The Rydes Hill Times - Rydes Hill Preparatory School


The Rydes Hill Times - Rydes Hill Preparatory School
Spring Term, Issue 125
February 2014
The Rydes Hill Times
… our newsletter
keeping parents in touch
Dear Parents,
Sat 25th
U10 Netball Tournament
at Rydes Hill 9am-1pm
Fri 31st
Coffee Morning Kindergarten Parents 8.30am
Nursery Open Morning
10am –12noon
Sat 1st
Essa National Swimming
Tues 4th
U9 (A&B) Netball v St
Hilary’s Away 4.15pm
Wed 5th
IAPS Swimming at Charterhouse 4-5pm
Thurs 6th
Upper Transition Assembly parents welcome
Fri 7th
Coffee Morning Lower
Transition parents 8.30am
Mon 10th
Nursery Open Morning
10am –12noon
Book Fair begins 3.155.30pm
Tues 11th
U10 (A&B) Netball v St
Ives Home 4.30pm
Parent Consultation
Wed 12th
Cake Sale Upper Transition 3.15pm
FRHPS Committee
Meeting 7.45pm
Thurs 13th
Book Character Day
Kindergarten Assembly
parents welcome 10.10am
Parent Consultation
Gymnastics Competition
at Manor House 4.15pm
Fri 14th
Coffee Morning Upper
Transition 8.30am
Mon 17thFri 21st
Wed 26thFri 28th
Hooke Court Residential
for Form One and Higher
Thurs 27th
Second Hand uniform
Sale 2.30-4pm
Fri 28th
Coffee Morning Lower
Preparatory 8.30am
A warm welcome to the following
new pupils: Ismay C-J, Isabella D
and Evie M in Nursery; Raha H in
Lower Transition; and Rosie P in
Upper Transition. Welcome also
to their parents and families in
joining our Rydes Hill community.
Congratulations to the CarringtonJones family on the birth of twins
Ava and Leo and also to the Pekbeken on their new baby son,
We are very proud of our Form
One girls who have now completed all their senior school entrance
exams. We always try to make
sure that our pupils are really well
prepared for these entrance papers and it is very pleasing when
they come back saying that the
tests were easier than expected
or that they had enjoyed themselves. We were so impressed
with their views and reflections
that we decided to print them in
this newsletter on page 7. Well
done to all our Form One girls!
Congratulations also to the teachers who have worked with the
girls over their years at Rydes Hill.
Every year we gain a high percentage of Scholarships at leading
senior schools. Our ISI Inspection
Report of 2007 confirmed that
“Rydes Hill School achieves remarkable academic success” and
our ISI Inspection Report of 2011
noted that “Year 6 pupils successfully gain places at local
independent selective schools,
with a significant number gaining
scholarships”. This year is no
exception and at the time of going
to press the class of 19 girls in
Form One has already been
awarded 5 Academic Scholarships. Many congratulations to
the Scholars as follows: Isabel T Academic Scholarship to Tormead; Danielle K - Academic
Scholarship to Tormead; Zara M Academic Scholarship to St Catherine’s; Lana F - Academic Scholarship to St Teresa’s and Alicja S Academic Scholarship to Surbiton
High School.
As always, many parents have
chosen to apply to more than one
school and as a result they have a
number of offers to choose from
for their daughters. So far we have
offers as follows: 6 offers from
Guildford High School (10% of the
places offered) 8 offers from St
Catherine’s, 12 offers from Tormead, 4 offers from Prior’s Field,
2 offers from Farnborough Hill, 2
offers from St Teresa’s, 1 offer
from St George’s Weybridge and
we still await more news from
other schools including Churcher’s
College, TASIS The American
School and Howells School in
Cardiff. We take pride not just in
achieving excellence in the quantitative aspect of senior school
acceptances and scholarships,
but also in giving parents a choice
of senior schools and in placing all
our pupils in the best environment
to stimulate their specific talents
and ensure their continuing progress and happiness throughout
their senior school life. We shall
keep you updated as we receive
more results.
Well done to some of our young
musicians who recently took their
Music Examinations. Congratulations to the following pupils: Grace
S, Grade 2 Merit - alto saxophone;
Anastasia P, Grade 2 Merit - violin;
Camilla T, Grade 2 - violin; Maddie
H, Grade 3 - violin; Isabel T, Grade
3 Merit – violin; Alicja S, Grade 3
Merit – violin. Also well done to
Chloe R, Grade 1 Distinction –
Musical Theatre Performance and
Danielle K, Certificate of Excellence – Chinese Idioms.
Congratulations also to the PE
Department for the exciting and
well organised 14 school Netball
Tournament we hosted on Saturday and well played to Rydes Hill
coming 4th. A full report will follow
in the next newsletter. Thank you
also to Mrs Niddrie and Mrs Chapman for their tremendous help
with scoring on the day.
Through your generosity last term,
we are delighted to confirm that
the total raised for the Philippines
Disaster Appeal, sent at the end
of last term via the Red Cross,
was £1,429.05. Thank you all for
your generosity.
Coming up in February we are
hosting a Book Fair in the week
beginning 10th February, from
Monday to Thursday in the Main
Hall between 3.15pm and
5.30pm. Parents can either order
books in person at School or from
the website:
This is also an opportunity for all
pupils to dress up as their favourite book character on Thursday,
13th February, Book Character
On Saturday, 15th March the
Preparatory Department (Lower
Preparatory to Form One) will be
performing “Ahoy! Sing for the
Mary Rose” at St Saviours Church
in Guildford. This will be a musical experience you will not want
to miss and a wonderful opportunity for the girls. Tickets will be
on sale soon. A huge thank you to
Mrs Harker for arranging substantial sponsorship from Wellers
Auctioneers and Valuers and to
Mr Paul Bigrave who has kindly
offered to print all our publicity
material at no cost.
For prospective parents, we are
holding a Nursery Open Morning
on Monday, 10th February; thank
you for telling your friends and
families with pre-school children
about this.
Kindergarten staff have asked
me to ask you whether any of you
working in one of the ‘caring
professions’ such as doctors,
nurses, vets, firemen, police
would be willing to come and give
a brief talk to the Kindergarten
children about your careers.
Please let me know if you would
be interested.
A big thank you to the Berry Family who made a donation to the
School before their departure to
Japan and to the Hall family who
kindly donated the smart new red
clock above the doors to the
Main Hall.
Wishing you all a restful and
happy weekend. God bless,
2-3–Middle Preparatory’s Roman Day, 4–Netball 5–Britten’s 100th Birthday, 6-Kindergarten’s
Local Walk, 7-Pupils’ views, 8-Silver Book & Children’s Section
Tel: 01483 563160
Page 2
Page 3
Middle Prep went on a school trip to a
Roman Palace on Thursday 21st November to learn about the Romans.
Firstly we had a snack, then we went into
the most exciting workshop. We went in a
Roman kitchen to cook and we used real
food. We also wrote our names in Latin
and did an extremely hard puzzle which
nobody could do. I enjoyed it when the
lady showed us fascinating things that the
Romans had buried and which had been
found in the grounds of the Palace.
Next we watched a film about Fishbourne
Roman Palace and how it had been discovered. Then we did the bit that was
probably my favourite – the tasting. I had
some olives on bread. Mrs Lappage gave
us a quiz to do based on the museum, the
mosaic floors and the gardens which was
very interesting.
Not long after that we went to the shop
where I bought a big rubber and a blue
pencil. Then lunch. I sat next to Annabel
and I had a tuna sandwich with an apple,
a Kit Kat and a packet of crisps. Then we
headed back to school. It was the most
tiring day ever but I really enjoyed it!
- Scarlett B
On Thursday 21st November, my friends
and I went to Fishbourne Roman Palace
on a school trip to learn about Roman
Firstly we got on the minibus and sang
songs until we got there. Then we got
out of the minibus and went to the Osborne Room to eat a snack. After that
we had to go to a workshop with a lady
called Edith. She took out some bones
from an animal and made us guess what
animal it was and which part of the body
it came from. After that we dressed up
as slaves and did some activities. My
favourite activity was a yo-yo and a board
game where you had to make up the
rules. Another one of my favourites was
where we had to write our name in ink in
Roman letters.
Next we went to an audio-visual room
where we watched a film about the Palace. Soon after that we split up into
groups (I was in Mrs Carter’s group) and
went to different areas. Our group went
to the Roman gardens to answer questions – that was my favourite area. Secondly we went to a museum. In the first
part there was food tasting so we tried
some ‘wine’ and bread and then an-
swered questions about information we
could find in the museum.
Soon we were back in the Osborne
Room eating lunch. I had a cheese
sandwich with crisps, a banana and a
Kit Kat which I was saving to eat on the
Finally we walked to the shop and
bought gifts. Lots of people bought
mood rings but I bought an Ancient
Greeks book. Then we got back on the
minibus and went back to school. I
was exhausted but had an amazing
time at Fishbourne Roman Palace.
- Lauren S
Page 4
Netball Matches v Manor House
Despite the deluges of rain that we have
all had to endure, the sun shone on Tuesday 14th January as the Rydes Hill U11A
and U10A netball teams played Manor
House at home.
Both teams got off to a slow start but by
the end of the first quarter we were leading in each match by just one goal.
The U11's (Issie T, Libby C, Georgia S,
Lucy P, Julia B, Olivia S and Holly B) then
seemingly found another gear and played
sublime netball to be leading 10-3 at half
time. The flow of netball down the court,
but especially at the attacking end, was
brilliant and the few times that the ball
ever went towards the Manor House goal,
the U11 defence marked and intercepted
the ball and started off the attack again.
Manor House were not allowed to score
another goal and the final result was 18-3
to Rydes Hill. Outstanding play girls!
The U10's (Dixie M, Isla N, Bronwyn W,
Aurora C, Camilla T, Anjali B, Anya N and
Andrea A) played steadily and kept going
ahead by one goal before Manor House
drew level, all the way through the match
until the last quarter when Manor House
finally scored the last goal to finish the
match as a drawn result, 6 goals all. A
tighter level of marking in defence must
be achieved and quicker, clearer dodges
made by all the team to ensure more accurate and fast down court passing that
Very well done to both the teams and this
was a fantastic start to the Spring Term
Thank you to all the parents who supported on the side lines and to the parents
who helped with the putting up and taking
down of the floodlights the dark at the
end! Thanks too to Chef Jane and Mrs
Riddle for providing and serving a delicious
team tea.
- Mrs V Henry
U9 Netball Tournament at Hoe Bridge
School on Saturday 18th January 2014
Mrs Copeland and I took 9 girls to play in
the tournament during a time when we
were having torrential rain every day! However, the rain only stopped us using two of
the courts at Hoe Bridge, it did not stop us
from playing, thankfully.
The team played a total of 9 games
throughout the morning. We saw some
wonderful defence from Leonie and Scarlett; they managed to intercept quite a few
passes which was excellent. Annabel
played well as our Centre position and
worked well with Sathya and Ella making
sure it reached our shooters successfully
in our attacking end. Well done to all the
girls who took part. You improved immensely as you played each match.
Team players: Sathya (Capt), Ella, Annabel,
Isabella, Amelia, Leonie, Maddie, Scarlett
& Serra who are in the photo below.
- Mrs J Smith
Netball matches v St Teresa's
The U11A and U9A netball teams played
matches against St Teresa's on Tuesday
21st January at Rydes Hill.
Following the success of their match the
previous week, the U11's maintained their
fast flowing and determined play to hold
on through four very tough quarters in this
match. After drawing the first quarter 2-2,
the U11's then went into the lead and
managed to stay ahead but had a tough
fight on their hands in the last quarter as
St Teresa's came back at them with a
flurry of goals. However, the team kept
skilfully attacking and defending and won
the match 11-8. Well done to all the girls
on their continued accurate and consistent play and improving skills.
U11 squad: Issie T, Libby C (Capt), Georgia
S, Lucy P, Julia B, Maddie H, Olivia S and
Holly B.
The U9's, fresh from playing in the Hoebridge tournament, had gained considerable match experience and this was very
evident in their match against St Teresa's.
They started with great confidence and
passed the ball quickly and accurately
down the court to the shooters who were
on great form! Well done to all girls on
their great team work and increasingly
more accurate and quick passing. Fantastic and they thoroughly deserved their 102 win!
U9 squad: Sathya R, Amelia K, Ella C
(Capt), Ella Ca, Lottie B, Annabel M, Leonie M, Scarlett B.
Keep it up girls!
- Mrs V Henry
Rydes Hill Netball Tournament
There will be a full report and photographs
in the next newsletter.
Page 5
On Friday 22nd November, Higher Preparatory went on a school trip to St George’s
Weybridge, to celebrate Benjamin Britten’s
100th birthday. Britten was a famous man
who composed music for many words that
lots of different people wrote.
First, when we arrived at St. George’s College, we practised all the exercises that the
conductor asked us to do, accompanied by
the piano.
Next, we were split into groups. We were in
the red group with another school called
Rowan. We practised all morning and the
man who was coaching us said we had
done it really well as we had only had one
small break in between.
After that, we had a really yummy lunch of
fish fingers, peas and chips in the St
George’s cafeteria. It was very satisfying as
we had all forgotten to have our break time
All afternoon, we practised really hard, all
of us very anxious and excited about the
concert we were going to perform for a
whole chapel of excited parents.
We had our packed tea not long before
the concert.
We all walked quietly in with great pride,
in front of about one hundred people. We
took our places in the choir seats and
sang our best. Nobody afterwards could
say that hard work doesn’t pay off. It was
an amazing feeling.
After the concert, a clump of exhausted
but happy Higher Preparatory girls walked
dreamily to their parents’ cars. I wondered, and still do now, if old Britten up in
the sky was pleased that we sang his
music, but that, I will never know.
- Aurora C
Page 6
Kindergarten class went out to explore the local shops. When they
returned they drew maps to show where they had been and made a
lovely display in the classroom.
Page 7
‘It was easier than I thought because we
had plenty of practice.’
‘It was actually fun and we had a brilliant
‘I was not as nervous as some of the other girls who were not from Rydes Hill.’
‘When I first went in I was quite nervous
but, once I opened the paper, I started to
relax as we were so well prepared.’
‘It was easier than I thought and I made
lots of new friends that I hope to meet
‘It was a great experience and I really
enjoyed myself.’
‘When I started the paper I thought it was
really easy.’
‘It was easier than we had been told by
older pupils!’
‘Easier than I thought.’
‘It was not so much a test as a chance
to show how much we knew.’
‘I enjoyed every moment.’
‘We got really good food.’
‘I found it an interesting experience.’
Their advice to Higher Preparatory parents and pupils is:
‘Do not worry. It is easier than you
‘Do not worry. You will be well prepared.’
When the teacher in Seahorses wants the
children to be quiet, she shakes a tambourine. When the sound of the week was
‘I’ a little boy brought in a musical Instrument and said:
‘It is an Instrument, I use it to keep my
parents quiet!’
Mrs Bryson to child: ‘I want your beautiful
Child ‘I want doesn’t get!’
Form One Passover Meal
The Form One girls took part in a
Passover meal this week with Mrs
Smith and a visitor, Mrs Ruth Salisbury. Ruth led the girls through the
process enabling the pupils to try the
varying foods that are eaten during
this festival: parsley dipped in salt
water to represent the tears the Israelites shed during their time of slavery
in Egypt; Matzo bread (bread without
yeast), Charoset, which is a paste
made from apples, nuts and cinnamon that represents the mortar used
by the slaves.
It was a very memorable and exciting
lesson, we would like to thank Ruth
for giving up her time for us and sharing her knowledge with us.
- Mrs J Smith
We were very pleased to see our new
advertisement on the front page and
editorial page in the latest edition of
GU Voice which is delivered to over
25,000 homes in the Worplesdon
area. Watch out for more front pages
and, if you have a business you wish
to promote in GU Voice, contact Jessica on uk
It was lovely to welcome back five old girls
(Y7 and Y8) during the first week of term.
Their own schools had not started back or
had closed for senior school exams, so the
girls chose to come and help in various classrooms. Not only was it a pleasure to have a
few extra pairs of hands, but it was a fantastic opportunity to catch up on their news.
Without exception, they have all settled in
and continue to thrive at their new schools
and are very appreciative of how well they
were prepared for this next stage.
Thea D (Y8 Tormead) is enjoying the challenge of being taught maths once a week by
University students (top 6 of her year) and
hoped to be chosen as part of a maths challenge group. Abby H (Y7 Farnborough Hill)
and Sofia R (Y8 GHS) continue to be avid
readers and it was great to pass on recommendations for slightly older readers. Sofia
R, her mother having tipped me off in advance, left laden with books that I had looked
out. She is also starting a study on Pavlov’s
dogs and has every intention of conducting a
similar experiment on her two brothers, old
boys Max and Ferdi – I am not sure they will
be quite so keen.
Duha M and Sofia F (Y7 Tormead) are both
enjoying new subjects including Home Economics – although it did sound rather unusual to a make the crumble before Christmas
and freeze it ready for the apple to be prepared this term!
In addition we heard from Mrs. Connor that
her eldest daughter Charlie, (another old girl)
had just passed her LSAT (American law
School entrance exam) on the 96th Percentile
and a number of top American universities
have asked her to apply.
- Miss K Boyle
Page 8
Silver Book
House Points
Week ending 10th January 2014
Excellent Work
Excellent Conduct
10th January 2014
Tallulah A
Liv D
Molly S
Shakthi R
Lily C
Nia D
Josephine T
Zara K
Grace F
Amelia K
Camilla T
Phoebe T
Holly B
Tamsin B
French Award
Sophia S for her “Happy New Year” work
PE Award
Dixie McK for huge improvement in gymnastics
Music Award
Ella C for excellent progress and commitment
to her piano playing
Science Award
Isabella K for her excellent poster
Special Girdle
Rosie P and Raha H for settling in so quickly
Winner — Patricia
Week ending 24th January 2014
Excellent Work
Excellent Conduct
Rebecca P
Isobel G
Mia F
Olivia C
Sneha B
Sofia S
Maisy A
Annabel M
Eloise R
Andrea A
Lottie N
Maddie H
French Award
Grace S for her excellent recall of numbers to
Music Award
Anya N for her excellent progress in singing
and thoughtful and detailed preparation for
her singing exam
PE Award
Ella C for outstanding shooting in the U9 Netball Tournament at St Teresa’s
Science Award
Isabel T for her excellent research skills
Special Girdle
Zara M and Lana F for gaining scholarships
17th January 2014
Fatoumatta S
Ella C
Grace Sm
Aurora C
Priya T
Olivia F
Francesca H
Georgia Su
Week ending 17th January 2014
Excellent Work
Excellent Conduct
Rosario A-R
Harriet T
Jedd F
Josie G
Ben H-L
Nishkala G
Madeleine E
Francesca H
Sathya R
Lottie B
Poppy D
Carrie H
Blair F
Libby C
Music Award
Chloe R for excellent progress in her piano
PE Award
Lucy P for outstanding play in the netball
match v Manor House
Science Award
Erin W for her homework on Solids, Liquids &
Special Girdle
Maddie H for bravery
Winner — Patricia
24th January 2014
22nd Sophie D
Dido O
Anjali B
Alice O’B
Tristan C
Lilia H
Winner — Peter
Thought for the Month
Children Learn What They Live
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those
about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
By Dorothy Law Nolte

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