AAFP 2015 Summer Newsletter - American Academy of Fixed


AAFP 2015 Summer Newsletter - American Academy of Fixed
AAFP Summer Newsletter
Volume 33, No. 1
President’s Welcome Message
I am both humbled and honored to serve as president of our
esteemed Academy. The past February Scientific Session,
themed Revolutionary Technologies and Fundamental
Concepts, was incredible. Jane Brewer and Jennifer Kuracina
did a great job of organizing the presentations, and brought
together outstanding speakers. I was blessed to have been a
speaker, myself, and felt privileged to be surrounded by an array
of such excellent presenters. Immediate past president, Jack
Lipkin, can be very proud of his program.
Changes to AAFP Standing
Rules of Order (Feb. 2015)
Rules for compensation of
essayists at Academy
Meeting have been
amended (see page 5).
Claude R. Baker Award
• Two letters of nomination
• One letter from the Dean
• Deadline, October 30,
Send inquiries and
applications to Dr. Mijin Choi
Like many of us, I attend many prosthodontic meetings, but the
AAFP is, by far, my favorite. The camaraderie is wonderful, and
the scientific sessions are always top notch. Chicago can be
cold in the Winter, but it is a beautiful city—plus my daughter,
son-in-law and granddaughter live in Chicago. By next year’s
meeting, I will have a second granddaughter living there.
Boston had the worst winter on record, with more than 100
inches of snow. Serendipitously, I moved out of Boston in
January, although it really was hard to leave Boston.
It is through the dedication of the officers, Board of Directors and
committee members that this Academy works so well. Steve
Rosenstiel, our secretary, and Rick Jordan, our treasurer and
secretary for guests, work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep
things going smoothly. They make it very easy to serve as
president, and I thank them sincerely for their efforts.
Throughout the years we have all had mentors. One of my best
mentors was Bill Malone, now a life member of the Academy. Bill
is one of the finest restorative dentists I have ever met. I first met
Bill when I was a prosthodontic resident at the Hines VA Medical
Center and he was director of the postdoctoral program in
prosthodontics at Loyola University in Maywood, IL. I thank Bill
with all sincerity for the time and effort he devoted toward
helping me become the best that I could be. Bill inspired me to
publish and was always amazed at my ability to draw my own
illustrations for my publications. He is a true gentleman and an
inspiring teacher.
Again, I am truly humbled to be chosen as your president, and I
thank everyone for their trust in me.
Steve Morgano
AAFP President
American Academy of Fixed
Prosthodonitcs Annual
2015 Awards
Tylman Award Winners
First Place
Dr. Aurora Dibner won the first place in
the Tylman Competition for her
research project: “Fatigue Strength of
Bi-layered Ceramics Under Cyclic
Loading: A Function of Core Veneer
Thickness Ratios”.
The research was conducted at the
University of Connecticut under the
supervision of Dr. Bob Kelly.
Right to left: Dr. John Agar, Dr. Bob
Kelly, Dr. Aurora Dibner, Dr. Avinash
Bidra, Dr. Fei Liu
Second Place
Dr. Despoina Bompolaki won the second place for
her research project: “Fracture Resistance of
Lithium Disilicate Restorations Following Endodontic
Access Preparation; An In-Vitro Study”.
Dr. Lisa Hoang won the third place for her research
project: “Accuracy and Precision of Die Spacer
Thickness with Combined Computer-Aided Design
and 3D Printing Technology”.
The research was conducted at Baylor College of
Dentistry under the supervision of Dr. William Nagy.
The research was conducted at Marquette School of
Dentistry under the supervision of Dr. Geoffrey
Thompson. Right to left: Dr. Geoffrey Thompson, Dr.
Lisa Hoang, Dr. Fei Liu
Right to left: Dr. William Nagy, Dr. Despoina
Bompolaki, Dr. Fei Liu
Third Place
Award Winner
Dr. John Agar
Moulton Award presented by Dr. Nadim
Baba (Left) to Dr. John Agar
Dr. Matthew Palermo
received the Claude R. Baker
Award. Award is presented by
Dr. Judy Yuan (Left), Chair of
the Baker Award Committee.
Dr. Wayne Campagni
Receiving the GarverStaffanou Award from Dr.
William Nagy (Right).
New Members
Standing Left to Right: Drs.
Richard White, Michael
Christian, Lawrence Christian,
Daniel Domagala, Dimitrios-Elias
Kontogiorgos, Paul de Kok,
Elyce Link-Bindo, Dima
Ghunaim, Giacomo Ori, Raul
Euan, Christopher Chan, Bradley
Seated Left to Right: Drs. Michael
Barczak, Anna Manzotti, Juanli
Guo, Laura Lux, Antoanela Garbacea, Soni Prasaad, Emily
Batson, John Pyke.
Board of Directors and New Directors
Standing Left to Right: Drs. Ariel Raigrodski, Elena Nazarova, Sangeetha
Raghavendra, Stephen Rosenstiel, Richard Jordan, Radi Masri, Sarita Arteaga,
and new Director: Damian Lee.
Seated Left to Right: Drs. Gerry Santulli, Steve Morgano, Jack Lipkin, and new Vice
President David Burns.
Recently elected new Director, Dr. Jim Dunn was not available for photo.
2016 Scientific
The AAFP 65th Annual scientific session
Friday, February 26th, 2016
Saturday, February 27th, 2016
7:00 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:10 a.m.
Ariel Raigrodski: The (volving 5ole of =irconia
Abutments and Infrastuctures in the Contemporary
Dental Practice.
Daniele Manfredini: Prosthodontic 3lanning in
TMD and %ruxism 3atients.
8:50 a.m.
Daniel F. Galindo: Fixed Implant Prosthodontics for
the Edentulous Maxilla: Past, Present and Future.
9:40 a.m.
10:10 a.m.
David Guichet: Harness the Power of Digitally
Enhanced Implant Dentistry.
9:00 a.m.
Radi Al-Masri: Clinical Implications and
Applications of Mandibular Flexure.
9:50 a.m.
10:20 a.m.
Syngcuk Kim: Modern Clinical Dilemma: Endo vs.
11:00 a.m.
Istvan Urban: New 3erspectives on Vertical and
Horizontal Augmentation.
11:10 a.m.
Charles Goodacre: Tooth Retention through Root
Canal Treatment or Tooth Replacement using
Implants or Fixed Partial Dentures: Which Treatment
is Best?
1:20 p.m.
Carlo Poggio: Interdisciplinary 0anagement of 2ral
Rehabilitation: What is Important?
Annual Luncheon
2:00 p.m.
José Carlos da Rosa: Immediate Dentoalveolar
Restoration: a 9-year )ollow-up
2:10 p.m.
Christian Coachman The Smile Design Revolution:
Communication, Planning, Implementation and
3:00 p.m.
Michael DiTolla: Update on Monolithic
Restorations and CAD/CAM Laboratory
2:50 p.m.
Ali Fakhry: Accelerated 2rthodontic (xtrusion.
3:40 p.m.
Refreshment %reak
4:10 p.m.
German Gallucci: Digital $pproach for )ixed
Implant Rehabilitation in Edentulous Patients.
3:50 p.m.
Poster Awards
4:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Annual Cocktail and Poster Session
Program chairs: Dr. Nadim Baba and Dr. Carlo Ercoli
5:00 p.m.
Continued from page 1:
12. Essayists and Poster Presenters serving the Academy shall receive compensation for their services as follows:
a. Essayists
1. Non-Members: Honorarium of $1,000
2 days per diem of $300 per day for food and lodging Economy airfare
Waiver of meeting fee
b. Poster presenters who are CODA approved prosthodontics residents and who are listed as presenters shall
receive the following:
1. CODA Residents*: Waiver of meeting registration fee
No per diem
No airfare
2. Academy Members: No per diem
No airfare.
*No person may receive this benefit more than once.
JR., D.D.S.
March 21, 1938-July 12,
Obituary for Academy Member
Dr. Herbert T. Shillingburg
After a dramatic decline in
health over the past few
months, Dr. Shillingburg
peacefully passed away on
Sunday, July 12, 2015. Dr.
Shillingburg will always be highly
regarded for his contributions to
the art and science of Fixed
Prosthodontics as an author,
lecturer, teacher and clinician.
His rich and colorful life and
many accomplishments will be
celebrated during a memorial
service at the end of the
Herbert Thompson Shillingburg,
Jr. was born on March 21, 1938
on the Navajo Reservation in
Ganado, Arizona,
approximately 50 miles
northwest of Gallup, New
Mexico. He spent the first
several years of his life living on
the reservation where his
father ran an Indian Trading
Post. The family then moved
to a number of other
locations before settling in
Albuquerque, New Mexico,
where a young Herbert
Shillingburg completed junior
high school, high school and
three years at the University
of New Mexico. He left UNM
in 1958 to attend the
University of Southern
California School of
Dentistry. During his time at
UNM, he met the love of his
life, Constance Murphy, and
they were married after his
second year of dental
Dr. Shillingburg will
always be highly
regarded for his
contributions to the art
and science of Fixed
Prosthodontics as an
author, lecturer, teacher
and clinician.
Dr. Shillingburg received his
D.D.S. from USC in 1962. After
serving the in U.S. Army
Corps and practicing in
Albuquerque, New Mexico,
he joined the dental faculty
at the University of California
at Los Angeles in 1967 where
he began his academic
career in Crown and Bridge.
In 1972, Dr. Shillingburg
moved to Oklahoma to
serve as a charter faculty
member of the new College
of Dentistry at the University
of Oklahoma.
This provided him an
opportunity to design a
program based on the
curriculum at UCLA with the
emphasis on the clinical skills
he learned at USC. Dr.
Shillingburg served as chair of
the Department of Fixed
Prosthodontics until his
retirement in 2003.
In 1972, Dr. Shillingburg
began writing a series of
student handouts, which
ultimately became
Fundamentals of Fixed
Prosthodontics, first published
in 1976; the fourth edition
was published in 2012. Dr.
Shillingburg authored other
textbooks including: Guide
to Occlusal Waxing (1984),
Restoration of the
Endodontically Treated Tooth
(1984) and Fundamentals of
Tooth Preparations (1987).
Dr. Shillingburg was a David
Ross Boyd Professor Emeritus
at the University of Oklahoma
College of Dentistry and
received the Stephen L.
Leper Award for Teaching
Excellence from the Omicron
Kappa Upsilon Supreme
Chapter in 2000.
Obituary contributed
by Academy Member
Susan E. Brackett,
D.D.S., M.S., F.A.C.P.