Nathan Wright - City of West Covina
Nathan Wright - City of West Covina
Explore! West Covina Special Olympics Athlete Nathan Wright Full Athlete Biography on page 3 Upcoming Community Events Special Olympics Annual 4th of July Celebration Summer Concert Series Movies in the Park Ghoster Park Breakfast with Santa Community Recreation Guide Summer/Fall 2015 Inside City Council Mayor Fred Sykes Mike Spence Ben Wong Community Events3-10 Mayor Pro Tem James Toma Corey Warshaw Pre-School11Community and Senior Services Commission Phil Kaufman Steve Bennet George Ogden Pool12-13Luanne Arredondo Sandra Taylor Licensed Child Care Municipal 11 Nick Lewis Glenn Kennedy Tammy Lindquist Gayle Mason Leticia Lopez Gymnastics Classes14-15 City Manager’s Office Sports Classes16-18 (626) 939-8401 Exercise Classes19 Performing Arts Classes20-21 Tiny Tot Classes21-22 Special Interest Classes 23 Cameron Community Center 24-26 Shadow Oak Community Center 27 Galster Wilderness Park Nature Center 28 Sports Park & Picnic Pavilion Rentals 29 Local Youth Sports Groups 30 Local Sports & WC Big League Dreams 31 West Covina Senior Citizens Center 32-34 Public Transportation Information 35 City Maps and Park Amenities 36-37 Del Norte Park Amenities 38 Community Services Department Nikole Bresciani Community Services Director 939-8489 Kelly McDonald Management Analyst II939-8494 Mike Cresap Recreation Supervisor939-8853 Adrian Reynosa Senior Citizens Center Supervisor 939-8864 Heather Sayers Recreation Coordinator939-8440 Eleazar Gayton Senior Center Chef331-5366 Marie Shore Administrative Assistant I939-8855 Kristie Butanda Office Assistant II 939-8421 Youth Council39 CWC Registration Guidelines & Form 2 40-41 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Special Olympics Featured Athlete Nathan Wright, a thirteen year old West Covina Special Olympics athlete has been participating in the program for three years. The involvement in Special Olympics all began three years ago when Nathan was at home watching the 2012 London Olympics. He told his mom, Kimberly, that he wanted to do what the athletes in London were doing. Kimberly then began to research the Special Olympics and came across the local chapter. Nathan began training for track and field at the local level and took home a 1st place medal in the 50 meter run and a 2nd place medal in the softball throw. Last year he competed in bowling as an individual and with a team. His team placed 4th and he placed first in the individual category. Currently, Nathan is training in track and field again where he is competing in the 50 meter, 100 meter, 400 meter relay, and shot put. Nathan’s experience and involvement in Special Olympics has brought a boost to his self-confidence and the opportunity for him to meet new people and build friendships. One day his dream is to be an ocean paleontologist, and with the drive and passion he has great things are in his future. Special Olympics Host Town West Covina Chosen as Host Town for 2015 Special Olympics As a Host Town, West Covina will provide visiting Special Olympics athletes with the opportunity to learn about and experience American culture, as well as share their own culture with the community. West Covina residents, civic groups, and businesses plan to roll out the red carpet for the visiting athletes, with community rallies, a summer concert in the park, old-fashioned American cuisine, and diverse activities to showcase West Covina as part of the melting pot of Southern California. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC “The Host Town program is an exciting way for Southern California locals to open our doors and show the athletes and coaches from around the world our hospitality and our culture,” said Patrick McClenahan, President and Chief Executive Officer of LA2015, the Games Organizing Committee. “This is an important part of the World Games experience and a truly meaningful way for different communities to be part of the Games and create lasting memories for our visiting athletes.” This is sure to be a memorable experience for West Covina. Be sure to visit the City’s website on upcoming special events. 3 Special Olympics Host Town O City of West Covina to be Host Town for the Special Olympics World Games to Team Nippon (Japan) n September 14, 2011, the Special Olympics International Board of Directors announced that the 2015 Special Olympics World Games will be held in Los Angeles from July 25-August 2, 2015. The 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games are expected to bring more than a halfmillion people to the greater Los Angeles area and will be held in the summer of 2015, with more than 7,000 Special Olympics athletes from 177 nations to compete in 25 Olympic-type sports. The Special Olympics sought out “Host Towns” to provide accommodations, training facilities, cultural, and sport activities for the 7,000 international athletes and their coaches from July 21-July 24, 2015. The City of West Covina is thrilled to be a Host Town for Team Nippon (Japan) and is busy preparing for the arrival of the athletes on July 21st. he City of West Covina is working with various community groups, organizations, and businesses to plan activities that truly embody the spirit and culture in West Covina. While staying in West Covina, the athletes will be on a daily schedule that includes training in the morning followed by cultural activities throughout the community. On July 22, from 11a.m.-3p.m. a festival will be held at Big League Dreams to welcome the athletes and allow for a community celebration. The event will kickoff with an “all-American” lunch for the delegates. The festival will include a rally coordinated by the West Covina Unified School District, music, activities and carnival games. In the evening, South Hills Plaza will be hosting an event from 5p.m. to 9p.m. including music and food trucks for the public and delegates to enjoy. On July 23, training will resume in the morning for the athletes followed by a country style barbecue and country fair at Hurst Ranch from 12p.m.-3p.m. Activities at Hurst Ranch will include a tour of the facility, a country band, lunch for purchase, and other ranch style activities. That night, the athletes will enjoy music from a Beatles tribute band, Sgt. Pepper, at the Summer Concert Series at the Civic Center Courtyard from 5p.m. to 9p.m. before departing to the dorms in Los Angeles the next day. For more information on these events please contact the Community Services Department at (626) 939-8430. Don’t forget to like us on the official West Covina Host Town Facebook page at: To purchase merchandise visit our Host Town webpage at: CWC T 4 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Community Events Summer Concerts June 9th-August 13th ***Thursday Nights**** City Civic Center 1444 West Garvey Ave Live music in the Civic Center Courtyard with bands such as the Mariachi Divas and Cold Duck. For more information checkout. page 6 Summer Lunch June 15th- July 31st 1305 East Cameron Ave Free Summer lunches for those age 17 and younger from11:45am-12:45pm Monday thru Friday at Cameron Park by the Large Picnic Pavilion. More Information on page 3. Movies in the Park June 16th- July 21st***Tuesday Nights*** City Civic Center 1444 West Garvey Ave June 16th-July 14th 2121 Shadow Oak Drive July 21st Join the City of West Covina for a six week series of family-friendly movies shown in the City Hall Courtyard, every Tuesday. Bring your blankets, chairs and be prepared to have a good time. Come early to enjoy premovie entertainment with our own “West Covina Idol” and yummy food for purchase. For a list of movies see page 10. Galster Park Stargazing Night June 27th 7:00pm-10:00pm 1620 Aroma Drive Stop by to get a closer look at the early night sky. On that day the sun will set at 8pm. If you come early enough you might be able to get a closer glimpse of the sun! There will also be crafts for kids. For other events at Galster park visit page 28. 4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza 1625 W. Durness Street The West Covina MDA and The City of West Covina, Community Services Department will be hosting the 25th Annual Independence Day Celebration on Saturday, July 4, 2015. The event will be from 3pm- 11pm at Edgewood Middle School. Festivities will include a carnival with food, rides and games, entertainment, and fireworks show. For more info go to page 9. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Food and Wine Festival July 18 & 19 A unique two-day event for food and wine enthusiasts at two beautiful locations. July 18th is a 4-course wine pairing dinner at South Hills Country Club, tickets for the event are $100 (space is limited). July 19th is a Grand tasting event held at West Covina’s historical Hurst Ranch 11:00am-5:00pm at a cost of $65 per ticket. Tickets can be purchased online at 5 Community Events End of Summer Dive In Movie July 24th 1720 West Merced Ave Come cool off at the end of summer dive in movie. We will be having an evening swim event from 7:00pm to 10:00pm while showing a feature film. Keep an eye out for more information or call the Municipal Pool. (626) 960-7266. Special Olympics July 25th - August 2nd On Monday, May 5, 2014, the City of West Covina was selected by the Special Olympics to be a “Host Town” for the 2015 Special Olympics World Games to be held in Los Angeles from July 25 through August 2, 2015. With over 7,000 Special Olympians from 177 countries coming to Los Angeles, cities throughout Southern California will serve as Host Towns from July 21 through July 24, 2015, to allow the athletes to become acclimated to the greater Los Angeles area. For more information checkout pages 3&4. Food Truck & Fun August 13th City Civic Center 1444 West Garvey Ave Join us for a night that “foodies” love. The last concert of the GWC concert series will feature food trucks & fun.Bringing community together through food and music, but mostly food, with musical guest the Boyz of Summer, an Eagles cover band. Multiple food trucks and live music, you just can’t go wrong with a night out at the Civic Center. Community Service Day October 17th Give back to the community and volunteer. Clean up our parks and help keep West Covina beautiful. Contact the Community Services Department for more information (626) 939-8430 CWC Dog Spooktacular October 24th 1500 West Roland Avenue Join us for the 3rd Annual “Dog Spooktacular” on Saturday, October 24th from 2pm-4pm. This dog themed spooky event is not to be missed! In addition, vendors will be on hand with free give aways. Each dog that participates in the costume contest will recieve a special gift! 6 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Community Events Ghoster Park Spooky Trail October 24th 1620 Aroma Drive The City of West Covina invites you to enjoy a FREE night of ghosts, goblins, tricks and treats, and costumes on Saturday, October 24th from 7:00pm-9:00pm, at Galster Park Nature Center, located at 1620 Aroma Drive in West Covina. Come dressed to scare and go on a “spooky hike”. Prizes will be awarded for the “Best Scarecrow Design”. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Breakfast with Santa December 19th 1305 E. Cameron Avenue During the Holiday Season there is a pancake breakfast with that joyful old man who brings presents once every year! Cameron Community Center, located at 1305 East Cameron Avenue, will host its annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 19th, at 9:00 a.m. Bring the kids for breakfast, crafts, and pictures with Kris Kringle himself. 7 2015 SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM WHEN June 15, 2015 – July 31, 2015 11:45 am – 12:45 pm *or until food runs out WHO Any child under the age of 18 WHERE Cameron Park 1305 E. Cameron Ave. West Covina COST FREE!! * Lunches are pre-ordered and are limited to first come, first serve. Lunch will not be provided on July 3, 2015. CWC “In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is equal opportunity provider and employer.” 8 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: The City of West Covina and the West Covina MDA host the 25th Annual Independence Day Celebration! Edgewood Middle/High School 1625 W. Durness Street West Covina, CA 91790 Saturday, July 4, 2015 8am-11am Pancake Breakfast at Hurst Ranch (1227 S. Orange Ave.) $5.00 includes pancakes, sausage, juice, milk, and coffee 3pm-11pm Carnival, food, rides, and games 6pm-9pm Entertainment by COLD DUCK 9pm FIREWORKS SHOW SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF WEST COVINA AND ATHENS $1.00 ENTRANCE FEE BEGINNING AT 3PM * No Alcohol Allowed, Personal Belongings Subject to Search City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC For more information contact the Community Services Department at 626.939.8430 9 Summer Movies in the Park 2015 Bring your blanket and enjoy a movie under the stars with your family and friends. *Food and snacks will be available for purchase. June 16 Tuesday Evening Civic Center Courtyard 1444 W. Garvey Ave. June 16 – July 14 Civic Center 7pm – 10pm July 7 One special showing at Shadow Oak Park 2121 Shadow Oak Dr. July 21st 7pm-10pm Civic Center June 23 June 30 Civic Center Civic Center July 14 *July 21* Civic Center Shadow Oak 21* CWC Sponsored by the West Covina Firefighters’ Association 10 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Licensed Pre-School Program The City of West Covina - Palm View Center is now recognized as a state licensed pre-school. Pre-School programing is offered Monday thru Friday 6:30a.m. to 6:00p.m. at Palm View Center located at 1340 E. Puente Ave. West Covina 91791. For fees or additional information please call (626) 339-4314. Applications are accepted for 3-5 year olds. The preschool is designed to enrich the child’s learning capacity and provide a steppingstone to better prepare their entry into the exciting world of education. We provide a safe nurturing environment designed to promote physical, emotional, and social well being. Children in our care will develop a positive concept of themselves as worthwhile individuals and as able learners. Program content will include educational learning such as numbers, colors, and alphabet in addition to group activities, arts, crafts, and snack time. License #198016526. Pre-School Fees Full Time $125.00 per week (20 hours or more) $36.00 per day Part Time $110.00 per week (less than 20 hours)$26.00 per day *An annual $20 registration fee is applied to each participant. Licensed Child Care T he City of West Covina’s Child Care centers service children in Pre-school and K-5th grade year round. All centers are open Monday thru Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding holidays. Participants enjoy recreational activities, snacks, homework time, arts and crafts, and off-site excursions. It is recommended that parents enroll at the on-site location of their choice. For more information call (626) 939-8430. Grades K thru Five* California School 1125 Bainbridge Ave. (626) 960-8819 License #: 191500894 Vine School 1901 East Vine (626) 919-7807 License #: 191500892 Orangewood School 1440 South Orange (626) 337-2865 License #: 198005370 Wescove School 1010 West Vine (626) 960-8890 License #: 191500898 Morning Care$30 • Week $7 • Day Afternoon Care$70 • Week $21 • Day Full Day Care $86 • Week $24 • Day Rates for Winter, Spring, & Summer Break $93 • Week $26 • Day *An annual $20 day care registration fee is applied to each participant. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Child Care Locations 11 West Covina Municipal Pool 1720 West Merced Ave (626) 960-7266 or (626) 919-6966 Morning Swim Lessons and Registration Municipal Pool Holiday Pool Closures: Memorial Day 5/25 & Labor Day 9/7 Swimming Lessons are 9:00am, 9:30am, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am, 12:00pm. Registration for morning lessons is taken 8:00am-11:30am the Wednesday and Thursday prior to the start of each session. Registration is only taken at the municipal pool. Registration is limited and on a first come first serve basis. The cost per session is $33 per participant. Session DatesRegistration Dates II6/8-8/186/3-6/4 III6/22-7/26/17-6/18 IV7/6-7/167/1-7/2 V7/20-7/307/15-7/16 Recreational Swim Recreational swim is offered 6/8-7/30 1:00pm-3:30pm Monday thru Thursday The Cost is: 17 years of age and younger $1.50 Adults$2.50 Pool Parties The pool is available for rent during non-business hours. For availability contact the Cameron Park Community Center at (626)919-6966. Rental Fees: $180 Refundable Security Deposit CWC $114 per hour for 50 or less guests $132 per hour for 75 or less guests $150 per hour for 100+ guests 12 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: West Covina Municipal Pool 1720 West Merced Ave (626) 960-7266 or (626) 919-6966 Evening Swim Lessons and Registration Swimming Lessons are 4:00pm, 4:30pm, 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm, 7:30pm. Registration for evening lessons is taken 4:00pm-7:30pm the Wednesday and Thursday prior to the start of each session. Registration is only taken at the municipal pool. Registration is limited and on a first come first serve basis. The cost per session is $33 per participant. Session DatesRegistration Dates I5/26-6/45/20-5/21 II6/8-6/186/3-6/4 III6/22-7/26/17-6/18 IV7/6-7/167/1-7/2 V7/20-7/307/15-7/16 VI8/3-8/137/29-7/30 VII8/17-8/278/12-8/13 VIII8/31-9/108/26-8/27 Private Swim Lessons Municipal Pool Holiday Pool Closures: Memorial Day 5/25 & Labor Day 9/7 Private swim lessons are based on a first come first serve basis. Private swim lessons are taken at the same time as regular swim lessons. The cost of private swim lessons are $80 1:1 and $60 per student for 3:1. Waves Swim Team Emphasizing sportsmanship and fun Swim practice includes 20 minutes of stretching, dry land activities and a pool workout. Emphasis is placed on stroke technique and resistance. Tryouts are required and participants must swim four lengths of the pool showing basic knowledge of the four competitive strokes (front crawl, back crawl, breast stroke, and butterfly). City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC The Waves are a recreational swim team that emphasizes sportsmanship and swim technique. The team practices Monday-Thursday during the summer months. The team participates in swim meets on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the summer. Ages for the team are 6 to 18 years old. All participants must tryout for the team. The cost is $65 a month June, July & August. 13 Gymnastics Recreation Programs For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. T he Mission of Rips & Ties is to educate and provide a quality gymnastics program for our youth in a safe and fun environment with skilled and experienced professional coaches. We believe that developing an athlete’s strength, agility and flexibility will enhance their selfconfidence, self-esteem, discipline and personal character. Gymnastics Class Fees (per month) One day a week $45 (*Recommended*)Two days a week $80 Three days a week $110 Parent & Tot (2-3 years) Our toddler classes are for boys and girls. We focus on early development and motor skills with an emphasis on movement, coordination, balance and flexibility. This program provides an opportunity for children to discover the wonderful world of gymnastics with the comfort of having mom, dad, or an adult in attendance. (No Class 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) MondayWednesdaySaturday Parent and Tot Gymnastics 4:30pm-5:15pm 4:30pm-5:15pm 9:00am-9:45am Kindergym (4-6 years) Kindergym classes are for boys and girls. We focus on individual skills and progressions that help build strength, coordination, balance and flexibility. No gymnastics experience is required. Students are introduced to all events and equipment. This class will work on running, jumping, balancing, rolling, gymnastics vocabulary, positions and skills. (No Class 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) MondayWednesdaySaturday Kindergym 3:30pm-4:15pm3:30pm-4:15pm9:00am-9:45am 4:30pm-5:15pm 4:30pm-5:15pm 10:00am-10:45am 5:30pm-6:15pm 5:30pm-6:15pm CWC Beginners 1 (7+years) These recreational gymnastics classes are for both boys and girls. Classes are based on progressive skill development and core physical improvement. No gymnastics experience is required. Students are introduced to all events and equipment. RTG teaches classes with a progression method that allows each child to develop skills at their own pace and in a noncompetitive environment. (No Class 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) MondayWednesdaySaturday Beginners 1 3:30pm-4:30pm3:30pm-4:30pm9:00am-10:00am 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm 10:00am-11:00am 5:30pm-6:30pm 5:30pm-6:30pm 14 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Gymnastics For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. PreTeam 3 (3 Days) PreTeam 4 (3 Days) Recreation Programs PreTeam/Team 2-4(invitation only) This class is for students that have refined most of their gymnastics skills & routines and are ready for competitive gymnastics. At this level, self-discipline and internal motivation become emerging benefits for the athlete. Gymnasts are invited to participate in our PreTeam training based on their natural physical abilities as well as their eagerness to learn and perfect skills. (No Class 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Monday Wednesday Saturday PreTeam 2 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm 9:00am-10:00am (2 Days) 5:30pm-6:30pm5:30pm-6:30pm10:00am-11:00am 6:30pm-7:30pm 6:30pm-7:30pm Monday Wednesday Saturday 6:30pm-8:00pm6:30pm-8:00pm10:30am-12:30pm Monday Wednesday Saturday 6:15pm-8:00pm6:15pm-8:00pm10:30am-12:30pm Gymnastics Class Fees (per month) One day a week $45 (*Recommended*)Two days a week $80 Three days a week $110 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC NEW CLASS!! Trampoline & Tumbling 7yrs A classic Trampoline and Tumbling program that is designed for the athlete that wants to learn to tumble and flip! Our T&T program teaches skill and routines set by USAGT&T governing body. We offer T&T classes in both beginner and intermediate levels. This class increases strength, motor skills, and flexibility which are important not only to gymnastics, but other sports as well. These classes are for boys and girls. (No Class 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Monday Wednesday Beginner Tumbling 3:30pm-4:30pm3:30pm-4:30pm Intermediate Tumbling (2Days) 5:30pm-6:30pm5:30pm-6:30pm 15 Karate For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. CWC Recreation Programs Kempo Karate Karate teaches the development of physical and mental health. Students build self-esteem, courtesy, self-discipline, and respect for self and others. *For asterisk classes you must be an adult student or have approval by instructor Tim Ruggio. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/3,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Cameron Park Community Center Age Day Time Fee (per month) 5+ T/Th 6:00-7:00pm $38 Advanced T/Th7:00-8:30pm$38 Shadow Oak Community Center Age 5+ Adv* Day M/W M/W Time 6:00-7:00pm 7:00-8:30pm Fee (per month) $38 $38 Kung Fu San Su Kung Fu San Su is a highly sophisticated martial arts form that will guide you towards greater self confidence and discipline as you improve your balance, coordination, flexibility, and reactions in your study of Kung Fu San Su, the ancient art of self defense. Instructor: Larry Shelton. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/3,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Cameron Park Community Center Age Day Time Fee 5+ Mon/Wed7:30-9:00pm$57mo 5+1 day a week7:30-9:00pm$42mo 16 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Sports Classes For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. TENNIS Whether you’re a first time player or an intermediate player seeking to improve your CWC City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Recreation Programs game, you’ll have lots of fun. Bring your own racket and a new can of tennis balls. Instructor: A.J. Seresinghe, USPTR Cert. Member. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/3,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Beginners Del Norte Park Age Day Time Date Fee 7-12 Fri 6:00-7:00pm 7/17-8/21 $56 7-12 Fri 6:00-7:00pm 10/2-11/6 $56 Shadow Oak Park 7-12 Sat 9:00-10:00am 7/18-8/22 $56 7-12 Sat 9:00-10:00am 10/3-11/7 $56 13-Adult Sat 11:00am-12:00pm 7/17-8/21 $56 13-Adult Sat 11:00am-12:00pm 10/3-11/7 $56 Edgewood Middle School 13-Adullt Mon 7:00-8:00pm 7/13-8/17 $56 13-Adullt Mon 7:00-8:00pm 9/28-11/2 $56 Intermediate (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/3,11/26, 11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Del Norte Park 7-12 Fri 7:00-8:00pm 7/17-8/21 $56 7-12 Fri 7:00-8:00pm 10/2-11/6 $56 13-Adult Fri 8:00-9:00pm 7/17-8/21 $56 13-Adult Fri 8:00-9:00pm 10/2-11/6 $56 Shadow Oak Park 7-12 Sat 10:00-11:00am 7/18-8/22 $56 7-12 Sat 10:00-11:00am 10/3-11/7 $56 Team Tennis for Kids Designed for those who intend to pursue tennis as a competitive sport. Participants learn skills & strategies for competition and compete throughout the class in single & double play. (No Class 2/15) West Covina High School Age Day Time Dates Fee 9-14 Tues 6:00-7:30pm 7/14-8/18 $56 9-14 Tues 6:00-7:30pm 9/29-11/3 $56 USTA Team Tennis Learn skills and strategies for competition throughout class as a singles or doubles. Participants may form teams to prepare for competition in the USTA Leagues. Requires completion of Intermediate Tennis or Instructor’s approval. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/3,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) West Covina High School Age Day Time Dates Fee 18+Tues7:30-9:00pm7/14-8/18 $56 18+Tues7:30-9:00pm9/29-11/3$56 17 Sports Classes Recreation Programs For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. TriFytt Afternoon Sports Program All classes take place at the Cameron Community Center Every athlete will receive an official shirt. All classes are for boys and girls of all skill levels and all classes will focus on fundamentals of each sport. Staff is comprised of current and former college athletes. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Cameron Park Age Day Time Dates Fee Multi-Sport Classes Soccer/T-Ball 2-3 Fri 5:00-5:30pm 7/25-8/29 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 3-5 Fri 5:30-6:15pm 7/25-8/29 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 5-7 Fri 6:30-7:15pm 7/25-8/29 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 2-3 Fri 5:00-5:30pm 9/26-10/29 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 3-5 Fri 5:30-6:15pm 9/26-10/29 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 5-7 Fri 6:30-7:15pm 9/26-10/29 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 2-3 Fri 5:00-5:30pm 11/14-12/19 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 3-5 Fri 5:30-6:15pm 11/14-12/19 $69 Soccer/T-Ball 5-7 Fri 6:30-7:15pm 11/14-12/19 $69 Single-Sport Classes Basketball 6-12 Basketball 6-12 Basketball 6-12 Wed Wed Wed 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 7/22-8/26 9/23-8/28 11/11-12/16 $69 $69 $69 Basketball Camp Basketball Camp 6-12Mon-Fri9:00am-3:00pm7/27-7/31$149 CWC Live Fytt Basketball league Live Fytt basketball league is competitive basket ball league. For more information please call Trifytt (714) 237-0060 18 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Exercise Classes Aerobics Enjoy exercising to music and meeting new friends. Burn fat and strengthen your heart and lungs in this all-level, low-impact class. Bring an exercise mat. Instructor: Pam Romero. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Cameron Park Community Center Age Day Time Fee (per month) 15+ Mon6:30-7:30pm$12 15+ Wed6:30-7:30pm$12 15+ Sat8:30-9:30am$12 15+ Any 2 days$17 15+ All 3 days$22 Aerobics Get a great cardiovascular workout up to four times per week! Register for one, or any combination of the four classes offered below. Instructor: Mary Tavizon.(NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/3 1,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Shadow Oak Community Center Age DayTimeFee (per month) 15+ Tue6:30-7:30pm$12 Stretching If you wake up stiff, sit at your job all day, and/or feel tense by the time evening comes around then join us! In 45 minutes you will learn proper breathing to perform stretching exercises and relaxation techniques. This class will help improve flexibility and help relieve stress. Instructor: Mary Tavizon (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Shadow Oak Community Center Age Day Time Fee (per month) 15+ Thurs 7:15 - 8:15pm $12 Recreation Programs For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Zumba Zumba is a dance and fitness program inspired by Latin dance styles and upbeat dance music. It’s a fun-packed energetic full body workout that builds fitness and burns body fat. Instructor: Mary Tavizon. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Shadow Oak Community Center AgeDayTimeFee(per month) 15+Tues7:30pm -- 8:30pm$12 15+Thurs6:15pm – 7:15pm$12 Cameron Park Community Center 15+ Wed & Fri 9:00am – 10:00pm $3 per class 19 Performing Arts Recreation Programs For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. Parent & Me Dance Gymnastics Children tumble over mats, twirl with ribbons, dance to fairy tales, balance on beams, and use their imagination. Designed to help pre-schoolers gain muscle control and flexibility. Great coordination and development of motor skills! Instructor: Bright Stars Academy. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Shadow Oak Community Center AgeDayTime Fee 3-5 Wed1:00-1:45pm $40mo Baby Ballet, Tap & Jazz Three dance favorites are combined into one enjoyable class. Gain flexibility, coordination, self-esteem and the basic fundamentals of dance. Routines incorporate basic ballet, tap, and jazz. Instructor: Bright Stars Academy. There is a $6 supply fee payable to instructor at the first class. (NO CLASS ON 7/1-7/5, 9/2, 11/27-28 & 12/23-1/03/14) Cameron Park Community Center Age Day Time Fee 3-5Sat10:20-11:00am $40mo Shadow Oak Community Center 3-5Tue12:15-1:00pm$35mo 3-5Sat10:20-11:00am $35mo 5+Sat11:00-11:45am $35mo 5+Sat3:30-4:15pm$35mo CWC Ballet, Tap & Jazz While learning the basics of ballet, students will increase strength, flexibility, and coordination while becoming familiar with proper terminology and classroom etiquette. Your child will enjoy learning ballet in this warm and welcoming environment. Instructor: Bright Stars Academy. There is a $6 supply fee payable to instructor at the first class. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26, 11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Cameron Park Community Center Age Day Time Fee 5-8 Sat 11:15am-12:00pm $40mo Intermediate 7+ Sat 11:45am-12:30pm $40mo 20 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Performing Arts Baton Twirling Learn to twirl the baton and perform at parades, exhibitions and more. This class will teach your child coordination skills such as eye-hand, marching and dancing as related to baton twirling. Once a year, there is a special performance at Disneyland and at a Clippers Game. Instructor: Yolanda Higman. (NO CLASS ON 11/26,12/3) Cameron Park Community Center Age Day Time Dates Fee 4-10 Thu 3:30-4:00pm 9/10-10/1 $37 4-10 Thu 3:30-4:00pm 10/8-10/29 $37 4-10 Thu 3:30-4:00pm 11/5-12/10 $37 11+ Thu 4:00-4:30pm 11+ Thu 4:00-4:30pm 11+ Thu 4:00-4:30pm 9/10-10/1 $37 10/8-10/29 $37 11/5-12/10 $37 Cameron Park Community Center Intermediate Baton (Invite Only) Age Day Time Dates 8+ Thu 4:30-5:00pm 9/10-10/1 8+ Thu 4:30-5:00pm 10/8-10/29 8+ Thu 4:30-5:00pm 11/5-12/10 Fee $37 $37 $37 Enrichment Classes Recreation Programs For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. Mini Mathematicians This Class is designed for students who already know their numbers. Your child will begin to develop fluency in number recognition, addition and subtraction. $5 supply fee payable to the instructor. Shadow Oak Community Center AgeDayTimeFee 3-6 Wed 12:30-1:15pm $40mo Lil’ Reader This class is designed for students who already know their letters and sounds, and are beginning to blend letters together to read. Your child will begin to develop fluency and reading comprehension through the use of songs, nursery rhymes, mini books, poems, shared reading, read aloud and story sequencing. We will also incorporate phonemic awareness, phonics, sight words and word recognition. $5.00 supply fee payable to the instructor. Shadow Oak Community Center AgeDayTimeFee Thu 12:30-1:15pm $40mo City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC 3-6 21 Recreation Programs City of West Covina Honored as ‘Playful City USA’ The City of West Covina was recently honored as a KaBOOM! Playful City for 2013. West Covina is one of 37 cities nationwide to receive this recognition for the first time. Sponsored by the Humana Foundation, Playful City USA is a national program from KaBOOM!, a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., that celebrates and promotes local policies that increase play opportunities for children across the United States. The Playful City USA program was established in 2007 to help local governments address the lack of play in communities across the United States and to recognize those communities that are making a commitment to play and physical activity by developing unique local action plans to increase the quantity and quality of play in their community. West Covina projects that received recognition included the new playgrounds at Palmview and Del Norte parks, as well as the new splash pad and dog park at Del Norte Park. In addition, West Covina was recognized for the many partnerships with local nonprofit organizations and businesses in an attempt to maintain previous levels of community services programming and recreation opportunities in the City. For more information on the KaBOOM! Playful City USA program, visit Tiny Tot Classes For more information please call the (626) 939-8864 Parent Participation Pre-School Parents will learn children’s developmental stages, implement positive discipline, health and nutrition, and parenting skills through classroom activities and discussion. Parents are required to attend with their children. Children participate in structured activities in preparation for future educational experiences. $5.00 supply fee payable to the instructor. Instructor: Makiko Iwai (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Age Day Time Fee 2-5 Mon/Wed 9:30am-12pm $40mo 2-5 Tue/Thur 9:30am-12pm $40mo Tiny Tots: For program information, call (626) 939-8864 Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This Tiny Tot program is an activity-oriented class. Children are introduced to colors, shapes, numbers, and the alphabet. Your child will learn while having fun with story time, music, arts & crafts, games, and outdoor play. Child must be potty-trained. $5.00 supply fee payable to the instructor. Instructor: Bright Stars Academy Instructor: Bright Stars Academy. (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) CWC Age Day Time Fee 3-5 Mon 9:00am-12:00pm $45mo 3-5 Tue 9:00am-12:00pm $45mo 3-5 Wed 9:00am-12:00pm $45mo 3-5 Thur 9:00am-12:00pm $45mo 3-5Fri9:00am-12:00pm$45mo 22 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Special Interest Classes Happy Dancers Line Dancing Club Happy Go! Healthy Go! Happy Dancers GoGoGo! It’s never too late to start dancing! Adult dance classes are designed to serve as an introduction to dance and movement for dancers at any age, with or without dance experience. Pursue the desire to dance, or try it just for fun! In our opinion, it’s the best exercise that you can participate in, because it tones your body while creating ageless beauty through body and spirit. Instructor: Roger Hwang (NO CLASS ON 7/4,9/7,10/31,11/26,11/27,12/24,12/25,12/31) Senior Citizens Center Age Day Time Fee 18+Sat 9:00-12:00pm $42 18+ Thu 6:45-9:15pm$36 18+Sat 9:00-12:00pm $47 18+ Thu 6:45-9:15pm$32 18+Sat 9:00-12:00pm $32 18+ Thu 6:45-9:15pm$36 Daily Rate: Thursdays/Saturdays $5/$6 Mexican Dance and Culture Your child will have fun experiencing Mexican culture while learning traditional style dances. Instructor: Lucia Romero Senior Citizens Center Age Day TimeFee 4-17 Fri 6:00-8:00pm $42mo City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Beginning Piano/Keyboard This class will introduce your child to the wonderful world of music through sight sound and touch. Students will use a variety of methods to learn notes, songs, rhythms, and musical terminology. Your child will have and enjoyable experience with a dedicated teacher who is committed to bringing out the creative talent in every child. Children will work in small groups to make learning fun experience and to integrate musical activities that teach the fundamentals of piano. $5.00 supply fee payable to the instructor. Instructor: Bright Stars Academy Shadow Oak Community Center AgeDayTimeFee 5+ Tue 5:00-5:45pm $55mo 5+ Wed 3:30-4:15pm $55mo Recreation Programs For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. 23 Cameron Park Community Center Hours of Operation City Facilities Mon-Fri:8am-9pm Sat: 9am-8pm Sun: 10am-6pm Center opens at 8am Monday through Friday for registration and adult open-play. GAME ROOM The Game Room is available for use on a drop-in basis and includes lounge furniture, pool tables, ping-pong tables, wii, arcade games, and a 52” high definition flat screen TV. Children under 7 must be accompanied by a person age 14 or older. The Game Room is also available for private party rentals. For more information or to reserve the Game Room, call (626) 919-6966. OPEN GYM BASKETBALL Open gym is available for both youth and adults. Youth open play is free and adult open play is $1.00 per participant Monday - Friday and $2 Saturday and Sunday.* Youth Open Play: Monday - Friday 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Adult Open Play: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Open gym time is subject to change without notice. Please call (626) 919-6966 for specific days and times of availability. CWC Cameron Community Center offers a variety of recreation activities for youth, teens, and adults. All participants under the age of 18 must have a waiver/emergency card on file. Any child under the age of 7 must have an adult guardian in attendance. 24 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Cameron Park Community Center Basketball Leagues For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. Registration will begin on 6/1/15. All leagues are on a first come first serve basis. Each team must complete and submit a team roster and pay team registration fees at the Cameron Park Community Center. (Make checks payable to City of West Covina.) Leagues will start in June. Managers’ Meeting A mandatory meeting for all teams is scheduled on 6/11/15 at 6:30p.m. at the Cameron Community Center. Schedules will be distributed and rules will be covered thoroughly. Registration Information Registration is accepted on a first come first serve basis at the Cameron Park Community Center. LEAGUE FEES $341 per team OFFICIAL’S FEES $25 per game payable at the court MEN’S LEAGUE PLAY Tuesday Evenings 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., & 9:00 p.m. SENIOR LEAGUE PLAY: 55 and older Wednesday Mornings 9:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m.,& 12:00 p.m. City Facilities League Registration Procedures NEW!! WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL LEAGUE Wednesday Mornings 9:00,10:00, &11:00 a.m. Sunday Afternoons 2:00, 3:00, & 4:00 p.m. Cost per team $170 Official’s Fees $25 per game All participants are required to play in a chair; the City of West Covina does not provide wheelchairs. League play will follow all official WCBA guidelines. For more information please contact Mike Cresap (626)939-8853. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Uniforms are required for league play. This may consist of merely similarly colored T-shirts with numbers on the back and front, however this is the minimum requirement. No exceptions! Reversible jerseys with numbers on both sides would be recommended. 25 Cameron Park Community Center For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. Center opens at 8am Monday through Friday Facility Rentals and Amenities City Facilities Below are listed the general fees for facility and amenity rentals. All fees listed are per hour charges. (All Fees represent normal business hours.)**Additional Fees may apply after hours. Multi-Purpose Room • Larger space can be divided by operable acoustic partitions • Wood flooring provided in one of three events halls for dances or overflow aerobics classes • Capacity 110 • Warming kitchen provided for catered events (Fees identified below) The Cameron Park Community Center is a great location for wedding receptions, banquets, reunions, club meetings, parties, conferences and training sessions. Audiovisual screen, tables and chairs available for additional fees. Rental Rates: Multi-Purpose Room Refundable Security Deposit.............$303.00 flat Full Room (Capacity 110).................$89.00 per hour Half Room (Capacity 55)..................$59.00 per hour Tables...............................................$2.00 per table Chairs...............................................$1.00 per chair Kitchen.............................................$40.00 flat rate Patio.................................................$40.00 flat rate Moon Bounce Permit........................$20.00 flat rate Gymnasium • Designed for volleyball and basketball • Divider curtain to separate two events in space Rental Rates: Gymnasium CWC Full Gym............................................$61.00 per hour Half Gym...........................................$31.00 per hour 26 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Shadow Oak Community Center 2121 East Shadow Oak Drive • (626) 939-8864 City Facilities Weddings • Parties • Family Reunions • Receptions • Quinceaneras City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Shadow Oak Park Community Center is an excellent rental location for your next event, but that’s not all! This community center offers a variety of classes and programs for youth, teens and adults. Please call us at (626) 939-8864. 27 Galster Wilderness Park Nature Center HOURS OF OPERATION *Call for Hours of Operation Hours may vary based on volunteer availability. City Facilities (626) 919-0715 Wilderness Events DateTimeEvent May Sat 2nd 1pm-3pm Arts & Crafts (Kids) June Sat 6th 1pm-3pm Arts & Crafts (Kids) Sat 27th 7pm-10pm Stargazing Night September Sat 5th 1pm-4pm TBA October Sat 3rd 1pm-3pm Arts & Crafts (Kids) Nature Center The Galster Park Nature Center is located on Aroma Drive off Azusa Avenue. (See City Map on page ) The San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy (SGMRC) volunteers manage the facility and develop interpretative nature programs for youth, teens, adults and seniors. Programs vary each month and may include general orientation to Galster Park, plant and animal adaptations, mineral identification, watershed education, geocache, fossil classification, guided hikes and family nature experiences. For more information regarding nature center activities, events, and volunteering, please contact the Nature Center at (626) 919-0715. We Make a Difference! You can too! CWC Have you always wanted to be a park volunteer and share your love of nature with others? The San Gabriel Valley Mountains Regional Conservancy (SGMRC) provides training to help you become a volunteer at the Galster Park Nature Center. The nature education program is dependent upon volunteers to serve as docents, trail guides, office personnel, program presenters, and assistants. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please contact Galster Park Nature Center at (626) 919-0715. 28 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Park Pavilion and Field Rentals West Covina Picnic Pavilion Program! For more information please call the Cameron Park Community Center (626) 919-6966. City Facilities The West Covina Community Services Department is offers the Picnic Pavilion Rental Program from at eight park sites. Reservations can be made at these locations: Cameron Community Center 1305 East Cameron Avenue (626) 919-6966 Large pavilions are $120 per event and small pavilions are $60 per event. Picnic Pavilion rentals are excellent for birthday parties, baby showers, family reunions, barbecues, church picnics and company picnics. To reserve a pavilion, call us today or visit one of our offices. *Fees Subject to Change The following parks have picnic pavilions available for rent: Cameron Park, 1305 Cameron Ave. Del Norte Park, 1500 Rowland Ave. Galster Nature Park, 1620 Aroma Dr. Orangewood Park, 1615 Merced Ave. Shadow Oak Park, 2121 Shadow Oak Dr. Cortez Park, 2441 Citrus Ave. Friendship Park, 3740 Sentous St. Gingrich Park, 1935 Woodgate Drive Palmview Park, 1340 Puente Ave. Sports Park Field Rentals The City of West Covina has 12 sports fields, 4 tennis courts, 6 basketball courts, a skate park, and 4 equestrian arenas that can be rented for various types of practices, games and events. For details on availability call (626) 939-8864. Most ball fields are $13 per hour and lights are $11.75 per hour. All parks require a $163 deposit. Call us today and book your next sports event or activity in West Covina! City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Don’t forget about West Covina’s Big League Dreams Park! 6 major- league replica ball fields with amazing quality, plus beautiful park amenities. For pricing and availability call (626) 839-1100. 29 Local Youth Sports Groups YOUTH BASKETBALL FOOTBALL & CHEER West Covina Youth Basketball Telephone • (626) 373-8722 SOCCER West Covina Youth Soccer West Covina Bruins Telephone • (626) 536-0357 Website • LITTLE LEAGUE & BASEBALL West Covina American Little League West Covina National Little League Website: Website: Telephone: (626) 337-4123 West Covina Pacific Coast Little League Telephone:(626) 502-7255 Website: West Covina Youth Pony Baseball Telephone:(626) 917-8240 Website: West Covina Girls Softball Telephone: (626) 919-1689 Website: GIRLS SOFTBALL Club Heights Volleyball CWC Club Heights Volleyball provides volleyball instruction to junior girls ages 8-18 in San Gabriel Valley. We hold our practices and clinics in two locations, West Covina and Glendora California. Club Heights Volleyball is a member of USA Volleyball, and SCVA. Club Heights Volleyball offers several levels of volleyball instruction to all ages and ability. We have our Junior Spiker Program for beginners ages 8-14, Development Training for intermediate skill level ages 13-18 and then our Club Competition teams for ages 10-18. We also offer a Beach Volleyball Program. The beach volleyball camps are open to all players age 12-18 and anyone who needs a little more work developing their skills. Instruction is received from coaches who have personally trained with Coach Lee to learn and understand his methods and philosophy of the game. We invite you to visit our website at to view all of our programs, dates and costs. 30 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Local Sports and West Covina Big League Dreams West Covina Roller Hockey Youth and adult leagues are offered each season at the Orangewood Park Roller Hockey Facility, located at 1615 W. Merced Avenue. The facility is open after school for free skate Monday through Thursday from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Hockey is an excellent way to increase your physical activity while building strong muscles. Opportunities are available to both girls and boys. For more information contact the California Street Hockey Association at (626) 939-7825 or call (714) 738-8329. West Covina Waves Swim Team Team Ages: 6-17 Practice Time: Mon,Tues, Wed, Thurs 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Cost: $50 per month (Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/Sept/Oct/Nov) $65 per month (Jun/July/Aug) Location: West Covina Municipal Pool, 1720 West Merced Avenue For Information: Call Mike Cresap at (626) 939-8853 West Covina Big League Dreams Located at 2100 South Azusa Avenue, this amazing sports complex offers 6 replica major league baseball fields, a batting cage, two restaurants, two covered playgrounds, a covered soccer pavilion, a pro-shop, and a turf area for special events. Call (626) 839-1100 for information on joining leagues, enjoying dinner with a view, or booking your next rental event. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Replica of Anaheim Stadium 31 West Covina Senior Citizens Center Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday Closed “ Welcome to the West Covina Senior Citizens Center! “ Join us five days a week for fresh-cooked meals, classes, and good friendships! Read about all the activities at the center on the following pages. We look forward to meeting you. CWC Holiday Facility Closures: Monday, September 7 – Labor Day Thurs-Fri, November 26-27 – Thanksgiving Thurs-Fri, December 24-25 – Christmas Eve & Christmas Thursday, December 31 – Center Closes @ 1pm. 32 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Senior Citizens Center Activities Red Hat Society This is a social organization for those seeking fun...before AND after 50! This group is open to women of all walks of life. Call (626) 331-5366 for more information. Movies Movies are shown at the Senior Center free of charge every Friday afternoon. Senior Citizens Assoc. of West Covina, Inc. Meetings are open to West Covina residents and are held every Wednesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The cost is $5 per year. Annual dues include access to a Travel Club, which offers many interesting day trips, as well as extended tours. Call (626) 964-6925 for more information. Voice Newsletter This bi-monthly newsletter lists senior center classes, activities, travel excursions, lunch menus, and more. See the front desk receptionist at the Senior Center for details. AARP Driver Safety Program AARP Driver Safety Program is designed especially for driver’s age 50 and older. Course completion helps older drivers refine existing skills and develop safe driving strategies in today’s challenging environment. Call Senior Center at 626.331.5366 for class dates. AARP members pay $12.00 and non-members $14.00. Fee payable first day of class. Please register at the Senior Center front counter. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Senior Lunch Program Lunch is served five days a week, Mon-Fri. Tickets are sold at 9:00 a.m. on a first-come-firstserve basis. Lunch service starts at 11:30 a.m. A suggested donation of $2.00 for those 60 years of age and older. Persons under 60 years old pay $4.00, and disabled under 60 years old pay $3.00. This program is funded in part by the Older Americans Act of 1986 as amended in 1988, by the Los Angeles County, Area Agency on Aging. Birthday Celebration Luncheon Join us monthly as we celebrate participants who have a birthday in the month. If you are not on the list please add your name at the front counter. Birthday Luncheon is held the 1st Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. Participants receive a gift and birthday cake slice. Computer Lab A computer lab is available Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Check email, create and print documents, or surf the web. There is no charge to use the lab. HICAP: Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program Available every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. This program provides counseling on Medi-Care and related health insurance. Please call (800) 824-0780 ext.3006 for an appointment. Legal Assistance Program Assists seniors in understanding their legal concerns. Offered by attorneys at no charge. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment . Leisure Sports - Table Tennis Open table tennis is held Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 33 Senior Citizens Information Quick Reference Phone Numbers Community Numbers West Covina City Hall (626) 939-8400 West Covina Library(626) 962-3541 West Covina Senior Citizens Center(626) 331-5366 General 211 LA County1-800-339-6993 Care given Resource1-909-621-9900 Housing Information for Low Income Housing CA Department of Fair Employment and Housing (213) 439-6799 1055 W. 7th, #1400, LA 90017 Fair Housing Council (800) 477-5977 Section 8 Housing(626) 960-4011 ext. 481 (626) 799-0841 Office of Housing & Urban Dev. Housing Rights Center (213) 894-8000 (800) 477-5977 CAPS Alzheimers Daycare Service (626) 917-4484 Elder Abuse Hotline1-800-992-1660 Legal Services Lawyer Referral Service (626) 966-5530 Emergency911 West Covina Information and Referral Services Access Services1-800-827-0829 San Gabriel Pomona Chapter Pasadena Red Cross Employment Development Dept. 800-300-5616 HICAP800-824-0750 ext. 3006 Meals on Wheels(626) 333-4570 Medicare Info1-800-MEDICARE www.Medicare.gov1-800-633-4227 Non-Emergency Police and Fire (626) 939-8500 Operator Assistance411 Social Security Nat’l Office Social Security Local Office 1-800-772-1213 (626) 814-9012 TTY for Deaf(626) 960-4422 Veteran’s Administration(626) 813-3402 WestCo Dial-A-Ride (appointment) 1-800-425-5777 WestCo Dial-A-Ride (application) (626) 939-8430 YWCA(626) 960-2995 Hospitals/Citrus Valley Medical Centers Inter-Community(626) 331-7331 Queen of the Valley (626) 962-4011 Citrus Valley Health Partners Community Wellness Services 1-888-456-2847 Social Services (626) 967-7251 S.S.I. & Medi-Cal Pomona (D.P.S.S.) (909) 865-5268 Dates to Remember Senior Center Holiday Luncheons Friday, July 3 - 4th of July Luncheon Friday, October 30 - Halloween Luncheon Wednesday, November 11 - Veteran’s Day Luncheon Wednesday, November 25 - Thanksgiving Luncheon Wednesday, December 23 - Christmas Luncheon Thursday, December 31 - New Year’s Luncheon Senior Center Big Band Dance Join your friends at the West Covina Senior Center on the first and fourth Thursday of every month. Enjoy wonderful live band performances and dance the night away or just enjoy the music. Cost • $6/person, includes refreshments Time • 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Location • 2501 E. Cortez St CWC 34 1st Thursday of the month Big Wednesday Band 4th Thursday of the month Sentimental Journey Band City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Public Transit Information For more details, call West Covina Transit at (800) 425-5777. Go West Transit System The City’s Go West transit system includes three routes: Red, Blue, and Green. Go West provides service to many West Covina destinations; including: the Westfield Shopping Center, Eastland Shopping Center, West Covina Civic Center, West Covina Senior Center, Cameron Community Center, and many others! For the location of shuttle stops, assistance in locating the stops closest to you, and route schedules, please call (800) 425-5777. You may also visit the City’s website ( to view route maps and schedules online. In general, the shuttle schedules vary between the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. At just $1.00 each way the Red, Blue, and Green Shuttles are a real bargain. Go West Transit System (800) 425-5777 WestCo Dial-A-Ride WestCo Dial-A-Ride is a shared curb-to-curb service provided on an appointment basis for senior and disabled residents of West Covina. Customers may travel to or from any location within City limits for any purpose (Sundays); or up to three miles outside the City limits for medical appointments (Monday - Friday). Fares are $1.00 ONE WAY. Escorts and children under five (5) ride free. Fares must be paid at the time of boarding. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Candidates will need to submit an application to the City of West Covina before they can begin using the service. An application can be obtained by contacting the Community Services Department at (626) 939-8430, or at the City’s website ( Please allow five business days for processing your application. Call today, we look forward to serving you! 35 ● Palmview Center, 1340 E. Puente Avenue ● ● Big League Dreams Sportsplex, 2100 S. Azusa Ave. 27.1 ● ● California Parkette, 815 S. California Avenue 0.28 Cameron Park, 1305 E. Cameron Avenue 6.33 ● Parks 12.66 ● Del Norte Park, 1500 W. Roland Avenue 7.23 ● Friendship Park, 3740 S. Sentous Street 6 ● Heritage Park, 3510 E. Cameron Avenue Pool BBQ Dog Park Walk Path Splash pad Skate Park Playground Hockey Rink Tennis Courts ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Palmview Park, 1340 E. Puente Avenue 8.54 ● ● 25.85 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 12.7 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2.83 ● 5.36 ● ● ● 14.28 9.99 ● ● ● ● 8.93 ● Walmerado Park, 625 E. Merced Avenue ● ● 42.22 Woodgrove Park, 2001 Brentwood Drive ● ● 8.02 ● 36 ● ● Maverick/ Ridge Riders Park, 350 S. Citrus Street Shadow Oak Park, 2121 E. Shadow Oak Drive ● ● Orangewood Park, 1615 W. Merced Avenue Sunset Field, Behind Orangewood Park at 1615 W. Merced CWC ● 0.69 Galster Park, 1620 Aroma Drive ● ● Aroma Parkette, 2201 Aroma Drive Gingrich Park, 1935 Woodgate Drive Picnic Pavilion Basketball Courts ● West Covina Municipal Pool, 1720 W. Merced Avenue Cortez Park, 2441 E. Cortez Street ● ● Senior Services Center, 2501 E. Cortez Avenue Shadow Oak Center, 2121 E. Shadow Oak Drive Picnic Tables Cameron Community Center, 1305 E. Cameron Avenue Concession Stand Community Center Multi-Purpose Fields Acres Senior Center Facilities Park Name/Location Baseball or Softball Field Parks & Facilities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: City Map 6, 27, 36 , 37 31 19 Vincent Ave Puente Ave Rowland Ave 8 Workman Ave 9 sq ui to B Av e ai nb 3 rid Av e Hollenbeck Ave Valinda Ave Av e ra 24 Vine Ave Cortez St Cameron 14 25 Ci tru Merced Ave ge Azusa Ave ci 30, 21 Cameron G le n Av e ia rn an 7 16 5 C al ifo e Av 18,20 4 26 do Su n 35 10 Lark Ellen Ave Av e 23 17 se t A ve 15 Fr 38 West Covina Pkwy e O ra d ng ce Barranca Ave er Citrus St M Azusa Ave 28 e in .V W 1 Aroma Dr 32 sS t 12 Brentwood Dr 39 2 e pl m Te e Av N r Rd o Wo Ama 13 les ga No Dr 22 33 St te en Pu Sentous St Rd 11 32. West Covina Fire Station #4 1815 S. Azusa Ave. 33. West Covina Fire Station #5 2650 E. Shadow Oak Dr. 34. West Covina Maint. Yard 825 S. Sunset Ave. 35. West Covina Municipal Pool 1720 W. Merced Ave. 36. West Covina Police Dept. 1444 W. Garvey Ave. 37. West Covina Public Library 1601 West Covina Pkwy. 38. Westfield West Covina 112 Plaza Dr. 39. Woodgrove Park 2001 Brentwood Dr. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC 23. Sunset Field Behind Orangewood Park at 1615 W. Merced 24. Vine School 1901 E. Vine Ave. 25. Walmerado Park 625 E. Merced Ave. 26. Wescove School 1010 W. Vine Ave. 27. West Covina Civic Center 1444 W. Garvey Ave. 28. West Covina Community Services Center 1760 Cameron Ave. 29. West Covina Fire Station #1 819 S. Sunset Ave. 30. West Covina Fire Station #2 2441 E. Cortez St. 31. West Covina Fire Station #3 1433 W. Puente Ave. Shadow Oak Dr ate dg 1. Aroma Parkette 2201 Aroma Dr. 2. Big League Dreams 2100 S. Azusa Ave. 3. California Day Care 1125 Bainbridge Ave. 4. California Parkette 815 S. California Ave. 5. Cameron Park and Community Center 1305 E. Cameron Ave. 6. Citrus Superior Court 1427 West Covina Pkwy. 7. Cortez Park 2441 E. Cortez St. 8. Del Norte Park 1500 W. Rowland Ave. 9. Eastland Shopping Center Eastland Center Dr. 10. Foothill Transit 100 S. Vincent Ave. 11. Friendship Park 3740 S. Sentous St. 12. Galster Park 1620 Aroma Dr. 13. Gingrich Park 1835 Woodgate Dr. 14. Heritage Park 3510 E. Cameron Ave. 15. Hurst Ranch 1227 S. Orange Ave. 16. Maverick/Ridge Riders Park 350 S. Citrus St. 17. Orangewood Park 1615 W. Merced Ave. 18. Orangewood School 1440 S. Orange Ave. 19. Palmview Park and Community Center 1340 E. Puente Ave. 20. Roller Hockey Rink 1615 W. Merced Ave. 21. Senior Citizens Center 2501 E. Cortez St. 22. Shadow Oak Park and Community Center 2121 E. Shadow Oak Dr. 29, 34, 37 Del Norte Park Amenities 1500 West Roland Ave. Central Bark Dog Park The West Covina Dog Park is dedicated to fun and exercise activities with your dog. Dogs may run off-leash under voice control within the confines of the fenced area. Use of the dog park is a voluntary activity. Users assume the risk of personal injury or property damage associated with the use of the dog park. • Dog Park hours are from dawn to 9:00 p.m. • No more than 3 dogs per person are allowed in the park at one time. • Users must monitor and control their dogs at all times. • Dogs must never be left unattended. • Owners must pick up their dog’s waste and dispose of it in the receptacles provided. • Dogs must wear a collar with current tags visible. No pronged, spiked or choke collars allowed. • Users must keep their dogs on leashes going to and from the leash-free area. • Dogs must have current licenses and vaccinations and be free from contagious diseases. • Aggressive behavior by dogs is not permitted and are subject to removal. • Puppies under 4 months of age are not permitted. • Only spayed/neutered dogs are allowed. • Children 12 years and under must be closely supervised by an adult at all times. Infants and toddlers are not recommended. • Excessive barking is not allowed. • No food or treats of any kind, dog or human, are permitted. • No animals other than dogs are permitted. • Users must prevent their dogs from digging and must fill holes made by their dogs. • Smoking and alcohol are prohibited in the dog park. • Users must obey all other park rules. • Commercial/professional dog training or classes are not permitted unless approved by the City. • The City reserves the right to refuse patron access. • The leash-free area is subject to closure without notice for maintenance and is scheduled for closure every Wednesdays from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. • Any violation of these rules may result in the loss of leash- free area privileges and/or citation per West Covina Municipal Code Sections 16-18 and 16-18.1. Del Norte Splash Pad The West Covina Splashpad is a fun and interactive water playground. Use of the Splashpad is a voluntary activity and all users assume the risk of personal injury or property damage associated with the use of the Splashpad. CWC • Splashpad hours are from 10:00 a.m. to Dusk • During normal operating hours the Splashpad is user activated by pushing the silver buttons on the small blue columns. • Please WALK at all times. Running, jumping, pushing, rough playing, and covering drains is NOT ALLOWED. Parents must supervise children at all times. • Water is chlorinated and recycled, DO NOT DRINK. • Appropriate swimwear and clothing must be worn. It is recommended that participants wear water sandals. DIAPERS ARE NOT ALLOWED. • Animals are NOT allowed in the Splashpad area. • The following items are prohibited from the Splashpad area: food, drinks, glass bottles, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, scooters, strollers, pool toys (i.e. pool noodles, boats, etc.), soap, detergents, rocks, tree branches, or any other foreign objects. • Splashpad is subject to closure for cleaning and maintenance. • Smoking and alcohol are prohibited in the Splashpad. • The City reserves the right to refuse patron access. • Splashpad periodically shuts down to re-calibrate and add chlorine to water. If it remains shutdown for more that 60 minutes, please contact the Community Services Department at the number below. • Violation of any of the above rules, vandalism, or contamination of the water supply may result in removal from the Splashpad and/or citation per West Covina Municipal Code Sections 16-18, 16-18.2, and 16-30. 38 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Youth Council The West Covina Youth Council strives to enhance the quality of programs and services offered to youth in the community by establishing and enhancing recreation activities, social services, and improving the mental and physical well being of youth in our community. You can become a member by completing a member waiver form and attending monthly meetings. West Covina residents attending high school and junior high are welcome to join. The Youth Council meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 4:30p.m., at West Covina City Hall, 1st Floor, Community Room. Contact us Email Website Download the Youth Council Waiver Form at West Covina Community Services Department 626.939.8430 Address City Hall (Open Mon-Thurs, 8am-5:30pm) 1444 West Garvey Avenue South West Covina, CA 91790 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC Advisor Heather Sayers 626.939.8440 39 Choose the registration procedure that is most convenient for you, or call (626) 919-6966 for more details. RecConnect! Complete your recreation class registration on the Internet. Just log on to http://recconnect. recconnect. In Person Visit the Cameron Park Community Center, 1305 E. Cameron Ave., at the NW corner of Lark Ellen. Monday thru Friday from 8am - 9pm, Saturday from 9am - 8pm, Sunday from 10am - 6pm. By Mail Mail payment and a completed registration form to: City of West Covina, Attn: Recreation Classes Community Services Dept., 1444 W. Garvey Ave, Rm 316, West Covina, CA 91790. Fax-In Fax your completed registration form with credit card number and signature to: (626) 917-6526 REGISTRATION INFORMATION GENERAL POLICIES • Mail-In & Walk-In Registration begins June 1, 2015. • Make checks payable to “City of West Covina”. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope with mail-in registration to receive receipt confirmation. • All fees must be paid in full at time of registration. • A $25 fee will be charged for returned checks. • There will be a $5.00 processing fee on all refunds. • Credit or refunds will not be issued after the class has been completed. •Late registrations are accepted if space is available. Full class fee is charged. • Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. • Register early! Classes may be canceled if minimum enrollment is not achieved by the first class meeting. •Many classes have limited enrollment, and are subject to closure after reaching maximum capacity. • Class information is correct and up to date as of the time of publishing. The Community Services Department reserves the right to change information at any time. Register early! All classes are offered based on meeting minimum participation levels. Registering early helps ensure classes are not canceled. The Summer-Fall Session Begins July 1st, 2015 Save Time, Register On Line! CWC Complete your recreation class registration on the Internet. Just visit In no time, you’ll be registering from the comfort of your home. 40 City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: Class Registration Form Print Out and Mail, Fax, or Walk-In. On-Line Registration is also available at Adult or Legal Guardian Last Name First Name Address City State Day PhoneEve. Phone Emerg. Contact Emerg. Phone Zip Participant Information Last Name First NameM/F Date of Birth Form of Payment O Cash Credit Card # O Check O Money Order Exp. Date How Did You Learn About These Programs? O WCCT Ch. 55 O Word of Mouth O Mastercard O Flyer/Brochure O Website Class Title Day Fee O Visa Signature O Newspaper Total O Discover West Covina O Other Medical Conditions That Should be Noted WAIVER I give permission for the minor in my custody to participate in the above-mentioned activity(ies). I hereby release and discharge in advance the City of West Covina, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, or any volunteers who may assist in said direction, from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with said participant(s) in said activity(ies). I permit the taking of photographs of the above participants by the City of West Covina, during recreation activities, to be used at the City’s discretion. Signature O Guardian O Participant OFFICE USEDate: Account #: Processed By: Receipt #: Amount: The City of West Covina is Seeking Enthusiastic Class Instructors D o you have a particular talent, skill or hobby that you might like to share with the West Covina community? The Recreation Services Department is on the lookout for talented, motivated instructors for special interests, dance, arts, sports and more. If you’re interested, call Mike Cresap, at (626) 919-6966 for more information. City of West Covina Community Services Department :: 1444 West Garvey Avenue :: West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 939-8430 :: CWC O Parent Date 41
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