Coastal Community Credit Union Donates


Coastal Community Credit Union Donates
Serving the Discovery Islands for 20 Years - since 1992
March 2, 2012
Coastal Community Credit Union
Donates Through Quadra Legacy Fund
his year we will be donating
$44,000 to 11 community groups
across Quadra and Cortes Islands
through the Quadra Legacy Fund.
Coastal Community believes in making a
visible and meaningful difference in the
communities we serve, and in order to
build healthier Island communities it is
important that our funding dollars remain
local. We are pleased to partner with local
community groups that work hard each day
to make a meaningful difference in each of
our communities.
To ensure that our funding allocations
best meet the needs of our communities,
Coastal Community looks to our regional
Community Connection Councils, which
are made up of members from your
community. Our councils provide us with
insight and recommendations as to which
proposals best meet the needs of your local
The recipients for 2011 were: Old Farm
Community Garden, Quadra Children’s
Centre, Quadra Circle, Quadra Island Fall
Fair, Quadra Island Recreation Society and
Discovery Island Emergency Preparedness
Association, and on Cortes Island, Cortes
Island Museum & Archives Society , Cortes
Community Health Association, Cortes
Community Radio Society, Cortes Island
Emergency Services, Southern Cortes
Community Association, and Old School
House Art Gallery.
In addition to our Quadra Legacy Fund,
Coastal Community will donate additional
funds through a number of community
programs including over $131,900 to 49
community groups across Vancouver
Island through our Coastal Spirit Fund
Branch Investment Program, which
empowers our employees to make funding
decisions based on the needs of their
local communities. Other Community
Investment programs include Fundraising
Fridays, Employee Volunteer Program,
Scholarships, and Young Entrepreneur
Our Commitment to the communities
we serve is not only important to our
employees and our members and clients,
but it is a part of who we are at Coastal
Community. By being leaders in building
healthier communities, and making
those meaningful and visible differences,
Coastal Community believes we have the
opportunity to enrich peoples’ lives.
Museum Book Sale
and Fundraiser
Vancouver Island Regional Library is seeking Tenders from qualified janitorial service
contractors to offer janitorial service to the New Quadra Island Branch Library located
at 654 Harper Road, Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island, BC. The Quadra Island Branch is
approximately 3,200 sq. ft. in total size.
Tenders must be delivered to the Purchasing Department, Vancouver Island Regional
Library, Central Services, 6250 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6M9 prior to
3:00 p.m., Local Time, Friday March 9th, 2012 the “closing date and time”.
A site visit to view the area of work is mandatory. The mandatory site visit is scheduled
at 10:30 a.m., Friday, February 24th at 654 Harper Road, Quathiaski Cove, Quadra
Island. Bidders not attending the site visit will not be allowed to submit a Tender.
Invitation to Tender documents are available by contacting Elisa Balderson, Purchasing
Phone: (250) 729-2307 or email: Please state Tender Number
and provide your Name, Phone number and Email address.
The lowest or any Bid will not necessarily be accepted. The Vancouver Island Regional
Library reserves the right to accept the Tender which it deems most advantageous.
2 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
Running out of good books to read? The
Museum at Campbell River has the answer. The 7th Annual Used Book Sale and
Fundraiser is coming up soon from March
3 – 7, and judging by the donations coming
in, the sale will have a treasure trove of
reading material filled with a broad range of
subject areas, from mystery to adventure to
history, both fiction and non fiction. This
year we have a large selection of geography
and travel books, along with biographies,
crafts and Canadian authors. Sale runs from
noon to 4:00 p.m. all days.
Donations to the sale are still very
welcome! Drop your previously loved
books off between noon and 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday to Sunday from now until March
1st at the Museum (preferably at the back
entrance off 4th Avenue). Please note the
Museum is closed on Mondays. We gratefully accept all donations but
no encyclopedias, school texts, romance
novels, Reader’s Digest or magazines.
Submit your news or event info, editorial runs free: email: drop off 701 Cape Mudge Rd. or at Hummingbird
Parent & Tots, QCC, 9:30 am - 12 pm
Low Impact, 8:30 am, QCC
Yoga with Josephine, Room 3, QCC, 10 am -12 noon
Karate, 4:30 pm, QCC
Sing for Pure Joy! Room 3, QCC, 3 - 4:30 pm, All welcome.
Weight Watchers, QCC, 6 pm - 7 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous, Quadra Children’s Centre 7 pm
Mandy’s Movielicous night in the HBI Pub 9:00
1st Monday - Quadra writers group, 7 - 9 pm 285-3656
Spinners 10:00 am – 12:00 QCC
Quadra Children’s Song Circle, Room 3, QCC3 - 4 pm
ZUMBA- QCC- 6-7 pm
Al-Anon Meeting, Quadra Children’s Centre, 7:00 pm
Folkdancing, QCC, 7:30 pm, Sept 21-Apr 26
Parent and Babes 11 am QCC
Food Bank 1-2:00 p.m. (1st & 3rd Wed of every month) QCC
UofQ Pub education from your Neighbours. HBI pub 7:00 pm
Hand-drum Circle, Upper Realm, 7:45 - 9:15 pm
1st & 3rd Wednesday Food Bank,QCC 1 - 2 pm
Parents & Tots, QCC, 9:30 am - 12 pm
Karate 4:00 pm QCC
Prayer Meeting, Quadra Island Bible Church, 7 pm
Drop in games and wing night, Legion, 7:00 pm.
Sound Spirit Kirtan - QCC - 7-8pm - By Donation
Friday, March 2
- Kinfo - HBI Pub music 9pm
Saturday, March 3
- Winter Market Q.C.C. 10 am-2 pm
- Cheese-making workshop 1 - 4 pm at Perrywinkle Cottage 692 Cedar Dr.
- Celebrate International Women’s Day Q.C.C. 6 pm
Wednesday, March 7
- Free Money, 11:30 a.m., Seminar Room, Q.C.C.
Saturday, March 10
- Steven Page, singer-songwriter, guitarist QCC 8:00 pm
Monday March 12
- Garden Club presents Ryan Nassichuk on Cover Crops 7pm QCC
Tuesday, March 20
- VIRL New branch opening
Saturday, March 24
- Ladies Auxiliary Garage Sale Quadra legion
- spOIL and On The Line 7:00 pm QICC
Tuesday March 27
- Quadra Island Cemetery AGM; 8:00pm at the Quadra Legion
Wednesday, March 28 - Learn to Play- Play to Learn Workshop 6:30 – 8:30 at the Literacy Centre,
Quadra Elementary
Saturday, April 14
- Ladies Auxiliary Plant & Bake Sale
Next Deadline: Monday, MARCH 12th, 2012
Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 pm Quadra Children’s Centre
Fridays – Live bands in the HBI Pub 9:00 pm
“Fun Ride” Easy to Moderate bike ride 10:30 am Aroma Cafe
Quadra Legion Meat Draw 5pm
Open mic with Mo. 9:00pm HBI pub
Family Service, Quadra Island Bible Church, 10:30 am
Quadra Sunday Painters, 11 am - 2 pm, 285-3390
United Church-11 am, first Sun. of month-12 noon, 285-3163.
Buddhist meditation, Upper Realm, 10 am.
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 3
MARCH 2, 2012
Local Is
This letter is in response to
Mimi Smienks article on the
100 mile diet. I would like to
invite everybody down to the
other end of Q.Cove shopping
plaza where we at Amped on
Nutrition have been going out
of our way to support the local
farmers for the last four years
with lovely LOCAL ONLY
organic produce from Dirt
Co, Tera Nova, Topcliff Farm,
Emily + Sam’s garlic, Granite
Bay apples and Mimi’s garlic.
Another shop that comes
into the 100 mile concept is
Evangelines Island Treasures.
Evangeline carries LOCAL
ONLY Quadra and Cortes
made creations. In order for the
100 mile concept to survive,
the community needs to be
more supportive.
People need to start shopping
locally more so the demand
meets the supply.
Barbara Mindell
Dear Editor,
Copyright 2012
Beverley and I would like
to express our sincere thank
you to the Quadra Island
Volunteer Fire Department,
for their outstanding
professionalism and skill. The
fire that consumed our garage/
workshop on January 22nd
was thankfully kept contained
in order to prevent spread
to surrounding structures
and property. Watching
the volunteer force led by
Capt. Sharron Glendenning
reminded us how the
community of Quadra Island
is truly something special, and
how truly fortunate we are to
live here.
Mike Arseneau
4 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
Apology For
Golf Course
As most community members
are aware, significant damage
was sustained to the golf course
in January. The damage was
caused by a dirt bike and an
ATV riding over the recently
planted fairways and greens. Three youths were identified
as having committed the
damage and they have recently
participated in a restorative
justice process where they
admitted to their actions. As
part of the process, the three
youths prepared an apology
letter to the community. This letter is in regards to
the damage that was done
on January 9th, 2012 to the
golf course. We would first
like to say how sorry we are
to the directors and all the
people who put all their time
and effort in on fixing up and
making this course.
When we rode our bikes
through the course, it was not
our intention to do the damage.
We were just riding our bikes
through at night. We know it is
still no excuse.
To the people of Quadra Island,
we would also like to say
sorry. We have been in contact
with the RCMP, Directors,
and some members of the
community, and are in the
makings of making a restitution
of how we can help in our
community to make it right.
Again, we are truly sorry. To our parents, we are sorry
that we lied to you about what
we did that night.
Submitted by
Shane Worth - Quadra RCMP
on behalf of those concerned
Dear Editor
The Friends of Strathcona Park
(FOSP) have been fighting
for approximately seven
years against government
moves to allow a high-impact
commercial operation into the
Bedwell Valley in Strathcona
Park. When the Strathcona Park
Master Plan didn’t allow the
proposed commercial activity,
the government changed the
Master Plan.
When 80 - 90% of people
attending a hastily contrived
government “consultation”
process spoke against it, the
government went ahead.
When the Strathcona Park
Public Advisory Committee
(appointed by government)
opposed it unanaimously, the
government still went ahead.
The Friends of Strathcona
Park have been fighting issues
similar to this one since a
former government chopped
the park in half in 1987 and
opened the park up to extensive
high-impact commercial
operations. FOSP won that
battle, and the governent was
forced to reverse its actions
after a major public blockade
in 1988.
The fight to create a real park
didn’t end with the blockade. A few years later, when a park
administrator turned park land
over to a logging company to
construct a logging road, FOSP
fought it in court.
When a mine illegally flew
engineering crews into several
alpine lakes in the park to
prepare plans to siphon water
from the delicate lake systems
for hydro power, FOSP fought
Obviously, it takes more
than a set of boundaries to
create a park. To be effective,
the boundaries must have
meaning, and meaning doesn’t come
without work. Before the 1988 blockade,
there were around 250 mining claims in
Strathcona. Whole valleys in the park had
been logged with government approval. Entire watersheds had been dammed
to provide hydro power for commercial
purposes. Creeks were polluted, fish were
killed, lakes were strewn with garbage, all
by commercial operations approved by
provincial governments.
Drawing boundaries on a map doesn’t
create a park. From 1911 to 1988,
Strathcona was essentially a commercial
park. In 1988, people finally began to
fight to give park boundaries some real
meaning. People wanted a real park, not a
commercial enterprise. Most of the mining claims in the park
have now been extinguished. There is
currently only one operating mine, and
it will eventually close. Commercial
logging in the park has stopped. Lakes
are no longer being dammed. These
activitiies, so damaging to the park, didn’t
just stop on their own, and they weren’t
willingly stopped by governments. It
took a huge amount of hard work and the
arrests of many dedicated people to force
government to change direction. The
battle continues.
In December, the present provincial
government approved a permit for a highimpact commercial dude ranch operation
in the Bedwell Valley.
This operation is totally unsuitable to
a west coast rainforest valley. It will
harm the park in many ways. The park
belongs to the public, and the government
shouldn’t have the right to give the Bedwell
over to serve the commercial wishes of a
high-impact private operation. FOSP will fight this in court. A motivated
and very capable lawyer has been hired. A win will create a valuable precedent in
law. The park is worth it. Please donate at:
These are my own thoughts, and I’m
writing this plea on my own, although I’m
also an executive member of FOSP. Karl Stevenson Royston
Annual General
Meeting Of Centre For
Spiritual Living
Campbell River The Board of Trustee’s of the Centre for
Spiritual Living - Campbell River will be
holding the elections of its Trustee’s at the
AGM on March 11, 2012 at the Willow
Point Hall. Sunday Celebration starts at
10:30 am, 11:30 am there will be a Pot
Luck followed at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
the AGM and election the the Board of
Trustee’s. Everyone welcome to hear the
Annual General meeting however only
members may vote.
Following the end of the AGM there will
be a video of Dr. Kenn Gordon’s address
at Centres for Spiritual Living first elected
leadership in New Orleans. United Centres
for Spiritual Living and International
Centres for Spiritual Living have integrated
to be ONE after a 50 year split. Dr. Kenn
Gordon is the co-pastor of Centre for
Spiritual Living Kelowna and served as
President of the International Centre of
Spiritual Living since 1999. In 2005 he was
named Minister of the year and received
his Doctorate of Humanities, and is now
the Spiritual Leader for the integrated
Centre for Spiritual Living. The Centres
for Spiritual Living’s goal is to empower
100 million lives in the world. Dr. Kenn
Gordon is also teacher to Jill Brocklehurst,
Spiritual Director of the Centre for
Spiritual Living Campbell River.
About the Centre for Spiritual Living
Campbell River
At the Centre for Spiritual Living Campbell
River, we teach spiritual tools to enhance
personal lives, thereby making the
world a better place. We are a non-profit
organization with the mission to awaken
humanity to its spiritual magnificence.
We offer an on-going variety of classes
online and in-person. We gather as a
spiritual community every Sunday for
Celebration at the Willow Point Hall 10:30
a.m., Meditation at 10:00 a.m. For more
information visit http://campbellriver.csl.
Painting Cruise With
BC Artist Gaye Adams The Campbell River Art Gallery and
Mothership Adventures are thrilled to
announce that renowned B.C. artist Gaye
Adams will be leading a painting cruise on
the beautiful Columbia III May 27-May 30.
Participants will have the opportunity
to paint some of the most beautiful and
remote coastal locations in B.C. with
instruction and guidance from Adams.
Adams is a master pastellist and member of
the Oil Painters of America who has won
awards at the international level and had
images featured in numerous publications
around the world.
Adams will be working in oils, her
favourite ‘plein air’ medium, but pastellists,
watercolourists and acrylicists are most
welcome to take part in this exciting
painting cruise. Coaching will be geared to
the experience level and personal style of
each artist. Adams will work with students
to help them find strong design elements
within the landscape, because she feels that
learning to simplify the landscape and distil
it down to its important elements is the key
to successful field work.
Daily demonstrations and lively
conversation around all things art-related
will punctuate each glorious day aboard
the Columbia III. The Columbia III is a
stunningly luxurious 68’ vessel featuring
gourmet food passengers rave about
for years afterwards. The annual coastal
painting cruise is one of the seasonal
highlights for Mothership Adventures,
which provides a wide variety of exciting
coastal adventures on the Columbia III.
The scenery participants will get the
chance to see is unparalleled – artists will
see stunning landscapes daily.
For more information about Adams,
visit To learn
more about the Columbia III and
Mothership Adventures, go to www.
The three-night painting cruise with Gaye
Adams leaves from Campbell River and
costs $1,650 per participant. For more
information, contact the Campbell River
Art Gallery at 250-287-2261, curator@ or check out www.
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 5
Area C
by Jim Abram
ello to all, on this glorious, sunny
“spring” day (in spite of the
temperature and NW wind). Let’s
hope we are finished with the worst of
Nothing has slowed down in my world of
local government. Actually the pace has
quickened. That is a good thing as far as I
am concerned, since I like things to happen
and to see results. We are nearing the
“results” stage on a number of fronts.
So let’s get started with the most
Meeting with Minster
Responsible for Connectivity
As I mentioned in my report of Feb. 13th,
I was to meet with the Minister to discuss
connectivity on our island. I met with
her on Jan. 20th and also had the benefit
of having officials from Network BC at
the meeting also. They are the part of the
ministry that deals with connectivity in
general. So, I got to have two meetings
rolled into one. It went very well and I feel
that both the Minister and the Network
BC officials will be doing their best to
support us in their conversations with
Telus. They cannot force Telus to serve us,
but they certainly can give them a strong
recommendation. I presented them with
the same business case materials that I
provided to Telus.
Meeting with Telus Connectivity
As I discussed in my report of January
16th and February 13th, I met with the
General Manager for Vancouver Island at
Telus in Victoria on January 9th. Please
refer to those reports for details so that
I do not need to repeat them here. I am
meeting with him again on Monday the
27th at 8:30 am for a full hour to go over
the business case and the possible “build
out” of our island. This will give them a
good idea if there is enough business to be
had to warrant spending the dollars they
will need to spend to connect us up to high
speed internet, island wide. I will also be
going over the possible questions that the
public will need to be asked in a survey to
6 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
give them added information in making
their case to their superiors. Just the fact
that he is willing to meet once again after
I sent him all of the info he requested is
promising. I am going to remain optimistic
and will fill you in after the meeting.
Meeting with the
Minister of Transportation
I will be having a private meeting with
Minister Blair Lekstrom on Monday the
27th at 11:30 am to discuss our never
ending battle to get ferries under the
umbrella of Highways and to lower the
fares. I have met with Blair a number of
times and will be meeting with him again
in March with the group of coastal regional
district chairs. We will also be meeting
with the Premier at that time also. We will
be discussing the same topics and also
the entire report that was prepared by the
Ferry Commissioner. As a group, we have
been developing a response paper to the
recommendations of the Commissioner.
We are making our own recommendations
based on what our communities want. The
government is going to make some sort of
decision in the next few months, I am sure.
This is why we are putting this amount
of effort into this issue and keeping the
pressure on them right now. Our group
represents 70% of the population of BC, so
I think the government will be taking this
discussion fairly seriously. This could be
our last shot at making substantive changes
to the Ferry system prior to an election.
Public meeting on 2012 Budget
- Monday, March 12th, 7pm at the School
The SRD will be holding a public meeting,
at my request, to discuss the upcoming
financial plan for the coming year. This is
a very important meeting to attend so that
you can get the details of the budget for
the next year right from the staff who have
prepared it. A short presentation will be
given and then the floor will be open to
questions and answers. The meeting will
take place at the Quadra Elementary School
at 7pm on Monday, March 12th. Please
attend and be fully informed by our staff.
Another Notice! - Regional
Solid Waste Management
Public meeting
- Thursday, March 15th, 7 - 9pm at the
Community Centre
Please, please, please attend this meeting!
This is the 5 year review of our Plan
and your input will help to shape which
direction the Waste Management Plan will
go. Do you want more recycling? Do you
want to see your rates go up annually for
tipping fees at the landfill??? Do you want
to see a Waste to Energy plant (incinerator)
in the Campbell River area??? These are
some of the issues that will be discussed in
detail. The consultants and staff will make
a presentation and then take questions.
This is your opportunity to be heard. Please
don’t let it slip by.
Quathiaski Cove
Local Area Plan
The Local Area Plan will be before the
board soon and a public hearing date will
probably be set for May or June. We have
been waiting a long time for this to go
through the proper process and we are just
about there. There will be plenty of notice
given and I hope the entire community will
I need to prepare for travel to my meetings
in Victoria so that is about it for this
report. Feel free to call me between the
hours of 8:30 am and 7:00 pm, Monday
through Friday (please, not on weekends,
folks!) at 285-3355, or you can fax me at
285-3533 or you can email me anytime
at , or by mail at
Box 278 in the Cove, V0P 1N0... Lots of
choices. You can also view my website
Please do not use my residential phone
number for SRD calls. All business calls
should be on 285-3355. Many thanks!
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Abram Director, Discovery Islands - Mainland
Inlets (Area C), SRD
Tuesday March 27th, 2012;
8:00pm at the Quadra Legion
is Monday
March 12th
Send in your submissions
fax: 250-285-2236 or drop it off
at Hummingbird or our office at
701 Cape Mudge Rd.
Women’s Day
Ladies Auxiliary
Garage Sale
Come and celebrate
International Women’s Day
on Quadra on Saturday March
3, 6pm at the Community
Centre. All women are invited
! Potluck dinner followed
by laughs, learning, art and
entertainment. Bring your
friends and meet new ones.
Please bring your own dishes,
cups and cutlery so that no one
has to clean up! Admission by
donation please, to cover hall
rental. See you there, women!
Quadra Legion Br # 154 Ladies
are putting on their yearly
Garage Sale on March 24th. If
you are interested in renting a
table for $5.00
Zumba dance fitness classes
will be offered every Tuesday
night at the Community Centre
starting at 5:45 and running
until 6:45. (*NOTE the start
time of 6:45 that went into
the Hungry Eye is incorrect*)
Come out and have fun dancing
your booty off!
Please contact Chris Dyson @
250-285-2207 or Barbara Frank @
250-285-3714 Get your tables early.
Ladies Auxiliary
Plant & Bake Sale
Our plant and Bake sale is
coming up on April 14/12
If you have any plants to donate
when you are cleaning up the
flower garden we would much
appreciate them. Contact Barb
Frank @ 250-285-3714
Firewood Free Firewood is available
every Wednesday at 1 p.m.
right after the Community
Lunch. Just drive your vehicle or a
friend’s pick-up truck to the
rear doors of the Quadra
Community Centre at 1 p.m.
We will meet you there and
help you load up. If you can’t come at this time
or cannot find a vehicle, call
Steve Moore at 285-3323 for
an alternative arrangement. In
some cases, we can deliver. Newcomers to
Quadra Island
New to Quadra? The Discovery
Islands Chamber of Commerce
and local businesses welcome
you with a gift bag. Please
contact Judy at 285-2150.
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 7
Heriot Bay
Harbour Report Workshop on Quadra
Phase 4 of the new Heriot Bay Harbour
Improvement Project has now been
completed under budget and on time.
The project manager, Harbours employees,
Lee Roberts, Fraser River Pile Driving and
the board members who put so much time
on this project deserve a great deal of credit.
Phase 5 which involves reconfiguration of
the docks will proceed later this year when
funding and a successful bidder is in place.
In order to maximize safety and minimize
congestion the board requests that
everyone respect and obey the posted signs.
Please be patient as it will take some trial and
error to get this facility running smoothly.
As some of you may have read in a previous
D.I. we now have a historic vessel at our
dock, unfortunately the owner of this
vessel along with two others have not fully
paid their moorage and electrical power
fees. In addition the most derelict of the
three is now at a mooring in Heriot Bay.
We the tax payer have already paid to have
all oils and toxic materials removed and
are now paying to have it pumped so that it
will not sink and cause a boating hazard.
The Harbours Board lobbied to have this
boat removed on the F.R.P.D. Barge but was
turned down by a government bureaucrat
because there was no money available (???).
The remaining two boats are presently
moored on the wave attenuator at the H.B.
Dock pending the outcome of a number of
legal actions which once again will cost us
taxpayers thousands of dollars.
The Harbours Board has gone through some
stressful times with all these issues on our
agenda, particularly as we are volunteers,
and we hope that you the public will
support us in our efforts to make our two
harbours secure, safe and friendly places for
commercial and pleasure boating.
- Pete Calverley
8 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
Join Mimi Smienk of Open Bay Farm
on Saturday, March 3, 1pm to 4pm at
Perrywinkle Cottage (692 Cedar Drive)
for an introduction to soft cheesemaking. With local fresh cow’s milk,
Mimi will demonstrate the steps involved
in making creamy soft cheese. Amanda
Stewart-Webb will join us to discuss
her adventures in hard cheese-making.
Participants will also enjoy a sampling
of cheeses from the islands and locally
made artisan bread. Workshop fee is
$45 and includes a take home sample of
the soft cheese made in class. Limit 8
participant. To register call Carol at 250285-3664.
spOIL and
On The Line
The award-winning documentary spOIL
is the result of a Rave (a Rapid Assessment
Visual Expedition) to the Great Bear
Rainforest by the International League of
Conservation Photographers. The seven
world-renowned photographers and three
videographers focused their energy and
cameras on this pristine region in response
to the plans by Enbridge Inc. to build
a pipeline for heavy crude oil from the
Alberta tar sands across British Columbia
to the coast of the Great Bear Rainforest.
In On The Line, filmmaker Frank Wolf and
his friend Todd McGowan undertake a
low-tech trip along the proposed route of
the Enbridge pipeline, making investigative
pit stops along the way. Wolf gives voice
to the citizens whose lives will be upended
by the project - some are ambivalent,
most are opposed, all are fearful. Wolf ’s
documentary is brilliantly structured: his
trip through the relatively unspoiled land of
two provinces is a literal, slowly cumulative
demonstration of what exists now, and
what could be ruined tomorrow. His casual,
detouring trek is an act of witness and
exposure that the corporate media aims to
minimize. Here are the land and its people;
here will be the natural and human costs of
the Tar Sands.
Caitlyn Vernon, Coastal Programs
Campaigner for the Sierra Club BC, will
talk about the Enbridge Northern Gateway
Joint Review Panel Hearings and answer
questions on the project.
Workshop with the
Haig-Brown Writerin-Residence
Trevor Herriot
The Museum at Campbell River is offering
a unique opportunity to participate in a
writing workshop with the 2012 HaigBrown Writer-in-Residence Trevor
Herriot. On Saturday, March 3, from 1:00 pm – 4
pm, Herriot will lead a workshop with a
focus on ‘Nature Writing’. The workshop
will take place at the historic Haig-Brown
House. This is a wonderful opportunity
to learn writing techniques from a skilled
master of nature writing. Trevor Herriot is a prairie naturalist and
writer. His latest book is ‘Grass, Sky,
Song: Promise and Peril in the World of
Grassland Birds’ (HarperCollins, February,
2009). His writing has appeared in the
Globe & Mail, Canadian Geographic,
and several anthologies. He has written
two radio documentaries for CBC Ideas
and is a monthly guest on CBC Radio
Saskatchewan’s Blue Sky.
Trevor’s blog, “Grass Notes”
( discusses
some of the stories and issues he addresses
in his books. He lives in Regina with his
wife Karen and their four children.
The cost for the workshop is $45.00 . Please call the Museum at 287-3103 to
reserve a place. Numbers are limited.
Winter Market at the
Community Centre
Saturday, March 3rd 10am-2pm
Tired of the rain? Need a break? Come on
out to the Winter Market. Enjoy a terrific
assortment of local artisans.
Woodworking, jewellery, books, soaps,
all of your favourite things under one roof.
Rain or shine!
This week, Judi MacMillan (Sew Much
More) has all the accessories your heart
desires, handbags, scarves, jewellery,
jackets, dress up spring!
Fascinating Fascinators. Join Lime Soda
Photography and Lydia for a fun modern
day portrait with old fashioned flair. All
props to dress you in style! Fascinators for
sale too.
Sarah Gregg Granger of Heart and Soul
Home Care has openings for 2 foot care
sessions on Saturday or you can book an
appointment (250-204-7648) for a later
Treat yourself and get those fancy feet
ready for Spring!
Rave reviews on the yummy lunches,
delicious soups and baking. Or just sip a
cup of coffee or tea. Best price on Quadra!
Spend your Saturday surrounded by friends
and handmade items. Come on out, much
more to see!
Set up is 8 am. Tables are $10.00. Need
more info? Michele@250-285-3747 or
This Sierra Quadra event will be on
Saturday, March 24th. Please note that it
starts at 7:00 pm with doors open at 6:30
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 9
Quadra Island Library
Branch closes March
10th with new branch
opening on March 20th
NANAIMO, February 27, 2012 –
Customers of the Quadra Island Library
Branch will soon be able to enjoy their new
library at Cove Centre, Quathiaski Cove.
The current library branch will be closed
starting on Sunday, March 11th. The
new branch opens in its new location on
Tuesday, March 20th.
“Quadra Island customers are encouraged
to borrow as much material as they wish
before the library closes at the end of
the day on Saturday, March 10th,” says
Timothy Skye, Library Manager. “Loan
periods have been adjusted and fines will
not be assessed.”
The new 3207 sq. ft. facility will be slightly
more than three times the size of the
present 1024 sq. ft. branch with room for
more books, CDs, DVDs, newspapers,
magazines and six public computers.
When the library re-opens on Tuesday,
March 20th, all library materials will
remain as a fixed collection for six months.
A date for the official grand opening of the
new branch will be announced in the next
few weeks.
The new facility will provide a welcoming,
airy and bright, fully-accessible community
space with large windows, and room for an
expanded collection.
Get Your
Seeds Ready!!
The Second Annual Fall Fair is coming!
I hope that everyone is still enjoying
the immense satisfaction of eating from
their gardens, although the last squash
has just gone and we are on the last box
of potatoes! What better motivation to
get going on growing for next winter…
and of course for the Fall Fair. As you
are considering your spring planting, be
thinking about what you will enter for
fruits and vegetables…and please do take
up the Giant Pumpkin Challenge. To
grow a real whopper, world champion
giant pumpkin you need to start planning
now. All contenders should be sourcing,
wheeling and dealing for a secret giant
pumpkin seed supplier. The olympian
training begins with barrow after barrow
of ‘soil ammendment’. I must admit that
I have been eyeing, with envy, the lovely
new poly tunnel that has arisen on my
route to Heriot Bay…will they take up the
challenge and baby a giant along? Don’t
forget to make sure the door will be big
enough! We know from history that the
Community Garden is quite capable of
producing a good sized contender. So,
as you wander in your garden with the
promise of sun, greeting the garlic poking
up through the winters’ mulch, do consider
what you can grow and show this fall!
Carol Anne Caulfield, on behalf of the
Community Garden,
Fruits and Vegetables Committee for
Quadra Island Fall Fair
Cortes Radio
Drop in and tune out
89.5 fm
10 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
Upper Realm Yoga
Spirit Books offers courses in Music and
Spiritual Renewal five nights a week.
Now, we present yet another new course:
Vinyasa Yoga with Kai. These Vinyasa
based yoga classes will take place in the
Meditation Room of Spirit Books in the
Upper Realm at Q. Cove on Sunday and
Tuesday nights from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
There is a $5 drop in fee. Everyone is
welcome. Call Kai at 250-850-9245 or Steve
at 250-285-3323 for more information. In
addition, hand-drumming is Wednesday
Nights at 7:45 p.m. Drums are provided if
you don’t have one (call Steve at 285-3323).
Meditation is on Thursday nights at 7:30
p.m. with Dave Ashton at 285-3871. Quadra
Unplugged, a guitar & other acoustic
instruments jam, is on Friday Nights at
7:30 p.m. but they are taking a break for a
couple of weeks. So call at Pat at 285-2807
to find out when they start up again. There
is also a Buddhist Meditation on Sunday
Mornings at 10 a.m. Monday night is still
available if you have a book club or a music
group or a spiritual course to offer. Call
Steve at 285-3323 to book the book store.
Free Video Exchange
The Free Video Exchange needs more
videos. I know you have been planning to
watch that old VHS or DVD video again.
But let’s face it sometimes watching a video
once is enough. So why not donate the
movie to the Free Video Exchange at the
Upper Realm in Q. Cove. And while you at
it, take some videos home that you haven’t
seen yet. Help yourself. The three shelves
of videos are at the top of the stairs. We are
strictly on the honour system but if you can
donate more videos than you take home
it is much appreciated. We are happy to
note that the number of DVD’s is slowly
increasing. Any questions, just ask anyone
is Spirit Books or call Steve at 285-3323
March 9th
Brazil, UK, USA
Rated G – doc.
After years of re-creating
famous paintings out of trash
and other discarded material,
the Brazilian-born artist, Vik
Muniz, returned to his home
country to photograph the
garbage pickers who scavenge
the world’s largest landfill,
Jardim Gramacho. Filmmaker
Lucy Walker opted to tag
along and take his project
one step deeper by drawing
Muniz’s models into the
picture. Walker’s interest in
her surreal new environment,
(7,000 tons of garbage are
received daily), and the people
who inhabit it, sweep her away. While Muniz is focused on
the end result of his portraits,
Walker’s team goes off to
discover the real lives of his six
models, giving us rare insight
into the compelling stories
behind the haunting portraits.
As compelling as these stories
are, the film grows stronger
still when mesmerizing the
audience with wordless
sequences of the garbage
pickers at work, and capturing
the otherworldly feel of the
place. During these scenes,
“Waste Land” feels more like
art than just another film
about art. It’s an eye-opening
experience for First World
audiences. And a testament
to the redemptive power of
Free Money
Free Money needs your help. Free
Money is available 6 months a year
from November to April, usually on
the first Wednesday of the month,
just before Community Lunch. We
have just enough money for March
7. However, we have almost
no money for April 4th. Please, please make a donation to the
Free Money Association Account in
our local Coastal Credit Union. We
need about $500 by April 1. Every
cent goes to Quadra residents in need. The generosity of Quadra Islanders
is truly a miracle. Think of the
Community Lunch, the Food Bank,
Free Firewood, Free Chimney
Sweeps and much more. We
haven’t missed a Free Money
Distribution in five years, despite the
fact that three of these years we have
been in an economic recession.
However, Free Money is still
available at 11:30 a.m., just
before the Community Lunch,
on Wednesday, March 7th in the
downstairs seminar room at the
Quadra Community Centre.
Individuals are welcome to take one
book of their choice containing a
$10 bill. Family members (or people
supporting others) can take two
books, each containing a $10 bill. Dog and cat food are also available. Quadra
The Learn to Play – Play to
Learn Workshop will be held
on Wednesday, March 28, 6:30
- 8:30 in the Literacy Centre
at Quadra Elementary. This
make and take workshop is
based on Susan Munzer’s story
baskets and felt board stories.
There will be a demonstration
of the many ways to tell a story
and participants will make a
felt board and felt characters
to dramatize a story with their
little ones. This workshop
will be of interest to parents,
grandparents, caregivers and
early childhood educators.
Childcare is provided. The
materials for the workshop are
supplied, so please preregister
at the Literacy Centre (across
the hall from the Kindergarten
class at Quadra Elementary) or
email robin.quadraliteracy@
The Vancouver Island
Regional Library’s Quadra
Island branch is currently
accepting bids for items of
furniture currently surplus
to requirement. Closed bids
will be accepted until 5:00
p.m., March 2, 2012. Please
address the enveloppe to
the attention of the Library
Manager, Vancouver Island
Regional Library, 1240
Shoppers Row, Campbell
River, V9W 2C8. Please drop
by the Quadra Island branch
(Heriot Bay) during open
hours to view the items for
sale. Those with winning bids
will be contacted after March
2 and must pick up the items
between Monday, March
12 and Friday, March 16 by
For more information, call
Steve Moore at 285-3323
~ Quadra Island Chapter
meets 8 pm Friday at Quadra
Children’s Centre, West Road. Everyone Welcome. Call 250-202-6049
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 11
It’s Only Fair
We Give A Heads Up!!
The 2nd Annual Quadra Island Fall Fair is
set for September 9th, 2012.
This year’s theme – Rural by Nature
We’re planting this seed early so you can
mark September 9th on your calendars,
and also to remind exhibitors that some
exhibits may need lead in time. ‘Now’
might be a good time to count backwards
from September 9th. Will you need two
months or seven to grow, knit, quilt or
write your Exhibit entry?
Reminders will be posted here and on
Facebook. (Quadra Island Fall Fair)
For people who would like to get involved
in this year’s Fair, contact Sioux @ 2516 or
Leslie @ 3727.
We’re looking forward to working with
our community on this fun event again this
How to improve
your garden soil
On Monday March 12th, 7pm at the
Community Centre, island resident Ryan
Nassichuk, will give a talk on west coast
cover crops, often called green manure.
For the last year, Ryan and his partner
Jessica have been gardening a previously
fallowed piece of land called Valdez
Farms, on the south end of Quadra. They
are already producing healthy vegetable
crops. Ryan’s talk will discuss the use of
cover crops for building and maintaining
soil fertility in vegetable gardens. To see
their progress on the farm, complete with
photos of Quadra’s seasonal challenges,
check out Ryan’s blog at On the blog,
Ryan lists many species of cover crops
including buckwheat, clover, phacelia,
oats, peas, tyfon, vetch and what he calls
“ the undisputed king of west coast cover
crops Fall Rye”. Come to the meeting and
learn from a connoisseur of winter green.
You will hear about Ryan’s techniques for
improving your soil structure and tilth.
Also watch for future workshops offered
at the farm on the topics of ‘how to grow’.
Ryan is a certified horticulturalist, who
along with his partner, Jessica, have made
Quadra their new home. For the show and tell table, bring some
spring flowers: crocus, hellebores, Japanese
plums, forced forsythia. Can anyone pick
a bouquet of daffodils for the meeting?
Share your extra seeds or seed catalogues.
Drop ins welcome $2 at the door or buy an
annual membership.
12 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
The (Ongoing) Crisis in Childcare
amilies across BC and Canada are
facing a crisis in childcare, things
are going from bad to worse. There
is a shortage of regulated spaces, fees are
high and the early childhood workforce
is underpaid with many early childhood
educators leaving the field to earn a living
wage elsewhere.
In BC there are licensed child care spaces
for only about 20 per cent of children. That
is only 1 in 5 regulated spaces!
The cost of childcare is high often being
the second highest cost for a family after
housing. The provincial median monthly
cost for infant/toddler care is $875; for
preschool care, ages 2.5-5 years is $665;
and for school-age care is $300. Unlike
other community services, childcare is
primarily a user fee system. The fees
families pay account for 70-80% of a child
care centre’s revenue. The remaining
revenues come from small government
grants and fundraising. It can cost a family
as much or more to pay for childcare from
birth to school-age entry as it does to pay
for university degree program. There are
no RESP’s (registered education savings
plan) for childcare!
Early Childhood Educators who generally
have 2 years of college- training are
underpaid and typically have no health or
pension benefits. After 5 years of working
in the field approximately 50 per cent leave
the field to find better paying jobs.
Here in BC two non-profit grassroots
organizations, the Early Childhood
Educators of BC and the Coalition of
Child Care Advocates of BC have come
together to propose to our government an
innovative and ambitious way forward in
terms of the childcare crisis.
• Quality child care is early learning;
• High quality early years programs
promote healthy development;
• Children and families need, and have the
right to, quality care and learning; and
• Current policies and approaches are not
The highlights of the Plan include:
• New legislation….a BC Early Care and
Learning Act
across BC into consideration, we will likely
have no option but to close our doors.
The Quadra Children’s Centre has greatly
appreciated the community’s support in
the past and we are asking for it again.
Please take a few minutes and endorse the
Plan at
Dee McPhee
Quadra Children’s Centre
• A new home for child care in the Ministry
of Education
• A new role for Boards of Education
• The development of Early Years Centre
• Enhancing Kindergarten and Grade one
• Strengthening School-age Care and
Family Child Care
• Developing the Early Childhood
Educators’ workforce
• Lower fees - $10 per full day/ $7 for
half day and free for families with a yearly
income of less than $40,000
Quadra Children’s Centre fully supports
this plan and is asking the Quadra
Community for their support too. Yes,
this plan is ambitious and it may take a
generation to come to fruition and we need
to start now so future families can have a
system which supports them.
Quadra Children’s Centre has been
affected by full school day kindergarten.
We know that if the BC government rolls
out a plan for 3 and 4 year olds without
taking our Centre and Centre’s like ours
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The Community Plan for a Public System
of Integrated Early Care and Learning is
in response to BC’s implementation of
full school day kindergarten for 5 year
olds as well as to the promise made by
our government of some form of prekindergarten programming for children
age 3 and 4 along with the crisis’ facing
childcare as mentioned above.
The Plan is built upon well-established
research that clearly shows that:
• Public spending on the early years is a
wise social and economic investment;
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 13
Take two jazz musicians, add two
ukuleles… and you get Jazzalele. You get
the sunny sounds of the ukulele ringing
out classic and Latin jazz with Hawaiian
The cozy, relaxed atmosphere of the HBI’s
Fireside Lounge is the perfect venue to
enjoy an evening of sunny jazz. Jazzalele
will be performing at the Heriot Bay Inn
Saturday March 3 at 7 pm. $15 at the door
for the evening performance.
Jazzalele is Anna Lyman, MexicanAmerican Jazzista and recording artist, and
Steve Sutton, a Victoria-based bassist and
ukulele player. Anna is a festival favourite,
and when she’s not onstage she enjoys
teaching voice and ukulele.
To sample what you’ll hear Saturday,
March 10, visit
It’s a weekend to revel in the ukulele,
because Sunday you can learn or expand
your ukulele knowledge at one of three
workshops. “The voice of the ukulele will
bring you happiness and delight your
friends” according to instructor Anna
Lyman. Never played or just beginning to
play the uke? The beginner’s workshop will
teach you simple chords and how to easily
move from one chord to another, and there
will be some ukuleles available to borrow.
The intermediate workshop will help you
get more excitement and pleasure out of
your ukulele, including making bigger
sounds with smaller efforts, the Hawaiian
turnaround, and an introduction to the
Hawaiian Triplet strum.
The advanced workshop is aimed at
“Extreme ukulele for experienced players”
and will include chord melody techniques,
fingerpicking tabs, and moveable chords
among other techniques. For more details
about the workshops, check the events
page at
Workshops are $20 each; please reserve in
advance by calling the Inn at 250.285.3322.
14 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
Quadra Island
At the
The B.C. Old Age Pensioners are
celebrating their 80th founding
Anniversary. We were instrumental along
with Tommy Douglas in acquiring the
first Old Age Pension, to help Seniors be
able to survive. In June we are celebrating
at Convention, meeting in Agassiz and
staying at Harrisons Hot Spring. Our
Branch will be sending delegates, to
vote on Resolutions which the branches
all over the Province send in, decisions
will then be sent to Federal, Provincial
& Municipal Govts. “Everyone should
know, the squeaky wheel gets the most
DATE CORRECTION to February 17
DI: Saturday March 3 Jazzalele Uke
Duo - in the Fireside Lounge. 7:00pm,
$15.00. Ukulele lessons, Sunday.
Beginner, intermediate or advanced,
$20.00. Check on our www.heriotbayinn.
com for workshop details. Hear their
amazing music at
-BR. 91-B.C.O.A.P.O.
Our next meeting on March 7th @
10:30 am, our guest speaker will be
Pharmacist Colleen from Peoples Drug
Mart, to discuss medications. Following
the meeting will be a Pot-Luck lunch
and to celebrate a dear ladies 90th
Birthday,Guess Who? And she still looks
like a spring chicken.’
March 14th we are attending The North
Island Regional Meeting in Cumberland,
lunch will be served for $5.00. please pay
Christine Dyson, by March 7th. We have
many excursions planned with the bus
lady Lee. Also we will soon be working at
the Tourist Information Centre.
On February 17th, we attended the
celebration presentation of Halbe Hall
Deed, to Black Creek Seniors Br.126,
from the School Board No. 71. It was
attended also by hundreds of people
despite the terrible stormy weather,
attendance included some of the Halbe
family, and some of the students who
attended Halbe Hall school.
Phone Christine Dyson @2207, about
membership in our happy group, and
also about Wednesdays activities. If any
Seniors need transportation call Ruth
Amiabel @ 3801. We would like to Thank with love to Sally
and Bill Bradshaw, Shirley Saunders, and
the Legion members who help us set
up for our special meetings. Valentine
decorations were great at our last
Two nights stay at the Sandman Inn and
2 tickets to the Canucks! Watch the
games and WIN BIG! HBI Pub. A winner
every game is entered to win this grand
prize drawn March 17. Must be present
to win.
UofQ: Where learning in a
neighbourhood pub is surprisingly
enlightening. Mar 7 • frameless origami
steel sailboats with Brent Swain; Mar
14 • heat your house well with the
right firewood with Billy Dubois HBI
Pub. 7:00pm. March 21st, 7pm: Tracy
Tomlinson; Cigar Box Guitars, the
making and the music! March 28th, 7pm:
Lunabelle Loiseau-Tremblay; Coastal
Plant Ecology.
Live Music at the HBI - Friday March
9th… Ray Bennet and Friends; March
16th… Buddy Mac “one-man classic
country singer”. Saturday nights; open
mic with Mo. Toe tappin’, foot stompin’,
sweet dancin’ every Friday and Saturday
night. HBI Pub. Your extended living
Enjoy Canadian favourite VALDY and a
delicious three course meal in Herons.
Saturday March 17. $55.00. Seating at
6:00pm., reserve now! 285-3322
Savour the Flavours of “Around the
World in 90 Days” in Herons and the
HBI Pub! 1st week: Hong Kong; 2nd
week: Thailand; 3rd week: Malaysia; 4th
week: Indonesia. Specials available after
5:00pm Monday to Thursday. April...
flavours of Africa & the South Pacific.
Lasqueti Invasion Returns
(for the discerning that is...?)
To all discerning, consenting adults who
like to get their funny bones tickled,
here is an invitation to an evening of
Titillating Variety. The Tsk Tsk Revue is a
cabaret style show conceived in the wilds
of Lasqueti Island to aid the condition
known as “bushed”. It also provides a
stage for the group of local performers
who sometimes want to play dirty. After
five annual November shows on Lasqueti
Island, five different shows that provoked
by celebrating sensuality and comedy, the
wacky revue is touring to a venue near you.
Doors open at 6:30, dinner at 7 pm.
Showtime 8:30. Cost is $15 per adult,
tickets sold only the night of the event at
the door.
Followed by dancing to the beats of DJ
Adults only due to risqué subject matter.
Dress to impress and express. Interpret as
you will.
The Tsk Tsk troupe comprises twenty
lively, strange, hilarious, and talented
singers, dancers and actors conspiring
to tickle your funny bone and fancy.
Meet Billy Blackfoot of rapping fame.
Experience Super Wet Nurse. Get teased
by temptress Tlulah Moon. Witness Big
Love. Fall for a Gerry Can CanCan girl or a
Backwoodz Boy. Get lost in Madame JoJo’s
croon. Shake Harry Palms hand. Peak
under the Woodsman’s Kilts. Also expect
to see some guest stars from your own
This is contemporary commentary and
entertainment cultured in this crazy
world in the way of old school burlesque.
According to the dictionary Burlesque
is a comically exaggerated imitation
of something. The words absurd and
striptease also come up in the definition.
If you need to laugh and want to be part
in the Making Of Fun, then please join us
at the Quadra Legion on Friday March 30,
Quadra’s own Kosmic Kafeteria Catering
is pleased to offer up a pre-show dinner.
For $25 you get a sexy three course meal
starting with pureed winter squash soup
with lemon grass and red curry, followed
Bourbon-glazed breast of chicken, Garlic
and herb crusted roast potatoes, Maple
Dijon carrots, Green beans amandine,
Island-made artisan bread and topped with
Chocolate pots de creme!
Dinner by reservation only. To reserve call
Linda Gray @250-285-2171 no later than
Monday March 26.
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 15
Get ‘Around
the Point’
Steven Page Solo Concert
on Quadra, March 10
Join DI editor Philip Stone
Saturdays at 1 pm, repeated
Tuesdays at 10 am on CKTZ
89.5 Cortes Community Radio
for a round up of news on the
Discovery Islands and further
afield. This week’s guest Don
Staniford on salmon farming.
If you have a news story idea or
would like help recording your
own item, interview, music
etc... on Quadra Island contact
Philip Stone at 250-285-2234 or
See you on the radio!
Every Friday Night, there is a
strictly acoustic jam, mainly
involving guitars, singing, hand
drums and flutes, etc.
The music ranges from blues
to folk to pop tunes and even
funk. Some of the evening also
has original songs written by
Quadra Islanders. Come sharpen your group
musical skills in a relaxed,
informal atmosphere. It’s the
first step before going on stage
or performing at a local music
festival. The time is 7:30 p.m. every
Friday at Spirit Books upstairs
in the Upper Realm at Q. Cove. There is a $5 drop-in fee. Call
Tim at 285-2314 or Pat at 2852807 for more info.
Steven Page, former leadsinger for The Barenaked
Ladies, known for his heartfelt lyrics and up-beat song
writing, is giving a solo concert
on Quadra Island, Saturday,
March 10th at 8:00 pm, at the
Quadra Community Centre.
Since re-directing his career in
2009, he has been playing solo
acoustic shows and recording
with a variety of guests and
musical collaborators. Last
August, he had the honour of
singing at Jack Layton’s funeral.
16 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
Steven continues to compose
new material for himself, as
recently recorded on his first
solo album “Page One,” and for
several stage productions at the
Stratford Festival. His song,
“A Different Sort of Solitude,”
was featured in last year’s film
“French Immersion,” and was
nominated this year for a Genie
Joining Steven Page on the
Quadra Community Centre
stage will be his long-time
friend and co-writer, singer-
songwriter and guitarist,
Craig Northey. Northey was
a founding member and one
of the principal songwriters of
the Vancouver alternative rock
band the Odds who toured
extensively in the 1990’s,
including as an opening act
for the Tragically Hip and the
Barenaked Ladies. Craig has
written/co-written musical
scores for movies such as
“Brain Candy” and “Dog
Park,” and themes for several
television series, including
“Kids in the Hall,” and “Corner
Gas.” He has collaborated and
toured with such artists as
Rosanne Cash, Wide Mouth
Mason and Colin James. Twice
in the ‘90s, Craig Northey was
nominated as songwriter of the
year. Craig’s first solo album
“Giddy Up” was released in
With talent of this calibre,
Steven Page and Craig Northey
on Quadra will be a sell-out
so get your tickets early.
Tickets are $20 advance at
Hummingbird Office and Art
Supply in Q. Cove, and at the
Music Plant in Campbell River.
For more information, visit or call 250285-2580.
Folk Troubadour Valdy
coming to the Heriot Bay Inn
Revel in an evening of musical
storytelling with a “master of
country, folk, rock and blues”,
and enjoy a delicious three
course dinner prepared by Chef
Catherine Berg and her skilled
team. Seats are $55 each;
seating begins at 6 pm. Please
call the Inn 250.285.3322 to
reserve your seat.
Performing since the 60’s,
Valdy has sold almost half a
million copies of his 13 albums,
has two Juno Awards (Folk
The musical magic of Valdy is
coming to the Heriot Bay Inn
for a dinner show Saturday
March 17 in Herons.
Valdy is a Canadian folk
institution whose performances
do not disappoint. He is
Singer of the Year and Folk
Entertainer of the Year), a total
of seven Juno nominations
and four Gold albums to his
credit. His recent CDs include
“Contenders”, a collaboration
with friend and fellow singer/
songwriter, Gary Fjellgaard,
with whom he has an absolute
blast touring, and a solo
release, “Viva Valdy: Live at
Last”, a two-CD package, one
live, one studio, with a total of
25 tunes, and a lyric booklet.
“one of the best evenings of
entertainment Confederation
Centre has ever seen....a man of
formidable talents” according
to the Charlottetown Evening
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 17
Community Kitchen
- a necessary pleasure; a practice in devotion.
By Annette Yourk
class, which wraps up just as preparations
for lunch are on the home stretch. Relaxed
yogis bring their equilibrium downstairs and
feed their bodies, as do construction workers
who also take lunch here when they can.
“It’s fantastic, amazing,” says a woman who
is on Quadra for a 6 week bike mechanics
course. “It’s an opportunity to meet people
and actually talk to them and get to know
them a little.”
A fellow student adds “I meet people here
and there on the island, and then I see them
at Community Lunch and can sit down and
chat and make a real connection.”
It’s Wednesday, high noon, when I step
through the doors of the Community
Centre and into the bustle and buzz of
Community Kitchen. The line-up snakes
around the perimeter of the main hall. At
first sight it’s daunting, but the Community
Kitchen team (roughly 15 people) is one
efficient unit. They’ve been hard at work
since 8:30am moving through set up, food
prep, cooking. A few minutes of line-up
chit-chat and I’m at the menu board, faced
with the difficult choice between three
delicious soup options. Eeny, meeny,
miney… spicy beef and kale chile.
I scan the tables for a minute or two,
holding my warm bowl in cold hands. As
usual, the crowd is a socio-economic cross
section of our island population. It also
represents every age and stage of life from
infants to elders.
Eileen Sowerby and John Kragen are
at their usual places – piano and guitar,
18 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
bringing music into the list of ingredients
that make the Community Kitchen a recipe
for success. As John says, “Eileen and I – this
is our thing. We have to do it. There’s just no
other way to put it.” Over the years, others,
too, have shared their gift of music here.
I find a seat and my by-happenstance lunch
companions are two friends, two people
newly met, and one complete stranger who
is eager to talk about CK.
“Some people come for lunch because it’s a
necessity,” he says, “and they get the social
benefit as well. Other people come for
the social aspect, and that is also a human
This weekly repast is an authentic sampling
of who we Islanders are. Interactions
outside one’s predictable social orbit are
inevitable. Stretching may be involved, if
you’re willing, and we know how beneficial
stretching is. Just ask the Wednesday yoga
Another of my table companions came
in for lunch after working on firewood; a
volunteer initiative, spearheaded by Steve
Moore, to provide free firewood to those
who need it.
“There were fifteen of us and six chain saws
going all morning out there behind the
community center. There’s a lot of work
getting done. Normally I don’t come here
for lunch, it’s not part of my routine, but
I’ve really enjoyed it today.”
Jack Mar is a member of “The Pack,” a
cycling group that takes regular Wednesday
rides. “We used to ride after work, but
in winter it’s too dark, so we head out at
10am and come around for lunch here and
donate. There can be anywhere from two
to fifteen of us. We all like to support this.”
Jack scans the room. “I really cherish the
Community Kitchen.”
Community Kitchen is one of the success
stories of Quadra Rec Society’s programs.
Sandy Spearing, centre coordinator,
has watched the Community Kitchen
evolve over its eight years of
operation, yet remains in awe
of its success.
“I don’t totally get why it’s so
magic. Somehow the formula
just works and it has total buy
in from the community.”
The idea began with the Food
Bank. The organizers realized a
greater need in the community
than their services could
provide. Sandy retells the story.
“We put out the word that we
were thinking of a soup kitchen
and expected two or three to
turn up for the meeting. Thirty
people came. The time was
right, and so was the sentiment.
“As Terry Peebles and I
discussed the idea we realized
it wouldn’t work in our small
community. There would be
too much stigma attached.
The nurse at baby clinic joined
the conversation and talked
about Community Kitchen
in Campbell River. In this
program meals are prepared
and frozen in serving portions,
which are then distributed. I
scooped the name, but not the
concept. Then we twigged on
the idea that lunch could be
paid by donation.”
Several programs and activities
now intersect with Community
Kitchen. Physiotherapy
happens every Wednesday,
with a noon to one lunch break.
Wednesday is also the day
for baby clinic and food bank
(1st and 3rd Wednesdays).
On alternate Wednesdays,
the daycare children and
caregivers dine out at
Community Kitchen. Quadra
Circle arranges informative
talks that take place at 1pm,
after lunch. Another initiative
came to fruition last Autumn
with the Quadra Community
Lunch Cookbook, a collection
of many of the delicious soup
recipes and yummy baked
goods from eight years of
community lunch. Karen Gair,
Lynda Bell, Jan Brettnacher,
Mia Frishholz and Donivee
Laird joined forces to collect,
record, and publish this
momento of “soup for the soul”,
available at the Community
“Community Kitchen works as
a cooperative, but it has its own
organic style of accomplishing
that. People come, take
responsibility in an area, and
give it their all. They hold it
together for several months or
years and when they need to
pass the baton, another lovely
person steps forward,” says
Sandy. While some might play
a stronger coordinating role at
times, there is no “manager”. It’s
all considered important work.
John Parkyn and his wife Trudy
were dedicated volunteers and
John has remained steadfast
in keeping set-up running
smoothly. Ann Greg, Barrie
Calverley, and Linda Bell
have been steady on for eight
years. Young people have also
volunteered over the years
helping with setup, clean up,
food prep, and soup cooking.
Garnet Kehn was the first
young soup chef. Eamon
Simmons is the current fruit and
veggie artist. There is generosity
practiced in spades here.
Time to
Now booking
Space for 2012
Community Kitchen captures
the essence of community and
reflects what the Community
Centre strives for. This is what
building community is all
about; an idea springs from
a need identified. The idea
is brought into focus with a
vision that exceeds the need.
The vision is nurtured by a
dedicated few, whose numbers
grow. An infrastructure is in
place to provide support and
make it a reality.
It’s almost one o’clock. I’ve
checked in with friends,
talked to strangers, and
enjoyed watching the day care
children who participate so
sweetly. I’ve caught snippets
of conversation, made plans,
filled my belly, and relaxed
in the casual comfort of it all.
I’ve warmed my hands and, by
extension, warmed my heart.
Information packages
are now available for
the 2012 editions of
the annual Guide to
the Discovery Islands,
Quadra Island Map,
Cortes Island Map and
internet advertising.
If you’re a new business
and would like to receive
information on these
invaluable marketing
Call Philip Stone
at 250-285-2234 or email
Some Space Still Open
Material due by March 2
For more information
look online at:
Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012 19
02:33 4.0 Friday 07:28 3.7 11:21 3.9 19:22 1.7 03
03:21 4.2 Saturday 08:45 3.6 12:42 3.9 20:17 1.6 04
03:56 4.3 Sunday 09:31 3.5 13:50 4.0 21:04 1.5 05
04:23 4.4 Monday 10:06 3.2 14:51 4.1 21:46 1.5 06
04:49 4.6 Tuesday 10:39 3.0 15:49 4.3 22:26 1.5 07
05:15 4.7 Wednesday 11:13 2.6 16:46 4.4 23:07 1.6 08
05:42 4.8 Thursday 11:50 2.2 17:42 4.5 23:48 1.8 09
06:11 4.9 Friday 12:29 1.8 18:37 4.6 10
00:32 2.1 Saturday 06:42 4.9 13:12 1.5 19:33 4.6 11
01:17 2.4 Sunday 07:15 4.8 13:59 1.3 20:33 4.6 12
02:06 2.8 Monday 07:50 4.7 14:49 1.1 21:40 4.5 13
02:59 3.1 Tuesday 08:29 4.6 15:42 1.1 22:57 4.4 14
04:04 3.4 Wednesday 09:14 4.4 16:41 1.2 15
00:22 4.4 Thursday 05:33 3.5 10:12 4.2 17:48 1.3 16
02:38 4.4 Friday 08:12 3.5 12:34 4.0 19:58 1.4 ft.
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20 Discovery Islander #520 March 2, 2012
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Campbell River
- Quadra Island
Crossing Time: 10 minutes
Leave Quadra Island
6:15 am
3:05 pm
†7:05 am ** 4:00 pm
8:00 am
5:00 pm
9:00 am
5:50 pm
10:00 am
7:00 pm
11:00 am
8:00 pm
12:00 pm
9:00 pm
1:00 pm
10:00 pm
2:00 pm *11:00 pm
Leave Campbell River
6:40 am
3:30 pm
†7:30 am
4:30 pm
8:30 am
5:25 pm
9:30 am
6:15 pm
**10:30 am
7:30 pm
11:30 am
8:30 pm
12:30 pm
9:30 pm
1:30 pm 10:30 pm
2:30 pm *11:30 pm
Quadra Island
- Cortes Island
Crossing Time: 45 minutes
Leave Quadra Island
† 9:05 am
**11:05 am
1:05 pm
3:05 pm
5:05 pm
6:45 pm
Leave Cortes Island
† 7:50 am
9:50 am
11:50 am
**1:50 pm
3:50 pm
5:50 pm
* - Fridays and Saturdays only.
† - Daily except Sundays.
** - Tuesday sailings are for
Dangerous Cargo - No passengers.
Avoid Line-Ups
Peak local traffic are during
morning and evening commutes.
On Monday and Thursday Quadra
- CR 9 am sailings, Cortes Island
traffic has priority.
Pick Up A Copy
of the Guide to
the Discovery
Islands and the
Quadra & Cortes