CarihiLites Dec 2013 - Campbell River School District


CarihiLites Dec 2013 - Campbell River School District
Winter Issue
This is our first issue of
the 2013-2014 school year.
Look for us again
next term!
You can help!
to find out how.
Homeschool vs. public school
By Tara Warkentin
& Larissa Melville
“I suppose it is because nearly all
children go to school nowadays and
have things arranged for them that
they seem so forlornly unable to produce their own ideas.” Says Agatha
Christie in her Autobiography. Are
schools limiting, or do they open
Despite all the negative energy
towards public schools and the students that attend them, many parents
still enrol their kids. Perhaps they
don’t have the time to educate their
kids themselves, or don’t have the
money to hire a teacher to do it for
them. Whatever the causes, the
majority of parents, or 99 per cent of
the population of kids between ages 5
and 18 enrol their kids in public
school. There are many pros and
cons to living and interacting with all
the peers around you. Those include
public schools, which cannot and will
never be able to fully adapt to every
student and their individual way of
learning. As well, with so many people around, it is easy to be influenced
by others and fall to peer-pressure.
With the load of work plus any other
activities that a student chooses to
practice, it can be hard to juggle them
all at the same time, thus stress
becomes a major factor. Besides a few
negatives, there are also many positive factors to attending public
school. Those include being able to
interact with others and leading a
proactive social life, whilst having a
vast selection of classes from which
to choose. Finally, public schools will
generally have all of the resources
needed to fully practice a set of specific skills that any ambitious student
can choose to perform.
Outside the conventional classroom there is also a world of options.
Homeschooling can be sitting at home
filling out worksheets, with a parent
at your shoulder, or it can be running
through the forest while building
forts and catching frogs. Many homeschooler’s find being social difficult
because they are not part of what
their peers are doing. Some students
take some courses at school and some
at home, allowing them to spend time
with kids of their own age. Outside of
the education system there is room to
learn and grow up in the way that
works for you.
There are ways to make the education system work for each individual.
Despite major flaws and a low budget, if you are willing to enquire and
take a step away from the norm
learning can be fun and inspiring.
How well do you know your teachers?
the floor?
The social
By Acacia Hill
Mrs. Knight
Mr. Deagle
Mrs. Dunsmore
By Claire Peachey
Four months (of what feels like an eternity)
have gone by, sitting in the same classroom every
day. From lessons to essays and projects, your
teachers have tried to teach you everything they
can before the winter break. As you sit there and
pretend to be interested in their teachings, you
wonder — do I really know my teachers? Well
with this short quiz you are sure to find out.
Match the following teacher to the correct
Q: What would you be if you weren’t a teacher?
A: An Accountant
Ms. Thompson
Mrs. Peake
Q: What were described as in high school?
A: “Most likely” to be a teacher
Q: If you could meet anyone from the past who
would it be?
A: My long lost kindergarten love triangle
crushes, Steven and David
Q: What is your most embarrassing teaching
A: Accidently back flipping off of a desk, and
landing straight into a garbage can
Q: If you could be principal for a day, what
would you do?
A: Have an extended lunch, order everyone
pizza and then charge it to Timberline’s account.
Myth of Quadra
By Austin Czerwinski
Across the small sea that sits
to this city’s east is Quadra
Island. A place where one can
see the rainbow land somewhere
in the vast and wild. Surely this
cannot be a place of civilization.
Quadra Island is renowned
through word of mouth as a
place where hippies roam and
marijuana grows in lieu of grass.
I regret to inform you this is not
the case. The island, though a
tight-knit community in some
circles, is not a distinct society.
It is essentially composed of two
defining elements. The first of
which is trees — very large
sticks that emit the air we
breathe. The second is houses,
structures in which (traditionally) human beings reside. Most of
Quadra’s human beings are
retired and do not engage in any
nudist bonfire rituals. Hopefully,
these are not abstract concepts.
Quadra is essentially a rural
Campbell River with very subtle
I have been hearing an increased number of people lately saying they have no life, no friends, etc., and while in
today’s world the people reading these posts or receiving
these messages may disagree, because a large portion of
the people expressing that they feel this way are considered to have a lot of ‘friends’, I can’t say they’re incorrect.
I mean it’s pretty hard to get out of the house to actually hang out with someone and have to interact with them
when you could with much more ease just type out a message and even add little faces
and images to better show
whatever it is you’re trying to
portray. Nowadays we can pick
up a piece of complex machinery and have their voice transferred over from their similar
device to yours, and vice versa,
as if you were actually sitting
there with them conversing.
As a race we have become
significantly less social since the dawn of this technology
era. Information is at our fingertips, we could be educating ourselves on everything and anything, yet we choose
to spend hours a day trying to get the most likes possible
on a Facebook photo, or the most retweets.
Because of this growing problem, I challenge you, next
time you are hanging out with someone, to put your computer away, turn your phone off, and actually spend time
with them. It also can’t hurt to do these things for just an
hour a day and spend some time with your family.
We can’t stop technology, nor should we. Perhaps we
are taking advantage of it in the wrong ways. It is affecting us physically, mentally and emotionally — shaping the
path to our future as human beings — we should at least
exercise the power to control it, and use it in moderation.
Campbell River High School Student Newspaper
CARIHI Lites — Page 2
By Marika Sarton & Melissa Morton
Waiting for something is all you can
do right now, trying to take matters
into your own hands might only make
things worse. Good things happen to
those who wait.
You may have been feeling gloomy
lately, but things are going to turn
around. Be ready for some extra
money and good luck coming your
May 21-Jun.20
Don’t hold back on your goals. When
you get the chance go for it, you will
be glad you did.
Open up your arms to new people and
you may find yourself becoming close
with people you would have never
This may be your month to really
focus on your goals and ambitions;
you are capable of so much more than
you believe.
Never restrict yourself to always
thinking inside the box. This month is
your time to speak your mind and
step outside of your comfort zone-wait
to see what’s in store!
This is your month to try something
new. You can achieve so much more
than you are aware of at this time.
This is a good month to rethink some
mistakes you have made, apologize to
people you have hurt and try to start
all over. This may rekindle some
Nov.22- Dec.21
Do something spontaneous this
month; you could find yourself in the
arms of a new lover, or learn something new about yourself.
This month may be a good time to try
and let go of some stress. Make plans
to go out and do something spontaneous and fun with your friends.
You’ll find out that it’s worth it!
Jan.20-Feb. 18
This month you will resolve a problem that you’ve been worried about
for far too long. Make sure to sit down
and listen to the advice of friends.
You might need to rethink some decisions you’ve made lately, and give it a
second thought. You may have missed
out on something valuable.
December 2013
BC Ferries to cut
Quadra service
By Ocean Mawhinney
BC ferries recently announced service cuts to many ferry schedules across
British Colombia, which will be implemented in April, 2014. These cuts will
be affecting 16 minor ferry routes in
BC, and a total of 6,900 sailings per
year. They will drastically affect
Quadra Island, as BC ferries have
announced that they plan to cut all
sailings from Campbell River to
Quadra after 9:30pm. These cuts,
paired with BC Ferries plan to take the
current 100% discount for seniors
(from Monday to Thursday) down to
only 50%, will make life on Quadra
much more challenging, resulting in
more and more people moving off the
island to find somewhere easier to live.
BC Ferries argue they must make these
changes because they are in debt, and
have estimated that by cutting these
sailings they will save $370,000 by
However, in spite of this debt, not
long ago they completely renovated the
Quadra ferry, adding new seats, tables,
wall paper, and even custom BC Ferries carpet. These things are completely unnecessary, especially for the
15-minute ride from Quadra to Campbell River. I’m sure that everyone living on Quadra would appreciate lower
fares and more sailings rather than a
pretty looking ferry and comfy seats.
BC Ferries needs to get their priorities
straight, realize what islanders all over
BC are asking for and stop assuming
Dare to DRIVE
By Larissa Melville
Carihi Secondary School has
offered, over the years, many different
academic courses that include different
parts of a curriculum to form new
types and styles of classes. One of
which is a course called DRIVE (Digital Recording Integrated Video and
English). DRIVE is an English and
video productions class that approaches the apprehension of English at a different angle, which also allows a
student to learn at their own pace.
This new half-day program is a dual
credit class that had been in the idea
stage for some time before it took root
and became official in 2013. Not only
does the class offer a wide variety of
knowledge in the form of video studies, DRIVE is a fantastic foot to place
in the door of an ambitious filmmaking
career. Furthermore, DRIVE is a great
change for students who find that their
common English class isn’t as engaging
as it used to be, or for students who get
tired of following a repetitive and
somewhat dull curriculum year after
year. If you are passionate about film,
or are just looking for an English class
with potential, then consider DRIVE
as a definite possibility.
How to survive school Simply ‘hello’ maybe?
By Amy Mccabe
Everyone knows how much of a
challenge it is to keep your sanity
while in school. Often it can feel like a
prison, cold white-washed walls with
the emergency exits staring you in the
face. However, I’ve come up with a few
tips to survive each
day. And who
knows, maybe it’ll
make it all worth
your while.
First, try to
arrive on time.
Though if you are late, don’t worry!
The bell is a bell. Nothing to really
worry about if you think about it.
Think of limiting your extra-curricular
activities if you find yourself
overwhelmed, feeling anxious or
overworked. Do what needs to be done
in class and get the heck out!
When you are in class, be on your
best behaviour. No, I’m not saying be
the teacher’s pet, but what I am saying
is going to the principal’s office isn’t
cool. No need to cause a scene and
create trouble, especially around the
holidays. Find a balance with
homework. Home is for rest and
relaxation. But if
you have
homework, set
Finally the most
important piece of
advice. The stuff
you’ve been waiting for! Never, ever
pull out a pack of gum. Students
become vultures around it. Be discrete,
otherwise face the consequences of
either being mauled alive or having to
share your delicious treat with others.
Well, there you have it! A few tips
on how to make it through the year.
Use them wisely, and remember that
you didn’t hear it from me.
By Sydney Roberts
“Cat calling” by definition is the act
of harassing someone in a sexual manner, usually on the street. Cat calling
isn’t a compliment, telling me I look
pretty is a compliment. There’s a line,
find it. Being disrespected while walking by definitely does not make me
want to go on a date with said harasser
(when has someone cat-called and had
it work?). While some may say: “What
is this feminist saying? Just take the
compliment.” No, I say! I’m not going
to take a compliment that devalues me
as a human being! I need a voice, especially in a society where some women
cannot walk down the street without
being whistled at. We are not dogs! We
are not stuck up! We are battling the
patriarchy! The point I’m trying to
make is that “cat calling” is totally
pointless and demeaning. If there is
someone you find attractive, why not
try a simple – “Hello?” That may suffice.
December 2013
CARIHIlites — Page 3
All about Christmas
Music Trivia
By Vanessa Wilson
& Savannah Wasden
The holidays are coming up quick, you know
what that means… Christmas! The 25th of
December every year! I hope everyone
enjoys their holidays and has a very merry
Christmas. Before you leave for the holidays,
you should try this music trivia. Circle the
song you think fits the lyrics! Good luck.
(No prize, sorry for any inconvenience.)
Dashing through the snow on a one horse
opened sleigh
1. Frosty the Snowman
2. Joy to the World
3. Jingle Bells
4. Jingle Bell Rock
Round young virgin mother and child. Holy
infant so tender and mild.
1. The first Noel
2. Silent Night
3. Little Drummer Boy
4. Feliz Navidad
Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of
rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up
1. Santa Clause is Coming to Town
2. Deck the Halls
3. You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
4. Oh Christmas Tree
Come and trim my Christmas tree with some
decorations I bought at Tiffany’s. I really do
believe in you, let’s see if you believe in me.
1. Christmases When You Were Mine
2. Last Christmas
3. Santa Baby
4. Darkness is Falling
Christmas Events
By Star Henderson, Sarah Stromquist
and Hannah Fiddler
Here are some of the upcoming events in
our local area:
• December 21st these events happen:
Lions Hall is hosting Canadian Country
Christmas, the event is a benefit for Campbell River Hospice.
Strathcona Gardens is having an Ice
Christmas- Colouring contest (for all ages).
Also at the Tidemark Theatre “Elf” will be
• December 23rd the Baptist Church on
Dogwood will be hosting a Community Carol
Sing at 10:30am. Hot chocolate and Christmas baking will be there. Come and fill your
boots with delicious food!
• December 24th the same Baptist Church
on Dogwood will celebrate “The Meaning of
Christmas” at 6:30pm.
• December 31st Mount Washington is
hosting multiple events
The Tube Park New Year’s Eve Party,
starting at 6:00pm and ending at 9:00pm.
There will be hot chocolate, prizes and
Family New Year’s Eve Party is also happening. A guest star will be there! 2013 Juno
nominated Helen Austin. Starting at 6:00pm
and ending at 9:30pm.
Santa’s Favorite Cookie
By Claire Billings
There are sugar cookies, gingerbread
cookies, and macaroons. There are snickerdoodles, gingersnaps and butter tarts but do
you recall the most famous Christmas cookie
of all? The shortbread cookie. Also known as
Santa’s favorite cookie. As far as recipes go,
the most straight forward (and not to mention the tastiest) recipe can be found in the
Five Roses cookbook. Unfortunately, not
many people can get their hands on these
classic cookbooks anymore, which is why I
am sharing this recipe with you. A happy
cookie consumer said “They were very good.
They were even more delicious with a nice,
chilly glass of milk. I can see why they are
Santa’s favorite cookie.”
1 cup butter or margarine
1 egg yolk
125ml icing sugar
2 cup all-purpose flour
Pinch ground nutmeg
First thing you need to do is preheat your
oven to 325°F. Soften your butter so it’s easy
enough to stir with a wooden spoon. Stir in
sugar, nutmeg and egg yolk with your wooden spoon. Add flour a little at a time. When
your dough is too hard to mix with your
spoon take it out and add more flour by
kneading it. Stop when your dough starts to
crack. Roll out dough until it is about ¼inch thick and cut with cookie cutters. Top
cookies with maraschino cherries before baking if desired. Bake for about 20 minutes or
until golden brown on the top. DO NOT
OVERCOOK. The cookie will not be nearly
as delicious.
Enjoy this recipe, and have a very Merry
Shining Passion
poets Austin Gammie and Dawson Brown
The passion of your heart can shine though the darkest night as if it was a light of a shining star.
Your eyes sparkle a gorgeous hazel brown that can take your breath away.
Those lips those lush beautiful lips so inviting.
The sparkle of your red lips gloss can catch the eye of any man.
That hair that beautiful your hair so soft silky like the sun’s rays of life.
Your looks can fill a hole of sadness with peer joy and love, excitement for our next kiss.
The loving warmth of passion we share can destroy the darkness of depression will never touch us
our love too strong.
It’s wonderful how a world with so much hate can hold such a marvelous love like ours
This world can be so full of pain and hate, but that’s something that can never touch us.
You own my heart, you always have, and always will.
Campbell River High School Student Newspaper
Vegetarian delights
By Tayler Hergt and Amanda Pridge
Vegetarians often find themselves at a loss for simple recipes
that actually taste good. If this sounds like you, look no further!
Even if you’re a meat-eater (we won’t judge) you might enjoy
these awesome meals as well. We are pleased to share a snack
and a main course. Both of these recipes are vegetarian friendly.
They provide an easy way to make good food, and the ingredients are commonly found in your cupboards.
Prep time: 15 min; Total Time: 4-1/4 hrs; Serves 10.
What You Need:
1 c finely crushed pretzels
1/4 c butter, melted
8 oz cream cheese, softened
2/3 c sugar
Zest and juice from one large lime
2 tbsp finely chopped crushed mint
2 c thawed Cool Whip topping, divided
Make it:
Mix pretzel crumbs and butter. Press onto bottom of plastic
wrap-lined 9-inch round pan. Freeze until ready to use. Beat
cream cheese, sugar, zest, juice and mint in a medium bowl with
a mixer until well blended. Whisk in 1-1/2 cups Cool Whip;
spoon over crust. Freeze 4 hours. Serve topped with remaining
Cool Whip.
Prep time: 20 min; Total Cook Time: 25 min; Serves 7-10.
What you need:
Lasagne noodles
2 cans of Alphagetti
Grated cheese
Make it:
Cook lasagne noodles to desired tenderness. Heat alphagetti in
sauce pan and stir occasionally. While you’re waiting, grate
cheese. Lay down 1/3 noodles in lasagne dish. Next pour half of
cooked alphagetti over noodles. Add second 1/3 of noodles on
top of alphagetti. Next, add remaining alphagetti and then top it
off with the rest of the noodles and sprinkle cheese on top. Cook
at 350° until cheese is melted. Enjoy!
Where can we sit?
By Sarah Mooney
“There’s nowhere to sit!”
complain students roaming
the halls of Carihi. With few
places to sit in the school,
people are left to sit on the
dreadfully dirty floor! Along
with little seating there is little space. When the lunch bell
rings, halls are filled with people, everyone runs into each
other trying to get through.
How can we solve these problems you ask?
Students have made multiple suggestions, “more tables!”
a grade 12 student demanded.
“Is it possible to make larger
hallways or expand the
school?” asks one claustrophobic grade 10 student. “Get
more lockers?” suggested
A school leader, vice-principal Mr. Ruehlen says, “yes.”
He agreed that “it is an issue
but we have no more space for
seating” he admits. “However
next year the population of
our school will shrink” he
estimates. “So you don’t think
seating will be a problem next
year?” I questioned. “No,” he
Despite this,
students are
still unhappy
with the lack of
seating. Many
insist the school
should have
more tables, not
just outside the
front office, but
along halls and
near the multipurpose room.
Food for
Campbell River High School Student Newspaper
50th Anniversary:
The Day of the Doctor
By Chariti Stewart
Are you into aliens,
adventures and sonic
screwdrivers? Then
Doctor Who is your
new best friend!
Just to give you an
idea of what I’m talking about, Doctor Who
is a BBC sci-fi television program, and it
has been running since
Nov. 23, 1963. The
Doctor (the main character) is a Time Lord
from the planet Gallifrey. Time Lords have
the ability to “regenerate” whenever they are close to
death. Between his eighth and ninth regenerations
was a regenerate that he refuses to talk about; the
War Doctor.
Despite my worries, the 50th wasn’t stupidly
painful. I was actually crying tears of joy by the end
of it. Most (if not all) of the Whovians (Doctor Who
fans) were very, very nervous about the 50th — especially because Steven Moffat was the head writer. But
Moffat surprised us all and delivered a painless, beautiful anniversary that delivered hope not only to the
Doctor but to Gallifrey. John Hurt played the War
Doctor flawlessly — fans accepted him the moment
he stepped on screen. It was fabulous to reunite with
David Tennant, but terrible to watch him leave a second time, especially when he said, “I don’t want to
go,” which he reprised from the end of season four.
My only complaint is that when they announced Billie Piper would be returning to Doctor Who, they
built it up as though she would be playing Rose Tyler
(or even Bad Wolf), but in fact she was playing an
interface that picked Rose’s face out of the Doctor’s
memories. Other than that I enjoyed the 50th very,
very much, and I would certainly recommend it.
The dinosaurs are set to
walk the earth again
By River Berry
Being in production for over a decade and despite
its big screen release still more than 500 days away,
the fourth film in the Jurassic Park series “Jurassic
World” is an excitement for dinosaur lovers everywhere! The film was originally intended to be
released in June of 2014 but was re-entered into
development with the hopes to be in movie theaters
by the summer of 2015. Jurassic world is going to be
directed by Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed)
and produced by Patrick Cowley, along with Frank
Marshall (best known for the Indiana Jones film
series). With the third Jurassic Park film being
released in 2001, it has been a long wait of 14 years
for many series fans.
The film is set with a brand new cast of actors,
notably Bryce Dallas Howard, Nick Robinson, Ty
CARIHI Lites — Page 4
Simpkins, and David
Oyelowo (rumored).
The movie takes us
back to Isle Nublar, the
original “Jurassic
Park” and takes place
22 years after the original. It is believed that
it will follow in a variation of the original
film’s footsteps.
Dinosaur enthusiasts
and fans of the franchise believe that like
the first three Jurassic
Park films, the Jurassic World theme park will
become a common household name. Personally, having seen the first three at a young age, it’s quite exciting knowing it’s only a year and a half away! Even
with being a continuation of the original stories, I
know that dinosaur lovers and I are eagerly awaiting
the new film with high hopes. Stay tuned for the previews online or in theatres.
December 2013
dad hunt rogue creatures from the Real
World. That’s just a
part of life for 16-yearold Dru Anderson. Her
mother was murdered
by the same creatures
her father hunts to this
day when she was only
five, which was when
this lifestyle began. But
this year, thing
changed drastically for
Dru. After one of his
hunts, her father came
home dead — but still
walking. Dru is thrust into the harsh life of the Real
World, discovering that her blood isn’t completely
human. She is similar to the blood-sucking creatures
her dad used to hunt; but she is much rarer and more
powerful. To help her access her full potential as a
newly founded svetocha, she is sent to a private
school for non-human teenagers like her. There’s
only a few problems; she is the only girl in the whole
school, her two best friends hate each other and the
discovery of her existence has some corrupt creatures
wanting her dead. Can Dru survive until she is strong
enough to face her enemies? Or will the things that
go bump in the night catch her first? It’s worth a read
to find out. I highly recommend it over the holidays
with a warm cup of green tea.
New Music Ideas
By Renate Bluschke
Music Video:
Avici’s “Wake Me Up”
By Maxine Gillette
I love the name of the song “Wake me up.” In the
video, everything clicks together because it’s not just
random stuff giving that nauseating boring effect.
What I most like about the video and the reason you
should check it out is that the beast starts slowly and
picks up. It’s similar to life in that we can sometimes
feel lost or people may not like us, but in actuality we
are all lost and eventually find our way. The singing
by Avici smoothly ties together the dance beat, causing one to hit replay over and over again. Check it
out, you’ll be impressed. One of Avici’s greatest hits.
If you dare tire of it, then listen to his latest hit, “Hey
Strange Angels
– Lili St. Crow
By Julia Mercer
If you love supernatural beings, action-packed
thrillers, and a touch of romance, read Strange Angels,
not Twilight! If any book series should cause you to
continue reading into the night, losing countless
hours of precious snooze time, then it should be due
to this literary masterpiece. I must caution, the novel
may contain mind-blowing suspense events, and
shocking surprises throughout.
Jumping from town to town, staying rarely for
more than a month in the same place and helping her
With the holidays just around the corner and the
thought of exams drilling at the back of your mind
let’s face it, you’re stressed right? It’s a proven fact
that music that is solely instrumental can really help
you focus. If you’re looking for some inspiration to
help you get through the treacherous weeks of studying ahead check out Vitamin String Quartet. They
are an ensemble that takes your everyday favourites
and transforms them into strings only. No words —
simply music. They cover artists such as Imagine
Dragons, Capital Cities, Macklemore, Franz Ferdinand and many more. Check them out if that’s what
you’re into.
For those of you who are in need of some fresh
tunes and are willing to broaden your music library,
here is a mix of some newer and slightly aged songs
from the indie/alternative world. There is no set
mood to this list. The songs range from mellow to
quirky to upbeat. So sit back and enjoy.
Beirut- Elephant Gun
Ben Howard- The Fear
St. Clarity- The Paper Kites
Foals- Number
Foals- Spanish Sahara
Funeral Suits- Colour Fade
Grizzly Bear- Yet Again
Ivan and Alyosha- Running for Cover
Jungle Giants- She’s a Riot
We are the City- Baptism
Hellogoodbye- Debatable
Civil Twilight- River
Zulu Winter- Let’s Move Back to Front
Feist- How Come You Never Go There
Soeurs Boulay- Chignon du Coup
Karkwa- Marie Tu Pleures
Cœur de Pirate- Golden Baby
December 2013
Video Game:
Assassins Creed 4
By Quinn Parker & Mikaila Archibald
Assassins Creed 4 is an action/rpg (role-playing
game) developed by the company Ubisoft for the
Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The game is based on historical events and follows
the protagonist, Edward Kenway, as he searches for
his passion and fortune as a pirate. Throughout
Edward’s career, players meet famous historic pirates
such as Edward Thatch (aka Black Beard). Unlike
previous installments in the Assassins Creed franchise, the game focusses more on the open world and
exploration aspect instead of the actual assassin’s
lifestyle. This does not mean players will not be
assassins because there is plenty of time to fulfill
your lust for stealth. Throughout players’ gameplay
experience, graphics combine with intense action in
the storyline leaving the player satisfied and wanting
more — even when the game’s done. Assassins Creed
4 is a great installment for your game collection. Definitely worth a buy and happy assassinating.
[Img. Credit @, Elf & Warrior series.
Used with permission.]
Debunking & Demystifying:
CARIHIlites — Page 5
Campbell River High School Student Newspaper
Answer: Potentially, False!
Classic DnD is set in a fantasy realm of swords
and magic, but there are many campaigns based on
Pokémon, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and many set
in the present day!
Question: Isn’t DnD Satanic?
Answer: False!
Any and all deities in DnD are completely fictional, and as of 2013, there are no mentions of Satan, or
any Christian deity in DnD! There are, however,
demonic-like entities … but what series is complete
without an omnipotent big bad?
Question: Don’t players become addicted to sleepless gaming nights?
Answer: True!
The Korean Wave
A word from ‘da boss’
By Sean Toal
We are very proud of the accomplishments of our
students and this year has proven to be no exception.
We have had students excel in athletics, fine arts,
technology, and citizenship and be recognized on
local, provincial, national, and even international levels. It is amazing to see the talent that resides in our
school, and we are in awe of the manner in which
our students support each other by making Carihi a
safe place to step out, take a risk and share our
unique abilities. This newspaper is just one of the
many ways we see this talent shine.
Keep up the good work, Carihi! On behalf of the
staff here at the school, we would like to wish you all
a safe and restful Holiday Season. Please come back
to us in January energized and ready for end of
semester courses. Best wishes for the Holidays.
By Maru Napa
The Korean
Wave has made
people worldwide
love everything
‘South Korea’,
from their media
and entertainment, to their cuisine, fashion, and
culture. But what is this so-called ‘Wave’?
The Korean Wave (or Hallyu in Korean) is the
rapid spread of popular South Korean culture across
the globe, generally through their music (K-Pop) and
soap operas (K-Dramas). This includes K-Pop groups
like 2NE1, Super Junior, and Girls’ Generation.
K-Dramas include City Hunter, Rooftop Prince, and
Probably the biggest contributor to the Wave is
Korean rapper Psy, whose hit single ‘Gangnam Style’
went viral on Youtube, with almost 1.9 billion views!
Now, the crazes reach not just Asia, but even
Europe, the Middle East, and North America. K-Pop
fans from all over the world flock to see their favorite
groups perform live. K-Dramas have been receiving
incredibly high ratings. Tourism and the economy of
South Korea has increased markedly since Hallyu.
Despite the advantages, many have criticized the
Wave. One concern was about the ‘slave contracts’, in
which K-Pop singers sign a long-term contract to
their companies, vowing to undergo a strict regime of
training. Contact with friends and family was prohibited, and their wages were highly unreasonable.
Today, the Wave continues to reach other countries with its vast array of culture and entertainment
for people of any age.
Gamers’ Guild rises from
volcanic magma of Carihi
By Drayja Skillman
Have you heard of an amazing group that gets
together every month on Wednesdays? Of course you
have! It’s called Gamers’ Guild. At Gamers’ Guild,
students are free to play games like Risk, Settles of
Catan, Dungeons and Dragons, Magic, Axis and
Allies, and the list goes on. Not to mention you get to
hang out with some really cool people.
Mr. Pisterzi and Mr. Hayduk host monthly game-athons on the second Wednesday of each month from
3-8pm. So what happens at the Guild? Well I can’t
tell you because you’ll have to check it out, but I can
tell you that guild members indulge in pizza and
friendly competition. “It’s simply fantastic” yelped
one gamer. Another mentioned there was a “wondrous selection of games,” to try out. Pisterzi and
Hayduk both agree that it’s become a community, and
both are eager to battle willing guild members or students. Above all else, Gamers’ Guild is a great place
to meet people who just want to hang out and have a
good time.
Dungeons and Dragons:
By Kylie Palmer
This article will demystify everything Dungeons
and Dragons (DnD).
Question: Doesn’t DnD take years to learn, and
isn’t it insanely complicated?
Answer: False!
DnD has some very unique mechanics, but when
it boils down to it, it’s adding, comparing, and subtracting values — to be a player, you can learn in just
a few practice sessions!
Question: Aren’t DnD players ugly, social shut-ins
and nerds?
Answer: False!
DnD is actually proven to increase social skills by
allowing participation in hypothetical, danger-free situations. If you’re a social shut-in when you start, you
won’t be later on!
Question: Doesn’t DnD make you mentally feeble,
causing you to attempt spell casting in real life?
Answer: False!
This is the same argument as “videogame violence
makes you violent.” How much you let a fictional fantasy sway you in your actions is more or less dependent on your mental health!
Question: Isn’t DnD just Elves, Dwarves and Dungeons?
Zombie Apocalypse Survey
By Calista Kool
Have you ever wondered
what someone might do in a
zombie apocalypse? Haven’t we
all?! We decided to ask some
peers what they might do in this
situation. Some people were fairly creative and gave us interesting responses. Thank you to
those who participated.
Quinn Parker: “Die because
I’d just give up. Realistically,
we’d all die at some point anyway.”
Mr. Pisterzi: “Become a man
of the mountain. Raise goats and
eat fine cheeses.”
Sheldon Clapham: “I would
run around in circles, screaming
like a little girl…”
Dusk: “Track a sail boat and
become a pirate”
Ms. Peake: “I would stay on
Quadra, lock all my doors and sit
with my children crossing my
fingers praying for it to end.”
Trent Wilson: “Get the supplies I need and friends and get
to the fenced farm we have and
live there and we’ll be awesome.”
Bruce Mundy: “Lock myself
in my house and play video
Well there you have it! Now
you know what someone might
do in a zombie apocalypse! Be
Plus we decided to through
what we think are the Top 5
rules for a zombie apocalypse:
1. Stay inside at night and
board up doors and windows
(they know how to use a door
knob and break glass easily)
2. Always aim for the head
when you are taking down a
3. Never walk alone! It’s best
to travel in large groups in case
zombies stubble upon you.
4. Make sure you have lots of
supplies. You never know what
you’re going to need, when
you’re going to need it, or how
important it may be, so stock up.
5. Do not fall in love! If you
do it may blindside you! And if
you lose that person it will be
harder if they turn into a zombie
and attack you. Plus, don’t trust
people easily! Some people can
be unreliable, deceiving, and
willing to do anything, just to
Campbell River High School Student Newspaper
Carihi senior boys’
basketball team
By Katherine Assu
CARIHIlites — Page 6
December 2013
Pep Rally 2013
The Carihi senior boys basketball team started off the
season with 2 wins — doubling the numbre of wins
from all of last year’s season.
The home opener tipped off in
the fish tank at noon December 6 as the Tyees beat rival
Timberline Wolves with a
final score of 64-48.
Keeping up their winning ways, they went head to head with
the Highland Raiders scoring a 62-53 victory, with captain
Brodie Doherty scoring an impressive 23 points on his own! It is
believed that even with one of the youngest teams in the league,
the Tyees will still do better than past years. Coach Ray Wilson
stated in an interview that “we are starting off with a young
team that will be able to mature and come together. If they don’t
then the season will be so-so.” As the boys continue the season
we wish them all the best and good luck on the games yet to
come! Go Tyees!
Midget A Tyees
down, but not out
By Greta Hamilton
Sweat dripped down the opponents’ faces,
soaking their t-shirts. Arm raised, he let out a
battle cry. Mr. Kerluck of Carihi won the
wrestling match, So out came a rotten old fish
from a garbage pail, lipstick and all, ready to be kissed
by Timberline principal Mr. Morrow.
Carihi’s pep really last Thursday filled the school
with energy and team spirit. Seas of blue, yellow, white
and green packed hallways all day.
Before lunch period, students lined the gym to enjoy
a balloon popping contest, a dance competition, karaoke
and pie eating — very quickly without hands for more
enthusiasm, of course.
Finally, the wrestling mats were rolled out for the
‘kiss the fish’ match between Mr. Kerluck of Carihi and
Mr. Murphy of Timberline. Kerluck pinned Murphy late
in the third round, leading to the fish, Carihi’s mascot,
being kissed by the losing school’s principal.
This was the first pep-rally at Carihi in two years, so
students were particularly excited.
In 2011, the spirit got a bit rougher
than anticipated. This year, students planning the event did their
best to avoid grade versus grade
competition, allowing the rally
to run smoothly. Principal of
Carihi, Mr. Toal, says the spirited event was “a lot of fun.”
By Kalem Penner and Travis Goodwin
Last Saturday the Midget A Tyees played a home town game
against their rivals, Victoria Raquet Club Kings. The game was
well fought but the Tyees lost 6-2. Victoria opened the scoring
early but the Tyees bounced back with two quick goals. Tyees
and Victoria battled hard all the way to the intermission, but no
goals were scored. Victoria came out flying and scored 5 goals to
defeat the Tyees. The goals were scored by Carihi’s own Travis
Goodwin and Rio Massee. Assists went to Carihi’s Tyson
Goebel, Kurtis Scriba, and Timberline’s Jake McKenzie and Darian Swift. The Tyees are off to a slow start but are sure to pick it
up once injuries clear up and playoffs start. Make sure to come
support your local Tyees on weekend home games and playoff
games that start in late January. Game admission is free — so
cheer on your local Carihi talent! Having every fan there helps!
Top 3 Tips on Powerlifting
By Nick Ziolkowski
You’re probably thinking,
why should you care about
these tips? Let me put it this
way — follow these tips and
you’ll see things happen very
quickly: Increased muscle
mass and strength, less chance
of muscle injury, greater confidence, not looking like a goof
in front of people who know
what they’re doing.
Tip #1: When doing bench
workouts remember to keep
your back arched, your shoul-
der blades together, your feet
planted, and your head
straight. When you are about
to do a set of bench presses, I
recommend not letting the
spotter touch the bar unless
you both know you are about
to fail, otherwise you cheat
yourself out of a rep.
Tip #2: When doing deadlifts keep your butt down and
your back straight. Never
hunch your back, also don’t
bend your arms when you’re
about to pick up the weight,
you’ll rip your bicep. Keep the
bar against your legs, if you
don’t, you will have either
bruises or scratches by the
time you’re done.
Tip #3: When doing squats
remember to keep the bar low
on your shoulders, otherwise
it will end up hurting you.
Walk out with two steps and a
quick shuffle — then do your
set, don’t waste energy and
time setting up. While doing
squats please try to remember
to go below the parallel mark,
doing half squats is not doing
anything to your legs, go deep.
December 2013
CARIHIlites — Page 7
Campbell River High School Student Newspaper
From Kit &Cloth … advice for the masses
By Megan Koster & Manesha Bains
Dear Cloth,
How do I keep from losing all of my pencils?! This is a
real problem, scantron machines do not seem to register
answer bubbles filled in with my tears.
Dear Disorganized,
The key to preserving your pencils, pens, or other
various writing utensils is — attachment. Yes that’s
right. If classmates and teachers alike begin to resent
your constant demand for pencil loans, it’s time to
get attached!
The first step is to give your pencils names.
What’s in a name, you ask? A lot. Names hold meaning and they will automatically advance your pencil
from being a mere inanimate object to a cherished
Next, give your pencil some clothes. Knit them a
sweater, or perhaps make them a hat. Pencils get cold.
No one knows what it’s like to be a pencil. If you
lack the basic skills required to fabricate miniature
clothing, slap on some stickers. Look, your pencil has
tattoos and is therefore ten times cooler than all other
non-tattooed writing utensils! You may even want to
build your pencil a shelter and some furniture.
The more things the pencil leaves behind when
they disappear, the harder their loss will hit you. Bet
you’ll think twice about lending your pencil to the
kid who destroys everything when you know you’ll
have to spend weeks staring at an empty paper maché
On a final note, for anyone who finds these steps
frivolous, time consuming or “concrete evidence of
mental illness,” the app Find Your Pencil can be
downloaded for free on both iOS an Android.
separation between your brows. People will be looking
at your eyes instead of your ingrown hairs. No amount
of perfume (this goes for guys with cologne too) will
ever cover the stench of someone who hasn’t
showered. Personal hygiene should be one of your top
priorities. Clean is attractive. Remember, clothes
should be classy not trashy. Lastly, don’t be shallow.
Looks won’t last forever. There are tons of good
candidates out there if you just give them a chance!
Dear Kit,
Tips for the Men
Alright boys, get your mother’s irons out because
collared shirts are in. Throw in your skater tees for a
wrinkle free dress shirt and all eyes will be on you.
Note on beards, either do or do not, there is no try.
And no, one straggly hair on your chin is not a beard,
shave it! Don’t forget the dandruff test: rub your head
with gel in it and see if there are white flakes. If there
are, throw that bottle away and buy something else.
Breath mints do not mean you don’t have to brush
your teeth. An old fashioned toothbrush and
toothpaste will leave you minty fresh and keep your
mouth free of gingivitis. As well, swag should not be
in your vocabulary when describing your outfit.
There’s only one Kanye West for a reason. And last
but not least, chivalry is not dead gentlemen. Holding
a door open for anyone is a perfect way to show your
chivalrous side.
My loneliness is literally killing me. I’m desperate for
someone to like me. Please help!
Dear Desperate,
First off, let’s face it: in our society, looks matter.
Follow my tips and you are guaranteed to catch that
special someone’s eye. After getting their attention, all
you have to do is just be yourself and let the rest come
Tips for the Ladies
Ladies, we all know that the “cake face” isn’t a good
look on anyone. Put down the makeup and let your
natural beauty shine through. This doesn’t mean
letting your brows grow wild though, after all they are
the frames of the eyes. Make sure you’ve have
Three Lines Free (TLFs)
Good l eal
in the .
wor d
Here’s a chance for students to give shout outs, birthday wishes,
or a piece of advice for readers.
I really have test
make it to
right now.
There’s a cheese
in the deli that smells
like my grandpa.
would be
so mad bu
I can only
once a da rage
old enough
to know better
but young enough
to do it
RIP Bruce Jaws
Chucknorfish I
for a TBH
kick a
All my advice is secret
so that no one can be
as good as me.
Never e
never e
-Quinn .
According to Cervantes,
“The journey is better than the end”.
But even more important
than the journey is how you treat
the people on it with you.
-Mr. Riddell
I’m n y person.
a fun
-Der s
e can
If Blaz I can
gradua uate.
grad y
Hayd magic
I hav for you
card aime
not c m
-Rile er.
Don’t be
that girl.
-Mr. P
trust a
Never layer.
storm es
Don’t eat
the yellow
-Selena .
are ghosts in
my house.
shou l.
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Campbell River High School Edition
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D EC EMB ER 2013
Did you know? Many first-year university-level courses
at NIC are available to high school students with
English 12, including:
• Essay Writing & Critical Analysis (ENG-115)
• Introduction To The Criminal Justice System
• Introductory Psychology II (PSY-131)
• Basic Marketing Principles & Practices (BUS-162)
• High School English, Math, and Science
For more information on dual credit college courses
you can take in high school, contact Randy Grey at, or call 250-897-5632.
Find out more:
Considering anthropology?
NIC alumni Alyssa Dawe received $4,000 in scholarships to study anthropology and archeology at Simon
Fraser University. “North Island College was the bridge I needed to build confidence for university,” she said.
Find out more: visit
North Island College
student says skills training
will take him far
Hartley Matthews has a better sense
of his goals and learning style than
many students twice his age.
At 17, the plumbing and piping
foundation student has already
built his own micro-house, travelled
to South America and Turkey, and
worked in construction and roofing.
After graduating from high school in
Creston, BC he moved to the Island
to fulfill another goal: learn a trade
to work anywhere and raise funds to
keep travelling.
Though smart and goal-oriented, he
knew early on he wasn’t destined for
“I’ve always been better at trades earn credit and 375 work-based
and practical skills than traditional hours toward the steamfitting,
academics,” he said. “I’m so happy sprinkler fitting, plumbing, and
that going to trades school is an gasfitting trades.
acceptable option for students today. “I haven’t decided which specialty I
I would have hated being pushed wanted to focus on yet,” said Hartley.
into university. It’s not how I learn “Gas fitting and plumbing give me a
and it’s not what I’m good at.”
few more options.”
He moved here to stay with his uncle The programs offer a mix of
and earn his plumbing credentials.
hands-on training and classroom
“I definitely caught the construction study. “There’s pretty much a 50-50
bug when I built my cabin in balance of workshop and in class
Creston, but when it came time to time,” said instructor Rob Hughes.
pick a program — I thought I’d try Hartley is part of a demographic
plumbing. It seems like the skills are shift in plumbing training this year.
in demand, and I can earn enough His classroom includes Ace-It high
money to travel as much as possible. school students and a mix of older
Once I get my Red Seal, I can work all students retraining for a new career.
over the world.”
“This year I would say the average
WorkBC, the provincial employment age of students is about 23,” Hughes
services agency, estimates the adds.
average salary for plumbers ranges NIC’s next Plumbing and Piping
from $44,000 to $53,000 per year Foundation program starts in
depending on experience, with the February. Check the website for addilargest demand being in BC’s North tional schedules and admission for
Coast / Nechako region.
Apprenticeship Training.
NIC offers four levels of Plumbing
Apprenticeship Training as well as
Plumbing and Piping Foundation, a
26-week certificate where students
Find out more:
I’ve always been better at trades and practical skills
than traditional academics.” Hartley Matthews, Plumbing & Piping Foundation student
Tourism & Hospitality Management
students tour Canada’s top luxury
wilderness resort
North Island College’s Tourism and Hospitality
Management students took to the ocean as part of a
class trip to Sonora Resort this fall.
Students spent the day exploring one of Canada’s toprated luxury wilderness destinations.
“Sonora is a member of one of the most exclusive
resorts and small boutique hotels affiliations around
the world,” said instructor Harley Elias. “It’s at the top
end of the top end. If there were a seven- or eight-star
resort, this would be it.”
The trip is one of three behind the scenes tours of
local, provincial, and international resorts that bring
NIC classrooms to life. In the past, students have also
visited resorts in Las Vegas and Vancouver.
At NIC, students study tourism over one or two
years, focus on adventure guiding, or work toward a
Bachelor of Business Administration degree without
skipping a beat. Each program feeds directly into the
other, giving you opportunities to see the world and
get a degree at the same time.
Find out more:
This February, you’re invited to explore your road with North Island
College and Roadtrip Nation. The college is bringing in the creators of the
public television documentary series February 20 as part of our annual
high school Open House.
From Game Day Business Management for the Vancouver Canucks, to
mini Ted-talk like conferences on war and peace, you’ll sink your teeth
into the liberal arts. Plus, you’ll get a chance to tackle the trades with
hands-on seminars on Building it Right, Harnessing the Sun, and The
Amazing World of Electronics. From business and humanities, trades to
engineering, science and fine arts, NIC instructors and students will be
here to help you discover your path.
Meet with NIC organizers at Carihi on January 8 to choose your seminars
and make the most of your day.
Find out more: