The Weathervane - Old First Presbyterian Church


The Weathervane - Old First Presbyterian Church
Return service requested
125 Main St,
Huntington, NY 11743-6960
Rev. Anne Stewart Miller, Interim Pastor
Old First Presbyterian Church
The Weathervane
June 2016
Worship Services: Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 146
Special Days to Celebrate
We have a lot to look forward to this year! Our PNC is up and running at full
throttle writing the Ministry Information Form that will circulate around the denomination with all of our good news about Old First. Ministers will read it and decide to
throw their hat into the ring. What’s not to love?
The Capital Campaign is busy receiving and thanking you for your pledge that will
enable many things to happen this year and next. The restoration of our 5-story steeple, a new and improved kitchen and Parish Hall, and a smooth and even parking lot plus walkways.
And that’s not to mention what has already been completed--the Fiske Room and Rooms 101 and 102.
Of course, we have summer to look forward to beginning, well, hopefully, soon. There’s nothing better
than summer on Long Island!
But there is something else to look forward to as well, beginning June 5. That is the day our congregation will dedicate our new hymnal, Glory to God. Under the leadership of their very excited director Diane Starost, our children and youth will sing a new/old hymn from it. The music was written in the
Taizé monastic community in France in 1978. The tune—that will be sung as a round—you may not
recognize—but the lyrics, you will. For they are some of Mary’s words she spoke when she visited her
relative, Elizabeth (Luke 1: 39-56), telling Elizabeth she is pregnant with the Son of God. In some circles, those words are known as the Magnificat.
That Sunday, we’ll sing new hymns not currently in our blue hymnal as well as one that has been part of
our tradition for more than a hundred years, “Be Thou My Vision.” We will also be singing two hymns
as part of our celebration of communion that morning. One, “Holy, Holy, Holy” is known as a
“sanctus,” and “Christ Has Died; Christ Is Rise,” is a “memorial acclamation,” both traditional and ancient communion liturgy used in many mainline Protestant/Presbyterian congregations. The lyrics will
be very familiar to you—up to now, we have said them as part of our celebration of communion. But on
June 5, we will sing them as they are meant to be--as they are now in our new hymnal. The tune of the
sanctus and memorial acclamation, “Land of Rest,” will likely also be familiar to you—an American
folk melody.
Why a new hymnal? Well, the “former” new hymnal – the blue one that presently rests in our pew
racks, was introduced in 1990. In The Presbyterian Leader, Mary Louise Bringle reports that over the
last decades of the twentieth century and the first decades of the twenty-first century, there has been a
“hymn explosion,” an unprecedented outpouring of creativity. What’s more, tunes and texts from all
around the globe have become available for use as never before. (The 1990 hymnal was a leader in its
time in providing resources for songs and hymns other than European and Anglo-American hymns. Glory to God builds on that tradition of including music and hymns from around the world—for example,
there are hymns from seven Asian countries; eleven African nations as well as hymns from Latin America, the Middle East and New Zealand. The new hymnal also uses the original language for many
hymns written in non-Roman alphabets--those hymns are printed in the original language.)
Priscilla Jahier
Anne Stewart Miller
Mary Samuels
Barbara Macchiaroli
15 Anne & Ken Miller
25 Dorothy & Mark Mandrakos
30 Christian Mandrakos
May you be showered with all God’s best blessings today and always.
If you haven’t already submitted the dates for your birthday and anniversary, please let the
church office know as soon as possible so we can list them in the Weathervane for the appropriate months. Please note that since there is no Weathervane for the months of January, July, and August, these special days will be listed in the previous months’ issues.
Congratulations to Paul Fosella Jr for receiving the William TP Rambo Scholarship
sponsored by The First Presbyterian Church of Northport. This scholarship is in
memory of a man whose ministry was concentrated on being a friend to others.
Paul will be attending SUNY Maritime College and will study Mechanical Engineering
and earn a Coast Guard Engine License.
Special Days to Celebrate
June 19
Sing a song of Birthdays
Full of fun and cheer
And may you keep on having them
For many a happy year.
Love begins in a moment,
grows over time, and lasts for eternity.
Love never ends...
(1 Corinthians 13:8)
Dorothy Mandrakos
Dave Haddock
Chris Dragon
Zachary Youngquist
Diane Starost
23 Kathy & Robert Porter
27 Roberta & Ed Williams
29 Martha & Rod Tibbits
Allan Stewart
Laura Dragon
Judy Gilbert
Marilyn Youngquist
Beverly Elliott
In response to this great outpouring of new music, denominations generally convene a committee on
a generational basis such as ours, “The Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song.” (A
“generational basis” is from twenty to twenty-five years.) In the present era then, every two decades
in recent memory, church groups look back over their song collections--winnowing out those older
pieces that have fallen out of common usage and those newer ones that never caught on. For example,
one hymn that was left out of a newer hymnal include that once-valued hymn, “Ah, Wretched Vile,
Ungrateful Heart.” (Thank goodness!)
Such winnowing also makes room for a new hymnal to add
material written or rediscovered since the previous hymnal.
For example, quick as a wink, can you finish the lines of
these hymns included in the 1990 hymnal?
*Then sings my soul, my Savior, God to Thee, (how
great thou art, how great thou
art ... )
*Lift high (the cross, the love of Christ proclaim …)
*Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? (I have heard you
calling in the night …)
Now, the first two hymns are “old hymns” that were rediscovered in that hymnal. The third is a new hymn that was
introduced in that same hymnal. (I can’t imagine not having
that evocative hymn sung on days we install officers, commission a PNC or confirm our youth!)
Mary Louise Bringle also cites a final reason for a “new hymnal,” –the ongoing inspiration of the
Holy Spirit---that same Spirit who inspired the prophets and apostles and who rules our faith and life.
A new hymnal provides access to this ongoing inspiration. The good news is that the great hymns of
our faith remain in Glory to God, along with many “new/old” hymns for us to learn and relearn. I can
hardly wait to explore it in the months to come!
Friends! Come to sing and rejoice and be inspired by the gift of our new hymnal on June 5!
Rev. Anne
Interim Pastor
PS—Want to donate a copy or two of the new hymnal? Look for a campaign soon to memorialize or
honor a loved one.
Our New Presbyterian Hymnal
Glory to God
You are invited to contribute to the news and newsworthiness of our congregation! The Weathervane is published by Old First Church and distributed to
members and friends of Old First Church.
The Weathervane is not published in July and August. Please submit news
to the church office for inclusion in the Thursday Updates.
The deadline for the September 2016 issue of the Weathervane is
August 15 2016@ noon.
Please mail, hand deliver, or e-mail submissions to the Church office at or
Weathervane assembly will be the last Wednesday of each month. Anyone
who is available and would like to help out, please let the church office know.
Thank you. If you do not want to receive a paper copy of the Weathervane
so we can reduce postage cost, please let the office know. Thanks.
Keeping Up To Date
will be dedicated to God’s glory on
Sunday, June 5
Come to sing old and new hymns and hear our
children & youth sing Hymn No. 646
“Sing Out My Soul”
(For more information, see Rev. Anne’s column in this issue)
Please let the church office know your new address if you have moved or
have changed your phone number and/or e-mail address so we may continue
to keep you informed.
Keep in Touch …
...When going to Huntington Hospital, be sure you list “Old First Presbyterian
Church” as your church. Hospital workers provide lists of Protestants and Presbyterians, but often do not know what “Old First’s” affiliation may be.
...If you are aware of a member in the hospital, please let us know. Many
people are admitted through emergency and will not appear on any church
lists. Your minister is there often and wants to call on you.
Please help by informing the church. We care.
June 2016 Worship Schedule
Sunday, June 5 - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Communion Worship w/Kids’ & Youth Choirs
Sunday, June 12 - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Old First Church Mission Thrift Store
Sunday, June 19 - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Sunday, June 26 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
on Celebrating 4 years on June 23, 2016.....
HANDBAGS, and SHOES...for all SIZES…
who PUT IN TIME AND EFFORT to keep this shop open....
July 2016 Worship Schedule
Sunday, July 3 - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Communion Worship
Sunday, July 10 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Sunday, July 17 - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Thrift Store Hours:
We are open Tues., Thurs., & Fri.
from 11am to 4pm
We accept clothing donations during hours of operation.
Sunday, July 24 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Sunday, July 31 - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
August 2016 Worship Schedule
Sunday, August 7 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Communion Worship
Sunday, August 14 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Sunday, August 21 - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Sunday, August 28 - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Your Pastor Nominating Committee has been selected and installed by the congregation
on May 8th, as most of you know. Those on the committee are Curt Abbott, Gloria
Burgess, Jim Colbert (chair), Kerry Degnan, Laure McKenna, Bob Miller, Susan Oehrig, Gillian Plastaras and Bob Ponzetti. We have started our meetings and realize what a
challenging task we have before us, but I will say the committee is up to the task. We
are motivated, excited and enthusiastic. We ask for your patience and your prayers as
we continue on this journey. We will try to keep you informed as best we can and we
will have an email address where you can post your questions, thoughts and concerns.
With your prayers and God’s help we will see this through to the calling of our next
In Our Prayers
Maryann Backstrom (member), Caitlin Colbert (Jim and Kris Colbert’s granddaughter), Joy
Eipel (Mark Mandrakos’ mom), Rob Esser Jr. (son of Robert and Gail Esser), Dave and Else
Haddock (members), Gerry & Leslie Schult (members), Ed Williams (member), and Grace
Youngquist (member).
Names on our prayer list will remain for a month.
If you wish to have a name remain on the list, kindly contact the Church Office.
Prayer List Requests
The prayer list is prepared each Thursday at Noon. Please notify the office of names to be included.
If you would like to place someone on the Prayer List, please fill out forms located in the
Narthex, and return to the Church Office or email your request to the church office at, stop by or call the church office
Additional forms are located in the hallway between Parish Hall and the Sanctuary and in the office.
Please join members of the thrift store
for a tour of HorseAbility,
(one of the organizations we sponsor)
June 22nd at 11:00 AM
on the beautiful grounds
of SUNY Old Westbury.
Limited to first 20 people
HorseAbility serves individuals
of all ages with disabilities
from 3 to 93.
Perhaps you might like
to volunteer in various ways.
IMPORTANT. Each person needs to fill out a liability form
before June 22nd.
Contact Carole Witkowski at 631-421-1228 for the form.
Vacation Bible School
Old First Presbyterian Church
Huntington, New York
Participant's Full Name :_________________________________________________________________
Full Address : ________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone :_________________________
Date of Birth : ______________________________
Daytime emergency telephone ____________________________
(if different from above)
New Members’ Class
Sunday, June 12,
Interested in membership at Old First?
In signing this application, I hereby certify that the information is correct and my son or daughter has my
permission to attend the Old First Church activity as stated above, and for the release of medical records in
case of illness.
In case of medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians
of participants. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by
the advisors to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia or surgery for my
son or daughter, as named herein.
Then this is the class for you!
Join others at the manse at 12 noon for
brunch and conversation about
membership in our historic congregation.
Name of family physician or clinic :_________________________________________________________
Please RSVP by June 9 to the church office, 427-2101
Telephone : ___________________________________________________________________________
Is participant in general good health and able to participate in all normal activities?
Yes ___
No ___
(If not, please submit a statement indicating limitations.)
Any other important information we should know about your child? _______________________
Members will be received into membership on a later Sunday.
Parent’s Signature:_______________________
Date: __________________________
See you on June 12!
Old First Presbyterian Church
125 Main Street
Huntington, N.Y. 11743
Youth Ministry Update
Monday, August 22– Friday, August 26, 2016
9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Vacation Bible School Registration
Hello Church family!
We have had a blast this month with Youth Group and TUXIS. Though things were
busy with spring break, AP testing, and SATs, our youth were involved and present
with so much laughter and love!
With Youth Group, we made springtime crafts such as flowers
out of cupcake tins and continued to decorate our craft room
upstairs. This month we have enjoyed theatrical group games
such as musical chairs, survivor, and a game called “Museum”
which encourages movement and hilarious wit. We had a relay race on the front lawn, practiced our hand-eye coordination with soccer-tag and loved playing with a few teen volunteers! None of this compares to our favorite time this month:
Making tacos and homemade oreos with Reverend Anne! We especially enjoyed
making our own meal while laughing and telling stories from school.
We will have a Youth Group party on June 1st to celebrate the end of the year! Gloria
so generously is making our favorite dinner – homemade chicken nuggets! Teens are
invited to help out with lawn games and group activities!
As for TUXIS, our Caumsett trip was unfortunately cancelled due to “April Showers
bring May flowers,” and we’re working on rescheduling! Our teens had a busy spring
with crew regattas, AP testing, SATs, and spring sports. We supported one another
through group sharing and prayer. Together, we had a great time helping with the
Mothers Day plant sale and enjoyed a trip down into the vault with Bernard (and the
moles!) It was fascinating to learn the history of the church and the bell story was one
of our favorites. Thank you to everyone who has made these events possible!
We are still coordinating with end-of-school schedules but this summer we have a
great line up of events such as an overnight at the church, Caumsett hike, paddle
boarding adventure, and hopefully a retreat!
We will have TUXIS: Sunday May 29, Sunday June 5th, and Sunday June 12th from
Date: ________________
Last Name: ___________________________________________
Mother's Name:
Member OFC: (Y/N): __
Father's Name:
Member OFC: (Y/N): __
Email: ___________________________________________________________
I would like to help with Vacation Bible School.
Child's Name
Grade Completed
as of 6/30 this year
Registration fees: $10 per child (maximum $25 for 3 or more children in family)
Total enclosed: $
Please return to Church Office by August 15, 2016
There will be no registration at the door.
Capital Campaign Giving Update
Pledges are coming for the Old First Restoration and Preservation Capital Campaign! Have
you sent in yours? If you haven’t, please do so now. It is so important that all of our members and friends of Old First pull together to make this capital campaign a success. We are
looking for 100% pledging participation from our members. Materials were mailed to
members during April. If you haven’t received them, please call the church office and they
will be mailed to you immediately. Alternatively, the materials, along with a pledge form
is available on the Old First website Remember your
pledge is payable over three years.
***Recently Bernard Reverdin welcomed our teen TUXIS group into the Vault to learn
more about OFC history. Bernard told the story of how a parishioner hid our steeple’s bell
at his home during the Revolutionary War so the British couldn’t get it. How brave and inspiring! We hope you are also inspired by those that came before us and how they helped
to shape Old First. It’s our turn to move Old First forward. Send in your pledge and be a
part of Old First’s future. (The British did end up confiscating the bell…but we got it
Project Update
While we await the start of the Steeple restoration, the Trustees have been actively working
on other planned projects in the Church. The kitchen committee of Sandy Lange, Gloria
Burgess, Gail Johnson and Cindy Samuels are obtaining bids to replace the floor, and purchase and install new appliances (all of which are 20-50 years old and well past their expected life). The Trustees have approved a plan to replace most of the lighting in the
Church building with LED fixtures over the next 6 months. We anticipate this will save us
$5000/year or more in electricity costs. And the Fiske Room Committee of Bev Elliott,
Marge Sammis and Cindy Samuels are working on a solution to improve the lighting in the
Fiske Room.
If you ever have any questions on the Capital Campaign or the renovations taking place in
and around Old First, please call the Church office and someone from the Capital Campaign Committee or the Trustees will get back to you.
The Capital Campaign Committee
The Trustees
Church School News
It's hard to believe it's the end of the church school year! We've had a lot of
fun and learned a lot about the Bible. And we completed four mission projects
- donations to LI Cares and The Guide Dog Foundation as well as collecting
items for the Mitten Tree and "Soaper" Bowl Sunday.
There are a few people we'd like to thank for assisting us throughout the year Jared Ponzetti, Doug Terc and Katie Dopico. We are very happy to announce
that Katie will be joining us next year as a superintendent. We would also like
to thank Carole Witkowski for organizing the Children's Moments and all of
the people who spoke so well to the children.
Hopefully we will see many of the children this August (the 22nd - 26th) during Vacation Bible School. We have a fun week scheduled exploring Living
-Bob and Pat Miller
and Kerry Degnan
Mark your calendars! It’s time to sign up for Vacation Bible School!
It will be held August 22nd to the 26th from 9:30 till noon for age 4 through 6th grade. The
theme is “Living Water” and there will be lots of stories, crafts, games and snacks! The cost
will be $ 10 per child (max of $ 25 for 3 or more children in a family). See page 17&18 of
this issue of the Weathervane, the Sunday bulletins, or the church office for registration
OFC Movie Night
“The Emperor's Club ”
Friday, June 3rd , 7:00 pm
Fiske Room
Academy Award winner Kevin Klein and Patrick Dempsey star in this powerfully uplifting and
inspirational story about a revered teacher and the students of an elite, private boys school
whose lives he changes forever.
(Refreshments provided)
Circle One is holding its season ending and final potluck dinner on June
13th at 6 pm at the home of Nancy Weinlandt. Circle One is retiring after
many years. If you are or have been a member of this Circle you are welcome to attend. Please contact Nancy at 631-549-6754 to RSVP and to let
Nancy know what you will be bringing to the dinner.
Thank you, Priscilla Jahier
Please contact Anne Gunthner if you plan to attend and need a ride!
Living out faith in the midst of a Caring community of women
“For where two or more are gathered in my name,
there am I among them.”
(Matthew 18:20)
Strength in Numbers
(Moms in Prayer)
For all moms with children
(and grandchildren) of all ages!
This prayer group will resume Sunday, June 5th
at 11:15 am in the Fiske Room.
Join Anne Gunthner for a few minutes after our
Sunday Worship service to lift our children (young
and old!) in prayer.
(Questions? Contact Anne Gunthner)
Hygiene Kits
Once again Presbyterian Women held the spring hygiene kits drive in April and
early May.
Hygiene kits go to people who have been displaced from their homes after a natural disaster. In 2015 over 100,000 kits went worldwide and across our nation to
victims of floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, etc. This year there have already been an unfortunate number of natural disasters and you can be assured
that Church World Service is there helping people. They distribute the hygiene
kits, as well as cleanup buckets, school kits, and other aids.
With the generous donations from our congregation, PW is once again able to
send a wonderful donation to Church World Service this year for the hygiene
kits program.
Presbyterian Women of Old First Church
Coordinating Team Meeting
Moderator: Susan Oehrig (718-499-6138)
Next PW Board meeting in June
will be Tuesday, June 7th at 12:00 p.m. at the Manse
Circle 1 (Evening Circle)
Leader: Priscilla Jahier (351-4941)
Potluck Dinner—Monday, June 13th at 6:00 P.M.
the home of Nancy Weinlandt.
(see page 15)
If you want to join, call
Bernard Reverdin
Archival Room New Activity
The new activity is researching
“The Effect of the 1929 Depression on Old First”
Each member of the Committee has a specific issue to research.
The end of the program will be a paper to all members of the
Work meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of the
month at 10 a.m.
Circle 3 Bible Study
Co-leaders: Holly Baptista (757-0719) and Gloria Burgess (424-5168),
Lucy Fetterolf (co-leader emeritus)
Meets the 2nd Tuesday each month at 12:30pm in the Fiske Room
End of Year luncheon will be Tuesday, 14th at 12 noon at the home of Lucy Fetterolf.
Circle 4 Quilting
Leader: Asenath Fuchs (692-4139)
Thursday Mornings at 9:30am in Room 101
All are welcome. No experience necessary.
Also, any unwanted embroidery floss would be greatly appreciated
for the use of shoulder cover ties.
Circle 6 Crafts—Holiday Shoppe
Leader: Kris Colbert (271-4072)
Fridays, 9:45am in the Craft Room.
New Photo Directory!
Photo session appointments Make Up day is
Tuesday, June 7 from 2:00-8:00 p.m.
Appointments can be made by
following the link on the homepage
of the Old First Website,
or by calling the Church Office.
Rides are available for photo appointments!
Sign up as soon as possible!
Presbyterian Women Giving: If you would like to contribute to the missions that Presbyterian
Women support, you may use the envelopes in the pews. Please mark “PW” on the envelope and on
your check -make check payable to the “Presbyterian Women”. With our blessings and thanks, PW
May 29
Worship/Music Committee
Worship w Kids’ &Youth Chrs
Church School -Last Day
Strength in Numbers/Moms
May 30 Memorial Day May 31
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:30p Trustees
7:30p NA
Father’s Day
20 First Day of Summer
9:30a Prayers
10a Worship
6:45p AA
Gentle Bends
BS Comm. Meet
PW/C1-EveningPotluck Dinner
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:30p NA
Photo Make-Up Day
Flag Day
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:30p NA
PW Board @ Manse
Thrift Store
Photo Shoot sessions
Staff Meeting
11a-4p Thrift Store
12:00p PW-C3/Bible Study
1:00p AA
11a-4p Thrift Store
1p AA
7p Kids’/Youth Choir
9:30a Prayers
10a Worship
6:45p AA
Thrift Store
Staff Meeting
Thrift Store
Gentle Bends
Youth Club
BS Troop 32
9:30-11p PW/C4 Quilting
11a-4p Thrift Store
5-9:30p Giant Steps
Al Anon Anniversary
PW C6 - Crafts
Thrift Store
Movie Night
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
9:30-11:30a Work of Heart Reh.
7:15p AA
9:30a PW C-4 Quilting
11a-4p Thrift Store
5-9:30p Giant Steps
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:15p AA
7:30p BS Troop 32
11a-4p Thrift Store
5-9:30p Giant Steps
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:15p AA
7:30p BS Troop 32
11a-4p Thrift Store
5-9:30p Giant Steps
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:15p AA
11a-4p Thrift Store
5-9:30p Giant Steps
Al Anon
PW C6 - Crafts
Thrift Store
Work of Heart Set-up
9a-12p Work of Heart
9a Al Anon
9:45a PW C6 Crafts
11a-4p Thrift Store
9:30a Al Anon
11a-4p Thrift Store
July 1
9:30a Al Anon
11a-4p Thrift Store
July 2