Gippsland Campus map - Federation University Australia
Gippsland Campus map - Federation University Australia
Gippsland Campus, Churchill | Map Ma ry G ran ruc eD N4 M as on h Mc Do na ld N3 W 9 ay 7N NORTH PLACE 8 To Golf Course To W ay ve N5 SPORTING FIELD GIPPSLAND ENTERPRISE CENTRE CEN 12 tB 4 N2 N1 2 1 9N 5N GI No 6N 5N ays 5W 2W KNUCKLE 1N 5 11W W 4W C1 WHB THEATRE 2S 1 4 3 C3 e riv le oss r aC 2 Ad 2 5S W2 West Res AMPITHEATRE yD West Residential Hall B tre LAKE 1S 3 C2 ping Cen 7 1 est R esid West Residential Hall A To Shop AUDITORIUM 1E MAIN ENTRANCE 3W d Roa 11 3E B Bookshop Spiritual Centre 6W 1 WHA 2E LINK 6 w rth LEISURE CENTRE 1E LIBRARY 2N 2 LC 3N 4N SWITCHBACK GALLERY STUDENT ACCOMMODATION South Res STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 10 TENNIS S2 1 W4 WEST REC. HALL SOUTH REC. HALL W3 Lawless Road Legend 3 3 G Buildings Roads Car Park Number (Restrictions may apply) Disability Car Spaces Pathway/Route Toilet facilities are available in most buildings, refer building signage. 1800 FED UNI CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Not to Scale. July 2015. CC_PR_STD_V05_150715 Lift Bike Parking Bus Stop Parents Room Health Centre Food and Drink 6 Designated Assembly Point Spiritual Centre Rest Room For security assistance call 5122 6662 For disability access assistance call 5122 6662 For Mobility Access Map refer Page 3 All Federation University Australia Campuses are Smoke-free 6S Gippsland Campus, Churchill | Building Reference A G S Aboriginal Education Office (AEC) Building 1E, Level 1 Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Engineering Research Group (GHERG) Building 4W Gippsland Education Precinct, Library and Learning Space Building 5/6W The Gippsland Enterprise Centre Building 9N Gippsland Centre for Arts and Design Building 6S, Level 2 Gippsland Research Office Building 2W Grounds Department Building 5S School of Arts, Education and Humanities Building 3E School of Engineering and Technology Building 4N, Level 2 Student Services Hub Building 1S, Level 1: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art and Design Business Education Student Services Hub Building 2W: Applied and Biomedical Sciences Engineering and Information Technology Nursing and Midwifery Health Sciences and Psychology Spiritual Centre Building 1N Student Connect Building 3N Student InfoSpace Building 3N Switchback Gallery Building 6S B Bistro Building 2N Bookshop Building 1N C Cafeteria Building 2N Centre for Gippsland Studies Building 1E, Level 1 Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice (CLIPP) Building 1S, Level 2 Chaplaincy Building 3N Crofton Hatsell Room Building 2W E Examinations Building N F Facilities and Services Building 3W Federation Business School Building 5N FedUni Living (Student Accommodation Office) Building 4N H Hexagon Theatre Building 1S, Level 1 I ITS Services Building 1E, Level 2 L Leisure Centre Building LC Library Building 1E, Level 1 Link Meeting Room Building 2W Logistics and Mail Office Building 4N M Main Entrance Building 1W Monash School of Rural Health, Churchill Building 3W MUGSU Building 3N 1800 FED UNI CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Not to Scale. July 2015. CC_PR_STD_V05_150715 W West Residential Hall A Building WHA West Residential Hall B Building WHB Gippsland Campus Mobility Access Map Gippsland Campus, Churchill | Mobility Access Map Ma ry G ran t N4 NORTH PLACE Mc 7N To Golf Course Do na ld W ay ve eD uc Br N3 N5 SPORTING FIELD 4 N2 L1 2 N1 5N 3N L1 4N FEDUNI LIVING L1 1E 1 3E LIBRARY L1 OFFICE L1 BUS STOP 1E L1 LINK 6N Mo Bookshop 5N h nas L2 y GIPPSLAND EDUCATION PRECINCT No Stairs rth AMPITHEATRE 2W Stairs 6W GIPPSLAND EDUCATION PRECINCT 1S MAIN MAIN L1 3W ENTRANCE ENTRANCE Stairs ys R wa To Leisure Centre oad (LC) nde dU Roa 1N 5W Wa (9N) LAKE 1S 1W MAIN ENTRANCE 1S THEATRE 1 2S EVA WEST CIRCLE L1 1 4W ss ss rpa rpa nde dU a o R KNUCKLE 2N 2 To To Gippsland Enterprise Centre AUDITORIUM 2E 3 ss rpa nde ad U 1 Ro West Res C2 STUDENT ACCOMMODATION C3 C1 WHB WHA ve ey ssl ro aC Ad Dri South Res STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 2 SWITCHBACK GALLERY W2 5S S 6S Legend Buildings W4 3 3 Accessible Pathway/Route Parents Room Roads L1 Accessible Pathway/Route Health Centre Car Parking (Restrictions may apply) L2 Accessible Pathway/Route Food and drink Gravel Pathway Spiritual Centre Disability Car Spaces Lift Rest Room Bus Stop G Disability Access Toilet (Level) 1800 FED UNI CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Not to Scale. July 2015. CC_PR_ACCESS_V05_150715 For security assistance call 5122 6662 For access assistance call 5122 6662 or email Accessible routes do not contain any stairs, however some gradients may not be suitable for some users. The most up to date version of this map is located at