1 Shri J.P. Mishra PSA-NIC 0ll-23061562 Ext
1 Shri J.P. Mishra PSA-NIC 0ll-23061562 Ext
a Phones : 27536930 I 27536936 Fax E-mail : hyderabad-dgft@nic.in :27536932 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA / MINISTRY OF'COMMERCE & INDUSTRY OFFICE OF JOINT DIRECTOR GENERAL OF FOREIGN TRADE 3O2,3rd FLOOR, CGO TOWERS, KAVADIGUDA SECUNDERABAD. 5OO O8O Trade Notice No. O3/AM 17 dated O4.O5.2O16 Trade is hereby informed that whenever application for issue or modification of IEC is to be filed now, it has to be done only through an online process with digitat signature and the filing is done to DGFT, New Delhi. Only after successful filing of the application it gets downloaded to Hyderabad-JDGFT. So any hitch or glitch during the filing process has to be taken-up only with DGFT, New Delhi and this office will not be in a position to intervene till the application successfully gets filed in the DGFT Server/Website. Hence any query relating to filing process like Non-generation of mobile/E-mail token/being not able to complete submission using digital key/problem while updation the records/problem during uploading of the attachments etc., should be taken-up only with DGFT, New Delhi and this office OR the NIC Desk at Hyderabad Office will not be in a position to intervene, since Hyderabad Server does not have any access to Delhi server until the data gets downloaded into Hyderabad server after successful submission. The following is the DGFT EDI Helpdesk Number and E-Mail ID 18OO 111 55O (Toll Freef and deftedi@nic.in Contact persons in EDI Section are given below:- Mishra 1 Shri J.P. 2 Shri S. Rajasekhar PSA-NIC 0ll-23061562 Ext-306 ipm(Zl)nic.in SA-NIC s.rajdir)nic.in 011-23006156 Ext-306 In case your query is not attended by EDI Section then you may contact the following persons in DGFT:- 1 Shri Ajay Kumar Srivastava Joint DGFT 011-23061562 ExL 2 ShriAnilK. Sinha DGFT-NI 011-23061562 229 Ext.227 S.B.S Reddy Joint Director General of Fo Trade sajay(iDnic.in anilksinha@nic.in