Speaker Schedule - National Heirloom Exposition
Speaker Schedule - National Heirloom Exposition
THE WORLD’S PURE FOOD FAIR! NATIONAL HEIRLOOM EXPO Sept. 6, 7, & 8, Santa Rosa, California - theheirloomexpo.com THE NATIONAL HEIRLOOM EXPOSITION Come and walk the aisles at the “World’s Pure Food Fair!”, an event for pure food enthusiasts, the national press, home growers across the country, farmers, school groups and the general public. The Expo is now dubbed the “World’s Fair” of the heirloom industry! This is a “non-profit” event, and any funds above cost will be donated to school gardens and food programs. This year's event will again be held at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa, CA, on September 6, 7 and 8, 2016. Find out more at www.TheHeirloomExpo.com • The largest display of heirloom produce – ever! Over 4,000 varieties showcasing the diversity our planet has to offer. Including hundreds of incredible tomato varieties! Also meet the incredible farmers who grow them! • Amazing Speakers! World Famous displays of produce; learn, share and taste the natural horticultural bounty Over 75 nationally and internationally acclaimed on-topic speakers. Join us in three speaker halls that are themed this year: The Garden Hall, The Pure Food Pavillion and The Farmers Forum. So whether you’re a farmer, gardener or good food activist, we have a hall for you. • Show Info! Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers, Dave Murphy & Lisa Stokke, Food Democracy Now Tickets are available at the gate on September 6, 7 & 8, 2016. Gates are open 9 AM to 9 PM. (Vendor hall opens at 10 AM) One Day Ticket $15 or Three Day Pass $30 (Purchased at the gate) and Children are Free! The Heirloom Expo is held at the beautiful Sonoma County Fairgrounds 1350 Bennett Valley Rd, Santa Rosa, California, and is a short drive from many airports. Contact Us! Lisa at (417) 924-8917 or Claudia at(707) 773-1336 email: info@theheirloomexpo.com Vendors and exhibitors welcome! Please contact us for details and questions! An International GMO-Free Event--We oppose GMO Seeds! Heirloom Expo Sept 6-8, 2016 Santa Rosa, CA 4000 Varieties 75 Speakers 300 Vendors 150 Exhibitors 3 Fun Days GMO Activism Seed Swaps Demo Gardens About 20,000 Gardeners, and Kid’s are Free! Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farm, The Famed Tomato Guy. Celebrate Global Gardeners who are fighting to keep our food GMO free and preserve our heritage! • Join amazing workshops and talks on the importance of collecting, conserving and sharing heirloom seeds, and don’t miss our seed exchange at 3pm on Sept 8th. Bring some seeds and join the fun. Walk the aisles of the World’s largest produce display! See, touch and taste summer’s heirloom bounty! September 6-8, 2016, Santa Rosa, California Join 20,000 heirloom farmers, gardeners and chefs. The stage is set in beautiful Sonoma County, California. COOL “KIDS” WHO ARE CHANGING THE WAY WE EAT Join a global list of young activists, seed savers and farmers. Like heirloom farmer Richie Ramsay, 20, who promotes food diversity on the Island of Jamaica. Stephen Smith, 19, Corn Researcher and Preservationist from Tennessee. Rachel Parent, 16, Canada’s Pure Food Fighter, who is working for a Non-GMO Canada. Birke Baehr, 17, Organic Food Advocate from North Carolina, and Sara Patterson, 21, owner of Red Acre Farm CSA and Utah’s Food Activist. Hear talks from dozens of young, pure food advocates this September at the Heirloom Expo. Colossal Pumpkins! World class giants; the largest last year was 1725 lbs! Bring your giant pumpkin for the official weigh off sanctioned by The Great Pumpkin Commonwealth! Tuesday September 7th 4:00pm. Over $5000 in prize money. Ian Neale, World Record gardener from England. Learn how to grow your biggest and best with this acclaimed expert. Leonardo Urena is Napa, California’s own World Record grower and giant vegetable guru. Meet him and his mammoth veggies. Gourdeous Gourds! Enjoy amazing artists like the internationally acclaimed Betty Finch with her amazing gourd persons and creatures. Art of the Heirloom! Enjoy amazing seed and garden art in our amazing art show, curated by Hudson Valley Seed Library. Enjoy artists at work everywhere throughout the grounds and maybe take some hard-to-find crafty piece home! Kids’ Heirloom Festival! (Expanded to all three days and a new pavillion!) Thousands of children join us each year for America’s coolest pure food event! Classes, tastings, games and Non-GMO FUN! Bring your kids or school group! Enjoy displays by dozens of school groups. ALL of the Expo’s profits go to education. • School groups and tours: Speakers from various seed companies (and others) will give talks and run educational seminars for school groups. Education on GMOs and seed saving is an important factor; after all, children are the future of farming and food industries. Schools are being encouraged to grow gardens for the event and enter their produce for display. Last year over 3,000 schoolkids participated in ‘kids-day’ at the 2015 Expo. Questions? email us: info@theheirloomexpo.com • Vendors: More than 300 like-minded vendor booths: seed companies, great food, tool companies, garden and farm supplies, produce, nurseries and all things related to pure-food, small farming and gardening . •The Global “Local” Food Fair: Enjoy North California’s best globally-inspired cuisine. 30 kitchens strive to produce 100% local & GMO-free dishes. •Fresh Fruit Tastings: You can try some of the world’s rarest heirlooms, as well as California favorites. All three days in our new tasting kitchen. • Dozens of Heirloom Seed Companies: Representatives will share their wealth of knowledge at workshops for the home-grower, the farmer and the enthusiast. Don’t miss the giant seed exchange, Thurs. at 3:00pm! •Folk Music Festival & National Fiddlers Contest: Come enjoy great old-time folk, bluegrass & cowboy music, as well as a sanctioned fiddle contest. •Heritage Poultry : Meet many of California’s premier keepers of heritage poultry, as well as an amazing poultry show. Offering $1500 in prizes! Join the International Heirloom Conference 75 World leading farmers, gardeners, chefs and activists! 3 days of seedy fun! Learn Heirloom Farming, Gardening, Anti-GMO Activism, Marketing, Seed Saving, Permaculture, Biodynamics, Orcharding, Bee Keeping, Cooking & Canning, Seed Industry News, Plant Breeding, Business Skills and more! TheHeirloomExpo.com Helen Juarez Leading Mexican Seed Saver Jodi Torpey Blue Ribbon Vegetable Gardening John Roulac Founder of Nutiva & GMO inside We thank our fine sponsors! www.thepermaculturestudent.com Hudson Valley SEED LIBRARY seedlibrary.org Matt Powers & Family Permaculture Expert Speaker Schedule - Tuesday, Sept 6 Farm Hall PRENTICE 10 JESSICA Social Change in a Mason Jar Garden Hall 10 QACHUU ALOOM FARMERS Amaranth and Native Greens – a path to economic development, nutrition and seed sovereignty in Guatemala. Learn about the work of this native group. Three Stone Hearth is a worker-owned cooperative preparing nutrient-dense foods from sustainable ingredients and packing them in returnable glass. 10 PEACH VALENZUELA 11 JOHN 11 ANNA 11 What I Wish I Knew Then--the First Classic Heirloom Fruit of California Three Years Farming Anna owns the amazing “Squash and Awe Guerrilla Farm,” a one-person, 1/4 -acre farm on the big island of Hawaii. 12 ROWEN WHITE Traditions, Cultures and Seeds Rowen will share her journey to find her ancestral seeds of her Mohawk and Iroquois lineage and family, and her seed stewardship. Learn the stories and how to grow these amazing old-time favorites with one of California’s rare fruit expert LOWENFELS 12 JEFF 12 Soil Food Web: No more Chemicals! Mr Lowenfels is the world’s longest running garden columnist, and award winning garden author from Alaska. BERANGER CHRISTY WILHELMI 1 JEANNETTE I Want Chickens! But Where Do I Start? 1 Growing in the Drought There is an amazing array of heritage chicken breeds available today, and it can be complicated deciding which is most appropriate for your land, climate, and needs. 2 MICHAEL COLLINS Biochar and Non-leaching Fertilizers: Learn fertilization tips from this long-time organic expert 3 4 RICHIE RAMSAY Permaculture and Sustainable Agriculture in Jamaica Young organic horticulturist, avid researcher and owner of “Exotic Roots,” an organic heirloom farm based in Jamaica JONATHAN PANTALIS & RACHEL RENNER A Healthier Business Founders of Phi Kind Organics: journey to create a healthier chocolate, & a healthier, happier business. Learn from this dynamic duo, who are in their early twenties. FRED HEMPEL Seed Saving and Steril5 Selecting, ization -- Making your tomato seed stash robust and safe. Fred Hempel has been seriously breeding tomatoes for 10 years at his Baia Nicchia Farm. 6 CHIP MORRIS Creating New Markets for Heirloom Farm Products. Mr. Morris is the President and Farmer of Elegant Beans and has served as a researcher at UC Davis for the past 11 years. HEINRICHS 7 CHRISTINE Heirloom Breeds for the Small Flock Using bio-intensive methods, rainwater capture, efficient drip irrigation and more! 2 3 4 DAVID KING Why & How to Make a Seed Library David King is the founding chair of the seed library of Los Angeles, and teaches gardening and horticulture. KEN LOVE AMAZING EXOTIC FRUIT Mr Love is executive director of Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers, a world authority on fruit, and has been featured on the movie, ‘Fruit Hunters’. JODI TORPEY Blue Ribbon Vegetable Gardening (The Secrets to Growing the Biggest amd Best Prizewinning Produce) Also book signing after talk. POWERS 5 MATT Landrace Living: Get a glimpse of the future of family life--seed to table cooking, homeschooling, unschooling, seed saving and much more. With author of Permaculture Student 1 2 WILLIAM WOYS WEAVER 7 DR. Saved from Extinction! Colonial Squash in the Roughwood Seed Collection. Learn about amazing squash! DIANNA REEVES The Health Impacts of Genetically Engineered Foods and the Related Agrichemicals. Learn from this Connecticut mom-turned-activist, who founded GMO Free USA BOB QUINN, Ph.D “The High Cost of Cheap Bread” Bob owns & operates a 3rd generation 4000 acre family farm near Big Sandy, Montana. (organic 30 yrs) PANEL: LISA STOKKE, JOHN ROULAC, JOE HICKEY “The Future of Hemp” Hemp holds the promise for sustainable and renewable fuel, fiber, food and medicine. John is founder of Nutiva and GMOInside. Joe‘s long history in the hemp industry started in 1994 as founder of Kentucky Hemp Growers Coop and today is founder and a director of Atalo Holdings. Lisa Stokke is founder of Food Democracy Now! and of The Next 7 Project. JILL NUSSINOW What Does Sustainable Eating Look Like? AKA The Veggie Queen™ is a registred dietician who has been teaching plant-based, whole foods cooking almost 30 years. PANEL: ALVERO WIGGINS, BOCAR WADE, BARBARA LOPPIE Poverty, A Child, and a Mustard Seed. This group comes to us from Hope Blooms, an urban, Canadian youth growing community who has turned abandoned land into food & jobs 3 GRANT BRIANS Mixing old and new varieties to create a new flavor profile. Grant Brians was a founding member of CCOF and owns Gourmet Seed International. 4 HEBRON SMITH, PH.D MONOCULTURE: Past and Current Issues, and Genetic Diversity Dr. Smith is a retired plant breeder with over 45 years of experience in the seed industry. 5 JOHN ROULAC Healthy Soils, Oceans & Climate : They are All Connected Founder of the superfoods company Nutiva and the non-profit GMO inside PANEL HELEN JUAREZ, 6 SPANISH LORI PATINO, GONZALO RODRIGUEZ 6 Conservando semillas al sur de la frontera. “seed saving South Of The border” Pequeñas historias sobre cuidadores de semillas latinoamericanos. Food Hall ERIC HOLT-GIMENEZ, Ph.D “Convergence in Diversity: Food Movements and the Transformation of Our Food Systems” Eric is the executive director of Food First Institute. KIMBRELL The Future of Food: 7 ANDREW Organic and Beyond Andrew is the founder of Center for Food Safety. Speaker Schedule - Wednesday, Sept 7 Farm Hall Garden Hall This presentation will cover cutting edge developments and evaluations in the realm of water conservation, water reuse, rainwater catchment. around the World. Learn about the shocking diversity of peppers, from sweets to the super hots. EATON SOLORIO 10 UBALDO 10 DARLES Water Resilience and Restoration: Growing Amazing Peppers from 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 JENNIE LONDON How to Start a Small Market Farm Learn how to start and manage your farm with these expert farm ladies. Learn tips to save time and money. DR. DOROTHY SMITH Corn Breeding and Research Dr. Smith gives a rare window into corn breeding; from how it is done to techniques. Learn to keep it GMOfree! PAUL AND ELIZABETH KAISER NoTill, Agroecological, Intensive Farming from the Farmer’s Mouth Create life in and around your handlabor no-till beds, from growing a bounty of nutrient dense produce. The Kaisers operate Singing Frogs Farm. STEVE PETERS Improving Seed Genetics-Advanced Seed Saving Mr Peters now serves with the Organic Seed Alliance and has a degree in vegetable crops and Soil Science. BIRKE BAEHR Rengeration and Remediation Restoring land devastated by industrialized agriculutre using beneficial mycelium and beneficial crops like hemp. EMIGDIO BALLON Sustainable Farming at a Tesuque Pueblo in New Mexico Mr Ballon is Agriculture Director of Tesuque Pueblo. He is an expert on traditional farming & seed saving. JOHN TORGRIMSON Heirlooms Are Everywhere Today But Heirloom Naval oranges? Hybrid Heirloom tomatoes? Heirloom has become its own brand. Seed Savers Exchange Executive Director John Torgrimson will redefine what heirlooms are and how they differ from others. SPANISH PANEL: LEONARDO URENA, UBALDO SOLORIO, RICHARD BERNARD--Creciendo vegetables asombroso: Entienda a crecer Los mejores vegetables en el mundo 11 KATRINA BLAIR The Wild Wisdom of Weeds and the Integrity of Wild Seeds. Learn from this expert plant hunter! DOYLE 12 ALICE The Most Exciting Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden Alice owns Log House Plants of Oregon, one of the nation’s foremost providers of rare bedding plants. GREEN 1 KEN VARIETY SHOW! Hear about award winning unique heirloom varieties, as well as the stories written inside each seed. Ken is founder of Hudson Valley Seed Library Food Hall DAVE MURPHY & ED BROWN New Resistance: From GMO La10 Abeling to Banning Glyphosate. How gly-phosate, Monsanto’s weedkiller, took over the world’s food supply, harms human health and the environment. 11 12 1 FRAN MURRELL & CLAIRE BLEAKLEY Seed Matters Aotearoa & Oceania-Our Farms, Our Food, Our Future! Learn what these ladies are doing to protect the food of Australia, New Zealand and all of the Pacific from GMOs! NICK PAPADOPOULOS Back to Basics, Community Engagement and Growing Local Food System Sharing. Learn from the cofounder of CropMobster.com RACHEL PARENT The Impact Our Food Choices Have on the Planet--A Teen’s Perspective Join acclaimed teen food activist and founder of “Kid’s Right to Know” 2 DANIEL IMHOFF Farming With The Wild Creating agricultural solutions that work with, rather than against, nature. Daniel is author of Food Fight. 3 GATES 3 BRAD Extreme Tomatoes: Breeding, Grow- PANEL: Dr. WILLIAM WOYS WEAVER, DAVID KING and JERE GETTLE The Future of Heirloom Seeds Protecting and preserving these genet-ic treasures for the future. 2 PANEL: JODI TORPEY, IAN NEALE, KEVIN FORTEY and MORE! Growing Record-Sized Vegetables Enjoy the pleasures and rewards of growing plus-sized produce with our international panel of experts ing,and What the Future Holds. Mr Gates is a tomato farmer bringing new tomato varieties to the world. RILEY 4 COLUM Go Beyond Organic: Crafting Biody- 4 namic Soils and Gardens Learn all the good soil stuff from the co-owner of Malibu Compost 5 LINDSAY GASIK Traveling To fruit Hunt Lindsay has been a fruit-focused vagabond for 5 yrs (YearoftheDurian.com) DIETZ 6 DEBORAH DAHLIAS 101: American Dahlia Society senior judge shares a potpourri of dahlia lore including, origins, genetic diversity, pests, planting tips, & more WOODY TASCH Slow Money: Investing in Local Food Systems. Woody Tasch is the found-er and chairman of the Slow Money Institute which has catalyzed the flow of $46 million into 450 small food enterprises. 5 PANEL: PAMM LARRY, KAREN HUDSON AND BOB MCFARLAND GMOs and What’s Happening Locally in California Get up to date on the local pure food fight, labeling, seed laws and more. 6 PANEL: JEFFREY SMITH HOWARD VLIEGER & OTHERS: THE GMO-FREE DISCUSSION Enjoy several leaders in the pure food movement and learn how we are taking back our food supply IAN NEALE & KEVIN FORTEY LESLIE GOLDMAN: Special Ceremony and Tricks For Record Sized Veg7 Tips gies! Learn secrets from these Welsh 6:45 JEFFREY SMITH gardeners of oversized produce. 7 Organic Diets Are Healing Familes Improve your health by switching to organic, non-GMO foods. Mr Smith is a leader in the pure food movement Speaker Schedule - Thursday, Sept 8 Farm Hall STOCK 10 GROVER Resource or Being: How do we relate to our farm or garden Grover is a long time organic food for-est farmer, educator, and consultant. 11 12 RANDEL AGRELLA Breaking into Commercial Seed Growing. Learn to be a seed farmer with seed production manager at Baker Creek Seeds and long-time seed saver from Northern Maine. SARA PATTERSON Make A Living on 2 Acres! Sara started her CSA farm at age 14 in rural, mountainous Utah. The farm became the only source of income for her family, and she is working to change the politics in Utah & beyond. Garden Hall 10 JOHN JEAVONS Food For The Future: Now KATE FREY Friendly Gardening 11 Bee TULLEY 11 EARL Learn how to make the bees happy Soul of the soil 12 Have Hired Your First Farm Employee, Now What? Jennie has managed sustainable farms for the past 11 years FINCH 2 BETTY Gourd Art Betty makes amazing people and animals from the gourds she works with. 2 BERNARD 3 RICHARD Trialing, Selecting, & Storing Seeds on the Farm Learn the tricks of the trade from this 30-year veteran of the seed trade. PANEL: SEED COMPANIES AND THE SEED INDUSTRY IN AMERICA -OPEN MEETING - Ken Greene, Jere Gettle and more. For members of the seed industry & natural seed growers in general to discuss challenges & issues they face. BRONNER 5 DAVID Healthy Farms, Healthy People, Healthy Wages Mr Bronner is CEO of Dr Bronner’s soaps, and a leader in organic industry. DR. RAJIV KUMAR SINHA 6 PROF. Organic Farming by Vermiculture For Production of Chemical-Free Safe, & Nutritive Medica-Foods for Mankind. Professor at Charotar University of Science & Technology. Has been credited for the development of a New & Innovative Vermifiltration Technology. Published 22 books and over 150 scientific papers. 7 “SUSTAINABLE SANTA®” Real Santas, doctors and farmers markets team to curb an epidemic of metabolic diseases in America’s children and improve our diets. Mr Jeavons is President and Director of Ecology Action, with 43 years of biologically intensive farming experience LONDON 1 1 JENNIE Managing Farm Employees: So You 4 Food Hall 10 DR. RICHARD ECKFIELD HOWARD VLIEGER GMO History: Conspiracy or Reality Since 1992 he has been a crop and livestock nutrition advisor. Internationally recognized speaker on GMOs. and your garden healthy with this award winning gardener. Navajo/Diné tribal member of the Navajo Nation. He will share family and clan teachings. HELEN JUAREZ Preserving Ancient Corn. Around the world corn is known as a highly valuable agricultural commodity, but for Mexican and Central American population, it’s not a commodity; it is a central element of our culture gastronomy. DANA PERLS & LISA STOKKE The Next Generation Of Genetic Engineering: The impacts of new GMOs on agriculture, food and farmers. Dana is the food and technology campaigner with Friends of the Earth. PANEL: DALETRON EBLACAS, EVAN GREGOIRE AND FRIENDS “Passing the Seeds to the Next Generation of Stewards” What 6 Young Americans are doing to teach the next generation of seed stewards about seed sovereignty. TIM LASALLE Why Regenerative Agriculture? Former CEO of Rodale Institute, Tim is now a hunger and biological conservation agriculture researcher and trainer. MCBRIDE 3 KAMI THE HERBAL KITCHEN: Turn your garden into a bounty of resource for creating your home spice rack, home apothecary and pantry full of delicious herbal foods and condiments. 4 STEPHEN SMITH An Heirloom and Landrace Eden Learn of rare and beautiful seeds within his seedbank. From ancient popcorn that is the ancestor to all corn to the world’s most colorful beans and many other rarities JOHN VALENZUELA & FRIENDS 5 PANEL: Growing exotic fruit in your backyard Learn about the amazing and unusual, the exotic and bazaar, and the sometimes easy to grow rare fruits! PANEL: ARTHUR LEVINE, 6 SPANISH MARIA ALONZO, MARIA MENDOZA Imigrantes en la agricultura: que significa cultivar para otros y que significa cultivar para uno mismo? (Huerta del Valle es una organización de la comunidad basado en el sur de california enfocado en justicia alimenticia, de la salud y la sostenibilidad en la ciudad más tóxica del Inland Empire) 12 1 2 RONNIE CUMMINS How Conscious Farmers and Consumers Can Reverse Climate Change and Save Civilization. Mr. Cummins is the founder & director of the Organic Consumers Association CHEF GINO CAMPAGNA One Egg, One Cup of Flour Chef Gino Campagna has been spreading the gospel of good, homemade food for more than 18 years now, and he knows what it takes to raise American Families’ FOOD IQ. PANEL: RACHEL PARENT, BIRKE AND SARA PATTERSON 3 BAEHR A Kid’s Food Fight These young people are changing the way we eat and opening eyes to food. 4 FINIAN MAKEPEACE ReGeneration, the New Context for the Future of Humanity We will be diving deep into the concepts of regeneration versus sustainability and degeneration. WILLIAM WOYS WEAVER 5 DR. “Food and Place: How Heirlooms Give Meaning to What We Eat” Learn from America’s leading food historian and author HARI 6 VANI Winning The Food Revolution, Stories From The Field - Vani Hari, Author & Activist from FoodBabe.com 7 PANEL: VANI HARI and the Investigative Team at US Right To Know! Gary Ruskin, Stacy Malkan and Carey Gillam. How food and agrichemical industries, their front groups, PR operatives and academics work together to promote industry propaganda. This is a don’t-miss session. heirloom THE NATIONAL EXPOSITION “The World’s Pure Food Fair” theheirloomexpo.com Santa Rosa, California. Sep 6-8 th 2016
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