farm share program


farm share program
chatham bars inn
farm share program
saturday, june 11th 2016 - saturday, oct 22nd 2016
a season’s worth of fresh produce grown just for you
How Does a Farm Share Work?
You sign up in advance of the growing season • Your share is picked-up directly from Chatham Bars Inn Farm
every Saturday, between 11am - 3pm, June 11 – October 22nd (half-share members receive their share every other week)
Our Practices:
100% GMO Free • Sustainably grown using organic and biological principles • No synthetic pesticides, herbicides
or fungicides permitted • Extensive use of cover crops, compost and other soil conservation methods
What’s in my Share?
typical spring share: *
typical summer share: *
• 1/2lb Arugula
• 3 Heads of Heirloom Lettuce
• 1 Large Bunch of Kale
• 1 Large Bunch of Swiss Chard
• 1 Bunch of Spring Onions
• 1 Large Head of Broccoli
• 2 Bunches of Heirloom Radishes
• 1 Bunch of Parsley
• 3lbs Heirloom Tomatoes (Over 35 varieties)
• 2 Pints Cherry / Grape Tomatoes
• 2-3 English Cucumbers
• 2lbs Pickling Cucumbers
• 1 Pint Heirloom Snap Beans
• 2-3 Italian Heirloom Eggplants
• 1lb Heirloom Summer Squash
• 1 Large Bunch of Basil
*Samples only, actual produce may differ.
For more information, please call 508-945-0096 or email
Farm Share Application
membership levels
$675 Full Share, 1 Box Per Week, 20 Weeks • $400 Half Share, 1 Box Every Other Week, 10 Boxes Total
Select your membership level:
c Full Share $675, 20 Boxes, Pick-Up Weekly
• Payments must be made in full prior to the start of the season by
credit card only. Payments are non-refundable but shares may be
reassigned to another household.
• I understand that it is my responsibility to pick up my share at
the designated time and place.
c Half Share $400, 10 Boxes, Pick-Up Every Other Week
• I understand if I do not pick-up my share it will be forfeited and
I will not be compensated for the loss.
c Additional Donation to Cape Abilites $__________
• I understand that farming is a seasonal and unpredictable under
taking and that crop failure from weather or pests may impact
what products are available, how much of a particular product is
available and the quality of the product.
Responsibilities as CSA farmers:
As CSA farmers we pledge to provide you with the highest quality produce we can grow. In the event of a partial or complete crop failure
from weather or pests, we may fill your share with other crops grown on the farm that are ready for harvest at that time or buy produce from
other organic farms. Weekly boxes may vary somewhat in size, but should average out to being at or above market value. Shares that are not
picked up by members will be donated to a food pantry or a neighborhood family in need.
Read the newsletters and emails from the farm.
You will find important announcements, recipes, and news from the farm.
For more information, please call 508-945-0096
oe email
chatham bars inn farm, 3034 Main St., Brewster, MA 02631