January - Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska
January - Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska
J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 http://groups.msn.com/AntiqueAutoMushersofAlaska In Memory of Alpha Brown Family and friends gathered at the Muldoon Road Church on a chilly Thursday afternoon, 14 December, to say a final goodbye to one of Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska‟s longtime members. Alpha Mae Brown died peacefully with her family by her side on Dec. 10,2006, At Providence Alaska Medical Center after a lengthy illness. Alpha was born Nov. 25, 1931, in Wellington, Texas to Albert and Susie Harrison. She married Albert (Bob) Brown April 15, 1952. After one year of college in Portales, N. M. they spent their honeymoon driving the newly constructed Alaska Highway to Alaska. They settled in the East Anchorage area, building many East Anchorage roads and maintaining them for many years. Alpha and Bob built two East Anchorage homes and homesteaded in the Big Lake area in 1962. They also founded Brown‟s House Moving and Bob‟s Services Inc. After retiring in 1991, Alpha traveled to car and engine shows with both the Antique Auto Mushers and the Alaska Power Club, built a new home in the Big Lake area and enjoyed reading and word searches. She was a member of the original Anchorage Homemakers extension and volunteered in election processing during the 70‟s and 80‟s. She was an avid sports fan and cheered loudly for the Cubs, Cowboys, and Alaska Aces. Her family wrote, “Alpha always had a great smile and kind word for most everyone and lived a wonderful life.” In spite of her debilitating illness Alpha was always ready for a good time. In July 2004 the Antique Auto Mushers were invited to the Brown homestead on Alpha Lake near Big Lake. WE started arriving at 12:30 and the potluck started at 2:30. As each additional guest arrived we would return to the food table and sample the new dish and get more of the earlier dishes. There were dominoes and cribbage games throughout the day. The Antique Auto Mushers visited Bob and Alpha‟s auto collection after Adopt-A-Road cleanups. After one of the 2006 cleanups we went to see their new museum and extensive collection. To keep Alpha from over exertion Bob had a golf car for her to ride from the house to the museum building. She was a gracious hostess and always made you feel you were one of the family. She had a great sense of humor and a laugh that was heard all over the room. What fun we had when visiting her as she was such a positive person and found something good in everyone and every situation. She is survived by her husband of 53 years, Bob Brown; sons and daughters in law, Bobby and Linda Brown, Billy and Kaylene Brown, and Michel and Dawn Brown, all of Anchorage; Grand children, Carrie, James, Chris, Stephan, Michelle and Cooper; one great grandson, Trevor; 12 brothers and sisters, mostly in Texas and New Mexico; and many other family members. Her brother, Johnnie Harrison, preceded her in death. The Rev Virgil Chron came out of retirement to officiate at the service during which many family and friends shared wonderful memories of Alpha. Many guests stayed after the service to continue sharing memories and a buffet in the social hall. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Heart Association or a charity of the donors choice Note: Portions of this article are from the obituary from the Anchorage Daily news on 13 Dec 2006. J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 Tinkering Times PA G E 2 President Jim‟s Corner Officers Hello Fellow Tinkerers and Tours, Hope your Holidays were happy and joyous! This New Year looks to be another filled with change and adventure. A big change will be the Fur Rondy. It‟s not likely to be as in past years. More details at the January meeting. The long distance Tour for ‟07 is well into the planning stages and set for June 29 to July 7 to Whitehorse, and Juneau. Bruce Campbell has a great itinerary . Any one wanting to go needs to get committed ASAP. It‟s that time of the year again, Howard will be very happy to check off your dues if you will bring a check to the January meeting. Please join me in sympathy for Bob Brown, whose wife , Alpha, passed away in December. We will all miss her. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting for installation of officers. See you then, Jim President: Jim Fredenhagen 243-5214 Vice President: Diane Allen 345- 6355 Secretary: Gwyn Wiedmer 243-7005 Treasurer: Howard Hansen 345-1268 Members at Large Peg Stout LeRoi Heaven Kurt Rein Ralph Centoni Immediate Past Presidents Fred Schurman (2005) Diane Allen (2004) Fred Schurman (2001, 2002, 2003) Peg Stout (2000) Ken Stout (1999) Dennis Allen (1998, 1997) Mike Weidmer (1996) George Chase (1995) Editor’s Howard and Barbara Hansen Send letters, articles and ads to: Tinkering Times, 14840 Loc Loman Lane, Anchorage, AK 99516 E-mail: howbarb@alaska.net (Place “Tinkering Times” in the subject line.) Telephone: (907) 345-1268 The Tinkering Times is published monthly by Alaska’s premier antique and classic automobile club—The Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska, P.O. Box 232086, Anchorage, AK 99523-2086. The opinions expressed by the authors who contribute to the Tinkering Times are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or official policy of the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska. J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 Tinkering Times PA G E 3 2006 Christmas Party The AAMA Christmas party at Art and Tam Isham‟s was a huge success. Art and Tamea were wonderful hosts as usual. I didn‟t get a count , but it was well attended and everyone enjoyed the good food, good fellowship, and a few laughs during the gift exchange! I don‟t know which gifts were the most popular, but their were a few people hiding (or hugging) their gift and hoping no one would steal it! Here is a list of those attending: Allens Kinzeys Stouts Ishams Dennis Syren Reins Watts Hassler Heaven Edes Fredenhagens Wiedmers Roach Evans Campbells Hulses Robinsons Foster Goldings See the centerfold for pictures of the party. --- Howard Transportation Wanted! I might be buying a three wheeled micro car that currently resides in the Chicago area. If I buy it I‟m looking for a way to transport it to Anchorage. Rather then go through a commercial transporter. Are there any club members moving cars or other goods to or from the lower 48 in the next month or two that have a little extra room? Naturally, I‟ll share the expenses. In case I have to go commercial , do any of you have any recommendations? Doug Smith dsditto@alaskalife.net daytime #786-2760 Recuperating: Ralph Centoni had extensive hip surgery on Dec. 5th, this was the 4th time on that hip. It will be 6 weeks before he will be up and around and able to do much. Give him a call @ 345-0869, or send him a card. His address is 12701 Gander St. Anchorage, Alaska 99516 He would probably like to hear from the club members and friends. Dennis and Diane J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 Tinkering Times PA G E 4 J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 Tinkering Times PA G E 5 J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 Tinkering Times PA G E 6 2007 Schedule of Events Jan 10 - Regular Meeting, Installation of Officers, 7:30 pm ( Robinson‟s Club Room) Feb 14 - Regular Meeting., 7:30 pm ( Robinson‟s Club Room, 333-0693) Feb 17 - Fur Rondezvous Parade - (Chairperson?) Feb 18 - 19? - Fur Rondezvous Car Show - Kurt Rein March - 14 - Regular Meeting, 7:30 pm ( Robinson‟s) April 11 - Regular Meeting 7:30 pm ( Robinson‟s ) April 21? Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry Clean-up, 9am-4pm. April ? - The Alaska Custom Car and Cycle Show (566-2346) (Performance Promotions Event) May ? - Adopt-A Road Cleanup (AAMA event) (Chairperson?) May 9 - Rolling Meeting, 6:30 pm - Chairperson?) May ?- Early Bird Cruise, (AAMA event) - (Chairperson?) June? - Alaska Sales 500 -Valley, (AAMA event) -(Chairperson?) June ? - Kulis Family Day, (Air National Guard event) - (Chairperson?) June 7 - Serendipity Adult Day Care Center , 1;00pm - 3:pm ( AAMA event) Marilyn 279- 0501 June 13 - Rolling meeting 6:30 pm (Chairperson?) June 14 - Daybreak Adult Day Center, 1:30 -2-30 pm (AAMA event) Nancy Haley 346-2234 June ? - Colony Days Show 700 -10:pm Plamer Library parking lot, Leroi Heaven, 376-5679 June ? - Colony Day s Parade, 10:am (Leroi Heaven 376-5679 June ? - Summer Solstice Rumble - Valley Cruizer‟s event? TBA June ? MATI Car Show - 9:00 am (AAMA event) June 29 - July 7 - Long Distance Tour, (Bruce Campbell 345-3129) July 4 - Anchorage and Chugiak Parades ( Chairperson?) July 4 - Seward Parade (Chairperson?) July 4 - Wasilla Parade (Chairperson?) July - Rolling Meeting . 6:30 pm. (Chairperson?) July ? - Bear Paw Car Show, Eagle River, 6-30 -9 pm, (Chairperson?) July ? - Bear Paw Parade, 9:am staging, 11:am parade, Eagle River, (Chairperson?) July ? - Adopt-A-Road Cleanup, (Chairperson?) (AAMA event) July 13-15 - Hope Weekend ( United Methodist Retreat has been reserved) ( Chairperson?) August 5 - Show and Shine9am Park Strip - Hosted by MSSRA -(Chairman?) August ? - Hot Summer Nights, Palmer (Valley Cruizers/MSSRA event) (Chairperson?) August 8 - Rolling Meeting, 6:30 pm (Chairperson?) August - VLNAACF Joint Meet (TBA) Fairbanks Host (Chairperson?) August 25 - State Fair Parade and Show Palmer Police Dept. ( Leroi Heaven 376-5679) Sept 13 - Regular Meeting ( Robinson‟s Club Room) Sept ? - ADOPT-A-ROAD Cleanup (AAMA event) (Chairperson?) Oct 10 - Regular Meeting (Robinson‟s Club Room) Nov 14 - Regular Meeting ( Elections) 7:30pm, ( Robinson‟s Club Room- 333-0693) Dec. ? - Christmas Party (TBA) (AAMA event, (Chairperson?) Tinkering Times J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 January Birthdays Ralph Dave Wayne Bruce Donald Joyce Jim Mathew R Centoni Syren Weiler Campbell Morefield Swanson Bains Thorson Jan 7 7 9 23 29 30 31 31 PA G E 7 Need Car Storage? Downtown Anchorage, $75:00 per month. Secure, Covered, Convenient. The snow and ice are here!!! Contact Dave Syren 277-9046 or 268-6899 pager. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX For Sale: Miscellaneous Model A parts Call Ken Evans - 345-5246 2007 AAMA Long distance Trip Just a quick update on the long distance tour. 1. Passports will be required to enter Canada and the U.S. 2. I.D. will be required to board ferries. If you don‟t have a passport better start the process as it takes at least 90 days. The Tracy Arm excursion is set for 5th of July with “Adventure Bound Alaska” NOT “Gold Belt Tours” as I stated in my Dec. 13 memo. Remember you should make reservations at 1-800-820-2628 prior to Jan 3 if you wish to go. Be sure to mention you are with the Antique Auto Mushers. I am working on getting reduced rates for the tram up to the Mt. Roberts Restaurant for dinner on July 3. Hopefully this will work out. At this point all of the group are apparently returning on the July 6 ferry to Haines except the Lears. If you have other plans please let me know. The hotel reservations are made. Check your decorations for the Canada Day parade and the Juneau and Douglas parades. Suggest flags, Both Canadian and U.S. and streamers etc. etc. Candy is allowed in Douglas and we believe in Juneau. Don‟t know about Whitehorse but will find out and advise you later. If you plan to play the candy throwing game you may want to buy a ton of cheap candy to toss out. Bruce Campbell -cat herder December 26, 2006 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Remember this is „07now and „‟07 dues are past due. If your address is highlighted in yellow you haven‟t paid. Bring them to the next meeting or mail them to this address.---Howard AAMA P.O. Box 232086 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-2086 Note* For details about Schedule of Events visit : AAMA WEBSITE HTT://groups.msn.com/Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska J A N U A R Y 2 0 07 PA G E 8 Tinkering Times Jerde Cir January 10, 2007 7:30 PM (Robbie’s Club House) Refreshments : Hansen‟s Tinkering Times Article Deadline Please submit articles for the Tinkering Times by the 25th of the month for the next month‟s newsletter. Fax information to Barb Hansen (907) 345-1268 or e-mail: Howbarb@alaska.net. Please put “Tinkering Times” in the subject line. Howard & Barb HansenEditors
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