American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics


American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics
American Academy
of Fixed Prosthodontics
2 8,
N O .1
2 01 0
President’s Welcome
Dr. Stephen Rosenstiel
President 2010
Marriott Room Block
From the
Treasurer’s Desk
Notes from the
AAFP 2011 Officers
Corporate Sponsors
Program Books
2011 Annual Meeting
Meeting Highlights
Table Clinics
It was with great pride that I returned from Chicago as
President of our Academy. I sincerely appreciate the trust
you have put in my leadership for the upcoming year.
Those of us fortunate enough to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting were treated to two
days of outstanding lectures, the opportunity to meet up with friends and colleagues and
enjoy the camaraderie that is the essence of the Academy.
I can promise you that 2011 will be even better! As most of you are aware, next year’s
meeting represents our Diamond Jubilee. Sixty years of scientific excellence is a heritage
that deserves to be celebrated with the best meeting ever and I believe that our Program
Chairs, Drs. Ariel Raigrodski and John Townsend, have given us precisely that.
Their theme is “A Global Comprehensive Approach to Prosthodontics” and as you can see
on page 5, they have assembled a truly staggering cast of world class authorities on fixed
prosthodontic care.
The Academy continues to provide its membership with the best value of any
Prosthodontic organization. Careful fiscal management over many years has enabled us to
continue to offer our annual meeting at no additional cost to members, despite dramatic
rises in food and meeting costs over the last few years. It is the Academy’s goal to ensure
that this benefit will continue for another 60 years, but it does require a knowledgeable
and responsible membership. In particular, it is critical that we book the Marriott and
order our meals very carefully using the website. If we cancel our reservation or check an
event that we do not attend, we have a direct impact on the Academy’s financial health as
we have to pay penalty fees.
I would very much like to receive your thoughts on these and other matters as I start my
presidential year, so please don’t hesitate to email me. Help me celebrate Sixty Years of
Excellence next February!
Baker Award
New Members
Diamond jubilee
annual meeting
February 25-26, 2011
Important Notice About the Marriott Room Block
Our annual 2010 AAFP meeting in Chicago was an excellent one with a great turnout. However, for the first
time in years we had a shortfall in our room block.
The AAFP has signed contracts with the Marriott Hotel which are renewed regularly in order to keep our
organization with the safety of 5 years of meeting space. As in all cases with all hotels, we have a numerically
defined number of rooms that we must fill each year. This is the “Room Block”. If we do not reach our quota,
there are financial penalties costing the Academy thousands of dollars.
This year (2010) we had an unusual situation whereby the attendance was larger than normal, but our room
quota was not met.
After cross checking hotel lists and registration lists, it became apparent that many people either A) booked
their hotel room via the internet or B) stayed at other hotels even though there were rooms available at the
Marriott all the way into mid February.
The penalty for not reaching our room block quota was over $4000!
ACADEMY MEMBERS: PLEASE book and stay at the Marriott for your meeting, via our registration web
site. If you do not do this, in an attempt to save a few dollars, it will end up costing the entire Academy thousands of dollars, which we can ill afford. This will inevitably end up costing all of us more dollars in dues and/
or meeting fees. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call me.
Jack Lipkin
Meeting Director
From the Treasurer’s Desk Dr. Rick Jordan
The 2010 Annual Meeting in Chicago was a great success. Dr. Ken Malament and Dr. Harold Litvak
provided excellent speakers for the scientific session entitled On the Wings of Excellence. This resulted
in a super attendance for the meeting; 233 Members, 14 Life Members, 106 Guest Drs. pre-registered
and an additional 29 on-site registrations, and 187 US Grad students plus 39 table clinicians.
The 2010-2011 Annual Dues Invoices will be mailed out on the 24th of May with the electronic payment site active on June 1
( Annual Dues are collected from June 1 through August 31; a $50 late fee is added for dues
paid 1 Sept – 30 Sept. The Annual Dues rates are as follows:
USA: $599
The Academy appreciates your prompt attention to payment of your annual dues.
Have a great summer with your families and I’ll see you in Chicago.
Rick Jordan
Notes from the Secretary Dr. Denny Smith
Criteria for Life Membership can be found in the Academy Bylaws, available on the website. Please note that to be
considered for life membership at the 2011 General Membership Meeting it is necessary to send a letter of request
to the Academy Secretary no later than July 1, 2010. Further, applicants for life membership are required to pay
dues during the year in which application for life membership is made.
President Rosenstiel, attentive to the multifaceted character of the Academy, has delivered a number of charges
regarding important issues that stand before the Academy. Among the issues under consideration are the financial
model upon which the Academy operates, the Academy’s reserve fund, Academy interactions with the corporate
community, stipends, criteria for membership in the Academy, life membership, succession in the offices of the
Academy, the Academy’s archives and the Diamond Jubilee celebration in 2011. The mid-year meeting of the
Board of Directors has been scheduled for August 6-7, 2010 in Columbus, Ohio. The members of the Board of Directors wish to consider all matters of substance that are of concern to the members, so please contact President Steve
Rosenstiel, or this office, if you wish to suggest an agenda topic for the meeting or to comment on an issue presently
before the Board.
Though the application deadline for new members is not until January 01, 2011, this is a good time to reflect upon
colleagues whose professional abilities and moral stature make them good candidates for membership in this
academy. Please visit the website to review membership requirements, and then take the initiative to nominate your
qualified colleagues for membership in the Academy. I will happily provide information to assist you in this service
to the Academy.
Denny Smith
Immediate Past President
and 2010 President
Drs. Rosenstiel and Knoernschild
2010-2011 Officers
Directors (back row, l to r): Drs. Holloway, Gehrke, Long, Schwedhelm, Hirayama, Vermilyea, and Morgano
Officers (front row, l to r): Drs. Knoernschild, Jordan, Kelly, Rosenstiel, Driscoll, and Smith
Corporate Sponsors Contribute to the 2010 Annual Meeting Success!
We extend special thanks to the 2010 corporate sponsors, who contributed to a successful 59th Annual
Meeting in many ways. Their commitments to our organization are certainly greatly appreciated by Academy
members and guests. Such commitments have enhanced our opportunities for learning and fellowship in
recent years.
Astra Tech Dental, our Mission Partner, provided extensive support from several aspects including
(1) Advanced Prosthodontics student registration for more than 200 attendees, (2) the Research and Clinical
Awards for the Table Clinic Awards of Excellence, and (3) the scientific program, which further heightened
the program quality. The Editorial Council of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry continued their support of
the Academy at the Diamond level through ongoing support of our website and the Tylman Awards. Nobel
Biocare (Platinum sponsor), Neoss (Gold sponsor) and Ivoclar Vivadent (Silver sponsor) also provided highly
valued support that augmented the Academy event. The enthusiasm of our Exhibitors this year again enhanced meeting learning and fellowship.
The success of our organizations lies largely on the quality of our consistently outstanding scientific program.
Dr. Ken Malament’s 2010 program, “On the Wings of Excellence,” met and exceeded Academy expectations.
The Academy Mission encompasses learning, research and fellowship. We again thank our corporate
sponsors, who believe in the Mission and our goals of achieving excellence in the discipline of fixed
Kent Knoernschild
Photo legend:
Brian Bashaw (Director University Development), Kent Knoernschild, Steve
Rosenstiel, and Craig Rodriguez (Vice President of Marketing) at the Astra Tech
booth during the February 2010 Annual Meeting.
Program Books Wanted
The Chair of our Historical Committee, Dr. Wayne Campagni, is
scanning the program books from our scientific meetings to put
on our website. He has most of the books from the 1980s and
later, but has many "holes" from the 50s, 60s and 70s. If you
have any of those earlier booklets, could you contact Wayne at
Annual Meeting February 2011
Diamond jubilee
Dr. Maurice Salama
Dr. Iñaki Gamborena
Dr. Jacopo Castelnuovo
Dr. Richard Roblee
Dr. Jeffery Rubenstein
Dr. Florian Beuer
Mr. Hiro Tokutomi
Dr. Marcos Vargas
Dr. Joseph Kan
Dr. Domenico Massironi
Dr. J. William Robbins
Dr. Robert Kelly
Dr. John Burgess
Dr. Galip Gürel
Dr. Keng Mun Wong
Dr. Stephen Chu
Dr. Gerald Ziebert receives the first Garver-Staffanou
Prosthodontic Program Director’s Award for Excellence
The American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics (AAFP) established a new award
program, the Garver-Staffanou Prosthodontic Program Director’s Award for Excellence, in honor of
two of our most dedicated members, Drs. Don Garver and Bob Staffanou. Candidates for this award
must have served as a program director of an ADA-accredited advanced educational specialty program
in prosthodontics for a minimum of 5 years. Current and past program directors are eligible. Candidates
do not need to be AAFP members. Candidates must show evidence of having made a significant
contribution to the specialty of prosthodontics, along with excellence in teaching prosthodontics at the
postdoctoral level. This award was presented to Dr. Gerald Ziebert at the annual meeting of the AAFP
held February 26-27, 2010 at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Hotel.
Dr. Ziebert graduated from Marquette University School of Dentistry and also completed his master’s
degree and certificate in fixed prosthodontics at Marquette.
Since 1978 he has participated in the advanced educational program in prosthodontics at Marquette University. He served as
program director from 1978 – 1984, from 1989 – 1991 and
most recently from 2004 to the present.
Steve Morgano
Dr. Harold Litvak
There are people in every generation who are leaders, not because they pursued such recognition but
because colleagues recognized their distinctive characteristics. Our awardee today is one such
individual. I would like to invite Dr. Harold Litvak to join me at the podium as I recognize his many
Harold was born in 1937 in Buffalo, NY and you would never know that he will be 73 in 2 months. His
father was in the shoe business and the way I understand it dentistry had more appeal than being a shoe
salesmen. Aren’t we lucky it turned out that way. He completed his DMD degree at Tufts University and his MSD degree
in Prosthodontics from NYU. He served in the United States Air Force and has been practicing Prosthodontics in New
York City for 43 years. He has been coming to Chicago for 42 years.
His areas of special interest are oral physiology, occlusion, and implant prosthodontics. He has been President of the
Northeast Gnathological Society and the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics. He has twice served as Co-Chair
for this meeting, including this year. He established the Occlusion lecture series at NYU and has maintained his
involvement with the teaching of occlusion for over 30 years.
Harold is not your average tennis player. He is a great player and still plays a lot. He has played in USTA tournaments and
held a ranking. In 1987, he and an old fraternity brother from Buffalo teamed up and won gold medals in Israel in the Pan
American Maccabiah games. He twice won the New York 45 clay tournament.
About 10 years ago, a former student of Harold’s and a close friend decided to throw a surprise retirement party for Harold.
He invited past students and fellow professors from NYU. He lured Harold to the Tennis facility with the promise of a
special game. It was a huge party and a huge surprise but later in the evening it became clear to everyone that Harold
wasn’t planning to retire.
Harold has been blessed with many special patients. One of these patients felt so fortunate to have found someone who
provided not just excellent care and also cared for them as a person. This individual set up a scholarship in Harold’s name
at the dental school.
Since Harold loves jazz music, he was rewarded by another friend who made it possible for a gala weekend and party at the
Lincoln Center in New York on the occasion of a special symposium held in Harold’s honor.
Harold has not just been the recipient of other people’s gifts. He has personally given back very generously to his school at
NYU where there is now a Harold and Sheila Litvak wing for Graduate Prosthodontics.
Harold, because of your many contributions to the profession and to the public you have served so admirably for decades, it
is a pleasure to recognize you with the George H. Moulton Award, the highest level of recognition bestowed by this
Annual Meeting 2010
Dr. Wei-Shao Lin
University of Rochester
Eastman Dental Center
Title: The effect of veneering on the Biaxial
Flexural Strength of dental ceramics
Research Supervisor: Carlo Ercoli, DDS
Program Director: Carlo Ercoli, DDS
Dr. Daniel M. Domagala
Marquette University School of Dentistry
Title: The accuracy of multi implant casts fabricated using the Segmental Framework
Research Supervisor: Gerald Ziebert, DDS, MS
Program Director: Gerald Ziebert, DDS, MS
Dr. Lisa Spink
University of Connecticut Health Center
Title: Comparison of Absolute Translucency and
Relative Translucency of All-Ceramic
Core Materials and the Associated Veneering Porcelain
Research Supervisor: J.R. Kelly DDS, MS, DMSc
Program Director: John R. Agar, DDS, MA
Exhibit Hall
Old & New
Program Co-chairs:
Drs. Malament & Litvak
New Members’
Table Clinics
Annual Meeting 2010
Dr. Mijin Choi
Dr. Choi is a graduate of Columbia University’s
College of Dentistry. She completed an Advanced
Education Program in General Dentistry at the
same school and then went on to the University of
Maryland where she completed her MSD in Oral
Biology and Certificate in Prosthodontics.
Afterwards, she completed a Maxillofacial
Program at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center. She is currently a full time Clinical
Assistant Professor in the Department of
Prosthodontics at the New York University College
of Dentistry. Dr.Choi is a Diplomate of the
American Board of Prosthodontics. She has won
scholarships and awards, completed research,
published papers and done scientific presentations.
She is responsible for 2 undergraduate courses,
Advance Prosthodontics and the Honors Program.
Dr. Choi and Baker Committee
Chair, Dr. Rungruanganunt
Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD
Newsletter Editor
University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1615
To: Address Label
Back Row (l to r): Drs. Lim, Bidra, El-Sherif, Yen-Wei Chen, Lasnoski, Boatwright, Hagood, Andrews
Front Row (l to r): Drs. Marafie, Birdi, Lee, Chen, Mitchell, Kaplan, Kovacs, McNeil