Our School Newsletter Beaumont Hills Public School


Our School Newsletter Beaumont Hills Public School
Our School Newsletter
Beaumont Hills Public School
Delivering opportunities for innovative learning, excellence, leadership and success
A The Parkway, Beaumont Hills NSW 2155 T (02) 8824 6470 F (02) 8824 6473
E beaumonthi-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.beaumonthi-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Term 3 - Week 2
Thursday 24 July, 2014
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Beaumont Hills World Cup Soccer Competition:
Throughout the last couple of weeks of term 2, Beaumont Hills PS was in the grips of ‘World Cup fever’. Students
from K-6 were given the opportunity to participate in the Beaumont Hills PS World Cup Soccer Competition that
culminated in stage teams being declared World Cup Champions. The Stage 3 team that were declared winners
then competed in the ultimate final against the teachers’ team. Stage 3 were the victors, but soccer – the winner. A
great time was had by all. Congratulations to our school leaders, house leaders and Mr Copeman for the
organisation and coordination of the event.
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
Charity Trash and Treasure Stall for Cystic Fibrosis:
On the second last day of term 2 our school leaders, with
the support of the school community organised a trash and
treasure sale in support of cystic fibrosis. This charity
gained the attention of the school leaders after listening to
a presentation at the Young Leaders conference at the
Entertainment Centre by a young 16 year old student who
had received a double lung transplant as a result of this
debilitating condition. The sale was literally a sell out!! So
much so that unfortunately one stage was left with little
choice for purchase. Such was the support of the students.
They raised $832.50. Well done leaders and well done
Beaumont Hills.
School Development Day:
Staff returned this term on Monday 14 July. The focus
for the day was on the new maths syllabus linked to the
Mathematics K-10 continuum and how this link would
be reflected in class programming. There was reflective
dialogue shared among colleagues K-6 and lessons
planned that showed differentiation of tasks to be
presented to their students.
During the afternoon
session staff unpacked the National Professional
Standards for Teachers related to the Department’s
Document - ‘Great Teaching, Inspired Learning’ which
underpins many facets of teacher education and
professional learning. A very reflective day for all
Wanders Soccer Competition:
Last Tuesday Mrs Kamber accompanied two soccer teams to Bernie Mullane Oval to participate in a soccer gala day
organised by the Western Sydney Wanders Football Club. Our teams were a credit to Beaumont Hills, with one
gaining third place and the other winning their division which allows them to proceed to the regional finals on 2
September. What a great achievement. Well done to all students and to Mrs Kamber for her organisation of the day.
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
Gold Breakfast:
Congratulations to all our Gold award winners who along
with their families joined the staff for breakfast on
Thursday. Your award is well deserved. We are very
proud of you all.
Year One excursion to Longneck Lagoon:
Last week Year 1 students attended an excursion at Long Neck Lagoon. On this excursion students experienced
learning activities to support their unit of work on Wet and Dry Environments. They also used our protected land at
the back of the school to examine the endangered Cumberland Woodland trees and the endangered land snail.
Students had the opportunity to compare and contrast these two environments and discuss implications of the
habitats on human and animal existence.
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
University NSW Computer Competition Award Winners:
Congratulations to our award winners of the competition. A high distinction was awarded to Arsam N. Distinctions
were awarded to Ramya K, Jonathan N, Owen O, Jacob M, Nethmi S, Gayathree S and Joshua D.
Peer Support Training:
On Tuesday of this week Stage 3 students were involved in a training day in preparation for the Peer Support
Program that they will lead across K-6 commencing week 4 of this term. Peer Support is an opportunity for our
senior students to take on a leadership role with groups of students of mixed ages on a weekly basis. The senior
students lead their group through a series of activities that will focus on ‘Promoting Harmony’ by helping the students
to define individual and community values, build relationships and improve their decision making skills. The training
day allowed our senior students to be fully briefed on the content of each lesson that they will be asked to teach over
the term.
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
AFL Clinics:
On Monday of this week students participated in some AFL clinics. The clinics provided an opportunity for all
students to develop their kicking, running, throwing and catching skills related to the game of Australian Rules. A
great time was had by all. Thank you to Mrs Keith for the organisation of the day.
Amazing Student Achievement:
School Spectacular Success
Last week a student from Beaumont Hills was selected as only one of eight solo
performers from across the state to perform at the annual School Spectacular
held at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. I would like to congratulate Yohan E
from Stage 3 who went through several auditions as part of the selection
process. This is indeed a great achievement of which we are all very proud. Just
as we have students who are performing at an elite level of sport, we also have
Yohan E who is also performing at an elite level with his singing and guitar
playing. I for one, am looking forward to seeing to his performance in November
at this prestigious event.
Sporting Success
Samuel L from Stage 3 gained selection in the NSW Rugby League team that
will compete in the National Championships later in August. As is the custom
at Beaumont Hills our house leaders have organised a mufti day fundraiser
next Monday to support the cost of competing in a state team.
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
Education Week:
As outlined in a separate flyer last week Education Week is jammed packed full of learning experiences that
highlight the best Public Education has to offer. Please join us for a wonderful week where you will have the
opportunity to share some of these experiences with your child. Open day (Thursday 31 July) is a day where your
children and their teachers showcase their talents through displays and performances. Please note this day in your
diary and see the separate flyers for details. We look forward to seeing as many parents over the week as possible.
Performance Schedule for Open Day Thursday 31 July:
Dance group
Junior and Senior Choir
Kindergarten Verse Speaking
Glee Club
Stage 1 Verse Speaking
Glee Club
Drama Ensemble in hall
Glee Club
There will also be dramatisation of picture books by drama groups in the Connected Classroom ( located outside the
library) and the opportunity to visit the Book Fair the library, complete a treasure hunt by visiting all classrooms,
admiring creative arts produced by classes and enjoying performances under the COLA area throughout the day. If
you can you are also invited to have lunch with your child. We look forward to seeing you all.
Schedule for Drama Performances in the Connected Classroom on
Open Day:
Stage 2 I’m a Dirty Dinosaur’
Stage 2 ‘The Three Little Pigs’
Stage 2 ‘Goldilocks with a Twist’
Stage 2 ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
Stage 3 ‘The Three Little Pigs’
Stage 2 &3 ‘Excerpt from Frozen’
Stage 3 ‘Family Forest’
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
Fundraising Focus:
You will see a flyer later in this newsletter outlining the initiative a student in Year 4 has undertaken to support the
awareness of cancer. If you would like to support Christopher W in his project please give any donations at the
office. Your support of Christopher will be very much appreciated.
Pizza and Movie Day:
Congratulations to 1A and 3S last term’s winners of the best classes for exemplary behaviour and for consistency in
the wearing of correct uniform. Points are recorded and displayed daily in specified class windows so students can
monitor progress. Well done to all students in these two classes. Wearing correct school uniform consistently and
displaying respectful manners at all times is to be commended.
Heather Thomas - Principal
TSA Band Camp 2014
Yes, it’s that time of year again! Pull out your best swimmers for the waterslide, your grooviest PJ’s for the pyjama
disco and get into training for the staff VS students beach volleyball match!! (Oh, and you should probably practise
your band music too!)
Whilst most kids come to camp for the excitement of new friends, fun activities and a weekend away, the real benefit
is in the valuable experience (both musical and social) gained from such intensive time spent in such a highly musical
environment. With over 8 hours of face-to-face tuition over the weekend, there is over a term and a half worth of 30
minute lessons to be had! Camp is also a valuable experience for students that may be losing interest in music and
need a boost of enthusiasm and practice to get them to a level where they can enjoy their music and performance.
Notes for camp should have been received late last term outlining details including cost, venue, times and dates. If
your child did not receive this note or you need another copy, please visit www.teachingservices.com.au and
download the note. Permission notes, along with deposit, need to be returned ASAP to avoid missing out as the
camp is now being finalised.
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
Book Fair is nearly here
It’s that time of year again Beaumont Hills. The Book Fair is arriving this week ready for the start
of Education week. All the classes are very excited and can’t wait to have a browse and write
their wish lists. Selling starts Week 3.
Volunteers are still need. Thank you to all the generous parents
that have volunteered to help at the Book Fair! There are still spots
that need to be filled on the timetable. If you are able to help,
please see Mrs Flanagan in the Library before or after school.
Volunteers needed for the book Fair
The Book Fair for 2014 will be here in week 3! This is an exciting time for all Beaumont Hills
students & helps raise valuable funds for our school. Each year a generous group of parent
volunteers help run this event. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help run the Book Fair this year.
Please see Mrs Flanagan if you are able to help.
Time slots are as follows:
Monday 28 July
8.00am - 9.00am
3.00pm - 4.00pm
Tuesday 29 July
3.00pm - 4.00pm
Wednesday 30 July
Thursday 31 July - Open Day
8.00am - 9.00am
11.00am - 12.00pm
12.00pm - 1:30pm
3.00pm - 4.00pm
Friday 1 July
8.00am - 9.00am
We will need 4-5 helpers per session
Mrs Flanagan - Librarian
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
PSSA draw
Round 13 – 25 July
Bernie Mullane, Marella Ave, Kellyville
Newcombe Ball
Kellyville Park, Memorial Ave, Kellyville
Kellyville Netball Courts, Commercial Rd, Rouse Hill
Round 14 – 1 August
Fred Caterson Fields 2/3, Gilbert Rd, Castle Hill
Newcombe Ball
Samuel Gilbert PS
Catch up
Kellyville Netball Courts, Commercial Rd, Rouse Hill
Semi Finals – 8 August
Finals – 15 August
State Rugby Union Team
Congratulations to Samuel L. who was selected in the State Rugby Union Team.
Regional Golf Team
Congratulations to Brianna D. And Cameron D. who were selected in the Regional Golf Team.
Winter PSSA
Winter PSSA concludes in week 3, with the last games of the competition being played on Friday 1 August. Semifinals and finals will be held on the following two Fridays. Winter PSSA teams that qualify for the semi-finals, will be
advised by their coaches as soon as the final table results are known.
Mrs Laws - PSSA Coordinator
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
Please ensure that all lunch orders a placed by 9am.
When ordering lunch over the counter (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday's) please remember to provide 2 bags
one for your hot food and one for your cold drink and that they are in by 9am.
Canteen PSSA orders:
If you are ordering lunch on Fridays through flexischools and your child is participating in PSSA Sport for winter, you
have to select the PSSA Icon (on your computer or laptop).
When ordering via your mobile phones you need to select the ALERT ICON first in order for your child to receive
their lunch prior to leaving for sport at 12.00noon.
Term 3 Week 2
Thursday 24 July
Catherine Ellis & Theresa Kohalmi
Friday 25 July
Trudi Fryer & Hema Carasala
Term 3 Week 3
Monday 28 July
Kirsten Davis & Cheryl Hunter
Tuesday 29 July
Elizabeth Szybowski & Gloria Hammon
Wednesday 30 July
Debbie Tuma & Hema Carasala
Thursday 31 July
Kirsten Davis & Cheryl Hunter
Friday 01 August
Kirsten Davis & Daniela Hogan
Term 3 Week 4
Monday 04 August
Katrina Wood & Victoria Craig
Tuesday 05 August
Shanthi Selva Kumar & Lyndall Eivers
Wednesday 06 August
Kirsten Davis & Daniela Hogan
Thursday 07 August
Johanna Ientile, Alex Grant & Eddie Dubash
Friday 08 August
Katrina Wood & Trudi Fryer
Frances Pellegrino - Canteen Manager
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
SEP 3 -
JUL 24 -
Minding Me Year 5
Gold Breakfast 8.00am
Verse Speaking Eisteddfod
JUL 28 - 1 AUG Education Week
JUL 28 -
Mufti Sports Day - Gold coin donation
SEP 5 -
Father’s Day stall
The Ned Show K-6
SEP 8 -
PSSA Semi Finals
P&C Meeting 7.30pm
Book Fair
JUL 29 -
Interrelate Year 6
SEP 9 -
English ICAS competition 8.00am
Sport and extra curricula group
Band, Senior and Junior Choirs, Castle
Towers Performance
Silver Award Morning Tea cut off
Book Fair
SEP 10 -
Interrelate Year 6
Bronze Assembly cut off
SEP 11 -
Rouse Hill High School Transition Day
JUL 30 -
3– 6 Athletics Carnival
SEP 12 -
Longneck Lagoon excursion 2G and 2S
JUL 31 -
Education Week Open Day 11.00am-
SEPT 15 -
PSSA Finals
SEP 16 -
Silver Award Morning Tea 11.00am
Book Fair
SEP 17 -
Interrelate Year 6
K - 2 Athletics Carnival
SEP 19 -
Last day of term
AUG 1 -
3 - 6 Ball Games Carnival
Book Fair
2014 School term dates
AFL Clinic 3.20pm - 4.20pm
School development days - First day of Term 1, Term 2
AUG 4 -
3 - 6 The Crossing Play
and Term 3 and last two days of Term 4.
AUG 5 -
Bronze Assembly 2.15pm
AUG 6 -
Kindergarten Featherdale Wildlife Park
AUG 7 -
Term 1
Tuesday, 28 January to Friday, 11 April
Term 2
Monday, 28 April to Friday, 27 June
Term 3
Monday, 14 July to Friday, 19 September
Term 4
Tuesday, 7 October to Friday, 19 December
Term 1
Tuesday, 27 January to Thursday, 2 April
Term 2
Monday, 20 April to Friday, 26 June
Term 3
Monday, 13 July to Friday, 18 September
Term 4
Tuesday, 6 October to Friday, 18 December
Longneck Lagoon excursion 2T and 2A
Western Sydney Drama Festival
AUG 11 -
P&C Meeting 7.30pm
AUG 12 -
ICAS Mathematics competition 8.00am
AUG 14 -
K-6 Jollybops Science Show
AUG 18 -
CHPSSA Track Carnival
AUG 20 -
HPAF Choir rehearsal at Baulkham Hills
North PS
AUG 21 -
Musica Viva K-6
AUG 25 -
Bronze Assembly cut off
AUG 27 -
Interrelate Year 6
Minding Me Year 5
AUG 28 -
SEP 1 -
Wakakirri rehearsal and performance
2015 School term dates
School development days - First day of Term 1, Term 2
Rouse Hill High School Transition Day
and Term 3 and last two days of Term 4.
Bronze assembly 2.15pm
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
Our school is performing in the 2014 WAKAKIRRI Primary School Challenge - Australia’s Search for the Best Story!
Our Story Dance Performance will include the students from Year 1 - 6 who are very excited to be taking part.
They will be participating in an unforgettable experience; by being involved in the creating, preparing and performing
of our Story-Dance item – A story told to music using creative movement, dance and drama.
Show time is coming up so we’ve been busy rehearsing and putting our Story together with the students.
We would love the support of parents so if you can help in any of the following ways, please contact Miss Gardiner,
Miss Sims or Mrs Rowsell. In the meantime, visit the website www.wakakirri.com for more information and updates.
Perhaps you;
Can assist with props and set making.
Are able to arrange some catering for Rehearsals and Performance day.
Have contacts for transport (students and/or props & sets to the venue on show day).
Stay tuned to the website www.wakakirri.com and subscribe to keep updated with the Wakakirri Story.
Purchase tickets to the Show to see your child and school perform LIVE at a Professional Theatre.
Have skills you can offer the group; costume making, make up and hair designing.
We look forward to sharing our 2014 Wakakirri Story with you!
Miss Gardiner , Mrs Rowsell and Miss Sims - Wakakirri Dance Coordinators
School Security 9672 2000
Term 3 - Week 2
School Security 9672 2000
*Disclaimers - we sincerely thank our advertisers for their support of our school. The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and
Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.
Healthy, Home-made
Cooked Meals Italian Cuisine
Made fresh, place order by phone or email
Traditional Lasagne (Meat) .............$20.00
(serves 8-10)
(Meat or Spinach and Ricotta).........$20.00
(serves 6-8)
Potato Bake
Potato, Bacon, Cheese……….........$15.00
(serves 8-10)
Zucchini Slice
Zucchini, Bacon, Cheese...…….…....$15.00
(serves 8-10)
Fried Rice
Bacon, Eggs, Peas……………………$15.00
Frances Pellegrino
Phone: 0411 334 770
Email: francecap66@optusnet.com.au
*Disclaimers - we sincerely thank our advertisers for their support of our school. The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and
Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.
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School Security 9672 2000
School Security 9672 2000
School Security 9672 2000
School Security 9672 2000
*Disclaimers - we sincerely thank our advertisers for their support of our school. The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and
Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.
*Disclaimers - we sincerely thank our advertisers for their support of our school. The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and
Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.