Final Program - The Movement Disorder Society
Final Program - The Movement Disorder Society
Australian Minimum Product Information - BOTOX® (botulinum toxin type A) purified neurotoxin complex is a prescription medicine containing 100 units (U) of botulinum toxin type A for injection. Indications: *Urinary incontinence due to neurogenic detrusor overactivity resulting from a defined neurological illness (such as spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis) and not controlled adequately by anticholinergic agents. This does not include idiopathic overactive bladder; prophylaxis of headaches in adults with chronic migraine (headaches on at least 15 days per month of which at least 8 days are with migraine); strabismus; blepharospasm associated with dystonia, including benign blepharospasm & VIIth nerve disorders (hemifacial spasm) in patients 12 years & over; cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis); focal spasticity of the upper & lower limbs, including dynamic equinus foot deformity due to spasticity in juvenile cerebral palsy patients 2 years & older; severe primary hyperhidrosis of the axillae; focal spasticity in adults; spasmodic dysphonia; upper facial rhytides (glabellar lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines) in adults. Contraindications: * Intradetrusor injection - acute urinary tract infection, acute urinary retention in patients who are not routinely catheterising, or who are not willing and/or able to initiate catheterisation post-treatment, if required; hypersensitivity to ingredients; myasthenia gravis or Eaton Lambert Syndrome; infection at injection site(s). Precautions: Different botulinum preparations are not therapeutically equivalent. Exercise extreme caution should substitution with another botulinum preparation be necessary. Botulinum toxin effects may be observed beyond site of local injection with symptoms consistent with mechanism of action and reported hours to weeks after injection. Symptoms may include muscular weakness, ptosis, diplopia, blurred vision, facial weakness, swallowing and speech disorders, constipation, aspiration pneumonia, difficulty breathing and respiratory depression. Risk of symptoms is greatest in children with spasticity, but can also occur in adults particularly those on high doses. Swallowing/ breathing difficulties can be life threatening and there have been reports of death (relationship to BOTOX® not established). *Serious adverse events including fatal outcomes have been reported in patients who had received BOTOX® injected directly into salivary glands, the oro-lingual-pharyngeal region, esophagus and stomach. Use with aminoglycosides or drugs that interfere with neuromuscular transmission; peripheral motor neuropathic diseases or neuromuscular junctional disorders; *hypersensitivity reactions such as anaphylaxis and serum sickness, as well as urticaria, soft tissue oedema and dyspnoea; inflammation at injection sites; excessive weakness in target muscle; pregnancy & lactation. Generalised weakness & myalgia may be related to systemic absorption. Blepharospasm: Reduced blinking following injection of the orbicularis muscle can lead to corneal pathology. Caution with patients at risk of angle closure glaucoma, including anatomically narrow angles. Strabismus: Inducing paralysis in extraocular muscles may produce spatial disorientation, double vision or past pointing. Use in chronic paralytic strabismus only in conjunction with surgical repair to reduce antagonist contracture. Spasticity: Not likely to be effective at a joint affected by a known fixed contracture. Cervical Dystonia (spasmodic torticollis): Possibility of dysphagia or dyspnoea. May be decreased by limiting dose injected into the sternocleidomastoid muscle to <100U. Primary Hyperhidrosis of the Axillae: Consider causes of secondary hyperhidrosis to avoid symptomatic treatment. Spasmodic Dysphonia: Laryngoscopy in diagnostic evaluation is mandatory. Avoid treatment in patients due to have elective surgery requiring general anaesthesia. Chronic migraine: Due to difficulties in establishing a diagnosis of chronic migraine, patients being considered for prophylaxis of headaches with BOTOX® should be evaluated by a neurologist or pain management specialist prior to receiving treatment with BOTOX®. *Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity: The intradetrusor administration of BOTOX® is only to be conducted by a urologist/ urogynaecologist trained in this technique or by a urologist/urogynaecologist under the direct supervision of a urologist/urogynaecologist who has been so trained. *Caution when performing cystoscopy. *Assess post-void residual volume post-treatment. Paediatric Use: Safety & effectiveness below 18 years have not been established for *urinary incontinence due to neurogenic detrusor overactivity, chronic migraine and below 12 years not established for blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, cervical dystonia, hyperhidrosis, spasmodic dysphonia or upper facial rhytides. Safety & effectiveness below 2 years not established for focal spasticity. Caution should be exercised when treating patients with significant disability & co-morbidities and elderly. Caution should be exercised after treatment of BOTOX® as it can have an effect on the ability to drive and use machines. Adverse Reactions: Usually transient & occur within first week of injection. ≥1% Localised pain, tenderness, bruising, infection, local & general weakness, erythema, oedema, ptosis, irritation/tearing, vertical deviation, diplopia, sub-conjunctival & conjunctival haemorrhages, reversible increase in intra-ocular pressure, trigger finger, clumsiness, falling, hypokinesia, increased frequency of micturition, joint dislocation, muscle spasms, convulsions, nasopharyngitis, *dyspnea, pneumonia, *dry mouth, vomiting, contusion, leg pain/cramps, fever, knee pain, ankle pain, lethargy, arm pain, hypertonia, fever/flu syndrome, accidental injury, incoordination, paresthesia, asthenia, headache, hyperkinesia, neck pain, dysphagia, perceived increase in non-axillary sweating, vasodilation, paralytic dysphonia (breathy dysphonia), aspiration, stridor, technical failure, blepharoptosis, face pain, ecchymosis, skin tightness, nausea, temporary lateral lower eyelid droop, eyebrow ptosis, eyelid swelling, aching/ itching forehead, feeling of tension, seizures, migraine, facial paresis, musculoskeletal stiffness, myalgia, musculoskeletal pain, muscle tightness, injection site pain, pruritus, *rash, *urinary tract infection, *urinary retention, *fatigue, *insomnia, *constipation, *muscular weakness, *gait disturbance, *bladder diverticulum, *haematuria, *dysuria, *autonomic dysreflexia. Dose/ Administration: Use one vial for one patient. Store reconstituted BOTOX® in refrigerator; use within 24 hours of reconstitution. *Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity: 200 U injected in detrusor muscle. Chronic migraine: 155U to 195U administered intramuscularly (IM) divided across 7 specific head/neck muscle areas. Blepharospasm: Initially 1.25U to 2.5U injected into upper lid medial & lateral pre-tarsal orbicularis oculi & into lower lid lateral pre-tarsal orbicularis oculi. Cumulative dose over 2 months should not exceed 200U. Strabismus: Initial doses 1.25 – 2.5U to 2.5 – 5.0U per muscle. Maximum single injection for any one muscle is 25U. VIIth Nerve Disorders (hemifacial spasm): Dosing as for unilateral blepharospasm. Inject other facial muscles as needed. Focal Spasticity in Children 2 Years & Older: 0.5-2.0U/kg body weight for upper limb & 2.0-4.0U/kg body weight for lower limb. 4U/kg or 200U (the lesser amount) for equinus foot deformity. Other muscles range 3.0-8.0U/kg body weight & do not exceed 300U divided among muscles at any treatment session. Focal Spasticity in Adults: Individualise dosing. Cervical Dystonia (spasmodic torticollis): Individualise dosing. Maximum dose 360U every 2 months. Primary Hyperhidrosis of the Axillae: 50U intradermally to each axilla in 10-15 sites 1-2 cm apart. Spasmodic Dysphonia: Bilateral injections. Individualise dosing. Glabellar Lines: 2x4U in each corrugator muscle & 4U in the procerus muscle for 20U total dose. Crow’s Feet: 2-6U/injection site, 3 sites bilaterally in lateral orbicularis oculi. Forehead Lines: 2-6U/injection site, 4 sites in frontalis muscle. Date of TGA approval: 20 March 2012 *Please note change(s) in Product Information Chronic Migraine Cervical Dystonia Upper Limb Spasticity Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity Blepharospasm Hemifacial spasm Severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis Lower Limb Spasticity BEFORE PRESCRIBING, PLEASE REVIEW APPROVED PRODUCT INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FROM ALLERGAN. PBS Information: Section 100 Restriction. Refer to PBS for full information. Allergan Australia Pty Ltd. 810 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072. ABN 85 000 612 831. ANZ/0198/2012 LH2790 BOTOX® is a registered trademark of Allergan. © Allergan Inc. Azilect – extend the now ® rasagiline PBS Information: Authority required (STREAMLINED). Parkinson’s disease Please review the Approved Product Information (PI) before prescribing. Azilect® Australian abbreviated prescribing information (Rasagiline) Indications: Symptomatic treatment of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, as monotherapy or adjunct therapy with a levodopa/ decarboxylase inhibitor. Dosage & Administration: 1mg once daily with or without levodopa/decarboxylase inhibitor therapy. Tablets to be taken orally. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to rasagiline or tablet excipients, hepatic impairment, concomitant treatment with MAOIs, pethidine, tramadol, tapentadol, methadone, dextropropoxyphene, dextromethorphan, St John’s wort and potent CYP1A2 inhibitors. Precautions: serotonin syndrome, hypertensive crisis, dietary tyramine, dyskinesia, postural hypotension, hallucinations, melanoma, skin examinations. Interactions: MAOIs, pethidine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, serotonergic drugs, antidepressants, dextromethorphan, sympathomimetic drugs, levodopa, ciprofloxacin, potent CYP1A2 inhibitors, entacapone, alcohol, smoking, pregnancy (Category B3), lactation. Adverse Events: accidental injury, abdominal pain, pain, postural hypotension, hypotension, nausea, constipation, dry mouth, vomiting, dyspepsia, anorexia, weight loss, arthralgia, dyskinesia, dizziness, sleep disorder, somnolence, hallucinations, dystonia, abnormal dreams, dyspnoea, rash, falls, hypertensive crisis, rhabdomyolysis, inappropriate ADH secretion, headache, flu syndrome, fever, malaise, neck pain, arthritis, depression, paraesthesia, vertigo, pharyngitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis. For all other adverse events see full PI. Date of TGA approval: 12 September 2011. Date of Minimum PI: 11 December 2012. Product Information is available on request from Lundbeck Australia Pty Ltd. For further information please consult the full PI. lundbeck/pi.cfm?product=lupazilt Distributed and Marketed in Australia by: Lundbeck Australia Pty Ltd 1 Innovation Rd North Ryde NSW 2113 Ph: +61 2 8669 1000 Date of TGA approval: 12 September 2011 Table of Contents Acknowledgement of Support.........................................................6 About MDS......................................................................................7-8 Membership Information.................................................................9 Education Information............................................................. 11-12 MDS Educational Resources................................................... 13-16 Continuing Medical Education (CME) Information ................... 17 International Congress Information A-Z.............................. 19-21 Abstracts and Poster Sessions.............................................. 19 Badges........................................................................................ 19 Camera Policy........................................................................... 19 Certificate of Attendance......................................................... 19 Coffee Breaks............................................................................ 19 Congress Information Desk.................................................... 19 Continuing Medical Education (CME) .................................... 19 Currency..................................................................................... 19 Evaluations................................................................................ 19 Events................................................................................... 19-20 Exhibit Hall................................................................................. 20 MDS Booth.................................................................................. 20 MDS Rating Scales Testing Room Information .................. 20 Official Language...................................................................... 20 Press Information .................................................................... 20 Registration Desk..................................................................... 21 Scientific Sessions................................................................... 21 Special Accessibility Needs.................................................... 21 Speaker Ready Room ............................................................. 21 Ticketed Sessions .................................................................... 21 Venue.......................................................................................... 21 Weather...................................................................................... 21 Abstract Information................................................................ 22-24 Poster Sessions........................................................................ 22 Late-Breaking Abstracts......................................................... 22 MDS Study Group Abstracts................................................... 22 Abstract Publication ................................................................ 22 Poster Session Schedules ............................................... 22-23 Poster Session Topics (Alphabetically)................................ 24 Guided Poster Tours...................................................................... 25 Convention Centre Map........................................................... 26-27 Map of Sydney’s Darling Harbour............................................... 28 MDS Awards.............................................................................. 29-34 Congress Session Definitions...................................................... 35 Special Meeting Theme........................................................... 35 Program-at-a-Glance.................................................................... 36 Scientific Program.................................................................... 37-57 Sunday, June 16, 2013....................................................... 37-38 Monday, June 17, 2013...................................................... 39-43 Tuesday, June 18, 2013..................................................... 44-49 Wednesday, June 19, 2013............................................... 50-54 Thursday, June 20, 2013................................................... 55-57 Faculty Listing........................................................................... 58-61 Corporate Therapeutic Symposia.......................................... 62-63 Science and Technology Pavilion ......................................... 62 Exhibitor Information .................................................................... 64 Exhibit and Poster Hall Floor Plan.............................................. 65 Exhibitor Directory................................................................... 66-69 Guided Poster Tours................................................................ 70-77 Abstracts by Topic..................................................................78-122 Certificate of Attendance............................................................. 123 SAVE THE DATE—2014 International Congress...................... 127 ow! dN Downloa Download the 2013 MDS International Congress app to your iPhone®, iPad® or AndroidTM • Search the scientific program • View schedule of events • Check poster schedules and much more! *Remember to enable ‘Push Messages’ for important Congress updates! 4 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Dear Colleagues, On behalf of The Movement Disorder Society, we are pleased to formally invite you, for the first time, to the continent of Australia. Come to the “land down under” where the sun is warm, the culture is dynamic and the people are welcoming, to attend the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Sydney, June 16 - 20, 2013. Situated next to long stretches of ocean and sandy beaches, Sydney is one of the largest, oldest and most multi-ethnic cities in Australia making it one of the world’s most beautiful places to live and visit. Let’s come together to learn about the latest research and therapies for movement disorders, collaborate with colleagues and actively participate in advancing the field of Movement Disorders, all while enjoying the history, sights, sounds, and tastes of Sydney and Australia. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Sydney for the 17th International Congress and hope you will take part in the many exciting lectures and educational opportunities the 2013 International Congress offers. With kind regards, Günther Deuschl President, The Movement Disorder Society, 2011-2013 David John Burn Chair, Congress Scientific Program Committee, 2011-2013 Victor Fung Co-Chair, Congress Scientific Program Committee, 2013 5 Acknowledgement of Support The International Congress Oversight Committee of the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders wishes to acknowledge and thank the following companies for their support: Platinum Level Gold Level Bronze Level Above companies are confirmed as of May 5, 2013 6 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 About MDS Ataxia Blepharospasm Dysphonia Dystonic disorders Gait disorders Huntington’s disease Myoclonus Parkinson’s disease Restless legs syndrome Spasticity Tardive dyskinesia Tics and Tourette syndrome Tremor The Movement Disorder Society (MDS) was founded in 1985 on the initiative of Professors Stanley Fahn and C. David Marsden, whose leadership and vision guided the expansion of clinical expertise and research in this field. The organization merged in 1988 with the International Medical Society for Motor Disturbances. Purpose, Mission And Goals Purpose: The objective and mission of the Society shall be to advance the neurological sciences pertaining to Movement Disorders; to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients; to operate exclusively for scientific, scholarly and educational purposes; to encourage research; to provide forums, such as medical journals, scientific symposia and International Congresses, for sharing ideas and for advancing the related clinical and scientific disciplines; to encourage interest and participation in the activities of the Society among healthcare and allied professionals and scientists; and to collaborate with other related professional and lay organizations. About MDS The Movement Disorder Society (MDS) is an international, professional society of clinicians, scientists, and other healthcare professionals who are interested in Parkinson’s disease, related neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, hyperkinetic movement disorders, and abnormalities in muscle tone and motor control. The spectrum of clinical disorders represented by the Society includes, but is not limited to: Mission and Goals: To disseminate knowledge about Movement Disorders by: • Providing educational programs for clinicians, scientists and the general public designed to advance scientific and clinical knowledge about Movement Disorders • Sponsoring International Congresses and Symposia on Movement Disorders • Collaborating with other international organizations and lay groups • Publishing journals, videotapes and other collateral materials committed to high scientific standards and peer review To promote research into causes, prevention and treatment of Movement Disorders by: • Using the Society’s influence and resources to enhance support for research • Facilitating the dissemination of information about research • Encouraging the training of basic and clinical scientists in Movement Disorders and related disorders For the purposes of favorably affecting the care of patients with Movement Disorders, the Society will provide expertise, advice and guidance to: • Regulatory agencies to assist them in the approval process of safe and effective therapeutic interventions • The public (media) and patient support groups by informing them of new research and therapeutic advances • Governments to assist them in the development of policies that affect support of research and patient care • Educational efforts to assist in developing standards of training in the specialty 7 About MDS About MDS MDS Officers (2011-2013) President Günther Deuschl, Germany President-Elect Matthew Stern, USA Secretary Secretary-Elect Cynthia Comella, Francisco USA Cardoso, Brazil MDS International Executive Committee Kailash Bhatia, United Kingdom David John Burn, United Kingdom Murat Emre, Turkey Susan Fox, Canada Victor Fung, Australia Etienne Hirsch, France Ryuji Kaji, Japan Serge Przedborski, USA Anthony Schapira, United Kingdom A. Jon Stoessl, Canada International Congress Oversight Committee Chair: Anthony Lang, Canada David John Burn, United Kingdom Günther Deuschl, Germany Victor Fung, Australia Nir Giladi, Israel Andrew Lees, United Kingdom Matthew Stern, USA Philip Thompson, Australia Congress Scientific Program Committee Chair: David John Burn, United Kingdom Co-Chair: Victor Fung, Australia Roger Barker, United Kingdom Daniela Berg, Germany Erwan Bezard, France Kailash Bhatia, United Kingdom Bastiaan Bloem, Netherlands Francisco Cardoso, Brazil Günther Deuschl, Germany Giovanni Fabbrini, Italy 8 Treasurer Nir Giladi, Israel Joaquim Ferreira, Portugal Susan Fox, Canada Oscar Gershanik, Argentina Glenda Halliday, Australia Paul Krack, France Anthony Lang, Canada Irene Litvan, USA Timothy Lynch, Ireland Margarita Makoutonina, Australia Pablo Martinez-Martin, Spain Marcelo Merello, Argentina Jose Obeso, Spain Per Odin, Germany Robert Rodnitzky, USA Klaus Seppi, Austria Philip Starr, USA Matthew Stern, USA Antonio Strafella, Canada D. James Surmeier, USA Ryosuke Takahashi, Japan Louis Tan, Singapore Philip Thompson, Australia Congress Local Organizing Committee Chair: Victor Fung Tim Anderson Ainhi Ha Andrew Hughes Thomas Kimber John O’Sullivan Julian Rodrigues Barry Snow Rick Stell Carolyn Sue Philip Thompson David Williams Treasurer-Elect Christopher Goetz, USA Past-President Philip Thompson, Australia Past-Presidents 2009-2011 Philip Thompson, Australia 2007-2009 Anthony Lang, Canada 2005-2006 Andrew Lees, United Kingdom 2003-2004 C. Warren Olanow, USA 2001-2002 Werner Poewe, Austria 1999-2000 Mark Hallett, USA 1997-1998 Eduardo Tolosa, Spain 1995-1996 Joseph Jankovic, USA 1991-1994 C. David Marsden, United Kingdom 1988-1991 Stanley Fahn, USA International Medical Society for Motor Disturbances Past-Presidents 1993-1994 C. Warren Olanow, USA 1991-1992 Bastian Conrad, Germany 1989-1990 Mark Hallett, USA 1987-1988 Mario Manfredi, Italy 1985-1986 C. David Marsden, United Kingdom MDS International Secretariat The Movement Disorder Society 555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100 Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823 USA Tel: +1 414-276-2145 Fax: +1 414-276-3349 E-mail: Website: 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Membership Information • A subscription to the print, DVD, and online journal, Movement Disorders, including supplemental publications, such as The Movement Disorder Society Evidence Based Medicine Review: Treatments for Motor and Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. • A unique selection of educational opportunities, including live and online CME/CPD activities and reference material on topics in Movement Disorders. • Reduced fees for participation in the Society’s educational programs. Educational Programs include the annual International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, and regional programs, courses and workshops held each year. • A searchable online and mobile directory listing mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses for members. • A Members-Only Section of the MDS website, including a searchable Video Library, Case of the Month, teaching slide sets, and one-time login access to full text articles in the Movement Disorders Journal. • A quarterly newsletter entitled, Moving Along, highlighting current news and views in the field of Movement Disorders. • Participation in the election of international and regional section leadership representatives. FREE Membership! Non-Members Applying for Membership Non-Members will have the opportunity to apply for MDS membership at the International Congress for no additional fee with limited benefits through 2013, and full membership status, receiving the print journal, in January 2014. Membership applications will be provided to all NonMember attendees onsite in their registration packet and must be returned to the MDS booth prior to the conclusion of the International Congress. No applications will be accepted by the Secretariat after June 20, 2013.*Only those paying the Non-Member registration fee will be eligible to apply for membership at no additional cost. This option is not available to those registering as a Junior or Health Professional participant or anyone who registered as part of a group. It is also not available to those who are already members of MDS. About MDS Membership Benefits 2013-2014 will be another exciting year for MDS and we look forward to bringing you news of these and other new initiatives through the Movement Disorders journal, Moving Along newsletter and the MDS website. For further information, please contact: The Movement Disorder Society International Secretariat 555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100 Milwaukee, WI 53202 USA Tel: + 1 414-276-2145 Fax: + 1 414-276-3349 E-mail: Website: 9 , For Patients with Parkinson s Disease ⮮ᧄ⮎䉫䊦䊷䊒 ⇎⇻⇺∞ FP Pharmaceutical Corp. is pleased to be a supporter of the 17th International Congress of Parkinson,s Disease and Movement Disorders. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA June 16 - 20, 2013 We dedicate ourselves to distribution of Selegiline in Japan. FP Pharmaceutical Corp. 1-3-40 Nishiotsuka, Matsubara, Osaka, 580-0011 JAPAN ᄢ㒋ၔ (Osaka Castle) A PARKINSON’S FOCUSSED COMPANY TSX.V:CTH CONTACT: Mr. Anthony Giovinazzo, President & CEO Ph: (416)703-2449 x225 Cynapsus is proud to be a supporter of the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. We hope that our APL-130277 sublingual (oral mucosal) strip delivery of Apomorphine for the acute rescue of “off” episodes, might someday provide patients with an ease of use, and more tolerable alternative to Apomorphine Hydrochloride subcutaneous injections. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Education Information Asian and Oceanian Section MDS is committed to advancing the field of Movement Disorders by continuing to expand its educational program. This program offers an increasing variety of high caliber continuing medical education (CME) and continuing professional development (CPD) in movement disorders, including live courses, region-specific education, Internet education, support and endorsement opportunities, and enduring educational materials. MDS educational programming falls under the auspices of the MDS Education Committee, chaired by Louis Tan of the National Neuroscience Institute in Singapore, and co-chaired by Claudia Trenkwalder of Paracelsus-Elena Hospital in Kassel, Germany. The MDS Education Committee coordinates the development of these courses, which originate from one of the three dynamic regional sections: the European Section, the Asian and Oceanian Section, and the Pan American Section. Each section includes an Executive Committee and an Education Committee. The MDS Asian and Oceanian Section (MDS-AOS) comprises MDS members from the majority of the Asian continent, as well as Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. The AOS Executive Committee of The Movement Disorder Society is chaired by RueyMeei Wu of National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei. The Chair of the AOS Education Committee is Ryosuke Takahashi of Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan. Madhuri Behari of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi is the Co-Chair of this committee. The AOS was formed in 2006 at the Kyoto, Japan MDS Congress. In the past year, MDS-AOS has helped develop educational programs in Delhi, Jaipur and Vadodara, India; Mandalay, Myanmar; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Manila, Philippines. The official MDS-AOS website can be found at: and includes programming and Section information, details about AOS Regional Partners, leadership, the AOS Traveling Fellowship, and a calendar of events. European Section The MDS European Section (MDS-ES) comprises members who live in Europe as well as select countries in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The ES Executive Committee of The Movement Disorder Society is chaired by Werner Poewe of Innsbruck Medical University in Austria. The ES Education Committee is chaired by Joaquim Ferreira of the Lisbon School of Medicine in Portugal. During the past year, MDS-ES educational activities have been held in Paris, France; Stockholm, Sweden; Rome, Italy; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Innsbruck, Austria; Tartu, Estonia; Fès, Morocco; and Iaşi, Romania (MDS/EFNS Regional Teaching Course). The 6th Annual MDS-ES Summer School for Young Neurologists will be held in London in July 2013, and the first Allied Health Summer School will be held in Nijmegen, Netherlands, also in July 2013. The official MDS-ES website can be found at: es/ and includes a wealth of programming and Section information, including leadership and mission, details about MDS Regional Development initiatives, and access to MDS-ES/EFNS European diagnosis and management recommendations. One can also find information on fellowships, links to scholarly papers and keynote publications, and a calendar of events. For more information on the MDS-ES or its educational offerings, please e-mail: About MDS MDS Educational Programming For further information on the MDS-AOS or its educational opportunities, please e-mail: Asian and Oceanian Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress (AOPMC) To achieve AOS objectives, the AOS organizes a biennial regional congress that is attended by more than 500 doctors, researchers and healthcare professionals from the Asian and Oceanian region. The 4th AOPMC will be held in November 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. Please visit: for more information. Pan American Section The MDS Pan American Section (MDS-PAS) is composed of members who live in the countries of the Western Hemisphere. The PAS Executive Committee of The Movement Disorder Society is chaired by Jorge Juncos of Emory University in Atlanta, GA, USA. The PAS Education Committee is chaired by Irene Litvan of the University of California, San Diego. Over the last 12 months, PAS education courses have taken place in Cochabamba, Bolivia; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires and Mendoza, Argentina; Managua, Nicaragua; and Toronto, ON, Canada. The official MDS-PAS website can be found at: and includes a variety of programming and Section information, details about the Regional Needs Assessment Survey, MDS Conference Calendar and PAS calendar of events. For additional information on the MDS-PAS or its educational programming, please e-mail: 11 About MDS Education Information MDS Outreach Education Ambassador Program MDS is committed to supporting quality movement disorders education in areas worldwide. The following programs were developed to meet the need for movement disorders education in areas currently lacking in continuing medical education in the field. Applications for each of these programs can be accessed at: outreach_education.php. The Ambassador Program supports the travel of 1-2 expert speakers to participate in a major regional or local movement disorders meeting. Sponsored speakers deliver a keynote lecture during the meeting. An honorarium is provided. Over the last year, Ambassador programs have been held in Moscow, Russia; Managua, Nicaragua; Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Mendoza, Argentina. For further information on MDS Outreach Education, please e-mail: Visiting Professor Program Developing World Education Program MDS European Section (ES), the MDS Asian and Oceanian Section (AOS) and the MDS Pan American Section (PAS) members may apply for grants to fund one- to two-day courses devoted to movement disorders. These courses may be standalone or joined to a local meeting in areas with a demonstrated need for movement disorders education. As part of this grant, international speakers are funded to speak at each course. Over the last year, programming has taken place in Jaipur, Vadodara, and Delhi, India; Mandalay, Myanmar; Fès, Morocco; and Chiangmai, Thailand. The Visiting Professor Program (VPP) supports the travel of 1-2 international experts. During the visit, invited experts conduct teaching seminars in local hospitals or institutions, participate in grand rounds, or provide input for the further development of the local movement disorders treatment and management. Visits may consist of one of these activities or a combination of all three. An honorarium is provided. The VPP program has been hosted over the last year in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. MDS Website your ‘Communications Hub’ at the Congress and all year-round We invite you to visit the MDS website – your Society’s “Communications Hub” for education, news and resources about the field of Movement Disorders. Log on to to access Members-Only features such as the Movement Disorders Journal, Case of the Month, Quick Opinion Please, Video Library, and the Membership Directory. Be sure to visit the Regional Sections of the website (European, Asian and Oceanian, and Pan American) to find news and activities happening in your part of the world. Learn about online CME and worldwide professional development opportunities in our Education section. The Congress, workshops, conferences and seminars are listed and updated regularly on the website in the Announcements section. MoveNet, a free networking directory for professionals, is a new way for you to meet others who work in the field of Movement Disorders. When you join MoveNet, you will receive updates from MDS delivered right to your inbox. Website features include: • Podcasts of the latest Movement Disorders Abstracts • Movement Disorder Book Reviews • Health Professionals (Non-Physician) Resources • Movement Disorders Video Library • Moving Along Newsletter • Member Videos • Movement Disorders Journal • MDS-Owned Rating Scales • MDS-UPDRS and UDysRS Training Program & Exercises • EBM Reviews and Position Papers 12 Stay connected with colleagues and friends when you visit the Society’s social media communities. Join the MDS group on Facebook or join other movement disorders professionals on LinkedIn. View video interviews with key leaders in the Society on our YouTube channel. While at Congress, follow MDS on Twitter @movedisorder. Get regular updates about news and activities or share your updates on Twitter any time, any place. Be sure to use #MDSCongress2013 in all of your tweets while at the Congress so others can follow your comments! Scan the code to go directly to the website 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 MDS Educational Resources As part of its educational mission to expand the availability of educational content, MDS produces enduring materials of select programming. The following DVDs exemplify the current offerings of MDS and are available for purchase on the MDS website. 2013 MDS Video Challenge DVD, recorded June 19, 2013, Sydney, Australia MDS is pleased to offer you the opportunity to view the MDS Video Challenge from the 17th International Congress on DVD. Each DVD includes slides, audio and video. These unique movement disorders cases were presented by representatives from Movement Disorder Centers around the world and discussed by senior experts in the field. The goal of this event was that attendees learn from a series of unusual, intriguing cases and see how senior experts approach and handle them. The DVD of the MDS Video Challenge from the 2013 Congress can be purchased at: MDS Video Games DVD, recorded June 20, 2012, Dublin, Ireland A DVD of the MDS Video Games from the 2012 Congress can be purchased at: congress12/video_games/. VO Games DVD, recorded June 8, 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada A DVD of the VO Games from the 2011 Congress can be purchased at: congress11/. Congress Teaching Courses and Themed Sessions 17th International Congress Teaching Courses and Themed Sessions The Teaching Courses and Themed Courses for the 17th International Congress are available for preorder on the International Congress website at www.mdscongress2013. org/. Each DVD will include slides, audio and video of the recorded presentations, and PDF syllabi for the Teaching Courses. Distribution of DVD orders will begin in September 2013. The Teaching Course and Themed Course DVDs both include slides, audio, and video. The Teaching Course DVD includes PDF versions of the course syllabi. 17th International Congress Teaching Courses • Movement disorders and epilepsy • Biomarkers for early Parkinson’s disease • Movement disorders emergencies • DBS in movement disorders • Recognizing and understanding hyperkinetic movement disorders • Clinical examination in movement disorders • Imaging techniques in degenerative movement disorders: A window on the pathologist’s world (also included on Themed Sessions DVD) • Update on botulinum toxin treatment About MDS Educational DVDs 17th International Congress Themed Sessions • Clinicopathological correlations in Parkinson’s disease • Inclusions in Parkinson’s disease: The link between pathology and molecular biology • The basal ganglia in health and disease • How to develop and run a brain bank • The pathophysiology of hyperkinetic movement disorders • Corticobasal syndrome: Clinical, neuroanatomical and genetic perspectives • The mysteries of dopamine in health and disease • How to assess cognitive function in parkinsonian syndromes • Movement Disorders: Surprises in localization or pathology • Multiple system atrophy: A wolf in sheep’s clothing • What’s new in essential and non-essential tremor? • Regional atypical parkinsonian syndromes • Imaging techniques in degenerative movement disorders: A window on the pathologist’s world (also included on Teaching Courses DVD) DVDs from Past Congresses The following Teaching Courses and Themed Sessions from previous Congresses are available to order at: 16th International Congress Teaching Courses (DVD also available as streaming video August 2013) This DVD contains recordings of the Teaching Course Sessions of the 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Dublin, Ireland. The DVD includes slides, audio and video of the eight teaching courses and PDF syllabi. The following topics are covered: • Update on psychogenic movement disorders • Update on management and diagnosis of early parkinsonism • Frontotemporal dementias and parkinsonism • Update on levodopa-induced dyskinesias • Update on chorea • Update on atypical parkinsonism • Invasive therapies for advanced Parkinson’s disease • The non-motor features of Parkinson’s disease 13 About MDS MDS Educational Resources 16th International Congress Themed Sessions DVD (also available as streaming video August 2013) This DVD contains recordings of the Themed Sessions of the 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Dublin, Ireland. The DVD includes slides, audio and video. The following topics are covered: • Is it time to change how we define Parkinson’s disease? • Molecular methodology for dummies: New investigative tools to shake up our understanding of Parkinson’s disease • Whatever happened to environmental factors in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease? Are they still important? • Is my movement disorder genetic and what does that mean for me and my family? • Lost in translation: Has genetics informed our knowledge of nonparkinsonian movement disorders? • Is Parkinson’s disease a mitochondrial or proteostatic disorder? • Imaging genetics in movement disorders • Frontotemporal dementias and parkinsonism* • How to critically read and interpret genetic and molecular biological literature in movement disorders (e.g. GWAS studies) • Clinical clues and pearls in the recognition of the primary dystonias and dystonia plus syndromes: GenotypePhenotype correlation • What is essential tremor? • How to interpret the mysteries of RNA and mitochondrialmediated pathophysiology in movement disorders • Clinical clues and pearls in the recognition of genetic forms of parkinsonism 15th International Congress Teaching Courses (available as streaming video only) The Teaching Sessions of the 15th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Toronto, ON, Canada, are available as streaming video. • Update on myoclonus • Non-motor features of Parkinson’s disease cognition • Impulse control disorders (ICDs) • From bench top to bedside: Current topics in translation research in movement disorders • Neurodegeneration: The role of environmental factors • New Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale: MDS-UPDRS • Chorea, athetosis, and ballism • Update on gait disorders 15th International Congress Themed Sessions • Cognitive decline in movement disorders • Gilles de la Tourette syndrome • Psychiatric features of genetic movement disorders • Bedside evaluation of cognition in movement disorders • Impulsivity, addiction and reward mechanisms in movement disorders • An update on psychogenic movement disorders • Hallucinations and psychosis in Parkinson’s disease • Impulse control disorders (ICDs) • Pyschogenic movement disorders: Video demonstrations and evaluation techniques • The non-dementia associated cognitive and behavioral features of PD • Startle, stereotypies and mannerisms; video cases • Mood changes in Parkinson’s disease: Depression, anxiety and apathy Educational Webcasts Evidence Based Medicine Update on Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease: Webcast The Evidence Based Medicine Update on Treatments for Parkinson’s disease outlines the concept of EBM and then presents the findings from the recent reviews. The following webcast captures this content as it was presented in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on November 9, 2012. Course Learning Objectives 1.Explain the concept of evidence based medicine 2.List the treatments available for the management of motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease 3.Identify the role of each agent in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease as indicated by the evidence based review 4.Discuss the clinical applications of each treatment in the management of Parkinson’s disease To view the webcast, please visit: 2011 Edward I. Rudman Parkinson’s Disease Patient and Caregiver Symposium Webcast: Recent advances in Parkinson’s Disease This webcast was created from the Edward I. Rudman Parkinson’s Disease Patient and Caregiver Symposium: Recent Advances in Parkinson’s Disease which took place on October 22, 2011 at The Conference Center at Harvard Medical School. Topics will cover the risk factors for Parkinson’s disease, gene therapy, new and future treatments, advances in Deep Brain Stimulation, exercise and dance for Parkinson’s disease, and creating a center of excellence. To view the webcast, please visit: www.movementdisorders. org/education/patient_education/bidmc_2011. 14 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 MDS Educational Resources Online Journal CME Visit to view a list of Movement Disorders journal articles available for CME credit. MDS is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide certified continuing medical educational for physicians. MDS designates a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM each. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Coffee Break CME Coffee Break CME is The Movement Disorder Society’s first online CME program specially designed for the busy clinician. For physicians who care for Parkinson’s disease (PD) and movement disorders patients, continuing education is critical to providing the best care possible. This program is designed to provide this information in a modular format. Each module focuses on a single topic that can be completed in a short period of time and provide the clinician with updated information that is relevant to their practice. Currently, there are four modules available, covering topics in tremor and Parkinson’s disease. Once users have registered for a module, they are able to log in to the site as many times as needed to view all the material. MDS is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to certify a maximum of 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for each module. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Coffee Break CME can be accessed at: General Movement Disorders Resources Parkinson and Movement Disorders Curriculum The Parkinson and Movement Disorders (PMD) Curriculum is an overview of movement disorders and a clinical approach to the evaluation and management of common movement disorders. This curriculum is specially developed for trainees, internists, general neurologists and other clinicians interested in acquiring basic understanding of movement disorders. It is possible to apply for use of any specific topics or for the full curriculum to supplement an existing program. To learn more about how to apply to use the PMD Curriculum, please visit: Request for use may also be included with an application to any of the MDS Outreach Education Programs at: Available topics: • Basal ganglia anatomy and physiology • Phenomenology of Movement Disorders • Etiology and pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease • Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease • Management of early Parkinson’s disease • Management of Advanced Parkinson’s disease • Tremor • Dystonias • Chorea, athetosis and ballism • Myoclonus • Gait disorders • Restless legs syndrome and movement disorders in sleep • Management of MSA, PSP, and CBGD • Tics and Tourette Syndrome • Drug-Induced Parkinsonism (DIP) • Psychogenic Movement Disorders About MDS Internet-based Certified CME Rating Scales and Training Videos Rating Scales MDS provides rating scales and related resources published by the Movement Disorders journal to physicians, researchers and health professionals interested in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. By making these scales available, MDS works to improve the diagnosis of movement disorders and patient care, as well as increase the validity and reliability of research studies. You can access the rating scales below online by visiting: rating_scales/. Links to the MDS-UPDRS and UDysRS training programs and rating scales use permission forms are also available at this address. Licensing rates are free for individual use, but fees may apply for government, nonprofit or industry funded research. The following rating scales are currently available: • Global Assessment Scale for Wilson’s Disease (GAS for WD) • Global Dystonia Scale • Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSQ) + (Includes NMSQ) • Quality of Life Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST) • Rating Scale for Psychogenic Movement Disorders (PMD) • Rush Dyskinesia Rating Scale * • Rush Videobased Tic Rating Scale • UFMG Sydenham’s Chorea Rating Scale (USCRS) • Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale (UDysRS) + * • Unified Dystonia Rating Scale (UDRS) • Unified Multiple System Atrophy Rating Scale (UMSARS) • Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) + * Asterisk (*) indicates scale was developed by MDS; plus symbol (+) indicates translations of the scale are available. 15 About MDS MDS Educational Resources Training Videos The Movement Disorder Society publishes several audiovisuals, which are available for sale from the MDS International Secretariat. All materials are available in DVD or VHS format. Special reduced rates are available to MDS members. For more information or to place an order, visit: The titles that are currently available for purchase include: Instructional Video for Motor Fluctuation Diaries in Parkinson’s Disease Authored by C.G. Goetz, M. Grobman, L. Blasucci, and G.T. Stebbins, this instructional video demonstrates the 3 states of Parkinson’s disease, off, on, and on with dyskinesia, with the intent to assist patients in completion of their motor fluctuation diaries. This video is 15 minutes. Toronto-Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale TWSTRS Training Video Authored by C. Comella, S. Bressman, C.G. Goetz, and A. Lang, this instructional video demonstrates the 10 categories in the TWSTRS scale with verbal and visual examples of scoring in each category. This video is approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes. Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale Teaching Program (UDysRS) Authored by C.G. Goetz, J. G. Nutt and G.T. Stebbins. This teaching program provides guidelines and rating examples of the Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale, a new scale used for evaluating Parkinson’s disease. This video is approximately 52 minutes. Utility of an Objective Dyskinesia Rating Scale for Parkinson’s Disease: (Rush Dyskinesia Rating Scale) Authored by Goetz, et al. Movement Disorders Volume 9, Video Supplement. 2. This video provides guidelines and rating examples of the Rush Dyskinesia Rating Scale, a scale widely used for evaluating dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease. This video is approximately 17 minutes. Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Training Video (1995) Authored by C. G. Goetz, G.T. Stebbins, T. Chmura, S. Fahn, H. Klawans, and C. D. Marsden, this video demonstrates the different categories of the motor section of the UPDRS, with verbal and visual examples of scoring in each category. This video is approximately 1 hour. Standardized Training Tools for the UPDRS Activities of Daily Living Scale” (UPDRS Part II) (2003) Authored by C.G. Goetz, P.A. Lewitt, and M. Weidenman. Movement Disorders Volume 18, Video Supplement. 2. This video provides suggestions on the application and interview techniques for Part II of the UPDRS with patient examples and guidelines for raters. This video is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. 16 The Movement Disorder Society’s Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Training Video (2010) The Movement Disorder Society (MDS)-sponsored new version of the UPDRS is founded on the critique that was formulated by the Task Force for Rating Scales in Parkinson’s disease (Mov Disord 2003;18:738-750). The MDS-UPDRS has four parts: Part I (non-motor experiences of daily living), Part II (motor experiences of daily living), Part III (motor examination) and Part IV (motor complications). This video is approximately 2 hours and 5 minutes. Members-Only Educational Resources The following resources are available to members only: Case of the Month Case of the Month is the MDS interactive online feature that presents unique and challenging movement disorders cases. MDS accepts submission for Case of the Month on a rolling basis. Case of the Month provides an opportunity for members to share interesting cases for educational purposes in the forum dedicated to movement disorders experts. To view the current Case of the Month, please visit: For information about submission requirements, including video format and patient consent forms, please visit: Slide Sets This service enables learners to become familiar with the differential diagnosis and clinical features that define the various common involuntary movements as well as the course of treatment and complications of movement disorders. Slide sets are available at: membersonly/slidesets/. These slide sets are also available in Spanish. Currently available slide sets are: Ataxia (Jennifer G. Goldman) Chorea (Kathleen M. Shannon) The Diagnosis and Management of Dystonia (Steven J. Frucht) Myoclonus: Diagnosis and Treatment (Steven J. Frucht) Parkinsonism (Kathleen M. Shannon) Restless Legs Syndrome (Charles H. Adler) Tics and Tourette Syndrome (Jennifer G. Goldman) Video Library The Video Library consists of video supplements from Movement Disorders journal since 1986. You may search the Video Library by keyword, author, volume and issue, or a combination of these fields. The Video Library is available at: 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Continuing Medical Education (CME) Information Purpose Target Audience The purpose of the MDS International Congress is to offer a forum for clinical and basic discussion on a variety of Movement Disorder topics, including presentations of current research and available treatments. The target audience of the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders includes clinicians, researchers, post-doctoral fellows, medical residents, medical students and other healthcare professionals with an interest in the current research and approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. Learning Objectives Continuing Medical Education The Movement Disorder Society designates this live activity for a maximum of 35.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. MDS 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders” is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), The “MDS 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders” is designated for a maximum of (or “for up to”) 29 hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity. Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Faculty Financial Disclosure Information It is the policy of The Movement Disorder Society (MDS) to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all sponsored educational activities. All faculty participating in any MDS sponsored activities are required to disclose to the activity audience any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest that may have a direct bearing on the subject matter of the Continuing Medical Education (CME) activity. This pertains to relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other corporations whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the presentation topic. The intent of this policy is not to prevent a speaker with a potential conflict of interest from making a presentation. It is merely intended that any potential conflict should be identified openly so that the listeners may form their own judgments about the presentation with the full disclosure of the facts. It remains for the audience to determine whether the speaker’s outside interest may reflect a possible bias in either the exposition or the conclusions presented. Congress Information Through state-of-the-art lectures, hot topic reviews, controversy debates, teaching courses, skills workshops and video sessions, participants will be better able to: 1. Describe the pathophysiology and neurobiology of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders; 2. Discuss the diagnostic approaches and tools available for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders; 3. Discuss the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options available for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. Faculty financial disclosure information will be provided to participants in Sydney. Claiming CME Credit To claim CME credit for your participation in the MDS 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, International Congress participants must complete and submit an online CME Request Form. This form will be available beginning June 20th. Instructions for claiming credit: • After June 20, 2013, please visit: • Log in after reading the instructions on the page. You will need your International Congress File Number which is located on your name badge or e-mail • Follow the on-screen instructions to claim CME credit for the sessions you attended • You may print your certificate from your home or office, or save it as a PDF for your records 17 Working with you to manage patients with spasticity and dystonia PBS Information: Restricted benefit. Section 100: Botulinum Toxin Program. Refer to PBS schedule for full authority information. Before prescribing please refer to full Product Information, which is available from Ipsen Medical Information, Ph: (03) 8544 8100 or from Dysport®: Clostridium botulinum type A toxin-haemagglutinin complex (300, 500 IPSEN UNITS/vial). Indications: Spasticity of the upper limb in adults post-stroke; spasmodic torticollis in adults; dynamic equinus foot deformity due to spasticity in cerebral palsy patients, two years of age or older; blepharospasm in adults; hemifacial spasm in adults; moderate to severe glabellar lines in adults. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ingredients; myasthenia gravis or Eaton-Lambert (myasthenic) syndrome; infection at proposed injection site. Precautions: Do not exceed recommended dosages and frequencies of administration; adverse effects from toxin distribution to sites remote from the site of administration have been very rarely reported (excessive muscle weakness, dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia that may be fatal): use lowest effective dose and do not exceed recommended dose; use with caution in patients with: breathing and swallowing difficulties, evidence of druginduced neuromuscular weakness/motor neurone disorders, and prolonged bleeding times; rare occurrence of antibody formation to botulinum toxin; contains small amount of human albumin so the risk of transmission of viral infection cannot be excluded; ready availability of adrenaline injection in cases of anaphylactic reaction. Drug Interactions: Muscle relaxants, aminoglycoside antibiotics and other drugs – use such drugs with caution (see full PI). Effect on driving/using machinery: Potential risk of muscle weakness or visual disturbances may temporarily impair ability to drive or operate machinery. Use in pregnancy only if benefit justifies risk; not recommended in lactation. Dysport ® is not therapeutically equivalent to the other botulinum type A toxin preparation available in Australia. Extreme caution is required should it prove necessary to substitute the botulinum type A toxin of one pharmaceutical company by another. Adverse Events: Common to very common depending on indication: generalised weakness, fatigue, ’flu-like syndrome, pain/bruising/swelling/reddening at injection site; dysphagia, weakness of the muscle being injected and/or adjacent muscle(s), accidental injuries/falls; headache, dizziness, facial paresis, blurred vision, visual acuity reduced, dysphonia, dyspnoea, dry mouth, neck pain, musculoskeletal pain, myalgia, pain in extremity, musculoskeletal stiffness; diarrhoea, urinary incontinence, abnormal gait; ptosis; diplopia; dry eyes, tearing; eyelid oedema; asthenopia, muscle twitching – see full PI. Dose: The units of Dysport® are not interchangeable with other preparations of botulinum type A toxin. There should be a minimum interval between treatments of 12 weeks. Spasticity of upper limb post stroke: 500–1000 units per session, distributed amongst five muscles. Spasmodic torticollis: Initially 250–500 units in divided doses; subsequent doses between 250–1000 units. Cerebral palsy spasticity: Initially 20 units/kg bodyweight (10 units/kg for each calf); subsequent doses titrated between 10–30 units/kg bodyweight, divided between both legs. Dose must not exceed 1000 units per session. Blepharospasm & hemifacial spasm: Initially 40 units/eye; subsequent dose of 80 units/eye for longer duration to maximum of 120 units/eye. Glabellar lines: 50 units divided equally among 5 injection sites. Administration: Intramuscular injection for all indications except blepharospasm/hemifacial spasm where it is injected subcutaneously. See full PI for guidance on specific muscle sites to be injected and reconstitution instructions for 300U and 500U vials. Storage: 2°C–8°C. Date of first inclusion in ARTG: 16 June 2000 Date of most recent amendment: 20 September 2012. For further information about Dysport®, contact your Ipsen representative or email us at Ipsen Pharma - 65, quai Georges Gorse - 92650 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex - France - Phone: +331 5833 5000. Dysport® is a registered trademark - Date of preparation April 2013 - Option K IPS20000 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 International Congress Information A-Z Abstracts and Poster Sessions Coffee Breaks All accepted abstracts are presented as a poster at the 2013 International Congress, and published in an electronic supplement to the Movement Disorders journal, online edition. Additionally, select abstracts are presented in a Guided Poster Tour. Please visit to access The Movement Disorders Journal, where you can download a PDF of accepted abstracts. Please check the Program-at-a-Glance, page 36, for scheduled daily breaks. Coffee and tea will be available at the following times/locations: Congress Information Desk Late-Breaking Abstracts All accepted Late-Breaking Abstract posters are displayed in Exhibition Hall 5, Monday through Thursday for the duration of the Congress. Location: Parkside Promenade, Ground Level (near Registration) Late-Breaking Abstract Poster presentations will take place Wednesday, June 19 from 12:00 – 13:30 in Exhibition Hall 5. A print supplement of the Late-Breaking Abstracts is available with the Congress registration materials. Please refer to page 17 for Continuing Medical Education information. MDS Study Group Abstracts All accepted MDS Study Group Abstract posters are displayed in Exhibition Hall 5, Monday through Thursday for the duration of the Congress. The exchange rate for US Dollars as of May 9, 2013 is: 1 USD = .98 AUD. MDS Study Group Abstract Poster Presentations will take place Wednesday, June 19 from 12:00 – 13:30 in Exhibition Hall 5. A print supplement of the MDS Study Group Abstracts is available with the Congress registration materials. Please take time to complete the evaluation form provided at each session you attend. Your input and comments are essential in planning future educational programs for MDS. Badges All International Congress attendees will receive a name badge with their registration materials. Badges should be worn at all times as they are used to gain access into all International Congress sessions and activities. Badge colors will be identified as follows: Blue = Delegate Yellow = Exhibitor Purple = Press Black = Staff Camera Policy Cameras are not permitted in any 17th International Congress educational sessions or in the poster areas. Certificate of Attendance A certificate of attendance is available in the back of this Final Program. Continuing Medical Education (CME) Congress Information Please see Poster Sessions and Guided Poster Tours for a listing of daily abstract presentations. For a complete listing of abstracts by topic, please see pages 22-24. Sunday, June 16, 10:00 – 11:00 ........................ Bayside Foyer Monday, June 17, 10:00 – 10:30 .................... Exhibition Hall 5 Tuesday, June 18, 10:00 – 11:00 ................... Exhibition Hall 5 Wednesday, June 19 10:00 – 10:30 .............. Exhibition Hall 5 Thursday, June 20, 9:30 – 10:00 ................... Exhibition Hall 5 Currency Evaluations Upon completion, evaluations may be returned to the session room attendants, or to the MDS Booth (located in Exhibition Hall 5). Events Welcome Ceremony Sunday, June 16, 2013 19:30 to 21:30 All International Congress attendees are warmly invited to meet friends and colleagues during the traditional International Congress Welcome Ceremony, at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. This event is open to all registered delegates. Guests that are not registered delegates are able to purchase a Welcome Ceremony Pass that will allow them admission to this event. Please see below for more information on the Welcome Ceremony Pass. Welcome Ceremony Pass Participants who wish to bring an accompanying guest to the Welcome Ceremony may purchase a Welcome Ceremony Pass for $40 USD as part of their registration process. This Pass can only be used during the evening of the Welcome Ceremony on Sunday, June 16. 19 International Congress Information A-Z MDS Video Challenge Pre-Event Gathering Wednesday, June 19, 2013 19:00 – 20:00 Location: Bayside Grand Hall Congress Information MDS Video Challenge Wednesday, June 19, 2013 20:00 – 22:00 Location: Bayside Auditorium B Please join Masters of Ceremony Anthony Lang and Kapil Sethi as they host a world-renowned panel of Movement Disorders experts in guiding participants through unique Movement Disorder cases. The cases will be presented by representatives from Movement Disorder Centers around the world and discussed by the Panel of Experts. Awards will be given for the most interesting and challenging basis. Country pride will add an enjoyable spirit of competition to this event. The goal of this session is for attendees to learn from a series of unusual, very interesting patients and see how senior experts approach these types of challenging cases. The 2013 Panel of Experts are: Kailash Bhatia, United Kingdom Marina De Koning-Tijssen, Netherlands Werner Poewe, Austria Rick Stell, Australia Eng-King Tan, Singapore Following the International Congress, the cases presented could be developed further for publication in the Journal or presentation on the Society’s website. This event is open to all registered delegates. Exhibit Hall Location: Exhibition Hall 5 For more information, please refer to pages 64-65. Exhibit Hall hours are as follows: Sunday, June 16....................................................19:30 – 21:30* Monday, June 17.......................................................9:00 – 18:00 Tuesday, June 18......................................................9:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, June 19................................................9:00 – 18:00 Thursday, June 20....................................................9:00 – 16:00 (*during Welcome Ceremony) Floor Plans of the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre Please refer to page 26-27. 20 Guided Poster Tours Guided Poster Tours will be led by members of the MDS faculty & leadership and the authors will be present to discuss the abstracts. There will be 16 total Guided Poster Tours with four simultaneous tours per day from Monday, June 17 through Thursday, June 20. Each tour will feature abstracts on a specific topic. Please refer to page 25 for further Guided Poster Tour information and schedules. MDS Booth Location: Exhibition Hall 5 The MDS Booth hours are as follows: Sunday, June 16....................................................19:30 – 21:30* Monday, June 17.......................................................9:00 – 18:00 Tuesday, June 18......................................................9:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, June 19................................................9:00 – 18:00 Thursday, June 20....................................................9:00 – 16:00 (*during Welcome Ceremony) MDS Rating Scales Testing Room Information Location: Parkside G01, Ground Level • See examples of a rater administering the test to patients • View examples of the rating items for the Motor Examination (Part III) • Take an exercise at the end of the Training Program The Rating Scales Testing Room hours are as follows: Sunday, June 16..................................................... 13:00 – 14:30 Monday, June 17.................................................... 12:30 – 15:30 Tuesday, June 18................................................... 12:30 – 15:30 Wednesday, June 19............................................. 12:00 – 15:00 Thursday, June 20................................................. 12:00 – 15:00 Official Language The official language of the International Congress is English. Press Information Members of the working media receive waived registration for the 17th International Congress. Journalists and writers should report to the Congress Information Desk, Parkside Promenade, Ground Level, with their credentials to register for the International Congress. All press must wear their name badge for admittance into MDS sessions. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 International Congress Information A-Z Registration Desk Speaker Ready Room Location: Parkside Promenade, Ground Level Location: Bayside 101, Level 1 Name badges, scientific session tickets, purchased Welcome Ceremony Passes and International Congress bags can be collected at the International Congress Registration Desk. All speakers and Guided Poster Tour presenters must check in at the Speaker Ready room with their presentation materials the day prior to their scheduled presentation. Equipment is available to allow faculty and presenters to review their presentations. Audio/Visual personnel will be available for assistance. Scientific Sessions The 2013 Scientific Program will incorporate Therapeutic Plenary Sessions, Plenary and Parallel Sessions, Teaching Courses, Video Sessions, Skills Workshops, Guided Poster Tours and Blue Ribbon Highlights. Sessions will focus on the latest developments in: • Genetics in Movement Disorders • Movement Disorder topics, including, but not limited to, ataxia, chorea, dystonia, myoclonus, Parkinson’s disease, restless legs syndrome, spasticity, stereotypies, tics and tremors • Basic Science issues, including, but not limited to, genetics, neuroimaging, neuropharmacology, surgical therapy and transplantation • Other less common clinical conditions Special Accessibility Needs To ensure any special needs can be properly met, special needs should have been addressed in advance with the MDS International Secretariat. Delegates requiring special arrangements in order to fully participate in the International Congress should provide a written description of such needs to the Congress Information Desk upon arrival. The Speaker Ready Room hours are as follows: Saturday, June 15.................................................. 16:00 – 20:00 Sunday, June 16........................................................7:00 – 18:00 Monday, June 17.......................................................7:00 – 18:00 Tuesday, June 18......................................................7:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, June 19................................................7:00 – 18:00 Thursday, June 20....................................................7:00 – 16:00 Ticketed Sessions Congress Information Registration Desk hours are as follows: Saturday, June 15.................................................. 16:00 – 20:00 Sunday, June 16........................................................7:00 – 18:00 Monday, June 17.......................................................7:00 – 18:00 Tuesday, June 18......................................................7:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, June 19................................................7:00 – 18:00 Thursday, June 20 ...................................................7:00 – 16:00 * Please note that these hours are subject to change. Tickets are required for admission into all Parallel Sessions, Teaching Courses, Video Sessions, and Skills Workshops. There is no additional fee for tickets to these sessions. Please check the Registration Desk for ticket availability. Therapeutic Plenary Sessions, Plenary Sessions, Guided Poster Tours and poster sessions do not require a ticket to attend. Venue The Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre Darling Harbour Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Weather The average daytime temperature in Sydney in June is approximately 50° F (10° C). 21 Congress Information Abstract Information Poster Sessions Poster Session Schedules Poster sessions give each delegate an opportunity to view their colleagues’ posters on the most current research in the field of Movement Disorders. Authors will be present for 1.5 hours each day to explain their work and answer questions. All accepted abstracts are presented as a poster at the 2013 International Congress. Sunday, June 16, 2013 No poster sessions on Sunday Poster sessions will be held Monday through Thursday during the Congress, in the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Exhibition Hall 5. Posters are available for viewing from 9:00 – 18:00 Monday through Wednesday, and 9:00 – 16:00 on Thursday. Poster session schedules vary by date; please see the Poster Session Schedules for specific times and session topics. Late-Breaking Abstracts All accepted Late-Breaking Abstract posters are displayed in Exhibition Hall 5, Monday through Thursday throughout the duration of the Congress. Late-Breaking Abstract Poster Presentations will take place Wednesday, June 19 from 12:00 – 13:30 in Exhibition Hall 5. MDS Study Group Abstracts All accepted MDS Study Group Abstract posters are displayed in Exhibition Hall 5, Monday through Thursday throughout the duration of the International Congress. MDS Study Group Abstract Poster Presentations will take place Wednesday, June 19 from 12:00 – 13:30 in Exhibition Hall 5. Abstract Publication All regular accepted abstracts are published in a supplement to the MDS Journal. Please visit www.movemetndisorders. org to access The Movement Disorders Journal, where you can download a PDF of accepted abstracts. Late-Breaking Abstracts and MDS Study Group Abstracts will be published as a print supplement in the Congress registration bag. 22 Monday, June 17, 2013 Poster Session: 12:30 – 14:00 Poster viewing: 9:00 – 18:00 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Poster numbers Poster Topic 1 - 95 Dystonia 96 - 104 Gene Therapies and Cell-based Therapies 105 - 182 Neuroimaging 183 - 197 Parkinson’s disease: Dysautonomia 198 - 242 Parkinson’s disease: Electrophysiology 243 - 292 Parkinson’s disease: Quality of Life/Caregiver burden 293 - 323 Parkinson’s disease: Rating scales 324 - 330 Rating scales Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Poster Session: 12:30 – 14:00 Poster viewing: 9:00 – 18:00 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Poster numbers Poster Topic 331 - 382 Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral disorders 383 - 499 Parkinson’s disease: Clinical Trials (parkinson plus and secondary) 500 - 575 Parkinson’s disease: Cognition 576 - 620 Parkinson’s disease: Neuropharmacology 621 - 649 Parkinson’s disease: Sleep disorders 650 - 657 Restless legs syndrome 658 - 665 Tics/Stereotypies 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts Poster Session Schedules Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Poster Session: 12:00 – 13:30 Poster viewing 9:00 – 18:00 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Thursday, June 20, 2013 Poster Session: 13:00 – 14:30 Poster viewing: 9:00 – 16:00 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Poster Topic 992 - 998 Drug-induced movement disorders 999 - 1003 Spasticity 1004 - 1068 Basic Science Huntington’s disease 1069 - 1080 Education in movement disorders Parkinsonism (secondary and parkinsonismplus) 1081 - 1104 Epidemiology 1105 - 1173 Genetics 850 - 911 Parkinson’s disease: Phenomenology 1174 - 1178 History 912 - 938 Pediatric movement disorders 1179 - 1187 939 - 979 Tremor Lewy Body Dementia and other dementias in movement disorders 980 - 991 Wilson’s disease, storage and metabolic movement disorders 1188 - 1195 Myoclonus 1196 - 1206 Neuropharmacology Late-Breaking Abstracts Poster Session Poster Session: 12:00 – 13:30 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 1207 - 1216 Quality of life/caregiver burden in movement disorders 1217 - 1247 Surgical Therapy: Other movement disorders MDS Study Group Abstracts Poster Session Poster Session: 12:00 – 13:30 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 1248 - 1322 Surgical Therapy: Parkinson’s disease Poster Topic 666 - 713 Ataxia 714 - 730 Choreas (non-Huntington’s disease) 731 - 742 Clinical Electrophysiology 743 - 769 770 - 849 Congress Information Poster numbers Poster numbers Now available at the 17th International Congress MDS Rating Scales Training Programs Training programs for the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) and the Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale (UDysRS) • See examples of a rater administering the scales to patients • View examples of the rating items • Take an exercise at the end of the training program Testing room hours: Sun. June 16: 13:00pm – 14:30pm; Mon. June 17: 12:30 – 15:30; Tues. June 18: 12:30 – 15:30; Wed. June 19: 12:00 – 15:00; Thurs. June 20: 12:00 – 15:00 Location: Parkside G01, Ground Level MDS-0213 -457 For more information or to take the MDS Rating Scale Training Programs before Congress, please visit: or 23 Abstracts Congress Information Poster Session Topics (Alphabetically) 24 666 - 713 Ataxia Wednesday, June 19 198 - 242 Parkinson’s disease: Electrophysiology Monday, June 17 1004 - 1068 Basic Science Thursday, June 20 576 - 620 Parkinson’s disease: Neuropharmacology Tuesday, June 18 714 - 730 Choreas (non-Huntington’s disease) Wednesday, June 19 850 - 911 Parkinson’s disease: Phenomenology Wednesday, June 19 731 - 742 Clinical Electrophysiology Wednesday, June 19 243 - 292 992 - 998 Drug-induced movement disorders Thursday, June 20 Parkinson’s disease: Quality of Life/ Caregiver burden Monday, June 17 293 - 323 Dystonia Monday, June 17 Parkinson’s disease: Rating scales Monday, June 17 621 - 649 Education in movement disorders Thursday, June 20 Parkinson’s disease: Sleep disorders Tuesday, June 18 912 - 938 1081 - 1104 Epidemiology Thursday, June 20 Pediatric movement disorders Wednesday, June 19 1207 - 1216 96 - 104 Gene Therapies and Cell-based Therapies Monday, June 17 Quality of life/caregiver burden in movement disorders Thursday, June 20 1105 - 1173 Genetics Thursday, June 20 324 - 330 Rating scales Monday, June 17 1174 - 1178 History Thursday, June 20 650 - 657 Restless legs syndrome Tuesday, June 18 743 - 769 Huntington’s disease Wednesday, June 19 999 - 1003 Spasticity Thursday, June 20 1179 - 1187 Lewy body dementia and other dementias in movement disorders Thursday, June 20 1217 - 1247 Surgical Therapy: Other movement disorders Thursday, June 20 1188 - 1195 Myoclonus Thursday, June 20 1248 - 1322 Surgical Therapy: Parkinson’s disease Thursday, June 20 105 - 182 Neuroimaging Monday, June 17 658 - 665 Tics/Stereotypies Tuesday, June 18 1196 - 1206 Neuropharmacology Thursday, June 20 939 - 979 Tremor Wednesday, June 19 770 - 849 Parkinsonism (secondary and parkinsonism-plus) Wednesday, June 19 980 - 991 Wilson’s disease, storage and metabolic movement disorders Wednesday, June 19 331 - 382 Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral disorders Tuesday, June 18 383 - 499 Parkinson’s disease: Clinical Trials Tuesday, June 18 500 - 575 Parkinson’s disease: Cognition Tuesday, June 18 183 - 197 Parkinson’s disease: Dysautonomia Monday, June 17 1 - 95 1069 - 1080 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Guided Poster Tours Guided Poster Tours give groups of delegates an opportunity to hear discussion on a select group of abstracts in several sub-categories. Attendance is limited, and admission will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis (up to 150 attendees). 2013 Guided Poster Tours do not require a ticket to attend. Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:00 – 13:30 Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A Publication GPT 10: Genetics A list of Guided Poster Tour abstracts and authors can be found on pages 70-77. Abstracts selected for a Guided Poster Tour presentation are published in a supplement to the MDS Journal. Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery B GPT 11: Lewy body dementia and other dementias in movement disorders Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 Guided Poster Tour Schedule GPT 12: Surgical therapy of movement disorders other than Parkinson’s disease Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 Sunday, June 16, 2013 No Guided Poster Tours on Sunday Monday, June 17, 2013 12:30 – 14:00 GPT 1: Basic science Thursday, June 20, 2013 13:00 – 14:30 Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A GPT 13: Huntington’s disease Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A GPT 2: Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral Bayside Level 1, disorders Bayside Gallery B GPT 14: Parkinson’s disease: Clinical trials Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery B GPT 15: Parkinson’s disease: Phenomenology Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 GPT 16: Tremor Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from UCB Pharma SA GPT 3: Parkinson’s disease: Neuropharmacology Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 GPT 4: Sleep disorders and RLS Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 upported by an unrestricted educaS tional grant from UCB Pharma SA Congress Information GPT 9: Parkinson’s disease: Cognition Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:30 – 14:00 GPT 5: Dystonia Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A GPT 6: Parkinsonisms (parkinson plus and secondary) Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery B GPT 7: Rating scales and assessment tools Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 GPT 8: Surgical therapy: Parkinson’s disease Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 25 Congress Information Convention Centre Map 26 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Convention Centre Map Congress Information 27 Map of Sydney’s Darling Harbour 32 24 25 Congress Information 40 43 8 34 27 36 39 15 6 2 42 30 41 37 44 16 3 The Star 4 19 7 42 34 38 35 28 10 13 11 22 18 23 9 26 14 29 31 45 41 21 12 20 33 1 5 17 SYDNEY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 28 Aarons Hotel Sydney Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney Astral Residencies Astral Towers Citigate Central Sydney Establishment Hotel Sydney Four Points by Sheraton Darling Harbour Sydney Four Seasons Hotel Sydney Frasers Suites Sydney Hilton Sydney Hotel Ibis Darling Harbour Holiday Inn Darling Harbour 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Holiday Inn Potts Point Hyde Park Inn InterContinental Sydney Medina Grand Harbourside Mercure Sydney Mercure Sydney Potts Points Metro Apartments on Darling Harbour Metro Hotel Sydney Central Novotel Rockford Darling Harbour Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbour PARKROYAL Darling Harbour, Sydney Park Hyatt Sydney Pullman Quay Grand Sydney Pullman Sydney Hyde Park Quay West Suites Sydney QT Sydney Radisson Hotel and Suites Sydney 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney Rydges World Square Sebel Pier One Sydney Sebel Surry Hills Sydney Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney Sheraton On The Park Sir Stamford at Circular Quay Hotel Sofitel Sydney Wentworth Swissôtel Sydney Sydney Harbour Marriott at Circular Quay The Harbour Rocks Hotel The Menzies Sydney The Darling Hotel and Spa The Langham Sydney The Westin Sydney Y Hotel and Conference Centre, Sydney 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 MDS Awards Honorary Membership Awards The Honorary Membership Awards recognize individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the field of Movement Disorders or otherwise to The Movement Disorder Society. The signs of a neurologist Stanley Fahn Lecturer – Philip Thompson, MBBS (Adelaide), PhD (London), FRACP Sunday, June 16 Opening Ceremony 19:30 - 21:30 Location: Bayside Auditorium B Joseph Jankovic, MD Houston, TX, USA John G. Nutt, MD Portland, OR, USA President’s Distinguished Service Award The President’s Distinguished Service Award is given in recognition of long and distinguished service to The Movement Disorder Society. Sunday, June 16 Opening Ceremony 19:30 - 21:30 Location: Bayside Auditorium B Stanley Fahn Lecture Wednesday, June 19 as part of 4103 Plenary Session IX: The Presidential Lectures 8:00 - 8:30 The Stanley Fahn Award Lecture was created to recognize an outstanding scholar and role-model clinician in the field of Movement Disorders. The selected lecturer must show evidence of exceptional contributions which have resulted in better understanding of the cause, diagnosis, or treatment of Movement Disorders, and have translated into meaningful improvements in the standard of clinical practice. The selected lecturer must demonstrate evidence of consistent dedication to Movement Disorders education and research. Congress Information Philip Thompson is the Professor of Neurology in the University Department of Medicine at the University of Adelaide and Head of the Department of Neurology at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Prof. Thompson trained in Adelaide, Perth and London. He developed his interest in Movement Disorders and the control of human movement under the guidance of the late Professor C. David Marsden at Kings College Hospital, the Institute of Psychiatry, the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and the MRC Human Movement and Balance Unit, Queen Square. His research has focused on the physiology of motor control in normal subjects, the mechanisms of brain stimulation, and disorders of motor control in neurological disease, particularly movement disorders. He is also interested in the physiological basis of clinical signs in Neurology and the ways in which Neurologists recognize these signs. Prof. Thompson has served on the International Executive Committee of The Movement Disorder Society for the last 14 years including as Secretary of The Movement Disorder Society from 2004-2006, President of The Movement Disorder Society from 2009-2011 and is currently serving as Past-President. He was Chair of the Asian and Oceanian Section of The Movement Disorder Society from 2005-2006. He served on the Council of the Australian Association of Neurologists from 2003-2009. He has served two terms on the International Editorial Board of the Movement Disorders Journal. He also has published more than 300 articles and book chapters with special interest in the neurophysiology of motor control, movement disorders and gait. 29 MDS Awards C. David Marsden Lecture Congress Information Wednesday, June 19 as part of 4103 Plenary Session IX: The Presidential Lecture 9:30 – 10:00 The C. David Marsden Lecture was created to recognize an outstanding scholar and inspiring neuroscientist in the field of Movement Disorders. The selected lecturer must show evidence of exceptional contributions which have resulted in better understanding of the neurobiology of Movement Disorders, and have translated into tangible improvements in clinical therapy and/or providing insight into normal brain function in the control of movement. The selected lecturer must demonstrate evidence of consistent dedication to Movement Disorder education and research. Parkinson’s Disease – The windmills of your mind C. David Marsden Lecturer – Peter Jenner, B.Pharm(Hons), PhD, DSc, FRPharmS, FBPharmacol.S, FKC In 2008, he was made Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology at King’s and he continues to undertake research and to publish on PD. In 1987, he was awarded a DSc from the University of London. He was elected a Fellow of: the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (1994); the British Pharmacological Society (2005); King’s College London (2006); and the Royal Society of Medicine (2011). In 2005, he was made an Honorary Member of The Movement Disorder Society for his extraordinary contribution to the field of Movement Disorders. Prof. Jenner has published more than 1,000 papers, review articles, book chapters and written or edited numerous monographs. He is an ISI Most Cited Author in Neuroscience, ranked in top 0.5% of all neuroscience authors in the world. He has served on numerous editorial boards and is currently Editor in Chief of Synapse and Series Editor for International Reviews in Neurobiology. Junior Awards Three Junior Award recipients have been selected based on their significant contribution to research in the field of Movement Disorders. 4103: Plenary Session IX: Presidential Lectureships Wednesday, June 19 Chairs: Günther Deuschl, Matthew Stern 8:30-9:30 Alison Yarnall, MBBS Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Peter Jenner received his degree in Pharmacy from Chelsea College, University of London in 1967, followed by his PhD in 1970, during which time he studied the absorption, metabolism and distribution of tobacco alkaloids. Subsequently he was appointed Lecturer in Biochemistry in the Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry and then Senior Lecturer in 1978. During this time, his research became completely reorientated to the central nervous system and in particular to Parkinson’s disease (PD) under the guidance of David Marsden. He worked on the drug treatment of PD using experimental models but also set up chronic models of neuroleptic treatment in relation their extrapyramidal side-effects, most notably tardive dyskinesia. From 1985, Prof. Jenner was Reader in Neurochemical Pharmacology in the Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry and King’s College Hospital Medical School. In 1989, he was appointed to the Chair of Pharmacology at King’s College London where he served as Professor of Pharmacology and Head of Department. From 1998-2004, he was Head of the Division of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the newly created Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas’ School of Biomedical Sciences at King’s College. 30 Characterising mild cognitive impairment in incident Parkinson’s disease: The ICICLE-PD Study Alison J Yarnall, MBBS1, David P Breen, MBChB2, Gordon W Duncan, MBChB1, Roger A Barker, PhD2 and David J Burn, MA,MD,FRCP1. 1Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom, NE4 5PL and 2Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom Objective: To describe the frequency of mild cognitive impairment in a cohort of newly diagnosed incident PD cases (PD-MCI). Background: Dementia is a frequent debilitating complication of PD, with a cumulative incidence approaching 80% in community studies. The concept of PD-MCI has received increasing attention over recent years, with certain subtypes being associated with increased risk of dementia. Recently new diagnostic criteria to better characterise PD-MCI and its subtypes have been proposed. We report baseline cohort MCI data for ICICLE-PD, a prospective study which aims to determine predictors for dementia in PD. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 MDS Awards Results: 219 incident PD cases and 99 controls were included. 41.5% met the criteria for level 1 PD-MCI, and level 2 criteria were met by 65.8% of PD participants at 1 SD below normative values, 42.5% at 1.5 SD and 22.4 % at 2 SD. Among the five cognitive domains, memory impairment was the most common deficit in PD participants at 1.5 SD below normative values (15.1%), followed by visuospatial (13.2%), attention (12.3%) and then executive dysfunction (11.0%). When level 2 MCI criteria were applied at 1.5 SD, 12.8% were classified as non-amnestic single-domain MCI (naMCI-SD), 8.2% had amnestic multiple domain (aMCI-MD),7.7% had aMCI-SD, and 5.0% were naMCI-MD. Conclusions: In a large community-based representative cohort of incident PD, PD-MCI is common and may represent those at risk of developing dementia. Longitudinal assessment of these individuals will enable us to determine those measures predictive of PD dementia, allowing for future targeted early therapeutic interventions. Mun Kyung Sunwoo, MD Seoul, Korea a-Synuclein pathology is related with postoperative delirium in patients undergoing gastrectomy Mun Kyung Sunwoo, MD1, Jin Yong Hong, MD1, Hyun Jung Park, PhD2, Se Hoon Kim, MD3 and Phil Hyu Lee, MD,PhD1,2. 1Neurology, Yonsei University college of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 2Severance biomedical science Institue, Seoul, Korea and 3Pathology, Yonsei University college of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Objective: We investigated the α-synuclein pathology in patients who experienced postoperative delirium after gastrectomy for stomach cancer. Background: Although growing evidence suggests that postoperative delirium is associated with an increased risk of mortality, institutionalization following discharge, and the development of dementia, little is known about pathophysiology of delirium. The clinical characteristics of postoperative delirium are quite similar to core features of α-synucleinrelated cognitive disorders, such as dementia with Lewy bodies or Parkinson’s disease dementia. Based on the observation that postoperative delirium may represent a continuum of cognitive disorders, we hypothesized that postoperative delirium is indicative of underlying Lewy body pathology. Methods: Patients with and without postoperative delirium were selected among patients undergoing total gastrectomy for primary gastric cancer from 2007 to 2011(each n=16) at the university hospital. Immunohistochemical staining for α-synuclein of both normal and phosphorylated form was performed in the myenteric plexus. A logistic regression analysis was applied to identify independent predictors of postoperative delirium. Results: No significant differences were observed for age, sex, operation time, or onset of delirium after total gastrectomy between patients with and without postoperative delirium. Patients with postoperative delirium had a higher frequency of intensive care unit (ICU) admissions (43.8 vs. 6.3%, p=0.037) and α-synuclein-positive pathologies of normal (56.3 vs. 12.5%, p=0.023) and phosphorylated form (43.8 vs. 6.3%, p=0.037) compared with those without postoperative delirium. A logistic regression analysis revealed that immunoreactivity for normal α-synuclein (odds ratio, 9.20) and intensive care unit admission (odds ratio, 11.97) were independently associated with postoperative delirium. Congress Information Methods: Between June 2009 and December 2011, participants with newly diagnosed PD and age-matched controls were invited to participate in clinical and neuropsychological assessments in Newcastle and Cambridge, UK. PD-MCI was defined using new Movement Disorder Society criteria. Subjects were classified as level 1 MCI if they scored less than 26 on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and as level 2 if they were impaired on two tests in one cognitive domain or one impaired test in two different domains at 1, 1.5 or 2 standard deviations (SD) below normative values. Conclusions: These results suggest that underlying α-synuclein pathologies in the stomach are associated with postoperative delirium, implying that postoperative delirium represents a preclinical stage of α-synuclein related with cognitive disorders. Jee Young Lee, MD Seoul, Korea Dopaminergic neural changes and impulse control related behavior disorder in Parkinson’s disease Jee Young Lee, MD1, Seong Ho Seo, MS2, Yu Kyeong Kim, MD,PhD3, Jae Sung Lee, PhD2 and Beom S Jeon, MD,PhD4. 1Neurology, Seoul National University-Seoul Metropolitan Government Boramae Medical Center, SEOUL, Korea; 2Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University COllege of Medicine, SEOUL, Korea; 3Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University-Seoul Metropolitan Government Boramae Medical Center, SEOUL, Korea and 4Neurology, Seoul National University Hospital, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, SEOUL, Korea Objective: To evaluate dopaminergic neural changes in the extrastriatal and striatal systems in relation to medicationrelated impulse control and related behavior disorders (ICB) in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Methods: Method A total of 34 subjects (12 PD ICB, 12 PD non-ICB and 10 healthy controls) having no other co-morbid psychiatric disorders participated in this study. Each subject underwent dynamic N-(3-[18F]fluoropropyl)-2-carbomethoxy3-(4-iodophenyl) nortropane ([18F]FP-CIT) positron emission tomography scans at the medication-off state. Binding potentials (BP) at the nucleus accumbens (NAC), amygdale (AMG), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), ventromedial prefrontal 31 MDS Awards Congress Information cortex (VMPFC), putamen (PUT) and caudate nucleus (CAU), and whole brain parametric maps of [18F]FP-CIT binding were analyzed. Results: The extrastriatal to striatal BP ratios were significantly higher in PD by about 3 times than that of the healthy controls. The BP ratios at the right VMPFC/PUT and AMG/PUT were significantly high in PD ICB than in non-ICB groups, and those at the right NAC/PUT and AMG/PUT, and both the VMPFC/PUTs and OFC/PUTs were correlated with the magnitude of ICB. Parametric analysis of [18F]FP-CIT bindings normalized to the putaminal bindings showed higher BPs in the VMPFC, OFCs, insular, and posterior cingulate cortex whereas lower BPs were observed in the ventral pallidum in PD ICB when compared to non-ICB groups. 32 Conclusions: A great gap in extrastriatal versus striatal dopaminergic fiber degenerations is an intrinsic pathological condition in PD. This study suggests that relative dense dopaminergic projections to areas regarding reward sensitive decision making and interoceptive urges for addictive behaviors and paucity in projections to areas processing convergent signals from diverse rewards may be a neuropathological substrate of ICB in PD. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 MDS Awards 2013 Travel Grants Belinda Crowe London, United Kingdom Hardeep Gambhir* New Delhi, India Umer Akbar Gainesville, FL, USA Rubens Cury São Paulo, Brazil Florin Gandor Berlin, Germany Leonardo Almeida Hoover, AL, USA Veronika Datieva Moscow, Russia Juan C. Giugni Buenos Aires, Argentina Jakkrit Amornvit Bangkok, Thailand Marie Y. Davis Seattle, WA, USA Aroma Agape Gopalai Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Camila Aquino Toronto, ON, Canada Paul De Roos Uppsala, Sweden Anne Grünewald Lübeck, Germany David Arkadir New York, NY, USA Malgorzata Dec Krakow, Poland Jifeng Guo* Changsha, China Abolfazl Avan Mashhad, Iran Aman Deep Phoenix, AZ, USA Mohammad Habib* Sobhanbag, Bangladesh Amit Batla Ghaziabad, India Sabrina Diab Mont-Royal, QC, Canada Jessica Hedeman Denver, CO, USA Miriam Batule Dominguez Santa Clara, Cuba Aloysius Domingo Lübeck, Germany Angela Holmes Bethesda, MD, USA Cynthia Bedeschi Ferrari São Paulo, Brazil Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens Waterloo, ON, Canada Alex Jahangirvand Saskatoon, SK, Canada Brian Berman Denver, CO, USA Sheila R. Eichenseer Chicago, IL, USA Ketan Ramakant Jhunjhunwala Bangalore, India Josie-Anne Bertrand Montreal, QC, Canada Vindhya Ekanayake West Lafayette, IN, USA Onanong Jitkritsadakul* Bangkok, Thailand Ketaki Bhalsing* Bangalore, India Roberto Erro Napoli, Italy Lorraine V. Kalia Toronto, ON, Canada Gabriella Boschetti Curitiba, Brazil Mariela Escande Buenos Aires, Argentina Suneil K. Kalia Toronto, ON, Canada Robin Cash Toronto, ON, Canada Alessandra Fanciulli Innsbruck, Austria Eleanna Kara London, United Kingdom Alvin Cenina Manila, Philippines Marina Farah Curitiba, Brazil Juyeon Kim* Seoul, Korea Florence Chang New York, NY, USA Jori Fleisher Philadelphia, PA, USA Okka Thea Kimmich Dublin, Ireland Corina Christie Capital Federal, Argentina Xiaoli Fu* Guangzhou, China Florian Krismer Innsbruck, Austria Florence Cormier Paris, France Brook Galna Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Neeraj Kumar* Barabanki, India Alexander Crizzle Toronto, ON, Canada Anna Gamaleya Moscow, Russia Pradeep Kumar New Delhi, India Congress Information Pankaj Agarwal* Mumbai, India 33 Congress Information MDS Awards 34 Travis Larsh Kent, OH, USA Rafael Palacio* Batangas, Philippines Ai Tan* Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tanya Lin Tucson, AZ, USA Pattamon Panyakaew* Bangkok, Thailand Dawn Tan* Singapore Jose R. López-Castellanos San Salvador, El Salvador Alexander Pentelyat Philadelphia, PA, USA Sirinan Tazen New York, NY, USA Audrey Maillet Bron, France Neepa Patel Houston, TX, USA Jill Trumble Augusta, GA, USA Leslie C. Markun San Francisco, CA, USA Sitthi Petchrutchatachart Nonthaburi, Thailand Bayasgalan Tserensodnom* Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Hector Ruben Martinez Hernandez New York, NY, USA Luiza G. Piovesana Campinas, Brazil Kaviraja Udupa Toronto, ON, Canada Daniel Martinez-Ramierz Gainesville, FL, USA Thomas Ragole Denver, CO, USA Chizoba Umeh Elliott City, MD, USA Jessica McCamish Ventura, CA, USA Gail Ramiro* Quezon City, Philippines Mwiza Ushe St. Louis, MO, USA Raja Mehanna Cleveland Heights, OH, USA Gesine Respondek Munich, Germany Elena Vazey Charleston, SC, USA Tiago A. Mestre Toronto, ON, Canada Lucia Ricciardi Messina, Italy V.G. Veena* New Delhi, India Kulthida Methawasin Nakornnayok, Thailand Richard Salazar Montero Baltimore, MD, USA Sarah Vercruysse Leuven, Belgium Kelly Mills San Francisco, CA, USA Mohit Saxena New Delhi, India Tuhin Virmani New York, NY, USA Shahnaz Miri Tehran, Iran Rebecca E. Schuele Tübingen, Germany Romina Vuono Cambridge, United Kingdom Jitendriya Mishra* Chandigarh, India Eva Schulte Munich, Germany Jeri Y. Williams Birmingham, AL, USA Hugo Morales Mexico City, Mexico Madeleine E. Sharp New York, NY, USA Simone Wolff Lübeck, Germany Nicolas Morin Quebec City, QC, Canada Leah L. Shiong Shu Manila, Philippines Gilad Yahalom Tel-Hashomer, Israel Mariana M. Moscovich Parana, Brazil Fabienne S. Springer Innsbruck, Austria Farkhod Yunusov Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bogdan Neagu Thornhill, ON, Canada Jirada Sringean* Nonthaburi, Thailand Jinxia Zhou* Beijing, China Zhen Ni Toronto, ON, Canada Leena Subramanian Jr. Cardiff, United Kingdom Irina Zhukova Tomsk, Russia Srivadee Oravivattanakul Cleveland Heights, OH, USA Christine R. Swanson Philadelphia, PA, USA * 2013 Travel Grants sponsored by The Movement Disorder Society - Asian and Oceanian Section (MDS-AOS) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Congress Session Definitions Blue Ribbon Highlights: Teaching Courses: This session will provide a critical review of the best poster presentations by a panel of experts, highlighting the relevance, novelty and quality of both clinical and basic research presented by the delegates. These educational programs provide up-to-date information focused on a single topic. The sessions highlight both the clinical and basic science of topics of relevance to Movement Disorder specialists. The sessions are unique in providing a syllabus that includes a review of the topic and the presentation slides. In addition, these programs provide ample time for questions and a discussion period at the conclusion of the presentations. Controversies: Corporate Therapeutic Symposia: These company-based informational sessions will provide attendees with non-CME educational opportunities to learn the latest in therapeutics. Guided Poster Tours: Guided Poster Tours will give small groups of delegates an opportunity to hear discussion on a select group of abstracts in several sub-categories. Therapeutic Plenary Sessions: These sessions provide the latest information regarding the scientific and clinical evidence supporting treatment options for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. Video Sessions: Designed to provide a broad overview of related movement disorders, the video sessions will focus on the phenomenology covering the many different kinds of movement disorders affecting the population today. Congress Information This Plenary Session is designed to involve all International Congress attendees. Content is prepared to stimulate interest and debate among a panel of experts. Views from several angles will be addressed as discussion of pre-selected “hot” topics will be open for debate among the panelists. Parallel Sessions: These concurrent sessions provide an in-depth report of the latest research findings, state-of-the-art treatment options, as well as a discussion of future strategies. Parallel sessions will have evidence-based components and incorporate the “hot” issues in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. Plenary Sessions: These sessions provide a broad overview of the latest clinical and basic science research findings and state-of-the-art information. Poster Sessions: Poster sessions give each delegate an opportunity to view their colleagues’ posters on the most current research in the field of Movement Disorders. Authors will be present for 1.5 hours each day to explain their work and answer questions. Special Meeting Theme Clinicopathological Correlations in Movement Disorders – From Bench to Bedside At each annual International Congress, the Congress Scientific Program Committee selects a theme that is highlighted throughout the meeting. This year’s theme, “Clinicopathological Correlations in Movement Disorders — From Bench to Bedside” will be showcased in two Plenary Sessions, eight Parallel Sessions, one Skills Workshop, one Teaching Course, and one Video Session. International experts will serve as faculty, and the meeting participants can elect to attend any or all of the sessions. These sessions are designated with a . Skills Workshops: These clinic-based training sessions provide an educational illustration of clinical techniques and treatment procedures through demonstrations utilizing patient videotapes and proper equipment to further develop practitioners’ skills and knowledge within the field of treatment of movement disorders. 35 Program-at-a-Glance Sunday, June 16, 2013 Monday, June 17, 2013 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Thursday, June 20, 2013 Committee Meetings 7:00 - 8:00 Committee Meetings 7:00 - 8:00 Committee Meetings 7:00 - 8:00 Committee Meetings 7:00 - 8:00 Committee Meetings 7:00 - 8:00 Therapeutic Plenary Session I 8:00 - 10:00 Plenary Session V 8:00 - 10:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 Plenary Session VII 8:00 - 10:00 Plenary Session IX (Presidential Lectures) 8:00 - 10:00 9:30 10:30 Break 9:30 - 10:00 Break 10:00 11:00 General Assemblies 10:00 - 11:00 Break 10:00 - 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Therapeutic Plenary Session II 11:00 - 13:00 Plenary Session VI 10:30 - 12:30 12:30 Daily Schedule 13:00 13:30 Break 13:00 - 14:30 14:00 Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 14:00 - 15:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 Therapeutic Plenary Session III 14:30 - 16:30 16:00 16:30 Guided Poster Tours/ Poster Sessions 12:30 - 14:00 Break 16:30 - 17:00 Break 15:00 - 15:30 Parallel Sessions/ Teaching Courses 15:30 - 17:30 Break 10:00 - 11:00 New! Science and Technology Pavilion 8:30 - 17:00 (Bayside 106) 10:00 MDS Business Meeting 10:00 - 11:00 18:00 Therapeutic Plenary Session IV 17:00 - 19:00 18:30 19:00 Break 19:00 - 19:30 Break 10:00 - 10:30 Plenary Session X 10:30 - 12:00 Plenary Session VIII 11:00 - 12:30 Guided Poster Tours/ Poster Sessions 12:30 - 14:00 Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 14:00 - 15:00 Guided Poster Tours/ Poster Sessions 12:00 - 13:30 Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 13:30 - 14:30 Controversies 10:00 - 11:00 Blue Ribbon Highlights 11:00 - 12:00 Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 12:00 - 13:00 Guided Poster Tours/ Poster Sessions 13:00 - 14:30 Break 14:30 - 15:00 Break 14:30 - 15:00 Parallel Sessions/ Teaching Courses 15:00 - 17:00 Parallel Sessions/ Teaching Courses 15:00 - 17:00 Break 17:00 - 17:30 End Break 15:00 - 15:30 Parallel Sessions/ Teaching Courses 15:30 - 17:30 17:00 17:30 Plenary Session XI 8:00 - 9:30 Break 17:30 - 18:00 Break 17:30 - 18:00 Skills Workshops/ Video Sessions 18:00 - 19:30 Skills Workshops/ Video Sessions 18:00 - 19:30 Skills Workshops/ Video Sessions 17:30 - 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 Welcome Ceremony 19:30 - 21:30 MDS Video Challenge 19:00 - 22:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 36 Scan to learn more on our website! 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Sunday, June 16, 2013 1105 Therapeutic Plenary Session I Experimental therapeutics in hypo/hyperkinetic movement disorders 8:00 – 10:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Thomas Foltynie London, United Kingdom Werner Poewe Innsbruck, Austria 8:00 8:40 9:20 Stephane Palfi Creteil, France What has been achieved in strategies to repair the brain in Huntington’s disease? Thomas Freeman Tampa, FL, USA What are the future experimental therapies for movement disorders? Thomas Folytnie London, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Assess the current status of experimental therapeutics in Parkinson’s disease 2. Assess the current status of experimental therapeutics in Huntington’s disease 3. Understand the new experimental therapeutics being considered for movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees AOS General Assembly 10:00 - 11:00 Location: Bayside Terrace ll delegates from Asia and Oceania are A encouraged to attend. ES General Assembly 10:00 - 11:00 Location: Bayside Gallery B ll delegates from Europe and North A Africa are encouraged to attend. PAS General Assembly 10:00 - 11:00 Location: Bayside Gallery A ll delegates from Central America, A North America and South America are encouraged to attend. Therapeutic Plenary Session II Deep Brain Stimulation: New developments 11:00 – 13:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Andres Lozano Toronto, ON, Canada Peter Silburn Spring Hill, Australia 11:00 11:40 12:20 Pedunculopontine (PPN) Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Does it really work? Elena Moro Grenoble, France Subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS: The new target for primary dystonia Jill Ostrem San Francisco, CA, USA DBS for behavioral disorders Jean-Luc Houeto Grenoble, France At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Evaluate the efficacy of PPN DBS for gait disorders 2. Compare outcome from STN DBS for dystonia with that of standard targets 3. Understand the role of DBS in the management of behavioral disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Medtronic, Inc. 1107 Therapeutic Plenary Session III Management of the Parkinson’s disease journey 14:30 – 16:30 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Christopher Goetz Chicago, IL, USA Heinz Reichmann Dresden, Germany 14:30 How close are we to individualized medicine for Parkinson’s disease? Beom Jeon Seoul, Korea 1107 Therapeutic Plenary Session III, cont. 15:10 What is the best decision-tree for the management of Parkinson’s disease? 15:50 Carl Clarke Birmingham, United Kingdom What to do when everything else has failed Janis Miyasaki Toronto, ON, Canada At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize how therapeutic decisions and other practices can be tailored to the individual Parkinson’s disease patient by the use of clinical and genetic information and discuss how the concept of patient-specific medical care applies to Parkinson’s disease 2. Support informed treatment-decision options in the management of Parkinson’s disease 3. Gain awareness of the benefits of palliative care and other therapeutic interventions for late stage Parkinson’s disease patients Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 1108Therapeutic Plenary Session IV Therapeutic options for mood, cognition and psychosis in Parkinson’s disease patients: Selectivity without side-effects 17:00– 19:00 Daily Schedule Sunday What has been achieved in strategies to repair the brain in Parkinson’s disease? 1106 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: John Dalrymple-Alford Christchurch, New Zealand Marcelo Merello Buenos Aires, Argentina 17:00 17:40 18:20 How to treat the anxious and depressed Parkinson’s disease patient Daniel Weintraub Ardmore, PA, USA How to treat the Parkinson’s disease patient with cognitive impairment Jennifer Goldman Chicago, IL, USA How to treat the Parkinson’s disease patient with psychosis Sergio Starkstein Fremantle, Australia 37 Sunday, June 16, 2013 1108Therapeutic Plenary Session IV, cont. At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the issues involved in selecting the best options for treating mood disorders in Parkinson’s disease 2. Review the drugs available for treating cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease 3. Evaluate treatments available for reducing psychosis in Parkinson’s disease without worsening motor symptoms Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from UCB Pharma SA. Welcome Ceremony 19:30 – 21:30 Daily Schedule Sunday 38 Location: Bayside Auditorium B 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Monday, June 17, 2013 2103 Plenary Session V Clinicopathological correlations in Parkinson’s disease 8:00 – 10:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Stanley Fahn New York, NY, USA Andrew Lees London, United Kingdom 8:00 8:40 9:20 Ante-mortem diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease Andrew Lees London, United Kingdom The natural history of Parkinson’s disease Mariese Anne Hely Bowral, Australia Neuropathological correlations of motor and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease Peter Kempster Clayton, Australia 2104 Plenary Session VI Emerging concepts in dystonia 10:30 – 12:30 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Alberto Albanese Milan, Italy James Lance Sydney, Australia 10:30 What is dystonia? What’s new in the pathophysiology of motor and non-motor aspects of dystonia? Mark Hallett Bethesda, MD, USA 11:10 Revising our classification of dystonia Alberto Albanese Milan, Italy 11:50 The unraveling of paroxysmal dyskinesia Kailash Bhatia London, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Use the new definition of dystonia and understand the physiology underlying the phenomenology 2. Understand how to classify patients with dystonia 3. Gain awareness of how recent genetic discoveries have improved our clinical and pathophysiological understanding of the paroxysmal dyskinesias (kinesigenic, exertional and non-kinesigenic) Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Poster Session 1 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Poster viewing 9:00 – 18:00 Abstract numbers 1 – 330 Abstract Topics: Dystonia Gene Therapies and Cell-based Therapies Neuroimaging Parkinson’s disease: Dysautonomia Parkinson’s disease: Electrophysiology Parkinson’s disease: Quality of Life/Caregiver burden Parkinson’s disease: Rating scales Rating scales Guided Poster Tours GPT 1: Basic Science 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Bayside Gallery A Leader: Anthony Schapira London, United Kingdom GPT 2: Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral disorders 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Bayside Gallery B Leaders:Hubert Fernandez Cleveland, OH, USA Daniel Weintraub Ardmore, PA, USA Guided Poster Tours, cont. GPT 3: Parkinson’s disease: Neuropharmacology 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Bayside 201-203 Leaders:Mark Guttman Markham, ON, Canada Cristina Sampaio Princeton, NJ, USA GPT 4: Sleep disorders and RLS 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Bayside 204 Leader: K. Ray Chaudhuri London, United Kingdom Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from UCB Pharma SA. Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 14:00 – 15:00 Please see pages 62-63 for more information. TI CK ET 2206 Parallel Session Inclusions in Parkinson’s disease: The link between pathology and molecular biology 15:30 – 17:30 Daily Schedule Monday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the main challenges in accurate ante-mortem diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease 2. Understand the natural history of Parkinson’s disease in the modern era 3. Understand the neuropathological correlates of motor and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2104 Plenary Session VI, cont. Location:Bayside Auditorium A Chairs: Glenda Halliday Randwick, Australia Yoshikuni Mizuno Tokyo, Japan 15:30 What do monogenic forms of Parkinson’s disease tell us about IPD? Tamas Revesz London, United Kingdom 16:10 GWAS and pathology: How are they connected? 16:50 Tatsushi Toda Kobe, Japan Is the Lewy body telling us anything useful about the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease? Glenda Halliday Randwick, Australia Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from UCB Pharma SA. 39 Monday, June 17, 2013 2206 Parallel Session TI CK ET , cont. At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the pathology found in Mendelian forms of Parkinson’s disease and its implications for the more common sporadic IPD 2. Understand how genetic risks for Parkinson’s disease in a population relate to the neuropathology and inclusions found in patients 3. Understand how the study of the Lewy body gives a profound insight into the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Daily Schedule Monday TI CK ET 2207 Parallel Session The basal ganglia in health and disease 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Parkside Ballroom A Chairs: José Obeso Pamplona, Spain John Rothwell London, United Kingdom 15:30 New methods to shed light on the basal ganglia J. Paul Bolam Oxford, United Kingdom 16:10 Basal ganglia in health 16:50 Basal ganglia in disease John Rothwell London, United Kingdom José Obeso Pamplona, Spain At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the concepts of novel methods now available for investigating basal ganglia function 2. Understand the normal functions of the basal ganglia 3. Discuss how basal ganglia dysfunction leads to hypo and hyper kinetic movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2208 Parallel Session TI CK ET Impulsivity, addiction and reward mechanisms in movement disorders 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Parkside Ballroom B Chairs: Andrew Evans Hawthorn, Australia Antonio Strafella Toronto, ON, Canada 15:30 The pathophysiology of impulsivity and addiction Anthony Grace Pittsburgh, PA, USA 16:10 In vivo models of impulsivity and addiction 16:50 Clinical overview of ICDs, DDS and related disorders Andrew Evans Hawthorn, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the anatomical basis of impulsivity, addiction and parallels with other forms of addiction 2. Understand the animal models of impulsivity and addiction 3. Recognize the clinical features of impulse control disorders and DDS in movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Students/Residents/Trainees 2209 Parallel Session TI CK ET Racial and socioeconomic disparities in Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes 15:30 – 17:30 Location Bayside Gallery A Chairs: Nicte Mejia Somerville, MA, USA Lisa Shulman Baltimore, MD, USA 15:30 Racial disparities 16:10 Socioeconomic disparities 40 Thilo Van Eimergen Kiel, Germany Nabila Dahodwala Philadelphia, PA, USA Nicte Mejia Somerville, MA, USA TI CK ET 2209 Parallel Session 16:50 Geographic disparities , cont. Catherine Dotchin North Shields, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand racial and socioeconomic differences in Parkinson’s disease diagnosis 2. Discuss the impact of race and socioeconomic factors on Parkinson’s disease treatment and clinical outcomes 3. Gain awareness of possible clinical interventions to address racial and socioeconomic disparities in Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2210 Parallel Session TI CK ET Movement disorders associated to auto-antibodies 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside 204 Chairs: Francisco Cardoso Belo Horizonte, Brazil Russell Dale Sydney, Australia 15:30 Are movement disorders associated with anti-basal ganglia antibodies? Russell Dale Sydney, Australia 16:10 Movement disorders associated with anti-NMDAR antibodies 16:50 Thomas Kimber Adelaide, Australia Movement disorders associated with novel antibodies Sarosh Irani Oxford, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the movement disorders associated with anti-basal ganglia, anti-NMDAR and glycine-receptor antibodies 2. Discuss the mechanisms underlying movement disorders associated to auto-antibodies 3. Propose management strategies for movement disorders associated to auto-antibodies Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Monday, June 17, 2013 2211 Parallel Session TI CK ET Invasive therapies in Parkinson’s disease: Optimization and complications 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside 201-203 Chairs: Angelo Antonini Venice, Italy Per Odin Bremerhaven, Germany 2308 Teaching Course TI CK ET Movement disorders and epilepsy 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside Gallery B Chairs: Sam Berkovic Heidelberg West, Australia Carlo Colosimo Rome, Italy 15:30 15:30 Apomorphine therapy Tove Henriksen Copenhagen, Denmark 16:10 Levadopa infusion therapy 16:50 Deep Brain Stimulation Angelo Antonini Venice, Italy Vincent Mok Shatin, China 16:10 16:50 Akio Ikeda Kyoto, Japan The relationship between paroxsyzmal dyskinesia and epilepsy: Lessons from recent genetic advances Ingrid Scheffer Melbourne, Australia Update on the diagnosis and genetics of the progressive myoclonic epilepsies Sam Berkovic Heidelberg West, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the relationship between myoclonus and epilepsy 2. Recognize the clinical and genetic overlap between paroxsysmal movement disorders (especially the paroxysmal dyskinesias) and epilepsy 3. Learn an approach to the differential diagnosis and investigation of a patient with the syndrome of progressive myoclonic epilepsy and/or progressive myoclonic ataxia Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees TI CK ET 2309 Teaching Course Biomarkers for early Parkinson’s disease 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside Terrace Chairs: Charles Adler Scottsdale, AZ, USA Daniela Berg Tübingen, Germany TI CK ET , cont. 15:30 Clinical biomarkers 16:10 Genetic, biochemical and tissue biomarkers 16:50 Charles Adler Scottsdale, AZ, USA Pascal Derkinderen Nantes, France Imaging biomarkers Klaus Seppi Innsbruck, Austria At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the importance of the premotor phase of Parkinson’s disease and to understand how to evaluate these non-motor symptoms 2. Review the genetic, biochemical (CSF and blood), and tissue bio-markers that are associated with Parkinson’s disease 3. Describe the spectrum of neuroimaging methods that may be used to diagnose early Parkinson’s disease and to understand their limitations Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2403 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Next generation genetics for clinicians 18:00 – 19:30 Daily Schedule Monday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe apomorphine infusion therapy with focus on critical factors for reaching optimal effect and management of the most common complications and side effects 2. Review levodopa infusion therapy with focus on critical factors for reaching optimal effect and management of the most common complications and side effects 3. Evaluate Deep Brain Stimulation with focus on critical factors for reaching optimal effect and management of the most common complications and side effects Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees The relationship between myoclonus and epilepsy: New insights from neurophysiological and genetic studies in myoclonus dystonia and familial cortical tremor 2309 Teaching Course Location:Parkside Ballroom A In this interactive session, participants will be better able to interpret the results obtained with new generation genetic methods and understand recent and future developments in disease genetics. Thomas Gasser Tübingen, Germany Nicholas Wood London, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Provide an overview of recent and future developments in disease genetics, and opportunities associated with these methods 2. Enable critical review of publications that use next generation genetic methods 3. Discuss the likely long term implication of these methods for clinical diagnosis and treatment Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners 41 Monday, June 17, 2013 2404 Skills Workshop TI CK ET The use of rating scales for hyperkinetic disorders in clinical practice 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Gallery A Daily Schedule Monday In this interactive session, participants will be better able to recognize the attributes and performance of the most relevant rating scales for evaluation of such disorders as dystonia, chorea, and other hyperkinetic disorders in clinical practice. Evidence favoring the preferential selection of measures for different applications will be discussed. Carlo Colosimo Rome, Italy Cynthia Comella Chicago, IL, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the characteristics of the most relevant rating scales for evaluation of hyperkinetic disorders 2. Understand the correct application and interpretation of these scales in clinical practice 3. Choose the most appropriate measure for assessment of the specific hyperkinetic movement according to the needs and circumstances in which they will be applied Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2405 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Eye movements and movement disorders 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Gallery B 42 In this interactive session, participants will be better able to recognize the most frequent eye movement disorders and learn how to examine them. Tim Anderson Christchurch, New Zealand R. John Leigh Cleveland, OH, USA 2405 Skills Workshop TI CK ET , cont. At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe the most appropriate tests in movement disorders and understand the underlying functional systems 2. Identify eye movement abnormalities in disease of cerebellum 3. Identify oculomotor syndromes in extrapyramidal disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees 2406 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Movement disorders in mitochondrial diseases: A practical approach 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Parkside Ballroom B In this interactive session, participants will be better able to appreciate the spectrum of movement disorders that can occur in patients with a mitochondrial disease, and to discuss the practical diagnostic and therapeutic management of such patients. Anthony Schapira London, United Kingdom Carolyn Sue Sydney, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Appreciate the spectrum of movement disorders that can occur in patients with a mitochondrial disease 2. Summarize the diagnostic options that are available to diagnose mitochondrial diseases 3. Discuss the existing and experimental management options for patients with mitochondrial diseases Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees 2407 TI CK ET Skills Workshop How to develop and run a brain bank 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Terrace In this interactive session, the faculty will review the objectives and relevancy of brain banks in the field of movement disorders. Faculty will also address questions related with the registry of clinical data, recruitment of participants and the technical details of processing brains donated for research and the ethical principles safeguarding the running of a brain bank. Dennis Dickson Jacksonville, FL, USA Jillian Kril Sydney, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe the main structure of a brain bank 2. Recognize the technicalities in collecting, storing, and distributing brain and other tissues for research 3. Discuss the contribution of brain banks to progress in movement disorders Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2508 Video Session TI CK ET Unusual presentation of common movement disorders 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Auditorium A In this interactive session, participants will be better able to recognize the spectrum of unusual presentations of common movement disorders, and to discuss the practical diagnostic work-up in such patients. Alberto Espay Cincinnati, OH, USA Evzen Ruzicka Prague, Czech Republic At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the spectrum of unusual presentations of common movement disorders 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Monday, June 17, 2013 2508 Video Session TI CK ET , cont. 2. Appreciate that unusual presentations of common movement disorders are much more common that typical presentations of unusual movement disorders 3. Discuss the practical diagnostic work-up in patients with an unusual presentation of a common movement disorder Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2509 Video Session TI CK ET Metabolic disorders: A frequently neglected or unrecognized cause of movement disorders 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside 204 TI CK ET , cont. At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify characteristic movement disorders and syndromes that indicate underlying neurometabolic diseases in adulthood 2. Recognize neurometabolic diseases that cause movement disorders in childhood 3. Interpret and describe typical imaging findings that point to a neurometabolic cause of movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners 2510 Video Session TI CK ET , cont. At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe the spectrum of genetic and nongenetic causes of movement disorders that commonly occur in the Asia and Oceania region 2. Recognize the clinical presentation and phenomenology of movement disorders that are common in the region 3. Discuss the management of these movement disorders Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 2510 Video Session TI CK ET Movement disorders in AsiaOceania 18:00 – 19:30 Location Bayside 201-203 In this interactive session, participants will be better able to understand spectrum, presentation, phenomenology, and management of movement disorders that occur more commonly in the Asia-Oceania region. Lillian Lee Quezon City, Philippines Hidehiro Mizusawa Tokyo, Japan Daily Schedule Monday In this interactive session, participants will be better able to identify and recognize movement disorders caused by neurometabolic diseases in both children and adults, and the contributions of neuroimaging to their diagnosis. Hyder Jinnah Atlanta, GA, USA Manju Kurian London, United Kingdom 2509 Video Session 43 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3103 Plenary Session VII The pathophysiology of hyperkinetic movement disorders 8:00 – 10:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: David Brooks London, United Kingdom Ryuji Kaji Tokushima City, Japan 8:00 8:40 9:20 Daily Schedule Tuesday Lessons learned from neurophysiology Robert Chen Toronto, ON, Canada Insights from functional imaging David Brooks London, United Kingdom What has neuropathology taught us about hyperkinetic movement disorders? Jean Paul Vonsattel New York, NY, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe how neurophysiological studies improve our understanding of hyperkinetic movement disorders 2. Understand the anatomical and functional networks underlying hyperkinetic movement disorders 3. Understand the neuropathological correlations of hyperkinetic disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Science and Technology Pavilion 8:30 – 17:00 Please see page 62 for more information. MDS Business Meeting 10:00 - 11:00 Location: Bayside Gallery B Open to all delegates 3104 Plenary Session VIII Clinical trials in movement disorders: Where do we stand? 11:00 – 12:30 Location:Bayside Auditorium B 44 3104 Plenary Session VIII, cont. Guided Poster Tours GPT 5: Dystonia 12:30 – 14:00 Chairs: Susan Fox Toronto, ON, Canada Anthony Schapira London, United Kingdom 11:00 Therapeutics update on Parkinson’s disease Location: Bayside Gallery A Leaders:Alberto Albanese Milan, Italy Susane Schneider Keil, Germany Therapeutics update on nonParkinson’s disease hypokinetic GPT 6: Parkinsonisms (parkinson plus and secondary) 12:30 – 14:00 11:30 12:00 Susan Fox Toronto, ON, Canada Günter Höglinger Munich, Germany Therapeutics update on hyperkinetic disorders and ataxia Ludger Schöls Tübingen, Germany At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Review recent advances in the pharmacological therapy of Parkinson’s disease 2. Provide an update on the progress of therapeutic interventions for hypokinetic disorders other than Parkinson’s disease 3. Give an overview of new therapeutic options in ataxia and Huntington’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Merck & Co., Inc. Poster Session 2 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Poster viewing: 9:00 – 18:00 Abstract numbers: 331 - 665 Abstract Topics: Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral disorders Parkinson’s disease: Clinical Trials Parkinson’s disease: Cognition Parkinson’s disease: Neuropharmacology Parkinson’s disease: Sleep disorders Restless legs syndrome Tics/Stereotypies Location: Bayside Gallery B Leaders:Tove Henriksen Copenhagen, Denmark Günter Höglinger Munich, Germany GPT 7: Rating scales and assessment tools 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Bayside 201-203 Leaders: Christopher Goetz Chicago, IL, USA Cristina Sampaio Princton, NJ, USA GPT 8: Surgical therapy: Parkinson’s disease 12:30 – 14:00 Location: Bayside 204 Leaders:Paul Krack Granoble, Fance Jens Volkman Wurzburg, Germany Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 14:00 – 15:00 Please see pages 62-63 for more information. TI CK ET 3207 Parallel Session Corticobasal syndrome: Clinical, neuroanatomical and genetic perspectives 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside 201-203 Chairs: Anthony Lang Toronto, ON, Canada Irene Litvan La Jolla, CA, USA 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3207 Parallel Session TI CK ET , cont. 15:30 CBS features that predict the underlying pathologies Helen Ling London, United Kingdom 16:10 Accuracy in diagnosing CBD: Newly proposed clinical diagnostic criteria Melissa Armstrong Baltimore, MD, USA 16:50 Genotype/Phenotype in CBS Adam Boxer San Francisco, CA, USA TI CK ET 3208 Parallel Session The mysteries of dopamine in health and disease 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside 204 Chairs: Yves Agid Paris, France D. James Surmeier Chicago, IL, USA 15:30 16:10 16:50 How does dopamine control motor function work in the normal brain? D. James Surmeier Chicago, IL, USA Dopamine deficiency at different ages: From dystonia to parkinsonism: Why? Joel Perlmutter St. Louis, MO, USA Dopamine beyond movement Yves Agid Paris, France At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the role of dopamine in motor control 2. Describe the extent of dopamine pathology in untreated and treated Parkinson’s disease Parallel Session TI CK ET , cont. 3. Discuss the extent to which abnormalities in dopamine cause different movement disorders at different ages Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees TI CK ET 3209 Parallel Session Challenging the experts: Movement disorders clinicopathological correlations 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside Auditorium B In this session, four experienced movement disorders specialists will take the audience through a clinical case with video documentation in order to highlight how they interpret the history and signs in patients with complex movement disorders. Following the clinical discussion, expert neuropathologists will demonstrate the key pathological findings, both the diagnostic features and those features of particular pertinence to the clinical phenomenology of the case. This session will highlight the importance of clinicopathological correlation in helping to understand the relationships between brain structure and function, and pathological change in the brain and disease. Chairs: Victor Fung Westmead, Australia Glenda Halliday Randwick, Australia MDS Panel of Experts: Francisco Cardoso Belo Horizonte, Brazil Timothy Lynch Dublin, Ireland Barry Snow Auckland, New Zealand Eduardo Tolosa Barcelona, Spain 3209 Parallel Session TI CK ET , cont. Neuropathologists: Dennis Dickson Jacksonville, FL, USA Janice Holton London, United Kingdom Tamas Revesz London, United Kingdom Jean Paul Vonsattel New York, NY, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the relationship between movement disorder symptoms and signs and the location of cerebral pathology 2. Enhance knowledge of clinicopathological correlations in unusual movement disorder syndromes 3. Learn how experts use clinical history and signs to formulate their diagnosis in complex movement disorder cases Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 3210 Parallel Session TI CK ET What’s new in Huntington’s disease? 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Parkside Ballroom A Chairs: Elizabeth McCusker Westmead, Australia Cristina Sampaio Princeton, NJ, USA 15:30 16:10 Daily Schedule Tuesday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify CBS features that may best predict underlying cortical pathology 2. Learn newly developed clinical diagnostic criteria for CBD 3. Understand the role of genetics in the development of the various pathologies that present with a CBS Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 3208 Biomarkers of prodromal Huntington’s disease Ralf Reilmann Münster, Germany From pathophysiology to new treatment strategies: Insights from the laboratory and animal models Michael Levine Los Angeles, CA, USA 16:50 Update on symptomatic and disease modifying treatments Cristina Sampaio Princeton, NJ, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Discuss the pathology and bio-markers of premanifest Huntington’s disease gene carriers 2. Assess the contribution of preclinical research to understand pathophysiology and to study new treatment strategies in Huntington’s disease 45 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3210 Parallel Session TI CK ET , cont. 3. Describe current achievements in and future options for the treatment of Huntington’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Lundbeck U.S. 3211 Parallel Session TI CK ET Thinking about cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: How do we define it and can we model it? 15:30 – 17:30 Daily Schedule Tuesday Location:Parkside Ballroom B Chairs: Paolo Barone Naples, Italy Robert Rodnitzky Iowa City, IA, USA 15:30 16:10 16:50 Neurotransmitters and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease Benedicte Ballanger Bron, France Animal models of cognitive dysfunction of Parkinson’s disease Jay Schneider Philadelphia, PA, USA Defining mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease Paolo Barone Naples, Italy At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand definition of cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease 2. Differentiate between different subtypes of cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease 3. Understand how to detect Parkinson’s disease cognitive dysfunction clinically Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 46 3212 Parallel Session TI CK ET Update on disturbances of sleep-wakefulness and movement disorders 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside Gallery A Chairs: Simon Lewis Sydney, Australia Wolfgang Oertel Marburg, Germany 15:30 How to approach and manage patients with periodic or rhythmic movements during rest, drowsiness and sleep Birgit Frauscher Innsbruck, Austria 16:10 From dream-enacting behavior to synuclein in the brain: REM sleep behavior disorder as an early feature of synucleinopathies 16:50 Simon Lewis Sydney, Australia Why is my Parkinson’s disease patient sleepy? And how shall I treat him? Wolfgang Oertel Marburg, Germany At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify and manage rhythmic or periodic movement disorders before or during sleep including restless legs syndrome, periodic movements of sleep and others such as hypnic jerks, head banging, body rocking and stereotypies 2. Describe the clinical, polysomnographic and pathophysiological features of RBD pointing to its association as an early feature of a neurodegenerative disease and particularly an evolving synucleinopathy 3. Explain the mechanisms, the diagnostic workup and management of daytime sleepiness in Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 3213 Parallel Session TI CK ET Nursing and allied healthcare for Parkinson’s disease: Practice-based evidence or evidence-based practice? 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside 103 Chairs: Colleen Canning Sydney, Australia Lindy Clemson Lidcombe, Australia 15:30 Outcomes of physiotherapy for Parkinson’s disease: New evidence from large randomized clinical trials Colleen Canning Sydney, Australia 16:10 Nursing interventions for Parkinson’s disease: More than practice-based evidence? Julie Carter Portland, OR, USA 16:50 Other allied health interventions in Parkinson’s disease Ana Aragon Bath, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Have a state-of-the-art view of the latest scientific developments in allied healthcare for Parkinson’s disease, including new evidence from large RCT’s, evidence-based practice guidelines and other important progress in the field 2. Appreciate the broad spectrum of treatment approaches offered by allied health professionals and Parkinson nurse specialists, and understand the current level of scientific evidence that supports these various interventions 3. Understand the range of impairments, disabilities and activity limitations in Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3314 Teaching Course TI CK ET Movement disorders emergencies 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside Terrace Chairs: K. Ray Chaudhuri London, United Kingdom Louis Tan Singapore 15:30 16:10 16:50 Emergencies in hypokinetic disorders Renato Puppi Munhoz Curitiba, Brazil Emergencies in hyperkinetic disorders Steven Frucht New York, NY, USA Emergencies in surgically treated movement disorders patients Rianne Esselink Nijmegen, Netherlands 3315 Teaching Course TI CK ET DBS in movement disorders 15:30 – 17:30 Location:Bayside Gallery B Chairs: Neil Mahant Sydney, Australia Philip Starr San Francisco, CA, USA 15:30 DBS for Parkinson’s disease: Non-motor outcomes and longterm results Jens Volkmann Würzburg, Germany 16:10 TI CK ET , cont. DBS for dystonia, tremor and other hyperkinetic disorders Michele Tagliati Los Angeles, CA, USA 16:50 Mechanisms of DBS and recent technical developments Skills Workshop TI CK ET Instrumental analysis of gait and posture in Parkinson’s disease 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Parkside Ballroom B In this interactive session, participants will learn how to identify different alterations of parkinsonian gait and understand the relationship between freezing of gait, cognition and anxiety. In addition, participants will be instructed on the clinical utility of instrumental analysis and its current role in clinical practice. John Nutt Portland, OR, USA Walter Maetzler Tübingen, Germany At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify parkinsonian gait disturbance characteristics 2. Describe clinical utility of instrumental gait and posture analysis 3. Interpret pathophysiological and compensatory mechanisms of parkinsonian gait evidenced by instrumental analysis Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Skills Workshop TI CK ET Speech and swallowing in movement disorders 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside 201-203 Chung-Chin Kuo Taipei, Taiwan At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the indications, motor and nonmotor benefits, potential side effects and longterm outcome of DBS for Parkinson’s disease 2. Understand the indications, benefits, possible side effects and long-term outcome of DBS for dystonia, essential tremor and other hyperkinetic disorders 3. Understand the recent advances in the mechanisms of action of DBS and in technical developments such as close-loop stimulation Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 3403 3404 In this interactive session, participants will learn the fundamentals of normal speech and swallowing, in order to then understand how to diagnose and manage speech and swallowing disturbance in hypokinetic and hyperkinetic movement disorders. Hanneke Kalf Nijmegen, Netherlands Debbie Phyland East Melbourne, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand basic principles of the physiology of speech and swallowing 2. Diagnose and manage speech disturbances in patients with movement disorders 3. Diagnose and manage swallowing disturbances in movement disorders Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Daily Schedule Tuesday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize and define management strategies for neuroleptic malignant syndrome, parkinsonism hyperpyrexia syndrome, and serotonin syndrome 2. Recognize and define management strategies for status dystonicus, acute dystonic reaction, and selected causes of acute choreas, myoclonus, and tics 3. Recognize and define management strategies for emergent complications in DBS-treated patients with movement disorders Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 3315 Teaching Course 3405 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Normal and abnormal movements in children: How to approach a pediatric patient 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Terrace In this interactive session, participants will be better able to examine and recognize normal motor development in children and identify and classify abnormal movements. Jean-Pierre Lin London, United Kingdom Terence Sanger Los Angeles, CA, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize normal or benign abnormal movements in infants and children 2. Recognize the most frequent movement disorders in children and work out towards etiology 3. Recognize developmental disorders Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 47 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3406 TI CK ET Skills Workshop How to assess cognitive function in parkinsonian syndromes 18:00 – 19:30 Daily Schedule Tuesday Location:Bayside 204 In this interactive session, the faculty will review the clinical spectrum of cognitive symptoms associated with the different parkinsonian syndromes. The faculty will also describe brief and simple cognitive tests and more formal tests for conducting a cognitive assessment. Cognitive assessments will be appraised based on their applicability for the screening for cognitive impairment, differential diagnosis, rating of severity or monitoring disease progression. John Dalrymple-Alford Christchurch, New Zealand Elsdon Storey Melbourne, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Review the spectrum of cognitive symptoms in parkinsonian syndromes 2. Discuss the clinicopathological correlates of cognitive dysfunction 3. Appraise the cognitive assessments in parkinsonian syndromes Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 3407 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Palliative care and end of life issues in parkinsonism 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Gallery A 48 In this interactive session, participants will be better able to understand the prevailing symptoms in advanced parkinsonism that require palliative care approaches and discuss modern concepts that involve a whole-person approach, focusing on quality of life. Stefan Lorenzl Munich, Germany David Oliver Kent, United Kingdom 3407 Skills Workshop TI CK ET , cont. At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the prevailing symptoms in advanced parkinsonism that require palliative care approaches 2. Discuss end of life issues from patients’ and caregivers’ perspective 3. Discuss modern concepts of palliative care in parkinsonism Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 3408 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Physical and social disability in Parkinson’s disease: From markers to self-management strategies 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside 103 In this interactive session, participants will be able to better recognize the onset and progression of disability across the stages of Parkinson’s disease, its impact on quality of life (physical and social) and will be better equipped with the knowledge of self management strategies to empower the patients to live the normal life with chronic disorder. Terry Ellis Boston, MA, USA Lisa Shulman Baltimore, MD, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. List the clinical “red flags” marking the onset and progression of disability across the various stages of disease 2. Describe the spectrum of physical and social disability in the daily lives of persons with Parkinson’s disease 3. Discuss self-management strategies that can assist Parkinson’s patients in reducing disability Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees TI CK ET 3509 Video Session Movement Disorders: Surprises in localization or pathology 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Gallery B In this interactive session, the faculty will review videos and possible imaging/pathology of movement disorders that have been caused by unusual lesions or unexpected anatomical sites. The session will discuss lessons learned from these cases in understanding basal ganglia pathophysiology. Asha Kishore Trivandrum, India Susanne Schneider Kiel, Germany At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Review unusual causes of common movement disorders 2. Understand how lesions in the basal ganglia give rise to particular movement disorders 3. Develop a logical method to help evaluate unusual movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees 3510 Video Session TI CK ET Jerky, Shaky, What is it? 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Parkside Ballroom A In this interactive session, participants will be better able to distinguish between myoclonus, tremor, tics, chorea and psychogenic movements. Nin Bajaj Nottingham, United Kingdom Marie Vidailhet Paris, France At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Develop examination techniques to analyze jerky and shaky movements 2. Recognize tremor, myoclonus, cortical tremor, chorea, tics and psychogenic movements 3. Use appropriate investigation to aid diagnosis Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3511 Video Session TI CK ET Ten golden tips on how to better diagnose unusual movement disorders 18:00 – 19:30 Location:Bayside Auditorium A In this interactive session, participants will be better able to better understand the diagnostic workup of patients presenting with an unusual movement disorder, and recognize a series of “tips and tricks” used by experts in movement disorders in their own clinical work-up of patients with unusual movement disorders. Daniel Healy Dublin, Ireland Marina De Koning-Tijssen Groningen, Netherlands Daily Schedule Tuesday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand that the diagnostic work-up of any unusual movement disorders starts with a proper clinical description of the phenotype, including the dominant movement disorder, any additional movement disorders, and the accompanying signs 2. Appreciate the broad spectrum and complexity of unusual movement disorders 3. Recognize several “tips and tricks” used by experts in movement disorders in their own clinical work-up of patients with unusual movement disorders Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 49 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4103 Plenary Session IX Presidential Lectures 8:00 – 10:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Günther Deuschl Kiel, Germany Matthew Stern Philadelphia, PA, USA 8:00 8:30 Daily Schedule Wednesday 9:30 Stanley Fahn Lecture: The signs of a neurologist Guided Poster Tours , cont. 10:30 GPT 10: Genetics 12:00 – 13:30 Junior Award Lectures Allison Yarnall Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Mun Kyung Sunwoo Seoul, Korea Jee Young Lee Seoul, Korea C. David Marsden Lecture: Parkinson’s Disease: The windmills of your mind Peter Jenner London, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Appreciate the breadth of processes used by Neurologists in clinical assessment 2. Improve knowledge and understanding of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease 3. Understand postoperative delirium: indicating underlying Lewy body pathology 4. Understand the ‘hyperdopamine’ state in patients with Parkinson’s disease predisposed by structural changes in the extrastriatal and striatal dopaminergic systems and its relationship to the impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease 5. Understand the circular nature of progression in understanding the cause, expression and treatment of Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Students/Residents/Trainees Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Patrik Brundin Lund, Sweden Colin Masters Parkville, Australia The biology of classic prion disease Colin Masters Parkville, Australia 11:00 Is Parkinson’s disease caused by a prion mechanism? Patrik Brundin Lund, Sweden 11:30 Ideas for novel therapies targeting the prion-like mechanism: Problems and possibilities Philip Thompson Adelaide, Australia 4104 Plenary Session X Prion hypothesis of Parkinson’s disease 10:30 – 12:00 50 4104 Plenary Session X, cont. C. Warren Olanow Chicago, IL, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Define the biological mechanisms that underlie classical prion disease 2. Understand the evidence for neurodegenerative diseases other than Parkinson’s disease having a prion-like pathogenesis 3. Discuss the increasing evidence that a prionlike mechanism is involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Students/Residents/Trainees Poster Session 3 12:00 – 13:30 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Poster viewing: 9:00 – 18:00 Abstract numbers: 666 – 991 Abstract Topics: Ataxia Choreas (non-Huntington’s disease) Clinical Electrophysiology Huntington’s disease Parkinsonism (secondary and parkinsonism-plus) Parkinson’s disease: Phenomenology Pediatric movement disorders Tremor Wilson’s disease, storage and metabolic movement disorders Guided Poster Tours GPT 9: Parkinson’s disease: Cognition 12:00 – 13:30 Location: Bayside Gallery A Leaders:Murat Emre Istanbul, Turkey Jennifer Goldman Chicago, IL, USA Location: Bayside Gallery B Leaders: Daniel Healy Dublin, Ireland Christine Klein Luebeck, Germany GPT 11: Lewy body dementia and other dementias in movement disorders 12:00 – 13:30 Location: Bayside 201-203 Leaders: John Dalrymple-Alford Christchurch, New Zealand Glenda Halliday Randwick, Australia GPT 12: Surgical therapy of movement disorders other than Parkinson’s disease 12:00 – 13:30 Location: Bayside 204 Leaders: Joachim Krauss Hannover, Germany Elena Moro Grenoble, France Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 13:30 – 14:30 Please see pages 62-63 for more information. TI CK ET 4208 Parallel Session Multiple system atrophy: A wolf in sheep’s clothing 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium A Chairs: Richard Boyle Brisbane, Australia Gregor Wenning Innsbruck, Austria 15:00 Challenges in the ante-mortem diagnosis of multiple system atrophy Tetsutaro Ozawa Niigata, Japan 15:40 Update on the pathological correlates of autonomic features Eduardo Benarroch Rochester, MN, USA 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 TI CK ET 4208 Parallel Session 16:20 Molecular pathogenesis and animal models , cont. Gregor Wenning Innsbruck, Austria At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the main challenges in accurate ante-mortem diagnosis of MSA 2. Recognize the spectrum of non-motor symptoms in MSA 3. Understand the latest developments in the pathogenesis and therapeutic frontiers in MSA Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees TI CK ET 4209 Parallel Session What’s new in essential and non-essential tremor? 15:00 – 17:00 15:00 15:40 16:20 The natural history of essential tremor: Lessons from clinical and physiological studies Jan Raethjen Kiel, Germany The pathology of essential tremor Holly Shill Sun City, AZ, USA Pathophysiological basis of other tremor Rick Helmich Nijmegen, Netherlands At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe the current clinical definitions, its problems as well as the evolving phenotype in the course of the disease and with increasing age and its pathophysiological correlates 2. Discuss the pros and cons for neurodegenerative processes in essential tremor, possible correlations with the clinical spectrum and alternative explanations for the pathological changes observed. The latest in genetics will also be covered 3. Understand tremor circuitry by analyzing how a lesion can either induce or relieve a tremor Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Location:Bayside 103 Chairs: Birgit Högl Innsbruck, Austria Juliane Winkelmann Munich, Germany 15:00 New developments in RLS genetic and pathophysiology Juliane Winkelmann Munich, Germany 15:40 The spectrum of treatment options in RLS Diego Garcia-Borreguero Madrid, Spain 16:20 Management of the difficult RLS cases: RLS associated with psychiatric disease, in pregnancy, other movement disorders Birgit Högl Innsbruck, Austria At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the genetics architecture of RLS and implications on diagnosis and pathophysiology 2. Describe the spectrum of treatment options for RLS – including dopaminergic, non-dopaminergic therapy, iron and their complications 3. Manage difficult cases associated with psychiatric or other neurologic diseases including RLS in pregnancy (secondary RLS) Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 4211 Parallel Session 15:40 4211 Parallel Session rTMS as a potential treatment in Parkinson’s disease 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside 201-203 Chairs: Alfredo Berardelli Rome, Italy Yoshikazu Ugawa Fukushima, Japan 15:00 rTMS as a tool to understand the physiology of the motor system Michael Ridding Adelaide, Australia , cont. rTMS in understanding the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease Alfredo Berardelli Rome, Italy 16:20 Is there a future for rTMS in the treatment of motor and non-motor aspects of Parkinson’s disease? Yoshikazu Ugawa Fukushima, Japan At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the complex effects of rTMS on brain physiological mechanisms 2. Describe studies of rTMS in Parkinson’s disease 3. Evaluate the possible role of rTMS as a therapeutic tool in Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees 4212 Parallel Session TI CK ET How to train the brain: Exercise for movement disorders 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Parkside Ballroom B Chairs: Daniela Berg Tübingen, Germany Meg Morris Bundoora, Australia 15:00 15:40 TI CK ET TI CK ET 16:20 Daily Schedule Wednesday Location:Parkside Ballroom A Chairs: Günther Deuschl Kiel, Germany Eng-King Tan Singapore 4210 Parallel Session TI CK ET New treatment and pathophysiological concepts in RLS 15:00 – 17:00 The basic science of training effects Michael Zigmond Pittsburg, PA, USA Training for Parkinson’s disease: What is possible? Meg Morris Bundoora, Australia Training for ataxia Matthis Synofzik Tübingen, Germany At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the mechanisms of physical exercise on the brain in movement disorders 2. Discuss the physiological basis for therapeutic effects of exercise in hypokinetic movement disorders 3. Discuss the physiological basis for therapeutic effects of exercise in ataxias Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 51 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4213 Parallel Session TI CK ET The broad heterogeneity of C90RF72 mutations: The most common genetic forms of FTD/ALS/parkinsonism 15:00 – 17:00 4214 Parallel Session TI CK ET What have we learned from the different integrated care models of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders? 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside Gallery A Chairs: John Hodges Sydney, Australia Ian Mackenzie Vancouver, BC, Canada Location:Bayside 204 Chairs: Bastiaan Bloem Nijmegen, Netherlands Nir Giladi Tel Aviv, Israel 15:00 Genetic basis of C9ORF72 mutations 15:00 Peter Heutink Amsterdam, Netherlands 15:40 Pathological features of C9ORF72 mutations Ian Mackenzie Vancouver, BC, Canada 15:40 Daily Schedule Wednesday 16:20 Clinical phenotype of C9ORF72 mutations 52 Bradley Boeve Rochester, MN, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Learn the genetic mechanisms associated with the C9ORF72 mutation which make it the most common genetic cause of both FTD and ALS 2. Recognize novel pathological features of C9ORF72 mutations which indicate novel disease mechanisms with implications for treatment 3. Understand the variable phenotype associated with the C9ORF72 mutation which includes FTD, ALS and a wide range of other movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 16:20 Management of gait disorders and falls in Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease: Does an integrated care model really make a difference? 4315 Teaching Course TI CK ET Recognizing and understanding hyperkinetic movement disorders 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside Terrace Chairs: Hubert Fernandez Cleveland, OH, USA Ainhi Ha Sydney, Australia 15:00 Distinguishing clinical features of hyperkinetic movement disorders Sarah Teixeira Camargos Belo Horizonte, Brazil 15:40 Pathophysiology and molecular pathology of hyperkinetic disorders Lynn Rochester Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Integrated and comprehensive care for Parkinson’s disease: Clinical experience and new scientific evidence Bastiaan Bloem Nijmegen, Netherlands The need for interprofessional continuing education for delivering optimal integrated care At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify the distinctive features allowing to distinguish tremor, chorea, dystonia, tics, myoclonus and stereotypies, and to recognize other motor abnormalities that may occur in association with these disorders 2. Highlight how the motor, sensorimotor, associative and limbic basal ganglia loops are affected by the different hyperkinetic syndromes compared to hypokinetic syndromes, and to illustrate how dysfunction at the molecular level can entail circuit dysfunction that leads to hyperkinetic phenomenology 3. Review the medical, rehabilitation, and surgical options available to treat hyperkinetic disorders, to distinguish general from specific treatment options, and to highlight available guidelines and treatment algorithms Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Ruth Hagestuen Minnetonka, MN, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Appreciate the evidence from recent clinical trials on discipline specific versus integrated care models for the management of Parkinson’s disease 2. Appreciate the range of integrated care models in newly emerging fields, such as ataxia 3. Understand how to use inter-professional training approaches as a catalyst to develop and expand Parkinson’s teams and regional networks of care Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Ryuji Kaji Tokushima City, Japan 16:20 Treatment options in hyperkinetic disorders Steven Frucht New York, NY, USA 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4316 Teaching Course TI CK ET Clinical examination in movement disorders 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside Gallery B Chairs: Rick Stell Perth, Australia David Williams Melbourne, Australia 15:00 Examination tips in tremor John O’Sullivan Coorparoo, Australia 15:40 Examination pearls in parkinsonism David Williams Melbourne, Australia 16:20 Examination highlights in hyperkinetic movement disorders Mohit Bhatt Mumbai, India 4403 Skills Workshop TI CK ET New Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale: MDS-UPDRS 17:30 -19:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium A In this interactive session, participants will be better able to know how to apply and interpret the MDS-UPDRS, to establish equivalent relationships with other scales for motor and non-motor manifestations, and to grasp the performance of the scale in studies in which it has been applied. Christopher Goetz Chicago, IL, USA Glenn Stebbins Chicago, IL, USA Skills Workshop TI CK ET , cont. At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the application, recording, and interpretation of the scale, both for research and clinical practice 2. Recognize the relationships between the MDS-UPDRS scores and other independent measures usually applied for assessment of severity of the Parkinson’s disease manifestations 3. Apply the MDS-UPDRS and understand its performance in different settings Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 4404 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Pearls in the management of DBS patients 17:30 – 19:00 Location:Parkside Ballroom B In this interactive session, participants will be able to better recognize post-operative issues with DBS in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dystonia, to develop strategies of management, and to optimize surgical and medical treatment after DBS. Paul Boulos-Bejjani Byblos, Lebanon Stephen Tisch Sydney, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Manage post-operative motor problems in Parkinson’s disease patients 2. Manage post-operative non-motor problems in Parkinson’s disease patients 3. Manage post-operative issues in patients with dystonia Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Medtronic, Inc. 4405 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Lessons I learned from my patients 17:30 – 19:00 Location:Parkside Ballroom A In this interactive session, the faculty will present clinical cases from their own practice and discuss the lessons learned when critical appraisal of clinical features has led to a revision of diagnosis and change in management. Niall Quinn London, United Kingdom Bhim Singhal Mumbai, India At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the lessons for clinical practice from critically reviewing cases where diagnostic or management revisions were made 2. Identify frequent and preventable pitfalls in the evaluation of movement disorder patients 3. Recognize the merits of periodic reassessment of clinical features and patient’s management Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 4406 Skills Workshop TI CK ET The clinician loses his balance: How to approach genetic and non-genetic ataxias 17:30 – 19:00 Daily Schedule Wednesday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Utilize a range of bedside techniques to examine, characterize and differentiate tremors 2. Identify key characteristics of different parkinsonian conditions through the clinical examination 3. Use strategic examination techniques to assist in the differential diagnosis of hyperkinetic movement disorders Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 4403 Location:Bayside 204 In this interactive session, which will be illustrated with video examples, participants will be instructed on using clinical, instrumental and genetic tools to investigate different forms of ataxias. Thomas Klockgether Bonn, Germany Bart van de Warrenburg Nijmegen, Netherlands At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the phenomenology of common and less common form of genetic ataxias 2. Identify a clinical diagnostic approach to distinguish genetic from non-genetic ataxias 3. Understand laboratory and neuroimaging studies useful to identify the different forms of ataxias Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 53 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4407 Skills Workshop TI CK ET Urological and sexual dysfunction in parkinsonism 17:30 – 19:00 Location:Bayside Gallery A Daily Schedule Wednesday In this interactive session, participants will gain a greater appreciation of the range of sexual and urological problems in people with parkinsonism and the treatment options available. Gila Bronner Ramat-Gan, Israel Jalesh Panicker London, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand basic principles of the physiology of micturition and sexual function 2. Diagnose and manage the bladder disturbances in parkinsonian disorders 3. Diagnose and manage the sexual disturbances in Parkinsonian disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 4408 Skills Workshop TI CK ET The role of the Movement Disorders nurse: A global perspective 17:30 – 19:00 4509 Video Session TI CK ET Movement disorders in children: A brave new world 17:30 – 19:00 4511 Video Session TI CK ET The spectrum of craniocervical movement disorders 17:30 – 19:00 Location:Bayside Gallery B Location:Bayside Terrace At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify the diversity of the phenomenology of movement disorders in children 2. Make a differential diagnosis of the etiology of most common pediatric movement disorders 3. Establish therapeutic strategies for movement disorders in children Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Students/Residents/Trainees 4510 Video Session TI CK ET What if it’s not Huntington’s disease? 17:30 – 19:00 Location:Bayside 201-203 Location:Bayside 103 In this interactive session, participants should be able to discuss international education and practice differences of nurses in movement disorders teams. Carole Joint Oxford, United Kingdom Victor McConvey Elwood, Australia At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify the international education and practice differences of specialized Parkinson’s nurses 2. Describe the role of the Parkinson’s nurses in optimizing the delivery of advanced treatments, including DBS and continuous dopaminergic stimulation 3. Discuss the importance of specialized Parkinson’s nurses within a multidisciplinary team approach Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 54 In this interactive session, participants will be better able to describe the different movement disorders in children, identifying the most common causes and become familiar with current therapeutic strategies. Hilla Ben-Pazi Jerusalem, Israel Padraic Grattan-Smith Matraville, Australia In this interactive session, participants will be better able to recognize the phenomenology of the different etiologies of chorea and outline appropriate investigations for the differential diagnosis of the most frequent forms of genetic and acquired chorea. Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Levi Creteil, France Joaquim Ferreira Lisbon, Portugal At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the phenomenology of Huntington’s disease and other disorders in which chorea is the main clinical feature 2. Recognize the phenomenology of Huntington’s disease-like (HDL) syndromes 3. Outline appropriate approach and diagnostic work-up for patients with chorea Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees In this interactive session, participants will be better able to describe the different manifestation of craniocervical movement disorders and choose the most appropriate therapeutic measures or managements. Giovanni Fabbrini Rome, Italy Maria Stamelou Athens, Greece At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Correctly diagnose the cranicervical movement disorders 2. Figure out the treatment and management of each specific condition 3. Link each condition to molecular/genetic diagnosis if possible Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees MDS Video Challenge Pre-Event Gathering 19:00 – 20:00 Location: Bayside Grand Hall MDS Video Challenge 20:00 – 22:00 Location: Bayside Auditorium B Please see page 20 for more information. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Thursday, June 20, 2013 5101 Plenary Session XI Developments in psychogenic movement disorders 8:00 – 9:30 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Kailash Bhatia London, United Kingdom Mark Hallett Bethesda, MD, USA 8:00 Clinical aspects of PMD Anthony Lang Toronto, ON, Canada 8:30 The neurobiology of PMD 9:00 Management of PMD Mark Edwards London, United Kingdom Jon Stone Edinburgh, United Kingdom 5102Controversies in Movement Disorders 10:00 – 11:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: Cynthia Comella Chicago, IL, USA Nir Giladi Tel Aviv, Israel 10:00 10:15 10:30 (YES) PDD and DLB are one and the same disorder and should be merged John Duda Philadelphia, PA, USA (NO) PDD and DLB are one and the same disorder and should be merged David John Burn Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (YES) Active impulse control disorders are an indication for DBS Paul Krack Grenoble, France 10:45 (NO) Active impulse control disorders are an indication for DBS Michael Okun Gainesville, FL, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize the similarities and differences between PPD and DLB 2. Recognize the agreements both for and against “lumping” these two disorders together 3. Understand the frequency of ICDs in patients being considered for DBS surgery 4. Recognize the potential advantages and disadvantages to DBS surgery in patients with active ICDs Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 5103 Blue Ribbon Highlights 11:00 – 12:00 Location:Bayside Auditorium B Chairs: C. Warren Olanow New York, NY, USA Olivier Rascol Toulouse, France This session will provide a critical review of the best poster presentations by a panel of experts, highlighting the relevance, novelty, and quality of both clinical and basic research presented by the delegates. Erwan Bezard Bordeaux, France Matthew Stern Philadelphia, PA, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Gain an overview of recent developments in the basic science of movement disorders 2. Gain an overview of recent clinical developments 3. Gain an overall perspective on current topics of interest in movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from UCB Pharma SA. Corporate Therapeutic Symposia 12:00 – 13:00 Please see pages 62-63 for more information. Poster session 4 13:00 – 14:30 Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Poster viewing: 9:00 – 16:00 Abstract numbers: 992 - 1322 Abstract Topics: Drug-induced Movement Disorders Spasticity Basic Science Education in movement disorders Epidemiology Genetics History Lewy Body Dementia and other dementias in movement disorders Myoclonus Neuropharmacology Quality of life/caregiver burden in movement disorders Surgical Therapy: Other Movement Disorders Surgical Therapy: Parkinson’s Disease Guided Poster Tours GPT 13: Huntington’s disease 13:00 – 14:30 Daily Schedule Thursday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Recognize clinical features of psychogenic movement disorders 2. Recognize the pathophysiology and neurobiology of PMD 3. Consider management strategy for PMD disorders including medical and rehabilitative options Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 5102Controversies in Movement Disorders, cont. Location: Bayside Gallery A Leaders: Elizabeth McCusker Westmead, Australia Ralf Meilmann Muenster, Germany GPT 14: Parkinson’s disease: Clinical Trials 13:00 – 14:30 Location: Bayside Gallery B Leaders: Jeffrey Kordower Chicago, IL, USA Robert Hauser Tampa, FL, USA GPT 15: Parkinson’s disease: Phenomenology 13:00 – 14:30 Location: Bayside 201-203 Leaders: Timothy Lynch Dublin, Ireland David Riley South Euclid, OH, USA 55 Thursday, June 20, 2013 Guided Poster Tours, cont. GPT 16: Tremor 13:00 – 14:30 Location: Bayside 204 Leader: Mark Edwards London, United Kingdom Daily Schedule Thursday TI CK ET , cont. 15:00 Clinical features of Tourette syndrome Alexander Münchau Hamburg, Germany 15:40 The neural networks involved in Tourette syndrome 5205 Parallel Session TI CK ET Induced pluripotent stem cells for Parkinson’s disease: Past, present and future 15:00 – 17:00 Paul Sandor Toronto, ON, Canada 16:20 Medical and surgical treatment of Tourette syndrome Location:Bayside Auditorium A Chairs: Etienne Hirsch Paris, France Joe Mazzulli Charlestown, MA, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe the clinical features of Tourette syndrome 2. Describe the neural networks involved in Tourette syndrome 3. Describe medical and DBS treatment for Tourette syndrome Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Students/Residents/Trainees 15:00 Induced pluripotent stem cells in regenerative medicine: Past, present and future Eldad Melamed Tel Aviv, Isreal 15:40 IPS cells as a disease model Joe Mazzulli Charlestown, MA, USA 16:20 IPS cells as treatment Jun Takahashi Kyoto, Japan At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Explain how iPS cells are generated and where we stand on its future use as treatment for neurodegenerative disorders 2. Interpret how iPS cells are instrumental in elucidation of patho-genetic mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s disease 3. Describe risks and benefits of iPS cell transplantation therapy in Parkinson’s disease Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/ Trainees 5206 Parallel Session TI CK ET Gilles de la Tourette syndrome 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside 201-203 Chairs: Mary Robertson London, United Kingdom Julian Rodrigues Shenton Park, Australia 56 5206 Parallel Session Mary Robertson London, United Kingdom TI CK ET 5207 Parallel Session Regional atypical parkinsonian syndromes 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside Gallery A Chairs: Irene Litvan La Jolla, CA, USA Huw Morris Cardiff, United Kingdom 15:00 15:40 16:20 Clinical features of the atypical parkinsonian syndromes in Guam, Japan and Guadeloupe: Similarities and differences John Steele Tamuning, Guam Underlying pathology and proposed etiopathogenesis Annie Lannuzel Pointe-à-Pitre, France The link between the atypical parkinsonian syndromes in the Pacific and PSP, corticobasal syndrome and FTD/ALS Huw Morris Cardiff, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Understand the clinical features of atypical parkinsonian syndromes in Guam, Japan, and Guadeloupe 5207 Parallel Session TI CK ET , cont. 2. Understand the underlying pathology and proposed etiopathogenesis of these disorders 3. Understand potential links between these disorders and PSP, CBD and FTD/ALS Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 5208 Parallel Session TI CK ET An update on dystonia 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Parkside Ballroom B Chairs: Victor Fung Westmead, Australia Christine Klein Lübeck, Germany 15:00 An update on “primary” dystonia Christine Klein Lübeck, Germany 15:40 An update on “secondary” dystonia Victor Fung Westmead, Australia 16:20 An update on medical and emerging therapies for dystonia Pedro Gonzalez-Alegre Iowa City, IA, USA At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Classify and investigate a patient presenting with “primary” (pure) dystonia 2. Classify and investigate a patient presenting with “secondary” (mixed) dystonia 3. Treat dystonia with medications and know when to consider more invasive or advanced therapies Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 16-20, 2013 • Thursday, June 20, 2013 5209 Parallel Session TI CK ET Movement disorders in internal medicine 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside 204 Chairs: Oscar Gershanik Buenos Aires, Argentina Jonas Hon Ming Yeung Hong Kong 15:00 Movement disorders and nonneurological infections Fernando Alarcon Quito, Ecuador 15:40 Movement disorders in systemic disease Jonas Hon Ming Yeung Hong Kong 16:20 Movement disorders and nonpsychiatric drugs Oscar Gershanik Buenos Aires, Argentina 5210 Parallel Session TI CK ET Striatal network adaptations underlying levodopa-induced dyskinesias 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Parkside Ballroom A Chairs: Malcolm Horne Parkville, Australia D. James Surmeier Chicago, IL, USA 15:00 15:40 Biochemical, anatomical and physiological hallmarks of LIDs Malcolm Horne Parkville, Australia LID-induced adaptations in the striatal network TI CK ET , cont. 16:20 New therapeutic strategies for alleviating LIDs Jonathan Brotchie Toronto, ON, Canada At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe the biochemical, anatomical and physiological hallmarks of levodopa-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) in the striatum 2. Describe alterations in the properties of the striatal network controlling movement 3. Identify the therapeutic strategies being developed to alleviate LIDs Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Students/Residents/Trainees TI CK ET 5311 Teaching Course Imaging techniques in degenerative movement disorders: A window on the pathologist’s world 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside Gallery B Chairs: Daniela Berg Tübingen, Germany Antonio Strafella Toronto, ON, Canada 15:00 The role of magnetic resonance imaging techniques in neurodegenerative diseases Martin McKeown Vancouver, BC, Canada 15:40 Transcranial sonography in Parkinson’s disease 5312 Teaching Course TI CK ET Update on botulinum toxin treatment 15:00 – 17:00 Location:Bayside Terrace Chairs: Cynthia Comella Chicago, IL USA Erle Chuen-Hian Lim Singapore 15:00 15:40 Scientific basis for botulinum toxin therapy Raymond Rosales Manila, Philippines Methods for administering botulinum toxins Erle Chuen-Hian Lim Singapore 16:20 Case studies: Update on treatment approaches Roongroj Bhidayasiri Bangkok, Thailand At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Identify the scientific basis for botulinum toxin therapy and distinguish toxin formulations 2. Understand methods of administering botulinum toxins including palpation, EMG, ultrasound, and imaging 3. Discuss treatment paradigms for dystonia and spasticity using patient videos Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Daily Schedule Thursday At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe the phenomenology of movement disorders associated to non-neurological infections, metabolic disorders and nonpsychiatric drugs 2. Discuss the mechanisms underlying movement disorders associated to non-neurological infections, metabolic disorders and nonpsychiatric drugs 3. Treat movement disorders associated to nonneurological infections, metabolic disorders and non-psychiatric drugs Recommended Audience: Clinical academicians, Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees 5210 Parallel Session Daniela Berg Tübingen, Germany 16:20 PET receptor imaging in movement disorders Nicola Pavese London, United Kingdom At the conclusion of this session, participants should be better able to: 1. Describe different MRI techniques used in movement disorders 2. Define the role of transcranial sonography in Parkinson’s disease 3. Describe the contribution of receptor imaging in movement disorders Recommended Audience: Basic scientists, Clinical academicians, Health Professionals (Non-Physician), Practitioners, Students/Residents/Trainees Anna Castrioto Grenoble, France 57 Faculty Listing Faculty Listing Adler, Charles Scottsdale, AZ, USA 2309 Ben-Pazi, Hilla Jerusalem, Israel 4509 Brotchie, Jonathan Toronto, ON, Canada 5210 Dale, Russell Sydney, Australia 2210 Agid, Yves Paris, France 3208 Berardelli, Alfredo Rome, Italy 4211 Brundin, Patrik Grand Rapids, MI, USA 4104 Dalrymple-Alford, John Christchurch, New Zealand 1108, 3406 AlarcÓn, Fernando Quito, Ecuador 5209 Berg, Daniela Tübingen, Germany 2309, 4212, 5311 De Koning-Tijssen, Marina Groningen, Netherlands 3511 Albanese, Alberto Milan, Italy 2104 Berkovic, Sam Heidelberg West, Australia 2308 Burn, David John Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 5102 Anderson, Tim Christchurch, New Zealand 2405 Bezard, Erwan Bordeaux, France 5103 Antonini, Angelo Venice, Italy 2211 Bhatia, Kailash London, United Kingdom 2104, 5101 Aragon, Ana Bath, United Kingdom 3213 Bhatt, Mohit Mumbai, India 4316 Armstrong, Melissa Baltimore, MD, USA 3207 Bhidayasiri, Roongroj Bangkok, Thailand 5312 Bachoud-Levi, Anne-Catherine Creteil, France 4510 Bloem, Bastiaan Nijmegen, Netherlands 4214 Bajaj, Nin Nottingham, United Kingdom 3510 Ballanger, Benedicte Bron Cedex, France 3211 Barone, Paolo Napoli, Italy 3211 Bejjani, Boulos-Paul Byblos, Lebanon 4404 Benarroch, Eduardo Rochester, MN, USA 4208 58 Boeve, Bradley Rochester, MN, USA 4213 Bolam, J. Paul Oxford, United Kingdom 2207 Boxer, Adam San Francisco, CA, USA 3207 Boyle, Richard Brisbane, Australia 4208 Bronner, Gila Ramat-Gan, Israel 4407 Brooks, David London, United Kingdom 3103 Canning, Colleen Sydney, Australia 3213 Cardoso, Francisco Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2210, 3209 Carter, Julie Portland, OR, USA 3213 Castrioto, Anna Grenoble, France 5210 Chaudhuri, K. Ray London, United Kingdom 3314 Chen, Robert Toronto, ON, Canada 3103 Clarke, Carl Birmingham, United Kingdom 1107 Clemson, Lindy Lidcombe, Australia 3213 Colosimo, Carlo Rome, Italy 2308, 2404 Comella, Cynthia Chicago, IL, USA 2404, 5102, 5312 Dahodwala, Nabila Philadelphia, PA, USA 2209 Derkinderen, Pascal Nantes, France 2309 Deuschl, GÜnther Kiel, Germany 4103, 4209 Dickson, Dennis Jacksonville, FL, USA 2407, 3209 Dotchin, Catherine North Shields, United Kingdom 2209 Duda, John Philadelphia, PA, USA 5102 Edwards, Mark London, United Kingdom 5101 Ellis, Terry Boston, MA, USA 3408 Espay, Alberto Cincinnati, OH, USA 2508 Esselink, Rianne Nijmegen, Netherlands 3314 Evans, Andrew Hawthorn, Australia 2208 Fabbrini, Giovanni Rome, Italy 4511 Fahn, Stanley New York, NY, USA 2103 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Faculty Listing Grace, Anthony Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2208 Horne, Malcolm Parkville, Australia 5210 Krack, Paul Grenoble, France 5102 Ferreira, Joaquim Lisbon, Portugal 4510 Grattan-Smith, Padraic Matraville, Australia 4509 Houeto, Jean-Luc Grenoble, France 1106 Kril, Jillian Sydney, Australia 2407 Foltynie, Thomas London, United Kingdom 1105 Ha, Ainhi Sydney Australia 4315 Ikeda, Akio Kyoto, Japan 2308 Kuo, Chung-Chin Taipei, Taiwan 3315 Fox, Susan Toronto, ON, Canada 3104 Hagestuen, Ruth Minnetonka, MN, USA 4214 Irani, Sarosh Oxford, United Kingdom 2210 Kurian, Manju London, United Kingdom 2509 Frauscher, Birgit Innsbruck, Austria 3212 Hallett, Mark Bethesda, MD, USA 2104, 5101 Jenner, Peter London, United Kingdom 4103 Lance, James Sydney, Australia 2104 Freeman, Thomas Tampa, FL, USA 1105 Halliday, Glenda Randwick, Australia 2206, 3209 Jeon, Beom Seoul, Korea 1107 Lang, Anthony Toronto, ON, Canada 3207, 5101 Frucht, Steven New York, NY, USA 3314, 4315 Healy, Daniel Dublin, Ireland 3511 Jinnah, Hyder Atlanta, GA, USA 2509 Lannuzel, Annie Pointe-à-Pitre, France 5207 Fung, Victor Westmead, Australia 3209, 5208 Helmich, Rick Nijmegen, Netherlands 4209 Joint, Carole Oxford, United Kingdom 4408 Lee, Lillian Quezon City, Philippines 2510 Garcia-Borreguero, Diego Madrid, Spain 4210 Hely, Mariese Bowral, Australia 2103 Kaji, Ryuji Tokushima City, Japan 3103, 4315 Lees, Andrew London, United Kingdom 2103 Gasser, Thomas Tübingen, Germany 2403 Henriksen, Tove Copenhagen, Denmark 2211 Kalf, Hanneke Nijmegen, Netherlands 3404 Leigh, R. John Cleveland, OH, USA 2405 Gershanik, Oscar Buenos Aires, Argentina 5209 Heutink, Peter Amsterdam, Netherlands 4213 Kempster, Peter Clayton, Australia 2103 Levine, Michael Los Angeles, CA, USA 3210 Giladi, Nir Tel Aviv, Israel 4214, 5102 Hirsch, Etienne Paris, France 5205 Kimber, Thomas Adelaide, Australia 2210 Lewis, Simon Sydney, Australia 3212 Goetz, Christopher Chicago, IL, USA 1107, 4403 Hodges, John Sydney, Australia 4213 Kishore, Asha Trivandrum, India 3509 Lim, Erle Singapore 5312 Goldman, Jennifer Chicago, IL, USA 1108 HÖgl, Birgit Innsbruck, Austria 4210 Klein, Christine Lübeck, Germany 5208 Lin, Jean-Pierre London, United Kingdom 3405 Gonzalez-Alegre, Pedro Iowa City, IA, USA 5208 HÖglinger, GÜnter Munich, Germany 3104 Klockgether, Thomas Bonn, Germany 4406 Ling, Helen London, United Kingdom 3207 Faculty Listing Fernandez, Hubert Cleveland, OH, USA 4315 59 Faculty Listing Faculty Listing 60 Litvan, Irene La Jolla, CA, USA 3207, 5207 Miyasaki, Janis Toronto, ON, Canada 1107 Oliver, David Kent, United Kingdom 3407 Revesz, Tamas London, United Kingdom 2206 Lorenzl, Stefan Munich, Germany 3407 Mizuno, Yoshikuni Tokyo, Japan 2206 Ostrem, Jill San Francisco, CA, USA 1106 Ridding, Michael Adelaide, Australia 4211 Lozano, Andres Toronto, ON, Canada 1106 Mizusawa, Hidehiro Tokyo, Japan 2510 O’Sullivan, John Coorparoo, Australia 4316 Robertson, Mary London, United Kingdom 5206 Lynch, Timothy Dublin, Ireland 3209 Mok, Vincent Shatin, China 2211 Ozawa, Tetsutaro Niigata, Japan 4208 Mackenzie, Ian Vancouver, BC, Canada 4213 Moro, Elena Grenoble, France 1106 Palfi, Stephane Creteil, France 1105 Rochester, Lynn Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 4214 Maetzler, Walter Tübingen, Germany 3403 Morris, Huw Cardiff, United Kingdom 5207 Panicker, Jalesh London, United Kingdom 4407 Mahant, Neil Sydney, Australia 3315 Morris, Meg Bundoora, Australia 4212 Pavese, Nicola London, United Kingdom 5311 Masters, Colin Parkville, Australia 4104 MÜnchau, Alexander Hamburg, Germany 5206 Perlmutter, Joel St. Louis, MO, USA 3208 Mazzulli, Joe Charlestown, MA, USA 5205 Munhoz, Renato Curitiba, Brazil 3314 Phyland, Debbie East Melbourne, Australia 3404 McConvey, Victor Elwood, Australia 4408 Nutt, John Portland, OR, USA 3403 Poewe, Werner Innsbruck, Austria 1105 McCusker, Elizabeth Westmead, Australia 3210 Obeso, José Pamplona, Spain 2207 Quinn, Niall London, United Kingdom 4405 McKeown, Martin Vancouver, BC, Canada 5311 Odin, Per Bremerhaven, Germany 2211 Raethjen, Jan Kiel, Germany 4209 Mejia, Nicte Somerville, MA, USA 2209 Oertel, Wolfgang Marburg, Germany 3212 Rascol, Olivier Toulouse, France 5103 Melamed, Eldad Tel Aviv, Israel 5205 Okun, Michael Gainesville, FL, USA 5102 Reichmann, Heinz Dresden, Germany 1107 Merello, Marcelo Buenos Aires, Argentina 1108 Olanow, C. Warren New York, NY, USA 4104, 5103 Reilmann, Ralf Muenster, Germany 3210 Rodnitzky, Robert Iowa City, IA, USA 3211 Rodrigues, Julian Shenton Park, Australia 5206 Rosales, Raymond Manila, Philippines 5312 Rothwell, John London, United Kingdom 2207 Ruzicka, Evzen Prague, Czech Republic 2508 Sampaio, Cristina Princeton, NJ, USA 3210 Sandor, Paul Toronto, ON, Canada 5206 Sanger, Terence Los Angeles, CA, USA 3405 Schapira, Anthony London, United Kingdom 2406, 3104 Scheffer, Ingrid Melbourne, Australia 2308 Schneider, Jay Philadelphia, PA, USA 3211 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Faculty Listing Stebbins, Glenn Chicago, IL, USA 4403 Takahashi, Jun Kyoto, Japan 5205 Vidailhet, Marie Paris, France 3510 SchÖls, Ludger Tübingen, Germany 3104 Steele, John Tamuning, Guam 5207 Tan, Eng-King Singapore 4209 Volkmann, Jens Wuerzburg, Germany 3315 Seppi, Klaus Innsbruck, Austria 2309 Stell, Rick Perth, Australia 4316 Tan, Louis Singapore 3314 Vonsattel, Jean Paul New York, NY, USA 3103 Shill, Holly Sun City, AZ, USA 4209 Stern, Matthew Philadelphia, PA, USA 4103, 5103 Teixeira Camargos, Sarah Belo Horizonte, Brazil 4315 Weintraub, Daniel Ardmore, PA, USA 1108 Shulman, Lisa Baltimore, MD, USA 2209, 3408 Stone, Jon Edinburgh, United Kingdom 5101 Thompson, Philip Adelaide, Australia 4103 Wenning, Gregor Innsbruck, Austria 4208 Silburn, Peter Spring Hill, Australia 1106 Storey, Elsdon Melbourne, Australia 3406 Tisch, Stephen Sydney, Australia 4404 Williams, David Melbourne, Australia 4316 Singhal, Bhim Mumbai, India 4405 Strafella, Antonio Toronto, ON, Canada 2208, 5311 Toda, Tatsushi Kobe, Japan 2206 Winkelmann, Juliane Munich, Germany 4210 Snow, Barry Auckland, New Zealand 3209 Sue, Carolyn Sydney, Australia 2406 Tolosa, Eduardo Barcelona, Spain 3209 Wood, Nicholas London, United Kingdom 2403 Stamelou, Maria Athens, Greece 4511 Surmeier, D. James Chicago, IL, USA 3208, 5210 Ugawa, Yoshikazu Fukushima, Japan 4211 Yeung, Jonas Hong Kong 5209 Starkstein, Sergio Fremantle, Australia 1108 Synofzik, Matthis Tübingen, Germany 4212 Van De Warrenburg, Bart Nijmegen, Netherlands 4406 Zigmond, Michael Pittsburgh, PA, USA 4212 Starr, Philip San Francisco, CA, USA 3315 Tagliati, Michele Los Angeles, CA, USA 3315 Van Eimergen, Thilo Kiel, Germany 2208 Faculty Listing Schneider, Susanne Kiel, Germany 3509 61 Corporate Therapeutic Symposia Monday, June 17, 2013 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries, Ltd./H. Lundbeck A/S 14:00 – 15:00 Ipsen Pharma 14:00 – 15:00 Location: Bayside Auditorium A Location: Bayside Auditorium A Treatment Optimization in Parkinson’s Disease: When Monotherapy is not Enough Stepping forward in the real life management of patients with movement disorders Chair: Matthew Stern Philadelphia, PA, USA Chair: Andrew Hughes Melbourne, Australia Optimizing Dopamine – Key to Effective Treatment in PD Peter Jenner London, United Kingdom Optimizing PD Pharmacotherapy – Clinical Strategies for Managing Motor Symptoms with Combination Therapy Robert Hauser Tampa, FL, USA Corporate Therapeutic Symposia Q&A Allergan, Inc. 14:00 – 15:00 Location: Parkside Ballroom B Rediscovering CD: Insights into Diagnosis, Comorbidities and Treatment Implications Chair: David Williams Melbourne, Australia Multidimensional Aspects of CD: A Physician, Patient and Societal Perspective David Williams Melbourne, Australia Susan Fox Toronto, ON, Canada Shaping spasticity management to achieve patient goals Ian Baguley Westmead, Australia Location: Parkside Ballroom B An update in management of Parkinson’s disease Chair: Michael Hayes Concord, Australia Sheena Aurora Stanford, CA, USA CD Comorbidities and Underlying Genetic Mechanisms Nutan Sharma Boston, MA, USA Panel discussion and closing remarks Are cervical dystonia measurement scales in line with real needs? CD Comorbidities and Botulinum Toxin Kailash Bhatia London, United Kingdom UCB Pharma S. A. 14:00 – 15:00 Managing cervical dystonia patient expectations – the key to a successful treatment Challenges in managing the motor symptoms in the early and advanced Parkinson’s disease patient Masahiro Nomoto Tohon, Japan Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: The other face of the disease Michael Hayes Concord, Australia Parkinson’s disease in elderly patients: Key considerations when treating this population Evzen Ruzicka Prague, Czech Republic Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Science and Technology Pavilion 62 Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries, Ltd. and H. Lundbeck A/S 8:30 – 17:00 Location: Bayside 106 During the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, MDS’ industry partners are able to provide physicians the opportunity to learn about the latest science in an interactive session, known as the Science and Technology Pavilion. The Science and Technology Pavilion will provide a less hurried educational atmosphere in which physicians and healthcare professionals can interact with company representatives to enhance their knowledge of emerging technologies and optimal treatment techniques, and experience hands-on demonstrations of the latest technology in a private atmosphere. CME will be not given for any activities in the Science and Technology Pavilion. All Congress participants are encouraged to visit the Pavilion. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Corporate Therapeutic Symposia Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Thursday, June 20, 2013 AbbVie 13:30 – 14:30 Britannia Pharmaceuticals Limited 12:00 – 13:00 Location: Bayside Auditorium A Location: Bayside Auditorium B Continuous dopaminergic stimulation therapy: A new era for care in advanced Parkinson’s disease? Chairs: Erik Wolters Amsterdam, The Netherlands Angelo Antonini Venice, Italy Infusion of Apomorphine in Parkinson’s disease: New considerations Chair: Werner Poewe Innsbruck, Austria Chair’s introduction Apomorphine infusion for motor complications in Parkinson’s disease – current evidence and new perspectives Clinical value of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel: Latest evidence Hubert H. Fernandez Cleveland, OH, USA Improving outcomes with continuous dopaminergic stimulation therapy: Who to treat? Per Odin Bremerhaven, Germany Who and how to treat with continuous dopaminergic stimulation therapy? Patent cases Angelo Antonini Venice, Italy Panel discussion Chair’s summary Angelo Antonini Venice, Italy Regina Katzenschlager Vienna, Austria New data to guide optimised treatment with apomorphine Sophie Drapier Paris, France Corporate Therapeutic Symposia Erik Wolters Amsterdam, The Netherlands Novartis Pharma AG 13:30 – 14:30 Location: Parkside Ballroom B Levodopa-induced motor complications: New insights into risk and management Chairs: C. Warren Olanow New York, NY, USA Fabrizio Stocchi Rome, Italy Introduction C. Warren Olanow New York, NY, USA Motor and non-motor complications in Parkinson’s disease: Clinical presentations and mechanisms José Obeso Pamplona, Spain Risk factors for the development of motor complications in Parkinson’s disease C. Warren Olanow New York, NY, USA A practical approach to risk reduction of motor complications Panel discussion Anthony Schapira London, United Kingdom All 63 Exhibitor Information Exhibit Hall Exhibitor Badge Policy Location: Exhibition Hall 5 Admission to the Exhibit Hall will be by name badge only. Security guards will monitor Exhibit Hall entrances for proper identification. Exhibit stand personnel must show an official MDS exhibitor name badge in order to gain access to the Exhibit Hall during installation, show, or dismantling hours. Please allow adequate time in your daily schedule to visit the Exhibit Hall. The exhibition is an integral component of your International Congress experience, offering you the opportunity to speak with representatives of companies providing services or marketing products directly related to Movement Disorders. Exhibit Hall hours are as follows: Sunday, June 16....................................................19:30 – 21:00* Monday, June 17.......................................................9:00 – 18:00 Tuesday, June 18......................................................9:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, June 19................................................9:00 – 18:00 Thursday, June 20....................................................9:00 – 16:00 (*during Welcome Ceremony) Exhibitor Registration Location: Parkside Promenade, Ground Level Exhibitors must register and pick up their badge at the Exhibitor Registration Desk. Exhibitor Information Exhibitor Registration Desk hours are as follows: Saturday, June 15.................................................. 16:00 – 20:00 Sunday, June 16........................................................7:00 – 18:00 Monday, June 17.......................................................7:00 – 18:00 Tuesday, June 18......................................................7:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, June 19................................................7:00 – 18:00 Thursday, June 20....................................................7:00 – 16:00 64 Exhibitor Personnel Badge (Yellow): Allows admittance to the Exhibit Hall only. Endorsement Disclaimer Products and services displayed in the Exhibit Hall or advertised in the program occur by contractual business arrangements between MDS and participating companies and organizations. These arrangements do not constitute nor imply an endorsement by MDS of these products and services. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Exhibit and Poster Hall Floor Plan Exhibitor Information 65 Exhibitor Information Exhibitor Directory 66 ABBVIE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM 1 North Waukegan Road North Chicago, IL 60064 United States Telephone: +1 847-938-6918 Website: Booths #: 2, 21 AbbVie is a global, research-based biopharmaceutical company formed in 2013 following separation from Abbott. With its 125-year history, the company’s mission is to use its expertise, dedicated people and unique approach to innovation to develop and market advanced therapies that address some of the world’s most complex and serious diseases. In 2013, AbbVie employs approximately 21,000 people worldwide and markets medicines in more than 170 countries. For further information on the company and its people, portfolio and commitments, please visit 78 Waterloo Rd. North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia Telephone: +612 8875 8800 Website: Booth #: 22 The Boehringer Ingelheim group is one of the world’s 20 leading pharmaceutical companies. Headquartered in Ingelheim, Germany, it operates globally with 145 affiliates and more than 44,000 employees. Since it was founded in 1885, the family-owned company has been committed to researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing novel products of high therapeutic value for human and veterinary medicine. ALLERGAN 25155 Rye Canyon Loop Valencia, CA 91355 USA Telephone: +1 661-949-4000 Website: Booth #: 44 Investing in innovative products, clinical initiatives, and worldclass service, Boston Scientific is committed to leading the way in spinal cord stimulation by providing better pain relief to a broad range of patients. 810 Pacific Hwy, Gordon Sydney, NSW 2072 Australia Telephone: +61 2 9498 0103 Fax: +61 2 9498 0184 Website: Booth #: 33 Allergan is a global, technology-driven, multi-specialty health care company pursuing therapeutic advances to help patients live life to their fullest potential. Founded in 1950 and headquartered in Irvine, California, Allergan Inc is a pharmaceutical, biologics and medical devices company. Allergan Australia Pty Ltd was first established in Sydney in 1968. Our product offerings focus on the areas of Neurosciences, Eye Care, Medical Aesthetics, and Health (Obesity). BIOCSL 45 Poplar Rd. Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9389 2000 Fax: +61 3 9389 1874 Booth #: 19 bioCSL manufactures, markets and distributes seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccine worldwide. In Australia and New Zealand, bioCSL markets a comprehensive range of vaccines and pharmaceutical products. It also manufactures products of national significance for Australia, including antivenoms and Q-Fever vaccine, and supplies diagnostic reagents in the Australasia region. bioCSL’s cold-chain logistics business ensures the integrity of CSL products, as well as those of our customers, as they are safely delivered across Australia. BOSTON SCIENTIFIC BRITANNIA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD 100 Berkshire Place Wharfedale Roade Winnersh, Berkshire RG41 5RD United Kingdom Website: Booth #: 10 Britannia Pharmaceuticals Limited is a UK based pharmaceutical company specializing in niche innovative products for chronic and serious medical conditions, and in particular, the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease. The need for apomorphine as a treatment option for Parkinson’s disease has led to the development of APO-go and other associated brands around the globe, which are available in many countries through our Distribution or Licensing Partners. For more information please visit or 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Exhibitor Directory GLOBAL KINETICS CORPORATION KINETICS FOUNDATION 530 Collins Street, Level 6 Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9605 0847 Fax: +1 704-752-1479 Website: Booth #: 11 GKC has developed the Parkinson’s KinetiGraph (PKG) for objective ambulatory assessment of PD. The PKG records patients’ movement continuously over 10 days and reports a patient’s clinical state including scaled measures of bradykinesia and dysregulation with repeat reliability, links fluctuations with the timing of medication and provides a record of patient compliance. PO Box 645 Los Altos, CA 94023 USA Telephone: +1 650-523-1310 Website: Table #: E The Kinetics Foundation is a private bioengineering philanthropy in Silicon Valley. Our Objective Parkinson’s Disease Measurement (OPDM) System is a platform for functional biomarkers of PD. Our latest system, OPDM 2.0, works on web and smartphone platforms. We also inform surgical trials on direct drug delivery techniques to the brain. GREAT LAKES NEUROTECH 1-6-1, Ortemachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8185 Japan Telephone: +81 3 3282 0959 Booth #: 28 Kyowa Hakko Kirin is a Japan-based global Specialty Pharmaceutical Company contributing to human health and well-being worldwide. One of its strategic categories is CNS area, to help/support the treatment of patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease and other CNS diseases. IPSEN 65 Quai Georges Gorse Boulogne Billancourt 92100 France Telephone: +33 1 58 33 6058 Website: Booth #: 34 Ipsen is a global specialty-driven pharmaceutical company with total sales exceeding €1.2 billion in 2012. Ipsen’s ambition is to become a leader in specialty healthcare solutions for targeted debilitating diseases. Its development strategy is supported by four franchises: neurology, endocrinology and uro-oncology. Moreover, the Group has an active policy of partnerships. R&D is focused on innovative and differentiated technological patient-driven platforms, peptides and toxins. In 2012, R&D expenditure totaled close to €250 million, representing more than 20% of Group sales. LEICA MICROSYSTEMS Unit 3, 112-118 Talavera Road North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia Telephone: +1800 625 286 Website: Booth #: 4 Leica Microsystems is a leading global designer and producer of innovative high-tech precision optics systems. Leica Microsystems is a market leader in Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, Microscopy Software, Specimen Preparation and Medical Equipment. It offers solutions for life sciences, neuroscience and the science of raw materials and industrial quality assurance. Exhibitor Information 10055 Sweet Valley Drive Cleveland, OH 44125 USA Fax: +1 216-361-5420 Website: Booth #: 20 Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies provides innovative medical systems for Parkinson’s disease. Kinesia technology remotely and quantitatively captures Parkinson’s symptoms using motion sensors and a touchscreen tablet PC integrated with broadband and video instructions. Kinesia HomeView transfers trends from patient homes to web-based reports that visualize symptoms and fluctuations for telemedicine applications. Kinesia ProView is used in the clinic to visualize motor symptom changes in response to DBS programming and track changes over time with web-based reports. KYOWA HAKKO KIRIN CO., LTD. 67 Exhibitor Directory MEDTRONIC, INC. NOVARTIS PHARMA AG 710 Medtronic Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55432 United States Telephone: +1 800-328-2518 Fax: +1 763-505-1000 Website: Booth #: 9 At Medtronic, we’re committed to Innovating for life by pushing the boundaries of medical technology and changing the way the world treats chronic disease. Last fiscal year, more than eight million patients benefited from our products and therapies. Medtronic DBS Therapy has been used in more than 100,000 patients worldwide for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor and dystonia. Forum 1, Novartis Campus Basel 4056 Switzerland Telephone: +41 61 324 1111 Fax: +41 61 324 8001 Website: Booth #: 45 Novartis provides innovative healthcare solutions that address the evolving needs of patients and societies. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis offers a diversified portfolio to best meet these needs: innovative medicines, eye care, cost-saving generic pharmaceuticals, preventive vaccines and diagnostic tools, over-the-counter and animal health products. Novartis is the only global company with leading positions in these areas. In 2011, the Group’s continuing operations achieved net sales of USD $58.6 billion, while approximately USD $9.6 billion (USD $9.2 billion excluding impairment and amortization charges) was invested in R&D throughout the Group. Novartis Group companies employ approximately 126,000 full-time-equivalent associates and operate in more than 140 countries around the world. For more information, please visit Exhibitor Information NEUROLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF NEW ZEALAND 68 P.O Box 110022 Auckland City Hospital Auckland 1148 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 309 7749 Website: Table #: C The Neurological Foundation is an independent body and charitable trust, and is the only dedicated funder of New Zealand-based clinical and biomedical neurological research. All funding is generated from individual and community donations, and enables leading neuroscientists and neurologists to progress their innovative, high-quality research across many universities and hospitals in New Zealand. Join us at OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1 865 556767 Website: Table #: A Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. PROTOKINETICS, LLC 60 Garlor Drive Havertown, PA 19083 USA Telephone: +1 610-449-4879 Fax: +1 610-853-2925 Website: Booth #: 27 ProtoKinetics develops human movement analysis systems for use in research, education, and in the clinic. ProtoKinetics Movement Analysis Software and Zeno Walkway provide scientifically valid and clinically relevant output measures for a variety of static and dynamic tests that can be applied across the healthcare industry. 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Exhibitor Directory SOCIETY FOR WORLDWIDE MEDICAL EXCHANGE 1666 Kennedy Causeway, Suite 410 N. Bay Village, FL USA Telephone: +1 786-334-4439 Website: Booth #: 5 SWME is a non-profit organization with the mission of expanding global access to continuing medical education ST. JUDE MEDICAL 17 Orion Road Lane Cove, NSW 2066 Australia Telephone: +61 2 993 61286 Fax: +61 2 9936 1222 Website: Booth #: 35 St. Jude Medical develops medical technology and services that focus on putting more control into the hands of those who treat cardiac, neurological and chronic pain patients worldwide. SJM has provided leading neurostimulation therapy innovations for 30 years. The company is dedicated to advancing the practice of medicine by reducing risk wherever possible and contributing to successful outcomes for every patient. WORLD PARKINSON CONGRESS 1359 Broadway, Suite 1509 New York, NY 10018 United States Telephone: +1 800-457-6676 Fax: +1 212-923-4778 Website: Table #: B The 3rd World Parkinson Congress | WPC 2013 will take place from October 1 to 4, 2013 in Montreal, Canada. Physicians, neuroscientists, nurses, rehabilitation specialists, people with PD, care partners and government officials will come together to learn about the latest scientific discoveries, medical practices, and care initiatives for Parkinson’s disease. Visit to learn more about this unique global event. UCB AUSTRALIA Exhibitor Information 111155 Malvern Road Malvern, VIC 3144 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9828 1800 Website: Booth #: 3 UCB aspires to be the patient-centric global biopharmaceutical leader, transforming the lives of people with severe diseases. At UCB our sense of purpose is to help people suffering from severe central nervous system disorders lead normal, everyday lives. Our ambition is to offer them innovative new medicines and ground-breaking solutions that go beyond the drug. We are committed to enabling cutting-edge scientific research that is driven by patients’ needs. 69 Guided Poster Tours GUIDED POSTER TOUR 1 – Basic science GUIDED POSTER TOUR 2 – Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral disorders Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery B 12:30 – 14:00 Monday, June 17, 2013 12:30 – 14:00 Monday, June 17, 2013 Tour Leaders: Anthony Schapira, London, United Kingdom Tour Leaders: Hubert Fernandez, Cleveland, OH, USA Daniel Weintraub, Ardmore, PA, USA Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from UCB Pharma SA. 1004 RNAi-mediated silencing of VPS35 exacerbates phenotypic and locomotor abnormalities in α-synuclein transgenic drosophila T. Hasegawa, M. Konno, E. Miura, N. Sugeno, Y. Nagai, N. Fujikake, M. Suzuki, A. Kikuchi, M. Aoki, A. Takeda (Sendai, Japan) 1005 Nedd4 E3 ubiquitin ligase facilitates the endosomal targeting of alpha-synuclein N. Sugeno, T. Hasegawa, M. Konno, E. Miura, A. Kikuchi, M. Aoki, A. Takeda (Sendai, Japan) 1008 Impaired redox balance and autophagosome clearance in fibroblasts from Parkinson’s disease patients with LRRK2 G2019S mutation A. Grünewald, B. Arns, P. Seibler, B. Meier, A. Rakovic, C. Klein (Lübeck, Germany) 1017 Role of the ubiquitin proteasome system and the lysosomal system in PINK1-/ parkin-dependent mitophagy in human primary fibroblasts K. Shurkewitsch, A. Rakovic, C. Klein (Lübeck, Germany) 1018 Cholinergic olfactory centrifugal inputs are reduced in patients with neurodegenerative disorders and MPTP treated monkeys I.C. Mundiñano, M. Hernandez, C. Ordoñez, C. Di Caudo, I. Marcilla, T. Tuñon, M.R. Luquin (Pamplona, Spain) 1024 Copper pathology in the vulnerable substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease K.M. Davies, S. Bohic, R. Ortega, V. Cottam, D.J. Hare, J.P.M. Finberg, G. Halliday, J.F.B. Mercer, K.L. Double (Sydney, Australia) 338 A novel α-synuclein-GFP mouse model displays progressive motor impairment, olfactory dysfunction and accumulation of α-synuclein-GFP C. Hansen, T. Björklund, G.H. Petit, M. Lundblad, R.P. Murmu, P. Brundin, J.Y. Li (Lund, Sweden) 345 I finally see what you see: A window into Parkinson’s disease hallucinations G.T. Stebbins, C.G. Goetz, J.G. Goldman, C.L. Vaughan (Chicago, IL, USA) 354 Gray matter neuroimaging signatures of Parkinson’s disease hallucinations J.G. Goldman, V. Dinh, G.T. Stebbins, B. Bernard, L. deToledoMorrell, C.G. Goetz (Chicago, IL, USA) 355 Decisions under risk in Parkinson’s disease: Evaluating probability and magnitude for gain and loss M.E. Sharp, J. Viswanathan, M.J. McKeown, S. Appel-Cresswell, A.J. Stoessl, J.J.S. Barton (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 357 Dopamine agonists rather than deep brain stimulation cause reflection impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease A. Djamshidian, S.S. O’Sullivan, T. Foltynie, I. Aviles-Olmos, P. Limousin, A. Noyce, L. Zrinzo, A.J. Lees, B.B. Averbeck (London, United Kingdom) 359 Modulation of attentional network coherence during manipulation of cognitive load in patients with Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait J.M. Shine, E. Matar, M. Gilat, S.J. Bolitho, P.B. Ward, S.L. Naismith, S.J.G. Lewis (Sydney, Australia) 360 Sedentary behavior increases over 18 months in early Parkinson’s disease S. Lord, A. Godfrey, B. Galna, D. Mhiripiri, D. Burn, L. Rochester (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) 366 Assessment of impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients with infusion therapies: A single center experience A. Todorova, A. Martin, D. Okai, M. Samuel, R. Brown, A. David, K. Ray Chaudhuri (London, United Kingdom) 375 Psychiatric comorbidities among hospitalized Parkinson’s disease patients M. Minen, N. Mejia (Boston, MA, USA) 382 Long-term cognitive follow-up of impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease: A prospective longitudinal controlled study C. Siri, A. Colombo, B. Pozzi, E. Reali, N. Meucci, M. Canesi, A.L. Zecchinelli, C.B. Mariani, G. Sacilotto, M. Zini, C. Ruffmann, G. Pezzoli, R. Cilia (Milan, Italy) 1034 Withdrawn by Author 1039 Overexpression of cannabinoid CB2 receptors attenuated the progressive motor impairment and nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons loss in MitoPark mouse F. Navarrete-Rueda, J.M. Pérez-Ortiz, M.S. Garcia-Gutierrez, J.A. Molina-Arjona, C. Leiva-Santana, J. Manzanares (San Juan de Alicante, Spain) Guided Poster Tours 1049 Using the anterior olfactory nucleus to study lewy pathology in olfactory structures S. Rajan, R. Bandopadhyay, A. Kingsbury, H. Ayling, W. Sterlacci, W. Poewe, H. Maier, M. Ezquerro, A. Lees, T. Revesz, L. SilveiraMoriyama (London, United Kingdom) 70 1052 Catecholamine substrates of behavioral inflexibility in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease E.M. Vazey, K.M. Fender, Z.A. Cope, S.B. Floresco, G. Aston-Jones (Charleston, SC, USA) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Guided Poster Tours GUIDED POSTER TOUR 3 – Parkinson’s disease: Neuropharmacology GUIDED POSTER TOUR 4 – Sleep disturbance and RLS Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 12:30 – 14:00 Monday, June 17, 2013 12:30 – 14:00 Monday, June 17, 2013 Tour Leaders: Mark Guttman, Markham, ON, Canada Cristina Sampaio, Princeton, NJ, USA Tour Leaders: K. Ray Chaudhuri, London, United Kingdom 580 587 Behavioural, biochemical and cellular correlates in the neuroprotective potential of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (atorvastatin and simvastatin) against 6-hydroxydopamine (6OHDA) induced Parkinson-like symptoms in rats J. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Kumar (Chandigarh, India) Inosine inhibited the neurotoxicity of MPTP on the dopaminergic neurons T. Tsujii, M. Kubo, H. Iwaki, W.T. Kyaw, N. Nishikawa, M. Nagai, R. Andoh, F. Islam, M. Nomoto (Tohon, Japan) 589 Performance of a task learned when “on” deteriorates when subsequently practiced in “off” state E.D. Anderson, E. Murdock, H. Fay, J.G. Nutt (Portland, OR, USA) 593 Chronic treatment with MPEP, an mGlu5 receptor antagonist, normalizes basal ganglia glutamate neurotransmission in L-DOPA-treated parkinsonian monkeys N. Morin, M. Morissette, L. Grégoire, B. Gomez-Mancilla, F. Gasparini, T. Di Paolo (Quebec, QC, Canada) 594 Identifying the transcriptomic signature of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias L.M. Smith, E.J. Duncan, L.C. Parr-Brownlie, M.A. Black, P.K. Dearden, J.N.J. Reynolds (Dunedin, New Zealand) 596 The EuroInf study: A multi-centre European comparative study of apomorphine versus intrajejunal levodopa infusion in a real life cohort of Parkinson’s disease patients P. Reddy, P. Martinez-Martin, A. Todorova, A. Antonini, P. Odin, A. Martin, A. Rizos, D. Calandrella, T. Henricksen, N. Bryndum, A. Glad, S. Dafsari, L. Timmermann, G. Ebersbach, M. Kramberger, A. Ceballos-Baumann, K. Wenzel, V. Tomantschger, A. Storch, H. Reichmann, Z. Pirtosek, M. Trost, R. Katzenschlager, P. Svennigsson, S. Palhagen, J. Volkmann, K.R. Chaudhuri, The Movement Disorder Society Non Motor Study Group (London, United Kingdom) 600 Investigating the neuroprotective effects of valproate, an epigenetic histone deacetylase inhibitor, in Parkinson’s disease using preclinical magnetic resonance imaging I.F. Harrison, D.T. Dexter (London, United Kingdom) Withdrawn by Author 612 Effects of chronic D2/3 agonist ropinirole medication on rodent models of gambling behaviour M. Tremblay, J.G. Hosking, C.A. Winstanley (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 619 Time-to-levodopa depending on initial PD medication: A retrospective cohort study J.P. Reese, U.O. Mueller, W.H. Oertel, R. Dodel, K. Kostev (Marburg, Germany) 651 Rare variants in restless legs syndrome E. Schulte, F. Knauf, B. Schormair, P. Lichtner, C. Trenkwalder, B. Högl, B. Frauscher, K. Berger, I. Fietze, N. Gross, K. Stiasny-Kolster, W. Oertel, C. Bachmann, W. Paulus, A. Zimprich, A. Peters, C. Gieger, B. Müller-Myhsok, J. Winkelmann (München, Germany) 623 Withdrawn by Author 624 Plasma urate in REM sleep behavior disorder R. Uribe-San Martín, P.F. Venegas, F.I. López, A.G. Jones, J.R. Salazar, J.F. Godoy, J.M. Santín, C. Juri (Santiago, Chile) 626 The impact of daytime napping on executive cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease S.J. Bolitho, S.L. Naismith, S.J. Lewis (Sydney, Australia) 628 REM sleep behavior disorder after bilateral subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease G. Ehm, Y.E. Kim, B.S. Jeon, Y.J. Jung, J.Y. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 629 REM sleep behavior disorder in Parkinson’s disease: Association with abnormal ocular motor findings Y.E. Kim, B.S. Jeon, H. Park, Y.J. Jung, H.J. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 630 Excessive chin EMG activity during rapid eye movement sleep in Parkinson’s disease: Is a marker? Y. Shen, K.P. Xiong, Y. Gong, X.Y. Zhang, W.D. Hu, J.M. Xu, J. Cheng, C.F. Liu (Suzhou, China) 631 The decrease of sleep apnea in Parkinson’s disease associated with excessive electromyography (EMG) activity K.P. Xiong, Y. Gong, Y. Shen, Q. Tang, J.M. Xu, J. Cheng, C.F. Liu (Suzhou, China) 636 Worldwide record of REM sleep time in a patient with pedonculopontine nucleus area (PPNa) stimulation D. Neutel, D. Grabli, C. Karachi, M.L. Welter, C. Ewenczyk, E. Bardinet, C. François, I. Arnulf (Paris, France) 643 Circadian expression profile of clock genes in early Parkinson’s disease patients R.R. Vuono, D.P. Breen, K. Fisher, A.B. Reddy, R.A. Barker (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Guided Poster Tours 607 Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from UCB Pharma SA. 71 Guided Poster Tours GUIDED POSTER TOUR 5 – Dystonia GUIDED POSTER TOUR 6 – Parkinsonisms (parkinson plus and secondary) Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery B 12:30 – 14:00 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:30 – 14:00 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Tour Leaders: Alberto Albanese, Milan, Italy Susanne Schneider, Kiel, Germany Tour Leaders: Tove Henriksen, Copenhagen, Denmark Günter Höglinger, Munich, Germany 4 Basal ganglia circuit disturbances and symptomatology in primary focal dystonia (PFD) B.D. Berman, M. Hallett (Aurora, CO, USA) 771 7 Generation and characterisation of mice rescuing the DYT1knockout phenotype B.T. Fabry, L. Lotzer, S. Moll, J. Hettich, O. Riess, K. Grundmann, T. Ott (Tübingen, Germany) Prevalence and risk factors for parkinsonism among retired Filipino boxers L.L. Shiong Shu, R.D.G. Jamora, P.A.D. Canto, C.P.C. Dioquino, L.K. Ledesma (Manila, Philippines) 781 Clinical and neuropathological features of synucleinopathy associated with G51D SNCA mutation A.P. Kiely, Y.T. Asi, E. Kara, P. Limousin, H. Ling, P. Lewis, C. Proukakis, N. Quinn, A. Lees, J. Hardy, T. Revesz, H. Houlden, J.L. Holton (London, United Kingdom) 782 Auditory cues at person-specific asymmetry and cadence improve gait stability only in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) M.A.D. Brodie, T.R. Beijer, S.R. Lord, C.G. Canning, J. Menant, S. Smith, R.T. Dean (Randwick, Australia) 788 Genetic influences of MAPT and SNCA on age at onset of Parkinson’s disease Y. Huang, G. Wang, D. Rowe, Y. Wang, J. Kwok, Q. Xiao, F. Masterglia, J. Liu, G. Halliday, S. Chen (Sydney, Australia) 794 The “Lazy lid” sign supports the clinical diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy S. Lorenzl, G. Nübling (Munich, Germany) 796 Primary lateral sclerosis with marked supranuclear gaze palsy and postural instability but normal dopamine transporters imaging: A distinct PLS phenotype M. Stamelou, A. Pisani, M. Edwards, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 810 Young-onset and old-onset multiple system atrophy: Clinical comparison study J. Kim, M.J. Kim, Y.J. Kim, S.R. Kim, M.S. Kim, S.J. Chung (Seoul, Korea) 813 Why do patients with PSP fall? B.M. Schoneburg, M. Mancini, F.B. Horak, J.G. Nutt (Portland, OR, USA) 9 Unraveling cellular phenotypes of novel torsinA mutations F. Vulinovic, P. Seibler, J. Graf, A. Ferbert, A. Rolfs, A. Schmidt, C. Klein, K. Lohmann (Lübeck, Germany) 27 Genome sequencing reveals a mutation in the TUBB4 gene as the cause of whispering dysphonia (DYT4 dystonia) K. Lohmann, R.A. Wilcox, S. Winkler, A. Ramirez, A. Rakovic, J.S. Park, J.L. Groen, M. Kasten, N. Brüggemann, A. Schmidt, F.J. Kaiser, K.R. Kumar, M. Agzarian, L.J. Ozelius, A.P.M. Langeveld, C.M. Sue, M.A.J. Tijssen, C. Klein (Luebeck, Germany) Guided Poster Tours 28 72 Genome-wide association of a locus on chromosome 17 with musician’s dystonia C. Klein, A. Schmidt, A. Schillert, S. Winkler, F. Baas, N. Brüggemann, G. Deuschl, J. Graf, L.J. Groen, J. Hagenah, H.C. Jabusch, M. Kasten, S. Schreiber, M.A.J. Tijssen, K.E. Zeuner, E. Altenmüller, A. Ziegler, K. Lohmann (Luebeck, Germany) 47 The phenotypic spectrum of DYT23 due to ANO3 mutations M. Stamelou, G. Charlesworth, C. Cordivari, S. Schneider, G. Kaegi, U. Sheerin, I. Rubio-Agusti, A. Batla, H. Houlden, N. Wood, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 49 ANO3 - A novel cause of primary dystonia G. Charlesworth, V. Plagnol, K.M. Holmström, J. Bras, U.M. Sheerin, E. Preza, I. Rubio-Agusti, M. Ryten, S.A. Schneider, M. Stamelou, D. Trabzuni, A.A. Abramov, K.P. Bhatia, N.W. Wood (London, United Kingdom) 58 Withdrawn by Author 89 Development of a comprehensive cervical dystonia rating scale C.L. Comella, G.T. Stebbins, M. Zurowski, H.A. Jinnah, J.S. Perlmutter, T.A. Waliczek, A.R. Rosen, W. Galpern (Chicago, IL, USA) 829 The role of statin use on incidence of Parkinson’s disease: A meta-analysis of observational studies K. Undela, K. Gudala, S. Malla, D. Bansal (Mysore, India) 95 Abnormal thalamocortical tractography in cervical dystonia J.L. Waugh, J.K. Kuster, S. Woodman, M.L. Makhlouf, N. Makris, H.C. Brieter, T.J. Multhaupt-Buell, L.R. Sudarsky, N. Sharma, A.J. Blood (Boston, MA, USA) 841 Selegiline rescues gait deficits and dopaminergic cells in subacute MPTP mouse model of Parkinson’s disease Q. Zhao, Y. Bai, D. Fang (Shanghai, China) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Guided Poster Tours GUIDED POSTER TOUR 7 – Rating scales and assessment tools GUIDED POSTER TOUR 8 – Surgical therapy: Parkinson’s disease Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 12:30 – 14:00 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:30 – 14:00 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Tour Leaders: Christopher Goetz, Chicago, IL, USA Cristina Sampaio, Princeton, NJ, USA Tour Leaders: Paul Krack, Grenoble, France Jens Volkmann, Wuerzburg, Germany 325 Fatigue in Parkinson’s disease: Prevalence and associated factors C.M. Trase Kwok, K.F. Hui, K.Y. Wong (Hong Kong) 294 Prevalence of gastroparesis symptoms in patients with early Parkinson’s disease S.L. Marrinan, A.V. Emmanuel, D.G. Grosset, D.J. Burn (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) 1252 Steering deep brain stimulation: An exploratory study with a new 32-contact lead M.F. Contarino, L.J. Bour, R.M.A. de Bie, P. van den Munckhof, P.R. Schuurman (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 295 Test-retest reliability of a Parkinson’s disease monitoring system D.A. Heldman, A.J. Espay, P.A. LeWitt, J.P. Giuffrida (Cleveland, OH, USA) 328 Semi-automatic scoring method for torticollis by using kinect T. Nakamura, M. Sato, H. Kajimoto (Chofu, Japan) 302 A computer vision framework for finger-tapping evaluation in Parkinson’s disease T. Khan, D. Nyholm, J. Westin, M. Dougherty (Falun, Sweden) 303 A web-based system for visualizing upper limb motor performance of Parkinson’s disease patients M. Memedi, U. Bergqvist, J. Westin, D. Nyholm (Borlänge, Sweden) 309 Bradykinesia-akinesia incoordination test: Validating an online keyboard test of upper limb function A. Nagy, S. Acharya, S. Hadavi, J.P. Bestwick, J. Fearnley, A.J. Lees, G. Giovannoni, A.J. Noyce (London, United Kingdom) 310 The utilization of a one-leg balance task for assessing balance and disease bilaterality in people with Parkinson’s disease B. Hu, T. Clark, S. Cihal (Calgary, AB, Canada) 316 Quantification of speed, amplitude and fatigue in PD L. Verhagen, L. van Imhoff, S. van den Munckhof, S. Gardon, B. Ouyang (Chicago, IL, USA) 321 BradykAn: A new reliable tool for measuring bradykinesia E. Ruzicka, R. Krupicka, K. Zarubova, Z. Szabo, R. Jech (Prague, Czech Republic) 1260 Simultaneous targeting of STN and GPi can be useful for DBS therapy in advanced Parkinson’s disease P. Hedera, M.K. Cooper, F.T. Phibbs, P.D. Charles, P.E. Konrad, J.S. Neimat, T.L. Davis (Nashville, TN, USA) 1263 Successful long-term bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in VPS35 Parkinson’s disease V. Fleury, C. Wider, J. Horvath, A. Zacharia, J. Bally, P. Pollak, C. Pollo, F.J.G. Vingerhoets, P.R. Burkhard (Geneva, Switzerland) 1264 A new DBS lead: Simultaneous 32-contact local field potential recording in the Parkinsonian STN L.J. Bour, R. Verhagen, F. Contarino, R.M.A. De Bie, G. Van Elswijk, H.C.F. Martens, P. Van den Munckhof, R. Schuurman (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 1266 Stimulation of electrode contacts within zona incerta directly blocks levodopa-induced dyskinesias in PD patients C.P. Souza, M.G.S. Ghilardi, R.G. Cury, R.B.M. Rodrigues, E.R. Barbosa, M.J. Teixeira, E.T. Fonoff (São Paulo, Brazil) 1268 Different combinations of subthalamic nucleus (STN) and pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) lead to variable effects in saccades and antisaccades in advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) M.J. Naushahi, A.N. Khan, Q. Arshad, P.Y. Lee, S. Khalid, N. Yousif, N. Pavese, P.G. Bain, A.M. Bronstein, D. Nandi (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 1269 The impact of age at surgery on long term outcome of bilateral STN -DBS A. Shalash, A. Alexoudi, K. Knudsen, J. Volkmann, M. Mehdorn, G. Deuschl (Cairo, Egypt) 1274 Influence of speech task and utterance length on measurement of pitch variability in the speech of Parkinson’s disease patients after deep brain stimulation J. van Doorn, F. Karlsson (Umeå, Sweden) 1318 Practice change in DBS target for Parkinson’s disease 2010-2012: Influence of the VA/NIH cooperative study #468 M. San Luciano, N. Galifianakis, C. Racine, L. Markun, P. Starr, P. Larson, R. Taylor, W. Marks, Jr., M. Katz, K. Mills, M. Volz, J. Ostrem (San Francisco, CA, USA) Guided Poster Tours 1288 Parkinson study group survey of impulsive and compulsive disorders in Parkinson’s disease pre and post deep brain stimulation N. Hack, A. Thompson-Avila, E. Moro, M. York, K. Nestor, S. Fayad, H. Ward, M. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA) 73 Guided Poster Tours GUIDED POSTER TOUR 9 – Parkinson’s disease: Cognition GUIDED POSTER TOUR 10 – Genetics Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery B 12:00 – 13:30 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:00 – 13:30 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Tour Leaders: Murat Emre, Istanbul, Turkey Jennifer Goldman, Chicago, IL, USA Tour Leaders: Christine Klein, Luebeck, Germany Daniel Healy, Dublin, Ireland 505 Characterising mild cognitive impairment in incident Parkinson’s disease: The ICICLE-PD study A.J. Yarnall, D.P. Breen, G.W. Duncan, R.A. Barker, D.J. Burn (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom) 1107 Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia and PRRT2 mutations: Clinicogenetic correlations K. Methawasin, E.W.L. Teng, A.R.J. Ng, S.H. Seah, W.L. Au, J.J. Liu, J.N. Foo, Y. Zhao, E.K. Tan, L.C.S. Tan (Nakorn-Nayok, Thailand) 508 The relationship between small vessel disease (SVD), vascular risk factors (VRFs) and motor and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (PD): A clinicopathological study R.S. Schwartz, G.M. Halliday, D.J. Cordato, J.J. Kril (Sydney, Australia) 512 The neuropsychological domain differences between Parkinson’s disease patients with and without mild cognitive impairments; a longitudinal investigation P. Hobson, J. Meara (Rhyl, United Kingdom) 1110 Phenotypic spectrum of mutations in GNAL: A novel cause of cranio-cervical dystonia K.R. Kumar, K. Lohmann, R. Miyamoto, A. Ferbert, T. Lohnau, M. Kasten, J. Hagenah, N. Brueggemann, J. Graf, A. Muenchau, V.S. Kostic, C.M. Sue, A.R. Domingo, R.L. Rosales, L.V. Lee, Y. Mukai, T. Kawarai, R. Kaji, C. Klein, A. Schmidt (Lübeck, Germany) 519 Evaluation of driving ability in patients with Parkinson’s disease using a driving simulator R. Andoh, W.T. Kyaw, T. Tsujii, H. Iwaki, N. Nishikawa, M. Nagai, M. Nomoto (Tohon, Japan) 526 Relationships between non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, and their genetic and pathologic basis G. Wang, Y. Huang, W. Chen, S. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Xiao, J. Liu, P. Sachdev, V.S.C. Fung, D. Rowe, G. Halliday, S. Chen (Sydney, Australia) 531 Motor timing in Parkinson’s disease patients who freeze C.M. Tolleson, S.A. Wylie, O.C. Roman, S. Barton, M. Kubovy, D. Claassen (Nashville, TN, USA) 533 Fronto-striatal atrophy correlates of inhibitory dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease C. O’Callaghan, S.L. Naismith, J.R. Hodges, S.J.G. Lewis, M. Hornberger (Sydney, Australia) 550 Principal component analysis of PiB distribution in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases M.C. Campbell, J. Markham, H. Flores, J.M. Hartlein, A.M. Goate, N.J. Cairns, T.O. Videen, J.S. Perlmutter (Saint Louis, MO, USA) Guided Poster Tours 559 74 562 Functional MRI abnormalities on cognitive tasks in newly diagnosed PD patients- ICICLE-PD study C. Nombela, J.B. Rowe, A. Hampshire, A.M. Owen, D. Breen, T.K. Khoo, M. Firbank, A. Yarmall, G. Duncan, S. Winder-Rhodes, J.T. O’Brien, D.J. Burn, D.J. Brooks, R.A. Barker (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease: Cut-off and responsiveness values of the Parkinson’s disease–cognitive rating scale (PD-CRS) J. Pagonabarraga, R. Fernández de Bobadilla, S. Martinez-Horta, B. Pascual-Sedano, A. Campolongo, J. Kulisevsky (Barcelona, Spain) 1117 Clinical features of onset in monogenic Parkinson’s disease A.E. Elia, J. Azzollini, C. Bagella, M. Carecchio, C. Barzaghi, B. Garavaglia, A. Albanese (Milan, Italy) 1123 SPG11 sequencing in worldwide populations of familial and sporadic spastic paraplegia patients reveals frequent mutations and the common association of parkinsonian features E. Kara, L. Schottlaender, A. Berardo, R. Reisin, J. Hehir, D. Hughes, R. Paudel, J. Hersheson, Y.T. Liu, E. Preza, P. Lewis, A. Martin, P. Korlipara, K.P. Bhatia, A. Lees, T. Foltynie, N. Wood, J. Hardy, H. Houlden (London, United Kingdom) 1130 Behavioral characteristics of asymptomatic G2019S mutation carriers of the LRRK2 gene A. Thaler, A. Mirelman, K. Yasinovski, M. Zalis, A. Shkedy, A. Hilel, K. Marder, S. Bressman, A. Orr-Urtreger, T. Gurevich, N. Giladi (TelAviv, Israel) 1132 New insights into the genetics of X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism A. Domingo, A. Westenberger, R. Rosales, R.D. Jamora, P.M. Pasco, K. Lohmann, L.V. Lee, C. Klein (Lübeck, Germany) 1137 PRRT2 gene mutation analysis in Korean familial and sporadic patients with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia J. Youn, Y. Jeong, J.Y. Ahn, J.W. Cho (Seoul, Korea) 1162 DRD3 receptor polymorphism may confer risk for younger onset Parkinson’s disease A. Hassan, M.S. Okun, D.J. Serie, M.G. Heckman, J.E. Ahlskog, R.J. Uitti, Z. Wszolek, O.A. Ross (Rochester, MN, USA) 1167 Withdrawn by Author 1168 A novel heterozygous mutation in ATP synthase (electron transport chain complex V) subunit c gene ATP5G3 causes autosomal dominant dystonia and spastic paraplegia D.L. Gilbert, N.D. Leslie, R.B. Hufnagel, D.E. Neilson (Cincinnati, OH, USA) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Guided Poster Tours GUIDED POSTER TOUR 11 – Lewy body dementia and other dementias in movement disorders GUIDED POSTER TOUR 12 – Surgical therapy of movement disorders other than Parkinson’s disease Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 12:00 – 13:30 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:00 – 13:30 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Tour Leaders: John Dalrymple-Alford, Christchurch, New Zealand Glenda Halliday, Randwick, Australia Tour Leaders: Joachim Krauss, Hannover, Germany Elena Moro, Grenoble, France 501 1217 Withdrawn by Author Meta analysis: Donepezil in the treatment of cognitive impairment dementia in patients with Parkinson’s disease E.A. Barcelon, L. Shiong Shiu, P.M.D. Pasco (Manila, Philippines) 1179 Metabolic impairments of brain in patients with probable dementia of lewy bodies Y. Yang, S. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 1180 Omi-mediated detoxification of α-synuclein-induced neurotoxicity in a drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease M.M. Rahman, S. Akhter, M.S. Islam, H.J. Kim, S.T. Hong (Jeonju-si, Korea) 516 522 525 528 549 558 568 Cognitive impairment after deep brain stimulation: A follow-up study and influence of age E. Herrera, S. González, R. Merino, R. Ribacoba, E. Suárez, F. Cuetos (Oviedo, Spain) Cognitive function and postural instability in people with Parkinson’s disease D. Xu, M. Cole, K. Mengersen, P. Silburn, G. Kerr (Brisbane, Australia) Criteria for mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease: Applicability and validity G.J. Geurtsen, B.A. Schmand, I. Litvan, J.G. Goldman, A.I. Tröster (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Could depression confound performance on neuropsychological testing in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients? T.P. Lin, J.N. Caviness, J.G. Hentz, S.A. Jacobson, C.M. Belden, M.N. Sabbagh, H.A. Shill, E.D. Driver-Dunckley, T.G. Beach, C.H. Adler, Arizona Parkinson Disease Consortium (Scottsdale, AZ, USA) Pathological organization of resting-state functional brain networks in Parkinson’s disease: A longitudinal MEG graph theoretical analysis K.T.E. Olde Dubbelink, A. Hillebrand, D. Stoffers, J.B. Deijen, J.W.R.W. Twisk, C.J. Stam, H.W. Berendse (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Object / scene recognition in patients with Parkinson’s disease with and without visual hallucination P. Maruque, F. Ory, L. Saint-Aubert, F. Remy, N. Bacon-Macé, M. Fabre-Thorpe, E.J. Barbeau, C. Brefel-Courbon (Toulouse, France) 1225 Influence of electrode position and outcome following deep brain stimulation surgery in the management of childhood primary and secondary dystonias D.E. Lumsden, J. Ashmore, H. Gimeno, R. O’Gorman, G. CharlesEdwards, K. Ashkan, R. Selway, J.P. Lin (London, United Kingdom) 1228 A new procedure of selective denervation and myotomy for laterocollic cervical dystonia: Results in 66 cases J. Liang, S. Ji, A. Ma (Wuhan, China) 1229 Long-term follow-up study for patients with primary generalized dystonia treated by bilateral pallidal stimulation M. Sobstyl, M. Zabek, Z. Mossakowski (Warsaw, Poland) 1234 Long-term follow-up of GPi deep brain stimulation in generalized dystonia: Primary dystonia compared to cerebral palsy L.M. Romito, G. Zorzi, M.L. Ciceri, C.E. Marras, A. Franzini, N. Nardocci, A. Albanese (Milan, Italy) 1235 Long-term follow up of chronic spinal cord stimulation in medically intractable orthostatic tremor T. Sauer, C. Blahak, G. Luetjens, A. Saryyeva, H. Baezner, H.H. Capelle, J.C. Woehrle, M.G. Hennerici, J.K. Krauss (Mannheim, Germany) 1242 Deep brain stimulation of the caudal zona incerta and the posterior subthalamic area in essential tremor, is there an optimal area for stimulation? A. Fytagoridis, M. Åström, P. Blomstedt (Stockholm, Sweden) 1245 Causes of therapeutic failure of pallidal deep brain stimulation in primary dystonia K.A.M. Pauls, J.K. Krauss, C.E. Kämpfer, C. Schrader, M. Südmeyer, N. Allert, R. Benecke, C. Blahak, J.K. Boller, W. Fogel, F. El Majdoub, J. Kessler, J. Kuhn, J. Voges, M. Wittstock, A.A. Kühn, E. Moro, J. Volkmann, K.P. Bhatia, M. Maarouf, L. Timmermann (Köln, Germany) 1247 Gammaknife thamamotomy for intractable tremors: Clinical outcome and correlations with neuroimaging features T. Witjas, R. Carron, J.P. Azulay, J. Regis (Marseille, France) Guided Poster Tours The prevalence and nature of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (PD-MCI) identified using automated cognitive tests K.A. Wesnes, D.J. Burn (Goring on Thames, United Kingdom) 1224 Effect of spinal cord stimulation on gait with patients with PSP T. Ichikawa, H. Oshima, Y. Fumimura, Y. Nishida (Ageo City, Japan) 75 Guided Poster Tours Guided Poster Tours 76 GUIDED POSTER TOUR 13 – Huntington’s disease GUIDED POSTER TOUR 14 – Parkinson’s disease: Clinical trials Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery A Bayside Level 1, Bayside Gallery B 13:00 – 14:30 Thursday, June 20, 2013 13:00 – 14:30 Thursday, June 20, 2013 Tour Leaders: Elizabeth McCusker, Westmead, Australia Ralf Reilmann, Muenster, Germany Tour Leaders: Jeffrey Kordower, Chicago, IL, USA Robert Hauser, Tampa, FL, USA 751 Mutant huntingtin impair mitochondrial movement and trafficking in hippocampal neurons B. Zhang, J. Tian, Y. Yan (Hangzhou, China) 383 Withdrawn by Author 389 754 Withdrawn by Author 756 Withdrawn by Author Efficacy of rasagiline 1mg/day on key motor symptoms of early Parkinson’s disease: Post-hoc analysis from the Attenuation of Disease progression with Azilect® GIven Once-daily (ADAGIO) study E. Tolosa (Barcelona, Spain) 395 757 FTY720 is neuroprotective in Huntington’s disease V. Maglione, A. Di Pardo, E. Amico, M. Favellato, R. Castrataro, S. Fucile, F. Squitieri (Pozzilli, Italy) Zonisamide improves wearing-off in Parkinson’s disease: A nation-wide randomized, double-blind study M. Murata, K. Hasegawa, J. Fukasaka, K. Kochi, I. Kanazawa, T. The Japan Zonisamide on PD Study Group (Tokyo, Japan) 758 Abnormal implicit prediction in rhythmical saccadic movement of manifest Huntington patients: A 12 months longitudinal study E.A. Toh, M. MacAskill, J. Dalrymple-Alford, D. Myall, S. MacLeod, L. Livingston, T. Anderson (Christchurch, New Zealand) 404 Malignant melanoma in early treated Parkinson’s disease: The NET-PD trial R. Constantinescu, E.F. Augustine, P. Auinger, S. Sharma, L. Khadim, K. Kieburtz (Rochester, NY, USA) 764 Changes in cerebral vasculature in patients with Huntington’s disease J. Drouin-Ouellet, I. Saint-Amour, W.L. Kuan, M. Saint-Pierre, R.A. Barker, F. Cicchetti (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 442 765 The pharmacokinetics of extended release SD-809, a deuteriumsubstituted analogue of tetrabenazine D.A. Stamler, F. Brown, M. Bradbury (La Jolla, CA,USA) Exercise for falls prevention in Parkinson’s disease: A randomised controlled trial C.G. Canning, C. Sherrington, S.R. Lord, J.C.T. Close, G. Heller, S. Heritier, K. Howard, N.E. Allen, S.S. Paul, S.M. Murray, S.D. O’Rourke, V.S.C. Fung (Sydney, Australia) 444 767 Quantifying Huntington’s disease (HD) burden internationally J. Dorey, F. Squitieri, C. Verny, D. Zielonka, J. Cohen, M. Tuomi (Lyon, France) A phase 2, placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind trial of tozadenant (SYN-115) in patients with Parkinson’s disease with wearing-off fluctuations on levodopa R.A. Hauser, C.W. Olanow, K. Kieburtz, A. Neale, C. Resburg, U. Maya, S. Bandak (Tampa, FL, USA) 768 Potential neuroprotective effects of pridopidine in Huntington’s disease A. DiPardo, V. Maglione, M.G. Favellato, E. Amico, F. Squitieri (Pozzilli, Italy) 446 A placebo controlled, randomized, double-blind study to assess the safety and clinical benefit of rasagiline as an add-on to dopamine agonist monotherapy in early Parkinson’s disease (PD): The ANDANTE study R.A. Hauser, D. Silver, A. Choudhry, S. Isaacson (Tampa, FL, USA) 769 Model-based meta-analysis (MBMA) of UHDRS-Total motor score in Huntington’s disease (HD) clinical trials Y. Jin, S. Ahadieh, S. Papapetropoulos, J. Liu (Cambridge, MA, USA) 452 Constant therapeutic levodopa (LD) plasma concentrations maintained by continuous subcutaneous (SC) administration of ND-0612, a novel formulation of LD/carbidopa (CD) Y. Caraco, S. Oren, P. LeWitt (Ness Ziona, Israel) 468 Impact of droxidopa treatment in patients with Parkinson’s disease and symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (study 306) S.H. Isaacson, R.A. Hauser, C.B.N. Szakacs, C.C. Cioffi (Boca Raton, FL, USA) 499 Sustained-release carbidopa-levodopa (accordian pill) in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease: Pharmacokinetic and clinical experience P. LeWitt, H. Friedman, N. Giladi, T. Gurevich, H. Shabtai, R. Djaldetti, N. Roizen, S. Hassin-Baer, O. Cohen, G. Yahalom, I. Schlessinger, M. Nassar, R. Milo, M. Anka, P. Farkas, N. Navon (West Bloomfield, MI, USA) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Guided Poster Tours GUIDED POSTER TOUR 15 – Parkinson’s disease: Phenomenology GUIDED POSTER TOUR 16 – Tremor Bayside Level 2, Bayside 201-203 Bayside Level 2, Bayside 204 13:00 – 14:30 Thursday, June 20, 2013 13:00 – 14:30 Thursday, June 20, 2013 Tour Leaders: Timothy Lynch, Dublin, Ireland David Riley, South Euclid, OH, USA Tour Leaders: Mark Edwards, London, United Kingdom Barry Snow, Auckland, New Zealand 860 Tract-based spatial statistics and voxel based analysis in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait J. Youn, Y. Jeong, J.Y. Ahn, J.W. Cho (Seoul, Korea) 939 862 Ancillary investigations to diagnose Parkinson’s disease and atypical Parkinsonism: A prospective clinical study M.B. Aerts, R.A.J. Esselink, W.F. Abdo, F.J.A. Meijer, M.M. Verbeek, B.R. Bloem (Nijmegen, Netherlands) Sensitivity to change of the essential tremor rating assessment scale (TETRAS) B. Voller, E. Lines, G. McCrossin, A. Artiles, S. Tinaz, C. Lungu, M. Hallett, D. Haubenberger (Bethesda, MD, USA) 941 Synergic and independent influences of MAPT and SNCA on the motor decline in Parkinson’s disease G. Wang, S. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Xiao, J. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Huang (Sydney, Australia) Continuous home monitoring of essential tremor using motion sensors D. Heldman, C. Pulliam, S. Eichenseer, C. Goetz, O. Waln, C. Hunter, J. Jankovic, D. Vaillancourt, J. Giuffrida (Cleveland, OH, USA) 947 Bedside test facilitates differentiation between PISA and scoliosis in PD patients F. Gandor, D. Gruber, G. Ebersbach (Beelitz-Heilstätten, Germany) Patients with scans without evidence of dopaminergic deficit (SWEDD) do not have Parkinson’s disease- A long term follow up study A. Batla, M. Stamelou, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 948 Alcohol responsiveness in different tremor disorders P. Schwingenschuh, M. Koegl-Wallner, U. Werner, C. Ghadery, T. Pendl, S. Seiler, K. Wenzel, R. Schmidt, P. Katschnig-Winter (Graz, Austria) 866 878 A cluster analysis on newly diagnosed untreated PD patients R. Erro, C. Vitale, M. Picillo, M. Amboni, P. Barone (Naples, Italy) 886 Is carrying the G2019S mutation in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene associated with a different rate of progression of Parkinson’s disease? G. Yahalom, Y. Orlev, O.S. Cohen, R. Inzelberg, E. Kozlova, E. Friedman, U. Goldbourt, S. Hassin-Baer (Tel-Hashomer, Israel) 949 Lateralization of structural abnormalities in right cerebellum in essential tremor: An observation from voxel based morphometry study K. Bhalsing, N. Upadhyay, R. Yadav, J. Saini, A. Gupta, P. Pal (Bangalore, India) 889 FBXO7 mutation: Phenotypic variability from chorea to earlyonset asymmetric parkinsonism within a family A. Gunduz, A. Gündogdu Eken, K. Bilgüvar, M. Günel, A.N. Basak, H. Hanagasi, S. Ertan (Istanbul, Turkey) 954 890 Motor and cognitive features discriminate new fallers from nonfallers in an incident cohort of Parkinson’s disease B. Galna, S. Lord, D. Mhiripiri, D. Burn, L. Rochester (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) Movement disorders associated with chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids (CLIPPERS) A.D. Ha, J.D. Parratt, S. Babu, S.D. Kim, N. Mahant, V.S.C. Fung (Westmead, Australia) 957 904 Subthreshold depression and subjective cognitive complaints in Parkinson’s disease G. Santangelo, C. Vitale, L. Trojano, M.G. Angrisano, M. Picillo, D. Errico, V. Agosti, D. Grossi, P. Barone (Caserta, Italy) Diagnosing postural tremor using intermuscular coherence and cumulant analysis A.M.M. van der Stouwe, L. Woudt, J.W. Elting, M.A.J. de KoningTijssen, N.M. Maurits (Groningen, Netherlands) 958 909 Increased activation of the frontal lobe is associated with freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson’s disease: An fNIRS study I. Maidan, H. Bernad-Elazari, E. Gazit, M. Brozgol, N. Giladi, A. Mirelman, J.M. Hausdorff (Tel-Aviv, Israel) Spatiotemporal parameters from three-dimensional tremor analysis may help to differentiate essential tremor from parkinsonian tremor C. Blahak, T. Sauer, M.E. Wolf, J.C. Wöhrle, M.G. Hennerici (Mannheim, Germany) 976 Tremor retrainment as therapeutic strategy for patients with psychogenic tremor: A proof-of-concept study A.J. Espay, G. Oggioni, M.J. Edwards, N. Phielipp, H. Gonzalez-Usigli, C. Pecina, D.A. Heldman, J. Mishra, A.E. Lang (Cincinnati, OH, USA) 978 Ataxia is common in patients with orthostatic tremor D. Bhatti, C. Srikanth-Mysore, J. Bertoni, D. Torres-Russotto (Omaha, NE, USA) Guided Poster Tours 880 77 Abstracts by Topic Dystonia 18 1 Botulinum toxin treatment for blepharospasm A. Faust-Socher, G. Yahalom, H. Strauss, S. Lerman, L. Ephraty, Y. Orlev, E. Kozlova, S. Hassin-Baer, O.S. Cohen (Tel-Hashomer, Israel) Saccade-related modulation of beta oscillation in the human internal globus pallidus A. Yugeta, W.D. Hutchison, R. Chen (Tokyo, Japan) 19 2 A patient with probable dopa responsive dystonia having features of spastic paraparesis H. Apaydin, B. Zeydan, A. Gunduz (Istanbul, Turkey) Sensory tricks (corrective maneuvers) in cervical dystonia N. Patel, J. Hanfelt, L. Marsh, J. Jankovic, For the Dystonia Coalition Investigators (Houston, TX, USA) 20 3 Depression among patients with X-linked dystonia Parkinsonism A.R.F. Cenina, V.P.C. Dela Llana, A.R. Domingo, R.D.G. Jamora, P.V. Lee, L.V. Lee (Manila, Philippines) Parieto-motor functional connectivity in primary adult-onset cervical dystonia P. Porcacchia, F.J. Palomar, M.T. Cáceres-Redondo, F. Carrillo, G. Koch, P. Mir (Sevilla, Spain) 4 Basal ganglia circuit disturbances and symptomatology in primary focal dystonia (PFD) B.D. Berman, M. Hallett (Aurora, CO, USA) 21 Withdrawn by Author 22 Neuronal analysis and motor-phenotypical characterization of a transgenic rat model for DYT1 dystonia V. Gaiser, L. Lotzer, T. Roenisch, B. Fabry, S. Moll, L. Clemens, M. Walter, J. Magg, J. Hübener, O. Rieß, T. Ott, K. Grundmann-Hauser (Tuebingen, Germany) 23 Abnormal somatosensory mismatch negativity in cervical dystonia J.C.A. Chen, B. Hoffland, B.V. Warrenburg, A. Sadnicka, C.H. Tsai, J.C. Rothwell, M.J. Edwards (London, United Kingdom) 24 Is increased blinking part of the clinical spectrum of BSP? A. Conte, G. Defazio, G. Ferrazzano, M. Hallett, A. Macerollo, G. Fabbrini, A. Berardelli (Rome, Italy) 25 Coherence of neuronal firing of the striatum and the entopeduncular nucleus with motor cortex oscillatory activity in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease with levodopainduced dyskinesia X. Jin, K. Schwabe, J.K. Krauss, M. Alam (Hannover, Germany) Abstracts by Topic 5 78 Cervical dystonia: Effectiveness of a standardized physical therapy program; study design and protocol of a single blind randomized controlled trial J.V.D. Dool, B. Visser, J.H.T.M. Koelman, R.H.H. Engelbert, M.A.J. Tijssen (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 6 Dystoina DBS in Iran M. Parvaresh-Rizi, M. Saadati, G. Shahidi, M. Saatian, M. Rohani (Tehran, Iran) 7 Generation and characterisation of mice rescuing the DYT1knockout phenotype B.T. Fabry, L. Lotzer, S. Moll, J. Hettich, O. Riess, K. Grundmann, T. Ott (Tübingen, Germany) 8 The role of autophagy in degradation of Torsin A and Torsin B V. Palada, K. Grundmann (Tübingen, Germany) 9 Unraveling cellular phenotypes of novel torsinA mutations F. Vulinovic, P. Seibler, J. Graf, A. Ferbert, A. Rolfs, A. Schmidt, C. Klein, K. Lohmann (Lübeck, Germany) 26 Cervical spine disease presenting with cervical dystonia N. Kumar, B. Kumar, R. Kumar, Z.A. Azad (Patna, India) 10 Multiple target DBS for general dystonia treatment B. Brodacki, H. Koziara, T. Mandat (Warszawa, Poland) 27 11 Dystonia- Various symptoms and targets for deep brain stimulation T. Mandat, H. Koziara, B. Brodacki, D. Koziorowski, W. Bonicki, P. Nauman, T. Kmiec (Warszawa, Poland) Genome sequencing reveals a mutation in the TUBB4 gene as the cause of whispering dysphonia (DYT4 dystonia) K. Lohmann, R.A. Wilcox, S. Winkler, A. Ramirez, A. Rakovic, J.S. Park, J.L. Groen, M. Kasten, N. Brüggemann, A. Schmidt, F.J. Kaiser, K.R. Kumar, M. Agzarian, L.J. Ozelius, A.P.M. Langeveld, C.M. Sue, M.A.J. Tijssen, C. Klein (Luebeck, Germany) 12 Screening of TOR1A gene in Brazilian dystonia patients L.G. Piovesana, L.S. Campos, P.C. Azevedo, M. França, Jr., F.R. Torres, Í.T. Lopes-Cendes, A. D’Abreu (Campinas, Brazil) 28 13 Validation of a PCR-based test for the genetic diagnosis of Filipino patients with X-linked dystonia Parkinsonism (XDP) P.D. Pasco, T. Kawarai, L. Silao, L. Lee, R. Kaji (Manila, Philippines) Genome-wide association of a locus on chromosome 17 with musician’s dystonia C. Klein, A. Schmidt, A. Schillert, S. Winkler, F. Baas, N. Brüggemann, G. Deuschl, J. Graf, L.J. Groen, J. Hagenah, H.C. Jabusch, M. Kasten, S. Schreiber, M.A.J. Tijssen, K.E. Zeuner, E. Altenmüller, A. Ziegler, K. Lohmann (Luebeck, Germany) 14 The relationships of motor and non-motor features in cervical dystonia S.R. Eichenseer, G.T. Stebbins, C.L. Comella (Chicago, IL, USA) 29 First case of bilateral pallidal stimulation for DYT4 dystonia C.A. Airey, A.C. Lehn, R.A. Wilcox, J. O’Sullivan, R. Boyle (Brisbane, Australia) 15 Using ultrasonography (U/S) to define individual muscle bundles of finger flexors and extensors to improve accuracy of botulinum toxin (BoNT) injections E.C.H. Lim, J.H. Yik, A.Y.T. Lim, E.Y.T. Lee, A.E.J. Cheah (Singapore) 30 Deep brain stimulation for DYT3 dystonia: A case report A.C. Lehn, C.A. Airey, J. O’Sullivan, R. Boyle (Brisbane, Australia) 31 Morphometric changes in task- and non-task-specific focal dystonias: A comparative analysis R.A. Ramdhani, M. Choy, M. Velickovic, S.J. Frucht, M. Tagliati, K. Simonyan (New York, NY, USA) 32 Non-invasive cerebellar stimulation in focal dystonia L.V. Bradnam, M.N. McDonnell, M.C. Ridding (Adelaide, Australia) 33 The clinical spectrum of laryngeal dystonia includes dystonic cough: Observations of a large series S. Payne, S. Tisch, I. Cole, H. Brake, J. Rough, P. Darveniza (Sydney, Australia) 16 17 Dynamic cortical grey matter changes in cervical dystonia C.C.S. Delnooz, J.W. Pasman, B.P.C. van de Warrenburg (Nijmegen, Netherlands) Long term efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin type A in cervical dystonia patients treated over 10 years F. Morgante, C. Allegra, G. Majorana, M. Buccafusca, P. Girlanda (Messina, Italy) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 34 Dystonia coalition: The first 2 years of a multicenter study J.S. Perlmutter, L. Yan, H.A. Jinnah, A.R. Rosen, C. Comella, C.L. Ludlow, W.R. Galpern, D. Coalition (St. Louis, MO, USA) 35 Botulinum toxin A injections are an effective treatment of dystonic head tremor S.G. Ochudlo (Katowice, Poland) 36 Focal task-specific dystonia of the lower extremities associated with extreme exercise: A case series M. Katz, M. San Luciano, J.L. Ostrem (San Francisco, CA, USA) 37 Syringomyelia with cervical dystonia – A report of two cases A. Batla, M. Stamelou, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 38 Voxel-based morphometry of the whole brain in patients with primary craniocervical dystonia C.C. Piccinin, M.C.A. Santos, L.G. Piovesana, L.S. Campos, P.C. Azevedo, R.P. Guimarães, F.R. Torres, M.C. França, Jr., A.C. AmatoFilho, I. Lopes-Cendes, F. Cendes, A. D’Abreu (Campinas, Brazil) 39 The long-term effect of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of hemifacial spasm: 14 years experience A. Sen, B. Arpaci (Istanbul, Turkey) 40 Focal dystonia as initial manifestation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) S. Pandey (Delhi, India) 41 Pallidal deep brain stimulation in patients with segmental and cervical dystonia who had previous radiofrequency lesions G. Lütjens, H.H. Capelle, J.K. Krauss (Hanover, Germany) 42 Dystonia… A symptom of different aetiologies D.S. Wijesekara, S.E.H.L. Chandrasiri (Kalubowila, Sri Lanka) 43 DYT5: From dystonia to pure parkinsonism P. Pita Lobo, L. Correia Guedes, M. Coelho, M.M. Rosa, J.J. Ferreira, J.M. Ferro (Lisbon, Portugal) 44 POSTURe: A Quebec multi-centre, prospective, observational study of patient reported outcomes in patients diagnosed with cervical dystonia and treated with onabotulinumtoxinA for injection - Study rationale and methods S. Chouinard, J. Rivest, P. Naud, L. Belle Blagrove, J.C. Honore, S. Dhani (Markham, ON, Canada) 45 Functional analysis of a novel TOR1A mutation and a THAP1 mutation in a Chinese patient with segmental dysonia F. Cheng, J. Feng, T. Ott, X. Wan, K. Grundmann-Hauser (Tuebingen, Germany) Adult-onset Sandifer’s syndrome A. Sanguinetti, J.L. Etcheverry, E.M. Gatto (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 47 The phenotypic spectrum of DYT23 due to ANO3 mutations M. Stamelou, G. Charlesworth, C. Cordivari, S. Schneider, G. Kaegi, U. Sheerin, I. Rubio-Agusti, A. Batla, H. Houlden, N. Wood, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 48 Writer’s cramp causing problem in job continuation M.A. Habib (Dhaka, Bangladesh) 49 ANO3 - A novel cause of primary dystonia G. Charlesworth, V. Plagnol, K.M. Holmström, J. Bras, U.M. Sheerin, E. Preza, I. Rubio-Agusti, M. Ryten, S.A. Schneider, M. Stamelou, D. Trabzuni, A.A. Abramov, K.P. Bhatia, N.W. Wood (London, United Kingdom) 50 Mutation in CIZ1 not found in twelve adult-onset primary cervical dystonia families in China L. Ma, X. Wan, L. Wang, Y. Yang (Beijing, China) Hyperbaric oxygen given beyond currently indicated timeline could enhance neurological recovery after carbon monoxide poisoning S. Koneru, V.F.M. Ramos, M. Najib, L. Keim, S. Heithoff, D. Hoffnung, D. Murman, D. Torres-Russotto (Omaha, NE, USA) 52 Dystonia develops more often in dental technician E. Ehler (Pardubice, Czech Republic) 53 Mutation in GNAL not found in ten adult-onset primary cervical dystonia families in China L. Ma, X. Wan, L. Wang, Y. Yang (Beijing, China) 54 ANCHOR-CD (abobotulinumtoxinA neurotoxin clinical and health economics outcomes registry in cervical dystonia): Baseline data and cycle one efficacy data R. Trosch, P. Jozefczyk, D. Truong, M. Lew, C. Adler, P. LeWitt, C. Singer, Y. Silay, A. Castagna, D. Marchese, W. Cetnarowski, C. Comella (Southfield, MI, USA) 55 Interleaving could be a better programming technique for Parkinson’s disease (PD) and dystonia patients D. Reyes, M. Ferreira, N. Galvez-Jimenez, K. Kurako, T. Khan (Weston, FL, USA) 56 Task-free functional MRI in cervical dystonia reveals multinetwork changes that partially normalize with botulinum toxin C.C.S. Delnooz, J.W. Pasman, C.F. Beckmann, B.P.C. van de Warrenburg (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 57 Cognitive functioning in children with primary dystonia pre- and post- deep brain stimulation T.J. Owen, H. Gimeno, R. Selway, J.P. Lin (London, United Kingdom) 58 The effect of altered auditory and tactile feedback on ERPs, cortical phase coupling, and connectivity in musician’s dystonia F. Cheng, M.L. Eddy, E. Altenmüller (Hannover, Germany) 59 The prevalence of significant depressive and anxious symptoms in cervical dystonia and their influence on the patients’ functional state A. Mainen, D.C. Hengartner, R.C. Palacio, A. Ahmed, S. Cooper, M. Gostkowski, I. Itin, J. Rudolph, H.H. Fernandez (Cleveland, OH, USA) 60 Steroid responsive movement disorder: Sjögren syndrome associated with orofacial dystonia and tremor P. Acs, Z. Aschermann (Pecs, Hungary) 61 Motor surround inhibition in the hand of patients with focal cervical dystonia is normal P. Kassavetis, A. Sadnicka, T.A. Saifee, I. Pareés, J.C. Rothwell, M.J. Edwrads (London, United Kingdom) 62 Factors associated with poor satisfaction in patients with cervical dystonia treated with botulinum toxin D.C. Hengartner, R.C. Palacio, Jr., A. Meinen, A. Ahmed, S. Cooper, M. Gostkowski, I. Itin, J. Rudolph, H.H. Fernandez (Cleveland, OH, USA) 63 Effect of depression, anxiety, and level of function on patients’ perception of improvement after botulinum toxin treatment for cervical dystonia R.C. Palacio, D.C. Hengartner, H.H. Fernandez (Cleveland, OH, USA) 64 Botulinum toxin improves voice related quality of life in Meige’s syndrome S.G. Ochudlo (Katowice, Poland) 65 Levodopa-responsive dystonia-Parkinsonism syndrome associated with a novel ATP1A3 gene mutation F. Moreira, R. Almeida, C. Januário (Coimbra, Portugal) Abstracts by Topic 46 51 79 Abstracts by Topic 66 Family history of dystonia among subjects recruited by the dystonia coalition A.R. Rosen, L. Yan, J.S. Perlmutter, H.A. Jinnah (Atlanta, GA, USA) 67 Prevalence of tremor among subjects recruited by the dystonia coalition A.R. Rosen, L. Yan, J.S. Perlmutter, H.A. Jinnah (Atlanta, GA, USA) 68 69 Comparison of botulinum neurotoxins for clinical use A.E. Elia, A. Albanese (Milan, Italy) 70 Normal lateral inhibition mechanism during sensory-motor plasticity in dystonia C. Terranova, V. Rizzo, F. Morgante, P. Girlanda, A. Quaratrone (Messina, Italy) 71 Risk factors for secondary non-response to botulinum toxin A in cervical dystonia J.J. Ferreira, C. Colosimo, R. Bhidayasiri, M.J. Marti, P. Maisonobe, S. Om (Lisbon, Portugal) 72 Withdrawn by Author 73 OnabotulinumtoxinA: Therapeutic effect in trigeminal neuralgia in 2 patients with blepharospasm R. Lopez-Castellanos, R. Lopez-Contrearas, R. Castro de Escobar (San Salvador, El Salvador) 74 Abstracts by Topic OnabotulinumtoxinA: Therapeutic effect in trigeminal neuralgia and migraine in patients with hemifacial spasm R. Lopez-Contreras, R. Lopez-Castellanos, R. Castro de Escobar (San Salvador, El Salvador) A case of neurosyphilis and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy presenting with paroxysmal dystonia Y.Y. Chang, Y.F. Chen, M.Y. Lan, C.S. Su, C.H. Peng, J.S. Liu (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) 83 Superior colliculus mediates cervical dystonia evoked by inhibition of the substantia nigra pars reticulata in the nonhuman primate A.L. Holmes, P.A. Forcelli, J.T. DesJardin, A.L. Decker, M. Teferra, E.A. West, L. Malkova, K. Gale (Bethesda, MD, USA) 84 Improvement of post-traumatic segmental dystonia after correction of improperly placed dental implant R.L. Rodriguez Cruz, N. Hack (Gainesville, FL, USA) 85 Temporal discrimination thresholds in 170 healthy subjects, analysed by age and gender O. Kimmich, A. Molloy, R.B. Reilly, S. O’Riordan, M. Hutchinson (Dublin 4, Ireland) 86 The cortical processing of sensorimotor sequences is disrupted in writer’s cramp N. Langbour, V. Michel, B. Dilharreguy, D. Guehl, M. Allard, P. Burbaud (Bordeaux cedex, France) 87 Intra-striatal muscarinic injections induce a phenotype of dystonia in the monkey D.D.G. Guehl, E.E.C. Cuny, F.F.L. Lafourcade, P.P.B. Burbaud (Pessac, France) 88 Levodopa-responsive camptocormia in a patient without DRD mutation and a normal DaT scan: Report of an unusual case S. Oravivattanakul, H.H. Fernandez, I. Itin (Cleveland, OH, USA) 89 Development of a comprehensive cervical dystonia rating scale C.L. Comella, G.T. Stebbins, M. Zurowski, H.A. Jinnah, J.S. Perlmutter, T.A. Waliczek, A.R. Rosen, W. Galpern (Chicago, IL, USA) 90 Endophenotyping in adult onset primary cervical dystonia (AOPCD) G. Kägi, D. Ruge, P. Katschnig, M. Fiorio, M. Tinazzi, M.J. Edwards, J. Rothwell, K.P. Bathia (London, United Kingdom) 75 Alchemy or enemy: Sensory tricks in dystonia V.F.M.L. Ramos, B.I. Karp, M. Hallett (Bethesda, MD, USA) 76 Paroxysmal kinesogenic dyskinesia (PKD) as an initial manifestation of neuromyelitis optica (NMO) M.A. Chhabria, K. Bharambe, C.S. Sankhla (Mumbai, India) 91 77 Botulinum toxin therapy of cervical dystonia: Comparing botulinum toxin A and Xeomin® D. Dressler, P. Tacik, F. Adib Saberi (Hannover, Germany) Thalamic stimulation for camptocormia M. Panisset, N. Jodoin, A. Sadikot (Montréal, QC, Canada) 92 Cervical Dystonia Patient Registry for Observation of onaBotulinumtoxinA Efficacy (CD PROBE): Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics J. Jankovic, D. Charles, C. Adler, C. Comella, M. Stacy, M. Schwartz, M. Brin (Houston, TX, USA) OnabotulinumtoxinA: Therapeutic preventive effect in migraine in patients with hemifacial spasm R. Lopez-Castellanos, R. Lopez-Contrearas, R. Castro de Escobar (San Salvador, El Salvador) 93 A case of dystonic tics associated with group A streptococcal infection in an elderly man Z. Mahuwala, W.S. Metzer, J. Schwankhaus (Little Rock, AR, USA) 94 Writer’s cramp: Clinical features of a large Brazilian sample C.C. Aquino, L.B. Barcelos, P.C. Castro, L.M. Medeiros, B.A. Veiga, S.C. Lestingi, S.M. Azevedo Silva, V. Borges, H.B. Ferraz (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 95 Abnormal thalamocortical tractography in cervical dystonia J.L. Waugh, J.K. Kuster, S. Woodman, M.L. Makhlouf, N. Makris, H.C. Brieter, T.J. Multhaupt-Buell, L.R. Sudarsky, N. Sharma, A.J. Blood (Boston, MA, USA) 78 80 DystonieNet; a Dutch approach to optimise the treatment for cervical dystonia J.V.D. Dool, M. Postma, E. Zoons, J.J.V. Hilten, B.V.D. Warrenburg, J.H.T.M. Koelman, M. Tijssen (Groningen, Netherlands) 82 79 Mirror movements in cervical dystonia S. Babu, A.D Ha, G. Pushparasah, S.D. Kim, N. Wolfe, F. Chang, S. Graham, V.S.C. Fung (Sydney, Australia) 80 Age- and gender-related penetrance of abnormal temporal discrimination in unaffected first-degree relatives of cervical dystonia patients supports the concept of a mediational endophenotype O. Kimmich, A. Molloy, F. Molloy, D. Healy, T. Lynch, C. Walsh, R.B. Reilly, S. O’Riordan, M. Hutchinson (Dublin, Ireland) 81 Validation of a new portable goggles technique for determination of the visual temporal discrimination threshold A. Molloy, O. Kimmich, I. Killlane, A. Fanning, A. Dabacan, S. O’Riordan, M. Hutchinson, R. Reilly (Dublin, Ireland) Gene Therapies and Cell-Based Therapies 96 Functional assessment of adult neural stem cell transplantation in the rat cerebellar degeneration model M.A. Edalatmanesh, H. Nikfarjam, R. Robati, M.R. Hashemzadeh, Z. Hasanzadeh-Moghadam (Fars, Iran) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic Improved motor scores after retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells transplantation in rat model of Parkinson’s disease (PD) H.S. Gambhir, S. Vivekanandhan, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, R. Mathur, M. Behari (New Delhi, India) 110 Loss of dopamine D2/3 receptor binding in patients with cervical dystonia E. Zoons, M.A.J. Tijssen, H.D. Speelman, J. Booij (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 98 Deep brain stimulation for NBIA-related dystonia T. Mandat, H. Koziara, R. Rola, B. Wieslaw, P. Nauman, T. Kmiec (Warszawa, Poland) 111 Cortical regions related to apraxia in patients with corticobasal degeneration: [18F]FDG PET and MRI study C.S. Lee, S.M. Kim, J.M. Lee (Seoul, Korea) 99 Withdrawn by Author 112 100 Restoration of neurological function and dopaminergic activity with nigrostriatal implants of encapsulated neonatal porcine choroid plexus cells in MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease in non-human primates H. Lin, X.M. Luo, W. Wang, M.S. Geaney, L.Y. Law, S. Wynyard, J. Guan, R.B. Elliott, B. Snow, S.J.M. Skinner, P.L.J. Tan (Auckland, New Zealand) Whole brain voxel based morphometry analysis in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease M.C.A. Santos, L.S. Campos, R. Guimaraes, C.P. Piccinin, P. Azevedo, L.G. Piovesana, A.C. Amato-Filho, Í. Lopes-Cendes, F. Cendes, A. D’Abreu (Campinas, Brazil) 113 Gray matter atrophy in Parkinson’s disease: A voxel based morphometry study M.C.A. Santos, L.S. Campos, R. Guimaraes, C.C. Piccinin, P. Azevedo, L.G. Piovesana, A.C. Amato-Filho, Í. Lopes-Cendes, F. Cendes, A. D’Abreu (Campinas, Brazil) 114 Left-lateralized pedunculopontine network connectivity in freezing of gait from Parkinson’s disease B.W. Fling, R.G. Cohen, J.G. Nutt, F.B. Horak (Beaverton, OR, USA) 115 Intracerebral siRNA injection in the P301S transgenic mouse model H. Xu, A. de Andrade, T. Carlsson, W.H. Oertel, T.W. Rösler, G.U. Höglinger (Munich, Germany) Alveolar echinococcosis mimicking multiple metastatic tumors: A case presentation H. Ulvi, I. Kocatürk, T. Yilmaz, T. Anik, R. Demir (Erzurum, Turkey) 116 Long-term safety of neurotrophic factor gene therapy using AAV2-neurturin (CERE-120) in Parkinson’s disease R. Taylor, T. Baumann, W. Marks, Jr., J. Ostrem, L. Verhagen, M. Stacy, M. Deogaonkar, J. Vitek, R. Watts, J. Jankovic, C. Cho, M. Tagliati, M. Stern, J. Nutt, R. Bartus (San Francisco, CA, USA) Voxel-wise meta-analysis of gray matter anomalies in progressive supranuclear palsy using anatomic likelihood estimation N. Shao, J. Yang, H. Shang (Chengdu, China) 117 BOLD imaging: Following neurodegeration in movement disorders M. Saxena, S.S. Kumaran, V. Goyal, M. Behari (New Delhi, India) 118 The hummingbird sign in patients with progressive supranuclea palsy A. Hussl, G.K. Wenning, P. Mahlknecht, R. Esterhammer, M. Schocke, W. Poewe, K. Seppi (Innsbruck, Austria) 119 Improved sequence learning with STN deep brain stimulation: Evidence for treatment-specific network modulation H. Mure, C.C. Tang, A. Miklos, S. Nagahiro, D. Eidelberg (Tokushima, Japan) 120 Freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease: Imagery of brain activation by gait with 18F-FDG positron emission tomography coupled with anatomical and functional connectivity in magnetic resonance imaging C. Moreau, C. Tard, A. Delval, A. Destée, C. Hossein Foucher, P. Lenfant, C. Delmaire, R. Lopes, D. Devos, K. Dujardin, F. Lejeune, L. Defebvre (Lille, France) 121 Striatal dopaminergic dysfunction in LRRK2 mutations models the progression of sporadic Parkinson’s disease P. Agarwal, E. Mak, M. Schulzer, K. Dinelle, J. Aasly, K. Hasegawa, Z. Wszolek, J. Zhang, J. McKenzie, N. Heffernan, M. Farrer, V. Sossi, A.J. Stoessl (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 122 Dopamine transporter changes in PD patients after rotigotine: Results from a SPECT study C. Rossi, D. Genovesi, D. Frosini, C. Menichetti, E. Filidei, U. Bonuccelli, R. Ceravolo (Pisa, Italy) 123 Voxel-wise meta-analysis of white matter abnormalities in progressive supranuclear palsy J. Yang, N. Shao, J. Li, H. Shang (Chengdu, China) 101 102 103 104 Autologous mesenchymal stem cells in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy: Preliminary data M. Canesi, R. Gordano, I.U. Isaias, T. Montemurro, M. Isalberti, F. Triulzi, R. Benti, A. Righini, G. Marotta, P. Rampini, M. Viganò, A. Colombo, G. Sacilotto, C. Ruffmann, P. Rebulla, G. Pezzoli (Milan, Italy) Real-time monitoring for systematic investigation of catheter design and infusion protocol effect on CED performance B. Grabow, K. Kubota, R. Raghavan, M. Brady, C. Ross, S. Hurley, E. Brodsky, J. Raschke, A. Alexander, W. Block (Los Altos, CA, USA) Neuroimaging 105 Study of mineralization pattern of the deep gray matter by susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to differentiate various Parkinsonian disorders M. Modi, S. Kumar, P. Singh, N. Khandelwal, S. Prabhakar (Chandigarh, India) 106 The substantia nigra in Parkinsonian disorders: A multimodal MRI assessment at 3T O. Al Helli, L. Massey, E. De Vita, J. Thornton, T. Yousry (London, United Kingdom) 107 Gray matter density increases following a mindfulness based intervention in Parkinson’s disease B.A. Pickut, W. Van Hecke, E. Kerckhofs, D. Crosiers, P.M. Parizel, P. Cras (Antwerp, Belgium) 108 MR volumetry and T2 relaxometry of the basal ganglia in Sydenham’s chorea: A study in the Indian population R. Gupta (Delhi, India) 109 High field diffusion tensor imaging of the corpus callosum in Parkinsonism dementia complex R. Kumari (Delhi, India) Abstracts by Topic 97 81 Abstracts by Topic 124 Reduced functional interaction in early-stage drug naive Parkinson’s disease: A resting-state fMRI study C. Luo, W. Song, Q. Chen, K. Chen, B. Cao, J. Yang, Z. Zheng, X. Huang, H.H. Tang, Q. Gong, H. Shang (Chengdu, China) 125 Substantia nigral signal change of neuromelanin-sensitive T1weighted magnetic resonance imaging in patients with F-18FP-CIT positron emission tomography confirmed drug-induced Parkinsonism D.Y. Kwon, M.H. Park, K. Park, M.H. Song, Y. Lee (Ansan-city, Korea) 126 Topographic distribution of cortical thinning in subtypes of multiple system atrophy J.S. Kim, H. Shin, J.J. Yang, J.M. Lee, J.W. Cho (Seoul, Korea) 127 Anatomical correlates of cognitive function in early Parkinson’s disease patients R. Biundo, M. Calabrese, L. Weis, S. Facchini, A. Antonini (Venice, Italy) 128 Quantitative assessment of regional volume and iron in progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinsonian variant multiple system atrophy J.H. Lee, Y.H. Han, B.M. Kang (Yangsan-si, Korea) Abstracts by Topic 129 82 Differences in gray matter atrophy between Parkinson’s disease motor: Possible role of GM as a mediator between motor and cognitive function K. Rosenberg-Katz, T. Herman, Y. Jacob, N. Giladi, T. Hendler, J. Hausdorff (Tel Aviv, Israel) 139 Relation of striatal density of adenosine A2A receptors, dopamine transporter and dopamine D2 receptor with tremor at rest and rigidity in Parkinson’s disease M. Mishina, K. Ishii, M. Suzuki, H. Nagayama, S. Kitamura, M. Hashimoto, M. Naganawa, Y. Kimura, M. Sakata, K. Oda, J. Toyohara, Y. Katayama, K. Ishiwata (Bunkyo, Japan) 140 The decrease of NAA/Cr at substantia nigra and drawn lines in DTI-based tractography from substantia nigra to putamen in patients with Parkinson’s disease reflects the loss of dopaminergic neurons K. Isonishi, K. Ito, F. Moriwaka, S. Kaneko, T. Kashiwaba (Sapporo, Japan) 141 Parakinesia brachialis oscitans: Report of four cases E. Fernández-Díaz, E. Palazón, M. Monteagudo, I. Díaz-Maroto, S. García (Albacete, Spain) 142 Diffusion weighted MR findings in the substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease M.S. Berilgen, H. Ozdemir, C. Das, C.F. Demir (Elazig, Turkey) 143 Physiopathology of freezing of gait (FOG) and falls in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients treated with subthalamic (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) F. Cormier-Dequaire, S. Fernandez Vidal, A. Demain, H. Belaich, C. Karachi, M. Vidailhet, D. Grabli, M.L. Welter (Paris, France) 144 Midbrain transcranial sonography in Chinese patients with Parkinson’s disease W. Luo, D. Li, J. Xu, D.D. Ren, Y. Luo, Z.D. Cen, Z.Y. Ouyang, B. Wang, Y.T. Lou (Hangzhou, China) 130 Magnetic resonance Parkinsonism index - A diagnostic tool in progressive supranuclear palsy M. Umaiorubahan, P.R. Prabash (Chennai, India) 145 131 Is there a role for susceptibility-weighted MRI in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in clinical practice? A.C. Lehn, C.A. Airey, G.D. Mellick, B. Ong, S. Jeavons, R. Boyle (Brisbane, Australia) Cardiac MIBG scintigraphy can predict prognosis of patients with Parkinson’s disease S. Orimo, L. Azuma, M. Takahashi, M. Sakamoto, A. Inaba (Tokyo, Japan) 146 Activations of cerebellar ocular motor sites in congenital nystagmus A. Deutschländer, K. Hüfner, T. Stephan, V. Flanagin, T. Dera, M. Dieterich, T. Brandt (Munich, Germany) 147 Brain activation patterns during motor tasks in DYT11 dystonia mutation carriers (fMRI study) A. Deutschländer, F. Asmus, T. Stephan, T. Gasser (Munich, Germany) 148 The degeneration of dopaminergic system in LRRK2 G2385R patients is distinct from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease patientsEvidences from 18F-DTBZ PET imaging Y.H. Weng, I.T. Hsiao, C.J. Hsieh, W.Y. Lin, C.S. Lu, M.P. Kung, T.C. Yen, K.J. Lin (Taoyuan, Taiwan) 149 Muscle co-activity in hand movement: Comparing Parkinson’s disease patients to healthy subjects at behavioral and cerebral level A.M.M. van der Stouwe, C.M. Toxopeus, B.M. de Jong, P. Yavuz, G. Valsan, B.A. Conway, K.L. Leenders, N.M. Maurits (Groningen, Netherlands) 150 Altered cortico-striatal functional connectivity in the premotor phase of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 parkinsonism R.C. Helmich, A. Thaler, B.F. van Nuenen, A. Mirelman, T. Gurevich, T. Hendler, N. Giladi, B.R. Bloem, I. Toni (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 151 Longitudinal deformation-based morphometry in parkinsonian variant of multiple system atrophy M. Südmeyer, P. Pieperhoff, S. Ferrea, H. Krause, K. Zilles, K. Amunts, A. Schnitzler (Düsseldorf, Germany) 132 A novel treatment for Mal de Debarquement syndrome. A case study using transcranial direct current stimulation A.J. Pearce, B. Adair, G. Tooley (Melbourne, Australia) 133 Importance of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) in the field of movement disorders J.I. Nunomura, M. Matsunaga, H. Ono (Hirosaki, Japan) 134 Validation of PET measures of midbrain uptake of VMAT2 DAT tracers for nigrostriatal neurons J.S. Perlmutter, C. Brown, M.K. Karimi, H. Flores, Y. Su, S.D. Tabbal, S. Loftin, S.M. Moerlein (St. Louis, MO, USA) 135 What does fMRI tell us about the beneficial effect of relaxation guided imagery in Parkinson’s disease? I. Schlesinger, O. Benyaakov, D. Manor, M. Inspector, I. Erikh, M. Nassar, D. Goldsher, A. Eran (Haifa, Israel) 136 Challenges in establishing reliability of transcranial sonography (TCS) of the substantia nigra (SN) in parkinsonism M. Pondal, C. Marras, R. Walsh, T. Mestre, A.E. Lang (Toronto, ON, Canada) 137 Substantia nigra hyperechogenicity has no prognostic impact for the future clinical course of Parkinson’s disease S. Behnke, M. Ortmann, A. Runkel, K. Fassbender, J. Spiegel (Homburg, Saar, Germany) 138 Progression of nigrostriatal projection functional loss through the striatum in Parkinson’s disease. A clinico-PET correlation T. Rowland, H.C. Chan, D.J. Brooks, N. Pavese (London, United Kingdom) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic Evaluating phenoconversion to PD in the PARS prodromal cohort D. Jennings, A. Siderowf, M. Stern, S. Eberly, D. Oakes, M. Kenneth, PARS Investigators (New Haven, CT, USA) 166 Correlation of dopamine transporter imaging with parkinsonian motor handicap T. Stojkovic, E. Stefanova, L. Brajkovic, V.S. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) 153 Diffusion tensor imaging in late onset neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation S.O. Shah, H. Mehta, R. Fekete (Valhalla, NY, USA) 167 154 DaTSCAN™ (Ioflupane I 123 injection) in diagnosis of early Parkinsonian syndromes (PS) N. Bajaj, D.G. Grosset, R.A. Hauser, J. Seibyl, K. Marek, I.D. Grachev (Nottingham, United Kingdom) Subcortical gray matter volumes in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and their relationship to clinical measures J. Hedeman, T. Krmpotich, E. Shelton, J. Tanabe, B.D. Berman, (Aurora, CO, USA) 168 Psychogenic Parkinsonism: Does dopamine transporter imaging influence management? C.C. Umeh, Z. Szabo, G.M. Pontone, Z. Mari (Baltimore, MD, USA) 169 Dopaminergic modulation of the resting-state sensori-motor network in drug-naive patients with Parkinson’s disease R. De Micco, A. Tessitore, A. Paccone, A. Giordano, R. Conforti, G. Pignataro, L. Annunziato, F. Esposito, G. Tedeschi (Naples, Italy) 170 Uncertainty influences in obsessive-compulsive disorder D. Guehl, J.Y. Rotge, N. Langbour, B. Dilharreguy, B. Bordessoules, B. Bioulac, C. Martin-Guehl, N. Jaafari, B. Aouzerate, M. Allard, P. Burbaud (Pessac, France) 171 Functional MRI study on network abnormalities of cortical and subcortical gait control in Parkinson’s disease S.A. Yusuf, N. Bajaj, D.P. Auer, S.T. Schwarz (Nottingham, United Kingdom) 172 Therapy mediated speech motor processing investigated by MRI, fMRI and spectrogram S. Gudwani, M. Behari, M. Saxena, S.S. Kumaran (New Delhi, India) 173 Initial human PET studies with [18F]PR04.MZ for quantification of striatal and extrastriatal dopamine transporters V. Kramer, C. Juri, P. Chana, R. Pruzzo, M. Piel, A. Amaral, M. Ávila, F. Rösch, H. Amaral (Santiago, Chile) 174 Neural correlates of levodopa-responsive vs. levodopa-resistant freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease: A PET study A. Maillet, S. Thobois, V. Fraix, P. Derost, B.R. Bloem, P. Krack, S. Chabardès, P. Pollak, B. Debû (Grenoble, France) 175 White matter hyperintensities in Parkinson’s disease: Do they explain the disparity between the postural instability gait difficulty and tremor dominant subtypes? T. Herman, K. Rosenberg-Katz, Y. Jacob, E. Auriel, T. Gurevich, N. Giladi, J.M. Hausdorff (Tel Aviv, Israel) 176 Disentangling the neurophysiological bases of balance and gait in humans M.U. Ferraye, B.R. Bloem, L. Heil, B. Debû, I. Toni (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 177 Effect of long-term treatment with pramipexole or levodopa on [123I]FP-CIT SPECT in a bi-nigral 6-OHDA mouse model C. Depboylu, L. Maurer, A. Matusch, V. Ries, M. Behe, W.H. Oertel, G.U. Höglinger (Marburg, Germany) 178 Midbrain atrophy is not a biomarker of progressive supranuclear palsy pathology J.L. Whitwell, J.E. Parisi, J.L. Gunter, S.D. Weigand, B.F. Boeve, J.E. Ahlskog, R.C. Petersen, D.W. Dickson, K.A. Josephs (Rochester, MN, USA) 179 Pattern of regional cortical thickness reduction and its relation to cognitive profile in nondemented Parkinson’s disease patients M. Brys, M. Inglese, S. Varanese, R. Theodorescu, L. Glodzik, F. Ghilardi, A. DiRocco (New York, NY, USA) 180 Machine learning performs differential individual diagnosis of PD and PSP by brain MRI studies I. Castiglioni, A. Cerasa, C. Salvatore, F. Gallivanone, A. Augimeri, M. Lopez, M.C. Gilardi, A. Quattrone (Segrate, Italy) 155 123-I ioflupane SPECT measures of Parkinson’s disease progression in the Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI) trial J.P. Seibyl, D. Jennings, I.D. Grachev, C. Coffey, K.L. Marek (New Haven, USA) 156 White matter atrophy in Parkinson patients with freezing of gait: A diffusion kurtosis imaging study S. Vercruysse, I. Leunissen, N. Wenderoth, W. Vandenberghe, S.P. Swinnen, A. Nieuwboer (Leuven, Belgium) 157 Differentiation of tremor disorders with fMRI: A novel quantitative approach S. Sharifi, W. Mugge, F. Luft, A.C. Schouten, T.H. Heida, L.J. Bour, A.F. van Rootselaar (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 158 Identifying tremor associated brain regions in essential tremor – An EMG-fMRI study A.W.G. Buijink, M. Broersma, A.M.M. van der Stouwe, N.M. Maurits, A.F. van Rootselaar (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 159 Detection of intracellular iron using hyperspectral fluorescence imaging in a model of Parkinson’s disease J.M. Kim, E.S. Oh, C.J. Heo, Y.H. Lee (Seongnam, Korea) 160 Essential tremor has alterations in regional glucose metabolism and GABAergic system E.S. Oh, J.M. Kim, H.W. Kwon, Y.K. Kim, B.S. Moon, B.C. Lee, S.E. Kim (Seongnam, Korea) 161 Examining expression of phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) in Huntington’s disease using 18F-MNI-659 PET D. Jennings, S. Papapetropoulos, W.N. Rikki, O. Barret, J.H. Friedman, D. Russell, G. Tamagnan, D. Alagille, J. Seibyl, K. Marek (New Haven, CT, USA) 162 White matter lesions and depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease I.N. Petrovic, E. Stefanova, D. Kozic, R. Semnic, V. Markovic, N. Dragasevic, V.S. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) 163 Dopamine transporter (DaT) scan utilization in a movement disorder center: The Cleveland Clinic experience in the first 17 months S. Oravivattanakul, L. Benchaya, S. Cooper, A. Ahmed, I. Itin, M. Gostkowski, J. Rudolph, H.H. Fernandez (Cleveland, OH, USA) 164 Striatal dopamine depletion and cortical dopamine receptor changes in Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment L.M. Christopher, C. Marras, S. Duff-Canning, R. Chen, I. Boileau, Y. Koshimori, A.E. Lang, S. Houle, A.P. Strafella (Toronto, ON, Canada) 165 Therapeutic occupancy of the D2/3-preferring dopamine receptor agonist pramipexol in brains of patients with Parkinson’s disease ([18F]-fallypride PET study) A. Deutschländer, K. Bötzel, C. La Fougere, G. Xiong, G. Gründer, P. Cumming (Munich, Germany) Abstracts by Topic 152 83 Abstracts by Topic 181 TBSS-based study of white matter asymmetry in cervical dystonia with botulinum toxin therapy J.T. Boyd, R. Watts, C.G. Filippi (New York, NY, USA) 182 The effect of rasagiline on tissue injury in Parkinson’s disease O. Khan, S. Krstevska, E. George, V. Gorden, F. Bao, M. Shah, K. Thakore, C. Caon, C. Santiago, N. Shneyder (Detroit, MI, USA) 196 Subthalamic deep brain stimulation can improve gastric emptying in Parkinson’s disease T. Uchiyama, E. Arai, M. Arai, Y. Higuchi, T. Yamamoto, Y. Yamanaka, K. Aoyagi, O. Nagano, A. Shina, C. Yamaguchi, M. Fuse, T. Yamanishi, K. Hirata, O. Yokosuka, N. Saeki, S. Kuwabara (Tochigi, Japan) 197 Orthostatic autonomic dysfuction in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, multiple system atrophy and progressive supranuclear palsy V. Miletic, M. Relja (Zagreb, Croatia) Parkinson’s disease: Dysautonomia 183 184 The reliability of screening methods for dysphagia in patients with Parkinson’s disease T. Yamamoto, C. Oda, M. Satoh, K. Nakayama, M. Murata (Tokyo, Japan) 185 Cardiac sympathetic nerve and its positive inotropic activity may play an important role in the prevention of orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson’s disease T. Nakamura, M. Hirayama, H. Watanabe, G. Sobue (Nagoya City, Japan) Neuronal oscillation patterns in the subthalamic nucleus and the ventrolateral thalamus in patients with Parkinson’s disease P. Zhuang, M. Hallett, L. He, S. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Li (Beijing, China) 199 RR interval variation and the sympathetic skin response in the assessment of autonomic function in patients with Parkinson’s disease H. Ulvi, L. Özel, R. Demir, G. Özdemir, R. Aygül (Erzurum, Turkey) 200 Neurophysiologic study of pain in Parkinson’s disease: A study with pain-related evoked potentials M. Takeda, F. Okada, H. Tachibana, K. Kajiyama, H. Yoshikawa (Nishinomiya, Japan) Cardiovascular autonomic failure in Parkinson’s disease with dementia A. Fanciulli, J.P. Ndayisaba, S. Duerr, R. Granata, W. Poewe, G.K. Wenning (Innsbruck, Austria) 201 187 Failure to manage constipation in Parkinson’s disease. A review of medical services a patients perspective J. Lawrence, T. Parmenter, T. McDonald (Sydney, Australia) Characterization of firing patterns of striatal medium spiny neurons modulated by dopamine influx in parkinsonian monkeys A. Singh, L.F. Potts, S.M. Papa (Atlanta, GA, USA) 202 Restoration of normal striatal dopamine responses with NMDA receptor antagonists in dyskinetic monkeys A. Singh, L.F. Potts, K.J. Burke, S.M. Papa (Atlanta, GA, USA) 203 Dorsolateral subthalamic neuronal activities enhanced by median nerve stimulation facilitate Parkinson’s disease during deep brain stimulation in general anaesthesia S.T. Tsai, W.Y. Chuang, C.C. Kuo, S.Y. Chen (Hualien, Taiwan) 204 Usefulness of microrecording in subthalamic deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease T. Mandat, M. Tutaj, H. Koziara, P. Nauman, W. Bonicki, R. Rola (Warszawa, Poland) 189 Pyridostigmine for treatment of orthostatic hypotension and nocturnal hypertension in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD): Ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure monitoring N. Kawashima, E. Horiuchi, T. Yokoyama, K. Hasegawa (Fujisawa, Japan) Preserved postganglionic sudomotor sympathetic nervous function in Parkinson’s disease: A comparison to cardiac sympathetic nervous function T. Yamamoto, A. Miyake, T. Kimura, Y. Nakazato, N. Tamura, N. Araki (Moroyama-machi, Japan) 190 Peripheral neuropathy and autonomic dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism F.d.A.A. Gondim, Í.S. Oliveira, D.F. Araújo, G.R. Oliveira, L.C. Alves, A.P. Melo, G.H. Nogueira, E.N. Andrade, W.H. Goes (Fortaleza, Brazil) 205 The subthalamic activity and striatal monoamine is modulated by subthalamic stimulation T. Yamamoto, T. Uchiyama, R. Sakakibara, J. Taniguchi, S. Kuwabara (Chiba, Japan) 191 Identification of the subgroups of nonmotor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease using cluster analysis H.J. Yang, Y.E. Kim, J.Y. Yun, G. Eom, H. Park, H.J. Kim, B.S. Jeon (Seoul, Korea) 206 192 Orthostatic hypotension: Non-motor symptom or something else? E. Palazon-Garcia, E. Fernadez-Diaz, A.B. Perona, S. GarciaMuñozguren (Albacete, Spain) Diagnostic accuracy of morphological and functional retinal impairment in Parkinson’s disease E. Cubo, M.J. López-Peña, O. Pérez-Gil, E. Diez-Feijoo, P. GarciaGutierrez, N. Pérez-Mariscal, E. Araus-González, D. Armesto (Burgos, Spain) 207 Efficacy of midodrine in orthostatic hypotension related to extrapyramidal disorders. A retrospective audit N.A. Mughal, B.I. Vieira (Nedlands, Australia) The relationship of STN neuronal discharge to symptom type and severity in Parkinson’s disease J.A. Wilden, E.S. Ryapolova-Webb, N.B. Galifianakis, J.L. Ostrem, P.A. Starr (San Francisco, CA, USA) 208 Pathophysiology underlying drooling in Parkinson’s disease: Bradykinesia of swallowing M. Karakoc, G. Yalcin Cakmakli, N. Oztekin, F. Ak (Ankara, Turkey) Modulation of subthalamic discharges remedies locomotor deficits in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease C.H. Tai, Y.C. Yang, M.K. Pan, C.C. Kuo (Taipei, Taiwan) 209 Cerebellar cTBS induced-effects on STDT in Parkinson’s disease A. Conte, F. Di Biasio, M. Bologna, E. Iezzi, G. Fabbrini, P. Li Voti, L. Rocchi, N. Modugno, A. Berardelli (Rome, Italy) 193 Abstracts by Topic Parkinson’s disease: Electrophysiology 198 186 188 84 High prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in Parkinson’s disease: A questionnaire-based study T. Maeda, K. Nagata, Y. Satoh, T. Yamazaki, D. Takano (Akita, Japan) 194 195 A cross-sectional survey on gastrointestinal dysfunctions in parkinsonism T.J. Kim, J.Y. Lee, D.H. Kim, C. Shin, J.M. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 210 Withdrawn by Author 211 Transplantation of dopamine neurons in hemiparkinsonian rats: Neuronal firing activity and gene expression changes in the subthalamic nucleus M. Alam, R. Rumpel, A. Klein, M. Oezer, M. Wassermann, J.K. Krauss, K. Schwabe, A. Ratzke, C. Grothe (Hannover, Germany) 212 Electrophysiological characteristics of motor cortex pyramidal neurons in a rat model of levodopa-induced dyskinesia M. Tomiyama, T. Ueno, J. Yamada, H. Nishijima, Y. Funamizu, M. Baba, S. Ueno (Aomori, Japan) 213 Identifying EEG markers associated with anxiety in Parkinson’s disease: Late positive potential N.N. Dissanayaka, T. Au, A. Angwin, D. Copland, J. O’Sullivan, G.J. Byrne, R. Marsh, G. Mellick, P.A. Silburn (Brisbane, Australia) 214 Oscillatory neuronal activity in the globus pallidus internus in parkinsonian patients and dystonia patients B. Cui, P. Zhuang, M. Hallett, Y. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Li (Beijing, China) 215 Cervical and ocular vestibular myogenic potentials in early Parkinson’s disease M. Pötter-Nerger, S. Govender, G. Deuschl, J. Volkmann, J. Colebatch (Kiel, Germany) 216 Auditory startle reaction in Parkinson’s disease patients with and without freezing of gait A. Gunduz, M.E. Kiziltan, G. Kiziltan, A. Tekeoglu, A. Sifoglu, B. Metin (Istanbul, Turkey) 217 Intrinsic rhythm of the primary motor cortex in Parkinson’s disease R. Hanajima, Y. Shirota, S. Ohminami, R. Tsutsumi, T. Shimizu, N. Tanaka, Y. Terao, S. Tsuji, Y. Ugawa (Tokyo, Japan) 218 Postural instability in early Parkinson’s disease: Evidence for early intervention with postural training P. Panyakaew, C. Anan, R. Bhidayasiri (Bangkok, Thailand) 219 Reduced cortical connectivity between dorsal premotor cortex and ipsilateral primary motor cortex in older adults Z. Ni, R. Isayama, G. Castillo, C. Gunraj, R. Chen (Toronto, ON, Canada) 220 The impairment of vagus nerve function leads to elemental changes in dopaminergic structures of rat brains A.T. Krygowska-Wajs, M. Szczerbowska-Boruchowska, A. Ziomber, P.J. Thor, T. Zalecki, M. Bukowczan, A.B. Gorecka (Cracow, Poland) 221 Visual cortex activating studies using magnetoencephalography gram in Parkinson’s disease: Effect of aging and disease specificity S. Goto, Y. Okada, M. Hirayama, J.I. Uemura, M. Hoshiyama (Nagoya, Japan) 225 Differential therapeutical effects on medial and lateral vestibulospinal function in Parkinson’s disease M.M. Reich, M. Poetter-Nerger, J.G. Colebatch, G. Deuschl, J. Volkmann (Wuerzburg, Germany) 226 Parkinson’s disease-non invasive treatment with H-coil: A safe approach with a promising effect F. Spagnolo, M. Fichera, E. Houdayer, R. Chieffo, D. Dalla Libera, L. Straffi, E. Coppi, A. Nuara, L. Ferrari, G. Di Maggio, M. Bianco, S. Velikova, A. Zangen, G. Comi, M.A. Volonté, L. Leocani (Milan, Italy) 227 Difference in the modulation of quadripulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (QPS) effect between L-DOPA and zonisamide N. Tanaka, R. Tsutsumi, S. Matsuda, S. Ohminami, S. TeradaInomata, Y. Shirota, R. Hanajima, Y. Terao, Y. Ugawa (Tokyo, Japan) 228 Web-based databank for data management of patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with deep brain stimulation M. Rosa, E. Rossi, S. Marceglia, G. Giannicola, E. Scelzo, A. Priori (Milano, Italy) 229 Is the human subthalamus the nucleus of risk taking? STN oscillations in parkinsonian patients with and without pathological gambling during economics risk decisions G. Giannicola, A. Franzini, A. Albanese, D. Servello, M. Porta, M. Rosa, M. Fumagalli, E. Scelzo, A. Priori (Milan, Italy) 230 The P3a wave, a reliable marker of progression in early and middle stages of Parkinson’s disease M. Rodriguez-Violante, R. Solis-Vivanco, U. Rodriguez-Ortiz, Y. Rodriguez-Agudelo, J. Ricardo-Garcell (Mexico, Mexico) 231 Withdrawn by Author 232 Cortico-cortical connectivity in Parkinson’s disease and the influence of dopaminergic treatment S. Zittel, C. Heinbokel, J. van der Vegt, E. Niessen, H. Siebner, C. Buhmann, C. Gerloff, T. Bäumer, A. Münchau (Hamburg, Germany) 233 Time course of subthalamic neuronal responses to contralateral subthalamic DBS H. Huang, R.L. Watts, H.C. Walker, E.B. Montgomery, Jr. (Bimingham, AL, USA) 234 Apathy, depression and postural instability in Parkinson’s disease: Related to a common pathophysiology? A. Hassan, S. Vallabhajosula, L.B. Zahodne, D. Bowers, M.S. Okun, H.H. Fernandez, C.J. Hass (Rochester, MN, USA) 235 An electrophysiological study of the human pedunculopontine nucleus during imaginary gait C. Karachi, M.L. Welter, S. Ferandez Vidal, E. Bardinet, D. Grabli, B. Lau (Paris, France) 236 Time-locked changes in single unit activity and local field potentials in the subthalamic nucleus during a grip force task in Parkinson’s patients L.L. Imbach, C.R. Baumann, H. Baumann-Vogel, J. Hermsdörfer, O. Sürücü, J. Sarnthein (Zürich, Switzerland) Somatosensory temporal discrimination in Parkinson’s disease A. Karakus, A.B. Tokcaer (Ankara, Turkey) 223 Subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease restores cortical plasticity K. Udupa, S.J. Kim, C. Gunraj, M. Hodaie, A.M. Lozano, A.E. Lang, R. Chen (Toronto, ON, Canada) 237 Cerebellar stimulation restores motor cortical plasticity in de novo Parkinson’s disease T. Popa, F. Backer, S. Meunier, S. Pradeep, A. Balachandran, A. Kishore (Paris, France) Patterns of cortical basal ganglia synchrony in Parkinson’s disease S. Ahn, S.E. Zauber, R.M. Worth, L. Rubchinsky (Indianapolis, IN, USA) 238 Dopamine does not restore pre-movement excitability of the motor cortex in Parkinson’s disease D. Benninger, M. Kaoumi-Stephan, M. Weber, K. Iseki, M. Hallett (Lausanne, Switzerland) 224 Abstracts by Topic 222 85 Abstracts by Topic 239 Effects of deep brain stimulation at individualized frequencies on the motor signs of Parkinson’s disease B. Neagu, T. Hoque, C. Hamani, M. Hodaie, A.M. Lozano, R. Chen (Toronto, ON, Canada) 240 Dorsal and ventral subthalamic nucleus stimulation improve the motor signs of Parkinson’s disease M. Ushe, M.C. Campbell, T. Hershey, S.D. Tabbal, M. Karimi, J.M. Hartlein, J.S. Perlmutter (St. Louis, MO, USA) 241 242 Differences of silent periods (SPs) for the diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH), and Parkinson’s disease (PD) by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) T. Kawakami, K.I. Fujimoto, I. Nakano (Oyama, Japan) The time course of changes in motor function with prolonged medication withdrawal - Effects of long duration response S.D. Kim, A. Ha, S. Kemp, N. Mahant, C.L. Lim, J. Griffith, F. Chang, S. Vucic, V.S.C. Fung (Sydney, Australia) 254 Assessing the impact of self-reported disease stage and motor and non-motor symptom burden on health-related quality of life in Parkinson’s disease E.P. Merikle, A.M. Gilligan, A.J. Espay, P. Wicks (North Chicago, IL, USA) 255 Wearable technology in freezing management of Parkinson’s disease: Literature review S. Liew Hx (Singapore, Singapore) 256 Incidence, prevalence and clinical pathway of Parkinson’s disease among Pakistani population T. Hussain, A. Amjad, F. Khan (Islamabad, Pakistan) 257 A new physical therapy approach for Parkinson’s disease axial deformities: A pilot study V. Montemurro, M. Valente, R. Scatozza, E. Sinibaldi, G. Meco (Roma, Italy) 258 Development of health related quality of life instrument for Hindi speaking Parkinson’s disease patients (indo-PDQOL) and initial psychometric testing R. Aggarwal, N. Kumar, V. Goyal, R.M. Pandey, G. Shukla, S. Singh, M. Behari (Delhi, India) 259 Integrated community care programme for Parkinson’s disease patients in Singapore S. Karim, W. LI, K.Y. Tay, W.L. Au, L. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 260 Perioperative risk profile in surgery of patients with Parkinson’s disease S.K. Song, C.H. Kang, S.Y. Kang, J.S. Lee, J.H. Kang (Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea) 261 Musculoskeletal problems in Parkinson’s disease: Neglected issues Y.E. Kim, W.W. Lee, H.J. Kim, B.S. Jeon (Seoul, Korea) 262 Does nutritional status affect quality of life in people with Parkinson’s disease? J.M. Sheard, S. Ash, G.D. Mellick, P.A. Silburn, G.K. Kerr (Kelvin Grove, Australia) 263 Association between quality of life and caregiver burden in Mexican patients with Parkinson’s disease A. Camacho-Ordoñez, A. Cervantes-Arriaga, M. Rodríguez-Violante, D. Martínez-Ramírez, H. Morales-Briceño, P. González-Latapi (Mexico City, Mexico) 264 Relationship between non-motor MDS-UPDRS items and quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease M. Skorvanek, Z. Kosutzka, I. Nagyova, R. Ghobrani Saeedian, J. Rosenberger, P. Valkovic, Z. Gdovinova, J.P. van Dijk (Kosice, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)) 265 Apathy in elderly non-demented patients with Parkinson’s disease M. Skorvanek, I. Nagyova, R. Ghorbani Saeedian, J. Rosenberger, M. Krokavcova, J.W. Groothoff, Z. Gdovinova, J.P. van Dijk (Kosice, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)) 266 Advanced practice nurse service in a movement disorders outpatient clinic in Singapore W. Li, K.Y. Tay, W.L. Au, I. Seah, L. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 267 To assess the severity of spectrum of non motor symptoms and quality of life of Parkinson’s disease patients visiting tertiary centre in North India S. Singla, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, A.K. Srivastav, M. Behari (Delhi, India) Parkinson’s disease: Quality of Life/Caregiver Burden 243 Abstracts by Topic 244 86 Rimabotulinumtoxin B for the treatment of sialorrhea in Parkinson’s disease M.V. Alvarez, P.M. Grogan, M. Alvarez (San Antonio, TX, USA) Factors that contribute to postural instability in patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review K. Diab, L.A. Hale, D.L. Waters, M.A. Skinner (Dunedin, New Zealand) 245 Withdrawn by Author 246 Gender differences in anxiety and depression among the caregivers of patients with Parkinson’s disease K.S. Anand, R. Verma, S. Mina (New Delhi, India) 247 Parkinson’s disease: The experience of exercise C.J. O’Brien, C.G. Canning, L. Clemson (Bruce, Australia) 248 Use of visual and auditory cues in the freezing control in Parkinson’s disease P. Marano, M.R. Seminara, M. Marano (Catania, Italy) 249 Gait improvement in 10 patients with Parkinson’s disease by feedback from a new portable auditory device with smartphone applications W.O. Contreras Lopez, J.A. Espinoza Martinez, C.A. Escalante Higuera (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany) 250 Osteoporosis and osteopenia in patients with Parkinson’s disease in Malaysian population: A case control study A.S. Mawardi, R. Abdul Ghafar, N.A. Kamaruddin, T. Hui Jan, W.N.N. Wan Yahya, N. Mohamed Ibrahim (Cheras, Malaysia) 251 Move for change part I – A European survey evaluating the impact of the EPDA charter for people with Parkinson’s disease on their disease management and quality of life K.J. Onarheim, L. Graham, S. Lindvall (London, United Kingdom) 252 Move for change part II – A European survey evaluating the impact of the EPDA charter for people with Parkinson’s disease on their disease management and their quality of life K.J. Onarheim, L. Graham, S. Lindvall (London, United Kingdom) 253 Assessing the impact of self-reported disease severity and symptom burden on falls in members of an online Parkinson’s disease community E.P. Merikle, A.M. Gilligan, A.J. Espay, P. Wicks (North Chicago, IL, USA) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 268 Neurological nurse educator Shoalhaven project - Nursing in the community M.M. Pereira, S.J.G. Lewis, S.L. Naismith, M. Dixon (Nowra, Australia) 284 An exploration of relationships among emotional decoding ability, motor symptoms and non-motor features in non-demented Parkinson’s disease R.L. Yu, R.M. Wu (Taipei, Taiwan) 269 Argentine tango as a rehabilitation therapy for Parkinson’s disease patients S.A. Rodríguez-Quiroga, T. Arakaki, S. Vanotti, E.V. Cores, Á. Merino, D. Rabinovich, J. Toibaro, N.S. Garretto (Caba, Argentina) 285 Promoting Parkinson’s specific physiotherapy practice: Association of Physiotherapists in Parkinson’s Disease Europe (APPDE) M. Graziano (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg) 270 Sleep disturbances in Parkinson’s disease and quality of life S. Telarovic, I. Telarovic (Zagreb, Croatia) 286 271 Continuous subcutaneous infusion of apomorphine in Parkinson’s disease: Retrospective analysis of a series of 81 patients M. Rambour, C. Moreau, D. Devos, A. Kreisler, E. Mutez, C. Simonin, A. Annic, A. Destée, L. Defebvre (Lille, France) Somatic pathology as factor of reducing of the quality of life in Parkinsonian patients I.V. Verulashvili, M.S. Kavlashvili (Tbilisi, Georgia) 287 The development and implementation of performance measures based on the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Parkinson’s disease (PD) guidelines to assess provider implementation and adherence of evidenced based recommendations according to the Joint Commission (TJC) disease specific certification (DSC) protocol T.K. Mash, B.S. Dillard, D.E. Englert, M.F. Price, S.S. Iyer (Charlotte, NC, USA) 288 Evaluation of a rhythmic exercise program for patients with Parkinson’s disease A. Myskja (Oslo, Norway) 289 Clinical outcomes in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with an MAO-B inhibitor K. Dashtipour, I. White, M. Ghamsary, J. Chen (Loma Linda, CA, USA) 290 Impact of weight loss on quality of life in Parkinson’s disease U. Akbar, Y. He, S. Wu, I. Malaty, A. Eilers, J. Zamudio, P. Schmidt, M.S. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA) 291 Fatigue in Parkinson’s disease – Prevalence and clinical determinants O. Oguh, E. Ziehm, M. Kwasny, T. Simuni, C. Zadikoff, A. Videnovic (Jacksonville, FL, USA) 292 Functional and clinical measures correlating with driving ability in individuals with Parkinson’s disease L.W. Elmer, L. Thompson, M. Masterson (Toledo, OH, USA) 272 Health related quality of life in Parkinson’s disease Y. Osaki, Y. Morita (Nankoku, Japan) 273 What measures of disability predict caregiver strain in Parkinson’s disease M. Kwasny, O. Oguh, E. Ziehm, T. Simuni (Jacksonville, IL, USA) 274 Impact of exercise on quality of life in Parkinson’s disease O. Oguh, M. Kwasny, E. Ziehm, T. Simuni (Jacksonville, FL, USA) 275 Approach to treatment of depression in Parkinson’s disease: Results from NPF-QII P. Schmidt, M. Guttman, L. Marsh, J. Nutt, T. Simuni, E. Nelson, J. Zamudio, M. Okun, QII Investigators (Miami, FL, USA) 276 Clinical and medical care change at 6 months of L-Dopa induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease patients in France – Results of the LIDIA study (Levodopa Induced Dyskinesia Impact evAluation) C. Brefel-Courbon, F. Durif, P. Krystkowiak, F. Ory-Magne, F. Tison, F. Viallet, L.E. Willemin, I. Bourdeix, K. Rerat (Rueil-Malmaison, France) 277 Comparison of patient and caregiver assessments of patient disability in Parkinson’s disease G. Choi, R.H. Jacqueline, D.R. Abigail, T.L. Baochan, L.M. Tiffany, G.G. Rachel, W. Daniel, X.X. Sharon, S.A. Judy, K. Jason, S.S. Andrew (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 278 A snapshot of care delivery and access for Parkinson’s disease: Burden and impact on health and lifestyle K.A. Kovacs Burns, P.M. Jensen (Edmonton, AB, Canada) 279 The relationship between vitamin D concentrations and mood in Parkinson’s disease A. Peterson, B. Lobb, J. Mack, J. Quinn (Portland, OR, USA) 280 Tai Chi training to reduce falls in patients with Parkinson’s disease - A cost-effectiveness analysis F. Li, P. Harmer (Eugene, USA) 281 Impact of change in caregiver on longitudinal outcomes in individuals with PD in NPF-QII J. Zamudio, P. Schmidt, J. Nutt, T. Simuni, M. Guttman, E. Nelson, M. Okun, QII Investigators (Miami, FL, USA) The impact of non-motor symptoms on quality of life in PD and dopamine dysregulation syndrome G. Yalcin Cakmakli, A. Gulunay, S. Bilen, N. Oztekin, F. Ak (Ankara, Turkey) 283 Efficacy and tolerability of rasagiline in daily clinical use – A post marketing observational study in patients with Parkinson’s disease focusing on nonmotor symptoms and QoL data H. Reichmann, R. Apfel, S. Schroeder (Dresden, Germany) Non-motor assessments at baseline of the Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative J. Liu, L.N. Wang (Beijing, China) 294 Prevalence of gastroparesis symptoms in patients with early Parkinson’s disease S.L. Marrinan, A.V. Emmanuel, D.G. Grosset, D.J. Burn (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) 295 Test-retest reliability of a Parkinson’s disease monitoring system D.A. Heldman, A.J. Espay, P.A. LeWitt, J.P. Giuffrida (Cleveland, OH, USA) 296 Criterion validity and reliability of Beck depression inventory and 30-item geriatric depression scale in Parkinson’s disease J. Zhang, P. Chan (Beijing, China) 297 A quick and sensitive screening tool for micrographia in Parkinson’s disease E. Nackaerts, G. Vervoort, E. Heremans, W. Vandenberghe, B. SmitsEngelsman, A. Nieuwboer (Leuven, Belgium) 298 The relationship between depression and voice disorder in patients with Parkinson’s disease M.K. Sunwoo, J.Y. Hong, J.E. Lee, J.H. Ham, P.H. Lee, Y.H. Sohn (Seoul, Korea) Abstracts by Topic 282 Parkinson’s disease: Rating Scales 293 87 Abstracts by Topic 299 Non motor symptoms in PD patients with SWEDDs W. Jang, J.Y. Ahn, H.T. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 300 301 Abstracts by Topic 302 88 314 Differential effects of age and gender on timed up and go (TUG) and 10-metre walking test (10MWT) in an Asian population B. David Prakash, S. Liew, C. Chung, L.C.S. Tan, W.L. Au (Singapore, Singapore) No PD dyskinesia scale protects against placebo responses: A comparison of seven scales C.G. Goetz, G.T. Stebbins, K.A. Chung, R.A. Hauser, J.M. Miyasaki, A.P. Nicholas, W. Poewe, K. Seppi, O. Rascol, M.A. Stacy, J.G. Nutt, C.M. Tanner, A. Urkowitz, J.A. Jaglin, S. Ge (Chicago, IL, USA) 315 Validation of the questionnaire for impulsive-compulsive disorders (QUIP)-Japanese version in Parkinson’s disease Y. Furusawa, Y. Shimizu, Y. Kawabata, K. Kobayashi, T. Noda, T. Yamamoto, M. Murata (Kodaira, Japan) Gender-related differences of non-motor symptoms of patients with Parkinson’s disease- A study from Southwest China X. Guo, W. Song, K. Chen, X. Chen, Z.Z. Zheng, B. Cao, R. Huang, B. Zhao, Y. Wu, H.F. Shang (Chengdu, China) 316 A computer vision framework for finger-tapping evaluation in Parkinson’s disease T. Khan, D. Nyholm, J. Westin, M. Dougherty (Falun, Sweden) Quantification of speed, amplitude and fatigue in PD L. Verhagen, L. van Imhoff, S. van den Munckhof, S. Gardon, B. Ouyang (Chicago, IL, USA) 317 Withdrawn by Author 318 Correlating Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms with 3-dimensional [18F]FP-CIT PET Y.S. Park, M.Y. Chung, H.Y. Yoo, H.S. Kim, W.C. Kim, S.J. Jang (Seongnam, Korea) 303 A web-based system for visualizing upper limb motor performance of Parkinson’s disease patients M. Memedi, U. Bergqvist, J. Westin, D. Nyholm (Borlänge, Sweden) 304 Predictors of changes in balance over 6 and 12 months in Parkinson’s disease: An exploratory analysis R.P. Duncan, A.L. Leddy, J.T. Cavanaugh, L.E. Dibble, T.D. Ellis, M.P. Ford, K.B. Foreman, G.M. Earhart (Saint Louis, MO, USA) 319 305 Validation of Hindi version of NMSS in Indian population S. Singla, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, A.K. Srivastav, M. Behari (Delhi, India) Self-report benefits of Tai Chi training by patients with Parkinson’s disease P. Harmer, F. Li (Salem, OR, USA) 320 306 Clinical evaluation of fatigue in Japanese patients with Parkinson’s disease K. Tanaka, K. Wada, S. Nakashita, M. Yamamoto, K. Nakashima (Yonago, Japan) The instrumented timed up and go test: Potential for assessing alteration in Parkinson’s disease clinical subtypes T. Herman, A. Weiss, N. Giladi, J.M. Hausdorff (Tel Aviv, Israel) 321 BradykAn: A new reliable tool for measuring bradykinesia E. Ruzicka, R. Krupicka, K. Zarubova, Z. Szabo, R. Jech (Prague, Czech Republic) 322 Video-motion detection for objectively quantifying movements in patients with Parkinson’s disease J. Wu, C. Lai, R. Gupta, A. Abosch, D. Nelson (Minneapolis, MN, USA) 323 MDS-UPDRS dopamine dysregulation syndrome scores correlate with Iowa gambling test performance H. Gurvit, N. Pulur, A. Demirtas Tatlidede, E. Yildirim, b. Bilgic, R. Cakmur, H. Hanagasi (Istanbul, Turkey) 307 Prospective measurement of balance decline in people with Parkinson’s disease: An exploratory analysis R.P. Duncan, A.L. Leddy, J.T. Cavanaugh, L.E. Dibble, T.D. Ellis, M.P. Ford, K.B. Foreman, G.M. Earhart (Saint Louis, MO, USA) 308 Psychometric properties of the brief Penn daily activities questionnaire (PDAQ) for Parkinson’s disease D. Weintraub, J.A. Shea, J.D. Rubright, J. Karlawish, J. Rick, R. Goldmann Gross, H. Hurtig, J.E. Duda, S.X. Xie, A. Siderowf (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 309 Bradykinesia-akinesia incoordination test: Validating an online keyboard test of upper limb function A. Nagy, S. Acharya, S. Hadavi, J.P. Bestwick, J. Fearnley, A.J. Lees, G. Giovannoni, A.J. Noyce (London, United Kingdom) 310 The utilization of a one-leg balance task for assessing balance and disease bilaterality in people with Parkinson’s disease B. Hu, T. Clark, S. Cihal (Calgary, AB, Canada) 311 The validity and repeatability of kinematic motor testing according to the ‘posturo-locomotion-manual test’ E. Nordh, A. Birkegaard, A. Lundin, M. Karlsson, H. Zafar (Umea, Sweden) 312 Non motor manifestations in a cohort of patients with Parkinson’s disease from a developing country in Asia P.N. Weeratunga, N. Perera, M. Caldera, K. Gooneratne, R. Gamage (Colombo, Sri Lanka) 313 A new, quantitative scale for evaluating L-dopa-induced dyskinesia in non-human primates L.F. Potts, S. Uthayathas, A. Greven, B. Dyavar Shetty, J.S. Whithear, M.M. Mouradian, S.M. Papa (Atlanta, GA, USA) Rating Scales 324 3D sensors, the new paradigm for assessing movement disorders M. Álvarez, J. Bosch, A. Martínez, F. Macías, P. Valdéz (Habana, Cuba) 325 Fatigue in Parkinson’s disease: Prevalence and associated factors C.M. Trase Kwok, K.F. Hui, K.Y. Wong (Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 326 Comparison of different symptom assessment scales for multiple system atrophy M. Matsushima, I. Yabe, K. Sakushima, K. Oba, Y. Mito, A. Takei, H. Houzen, K. Tsuzaka, K. Yoshida, Y. Maruo, H. Sasaki (Sapporo, Japan) 327 Differential effects of age and gender on hand motion tasks in an Asian population B. David Prakash, I.S.H. Seah, L.C.S. Tan, W.L. Au (Singapore, Singapore) 328 Semi-automatic scoring method for torticollis by using kinect T. Nakamura, M. Sato, H. Kajimoto (Chofu, Japan) 329 Are falls and balance confidence related to driving restrictions in older adults with Parkinson’s disease? A.M. Crizzle, A.M. Myers, Q.J. Almeida, E. Roy (Hamilton, ON, Canada) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 330 The adult form of Niemann-Pick type C with the biochemical variant mutation on treatment with miglustat S. Jesús, M.T. Cáceres-Redondo, F. Carrillo, J. Bautista, I. Cordones, M. Escudero, M.J. Coll, P. Mir (Seville, Spain) Parkinson’s disease: Behavioral Disorders 331 Beneficial effect of dual calcium channel blockers against MPTP induced Parkinson’s disease in rats P. Kumar, A. Mehta, M. Prabhakar, R. Deshmukh, P.L. Sharma (Moga, India) 332 Cognitive and psychological interventions for depression in Parkinson’s disease: Chinese experiences J. Liu, L.N. Wang (Beijing, China) 333 Acoustic analysis of voice in Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis A.K. Silbergleit, P.A. LeWitt, G. Gardner, E. Peterson (West Bloomfield, USA) 334 Intestinal obstruction in patients with Parkinson’s disease T. Mishima, T. Obata, M.A. Higuchi, J. Tsugawa, S. Ouma, N. Noda, H. Shiwaku, N. Matsuoka, S. Nimura, Y. Tsuboi (Fukuoka, Japan) 335 Clinical correlates of anhedonia in patients with Parkinson’s disease H. Tachibana, T. Yamanishi, K. Matsui, M. Oguru, S. Matsutani, K. Matsubara, M. Hashimoto, T. Oku, K. Kawabata, K. Toda, B. Okuda, N. Oka (Nishinomiya, Japan) 336 Risk of impulse control disorders in patients with lateralized Parkinson’s disease S. Ozkan, C. Susuz, O. Ozdemir, O. Demet (Eskisehir, Turkey) 337 JM-010, a new promising safe treatment paradigm for L-DOPA induced dyskinesia M.S. Thomsen, J.B. Hansen (Jyderup, Denmark) 338 A novel α-synuclein-GFP mouse model displays progressive motor impairment, olfactory dysfunction and accumulation of α -synuclein-GFP C. Hansen, T. Björklund, G.H. Petit, M. Lundblad, R.P. Murmu, P. Brundin, J.Y. Li (Lund, Sweden) 339 Rhythm-related gait measures rather than gait variability measures as indicators of early gait disorder in Parkinson’s disease (PD) G. Vervoort, E. Nackaerts, A. Bengevoord, W. Vandenberghe, A. Nieuwboer (Heverlee, Belgium) 340 Depersonalization-derealization associated with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: A case report A. Chopra, J. Daniels, B. Klassen (Rochester, USA) 341 Postural instability and history of falls in Parkinson’s disease: Correlation with the pull test score M. Farah, R. Puppi Munhoz, H.A.F. Teive, G. Boschetti (Curitiba, Brazil) Automatic grouping of acceptable or unacceptable vocalizations in people with Parkinson’s disease A. Tsanas, M.A. Little, C.M. Fox, L.O. Ramig (Denver, CO, USA) 343 Improved communication with a modified pacing board E. MacDonald, R. Emmanuel (Fremantle, Australia) 344 An unusual case of impulse control disorder (ICD) in a Parkinson’s disease (PD) patient following autologous hemopoietic stem cell transplant N. Meenakshi, A. Pathak, M. Tripathi, V. Somani, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, A. Srivastava, D. Vibha, M. Behari (Delhi, India) I finally see what you see: A window into Parkinson’s disease hallucinations G.T. Stebbins, C.G. Goetz, J.G. Goldman, C.L. Vaughan (Chicago, IL, USA) 346 Impulse control disorder, dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome and punding in parkin mutation positive Parkinson’s: Report of the first case A. Todorova, K. Ray Chaudhuri (London, United Kingdom) 347 Prevalence of impulse control disorders in Danish patients with Parkinson’s disease M. Callesen, D. Weintraub, M. Damholdt, A. Møller (Aarhus, Denmark) 348 PsycH-Q PD: Psychosis and hallucinations questionnaire in Parkinson’s disease J.M. Shine, J. Qiu, C. O’Callaghan, G.M. Halliday, S.L. Naismith, S.J.G. Lewis (Sydney, Australia) 349 Neuropsychiatric disorders in Parkinson’s disease: A study from Eastern India A. Dutt, H. Kumar, C. Sengupta, M. Mukherjee, P. Paul (Kolkata, India) 350 Low frequency of impulse control disorder in Mexican patients with Parkinson’s disease P. González-Latapi, M. Rodrìguez-Violante, A. Cervantes-Arriaga, D. Martínez-Ramírez, H. Morales-Briceño, A. Camacho-Ordoñez (Mexico City, Mexico) 351 Impulsive control disorders in Parkinson’s disease A. Nikitina, N. Fedorova (Moscow, Russia) 352 Long-term prognosis of swallowing difficulty observed in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders H. Furuya, A. Watanabe, H. Arahata, N. Sasagasako, M. Sakai, G. Umemoto, T. Kikuta, N. Fujii (Omuta, Japan) 353 Depression in Parkinson’s disease in Slovak population P. Turcáni, J. Benetin, F. Cibulcík (Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)) 354 Gray matter neuroimaging signatures of Parkinson’s disease hallucinations J.G. Goldman, V. Dinh, G.T. Stebbins, B. Bernard, L. deToledoMorrell, C.G. Goetz (Chicago, IL, USA) 355 Decisions under risk in Parkinson’s disease: Evaluating probability and magnitude for gain and loss M.E. Sharp, J. Viswanathan, M.J. McKeown, S. Appel-Cresswell, A.J. Stoessl, J.J.S. Barton (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 356 Rasagiline and apathy in patients with Parkinson’s disease D. Martinez-Ramirez, M. Rodriguez-Violante, A. Cervantes-Arriaga, H. Morales-Briceño, A. Camacho-Ordoñez, P. González-Latapi (Mexico City, Mexico) 357 Dopamine agonists rather than deep brain stimulation cause reflection impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease A. Djamshidian, S.S. O’Sullivan, T. Foltynie, I. Aviles-Olmos, P. Limousin, A. Noyce, L. Zrinzo, A.J. Lees, B.B. Averbeck (London, United Kingdom) 358 Whole body kinematic and muscle activity underlying quadrupedal locomotion of normal and parkinsonian non-human primates E. Bezard, Y. Lang, I. Vollenweider, C. Gross, T. Boraud, Q. Li, G. Courtine (Bordeaux, France) Abstracts by Topic 342 345 89 Abstracts by Topic 359 Modulation of attentional network coherence during manipulation of cognitive load in patients with Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait J.M. Shine, E. Matar, M. Gilat, S.J. Bolitho, P.B. Ward, S.L. Naismith, S.J.G. Lewis (Sydney, Australia) 360 Sedentary behavior increases over 18 months in early Parkinson’s disease S. Lord, A. Godfrey, B. Galna, D. Mhiripiri, D. Burn, L. Rochester (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) 361 362 Gait dysfunction, impaired postural control and falls in incident Parkinson’s disease S. Lord, B. Galna, D. Burn, L. Rochester (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) 363 Perception of distance in PD freezers and non-freezers: A relationship to a mismatch between imagined and executed movement K.A. Ehgoetz Martens, C.G. Ellard, Q.J. Almeida (Waterloo, ON, Canada) 364 Clinical and epidemiological features of the impulsivecompulsive behaviors of patients with Parkinson’s disease in the Tomsk region I.A. Zhukova, M.A. Nikitina, O.P. Izhboldina, N.G. Zhukova, V.M. Alifirova (Tomsk, Russia) 365 Dopaminergic neural changes and impulse control related behavior disorder in Parkinson’s disease J.Y. Lee, S.H. Seo, Y.K. Kim, J.S. Lee, B.S. Jeon (Seoul, Korea) 366 Assessment of impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s patients with infusion therapies: A single center experience A. Todorova, A. Martin, D. Okai, M. Samuel, R. Brown, A. David, K. Ray Chaudhuri (London, United Kingdom) Abstracts by Topic 367 90 Gait is associated with decline in attention at 18 months in an incident cohort of Parkinson’s disease S. Lord, B. Galna, A. Yarnall, G. Duncan, T. Khoo, D. Burn, L. Rochester (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) Prevalence of depression and anxiety in Parkinson’s disease patients who underwent subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) S. Miri, S.V. Shariat, M. Rohani, G.A. Shahidi, M. Bahadori, A. Sabet (Tehran, Iran) 368 Attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) C.V. Stefani, D.J. Bauso, N. Cámpora, J.P. Tartari, E. Cristiano, A. Golimstok (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 369 A prospective observational study of dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome in Parkinson’s clinic: The EuroDaws study A. Todorova, M. Parry, A. Martin, P. Odin, P. Martinez-Martin, A. Antonini, A. Rizos, W. Jost, R. Koch, G. Ebersbach, L. Gallagher, G. Macphee, H. Reichmann, A. Storch, C. Schneider, M. Wolz, K. Ray Chaudhuri (London, United Kingdom) 370 Pain, anxiety and depression correlates in community dwelling Filipino Parkinson’s disease patients E.X.S. Lavides, M.J. Tanglao, R.L. Rosales (Quezon City, Philippines) 371 Depression structure and Raphe echogenicity on transcranial parenchymal sonography in patients with Parkinson’s disease I. Stankovic, E. Stefanova, M. Mijajlovic, A. Pavlovic, V.S. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) 372 Dopamine dysregulation syndrome in Parkinson’s disease patients on duodenal levodopa infusion P. Solla, A. Cannas, C.S. Mulas, S. Argiolas, G. Orofino, M. Corona, M.G. Marrosu, F. Marrosu (Monserrato (CA), Italy) 373 Neuropsychiatric morbidity in Parkinson’s disease K. Kracunova, J. Martinkova, D. Marcisinova, J. Benetin (Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)) 374 The frequency of impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients S. Ozsahin, K. Uluc, D. Gunal (Istanbul, Turkey) 375 Psychiatric comorbidities among hospitalized Parkinson’s disease patients M. Minen, N. Mejia (Boston, MA, USA) 376 Investigation of decision making and impulse control disorder in Parkinson’s disease E. Yildirim, S. Altinayar, R. Cakmur (Izmir, Turkey) 377 Increased tremor contributes to postural instability and prospective falls in people with Parkinson’s disease G.K. Kerr, S. Morrison, K. Newell, P. Silburn (Brisbane, Australia) 378 The impact of intensive physical therapy (LSVT BIG) in young onset, de novo Parkinson’s disease: A case study T. Hefferon, C.M. Fox, L.O. Ramig, H. Mishko (Denver, CO, USA) 379 A controlled study of risk factors and characteristics of addictionlike behaviors in Thai Parkinson’s disease patients: Analysis of 120 cases J. Sringean, P. Panyakaew, N. Limotai, R. Bhidayasiri (Bangkok, Thailand) 380 The effects of the Lee Silverman voice treatment (LSVT) on observers’ perceptions of individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) A.I. Dumer, E.P. Meltzer, E.M. Murray, R. Stafford, L.A. Rabin, H. Oster, J.L. Spielman, L.O. Ramig, J.C. Borod (Boulder, CO, USA) 381 Exploring non motor fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease: A study using profile of mood states scale C. Siri, N. Meucci, A. Colombo, E. Reali, B. Pozzi, G. Sacilotto, M. Zini, R. Cilia, G. Pezzoli (Milan, Italy) 382 Long-term cognitive follow-up of impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease: A prospective longitudinal controlled study C. Siri, A. Colombo, B. Pozzi, E. Reali, N. Meucci, M. Canesi, A.L. Zecchinelli, C.B. Mariani, G. Sacilotto, M. Zini, C. Ruffmann, G. Pezzoli, R. Cilia (Milan, Italy) Parkinson’s disease: Clinical Trials 383 The development of levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease is dependent on age-of-onset of the disease, and cannot be predicted by serotonin or dopamine transporter availability S.R. Suwijn, H.W. Berendse, C.V.M. Verschuur, A. Winogrodzka, R.M.A. de Bie, J. Booij (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 384 Efficacy of piribedil in apathy following STN stimulation in Parkinson’s disease S. Thobois, E. Lhommée, H. Klinger, C. Ardouin, E. Schmitt, V. Fraix, P. Pelissier, S. Chabardes, P. Mertens, J.L. Quesada, J.L. Bosson, P. Pollak, E. Broussolle, P. Krack (Lyon, France) 385 An exercise intervention to prevent falls in Parkinson’s disease: An economic evaluation E. Fletcher, V.A. Goodwin, S.H. Richards, J.L. Campbell, R.S. Taylor (Exeter, United Kingdom) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 386 Deferred action of low doses of radiation on neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease (PD) L. Dlugosh (Kyiv, Ukraine) 387 A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the effect of rasagiline on mild cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease: The MODERATO study D. Weintraub, R.A. Hauser, A. Choudhry (Kansas City, MO, USA) 400 Efficacy of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease: Subgroup analyses D.G. Standaert, J.T. Slevin, A.J. Espay, J.T. Boyd, H.H. Fernandez, Y. Pritchett, W. Zhang, K. Chatamra, K.L. Widnell, J. Benesh (Birmingham, AL, USA) 401 Changes in “On” time with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion in advanced Parkinson’s disease patients with troublesome dyskinesia A. Antonini, V.S.C. Fung, J.T. Boyd, J.T. Slevin, C. Hall, K.L. Widnell, K. Chatamra, J. Benesh (Venice, Italy) 402 Gastrointestinal safety of the levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel delivery system in treating advanced Parkinson’s patients M. Epstein, D. Johnson, R. Hawes, N. Schmulewitz, A. Vanagunas, K.L. Widnell, S. Eaton, K. Chatamra, W.Z. Robieson, J. Benesh (Annapolis, MD, USA) 403 Incidence of peripheral neuropathy in advanced Parkinson’s subjects treated with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel R. Freeman, D. Cornblath, P. Anand, T. Muller, F. Klostermann, P. Odin, K. Chatamra, W.Z. Robieson, K.L. Widnell, J. Benesh (Boston, MA, USA) 404 Malignant melanoma in early treated Parkinson’s disease: The NET-PD trial R. Constantinescu, E.F. Augustine, P. Auinger, S. Sharma, L. Khadim, K. Kieburtz (Rochester, NY, USA) Akathisia in Parkinson’s disease: Frequency and clinical implications Ö. Aykaç, C.M. Akbostanci, N.F. Mercan, O. Karan (Ankara, Turkey) 389 Efficacy of rasagiline 1mg/day on key motor symptoms of early Parkinson’s disease: Post-hoc analysis from the Attenuation of Disease progression with Azilect® GIven Once-daily (ADAGIO) study E. Tolosa (Barcelona, Spain) 390 Effectiveness of resistance training on muscle strength and physical function in people with Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis L.H. Chung, S. Thilarajah, D. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 391 Concomitant medications in the Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative J. Liu, L.N. Wang (Beijing, China) 392 Effects of rasagiline on olfactory function in patients with Parkinson’s disease A. Haehner, T. Hummel, M. Wolz, L. Klingelhöfer, M. Fauser, A. Storch, H. Reichmann (Dresden, Germany) 405 Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of naltrexone for impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease D. Weintraub, S.X. Xie, M. Stern, H. Hurtig, A. Siderowf, J. Minger, K. Papay (Philadelphia, PA, USA) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of vitamin D supplement to prevent deterioration in Parkinson’s disease M. Suzuki, M. Yoshioka, M. Hashimoto, M. Murakami, M. Noya, D. Takahashi, M. Urashima (Tokyo, Japan) 406 Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on dual-task gait performance in patients with Parkinson’s disease M.K.Y. Mak, L. Yu (Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 407 Effect of levodopa on depression in de novo patients with Parkinson’s disease K. Kashihara, T. Imamura, M. Ohno (Okayama, Japan) 408 Diagnostic value of certain levels of microelements in the oral fluid of patients with Parkinson’s disease Z.Z. Zalyalova, G.R. Ruvinskaya, S.E. Munasipova (Kazan, Russia) 409 Novel levodopa product ODM-101 vs levodopa/carbidopa/ entacapone in Parkinson’s disease with response fluctuations T. Müller, M. Kuoppamäki, M. Vahteristo, V. Aho, J. Ellmén, C. Trenkwalder (Berlin, Germany) 410 The effects of weight on adverse event reporting in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with IPX066 extended-release carbidopa-levodopa capsules S. Kell, M. O’Connell, A. Hsu, D. Silver, L. Elmer, S. Gupta (Hayward, CA, USA) 411 The effect of levodopa on posture in patients with Parkinson’s disease F. Benninger, A. Khlebtovsky, E. Melamed, R. Djaldetti (Petah Tiqva, Israel) 412 Bowen therapy, a non-pharmacologic treatment for Parkinson’s disease J. Rasco, K. Lee (Dunedin, New Zealand) 413 The ratio of STN/SN neuronal activity, a quantitative bio-marker for Parkinson’s disease progression C.C. Kao, Z. Niu, M. Remple, C. Camalier, J. Neimat, D. Charles, P.E. Konrad (Nashville, TN, USA) 393 394 A long-term study for efficacy and safety of istradefylline in Parkinson’s disease subjects with wearing-off phenomenon T. Kondo, Y. Mizuno (Tochigi, Japan) 395 Zonisamide improves wearing-off in Parkinson’s disease: A nation-wide randomized, double-blind study M. Murata, K. Hasegawa, J. Fukasaka, K. Kochi, I. Kanazawa, T. The Japan Zonisamide on PD Study Group (Tokyo, Japan) 396 Is there a correlation between plasma homocysteine and Parkinson’s disease associated with polyneuropathy? K.S. Lee, I.U. Song, J.W. Park, I.S. Park (Seoul, Korea) 397 Facial expression in Parkinson’s disease: A double-blind, randomized rehabilitation trial L. Ricciardi, D. Ricciardi, B. Morabito, M. Bologna, F. Morgante, M. Pomponi, R. Bernabei, A.R. Bentivoglio, A. Fasano (Messina, Italy) 398 Evaluation of serum cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate levels in Parkinson’s disease patients with postural instability M. Gultekin, S. Kilic, R. Baydemir, S. Arik Yuksel, S. Yilmaz, F. Tanriverdi, A. Ilhan (Kayseri, Turkey) 399 Efficacy of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel compared to oral levodopa-carbidopa in advanced Parkinson’s disease: Sensitivity and responder analyses J.T. Boyd, H.H. Fernandez, J.T. Slevin, A.J. Espay, D.G. Standaert, Y. Pritchett, W. Zhang, K. Chatamra, K.L. Widnell, J. Benesh (Burlington, VT, USA) Abstracts by Topic 388 91 Abstracts by Topic 414 415 Abstracts by Topic 416 92 The effects of gender on adverse event reporting in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with IPX066 extended-release carbidopa-levodopa capsules S. Kell, M. O’Connell, A. Hsu, D. Silver, L. Elmer, S. Gupta (Hayward, CA, USA) 428 Olfactory dysfunction in sporadic Parkinson’s disease and LRRK2 PD K.K. Johansen, B.J. Warø, J.O. Aasly (Trondheim, Norway) 429 The effects of duration of exposure on adverse event reporting in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with IPX066 extendedrelease carbidopa-levodopa capsules S. Kell, A. Hsu, M. O’Connell, T. Simuni, S. Gupta (Hayward, CA, USA) Improving diagnostic accuracy in early Parkinson’s disease P. Puhl, M. Hayes, C. Yiannikas, A. Aggarwal, G. Dunn, R. Russo (Concord, Australia) 430 Dose conversion to IPX066 in advanced Parkinson’s disease patients treated with carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone A. Hsu, S. Khanna, S. Kell, A. Espay, R. Gil, C. Singer, S. Gupta (Hayward, CA, USA) Safety, tolerability and levodopa pharmacokinetics following inhaled administration of CVT-301, a levodopa dry powder aerosol, in healthy, adult subjects M.I. Freed, R. Batycky, E. Merica (Chelsea, MA, USA) 431 Effect of opicapone multiple-dose regimens on levodopa pharmacokinetics, motor response, and erythrocyte-COMT activity in Parkinson’s patients co-administered with levodopa/ dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor J.J. Ferreira, J.F. Rocha, A. Falcao, R. Pinto, T. Nunes, P. Soares-daSilva (S. Mamede Coronado, Portugal) 432 Effect of opicapone and entacapone on levodopa pharmacokinetics when administered with immediate release 100/25 mg levodopa/carbidopa in healthy subjects J.F. Rocha, A. Falcao, R. Pinto, T. Nunes, P. Soares-da-Silva (S. Mamede do Coronado, Portugal) 433 Falls in Australians living with Parkinson’s disease: When, where and how? J.L. McGinley, H.B. Menz, F. Huxham, R. Iansek, J. Watts, A. Murphy, M. Danoudis, M.E. Morris (Carlton, Australia) 434 What are the best methods to prevent falls in Parkinson’s disease? M.E. Morris, H. Menz, M. Danoudis, J. McGinley, R. Iansek, A. Murphy, F. Huxham, J. Watts (Bundoora, Australia) 417 A rhythmical auditory cueing exercise programme to reduce falls and freezing of gait in PD: The Cued Up! Exercise programme T. Martin, M. Weatherall, M. MacAskill, T. Anderson (Christchurch, New Zealand) 418 Randomized treatment trial of rifampicin in MSA patients P. Low, D. Robertson, S. Gilman, H. Kaufmann, W. Singer, I. Biaggioni, R. Freeman, S. Perlman, R. Hauser, W. Cheshire, S. Lessig, S. Vernino, J. Mandrekar, W. Dupont, T. Chelimsky, W. Galpern (Rochester, MN, USA) 419 Conventional physical therapy versus physical conditioning in patients with Parkinson’s disease C.L. Correa, A. de O.M. de Jesus, V.L.S. de Britto (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 420 Progression of Parkinson’s disease and side of onset of motor symptoms Y.O. Trufanov, Y.I. Golovchenko (Lugansk, Ukraine) 421 Analysing progressive micrographia in PD as a “motor sequence effect” A. Seidl, S. Skodda, A. Hoffmann, P.H. Kraus (Bochum, Germany) 435 Using telerehabilitation to deliver speech treatment to people with Parkinson’s disease in the home D.G. Theodoros, A.J. Hill, T. Russell (Brisbane, Australia) 422 Safinamide is associated with clinically important improvement in motor symptoms in fluctuating PD patients as add-on to levodopa (SETTLE) R. Anand, A.H.V. Schapira, R. Giuliani, V. Lucini (St. Moritz, Switzerland) 436 Differentiating Parkinson’s disease from multiple system atrophy by [123I] meta-iodobenzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy and olfactory test A. Kikuchi, T. Baba, T. Hasegawa, N. Sugeno, M. Konno, M. Aoki, A. Takeda (Sendai, Japan) 423 Comparison of once-daily versus twice-daily combination of pramipexole extended release in Parkinson’s disease J.Y. Yun, H.J. Kim, Y.E. Kim, B.S. Jeon (Seoul, Korea) 437 Evaluation of movement strategy training in Parkinson’s disease M. Danoudis, M. Morris, J. McGinley, H. Menz, F. Huxham, J. Watts, A. Murphy, R. Iansek (Melbourne, Australia) 424 Safinamide significantly improves responder rates in fluctuating Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients as add-on to levodopa (SETTLE) A.H.V. Schapira, S.H. Fox, R.A. Hauser, J. Jankovic, W. Jost, J. Kulisevsky, R. Pahwa, W. Poewe, V. Lucini, R. Anand (London, United Kingdom) 438 Study design of a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the effects of short pulsewidth in deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson’s disease (CUSTOM-DBS) S. Carcieri, Y. Zhao, N. Van Dyck, J. Volkmann (Valencia, CA, USA) 439 425 Olfaction dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA) M. Behari, J. Mathew, A.K. Pandit, A. Pathak, G. Kumar, D. Vibha, A. Srivastav, G. Shukla, V. Goyal (New Delhi, India) Segmentation of sporadic and genetic Parkinson’s disease using low intervariability blood biomarker analysis M.D. Chikina, C.P. Gerald, X. Li, Y. Ge, V. Nair, S.B. Bressman, Z. Yue, S.C. Sealfon (New York, NY, USA) 440 426 Usefulness of rapid switch from ergot dopamine agonists to pramipexole extended-release preparation in patients with Parkinson’s disease H. Saiki, S. Matsumoto (Osaka, Japan) Predictors of adherence to an exercise program in people with Parkinson’s disease N.E. Allen, J. Song, C. Sherrington, S.R. Lord, V.S.C. Fung, J.C.T. Close, S.S. Paul, S.D. O’Rourke, S.M. Murray, C.G. Canning (Lidcombe, Australia) 427 Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Indian Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients A.K. Pandit, G. Kumar, D. Vibha, A. Srivastava, G. Shukla, V. Goyal, M. Behari (Delhi, India) 441 Stroke risk with arterial stiffness in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease J.S. Baik, H.I. Ma (Seoul, Korea) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 442 Exercise for falls prevention in Parkinson’s disease: A randomised controlled trial C.G. Canning, C. Sherrington, S.R. Lord, J.C.T. Close, G. Heller, S. Heritier, K. Howard, N.E. Allen, S.S. Paul, S.M. Murray, S.D. O’Rourke, V.S.C. Fung (Sydney, Australia) 443 Randomized trial of extended release amantadine in Parkinson’s disease patients with levodopa-induced dyskinesia (EASED study) R. Pahwa, C.M. Tanner, R.A. Hauser, K.D. Sethi, S.H. Isaacson, D.D. Truong, L.K. Struck, M.J. Stempien, G.T. Went (Kansas City, KS, USA) 444 A phase 2, placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind trial of tozadenant (SYN-115) in patients with Parkinson’s disease with wearing-off fluctuations on levodopa R.A. Hauser, C.W. Olanow, K. Kieburtz, A. Neale, C. Resburg, U. Maya, S. Bandak (Tampa, FL, USA) 445 Body weight support and treadmill for young and elderly subjects C.L. Correa, A.L. Rosso, M.B. Vicent, L.L. Takano (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) A placebo controlled, randomized, double-blind study to assess the safety and clinical benefit of rasagiline as an add-on to dopamine agonist monotherapy in early Parkinson’s disease (PD): The ANDANTE study R.A. Hauser, D. Silver, A. Choudhry, S. Isaacson (Tampa, FL, USA) 447 Risks of falls in Parkinson’s disease E.C. Lai, M.S. Bryant, P. Luo, K.A. Follett, M. Stern, D.J. Reda, F.M. Weaver (Houston, TX, USA) 448 Medical marijuana (cannabis) treatment for motor and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. An open-label observational study I. Lotan, T. Treves, Y. Roditi, R. Djaldetti (Petah Tiqva, Israel) 449 Leg muscle power training in Parkinson’s disease: A randomised controlled trial S.S. Paul, C.G. Canning, J. Song, C. Sherrington, V.S.C. Fung (Lidcombe, Australia) 450 The heterogenity of excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson’s disease M.R. Nodel, N.N. Yakhno (Moscow, Russia) 451 Handedness and the rate of Parkinson’s disease progression Y.O. Trufanov (Lugansk, Ukraine) 452 Constant therapeutic levodopa (LD) plasma concentrations maintained by continuous subcutaneous (SC) administration of ND-0612, a novel formulation of LD/carbidopa (CD) Y. Caraco, S. Oren, P. LeWitt (Ness Ziona, Israel) 453 Single and multiple dose pharmacokinetics of a modifiedrelease (MR) formulation of the mGluR5 antagonist mavoglurant (AFQ056) in healthy Japanese subjects W. Honma, A. Yokoi, M. Ufer, J. Desai, C. Kenney, R. Woessner (East Hanover, NJ, USA) 454 Prediction of instability in people with Parkinson’s disease Clinical balance and gait tests B. Lindholm, O. Hansson, P. Hagell, M.H. Nilsson (Malmö, Sweden) 455 Future falls and/or near falls in people with Parkinson’s disease The sensitivity and specificity of two retropulsion tests B. Lindholm, O. Hansson, P. Hagell, W. Duzynski, M.H. Nilsson (Malmö, Sweden) 456 Quantitative assessment of tongue pressure during swallowing in Parkinson’s disease (PD) M. Yokoe, K. Hori, T. Ono, H. Mochizuki (Suita, Japan) The effect of plasma concentration of pepsinogens for the pahrmacokinetics of levodopa H. Nagayama, M. Hamamoto, M. Ueda, Y. Katayama (Bunkyou-ku, Japan) 458 Validation of a novel GaitReminder™ Apple iPod application to measure real-time stride data and control music play in a gait rehabilitation program for people with Parkinson’s disease A.L. Cihal, C. Terry, L. Kallie, M. Nicole, H. Bin, Enrolment Services University of Calgary (Calgary, AB, Canada) 459 Diagnostic value of saliva biomarkers in PD? G. Wünsch, A. Weishaupt, J. Volkmann, F. Steigerwald (Würzburg, Germany) 460 The effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation on camptocormia in Parkinson’s disease: A case report Y. Okada, Y. Kita, J. Nakamura, M. Tanizawa, S. Morimoto, K. Shomoto (Nara, Japan) 461 Rasagiline for the symptomatic treatment of fatigue in Parkinson’s disease: A 3-center, placebo-controlled, pilot study (the REST trial) T.T. Lim, B.M. Kluger, R.L. Rodriguez, R. Palacio, Jr., Y. Gujrati, B. Nutter, C. Swartz, C. Hennessy, I.A. Malaty, H.H. Fernandez (Cleveland, OH, USA) 462 Effects of a community-based balance program on enhancing the balance performance in people with Parkinson’s disease I.S.K. Wong-Yu, M.K.Y. Mak (Hong Kong SAR, China) 463 The effects of age and Parkinson’s disease on performance and learning of an environmentally valid implicit motor sequence task H.A. Hayes, N. Hunsaker, L. Boyd, K.B. Foreman, R. Maletsky, P. Dyer, L.E. Dibble (Salt Lake City, UT, USA) 464 The Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI) – Baseline PD, healthy, and SWEDD data Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative (New Haven, CT, USA) 465 Plasma apolipoprotein A1 (APOA1) as a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease C.R. Swanson, J.K. Qiang, Y.C. Wong, K. Li, H.I. Hurtig, S.X. Xie, V.M.Y. Lee, J.Q.Q. Trojanowski, D. Yearout, J. Leverenz, T.J. Montine, M. Stern, S. Mendick, D. Jennings, C. Zabetian, K. Marek, A.S. ChenPlotkin (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 466 Carbidopa, entacapone and levodopa use in France in 2012 – START (STAlevo®: Response to titration) survey initial phase results J.P. Azulay, P. Derkinderen, P. Krystkowiak, S. Sangla, F. Tison, M. Ziegler, I. Bourdeix, K. Rerat (Rueil-Malmaison, France) 467 Comparison of different sites of injections of incobotulinumtoxin (XEOMIN®) into the major salivary glands in drooling G. Castelnovo, M. de Verdal, D. Renard, V. Boudousq, L. Collombier (Nimes, France) 468 Impact of droxidopa treatment in patients with Parkinson’s disease and symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (study 306) S.H. Isaacson, R.A. Hauser, C.B.N. Szakacs, C.C. Cioffi (Boca Raton, FL, USA) 469 Long-term study of intraduodenal levodopa (Duodopa®) in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease S.E. Palhagen, t. The DAPHNE Study Group (Stockholm, Sweden) Abstracts by Topic 446 457 93 Abstracts by Topic Abstracts by Topic 470 94 Different treatment strategies using apomorphine pump therapy in parkinsonian patients and their influence on quality of life. 6 months observational study M. Verin, D. Devos, A. Eusebio, E. Flamand-Roze, S. Drapier, B. Degos, C. Moreau, J.P. Azulay, F. Viallet, L. Defebvre, C. BrefelCourbon, C. Tranchant, V. Fraix, S. Woynar, D. Andrieu, A. Borsik, L. Mauger, F. Durif (Clermont-Ferrand, France) 471 Self-reported symptoms and motor tests via telemetry in a 36-month levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion trial M. Memedi, D. Nyholm, A. Johansson, S. Pålhagen, T. Willows, H. Widner, J. Linder, J. Westin (Falun, Sweden) 472 Real-time fMRI neurofeedback for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) L. Subramanian, D. Turner, H. Morris, M. Busse, D. Linden (Cardiff, United Kingdom) 473 Proposal of a new approach for postural deformities in Parkinson’s disease with one innovative proprioceptive orthosis (PD Elasticare) D. Volpe, M. Pilleri, E. Pelosin, G.M. Giantin, C. Filippetto, G. Abbruzzese, A. Antonini (Venice, Italy) 474 A phase I study of intranasal glutathione in Parkinson’s disease L.K. Mischley, L.J. Standish, J.B. Leverenz, A. Samii (Kenmore, WA, USA) 475 A randomized controlled feasibility trial to determine the effectiveness of Irish set dancing for people with Parkinson’s disease D. Volpe, A. Zanin, A. Clifford, J. Shahannan, M.E. Morris (Venice, Italy) 484 The addition of a concurrent task changes postural reactions in individuals with Parkinson’s disease C.O. Souza, M.C. Voos, J. Chen, D. Francato, H.F. Chien, F. Fonoff, E. Fonoff, J. Greve, E.R. Barbosa (São Paulo, Brazil) 485 Feasibility and efficacy of a 16-week SpeedFlex exercise therapy program in patients with Parkinson’s disease M.D. Hughes, J.L. Trilk, R.B. Smith, C.V. Skahen (Greenville, SC, USA) 486 VANTAGE trial: A prospective, multi-center trial evaluating deep brain stimulation with a new multiple-source, constant-current rechargeable system (Vercise™) in Parkinson’s disease L. Timmermann, R. Jain, Y. Zhao, T. Brücke, F. Seijo, E.S. San Martin, C. Haegelen, M. Verin, M. Maarouf, M.T. Barbe, S. Gill, A. Whone, M. Porta, D. Servello, F. Alesch (Cologne, Germany) 487 Safety and efficacy of recombinant human platelet derived growth factor BB (rhPDGF-BB) in Parkinson’s disease G. Paul-Visse, O. Zachrisson, A. Varrone, P. Almqvist, M. Jerling, G. Lind, S. Rehncrona, B. Linderoth, H. Bjartmarz, M. Svensson, K. Jansson Mercer, A. Forsberg, L.L. Shafer, A.M. Janson Lang, C. Halldin, P. Svenningsson, H. Widner, J. Frisén, S. Pålhagen, A. Haegerstrand (Stockholm, Sweden) 488 Treatment of axial dystonia in Parkinson’s disease by botulinum toxin J.P. Azulay, F. Fluchere, S. Soulayrol, H. Somma, T. Witjas, A. Eusebio (Marseille, France) 489 Role of levodopa in progression of Parkinson’s disease S.P. Roy, R.S. Jain (Jaipur, India) 490 Towards the automated detection of near falls during community ambulation in patients with Parkinson’s disease T. Freedman, E. Gazit, M. Brozgol, N. Giladi, A. Mirelman, J.M. Hausdorff (Tel Aviv, Israel) 491 Quantitative motor (Q-Motor) deficits in tapping (digitomotography) distinguish Parkinson’s disease from control subjects and correlate to the UPDRS III - A step towards objective outcomes for motor deficits in clinical trials? R. Reilmann, M. Ellerbrock, C. Sass, T. Heger, D. Berg, W. Maetzler (Muenster, Germany) 476 Minimal clinically important changes in UPDRS scores in early PD in rotigotine clinical trials R. Hauser, E. Surmann, Z. Rubin, J. Jankovic (Tampa, FL, USA) 477 Antipsychotic efficacy and motor tolerability in a phase III placebo-controlled study of pimavanserin in patients with Parkinson’s disease psychosis (ACP-103-020) J. Cummings, S. Isaacson, R. Mills, H. Williams, K. Chi-Burris, D. Bahr, R. Dhall, C. Ballard (Boca Raton, FL, USA) 478 Methods for imputing missing data for Parkinson’s disease clinical trials with multiple correlated outcomes S. Luo, B. He, J. Elm, B. Tilley (Houston, TX, USA) 492 Assessment of the clinical progression of Parkinson’s disease I.G. Smolentseva, L.P. Chupina, N.A. Amosova, O.V. Krivonos, O.A. Maslyuk (Moscow, Russia) 479 The lessebo effect in Parkinson’s disease T.A. Mestre, P.S. Shah, C. Marras, A.E. Lang (Toronto, ON, Canada) 493 480 Possible effects of non-immersive virtual reality in upper extremities in a patient with Parkinson’s disease: A single case report C.L. Correa, G. de P Vieira, D.F.G.H. de Araujo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) An open-label study on switching therapy from pramipexole or ropinirole to rotigotine transdermal system in subjects with advanced-stage, idiopathic Parkinson’s disease J.M. Kim, S.J. Chung, J.W. Kim, B.S. Jeon, L. Bauer, S. Thierfelder, Asia Pacific Rotigotine Study Group (Seongnam-Si, Korea) 494 481 Impact of droxidopa treatment on falls and fall related injuries in patients with Parkinson’s disease and symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (study 306) R.A. Hauser, L.P. Jerome, W.D. Schwieterman, C.C. Cioffi (Tampa, FL, USA) A phase II, double blind, randomized placebo-controlled 4-way crossover study to evaluate the relative efficacy and safety of OC oral solution (oxybutynin and clonidine) for sialorrhea in patients with Parkinson’s disease A.L. Ellenbogen, K.M. Bardram, C.T. Chang, P. Chen (Farmington Hills, MI, USA) 482 Parkinson’s disease lesion effect and melanoma treatment response with ipilimumab and whole brain radiation D.R. Shprecher, K. Grossman, J. Tward (Salt Lake City, UT, USA) 495 483 Hypomethylation of SNCA in blood of patients with sporadic Parkinson’s disease J. Guo, S. Ai, Q. Xu, X. Yan, B. Tang (Changsha, China) Relationship between serum urate and clinical features in early Parkinson’s disease: PPMI baseline data R. Constantinescu, D. Jennings, E.D. Foster, C.S. Coffey, K. Marek, Parkinson’s Progression Marker Initiative (Rochester, NY, USA) 496 Safety and efficacy of exercise on symptoms, quality of life, drug interactions, fall frequency and progrnosis of Parkinson’s disease: A systematc review of the literature M. Shapoval, H. Fritz, C. Habib, C. Knee, D. Seely, K. Cooley (Toronto, ON, Canada) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 497 Dosing dual-task balance practice: The effects of age and Parkinson’s disease K.B. Foreman, S. Sondrup, C. Dromey, E. Jarvis, S. Nissen, L.E. Dibble (Salt Lake City, UT, USA) 498 Long term pimavanserin treatment for Parkinson’s disease psychosis (PDP) - An interim analysis of safety and tolerability R. Mills, H. Williams, D. Bahr, K. Chi-Burris, C. Ballard (San Diego, CA, USA) 499 Sustained-release carbidopa-levodopa (accordian pill) in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease: Pharmacokinetic and clinical experience P. LeWitt, H. Friedman, N. Giladi, T. Gurevich, H. Shabtai, R. Djaldetti, N. Roizen, S. Hassin-Baer, O. Cohen, G. Yahalom, I. Schlessinger, M. Nassar, R. Milo, M. Anka, P. Farkas, N. Navon (West Bloomfield, MI, USA) Parkinson’s disease: Cognition 500 Use of the pill questionnaire to detect cognitive deficits and assess their impact on daily life in patients with Parkinson’s disease J.S. Kim, J.M. Kim, H.J. Kim, J.Y. Yun, B.S. Jeon (Cheongju-si, Korea) 501 Meta analysis: Donepezil in the treatment of cognitive impairment dementia in patients with Parkinson’s disease E.A. Barcelon, L. Shiong Shiu, P.M.D. Pasco (Manila, Philippines) 502 Relationships between cognitive status, speech characteristics and communicative participation in Parkinson’s disease M.S. Barnish, S.M.C. Horton, Z.R. Butterfint, K.H.O. Deane (Norwich, United Kingdom) 503 Relationships between cognitive status and speech, language and communication impairments in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review M.S. Barnish, S.M.C. Horton, Z.R. Butterfint, K.H.O. Deane (Norwich, United Kingdom) 504 STN DBS, not L-DOPA, restores the contextual regulation of simple decisions M. Ulla, P. Domenech, V. Wyart, L. Silvert, J.C. Dreher, F. Durif (Clermont-Ferrand, France) 505 Characterising mild cognitive impairment in incident Parkinson’s disease: The ICICLE-PD study A.J. Yarnall, D.P. Breen, G.W. Duncan, R.A. Barker, D.J. Burn (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom) 506 507 508 Motor and non-motor endophenotypes associated with cerebrospinal and amyloid- in Parkinson’s disease R.M. Modreanu, M.J. Marti, A. Camara, M. Buongiorno, Y. Compta (Barcelona, Spain) The relationship between small vessel disease (SVD), vascular risk factors (VRFs) and motor and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (PD): A clinicopathological study R.S. Schwartz, G.M. Halliday, D.J. Cordato, J.J. Kril (Sydney, Australia) A new paradigm in neuropsychological assessment: Motor imagery. A pilot study with Parkinson’s disease patients E.V. Cores, Á. Merino, S. Vanotti, S.A. Rodríguez-Quiroga, T. Arakaki, A. Villa, N.S. Garretto (Caba, Argentina) Clinical value of brain perfusion SPECT between idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson variant of multiple system atrophy I.U. Song, I.S. Park, J.S. Kim, K.S. Lee, Y.D. Kim, J.W. Park (Seoul, Korea) 511 Effect of COMT-inhibitor on Parkinson’s disease associated with dementia J.W. Park, K.S. Lee, I.U. Song, J.S. Kim, Y.D. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 512 The neuropsychological domain differences between Parkinson’s disease patients with and without mild cognitive impairments; a longitudinal investigation P. Hobson, J. Meara (Rhyl, United Kingdom) 513 Is mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease predictive for further cognitive decline after deep brain stimulation? G.J. Geurtsen, B.A. Schmand, R.M.A. de Bie, V.J.J. Odekerken, R.P. Schuurman (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 514 Freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease is related to impaired setshifting during stepping K. Smulders, R.A. Esselink, B.R. Bloem, R. Cools (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 515 Frontal hypoperfusion in aged, non-demented patients with Parkinson’s disease J.W. Kim, Y.J. Jeong, S.M. Cheon (Busan, Korea) 516 Cognitive impairment after deep brain stimulation: A follow-up study and influence of age E. Herrera, S. González, R. Merino, R. Ribacoba, E. Suárez, F. Cuetos (Oviedo, Spain) 517 Withdrawn by Author 518 Impulsive behavior and fall risk in Parkinson’s disease K. Smulders, R.A. Esselink, B.R. Bloem, R. Cools (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 519 Evaluation of driving ability in patients with Parkinson’s disease using a driving simulator R. Andoh, W.T. Kyaw, T. Tsujii, H. Iwaki, N. Nishikawa, M. Nagai, M. Nomoto (Tohon, Japan) 520 Visuomotor deficits in Parkinson’s disease Y. Kajimoto, H. Ito (Shingu City, Japan) 521 Apnea-hypopnea index and supine apnea-hypopnea index could be indicator for severity of cognition impairment in Parkinson’s disease with cognitive impairment: Retrospective pilot study C.K. Ha, J.Y. Choi, E.K. Bae (Incheon, Korea) 522 Cognitive function and postural instability in people with Parkinson’s disease D. Xu, M. Cole, K. Mengersen, P. Silburn, G. Kerr (Brisbane, Australia) 523 Defective visual perception in patients with Parkinson’s disease: The impairment of preattentive visual processing in the normal intellectual patients Y. Higashi, M. Tabata, H. Kamada, E. Mori (Himeji, Japan) 524 Apathy in Parkinson’s disease results from our objective apathy scale A. Kumon, M. Saruwatari, F. Sito, M. Kato, N. Kawashima, K. Hasegawa (Sagamihara, Japan) 525 Criteria for mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease: Applicability and validity G.J. Geurtsen, B.A. Schmand, I. Litvan, J.G. Goldman, A.I. Tröster (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Abstracts by Topic 509 Is freezing of gait related to a specific attentional disorder in Parkinson’s disease? C. Tard, A. Delval, C. Moreau, D. Devos, A. Destée, L. Defebvre, K. Dujardin (Lille, France) 510 95 Abstracts by Topic 526 527 528 Could depression confound performance on neuropsychological testing in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients? T.P. Lin, J.N. Caviness, J.G. Hentz, S.A. Jacobson, C.M. Belden, M.N. Sabbagh, H.A. Shill, E.D. Driver-Dunckley, T.G. Beach, C.H. Adler, Arizona Parkinson Disease Consortium (Scottsdale, AZ, USA) Stereopsis deficits as a predictor of cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease S.B. Koh, M. Kim, H.M. Lee, J.W. Jang, S.M. Lee (Seoul, Korea) 541 The effects rivastigmine and atomoxetine on attention in nondemented Parkinson’s disease (PD) J.S. Lou, D. Dimitrova, K.A. Chung, S.B. Andrea, J. Nutt (Portland, OR, USA) 542 Serum BDNF levels in patients with Parkinson’s disease: Correlation with specific cognitive parameters L. Granholm, T. Turner, H. Boger, V. Hinson (Charleston, SC, USA) 543 Dissociable effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on auditory working memory performance in Parkinson’s disease C. Camalier, J. Neimat, A. Wang, L. Gilling-McIntosh, C. Cochran (Nashville, TN, USA) 544 Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment S. Diab, V. Latreille, P. Brayet, R. Postuma, J.A. Bertrand, C. Desjardins, I. Rouleau, J.F. Gagnon (Montreal, QC, Canada) 545 Cognitive performance and psychiatric symptoms in early, untreated Parkinson’s disease: Results from the PPMI study D. Weintraub, T. Simuni, A. Siderowf, M. Troyer, C. Coffey, E. Foster, K. Hawkins (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 546 Potential role of nutritonal supplements for the treatment of memory impairment in parkinsonisms: An update G. Pezzoli, E. Cassani, C. Pusani, E. Cereda, L. Iorio, R. Cilia, M. Barichella (Milan, Italy) Effects of istradefylline on cognitive performance in prefrontal cortex lesioned rats T. Kadowaki Horita, M. Kobayashi, A. Mori, P. Jenner, T. Kanda (Shizuoka, Japan) 530 Executive function training during gait: A new approach on the management of Parkinson’s disease C. Bedeschi Ferrari, K. Guedes, F. Iotti, D. Bauer, A. Manfredi, L. Rodrigues, M.E.P. Piemonte (São Paulo, Brazil) 531 Motor timing in Parkinson’s disease patients who freeze C.M. Tolleson, S.A. Wylie, O.C. Roman, S. Barton, M. Kubovy, D. Claassen (Nashville, TN, USA) 532 Montreal cognitive assessment performance in patients with Parkinson’s disease with “Normal” mini-mental state examination score B. Tserensodnom, K. Baatar (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) 547 Fronto-striatal atrophy correlates of inhibitory dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease C. O’Callaghan, S.L. Naismith, J.R. Hodges, S.J.G. Lewis, M. Hornberger (Sydney, Australia) Cognitive function deficits are associated with mobility impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease T. Gurevich, A. Rosenberg, A. Ezra, N. Giladi, J. Hausdorf (Tel Aviv, Israel) 548 PD-MCI and PDD after eight years in incident PD patients B. Schmand, G. Geurtsen, M. Broeders, D.C. Velseboer, R.M. de Bie (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 549 Pathological organization of resting-state functional brain networks in Parkinson’s disease: A longitudinal MEG graph theoretical analysis K.T.E. Olde Dubbelink, A. Hillebrand, D. Stoffers, J.B. Deijen, J.W.R.W. Twisk, C.J. Stam, H.W. Berendse (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 550 Principal component analysis of PiB distribution in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases M.C. Campbell, J. Markham, H. Flores, J.M. Hartlein, A.M. Goate, N.J. Cairns, T.O. Videen, J.S. Perlmutter (Saint Louis, MO, USA) 551 Alteration of three-dimensional vision in Parkinson’s disease A. Séverac Cauquil, F. Ory-Magne, V. Jardiné, M. Rosito, C. BrefelCourbon, S. Celebrini (Toulouse, France) 552 Influence of the relevant acoustic features on the recognition of emotional prosody following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease J. Péron, S. Cekic, C. Haegelen, P. Sauleau, D. Drapier, M. Vérin, D. Grandjean (Geneva, Switzerland) 553 Do timed neuropsychological assessments confound cognitive assessment in Parkinson’s disease? P. Hobson, J. Meara, R. Evans (Rhyl, United Kingdom) 554 Clinical profile of Parkinson’s disease patients with pneumonia Y. Manor, D. Shpunt - Llivshiz, A. Rosenberg, A. Ezra, J. Knaani, N. Giladi, M. Guttmen, T. Gurevich (Tel Aviv, Israel) 534 Olfactory performance acts as a cognitive reserve in nondemented patients with Parkinson’s disease J.E. Lee, K.H. Cho, S.K. Song, Y.H. Sohn, P.H. Lee (Seoul, Korea) 535 Documentation of cognitive diagnoses in Parkinson’s disease following deep brain stimulation B.R. Barton, L. Cao, C.G. Goetz, K.T. Stroupe, F.M. Weaver (Chicago, IL, USA) 536 537 538 Abstracts by Topic Which executive functions most affect gait in Parkinson’s disease? C. Bedeschi Ferrari, F. Iotti, K. Guedes, A. Manfredi, D. Bauer, L. Rodrigues, M.E.P. Piemonte (São Paulo, Brazil) 540 529 533 96 Relationships between non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, and their genetic and pathologic basis G. Wang, Y. Huang, W. Chen, S. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Xiao, J. Liu, P. Sachdev, V.S.C. Fung, D. Rowe, G. Halliday, S. Chen (Sydney, Australia) 539 The association of cognitive impairment and cerebral white matter lesion in Parkinson’s disease R. Hayashi, T. Oeda, A. Umemura, M. Kousaka, S. Tomita, K. Yamamoto, H. Sawada (Kyoto, Japan) Resting state brain connectivity associated with mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease M. Amboni, A. Tessitore, G. Santangelo, M. Picillo, F. Esposito, C. Vitale, A. Giordano, R. De Micco, G. Tedeschi, P. Barone (Naples, Italy) Cortical and subcortical brain atrophy in Parkinson’s disease with visual hallucination H. Watanabe, J. Senda, S. Kato, M. Ito, N. Atsuta, K. Hara, T. Tsuboi, M. Katsuno, T. Nakamura, M. Hirayama, S. Naganawa, G. Sobue (Nagoya, Japan) Visual hallucinations and motor phenotype in Parkinson’s disease: Evidences from a case control study L. Kiferle, G. Martina, G. Palermo, C. Del Gamba, U. Bonuccelli, R. Ceravolo (Pisa, Italy) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 555 Serial DTI and cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease T.R. Melzer, R. Watts, M.R. MacAskill, T.L. Pitcher, L. Livingston, R. Keenan, J.C. Dalrymple-Alford, T.J. Anderson (Christchurch, New Zealand) 569 Correlates of change in activities of daily living in patients with Parkinson’s disease B. Tran, A. Darin, G. Choi, J. Rick, A. Siderowf, D. Weintraub (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 556 Distinct clinical profile in rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder patients with mild cognitive impairment J.A. Bertrand, R.B. Postuma, D. Genier Marchand, C. Desjardins, J. Montplaisir, J.F. Gagnon (Montreal, QC, Canada) 570 The Philadelphia brief assessment of cognition as a measure of cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease A. Darin, J. Rick, J. Kitain, B. Tran, A. Boller, J. Haley, D. Weinberg, D. Libon, A. Siderowf, M. Grossman, R. Gross (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 557 Executive function and educational status interfere with functional balance and locomotion in individuals with Parkinson’s disease C.O. Souza, M.C. Voos, J. Chen, D. Francato, H.F. Chien, F. Fonoff, J. Greve, E.T. Fonoff, E.R. Barbosa (São Paulo, Brazil) 571 Cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease and its association to motor and non motor symptoms O.A. Trujillo, p. Lillo, M. Alvarado, D.L. Saez (Santiago, Chile) 572 Domain specific cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s and associated pattern of grey matter atrophy J.C. Dalrymple-Alford, C.H. McCurrie, T.R. Melzer, R. Watts, M.R. MacAskill, T.L. Pitcher, R. Keenan, T.J. Anderson, L. Livingston (Christchurch, New Zealand) 573 Discriminating facial expressions of emotion in Parkinson’s disease M. Marneweck, R. Palermo, G. Hammond (Crawley, Australia) 574 Cognitive and mood changes in untreated Parkinson’s disease patients E. Stefanova, I. Stankovic, T. Stojkovic, G. Mandic Stojmenovic, A. Tomic, V. Markovic, M. Svetel, I. Petrovic, V. Kostic (Belgrdae, Serbia) 575 Effects of neuropsychological training in patients with Parkinson’s disease: A cluster randomised controlled trial A. Petrelli, J. Kessler, M.T. Barbe, L. Timmermann, E. Kalbe (Vechta, Germany) 558 Object / scene recognition in patients with Parkinson’s disease with and without visual hallucination P. Maruque, F. Ory, L. Saint-Aubert, F. Remy, N. Bacon-Macé, M. Fabre-Thorpe, E.J. Barbeau, C. Brefel-Courbon (Toulouse, France) 559 Functional MRI abnormalities on cognitive tasks in newly diagnosed PD patients- ICICLE-PD study C. Nombela, J.B. Rowe, A. Hampshire, A.M. Owen, D. Breen, T.K. Khoo, M. Firbank, A. Yarmall, G. Duncan, S. Winder-Rhodes, J.T. O’Brien, D.J. Burn, D.J. Brooks, R.A. Barker (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 560 The association of sleep disturbances and motor severity with cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease using the MDSUPDRS J.G. Goldman, G. Stebbins, V. Leung, B. Tilley, C.G. Goetz (Chicago, IL, USA) 561 Visual information processings are selectively impaired in Parkinson’s disease patients with normal MMS scores A. Kurita, M. Suzuki, M. Nakamura, S. Takagi (Kashiwa, Japan) 562 Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease: Cut-off and responsiveness values of the Parkinson’s disease–cognitive rating scale (PD-CRS) J. Pagonabarraga, R. Fernández de Bobadilla, S. Martinez-Horta, B. Pascual-Sedano, A. Campolongo, J. Kulisevsky (Barcelona, Spain) 563 Role of vitamin B12 deficiency in cases of Parkinson’s disease presenting with dementia S. Mishra (Hyderabad, India) 564 Cognitive tasks influence balance performance in people with Parkinson’s disease D. Xu, M. Muthalib, R. Pegoraro, K. Mengersen, M. Cole, P. Silburn, G. Kerr (Brisbane, Australia) 565 Cognitive functioning in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease P. Chatterjee, D. Joshi, B. Kumar (Varanasi, India) 566 The effects of cardiovascular exercise on cognitive function in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) J. McCamish, A. Samson, K. Vrongistinos, T. Jung (Northridge, CA, USA) 567 The prevalence and nature of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (PD-MCI) identified using automated cognitive tests K.A. Wesnes, D.J. Burn (Goring on Thames, United Kingdom) Pharmaceutical quality of seven eneric levodopa/benserazide products compared with original Madopar® / levodopa and benserazide U. Gasser, A. Fischer, J. Timmermans, G. Vital-Durand, I. Arnet (Basle, Switzerland) 577 Nicotine neuroprotects against maneb- and paraquat-induced Parkinson’s disease phenotype in mouse by augmenting cytochrome P450 2d22 expression G. Srivastava, A. Dixit, S. Yadav, D.K. Patel, O. Prakash, M.P. Singh (Lucknow, India) 578 Effect of minocycline, levodopa and MnTMPyP on maneb- and paraquat-induced Parkinson’s disease phenotype: Role of mitochondria A. Dixit, G. Srivastava, D. Verma, M. Mishra, P.K. Singh, O. Prakash, M.P. Singh (Lucknow, India) 579 Primary care physician decision-making in early Parkinson’s disease J. Fleisher, N. Lipitz, N. Dahodwala (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 580 Behavioural, biochemical and cellular correlates in the neuroprotective potential of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (atorvastatin and simvastatin) against 6-hydroxydopamine (6OHDA) induced Parkinson-like symptoms in rats J. Mishra, N. Sharma, A. Kumar (Chandigarh, India) 581 Puerarin protect dopamine neurons by inhibiting oxidative stress in rotenone-based models for Parkinson’s disease N. Xiong, X. Zhang, J. Xiong, L. Liu, J. Yang, G. Zhang, J. Huang, T. Wang (Wuhan, China) Abstracts by Topic 568 Human behavioural evidence of compromised dentate gyrus neurogenesis in PD is unrelated to poor attention and impulsivity K.A. Wesnes, D.S. Miller, D.J. Burn (Goring on Thames, United Kingdom) Parkinson‘s disease: Neuropharmacology 576 97 Abstracts by Topic 582 Fenpropathrin causes degeneration and protein aggregation in SH-SY5Y cells N. Xiong, J. Xiong, L. Liu, J. Yang, X. Zhang, J. Huang, T. Wang (Wuhan, China) 583 Less and well known side effects of dopamine agonists in Parkinson’s disease: Comparison of ropinirole and pramipexole Y. Seçil, G. Eryasar, T.K. Incesu (Izmir, Turkey) 584 Early use of amantadine to prevent or delay onset of levodopainduced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease A. Jahangirvand, A. Rajput (Saskatoon, SK, Canada) 585 Levodopa-induced migraine in Parkinson’s disease S.A. Gunzler (South Euclid, OH, USA) 586 587 597 Scoring by patients, caregivers and physicians shows the benefit of tolcapone on non motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: The TANIMOS study T. Müller (Berlin, Germany) Elevated homocysteine by levodopa is detrimental to neurogenesis in parkinsonian model J.Y. Shin, Y.H. Ahn, M.J. Paik, H.J. Park, M.K. Sunwoo, J.Y. Hong, J.E. Lee, Y.H. Sohn, P.H. Lee (Seoul, Korea) 598 Inosine inhibited the neurotoxicity of MPTP on the dopaminergic neurons T. Tsujii, M. Kubo, H. Iwaki, W.T. Kyaw, N. Nishikawa, M. Nagai, R. Andoh, F. Islam, M. Nomoto (Tohon, Japan) Audit on patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease attending the university neurology clinic (UNC), Teaching Hospital Galle, Sri Lanka D.A.J. Chandrika, K.D. Pathirna (Galle, Sri Lanka) 599 Benefit, compliance and side effecs of anti-Parkinson medication in Sri Lankan patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease K.D. Pathirana, J. Chandrika (Galle, Sri Lanka) 600 Investigating the neuroprotective effects of valproate, an epigenetic histone deacetylase inhibitor, in Parkinson’s disease using preclinical magnetic resonance imaging I.F. Harrison, D.T. Dexter (London, United Kingdom) 601 Efficacy and safety of 24 hour rotigotine transdermal patch in the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease: A meta-analysis G.M.I. Ramiro, N.L. Fabiania, R.D.G. Jamora (Manila, Philippines) 602 The effectiveness of pramipexole and ropinirole in early and advanced Parkinson’s disease and comparision of the results with each other M. Yaman, F. Karakaya, I. Ceviz, S. Öztürk, Ö.Y. Küsbeci (Afyonkarahisar, Turkey) 603 Adverse drug reactions with selegiline and rasagiline compared to levodopa and ropinirole: A study in the French pharmacovigilance database S. Perez-Lloret, M.V. Rey, J.L. Monstastruc, O. Rascol (Toulouse, France) 604 High-dose immunoglobulin treatment protects against 1-methyl4-phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine-induced dopaminergic neuron death in mice H. Miwa, I. Nakanishi, H. Ishiguchi, K.I. Wada, Y. Machida, N. Hattori (Tokyo, Japan) 605 European multicentre study of tolerability and impulse control disorders with short and extended release dopamine agonists in real life PD A. Rizos, P. Martinez-Martin, A. Martin, T. Henriksen, B. Kessel, I. Koch, G. Durner, S. Bassi, L. Gallagher, M. Parry, A. Antonini, P. Odin, C. Falup-Pecurariu, M. Silverdale, G. MacPhee, K. Ray-Chaudhuri, On Behalf of EUROPAR, The MDS Non Motor Study Group (London, United Kingdom) 606 Parkinson’s disease treatment in Africa: The importance of the levodopa content of legumes G. Pezzoli, E. Cassani, A. Akpalu, M. Cham, G. Privitera, P. De Marco, R. Cilia, A. Zecchinelli, A. Bonetti, L. Iorio, E. Cereda, M. Barichella (Milan, Italy) If Parkinson’s disease patients are heavy smokers, they do not crave regularly - Why? M.H. Strothjohann, G.A. Fuchs (Bad Camberg, Germany) 589 Performance of a task learned when “on” deteriorates when subsequently practiced in “off” state E.D. Anderson, E. Murdock, H. Fay, J.G. Nutt (Portland, OR, USA) Are branded and generic extended-release ropinirole formulations equally efficacious? A rater-blinded, switch-over, multicenter study E. Bosnyák, M. Herceg, E. Pál, Z. Aschermann, J. Janszky, I. Késmárki, S. Komoly, T. Dóczi, K. Karádi, F. Nagy, N. Kovács (Pécs, Hungary) 591 A nonhuman primate Parkinson model that recapitulates major motor and cognitive aspects of Parkinson’s disease J. Schneider, Q. Li, J. Yang, E. Pioli, A. Crossman, E. Bezard (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 592 Effects of istradefylline alone and in combination with levodopa on motor and cognitive function in a non-human primate Parkinson model J. Schneider, Q. Li, J. Yang, E. Pioli, A. Crossman, E. Bezard (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 593 Abstracts by Topic The EuroInf study: A multi-centre European comparative study of apomorphine versus intrajejunal levodopa infusion in a real life cohort of Parkinson’s patients P. Reddy, P. Martinez-Martin, A. Todorova, A. Antonini, P. Odin, A. Martin, A. Rizos, D. Calandrella, T. Henricksen, N. Bryndum, A. Glad, S. Dafsari, L. Timmermann, G. Ebersbach, M. Kramberger, A. Ceballos-Baumann, K. Wenzel, V. Tomantschger, A. Storch, H. Reichmann, Z. Pirtosek, M. Trost, R. Katzenschlager, P. Svennigsson, S. Palhagen, J. Volkmann, K.R. Chaudhuri, The Movement Disorder Society Non Motor Study Group (London, United Kingdom) 588 590 98 596 Chronic treatment with MPEP, an mGlu5 receptor antagonist, normalizes basal ganglia glutamate neurotransmission in L-DOPA-treated parkinsonian monkeys N. Morin, M. Morissette, L. Grégoire, B. Gomez-Mancilla, F. Gasparini, T. Di Paolo (Quebec, QC, Canada) 594 Identifying the transcriptomic signature of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias L.M. Smith, E.J. Duncan, L.C. Parr-Brownlie, M.A. Black, P.K. Dearden, J.N.J. Reynolds (Dunedin, New Zealand) 595 Endothelial dysfunction is associated with hyperhomocysteinemia in Parkinson’s disease J.H. Yoon, J.M. Hong, S.W. Yong (Suwon, Korea) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 607 622 Characteristics of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with Parkinson’s disease T. Nomura, Y. Inoue, K. Nakashima (Yonago, Japan) 623 Withdrawn by Author 608 Exploration of curcumin analogues as inhibitors of α synuclein aggregation for treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) – A preliminary report N. Ahsan, S. Mishra, A. Surolia, S. Gupta (New Delhi, India) 624 Plasma urate in REM sleep behavior disorder R. Uribe-San Martín, P.F. Venegas, F.I. López, A.G. Jones, J.R. Salazar, J.F. Godoy, J.M. Santín, C. Juri (Santiago, Chile) 625 609 Vitamin D deficiency: As a role for Parkinson’s disease (PD) or as an outcome of PD? A.P. Tanhaei, M. Izady, A. Chitsaz, R. Meamar (Isfahan, Iran) Quality of sleep in drug naive patients with early Parkinson’s disease and effect of dopaminergic treatment: A prospective study S.P. Joy, P.K. Pal, S. Sinha, A.B. Taly, M. Philip (Bangalore, India) 610 Tenuigenin attenuates over-expressing alpha-synuclein induced cytotoxicity via down-regulating polo-like kinase 3 J. Zhou, H. Zhang, Y. Huang, G. Halliday, X. Wang (Beijing, China) 626 The impact of daytime napping on executive cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease S.J. Bolitho, S.L. Naismith, S.J. Lewis (Sydney, Australia) 611 Can serotoninergic antidepressants prevent or delay the development of L-dopa induced dyskinesias in PD patients? S. Mazzucchi, D. Frosini, E. Unti, E. Del Prete, C. Del Gamba, U. Bonuccelli, R. Ceravolo (Pisa, Italy) 627 The association of sleep quality with mood symptoms in PD patients with RLS – A case control study A.Q. Rana, Y. Mujawaz, M.A. Rana (Toronto, ON, Canada) 628 612 Effects of chronic D2/3 agonist ropinirole medication on rodent models of gambling behaviour M. Tremblay, J.G. Hosking, C.A. Winstanley (Vancouver, BC, Canada) REM sleep behavior disorder after bilateral subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease G. Ehm, Y.E. Kim, B.S. Jeon, Y.J. Jung, J.Y. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 629 613 Mydriasis in a Parkinson’s disease patient on low-dose carbidopa/levodopa D.J. Burdick, A. Griffith, A. Cole, C.M. Sia, P. Agarwal (Kirkland, WA, USA) REM sleep behavior disorder in Parkinson’s disease: Association with abnormal ocular motor findings Y.E. Kim, B.S. Jeon, H. Park, Y.J. Jung, H.J. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 630 Excessive chin EMG activity during rapid eye movement sleep in Parkinson’s disease: Is a marker? Y. Shen, K.P. Xiong, Y. Gong, X.Y. Zhang, W.D. Hu, J.M. Xu, J. Cheng, C.F. Liu (Suzhou, China) 631 The decrease of sleep apnea in Parkinson’s disease associated with excessive electromyography (EMG) activity K.P. Xiong, Y. Gong, Y. Shen, Q. Tang, J.M. Xu, J. Cheng, C.F. Liu (Suzhou, China) 632 Do the presence of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) and time course of RBD play a vital role in altering clinical manifestations and sleep parameters of Parkinson’s disease? Y. Gong, K.P. Xiong, Y. Shen, Q. Tang, C.J. Mao, J.M. Xu, J. Cheng, C.F. Liu (Suzhou, China) 633 Modulation of Na-K ATPase activity of rat brain synaptosome by norepinepherine and serotonin S. Sinha (Allahabad, India) 634 Melatonin - A potential marker of excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson’s disease A. Videnovic, C. Noble, L. Wolf, A. Marconi, P. Zee (Chicago, IL, USA) 635 Parkinson’s disease sleep scale-2 is more specific for PD than the Epworth sleep scale N. Kovács, E. Pál, F. Nagy, P. Ács, E. Bosnyák, B. Faludi (Pécs, Hungary) 636 Worldwide record of REM sleep time in a patient with pedonculopontine nucleus area (PPNa) stimulation D. Neutel, D. Grabli, C. Karachi, M.L. Welter, C. Ewenczyk, E. Bardinet, C. François, I. Arnulf (Paris, France) 637 Sleep-disordered breathing in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease P.O. Valko, S. Hauser, M. Sommerauer, E. Werth, C.R. Baumann (Zurich, Switzerland) 638 Improved nighttime sleep and increased daytime wakefulness in patients with Parkinson’s disease psychosis treated with pimavanserin, a selective 5-HT2A antagonist R. Mills, D. Bahr, K. Chi-Burris, H. Williams (San Diego, CA, USA) 614 615 Expression of dopamine receptors in peripheral lymphocytes: Further evidence of neuroinflammatory mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease and beyond A.L. Teixeira, N.P. Rocha, P.L. Scalzo, P.P. Christo, M.S. Souza, E.L. Vieira, H.J. Reis (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) Adaptive changes in autophagy after UPS impairment in Parkinson’s disease W. Le, Y. Shen, Y. Tang, X. Zhang (Shanghai, China) 616 Serotonin syndrome induced by rasagiline A. Esquivel Lopez (Madrid, Spain) 617 Rasagiline in de novo Parkinson’s disease: A retrospective longitudinal case-control study M. Canesi, R. Cilia, G. Pezzoli (Milan, Italy) 618 An open-label study on adding rotigotine treatment to low dose of pramipexole or ropinirole in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease J.M. Kim, S.J. Chung, J.W. Kim, S. Thierfelder, L. Bauer, B.S. Jeon (Seongnam-Si, Korea) 619 Time-to-levodopa depending on initial PD medication: A retrospective cohort study J.P. Reese, U.O. Mueller, W.H. Oertel, R. Dodel, K. Kostev (Marburg, Germany) 620 Outcomes from a large clozapine Parkinson’s registry N. Hack, J. Romrell, A. Hardwick, N. McFarland, A. Wagle-Shukla, J.R. Rodriguez, M. Okun (Gainesville, USA) Parkinson’s disease: Sleep Disorders 621 Sleep disturbance in patients with Parkinson’s disease presenting with leg motor restlessness T. Shimohata, M. Nishizawa (Niigata, Japan) Abstracts by Topic The synthetic opioid nalbuphine reduces L-dopa-induced dyskinesia in non-human primates L.F. Potts, A. Greven, B.L. Dyavar Shetty, J.S. Whithear, S.P. Braithwaite, M. Voronkov, S.M. Papa, M.M. Mouradian (Atlanta, GA, USA) 99 Abstracts by Topic 639 Sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease without dementia: A comparative controlled study of melatonin and clonazepam I. Krasakov, I. Litvinenko (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) 640 Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder: A risk factor for cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease? R. Di Giacopo, Q. Davide, P. Chiara, B. Francesco, B. Annarita (Rovereto, Trento, Italy) 641 Assessment of non motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in Cuba M. Batule Domínguez, R. Estrada Gonzalez (Santa Clara, Cuba) 642 Withdrawn by Author 643 Circadian expression profile of clock genes in early Parkinson’s disease patients R.R. Vuono, D.P. Breen, K. Fisher, A.B. Reddy, R.A. Barker (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 644 Comparison of dream contents and behavioral characteristic between REM sleep behavioral disorder (RBD) and pseudo-RBD in Parkinson’s disease J. Amornvit, N. Jaimchariyatam, R. Bhidayasiri (Bangkok, Thailand) 645 Irregular breathing and impaired sleep stages in patients with Perry syndrome Y. Tsuboi, J. Fukae, T. Mishima, R. Kurisaki, N. Fujii, T. Oka, H. Hara (Fukuoka, Japan) 646 What is the clinical significance of apnea in PD? S.G. Beland, R. Postuma, V. Latreille, J.A. Bertrand, C. Desjardins, M. Panisset, S. Chouinard, J.F. Gagnon (Montreal, QC, Canada) 647 REM sleep behavior disorder is associated to increased frequency of clinical and subclinical impulsive-compulsive behaviors in Parkinson’s disease M.L. Fantini, M. A. Raquel, L. Macedo, V. Tiphaine, D. Berangere, D. Philippe, U. Miguel, V. Nicolas, D. Franck (Clermont-Ferrand, France) 648 Sleep disordered breathing and excessive sleepiness in Parkinson’s disease A.I. Sarwar, O. Sarwar, M. Hirshkowitz (Houston, TX, USA) 649 The olfactory bulb and tract volume of REM sleep behavior disorders R. Sengoku, H. Matsuno, K. Bono, M. Morita, Y. Iguchi (Tokyo, Japan) 655 The prevalence and associates of restless legs syndrome in Iranian patients on hemodialysis S. Miri, M. Rohani, A. Jenabi, S. Yazdanfar, B. Zamani, G.A. Shahidi (Tehran, Iran) 656 High prevalence of restless legs syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus C. Falup-Pecurariu, L. Duca, A. Ene, M. Moarcas (Brasov, Romania) 657 Intravenous iron sucrose for restless legs syndrome in pregnant women with low serum ferritin - A case report D. Vadasz, V. Ries, W.H. Oertel (Marburg, Germany) Tics/Stereotypes 658 Botulinum toxin for ocular tic disorders G. Yahalom, A. Faust-Socher, H. Straus, Y. Orlev, E. Kozlova, S. Hassin-Baer, O.S. Cohen (Tel-Hashomer, Israel) 659 Tourette syndrome phenotype in a patient with deletions at chromosome 18q22.1 and chromosome 13q12.3-q13.1 D. Bhatti, V.K.S. Balasetti, E.T. Rush, D. Torres-Russotto (Omaha, NE, USA) 660 Lines and spirals: Unusual paligraphia in tic disorder (TD). Case report V. Sajin (Chisinau, KoreaMoldova) 661 Female gender and adult Tourette syndrome D.G. Lichter, S.G. Finnegan (Buffalo, NY, USA) 662 Tactile pressure and tics’ suppression - Are the sensory tricks important in tics? S. Valeria, C. Cristina, P. Gabriela, M. Ion, O. Stela (Chisinau, Moldova) 663 Tactile stimuli decrease the tic frequency in chronic tic disorder (CTD) and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) C. Cristina, S. Valeria, M. Ion, P. Gabriela, O. Stela (Chisinau, Moldova) 664 Complementary therapies in hemifacial spasm and comparison with other movement disorders P. Ratnagopal, T. Peeraully, S. Hameed, K. Hussein, P. Woon, S. FookChong, E.K. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 665 A prospective study of sleep disorders in children with Tourette syndrome D. Ghosh, P.V. Rajan, D. Das, D. Rothner, G. Erenberg (Cleveland, OH, USA) Abstracts by Topic Restless Legs Syndrome 100 650 A tale of two restless sisters M.V. Alvarez, P.M. Grogan, M. Alvarez (San Antonio, TX, USA) 651 Rare variants in restless legs syndrome E. Schulte, F. Knauf, B. Schormair, P. Lichtner, C. Trenkwalder, B. Högl, B. Frauscher, K. Berger, I. Fietze, N. Gross, K. Stiasny-Kolster, W. Oertel, C. Bachmann, W. Paulus, A. Zimprich, A. Peters, C. Gieger, B. Müller-Myhsok, J. Winkelmann (München, Germany) 652 Smoking as a risk factor for restless legs syndrome O. Ergin Beton, M.C. Akbostanci (Ankara, Turkey) 653 Restless legs syndrome in a Chinese cohort of patients with Parkinson’s disease Y. Wu, X. Zhu, X. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Feng (Shanghai, China) 654 Familial restless legs syndrome: A family all of whom are women patients K. Akdemir, H. Turker, D. Aygun (Samsun, Turkey) Ataxia 666 Variant ataxia-telangiectasia in Mennonites and neuromuscular presentations S.G. Echebarria Mendieta (Getxo, Spain) 667 Dystonia and bruxism are increased in female fragile X premutation carriers D.A. Hall, M.A. Leehey, E. Berry-Kravis (Chicago, IL, USA) 668 Responsivity of the fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome rating scale D.A. Hall, T. Kehinde, G. Stebbins, E. Berry-Kravis, J. O’Keefe, C. Goetz (Chicago, IL, USA) 669 Withdrawn by Author 670 1H-MRS and 31P-MRS findings in Machado-Joseph disease I. Yabe, K.K. Tha, H. Hamaguchi, K. Sakushima, T. Kano, S. Terae, H. Sasaki (Sapporo, Japan) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 671 Bilateral thalamic deep brain stimulation induces progression of FXTAS non-tremor symptoms in one patient R. Mehanna, I. Itin (Cleveland Heights, OH, USA) 672 Rehabilitation of ataxia P. Marano, M. Marano, M.R. Seminara (Catania, Italy) 673 674 Preclinical features of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2: Insight into early pathological effects of CAG expansion L. Velázquez-Perez, R. Rodríguez-Labrada, N. Canales-Ochoa, T. Cruz Mariño, J.M. Laffita-Mesa, J. Fernandez-Ruiz, R. Diaz, L. Galicia-Polo, R. Haro-Valencia, S. Moreno-Masmela, J. MedranoMontero, E. Cruz-Rivas (Holguín, Cuba) Compassionate use of doxycycline in Gerstmann-StraeusslerScheinker syndrome. Case report on a descendant of the original family H. Zach, G. Kovacs, E. Auff, W. Pirker (Vienna, Austria) 675 Novel APTX mutation in a girl from Colombia affected by AOA1 M. Paucar, I. Alonso, P. Svenningsson (Stockholm, Sweden) 676 No co-segregation of periodic legs movements/restless legs syndrome and spinocerebellar ataxia type 2: Premilinary evidences Y. Vazquez-Mojena, L.C. Velázquez-Pérez, J.M. Laffita-Mesa, R. Rodríguez-Labrada, N. Canales Ochoa, A. Peña Acosta, Y. GonzalezZaldiva (Holguin, Cuba) 677 Insight into psychopathological involvement of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2: A study using event-related evoked potentials R. Rodríguez-Labrada, L.C. Velázquez-Pérez, R. AguileraRodríguez, A. Peña-Acosta, A. Estupiñan-Rodríguez, N. CanalesOchoa, Y. Vazquez-Mojena (Holguin, Cuba) Gait adaptability training improves obstacle avoidance capacities and dynamic stability in patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia V. Weerdesteyn, E.M.R. Fonteyn, A.J. Heeren, J.J.C. Engels, J.J. den Boer, B.P.C. van de Warrenburg (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 679 Can we distinguish the subtypes of spinocerebellar ataxia by ocular motor features? J.S. Kim, J.S. Kim, H. Jeong, H.T. Kim, J.W. Cho (Seoul, Korea) 680 Preclinical electrophysiological manifestation of cranial nerves alterations in SCA2 J.M. Montero, L.V. Pérez, R.R. Labrada, N. Canales-Ochoa, Y.G. Zaldívar, R.A. González, A.E. Rodríguez (Holguín, Cuba) 681 Movement disorders in spinocerebellar ataxias in a cohort of Brazilian patients A. Moro, R. Munhoz, M. Moscovich, W. Arruda, S. Raskin, H. Teive (Curitiba, Brazil) 682 ‘Pseudo-dominant’ inheritance in Friedreich’s ataxia: Clinical and genetic study of a Brazilian family A. Moro, A. Martinez, R. Munhoz, W. Arruda, F. Germiniani, S. Raskin, H. Teive (Curitiba, Brazil) 683 A clinical profile of a large cohort of genetically proven patients with SCA-1 from South India A.Z. Ansari, R. Yadav, M. Puroshottam, S. Jain, P.K. Pal (Bangalore, India) 684 Dysarthria as a presenting symptom of olivopontocerebellar atrophy M.A. Rana, A.Q. Rana, Y. Mujawaz (Townsville, Australia) 685 Swallowing function in people with Friedreich’s ataxia M.J. Keage, L. Corben, M. Delatycki, A.P. Vogel (Melbourne, Australia) Brain cortical and subcortical findings in Friedreich’s ataxia patients S.C. Karuta, S. Raskin, E.O. Gasparetto, A. de Carvalho Neto, H.G. Teive (Curitiba, Brazil) 687 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 in a family with full CAG repeat expansions of ATXN2 S. Tazen, K. Figueroa, J.Y. Kwan, J. Goldman, A. Hunt, J. Sampson, L. Gutmann, S. Pulst, H. Mitsumoto, S.H. Kuo (New York, NY, USA) 688 Cortical reorganization after intensive rehabilitation in degenerative cerebellar ataxia M. Mihara, H. Fujimoto, N. Hattori, M. Hatakenaka, H. Yagura, T. Kawano, I. Miyai, H. Mochizuki (Osaka, Japan) 689 Levodopa responsive dystonia in ataxia with oculomotor apraxia with a novel heterozygous SETX mutation J.H. Siddiqui, S.A. Gunzler (Cleveland, OH, USA) 690 Antioxidant status of superoxide dismutase/catalase enzymatic system modifies the clinic progression in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 Cuban patients D. Almaguer-Gotay, R. Aguilera-Rodríguez, R. Rodríguez-Labrada, L.C. Velázquez-Pérez, C. González-Triana, L.E. Almaguer-Mederos, A. Estupiñán-Domínguez, D.A. Cuellos-Almarales, J.M. Laffita-Mesa, Y. González-Zaldívar, Y. Vázquez-Mojena (Holguín, Cuba) 691 Improvement in gait and cerebellar ataxia with varenicline in a patient with spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 A. Ramirez-Zamora, F. Tong, M. Mary Ann (Albany, NY, USA) 692 Mutated ATXN2 gene expression and changes in cellularity of cerebellar Purkinje cells are associated with specific ultra structure disruptions D.A. Cuello-Almarales, J.A. Aguiar-Santiago, J.R. FernándezMassó, M.M. Vázquez, I. Mendosa-Marí, L.C. Velázquez-Pérez, L.E. Almaguer-Mederos, J.M. Laffita-Mesa, D. Amaguer-Gotay, J.C. García (Holguín, Cuba) 693 Clinical and neuroimaging analyses in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 R.P. Guimaraes, A. D’Abreu, C.L. Yasuda, M.C. Franca, Jr., I.T. LopesCendes, F. Cendes (Campinas, Brazil) 694 From normal gait to loss of ambulation in 6 months: A novel presentation of SCA 17 R. Mehanna, I. Itin (Cleveland Heights, OH, USA) 695 Genetic screening of ATXN3 CAG expansion mutation in ADCA-I phenotype: Prevalence and clinical findings of SCA3 in North Indian context A.K. Srivastava, M. Faruq, D. Kumar, R. Gupta, M. Mukerji, M. Behari (New Delhi, India) 696 Targeted genomic capture for diagnosis of hereditary cerebellar ataxias M. Renaud, O. Lagha-Boukbiza, M. Mallaret, N. Drouot, B. Jost, S. Le Gras, J.L. Mandel, M. Anheim, C. Tranchant, M. Koenig (Strasbourg, France) 697 Cuban families with spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 Y. Gonzalez-Zaldivar, Y. Vazquez-Mojena, R. Aguilera-Rodriguez, L.C. Velazquez-Perez, T. Zaldivar-Vaillan, M. Castro-Lopez, M. LandaMuñiz, R. Rodríguez-Labrada, T. Cruz-Mariño, G. Sanchez-Cruz, N. Canales-Ochoa, D.A. Cuello-Almarales, L.E. Almaguer-Mederos, J.M. Laffita-Mesa (Holguin, Cuba) 698 Osteopenia and osteoporosis in Friedreich’s ataxia W. Nachbauer, A. Eigentler, R. Gasser, W. Poewe, S. Boesch (Innsbruck, Austria) Abstracts by Topic 678 686 101 Abstracts by Topic 699 A phase II, double blind, placebo controlled trial assessing safety and tolerability of carbamylated erythropoietin in patients with Friedreich’s ataxia S. Boesch, W. Nachbauer, C. Mariotti, A. Filla, F. Sacca, T. Klockgether, T. Klopstock, L. Schöls, H. Jakobi, B. Büchner, J. Müller vom Hagen, L. Nanetti, K. Manicom (Innsbruck, Austria) 700 Clinical and neurophysiologic characterization of 4 German families with spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 C. Ganos, S. Zittel, M. Minnerop, O. Schunke, C. Heinbokel, C. Gerloff, T. Klockgether, A. Münchau, T. Bäumer (Hamburg, Germany) 701 Abstracts by Topic 102 715 The combination of SPECT-CT and functional MR imaging in the diagnosis of neuroacanthocytosis X. Long, N. Xiong, Q. Zhu, Z. Liang, T. Wang, X. Kong, C. Liu (Wuhan, China) 716 Voltage gated potassium channel encephalitis associated with ischemic basal ganglia lesion and delayed development of unilateral chorea M. Brys, D. Gazzola, J. Werely, S. Najjar, R. Gilbert (New York, NY, USA) 717 Cocaine-induced choreoathetoid movements (“crack dancing”): A video case report J.M.B. Souza, Y. Correa-Neto (Florianópolis, Brazil) 718 A novel nonsense mutation in a Taiwanese patient with McLeod syndrome P.Y. Chen, S.H. Yan, C.C. Yang, M.J. Lee, Y.H. Chiu, S.C. Lai, T.H. Yeh, C.S. Lu (Taipei, Taiwan) 719 Withdrawn by Author 720 Two siblings with cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, vestibular areflexia syndrome (CANVAS) C.C. Umeh, D.J. Szmulewicz, M. Polydefkis, V. Chaudhry, D.S. Zee (Baltimore, MD, USA) Two siblings with neuroacanthocytosis who have genetically determined chorein deficiency but no achantocytes in blood M. Aksu, S. Korkmaz, M. Kocyigit, S. Ismailogullari (Kayseri, Turkey) 721 Hyperglycemia induced chorea N. Kumar (Patna, India) Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias: A systematic review on clinical features M. Rossi, S. Perez-Lloret, L. Doldan, D. Cerquetti, J. Balej, P. Millar Vernetti, M. Hawkes, A. Cammarota, M. Merello (Toulouse, France) 722 Hemichorea associated with subcortical infarction- A case report F.N. Mercan, E. Bayram, E. Oner, M.C. Akbostanci (Ankara, Turkey) 723 Movement disorders as the setting scene for neurosyphilis N. Diaconu, G. Pavlic, I. Moldovanu, C. Guranda, O. Grosu (Chisinau, Moldova) 724 NKX2.1 case series: Novel mutations and additional clinical characteristics K.J. Peall, D. Lumsden, R. Kneen, R. Madhu, D. Peake, F. Gibbon, H. Lewis, T. Hedderly, B. Lynch, M.D. King, H.R. Morris, J.P. Lin, H. Jungbluth, M.A. Kurian (Cardiff, United Kingdom) 725 Pathologically proven progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) presenting with chorea S. Chaal, W.J. Scotton, J. Rowe (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 726 Hemichorea as a presentation of acute rheumatic fever- A case report A. Kumar (Patna, India) 727 Effective treatment of athetoid cerebral palsy with carbamazepine J.P. Trumble, S.H. Mehta, I.M. Sawhney, J.C. Morgan, K.D. Sethi (Augusta, GA, USA) 728 An exceptional cause of generalized choreoathetosis: Subarachnoid hemorrhage I. Díaz-Maroto, E. Fernández-Díaz, E. Palazón, A.B. PeronaMoratalla, Ó. Ayo-Martin, J. García-García (Albacete, Spain) Clinical evaluation of eye movements in spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs): A prospective multicenter NIH cohort study M. Moscovich, M. Okun, C. Favilla, K.P. Figueroa, S. Pulst, S. Perlman, G. Wilmot, C. Gomez, J. Schmahmann, S. Ying, H. Paulson, V. Shakkottai, K. Bushara, T. Zesiewicz, S. Kuo, B. Beaulieu, G. Xia, T. Ashizawa, S.H. Subramony (Curitiba, Brazil) 703 Clinical association between spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A case report R. Aguilera-Rodriguez, D. Almaguer-Gotay, L.E. Almaguer-Mederos, Y. Gonzalez-Zaldivar, A. Estupiñan-Rodriguez, L. Laguna-Salvia, L. Velazquez-Perez, J.M. Rodriguez-Pupo (Holguin, Cuba) 706 Choreas (Non-Huntington’s Disease) Steroids- An initial symptomatic treatment for Moyamoyainduced chorea P. Vittal, M. Weimer, A. Conravey (New Orleans, LA, USA) Movement disorders in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias: A prospective multicenter NIH cohort study M. Moscovich, M.S. Okun, C. Favilla, K.P. Figueroa, S.M. Pulst, S. Perlman, G. Wilmot, C. Gomez, J. Schmahmann, S. Ying, H. Paulson, V. Shakkottai, K. Bushara, T. Zesiewicz, S.H. Kuo, B. Beaulieu, G. Xia, T. Ashizawa, S.H. Subramony (Curitiba, Brazil) 705 Safety and effectiveness of lithium carbonate for the treatment of Machado-Joseph disease: A phase 2/3 randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial J.A. Saute, R. Castilhos, T. Monte, A. Schuh, K. Donis, R. D’Ávila, G. Souza, A. Russo, G. Furtado, T. Gheno, D. Souza, L. Portela, M. Saraiva-Pereira, S. Camey, V. Torman, C.R.M. Rieder, L.B. Jardim (Porto Alegre, Brazil) 714 702 704 713 Preliminary evaluation of glucose homeostasis in Cuban patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 R. Aguilera-Roriguez, L.E. Almaguer-Mederos, A. Alvarez-Sosa, D. Almaguer-Gotay, D. Cuello-Almaralez, Y. Gonzalez-Zaldivar, A. Rodriguez-Estupiñan (Holguin, Cuba) 707 A rare co-occurrence of two commonest Indian spinocerebellar ataxia subtypes: SCA2 2 and SCA12 in a family A.K. Srivastava, M. Faruq, S. Shakya, M. Behari (New Delhi, India) 708 Diffusion-tensor MRI imaging study in Friedreich ataxia patients S.C. Karuta, S. Raskin, E.O. Gasparetto, A. de Carvalho Neto, H.G. Teive (Curitiba, Brazil) 709 Identification of a novel CACNA1A mutation in a Taiwanese family with episodic ataxia W.Y. Lin, C.L. Huang, S.C. Lia, T.H. Yeh, C.S. Lu (Taipei, Taiwan) 710 Cognitive impairment in patients with SCA2 M. Valis, J. Masopust, J. Bazant, J. Masopust (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic) 711 Chronic progressive ataxia: An unusual manifestation of neuroBehçet’s disease J. Marques, J. Passos, L. Cuña, C. Costa (Lisbon, Portugal) 712 The global epidemiology of hereditary ataxias and spastic paraplegias: A systematic review of prevalence studies L. Ruano, C. Melo, C. Silva, P. Coutinho (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 729 Generalized chorea due to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy resposive to divalproex sodium E.J. Portela, A.A. Carmo, F.C. Cardoso (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 730 Botulinum toxin therapy in hemiballism S. Babu, A.D. Ha, S.D. Kim, G. Walker, N. Wolfe, V.S.C. Fung (Sydney, Australia) Clinical Electrophysiology 731 Effects of motor cortical quadripulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (QPS) on the contralateral primary motor cortex R. Tsutsumi, R. Hanajima, Y. Terao, Y. Shirota, T. Shimizu, N. Tanaka, Y. Ugawa (Tokyo, Japan) 732 Temporal integration in sensorimotor synchronization in patients with spinocerebellar degeneration S. Matsuda, T. Furubayashi, H. Fukuda, R. Hanajima, S. Tsuji, Y. Ugawa, Y. Terao (Tokyo, Japan) 733 Pathophysiology of the trigeminal blink reflex hyperexcitability in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy M. Bologna, C. Piattella, A. Formica, A. Conte, G. Fabbrini, C. Colosimo, A. Berardelli (Pozzilli, Italy) 744 Huntington’s disease: A retrospective analysis in two centers of Buenos Aires-Argentina C. Corina, S.A. Rodríguez-Quiroga, T. Arakaki, W. Gramajo, V. Díaz Aragunde, M. Mancuso, D. González-Morón, J. Casen, R.D. Rey, M.A. Kauffman, N.S. Garretto (Caba, Argentina) 745 Diffusion tensor imaging in early Huntington’s disease S. Singh, H. Mehta, R. Fekete (Valhalla, NY, USA) 746 A systematic review of the behavioural symptoms in Huntington’s disease: A cross-sectional and longitudinal approach D.J. McLauchlan, A.E. Rosser (Cardiff, United Kingdom) 747 Longitudinal analysis of putaminal volume in Huntington’s disease: The IMAGE-HD study F.A. Wilkes, J.C. Looi, M. Walterfang, D. Velakoulis, J.C. Stout, A. Churchyard, P. Chua, G.F. Egan, N. Georgiou-Karistianis (Canberra, Australia) 748 Clinical balance impairment associated with Huntington’s disease as assessed by the mini-BESTest J.V. Jacobs, J.T. Boyd, P. Hogarth, F.B. Horak (Burlington, VT, USA) 749 Late onset Huntington’s disease: An unusual presentation with predominant psychiatric symptoms and gait disorders D. Barzola, R. Reiteri, P. Mahlknecht, P. Costantini, M. Perez Akly, R. Diaz, G. Graviotto, G. Zanga, M.M. Esnaola, C. Peralta (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Waveform analysis in hand tremor with cervical dystonia W. Jang, J.Y. Ahn, H.T. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 735 A postural reflex evoked by short axial accelerations S. Graus, S. Govender, J.G. Colebatch (Sydney, Australia) 750 736 Impaired voluntary contraction on a reaction time task may support the clinical diagnosis in fixed dystonia A. Batla, P. Kassavetis, I. Parees, K.P. Bhatia, M.J. Edwards (London, United Kingdom) Juvenile Huntington’s disease, clinical and genetics characteristics of patients from Argentina V. Parisi, G. Persi, A. Sanguinetti, J. Etcheverry, E. Gatto (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 751 737 Reversal of long-term potentiation-like plasticity in primary motor cortex in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy M. Bologna, K. Bertram, A. Conte, K. Scott, D.R. Williams, A. Berardelli (Pozzilli, Italy) Mutant huntingtin impair mitochondrial movement and trafficking in hippocampal neurons B. Zhang, J. Tian, Y. Yan (Hangzhou, China) 752 Assessment of speech therapy efficacy in Huntington’s disease (HD) by caregivers S. Clémence, A. Inès, G. Léa, E. Isabelle, M. Dominique, K. Pierre, D. Alain, Réseau Huntington de Langue Français, European Huntington’s Disease Network (Lille, France) 753 Enroll–HD: An innovative clinical research platform to support Huntington ‘s disease research J.D. Giuliano, O. Handley, G.B. Landwehrmeyer, C. Sampaio (Princeton, NJ, USA) 754 Characterization of a novel striatal-specific non-human primate model of Huntington’s disease R. Aron Badin, G. Callander, A. Bemelmans, N. Dufour, M. Guillermier, C. Jan, A. Petersén, N. Déglon, D. Kirik, H. Philippe (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France) 755 Targeting neuro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress by minocycline attenuates quinolinic acid-induced Huntington’s disease-like symptoms in rats H. Kalonia, A. Kumar, J. Mishra (Chandigarh, India) 756 Mutant huntingtin fragmentation in immune cells tracks Huntington’s disease progression E.J. Wild, A. Weiss, U. Trager, S. Grueninger, R. Farmer, C. Landles, R. Scahill, N. Lahiri, S. Haider, D. Macdonald, C. Frost, G. Bates, G. Bilbe, R. Kuhn, R. Andre, S. Tabrizi (London, United Kingdom) 757 FTY720 is neuroprotective in Huntington’s disease V. Maglione, A. Di Pardo, E. Amico, M. Favellato, R. Castrataro, S. Fucile, F. Squitieri (Pozzilli (IS), Italy) 738 Withdrawn by Author 739 Peripheral neuropathy in the Parkinson’s disease, a case-control study P. Perez Galdos (Lima, Peru) 740 High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) improved the cognitive behavior and hippocampal synaptic plasticity of aged mice Y. Geng, C. Mu, Q. Cao, M. Wang (Shijiazhuang, China) 741 Interactions between sensory and motor circuits in human primary motor cortex R.F. Cash, R. Isayama, C. Gunraj, Z. Ni, R. Chen (Toronto, ON, Canada) 742 A novel approach to induce human cortical plasticity using cortical disinhibition R.F. Cash, T. Murakami, G.W. Thickbroom, U. Ziemann (Toronto, ON, Canada) Huntington’s Disease 743 Safety assessment of atlas-base coordinates of targets for stereotactic bilateral striatal neural transplantation: Clinical case series of 22 patients with Huntington’s disease W.O. Contreras Lopez, G. Nikkhah, E. Schueltke, L. Furlanetti, M. Trippel (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany) Abstracts by Topic 734 103 Abstracts by Topic 758 Abnormal implicit prediction in rhythmical saccadic movement of manifest Huntington patients: A 12 months longitudinal study E.A. Toh, M. MacAskill, J. Dalrymple-Alford, D. Myall, S. MacLeod, L. Livingston, T. Anderson (Christchurch, New Zealand) 759 Impaired precision in single interval production is due to timing dependent deficits in pre-manifest and manifest Huntington’s disease A.K. Rao, K.S. Marder, B. Rakitin (New York, NY, USA) 760 Progression in cognitive function of Huntington patients relative to controls: A 12 months study E.A. Toh, M. MacAskill, J. Dalrymple-Alford, D. Myall, S. MacLeod, L. Livingston, T. Anderson (Christchurch, New Zealand) 761 Psychogenic gait disorder in a young female with Huntington’s disease Y.P. Chang, P.Y. Shih, L.M. Liu, C.L. Lai (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) 762 The Huntington disease patient-reported outcome of problems (HD-PROP): Feasibility and applicability in clinical research I. Shoulson (Washington, DC, USA) 763 Brain iron accumulation in juvenile Huntington’s disease A. Macerollo, A. Batla, M. Stamelou, K. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 764 Changes in cerebral vasculature in patients with Huntington’s disease J. Drouin-Ouellet, I. Saint-Amour, W.L. Kuan, M. Saint-Pierre, R.A. Barker, F. Cicchetti (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 765 The pharmacokinetics of extended release SD-809, a deuteriumsubstituted analogue of tetrabenazine D.A. Stamler, F. Brown, M. Bradbury (La Jolla, CA, USA) 766 Overview of pharmacologic data with pridopidine: Potential basis for the treatment of motor complications of Huntington’s disease E.S. Waters, J. Tedroff, C. Sonesson, A.T. Wickenberg, N. Waters, F. Squitieri (Pozzilli, Italy) 767 Quantifying Huntington’s disease (HD) burden internationally J. Dorey, F. Squitieri, C. Verny, D. Zielonka, J. Cohen, M. Tuomi (Lyon, France) 768 Potential neuroprotective effects of pridopidine in Huntington’s disease A. DiPardo, V. Maglione, M.G. Favellato, E. Amico, F. Squitieri (Pozzilli, Italy) 769 Model-based meta-analysis (MBMA) of UHDRS-Total motor score in Huntington’s disease (HD) clinical trials Y. Jin, S. Ahadieh, S. Papapetropoulos, J. Liu (Cambridge, MA, USA) Abstracts by Topic Parkinsonism (Secondary and Parkinsonism-Plus) 104 770 An independent clinical audit of an alternative treatment paradigm for the management of Parkinson’s disease J. Chow Chuen, R. Beran (Chatswood, Australia) 771 Prevalence and risk factors for parkinsonism among retired Filipino boxers L.L. Shiong Shu, R.D.G. Jamora, P.A.D. Canto, C.P.C. Dioquino, L.K. Ledesma (Manila, Philippines) 772 773 Cortical glucose hypometabolism correlates with cortical atrophy in corticobasal degeneration: [18F]FDG PET and MRI study C.S. Lee, S.M. Kim, S.J. Kim, J.M. Lee (Seoul, Korea) Striatal [18F]FDG uptake decreased only after a substantial loss of striatal [18F]FP-CIT binding in patients with multiple system atrophy: Evidence for linked neurodegeneration C.S. Lee, S.J. Kim, J.S. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 774 Large B-cell central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma presenting as rapidly progressive Parkinsonism with changes in mental status D. Castellanos, K. Kurako, R. Govindarajan, N. Galvez-Jimenez (Weston, FL, USA) 775 Withdrawn by Author 776 Breathing variability and brainstem serotonergic loss in a genetic model of multiple system atrophy O. Flabeau, W.G. Meissner, A. Ozier, P. Berger, F. Tison, P.O. Fernagut (Bordeaux, France) 777 Levodopa-responsive Parkinsonism following bilateral putaminal hemorrhages T. Hatano, S.I. Kubo, Y. Niijima-Ishii, H. Sugita, N. Hattori (Tokyo, Japan) 778 Clinical correlates of vascular parkinsonism G. Boschetti, M. Farah, F. Guimarães, H.A. Teive, R.P. Munhoz (Curitiba, Brazil) 779 Histological and physiological evaluation of peripheral neuropathy in Parkinsonism K. Doppler, S. Ebert, N. Üçeyler, J. Volkmann, C. Sommer (Würzburg, Germany) 780 Regional expression of alpha-synuclein in multiple system atrophy Y.T. Asi, H. Houlden, A.J. Lees, T. Revesz, J.L. Holton (London, United Kingdom) 781 Clinical and neuropathological features of synucleinopathy associated with G51D SNCA mutation A.P. Kiely, Y.T. Asi, E. Kara, P. Limousin, H. Ling, P. Lewis, C. Proukakis, N. Quinn, A. Lees, J. Hardy, T. Revesz, H. Houlden, J.L. Holton (London, United Kingdom) 782 Auditory cues at person-specific asymmetry and cadence improve gait stability only in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) M.A.D. Brodie, T.R. Beijer, S.R. Lord, C.G. Canning, J. Menant, S. Smith, R.T. Dean (Randwick, Australia) 783 Increased blood-brain barrier permeability in atypical Parkinsonism J.H. Kang, S.Y. Kang, J.S. Lee, S.K. Song (Jeju-si, Korea) 784 Higher level gait disorders: The role of midbrain neurodegeneration M.L. Welter, A. Demain, G.W.M. Westby, S. Fernandez-Vidal, F. Bonneville, M.C. Do, C. Delmaire, D. Dormont, E. Bardinet, Y. Agid, N. Chastan (Paris, France) 785 Transcranial brain sonography findings in two main variants of progressive supranuclear palsy M. Jecmenica-Lukic, M. Svetel, M. Mijajlovic, D. Smajlovic, A. Tomic, V.S. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) 786 The binding of iron and methamphetamine to melanin R.L. Schroeder, C.P. Gerber (Adelaide, Australia) 787 Outcomes of shunting for idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) N. Mahant, E. Everingham, B. Owler (Westmead, Australia) 788 Genetic influences of MAPT and SNCA on age at onset of Parkinson’s disease Y. Huang, G. Wang, D. Rowe, Y. Wang, J. Kwok, Q. Xiao, F. Masterglia, J. Liu, G. Halliday, S. Chen (Sydney, Australia) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 789 Focal mass lesions and movement disorders Y. Mujawaz, A.Q. Rana, M.A. Rana (Bedford Park, Adelaide, Australia) 790 Abdominal dystonia as a manifestation of multiple system atrophy: Report of a case M.K. Lu, C.H. Tsai (Taichung, Taiwan) 791 The effectiveness of a group therapy programme for dysarthria in clients with Parkinson’s disease: Maintaining evidence based practice across models of service delivery R. Bridle, A. Cream, D. West, L. Majteles, D. Burnell (Perth, Australia) 806 A case of Parkinsonism following an acute mountain sickness with globus pallidus lesions after travelling the Qinghai-Tibet railway, “Four days in Tibet” Y. Naito (Ise, Japan) 807 Electrophysiological examination of apraxia in a case of corticobasal syndrome A. Gunduz, H. Apaydin, M.E. Kiziltan (Istanbul, Turkey) 808 Multiple system atrophy and cognition J.L. Etcheverry, A. Sanguinetti, V. Parisi, G. Rojas, I. Demey, E. Gatto (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 792 AmbuloSono: A sensorimotor contingency-based musical walking program for people living with Parkinson’s disease B. Hu, S. Cihal, T. Clark (Calgary, AB, Canada) 809 Nociceptive threshold evaluation in multiple system atrophy J. Pellaprat, A. Gerdelat-Mas, M. Galitzsky, A. Pavy-Le Traon, O. Rascol, F. Ory-Magne, C. Brefel-Courbon (Toulouse, France) 793 Critical discussion of the use of percutaneous endocopic gastrotomiy in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) G. Nübling, S. Lorenzl (Munich, Germany) 810 Young-onset and old-onset multiple system atrophy: Clinical comparison study J. Kim, M.J. Kim, Y.J. Kim, S.R. Kim, M.S. Kim, S.J. Chung (Seoul, Korea) 794 The “Lazy lid” sign supports the clinical diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy S. Lorenzl, G. Nübling (Munich, Germany) 811 Effectiveness of rehabilitation in adults with Parkinson plus syndromes: A systematic review D. Tan, S. Hong, A. Koh (Singapore, Singapore) 795 Mitochondrial dysfunction in Kufor-Rakeb syndrome J.S. Park, B. Koentjoro, C.M. Sue (St. Leonards, Australia) 812 796 Primary lateral sclerosis with marked supranuclear gaze palsy and postural instability but normal dopamine transporters imaging: A distinct PLS phenotype M. Stamelou, A. Pisani, M. Edwards, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) Challenges posed by measurement of eye movements in clinical trials of parkinsonism-dementia syndromes R.J. Leigh, R.M. Schneider, M.F. Walker, D.E. Riley (Cleveland, OH, USA) 813 Why do patients with PSP fall? B.M. Schoneburg, M. Mancini, F.B. Horak, J.G. Nutt (Portland, OR, USA) 814 Multiple system atrophy: Prognostic indicators of survival J.J. Figueroa, W. Singer, A.K. Parsaik, E.E. Benarroch, J.E. Ahlskog, P. Sandroni, J. Mandrekar, P.A. Low, J.H. Bower (Rochester, MN, USA) 815 Pain characteristics in Parkinson’s disease: An Indian experience B.S. Paul, G. Paul, G. Singh (Ludhiana, India) 797 A reaprassial of the ten steps test (TST) in atypical Parkinsonism H. Morales-Briceño, D. Martinez-Ramirez, M. Rodriguez-Violante, A. Cervantes-Arriaga (Mexico City, Mexico) 798 ‘Atypical’ atypical parkinsonism: New genetic conditions presenting with features of PSP, CBD or MSA: A diagnostic guide M. Stamelou, N.P. Quinn, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) Factors affecting the quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease on the early stages E. Gubanova, N. Fedorova (Moscow, Russia) 816 Short latency afferent inhibition and cognitive functions in multiple system atrophy O. Celebi, Ç. Temuçin, B. Elibol, E. Saka (Ankara, Turkey) 800 Disodium etidronate was not effective in 4 patients with Fahr’s disease N. Carriere, C. Simonin, C. Delmaire, M. Delliaux, A. Destee, L. Defebvre (Lille, France) 817 Paraneoplastic parkinsonism: A rare cause of symptomatic parkinsonism B. Topcular, A. Yabalak, A. Kaymaz, A. Altinkaya, B. Altunrende, E. Altundag, G. Akman Demir (Istanbul, Turkey) 801 Evaluation of supranuclear palsy rating scale in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy N.K. Rai, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, N. Kumar, A.K. Shrivastava, M. Behari (Bhopal, India) 818 802 Circadian control of blood pressure and pulse rate in Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy M. Pilleri, L. Giorgio, W. Luca, B. Roberta, A. Angelo (Venice-Lido, Italy) Davunetide for PSP: Results of the AL-108-231, phase 2/3, 52 week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial A.L. Boxer, A.E. Lang, M. Grossman, D.S. Knopman, B.L. Miller, L.S. Schneider, R. Doody, A. Lees, L. Parker, J. Hirman, B. Morimoto, M. Gold (San Francisco, CA, USA) 819 How fast can PSP progress? M.J. Armstrong, R. Castellani, S.G. Reich (Baltimore, MD, USA) 820 Motor neuron disease pathology presenting as progressive supranuclear palsy D.W. Dickson (Jacksonville, FL, USA) 821 Gait initiation failure in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy I.U. Isaias, A. Marzegan, G. Marotta, J. Volkmann, M. Michi, M. Canesi, C.A. Frigo, G. Pezzoli (Würzburg, Germany) 822 Progression of autonomic failure in multiple system atrophy: An analysis of the EMSA-SG natural history study cohort F. Krismer, S. Duerr, K. Seppi, S. Boesch, W. Poewe, G.K. Wenning, on behalf of EMSA-SG (Innsbruck, Austria) 803 Effect of delayed auditory feedback on dysarthria associated with neurodegenerative diseases C. Oda, T. Yamamoto, M. Murata, M. Satoh, K. Nakayama, T. Maeno, Y. Kobayashi (Kodairashi, Japan) 804 Widening the phenotype of progressive supranuclear palsy F. Baig, N.P.S. Bajaj (Nottingham, United Kingdom) 805 Evaluation of unified multiple system atrophy rating scale (UMSARS) in Indian MSA patients N.K. Rai, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, N. Kumar, A.K. Shrivastava, M. Behari (Bhopal, India) Abstracts by Topic 799 105 Abstracts by Topic 823 Reduced striatal [(123)I]FP-CIT SPECT in acquired hepatocerebral degeneration H. Ling, A.J. Lees, N. Bajaj (London, United Kingdom) 839 White and gray matter abnormalities in unclassifiable Parkinsonism G. Arabia, A. Cerasa, M. Morelli, A. Quattrone (Catanzaro, Italy) 824 Dynamics of red flags in multiple system atrophy: An analysis of the EMSA-SG natural history study cohort F. Krismer, S. Duerr, K. Seppi, S. Boesch, W. Poewe, G.K. Wenning, On Behalf of EMSA-SG (Innsbruck, Austria) 840 Obstructive hydrocephalus as an unusual cause of parkinsonism H. Sereg, F. Baig, B. Gran (Nottingham, United Kingdom) 841 Selegiline rescues gait deficits and dopaminergic cells in subacute MPTP mouse model of Parkinson’s disease Q. Zhao, Y. Bai, D. Fang (Shanghai, China) 842 Clinical experience using a 5 week training program that combines a treadmill with virtual reality to enhance gait S. Shema, N. Giladi, O. Wachsler Yannai, J.M. Hausdorff, A. Mirelman (Tel Aviv, Israel) 843 The effect of dopamine agonists on postural instability and abnormalities of gait in “lower-half parkinsonism” R. Mazzocchio, L. Terzuoli, L. Martelli, D. Cioncoloni, B. Marco (Siena, Italy) 844 Apathy in progressive supranuclear palsy C. Dell’Aquila, O. Barulli, C. Muschitiello, A. Grasso, A. Iurillo, M. Tursi, F. Tamma, M. De Mari, G. Iliceto, F. Valluzzi, B. Tartaglione, P. Lamberti, S. Zoccolella, G. Logroscino (Andria, Italy) 845 Stridor in multiple system atrophy (MSA) O. Lagha-Boukbiza, J. Perriard, P. Schultz, M. Anheim, C. Tranchant (Strasbourg, France) 846 Multiple addictive behaviors in a patient with MSA: Cognitive features and extensive behavioral assessment C. Siri, A. Colombo, G. Pezzoli, R. Cilia (Milan, Italy) 847 Antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channels presenting with parkinsonism N.V. Shneyder, H.R. Doshi, E.B. George (Detroit, MI, USA) 848 Cognitive impairment as another possible cause of scan without evidence of dopaminergic deficit (SWEDD) patients H.S. Kim, S.H. Oh, W.C. Kim, O.J. Kim, S.J. Jang (Gyeonggido, Korea) 849 Chronic parkinsonism with an acute onset following exposure to a product of organophosphate synthesis K. Baker, B. Kluger (Greeley, CO, USA) 825 826 827 Accuracy of portable polygraphy for the diagnosis of sleep apnea in MSA W.G. Meissner, O. Flabeau, P. Perez, F. Marquant, F. Tison, P. Philip, J. Taillard, I. Ghorayeb (Pessac Cedex, France) Interferon alpha treatment, hepatitis C and Parkinson’s disease K.J. Wangensteen, J.T. Boyd, R.W. Hamill, E.L. Krawitt (Burlington, VT, USA) 829 The role of statin use on incidence of Parkinson’s disease: A meta-analysis of observational studies K. Undela, K. Gudala, S. Malla, D. Bansal (Mysore, India) 830 Neuroprotective potential of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl co-enzyme A (HMG-coa) reductase inhibitors against 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) induced Parkinson-like symptoms A. Kumar, N. Sharma, J. Mishra (Chandigarh, India) Expanding the clinical presentation of DYT5 mutations: Is multiple system atrophy a possible one? V. Nicoletti, L. Kiferle, C. Reale, C. Del Gamba, B. Garavaglia, U. Bonuccelli, R. Ceravolo (Pisa, Italy) 832 Improvement under donepezil treatment in a patient with pure akinesia with freezing of gait B. Topcular, A. Yabalak, A. Kaymaz, A. Altinkaya, N. Sozer Topcular, B. Altunrende, E. Altindag, G. Akman Demir, H. Hanagasi, M. Emre (Istanbul, Turkey) 833 Diagnosis of multiple system atrophy (MSA): A time consuming puzzle Z. Peng-Chen, J. Tapia-Núñez, J. Lasso-Peñafiel (Santiago, Chile) 834 Analysis of the plasma α-synuclein levels and SNCA variants in Chinese patients with multiple system atrophy H. Jiang, Z. Sun, X. Xiang, Z. Chen, B. Tang (Changsha, China) 835 836 Abstracts by Topic Autonomic impairment in progressive supranuclear palsy from MAPT mutation D.S. Francesca, A.E. Elia, G. Rossi, F. Tagliavini, A. Albanese (Milan, Italy) 828 831 106 REM behavioral disorder (RBD) in Parkinson’s disease N.K. Rai, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, A.K. Shrivastava, M. Behari (Bhopal, India) Advanced Parkinson’s disease with neuropsychiatric disorders, including delusional misidentification syndromes. A Brazilian cases report H.A.G. Teive, A. Moro, W.O. Arruda, R.P. Munhoz (Curitiba, Brazil) Vascular Parkinsonism in a tertiary care stroke prevention clinic: Prevalence and development of a new screening questionnaire H.A. Manosalva, T. Jeerakathil, F. Pio, M. Saqqur, R. Camicioli, O. Suchowersky (Edmonton, AB, Canada) 837 Natural history of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy J.I. Nunomura, M. Matsunaga, H. Ono (Hirosaki, Japan) 838 To evaluate the impact of Parkinson’s disease on quality of life (QOL) D. Joshi, P. Chaterjee, V.N. Mishra, R.N. Chaurasia, A.Z. Ansari, B. Kumar, A. Kumar, V. Nandmeyer (Varanasi, India) Parkinson’s Disease: Phenomenology 850 Attention modulation in parkinsonian freezers: Consequences for step initiation postural adjustments C. Tard, K. Dujardin, J.L. Bourriez, P. Derambure, L. Defebvre, A. Delval (Lille, France) 851 Detecting freezing of gait and falls using motion recorder and home video in Parkinson’s disease patients during everyday activities Y. Okuma, H. Mitoma, M. Yoneyama (Izunokuni, Japan) 852 Distribution of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in rat brain tissues and the role of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in aging and vivo model of Parkinson’s disease B. Zhang, Q. Lv, J. Pu, X. Lei, Y. Mao (Hangzhou, China) 853 The sensitivity and specificity of Japanese version of 9-item wearing-off questionnaires (WOQ-9) J. Fukae, K.I. Kashiwahara, Y. Okuma, N. Hattori, Y. Tsuboi (Fukuoka, Japan) 854 Kinematic analysis of finger tapping in patients with Parkinson’s disease and SWEDD M.J. Lee, S.L. Kim, J.H. Kim, J.S. Baik, C.H. Lyoo, M.S. Lee (Seoul, Korea) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 855 Differentiating non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease from controls and hemifacial spasm K.M. Prakash, M.H. Yong, J.C. Allen, E.K. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 856 Gait analysis for Parkinson’s disease using a portable gait rhythmogram A. Hayashi, H. Shimura, T. Urabe, M. Yoneyama, H. Mitoma (Urayasu, Japan) 871 Laryngeal function in early Parkinson’s disease L.D. Perju-Dumbrava, D. Phyland, K.K. Lau, M. Crossett, R.J. Beare, P. Finlay, V. Antonopoulos, S. Raghav, P.A. Kempster, P.G. Bardin, S.L. Stuckey, D. Thyagarajan (Clayton, Australia) 872 Is there any relationship between motor fluctuations and sleep time of patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease? R. Kurisaki, A. Nagatoshi, T. Sakamoto, K. Uekawa (Uki, Japan) Comorbidity of pain and fatigue syndromes in patients with Parkinson’s disease V.K. Datieva, O.S. Levin (Moscow, Russia) 873 Benign tremulous Parkinsonism: A clinical and electrophysiological study A. Gunduz, N. Altan, S. Ertan, M.E. Kiziltan (Istanbul, Turkey) 858 Stuttering speech disorder is related to freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease F. Morgante, M. Barbuto, L. Ricciardi, C. Sorbera, A. Graziosi, P. Girlanda, M. Ebreo, L. Morgante (Messina, Italy) 874 Transcranial sonography in GBA related Parkinson’s disease N. Kresojevic, I. Petrovic, M. Jankovic, V. Dobricic, A. Pavlovic, M. Mijajlovic, M. Lakocevic, M. Svetel, V. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) 875 859 Pisa syndrome in Parkinson’s disease – A fixed deformity? K.M. Doherty, I. Davagnanam, S. Molloy, L. Silveira-Moriyama, A.J. Lees (London, United Kingdom) Postural abnormalities in Parkinson’s disease: A clinical and sonographic study D. Barzola, P. Mahlknecht, C. Cejas, M. Perez Akly, R. Diaz, F. Alvarez, M.M. Esnaola, C. Peralta (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 860 Tract-based spatial statistics and voxel based analysis in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait J. Youn, Y. Jeong, J.Y. Ahn, J.W. Cho (Seoul, Korea) 876 861 Upper limb movement disorders in Parkinson’s disease E.L. Proud, M.E. Morris (Parkville, Australia) The relationship between pain and other non-motor symptoms in PD patients C.J. Mao, X.Y. Zhang, W.D. Hu, Y. Chen, F. Wang, C.F. Liu (Suzhou, China) 877 Is pain more common in the akinetic-rigid phenotype of Parkinson’s disease? G. Pavlic, I. Moldovanu, N. Diaconu, O. Grosu (Chisinau, Moldova) 878 Bedside test facilitates differentiation between PISA and scoliosis in PD patients F. Gandor, D. Gruber, G. Ebersbach (Beelitz-Heilstätten, Germany) 879 Clinical characterization of Parkinson’s disease patients with REM sleep behavior disorder prior to onset of motor symptoms H. Zhang, Z. Gu, L. Sun, J. Ma, M. Cao, D. Li, P. Chan (BeiJing, China) 880 A cluster analysis on newly diagnosed untreated PD patients R. Erro, C. Vitale, M. Picillo, M. Amboni, P. Barone (Naples, Italy) 881 “Filiform hallucinations”: Multi-modal tactile and visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease J. Pérez-Pérez, J. Pagonabarraga, J. Kulisevsky (Barcelona, Spain) 882 Depression and daily activity are associated with fatigue in de novo Parkinson’s disease S.Y. Kang, H.I. Ma, S.H. Hwang, Y.J. Kim (Hwaseong Si, Korea) 883 Salivary gland biopsies as a diagnostic test for Parkinson’s disease C.H. Adler, B. Dugger, M. Hinni, D. Lott, E. Driver-Dunckley, H.A. Shill, T. Nagel, T.G. Beach, Arizona Parkinson’s Disease Consortium (Scottsdale, AZ, USA) 884 The basal metabolism in patients with Parkinson’s disease R.R. Bogdanov, A.R. Bogdanov, S.V. Kotov (Moscow, Russia) 885 Motor symptoms predict aerobic capacity in Parkinson’s disease M.A. Sacheli, C.R.A. Silveira, Q.J. Almeida (Waterloo, ON, Canada) 886 Is carrying the G2019S mutation in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene associated with a different rate of progression of Parkinson’s disease? G. Yahalom, Y. Orlev, O.S. Cohen, R. Inzelberg, E. Kozlova, E. Friedman, U. Goldbourt, S. Hassin-Baer (Tel-Hashomer, Israel) 887 Protein interaction with levodopa: Characteristics of Parkinson’s disease patients exhibiting this phenomena T. Virmani, P.E. Greene (New York, NY, USA) 862 863 864 Ancillary investigations to diagnose Parkinson’s disease and atypical Parkinsonism: A prospective clinical study M.B. Aerts, R.A.J. Esselink, W.F. Abdo, F.J.A. Meijer, M.M. Verbeek, B.R. Bloem (Nijmegen, Netherlands) H. pylori and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: Prevalence and potential impact on PD symptoms A.H. Tan, A.M. Thalha, S. Mahadeva, C.K. Kiew, C.M. Yeat, S.W. Ng, S.P. Ang, S.K. Chow, K.M. Than, N.S. Hanafi, S.H. Fox, S.Y. Lim (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Investigation of velocity-dependent component in Parkinsonian rigidity T. Endo, R. Okuno, H. Fujimura, K. Akazawa, S. Sakoda (Toyonaka, Japan) 865 Presynaptic dopaminergic depletion is a risk factor for levodopainduced dyskinesia in de novo patients with early Parkinson’s disease: A 3-year longitudinal study J.Y. Hong, M. Sunwoo, J.E. Lee, Y.H. Sohn, P.H. Lee (Seoul, Korea) 866 Synergic and independent influences of MAPT and SNCA on the motor decline in Parkinson’s disease G. Wang, S. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Xiao, J. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Huang (Sydney, Australia) 867 Constipation – A preclinical marker of Parkinson’s disease M.A. Rana, A.Q. Rana, Y. Mujawaz (Townsville, Australia) 868 Reduced arm swing – A preclinical marker of Parkinson’s disease Y. Mujawaz, A.Q. Rana, M.A. Rana (Bedford Park, Adelaide, Australia) 869 Dystonic posturing of the great toe with mental tasking – A preclinical marker of Parkinson’s disease Y. Mujawaz, A.Q. Rana, M.A. Rana (Bedford Park, Adelaide, Australia) 870 The association of Parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome with anxiety and depression - A case control study A.Q. Rana, Y. Mujawaz, M.A. Rana (Toronto, ON, Canada) Abstracts by Topic 857 107 Abstracts by Topic 888 Risk factors for levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Serbian Parkinson’s disease patients V. Markovic, G. Djuric, T. Pekmezovic, V. Kostic, M. Svetel (Belgrade, Serbia) 903 Speech audiometry is impaired in Parkinson’s disease C. Vitale, M. Cavaliere, V. Marcelli, R. Allocca, G. Santangelo, R. Erro, M. Amboni, M.T. Pellecchia, A. Cozzolino, K. Longo, V. Agosti, G. Sorrentino, P. Barone (Villaricca, Italy) 889 FBXO7 mutation: Phenotypic variability from chorea to earlyonset asymmetric parkinsonism within a family A. Gunduz, A. Gündogdu Eken, K. Bilgüvar, M. Günel, A.N. Basak, H. Hanagasi, S. Ertan (Istanbul, Turkey) 904 Subthreshold depression and subjective cognitive complaints in Parkinson’s disease G. Santangelo, C. Vitale, L. Trojano, M.G. Angrisano, M. Picillo, D. Errico, V. Agosti, D. Grossi, P. Barone (Caserta, Italy) 890 Motor and cognitive features discriminate new fallers from nonfallers in an incident cohort of Parkinson’s disease B. Galna, S. Lord, D. Mhiripiri, D. Burn, L. Rochester (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) 905 Paradoxical freezing as a side effect of levodopa C.M. Whitney, D.E. Riley (Cleveland, OH, USA) 906 A prospective evaluation of anterocollis in two patients with Parkinson’s disease J. Leegwater-Kim, M. Alias, W.L. Severt, H.R. Jones (Burlington, MA, USA) 907 Motor and non-motor disorders in Parkinsonian patients with LRRK2 mutations P. Solla, A. Cannas, C.S. Mulas, S. Argiolas, L. Meleddu, G. Orofino, M.G. Marrosu, F. Marrosu (Monserrato (CA), Italy) 908 Amantadine-induced patulous eustachian tubes in Parkinson’s disease J.T. Boyd, D.A. Silverman (Burlington, VT, USA) 909 Increased activation of the frontal lobe is associated with freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson’s disease: An fNIRS study I. Maidan, H. Bernad-Elazari, E. Gazit, M. Brozgol, N. Giladi, A. Mirelman, J.M. Hausdorff (Tel-Aviv, Israel) 910 Parkinson’s disease progression beyond 20 years R. Cilia, E. Cereda, A.L. Zecchinelli, M. Canesi, C.B. Mariani, S. Tesei, N. Meucci, G. Sacilotto, M. Zini, G. Pezzoli (Milan, Italy) 911 Dopa-responsive parkinsonism dominated by gait disability with a delayed off response M.S. Baron, G.T. Gitchel, K. Holloway, P.A. Wetzel (Richmond, VA, USA) 891 Abstracts by Topic 892 108 Abnormal posture in Parkinson’s disease patients compared with the general population K.I. Fujimoto, Y. Ando, T. Kawakami, K. Ikeguchi, I. Nakano (Shimotsuke, Japan) Correlation of non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and identified dopamine dysregulation syndrome (DDS) M.A. Nikitina, I.A. Zhukova, N.G. Zhukova, O.P. Izhboldina, V.M. Alifirova (Tomsk, Russia) 893 Serum ceruloplasmin and ferritin levels in patients with Parkinson’s disease M. Rohani, N. Jalali, M. Khademolhosseini, S. Miri, G.A. Shahidi, S. Ghourchian (Tehran, Iran) 894 Alpha-synuclein levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonian disorders R. Constantinescu, S. Mondello, L. Khadim, A. Jeromin (Rochester, NY, USA) 895 Characteristics of patients with parkinsonism seen over 3 years in a private neurology practice in Nairobi, Kenya J. Mokaya, J. Hooker (Nairobi, Kenya) 896 Predictors of walking speeds and differences between preferred and fast as possible walking speeds in people with Parkinson’s disease S.T. Nemanich, R.P. Duncan, J.T. Cavanaugh, L.E. Dibble, T.D. Ellis, M.P. Ford, K.B. Foreman, G.M. Earhart (Saint Louis, MO, USA) Pediatric Movement Disorders 912 On the question of PANDAS... S.E. Munasipova, Z.A. Zalyalova (Kazan, Russia) 897 The entity of parkinsonism and associated lipomatosis K.P. Bhatia, U. Sheerin, M. Stamelou (London, United Kingdom) 913 898 Seeking help for mood problems in Parkinson’s: Patient and carer perspectives A.C. Simpson, M. Samuel, V. Lawrence, R.G. Brown (London, United Kingdom) Contemporary encephalitis lethargica – An autoimmune entity S.S. Mohammad, K. Sinclair, G. Wallace, S. Malone, R.C. Dale, F. Brilot (Herston, Australia) 914 Chorea and ballismus after herpes simplex 1 encephalitis associated with NMDAR antibodies S.S. Mohammad, K. Sinclair, R.C. Dale, F. Brilot (Herston, Australia) 915 Different movement disorders of viral encephalitis patients who were admitted at a tertiary hospital from 2008-2012 L.V. Lee, M.H. Ortiz, C.L.M. Antonio (Quezon City, Philippines) 916 Managing spasticity in children with movement disorders – Is it NICE? B.H.A. Crowe, H. Kairon, S.P. Pullaperuma (London, United Kingdom) 917 Severe spasms,Rhabdomyolysis and limbic changes on MRIdramatic improvement with intrathecal baclofen S.S. Mohammad, L. Copeland, S. Calvert (Herston, Australia) 918 Kinematic deficits in children with hereditary spastic paraplegia B. Adair, J. Rodda, J.L. McGinley, M.E. Morris (Carlton, Australia) 899 Gait analysis and Wii balance board use in freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease C. Fearon, E. Roudaia, H. Nolan, J. Gallego, B. Quinlivan, C. O’Leary, C. O’Leary, B. Magennis, R.B. Reilly, T. Lynch (Dublin, Ireland) 900 Application of an instrumented 3-day activity monitor to evaluate Parkinson’s disease clinical subtypes T. Herman, A. Weiss, B. Marina, N. Giladi, J.M. Hausdorff (Tel-Aviv, Israel) 901 Assessing fall risk in patients with Parkinson’s disease using an instrumented 3-day activity monitor A. Weiss, T. Herman, N. Giladi, J.M. Hausdorff (Tel-Aviv, Israel) 902 “Supra-On” state freezing of gait during duodopa- treatment in a parkinsonian patient J.J. Vaamonde, R.R. Ibáñez, J.P.J.P. Cabello, M.J.M.J. Gargallo (Ciudad Real, Spain) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 919 Movement disorder in three Filipino adolescents with anti NMDA receptor encephalitis: A case series L. Lee, M. Ortiz, P.D. Obligar, J. Robles, M.A. Berroya, N. Magpusao, A. Mallillin (Quezon City, Philippines) 920 Outcome measures to quantify mobility in hereditary spastic paraplegia B. Adair, C.M. Said, J. Rodda, M.E. Morris (Carlton, Australia) 921 Acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood: A rare fulminant neurological disease with acute movement disorders T.A. Tajudin, B.K. Teik, L.B. Shclaggar, H. Ihmi (St. Louis, MO, USA) 922 A longitudinal study of anthropometric effects of neuroleptics and stimulants in children with Tourette syndrome M.R. Ginsberg, A. Sankovic, D. Das, G. Erenberg, D. Ghosh (Cleveland, OH, USA) 935 Multiple CNS malformations in a child with fetal alcohol syndrome M. Konstantin, Z. Olga (Moscow, Russia) 936 Essential tremor in children: The largest series D. Ghosh, H. Brar, D. Rothner, G. Erenberg (Cleveland, OH, USA) 937 Pregnancy and obstetric complications disorders R.N. Mbugua (Nairobi, Kenya) 938 Clinical profile of dyskinetic. cerebral palsy in a children’s rehabilitation centre A.P.I. Kleinert, A. Perez, M. De la Paz (Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico) Tremor 939 Sensitivity to change of the essential tremor rating assessment scale (TETRAS) B. Voller, E. Lines, G. McCrossin, A. Artiles, S. Tinaz, C. Lungu, M. Hallett, D. Haubenberger (Bethesda, MD, USA) Anthropometric characteristics of treatment-naïve children with Tourette syndrome M.R. Ginsberg, D. Das, G. Erenberg, D. Ghosh (Cleveland, OH, USA) 940 924 Movement disorders in children with anti NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis M. Aziz, S. Hughes, G. McCullagh, R. Newton, I. Hughes, G. Vassallo (Manchester, United Kingdom) Optimising speech outcomes in deep brain stimulation for essential tremor A.P. Vogel, H.J. McDermott, R. Peppard, C.M. McKay (Melbourne, Australia) 941 925 Acute movement disorders in children: Experience from a developing country J.S. Goraya (Ludhiana, India) Continuous home monitoring of essential tremor using motion sensors D. Heldman, C. Pulliam, S. Eichenseer, C. Goetz, O. Waln, C. Hunter, J. Jankovic, D. Vaillancourt, J. Giuffrida (Cleveland, OH, USA) 926 DYT6 in an 11 year old Filipino child: The first reported case in the Philippines L.V. Lee, P.D.P. Obligar, M.L. Ebero, M.H. Ortiz, J.A. Robles, N. Magpusao, Y. Nomura (Quezon City, Philippines) 942 Multisensor system as a clinical aid in evaluation differentiation of tremor disorders G. Boschetti, H.A. Teive, R.P. Munhoz, E. Cichaczewski, J.M. Maia, P. Nohama (Curitiba, Brazil) 927 Movement disorders in children with acute encephalitis admitted at a tertiary hospital from 2008-2012 C.L.M. Antonio, L.V. Lee, M.H. Ortiz (Quezon City, Philippines) 943 Analysis of SLC1A2 variant in essential tremor S.S.T. Paing, J.N. Foo, W.L. Au, K.M. Prakash, E. Ng, M.K. Ikram, T.Y. Wong, J.J. Liu, Y. Zhao, E.K. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 928 Evaluation of functional goal outcomes using the Canadian occupational performance measure (COPM) following deep brain stimulation (DBS) in childhood dystonia H. Gimeno, K. Tustin, D. Lumsden, K. Ashkan, R. Selway, J.P. Lin (London, United Kingdom) 944 Differentiating Parkinson’s disease (PD) and essential tremor (ET) by measuring the dynamics of tremor S. Petchrutchatachart, C. Thanawattano, C. Anan, R. Bhidayasiri (Bangkok, Thailand) 945 929 PRRT2 related paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD) L. Silveira-Moriyama, A. Gardiner, E. Meyer, M.D. King, M. Smith, K. Rakshi, A. Parker, A.A. Mallick, R. Brown, G. Vassallo, P. Jardine, M.M. Guerreiro, A.J. Lees, H. Houlden, M.A. Kurian (London, United Kingdom) A dilemma of jaw tremor – Association with Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor syndrome M.A. Rana, A.Q. Rana, Y. Mujawaz (Townsville, Australia) 946 A comparison of non-motor symptoms in essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease: What we can learn from it ? S.M. Lee, M.J. Kim, H.M. Lee, C.N. Lee, S.B. Koh (Seoul, Korea) 947 Patients with scans without evidence of dopaminergic deficit (SWEDD) do not have Parkinson’s disease- A long term follow up study A. Batla, M. Stamelou, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 948 Alcohol responsiveness in different tremor disorders P. Schwingenschuh, M. Koegl-Wallner, U. Werner, C. Ghadery, T. Pendl, S. Seiler, K. Wenzel, R. Schmidt, P. Katschnig-Winter (Graz, Austria) 949 Lateralization of structural abnormalities in right cerebellum in essential tremor: An observation from voxel based morphometry study K. Bhalsing, N. Upadhyay, R. Yadav, J. Saini, A. Gupta, P. Pal (Bangalore, India) 950 Overrepresentation of hemifacial spasm in hospital referrals in a Turkish speaking Cypriot population- A preliminary report S. Usar Incirli, F. Selçuk, C.M. Akbostanci (Nicosia, Cyprus) 930 Three children with dystonia due to suspected sevofluraneinduced mitochondrial encephalopathy T.S. Pearson, T. Virmani, H.O. Akman, S. DiMauro (New York, USA) 931 Hand stereotypies in Rett syndrome and autism – A preliminary comparative study using video motion analysis C.F. Melo, R.D. Calatróia, L. Paula, J.P. Cunha, T. Temudo (Porto, Portugal) 932 Treatment of Tourette syndrome M.M. Robertson (London, United Kingdom) 933 A new phenotypic presentation of DYT 16: Acute onset in infancy and association with striatal necrosis M.E. Lemmon, B. Lavenstein, A. Hamosh, C. Applegate, H.S. Singer (Baltimore, MD, USA) 934 Accuracy of experts and novices in assessing gait in children with movement disorders S. Ramaswamy, M. Morris, J. McGinley (Carlton, Australia) Abstracts by Topic 923 109 Abstracts by Topic 951 Classical FXTAS in mother and son M. Koegl-Wallner, P. Katschnig-Winter, E. Holl, M. Trummer, S. Seiler, K. Wenzel, R. Schmidt, P. Schwingenschuh (Graz, Austria) 966 Genetic analysis of FUS/TLS gene in essential tremor X.W. Heng, L. Tan, W.L. Au, K.M. Prakash, E. Ng, Y. Zhao, E.K. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 952 Cerebellar volumetry in essential tremor: A comparison of according to presence of cerebellar signs H. Shin, D.K. Lee, J.M. Lee, J.W. Cho, B.K. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 967 Macrographia in essential tremor: A case-control study H.R. Martinez-Hernandez, E.D. Louis (New York, NY, USA) 968 953 Impaired facial emotion recognition in essential tremor N. Auzou, A. Foubert-Samier, S. Dupouy, W.G. Meissner (Pessac Cedex, France) Tremor increases with standing in Parkinson’s disease S. Morrison, K.M. Newell, P.A. Silburn, G. Kerr (Norfolk, VA, USA) 969 Bipolar configuration improves thalamic DBS outcome for essential tremor: Clinical observations and correlation with volume of tissue activation T.C. Cheung, A.N. Mamelak, M. Tagliati (Los Angeles, CA, USA) 970 The central oscillatory network of orthostatic tremor H. Hellriegel, M. Muthuraman, S. Paschen, F. Hofschulte, R. Reese, J. Volkmann, K. Witt, G. Deuschl (Kiel, Germany) 971 SRD5A3-related congenital disorder of glycosylation: A new cause of actional tremor A. Vural, G. Nurlu, Ç.M. Temuçin, M. Demirci, A. Zimprich, B. Elibol (Ankara, Turkey) 972 Expanding the understanding of X-linked tremor: A series of three unique cases A. Sorokin, B. Jabbari (New Haven, CT, USA) 973 The ability to lie in essential tremor E. Scelzo, F. Mameli, G. Giannicola, M. Rosa, E. Tomasini, M. Fumagalli, R. Ferrucci, L. Bertolasi, A. Priori (Milan, Italy) 974 Movement disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis M.L. Martinez Gines, A. Esquivel Lopez (Madrid, Spain) 975 Postural tremor as first manifestation of acquired neuromyotonia S. Escalante, J. Zaragoza, M. Garcés, G. Martín, T. Gavilán, J.J. Baiges (Tortosa, Spain) 954 955 Task-specific tremor in string instrument players A. Lee, M. Chadde, E. Schoonderwaldt, E. Altenmüller (Hannover, Germany) 956 A novel treatment for essential tremor through transcutaneous neurostimulation J.A. Gallego, J.M. Belda Lois, A. Castillo, J.P. Romero, J. Benito Leon, J.L. Pons, E. Rocon (Madrid, Spain) 957 Diagnosing postural tremor using intermuscular coherence and cumulant analysis A.M.M. van der Stouwe, L. Woudt, J.W. Elting, M.A.J. de KoningTijssen, N.M. Maurits (Groningen, Netherlands) 958 Spatiotemporal parameters from three-dimensional tremor analysis may help to differentiate essential tremor from parkinsonian tremor C. Blahak, T. Sauer, M.E. Wolf, J.C. Wöhrle, M.G. Hennerici (Mannheim, Germany) 959 A 7-year follow-up cohort study of substantia nigra echogenicity in patients with essential tremor F.S. Sprenger, H. Stockner, K. Seppi, C. Scherfler, M. Sojer, C. Schmidauer, W. Poewe (Innsbruck, Austria) 976 Tremor retrainment as therapeutic strategy for patients with psychogenic tremor: A proof-of-concept study A.J. Espay, G. Oggioni, M.J. Edwards, N. Phielipp, H. Gonzalez-Usigli, C. Pecina, D.A. Heldman, J. Mishra, A.E. Lang (Cincinnati, OH, USA) 960 High blood lead concentrations in essential tremor: A prevalence and monitoring study in Diyarbakir, Turkey T. Tanrikulu, Y. Tamam, S.S. Turgut, T. Aruk, O. Oncel, A. Tay, B. Aydin, U. Ozturk, M. Aydin, N.T. Gumus, B. Tamam, O. Dogu (Diyarbakir, Turkey) 977 Closed loop motor cortical stimulation in Parkinson’s disease tremor T.A. Saifee, M.J. Edwards, T. Gilbertson (London, United Kingdom) 978 Ataxia is common in patients with orthostatic tremor D. Bhatti, C. Srikanth-Mysore, J. Bertoni, D. Torres-Russotto (Omaha, NE, USA) 979 Kinematic analysis of enhanced physiologic tremor from caffeine consumption and sleep deprivation P. Piromruen, S. Petchrutchatachart, R. Bhidayasiri (Bangkok, Thailand) Abstracts by Topic 961 110 Movement disorders associated with chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids (CLIPPERS) A.D. Ha, J.D. Parratt, S. Babu, S.D. Kim, N. Mahant, V.S.C. Fung (Westmead, Australia) Development and co-existence of Parkinson’s disease in essential tremor patients H.S. Kaleagasi, O. Dogu, A. Yilmaz (Mersin, Turkey) 962 Cervical tremor, resting tremor in the right hand and the right third nerve injury; an ipsilateral movement disorder? H.J. Nam, T.B. Ahn (Seoul, Korea) 963 Clinical features and dopaminergic innervation in the patients with resting tremor confined in the upper or lower limb D. Lee, I.K. Hong, T.B. Ahn (Seoul, Korea) 964 Lower extremity tremor on weight bearing in a patient with essential tremor contributing to gait instability A. Konyukhov, M. Basha, E. Gaitour, E. George, N. Shneyder (Detroit, MI, USA) 965 Recurrent map: Complex system analysis approach toward spiral drawing for assessing fine motor movement in multiple sclerosis patients J. Razjouyan, s. Gharinzadeh, A. Fallah, A.R. Azimi, M.A. Sahraian, M. Moghaddasi (Tehran, Iran) Wilson’s Disease, Storage and Metabolic Movement Disorders 980 A case of Wilson’s disease with lid-opening apraxia treated with botulinum toxin A.M. Dufresne, S. Chouinard, D. Boghen (Montréal, QC, Canada) 981 Wilson’s disease in southern Brazil: Genotype-phenotype correlations and description of two novel mutations in ATP7B gene R.P. Munhoz, R.S. de Bem, S. Raskin, D.A. Muzzillo, M.M. Deguti, E.L.R. Cançado, T.F. Araújo, M.C. Nahle, E.R. Barbosa, G. Boschetti, H.A. Teive (Curitiba, Brazil) 982 Alterations of cortical excitability and central motor conduction time in patients with Wilson’s disease K.R. Jhunjhunwala, D.K. Prashant, P.K. Pal (Bangalore, India) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 983 A case of idiopathic chronic hypoparathyroidism presenting as paroxysmal non kinesigenic dyskinesia- A case report B. Kesavamurthy, R. Jeyaraman, K. Bharani, A.V. Srinivasan (Chennai, India) 984 To study MRI brain findings in neurological Wilson’s disease N. Kumar, D. Joshi (Patna, India) 985 Levodopa-responsive Parkinsonism and small fiber dysfunction in patients with Wilson’s disease F.A. Gondim, D.F. Araújo, Í.S. Oliveira, A.P. Melo, L.C. Alves, I.T. Araújo, O.C. Vale (Fortaleza, Brazil) 986 Positive filipin staining in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy: Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of Niemann-Pick disease type C? J.C. Giugni, F.E. Micheli, C. Perandones, G.B. Raina, L.A. Pellene, D.S. Calvo, G. Gonzalez Aleman, D.N. Bruni, V.L. Farini, M. Radrizzani (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 987 Skeletal muscle mitochondria and Wilson’s disease J. Popovic, M. Kazic, S. Kazic, B. Brmbolic, V. Todorovic (Belgrade, Serbia) 988 Current status of Wilson disease: Does early treatment protect from nervous system impairment? M. Esposito, R. Dubbioso, F. Manganelli, G. Ranucci, F. Didato, M. Matarazzo, R. Iorio, L. Santoro (Naples, Italy) 989 Effective shift from traditional chelation therapy to evidence based zinc monotherapy in four patients with Wilson’s disease and parkinsonism A. Avan, M.R. Azarpazhooh, T.U. Hoogenraad (Mashhad, Iran) 990 Initial zinc therapy in a Wilson’s disease patient with acute liver failure and copper intoxication: A clinical observation A. Avan, H.R. Kianifar, T. Hoogenraad (Mashhad, Iran) 991 Different types of facial dystonias in a patient with Wilson disease treated with botulinum toxin type A G. Ramos Burbano, A. Echeverry, C. Ramirez, G. Ramos Alarcon, A.E. Ramos Arevalo, J. Saldaña (Cali, Colombia) Drug-Induced Movement Disorders Treatment of intractable tardive orolingual dyskinesia with botulinum toxin Y. Seçil, Y. Beckmann (Izmir, Turkey) 993 History of ecstasy drug use is associated with abnormally large tremor during movement G. Todd, S.C. Flavel, J.D. Koch, J.M. White (Adelaide, Australia) 994 A case report of fish oil for the treatment of levodopa-induced dyskinesia L.K. Mischley, J. McNames (Kenmore, WA, USA) 995 Cyclobenzaprine induced myoclonus, dystonia, and psychosis D.R. Shprecher, C.T. Sloan, B. Sederholm (Salt Lake City, UT, USA) 996 Hyposmia and other non-motor symptoms are associated with persistent drug-induced parkinsonism A. Pantelyat, S. Pawlowski, A. Kesari, I. Maina, J. Duda, J.F. Morley (Philadelphia, PA, USA) 997 998 Drug induced movement disorders -Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management C. Baetu, H. Buraga (Bucharest, Romania) Lithium induced lingual dystonia: An interesting case report R.K. Dhamija, R. Aggarwal (New Delhi, India) Current clinical conditions of stiff-person syndrome in China, a national survey N. Xiong, J. Yang, L. Liu, J. Xiong, X. Zhang, G. Zhang, J. Huang, T. Wang (Wuhan, China) 1000 Hepatic myelopathy as a variant subtype of acquired hepatocerebral degeneration? M.H. Chang (Taichung, Taiwan) 1001 A family with pure hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) due to a de-novo mutation in the NIPA1 gene D. Arkadir, J.S. Goldman, R.N. Alcalay (New York, NY, USA) 1002 Type A botulinun toxin for the treatment of hereditary spastic paraparesis - Results in 11 casos R. Nickel, C.C. Mello, T.R. Blume, N. Becker, R.P. Munhoz, H.A. Teive (Curitiba, Brazil) 1003 Unexpected mutation frequency and gender difference of SPG4 in Chinese autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia patients L. Shen, Z. Zhan, Y. Wang, C. Chen, B. Tang (Changsha, China) Basic Science 1004 RNAi-mediated silencing of VPS35 exacerbates phenotypic and locomotor abnormalities in α-synuclein transgenic drosophila T. Hasegawa, M. Konno, E. Miura, N. Sugeno, Y. Nagai, N. Fujikake, M. Suzuki, A. Kikuchi, M. Aoki, A. Takeda (Sendai, Japan) 1005 Nedd4 E3 ubiquitin ligase facilitates the endosomal targeting of alpha-synuclein N. Sugeno, T. Hasegawa, M. Konno, E. Miura, A. Kikuchi, M. Aoki, A. Takeda (Sendai, Japan) 1006 COMT inhibition as an approach to minimising L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in the MPTP-lesioned macaque model of Parkinson’s disease T.H. Johnston, P. Huot, J.B. Koprich, T. Snoeren, M.P. Hill, S.H. Fox, J.M. Brotchie (Toronto, ON, Canada) 1007 The time-course of disease modifying effects of the neurotrophic factor inducer, PYM50028, in the MPTP-mouse model of Parkinson’s disease T.H. Johnston, J.B. Koprich, M.G. Reyes, N.L. Meyers, C.L. Ward, R.I. Hickling, P.A. Howson, J.M. Brotchie (Toronto, ON, Canada) 1008 Impaired redox balance and autophagosome clearance in fibroblasts from Parkinson’s disease patients with LRRK2 G2019S mutation A. Grünewald, B. Arns, P. Seibler, B. Meier, A. Rakovic, C. Klein (Lübeck, Germany) 1009 Progressive MSA-like motor deficits in the PLP-hα-synuclein transgenic mouse model N. Stefanova, J. Kuen, C. Borm, W. Poewe, G.K. Wenning (Innsbruck, Austria) 1010 Withdrawn by Author 1011 Movement deficits produced by inferior olive lesion are subdivision specific A. Deep, K. Horn, A. Gibson (Phoenix, AZ, USA) 1012 The effect of cerebellar disease (CD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) on lower limb intersegmental covariation in linear and circular locomotion with and without vision S.D. Israeli-Korn, A. Barliya, C. Paquette, E. Franzén, R. Inzelberg, F. Horak, T. Flash (Rehovot, Israel) Abstracts by Topic 992 Spasticity 999 111 Abstracts by Topic 1013 Post-traumatic hemifacial spasm (t-HFS), a rare cause of HFS with unusual clinical features D. Reyes, K. Kurako, S. Baez-Torres, N. Galvez-Jimenez (Weston, FL, USA) 1014 L-PGDS could be a surrogate marker of frontal lobe dysfunction in idiopathic NPH N. Nishida, N. Nagata, H. Toda, M. Ishikawa, Y. Urade, K. Iwasaki (Osaka, Japan) 1015 Expanded cell cultures from brain samples in living patients with Parkinson’s disease H. Xu, L. Belkacemi, M. Jog, A. Parrent, M.O. Hebb (London, ON, Canada) 1016 RNAi-mediated knockdown of VPS35 impairs α-synuclein degradation by inhibiting the maturation of cathepsin D E. Miura, T. Hasegawa, M. Konno, N. Sugeno, A. Kikuchi, T. Baba, M. Aoki, A. Takeda (Sendai, Japan) 1017 Role of the ubiquitin proteasome system and the lysosomal system in PINK1-/ parkin-dependent mitophagy in human primary fibroblasts K. Shurkewitsch, A. Rakovic, C. Klein (Lübeck, Germany) 1018 Cholinergic olfactory centrifugal inputs are reduced in patients with neurodegenerative disorders and MPTP treated monkeys I.C. Mundiñano, M. Hernandez, C. Ordoñez, C. Di Caudo, I. Marcilla, T. Tuñon, M.R. Luquin (Pamplona, Spain) 1019 Parkinson’s disease and nociceptive response: Spinal opioidergic modulation on the mechanical hyperalgesia in hemiparkinsonian rats R.L. Pagano, M.B. Berzuino, A.C.P. Campos, E.T. Fonoff (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 1020 Expression of synaptic proteins in normally aging human substantia nigra pars compacta P.A. Alladi, A. Mahadevan, S.K. Shankar, T.R. Raju (Bangalore, India) 1021 The role of aldehyde dehydrogenase on the pathogenic mechanism of Parkinson’s disease T.H. Yeh, C.C. Chiu, H.L. Wang, S.C. Lai, H.C. Chang, Y.J. Chen, C.H. Chen, D. Mochly-Rosen, C.S. Lu (Taipei, Taiwan) 1022 The effect of dyskinesia on gait in Parkinson’s disease M. Danoudis, J. McGinley, R. Iansek (Cheltenham, Australia) 1023 The regulation of the male sex-determining gene SRY in Parkinson’s disease models D.P. Czech, J. Lee, J. Correia, E. Moller, V. Harley (Clayton, Australia) 1024 Copper pathology in the vulnerable substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease K.M. Davies, S. Bohic, R. Ortega, V. Cottam, D.J. Hare, J.P.M. Finberg, G. Halliday, J.F.B. Mercer, K.L. Double (Sydney, Australia) Abstracts by Topic 1025 Serotonin dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease does not correlate with levodopa-induced dyskinesias P. Cheshire, S. Ayton, K. Bertram, H. Ling, S.S. O’Sullivan, A. Li, G. Halliday, C. McLean, T. Revesz, D.I. Finkelstein, E. Storey, D.R. Williams (Melbourne, Australia) 112 1026 Synaptic dysfunction implicated in leucine-rich repeat kinase-2 (LRRK2) R1441G knockin mice P.W.L. Ho, H.F. Liu, S. Lu, Z.H.M. Tse, M.H.W. Kung, Z.J. Zhou, D.B. Ramsden, S.L. Ho (Hong Kong, China) 1027 The neuroinflammatory response induced by MPTP is altered in mice lacking the type-I interferon-α receptor-1 (IFNAR1) J.M. Taylor, B.S. Main, M. Zhang, S. Ayton, D. Finkelstein, P.J. Crack (Melbourne, Australia) 1028 Structural analysis of α-synuclein by small-angle X-ray (SAXS) and neutron (SANS) scattering K. Araki, H. Kujirai, S. Fujiwara, H. Yagi, H. Mochizuki (Suita, Japan) 1029 The value of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate determination in the diagnosis of early forms of Alzheimer’s disease F. Yunusov, R. Gulnora, T. Dilshod (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) 1030 Loss of DJ-1 function alters disease course and shortens survival of mutant SOD1 mice N. Lev, Y. Barhum, I. Lotan, I. Steiner, E. Melamed, D. Offen (Ramat Gan, Israel) 1031 Towards a lesion model of early stage MSA-P with partial L-DOPA failure: A novel testbed for targeted cell therapy C. Kaindlstorfer, J. García, N. Stefanova, W. Poewe, C. Winkler, M. Döbrössy, G. Wenning (Innsbruck, Austria) 1032 Loss of DJ-1 functions attenuates astrocytes neuroprotective abilities N. Lev, Y. Barhum, T. Ben-Zur, E. Melamed, I. Steiner, D. Offen (Ramat Gan, Israel) 1033 Cholinergic cell loss and altered morphology accompanied by structural changes affecting the pedunculopontine nucleus in the lactacystin rat model of Parkinson’s disease I.F. Harrison, A. Bury, D.T. Dexter, I.S. Pienaar (London, United Kingdom) 1034 Therapeutic approach to Parkinson’s disease by modifying α-synuclein expression H. Yamakado, T. Asano, R. Takahashi (Kyoto, Japan) 1035 Uncovering early markers of Parkinson’s disease pathological progression using proteomics S.N. Pressey, C.E. Murray, W. Heywood, S.M. Gentleman, K. Mills, J.L. Holton, S. Gandhi, T. Revesz (London, United Kingdom) 1036 PBT434, a novel 8-hydroxyquinazolinone, preserves nigrostriatal circuitry, improves motor performance and inhibits alpha synuclein accumulation in animal models of Parkinson’s disease by modulation of iron homeostasis D.I. Finkelstein, J.L. George, P.A. Adlard, C.L. Masters, D.J. Hare, P.A. Doble, E. Gautier, J. Parsons, G. Kok, P. Huggins, K.J. Barnham, A.I. Bush, R.A. Cherny (Melbourne, Australia) 1037 Humoral response against glial derived antigens in Parkinson’s disease E. Papuc, J. Kurzepa, E. Kurys, A. Grabarska, W. Krupski, K. Rejdak, Z. Stelmasiak (Lublin, Poland) 1038 Extracellular alpha-synuclein enhanced cell survival in neuronally differentiated SHSY-5Y cells at nanomolar concentration via AKT pathway J.Y. Kim, H.J. Kim, B.S. Jeon (Seoul, Korea) 1039 Overexpression of cannabinoid CB2 receptors attenuated the progressive motor impairment and nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons loss in MitoPark mouse F. Navarrete-Rueda, J.M. Pérez-Ortiz, M.S. Garcia-Gutierrez, J.A. Molina-Arjona, C. Leiva-Santana, J. Manzanares (San Juan de Alicante, Spain) 1040 Protective potential of 17-beta-estradiol on membrane linked functions in aging female rats: A behavioral, biochemical and ultrastructural study P. Kumar, R.K. Kale, N.Z. Baquer (New Delhi, India) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 1041 Withdrawn by Author 1042 Saskatoon brain safety deposit model – Clinicopathological studies of movement disorders A. Rajput, A.H. Rajput (Saskatoon, SK, Canada) 1043 Acute impedance changes during programming corresponding stimulation estimates G.K. Steinke, S. Carcieri, A. Jackson, C. Zhu, H. Haut, W. Stoffregen, L. Wojick (Santa Clarita, CA, USA) 1044 Altered protein homeostasis and bioenergetics in fibroblasts derived from patients with Parkinson’s disease F. Blandini, G. Ambrosi, C. Ghezzi, R. Zangaglia, B. Minafra, C. Pacchetti, S. Sepe, M.T. Armentero, P.G. Mastroberardino (Pavia, Italy) 1045 Effects of quadripulse stimulation over medial frontal cortex on human visuomotor sequence learning T. Shimizu, R. Hanajima, R. Tsutsumi, Y. Shirota, N. Tanaka, S. Matsuda, Y. Terao, Y. Ugawa (Tokyo, Japan) 1046 Study of saccadic eye movement abnormalities in patients of young onset Parkinson’s disease as compared to idiopathic Parkinson’s disease V. Goyal, N. Jain, S. Sood, G. Shukla, M. Behari (New Delhi, India) 1047 Alterations in glutamate kinetic parameters and alpha-synuclein expression in middle-aged mice with a partial reduction of GDNF H.A. Boger, W.D. Wynn, A. Quattlebaum, R.A. Gregory, K.L. Helke (Charleston, SC, USA) 1048 Viable Gaucher’s disease model of medaka fish completely deficienct in glucocerebrosidase activity developed alphasynuclein aggregation in the brain N. Uemura, H. Matsui, T. Fujiwara-Ishikawa, M. Kinoshita, M. Koike, H. Yamakado, K. Uemura, Y. Uchiyama, T. Todo, S.I. Takeda, R. Takahashi (Kyoto, Japan) 1049 Using the anterior olfactory nucleus to study lewy pathology in olfactory structures S. Rajan, R. Bandopadhyay, A. Kingsbury, H. Ayling, W. Sterlacci, W. Poewe, H. Maier, M. Ezquerro, A. Lees, T. Revesz, L. SilveiraMoriyama (London, United Kingdom) 1050 Overexpression of A53T α-synuclein in cynomolgus macaques produces a synucleinopathy and results in reductions in nigral dopamine neurons and striatal dopamine levels J.B. Koprich, T.H. Johnston, J.M. Brotchie (Toronto, ON, Canada) 1051 The aged rodent brain displays higher susceptibility to alphasynuclein toxicity C.E. Sortwell, S.E. Gombash, N.C. Kuhn, S.L. Wohlgenant, L.D. Fischer, B.F. Daley, T.J. Collier, J.W. Lipton, A. Cole-Strauss, S.M. Fleming, F.P. Manfredsson (Grand Rapids, MI, USA) 1052 Catecholamine substrates of behavioral inflexibility in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease E.M. Vazey, K.M. Fender, Z.A. Cope, S.B. Floresco, G. Aston-Jones (Charleston, SC, USA) 1054 Glutamate receptors in cerebellar cortex of essential tremor and controls A. Rajput, C. Luo, A.H. Rajput (Saskatoon, SK, Canada) 1056 Altered cortical but not thalamic connectivity in the direct and indirect pathways in hemiparkinsonian Drd1a-tdTomato BACtransgenic mice M.V. Escande, I.R. Taravini, J.E. Belforte, M.G. Murer (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 1057 Gene expression in skin of Parkinson’s disease patients A. Planken, L. Kadastik-Eerme, L. Kurvits, S. Rinken, J. Pilv, E. Reimann, K. Kingo, S. Kõks, P. Taba (Tartu, Estonia) 1058 Long-term expression of viral vector-delivered A53T alphasynuclein produces sustained signs of dopaminergic dysfunction in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease J.B. Koprich, P. Huot, P. Ravenscroft, T.H. Johnston, J.M. Brotchie (Toronto, ON, Canada) 1059 Systemic distribution of lewy body pathology in an aging cohort S. Murayama, M. Takao, H. Hatsuta, H. Sumikura, S. Ito, A. Nogami, A. Uchino, Y. Saito (Tokyo, Japan) 1060 Photobiomodulation inside the brain: A novel method of intracranial application of near-infrared light and its impact on dopaminergic cell survival in MPTP-treated mice C. Moro, N. el Massri, N. Torres, D. Ratel, C. Chabrol, F. Perraut, A. Bourgerette, S. Purushothuman, D. Johnstone, J. Stone, J. Mitrofanis, A.L. Benabid (Sydney, Australia) 1061 Correlation of vascular Parkinsonism course with the different forms of dementia I.V. Verulashvili, M.G. Kortushvili (Tbilisi, Georgia) 1062 Epilepsy: A global dilema R.N. Mbugua (Nairobi, Kenya) 1063 Anti-basal antibodies in multiple system atrophy D.A. Labunskiy, V.V. Poleshchuk, S.G. Morozov (Santa Rosa, CA, USA) 1064 Aging, dopaminergic midbrain areas and behaviour in chronic experimental Parkinsonism C.M. Campuzano, J.E. Yuste, R.B. Francisco, E. Tarragon, C. Estrada, D. Lopez, A. Gomez, C.M. Ros, E. Fernandez-Villalba, M.T. Herrero (Castellò de la Plana, Spain) 1065 Analysis of structural plastic changes underlying L-DOPA induced dyskinesias in an animal model of parkinsonism I. Taravini, L.M. Suárez, G. Gómez, M. Escande, L. Rela, R. Moratalla, G. Murer, O. Gershanik (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 1066 Selegiline and L-DOPA modulate the number of newborn neurons in the olfactory bulb in an acute 6-OHDA mouse model of Parkinson’s disease W.H. Chiu, T. Carlsson, C. Depboylu, W.H. Oertel, G.U. Höglinger, V. Ries (Marburg, Germany) 1067 Both acetylated and unacetylated ghrelin confer neuroprotection on mesencephalic neurons against various toxins J. Wagner, B. Arns, A. Grünewald, M.M. Unger, W.H. Oertel, V. Ries, D. Alvarez-Fischer (Lübeck, Germany) 1068 This study was conducted to see therapeutic effect of rTMS on writer’s cramp C. Goyal, V. Goyal (New Delhi, India) Abstracts by Topic 1053 Chaperone-mediated regulation of JNK signalling in dopaminergic cell death S.K. Kalia, H. Chau, L.V. Kalia, A.M. Lozano (Toronto, ON, Canada) 1055 Annonacin, a natural lipophilic mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, increases phophorylation of tau in the brain of FTDP-17 transgenic mice G. Respondek, E.S. Yamada, S. Müssner, A.C.F. de Andrade, M. Höllerhage, C. Depienne, A. Tarze, B. Friguet, M. Salama, V.M.Y. Lee, P. Champy, W.H. Oertel, G.U. Höglinger (Munich, Germany) 113 Abstracts by Topic Education in Movement Disorders 1069 Awareness about movement disorders in medical fraternity: The fact P.L. Kukkle (Bangalore, India) 1070 Clinical characteristics of 10 patients displaying psychogenic movement disorders in a tertiary clinic in Turkey H. Apaydin (Istanbul, Turkey) 1071 Associations between clinical and performance measures with self-restricted driving practices in older adults with Parkinson’s disease A.M. Crizzle, A.M. Myers, Q.J. Almeida, E. Roy (Hamilton, ON, Canada) 1072 Familial functional movement disorders M. Stamelou, G. Cossu, M. Edwards, D. Murgia, I. Parees, M. Melis, K.P. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 1073 A Parkinson’s disease nurse specialist course for East Africa R. Walker, L. Ebeneezer, C. Dotchin, L. Hind, M. Msuya, M. Daniels, J. Hooker (North Shields, United Kingdom) 1074 Effectiveness of self-efficacy learning program for newly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients: 3 month interim report D. Cook, C. McRae, R. Kumar (Denver, CO, USA) 1075 Strength training for mobility in neurological rehabilitation is not task-specific: A systematic review G. Williams, M. Kahn, A. Randall (Melbourne, Australia) 1076 Involutary movements in brainstem stroke as seizure-mimics S. Jaiswal, N. Chaudhary, J.M.K. Murthy (Hyderabad, India) 1077 European guidelines for physiotherapy in Parkinson’s disease S.H.J. Keus, M. Munneke, M. Graziano, J. Paltamaa, E. Pelosin, J. Domingos, S. Brühlmann, B. Ramaswamy, J. Prins, C. Struiksma, A.N. Nieuwboer, B.R. Bloem (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 1078 Creative, curiosity driven research question generation and project development around Parkinson’s disease, at an international Parkinson’s disease summer school, report on 4 years process improvement P. de Roos, K. Nesterowicz, S.M. Fereshtehnejad (Uppsala, Sweden) 1079 Training the next generation of neurologists: Movement disorders education for residents A.L. Molinari, M. Turchan, A.D. Currie, T.L. Davis, F.T. Phibbs, P.D. Charles (Nashville, TN, USA) 1080 Diagnostic disagreement in movement disorders A. Killoran (Morgantown, WV, USA) Epidemiology 1081 Review article - Movement disorders in Ethiopia D.K. Worku (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) Abstracts by Topic 1082 Increased risk of depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease: A nationwide cohort study C.C. Liao, Y.T. Hsu, F.C. Sung (Taipei, Taiwan) 114 1083 Spectrum and burden of movement disorder conditions in a tertiary movement disorders centre in Singapore – A 10 year trend K.M. Eu, L.C.S. Tan, A.R.J. Tan, I.S.H. Seah, P.N. Lau, W. Li, W.L. Au, K.Y. Tay (Singapore, Singapore) 1084 Prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in Baskale, Turkey: A population-based study H. Durmus, M.A. Gokalp, H.A. Hanagasi (Istanbul, Turkey) 1085 Active pharmacovigilance and Parkinson’s disease: Identifying vulnerable populations at risk of developing cancers or experiencing negative cardiovascular effects J.A.G. Crispo, D. Krewski (Ottawa, ON, Canada) 1086 Frequency of mild parkinsonian signs in a population-based cohort M. Kasten, J. Graf, V. Tadic, E.J. Vollstedt, A. Lorwin, S. Tunc, J. Hampf, L. Piskol, M. Al-Khaled, S. Wolff, N. Brüggemann, A. Schmidt, E. Peters, A. Katalinic, H. Raspe, J. Hagenah, C. Klein (Luebeck, Germany) 1087 Prevalence and clinical characteristics of post-stroke movement disorders after acute ischemic stroke W.T. Yoon, B.C. Suh, H.S. Moon, P.W. Chung, Y.B. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 1088 Time to levodopa treatment initiation in a multicentric cohort: The Mexican national registry M. Rodríguez-Violante, A. Cervantes-Arriaga, M. López-Ruiz, I. Estrada-Bellmann, C. Zuñiga-Ramírez, D. Martínez-Ramírez, H. Morales-Briceño (Mexico City, Mexico) 1089 Trends in anti-Parkinsonian medication use in New Zealand: 1995-2011 T.L. Pitcher, M.R. MacAskill, T.J. Anderson (Christchurch, New Zealand) 1090 Delayed hits and misses in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease C.L. Go, R.L. Rosales (Manila, Philippines) 1091 Movement disorders after stroke M. Chraa, N. Kissani (Marrakesh, Morocco) 1092 Prevalence of restless legs syndrome and REM behavior disorder in a population-based sample in Northern Germany S. Wolff, J. Graf, J. Hagenah, C. Klein, M. Kasten (Luebeck, Germany) 1093 Exploring determinants of progression of Parkinson’s disease Y. Orlev, G. Yahalom, O.S. Cohen, R. Inzelberg, E. Kozlova, U. Goldbourt, S. Hassin-Baer (Ramat-Gan, Israel) 1094 The association of environmental risk factors and family history in young-onset versus late-onset Parkinson’s disease J.Y. Hor, T.T. Lim, C.S.T. Lim, J.H. Cho, G.B. Eow, P.E.S. Easaw, M.H. Rafia (Penang, Malaysia) 1095 Association between Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguaiensis) consumption and risk of Parkinson’s disease E.M. Gatto, C.M. Melcon, V.L. Parisi, L. Bartoloni, T. Arakaki, N. Garreto, J. Bueri, H. Pavon, L. Derosa, C. Gonzalez (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 1096 Up-to-date data of prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in Ukraine Y.O. Trufanov (Lugansk, Ukraine) 1097 A case-control study of lithium deficiency in Parkinson’s disease L.K. Mischley, W.A. Kukull (Kenmore, WA, USA) 1098 PREDICT-PD study: Online screening algorithm identifying Parkinson’s disease risk A.J. Noyce, J.P. Bestwick, L. Silveira-Moriyama, C.H. Hawkes, C. Knowles, J. Hardy, G. Giovannoni, S. Nageshwaran, C. Osborne, A.J. Lees, A. Schrag (London, United Kingdom) 1099 Severe adverse reactions after botulinum toxin treatment C. Milani, S.L.S. Milani (Ribeirao Preto, Brazil) 1100 Enviromental pollutans in Ulaanbaatar are risk factors for Parkinson’s diseases U. Dashdorj, B. Bold (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) 1101 Use of antihypertensive agents and risk of Parkinson’s disease: A meta-analysis of observational studies K. Gudala, D. Bansal (Mohali, India) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 1102 Personality traits in psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) and psychogenic movement disorder (PMD): Neuroticism versus perfectionism V. Ekanayake, S.M. Kranick, K. LaFaver, A. Naz, A.F. Webb, W.C. LaFrance, Jr., V. Voon, M. Hallett (West Lafayette, IN, USA) 1103 The clinical features of Parkinson’s disease patients with pathogenic and non-pathogenic glucocerebrosidase gene mutations T. Oeda, A. Umemura, R. Hayashi, S. Tomita, M. Kohsaka, K. Inoue, H. Fujimura, H. Sugiyama, H. Sawada (Kyoto, Japan) 1104 A long-term analysis of aspiration pneumonia prevalence and mortality in patients with Parkinson’s disease U. Akbar, B. Dham, Y. He, S. Wu, M.S. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA) Genetics 1105 Dystonia, facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability and breast cancer associated with a chromosome 13q34 duplication and overexpression of TFDP1: Case report M. Moscovich, M.S. LeDoux, J. Xiao, G.L. Rampon, S.R. Vemula, R. Rodriguez, K.D. Foote, M.S. Okun (Curitiba, Brazil) 1106 Neurological outcome in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis treated with chenodeoxycholic acid: Early versus late diagnosis G. Yahalom, R. Tsabari, N. Molshatzki, L. Ephraty, H. Cohen, S. Hassin-Baer (Tel-Hashomer, Israel) 1107 Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia and PRRT2 mutations: Clinicogenetic correlations K. Methawasin, E.W.L. Teng, A.R.J. Ng, S.H. Seah, W.L. Au, J.J. Liu, J.N. Foo, Y. Zhao, E.K. Tan, L.C.S. Tan (Nakorn-Nayok, Thailand) 1108 Four years’ experience of chronic and progressive ataxias program in the Hospital JM Ramos Mejia - Buenos Aires, Argentina S.A. Rodríguez-Quiroga, D. González-Morón, T. Arakaki, N.S. Garretto, M.A. Kauffman (Caba, Argentina) 1109 Replication of GWAS association for MCCC1/LAMP3 in Parkinson’s disease in Han Chinese N.N. Li, X.L. Chang, X.Y. Mao, D.M. Zhao, Q. Liao, E.K. Tan, R. Peng (Chengdu, China) 1110 Phenotypic spectrum of mutations in GNAL: A novel cause of cranio-cervical dystonia K.R. Kumar, K. Lohmann, R. Miyamoto, A. Ferbert, T. Lohnau, M. Kasten, J. Hagenah, N. Brueggemann, J. Graf, A. Muenchau, V.S. Kostic, C.M. Sue, A.R. Domingo, R.L. Rosales, L.V. Lee, Y. Mukai, T. Kawarai, R. Kaji, C. Klein, A. Schmidt (Lübeck, Germany) 1111 Analysis of N551K and R1398H LRRK2 variants in an Asian cohort A.A. Gopalai, H.H. Li, S.Y. Lim, S.K. Lim, L.P. Tan, Y.B. Chong, Z. Abdul Aziz, N.M. Ibrahim, S.D. Puvarajah, T.T. Lim, Y. Zhao, E.K. Tan, A. Ahmad-Annuar (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 1112 PRRT2 mutation screening in patients with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia from Southwest China Y. Chen, W. Song, J. Yang, Z.Z. Zheng, R. Huang, K. Chen, B. Zhao, X. Chen, J.M. Burgunder, H. Shang (Chengdu, China) 1114 Diagnostic exome sequencing in movement disorders E.J. Kamsteeg, C. Gilissen, K. Neveling, R. de Reuver, B. van de Warrenburg, M. Willemsen, S. Vermeer, H. Brunner, J. Veltman, M. Nelen, H. Scheffer (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 1116 Genetic analysis of Parkinson’s disease, torsion dystonia and Huntington’s disease in Belarus O.A. Yacuts, K.A. Mosse, I.V. Pleshko, S.A. Likhachev (Minsk, Belarus) 1117 Clinical features of onset in monogenic Parkinson’s disease A.E. Elia, J. Azzollini, C. Bagella, M. Carecchio, C. Barzaghi, B. Garavaglia, A. Albanese (Milan, Italy) 1118 Genetic analysis for C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion in neurodegenerative disorders in Taiwan C.S. Lu, S.C. Lai, Y.H. Weng, H.C. Chang, C.L. Huang, B. Traynor, T.H. Yeh (Taoyuan, Taiwan) 1119 Interaction between caffeine intake and LRRK2 variant in Parkinson’s disease S.S.T. Paing, H. Li, Y. Zhao, K.M. Prakash, E.K. Tan (Singapore, Singapore) 1120 A role for SRY in healthy and injured dopamine pathway: Implication for male susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease J. Lee, D. Czech, J. Correia, A. Russ, E. Vilain, V. Harley (Melbourne, Australia) 1121 Rare variants in ubiqutin specific peptidase 21 (USP21) are not associated with Parkinson’s disease J.H. Hong, J.M. Choi, K.H. Kim, M.J. Chae, H.K. Park, S.Y. Kang, H.I. Ma, J. Kim, W.C. Kim, Y.J. Kim (Ynyang, Korea) 1122 A novel autosomal recessive torsion dystonia of childhood onset, caused by a mutation in adenylyl cyclase 5 gene S.A. Bohlega, E.J. Cupler, A.J. Alsaif (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) 1123 SPG11 sequencing in worldwide populations of familial and sporadic spastic paraplegia patients reveals frequent mutations and the common association of parkinsonian features E. Kara, L. Schottlaender, A. Berardo, R. Reisin, J. Hehir, D. Hughes, R. Paudel, J. Hersheson, Y.T. Liu, E. Preza, P. Lewis, A. Martin, P. Korlipara, K.P. Bhatia, A. Lees, T. Foltynie, N. Wood, J. Hardy, H. Houlden (London, United Kingdom) 1124 Targeted DNA sequencing for neurodegenerative disorders S. Appel-Cresswell, M.J. Farrer (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 1125 Mutation screening of the PRRT2 gene in patients with Tourette syndrome in Taiwan S.C. Lai, T.H. Yeh, C.L. Huang, H.C. Chang, C.S. Lu (Taoyuan, Taiwan) 1126 The tumor suppressor gene WWOX is mutated in autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia with epilepsy and mental retardation M. Mallaret, O. Lagha Boukbiza, N. Drouot, M. Renaud, F.A.C. Klein, M. Anheim, C. Mignot, J.L. Mandel, M.A. Salih, M. Koenig (Strasbourg, France) 1127 Association studies of MMP-9 in Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis L. Yu, X. He, L. Zhang, Z. Liu, Y. Xu (Chengdu, China) 1128 Genetic polymorphism of adenosine A2a receptor is associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease and of L-dopainduced hyperkineisa J.J. Lin, K.C. Yueh (Nantou, Taiwan) 1129 Association of dopamine metabolizing gene polymorphisms in Parkinson’s disease - A study from India R. Borgohain, K. Nadella, A. Uma, R.M. Kandadai, V.K. Kutala (Hyderabad, India) Abstracts by Topic 1113 A specific SEPT14 haplotype is associated with a reduced risk for Parkinson’s disease A. Orr-Urtreger, L. Rozenkrantz, Z. Gan-Or, M. Gana-Weisz, A. Mirelman, T. Gurevich, A. Bar Shira, N. Giladi (Tel Aviv, Israel) 1115 Withdrawn by Author 115 Abstracts by Topic 1130 Behavioral characteristics of asymptomatic G2019S mutation carriers of the LRRK2 gene A. Thaler, A. Mirelman, K. Yasinovski, M. Zalis, A. Shkedy, A. Hilel, K. Marder, S. Bressman, A. Orr-Urtreger, T. Gurevich, N. Giladi (TelAviv, Israel) 1131 LRRK2 mutations and Parkinson’s disease in the Uruguayan population V.E. Raggio, E. Dieguez, A. Lescano, B. Aguiar, R. Aljanati, M. Martinovic, I. Amorín, N. González, A.J. Ojeda, V. Pomar, G. Nogueira, L. Aguerre, G. Montado, G. Etchandi, E. Segredo, A.M. Soler, D. Yearout, H. Huston, R. Buzó, C.P. Zabetian, I.F. Mata (Montevideo, Uruguay) 1132 New insights into the genetics of X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism A. Domingo, A. Westenberger, R. Rosales, R.D. Jamora, P.M. Pasco, K. Lohmann, L.V. Lee, C. Klein (Lübeck, Germany) 1133 VPS35 gene variant Asp620Asn in patients with Parkinson’s disease in Serbian population M.Z. Jankovic, V.S. Dobricic, N.D. Kresojevic, A.D. Tomic, V.V. Markovic, M.V. Svetel, I.V. Novakovic, V.S. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) 1134 Prevalence of c.801-2A>G mutation in the DNAJC6 gene in Parkinson’s disease from southern Spain S. Jesús, P. Gómez-Garre, F. Carrillo, M.T. Cáceres-Redondo, I. Huertas-Fernández, I. Bernal-Bernal, M. Bonilla, M. Carballo, P. Mir (Seville, Spain) 1135 Systematic mutational analysis of FBXO7 in a Parkinson’s disease population from southern Spain P. Gómez-Garre, S. Jesús, F. Carrillo, M.T. Cáceres-Redondo, I. Huertas-Fernández, I. Bernal-Bernal, M. Bonilla-Toribio, M. Carballo, P. Mir (Seville, Spain) 1136 Mutation analysis for DNAJC6 in patients with early-onset Parkinson’s disease H. Tomiyama, M. Ando, Y. Li, H. Yoshino, N. Hattori (Tokyo, Japan) 1137 PRRT2 gene mutation analysis in Korean familial and sporadic patients with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia J. Youn, Y. Jeong, J.Y. Ahn, J.W. Cho (Seoul, Korea) 1138 Clinical and genetic characteristics of first degree relatives of Jewish patients with Parkinson’s disease of North African origin M. Kestenbaum, T. Gurevich, N. Giladi, K. Yasinovsky, M. Zalis, A. Shkedi, Y. Douieb, M. Gana-Weiss, A. Orr-Urtreger, A. Mirelman (Tel Aviv, Israel) 1139 Association of P2X7 receptor gene polymorphisms with sporadic Parkinson’s disease in a Han Chinese population H. Liu, a. Xie (Qingdao, China) 1140 DYT6/THAP1 gene sequencing as a part of standard clinical examination: Comprehensive data for Serbian dystonia cohort V.S. Dobricic, M.Z. Jankovic, N.D. Kresojevic, A.D. Tomic, I.N. Petrovic, M.V. Svetel, I.V. Novakovic, V.S. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) Abstracts by Topic 1141 Analysis of apolipoprotein E genotype in Taiwanese patients with sporadic PD C.L. Huang, S.C. Lai, H.C. Chang, T.H. Yeh, C.S. Lu (Taoyuan, Taiwan) 116 1142 Rapid disease progression in adult-onset mitochondrial membrane protein associated neurodegeneration O. Dogu, C.E. Krebs, H. Kaleagasi, Z. Demirtas, N. Oksuz, R.H. Walker, C. Paisán-Ruiz (Mersin, Turkey) 1143 The human testis-determining factor SRY localizes in midbrain dopamine neurons and regulates multiple components of catecholamine synthesis and metabolism D.P. Czech, J. Lee, H. Sim, C.L. Parish, E. Vilain, V.R. Harley (Clayton, Australia) 1144 Search for rare-variant risks of Parkinson’s disease by sequencing of candidate genes and exome sequencing W. Satake, Y. Ando, H. Tomiyama, A. Takeda, K. Hasegawa, M. Yamamoto, M. Murata, N. Hattori, T. Toda (Kobe, Japan) 1145 Rare variants in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia genes in Parkinson’s disease E.C. Schulte, A. Fukumori, B. Mollenhauer, H. Hor, R. Perneczky, A. Kurz, M. Hüll, T. Arzberger, P. Lichtner, G. Eckstein, A. Zimprich, D. Haubenberger, W. Pirker, T. Brücke, B. Bereznai, M.J. Molnar, O. Lorenzo-Betancor, P. Pastor, A. Peters, C. Gieger, X. Estivill, H.A. Kretzschmar, T. Meitinger, C. Trenkwalder, C. Haass, J. Winkelmann (München, Germany) 1146 Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is secreted in urinary and CSF exosomes: Implication as a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease J.Y. Williams, K.B. Fraser, N.N. Sukar, P.J. Webber, J.P. Lima Daher, M.S. Moehle, C.A. Stewart, R.M. Cowell, T. Dokland, T. Ye, D. Chen, T.A. Yacoubian, G.P. Siegal, R.A. Galemmo, D.J. Moore, D.G. Standaert, J.A. Mobley, A.B. West (Birmingham, AL, USA) 1147 Brain-derived neurotrophic factor G196A polymorphism and clinical presentation of Parkinson’s disease in Serbian patients A. Tomic, M. Svetel, T. Pekmezovic, V. Markovic, G. Djuric, N. Dragasevic, I. Petrovic, V.S. Kostic (Belgrade, Serbia) 1148 MicroRNA as modifiers of age of onset of Parkinson’s disease T. Fixler Mehr, R. Djaldetti, N. Kaplan, O.S. Cohen, R. Inzelberg, G. Yahalom, E. Friedman, S. Hassin-Baer (Ramat-Gan, Israel) 1149 Polymorphism in HOMER1 gene is associated with levodopa induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease patients A.F. Schumacher-Schuh, M.S. Medeiros, V. Altmann, M. Rieck, T.L. Monte, C.R.M. Rieder, M.H. Hutz (Porto Alegre, Brazil) 1150 Variants in ANO3 as susceptibility factor in essential tremor? F. Hopfner, M. Bungeroth, G. Deuschl, G. Kuhlenbäumer, S.A. Schneider (Kiel, Germany) 1151 Clinical correlations with lewy body pathology in LRRK2-related Parkinson’s disease L. Kalia, A. Lang, L. Hazrati, S. Fujioka, Z. Wszolek, D. Dickson, O. Ross, V. Van Deerlin, J. Trojanowski, H. Hurtig, R. Alcalay, C. Gaig, E. Tolosa, J. Ruiz-Martinez, J. Marti Masso, I. Ferrer, A. Lopez de Munain, S. Goldman, B. Schuele, J. Langston, J. Aasly, M. Giordana, V. Bonifati, A. Puschmann, K. Hasegawa, C. Duyckaerts, A. Brice, A. Maues de Paula, C. Marras (Toronto, ON, Canada) 1152 Association between PARK16 and Parkinson’s disease in the HanChinese population: A meta-analysis K.H. Chang, Y.R. Wu, C.M. Chen, Y.C. Chen (Taoyuan, Taiwan) 1153 Defective synthesis of complex gangliosides is involved in hereditary spastic paraplegia R. Schüle, A. Ferbert, A. Caballero Oteyza, M. Synofzik, K. Glebov, M. Gonzalez, J. Walter, G. Stevanin, S. Züchner, L. Schöls (Tübingen, Germany) 1154 Variable penetrance of the LRRK2-R1441G mutation in a Peruvian family M.R. Cornejo-Olivas, L. Torres, P. Mazzetti, C. Cosentino, C.P. Zabetian, I.F. Mata (Lima, Peru) 1155 Is GCH1 a risk locus for Parkinson’s disease? Evidence from a case report N. Mencacci, J. Polke, M. Stamelou, K. Sidle, A. Batla, M. Sweeney, H. Houlden, N. Wood, J. Hardy, K. Bhatia (London, United Kingdom) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 1156 Atypical Chédiak-Higashi syndrome with attenuated phenotype: Three adult siblings homozygous for a novel LYST deletion and with neurodegenerative disease J.D. Weisfeld-Adams, M. Lakshmi, R.C. Janet, D.R. Francine, S. Arnold, L.D. Fred, I.J. Wendy, C. Michael, C. Catherine (New York, NY, USA) 1170 SNCA variants do not predict motor progression in Parkinson’s disease M. Davis, J. Leverenz, J. Trojanowski, D. Weintraub, H. Hurtig, R. Goldman Gross, A. Chen-Plotkin, V. Van Deerlin, J. Quinn, K. Chung, D. Yearout, T. Hall, K. Edwards, T. Montine, C. Zabetian (Seattle, WA, USA) 1157 FBXO7 variations in Taiwanese Parkinson’s disease C.M. Chen, I.C. Chen, Y.C. Huang, H.F. Juan, G.J. Lee-Chen, Y.R. Wu (Taipei, Taiwan) 1171 Parkinson’s disease LRRK2 gene mutations in the central region of Portugal F. Moreira, A. Morgadinho, R. Almeida, A. Gonçalves, C. Januário (Coimbra, Portugal) 1158 Genetic variations of GAK in two Chinese Parkinson’s disease populations: A case-control study Y.R. Wu, C.M. Chen, C.M. Chen, W.E.J. Tseng, E.K. Tan, Y. Zhao (Taipei, Taiwan) 1159 A comprehensive diagnostic test for familial and early onset Parkinson’s disease based on next-generation sequencing N. Mencacci, A. Pittman, U. Sheerin, G. Charlesworth, D. Hughes, M. Sweeney, N. Wood, H. Houlden, A. Lees, K. Bhatia, T. Foltynie, J. Hardy (London, United Kingdom) 1172 Gene silencing in Friedreich ataxia is caused by repressive epigenetic changes that extend upstream of the expanded GAA triplet-repeat in intron 1 of the FXN gene Y.K. Chutake, S.I. Bidichandani (Oklahoma City, OK, USA) 1173 Association study between SNP rs150689919 in DNA demethylation gene, TET1, with Parkinson’s disease in the Chinese Han population L. Shen, X. Liao, Y. Luo, J. Guo, B. Tang (Changsha, China) 1160 APP processing genes and cerebrospinal fluid biomarker levels in Parkinson’s disease dementia L.M. Bekris, F. Lutz, S. Millard, T.W. Debby, P.R. Elaine, Y.E. Chang, M.J. Thomas, Z. Jing, Z. Cyrus, L.B. James (Seattle, WA, USA) 1174 Parkinson’s disease in history A.N. Kaadan (Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic) 1161 The LRRK2 R1441H mutation and Parkinson’s disease L. Correia Guedes, M. Quadri, V. Bonifati, J.J. Ferreira (Lisbon, Portugal) 1175 Handwriting and micrographia in Parkinson’s disease A. Letanneux, J.L. Velay, F. Viallet, S. Pinto (Aix-en-Provence cedex 1, France) 1162 DRD3 receptor polymorphism may confer risk for younger onset Parkinson’s disease A. Hassan, M.S. Okun, D.J. Serie, M.G. Heckman, J.E. Ahlskog, R.J. Uitti, Z. Wszolek, O.A. Ross (Rochester, MN, USA) 1176 The development of botulinum toxin as a therapeutic tool D.E. Riley, E.H. Magoon (Cleveland, OH, USA) 1163 Association between DRD2 and NMDA GRIN2B genetic polymorphisms in Caucasian Parkinson’s disease patients A. Hassan, M.S. Okun, D.J. Serie, M.G. Heckman, J.E. Ahlskog, Z. Wszolek, R.J. Uitti, O.A. Ross (Rochester, MN, USA) 1164 Comprehensive assessment of genetic sequence variants in the antioxidant ‘master regulator’ NFE2L2 in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) M. Todorovic, J.R.B. Newman, G.D. Mellick (Brisbane, Australia) 1165 The effect of genetic background on engrailed1+/– induced loss of midbrain dopaminergic neurons Z. Kurowska, U. Nordström, M. Swanberg (Lund, Sweden) 1166 Clinical phenotype of Parkinson’s disease: Impact of microtubuleassociated protein Tau V. Montemurro, E. Di Battista, C. Purcaro, R. Scatozza, P. Esterina, G. Meco (Roma, Italy) 1167 Withdrawn by Author 1169 Using next-generation sequencing as a diagnostic tool in rare neurological Mendelian disorders H. Jiang, Z. Chen, J. Wang, B. Tang, Z. Sun, Y. Shi, L. Shen, Z. Hu (Changsha, China) 1177 Renaissance dystonia – Dystonia in the lights from the north exhibition of German renaissance drawings and prints in Baron Edmond de Rothschild’s collection from the Musée du Louvre F.M.B. Germiniani, F.P. Zorzetto, A. Moro, R. Puppi, F. Tensini, N. Becker, R. Nickel, H.A.G. Teive (Curitiba, Brazil) 1178 Whose name is it anyway? The prevalence of the apostrophe in selected eponymous neurodegenerative diseases, 1960-2012 M.R. MacAskill, T.J. Anderson (Christchurch, New Zealand) Lewy Body Dementia and Other Dementias in Movement Disorders 1179 Metabolic impairments of brain in patients with probable dementia of lewy bodies Y. Yang, s. Kim (Seoul, Korea) 1180 Omi-mediated detoxification of α-synuclein-induced neurotoxicity in a drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease M.M. Rahman, S. Akhter, M.S. Islam, H.J. Kim, S.T. Hong (Jeonju-si, Korea) 1181 Clinical features of dementia with lewy bodies in 35 Chinese patients Z. Wang, Q. Wang, D. Han (Beijing, China) 1182 a-Synuclein pathology is related with postoperative delirium in patients undergoing gastrectomy M.K. Sunwoo, J.Y. Hong, H.J. Park, S.H. Kim, P.H. Lee (Seoul, Korea) 1183 Mammalian HtrA2 functions to protect α-synuclein-induced prion protein deposition in mice S. Akhter, M.M. Rahman, M.S. Islam, M.A. Razzak, H.J. Kim, S.T. Hong (Jeonju, Korea) Abstracts by Topic 1168 A novel heterozygous mutation in ATP synthase (electron transport chain complex V) subunit c gene ATP5G3 causes autosomal dominant dystonia and spastic paraplegia D.L. Gilbert, N.D. Leslie, R.B. Hufnagel, D.E. Neilson (Cincinnati, OH, USA) History 117 Abstracts by Topic 1184 De novo presenilin mutation at P.Gly266 Ser PSEN 1 causes at one 43-year old patient, beside dementia, extrapyramidal motor symptoms I. Velentzas, G. Nasioulas, P. Afentouli (Athens, Greece) 1185 Sequential clock drawings in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease V.F.M.L. Ramos, D.L. Murman (Bethesda, MD, USA) 1186 A case of neurosyphilis presenting with tongue tremor and dementia H.A.G. Teive, A. Moro, R.P. Munhoz (Curitiba, Brazil) 1187 Clinical features and drug response of patients with early stage dementia with lewy bodies R. Ohtomo, K. Fujii, S. Tsuji, A. Iwata (Tokyo, Japan) Myoclonus 1188 Does idiopathic propriospinal myoclonus exist ? R. Erro, K.P. Bhatia, M.J. Edwards, S.F. Farmer, C. Cordivari (Naples, Italy) 1189 Trembling myoclonus: A peculiar type of myoclonus in the elderly T. Doden, H. Sato, T. Hashimoto (Matsumoto, Japan) 1190 Spectrum of hyperkinetic movements in sporadic CreutzfeldtJakob disease (sCJD): A literature review M. Molina, R. Fekete (Valhalla, NY, USA) 1203 Neuroprotective abilities of DJ-1 based peptide in models of Parkinson’s disease N. Lev, Y. Barhum, T. Ben-Zur, D. Offen, E. Melamed (Ramat Gan, Israel) 1204 Efficacy and safety of rotigotine 24 hour transdermal patch in the treatment of early Parkinson’s disease: A meta-analysis G.M.I. Ramiro, N.L. Fabiania, R.D.G. Jamora (Manila, Philippines) 1205 Botulinum toxin as a new treatment modality for jerky functional movement disorders: An ongoing randomized controlled trial Y.E.M. Dreissen, D.C. Cath, J.M. Dijk, E. Zoons, J.H.T.M. Koelman, M.A.J. Tijssen (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 1206 Botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of cephalic cutaneous allodynia in chronic migraine: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled pilot trial L. Monteiro, L. Hollanda, A. Melo (Salvador, Brazil) Quality of Life/Caregiver Burden in Movement Disorders 1207 Caregivers’ burden in patients of multiple system atrophy (MSA) V. Agrawal, V. Goyal, G. Shukla, M. Behari (Hyderabad, India) 1192 Spinal segmental myoclonus in multiple sclerosis: A case report I.F. Khafizova, Z.A. Zalyalova, A.R. Khakimova, E.A. Baranova, M.S. Gafurov (Kazan, Russia) 1208 Burden of care among caregivers in Indian patients with Parkinson’s disease K.B. Bhattacharyya, P. Basu, A. Mishra, D. Sanyal, S.K. Das (Kolkata, India) 1194 Unusual case of jerking stiff person syndrome N. Chaudhary, S. Jaiswal, J.M.K. Murthy (Hyderabad, India) 1195 Clinical and neurophysiological findings in Post hypoxic mycolonus M. Beudel, J.W.J. Elting, M.A.J. Tijssen (Groningen, Netherlands) Neuropharmacology 1196 Meat, nicotinamide and longevity: Is Parkinson’s disease the trade-off? A. Williams, L. Hill, S. Patel (Birmingham, United Kingdom) 1197 Rise in incidence of Parkinson’s disease in the 19th century UK correlates with increased meat intake A. Williams, L. Hill, S. Patel (Birmingham, United Kingdom) 1198 Incobotulinumtoxin A affects pain perception in healthy subjects T. Vogt, S. Mbialeu, C. Geber, F. Birklein (Mainz, Germany) Abstracts by Topic 1202 Long-term efficacy of botulinum toxin in patients with hemifacial spasm T. Demir, S. Yildirim, M. Demirkiran (Adana, Turkey) 1191 The functional MRI (fMRI) manifestation of stimulus sensitive myoclonus in corticobasal degeneration C.H. Tsai, J.M. Chen, M.K. Lu, J.R. Duann (Taichung, Taiwan) 1193 The correlation between spinal cord lesions and propriospinal myoclonus E. Marcello, E.J. Mark, C. Olga, C. David, B.P. Kailash, C. Carla (Naples, Italy) 118 1201 Use of the levodopa sparing strategy in young onset Parkinson’s disease A.Q. Rana, Y. Mujawaz, M.A. Rana (Toronto, ON, Canada) 1199 Neuroprotective effect of curcumin with a fixator of absorption against both aluminium neurotoxicity and Alzheimer’s disease (experimental studies in mice) N. Djebli (Mostaganem, Algeria) 1200 New autoimmune encephalopathy with myoclous and dystonia responsive to delayed treatment M. Marina, L. Lydia, G. Francesc, M. Antonio, L.L. Juan Jose (Madrid, Spain) 1209 Evaluation of the motivation of family doctors in providing care to patients with Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders O.M. Korzh, S.V. Krasnokutskiy, E.V. Lavrova (Kharkov, Ukraine) 1210 Outcomes of a pilot 5 day physiotherapy programme for functional movement disorders (FMDs) G. Nielsen, M.J. Edwards (London, United Kingdom) 1211 Outcome after inpatient rehabilitation for patients with functional movement disorders A. Batla, K.P. Bhatia, L. Fisher, E.M. Joyce, G. Price, M.J. Edwards (London, United Kingdom) 1212 Determinants of health-related quality of life in people with Parkinson’s disease living in Australia S.E. Soh, J.L. McGinley, J.J. Watts, A.T. Murphy, R. Iansek, H.B. Menz, M.E. Morris (Melbourne, Australia) 1213 A study to compare the effects of motor and non-motor symptoms on the health related quality of life of patients with Parkinson’s disease G.V. Veena, M. Agarwal, M. Behari (New Delhi, India) 1214 Quality of life and its determinants in a cohort of patients with Parkinson’s disease from a developing country in Asia P.N. Weeratunga, N. Perera, M. Caldera, K. Gooneratne, R. Gamage (Colombo, Sri Lanka) 1215 Reluctance to start medication in Parkinson’s disease from the patient perspective: Results from an international observational study T.A. Mestre, T. Teodoro, J. Graf, W. Reginold, J. Sale, M. Zurowski, J. Miyasaki, J.J. Ferreira, C. Marras (Toronto, ON, Canada) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 1216 Real-time gait analysis algorithm to monitor patient activity for Parkinson’s disease I.U.L. Haq, J. Lundberg (Ronneby, Sweden) Surgical Therapy: Other Movement Disorders 1217 Withdrawn by Author 1218 The long-term safety and efficacy of thalamic deep brain stimulation in essential tremor J.F. Baizabal-Carvallo, M. Kagnoff, J. Jimenez-Shahed, R. Fekete, J. Jankovic (Houston, TX, USA) 1219 Comparison of double monopolar and interleaving stimulation modes in the treatment of primary generalized and segmental dystonia N. Kovács, G. Deli, E. Bosnyák, I. Balás, S. Komoly, J. Janszky (Pécs, Hungary) 1220 Withdrawn by Author 1221 Effects of STN DBS for dystonia on dual-task cognitive function K.A. Mills, L.C. Markun, M. San Luciano, A. Thota, C.A. Racine, P.A. Starr, J.L. Alberts, J.L. Ostrem (San Francisco, CA, USA) 1222 Interleaving deep brain stimulation reduces stimulation induced dysarthria in patients with essential tremor M.T. Barbe, T. Dembek, J. Becker, J. Raethjen, M. Hartinger, I.G. Meister, M. Runge, M. Maarouf, G.R. Fink, L. Timmermann (Cologne, Germany) 1223 Posterior subthalamic area deep brain stimulation in a case with fragile X-Associated tremor/ataxia syndrome G. Oyama, A. Umemura, N. Nishikawa, A. Nakajima, T. Jo, M. Nakajima, H. Ishii, Y. Shimo, H. Arai, N. Hattori (Bunkyo-ku, Japan) 1224 Effect of spinal cord stimulation on gait with patients with PSP T. Ichikawa, H. Oshima, Y. Fumimura, Y. Nishida (Ageo City, Japan) 1225 Influence of electrode position and outcome following deep brain stimulation surgery in the management of childhood primary and secondary dystonias D.E. Lumsden, J. Ashmore, H. Gimeno, R. O’Gorman, G. CharlesEdwards, K. Ashkan, R. Selway, J.P. Lin (London, United Kingdom) 1226 Status dystonicus due to internal pulse generator depletion in a patient with primary generalized dystonia M. Sobstyl, M. Zabek, T. Kmiec, K. Budohoski (Warsaw, Poland) 1227 Right hemichorea treated successfully by surgical removal of the left putaminal cavernous angioma M. Sobstyl, M. Zabek, M. Jakucinski (Warsaw, Poland) 1228 A new procedure of selective denervation and myotomy for laterocollic cervical dystonia: Results in 66 cases J. Liang, S. Ji, A. Ma (Wuhan, China) 1229 Long-term follow-up study for patients with primary generalized dystonia treated by bilateral pallidal stimulation M. Sobstyl, M. Zabek, Z. Mossakowski (Warsaw, Poland) 1231 Unilateral thalamic deep brain stimulation improves spasmodic dysphonia N. Patel, A. Richter, D. Donovan, J. Jimenez-Shahed (Houston, TX, USA) 1233 Results of interventional MRI (iMRI)-guided deep brain stimulator placement in children L.C. Markun, P.A. Starr, P.S. Larson, M.M. Volz, A.J. Martin, J.L. Ostrem (San Francisco, CA, USA) 1234 Long-term follow-up of GPi deep brain stimulation in generalized dystonia: Primary dystonia compared to cerebral palsy L.M. Romito, G. Zorzi, M.L. Ciceri, C.E. Marras, A. Franzini, N. Nardocci, A. Albanese (Milano, Italy) 1235 Long-term follow up of chronic spinal cord stimulation in medically intractable orthostatic tremor T. Sauer, C. Blahak, G. Luetjens, A. Saryyeva, H. Baezner, H.H. Capelle, J.C. Woehrle, M.G. Hennerici, J.K. Krauss (Mannheim, Germany) 1236 Deep brain stimulation for DYT6 dystonia: A case report S. Miri, M. Parvaresh, G.A. Shahidi, M. Rohani, S. Karkheiran, A. Sabet (Tehran, Iran) 1237 Pallidal deep brain stimulation setting in DYT1 positive and DYT1 negative patients with primary generalized dystonia M. Rohani, S. Miri, G.A. Shahidi, M. Parvaresh, A. Sabet (Tehran, Iran) 1238 A survey of the clinical state and programming patterns of movement disorder patients with impending deep brain stimulation battery power failure K.M.K. Wilson, R. Mehanna, S.E. Cooper, H.H. Fernandez, M.T. Gostkowski, J. Rudolph, A. Ahmed, I. Itin, A.G. Machado (Cleveland, OH, USA) 1239 Complications of IPG replacement in deep brain stimulation A. Fytagoridis, A. Fredricks, P. Blomstedt (Stockholm, Sweden) 1240 Efficacy of DBS GPi in generalized dystonia with basal ganglia calcification A. Gamaleya, A. Tomskiy, A. Dekopov, V. Shabalov (Moscow, Russia) 1241 Is it possible to remove subcortically located space occupaying lesion in the sensory motor strip with motor function improvement? W.E. Eisner, F. Sohm, M. Mulino, T. Fiegele (Innsbruck, Austria) 1242 Deep brain stimulation of the caudal zona incerta and the posterior subthalamic area in essential tremor, is there an optimal area for stimulation? A. Fytagoridis, M. Åström, P. Blomstedt (Stockholm, Sweden) 1243 Deep brain stimulation in a case of hemichoreoathetosis with dystonia associated with a developmental venous anomaly and microbleeding in the subthalamic nucleus area T. Xie, I. Awad, U. Kang, P. Warnke (Chicago, IL, USA) 1244 Visualizing pallidal DBS for dystonia and Parkinson’s disease T.C. Cheung, A.N. Mamelak, M. Tagliati (Los Angeles, CA, USA) 1245 Causes of therapeutic failure of pallidal deep brain stimulation in primary dystonia K.A.M. Pauls, J.K. Krauss, C.E. Kämpfer, C. Schrader, M. Südmeyer, N. Allert, R. Benecke, C. Blahak, J.K. Boller, W. Fogel, F. El Majdoub, J. Kessler, J. Kuhn, J. Voges, M. Wittstock, A.A. Kühn, E. Moro, J. Volkmann, K.P. Bhatia, M. Maarouf, L. Timmermann (Köln, Germany) 1246 GPi-deep brain stimulation can be useful for both refractory tics and OCD in severe Tourette syndrome C. Srikanth-Mysore, A. Dale, A.A. Patil, B. Roeder, D. TorresRussotto (Omaha, USA) Abstracts by Topic 1230 Combined pallidal and subthalamic deep brain stimulation in dystonia- Report of two cases E. Soltan, H. Koziara, R. Rola, B. Królicki, K. Szalecki, T. Tykocki, P. Nauman, W. Bonicki, T. Mandat (Warsaw, Poland) 1232 Habituation and rebound to thalamic DBS in long-term management of tremor associated with demyelinating sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy N. Patel, W. Ondo, J. Jimenez-Shahed (Houston, TX, USA) 119 Abstracts by Topic 1247 Gammaknife thamamotomy for intractable tremors: Clinical outcome and correlations with neuroimaging features T. Witjas, R. Carron, J.P. Azulay, J. Regis (Marseille, France) Surgical Therapy: Parkinson’s disease 1248 Prospective analysis of STN DBS in Parkinson’s disease: Motor and non-motor symptoms evolution link to electrodes localization I. de Chazeron, B. Pereira, I. Chereau-Boudet, F. Durif, P.M. Llorca (Clermont-Ferrand, France) 1249 Gender differences do not influence selection and outcome of DBS for Parkinson’s disease S.B. Chandran, S.N. Krishnan, S. Gangadhara, A. Kishore, S. Sarma (Coimbatore, India) 1250 Withdrawn by Author 1251 Deep brain stimulation programming in Parkinson’s disease using functional motor symptom response tuning maps T.O. Mera, J. Vitek, J.P. Giuffrida (Cleveland, USA) 1252 Steering deep brain stimulation: An exploratory study with a new 32-contact lead M.F. Contarino, L.J. Bour, R.M.A. de Bie, P. van den Munckhof, P.R. Schuurman (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 1253 A deep brain stimulation programming template for electronic medical records M.H. Pourfar, A.Y. Mogilner, C.E. Snapp (New York, NY, USA) 1254 Effect of dorsal and ventral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on actual and perceived sense of postural balance T.R. Larsh, A. Bhattacharya, A.P. Duker, A. Mani, C. Cox, M. Gartner, F.J. Revilla (Cincinnati, OH, USA) 1255 Effect of disease duration on preoperative levodopa responsiveness as a criterion for subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease patients D. Aygun, E. Kocabicak, M.K. Onar, K. Akpinar, H. Güz, Ö. Böke, M. Kurt (Samsun, Turkey) 1256 Infections following deep brain stimulation – A proposed classification system R. Cook, L. Jones, G. Fracchia, N. Anderson, J. Miu, L. Meagher, P. Silburn, P. Silberstein (Sydney, Australia) 1257 Simultaneous DBS of the STN and GPi: Case reports R. Cook, L. Jones, G. Fracchia, N. Anderson, J. Miu, L. Meagher, P. Silburn, P. Silberstein (Sydney, Australia) 1258 Complications of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: An Australian experience R. Cook, L. Jones, G. Fracchia, N. Anderson, J. Miu, L. Meagher, P. Silburn, P. Silberstein (Sydney, Australia) Abstracts by Topic 1259 Multisistemic atrophy Parkinson and deep brain stimulation on subtalamic nucleus R. Ribacoba, E. Suárez, F.J. Seijo (Oviedo, Spain) 120 1260 Simultaneous targeting of STN and GPi can be useful for DBS therapy in advanced Parkinson’s disease P. Hedera, M.K. Cooper, F.T. Phibbs, P.D. Charles, P.E. Konrad, J.S. Neimat, T.L. Davis (Nashville, TN, USA) 1261 Five-year outcome of postural instability and gait disturbance (PIGD) after bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease H.W. Shin, M.J. Kim, Y.J. Kim, J. Kim, M.S. Kim, S.R. Kim, S.R. Jeon, S.J. Chung (Seoul, Korea) 1262 Model-based deep brain stimulation programming for Parkinson’s disease: The GUIDE pilot study M.H. Pourfar, A.Y. Mogilner, S. Farris, M. Giroux, Y. Zhao, H. Bokil, M.C. Pierre (New York, NY, USA) 1263 Successful long-term bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in VPS35 Parkinson’s disease V. Fleury, C. Wider, J. Horvath, A. Zacharia, J. Bally, P. Pollak, C. Pollo, F.J.G. Vingerhoets, P.R. Burkhard (Geneva, Switzerland) 1264 A new DBS lead: Simultaneous 32-contact local field potential recording in the Parkinsonian STN L.J. Bour, R. Verhagen, F. Contarino, R.M.A. De Bie, G. Van Elswijk, H.C.F. Martens, P. Van den Munckhof, R. Schuurman (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 1265 Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in advanced Parkinson’s disease: 5 year follow-up at a Portuguese centre A. Monteiro, C. Andrade, A. Oliveira, C. Chamadoira, P. Linhares, J. Lima, C. Sousa, R. Fonseca, C. Silveira, M. Basto, C. Reis, J. Massano, C. Garrett, R. Vaz, M.J. Rosas (Porto, Portugal) 1266 Stimulation of electrode contacts within zona incerta directly blocks levodopa-induced dyskinesias in PD patients C.P. Souza, M.G.S. Ghilardi, R.G. Cury, R.B.M. Rodrigues, E.R. Barbosa, M.J. Teixeira, E.T. Fonoff (São Paulo, Brazil) 1267 Effect of 80Hz STN-DBS on gait disorders (including FOG) in Parkinson’s disease L. Nuth, I. Isaias, A. Marzegan, J. Volkmann, F. Steigerwald (Würzburg, Germany) 1268 Different combinations of subthalamic nucleus (STN) and pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) lead to variable effects in saccades and antisaccades in advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) M.J. Naushahi, A.N. Khan, Q. Arshad, P.Y. Lee, S. Khalid, N. Yousif, N. Pavese, P.G. Bain, A.M. Bronstein, D. Nandi (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 1269 The impact of age at surgery on long term outcome of bilateral STN -DBS A. Shalash, A. Alexoudi, K. Knudsen, J. Volkmann, M. Mehdorn, G. Deuschl (Cairo, Egypt) 1270 Long term outcome of STN-DBS for “not recommended” parkinsonian patients K. Kimura, H. Kishida, M. Shimamura, F. Tanaka (Yokohama, Japan) 1271 Differential effects of deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus (DBS-STN) on the motor performance in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients A.N. Piano, L. Puay Ngoh, B. David Prakash, I.S.H. Seah, T.C.S. Louis, W.L. Au (Singapore, Singapore) 1272 A systematic review of studies on anatomical position of electrode contacts used for chronic subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease F. Caire, D. Ranoux, D. Guehl, P. Burbaud, E. Cuny (Limoges, France) 1273 Effective use of microelectrode recording for the implantation of deep brain electrodes into the nucleus subthalamicus in advanced Parkinson’s disease S. Paschen, R. Anwar, P. Kuravi, D. Falk, G. Deuschl, M. Muthuraman, J. Raethjen (Kiel, Germany) 1274 Influence of speech task and utterance length on measurement of pitch variability in the speech of Parkinson’s disease patients after deep brain stimulation J. van Doorn, F. Karlsson (Umeå, Sweden) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Abstracts by Topic 1275 Stimulation-related side effects in ten patients with Parkinson’s disease treated by subtahalamic deep brain stimulation (DBS) M.K. Onar, D. Aygun, E. Kocabicak, H. Guz, C.K. Akpinar, O. Boke, M. Kurt (Samsun, Turkey) 1276 Dopamine dysregulation syndrome after deep brain stimulation (DBS): A case report M.K. Onar, D. Aygun, K. Akpinar, E. Kocabicak, O. Boke, H. Guz, M. Kurt (Samsun, Turkey) 1277 Severe post operative edema following DBS I. Asher, T. Norregaard (Columbia, MO, USA) 1278 The effect of subthalamic DBS on olfactory function in Parkinson’s disease M. Fabbri, L.C. Guedes, M. Coelho, D. Abreu, D. Simao, M.R. Rosa, J.J. Ferreira (Lisbon, Portugal) 1279 Deep brain stimulation for movement disorders: Our last year experience V. Vuletic, D. Chudy, A. Havelka Mestrovic (Zagreb, Croatia) 1280 Long-term outcomes from the VA/NIH cooperative study on deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease W. Marks, Jr., P. Luo, E. Lanier, U. Patel, K. Carlson, J. Rothlind, N. Galifianakis, A. Sarwar, E. Lai, J. Ostrem, J. Duda, J. Bronstein, K. Holloway, M. Brodsky, K. Chung, S. Horn, A. Snodgrass, C. Harris, C. Moy, D. Reda, F. Weaver, M. Stern, K. Follett (San Francisco, CA, USA) 1289 Greater pulse generator longevity is associated with bipolar versus monopolar deep brain stimulation for movement disorders L. Almeida, P. Rawal, B.L. Smelser, H. Huang, B.L. Guthrie, H.C. Walker (Birmingham, AL, USA) 1290 Development of a speech assessment tool (SIV) for use by health professionals who work with DBS patients J. van Doorn, A. Ahlinder, J. Labba (Umeå, Sweden) 1291 Optimized outpatient information increases deep brain stimulation acceptance rate M. Südmeyer, L. Wojtecki, H. Krause, G. Deuschl, A. Schnitzler, B. Möller (Düsseldorf, Germany) 1292 Neuroleptic-like malignant syndrome following battery depletion in a patient with deep brain stimulation for secondary parkinsonism T. Sauer, M. Wolf, H.H. Capelle, H. Baezner, M.G. Hennerici, J.K. Krauss, C. Blahak (Mannheim, Germany) 1293 Pallidotomy as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease patients: Is it obsolete? O. Jitkritsadakul, R. Bhidayasiri (Bangkok, Thailand) 1294 Temporal dynamics of post-operative impedance at the tissueelectrode interface in deep brain stimulation patients P. Malone, T. Wu, P. Ghosh, B. McElroy, K. Zaghloul, M. Hallett, T. Patterson, Z. Levine, C. Lungu (Bethesda, MD, USA) 1281 Increased therapeutic window with shorter pulse widths (<60µs) of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease F. Steigerwald, R. Reese, C. Matthies, J. Volkmann (Würzburg, Germany) 1295 Acute lower urinary tract dysfunction after bilateral STN deep brain stimulation surgery for PD R. Salazar Montero, T.C. Chai, P.S. Fishman, H. Eisenberg, S.G. Reich (Baltimore, MD, USA) 1282 Subthalamic deep brain stimulation versus best medical therapy for L-dopa responsive pain in Parkinson’s disease O. Sürücü, H. Baumann-Vogel, M. Uhl, L.L. Imbach, C.R. Baumann (Zurich, Switzerland) 1296 Subthalamic stimulation for Parkinson’s disease regularizes the timing of peripheral motor unit discharges during a simple voluntary movement H.C. Walker, P. Lee, C.L. Gonzalez, H.L. Huang (Birmingham, AL, USA) 1283 A case of delayed intracranial hemorrhage in Parkinson’ disease patient after deep brain stimulation S.J. Kim, E.J. Chung, S.L. Kim, M.S. Kim (Busan, Korea) 1284 Temporarily faster decline in global cognitive function after bilateral STN DBS in Parkinson’s disease H.J. Kim, B.S. Jeon, H. Park, J.Y. Kim, H.J. Yang (Seoul, Korea) 1285 Subtalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation effects on cardiovascular dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease A.T. Krygowska-Wajs, A. Furgala, W. Pietraszko, A.B. Gorecka, J. Polak, M.M. Bukowczan, P.J. Thor, M. Moskala (Cracow, Poland) 1286 Effects of bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation on gastric myoelectric activity in Parkinson’s disease A.T. Krygowska-Wajs, W. Piatraszko, A. Furgala, A.B. Gorecka, J. Polak, M.M. Bukowczan, P.J. Thor, M. Moskala (Cracow, Poland) 1287 Does intra-operative micro-stimulation predict post-operative side effects of subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN DBS)? R. Mehanna, H. Fernandez, A. Machado, S. Cooper (Cleveland Heights, OH, USA) 1298 Simultaneous bilateral pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) and subthalamic nucleus (STN)-deep brain stimulation (DBS) in advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) M.J. Naushahi, N. Yousif, N. Pavese, P.G. Bain, A.M. Bronstein, D. Nandi (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 1299 Health economics and surgical treatment for Parkinson’s disease in a world perspective G. Schechtmann, V.A. Jourdain (Stockholm, Sweden) 1300 Effects of subthalamic nucleus (STN) and pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN)-deep brain stimulation (DBS) on saccades in advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) M.J. Naushahi, A.N. Khan, Q. Arshad, P.Y. Lee, S. Khalid, N. Yousif, N. Pavese, P.G. Bain, A.M. Bronstein, D. Nandi (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 1301 Effect of pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation at low frequency on gait and balance disorders in advanced Parkinson’s disease M.L. Welter, A. Demain, C. Ewenczyk, A. El Helou, B. Lau, C. François, C. Karachi, D. Grabli (Paris, France) Abstracts by Topic 1288 Parkinson study group survey of impulsive and compulsive disorders in Parkinson’s disease pre and post deep brain stimulation N. Hack, A. Thompson-Avila, E. Moro, M. York, K. Nestor, S. Fayad, H. Ward, M. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA) 1297 Localisation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease with neural beta and gamma activity of local field potentials R. Verhagen, D.G.M. Zwartjes, T. Heida, M.F. Contarino, R.M.A. de Bie, P. van den Munckhof, P.R. Schuurman, H.C.F. Martens, P.H. Veltink, L.J. Bour (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 121 Abstracts by Topic 1302 A three-year follow-up study of STN DBS in Parkinson’s disease from Southern China X. Fu, L. Chen, J. Liu, W. Xian, Y. Liu, Z. Pei, J. Zeng, J. Li, Z. Liu (Guangzhou, China) 1303 The control of automatic responses in Parkinson’s disease and its change after treatment M. Dec, M. Rudzinska, M. Tutaj, A. Szczudlik (Krakow, Poland) 1304 Sensory modulation by deep brain stimulation and its relation to gait function in Parkinson’s disease D. Nandi, H. Bhatt, N. Yousif, P.G. Bain, B.M. Seemungal (London, United Kingdom) 1305 Does dopa-responsive axial impairment in Parkinson’s disease predict a poor outcome of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation? A. Eusebio, T. Witjas, F. Fluchère, J. Mancini, R. Carron, J. Régis, J.P. Azulay (Marseille, France) 1306 Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for movement disorders in 94 patients at a single center: Incidence of surgical complications and subjective outcomes P. Vittal, N. Mbabuike, G.S. Lea, R.D. Smith (New Orleans, LA, USA) 1307 Effects of deep brain stimulation on gait and balance in Parkinson’s disease: A quantitative assessment A. Wagle Shukla, C. McLeod, M. Defranco, C. Hass, M. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA) 1308 Factors associated with prolonged length of stay after deep brain stimulation J.L. Stroh, C.M. Tolleson, F.T. Phibbs (Nashville, TN, USA) 1309 Intraoperative MRI for deep brain stimulation electrode positioning in Parkinson’s disease C. Sidiropoulos, P.A. LeWitt, D. Taylor, P. Kaminski, L. Scarpace, J. Gorham, J. Schwalb (West Bloomfield, MI, USA) 1310 Pain in patients with Parkinson’s disease after STN DBS: A prospective study R.G. Cury, M.G. Guilardi, C.P. Souza, A.R. Paiva, R. Galhardoni, F. Fonoff, M.A. Marcolin, M.L. Myczkowski, D. Arnaut, E.T. Fonoff, E.R. Barbosa, M.J. Teixeira, D.C. Andrade (São Paulo, Brazil) 1311 Motion capture method in the assessment of resting tremor in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) M. Boczarska-Jedynak, S.J. Kwiek, R. Sordyl, K. Kubicki, M. Humeniuk, L. Przeklasa, M. Stawarz, A. Polanski, K. Wojciechowski, M. Arkuszewski, P. Bazowski, G. Opala (Katowice, Poland) 1312 Carotid cavernous sinus fistula after deep brain stimulation surgery in a patient with Parkinson’s disease Y.F. Chen, W.F. Chen, F.Y. Shih, T.K. Lin, C.S. Su, Y.Y. Chang (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) Abstracts by Topic 1313 Identification of blood vessels with micro doppler ultrasound songraphy in stereotactic functional neurosurgery via microelectrode guide tubes– A prototype of high value! W.E. Eisner (Innsbruck, Austria) 122 1314 Derivation of dopaminergic neurons from human embryonic stem cells and IPS cells in animal-free conditions to use them in a treatment of Parkinson’s disease D. Lukovic, V. Moreno Manzano, S.S. Bhattacharya, S. Erceg (Seville, Spain) 1315 Subthalamic (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) induced ipsilateral facial hyperhydrosis without mydriasis F.C. Chang, R.L. Alterman, B.H. Kopell, C. Cho (New York, NY, USA) 1316 Review of published outcomes of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson’s disease supports hypothesis of disease-modifying effect of DBS T. Ragole, A. Michas-Martin, C. Barbee, L. Onofri, O. Klepitskaya (Aurora, CO, USA) 1317 Subthalamic vs. pallidal DBS for Parkinson’s disease with axial dystonia A. Gamaleya, A. Tomskiy, A. Dekopov, V. Shabalov (Moscow, Russia) 1318 Practice change in DBS target for Parkinson’s disease 2010-2012: Influence of the VA/NIH cooperative study #468 M. San Luciano, N. Galifianakis, C. Racine, L. Markun, P. Starr, P. Larson, R. Taylor, W. Marks, Jr., M. Katz, K. Mills, M. Volz, J. Ostrem (San Francisco, USA) 1319 Pain thresholds modification after subthalamic sucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease A. Marques, O. Chassin, D. Morand, B. Debilly, P. Derost, M. Ulla, F. Durif (Clermont-Ferrand, France) 1320 Improvement in acquired stuttering following bilateral STN DBS for Parkinson’s disease J.Y. Fang, K.E. Bradley, E.M. Presant (Nashville, TN, USA) 1321 Is the presence of pneumocephalus with DBS associated with a prolonged length of stay? F.T. Phibbs, C. Tolleson, J.L. Stroh, T.L. Davis (Nashville, TN, USA) 1322 Kinematic analysis of the effect of deep brain stimulation on postural instability in Parkinson’s disease F. Di Biasio, R.A. McGovern, J.C. Cortes, L.M. Winfield, B. Ford, G.M. McKhann, P. Mazzoni (New York, NY, USA) Please tear here Please tear here Please tear here Günther Deuschl President, The Movement Disorder Society, 2011-2013 David John Burn Chair, Congress Scientific Program Committee, 2012-2013 Victor Fung Co-Chair, Congress Scientific Program Committee, 2013 has attended The Movement Disorder Society’s 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders on June 16 – 20, 2013 in Sydney, Australia. Please tear here Certifies that Please tear here 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA • JUNE 16-20, 2013 Notes 125 Notes 126 STOCKHOLM sweden JUNE 8-12, 2014 18th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE AND MOVEMENT DISORDERS 2014 Important Dates October 1, 2013 Abstract Submission Opens December 2, 2013 Registration Opens January 6, 2014 Abstract Submission Closes April 11, 2014 Early Registration Deadline May 9, 2014 Final Pre-registration Deadline June 8-12, 2014 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders SAVE THE DATE Medtronic DBS FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE Timing is everything. Why wait? Visit Us at Booth #9 EARLYSTIM for Parkinson’s disease is not approved worldwide. Check with your Medtronic representative to determine if EARLYSTIM is approved in your area. 1 Schupbach M, Rau J, Knudsen K, et al. Neurostimulation for Parkinson’s Disease with Early Motor Complications. N Eng J Med. 2013;368:610-22. UC201305279a EE © 2013 Medtronic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Medtronic Neuromodulation, 710 Medtronic Parkway, Minneapolis, MN, USA The EARLYSTIM study shows, Medtronic DBS provides superior efficacy with 26% improvement on Quality of Life (PDQ-39) vs. best medical treatment alone as soon as 4 years after the PD diagnosis if motor complications have occurred.1
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