Soundboard - Alabama Music Teachers Association
Soundboard - Alabama Music Teachers Association
Soundboard ALABAMA MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION August 2013 Volumn 60, Number 3 From the President Caption describing picture or graphic. It is hard to believe summer is coming to an end! I hope your summer has been full of happy days with people and work that you love. It was lovely to start the summer off with a terrific state conference. Thank you Jodean Tingle for organizing an excellent event! We look forward to next year’s already. How exciting to recognize Dr. Ginger Beazley as Alabama’s “Teacher of the Year” at the conference’s Member’s Banquet. Dr. Beazley has made tremendous contributions as a teacher in our state, fostering many successful and some stellar careers. Frances Schwemmer’s accounting of Dr. Beazley’s teaching and their relationship was a joy to hear. The “Teacher of the Year” is awarded biannually, though nominations for this prestigious award are received at any time. Please think about someone who is deserving and consider making a nomination to our past president, Dr. Cynthia MacCrae. As we embark on the coming academic year, I hope you will find the ties between our members and the affiliation provided by AMTA to be important in your career. Many long-established activities and policies are in place that are vital to the success of our studios. I am grateful, as I’m sure you are. Our organization is continuing forward, encouraging activities in the areas of winds, brass and voice by offering monetary prizes for overall audition winners. Guitar Auditions are being re-established this year, and a new College Concerto Competition is being developed. I’m encouraged by the ways our Local Associations are active. Some are joining together to host “Judges Workshops.” Ideas prevail for breathing new life into our bands of teachers. Local Associations in the Northwest Region of MTNA have “Music Book Clubs” and holiday potluck dinners. Perhaps it is a great time to try something new! If I may give a personal story: my daughter and I have come to love a line from the movie “Stuart Little.” George awakes, knowing his parents will adopt a sibling for him, and says “It’s today, it’s today!” The mother replies “Yes, it always is.” I hope your work and year is imbibed with joy. Wendy Freeland The Soundboard, your AMTA newsletter, is published three times a year in October, February, and July. Submission deadlines are October 6, February 6, and July 6. Your editor appreciates that everyone adheres to these deadlines so the Soundboard can be published in a timely fashion. Moya Nordlund Special points of interest: REMEBERING JEANNE STANLEY FOCHT TEACHER OF THE YEAR — DR. GINGER BEAZLEY CERTIFICATION MOMENT — INTERVIEW WITH MISTI SHORT AMTA STATE WINNERS AND HONORABLE MENTIONS Inside this issue: SUSAN BISHOP AND PIANOSONOMA 2 NEWS FROM HUNTSVILLE 4 MTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR 5 COLLEGIATE PIANO AUDI- 5 TION RESULTS INTERVIEW WITH MISTI SHORT 6 BMMF THEORY ACHIEVEMENT EXAMINATION 7 STATE WINNERS— PRECOLLEGE PIANO 14 Soundboard In Memoriam - Jeanne Stanley Focht Jeanne Stanley Focht MUSIC IS THE MOVEMENT OF SOUND TO REACH THE SOUL FOR THE EDUCATION OF ITS VIRTUE Jeanne was born to Clifton and Frances Stanley in Marianna on August 8, 1934. She graduated from Marianna High School and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Troy University. Jeanne joyfully taught piano for 58 years to students from preschool age to retirees. She taught in Graceville, Florida, had her own music studio in Dothan, and then became a part of the Studio at Covenant United Methodist where she was a member. She was a member of the national Guild of Piano teachers Association, the Alabama Music teachers Association, and was secretary/ treasurer of the Wiregrass Music teachers Forum. She helped organize the annual Sonatina Festival and raised scholarship money for local students. Other fgifts of her music to the community include serving as pianist and directing the Handbell Choir at Cloverdale Methodist Church. Any time is good time to nominate a future teacher-of-the-year! The Executive Board has resolved to award the AMTA Teacher of the Year award biannually. The Teacher of the Year (TOY) award is designed to recognize a member of AMTA for excellence in teaching, musicianship, and service to AMTA and/or the community. The next award will be presented in 2015. Nominations of deserving colleagues can be made at any time, and all nominations will be saved for consideration at each two-year TOY cycle. Instructions for completing and submitting a nomination are on the AMTA web page at - PLATO AMTA member and Executive Board Member, Susan Bishop, will be attending the second session of pianoSonoma in Santa Rosa, CA Bishop will be performing with PianoSonoma August 4 –August 10 2013 Young Artist Kim Mai Nguyen, violist. Kim is an avid performer of music ranging from early Baroque to new music. She has performed with William Christie, Monica Huggett, Ton Koopman and Jordi Savall. Her passionate promotion of new music has led to premiere performances at the MoMa and Carnegie Hall. Kim is also an enthusiastic advocate of music education. She performs in diverse Page 2 health care facilities and teaches young children in New York’s P.S.11. Kim’s interest for diverse cultures and her concept of artists as citizens led to her invitation on cultural diplomacy visits to Guatemala, where she interacted with the local El Sistema program; and to the Afghanistan National Institute of Music, where she was educator for their Winter Academy. Kim is currently pursuing a Master of Music degree at the Juilliard School with Heidi Castleman and Steve Tenenbaum. Besides accompanying Kim, Bishop will perform Mendelssohn's Song Without Words Opus 19, no 2. index.php? option=com_content&view=a rticle&id=18&Itemid=29 Volumn 60, Number 3 Page 3 Soundboard News from Huntsville MTA 2013 – 2014 Programs August 16, 2013 – Basic Piano Care — Tuning and Maintenance Presented by Eric Davis, Registered Piano Technician September 13, 2013 — Unconventional Piano Literature Presented by Dr. Kevin Chance, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa October 18, 2013 — Jam Sessions, Pop Music, and Improv Presented by Wendy Bramhall McGee, NCTM November 15, 2013 — Incorporating Composition Techniques in the Teaching Studio Presented by Dr. Mary Crowell January 24, 2014 — Chamber Music and the Art of Collaboration Presented by Dr. Joshua Pifer, Lecturer in Piano, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama For all meetings: Meeting Time: 10:00 – 11:15 am Location: UAH Choral Rehearsal Room*, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL *The UAH Choral Rehearsal Room is located directly above the NEW Music Department Office on the tall side of Roberts Hall. Please enter the tall building, take the elevator to the second floor, turn left and go to room 201. 2014 AMTA District VIII Piano Auditions IT IS THE SUPREME ART OF THE TEACHER TO AWAKEN JOY IN CREATIVE EXPRESSION AND KNOWLEDGE ALBERT EINSTEIN Audition Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014 Audition Location: First Baptist Church, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, 35801 Forms must be submitted to the District Chair by midnight March 28, 2014, and can be submitted by mail or left on the front porch of the District Chairman, Frances Schwemmer, at 126 Robin Lane, Huntsville. Interested teachers who are in the area are cordially invited to attend and join the Huntsville Music Teachers Association! Diana A. Pettit, President Do you know? As of June 30, 2013, there are 377 paid AMTA members: 52 of whom are National Certified Teachers (13.8%) Alabama ranks 27th nationwide for percentage of members who are certified If you have questions, or need guidance or advice, contact Kevin Chance at Page 4 Volumn 60, Number 3 Congratulations to Teacher of the Year Dr. Ginger Beazley! On behalf of the Teacher of the Year Committee, I am delighted to share the news that this year’s AMTA Teacher of the Year is Dr. Ginger Beazley of Huntsville. The award was announced at the 2013 AMTA Conference at the University of Montevallo by Frances Schwemmer, who delighted the audience with stories and impressive accounts of Dr. Beazley’s many accomplishments. As a life-time educator and student, Ginger Beazley joined MTNA in the 1970s to enhance her work with young people in her private studio which consisted of primarily piano students. Her good friend and mentor, Frances Schwemmer worked with her on pedagogical principles and appropriate literature as well as encouraging her membership in this outstanding professional organization. Dr. Beazley's undergraduate degree was music education with voice as primary and piano as secondary foci. Her studio included both disciplines until 1985 when she began to limit her teaching to voice. During those early years several piano students were winners in MTNA festivals and some continued their work in college. In more recent years, several high school voice students have entered the Senior Performance Competition and have been successful in representing our state and region in the MTNA arena. After sixteen years on the voice faculty at Oakwood College in Huntsville, Dr. Beazley and her husband, Harry incorporated Ars Nova and gained non-profit status to provide a preparatory/community program in voice and piano. The corporation also provides stage productions in musical theater, operetta and opera to offer students the experience of taking their studio work into public performance. The focus of the preparation of shows is always training and education with the product an outcome rather than the purpose of the event. Dr. Beazley has many former students in both performing and teaching careers. She continues to thrive on her full schedule of teaching and administrative duties believing that life is best when shared and spent nurturing others. Congratulations, Dr. Beazley! Cynthia MacCrae, Immediate Past President Chair, Teacher of the Year Committee Caption describing picture or graphic. WHILE WE TRY TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN ALL ABOUT LIFE, OUR CHILDREN TEACH US WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT. ANGELA SCHWINDT Collegiate Piano Auditions Results Philip Autry: Adjudicator Lower Division Jonathan Scofield, student of Cynthia McCrae, winner John Tootle, student of Kevin Chance, winner Jeongwoo Kho, student of Ron Shinn, winner Katherine Vest, student of Ron Shinn, honorable mention Upper Division Becca Frees, student of Ron Shinn, winner Graduate Matthew Wilson, student of Ron Shinn, Winner Jeremy McMillan, student of Kevin Chance, Honorable Mention Christine Pursell, student of Ron Shinn, Honorable Mention Overall winner Becca Frees, student of Ron Shinn Page 5 Soundboard Certification Moment - Interview with Misti Short THE OBJECT OF TEACHING A CHILD IS TO ENABLE HIM TO GET ALONG WITHOUT A TEACHER Q. Would you reflect on how the certification process benefited your teaching? A. As part of the National Certification process, I was required to create my personal teaching philosophy. This forced me to stop and think about how I taught, what I taught, and why I was choosing to teach it. It helped me to narrow my focus from an ambiguous statement "Helping every student to love music!," to one where success can be measured. I discovered that what I want most for my students is for them to be able to leave the formal study of piano being able to learn and play new pieces on their own, and they can only do that if they are musically literate. My one -page philosophy became focused on music literacy and enabling my students to teach themselves - not expecting every student to be able to play the Sonata Pathétique one day. ELBERT HUBBERT Q. What advice do you have for Independent teachers interested in pursuing certification? A. I encourage all independent teachers to begin the process of certification. Go to MTNA's website and see exactly what is required for your instrument. If you want plenty of time, many of the projects can actually be completed before you officially apply for certification, but if you need a deadline in order to get it done (1 year from the date of application acceptance), then go ahead and apply! The first project is "Write Your Teaching Philosophy," and I think that is a crucial project for all teachers - certified or not! If we don't have goals or a vision for what we want to instill in our students, how do we know if we're doing our best as teachers? Sure, we can base it off of recital performances and competitions, but I believe that there is much more to music study than how our students do in competitions. I had many questions during the process, and each person I worked with was incredibly helpful. I worked with my state certification chair, my regional certification chair, local certified teachers, and teachers across the country. Please don't feel like you have to work on this alone. The project will be yours - and you will be very proud of it when you are finished - but there is plenty of help available! You may also consider making it a project for your local association. Find a friend (or two or three!) and work on and complete this project together. Then plan to attend the national MTNA convention the next year to celebrate! Q. How has becoming a NCTM changed you, personally? A. It's made me very proud of who I am as a teacher. I'm not just someone who teaches piano. I'm a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music in Piano. I communicate this regularly to my current students and to each new student that I interview. I sign all my e-mails and letters with Misti Short, NCTM. I purchased a signature stamp with that designation to use when judging festivals in an attempt to bring awareness to national certification. I talk about my professional involvement and the continuing education that's required to renew my certification. I want the community at large to know that serious teachers take their profession seriously, and that just as public school teachers and doctors have conferences and workshops to continue learning, so do professional independent music teachers. Pursuing my NCTM was a lengthy process - but I wouldn't trade it for Continue on p.7 Page 6 Volumn 60, Number 3 BMMF Theory Achievement Examinations BMMF Theory Achievement Examination Samford University January 18, 2014 Deadline for registration: December 14, 2013 Student Name Snell Theory Level Previous Level Entered Teacher’s Address Teacher’s Email Teacher’s Telephone ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Registration fee: $15 per student, checks are payable to BMMF. Completed registration must be sent to Carrie Black, 3404 Wisteria Drive, Hoover, AL 35216. Please use a separate form for each student registration. Teachers who have entered students are expected to work for the morning of January 18, 2014. Questions can be emailed to Carrie Black, Note: A Master Class is scheduled for immediately after the Theory Examination. Certification moment (cont.) anything. I learned so much about myself during the process, and I now have such a respect for other teachers with the NCTM designation. When I attend conferences and see teachers wearing their pin, I know that they are committed to excellence and that they go above and beyond to serve their associations and communities, and I'm very honored to be in their midst. The Nine Keys to Becoming the Best That You can Be A TEACHER WHO Preparation: Learn how to practice the right way IS ATTEMPTING Manage energy: Learn how to control your body’s response to adrenaline TO TEACH Confidence: Learn how to build confidence WITHOUT Courage: Learn how to play courageously (vs. playing tentatively and worrying about mistakes)Concentration: Learn how to slow down and regain control of your mind – even under pressure INSPIRING THE STUDENT WITH THE DESIRE TO LEARN IS HAMMERING ON COLD IRON HORACE MANN Focus: Learn how to quiet the mind, focus past distractions, and stay in the moment. Resilience: Learn how to recover quickly from mistakes (so you don’t make even more mistakes) Determination: Learn how to keep yourself motivated and relentlessly pursue your goals X-Factor: Learn to unlock that something special, that je ne sais quois that makes all the difference in the world Misti Short Page 7 Soundboard Page 8 Volumn 60, Number 3 Page 9 Soundboard Page 10 Volumn 60, Number 3 Page 11 Soundboard Page 12 Volumn 60, Number 3 Page 13 Soundboard AMTA State Winners for Pre-College Piano LOUISE MCALLISTER SCHOLARSHIP WINNER (Piano) Aleksandra Kasman, Vestavia Hills Yakov Kasman IDA TRUSS SCHOLARSHIP WINNER (Piano) Leona Crasi, Birmingham Ronald Shinn Piano Concerto, Division III Leona Crasi, Birmingham Aleksandra Kasman, Vestavia Hills Mira Walker, Vestavia Hills Ronald Shinn Yakov Kasman Tatiana Kasman Piano Concerto, Division II Grace Ji, Chelsea Dina Kasman, Vestavia Hills Elizabeth Tsai, Birmingham Eric Vaughn, Birmingham Sam Vaughn, Birmingham Tatiana Kasman Yakov Kasman Ronald Shinn Kevin Chance Kevin Chance Piano Concerto, Division I Mary Allen Murray, Birmingham Janna Ren, Hoover Mary Elisa Wagner, Birmingham Kevin Chance Tatiana Kasman Tatiana Kasman Piano Solo, Division III Jennifer Berry, Harvest Sebastian Black, Birmingham Leona Crasi, Birmingham Eamon Griffith, Birmingham Emily Hou, Montgomery Daniel Huang, Muscle Shoals Aleksandra Kasman, Vestavia Hills Joanne Kim, Birmingham Yilan Liu, Hoover Jackson Love, Huntsville Botang Ma, Vestavia Hills David Mach, Hatselle Joshua Moore, Birmingham Hannah Roberts, Fairhope Mira Walker, Bessemer Braden Yang, Huntsville Jack Yarbrough, Maylene Emmy Ye, Vestavia Hills Piano Solo, Division II Erica Burleson, Satsuma Fion Chang, Birmingham Greta Chen, Vestavia Hills Rebecca Han, Tuscaloosa Tanner Hess, Fairhope Susan Hoop Tatiana Kasman Ronald Shinn Lucy DeSa Vadim Serebryany Noel Beck Yakov Kasman Tatiana Kasman Brent Reeves Frances Schwemmer Yakov Kasman Frances Schwemmer and Kevin Chance Brent Reeves Robert Holm Tatiana Kasman Brooke Nabors Lucy DeSa Tatiana Kasman Carol Evers Barbara Shinn Moya Nordlund Pamela Penick Tammy Dennis Page 14 Leah Hong, Madison Ingrid von Spakovsky Weaver Iris Hou, Montgomery Vadim Serebryany Jonathan Hu, Montgomery Vadim Serebryany Edward Huang, Birmingham Kevin Chance Grace Ji, Chelsea Tatiana Kasman Dina Kasman, Vestavia Hills Yakov Kasman Michael Lowder, Huntsville Frances Schwemmer Hunter Mason, Birmingham Jenny Halterman Matthew Moore, Birmingham Brent Reeves Natalie Newton, Ocean Springs, MS Robert Holm Brittney Quach, Madison Susan Hoop Simona Shirley, Birmingham Patricia Fitzsimmons Melody Sim, Montgomery Martin Camacho Paola Sommer, Dothan Andy Martin Kerri Tang, Hoover Tatiana Kasman Elisabeth Tsai, Birmingham Ronald Shinn Bethany Vaughn, Mobile Elizabeth Petro Eric Vaughn, Birmingham Kevin Chance Sam Vaughn, Birmingham Kevin Chance Andrew Wang, Auburn Jeremy Samolesky Karen Wang, Auburn Jeremy Samolesky Chenny Yoon, Madison Giejung Lee Amy Zhao, Birmingham Delores Howard Anthony Zhu, Madison Susan Hoop Piano Solo, Division I Sumedha Bobba, Madison Abigail Boyd-Abbott Henry Chang, Birmingham Barbara Shinn Sunmee Choi, Montgomery Eun Hee Ashley Blaire Finlayson, Eufala Janet Blair Joshua Foster, Daphen Amy Morgan Sarah Han, Madison Frances Schwemmer Allison Hu, Huntsville Frances Schwemmer Sylvie Kang, Tuscaloosa Hyesook Jung Miki Kato, Birmingham Carolyn Hayes Benjamin Kim, Birmingham Tatiana Kasman Lauren Lanier, Vestavia Hills Connie Macon Vandana Macha, Montgomery Gloria Bryant Catherine Mitchell, Vestavia Hills Tatiana Kasman Nathaniel Pride, Decatur Hope Duve Quinn Remington, Enterprise Hilda Hagins Mia Sedgwick, Huntsville Joan Glotzbach Noel Smith, Dothan Renee Jones Kevin Song, Madison Susan Hoop Mary Elisa Wagner, Birmingham Tatiana Kasman Helen Wu, Madison Cheri Anne Widman Kevin Yang, Huntsville Brooke Nabors Simon Yang, Huntsville Frances Schwemmer Steve Yoon, Madison Giejung Lee Lawrence Zhang, Madison Ingrid von Spakovsky Weaver Kevin Zheng, Madison Frances Schwemmer Volumn 60, Number 3 AMTA State Honorable Mentions Piano Concerto, Division III Sebastian Black, Birmingham Joanne Kim, Birmingham Jackson Love, Huntsville Piano Concerto, Division II Greta Chen, Vestavia Hills Rebecca Han, Tuscaloosa Lily Liu, Hoover Tatiana Kasman Tatiana Kasman Frances Schwemmer Moya Nordlund Pamela Penick Tatiana Kasman Piano Concerto, Division Abrielle Le, Daphne Vincentine Williams Catherine Mitchell, Vestavia Hills Tatiana Kasman Gwendolyn Pritchett, Lake View Jodean Tingle Piano Solo, Division III Elizabeth Bekken, Madison Susan Hoop Elizabeth Bemis, Bay Minette Robert Holm Austin Bruce, Enterprise Carol Windham Sadie Burgher, Montgomery Barbara Shinn Nick Butler, Birmingham Cathy Taylor Sean Carter, Mobile Robert Holm Daniel Dempsey, Jacksonville Susan Franc Dempsey Jonathan Fonbah, Tuscaloosa Amanda Penick Charlie Grady, Madison Susan Hoop Philipp Hauser, Jacksonville Brent Reeves Phoebe Hauser, Jacksonville Brent Reeves Lillie Hobson, Dothan Janet Blair Abby Johnson, Florence Carol Lynn Paige Johnson, Madison Wendy McGee Rebekah Johnson, Montgomery Carrie Carboni Evan Leonard, Heflin Wendy Freeland David Mok, Madison Susan Hoop Kianna Muse, Birmingham Susan Berg Tobin Nelson, Saraland Mary Couey Jennifer Newfield, Birmingham Barbara Shinn Michael Ann Peavy, Montgomery Sharla Bender Haley Perritt, Killen Gail Spires Emma Reeves, Hoover Brent Reeves Stephanie Song, Madison Susan Hoop Ben Tidwell, Birmingham Connie Schweigert Lauren Williams, Birmingham Kevin Chance Zoe Willis, Birmingham Lucy DeSa Piano Solo, Division II Michael Barren, Montgomery Corine Free Pratheek Bobba, Madison Abigail Boyd-Abbott Susanna Bruce, Enterprise Carol Windham Blakely Burdette, Killen Gail Spires Anita Burgher, Montgomery Barbara Shinn Brittany Carey-Fox, Helena Connie Macon Merritt Cayson, Spanish Fort Vincentine Williams Rebecca Chambers, Birmingham Susan Berg Havilah Chandler, Florence Carol Lynn Jessica Chandler, Harvest Erica Suh Christy Chen, Montgomery Yvaughn Balkcom Colby Collins, Dothan Lea Hornsby Ian Copeland, Mobile Elizabeth Petro Kirsten Davis, Madison Frances Schwemmer Emily Deng, Huntsville Frances Schwemmer Ashley Dong, Madison Susan Hoop Brooke Engles, Montgomery Betty Gallops Jake Evans, Auburn Jeremy Samolesky Afsaneh Faki, Birmingham Connie Macon Melody Handy, MontgomeryCorine Free and Sarah Cheatham Emily Kate Hayes, Lexington Noel Beck Daniel Hurren, Killen Gail Spires Leanne Jeong, Dothan Janet Blair Latha Karne, Huntsville Kay Brotherton Alice Kim, Huntsville Rebecca Bundy David Kim, Montgomery Betty Gallops Hana Kim, Montgomery Eun Hee Ashley Julia Kim, Auburn Jeremy Samolesky Sean Kim, Montgomery Corine Free Se Eun Kim, Montgomery Betty Gallops Lily Liu, Hoover Tatiana Kasman Sarah Long, Mountain Brook Brent Reeves Anjali Mahapatra, Huntsville Rebecca Bundy Courtney Mathis, Dothan Rebecca McManus Elaina McBride, Dothan Rebecca McManus Meghan McClendon, Pinckard Rebecca McManus Timothy Patterson, Montgomery Corine Free and Sarah Cheatham Rebekah Presswood, Birmingham Nancy Wingard Ruchir Rastogi, Montgomery Theresa Gordon Austin Riddell, Birmingham Lucy DeSa Brandon Santley, Birmingham Kevin Chance Drew Haley Smith, Auburn Mary Slaton Hannah Smith, Auburn Amy Jensen Julie Sommer, Dothan Andy Martin Caroline Stucky, Huntsville Brooke Nabors Sarah Toms, Mountain Brook Tatiana Kasman Hannah Troup, Huntsville Gwyn Williams Albert Wang, Auburn Jeremy Samolesky Lucy Wang, Hoover Tatiana Kasman Enoch Yang, Montgomery Sarah Cheatham and Ha Nae Ji Heesun Yoon, Madison Giejung Lee Annie Zhang, Auburn Joshua Pifer Michelle Zhuang, Auburn Joshua Pifer Piano Solo, Division I Collin Bamford, Vestavia Hills Jessica Beason, Section Timothy Berry, Harvest Andrew Burleson, Satsuma Carson Campbell, Decatur Mary Ann Carmichael, Vestavia Hills Page 15 Brent Reeves Deborah Beason Susan Hoop Carol Evers Janet Varner Brent Reeves Soundboard Maya Cassady, Birmingham Jodean Tingle Samantha Chandler, Florence Carol Lynn Joy Choo, Birmingham Melodie King Evelyn Collis, Pelham Amy McLelland Abigail Currier, Union Grove Marche Altom George Davis, Birmingham Jody Coombs Madison Davis, Birmingham Jenny Halterman William Denniston, Birmingham Brent Reeves Joy Duan, Madison Ingrid von Spakovsky Weaver Ashley Eng, Huntsville Frances Schwemmer Amy Fan, Auburn Mary Slaton Emma Finnamore, Hoover June McAfee Terence Goosby, Chelsea Susan Berg Alanna Hauer, Birmingham Patty Kirkley Matthew Hudson, Trussville Brent Reeves Sarah Beth Huntley, Clanton Kathy Elder Janice Idayaraj, Hoover Kathy Burdette Harrison Jones, Birmingham Connie Schweigert Josephine Kim, Hoover Connie Macon Sarah Kim, Montgomery Betty Gallops Zoe Krtic, Auburn Dwiantini Fergus Liesl Langer, Montgomery Sharla Bender Abrielle Le, Daphne Vincentine Williams Amy Lee, Montgomery Betty Gallops Han Lee, Enterprise Carol Windham Jiwon Lee, Montgomery Betty Gallops Quinn Lee, MontgomerySarah Cheatham and Summer Whatley Ange Long, Madison Frances Schwemmer Catesby Mallard, Birmingham Nancy Wingard Eric Mao, Auburn Elizabeth Rutland Cole Martin, Spanish Fort Margaret Guenther Irina Martin, Headland Janet Blair McKenzie McLeod, Fairhope Tammy Dennis Mina Oates, Birmingham Amy McLelland Donghan Park, Auburn Dwiantini Fergus Jessica Peterson, Daphne Amy Morgan Janna Ren, Hoover Tatiana Kasman Rachel Sargent, Shorter Betty Gallops Andrew Smith, Auburn Mary Slaton Mayme Smith, Anniston Karolyn Rice Harper Simmons, Woodstock Connie Macon Ronnie Sommer, Dothan Andy Martin Hunter Tyon, Mobile Robert Holm Brandon Wang, Madison Susan Hoop Eric Wang, Auburn Dwiantini Fergus Kevin Wang, Montgomery Theresa Gordon Molly Grace Watkins, Pleasant Grove Connie Macon Tripp Watkins, Birmingham Jenny Halterman Hannah Grace Weathers, Jacksonville Susie Francis Dempsey Holly Yazdi, Daphne Margaret Guenther Charlie Yaeger, Birmingham Susan Berg Andre Yutiamco, Boaz Connie Abrahams Allan Zhu, Mobile Lin-Ya Hsu Melodie Zhu, Madison Frances Schwemmer Page 16 University of Alabama Collegiate MTNA News The University of Alabama MTNA Collegiate Chapter has an exciting lineup of events for the Fall 2013 semester. The calendar includes a seminar entitled “What Every Pianist Needs to Know About Their Instrument,” featuring special guest and remarkable piano technician Russell Williams. Join us at the Alabama Piano Gallery Recital Hall on October 5 from 2-3:30 pm to learn exactly what happens when you press a piano key, what constitutes a quality instrument, and much, much more! Bring questions that you have always wanted to ask a concert level technician. This event is sure to be informative and entertaining – don't miss it! Another highlight of the Fall 2013 semester is a Piano Pedagogy Symposium featuring presentations by J. Bradley Baker and Cindy St. Clair, officers of the UA MTNA Chapter and Doctor of Musical Arts students at the University of Alabama. The symposium will be 5:30-8 pm in Room 257 of the Moody Music Building on the Tuscaloosa campus of the University of Alabama. Lectures will each be 50 minutes on topics specific to piano pedagogy. There will be a discussion that follows on the topic addressed. Pizza and refreshments are also served for those who attend. The presentations promise to be thought-provoking and inspire a lively discussion on our profession. All MTNA members are welcome and encouraged to attend. More information can be found on the UAMTNA website at or by contacting leadership at Officers for the 2013-2014 year are J. Bradley Baker, President, and Cindy St. Clair, Vice President and Treasurer. The faculty advisor for the University of Alabama MTNA Collegiate Chapter is Dr. Kevin Chance. Volumn 60, Number 3 AMTA Board Immediate Past President Cynthia MacCrae, NCTM 1351 Highland Street Montevallo, AL 35115 205-665-5445 State President Wendy Freeland, NCTM 1121 Legacy BLVD Jacksonville, AL 36265 256-453-2536 1st Vice-President, (President-Elect) Jodean Tingle, NCTM 1411 Mitchell Rd. NW Cullman, AL 35055 205-226-4991 2nd Vice-President (Membership) Karolyn Rice 1000 Homarda Drive Anniston, AL 36207 256-237-4073 h 256-343-1849 c Web Editor - Educational Technology Ron Shinn, NCTM 1636 Kestwick Dr Birmingham, AL 35226 205-601-3694 MNTA Competitions Chair (Collegiate, Senior, Junior, and Chamber Music) Jeremy Samolesky 2428 E University Dr #503 Auburn, AL 36830 585-747-7609 Secretary Misti Akins Short, NCTM 6933 44th Street Northport, AL 35473 256-239-4699 Treasurer Alice Eaton 116 Woodland Trail Madison, AL 35758 256-721-5218 NCTM Certification Chair Kevin Chance, NCTM 1721 Bienville St Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 585-750-7894 Local Associations Chair Brent Reeves 3508 Laurel View Road Hoover, AL 35216 205-979-6472 Independent Music Teachers Chair Frances Schwemmer, NCTM 126 Robin Lane SE Huntsville, AL 35802-1002 256-881-6879 Public Relations Susan Bishop 751 County Road 9 Louisville, AL 36048 334-266-5540 State Foundation Constance H. Teague 15120 Teague Lane #A Foley, AL 36535-3065 251-979-7130 Newsletter Editor Moya Nordlund 5228 Meadow Garden Lane Birmingham, AL 35242 205-980-8170 Grant Writer Adam Bowles 1667 Lakeshore Ct #C Homewood, AL 35209 205-942-8303 Composition Competition/ Commissioning Dr. Lori Ardovino Station 6670 University of Montevallo Montevallo, AL 35115 (205) 665-6672 office (205) 229-5803 cell Clinician Debbie Gray, NCTM 1417 Secretariat Dr. Helena, AL 35080 205-243-7936 Collegiate Chapters/ College Faculty Forum Joshua Pifer 111 Goodwin Music Building Department of Music Auburn University Auburn, AL 36749 334-844-3198 State Auditions Coordinator Melodie King, NCTM 2116 Montreat Lane #A Birmingham, AL 35216 205-823-9453 Historian Amy McLelland 3148 Paradise Acres Birmingham, AL 35244 205-444-1253 Collaborative Chair Laurie Middaugh PO Box 66 Montevallo, AL 35115 205-542-6948 Awards Chair Sarah Cheatham 1651 Sheffield Rd. Montgomery, AL 36107 334-462-1741 AMTA Auditions Coordinator: College Piano, All levels Vocal, Woodwind, Brass Vacant Advertising Chair Leslye Ames 1357 Greenwood Road Tallassee, AL 36078 334-283-1028 MTNA/AMTA Judges Coordinator Barbara Shinn, NCTM 1636 Kestwick Drive Birmingham, AL 35226 205-335-8736 String Chair Sarah Nordlund 4901 Montevallo Rd Birmingham, AL 35210 205-956-1138 Page 17 Alabama Music Teachers Association SOUNDBOARD The purpose of the Alabama Music Teachers Association To enhance the professional development of its members To encourage musical performance To provide continual enrichment for music education To promote the cause of music We Made It! 2012 is Over and the Mayans were Wrong! Just in case you were not aware of the world's end last December: it didn't happen. In their infinite wisdom, the Mayan Indians either miscalculated the date or some other unforeseen incident occurred to keep the world turning. I'm sure each of us has a pretty sound idea of the reality of this situation and life goes on. In consideration, somewhat, of the Mayan civilization and its impact on the world, I still think that it can give us a goal of $20.13 (or more) to contribute to our foundation. Our MTNA Foundation is organized to serve musicians and future musicians. Unlike many other organizations, we are not subsidized by government agencies and taxes. We function, totally on contributions that are given from the generosity of music lovers and music professionals. Every penny that is contributed to our foundation goes toward enrichment grants, scholarships for teachers and students, travel expenses for students to music competitions, and so many other important music programs. With all the natural disasters we have had in recent years, a special fund has been established whereby any and all contributions donated by individuals are matched by MTNA Foundation for our music professionals and, in some cases, students to get re-established when disasters have struck. In 2012, Alabama contributed $1175.00 from individual donors. Our esteemed colleague, Don Bowyer, who is now Head of Department, was named MTNA Fellow for 2012 representing another $1,000 contribution. Thank you to all of you who contributed in 2012 so generously. For the year of 2013, Alabama has made the following contribution: $675.13. To all those who have so generously contributed to this amount, a heartfelt Thank You! is extended! Please, consider giving generously this year to bring our numbers up to keep our programs strong and viable. We must be the ones to do this. With at least 300 active members in Alabama, we should very easily be able to bring our amount up considerably. If this is just an oversight on your part, or you just realize for the first time the urgency of your contribution; take a minute to send in your donation. The online site is You may also send a check to: Music Teachers National Association, 441 Vine St, Suite 3100, Cincinnati, OH 45202-3004 Connie Teague MTNA Foundation Chair
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