Daniel M. Montgomery onitoring radioiodine in ambient air or
Daniel M. Montgomery onitoring radioiodine in ambient air or
Daniel M. Montgomery Analytics, Inc. onitoring radioiodine in ambientair or gaseouseffluentstreamsrequires concentrationof radioiodine from largevolumesof air to achievethe sensitivity requiredby variousregulatoryagencies. This is accomplishedby passingan air samplethrougha particulatefilter followed by a charcoalcartridge. Sinceradioiodine maybe presentin variouschemical forms includingelementaliodine, organiciodide species,and otherinorganicspecies,the charcoalcartridgesareimpregnatedwith KI or TEDA (tetraethylenediamine) to convertorganiciodide speciesto forms that arecollectedon charcoal.In the presenceof high noble gasactivity(i.e., accident monitoring), a silverzeolitecartridgeis recommendedovera charcoaltype cartridgesincenoble gasesare not retainedon silverzeolitebut are highly retainedon charcoaland would significantlylower the sensitivityfor radioiodine. The preferredmethodto analyzethe filter and cartridgeis to count them separatelywith a germanium gamma-rayspectrometer(countingthe filter and cartridgetogetheris discouraged).Then,the activities on the filter and cartridgearecombinedto givethe total radioiodineactivity.The contribution of particulateradioiodineis generallysmall;however,studies1haveshownthat particulateradioiodine mayconstituteasmuchas40% of the total. The fraction of particulateradioiodineis variableand dependenton the sourceof radioiodineand otherconditions suchaspre-releasetreatmentof the effluent stream(e.g.,HEPAfilter, charcoaltrain). Becauseof Reprint of "From the Counting Room",Vol. 1,No.2, 1990 the low-activity levels, the filter and charcoal cartridge are normally counted in close proximity to the gamma-ray detector (1 cm or less). The cartridge is counted with the inlet side facing the detector"face" counting. This practice minimizes the counting time necessary to achieve a given sensitivity (LLD); however, it may introduce significant errors in the measurement as will later be discussed. Efficiency calibrations for filters are rather straight forward. Filter standards with an eight radionuclide mixture (109Cd, 57Co, 139Ce,203Hg, 113Sn, 137 Cs, 88y, and 60Co) covering the energy range from 88 keY to 1836 keVare commercially available or can be prepared from a standard solution of this mixture. It is important that the activity be uniformly distributed across the same active area as the samples to be counted. Significant coincidence summing may occur for 88y and 60Co, and corrections may be necessary in the energy range from 898 keY to 1836 keY, depending on the detector efficiency and the proximity of the sample to the detector. The radionuclides 1311,1331and 1351,with the longest halflives (8.0 d, 20.9 h and 6.7 h, respectively), emit strong gamma rays (at 364, 529 and 1260 keY, respectively) that are essentially free of coincidence summing even when the sample is counted near the detector housing. If the 1260-keV gamma ray from 1351is used for quantification, coincident summing corrections for the standard may be necessary. However, an alternative would be to use the 420-keV gamma ray from 1351which is outside the energy 47 Radioactivity 6- Radiochemistry The Counting Room: SpecialEdition rangewherecoincidencesummingcorrectionsof the standardarenecessary. Efficiencycalibrationsfor charcoalcartridgesare more complexsincethe distribution of iodine in the cartridgeis dependenton manyfactorsincluding: the iodine species,humidity, temperature,sample flow rate,and length of exposure.Thesefactorscan all affectthe distribution and the penetrationdepth of the radioiodine in the cartridge.Charcoalcartridgescanbe counteddirectly on the detector,or the charcoalcanbe removedfrom the container,homogenizedand counted. The practiceof removingthe charcoalbefore countinghas,in principle, the advantageof yielding a homogeneoussample.A calibrationstandardcan be preparedby addinga known quantity of mixed gamma-raystandardto the appropriatemassof charcoaland thoroughly mixing to ensurehomogeneity. Disadvantages of this techniqueinclude:a lower countingefficiencythan when"face"counted;a longeranalysistime due to disassembly of the cartridge and mixing of the charcoalin anothercontainer,and possiblesamplelossduring transfer.Due to theseproblems,most nuclearpowerplant counting rooms do not usethis technique. Basedon my experiencewith the NuclearRegulatory Commission(NRC) and asa consultantto the nuclearpowerindustry,the most commonpractice for countingcharcoalcartridgesis to "face"count the samplewithin a fewcentimetersof the detector. The preparationof an appropriatestandardrequires someknowledgeof the radioiodine distribution in the charcoalcartridgesamples.Basedon the discussionabove,the distribution maybe quite dependent on the particular monitoring situation(i.e.,environmentalmonitoring, long term stackmonitoring, grabsamplesfor respiratoryprotectionpurposes), and environmentalconditions. This paperfocuseson 1311; however,othershortlived radioiodinespeciesmaybe presentin effluent samples.Theseinclude: 1321, tl;2= 2.3 hours; 1331, tl/2= 20.9hours; 1341, tl;2= 50.2minutes,and 1351, tl;2= 6.7hours. In most nuclearpowerplants the concentrationsof short-livedradioiodinesin gaseouseffluentsare low due to the holdup time associatedwith the effluent treatmentsystems.However,if short-livedradioiodineradionuclidesarede- 48 tected,NRC requiresquantificationand reporting of theseradionuclides.Therefore,it is wiseto calibrate the detectorsovera wide enoughenergyrangeto permit analysisof all the iodine radionuclides(i.e., up to 1300keY).Additionally,the softwareutilized by most commerciallyavailablegamma-rayspectroscopysystemsrequire8-10efficiency!energypairs at appropriateenergiesto accuratelydefinean efficiencyequationoverthe energyrangefrom 88to 1836keY. Onemethodof preparingcharcoaland silver zeolitecartridgestandardsinvolvesdisassembling the cartridgeand gravimetricallyaddinga known quantity of the eightradionuclidemixture (asdescribedabove)to a portion of the charcoal.The amountof spikedcharcoalis basedon the depth of spikedcharcoaldesiredwhenreloadedinto the cartridge.The spikedcharcoalis homogenizedand placedbackin the cartridgewith a barrier between the activeand inactivelayersto preventmixing. The activelayercanbe varied from approximately5 mm to the total activedepthof the cartridge(homogene- ous). Most laboratoriesusea "face"loadedcartridgewhich meansthat the activityis loadedpreferentially on the inlet or front "face"of the cartridge.Experiencehasshownthat a 5-mm "face"loadedstandard, countedwith the inlet or "face"sidetoward the detector cryostatfor the entire countingperiod, will generallyprovide an adequateefficiencycalibration for charcoalcartridges.However,a betteralternative is to countthe standards(and samples)with the inlet sidedown ("face"side)for half of the counting time and then with the inlet sideup ("flip" side)for the remainderof the countingtime. The spectrumis collectedoverthe entire countinginterval.This will giveresults,for both standardsand samples,that are lesssensitiveto the distribution of iodine. The latter part of this articleprovidesexperimentaldata on the effectof radioiodine distribution on detectorefficienciesfor countingwith inlet side down ("face"counting)and countingby the "flip" technique.Detectorefficienciesmayvaryconsiderablyfor differentmodelsand typesof cartridges. Calibrationsare generallyvalid only for the specific type or brand of cartridgeusedfor the calibration. Reprint of "From the Counting Room",Vol. 1,No.2, 1990 "CalibratingGermaniumDetectorsfor AssayingRadioiodinein CharcoalCartridges" DanielM. Montgomery 3 mm from detector 3 cm from detector Efficiency,% 1311Load O-mm 2-mm 5-mm 10-mm 15-mm 25-mm 6 cm from detector Efficiency,% FB Ratio Face Flip FB Ratio Face FI 2.82 2.55 2.25 4.08 1.66 3.00 1.33 2.73 1.04 2.45 2.76 2.72 2.59 2.42 2.38 2.41 2.08 1.92 1.73 1.44 1.22 1.02 1.34 1.28 1.23 1.10 1.01 0.95 1.00 0.97 0.97 0.93 0.92 0.92 3.90 3.59 Efficiency, Ofo Fe Ratio Face Rip 1.75 0.61 0.58 0.56 0.51 0.49 0.46 0.48 1.68 1.56 1.32 1.20 1.00 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.46 Flip efficiencyrefersto counting efficiencywhenthe sourceis countedWiththe inlet sidefacingthe detectorfor half of the counting period and the inlet facing awayfor half of the countingperiod. Faceefficiencyrefersto counting efficiencywhenthe cartridgeis countedwith the inlet sidefacingthe detector. FB is the ratio of activity observedcounting with the inlet sidefacingthe detectorto the activityobservedwhencounting the inlet sidefacing awayfrom the detector. Table 1 Measured front-to-back ratios and counting efficiencies. Thereareseveralunpublishedstudies2,3 investigatingthe distribution of radioiodine in charcoal cartridgesunderactualmonitoring conditions.Investigationsby DaleNix2 at TVXsBrownsFerryNuclearPlantshowedthat radioiodinewasfound within the front 5 mm and the averagedepthwas about 2 rnrn. Thesestudiesincludedvariousmonitoring locationsin the plant and includedcartridges that werein placefor up to oneweek.Investigations by McFarland3at a radioiodine processingfacility showedthat greaterthan 95% of the radioiodine in charcoalcartridgesampleswaswithin the front 5 mm. Thesesampleswerecollectedin ambientair overa period of 2-3 days.Spikingthe first 5 mm on the inlet side ("face")of a charcoalcartridgewith the radionuclidestandard,therefore,providesa reasonableapproximationof the expecteddistribution (and activity gradientcontinuouslydecreasing from the front "face"to the back). Loadingeffectson the measuredcountingefficiencyfor radioiodinewereinvestigatedby spiking charcoalcartridgeswith 1311 at variousdepthsand counting at three differentdistancesfrom a germanium detector.CommerciallyavailableTEDAimpregnatedcharcoalcartridges,with approximatedimensionsof 5.7-cmwide by 2.54-cmthick, were usedin this work. The thicknessof the radioiodine distribution correspondedto O-mm,3-mm, 5-mm, 10-mm,15-mm,and 25-mm (homogeneous). All Reprint of "From the Counting Room",Vol. 1,No.2, 1990 sampleswere prepared gravimetrically from 1311solutions calibrated to within :t 3%. The O-mm depth was prepared by distributing the activity on a filter using a pattern of drops over the active area to approximate a uniform distribution. The filter was placed in the cartridge, in front of the charcoal bed on the inlet side ("face"). Testsof the O-mm cartridge showed that 1311did not volatilize or redistribute during the test period of approximately 2 days. Other thicknessesof 1311 spiked charcoal were prepared by adding a known amount of 1311activity to a predetermined amount of charcoal, homogeneously mixing it, and replacing it in the inlet side ("face") of the cartridge to provide the desired depth. A barrier was inserted to separatethe 1311 active from the inactive charcoal. The remainder of the inactive charcoal was replaced and the cartridge resealed. The counting systemconsisted of a 30-cm3 germanium detector interfaced to a computerized multichannel analyzer system. After eachcount, the net peak area and efficiency for the 1311, 364.8-keV gamma ray were determined. Each cartridge standard was counted with the "face" down for 1000seconds and processedto determine the net counts and efficiency. The cartridges were then turned over with the "face" side up ("flipped") and counted for an additional1000 secondsby resetting the ADC live time to 2000 seconds,without erasing the spectrum. The cumulative count was then processedto give the net 49 Radioactivity 6- Radiochemistry The Counting Room: SpecialEdition Figure 1 Efficiencies vs front-to-back ratios for "flip" and "face" Figure 3 counting 3 mm from detector. Figure 2 Relative efficiencies vs front-to-back ratios for "flip" and "face" counting 3 mm from detector. countingrate and efficiencyfor the 364.8-keV gammaray. Front-to-backratiosweredetermined from the following formula: FCFB= TC-FC whereFB = front-to-backratio, FC = countsof the 364.8-keVgammaray from countingwith "face" down, and TC is the total counts of the 364.8-keV gammaray from the "face"and "flip" counts. The front-to-backratio representsthe ratio of the countingrate for a cartridgecountedwith the 50 Relative efficiencies vs front-to-back ratios for "flip" and "face" counting 3 cm from detector. Figure 4 Relative efficiencies vs front-to-back ratios for "flip" and "face" counting 6 cm from detector. "face"sidedown,to the countingrate for a cartridge countedwith the "face"sideup ("flipped"). This ratio correlateswith the distribution of radioiodinein the cartridgewith the highestvalue of FB for "face" loadedcartridges.The value of FB decreases asthe depthof loadingincreasesand approachesunity for homogeneously loadedcartridges(the ratio maynot be exactlyone,sincemanycartridgesare not manufacturedso that the front and backare preciselythe same). The measuredfront-to-backratios and counting efficienciesarepresentedin Table1. Counting efficienciesfor cartridgesloadedat variousdepthswere Reprint of "From the Counting Room",Vol. 1,No.2, 1990 "CalibratingGermaniumDetectorsfor AssayingRadioiodinein CharcoalCartridges" DanielM. Montgomery plotted againstthe front-to-backratios.Theseresults arepresentedin Figure1, for a sourceto detectordistanceof 3.0mm. As expected,countingcartridges "face"down in closeproximity to the detector(Figure 1) is verysensitiveto loading.The 0-mm loaded cartridgehasan efficiencythat is 1.70times that of a homogeneously loadedcartridge. The effectsof the loading at source-to-detector distancesof 3 mm, 3 cm and 6 cm, for both "flip" and "face"counting,are shownin Figures2-4,where relativeefficienciesareplotted againstthe front-tobackratios.The countingefficiencieswerenormalizedto 1.00for cartridgeefficiencieswith a 5-mm thick loading.This assumesthat the cartridgeefficiency,with the 5-mm thick loading,is mostrepresentativeof the expectedloadingfor actualcharcoal cartridgesamples.Upperand lowerlimits were drawn at relativeefficiencies1.10and 0.90to representan allowabledeviationlimit of plus and minus 10%from the 5-mm value.The value of 10%is somewhatarbitrary; however,a 10%systematicerror would still allow oneto meetthe acceptance criteria usedby the U.s. NRC'sConfirmatoryMeasurementsProgram.The mostrestrictiveNRC criteria would allowa measurement to deviateup to 15% from the NRC measuredvalue. The problemsassociated with countingsamples verycloseto the detectorareillustrated in Figure2. Although all points arewithin the limits when"flip" counted,only the 2-mm cartridgewould be within the limits when"face"counted.Carefulcomparison of Figures2, 3 and 4 showthat the deviationfrom the 5-mm cartridgeefficiencydecreases asthe source-to-detectordistanceincreases. At a source-todetectordistanceof 3 cm, all points arewithin 5% for "flip" countingand 3 valuesareoutsideof the 10%limits for "face"counting.At a source-to-detector distanceof 6 cm, all points arewithin 5% of the 5-mm value for "flip" counting,and all points except for the 15-mmand homogeneously loadedcartridgesare within the 10%limits for "face"counting. As demonstratedby the abovemeasurements, potential errorsassociatedwith a variabledistribution of radioiodinein cartridgesamples,canbe mini- Reprint of "Promthe Counting Room",Vol. 1,No.2, 1990 mizedby usingthe "flip" method of counting even at a sample-to-detector distanceof 3 mm. Because the datapresentedin this paperaredependenton manyfactorssuchasthe detectordimensions,the type of charcoalcartridgeused,and sampling conditions,theseresultsmaynot be quantitativelyapplicableto othersituations.However,thesestudiesdemonstratethe valueof the "flip" countingmethod for a variety of conditions.Sitespecific studiesmaybe conductedto determinethe distribution of radioiodine in samplescollectedunder actualoperatingconditionsusingthe techniquespresentedin this article.The mostappropriateloading for a calibrationstandardcanthenbe selected. {f a high degreeof accuracyis desiredor is necessary,a seriesof efficiencycurvesor tablescanbe determined for differentdistributions (i.e.,S-mm-, 10mm-, IS-mm-Ioadedcartridges)usingmixed gamma-raystandards.The ratio of front-to-back activity for radioiodinewould be calculatedfor each sampleand thenthe appropriateefficiencycurve or tablewould be utilized for the analysis. When "face"countingof cartridgesis practiced, it maybe a goodideato periodicallymeasurethe ratio of front-to-back activity in charcoalcartridge samplesto ensurethat calibrationsand counting conditionsareappropriateto meetthe desiredmeasurementaccuracy. Acknowledgements The author thanksEstieW. Belvin for her assistance in preparationof the charcoalcartridgestandards and JohnMcCorveyfor countingthe standards. References 1. P.G. Voillegue, et al Evaluation of the Air-Vegetation-Milk Pathway for 1311at the Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station", u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREGjCR-1600, November 1981. 2. Personal Communication (1990), D.N. Nix, Tennessee Valley Authority, Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant, P.O. Box 2000, SoddyDaisy, TN 37379. 3. Personal Communication (1988), RC. McFarland, Analytics, Inc., 1380 Seaboard Industrial Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30318. R&R