Heirloom Tomatoes Amish Paste Tomato


Heirloom Tomatoes Amish Paste Tomato
Red Wing Farm
Spring 2016 Plant Catalog
Heirloom and Open-Pollinated Vegetables, Herbs, & Flowers
Rare, Historic and Treasured Varieties
Chemical-Free, Naturally-Grown
Heirloom Tomatoes
Amish Paste Tomato
Famous heirloom processing tomato for
sauces and canning. Juicy and meaty,
excellent for sauce or fresh eating.
A Slow Food Ark of Taste variety.
Arkansas Traveler Tomato
Classic medium-sized pink tomato,
tolerant of heat and humidity. Crack and
disease resistant. Good flavor, smooth,
rose color. 100 year-old heirloom grown
throughout the South from northwest
Arkansas to North Carolina.
Aunt Lou’s Underground
Railroad Tomato
African-American heirloom from Southern
Exposure Seed Exchange. Seed carried on the
underground railroad by an unknown black
man who crossed to freedom in Ohio from
Kentucky. Seeds handed down to Aunt Lou,
who passed them on to her great nephew.
Dark pink, tangy and juicy, 4-12 oz fruits.
Barnes Mountain Pink Tomato
Appalachian heirloom from Kentucky.
Tall indeterminate plants produce
abundant reddish-pink tomatoes with
good resistance to leaf disease. Big, 10- to
20- ounce fruit. Bears fruit until frost.
Bison Tomato
Originally offered by Oscar Will in 1937.
Dwarf determinate plants require no
staking or pruning. Produces 3-inch, deep
red fruits even in cold, damp weather, as
much as 40 pounds from a single plant!
Black Krim Tomato
Dark red-purple heirloom Russian tomato
with rich sweet flavor. Found in Krim,
Russia in 1990. Beefsteak fruits are a
unique combination of violet-brown and
purple-red, turning almost black with
sufficient sunlight and heat. Juicy with
excellent full flavor, this tomato often
wins taste tests. Indeterminate.
Black Cherry Tomato
The only truly black cherry tomato.
Produces loads of huge clusters of 1-inch,
round, deep purple cherry tomatoes.
Fruits are irresistibly delicious with
sweet, rich, complex, full tomato flavors
that burst in your mouth, characteristic of
the best flavorful black tomatoes.
Black Prince Tomato
The Prince of black tomatoes! A Siberian
heirloom. These iridescent 5–7 oz garnetcolored globe-shaped fruits with superior
flavor are among the most uniformly
handsome in the tomato kingdom.
Cherokee Purple Tomato
Famous heirloom said to have originated
with the Cherokee people. A unique dusty
purple color, with rich, sweet, smoky
taste. Prolific and easy to grow. A Slow
Food USA Ark of Taste variety.
Chocolate Pear Tomato
Huge crops of pear-shaped tomatoes over
a very long season. Light red overlaid
with varying hues of green or brown, rich
tomato flavor. Indeterminate.
Chocolate Stripes Tomato
Chocolate Cherry Tomato
Delicious cherry tomato with a rich
chocolate hue. Super-productive,
indeterminate plants produce trusses of 1
inch round fruit nonstop through the
summer. Complex flavor. Open-pollinated.
Mahogany-colored tomato with dark,
olive green-striping. Fruits have
delicious, complex, rich, sweet, earthy
tomato flavors.
Emerald Evergreen Tomato
Cour di Bue (Oxheart) Tomato
A beautiful Italian heirloom bearing 12ounce heart-shaped fruit with a delicious
sweet taste, Great for cooking or fresh
eating--a sliced Oxheart with fresh
mozzarella, basil, and a little salt is divine.
Dixie Golden Giant Tomato
Huge, lemon-yellow beefsteak-type
tomato, often with a pink blush on the
blossom end. Mild and sweet fruits often
reach 1-2 pounds. Reputed to carry some
disease-resistance. Old Amish type grown
since at least the 1930's. Very productive.
A gorgeous green-ripening tomato with
amazing taste. Like green stained glass
when sliced, this juicy and delicious
tomato is an excellent slicer or in salads.
Indeterminate, open-pollinated.
Eva Purple Ball Tomato
Late 1800s heirloom from Germany.
Outstanding performer in hot, humid
areas with excellent resistance to foliar
and fruit diseases. Smooth, round, pinkpurple fruit with great flavor.
Indeterminate, open-pollinated.
Gypsy Purple Tomato
Flame/Hillbilly Tomato
Huge bicolor heirloom from West
Virginia. Brilliant yellow and red marbled
tomato with rich, sweet flavor. Beautiful
and delicious when sliced.
One of the deepest purple tomato
varieties. Gorgeous color, great taste.
Smooth, medium-sized globe fruit with
dark maroon skin and purple-red flesh.
Introduced by Soviet plant breeders
during the Cold War. Indeterminate,
German Johnson Tomato
Excellent flavor. Deep pink tomatoes are
earlier, more uniform, and slightly
smaller than Brandywine at 8-16 oz.
Fruits have lots of deep, acidic tomato
flavor and a rich, creamy texture.
Italian Heirloom Tomato
Outstanding heirloom from Italy. Plants
are loaded with red fruits weighing over a
pound. Very productive, excellent full
tomato flavor. Ideal for slicing and good
for canning too. Indeterminate, OP.
Matt’s Wild Cherry Tomato
Very popular feral tomato brought in
from the wild. From seed collected in the
wild near Hidalgo in Mexico, this tomato
is closer to the tomato’s wild ancestor
plant than most. Intensely sweet and
flavorful, small, deep red cherry tomatoes
are extremely abundant. Will sometimes
re-seed and reappear in the garden the
following year. Indeterminate, OP.
Mortgage Lifter Tomato
It’s BIG! “Radiator Charlie” Byles, a selftaught plant breeder, created Mortgage
Lifter by crossing and re-crossing 4 of his
favorite varieties. His red, 2- to 4-pound,
mild-flavored tomato became so popular
that legend has it that Charlie sold enough
of the plants to pay off his mortgage!
Perfect for tomato sandwiches.
Mr. Stripey Tomato
Mr. Stripey’s mild, sweet-tasting fruits
have a high sugar content and grow to
over a pound each. Pretty and luscious,
this tomato has rich yellow undertones
covered with pinkish-red striping.
Paul Robeson Tomato
Named for the righteous and brilliant
actor, singer, and activist. Created by a
Soviet tomato breeder and named in
honor of radical African-American
expatriate Paul Robeson. Amazing
distinctive sweet and smoky flavor. 7to10- oz. fruit are a dark brick red color.
Peacevine Cherry Tomato
Persimmon Tomato
Vigorous and abundant tomato bears
loads of bright red cherry tomatoes with
the highest Vitamin C content of any
tomato. High in natural sedative gammaamino butyric acid. Trusses of delicious
red and occasionally yellow fruit.
Beautiful, productive tomato with fruity,
sweet flavor. Smooth-skinned, orange
fruits with occasional green shoulders are
rarely blemished. Heirloom cultivated
since the 1800s.
Indeterminate, open-pollinated.
Pearly Pink Tomato
Pink Brandywine Tomato
Incredibly flavorful, pretty, smoothskinned, small, bright pink heirloom
tomato that is between the size of a large
cherry tomato and a small paste tomato.
Great for canning and salads, highly
prolific and blight-resistant.
The original Brandywine. Famous,
gigantic, sloppy, juicy, classic heirloom
summer slicer. The heirloom flavor
standard against which all other
heirlooms are measured. Indeterminate,
Pink Princess Cherry Tomato
Rampant, indeterminate, very sweet pink
cherry tomato. Beat Sungold in blind taste
tests. Resistant to cracking, no acid tang,
irresistible sweet snacking tomato. An
open-pollinated “sport” of Honeydrop
tomatoes, still evolving as a variety, so
there will be occasional egg-shaped
yellow cherries mixed in.
Red Zebra Tomato
Red cousin of the famous Green Zebra.
Fire engine red fruits are covered
with bright yellow stripes.
Sweet and flavorful. Indeterminate.
Principe Borghese Tomato
Italian heirloom bred for sun-drying,
retains flavor when dried. Short, bushy
plant produces big clusters of 1-2 oz. red,
plum shaped, crack-resistant paste or
drying tomatoes. Indeterminate, OP.
San Marzano Paste Tomato
The famous heirloom processing
tomato from Italy known as “the
world’s sauciest tomato.” The gold
standard for sauces, pastes, and
canning. Indeterminate, OP.
Speckled Roman Tomato
Gorgeous 5" long fruits with jagged
orange and yellow stripes. Meaty flesh
with few seeds. Great tomato taste, ideal
for processing and fresh eating.
Very productive. Indeterminate,
Tommy Toe Cherry Tomato
Vigorous plants produce hundreds of
small, 1-inch cherry tomatoes,
unfazed by heat and humidity. Oldfashioned, full, tomatoey flavor.
Originated in the Ozarks around 1900.
White Currant Tomato
Sungold Select II
Cherry Tomato
Open-pollinated (non-hybrid) selection of
the beloved “Sungold.” Sweet,
summery, orange cherry tomato
perfect for snacking and bursting with
summer flavor. Indeterminate,
Creamy white cherry tomato with a
yellow tint. Distinctive, smoky flavor with
a hint of sweetness and just a bit of tang.
Favorite snacking tomato on our farm.
Large, vining plants produce huge yield
until frost. Indeterminate,
Heirloom Sweet & Hot Peppers
Aji Dulce
Seasoning Pepper
Smoky Venezuelan seasoning pepper with
only very slight hints of heat. Considered
to have the flavor of Habeñeros without
the heat. Traditional heirloom variety.
Ancho Gigantea (Poblano)
Hot Pepper
The standard Mexican variety for sauces
and stuffing, excellent for chiles rellenos.
Green-black heart-shaped fruits measure
4" long. Referred to as poblanos when
fresh and anchos when ripened to red and
dried. Distinctive rich flavor. 90 days from
transplant. MEDIUM HOT.
Ashe County Pimento
Sweet Pepper
Sweet, deep red pimiento from Ashe
County, NC. High yield and early,
produces over a long season. Great for
making your own pimento cheese,
stuffing, preserving, roasting, fresh eating.
Hot Pepper
Highly ornamental, great for containers.
Pretty little peppers on 1-foot ornamental
plants, perfect for container growing.
Fruits ripen from lavender to deep purple
to orange and finally to red. 60–75 days
from transplant. MEDIUM HOT.
Bull Nose Bell
Sweet Pepper
Grown at Monticello by Thomas Jefferson
and listed in 1863 by Fearing Burr. Crisp
fruits ripen from green to red with an
excellent flavor. Productive, sturdy plants.
55-80 days from transplant.
Sweet Pepper
Carolina Wonder
Produces premium grade fruits ripening
from green to bright red. The best
nematode-resistant bell for home
gardeners, also less prone to developing
fungus in the seed cavity. Typically 4lobed, the fruits weigh 1/4 to 1/3 pound,
3" wide and 3" long.
Cayenne, Long Thin
Hot Pepper
Heirloom hot pepper for cooking or
medicinal use.
Hot Pepper
South Carolina scorcher! Gorgeous,
ornamental culinary pepper, 20 times
hotter than jalepenos. Flavorful, 5-inch
long peppers are a favorite for hot sauce
in the low country. Plants grow 30-36
inches tall and peppers ripen from green
to yellow to orange to red, producing a
rainbow of hot peppers.
Chocolate Beauty Bell
Sweet Pepper
Rich, chocolate-brown sweet pepper.
Small bell peppers have dark red flesh
and glossy skin, with classic bell flavor.
Chocolate Sweet
Sweet Pepper
Cone-shaped, prolific sweet chocolatecolored pepper. Plants are covered with
4–6" tapered peppers that turn from
green to glossy brown. The thick-walled
flesh (burgundy-red inside, chocolate
outside) is incredibly sweet and juicy.
Produces earlier and more abundantly
than chocolate bell, with similar flavor.
Corno di Toro - Yellow
Sweet Pepper
Heirloom favorite from Italy. Long, bullhorn shaped, golden-yellow peppers are
excellent fresh, roasted, or fried. Sweet
and crisp with perfect peppery flavor.
Large plants are very productive and
resist disease and heat.
Corno di Toro - Red
Sweet Pepper
The red version of the famous Italian
frying pepper. Produces large, abundant,
cone-shaped peppers. Excellent fresh,
roasted, or fried. Large plants are very
productive and resist disease and heat.
Doe Hill Golden Bell
Sweet Pepper
One of our favorite peppers. Sweet and
pretty little yellow peppers. Early and
prolific. Pre-1900 family heirloom from
the Doe Hill area in Highland County, VA.
Ripens green to yellow.
Early Jalepeño
Hot Pepper
Very early-maturing strain of heirloom
Jalepeño. Prolific and vigorous. Ready to
pick when dark green, full of flavor and
mild heat. Deter insect pests by planting
Jalepeños around the garden’s edge, and
top off your nachos with homegrown
Jalepeños! MILDLY HOT.
Hot Pepper
19th century African-American
heirloom. Plants have beautiful
variegated foliage; gorgeous
multicolored, stripey peppers. HOT.
Hot Pepper
Famous Scotch Bonnet–type known for its
extreme heat, this fiery pepper registers a
blistering 200,000–325,000 Scoville units,
depending on how hot the growing
season is. Each 1-1/2' plant will produce
10–20 peppers that ripen from dark
green to tangerine. Distinctive flavor
makes them a key ingredient in West
Indian cuisine.
Jimmy Nardello
Sweet Pepper
An heirloom frying pepper from
Basilicata in southern Italy. Jimmy
Nardello brought seeds with him
when he immigrated to the US in
1887. 10- to 12- inch long peppers
ripen to a bright red. Flavor is sweet,
light, and fruity when raw. One of the
best frying peppers.
Orange Bell
Sweet Bell Pepper
Big, blocky sweet orange bell peppers
with excellent flavor. Vigorous plants give
heavy yields. A good variety for the south.
Pasilla Bajio (Mole)
Seasoning Pepper
Beautiful & bountiful chocolate brown
spicy pepper. Traditional variety for
making mole paste with chocolate,
raisins, and pumpkin seeds. Also dries
and freezes well for winter use.
Perfection True Heart
Sweet Bell Pepper
Beautiful heart-shaped fruits are thickwalled and smooth-skinned. One of the
most flavorful sweet peppers. Great for
eating fresh, frying, roasting, pickling, and
otherwise preserving.
Purple Beauty
Sweet Bell Pepper
Stunning purple bell pepper. Large 4lobed, thick-walled fruits borne on sturdy
compact plants. Tender, crisp texture and
mild, sweet flavor. Holds in the purple
stage for some time before ripening to a
radiant purple-red.
Red Marconi
Sweet Pepper
Heirloom Italian sweet pepper that yields
giant, 7-inch long, tapering fruit. Very
sweet and great for frying, roasting,
grilling, or eating fresh!
Purple Jalepeño
Hot Pepper
Large, deep purple jalepeño ripens
to red. Great, mild jalepeno flavor,
productive and ornamental plants.
Quadrato d'asti - Yellow
Sweet Bell Pepper
Italian heirloom sweet yellow bell
pepper. Heavy yields, delicious rich,
sweet taste. Great for stuffing, salads,
kabobs, and frying.
Quadrato d'asti - Red
Sweet Bell Pepper
Italian heirloom sweet red bell pepper.
Heavy yields, delicious rich, sweet taste.
Great for stuffing, salads, and frying.
Sweet Banana
Sweet Pepper
Bright yellow fruits are sweet, crunchy
and 4-6" long. Eat them fresh, right out of
the garden, or pickle them or fry them to
add flavor to a stir fry. Banana peppers
get sweeter as they ripen.
Heirloom Cucumbers
A & C Pickling
Introduced in 1928 by Abbott & Cobb of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Uniformly
straight 10" fruits hold their dark green
color for a long time. Very productive.
Excellent variety for home gardens.
Great for small gardens and containers.
Bush habit. Produces bumper crops for
fresh eating and pickling.
Double Yield
Introduced in 1924 by Joseph Harris Co.,
which touted the cuke in this way: “The
remarkable thing about this new
cucumber is its wonderful productiveness. For every pickle that is cut off, two
or three more are produced.” Very early
pickling type. Green 6" long fruits are
symmetrical, smooth, and uniform.
Family heirloom from Kansas grown since
1913. Vigorous vines produce 4" cream
to light green sweet and tender
cucumbers. Pickle or slice.
Heirloom Gourd
Marketmore 76
The classic cucumber. Open-pollinated,
extremely disease resistant, with dark
green skin and crisp white interior. 8-9
inches long with crisp cucumber flavor.
The famous sponge gourd. Young fruit is
edible, and juice has medicinal properties.
Ripe fruit is a ready-made loofah sponge.
Grow your own sponges!
Also known as “Long-Fruited Cucumber,”
this productive smooth-skinned long
slender Japanese variety combines looks,
health and flavor. Cucumbers average 9–
10 inches long and grow up to an edible
size of 1 foot long in good fertility. Sweet,
crisp, and juicy without bitterness. One
trial taster described their flavor as
“flowery, buttery and delicious.”
Birdhouse Gourd
The popular gourd for making bottles,
ladles, birdhouses and many other useful
items. After drying and cleaning out pulp,
can be used to make homegrown
birdhouses! Fun for kids and crafty
Heirloom Summer Squash
Crookneck Early Golden
Summer Squash
Pre-Colombian heirloom with
outstanding flavor. The classic Southern
yellow summer squash, known for
superior flavor.
Golden Zucchini
Summer Squash
Prolific, slender, bright golden yellow
zucchini. Delicious flavor, bush plants.
Summer Squash
Early Prolific Straightneck
Summer Squash
Classic heirloom yellow straightneck
squash. High yielding, hearty plants.
Italian heirloom also known as “zucchini
rampicante.” Unlike other zucchini, a
moschata variety, resistant to squash vine
borer. Tender, mild, sweet and nutty when
harvested as summer squash at 8–12 inches.
Delicious steamed, grilled or sliced raw in
salad; used in Italy for gnocchi and ravioli.
Bake as winter squash when it’s longer and
more tan. Rampant vines should be trellised.
Scallop (Pattypan), White
Summer Squash
Ancient Native American heirloom grown
by Europeans back to 1591. Great fried or
baked. Traditional variety grown by the
Cherokee people in Western NC.
Black Beauty
Standard heirloom zucchini introduced
to U.S. markets in the 1920s. Compact
everbearing bush plants are loaded with
glossy green-black fruits with firm
white flesh. Great flavor.
Heirloom Winter Squash & Pumpkins
Greek Sweet Red
Winter Squash
Big Max
Huge pumpkins can grow well over 100
pounds! Nearly round, bright orange
fruit are gigantic, delicious, and great
for pies and canning – or for winning
blue ribbons at the state fair. Very thick,
orange flesh. C. maxima.
An extremely rare heirloom with
beautiful buff skin and deep orange flesh.
A large squash that stores well – similar
to a butternut but much bigger and with a
sweeter, more complex flavor. Great for
soups, baking, and pies.
C. Moschata variety: squash vine borer
Cheese Pumpkin
Winter Squash
Delicata - Zeppelin
Winter Squash
A uniform, carefully selected strain of
Delicata with exeptionally sweet flavor,
fine texture. Great for stuffing.
Identified in 1937 as one of the oldest
varieties cultivated in America. Introduced
in 1807. 6– to 12- pound, ribbed, flattened,
tan fruits look like big wheels of cheese.
Bright orange flesh is tender and sweet,
good for baking and pies, lends itself to
stuffing or filling with soup as a tureen.
North Georgia Candy Roaster
Winter Squash
Musquee de Provence
(“Cinderella Pumpkin”)
Big, voluptuous, old-fashioned pumpkin.
Lobed, ripens brown with orange flesh.
Up to 20 pounds. Heirloom from the
South of France. C. Moschata variety:
squash vine borer resistant.
New England Pie Pumpkin
(Aka Small Sugar). Heirloom pie pumpkin
with smooth textured, bright orange flesh
and the finest flavor for pumpkin pie. 7inch diameter pumpkins make great miniJack O’Lanterns. Prolific small orange
pumpkins produce until frost. C. pepo.
Famous Appalachian heirloom. Bananashaped squash up to 18" long and 6" in
diameter, pink with blue tips. Smooth,
delicious orange flesh. Perfect for pies.
C. maxima
Winter Squash
Famous winter squash from France.
Name derived from potiron (pumpkin)
and marron (chestnut). Aromatic and
chestnut-y in taste. Wonderful for baking
and roasting. 3-4 pound fruits store well.
Seminole Tree Pumpkin
Pre-Columbian heirloom. Called “tree
pumpkin” by the Seminole people
because rampant vines grew up into
trees. In the top 10 most endangered
American foods. Buff-colored, teardrop
shaped squash have deep orange flesh
that is sweeter than butternut. Superb
for pies, soups, breads, and baking.
Prolific. C. Moschata variety: squash
vine borer resistant!
Spaghetti Squash
Introduced by Sakata Seed Co. of Japan in
1934 and thought to have originated in
China. Inside is “vegetable spaghetti,” a
great grain-free pasta alternative.
Sucrine du Berry
Winter Squash
Famous, old, traditional French variety.
Small (3-5 inch) squash with sweet orange
flesh is single-serving-sized and great for
baking. C. Moschata variety:
squash vine borer resistant!
Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato
Winter Squash
Family heirloom from Thelma Sanders of
Missouri. 4-6” cream colored acorn-type
ripens to a light gold with golden yellow
flesh. Excellent, fine-textured fruits with
superb flavor. Prolific.
Waltham Butternut
Winter Squash
Classic, dependable, and heavy-bearing
winter squash. Sweet, orange flesh, great
for winter storage. C. Moschata variety:
squash vine borer resistant!
Young’s Beauty
Classic mid-sized open-pollinated
pumpkin that ripens to brilliant deep
orange. Good production of uniform,
globe-shaped, hard-skinned, thick-fleshed
10–12 pounders that make good pies.
Heirloom Melons & Watermelons
Georgia Rattlesnake
A longtime Southern favorite, heirloom
variety developed in Georgia in the 1830s.
Its stripes resemble those of a
Rattlesnake. Sweet crimson flesh and
large size. Great old-time watermelon.
Green Fleshed Pineapple
(Ananas D'Amerique a Chair Verte)
Historic heirloom grown by Thomas
Jefferson in 1794. Fruit have netted skin
and light green flesh that is firm, sweet
and highly perfumed. Productive, rare.
Hearts of Gold
Aromatic fruits typically weigh 2-3
pounds and have firm, juicy, flavorful,
high quality flesh. Heirloom from 1914.
Old Time Tennessee
Produces huge, oblong melons that weigh
12-14 lbs. and have a deeply creased rind.
So fragrant you can find them in the dark,
and possessed of a sweetness not often
found in modern melons. High sugar
content, an old Tennessee heirloom
almost lost to modern gardens.
Sugar Baby
Classic icebox melon. Sugar Baby has
been a staple at picnics for years. Vines
grow to 6 feet and set 4-6 melons roughly
10 inches across. Unmistakable crisp,
mouthwatering, sweet, rich flavor. Perfect
for home gardens. Open pollinated.
Heirloom Eggplant
Black Beauty
Standard open-pollinated Italian eggplant
with high yields and no spines. Large bellshaped fruits range from 1-3 pounds.
Medium to thick skin is deep purple, and
glossy when mature.
The most popular eggplant variety
offered by Seed Savers Exchange. A mild,
slender, dark purple Ukranian variety
with superb flavor and firm flesh. 6-9
inches long; 2-3 inches diameter.
Ping Tung
A wonderful Asian type eggplant from
Ping Tung, Taiwan. Fruits are purple and
up to 18” long and 2” in diameter. This
variety is so sweet and tender, superbly
delicious! One of the best Chinese
eggplants on the market.
Rosa Bianca
Stunning Italian heirloom. Gorgeous
fruits, white with lavender streaking
down the side. Creamy consistency and
delicate flavor. Rosa is plump and round,
about 3–4" across and 5" tall. Fruits
average 2 pounds.
Heirloom Greens
Arugula – Roquette
Rainbow Chard
Also known as rocket, this zesty, aromatic
salad green has a peppery, nutty taste.
Ancient Egyptians and Romans both
favored arugula as an aphrodisiac.
Delicious, mild, heat- and cold- tolerant
leafy greens. Young leaves are great in
salads, bigger ribs and leaves are
excellent cooked greens.
Bloody Dock
Lollo di Vino
Rumex sanguineus
Also called Red-Veined Dock, Red Dock, or
Bloody Sorrel. This beautiful perennial
plant will add zest to your salads and
color to your garden for years to come.
Tart, lemony flavor, pretty red-flecked
leaves with blood-red stems.
Extremely dark purple with the beautiful
ruffles and curls of classic lollo-type
lettuces, but milder-tasting than most
lollos. No bitterness.
Black Seeded Simpson
Easy, early tender green leaves that
withstand heat, drought and light frost. A
highly adaptable lettuce for plantings
throughout the season. Quickly produces
a full-sized, bright green open head with
slightly crinkled leaves.
Prett, heat-tolerant, Bibb-type lettuce
with rich green leaves, sometimes tinged
with red, form a beautiful rosette in the
garden that holds well under stress and
has good bolt resistance. A good source of
vitamin A and phytonutrients. Grows best
in full sun, but will tolerate partial shade
and even appreciates it in hot climates.
Drunken Woman
Gorgeous bright green leaves with ruffled
- almost fringed - edges in deep bronze.
Crisp texture, very beautiful with sweet
taste. Slow to bolt.
(aka Speckled Trout) Gorgeous Austrian
heirloom with green leaves speckled with
maroon. Superior flavor; holds very well
in the summer heat.
Red Romaine
Delicious, flavorful lettuce brings color
and zest to salads. The red coloring
develops best in cool weather.
Most productive, heat-and cold-tolerant
lettuce in our garden. Grows to 18 inches
providing more sustenence per plant than
any other variety. Stays sweet and crisp
despite heat. Big, hearty oakleaf.
Little Gem
Sweet, crisp, tiny romaine-type lettuce.
Crunchy, savoyed leaves make excellent
salad. Beloved by chefs and gardeners
alike. Heat-tolerant and easy to grow.
Speckled Amish Bibb
An ornamental lettuce of spectacular
beauty, its apple-green leaves splashed
with maroon flecks. A stunner in your
garden or on your table. Mennonites
brought seed from Lancaster County, PA,
to Ontario in 1799. Introduced into
commerce in 1880 as “Golden Spotted.”
Heirloom Lettuce Mix
A variety of red and green heirloom loose
leaf lettuces. Great for “cut and come
Miscellaneous Heirloom Vegetables
Clemson Spineless
Introduced by Clemson University in
1939. Still the most popular openpollinated variety on the market.
Vigorous plants grow 3-5' tall. Uniform,
deep green, ribbed and spineless pods are
ideally harvested when 3" long. Excellent
quality and classic okra taste.
Dark red heirloom okra variety. Pods,
stems, and leaves are red. Tender and
productive. Open-pollinated.
Verde Puebla
Traditional, classic heirloom variety
used for salsa verde. Open-pollinated.
Giant Red Re-selection
A recent re-selection from the European
red-stalked celeries. More disease
resistant than the heirloom red celeries,
but the same rich flavor and beautiful red
and pink color. Open-pollinated.
Culinary, Medicinal, & Aromatic Herbs
Beloved by gardeners and pollinators.
Honeybees and butterflies love the nectar
from the violet to blue flowers. Licoriceflavored leaves are a traditional tea. 3-4
foot plants produce flowers on dense
spikes 2-6 inches long. Perennial; hardy in
zones 5 and above.
Dark Purple Opal
Most likely the same basil Vilmorin
referred to in 1885 as “Large Purple
Sweet Basil.” Beautiful lilac flowers with
dark red stems. Spectacular as a garnish,
in salads, or for adding color to basil
vinegars. Very uniform, all purple Italian
heirloom strain. Annual.
Heirloom Italian variety famous for
making the best pesto. Classic basil flavor,
large leaves are perfect for bruschetta,
drying, or pesto making. Produces all
summer if harvested from the growing
tips down. Annual.
Mrs. Burns’ Lemon Basil
Lemony citrus scent and flavor. A New
Mexico heirloom introduced by gardener
Janet Burns in 1939. This variety has the
strongest lemon flavor of any of the
lemon basils, and larger leaves than most.
The plant itself is robust, growing 18–36
inches tall and 12–24 inches wide, with
white flowers tinged with pink.
Spicy Globe
(Greek Basil)
Forms a perfect 12-18" globe bush with
very small, thin leaves. Intense sweet
basil scent with spicy flavor, slow to go to
seed. Ideal for pots or as borders in
gardens. Very uniform strain. Annual.
Spicy anise-clove scent and flavor. Most
commonly used in Thai or Vietnamese
cooking. Plants grow to 18" tall with
medium green leaves and purple stems
and blossoms. Annual.
Grow your own chamomile tea! The
calming effects of chamomile are wellknown, and the aromatic leaves and
flowers are as lovely in the garden as they
are useful in the medicine cabinet. In a
sunny spot, chamomile will reseed itself
freely in the garden. Airy and delicate
daisy-like flowers.
A hardworking, longstanding Cilantro
with lots of excellent eating foliage and
great flavor. Slow to bolt, providing lots
of fresh cilantro through the summer and
self-seeding if you’re lucky! Traditional
seasoning in many cuisines. Annual.
Clary Sage
(Salvia sclarea)
Used as an eyewash since Roman times,
considered an aphrodisiac in the 12th
century, and used in place of hops in some
ancient beers. Today mainly used to treat
digestive problems and regarded as a
tonic, calming herb. Also valuable for
women’s health, can relieve premenstrual
problems, stimulate estrogen production,
and ease symptoms of menopause,
particularly hot flashes. Biennial.
Large flowers yield tons of seeds;
flavorful leaves. Great fresh or for
pickles or kraut. Height: to 42”.
Flavorful leaves and seeds are great fresh,
dried, and for pickling. Height: 30-36”.
(Inula helenium)
An ancient medicinal herb common in many
parts of Great Britain, throughout central and
southern Europe and in Asia as far east as the
Himalayas. Used by many ancient peoples, both
as a medicine and food. In England, it is
considered aromatic tonic and prescribed for
shortness of breath. Today herbalists use it as an
expectorant, for water retention, and as a tonic
and to bring on menstruation. Reputed to have
antiseptic properties. Roots should be harvested
from plants no more than 2-3 years old. A hearty
perennial with bright yellow flowers. Perennial.
Gorgeous and aromatic feathery bronze
foliage and lacy yellow flowers make this
herb a lovely garden plant. Excellent
habitat and food source for beneficial
(Tanacetum parthenium)
Traditional medicinal herb found in many
old gardens. The word "feverfew" derives
from the Latin febrifugia, meaning "fever
reducer." Feverfew has been used for
reducing fever, for treating headaches,
arthritis and digestive problems. It also
contains melatonin. Lovely daisy-like
flowers are ornamental in the garden.
Perennial and self-seeding.
(Marrubium vulgare)
Medicinal herb used for centuries to treat
coughs and colds and lung ailments. Used
to make many herbal products, including
Horehound Ale (traditional British),
cough syrups and cough drops, and
medicinal teas. Perennial.
Oregano - Greek
One of more than 50 species of the
oregano genus, this is the true culinary
herb. The ancient Greeks called it
oregano, meaning ‘joy of the mountains.’
Fragrant, flowering plants grow freely on
the steep rocky alkaline hills of Greece,
Sicily, and Southern Italy. In addition to
flavoring foods for thousands of years, it
also has had a variety of medicinal uses,
from relieving rheumatism and asthma to
decongesting stuffy head colds and even
calming seasickness.
Dark Green Italian
Heirloom, flat leaf, traditional Italian type
with glossy, deeply cut, dark green leaves,
and excellent flavor. Used frequently as a
garnish, its flavor also enhances many
types of dishes and has nutritional
and medicinal value. Biennial.
Triple Curled
This dark green, curly parsley is high in
vitamins and minerals and holds its flavor
after harvest. Organic heirloom seed.
(Mentha pulegium)
Traditional, highly potent medicinal used
as an abortifacient –use only under expert
supervision, since it can be toxic. Also
used topically as an insect repellent,
effective against fleas, mosquitos, and
ticks. Likes full sun to part shade and a
moist, rich, slightly acidic soil. Perennial.
(Salvia officinalis)
Common sage for culinary use, with
medicinal properties as well. Grows
slowly over the years, developing into a
small perennial woody shrub up to 2 ½
feet tall. Purple flowers bloom through
the summer. Prefers a well-drained spot
in full sun. Perennial.
Holy Basil
(Ocimum tenuiflorum)
Also known as Sacred Basil, a beautiful
medicinal herb. This aromatic annual is
lovely in the garden and in the medicine
cabinet. Lakshmi or Sri type. Annual.
Toothache Plant
(Spilanthes acmella)
Also known as Salad Cress, this medicinal plant
was introduced from Brazil to North America in
the 1860s. Flowers and leaves have properties
similar to Echinacea--said to enhance the
immune system, improve digestion and dispel
nausea. The name “toothache plant” comes from
the numbing effect the leaves and flowers
produce when chewed. Used as a ground cover,
it adds unusual beauty with its low growth habit,
bronzy-purple leaves, and pretty yellow and red
cone-shaped flowers. Makes a colorful border
planting in fertile moist soil. Tender perennial
grown as an annual in WNC.
(Artemisia absinthium)
A potent herb used medicinally for
digestive problems and to eliminate
parasites in humans and domestic
animals. Famous as an ingredient in
absinthe. Small woody shrub with lacy
silvery foliage. Perennial
Old-Fashioned Flowers
Queen Mix
(Spider Flower, Cat Whiskers)
Cottage garden classic. Heat and drought
tolerant plants are topped with clusters of
4-8 inch spidery blossoms from early
summer until frost. Pink, rose, and purple
flowers with many side blooms following
flowering of main stalk. Blooms all
summer. Hummingbirds, bumblebees,
and other pollinators love them. Annual.
Memories of Mona
Red-orange selection of 'Mona's Orange'
developed by Dr. Jeff McCormack of
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange.
Flowers range from solid deep red to
bright orange, many with red borders and
red streaks. Early flowering, extremely
hardy, drought-resistant. Annual.
Tall plants produce an abundance of
beautiful pink, white, red, and magenta,
blooms. Similar colors to “Sensation” but
with delicate, shell-like hollow petals.
Sensation Mix
This beautiful, classic cottage garden
flower. Shades of pink, white, and
magenta. Great for beneficial insects and
bouquets. Annual.
Heirloom Blue Mirror
Chinese Delphinium
(Delphinium grandiflora)
Old-fashioned, cottage garden favorites
produce sprays of bright ultramarine blue
trumpet-shaped florets. First introduced
to England in 1818, this plant is known in
China as “herb of the flying swallow.”
Partial to full sun, zones: 3-8. Summer
flowering. Height: 3-6 feet tall. Perennial.
Apricot Faerie Queen
(Digitalis purpurea)
Excellent as a cut flower, this very sturdy
variety bears multiple spires of timbleshaped, elongated bells in pastel apricot
delicately speckled with cream. Grown as
a biennial (foliage first year, flowers
second year), it acts as a perennial,
reseeding itself. Performs best in partial
shade. Biennial.
Four O’Clocks
Broken Colors
Four O’Clocks open their beautiful blooms
just as evening begins. Each plant
produces a bounty of trumpet-shaped
blooms in all combinations of raspberry,
lemon-yellow, orange-golden, and frostywhite with stripes and splashes. Until
recently, the old-fashioned, multi-colored
Mirabilis variety was believed to be lost
to horticulture (modern strains produce
only solid-colored blooms). A few
specimens were located, and years of
breeding produced this open-pollinated
variety. In the South, it’s tradition to
plant Four O’Clocks near the front door
where their jasmine-scented flowers will
greet your guests. In South America,
where they originated, the plant is used
as a dye, and the root is used medicinally
and is said to be a hallucinogen. In herbal
medicine, parts of the plant may be used
for diuretic, purgative or wound-healing
Self-seeding annual.
Black Currant Whirl
Grows to nearly 8 feet tall with thick,
sturdy stems loaded with huge double
blooms in a rich shade of blackberry with
touches of cream. Zones 3-9; blooms the
first year. Self-seeding biennial.
Outhouse Mix
Classic variety has graced outbuildings on
farmsteads for over a century. Single
blooms of white, light pink, pinkish-red,
magenta, and burgundy. Self-seeding
biennial, 6-9' tall, hardy in zones 3-9,
heat- and drought-tolerant. Prefer rich,
moist soil and full sun. Edible flower.
Self-seeding biennial.
Persian Jewel Mix
(Nigella damascena)
Blue, pink, white, and purple blooms with
overlapping petals and “misty” foliage make
lovely plant a cottage garden classic. Once
called 'Love Entangle' and dating from the
1600s. Great cut flowers; elegant pods are
great for drying. Self sows freely, establishing
itself in the garden. Self-seeding annual.
Russell Mix
Lupine is a plant native to North America.
The Russell mix is an open-pollinated mix
derived from strains developed by plant
breeder George Russell in England in the
early 1900s. Tall flower spikes in a wide
range of colors and honey-scented blossoms,
perennial to zone 3. Dramatic when planted
in mass, exquisite when scattered, lupines
will re-seed. Self-seeding annual.
Brocade Mix
Beautiful French variety produces large 2inch flowers on 10-12 inch tall plants. A
brilliant mix of red, gold and orange.
Full sun. Annual.
Court Jester
This little heirloom marigold has stunning
yellow and burgundy striped single
blooms. Very fancy and beautiful, sturdy
blooms on dwarf plants.
Full sun. Annual.
Lemon Drop
Sunny yellow, petite flowers on small,
compact plants. Lemon Drop adds a
bright spot of color to the front of the bed,
patio containers, and window boxes. In
the vegetable garden, it takes up little
room, attracts bees to help pollinate your
veggies, and may reduce soil nematodes.
Practically care-free, and will self-sow if a
few flowers are allowed to go to seed,
providing welcome volunteers next
season! Full sun. Annual.
Naughty Marietta
Red Marietta, also known as Naughty
Marietta, has single flowers of bright red,
edged in gold and deeply divided
aromatic leaves. They hold their color
well in the heat of summer.
Full sun. Annual.
Sparky Mix
This dwarf variety produces large, fully
double flowers. Full, orange-and-yellow,
double blooms cover these short plants.
Marigolds are a great companion plant,
deterring insect pests. This variety is
great for small spaces: containers, raised
beds, or borders. Their short height won't
shade out other plants. Full sun. Annual.
Fragrant night-blooming climber.
Large 5-6" pure white blooms open at
night to release perfume. Vines grow
8-20' with support. Frequently visited
by night pollinators. On a warm
summer night, moon flowers can open
in a matter of several minutes.
Beautiful in the full moon. Annual.
Empress of India
Victorian-era heirloom with scarlet
flowers and dark green leaves.
Compact, mounded habit. Full sun.
Trailing/Tall Climbing
Rampant, trailing nasturtium mix.
Red, orange, burgundy, and yellow
flowers on beautiful trailing plants
with masses of ornamental leaves.
Edible flowers and leaves. Full sun.
Paper Moon
(Scabiosa stellata)
The summer flowers of Paper Moon are
solitary, rounded, light blue, about 1-inch
across, and are followed by clusters of cupshaped, maroon and green, enlarged bracts
which form showy seed heads. These 3-inch
wide, beautiful seed heads make wonderful
dried arrangements. Thrives in sun, prefers
neutral to alkaline, well-drained soil.
Tall Deluxe Mix
Beautiful 30-36-inch flower spikes in a
brilliant range of colors: pink, red, yellow,
lavender and rose shades. Native to
southern Europe, a classic heirloom
garden flower. Full sun. Annual.
Roselle / Hibiscus
“Red Zinger"
(Hibiscus sabdariffa)
Also known as red sorrel, this beautiful plant
is used to make bright red tangy teas. Easy
to grow, and beautiful in the garden with its
creamy flowers, burgundy seed pods, and
dark green leaves with red stems and veins.
Vitamin- and mineral- rich tea is made from
the calyx (seed pod) that emerges after the
bloom. The fruit, calyces, flowers, seeds, and
leaves of red sorrel are all edible. Leaves
have a rhubarb taste and are served in salads
or as cooked greens. Rare. Annual.
Apple Blossom
Lavish, full-sized old-fashioned snapdragons reaching 36 inches. Large,
velvety-textured blooms in true appleblossom pink, contrasting with pale gold.
Beautiful in the garden and for cut
flowers. Classic, old-fashioned garden
plant. Full sun. Annual.
Monstrosum Mix
(Helichrysum bracteatum)
Freeblooming strawflower is good for
border color and excellent for drying.
Monstrosum varieties grow 30–40" tall,
have 2–21/2" fully double flowers. Great
for fresh cut flowers or dried bouquets or
stringing to make a garland. A beautiful
addition to the garden and a classic, oldfashioned flower. Full sun. Annual.
Texas Sage
(Salvia coccinea)
Also known as scarlet sage or blood sage,
this beautiful and flamboyant cultivar of a
native sage was grown by Jefferson at
Monticello. Attracts pollinators-butterflies and humming-birds love this
plant! Tolerates drought and heat.
Fairy Bouquet
(Linaria maroccana)
A charming mix of crimson, yellow, orange,
lavender, white and pink tiny snapdragonlike flowers above delicate, ferny foliage.
Makes an impressive, colorful show when
plated in mass, and is an excellent container
filler. Cut flowers make dainty bouquets.
1934 All-America Selections winner. Annual.
(Malva sylvestris)
This beautiful hollyhock-like plant
flowers all summer long into fall and selfsows, replenishing itself year after year.
With its beautiful pinwheel blooms in two
shades of purple, Zebrina has graced
cottage gardens for many years. 2-inch
single blooms are soft shade of lavender,
heavily veined with maroon-violet,
creating a stripey, pinwheeled look.
Peppermint Stick
Dreamy looking, lavender-rose 4-5 inch
blooms. Plant grows to 36 inches and
makes a great cut flower. Thrives in
sunny areas. Annual.
Peppermint Stick produces armloads of 2inch blooms featuring stripes, splashes,
and splotches of scarlet, carmine, rose,
purple, orange, and vermilion. A lovely
old-fashioned, candy-striped heirloom
zinnia, perfect for cottage gardens. Full
sun. Annual.
Liliput Mix
State Fair Mix
Semi-dwarf plants bear fully double
flowers in white, yellow, pink, scarlet,
purple, orange, and more. Plants grow 18
inches tall, blooms are about 1 ½ inches
across. Cheerful and durable in the
garden. Full sun. Annual.
Classic zinnia mix. Up to 48 inches tall,
with sturdy stems and large, single,
double, and semi-double 4-5 inch blooms
in crimson red, lilac, rose, canary yellow,
white, and orange blooming from late July
until the first frost. Produce beautiful cut
flowers all summer. Full sun. Annual.
Blue Spire
Rich, dark blue spikes born on upright plants
with finely-cut feathery foliage, growing 3-5
feet tall. In spring and early summer,
produces abundant tall flower spikes densely
set with flowers excellent for fresh cut or
dried arrangements. Use at the back of
borders or along fences and walls. Prefers
some shade, ample water. Annual.
Red Cherry
This dwarf variety produces large, fully
double, distinctive mahogany-red flowers.
A great variety that flowers very early,
making them among the first flowers of
summer. Full sun. Annual.
Amish Paste
Arkansas Traveler
Aunt Lou’s Underground Railroad*
Barnes Mountain Pink
Black Cherry
Black Krim
Black Prince
Cherokee Purple
Chocolate Cherry
Chocolate Pear
Chocolate Stripes
Cour di Bue (Oxheart)
Dixie Golden Giant (Goldie)
Emerald Evergreen
Eva Purple Ball
Flame (Hillbilly)
German Johnson
Gypsy Purple
Italian Heirloom
Matt's Wild Cherry
Mortgage Lifter
Mr. Stripey
Paul Robeson
Pearly Pink
Pink Brandywine
Pink Princess Cherry*
Principe Borghese
Red Zebra
San Marzano
Speckled Roman
Sungold Select II
Tommy Toe Cherry*
White Currant
Sweet, Hot, and Spice Peppers
Aji Dulce
Ancho Gigantea
Ashe County Pimento
Bull Nose Bell
Carolina Wonder
Cayenne - Long Thin
Charleston Hot
Chocolate Sweet
Chocolate Beauty Bell
Corno di Toro (Yellow)
Corno di Toro (Red)
Doe Hill Golden Bell
Early Jalepeno
Jimmy Nardello
Orange Bell*
Pasilla Bajio
Perfection (True Heart)
Purple Beauty
Purple Jalepeno
Red Marconi
Quadrato d'asti Giallo
Quadrato d'asti Rossa
Sweet Banana
A & C Pickling
Double Yield
Marketmore 76
Shintokiwa (Japanese)
Luffa (Sponge Plant)
Summer Squash
Crookneck Early Golden Summer
Early Prolific Straightneck
Golden Zucchini
Tromboncino (Zucchini
White Scallop
Zucchini - Black Beauty
Winter Squash & Pumpkins
Big Max Pumpkin
Delicata Zeppelin
Greek Sweet Red
Long Island Cheese Pumpkin
Musquee de Provence Pumpkin
North Georgia Candy Roaster
Small Sugar, aka New England Pie
Spaghetti Squash
Sucrine Du Berry
Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato
Waltham Butternut
Young's Beauty Pumpkin
Melons & Watermelons
Georgia Rattlesnake
Green Fleshed Pineapple
(Ananas d'amerique)
Hearts of Gold
Old Time Tennessee
Sugar Baby
Black Beauty
Ping Tung
Rosa Bianca
Arugula - Roquette
Bloody Dock (Red Sorrell)
Lettuce - Heirloom Cutting Mix
Lettuce - Black Seeded Simpson
Lettuce – Buttercrunch*
Lettuce - Drunken Woman
Lettuce - Freckles (aka Forellenschluss, Speckled
Lettuce - Italienischer
Lettuce – Little Gem*
Lettuce - Lollo di Vino
Lettuce - Red Romaine
Lettuce - Speckled Amish Bibb
Sorrel - French
Swiss Chard-Rainbow (Bright
Miscellaneous Vegetables
Celery - Giant Red Reselection
Okra - Burgundy
Okra - Clemson Spineless
Tomatillo- Verde Puebla
Anise Hyssop
Basil - Genovese
Basil - Holy
Basil – Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil*
Basil - Purple Opal
Basil - Spicy Globe
Basil - Thai
Chamomile – German (Bodegold)
Cilantro - Caribe
Clary Sage
Dill - Bouquet
Dill - Mammoth
Fennel - Bronze
Horehound – White
Oregano - Greek
Parsley - Dark Green Italian
Parsley - Triple Curled
Sage – Broadleaf
Cleome - Queen Mix
Cosmos - Memories of Mona
Cosmos - Sea Shells
Cosmos - Sensation mix
Delphinium – Heirloom Blue Mirror Chinese*
Four O'Clocks - Broken Colors
Foxglove – Apricot Faerie Queen*
Hollyhock - Black Currant Whirl
Hollyhock - Outhouse Hollyhock
Larkspur – Blue Spire
Love in a Mist - Persian Jewels
Lupine - Russell Mix
Marigold - Brocade Mix
Marigold - Court Jester
Marigold - Lemondrop
Marigold - Naughty Marietta
Marigold - Red Cherry
Marigold - Sparky Mix
Nasturtium - Empress of India
Nasturtium - Trailing mix
Paper Moon (Scabiosa)
Roselle (Red Zinger Hibiscus)
Snapdragon - Appleblossom
Snapdragon - Tall Deluxe Mix
Strawflower - Monstrosum Mix
Texas sage
Toadflax – Fairy Bouquet
Zinnia - Button Box
Zinnia - Dream
Zinnia - Lilliput
Zinnia - Peppermint Stick
Zinnia - State Fair
*New variety for 2016