Investment Passport
Investment Passport
ІNVESTMENT PASSPORT of Chernihiv oblast Chernihiv STATE AGENCY FOR INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL PROJECTS OF UKRAINE STATE AGENCY FOR INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL PROJECTS OF UKRAINE CHERNIHIV REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION CHERNIHIV REGIONAL CENTER FOR INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2013 GREETINGS Investment passport of Chernihiv region is created by the State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine in collaboration with Chernihiv Regional State Administration. It contains qualitative up-to-date comprehensive information on competitive advantages and investment opportunities of the region; it aims at disclosure and realization of its investment potential. We hope that the publication would be not only a source of information for business but would also allow raising investment attractiveness of the region, become the effective tools to set business contacts with potential investors and favour making positive decisions on investing in Chernihiv region. State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine Chernihiv region is the Northern Gates of Ukraine on a modern European map. This definition reflects the unique nature of the region in the most meaningful way. Advantageous combination of transport and geographical location, strong industrial potential, natural resources and business-friendly conditions open up opportunities for investors to implement investment projects. Today Chernihiv region goes through intensive development and improvement of investment attractiveness, strengthening of production potential and social services, creating of new technologies and innovative products. Efficiency and constant development is the pledge of future prosperity of Chernihiv-Siverskyi region. We hope for long-term mutually advantageous cooperation! Chernihiv Regional State Administration 3 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE REGION • Favourable geographic location – the northern region of Ukraine, which borders with the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. • Developed transport infrastructure, availability of international railway and motorway routes. • Explored mineral deposits (oil, gas, peat, chalk, phosphate, sand, bishofite). • High-capacity enterprises in the fuel and energy complex, machine building, food processing, light industries are able to produce competitive products. • Considerable natural, historical, cultural and recreational resources. • Favourable climatic conditions for cultivation of crops and livestock sector development. • Scientific potential and highly skilled human resources. 4 CONTENTS SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION 1.1. Geography and climate.....................................................................................................................8 1.2. Demography.......................................................................................................................................9 1.3. Human resources...............................................................................................................................9 1.4. Education...........................................................................................................................................10 1.5. Property.............................................................................................................................................10 1.6. Economic potential..........................................................................................................................11 1.7. Success stories..................................................................................................................................14 1.8. Transport and communications...................................................................................................16 1.9. Socio-cultural sphere......................................................................................................................17 SECTION 2. INVESTMENT OFFERS 2.1. Priority spheres for investment....................................................................................................22 2.2. National projects in the region....................................................................................................22 2.3. Strategic regional projects.............................................................................................................22 2.4. Industrial property and land plots...............................................................................................23 SECTION 3. CONTACTS.............................................................................................................................26 5 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND SOURCES WERE USED WHILE DRAFTING THE INVESTMENT PASSPORT • • • • • • • Ukraine’s Regions Competitiveness Report 2012 ( State Statistics Committee of Ukraine ( Chernihiv Region Statistics Administration ( Chernihiv Region in 2012 Statistical Yearbook Chernihiv Regional State Administration ( Chernihiv City Council ( Department for Economic Development of Chernihiv Regional State Administration ( • Economic portal of Chernihiv Region ( • Ukraine's Investment Atlas 2013, the Agency • Regional Investment Attractiveness Rating 2013, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, the Agency DEPARTMENT FOR INVESTMENT POLICY AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 6 CHERNIHIV OBLAST Investment passport of the region Section 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION Geography and climate Education Economic potential Ratings Human resources Demography Transport and communications Chernihiv oblast Success stories Property Socio-cultural sphere • 1.1. Geography and climate MAP OF THE REGION AREA OF THE REGION – 31.9 thousand km² SUNNY DAYS PER YEAR – 106 ALTITUDE ABOVE SEA LEVEL — 50-100 m WATER RESOURCES OF THE REGION Chernihiv region is located in the north of the Left-bank Ukraine, in Desna river basin. The water network of the region is composed by 1,570 rivers with a total length of 8,369 km and 26 largest lakes with an area of 9.16 km. PRECIPITATION From 550 to 580 mm per year, mainly in the warm season. Moderately continental climate. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE January: - 7.5 Ñ°, July: +18.5 Ñ° 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE MAIN RIVERS WITHIN THE REGION Dnipro'’s basin stretch, km water intake area, km² Desna 505 88.93 Oster 195 2.96 Udai 195 7.00 Snov 190 8.70 Dnipro 124 504.00 56 27.50 Seim • 1.2. Demography THE LARGEST CITIES AGE STRUCTURE Major cities thou.pers. Chernihiv 296.1 Nizhyn 73.3 Pryluky 58.5 60 years and elder 25.4% 16-59 years old 60.8% POPULATION – 1077.8 thousand people (as of 01.01.2013.) GENDER Male – 45.3% • 0-15 years old 13.8% Female – 54.7% 1.3. Human resources WORKABLE POPULATION (%) EMPLOYABLE POPULATION – 635.1 thousand people Younger than employable 13.8% REGISTERED UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 2.4% (to the employable population) Employable 59.4% AVERAGE WAGE – UAH 2308.0 (for 2012 as of 01.01.2013) Elder than employable 26.8% DIVISION OF EMPLOYEES BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES employees total – 220.1 thousand people 19.2% 17.5% industry education health care agriculture trade, maintenance public administration transport and communications real estate, engineering public and individual services construction forestry financial activity hotels and restaurants 15.1% 11.7% 7.4% 7.0% 6.4% 3.9% 3.5% 2.9% 2.6% 2.0% 0.8% 0 5 10 15 20 9 • 1.4. Education There were 642 comprehensive schools with 93.2 thousand pupils in 2012/2013 school year. Vocational technical schools amounted to 21 units with 7.8 thousand students. Training of personnel with higher education by professional orientation is carried out in 24 higher education institutions (HEI), among which 18 HEI have I-II accreditation levels, 5 HEI have III-IV accreditation levels and Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after Ê.D. Ushynskyi. HEI are divided into types in the following way: •4 specialized schools •5 technical schools •9 colleges •3 universities •3 institutes 30 thousand people have got an education in HEI of all the levels of accreditation. LEADING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of ²²²-²V levels of accreditation Faculties Training domains Students - Chernihiv State Technological University 7 23 7300 - Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named 7 17 5000 - Nizhyn State University named after Mykola Hohol 7 17 3800 - Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Manage- 6 13 3500 after T.H. Shevchenko ment LEADING COLLEGES AND SPECIALISED SCHOOLS - Oster College of Construction and Design - Pryluky Agrotechnical College - Pryluky pedagogical college named after I. Franko - Chernihiv Higher Professional School - Chernihiv Higher Professional School of Domestic Service - Chernihiv Basic Medical College - Chernihiv Vocational School of Transport and Computer Technologies - Chernihiv Cooperative Vocational School - Chernihiv College of Law of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine - Shchors Higher Specialized School of Forestry • GRADUATES Educational institutions thousand people 2012 2013 HEI 5.4 5.4 I-II levels of accreditation 2.3 2.2 III-IV levels of accreditation 3.1 3.2 Technical schools 3.9 3.7 Comprehensive 16.9 17.4 II degree 11.2 9.3 III degree 5.7 8.1 1.5. Property HOUSING 26.2 m² per one resident of the region HOUSING STOCK Total housing stock — 29,983 thousand m², with private houses included – 27,285 thousand m² AVERAGE HOUSING COST (houses) in the city of Chernihiv is 500-800 $/m² AVERAGE HOUSING COST (apartments) primary market – 600-1000 $/m² secondary market – 500-800 $/m² AVERAGE RENT – HOUSING 1-roomed flats UAH 1400-2000 per month 2-roomed flats UAH 1600-2300 per month 3-roomed flats UAH 1800-2600 per month AVERAGE RENT – OFFICE SPACE – UAH 30-80 per m² 10 AVERAGE RENT – STORAGE SPACE, WAREHOUSES – UAH 20-50 per m² AVERAGE RENT – PRODUCTION FACILITIES – UAH 30-70 per m² • 1.6. Economic potential PRIORITY SECTORS OF ECONOMY IN THE REGION Industrial complex of Chernihiv region numbers over 250 operating enterprises. The following economic activities dominate in sales of industrial products: manufacturing of foods, beverages and tobacco products, mining and quarrying, generation and distribution of electricity, gas and water; the pulp and paper industry which total share is over 80%. EXPORT/IMPORT, COUNTRIES, BALANCE In 2012 the companies of Chernihiv region exported production to 108 countries of the world. Export deliveries amounted to 542.4 mln USD that is by 29.5% more than in 2011; imports decreased by 3.1% and amounted to 544.8 mln USD. Deficit balance of foreign merchandise trade amounted to 2.4 mln USD. Major partners in export of goods Major partners in import of goods Russian Federation 26.1% Belarus 9.9% Spain 3.8% Italy 3.6% Тurkey 3.4% Georgia 3.4% Poland 2.9% Egypt 2.9% 0 16.6% Germany 9.9% Brazil 6.1% 4.8% Poland 2.7% Romania 23.2% Belarus 6.5% Moldova Russian Federation Italy 4.0% China 3.6% Іndia 3.4% 2.6% Belgium 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 The following services dominated in the structure of export of services by economic activities: - transport services – 41.2% - computer services – 22.6% - business, professional and technical services – 21.6% The largest share in the import of services was made up by: - business, professional and technical services – 37.6% - royalty and licensing services – 33.2% - travels – 14.8% Major partners in export of services Major partners in import of services Belarus 21.5% Canada 12.4% Russian Federation 11.1% Germany 5 10 8.2% Germany 5.5% Poland 4.8% Belarus 7.8% 0 70.2% Russian Federation 16.8% Seychelles Great Britain 15 20 25 2.8% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Foreign transactions of services were carried out with the partners from 79 countries of the world. 11 Goods exported crops paper and cardboard products prepared foods timber and woodwork textile materials and textile goods inputs, equipment and machinery; electrical machinery milk and diary products other 4.7% 16.8% Goods imported prepared foods polymeric materials, plastics and plastic products paper and cardboard surface transport facilities excluding railway ones chemical and allied products textile materials and textile goods boilers, machinery oil refining products other 23.6% 5.3% 5.7% 6.0% 20.3% 7.7% 15.2% 10.2% 23.5% 5.7% 7.9% 17.5% 8.3% 12.0% 9.6% PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN THE REGION Manufacturing of particular industrial products Unit weigh of the region in the economy of Ukraine, % Wallpapers 46.7 Woollen cloth 44.7 Tobacco products 19.2 Beer 9.8 Timber 9.0 Fat cheese 8.7 Macaroni foods 7.3 Potato 7.0 Dairy butter 5.4 Milk 5.1 MAJOR COMPANIES LOCATED IN THE REGION Name Location Chernihiv Naftohaz Pryluky Oil and Gas Administration of Ukrnafta PJSC Pryluky Ukrnafta PJSC Hnidyntsinskyi Gas Processing Plant Varva urban settlement V.A.T.-Pryluky Tobacco Company PJSC Pryluky SUN InBev Ukraine PJSC, Chernihiv office Papernianskyi Pit of Glass-making Sand LLC 12 Chernihiv Oleshnia village, Ripky district Type of activity recovery of oil, gas and gas condensate production of oil-refining products production of tobacco goods production of beer extraction of silica sand for glass and mortars production YASEN Food Company PJSC Ichnia Dried Milk And Butter Plant PJSC Chernihiv manufacture of food products Ichnia manufacture of diary cannery Slovianski shpalery-KFTP PJSC Kriukivka wallpapers production Worsted and Carded Company Cheksil PJSC Chernihiv production of woollen and semiwollen fabrics Elegant Chernihiv Garment Factory PJSC Chernihiv production of ready-made garments Chernihiv Shoe Factory Berehynia PrJSC Chernihiv manufacture of children’'s shoes Plast-Box Ukraine LLC Chernihiv production of tare and packaging CheZaRa PJSC Chernihiv production of high-tech equipment to provide advanced information and space technology Chernihiv Motor Car Factory PrJSC Chernihiv manufacture of buses Chernihiv Heat Electric Power Station Public Utility Company of Technova LLC Chernihiv generation of electric and thermal energy Nizhynsilmash Plant PJSC Nizhyn manufacture of agricultural machinery Nizhyn-based research and production complex Progress Nizhyn manufacture of electronic and optical devices, medical equipment KF Prometei Private Enterprise, subsidiary Mena Cheese Plant Mena production of cheese Mena-PAK PJSC Mena production of corrugated board packaging Wood Industry LLC Kriukivka manufacture of woodwork Ineks Ukr Parket Private Enterprise, Chernihiv office Chernihiv manufacture of parquet and parquet products NovoFil LLC Chernihiv production of braided elastic yarn Planeta-inks LLC Ripky urban settlement production of high quality printing inks MAJOR FOREIGN INVESTORS In 2012 foreign investors contributed 10 mln USD of direct investment (stock capital) into the economy of the region. Volume of direct foreign investment (stock capital) contributed from the beginning of investing period as of January 1, 2013 amounted to 105.0 mln USD. Chernihiv region received investment from 36 countries. The major countries-investors comprising 86% of the total volume of direct investment include: •Germany – 42.5 mln USD •Poland – 19.2 mln USD •Cyprus – 9.9 mln USD •Russian Federation – 4.8 mln USD •Virgin Islands – 4.4 mln USD •Belize – 3.7 mln USD •Lithuania – 3.4 mln USD •Italy – 2.1 mln USD 13 Germany Poland Cyprus Russian Federation Virgin Islands Belize Lithuania Italy 40.5% 18.3% 9.4% 4.6% 4.2% 3.5% 3.2% 2.0% 0 10 20 30 40 50 VOLUMES OF DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENTS FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS 2010 – 8.4 mln USD 2011 – 4.6 mln USD 2012 – 10.3 mln USD • 1.7. Success stories Project’s specifics 14 Project’s initiator Information on initiator In 1996 Desna Chernihiv Beer Complex was incorporated in SUN InBev group of companies. High-tech was introduced into production in the brewing industry (the equipment was modernized, new lines were installed, treatment plants were constructed ) etc. SUN InBev Ukraine PJSC (Anheuser-Busch InBev, Belgium) In 1993, British American Tobacco Plo on the basis of Pryluky Tobacco Factory has established one of the most high tech production in Ukrainian tobacco market. British American Tobacco Pic (Germany) British American Tobacco Ukraine is successfully working for over 20 years in the Ukrainian market and offers consumers the products of the highest international quality; it is incorporated in British American Tobacco group of companies - the leading international tobacco company. The company has a wide range of cigarettes more than 10 brands, including Kent, Dunhill, Vogue, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, Capri, Rothmans, Pryluky Osoblyvi, Kozak. In 2005, the Hungarian Fornetti company built a plant producing semi-finished bakery products in Kozelets urban settlement. Fornetti-Ukraine uses technological equipment of world's leading bakery companies which allows observing regulatory quality indicators and maintaining the patented original shape of the products. Fornetti (Hungary and Great Britain) Fornetti Company was founded in 1997 in Hungary and is currently actively operating in the markets of 26 countries such as Slovakia, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Sweden and others. Fornetti Company ranks second in Europe in TOP-500 rating of franchisors that offer organization of business in the field of catering. In 2011 the plant for bottling soft drinks made on the basis of natural herbs by Georgian technology under Elbrus brand name was launched. Adam Company (Russia) The company was established in Ukraine in 2009 with the introduction of non-alcoholic drinks in Novyi Bykiv village of Bobrovytsia district, having carried out a complete renovation of non-residential premises for deploying of production of soft drinks by Georgian technology. SUN InBev Ukraine is the leader of Ukrainian beer market, representing the most ancient brewing traditions inherited from Anheuser-Busch InBev company. The portfolio of the company consists of 200 brands. The company incorporates three brewing enterprises: Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv offices of SUN InBev Ukraine. Plast Box S.A. Polish company launched a plant producing plastic tare and packaging in the city of Chernihiv. Plast Box S.A. (Poland) Plast-Box SA is one of the most advanced companies in Europe, specializing in designing, engineering and manufacturing of plastic packaging. The company has factories in Poland and Ukraine, which use the best technological advances in plastics processing. Plast-Box products are exported to almost all countries of the European Union and the Eastern countries. The company exists since 1983 and since 2004 is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Kaolin AD Company has Kaolin AD (Bulgaria) successfully implemented an investment project on the basis of Papernianskyi Pit of Glassmaking Sand LLC to build a plant for the extraction and concentration of silica sand. Kaolin AD – Bulgarian extraction company. The largest producer of concentrated sand, glass and ceramics in South-east Europe. The region is also a major product market for the company. Kaolin AD produces kaolin, silica sand, limestone, dolomite, chamotte, feldspar. The production of cables and conductors of TF Kabel Ukraine was launched in Chernihiv. TELE-FONIKA Kable (Poland) TELE-FONIKA Kable group ranks third among cable and wire manufacturers in Europe with Polish-based assets. Cables are sold in more than 90 countries. The range includes more than 25 thousand kinds of cables. TELE-FONIKA Kable group consists of the companies in charge for the promotion worldwide and manufacturing plants. NovoFil LLC, spinning natural silk, synthetic fiber company was established in Chernihiv. NovoFil LLC (Italy) NovoFil LLC is the only producer in Ukraine of braided elastic yarn founded in 2004 due to foreign capital investment, Italy (100%). Klaipedos Kartonas JSC launched Mena PAK PJSC producing corrugated board packaging. The production of personal care detergents and domesticpurpose detergents is launched in Chernihiv. Klaipedos Kartonas JSC (Lithuania) The origin of Klaipedos Kartonas joint stock company dates back to 1898. It operates under the present name since 1994. The company expand its business each year and is the paper industry leader in the Baltic region. Klaipedos Kartonas LLC processes 115,000 tonnes of waste paper annually. Main Pack LLC (Great Britain) Main Pack LLC is successfully operating on the territory of the region since 2000. The founder of Main Pack is non-resident legal entities and natural persons. The production has corresponding certificates of quality, health and hygienic resumes of state regulatory agencies. Modern agricultural diversified Agrikor-Holding LLC enterprise was founded. (Cyprus) Agrikor-Holding LLC was founded in Chernihiv region in April 2006. The company is a diversified enterprise that is engaged in animal husbandry and agriculture, growing crops and storage (own elevator of one-time storage and shipping with the capacity of 180 tons was built). Chernihiv Industrial Diary Company LLC specialized in crops production was founded. Industrial Diary Company LLC was established and started manufacturing in 2007; it is an integrated agricultural company and is one of 10 largest producers of milk in Ukraine. In May 2011, the stock of Industrial Diary Company was floated on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Chernihiv Industrial Diary Company LLC (Cyprus) 15 Malt production of Desna Beer Malteurop Eastern Complex was reconstructed and Ukrainian Company a modern malt plant was LLC (Malteurop introduced in Chernihiv. Group, France) • Malteurop Eastern Ukrainian Company LLC of French Malterurop Group. Malterurop Concern is a leading global manufacturer of malt with the current annual production of over 2.2 mln. tons. Concern is represented in 13 countries in Europe, North America, Oceania and Asia, with 24 industrial facilities and 830 employees. 1.8. Transport and communications Chernihiv region is conveniently located at the crossroads of the borders of three states: Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. The proximity of the borders and a developed transport infrastructure makes it attractive for industries, warehouses, etc., targeted at economic activities with its northern neighbours. Distance from the regional centre to crossing points at the border with Belarus and Russia is 60-70 and 70-200 km respectively. MAJOR MOTORWAYS The stretch of public roads within the area of Chernihiv region is 7,500 km. The following international motorways cross the area of the region: - European Å 95, Saint-Petersburg (Russia), Homel (Belarus), Kyiv, Odes, Samsun (Turkey), Merzifon (Turkey); - European Å 101, Moscow (Russia) - Kyiv, it is an is an offshoot of the international transport corridor No. 9 (Helsinki - Viborg - Saint Petersburg - Pskov - Moscow - Kaliningrad - Kyiv - Liubashivka/Rozdilna - Chisinau - Bucharest - Dimitrovgrag - Alexandroupolis); - European Å 381, Orel (Russia) - Kyiv, partially overlaps with the international Å 101 and Å 105 highways; - M01 (international, Kyiv - Chernihiv - Novi Yarylovychi, to Belarus, part of Å 95); - Ì02 (international, Kipti - Bachivsk to Russia, part of Å 101). RAILWAY NETWORK Railway is an integral part of transport network of Chernihiv region. The length of public railways which cross the area of the region is 768 km. 20 of 22 districts of the region has an access to the main line. The following railway pass through the area of the region: Kyiv – Nizhyn – Bakhmach, Homel – Bakhmach, Kyiv – Nizhyn – Chernihiv – Homel, Chernihiv – Nizhyn – Pryluky, Chernihiv – Korosten – Novhorod-Siverskyi – Novozybkiv – Homel. • Rail interchanges: Chernihiv, Bakhmach, Nizhyn, Pryluky. BUS TERMINALS There is a bus terminal and several bus stations in Chernihiv region. The bus terminal deals with intercity routes. The stations provide transportation of suburban and interregional connection. BUS ROUTES DIAGRAM from Chernihiv Homel Сhernihiv Zhytomyr Kyiv Sumy Kharkiv Poltava Dnipropetrovsk 16 TRANSPORT MAP • 1.9. Socio-cultural sphere MAJOR HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS The network of health care institutions has a developed infrastructure. There is 891 health care institution in the region. In-patient department numbers 11.6 thousand beds. Major health care institutions: - Regional Hospital (25 Volkovych St.) - Regional Children's Hospital (16 16 Pyrohova St.) - Regional Oncology Dispensary (211 Myru Str., 211) - Regional Cardioreumatological Dispensary (24 Voikov St.) - Regional TB Dispensary ( Myru Ave.) - Regional Psychoneurological Hospital (3 Shchors St.) - Regional Dental Clinic (19 Mahistratska St.) - Chernihiv Municipal Hospital No. 1 of Chernihiv Regional Council (44 Myru Str., 44) - Chernihiv Municipal Hospital No. 2 of Chernihiv Regional Council (168 1 Travnia St.) - Chernihiv Municipal Hospital No. 3 of Chernihiv Regional Council (170 1 Travnia St.) - Maternity Hospital of Chernihiv City Council (172 1 Travnia St.) - Regional Centre of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine (160 Shevchenko Str. 160) - Nizhyn Central Municipal Hospital (Nizhyn, 21 (21 Moskovska St.) - Pryluky Central Municipal Hospital (Pryluky, 56 Kyivska St.) CULTURE, SPORT, ÒOURISM In Chernihiv region the are 5,571 archaeological monuments, including 3,056 – historical memorials and 165 – monumental art memorials. There are 4 professional theatres, 31 museums, 723 libraries, 760 clubs, 1 zoo etc. in the region. 17 Much attention is paid to physical training of residents. The network of sports facilities includes 26 stadiums with stands for over 1,500 seats, 54 children and youth sports schools, 1,154 sports grounds, 770 football fields, 8 ski bases, 9 swimming pools, 123 shooting galleries and 354 rooms for sports and recreation. Major leisure and recreation spots Name Description Chernihiv Olympic training and sports centre, State Enterprise (Yu. Haharin stadium) (61 Shevchenko Str. 61) Opened after reconstruction in 2008. The stadium seats 12060 spectators. Home arena of Desna football club and women's football team of Ukraine. Avanhard Sports Complex (34 Peremohy Ave.) The gym is equipped with necessary facilities, there is a swimming pool with diving boards and sauna. Kyslorod Fitness Club (32 Myru Str., 32) Health club and gym. Physical Training and Recreation Complex (5 Savchuk St.) Sauna, gym, aerobics, martial arts, mirror fitness room. Educational and sports facilities of Children and Youth School of Olympic Reserve of skiing of Ukraine FST (59 Malynovskyi St.) It is used to host training camps of Ukrainian national teams and national competitions as well as for active winter holidays of residents. ARS Katok skating rink with synthetic ice (10 Nezalezhnosti St.) ARS Katok skating rink 15õ30 m with unique synthetic ice. The rink has stands with seats for 60 spectators. There is a possibility to place 50 people at the ice rink. There is a skates rental and sharpening. Central Amusement Park (59 Shevchenko Str. 59) In August 2012 in the city's Central Amusement Park a new Hoverla ride was launched (Ukrainian counterpart of roller coaster), which became a bright supplement to the existing ride city. Bazys Entertainment Complex (12-a Nezalezhnosti St.) It offers to visitors bowling, billiards, adult and children's rides, delicious food. MUSEUMS Architectural and historical memorials and museums tell about a history of Chernihiv region. The most famous among them are: Chernihiv Starodavniy (Ancient) National Architectural and Historical Reserve (1967). Historical heritage is talked about by: Hetmanska Stolytsia National Historical and Cultural Reserve, Slovo o Polku Ihorevim (The Lay of the Host of Igor) Historical and Cultural Museum Reserve, Kachanivka National Historical and Cultural Reserve, Drevnii Liubech Historical and Cultural Complex. Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum named after V.V. Taranovskyi was founded in 1896. The museum collection consists of more than 160 thousand exhibits and is of national importance. Ancient monuments and local features can be found in such museums as: Sosnytsi, Nizhyn, Oster, Pryluky, Semenivka, Ichnia, Mena, Berezne, Bobrovytsia, Horodnia and others; Chernihiv regional Art Museum named after H. Halahan which museum collection number with about 8,000 pieces of fine and decorative art starting from the sixteenth century to the present; Mykolaivskyi (St. Nicolas) Cathedral Architectural and Landscape Complex, Annunciation Monastery XVII, Hustynskogo Holy Trinity convent XVI-XVII centuries, Poshtova Stantsia (Post Station) Museum, Kozelets Museum of Weaving History of Chernihiv Region, Sokyryn palace and park of XIX century, Hanynna Pustyn Regional Historical Memorial Museum Reserve named after P. Kulish; M. Kotsiubynskyi Literature and Memorial Museum, O. Dovzhenko Sosnytsi Literature and Memorial Museum, L.M. Revutskyi Estate Museum, M. Zankovetska Memorial Museum, Museum of the History of the Partisan Movement in Chernihiv region. 18 NATURAL RESERVES Natural reserve fund of Chernihiv region includes 656 sites with a total area of 253.2 thousand ha which is 7.6% of the area of the region (the average percentage in Ukraine – 5.9%). There are 8 categories of sites: Ichnia and Mezyn national natural park, Miiasrichynskyi regional landscape park, 443 preserves, 137 natural memorials, 19 parks-memorials of landscape design, 52 reserve holes, arboretum parks: national Trostianets national park and Prylutskyi local park; Mena zoo. SANATORIUMS There are four sanatoriums in Chernihiv region: • Ostrech Mena sanatorium (Mena, 4 Urochyshche Ostrech). Diversified sanatorium. One of the most valuable treasures of Ostrech is a mineral water which is similar in composition to the Crimean waters, and local therapeutic peat mud. • Desna sanatorium (Chernihiv district, Ladynka village). Diversified sanatorium. Healing mineral water identical by its properties to mineral waters of such noble resorts as Yesentuky-16 and Stara Rusa which promote quality treatment and rest. • Prolisok Regional Children's Sanatorium (Nizhyn district, Lisove village, 1a Petrovskyi St.). Medical establishment for treatment diseases of respiratory apparatus of non-specific nature. • Children’'s sanatorium named after Shchors Sosnytsia urban settlement, 21 8 Bereznia St.). Treatment of respiratory apparatus diseases. HOTELS Prydesnianskyi Tourism Complex Hotel (15 Shevchenko St.) Chernihiv Hotel Park (103-a Shevchenko St.) Briansk Tourism Complex Hotel (15 Shevchenko Str. 103) Hradetskyi Hotel (68 Myru Str., 68) Shyshkin Eco Hotel (Snovianka village, 10 Sosnovska St.) Hotel of the Teaching centre of the Federation of trade unions +38 (04622) 4 50 25, 4 45 26 of Chernihiv region (105 Shevchenko Str. 105) Ukraina Hotel 3* (33 Myru Str., 33) Slovianskyi Hotel (N. Siverskyi, 2 Lunacharskyi St.) +38 (04658) 3 15 51 Nizhyn Hotel (Nizhyn, 1 Batiuk St.) +38 (04631) 2 22 62 Pryluky Hotel (Pryluky, 2 Vokzalna St.) +38 (04637) 3 31 52 19 20 CHERNIHIV OBLAST Investment passport of the region Section 2. INVESTMENT OFFERS Industrial property and land plots Priority spheres Іnvestor National projects in the region Strategic regional projects • 2.1. Priority spheres for investment 1. Agriculture 2. Food and processing industry 3. Energy saving and environmentally-friendly technologies • 4. Tourism and tourism infrastructure 5. Deep processing of natural resources 6. Transport and logistics infrastructure 2.2. National projects in the region - «NEW LIFE» – the basic institution for the creation of a new perinatal centre is defined. - «OPEN WORLD» – providing comprehensive schools of Chernihiv region with informationcomputer technology and multimedia equipment, access to Internet network (multimedia and computer hardware was installed in two education institutions of the region). • 2.3. Strategic regional projects Name of the project cost Milkland Agro LLC UAH 500000.0 thousand 2 years in the process of implementation Increasing the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding, the increase in the number of dairy productivity cows and total milk production. The design capacity is 40-50 tons of milk a year. The project of the Chernihivvod UAH development of okanal Public 131934.2 the city infrautility thousand structure company 5 years in the process of implementation Improving the quality of drinking water, reducing the costs of electricity. Ensuring constant outlet of waste water. Increasing the level of services provided in water outlet and water supply. Construction of Malodivetske UAH elevator with Cereal 100000.0 capacity of 60 Company LLC thousand thousand tons in Obychiv village of Pryluky district 2 years in the process of implementation Providing of quality storage and handling of grain. The elevator will provide grain reception cleaning, drying, storing services. Construction of a modern tourism complex in Brech village of Koriukivka district Brech LLC UAH 55000.0 thousand 3 years in the process of implementation Development of tourism infrastructure as an effective tool to attract investment and raise tourism attractiveness. Promoting inbound and domestic tourism. Creation of national industrial production of advanced biological preparations based on beneficial microorganisms Institute of Agricultural Microbiology of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine UAH 14500.0 thousand 6 years business plan is developed Creation of a new enterprise for the production of native microbial drugs developed by the Institute to improve productivity of crops and animals. Construction of 2 specialized dairy and animal closed breeding cycle complexes for 6,800 cattle heads in the Borznianskyi and Bakhmatskyi districts 22 term of initiator implementation implementation stage expected results • 2.4. Industrial property and land plots Area Location Brief description INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 10,000 m² Shchors Industrial premises of Shchors Electromechanical Plant PJSC. Possible use – industrial production. Distance to Chernihiv city – 75 km. Availability of networks: water supply, electricity. 7,322.2 m² Semenivka Complex of industrial premises of Raiahrotekhservis JSC. Possible use – plant capacity deployment. Distance to border with Russian Federation check-point – 90 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 175 km. Availability of networks: own artesian well, electricity. Borzna PMK building. Possible use – production, storage services. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Availability of networks: water supply, electricity, heating. Sribne district, Dihtiari urban settlement Unfinished construction. Possible use – industrial production. Distance to Sribne urban settlement – 18 km, to Chernihiv – 207 km. Availability of networks: water supply, electricity. Sribne urban settlement Vacant production premises. Possible use – industrial production. Distance to Chernihiv – 210 km, to Kyiv – 190 km. Availability of networks: all the networks are available except heat supply. Horodnia Horodnia Mechanical Plant premises. Possible use – production. Hard surface road leads to the facility. Distance to Chernihiv city – 60 km. Availability of networks: water, electricity supply; gas supply – 150 m. Nizhyn district, Talalaivka village Premises of the former sports complex. Possible use – commercial purposes. Distance to Nizhyn railway station – 13 km. Distance to Nizhyn – 11 km, to Chernihiv – 110 km. Availability of networks: water supply – 150 m, gas supply – 150 m, water supply – 150 m. 365 m² Sosnytsi district, Male Ustia village Building of the former primary school. Possible use – tourism sector infrastructure facility. Near Desna river. Distance to Sosnytsia – 7 km, to Chernihiv – 90 km. Availability of networks: electricity is near-by. 120 m² Sosnytsia district, Butivka village Premises of the former nursery school. Possible use – tourism sector infrastructure facility. Distance to Sosnytsia – 16 km, to Chernihiv – 100 km. Availability of networks: water supply, electricity is near-by. 5.86 ha 3,235.3 m² 5 ha 1,560 m² 5.6 ha 1.315 m² 1.2 ha 900 m² 0.1 ha 650 m² 0.3 ha 0.5 ha 23 Area Location Brief description LAND PLOTS 24 25 ha Horodnia district, Senkivka village Not-developed land plot. Agriculture-purpose. Distance to the railway station – 30 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 90 km. Distance to the border check-point – 1.5 km. Pipelines and networks are not available. 15.8 ha Borzna district, Shapovalivka village The land plot is partially developed. Possible use – commercial agricultural production. Distance to the railway station – 21 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Pipelines and networks are not available. 10 ha Ichnia Not-developed land plot. Commercial purpose. Distance to the railway station – 2 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Availability of networks - electricity supply. 8.1 ha Borzna district, Noselivka village The land plot is partially developed. Possible use – commercial agricultural production. Distance to the railway station – 16 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Pipelines and networks are not available. 5 ha Pryluky Not-developed land plot. Possible construction of an industrial facility. Hard surface motorway leads to the land plot. Distance to the railway station – 2.5 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 180 km. Distance to pipelines and networks (connection points): water supply – 450 m, gas supply – 150 m, heat supply – 250 m, electric supply is available. 3.5 ha Pryluky Not-developed land plot. Possible construction of an industrial facility. Hard surface motorway leads to the land plot. Distance to the railway station – 2.5 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 180 km. Distance to pipelines and networks (connection points): water supply – 100 m, gas supply – 50 m, heat supply – 500 m, electricity supply is available. 3.4 ha Borzna district, Mala Doch village The land plot is partially developed. Possible use – commercial agricultural production. Distance to the railway station – 10 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Pipelines and networks are not available. 2.05 ha Borzna district, Zabilivshchyna village The land plot is partially developed. Possible use – commercial agricultural production. Distance to the railway station – 16 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Pipelines and networks are not available. 1 ha Ichnia Not-developed land plot. Industrial, commercial purpose. Pryluky-Ichnia-Borzna road is near-by. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Distance to the border check-point – 240 km. Availability of networks – water, electricity supply. 0.7 ha Borzna district, Kynashivka village The land plot is partially developed. Possible use – commercial agricultural production. Distance to the railway station – 16 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 150 km. Pipelines and networks are not available. 0.1 ha Horodnia Not-developed land plot. Industrial, commercial purpose. Distance to the railway station – 3 km. Distance to Chernihiv city – 60 km. Networks and pipelines are near-by. CHERNIHIV OBLAST Investment passport of the region Section 3. CONTACTS CHERNIHIV REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION 6 Shevchenko St., Chernihiv 14000 Tel.: +38 (0462) 67 50 24, fax: +38 (0462) 67 50 70 E-mail address: Web page: CHERNIHIV REGIONAL COUNCIL 43 Myru Ave., Chernihiv 14000 Tel./fax: +38 (0462) 67 66 52 E-mail address: Web page: CHERNIHIV REGIONAL CENTER FOR INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 20 Myru Ave., Chernihiv 14000 Tel.: +38 (068) 131 63 38 E-mail address: Web page: CHERNIHIV CHAMBER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE 6 Prymakov St., Chernihiv 14000 Tel./fax: +38 (0462) 24 22 42 E-mail address: Web page: CHERNIHIV CENTRE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 6 Rokosovskyi St., Chernihiv 14032 Tel./fax: +38 (0462) 67 33 41 E-mail address: 26 Department for Investment Policy and Regional Development 11 Velyka Zhytomyrska str., Kyiv, 01601 tel. +38 (044) 270 63 05 e-mail: