this month`s issue - National Parkinson Foundation Central and
this month`s issue - National Parkinson Foundation Central and
National Reach, Local Touch Volume 36 Issue 8 August 2016 Research Round Up: The Future of Neurology-Driven Palliative Care Programs Janis Miyasaki, MD, Director of Movement Disorders Program, University of Alberta Palliative care often gets confused with hospice care. It is incorrectly associated with imminent death. Palliative care programs consist of a team of experts who provide symptom and pain management, spiritual care and medical support to people with serious illnesses, like Parkinson’s. People with PD can seek palliative care at any stage and often find relief in symptom management when they do. “Supportive and palliative care for Parkinson’s disease, and other neurologic disorders, is here to stay,” Dr. Miyasaki said. She believes that the future of the palliative care field will be shaped by the increase of health practitioners who are earning dual certification in palliative care and neurology. Due to the rate of people aging, the potential population for supportive and palliative care neurology services will increase. The term palliative care is evolving. Due to a more positive connotation, the terms comfort care, symptom management or supportive care are becoming widely used instead. While people who enroll in palliative care programs can have a debilitating disease like cancer, dementia, congestive heart failure and kidney disease, these programs can also be well suited to help people with PD. While palliative care programs in the United States are not neurology-driven, they exist to help people improve physically, emotionally and spiritually. They can also be beneficial for the caregiver. Most insurance plans cover all or part of palliative care programs in the United States. Editor’s note: please visit our web site for the full article: Moving Day® Columbus 2016 Walk for Parkinson’s, Sunday, September 11, 2016 Moving Day® Columbus 2016, a walk for Parkinson’s, is taking place on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at Columbus Crew SC MAPFRE Stadium from 12:30-3:30pm. This year we will be celebrating our 5th year! We are planning a lot of fun and exciting things to be celebrating this milestone. To register to participate or learn more about Moving Day® Columbus, please visit our website at www. Parking will be free at the Columbus Crew stadium. Moving Day® Columbus is made possible by our National and Local Sponsors: Orig3N, Lundbeck, UCD, Right at Home, OhioHealth, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, and Home Care Assistance. Moving Day® Columbus is a family fun event including music, children’s area, a movement pavilion where you can sample different kinds of exercise, a resource area where you can find information about Parkinson’s disease, and we will be finishing the event with a friendly walk on top of the Columbus Crew stadium. We also have a fun surprise that you will have to see! Why should you MOVE for Moving Day® Columbus? Funds raised through Moving Day® Columbus support our local Parkinson’s Care Line, Let’s Talk PD program, and our annual symposiums. Money raised also helps to support the National Parkinson Foundation’s (NPF’s) 1-800 Helpline, Aware and Care kits, and the Rainbow book series. Moving Day® also helps fund research. For more information about research please visit NPF’s website research-funding This year’s chair of Moving Day® Columbus is Scott Rider. Scott was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 46. Last year Scott’s team, Scott Rider's Runners, raised the most money in Columbus and was one of the top teams in the country! His team raised over $46,000! He is on track to have another successful year. Way to go Scott! For more information about Moving Day® Columbus please contact Jennifer Mathews at or 614-918-7307. If you are inserted in volunteering the day off or if you need help fundraising please contact Jennifer. We will see you on September 11! Moving Day® Columbus planning committee is led by Jerry Yarov and Emily Jones. We appreciate all their time and talents into making this year’s Moving Day® a success! Cleveland Rolls Out 1st Ever Moving Day®. ......................... 2 Team Hope™............................................................. 3 Donations, In Honor, Memorials / 7 Needs of Caregivers V...... 4 Thornville Backwoods Fest............................................ 4 Dance for Parkinson’s: Part Two of Three........................... 5 Support Group Programs............................................... 6 O n T h e I n s i d e The Parkinson’s Careline.............................................. 7 Voice & Movement Groups............................................ 8 Upcoming Parkinson Events / Looking for Volunteers!............ 9 10th Annual PD Car Show / Caregiver Summit....................10 Newsletter Renewal Form............................................ 11 Partners/Upcoming Events/Information Help Line..... Back page Cleveland Rolls Out 1st Ever Moving Day® By Laura Gasbarro, Moving Day® Cleveland Coordinator Cleveland has seen so many firsts during 2016. The first ever NBA championship, the first RNC convention and the first ever Moving Day® Cleveland walk for PD. On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, June 18, more than 775 walkers converged on Wade Oval in University Circle for Cleveland’s first version of Moving Day® which is the National Parkinson Foundation’s (NPF) signature walk event. It offers an exciting, empowering opportunity for persons with Parkinson’s disease (PD), families, friends, companies and organizations to raise significant funds to support comprehensive patient care programs and research. It’s a highly visible way to generate awareness for PD. Over 75 teams registered to participate and helped Cleveland’s walk raise a whopping $146,237 to date. This success could not have been possible without the support of our national and local sponsors. Thank you to Lundbeck, Orig3n, Right at Home, and US WorldMeds. Locally, we were excited and privileged to be supported by University Hospitals, The Evenor Fund, Parker Hannifin, Baker Hostetler, Vista Springs, and UCB. Thank you also to our honorary chair, Tim Tolman-player/ personnel advisor for the Cleveland Indians and to the Cleveland Indians for their support. Many thanks to all of the vendors who came out to support the event and our media sponsors WVIZ, 107.3 The Wave and Northeast Ohio Boomer and Beyond magazine. National Parkinson Foundation | Ohio Staff Daniel E. Davis, MBA, CHES, LSW • Executive Director Laura Gasbarro • Moving Day® Cleveland Coordinator Jennifer Mathews • Events and Volunteer Coordinator Anne Wallis • Program Manager 2016 Board Members Bryan Alltop, Alltop Enterprises, Inc. • Board Chair Jerry Yarov, Jerry Yarov & Associates • Chair Elect Tom Graffeo, Alliance Hospitality • Secretary Bill Perdan, Parker • Treasurer Dr. Janet Bay, OhioHealth Dr. Deb Kegelmeyer, OSU Scott Rider, Rider + Reinke Dr. Dave Ruedrich, MaternOhio Carla Steele, Westwood Place Lori Wengerd, Home Care Assistance National Parkinson Foundation | Ohio 2800 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 265 Columbus, OH 43231 Office Hours: Monday — Friday 9:00 — 5:00 Office: 614.890.1901 • Fax: 614.890.1904 Toll Free: 866.920.6673 Parkinson News is a monthly publication of the National Parkinson Foundation Ohio. Comments, Suggestions, and Article submissions may be sent in Word format, to:, or mailed to our office to the attention of: Dan Davis, Editor. © 2016 National Parkinson Foundation Ohio. All rights reserved. Mission Statement We make life better for people with Parkinson’s through expert care and research. Everything we do helps people actively enjoy life with their friends, families, children and grandchildren until there is a tomorrow without Parkinson’s. This newsletter is not intended as legal or medical advice nor to endorse any product or service. It is intended to serve as an information guide. Come Join Us PD patients alongside their families, friends, caregivers, medical personnel and even the Cleveland Indians Slider, walked in unison to support Parkinson’s disease. Paul Blom, NPF’s Interim CEO and Ohio’s Executive Director, Dan Davis helped to lead the festivities. Thank you to the 20 member strong committee who came together for 9 months prior to the event to plan and organize the day’s 2 “Cleveland” continued on page 3 The monthly Foldin’ and Addressin’ will be Tuesday, August 30, 2016. Come join us at 11:00 AM or when you can, and stay as long as you want at The Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2070 Ridgecliff Road (at Redding Road), Upper Arlington, OH 43221. Bring a friend. The tasks involved are simple and easy. We usually finish by 3:30 PM. During that time everyone has an opportunity to chat and have a refreshment or two. The facility is wheelchair accessible. What is Team Hope™ for Parkinson’s? Team Hope™ is the National Parkinson Foundation’s community FUNdraising program that allows people in the community to raise funds and awareness for Parkinson’s however they like. These community fundraisers take the lead in planning their own event or participating in an endurance race. Decide what you would like to do and turn it into a Team Hope™ fundraiser! • • • • Why Join Team Hope™? Easily track your donations and progress on your customized fundraising webpage! A great place to share your personal story, photos and event information. Our Team Hope resource package provides you with the tools to create a successful event. When you plan your own event or participate in an endurance event it is a great accomplishment for you, but it means so much more for the one million Americans living with Parkinson’s disease. Support National and local programs and services to help us make life better for people with Parkinson’s To get started with your Ohio Team Hope™ event, contact the NPF Ohio Chapter at 614.890.1901, “Cleveland” continued from page 1 happenings. The dynamic committee was led by Amy Greenwell and NPF Ohio Board member Bill Perdan. The committee’s original goal was $100,000. But that feat was met 2 weeks before the event. We have now exceeded the goal by almost $50,000. And it is never too late to donate – go to www.movingdaycleveland. org and make a final donation to this year’s Moving Day® Cleveland walk. We are just about $3500 from reaching the $150,000 mark! Monies raised from Moving Day’s all across the country are used to support the free services provided by NPF to all Parkinson patients, as well as for local community grants for PD programming. So your donation, in part, will support Northeast Ohio PD programs! Moving Day® is an annual event, so we will plan to see you all next year. This September, the 2017 Moving Day plans will be posted on the web site. Remember to go to and register your team early! If you have questions, comments, would like to volunteer, or just have a great idea, email Laura Gasbarro, the Moving Day® Cleveland coordinator at She is already busy starting to plan 2017! 3 Donations Irene Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Larason Dorene Leatherwood Wanda Skaggs Huffman Joanne Hunt Esther Kaelber M/I Homes Otterbein Lebanon Senior Lifestyle Choices Ms. Donna Ruther Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sauer Elizabeth Short Truist Jack Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright In Honor Memorials Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barcus Karen Ross Dr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Joyce Lee Westerville Christian Church In Honor of Robert and Jan Cox 50th Anniversary Wayne Bonekemper James Kettler Richard DeWitt Virginia Kasten Jeremy “Jerry” Elliot Glen Miller Joe Farris Dorothy Sehring Ellen Carter Corinne Lyman Bill and Cindy Gehman The Booth Family The Bonito/Gehman Family John Gabel Betty Gabel Karlotta Graham Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Homes Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Jerry White A & G Manufacturing Co., Inc Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kuns Gerald Ridenour Mr. and Mrs. John Sipes Glen Shifley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson Laura Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Claire Joliat Mary Jane Depenti Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McGee Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ogrinc Ms. Kathryn Pontzer Mr. and Mrs. Jon Smitek Jean Ann Vosmik The 7 needs of Caregivers - Part 5 Adapted from the Caring and Coping: A Caregiver’s Guide to PD. Order a free copy at Over the course of seven newsletters, we will share seven important needs of caregivers and encourage you to focus on managing your own needs in addition to the needs of your loved one. • • • • Need #5: Your Relationship with the person with Parkinson’s Maintain open communication When conversing, remove or turn off loud and distracting noises Express love and appreciation as well as concerns and feelings of frustration. Don’t let those feelings transform into resentments Share special time together apart from caregiving tasks • • Have forgetfulness and difficulty with retrieval of learned information Have embarrassment with motor changes that are prohibiting them from forming words Understanding some of those common changes is a start. From there caregivers must be mindful of their communication style and adjust as their loved one’s PD progresses. Reviewing some cognitive and communication changes that someone with PD may experience as the disease progresses, your loved one might: • • • Have difficulty concentrating or expressing thoughts in a timely manner Have difficulty finding the “right” words Have difficulty following a conversation with numerous people in a room talking The Thornville Backwoods Fest The Backwoods Festival is a threeday event featuring over 300 arts and crafts vendors, more than 30 different kinds of food and 3 days of bluegrass music. This year, the Fest will be held September 16-18. Saturday the 18th will feature their annual Live Auction. The proceeds from the Auction are donated to a nonprofit, and for the second year in a row, National Parkinson Foundation Ohio will benefit! Please consider coming out to support the auction, which begins at 2pm. See you there! 4 Dance for Parkinson’s: Circulation, Stretching, and Strengthening By Miriam King; Part Two of a Three Part Summer Series Remember to always warm up before you start dance, or any form of exercise! These dance-based exercises may be done seated or standing and can be modified to fit your own movement range. For more of a challenge, try adding small weights to the “front swing” exercise, or trying the “closed /open hand pulses” while in a lunge or leg stretch. Don’t forget to put on some of your favorite music to motivate you while you stay active. This should provide a nice stretch in the back of your calf. If the stretch is too much try shortening your stance and if you do not feel anything try moving the back foot farther behind you. Closed/open hand pulses The goal of this motion is to increase circulation in the fingers, hands and arms. Although the pictures demonstrate doing this exercise seated, if you’d like more of a challenge try it while standing, walking, or even paired with your favorite leg stretch! With arms extended to the side, tighten your hands into fists, then open your fingers as wide as possible. Repeat this closed fist, open hand motion at a fast pace, as you raise your arms above your head. Start with at least 20 quick fist/open hand pulses, but do as many repetitions as you can without straining your hands or arms. Front Swings Standing with one hand resting on the back of a chair, extend one arm up next to your ear. Take a deep inhale and as you exhale, let the extended arm swing down next to your hip. As your arm moves down allow your body to move with it, bending the knees and curling over. Then bring the arm back up and uncurl your body to return to standing. This should create a swinging motion that is a nice whole body warm up, and allows you to practice shifting your weight and strengthening the legs. The goal is to repeat these swings at least eight times, then turn around to repeat on the other side. Calf stretch Working to keep your spine elongated, place one foot flat on the ground behind you and place your hands on the back of a chair. Paying careful attention to the position of your hips, and the alignment of your knee and ankle, bend the front leg and shift your weight forward as you press your back heel into the ground. Then switch legs and repeat on the other side, at least five times. 5 Support Group Programs for August & September 2016 Please contact the facilitors listed to confirm the meeting is still being held. Do you attend a group that isn’t listed that should be? Is there no group in your area and you’re interested in starting one? Call the NPF Ohio Office 1-866-920-6673. ATHENS COUNTY Second Tuesday of the Month Grover Center, on the Ohio University Campus June Safranek, 740.590.3243 and Jenny Nelson, 740.591.0395 August 9, 2016 September 13, 2016 CABELL COUNTY, West Virginia Third Tuesday of the Month at 6:00 pm Cabell Huntington Hospital, 1340 Hal Greer Blvd., Huntington, WV Teresa Sexton, 304.526.2695 August 16, 2016 September 20, 2016 Champaign County Caregiver Support Group First Monday of the Month at 9:45 am (If a holiday, the meeting moves to the Second Monday) Vancrest of Urbana, 2380 US 68 Lorie Edwards, 937.653.7679 August 1, 2016 - The discussion will be “Let’s Talk and Share Helpful Hints’. September 5, 2016 - Bryan Thompson of The Medicine Shoppe wil be the speaker. Clark County Third Thursday of the Month at 1:00 pm United Senior Services, 101 S. Fountain Ave. Patricia Kunce, 937.323.4948 August 18, 2016 September 15, 2016 Caregivers Support Group Dinner Second Monday of the Month at 6:00 pm Patricia Kince, 937.323.4948 Location Varies. Call for information. August 8, 2016 September 12, 2016 DARKE COUNTY Caregiver Support Group Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm Versailles Health Care Center 200 Marker Rd., Versailles, OH 45380 Joan Siegel, 937.295.3947 August 23, 2016 September 27, 2016 DELAWARE COUNTY Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm Delaware Township Hall, 2590 Liberty Rd., Delaware Marianne Christman, 614.846.8009 August 17, 2016 September 21, 2016 FAIRFIELD COUNTY Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:00 pm SOCIL Building, 418 S. Broad St., Lancaster Diane Palmer, 740.653.0332 and Sharon Waldo August 17, 2016; September 21, 2016 6 FRANKLIN COUNTY Central Ohio Partners and Caregivers Fourth Thursday of the Month at 1:00 pm Panera Bread, 875 Bethel Rd., Olentangy Plaza Susan Hervey, 614.372.5360 ALL caregivers are welcome. August 25, 2016 September 22, 2016 Parkinson’s and Lewy Bodies Disease for CarePartners Third Thursday of the Month at 10:30 am Gerlach Center, 3724 Olentangy River Rd. Dianne Kennedy, Alzheimers Association, 614.457.6003 Respite care provided by professionals from Home Care Assistance. Please call for information or reservations. August 18, 2016 September 15. 2016 El Dopas Second Monday of the Month at 3:00 pm The United Methodist Church, 600 High St., Worthington Susan Hervey, 614.372.5360 August 8, 2016 - Care and Share. September 12, 2016 El Dopas “Parkinson Partners” Second Thursday Every Other Month at 1:00 pm Hunan Lion, Bethel Rd. Call Maureen Haney, 614.451.0982, for reservations. All caregivers are welcome. August 11, 2016 Hilliard: Traditions at Mill Run Third Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm 3550 Fishinger Rd., Hilliard Larry and Lois Schaaf, 740.909.4242 August 15, 2016 September 19, 2016 Mayfair Village Retirement Center First Tuesday of the Month at 2:00 pm 3011 Hayden Rd., Columbus Molly Hedrick, 614.889.6320 August 2, 2016 September 6, 2016 Reynoldsburg area Fourth Thursday of the Month at 10:30 am Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church, 1636 Graham Rd. Carmel Jenkins, 614.861.2571 & Maureen Patterson, 614.833.0980 August 25, 2016 - Pain and Fatigue in Parkinsons, a webinar presented by an MD. September 22, 2016 Riverside area First Wednesday of the Month at 12:15 pm Gerlach Center in the upstairs meeting room. Annie Wallis, MSW, LSW, Program Manager NPF Ohio 614.890.1901 PLEASE NOTE: This group will reconvene in September 2016. Westerville area First Wednesday of the Month, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Westerville Senior Center, 310 W. Main St., Westerville Roberta Roesch, Concord Counseling, 614.882.9338 August 3, 2016 September 7, 2016 Young with Parkinson’s Group Third Wednesday at 5:30 Location changes, call or email for details Annie Wallis, 614.682.9900, Social gathering for Patients and Caregivers under 60 JEFFERSON COUNTY Second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm Prime Time Center, 300 Lovers Ln., Steubenville Judy Owings, 740.314.5197 August 10, 2016 September 14, 2016 The exercise class meets at 1:00 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday. KNOX COUNTY Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm The Rehabilitation & Wellness Center 1375 Yauger Rd., Mt. Vernon Jason Mentzer, Rehab & Wellness, 740.393.9875 August 17, 2016 September 21 2016 LICKING COUNTY Third Sunday of the Month at 2:00 pm Licking Memorial Hospital, 1320 W. Main St., Newark John Stover, 740.967.3809 August 21, 2016 September 18, 2016 UNION COUNTY Second Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 pm First United Methodist Church, Mill’s Lounge 207 S. Court St. Betty Crowder, 937.747.3703 or 937.642.9418 August 9, 2016 - A guest speaker from the Union County Sheriffs Department will discuss “When to call 911 and What to Expect”. September 13, 2016 WARREN COUNTY Second Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 pm First United Methodist Church 303 S. Main St., Franklin, OH 45005 Rose Wurst, Coordinator, 937.231.3362 Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio will be our speakers and group leaders. Parkinson’s challenges those with PD and their care partners in many different ways. Today is an opportunity to meet with those who share the same challenges, find support, discuss ideas, learn from each other and know you are not alone. Persons with Parkinson’s their care partners and friends are welcome. The meeting is free. The First United Methodist church facility is handicap friendly. Please enter through the left door facing the church. August 9, 2016 - Warren County Social Services will discuss EMTs and Emergency Medicine and Parkinson’s. September 13, 2016 Wood County, West Virginia Second Saturday of each Month at 1:30 pm Vienna Public Library, 2300 1st Avenue Vienna, WV 26105 Larry Ice, 304.917.4710 August 13, 2016 September 10, 2016 Mahoning County Second Thursday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Park Vista Retirement Community 1216 5th Avenue, Youngstown Betty Crafter-Royal, 330.746.0188 August 11, 2016 September 8, 2016 Pickaway County Third Tuesday of the Month at 1:00 pm Pickaway Senior Center, 2105 Chickasaw Dr., Circleville Pat Hughey, 740.420.8231 August 16, 2016 September 20, 2016 RICHLAND COUNTY Waterford Retirement Center 1296 S. Trimble Rd, Mansfield Enid Reis, 419.756.3703 & Albert Roggio 419.756.5257 August 17, 2016 - Annie Wallis, MSW, LSW, will discuss Services available from NPF. September 21, 2016 - Heather Vixier, “Duopa Continuous Pump” discussion. SCIOTO COUNTY Last Thursday of the Month at 1:30 pm Hillview Retirement Center, 1610 - 28th St., Portsmouth Bill Miller, 740.574.5281 August 25, 2016 September 29, 2016 7 Voice & Movement Groups ribbon indicates the group is funded by the National Parkinson Foundation Ohio Allen county “PARK” Parkinson’s Activity and Rehabilitation Klinic Fridays, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Robert Kann, PT 419.236.2419 Vancrest of Delphos, 1425 E. 5th St., Delphos, OH 45833 ATHENS COUNTY The Parkinson’s Exercise Project (PEP!) Class Every Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Brooke Vaughan, PT 740.593.1210 or Ohio University, Grover Center, E216 Champaign county “PARK” Parkinson’s Activity and Rehabilitation Klinic Thursdays, 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Robert Kann, PT 419.236.2419 Vancrest of Urbana, 2380 US-68, Urbana, OH 43078 Clark County United Senior Services Exercise Class Every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00 pm DELAWARE COUNTY Speech Class Second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 2:30 pm Council for Older Adults, 800 Cheshire Rd., Delaware Contact Al & Barb for details, 740.363.3841 FRANKLIN COUNTY Alexander Technique Class (helps posture/balance) Second and fourth Thursdays at 4:00 pm Donna Doellinger, RN, Certified Alexander Technique teacher 141 Northigh Drive, Worthington, OH 43085 Dance for Parkinson’s Mondays: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm Miriam King. Miriam completed Dance for PD® teacher training workshop at the Mark Morris Dance Group in Brooklyn, NYC. Studio 290, OSU campus, Department of Dance Sullivant Hall, 1813 North High Street, Columbus 330.464.8294 or PLEASE NOTE: there will be no August classes! Delay the Disease Exercise Classes (Dublin) Mondays: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Trillium Place, 3500 Trillium Crossing, Dublin Group Speech Therapy Sessions First and third Wednesdays: 10:00 am to 11:00 am Second and fourth Wednesdays: 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Mimi Gelacek, Speech Pathologist Columbus Speech and Hearing Clinic 510 East North Broadway, Columbus Senior Star at Dublin Retirement Village - Delay the Disease Thursday: 11:30am to 12:30pm DRV Fitness Center, 6470 Post Road, Dublin, OH 43016 Kisha Gunn 614.764.2800 Rock Steady Boxing of Central Ohio Non-contact boxing workouts designed specifically for people living with Parkinson’s disease. Coming soon to TITLE Boxing Club Grandview! Classes will be offered Wednesdays 10:00 am and Sundays at 3:00 pm. Call in advance for enrollment information. For further details call Cheryl at 614.595.3250 or visit: TREMBLE CLEFS Tuesdays: 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm Parkside Village Senior Living Community, 730 N. Spring Rd., Westerville, OH 43082. Park in the lot, go in the front doors and veer to the right into the large activity room. Pam Richardson, 614.421.8267; August 2, 2016: NO REHEARSAL. Aug 9, 16, 23, 30, 2016: 2:00 pm, Parkside Village. Sept 6, 13, 2016: 2:00 pm, Parkside Village. Tai Chi Class (helps posture/balance) Thursdays: 10:00 am to 10:45 am Nathan Menaged North Community Lutheran Church 114 Morse Road, Columbus. First Floor Call 614.841.0781 for questions or to enroll. Upper Arlington Delay The Disease Wednesdays: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Arlington Court Rehab 1065 NW Professional Plaza, Upper Arlington 614.451.5677 Westminster Thurber Mondays: 10:30 am to 11:30 am Westminster-Thurber Community 717 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215 Jessica Kellough, PT Rehab Director Contact Valerie Hartwell, 614.228.8888 to register for class. KNOX COUNTY Delay the Disease Exercise Class Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10:30 am to 11:30 am Waterford United Methodist Church 20595 Waterford Rd., Fredericktown. Angie Smith, new certified DTD exercise group instructor. 740.393.9875 Licking County Aging Program 1058 E Main St, Newark Wednesdays: 1:15 pm to 2:15 pm, 740.345.0821 Dodi Wilson, Instructor; $1.00 per class. Delay the Disease Classes (Granville) Granville Fellowship Senior Center 3825 Columbus Rd. Building G, Mondays and Fridays 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm 740.587.1333, Dodi Wilson, Instructor; free class. “Voice & Movement” continued on page 9 “Voice & Movement” continued from page 8 YMCA Pataskala (hosted by Pataskala Oaks) YMCA 355 West Broad St., Pataskala Thanks to the sponsor: Pataskala Oaks Care Center/ Cynthia Craner Fling. Call 740.964.6522 for information and registration. marion county Delay the Disease Marion Family YMCA 645 Barks Road East Mondays and Wednesdays: 9:45 am to 10:45 am Saturdays: 9:00 am to 10:00 am. Classes are $10 per 7 week sessions for Marion YMCA members, $50 per 7 week session for non-members. Financial Assistance is available for those that qualify. First trial class is free. For more information, contact Heather Wright, 740.725.9622 Muskingum County Pike County Delay the Disease Every Tuesday 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Pike County Senior Center 402 Clough St., Waverly, OH 45690 Instructor: Judy Bright, 740.947.5555 ROSS COUNTY Exercise Class Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 am Chillicothe Fitness and Racquet Club 1245 Western Ave., Chillicothe Misty Allen, 740.773.4928 or 740.779.3000 A Monthly Calendar of support group meetings and exercise classes is available at the class. scioto county Rock Steady Boxing Exercise Class Every Tuesday at 10:00 am to 11:30 am. We do not meet on Sunday’s. I.B.E.W. Hall, 5805 Frazeysburg Rd., Zanesville Rhonda Forrestal, PT 740.455.5151 Delay the Disease Exercise Class Sciotoville Second and Third Thursday of the Month at 1:30 pm Berean Baptist Church, Family Center Winchester & Bloom Streets, Sciotoville Cliff and Carol Baser, Instructors Aquatics Parkinson Exercise Class Every Thursday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Muskingum Recreation Center Zane State College Campus, Newark Rd., Zanesville Rhonda Forrestal, PT 740.455.5151 Delay the Disease Exercise Class Tuesdays at 5:00 pm SOMC Life Center, 1202 - 18th St., Portsmouth Upcoming Parkinson Events in Ohio Parkinson Support & Wellness Cincinnati area Parkinson’s community Saturday, September 17, 2016 PDEdu, 11:00 am to Noon Anderson Library 7450 State Road, 45230 Speaker: Independent You (Store featuring assistive devices and supplies) Topic: Assistive Devices Lewy Body Dementia Presentation Please join the Ganzhorn Suites and NPF Ohio for a Lewy Body Dementia Presentation.Dr. Scharre from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center will be discussing the following topics: • The unique characteristics of this type of dementia • Any treatments or medications that are specific to Lewy Body • The challenges that caregivers and families face when dealing with someone with Lewy Body Sunday, November 6, 2016 Caregivers’ Forum, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Beechwood Home 2140 Pogue Ave., 45208 This event will be taking place on Thursday, September 29, 2016 at: Ganzhorn Suites 10272 Sawmill Parkway Powell, OH 43065. Saturday, November 19, 2016 PD Edu, 11:00 am to Noon North Central Library 11109 Hamilton Ave., 45231 Presenter: Right at Home In-Home Care & Assistance Topic: Demonstration of transfer and lifting techniques by an Occupational Therapist Dayton Parkinson’s Disease Exercise Expo Saturday September 24th, 10am-12pm City of Kettering Parks Recreation and Cultural Arts Department 2900 Glengarry Dr., Kettering, OH 45420 Refreshments will begin at 6:00-6:30pm with the program starting at 6:30-7:30pm SEATING IS VERY LIMITED so register quickly by emailing Anne Farley from Ganzhorn Suites at or call at 614-356-9810. NPF Ohio is currently looking for volunteers! Our current needs are… • Office Volunteers • Parkinson Car Show on August 27 • Moving Day® Columbus on September 11 If you are interested in volunteering please contact: Jennifer Mathews Volunteer Coordinator • 614-918-7307 10 Newsletter Renewal Form Please continue my subscription Please replace my paper subscription with email submittal: _______________________________________________ Cancel my subscription Your contribution is tax deductible. Please make your check out to National Parkinson Foundation Ohio (in U.S. dollars) and enclose with this form and mail to 2800 Corporate Exchange Dr., STE 265, Columbus, OH 43231. Cut along dotted line and return Know someone with Parkinson’s disease? Register for an OhioHealth Delay the Diseasetm class today! OhioHealth Delay the Disease is a Parkinson’s specific exercise program that empowers participants to take control of the disease with daily exercise. Through OhioHealth Delay the Disease, certified Delay the Disease trainers help those with Parkinson’s + + + + Target Parkinson’s disease symptoms Empower participants to take control of the disease with daily exercise Enhance participants’ lives physically, functionally and emotionally Restore hope, confidence and optimism register today! OhioHealth Delay the Disease classes are offered throughout Ohio. To find a class near you, visit Sign Up for Our New Class! Tuesdays 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. OhioHealth John J. Gerlach Center for Senior Health 3724A Olentangy River Road Columbus, OH 43214 (614) 566.1189 This is a Chair Level class with seated exercises. A FAITH-BASED, NOT-FOR-PROFIT HEALTHCARE SYSTEM RIVERSIDE METHODIST HOSPITAL + GRANT MEDICAL CENTER + DOCTORS HOSPITAL + GRADY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DUBLIN METHODIST HOSPITAL + HARDIN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL + MARION GENERAL HOSPITAL + REHABILITATION HOSPITAL O’BLENESS HOSPITAL + MANSFIELD HOSPITAL + SHELBY HOSPITAL + WESTERVILLE MEDICAL CAMPUS + HEALTH AND SURGERY CENTERS PRIMARY AND SPECIALTY CARE + URGENT CARE + WELLNESS + HOSPICE + HOME CARE + 28,000 PHYSICIANS, ASSOCIATES & VOLUNTEERS © OhioHealth Inc. 2015. All rights reserved. FY16-117-30-1-7860. 10/15. 11 2800 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 265 Columbus, OH 43231 Address Service Requested August 2016 Platinum Partner: Gold Partners: Silver The NPF HelplinePartners: is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. HELPLINE: English/ Español 1.800.4PD.INFO (1.800.473.4636) Get your PD questions answered. 5th Annual Parkinson Golf Outing Details to come! The NPF Helpline is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. HELPLINE: English/ Español 1.800.4PD.INFO (1.800.473.4636) Get your PD questions answered.
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