Margaret Bates


Margaret Bates
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2 0 1 6
Margaret Bates - President
Coming Events
Health tips thank you - info
Yoga attachment
Welcome everyone to another Tulip Talk, and this time in colour thanks to a
donation from a member. This is a most generous gesture and we thank the
person most sincerely. We will be applying for funding so hopefully we can
continue it in colour.
I do hope you are all keeping warm. Handy hint: In bed, what a difference it
makes to have some extra warmth underneath the bottom sheet, and this
lessens the weight over you, which makes it easier to turn over.
We have been accepted to be one of the recipients of money raised from the
Central South Island Charity Bike ride 2017. There is a meeting about it later this
month, to let us know what our contributions are. Please spread the word
amongst your family and friends to support this event. The committee would
appreciate help as we will need volunteers for driving, preparing food, and
fundraising events so if you know someone who might be able to lend a hand
please contact Sharleyne via details below.
1. Johnny’s mother had 3 children. The first child was named
The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?
2. Before Mt Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the
The first person to let me know the correct answers will receive a
Ph: 6883272
Sharleyne can email you
through the newsletter.
Contact her to let her know if
you’d like to receive it that
Thank you to Hally Trust who approved
some funding for Parkinson’s South
Canterbury to buy a projector. This was
used briefly at the last social but will get
lots of future use. Also to COGS who
have funded us for a portion of wages.
Parkinson's South Canterbury
Community House
27 Strathallan Street
P O Box 983
Timaru 7940
Community Educator: Helen Riddell
PH: 687-7365 MOB: 02102745171
Co-ordinator: Sharleyne Diamond
PH: 687-7365
Sharleyne Diamond - Co-ordinator
Sept 6th
Trevor Dawe
Oct 4th
Central South
Island Charity
Bike Ride
23rd, 24th and
25th Feb 2017
Awareness Week
is from the
1st Nov—7th Nov
Hello all,
A little bit of a shock to go from 48deg at Hoover Dam to 8deg on our return
to NZ but we had an awesome holiday in the US and have everlasting
memories of a wonderful trip so really worth it putting up with a little cold.
Parkinson’s SC are thrilled to have been chosen as one of the charities for
the Central South Island Charity Bike Ride. This is a wonderful opportunity
for us to raise some funds and have some fun but requires a lot of people. If
you know of anyone who might be able to help us out, please pass on my
details to them. I will have a better idea of what we need to do after our
meeting with the organisers next week. We have Dave Boraman from
Boraman Consultants who will be riding for us. It’s a 365km ride over 3 days
on the 23rd, 24th & 25th of February 2017. Thanks Dave.
Thank you to those who returned the survey
forms. They have been really beneficial for us to
be able to gauge what we are doing well and
where we could improve. One positive that
came from them is that people enjoy the hands
on aspect of our socials. We had Tracey Austin
at our August social who introduced us to multi
media art. There was paper, glue, paint and
stencils and lots of fun. This is Fred Brown with
his art work. It’s not too late to return your
survey if you felt like having your say.
We have had some wonderful raffle prizes donated
for upcoming raffles over awareness week and
sincerely wish to thank a members family for these
gorgeous prizes. They are currently occupying our
office and are beautifully presented. Thanks again.
Trevor Dawe will be entertaining us
at the Sept social. Trevor is a well
known local entertainer and will be
playing a mix of songs to tap, clap
and sing along to. He is one of the
true nice guys of local music and we
are so lucky to have him to
perform for us.
Helen Riddell - Educator
Hello everyone,
I have just come back from our annual educators
conference which was enjoyable but very long
days. It was pleasing to see that we are up with
the play with our exercise programmes. I have
passed on some your helpful hints to the rest of
the NZ Parkinson’s team and they will be
included in the Parkinsonian newsletter. I also
sent National Office the Mind Strengthening
Yoga exercises which they were keen to
distribute to the rest of the country. The topics
covered at the conference were The Power of
Exercise for Neuro Protection; Compassion;
Fatigue and Stress (focusing on the Educators
Role; Exercise Programmes for Parkinson’s;
Database User Manual for Educators; Marapo
(pump medication); Parkinson’s through the eyes;
Parkinson's Pathway; Introducing PSA and MSA; Pig
Cell Trials. I have listed all the topics covered and I
am happy to print out the presentations for anyone
interested. Find attached to the newsletter the
Mind Strengthening Exercise information. Some
people have requested this. These exercises are
worth doing up to twice a day if you can. The focus
of exercise with Parkinson’s is to push yourself as
safely as you can. Exercise helps to keep you warm
in the winter and yes, I will practise what I preach.
Socials are held
the first Tues of
the month at
1.30pm the
Bridge Club,
Wilson Street,
Timaru. $2 for
afternoon tea
and 50c for the
raffle. Everyone
is welcome.
AD Hally Trust
Margaret Bates
Sharleyne Diamond
Kay Beatson
Sharon Jester
Fred Brown
Mabel Ineson
Colin Marshall
Wayne Hart
Janet Grieve
A night at the Ballet
Parkinson's SC are proud to
be involved with the Aotearoa
National Youth Ballet
company who are performing
in Timaru ,Thurs 1st Sept at
the Theatre Royal, 7pm.
Tickets are just $25 an adult
and $14 a child (12 and
under). If you purchase your
SHARLEYNE Parkinson's will
benefit. Let her know how
many tickets you'd like and
she will pop them aside for
you. The company who are
presenting this (Canterbury
Elite Dance Studio) were
forced out of their place of
business due to the
earthquakes and have only
just found a permanent
residency in Christchurch.
They could really use your
Parkinson’s South Canterbury are
running the bar-b-cue at the next
Market Day at Mountainview on
Sunday the 4th Sept. It’s the
“Bacon Butty for Father’s Day”
bar-b-cue and Sharleyne,
Margaret and Sharon Jester will
be there manning the grill, so pop
up to Mountie for a look and grab
a bacon butty. The girls would
love to see you.
Without our volunteers, an
organisation such as Parkinson’s
would be much harder to run so
we would like to take this
opportunity to thank you all. To
our committee members,
morning tea makers, raffle
sellers the list of jobs goes on
and on, we thank you.
Special thanks goes to Pam Hunter who served on our
committee for many years. Pam has been a valued
member of our Committee and helped out at many
fundraising events but has decided to step down. Thank
you Pam you will be sadly missed.
Welcome to our newest committee member Wayne Hart.
Wayne will be a valuable addition to our committee as he
has a wealth of experience as CEO on many boards in
lots of different areas including sports, business and
working with the elderly. Welcome Wayne.
Also thank you to Hazel Plever for your long
contribution as a volunteer.
Performance Gym,
1 Heaton Street,
Thurs 11am.
St Stephens,
Wai-iti Road,
Friday 10.15am with
morning tea (not during
school holidays)
3rd Wed of the month
Community House, Rm 10,
Charities Commission Registration
Number: CC 27394
1st Tue of the month at
The Bridge Club,
Wilson Street, 1.30pm.
$2 entry, 50c raffle tickets,
component with afternoon
tea supplied.
TIP ONE: Increase your fluid
intake by taking medications
with a full glass of water.
Have water with lemon juice
first thing in the morning, (add
a teaspoon of honey for
TIP TWO: Make sure you have fibre in your diet. Flax seed oil
or cod liver oil are good additives.
TIP THREE: Try toileting when you have maximum doses of
dopamine on board. Sit on the toilet with your feet on the
ground and push down into your feet.
TIP FOUR: Massage abdomen.
TIP FIVE: Discuss with your doctor first as softeners ie: laxsol
can help along with lactulose to activate the bowel but should
be checked against your other medication.
(tips from Helen)
3rd Thur of the month at the
Cancer Society Rooms,
Memorial Avenue, 1.30pm.