, you can change the discount applicable, the removal/access charges and enter in the amount deposited (if any) to update the balance payable. To print the bill of materials, select the ‘Print’ view in the bottom left corner and click on the ‘Print’ button. Currently, the maximum number of materials that will be printed is 43. If your product is linked with a CRM program, each customer can have a specific discount applied. 25. EXPORTING YOUR DESIGN Your design can be exported as a text file or a csv file. To export the design as a text file, simply click on the button. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 39 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: To export the design as a csv file, simply click on the quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 button. You can choose which columns to export and alter the delimiter from the Options screen. You can select the directory where the exported files are saved to from the Options screen. 26. CUTTING LISTS By clicking on the schedule button, your bill of materials will be converted to cutting list format and displayed on a cutting list. If you do not have the database module activated, the cutting list will be displayed without a job number. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 40 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 You can go back and make changes to your design, save it, then click on the ‘Refresh’ button on the cutting list to update the materials. 27. JOB TICKETS If your program is linked with a CRM program, or you have purchased the database module, you can schedule the job by issuing it with the next available job number. All job ticket(s) are displayed on the screen once you have schedule the job. Please ensure you print ALL visible tickets. If you have created more than one product, or if you have activated the split ticket function, then a separate cutting list and job ticket will be loaded for each product/split. 28. BARCODING Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 41 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 If you have purchased the barcoding module, when you schedule a job and a job number is issued, the job number is automatically converted to a barcode which is displayed on both your cutting list(s) and job ticket(s). This allows you to scan your tickets with a barcode scanner/reader and eliminates the need for a barcode printer. 29. REPRINT Once you print the job ticket(s) and cutting list(s), a ‘REPRINT’ label will appear on the screen. This ensures that if you reprint the tickets, you do not accidently re-use the ticket and mistake it for the original. Should you close the job and require the tickets to be reprinted at a later stage, follow the instructions in section x to load the job, then click the button to reload the job ticket(s) and cutting list(s). 30. LOADING A JOB To load/open a previously saved job, click on the icon. Use the filter boxes (black input boxes) to filter through the saved designs. Once you have located the desired design, double click on the record and the design will be loaded. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 42 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 31. PRINTING A SCREENSHOT To print the screen of what you can visually see, click on the icon. 32. SAVING A SCREENSHOT To save an image the screen of what you can visually see, click on the icon. 33. RESETTING YOUR DESIGN To reset your design at any tie, click on the of materials’ screens. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual icon. This will reset all data and reload the ‘Job Details’ and ‘Bill Page 43 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 34. JOB WINDOWS (AFTER SCHEDULE) Once a job is scheduled, a series of windows will appear on your screen. You have the ability to select which of these windows are relevant for you in the Options Screen (See Section 32). You also have the option of display the cutting lists in two ways: 1. One combined report – this will open up a combined MS SQL Report which includes the cutting list, factory cutting list and delivery slip all in one report. Notes: This option requires the database module to be active. This option can only be run by one user at a time. Pressing the ‘schedule’ button will reset this report. 2. Individual windows – this will display the cutting list, factory cutting list and delivery slip in three separate windows, to be manually printed individually All active windows will be displayed in a cascading format as per the image below. Each of these windows must be printed for each schedule job. Each window MUST be completely visible within your screen before printing. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 44 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: Window Default quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Explanation Cutting List (Individual) On The cutting list of the product(s), detailing all the products that are to be cut and/or assembled for installation of the product(s). Job Ticket (White Copy) On The front page of the job ticket, to be stapled to the front of the cutting list. This sheet details the job information for the product(s) and displays the diagram without any pricing. Job Ticket (Yellow Copy) On Same as the Job Ticket (White Copy), except this copy is to be filed in the office and displays any relevant pricing information. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 45 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Terms & Conditions On For cash on delivery/retail customers, this document is to be issued to the customer. Delivery Slip (Individual) On This delivery slip or docket is relevant for those companies who delivery products to site before installation. This slip is to be taken by the driver to mark off all products delivered to site. Factory Cutting List (Individual) On The Factory Cutting List is similar to the cutting list. It displays the glass/mirrors, aluminum and timber. It does not display any components. This list is to be distributed to the factory to cut the panels required. The different sections (infills, aluminum, timber) can be divided by cutting the paper along the dotted lines before distribution. COMBINED REPORT: Factory Cutting List Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Off This report displays the following three reports combined: Page 46 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: Cutting List Cutting List Delivery Slip Factory Cutting List Delivery Slip quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 (This option requires the database module to be active.) 35. OPTIONS To set or alter program options, click on the activated: icon. The following options are available, depending on modules Global Options Option Default Value Description Offcut 50mm Will add 50mm to the length of top shelf, bulkhead, floor batten and hanging rods, to allow installer to cut the material on-site to the exact required measurement. This figure is replicated on the ‘Create Wardrobe’ screen. Timber thickness 16mm The thickness of the timber used will be used in various formulas. Maximum timber length 3600mm When the width of a wardrobe exceeds this value, the related Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 47 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 objects will be split into two pieces. Maximum tolerance between entered & quoted sizes 200mm If the size entered is 200mm greater or less than the quoted size, you will be prompted to confirm the sizes are correct. Print/Display Price Options Select where the prices will be shown. Job Ticket/Cutting List Print Options When a job is scheduled, select which forms/windows you wish to appear. (See Section 31) Cutting List Decimal Places 3 Terminology The number of decimal places displayed on the cutting list(s). This allows you to change some terminology of certain panels to suit your business terminology. For example, selecting a spacer to be displayed/saved as ’spacer’ or ‘infill’. File Export Column Picker This tab displays all the available columns that you can export as either text files or csv files. Text files: Check or uncheck the columns you wish to include/exclude in your exported file. CSV files: Check or uncheck the columns you wish to include/exclude in your exported file. You can also change the column name that appears in the first row of the csv file before export CV delimiter – allows you to change the delimiter before export (default is a comma) Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 48 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 File Locations This tab allows you to control where your Q-Cut files are located. Folders that do not exist will automatically be created. Option Default Value Description TXT/CSV Export C:\Quxar\QCut\Exports\ The location where all your exported text/csv files are saved. Screenshots C:\Quxar\QCut\Screenshots\ The location where all your screenshot files are saved. Drawing layouts C:\Quxar\QCut\Drawings\ The location where all your drawing files are saved. Database Backups C:\Quxar\QCut\Database The location where any database backups are saved. Wardrobes Option Door Size Limits Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Default Value Description 2 doors = 1000 - 2454mm When entering a width within this range, the default door quantity will be set as 2. (Can be over-written) 3 doors = 2455 – 3680mm When entering a width within this range, the default door quantity will be set as 3. (Can be over-written) Page 49 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 4 doors = 3681 – 4920mm When entering a width within this range, the default door quantity will be set as 4. (Can be over-written) 5 doors = 4921 – 6134mm When entering a width within this range, the default door quantity will be set as 5. (Can be over-written) Split tickets No When this option is turned on, you can split a wardrobe ticket into any combination of doors, internals, track and jambs. Simply check the relevant checkboxes for each desired group. Price Breakdown – Doors 30 Price Breakdown – Internals 60 Price Breakdown – Tracks 5 Price Breakdown – Jambs 5 When the wardrobe tickets are split, the price breakdown of the entire sale (in percentage) will be used. (For example, if you have split wardrobe doors on their own and grouped internals, tracks and jambs; Q-Cut will allocate 30% of the sale to the doors ticket followed by the remaining 70% onto the other ticket. Fitting Charges This tab saves the default fitting charges. These rates can be changed dynamically for those who have the Pricing module activated. Pricing For those who have the pricing module activated, this tab allows the user to: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 50 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: View and edit pricing for all components, timber and kit inclusions Add kit inclusions Adjust profit & discount margins Viewing & Editing Pricing for components: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 In the ‘View/Edit pricing’ tab, click on a component to be able to alter the description, edging, price length, width, height, quantity and price. Codes cannot be altered. (Contact Quixar™ if you would like to alter any component codes.) Add standard Kit Inclusion If you would like to add an item to a kit for a product (for example, a set of screws): 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the ‘Add standard kit inclusion’ tab. Enter in all the relevant information Select which product the kit item belongs to Click on ‘Save Options’ The item will then appear on future bill of materials for that product. Profit/Discount Margins Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 51 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 This section allows you to set what your margins are. Profit margin: Will add this percentage to your sale total Discount Margins: This is the maximum/default allowable discount given, to be deducted from your sale total Wastage: If you would like to implement wastage percentage, add a value to be added onto the sale total Labour: Add a dollar figure here to increase your sale and allow for your labour costs. Apply profit margin to: Components: Will apply the entered profit margin to the components Fitting/Installation: Will apply the entered profit margin to the fitting charges set in the previous tab Products & Formulas This tab allows you to create your own shower screen and amend formulas. To create a new product: 1. Select the product type (E.g.: Shower Screen) 2. Enter the category/style (E.g: Q-LINE FRAMED) 3. Enter in your product code and description 4. Begin adding all relevant glass panels to the product: a. Select the panel (E.g.: DOOR) b. Select whether the panel is framed, semi-framed or frameless c. Select any relevant polishing for the panel d. Select the glass thickness e. Enter in any holes for the panel f. Enter the quantity of pieces of this particular panel g. Enter in the glass WIDTH and HEIGHT formula using the following rules: i. Select the length to be used (FrontWidth or DoorWidth etc.) Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual ii. Select the operator to be used (plus, minus, multiply or divide) iii. Enter the amount to be used in the formula Page 52 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: iv. quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 If relevant, select any further panels to be used (For example, - DoorWidth) In the below example, we have set the Fixed panel: Width = FrontWidth – 100 – DoorWidth Height = FrontHeight - 9 5. Begin adding all relevant ‘aluminum’ and ‘component’ pieces to the product in the same fashion as the glass panels 6. By clicking on ‘Added panel’ you can add or remove panels. Panels added to this list have not been saved until the ‘Save Options’ button is pressed. 7. Repeat Steps 4-5 for each glass, aluminum and component for the product. 8. Click on ‘Save Options’ and your new product is now ready to be used! Parentheses will be available in formulas in a future release, allowing complex formulas to be created. If your product has two identical panels, by entering ‘2’ as the product quantity, the formula will automatically be divided by 2. For example, If you have a shower screen with a door and two identical fixed panels, by setting the Fixed Panel quantity as ‘2’ and entering the formula: FrontWidth-100-DoorWidth, Q-Cut will automatically set the width of the fixed panel as: Width=(FrontWidth-100-DoorWidth) / 2 Company Profile This section allows you to set up your companies profile with name, ABN, address etc. This data will be displayed on any formal documentation and job tickets. You can also enter the path to your company’s logo, remembering that if it is saved on the server, the same drive letter must be mapped on each terminal. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 53 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Database Tools Option Default Value Description Clear Test Tables If you do not require access to the testing environment, clearing these tables will clear any redundant data, freeing up database space allocation. Shrink Database Performing this function allows you to shrink the database files, saving disk space. Quixar advises to carry out this function monthly or sooner if you save large volumes of data to the database on a regular basis. Backup Database This function allows you to back up the live database as a .BAK file. The database will automatically shrink the live database first before backup. Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual Page 54 of 55 W: E: P: ABN: Quixar™ Software – Q-Cut Manual quixar.software info@quixar.software 1300 784 447 89 918 727 335 Page 55 of 55
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