. 2. ln this connection, we sincerely request all CDAs`/ Sub Offices`to
. 2. ln this connection, we sincerely request all CDAs`/ Sub Offices`to
https://mail.gov.inliwc_static/layout/sheil.html?lang=en& Subject: FINANCIAL YEAR 2015-16 To : cda. ids@n ic. in, cda-albd@n ic. in, cdaa rmyacctt. d ad@gov. in, Date: 30/03/1 6 11'.41 From: MOD <modepayments@sbi.co.in> cda-guw@nic. in, cda-jbl@nic. in, cda-meerut@nic. in, cdapd.cgda@nic.in, cda-pune@nic.ih, cdaradnd@nic. in, cda-secd@nic.in, cgdanewdelhi@nic.in, dochn.cdachn@nic.in, dpdohamirpur.cgda@nic.in, dpdojagraon. cgda@nic.in, dpdojalandhar.cgda@nic.in, dpdokolkata.cgda@nic. in, dpdokot.cdachn@nic.in, dpdopat.cdachn@nic. in, dpdotri.cdachn@nic. in, dpdoyol.cgda@nic. in, jcdafunds@nic. in, macharya.dad@gov. in, pao-cannanore.cgda@nic. in, pao-jrc.cgda@n ic. in, pao-leh.cgda@nic.in, aao-jalland.cgda@nic. in, aodmdescb@ap.nic. in, aonstlvskp@ap. nic. in, aorndmysore-ka@nic.in, . aosbcvskp@ap.nic.in, cda.blor@nic.in, cda-br@nic.in, cda-cal@nic.in, cda-chd@nic. in, cda-dehr@nic.in, cda-jammu@nic. in, cda-mad@nic. in, cda-nasik@nic.in, cda-patna@nic.in, cdard-hyd.cada@nic. in, dpdoban.cdachn@nic.in, dpdobhiwani.cgda@nic.in, dpdoferozepur.cgda@nic.in, dpdogurdaspur.cgda@nic in, dpdogurgaon.cgda@nic. in, dpdojhunjhunu.cada@nic.in, dpdokoc.cdachn@nic. in, dpdoropar.cgda@nic. in, dpdoshimla.cgda@nic. in, paobegc-roorkee@cgda.org, pao-leh.cgda@n ic. in, pcdaswc.cgda@nic. in rkbansal.dad@gov. in, sbpandey.dad@gov. in, . zokoc.cdachn@nic.in, zopdallahabad.cgda@nic. in, zopdpathankot.cgda@nic.in,aoofkhajab-mp@nic.in Cc: dgmops.cmp@sbi.co.in, govtmktg.cmp@sbi.co.in, .'agmgb' <agmgb.cmp@sbi.co.in>, agmsys.cmp@sbi.co.in, t1 ru n muttrela@sbi,co in MOD EPAYM ENTS@S Bt. CO. I N imageO01.gif (8kB) Dear Sir / Madam, As yelr all aware that the financial year 2015-16 is coming to an end. We have made arrangements to make available the MoD podal till 09.00 pm on 31.03.2016 and the qame is sent as a scrolling message in Porlal. All files that are received till 09.00 pm on 31.A3.2A16 will be processed and accounted for, as on 31 .03.2016 at our end. 2. ln this connection, we sincerely request all CDAs'/ Sub Offices'to upload / authorise all files that are to be paid i processed during this financial year, positively before 09 00 pm on 31.03 2016, to enable us to process all the files. 3. Please send necessary communication I instructions to all the users (uploaders I authorisers) to strictly adhere to the timings, to up.load I authorise all files that are to be processed during this financial year. 4. We seek your cooperation in this regard to end the financial year with a happy note Thanks & Regards, I of2 30-03-201612:07 https://mail.gov.inliwc_static/layout/shelt.html?lang: en& B GAhIGADHARA RAO. Chief Manager (MoD), State Bank of India, Cash Management Product Operation$ Centre, ,,AISHWARYAful'" Survey No. 26, Lingampally P.O., l-{yderabad - 500019. Phone : +91 - 76800-73952 +91 40 23466567 Fax : +91 40 23466579 | 234OOSB? I 23466584 e-Mail ld : modepayments@sbi.co.in PLEASE NOTE TO SEND EMAILS ONLY THROUGH YOUR OFFICIAL EMAIL ID. APPEND YOUR NAME I MOBILE / LANDLINE NUMBERS IN YOUR CORRESPONDENCE FOR QUICK RESOLUTION OF QUERY. Disclaimer -- The information in this mail is confidential and is intended solely for addressee. Access to this mail by anyone else is unauthorised. Copying or further distribution beyond the original recipient may be unlawful. Any opinion expressed in this mail is that of sender and does not necessarily reflect that of State Bank group.-- -- I lc'^.d& r^glo-.d of2 Df: :o1u>l>otL c.^ Pc$A [3a"T-t"^-- l^le'bcll'a-- ,fu,r o{fic*a EBPfu Lcd fana 2 p*d'rlo.:A' Ar b o^-Ll Cp" es:,*<a fi 3 fT* Pc D V, 30-03-201612:06