November - National Parkinson Foundation Central and Southeast


November - National Parkinson Foundation Central and Southeast
National Reach, Local Touch
Volume 35
Issue 11
November 2015
Scientists Map Parkinson’s Spread in Brain
A new study maps the path Parkinson’s takes as it spreads from affected to healthy tissue in the early stages of the brain-wasting disease.
The scans and data allowed them to compare the brain
structure of 232 patients in the early stages of Parkinson’s
disease (PD) with 117 healthy individuals of similar ages.
Published: Wednesday 23 September 2015 at 7am PST
The results should increase our understanding of how
Parkinson’s disease spreads, say researchers from McGill
University in Montreal, Canada, who report their findings
in the journal eLife.
They found that the disease progresses from cell to
cell through the brain along networks, as Dr. Dagher a neurologist specializing in movement disorders and
functional brain imaging - explains:
The map is the first to show the extent and distribution of
the atrophy that Parkinson’s disease causes as it spreads
through brain regions.
“The atrophy pattern on MRI is compatible with a
disease process that spreads via brain networks something that had never been shown in human patients
before, and would support the hypothesis that PD is
caused by a ‘toxic agent’ that spreads trans-neuronally.”
Previous studies have not been able to consistently show
regional atrophy in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease
because the data sets and sample sizes have been too
small and the methods were not sensitive enough, says
senior author Dr. Alain Dagher.
This adds weight to the idea that Parkinson’s is a prionlike disease caused by a toxic, misfolded protein called
alpha-synuclein. The protein copies itself and travels
along brain networks, clogging up cells on its way.
For their study, the team used the open source
Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative database.
This gave them access to more MRI scans and clinical
data than had ever been used on such a study before.
This, together with their more sensitive methods, is
what allowed them to pick out the brain regions that
atrophy in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease.
Similar mechanisms have been proposed for Alzheimer’s
disease and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE commonly known as mad cow disease).
“Scientists” continued on page 3
What’s Hot in PD!? Repurposing Diabetes and Anti-Malaria Drugs
to Treat Parkinson’s Disease
By Dr. Michael S. Okun
Published: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - 1:00pm
and anti-malarial drugs for use in
In this month’s What’s Hot column I will review the
progress on repurposing diabetes and anti-malarial drugs
for use in Parkinson’s disease, and I will discuss the
generation of new hope for this approach.
Parkinson’s disease, and I will discuss
the generation of new hope for this
Pioglitazone is a pill that has been
used for diabetes and was recently repurposed as a
potential Parkinson’s disease therapy. Patients have
begun to frequent our Parkinson’s clinic and ask for
this particular diabetes drug. What is fascinating about
the compound is that it acts on a structure called the
mitochondria (the energy producing part of the cell).
It also reduces inflammation. Both mitochondria and
Recently, the exciting potential has emerged that we
could identify and use already FDA approved drugs to
modify disease progression and to treat Parkinson’s
disease. Drugs used for diabetes and anti-malaria
treatment have been suggested as disease modifiers in
Parkinson’s and perhaps even candidates to improve
disease related symptoms. In this month’s What’s Hot
column I will review the progress on repurposing diabetes
PD Awareness Champion: Thornville Backwoods Fest 2015...... 2
Rock Steady Boxing of Central Ohio................................. 4
Parkinson’s Care Line/Donations, Honorariums & Memorials.... 4
Dance for Parkinson’s/DTD Exercise of the Month................ 5
Support Group Programs.......................................... 6 & 7
Free/Additional Voice & Movement Groups................... 7 & 8
“What’s Hot” continued on page 3
Caring for the Caregiver............................................... 9
Social Media for NPF Ohio: Facebook & Instagram...............10
Coffee and Conversation about Deep Brain Stimulation.........10
Regional Programs/PD & Exercise Study/Ohio Benefit Bank....10
Newsletter Renewal Form............................................ 11
Partners/Events/Information Help Line.................. Back page
PD Awareness Champion:
Thornville Backwoods Fest 2015
By Dan Davis, President & CEO
National Parkinson Foundation | Ohio
Daniel E. Davis, MBA, CHES, LSW • President & CEO
The Thornville
Backwoods Fest
com) is a three day event
featuring over 300 arts
and crafts vendors, more
than 40 different kinds of
food bluegrass music. This
year, the Fest was held
September 18-20. Saturday
the 19th also featured their
annual Live Auction. The
proceeds from the Auction
are donated to a nonprofit,
and National Parkinson
Foundation Ohio was this
year’s chosen charity.
2015 Board Members
Bryan Alltop, Alltop Enterprises, Inc. • Board Chair
Jerry Yarov, Jerry Yarov & Associates • Chair Elect
Tom Graffeo, Alliance Hospitality • Secretary
Bill Perdan, Parker • Treasurer
Dr. Janet Bay, OhioHealth
Dr. Deb Kegelmeyer, OSU
Dr. Dave Ruedrich, MaternOhio
Carla Steele
Lori Wengerd, Home Care Assistance
National Parkinson Foundation | Ohio
2800 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 265
Columbus, OH 43231
Office Hours: Monday — Friday 9:00 — 5:00
Office: 614.890.1901 • Fax: 614.890.1904
Toll Free: 866.920.6673
Each of the 300 hundred
vendors donated one of
their items to the auction. Auctioneers Michael
Kennedy and Gary “Bucky”
Mowrey donated their
services to provide a lively
action environment. Our
Chapter was also given
the opportunity to have
information and resources
about PD and our efforts
available and spoke to the
crowd about PD. The event
generated over $3,100.00
to support our efforts!
The Parkinson News is a monthly publication of the
National Parkinson Foundation | Ohio. Comments,
Suggestions, and Article submissions may be sent in
Word format, to:, or mailed
to our office to the attention of: Dan Davis, Editor.
© 2015 National Parkinson Foundation Central
& Southeast Ohio. All rights reserved.
On behalf of the Chapter,
we thank the staff
and volunteers of the
Thornville Backwoods
Fest for their outstanding
hospitality and support.
There are many
opportunities for us
all to be PD Awareness
Champions, just by doing
the things we all like to do. Any athletic event or gettogether can be an opportunity to educate others about
PD and raise funds. If you are a golfer, consider a “Par for
Parkinson’s” and ask your fellow golfers to donate money
for each par you make on a given day. Train for a race
and ask your family and friends to support you, host an
awareness party at your home and take the opportunity
to tell people about PD and our efforts to provide
support and programs. Even young kids can get involved
by donating proceeds from their lemonade stand to our
agency while sharing information about PD. From bake
sales and garage sales to sporting events or a portion of
proceeds from a realtor selling a home or an auto dealer
selling a car, we can take each opportunity to educate the
community about PD and raise money in support of our
“Thornville” continued on page 3
Board of Trustees
Mission: Improving the Quality of Life for the
Parkinson’s Community.
Vision: To be recognized as the primary source of
information sharing, education and support.
Values: Integrity, Partnerships, Quality, Compassion,
Community Impact.
This newsletter is not intended as legal or medical
advice nor to endorse any product or service. It is
intended to serve as an information guide.
Come Join Us
The monthly Foldin’ and Addressin’ will be
Tuesday, November 24, 2015. Come join us at
11:00 AM or when you can, and stay as long as you want
at The Covenant Presbyterian Church (the corner of
Redding Road and Ridgecliff) in Upper Arlington.
Bring a friend. The tasks involved are simple and easy.
We usually finish by 3:30 PM. During that time everyone
has an opportunity to chat and have a refreshment or
two. The facility is wheelchair accessible.
“Scientists” continued from page 1
Mapping will continue as disease progresses in the
Monitoring of the patients in the study will continue, with
yearly evaluations expected
to yield a wealth of data so
researchers can continue
to map disease progression
through the brain.
everyday aspects of life that most of us take for granted like walking, talking and taking care of oneself - become
increasingly difficult.
Treatments for the
symptoms exist, but there
is no cure for Parkinson’s
- a disease that affects
an estimated 7-10 million
people worldwide. The
disease kills brain cells
that release dopamine, a
chemical messenger that
helps to regulate movement,
emotional responses and
other functions.
As the disease progresses,
the brain’s supply of
dopamine dwindles, giving rise to a range of symptoms
such as tremor, stiffness, slowness of movement and
impaired balance. The symptoms gradually get worse and
The team behind the current
study hopes the map will
help develop new tests for
drugs that target the culprit
protein, an avenue that
may lead to treatments
that prevent, slow or even
reverse Parkinson’s disease.
The findings follow other
research Medical News
Today learned about that
proposes Parkinson’s may
be a consequence of brain
cell burnout. A study led by
the University of Montreal
suggests Parkinson’s disease
may be the result of an
energy crisis in brain cells
that have unusually high
energy needs in order to
control movement.
Copyright: Medical News Today
“Thornville” continued from page 2
If you are interested in discussing how you can be a PD
Awareness Champion, or would like resources to help
educate the community, please contact the office at
614.890.1901, Toll Free at 866.920.6673 or via an email to
Have a great month!
“What’s Hot” continued from page 1
inflammation have been implicated as potential major
players in the underlying cause of Parkinson’s disease. A
multi-center study of early Parkinson’s disease therapy
has been recently conducted to assess Pioglitazone as
a potential neuroprotective treatment (e.g. one that
may stop cells from dying and slow disease progression).
Investigators collected measures of motor function,
thinking and mood, as well blood and urine biomarkers.
A biomarker has been defined by many scientists as a
measurable substance in human or animal which indicates
the presence of disease, infection, or an environmental
exposure (1,2). Preliminary data presented recently at
the International Movement Disorders Society suggested
that the diabetes drug was not effective in Parkinson’s
disease. However, despite the findings, it is very inspiring
to think that diabetes and other drugs that are already
FDA approved for other diseases could be repurposed for
Parkinson’s disease.
Another recent approach led to the suggestion that
anti-malarial compounds may be useful therapeutic
approaches for Parkinson’s disease. A combined research
team from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in
Singapore and from McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical
School focused on a brain protein called Nurr1. The
protein is important in development and maintenance of
brain dopamine cells and it may protect the cells from
inflammation and from dying. Previous to this research
study there were not any drugs known to bind Nurr1.
The team screened approximately 1000 already approved
FDA compounds and discovered that two anti-malaria
drugs (chloroquine and amodiaquine) act at Nurr1 (3).
The team has tested the compounds successfully in rats
and will soon be pursuing human trials. This collaboration
is a great example of using technology to repurpose
already existing drugs.
An exciting take home point for patients and families
waiting for novel approaches to delay progression and
treatment of Parkinson’s disease is that there may
already be FDA approved drugs for other indications on
the pharmacy shelf and waiting to be utilized. Scientists
will need to identify potential brain targets and then test
for compounds that act on those targets. The hope is
that this approach will lead to more rationale and more
meaningful therapies, but perhaps more importantly, that
these therapies will reach Parkinson’s disease patients at
an accelerated pace.
You can find out more about NPF’s National Medical Director,
Dr. Michael S. Okun, by also visiting the NPF Center of Excellence,
University of Florida Health Center for Movement Disorders and
Neurorestoration. Dr. Okun is also the author of the Amazon #1
Parkinson’s Best Seller 10 Secrets to a Happier Life.
Editor’s note
To read the monthly “What’s Hot in PD” log, go to
Rock Steady Boxing of Central Ohio
Rock Steady Boxing of Central Ohio - Non-contact boxing
workouts designed specifically for people living with
Parkinson’s disease. Coming soon to TITLE Boxing Club
Classes will be offered Wednesdays 10am and Sundays
at 3pm. Call in advance for enrollment information.
For further details call Cheryl at (614) 595-3250 or visit:
Introducing the NEW Parkinson’s Care Line
Are you helping a friend, family member, or partner with
Parkinson’s Disease with health, personal, or household
care? Managing Parkinson’s can be overwhelming for the
patient and his/her caregivers.
Care Consultation through The Parkinson’s Care Line is
a service that acts as a compass, guiding you through
your Parkinson’s journey. All assistance is provided by
telephone, mail, and e-mail.
Lorraine Berak
James Fortunato
Karen Starbowski
Reimer Arnovitz, Chernek &
Jeffrey Co., L.P.A.
Phyllis Greathouse
Patty Stewart
Correction from October 2015
El Dopas Parkinson Deceased
and El Dopas Caregivers
F. Richard and Mary Anne Haney
Last month it said: El Dopas
Parkinson Diseased and El Dopas
We apologize for the mistake.
Betsy Thompson
William Turner
Lakengren Garden Club of
Eaton, OH
Richard “Dick” Rentsch
Kenneth Page
Karen Nutter
John and Sharon Thornton
Donald A. Shroyer
Saundra Miller
LEPI & Associates
Wanda Welker
Susie Chittenden and Ruby Bowen
Frazeysburg United Methodist
Barbara Fletcher and Michael
Lepi & Associates
Saundra Miller
Ruby Bowen
Susie Crittenden
Joe Wojdyla
Raymond and Kathy Green
Dr. Ross Hill
Barry and Catherine Kopetz
Tina Siegfried
John and Karen Rose Robert King and Martha Ross
Harriet Grail
Alfred and Nancy Hess
Dave Engle
Edwin Griffeth
Verla Moore
Father of Matt Goldish
Blaine Bierley
Richard Rentsch
William and Patricia Danison
Stephen and Rebecca Kelley
William and Betty Nye
David and Sueanne Engle
Gwen Downing
Doug & Marine Weber
Eric Howard
Steve & Val Durbin
Paul Frost
Ellen Rapkin
By calling The Parkinson’s Care Line, you will have access
to a professional who provides you information and
guidance on what matters most to you.
The Parkinson’s Care Line is available for any Parkinson’s
Patient and/or Parkinson’s Caregiver living in Ohio. Visit
our website to find out more or get started today by
calling 614.682.9900 / toll free 866.920.6673.
Dance for Parkinson’s
For those with Parkinson’s, their families, friends, and caretakers
Dance for Parkinson’s classes are free. Mondays, 3:00 pm to
4:30 pm, Studio 290, OSU campus, Department of Dance,
Sullivant Hall, 1813 North High Street, Columbus, OH.
Please join our supportive, expressive community.
For more information contact Miriam King: 330-464-8294
or email: Classes taught by
Miriam King. Miriam completed Dance for PD® teacher
training workshop at the Mark Morris Dance Group in
Brooklyn, NYC.
Delay the Disease – Functional Fitness
Fitness Plan V – Freezing
By David Zid
Freezing is a problem for many. When you are frozen, your anxiety
level goes up because you feel like you need to move. The harder
you try, the harder it is to move. Sound familiar? Things that
contribute to freezing may be a tight space or crowds, external
distraction and noise. When you are frozen, your mind must think
about a new and different movement, then perform that alternate
activity and the freezing episode should resolve. For example,
when you are frozen in a particular movement, stop that activity
and try to perform a completely different task. Then try to return
to the original activity at a later time. Here are some ideas that
may help. Good luck, and relax.~David
Relax your jaw
This may sound funny, but if you relax your jaw the rest
of your body will relax also, allowing you to start moving.
Unless there is a bus coming at you, there is no real hurry.
If there is a bus coming at you, get out of the way! If you
are in line at the bank or grocery store, no one is going
to die if you can’t move right away. So relax your jaw,
this is the first thing you must do before trying any of the
following alternate movements:
Step backwards
Take a big step backwards or sideways and then try to
step forward with the same foot. Remember to make your
first step a big one because the following steps will tend
to be large also. If your first step is small, the rest of your
steps will tend to be smaller.
Step over an object
Find something on the ground, a crack, a dot, a pattern on
the carpet, even a piece of gum. Then try stepping over it.
Practice this at home using a sock, napkin, or something
else that won’t put you in danger if you step on it. Practice
this over and over at home, then when you are out in
public, visualize that napkin or sock and step over it.
Tap the floor
Try to bend down and attempt to pick up an imaginary
object off the floor, or simply tap the floor with a finger.
This allows your brain to focus on a completely different
activity, thereby allowing you to take a step and “unfreeze”.
Remember, always make your first step a big one.
Step Counting
There are 3 methods of step counting that may help:
(1) Just count
Use a loud voice to count each step. Your brain is then
thinking about counting, rather than trying to move
(2) Estimate steps
Pick out an object in the room and
guess how many steps it will take you
to reach that point. Count your steps
as you go; don’t worry about how many
steps it actually takes you.
(3) Decreasing numbers
Stand in one position and choose a destination about 15
to 20 feet ahead of you; mark that spot with an object.
Predict how many steps it will take you to reach that
point using big steps. Then start walking towards your
destination with big steps, counting your steps and trying
to achieve your predicted number of steps. Try to walk
that distance again, using one less step. Always make
your first step big and think about striking your heel first.
This will increase your stride and make all the other steps
bigger. Practice this drill 5 times using different distances.
Ladder Drill
Use an agility ladder for the following moves (or create
one on the floor with masking tape - simply create a
ladder with rungs on the floor with tape). These exercises
focus on controlled movements. Using this imaginary
ladder on the floor will help your mind think about the
task of walking and it will come more naturally to you
when moving about in public places. This exercise focuses
on “thinking” about the next move.
• Walk placing one foot inside each ladder opening.
Advanced move: walk while skipping every other
opening, using a wider step.
• Walk with shorter step, placing both feet inside each
ladder opening.
• Start with both feet on one side of the ladder, step
with the leg closest to the ladder first, placing it inside
a ladder opening, follow with the other leg so both feet
are inside. Continue stepping in the same direction,
until both feet are outside the ladder. Keep stepping
in this criss-cross pattern, walking from one side of the
ladder to the other.
• Start with both feet inside a ladder opening, facing the
edge of the ladder. With a sidestep pattern, step over
a rung in a sidestep fashion until both feet are inside
the next ladder opening. Continue up the ladder. Facing
the same direction, come back down the ladder using
the same technique.
• Step in a sideways pattern - one foot per opening.
For additional exercise ideas, refer to our book and DVD Delay the
Disease – Exercise and Parkinson’s Disease which is available at
Support Group Programs for November & December 2015
Please contact the facilitors listed to confirm the meeting is still being held.
Second Tuesday of the Month at 2:00 pm
O’Bleness Hospital
June Safranek, 740.590.3243 & Ann Stemple, 740.593.8665
November 10, 2015
December 8, 2015
Last Monday Every Other Month at 6:30 pm
Hunan Lion, Bethel Rd.
Maureen Haney, 614.451.0982
Call Maureen for reservations. All caregivers are welcome.
November 30, 2015
CABELL COUNTY, West Virginia
Third Tuesday of the Month at 6:00 pm
Cabell Huntington Hospital, 1340 Hal Greer Blvd.,
Huntington, WV
Teresa Sexton, 304.526.2695
November 17, 2015
December 15, 2015
If interested in forming a Support Group please call the
NPF Ohio Office, 1.866.920.6673.
Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Delaware Township Hall, 2590 Liberty Rd., Delaware
Kathy Kotowski, 614.846.8009
November 18, 2015 - Dr. Hinkle, Neurologist from Ohio
Health wil be the speaker.
December 16, 2015
Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:00 pm SOCIL Building, 418 S. Broad St., Lancaster
Diane Palmer, 740.653.0332 and Sharon Waldo
November 18, 2015 - Regular Meeting.
December 16, 2015
Fourth Thursday of the Month at 1:00 pm
Panera Bread, 875 Bethel Rd., Olentangy Plaza
Susan Hervey, 614.372.5360
ALL caregivers are welcome.
NOTE change in date for November and December:
December 3, 2015
Parkinson’s and Lewy Bodies Disease
for CarePartners
Third Thursday of the Month at 10:30 am
Gerlach Center, 3724 Olentangy River Rd.
Dianne Kennedy, Alzheimers Association, 614.457.6003
Respite care provided by professionals from Home Care
Assistance. Please call for information or reservations.
November 19, 2015
December 17, 2015
Second Monday of the Month at 3:00 pm
The United Methodist Church, 600 High St., Worthington
Susan Hervey, 614.372.5360
November 9, 2015 Thanksgiving Dinner. Bring a dish to
share. We’ll supply the meat and rolls.
NOTE changes for December:
December 14, 2015 - Christmas Party at 1:00pm at the
Party House at the Lakes Condo, Bethel Rd. Bring finger
food and a gift for the Gift Exchange ($5 limit).
Third Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm
3550 Fishinger Rd., Hilliard
Larry and Lois Schaaf, 740.909.4242
November 16, 2015
December 21, 2015 - Christmas Party and White Elephant
First Tuesday of the Month at 2:00 pm
3011 Hayden Rd., Columbus
Molly Hedrick, 614.889.6320
November 3, 2015
December 1, 2015
Fourth Thursday of the Month at 10:30 am
Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church, 1636 Graham Rd.
Carmel Jenkins, 614.861.2571
Maureen Patterson, 614.833.0980
NO November Meeting
NOTE Change for December:
December 3, 2015 - Christmas Party at MCL.
First Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Westerville Senior Center, 310 W. Main St., Westerville
Facilitator: Carly Skillington, Concord Counseling,
November 4, 2015
December 2, 2015
If Interested in Forming a Support Group Please Call
The NPF Ohio Office, 1.866.920.6673.
Third Friday of the Month at 12:00 pm
Eat & Park Restaurant, Ft. Steuben Mall, Steubenville
Judy Owens, 740.314.5197
This is a transition time. There will not be any meetings
for a period of time -- undetermined at this point.
However, exercise classes will be three times a week.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Prime Time Center, 300 Lovers Ln., Steubenville
For Information, 740.314.5197
Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
The Rehabilitation & Wellness Center
1375 Yauger Rd., Mt. Vernon
Jason Mentzer, Rehab & Wellness, 740.393.9875
November 18, 2015
December 16, 2015
Third Sunday of the Month at 2:00 pm
Licking Memorial Hospital, 1320 W. Main St., Newark
John Stover, 740.967.3809
November 15, 2015 - Megan Reagan, Speech Therapist,
from Licking County Hospital, will be the speaker.
December 20, 2015 - Christmas Party at Stacy’s.
If Interested in Forming a Support Group Please Call
The NPF Ohio Office, 1-866-920-6673.
Third Wednesday of the Month at 2:00 pm
Primrose Retirement Community
4212 Northpointe Dr., Zanesville
Martha Purkey, 740.450.4548
November 18, 2015
NO December Meeting.
Third Wednesday of the month at 2:00 pm
The Waterford, 1296 S. Trimble Rd., Mansfield
Enid Reis, 419.756.3703 & Albert Roggio 419.756.5257
November 18, 2015 - Teri Carter from “211” First Call will
discuss their services
NOTE Time Change for December:
December 16, 2015 at 1:30PM, Christmas Party.
The Artisan Vocal Music Group will provide entertainment.
Special refreshments and door prizes are planned.
Last Thursday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Hillview Retirement Center, 1610 28th St., Portsmouth
Bill Miller, 740.574.5281
Second Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
First United Methodist Church, Mill’s Lounge
207 S. Court St.
Betty Crowder, 937.747.3703 or 937.642.9418
November 10, 2015 - Anne Wallis, Program Manager of
the National Parkinson Foundation of Ohio, will discuss
resources and the new Care Line.
NOTE time change for December:
December 8, 2015 - Luncheon catered by the Crowders at
the Allen Twp Hall at NOON. Bring an unwrapped gift for
the Christmas Care Train.
Warren County
Second Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
St. Mary’s Church Center
115 S. Main St., Franklin, OH 45005
Rose Wurst, 937.231.3362
November 10, 2015 - Maureen Gartner, Nurse Practitioner,
UofCincinnati Neuroscience Center of Excellance, will
discuss “Hospitalization Issues for PD persons”.
December 8, 2015
Wood County, West Virginia
Second Saturday of each Month at 1:30 pm
Vienna Public Library, 2300 1st Avenue
Vienna, WV 26105
Larry Ice, 304.917.4710
November 14, 2015
December 12, 2015
Free Voice & Movement Groups
The following are funded by the National Parkinson Foundation
Central & Southeast Ohio from the financial support we receive
from the community.
Tuesdays, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm.
Address voice challenges
such as quality, strength,
volume, projection, and
breath support. Sessions
also give opportunity for
social community, emotional
support, encouragement,
and self-expression in
the context of a fun,
success-oriented musical
environment. Stretch
and move to the music,
participate in breathing,
articulation exercises,
and work together on upbeat, positive message songs.
No prior musical experience is necessary. 10 week session.
Performance TBD. Wexner Heritage Village in Bexley,
1151 College Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43209.
Pam Richardson, Director/board certified music therapist.
First and third Wednesdays: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Second and fourth Wednesdays: 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Instructor: Mimi Gelacek, Speech Pathologist
Where: Columbus Speech and Hearing Clinic
510 East North Broadway, Columbus
(helps posture/balance)
Second and fourth Wednesdays: 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm
Instructor: Donna Doellinger, RN, Certified
Alexander Technique teacher
Where: Columbus Center for Movement Studies
3003 Silver Drive, Columbus, OH 43224
Tai chi class
(helps posture/balance)
Thursdays: 10:00 am to 10:45 am
Instructor: Nathan Menaged
Where: North Community Lutheran Church
114 Morse Road, Columbus. First Floor
Call 614.841.0781 for questions or to enroll
Mondays: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Instructor: Robert Gardner, DDS, “Doc Bob”
Where: Trillium Place, 3500 Trillium Crossing, Dublin
Contact: Jenny Niziolek: 614.923.3451
Tuesdays: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Instructor: Robert Gardner, DDS, “Doc Bob”
Where: Willow Brook Christian Village
100 Willow Brook Way (off Route 23 across from Bob Evans)
Continued on page 8
Free Voice & Movement Groups
The following are funded by the National Parkinson Foundation
Central & Southeast Ohio from the financial support we receive from the community.
High functioning level — Wednesdays at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Beginner level — Thursdays at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where: 3724A Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43214
David Zid Healthworks
Intermediate level — Fridays at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Instructor: David Zid
Where: David Zid Healthworks, 1387 West Fifth Ave.,
Columbus, OH 43212, 614.566.1189
The following programs are offered throughout Central &
Southeast Ohio, and listed as a service to the PD community. These community programs may charge
a nominal fee for participation. Please contact the instructor or contact person for additional information.
The Parkinson’s Exercise Project
(PEP!) Class
Muskingum County Rock Steady Boxing
Exercise Class
Muskingum County Aquatics Parkinson
Exercise Class
Every Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Brooke Vaughan, PT
740.593.1210 or
Ohio University, Grover Center, E216
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 2:30 pm at the
Council for Older Adults, 800 Cheshire Rd., Delaware
Contact Al & Barb for details, 740.363.3841
Delay the Disease Exercise Class
Second and Third Thursday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Berean Baptist Church, Family Center
Winchester & Bloom Streets, Sciotoville
Cliff and Carol Baser, Instructors
Granville Fellowship Senior Center
3825 Columbus Rd.
Building G, Mondays and Fridays 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
740.587.1333, Dodi Wilson, Instructor; free class.
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Waterford United Methodist Church
20595 Waterford Rd., Fredericktown
Angie Smith, new certified DTD exercise group instructor.
Licking County Aging Program
1058 E Main St, Newark
Wednesdays 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm, 740.345.0821
Dodi Wilson, Instructor; $1.00 per class.
Delay the Disease Marion Family YMCA
645 Barks Rd E.
Monday and Wednesday 9:45 – 10:45
Saturday 9:00 – 10:00. Classes are $10 per 7 week sessions
for Marion YMCA members, $50 per 7 week session for
non-members. Financial Assistance is available for those
that qualify. First trial class is free. For more information,
contact Heather Wright, 740.725.9622
Every Tuesday from 10:00 - 11:30 am
I.B.E.W. Hall, 5805 Frazeysburg Rd., Zanesville
Rhonda Forrestal, PT 740.455.5151
Every Thursday from 10:00 - 11:00 am
Muskingum Recreation Center
Zane State College Campus, Newark Rd., Zanesville
Rhonda Forrestal, PT 740.455.5151
Every Tuesday 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Pike County Senior Center
402 Clough St., Waverly, OH 45690
Instructor: Judy Bright, 740.947.5555
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 am
Chillicothe Fitness and Racquet Club
1245 Western Ave., Chillicothe
Misty Allen, 740.773.4928 or 740.779.3000
A Monthly Calendar of support group meetings
and exercise classes is available at the class.
Wednesday 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Arlington Court Rehab
1065 NW Professional Plaza, Upper Arlington
Westminster Thurber
Mondays 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Westminster-Thurber Community
717 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215
Jessica Kellough, PT Rehab Director
Contact Valerie Hartwell at 614.228.8888 to register
for class.
“Additional Voice & Movement” continued on page 10
Coffee and Conversation about Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy
Please join an informal, free discussion to learn more
about DBS therapy. Family and Caregivers are encouraged
to come. For details on an upcoming opportunity, please
call Lisa Wunderle at 614-832-4429.
Regional Programs
The support groups listed in this newsletter comprise the groups in our region (Central and Southeast Ohio).
Information about groups throughout Ohio can be found by contacting the various regions.
800-438-5584 Toll Free •
800.630.3193 Toll Free •
“Additional Voice & Movement” continued from page 8
YMCA Pataskala (hosted by Pataskala Oaks)
YMCA 355 West Broad St., Pataskala
Thanks to the sponsor - Pataskala Oaks Care Center/
Cynthia Craner Fling.
Call 740-964-6522 for information and registration.
Delay the Disease Exercise Class
Tuesdays at 5:00 pm
SOMC Life Center, 1202 18th St., Portsmouth.
PD & Exercise Study
Have you been diagnosed with Parkinson’s? Would you
like to help researchers better understand what factors
influence those diagnosed with PD to be physically active
and how physically activity impacts their quality of life?
Researchers at The Ohio State University are seeking
volunteers for this survey study that will take 30 to 45
minutes to complete:
For more information contact: Melinda S. Hill, MS at
614.595.1608 or email at
Ohio Benefit Bank
Annie Wallis, MSW, LSW, Chapter
Program Manager, is now able to help
you apply for benefits through the Ohio
Benefits Bank!
Supported programs include: Child
Care Assistance, Extra Help for
Medicare Part D, Food Assistance Program (Formerly
known as Food Stamps), FAFSA, Golden Buckeye, Home
Energy Assistance Program, Medicaid for Aged, Blind, or
Disabled, Medicare Premium Assistance, Ohio Big Brothers
Big Sisters “Amachi” Youth Mentoring, Ohio Works First,
Ohio’s Best Rx, Senior Community
Service Employment Program, USDA
Child Nutrition Programs, Vocational
Rehabilitation Services, Veterans
Education Benefits, Veterans Housing
Benefits, and Women Infants and
If you or a family member are Ohio Residents and would
like to apply for any of these programs call Annie at 614682-9900 to check your potential eligibility and then set
an appointment!
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Know someone with Parkinson’s disease?
Register for an OhioHealth Delay the Diseasetm class today!
OhioHealth Delay the Disease is a Parkinson’s specific exercise program that empowers
participants to take control of the disease with daily exercise. Through OhioHealth
Delay the Disease, certified Delay the Disease trainers help those with Parkinson’s
Target Parkinson’s disease symptoms
Empower participants to take control of the disease with daily exercise
Enhance participants’ lives physically, functionally and emotionally
Restore hope, confidence and optimism
OhioHealth Delay the Disease classes are offered
throughout Ohio. To find a class near you,
New Class!
Pickaway County is launching its first
OhioHealth Delay the Disease class on
January 12, 2016 led by certified trainers
from Berger Health System.
WHERE: Pickaway County Senior Center
WHEN: NEW 12-week class begins
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 1 p.m.
TO REGISTER: Call (740) 420. 8231
© OhioHealth Inc. 2015. All rights reserved. FY16-117-30-1-7860. 10/15.
2800 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 265
Columbus, OH 43231
Address Service Requested
November 2015
The NPF HelplinePartners:
is open Monday through Friday
from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. HELPLINE: English/
Español 1.800.4PD.INFO (1.800.473.4636)
Get your PD questions answered.
The NPF Helpline is open Monday through Friday
from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. HELPLINE: English/
Español 1.800.4PD.INFO (1.800.473.4636)
Get your PD questions answered.