German Holstein News No. 20 - February 2009
German Holstein News No. 20 - February 2009
February 2009 No. 20 / 3.00 Euro G G I TOP - NEWS • • • • EuroTier2008 review German winter shows BAP - the next generation of mating programs Holstein breeding in the Balkan states Index GGI: Day of the Newcomer 2008 2 3 The Day of the Newcomer on the GGI premises in Cloppenburg has become a real event. Brought into being two years ago as an opener to the All-European Championships in Oldenburg, this event received great feedback. This year the 2nd Day of the Newcomer took place on May 29th, 2008. Almost 1,000 interested breeders from Germany and foreign visitors from more than 15 countries came and took the op- Day of the Newcomer 2008 EuroTier2008: German top bulls under one Roof 4-5 BAP - Bull Advise Programm 6 Winter Shows RBB, RSA, WEU 7-10 Comment january proof run 11 New bulls 12-13 Second crop 14 Report: Holsteins Balkan 15 News 15 Events Photovaria 16 People from more than 15 countries visited GGI PUBLISHER: German Genetics International (GGI) Am Osterfeld 14 49661 Cloppenburg-Bethen Phone: ++49-4471-9174-0 Fax: ++49-4471-9174-74 e-mail: Design/Layout: German Genetics International GmbH Print: Ostendorf Druckerei und Verlag GmbH Cloppenburg Photo front cover: Alliance 10.142272 daughter Madame Photographer: Fenna Beenenga portunity to get informed by the breeding organizations about their current actions in breeding. However, the clear highlight was the presentation of 10 daughter groups of current and prospective sires of the GGI member organizations. 6 Holstein (Chapman, Cheerio, Sefir, Sundowner, Zabing, Zar) and 4 Red Holstein (Fashio, Forest, Ruacana, Rugny) daughter groups were shown. Each progeny group presented 4 exemplarily prepared animals. The programme on the GGI premises was topped off by different “joinin activities” like bull riding, milking contest, “coconut shy” or “goal wall German Version available as PDF 2 shooting”. The GGI plate and further coffee and cakes cared for the Not only the progenies were fun! guest’s physical well-being. Ver y popular as well was the ice-cream booth due to the fabulous weather with high temperatures. All visitors had the opportunity to visit the farm “Urban” in Wüsting (240 dairy cows with young stock) and the poduction halls of “Urban”. Also the open-air museum in Cloppenburg was visited by a lot of Interested visitors on the ‘Day of the Newcomer’ guests. On the 15 ha area of the Lower Saxony Open Air Museum more than 50 farming and trade houses from the 16th – 19th century were restored. An old church, a school and the “Dorfkrug” top off the rural character. German Holsteins news EuroTier 2008: German top bulls under one roof About 130,000 visitors from all over the world attended the world’s biggest fair for animal husbandry and management from November 11th until November 14th in Hanover. The numbers increased by 11% compared to 2006. With that, it has been the EuroTier exhibition with the highest number of visitors ever. 1,764 exhibitors from 46 countries (+15 % compared to 2006) had their Customers from the whole world are guests at GGI products on display. The well-visited extensive GGI display area, jointly organized with DHV and ZVE and all GGI member organizations with their progeny groups, was located in Hall 27. Seven Holstein (Gibor, Jannsen, Jefferson, Juote, Juwel, Leif and Minister), three Red Holstein groups (Jerudo, Laurel and Ludox) as well as one Angler-group (Zober) were the eye catchers at the stand. Per daughter group three very well prepared animals were presented. For the first time, there were also five beef bulls shown at the GGI booth: Lesko (Limousin), Präsident P (Simmental beef), Timor (Ucker- Under one roof, the GGI members exhibited at the EuroTier. märker), Rob (Angus) as well as Ulino (Blonde d’Aquitaine). At the “TopTierTref f”, German breeding organizations presented their eleven Holstein and Angler daughter groups at daily shows. Additionally, three representative progeny groups were presented to the audience in English language as well as in Russian language. This presentation gave the visitors detailed information about Holstein breeding in Germany and a good idea about the different breeds and their advantages. The visitors took the opportunity to visit GGI and their member organizations at their booths to get the latest information in genetics and service. The next EuroTier is going to take place from November 16th until November 19th 2010 in Hanover. Please note that there are extra GHN issues available for “Day of the Newcomer 2008” as well as “EuroTier 2008” in Hanover as pdf files on View from the show “Top-Tier-Treff” 3 German Holsteins news BAP: the unique mating program The German data centre vit in co-operation with the breeding industry has developed a trend-setting mating program called BAP (Bull Advise Program). BAP is used by almost all German breeding organizations and now an adapted version for international use is available via GGI. Exciting unique features are u. a. matching cows and bulls by farmers individual breeding goal and internet as technical platform. Traditional mating programs are running on PCs or laptops with all the disadvantages of this system in daily practice: limited performance and memory, need of program and data update, problems with backup and many more disadvantages. BAP is internet based, i.e. the program is running on a central server at vit and therefore automatically always with the most current data and version of program. BAP is fully included in the service and backup system of vit and data losses are almost impossible. This includes user individual and password protected access only to own data. Furthermore BAP is multilingual and available already for several languages and extension to more languages is in progress. Farm ers breeding goal One of the main differences to many other mating programs is the farmers individual breeding goal as guideline for every matching of cows and bulls. By simply selecting the traits important for the individual breeding goal and giving relative weights in percentages to these traits, the farmer defines his individual breeding goal (Figure 1). The program recalculates the to- Figure 2: Matching bulls are ranked by expected value of calf i.e. farmers’ individual breeding goal... Figure 3: ... reasons why bulls don’t match on this cow are given tal merit index for all bulls according to this individual breeding goal and ranks all bulls advised for an individual cow by this individual total merit index. Because parts of herds can easily selected by all information available (e.g. cows total merit) different groups of animals can be mated according to modified goals like “easy calving” when searching for the best bulls on heifers. Select am on g 100,000 bu lls BAP can work with all bulls included in Interbull evaluations. This are e.g. more than 100,000 proven Holstein A.I. bulls. It does not make sense to include all these bulls for Figure 1: Define your individual breeding goal by simply selecting from all traits and giving them percentages of relative weight 4 mating a specific herd, because not from all bulls semen is available. With BAP it is easy to define several individual bull pools, e.g. the active bulls from your semen supplier or bulls with semen in your container. In div idual m at ing Self-evident BAP includes control of inbreeding (different levels possible), genetic defects and the individual needs of every cow. These “points of attention” are not limited to conformation traits, but as well production and functional traits like milking speed or udder health can be included. For all traits the necessary improvement can be given in four degrees. Conformation traits to be improved are recorded with a simple mobile sub-program on a PDA. List of animals in the herd is downloaded and recorded data are uploaded directly via mobile internet or connecting the PDA with any PC with internet access. R e a so ns w hy BAP gives a list with the (best) matching bulls for every cow. The bulls are ranked according to the expected individual total merit index of the cows. So the expected differences in using one or another bull are given (Figure 2). Very informative is that BAP not just lists the German Holsteins news Individual out put Flexibility and individuality is realized for the output of BAP, too. With an easy to handle print manager (Figure 5) the output is individually designed; e.g. number and sorting of information (Figure 6). All printable outputs are PDFs and therefore can be saved Figure 4: In case of inbreeding BAP gives the percentage of inbreeding and the and send as email source: e.g. using Jardin results in 1.563 % inbreeding because bull-dams-siresattachments. Outsire (BMVV) is the same as cows-dams-sire (KMV) put as data file in different formats for further use e.g. in herd management programs available for cows, bulls and farmers goal. is possible, too. Nevertheless there is always some extra information especially the breeder has that is I nt o t h e f u t u r e not included, e.g. because it is not “numerical”. Therefore BAP is flexible and manuBAP is the mating program of the next genally re-ranking of the BAP-result is possible eration. It sets new standards in performwith one click. ance, individuality and included features. It was designed as an assisting tool for manmatching bulls on the individual cow, but for every bull in the mating pool why he does not match, too (Figure 3). BAP includes the maximum information aging genetic improvement of dairy herds. Because flexibility and farmers goal are standing first in BAP, it has become a tremendous story of success in Germany independent from herd size or breeding goal. Even elite pedigree breeders use BAP intensively because the amount of figures is increasing in today’s international breeding. BAP helps to select and sort and does not forget anything important - but the final decision is still up to the farmer. Dr. Luca Pulcinelli, GGI Italy, while recording cow data with a PDA Using BAP in pract ice: Figure 5: A few clicks in the print manager... Figure 6: ... create an individual print output GGI-Italia tested the beta version of BAP for international use during the last months. Meanwhile GGI salesman Dr. Luca Pulcinelli gave mating advices for more than 2,000 Italian cows: “BAP really is a fantastic program. You feel common with the program right from the beginning because it was made for and with the assistance of practical people. That it is an internet based program makes it so simple. I don’t have to care about anything. Everything since the last click is saved automatically. My personal BAP data are available from any computer with internet access, like internet banking. Farmers expect mainly correction of conformation traits because this is basically what most other mating programs do. But BAP can include all traits including functional traits. Individual mating even for heifers on the base of their pedigree indices for all traits is nice to cover the whole herd. Every third calf is born as 1st calf! In first instance farmers don’t believe that BAP really works on the base of their individual breeding goal. Seeing the different results if we just change the breeding goal convinces them at once. Very important is the detailed information on possible inbreeding and where in the pedigree it comes from! The same is for ranking all the included bulls on every cow. Most farmers have semen in stock and if these bulls don’t show up in the BAP mating list they assume that is because we want to sell other bulls. When I show them that these bulls were really tested on every cow and exactly why they were excluded, advantage of BAP becomes once again obviously. Now these clients first run BAP and after buy semen that really fits on their cows and in the right proportions. I’m already looking forward to the first generation of cows made with the assistance of BAP. What I have seen in Germany makes me sure that BAP helps to maximize progress and uniformity of the herd.” 5 German Holsteins news Winter shows RBB On November 20th 2008, the RBB show “Blickpunkt Rind” was held in Paaren. Progeny groups of the second crop bulls Janosch, Jefferson, Leroy and Sudan and the newcomer Sascha (Step x Esar x Gigh) were presented (first breeding value in April 2009). Jefferson-daughter “Jamila” was awarded to be the best daughter from the progeny groups of the show (see p.10). “MAG Schirin” by Sascha became reserve champion. The outstanding Laudan-daughter “SL Marga 3” dominated the four young cow classes. The Judge Martin Biederbick made her the grand champion by awarding her with the title „Miss Blickpunkt Rind 2008”. Laudan-daughter “Lotte” was declared Laudan (Lukas x Raider) daughter “SL Marga 3” champion of the 2nd lactation cows. Ticket-daughter “Ballade“ was able to win the title in the class of the older cows. As a novelty, in line with the desire for breeding longevity, a class of long-term production cows has been shown in Paaren (> 50,000 kg milk lifetime production). The Juote-daughter “SL Heidin“ won this competition with a lifetime production of 58,378 kg milk– 3,45% fat – 2.015 kg fat – 3,67% protein – 2.144 kg protein. The Jefferson-daughters (Jocko Besne x Dombinator) were juvenile, even so big and long with very good dairy type, well balanced with slightly sloped and wide rumps. They conspicuously showed well 6 textured udders, highly and firmly attached udders, with high rear udders, strong ligaments and a good teat placement. The Jefferson-progenies were awarded the “best progeny group” by the audience. The very uniform Sudan-daughters (Storm x Prelude) had much depth and strength. The straight topline passed into long sloped rumps. The Feet and legs are excellent: strong and clear bones with a parallel rear leg set less angled, very dry hocks, high foot angles and a perfect locomotion. The firmly attached and well balanced udders were high and wide in the rear with an optimal teat placement. RSA For the first time, RSA’s “Nikolausschau“ took place on December 12th as an evening event in Bismark. Ten extraordinary second crop Jannsen-daughters (Jocko Besn x Mandel) – that captivated with their uniformity – were presented. These dairy, young cows impressed with lots of dairy typ, with a strong topline and correctly sloped rumps. Highlights were their perfectly sloped and seted feet and legs resulting in optimal presented locomotion. The rear udders are highly and Jannsen (Jocko Besn x Mandel) daughter “Sonate” widely attached and have a strong suspensory ligament. Jannsen daughter “Sonate” won this class ahead of “MHD Dina”. NOG Edling-daughter “Susan” was awarded the winner of the middle classes. Legal-daughter “Beyonce” was the winner of the DS program cows. Riverland-heifer “Rieka” received the “Reserve Champion” title. WEU The Weser-Ems-Union presented the “WEU-Konvent“ in Oldenburg on January 15th 2009. Progenies of the second crop bulls Jannsen and Laurel as well as of the promising new sire Sallas were shown. The Jannsen-daughters (Jocko Besn x Mandel) convinced – as already at “Nikolausschau” – with an outstanding group. The Laurel-daughters (Layout x Caveman) presented theirselves once more with excellent feet and legs and perfect udders. The daughters of the Stormatic-son Sallas shined with clean and firmly attached udders as well as correctly sloped rumps and very dry hocks. Winner of the progenies was the Sallas (Stormatic x Rudolph) daughter group Jannsen-daughter “MHG Dina” which was also awarded reserve winner in the heifer competition. “Laskia” of Laurel was reserve winner. In the old class of the Red Holstein, the Lentini-daughter “Lor” won in front of “AMA Marlen” (v. Stadel). Trailordaughter “Antonie” could call herself reserve winner of the old class at the Holsteins. et: e Intern h t in I GG n formatio in t n e r r Cu guages. in 6 lan e w.ggi.d Visit ww German Holsteins news New breeding values january 2009 The new year starts with not many new Holstein bulls, but new leaders of Red Holstein and Holstein toplists: Pandora and Gibor. Holstein There have not been so few new bulls among the official Top-300 Holsteins for a long time. But after a long time, there has been a change at the top of the list. With another slight increase and over 10,000 daughters, Gibor is on top for the first time at the age of 12 years. He could pass Mas col who has been on top since February 2006. Mascol’s values are mostly stable with the first, bigger amount of 800 new daughters – including 250 in NLD, DFS, and USA. He is still the highest Mtoto-son with Shottle worldwide. From Jardin the first second crop daughters have calved, but do not influence his figures yet and he remains the highest Jocko son. Bobas is quite stable in the top-10 (RZM 134) and joined by protein specialist Em in em (+0,17%) who gained 8 points traits this is true for his paternal brother R ot ar y (MGS Zack), too. But Rotary looses for production. New bulls Two new Ramos sons entered the list. Z im pall descends from the life time performance program of RUW. His dam is an excellent Patrick-daughter with almost 100,000kg life time production in 6 lactations. Within the solid conformation transmission of Zimpall (RZE 115), feet&legs (125) stick out with very dry, parallel set legs and an excellent locomotion. High values for udder health, longevity and fertility can be expected from a Ramos son. New on the selling list is as well Ramos son Rub ix . Via Celsius, Cash and Belt he traces back to Delta Esmeralda like e.g. Cas s ano is still the highest Champion-son. Read more in the short portrait at page 11. His paternal brothers Char t s (RZE 129, RZS 115) and Corporal (RZM 114, +3; RZE 134) can hold or even improve their high debut figures like does Stormatic son Str obel (RZE 131). Z abin g R C (Zunder x Rudolph) was one of the positive surprises in August. With an RZE of 142 (+4), he is now the highest conformation sire in the Cassano (Champion x Convincer) daughter “Kleopatra” Mascol (Mtoto x Rudolph) daughter “Bulgarie” (FRA) longevity (RZN 124). Stylist is a winner of this evaluation, too. He sees his RZM three points raising (134; +0,19% protein) with his daughters in third lactation now. Emerson-son Eleve still improves for udderhealth (RZS 105). Zappason Z ar keeps himself safely constant. Ramos-son Rahn shows with slight increases in almost every trait and +3 RZG points that his well-balanced first figures were not just pedigree influence. Read more about Rahn at page 11. Regarding the functional Mascol. Rubix combines nice production figures (+0.11% fat; RZM 116) with solid conformation and functionality. Like Zimpall he can be used on heifers. Other new bulls are the Riverland sons Ratziputz and NOG Rubkar. Rat ziput z is linebred to Rudolph (dam Jocko x Rudolph) and excels for udderhealth (RZS 125) and feet&legs (121, RZE 117). NOG Rubk ar’s dam was one of only few Ubbo daughters successful in the NOG station test for bull dams. Rubkar is a very complete allround bull. The Jesther sons Jelder (RZE 137) and Jur us (RZE 124) can improve for production. Je lt o is absolute stable and the fourth Jesther son Juwel proved his well-balanced conformation transmission (RZE 125) with daughters at the EuroTier. The highest newcomer from the last time top list and used as sire of sons for both Red Holstein and Holstein. Z en jo could not hold his high debut figures decreasing clearly in production to an RZM of 111. The fat specialist (+0,36%) still offers something special with slightly increased conformation (RZE 122) and udder health (RZS 117) as well as an RZN of 114. There is not much change for Vachim (s. V Brando), Mon am i (s. Mtoto), Tiamo (s. Tanker), Fot ograf (s. Ford), Folle t o (s. Ford), NOG Mur m el (s. Manat), NOG Salem (s. Sierra) and Alliance (s. Allen) with their test daughters in 2nd and 3rd lactation but no new daughters so far. Second crop Besides Gibor and Mascol leading the toplist and L audan with 30,000 daughters back in the top-10 more bulls perform well with 2nd crop daughters. Mtoto son Millenium keeps rising with now 2,165 daughters and definitely is back in the spotlight even though he is CVM positive (RZM 111, RZE 135, RZS 139, RZN 130). Other Mtoto sons with high reliability are Manager who stabilized (RZE 124, RZS 132, RZN 120) and Merinit . Very successful is Lukas son Leif with now almost 6,000 daughters continued on page 10 7 German Holsteins news Current proofs of GGI top sires (January Further information: H O L S T E I N S Name RED HOLSTEINS Sire MGS Milk kg Fat Fat Prot Prot % kg % kg RZM Rel Dau /Herds Dairy C. Body F&L Udder RZE RZR % Gibor 667908 TLTV Gibbon Sunnyboy 1817 -0.32 42 -0.06 56 123 99 10463 3928 91 135 115 120 119 Mascol ET 840515 TLTV Mtoto Rudolph 1504 0.09 70 0.16 67 134 98 1024 460 105 104 121 114 120 107 Jardin 141437 TLTV Jocko Besn Tonic 1485 -0.07 54 0.21 71 135 96 183 158 110 109 125 117 126 100 B obas 840609 TL Dutch Boy Novalis 2339 -0.40 53 -0.06 74 134 93 99 55 117 105 113 104 113 95 Eminem 810944 TLTV Eminenz Maloy 1122 0.06 52 0.17 54 125 94 116 56 119 100 120 114 121 108 Laudan 810695 TLTV Lukas Raider 1545 -0.32 32 -0.11 42 114 99 30214 8212 112 80 117 123 117 107 Stylist 632644 TLTV Steven Gibbon 1461 0.02 61 0.19 68 134 95 137 107 118 110 124 122 130 86 Eleve 142245 TLTV Emerson Storm 2060 -0.45 38 -0.13 56 122 96 155 139 127 117 128 126 137 101 Millennium 821119 TLTV Mtoto Luke 887 0.22 57 0.00 30 111 99 2165 399 109 108 135 94 Za r 802593 TLTV Zappa Amaretto 1565 0.06 70 0.04 57 128 95 134 60 Emil II 140098 TLTV Emerson Esquimau 1158 0.13 60 0.13 52 124 97 Rahn 821429 TLTV Ramos Prelude 1220 -0.12 38 -0.05 37 112 Jelder 821367 TLTV Jesther Basar 2619 -0.66 35 -0.17 71 130 N ovize 325517 TLTV Novalis Jabot 1026 0.11 52 0.12 46 Junker 810821 TLTV Jocko Besn Lasso 1628 -0.25 42 0.03 Cassano 328422 TLTV Champion Convincer 1831 -0.10 65 Leif 801705 TLTV Lukas Zack 895 0.24 59 Juwel 632734 TLTV Jesther Lord Lily 2363 -0.69 Jur us 810868 TLTV Jesther Esentation 1318 Vachim 565756 TLTV V Brando Celsius new Zimpall 672322 TLTV Ramos Patrick 670016 TLTV Mtoto 328672 TLTV Mo nami new Rubix new Ratziputz 89 125 135 99 107 121 115 96 353 272 102 117 114 115 121 102 93 102 83 105 100 125 117 122 111 95 120 90 119 131 117 128 137 85 120 99 5290 1657 104 88 119 114 114 96 58 125 98 619 175 108 106 122 109 118 107 -0.10 52 124 92 133 114 121 122 123 112 127 103 0.01 31 112 99 5958 1901 86 121 102 120 117 115 23 -0.25 54 118 94 113 80 111 107 119 120 125 96 0.04 58 0.03 48 121 95 132 61 122 104 106 127 124 105 1583 -0.13 52 -0.09 45 118 94 108 94 127 105 132 124 134 104 1321 -0.21 34 -0.09 37 111 87 68 57 102 91 125 110 115 110 Lee 1154 -0.17 31 0.06 45 116 94 102 83 109 107 124 120 126 97 Ramos Celsius 1257 0.11 62 -0.04 39 116 91 112 93 106 93 121 110 114 102 99 565927 TLTV Riverland Jocko Besn 1219 -0.26 25 0.03 45 115 89 107 91 97 107 120 109 116 102 Char ts 142262 TLTV Champion Formation 1378 -0.23 34 -0.07 40 113 92 98 89 120 116 112 126 129 105 Rotar y 143311 TLTV Ramos Zack 1122 -0.25 23 -0.05 34 108 92 102 91 98 123 117 109 120 109 Strobel 802586 TLTV Stormatic T Funkis 1297 -0.16 38 -0.15 30 107 94 116 58 107 115 125 123 131 110 Jeff erso n 810833 TLTV Jocko Besn Dombinator 2210 -0.66 21 -0.13 62 123 99 1261 740 119 103 113 121 123 100 Jelto 632915 TLTV Jesther Marconi 1769 -0.43 29 -0.05 56 121 93 98 70 98 101 110 119 116 90 new NOG Rubkar 490395 TLTV Riverland Ubbo 1393 -0.31 27 -0.10 38 111 86 73 64 97 117 119 119 − Jannsen 821197 TLTV Jocko Besn Mandel 1553 -0.29 35 -0.13 41 113 99 1622 787 122 123 141 111 135 98 Tiamo 326769 TLTV Tanker Corsaro 510 0.14 33 0.23 37 113 95 146 108 106 120 122 116 127 100 Fo tograf 565752 TLTV Ford Rudolph 1041 -0.02 40 -0.02 34 111 92 91 76 95 108 121 110 117 106 Zabing 565916 TLTV Zunder Rudolph 798 -0.12 22 0.03 30 106 94 137 113 114 130 129 130 142 102 Fo lleto 671148 TLTV Ford Addison 1872 -0.50 26 -0.23 41 111 95 238 175 106 118 123 120 128 98 N OG Murmel 490212 TLTV Manat Bonatus 1077 0.19 62 0.07 44 120 93 92 59 118 123 106 111 119 95 N OG Salem 490247 TLTV Sierra Amaretto 1509 -0.31 32 -0.04 48 117 94 104 81 106 119 113 118 123 87 A mador 840503 TLTV Aaron Esquimau 1745 -0.53 19 -0.09 50 116 99 1177 220 110 98 118 101 110 92 A lliance 142272 TV Allen Lee 634 -0.11 17 0.02 23 101 96 248 174 120 130 129 132 144 100 Zenjo 840685 TLTV Zenith Winchester 841 0.36 68 -0.01 28 111 93 132 35 119 102 109 125 122 88 Manager ET 840463 TLTV Mtoto Rudolph 821 0.00 34 -0.14 15 99 99 8636 3573 102 110 115 124 124 100 Merinit 821153 TLTV Mtoto Geoffry 1538 -0.19 44 -0.12 41 115 99 6118 2336 112 101 114 109 113 93 Corporal 810981 TLTV Champion Manat 1318 -0.17 38 -0.12 33 109 93 107 56 125 121 111 131 134 93 Juo te 504296 TLTV Juror Cleitus 400 0,19 33 -0.08 7 94 99 27351 9662 128 104 109 129 127 109 118 new Pandora 8 HB-No. 106 916884 TLTV Paradox Yava 1872 0.18 96 0.00 63 137 82 40 40 96 115 108 113 − Malvo y 916301 TLTV Marmax RF Celsius 2220 -0.59 38 -0.09 67 130 95 265 169 106 113 124 106 119 101 Jerudo 922393 TLTV Jerom Rudolph 1398 -0.01 59 0.03 50 124 91 135 90 106 119 112 110 118 112 B ravisi 297571 TLTV Clifhanger Milestone 1872 -0.05 75 -0.12 52 127 97 482 300 126 106 106 109 114 102 Carm ano 915758 TLTV Cadon Lay Out 999 -0.09 35 -0.02 32 110 94 107 94 111 104 122 126 129 108 Ruacana 926406 TLTV Rubens Lentini RF 1440 -0.25 39 0.03 51 122 91 86 69 124 114 121 127 133 99 Stabilo 922092 TLTV Stadel Laredo Red 1543 -0.01 64 -0.08 45 121 93 97 65 105 106 113 120 120 94 Cadisco 915576 TLTV Cadon Koerier 1263 0.18 69 -0.04 39 119 93 94 84 107 109 107 117 117 102 Ruleto 916920 TLTV Rubens Lightning 1318 0.01 56 0.04 48 123 84 54 49 102 115 121 118 125 99 Rubinrot 916475 TLTV Rubens Kom Leader 526 0.56 66 0.33 43 123 93 176 121 100 104 113 113 115 103 Faromir 596291 TLTV Faber Koerier 974 0.06 46 0.04 36 115 92 85 69 115 105 127 115 125 113 Laurel 925880 TLTV Lay Out Caveman 144 0.33 30 0.18 18 103 99 4748 2416 102 97 127 117 122 121 Lageno 596600 TLTV Lightning Power 977 0.15 54 -0.01 33 113 89 74 57 102 122 119 110 122 104 Fo rest 597057 TLTV Faber Laredo Red 896 -0.07 32 0.02 32 110 92 101 89 115 117 125 128 135 105 Lypoll P 916401 TLTV Lyon-Red Clifhanger 1605 -0.33 39 -0.24 33 111 93 138 121 106 112 116 124 126 101 Tiscali 926297 TLTV Tribute Tulip 1395 -0.45 21 -0.05 43 114 90 78 66 117 116 109 122 124 98 Rugny 916801 TLTV Rubens Laurel 624 0.32 52 0.26 42 119 92 103 88 97 108 106 113 112 93 new Kanzler 597108 TLTV Komtur Stoll 394 0.44 50 0.12 22 108 85 64 57 101 108 127 127 131 101 Ricobar 926240 TLTV Rubens Tulip 489 0.78 81 0.04 20 110 94 128 98 106 118 110 126 127 104 Caribic 921987 TLTV Cared Tulip 1182 -0.18 35 -0.01 39 114 94 237 99 110 107 113 121 122 101 Faber 912913 TLTV Factor RF Nick 907 0.04 42 0.07 36 114 99 49667 15762 128 101 104 118 117 99 Avanti 297505 TLTV Flano ET Leadman 508 0.04 24 0.06 22 104 99 14596 5528 107 132 133 110 131 100 Rustler 297224 TLTV Laredo Red Milestone -74 0.58 39 0.02 -1 93 98 6636 3367 123 115 121 128 134 103 2009) Daughter groups Calving presented at the recent Winter Shows aAa RZS RZN RZG 128 133 147 *** 213456 122 115 144 *** 165234 91 113 140 *** 243615 122 118 138 ** n.a. 102 124 137 *** 351426 122 139 137 *** 162543 99 107 135 ** 513624 105 114 134 ** 162534 139 130 134 ** 243615 120 111 133 ** 516342 103 118 132 ** 612534 122 125 132 ** 135246 105 107 132 ** 153642 102 125 131 ** 435261 109 108 131 ** 315264 117 107 131 *** 651423 129 127 130 * 453216 114 118 129 ** 315264 127 102 129 ** 132654 97 108 129 ** 423165 113 127 128 *** n.a. 114 115 127 *** 342156 107 121 127 ** n.a. 125 115 126 ** n.a. 114 113 126 ** 243165 Ease 123 125 124 ** n.a. 116 114 124 ** 162534 97 123 ** 165243 109 106 123 ** n.a. 106 112 123 ** n.a. 102 105 122 ** 351426 103 110 121 ** 426135 111 109 121 ** 132456 110 110 121 ** 123456 114 105 120 ** 432516 107 102 120 * 153642 112 103 119 ** 621453 105 109 119 *** 351426 118 112 118 * 243615 117 114 118 *** 321456 132 120 117 *** 162534 105 103 117 ** 132564 102 107 114 ** 132546 108 112 109 *** 423156 120 108 138 *** n.a. 98 106 133 *** 534126 116 107 132 *** 564123 109 109 130 ** 315 119 122 129 *** 432516 101 106 129 ** 246135 107 118 129 ** 564123 120 113 127 ** 432561 94 98 105 127 ** n.a. 104 106 127 ** 435261 103 108 127 ** 651423 113 118 123 *** 156342 109 107 122 ** n.a. 95 105 122 ** 465123 115 108 121 ** 651432 117 107 121 ** 321456 111 109 120 *** 531462 107 106 120 ** n.a. 104 108 120 * 615423 106 96 118 ** 321456 94 107 117 ** 234156 88 106 112 * 231 98 103 104 ** 213 Abbreviations: HB-No. ........ Herdbook Number MGS............ Maternal Grand Sire Prot.............. Protein RZM ............ Production Index Rel.%............ Reliability Dau ............ Daughters Herds .......... Herds Dairy C. ...... Dairy Character F&L .............. Feet&Legs RZE.............. Total Conformation Index RZR.............. Daughter Fertility Index RZS.............. Somatic Cell Count .................. Index ( -1) RZN ............ Longevity Index RZG ............ Total Merit Index Sudan daughtergroup at “Blickpunkt Rind” in Paaren * Calving ease: Jannsen daughtergroup presentet at “WEU Konvent” in Oldenburg * below average ** good ***easy Janosch daughtergroup at “Blickpunkt Rind” in Paaren Laurel daughters at “WEU Konvent” in Oldenburg Jefferson daughtergroup at “Blickpunkt Rind” in Paaren 9 German Holsteins continued from page 7 well represented by the big, wide daughters with lots of capacity and very good udders at the EuroTier (RZS 129, RZN 127). The development of the Jocko son is different. Ju nck er (+390 daug.) still ranks Jefferson (Jocko Besne x Dombinator) daughter “Jamila” in the top-40 and improves for udder health (RZS 109). J e f f e r s o n (+1063 daug.) has to face a serious drop in overall conformation, but still stands at RZE 123. Most daughters has Jann s en (1,622, +1024). He goes up 3 points RZM and remains the best Jocko for conformation with RZE 135, impressively underlined by his daughters at the EuroTier. Nov ize has now 5,290 unspectacular but very durable (RZN 125) and productive (RZM 120) daughters. His semen is as well available as sexed semen. Easy calving bull Am ador doubled number of daughters to more than 1,000 with slight decrease in production and conformation. For the first time 2nd crop daughters (+212) added heavily used Emerson son Em il II. But it did not affect his figures at all (RZM 124, RZE 121) and he even gained in rank. Most daughters behind Laudan has good old Juote (27,500). His popularity bases news Red Holstein The number of new bulls in the Red Holstein toplist is limited, too. But with Pandora a brand new bull takes the top position. Pandora is a Paradox-son out of a Yava RCdaughter descending from the famous Adria family with many positive bull e.g. Rubens Red (read more about Pandora on the right page). Despite +1,872kg milk, Pandora breeds clearly positive fat percentages (+0.18%; RZM 137). The figures indicate that Pandora can be used as easy calving bull. The Marmax-son Malvoy is ranking stable in the top-5. Jerudo (Jerom x Rudolph) cannot keep his first very high production figures from August (RZM 123, -3) with many additional daughters, but he improves for udder health immensely (RZS 116, +9). Bravisi can enter the top-10 with 245 2nd crop daughters and slight increases in all figures (RZM 127, RZE 114). Some early new daughters has Cadisco, but Jerudo (Jerom x Rudolph) daughter “Viola” they hardly affect his proofs. The other much used Cadon son, Carmano, didn’t add daughters (RZE 129). The high newcomer from August, Ruacana (Rubens Red x Lentini RC), increases in reliability and overall conformation to RZE 133 and is in high demand (RZM 122). Emil II (Emerson x Esquimau) “Maike”, 2 La on best conformation (RZE 127) but as well the excellent handling of his daughters with very good milking speed (RZD 128) and temperament (MVH 120). 10 New With Ruleto another Rubens Red son can enter the list. His dam is a Luxembourgian Lightning-daughter classified already in 2nd lactation VG 88 out of Rubens RC. Ruleto impresses with the combination of high conformation (RZE 125) and production (RZM 123). He breeds slightly positive in fat (+0.01%) and protein (+0.04%). The linear confirms him as an improver for frame, very good feet and legs (121) and all udder traits. Kanzler is the first high Komtur son. With Stoll as MGS, he is a real product from the RSH breeding program. Kanzler can clearly improve components (+0.45% F, +0.12% P; RZM 108) and conformation with RZE 131, (F&L 127, udder 127). Stabilo is still the highest Stadel-son (RZM 121, RZE 120). From the Rubens Red sons Rubinrot (MGS Kom Leader) can clearly improve (RZM 123, +4) whereas Rugny (MGS Laurel) just drops (RZM 119). Ricobar remains the highest Rubens Red for conformation (RZE 127; MGS Tulip). The Faber sons Faromir and Forest are stable with high conformation figures (RZE 125 respectively RZE 135). The Lightning-son Lageno can gain one point in his RZG to now 122 because of improved udder health (RZS 109, +6). Lypoll P is a good allround bull with RZE 126, RZM 111 (+2) and positive udder health (RZS 115). What makes him unique is the polled gene. Tribute son Tiscali can improve his overall conformation (RZE 124) especially by higher figures for udder (122). Caribic does not change much with 237 daughters from the test in Germany and Estonia (RZE 122). The number of daughters is growing rapidly for Laurel and with that figures for longevity (RZN 118) and especially daughter fertility (RZR 121). Despite different high sons good old Faber with more than 15,000 daughters is still in demand. Avanti remains the best conformation sire with 99% reliability (RZE 131) but this position may be taken over by Rustler with the next evaluations. With 542 German daughters (internationally more than 5,000) he stands at RZE 134 with 98% reliability. German Holsteins Cassano 328422 TLTV (Champion x Convincer x Marconi x Aerostar) aAa: 651423 Cassano belongs to the very best Champion sons worldwide because he combines excellent conformation with very high production (1,831kg milk, RZM 124) and faultless figures for all functional traits. He descends from the famous Sweet family. The maternal pedigree behind Aerostar via Cleitus and SWD Valiant leads to Swampy Hollow Elevation Sweet Ex 92. So the SWD Valiant is a full sister to Broker. Cassano is a type and strength transmitter. His daughters are extemely long, tall and wide in the chest. Nevertheless the Cassano daughters have lots of harmony and dairytype in the best sence of the word. Another highlight in Cassano’s profile is feet&legs. Despite the high production, the udders are well attached with very strong ligament and wide and high rear udders. Within the functional traits he shows the seldom combination of very low cell count (RZS 117) with fast milking speed. Finally he can be used on heifers. So the complete package makes him a sire of sons. Rahn news 88 100 112 124 Dairy Type (Index) Body (Index) Feet and legs (Index) Udder (Index) RZE (Index) 121 122 123 112 127 821429 TLTV (Ramos x Prelude x Mellwood x Enhancer) aAa: 135246 Rahn is the highest of only 20 early tested Ramos sons. He came up with his first official figures already in April 2008. In the beginning it was not yet clear wether his very high figures for the functional traits were just pedigree or true daughter deviations. Meanwhile his daughters are in the 2nd lactation and his figures went even up to now udder health RZS 125, longevity RZN 125 and daughter fertility RZR 111. But like his father Ramos he has more. Within his overall conformation RZE 122 especially feet and legs excell and udders are very solid with nice squared placed teats. Rahn daughters are very correct with average size and capacity. Rahn was tested as well in family farms as in very big commercial farms and does a good job in all conditions. Average for direct calving ease his daughters have excellent calving abilities. At a level of +1,220kg milk Rahn daughters are very persistent and have good maturing rates. In summary Rahn proves to be a real Ramos son! Pandora 88 100 112 124 105 100 125 117 122 Dairy Type (Index) Body (Index) Feet and legs (Index) Udder (Index) RZE (Index) 916884 TLTV (Paradox x Yava RC x Factor RC x Stollberg RC) aAa: - Pandora is a new exciting bull with a different pedigree and a tremendous production that brought him right at the top of the list. His cow family is well known. The 5th maternal grand dam e.g. is Triple Adria the great grand dam of Rudi Red. Pandora is an exceptional production bull combining +1,872kg milk with +0,18% fat and neutral protein (RZM 137). Despite the high production the linear for all udder traits is faultless. The average sized Pandora daughters can stand the high production very well (BCS 95) and have sound feet&legs. A highlight in Pandora’s figures is the excellent udder health (RZS 120). Calving ease and calf vitality are above average and Pandora can be used on heifers. 88 Dairy Type (Index) Body (Index) Feet and legs (Index) Udder (Index) RZE (Index) 100 112 124 118 96 115 108 113 11 German Holsteins news Successful 2nd crop bulls countries. His Interbull proof lists already daughters in 8 other countries including Within the extraordinary “99-ers” for reUSA and CAN. His sire Lukas (Leadman liability the story of Gibor is special. Born x Inspiration) was missed as a great sire in August 1997 in France as son of Gibof sons outside Germany and Denmark bon (Southwind x Starwar) out of Sunnyand so the high ranking Lukas sons Lanboy he came up with his official figures celot and Laudan got international attenin 2002 ranking #8 due to high producdance at once. With the test daughters tion. But with his pedigree he was not What is the reason for this never known Laudan ranked behind Lancelot, but tovery popular even though already that tisuccess of 99% reliability bulls? The basis day Laudan ranks in the top-10 again me he showed up with low cell count and certainly are the changed breeding goals and is by far leading. With RZN 139 good udders and feet&legs. But figures in almost all Holstein countries leading to Laudan is the highest bull for longevity in were not that extreme like today (see tatotal merit indices closer related with the list of active 2nd crop bulls. In the ble). And one of shadow of Laudan and Lancelot another his most exciting Lukas son was almost ignored by the inabilities – daughternational Holstein business, Leif. Leif ter fertility RZR (MGS Zack) is a real top allrounder and 119 – didn’t show his figures are absolutely stable, meaup at all. His pedining he could compensate the yearly gree index for change of base and relatively became daughter non-rebetter and better. Almost 6,000 daughtturn-rate was 87 ers e.g. make him rank #51 in the Ameand with his test rican TPI toplist. Extremely strong and daughters he durable cows with excellent udderhealth could move up just are the trademarks of Leif. to 103. So mainly The two oldest bulls in the list are Juote commercial breeand Faber, both born in 1996. Both haders in the region Gibor (Gibbon x Sunny Boy) daughtergroup at DHV-Show 2007 ve already many sons proven. From the of owner RUW 30 Juote sons 18 were tested in Scandiused him. Impornavia where the Juror son and easy caltant international semen sales started two overall economy and thus including the ving bull because of his very good milyears ago when his 2nd crop daughters functional traits up to 50%. Different than king speed and calm temperament in pushed him up to the real top and in Jafor production and overall conformation combination with good udder health and nuary 2009 finally to rank #1. Only one the Holstein breed made in average no daughter fertility is still popular. Different other region used Gibor early, Scandinareal progress for the functional traits. to Juote, Red Holstein star Faber today is via. So 2/3 of the 758 foreign daughters First these traits are often negatively corovertaken by several of his already 126 in his Interbull proofs are found here. related to high production and second proven sons. Currently Famos and FaroEven with an age of 12 years Gibor is because of missing or low reliability promir are the highest domestic proven sons very vital and an excellent semen produofs for younger bulls there was no strong cer. There were selection in the past. Daughter fertility is only very few eara good example for that. But extraordily sons from Gibor nary proofs for functional traits alone are tested. Out of four not sufficient to rank high. Still producwith official figution has the highest relative weight in res Giseh (MGS most total merit indices – like in RZG Bombay) at #55 and without high production figures no has most potentibull can reach the top. So theoretically al. the top of the youngest bulls with outsThe most daughttanding production still have best chaners in his proofs ces to overtake the sire generation. Thehas Laudan with refore the best 2nd crop bulls are some30,214 (see tathing special and give the opportunity to ble). Right from fulfil a breeding dream: maximum prohis start he was gress with minimum risk! used in many Laudan (Lukas x Raider) daughter “All White” (FRA) It seems that it is currently the time of great 2nd crop bulls. A symbol became O-Man who dominated the US TPI list as 2nd crop bull and still ranks 4th behind two other 2nd crop bulls. The newest 2nd crop wonders are Shottle and Gibor. 12 Fist time on top German Holsteins and Huiben Allegro the highest from 27 in the Netherlands. Mtoto and Jocko Besne Mtoto was heavily used as an international sire of sons, but the best sons showed up in Germany. Mascol is by far the highest ranking at #2 in Germany with his proof for the first time including more than 1,000 daughters. He has daughters in milk already in the Netherlands, Scandinavia and USA where he proved his high production and component transmission, very good udders (USA +1.32 udder) and low cell count, too. Most daughters so far have Manager and Merinit with 8,636 respectively 6,118 daughters in many countries. They have the same RZG, but diffe- Mascol (Mtoto x Rudolph) daughter “Claudia 4” (NL) rent breeding pattern. Manager is a udderhealth and longevity specialist (MGS Rudolph). International users are especially satisfied with the very uniform and good conformation. Merinit (MGS Geoffry) is an allrounder with much milk (+1538kg). One of the best Mtoto sons was clearly underestimated with his daughters from the test period, Millennium (international name Pearson). Descending from a French Luke daughter he sets new limits for low cell count (RZS 139) in combination with +3 standard deviations for overall conformation! Despite he is positive for CVM he is used heavily once again. Luckily he is still alive. The most recent story of success is written by the Jocko sons. Like with Mtoto Ger- news many tested by far the most Jocko sons resulting in some outstanding top bulls. The first Jocko son with official figures was Jannsen. In his January proofs the descendant of the Blackstar dam ToMar Wayne Hay has 1,622 daughters enhancing his overall conformation to 141. The Laurel (Lay Out x Caveman) daughter “Limone” other Jocko son with already more than 1,000 daughters Red Holstein is Jefferson, but Good old Faber with almost 50,000 most of them still ha- daughters and several active sons was alve short records in ready mentioned. Avanti meanwhile has progress. He combi- more than 14,000 daughters and many nes high production more are added with every new run. If one (RZM 123) with is looking for stature, strength and capacigood conformation ty the Flano son is still the number one (RZE (RZE 123). Many 131). Protecting for foreudder he can sire more daughters in show winners. The same is true for Rustler Germany and abro- with even higher overall conformation (RZE ad will be added in 134). He was co-tested in Switzerland and the next evaluation most of his 2nd crop daughters are regiruns. stered there. The highest ranking 2nd crop Amador is often for- Red Holstein with 99% reliability is Laurel. gotten talking about His RZG of 123 is based on daughters with 2nd crop bulls, but extremely good fertility, feet&legs, udders, the easy calving Aa- longevity and udderhealth. ron son with high production (+1,745kg) Seventeen active bulls with at least 98% and solid conformation figures (F&L 118) reliability offer unique possibilities for gehas still friends. netic herd improvement on highest level with minimum risk. Table: 2nd Crop bulls ranked by numbr of daughters Name Laudan J u ot e Gibor Manager ET Merinit Le if Nov ize Millennium Jannse n J e f f e r s on Amado r Mas co l ET Faber Avanti Rus tler Num 810695 504296 667908 840463 821153 801705 325517 821119 821197 810833 840503 840515 912913 297505 297224 Laurel 925880 Lay Out Sire Lukas Juror Gibbon Mtoto Mtoto Lukas Novalis Mtoto Jocko Besn Jocko Besn Aaron Mtoto Factor RF Flano ET Laredo Red MGS Daug. total foreign daug. Rel. % RZM RZE RZS RZN Raider 30214 2450 99 114 117 122 139 Cleitus 27351 3009 99 94 127 108 112 Sunnyboy 10463 758 99 123 120 128 133 Rudolph 8636 1480 99 99 124 132 120 Geoffry 6118 1280 99 115 113 105 103 Zack 5958 145 99 112 117 129 127 Jabot 5290 683 99 120 114 102 125 Luke 2165 0 99 111 135 139 130 Mandel 1622 0 99 113 135 102 105 Dombinator 1261 0 99 123 123 94 97 Esquimau 1177 0 99 116 110 105 109 Rudolph 1024 264 98 134 120 122 115 Nick 49667 17378 99 114 117 94 107 Leadman 14596 2589 99 104 131 88 106 Milestone 6636 6094 98 93 134 98 103 RZR 107 109 119 100 93 115 96 94 98 100 92 107 99 100 103 RZG 137 109 147 117 117 130 131 134 122 123 119 144 117 112 104 Caveman 121 123 4748 631 99 103 122 113 118 13 German Holsteins news Growing breeding sucess in Balkan states with German bulls Photo: A. Maksic If I look back to the year 2004 when the first contact with GGI was achieved, I see that a lot has been done on spreading German breeding philosophy through the south European Balkan states since then. Working as a manager of four dairy and heifer growing farms for three years I was deeply involved in farming and breeding on a large scale industrial basis. Several big dairy systems like PIK Becej, Carnex Vrbas and PKB Belgrade were the heart of cattle breeding in Serbia. Especially Holstein breeding was traditionally located in the northern parts of the Modern management is widening out country suitable for Alfalfa, corn and soy growing. As a trainee on big Holstein farms I have passed through all positions within farm operations. One attracted me the most – genetics and reproduction. It was very often that we had up to 200 heifers ready for first insemination and more than 40 calvings per day. It provided me a unique perspective on weakness of large scale dairy operations. Fertility and longevity have been words we used a lot to describe the major obstacles during the morning briefs in the office. Thriving for bigger milk production we slowly started to loose a battle with fertility problems and short herd life. From my point of 14 view the solution was partially laid in the introduction of new blood lines and so I started to search more deeply for a genetic source that will balance our breeding. While visiting the German Hall, at the agriculture fair in Novi Sad, I have found the address of German Genetics International at the DHV booth. That’s how all started. After contacting GGI, I was invited to an intensive educational program conducted by GGI to learn more about the German breeding philosophy. Today GGI is present at most of the small and big family farms with milk production in the Balkan region. Healthy, easy handling and vibrant heifers and cows sired by GGI bulls are very common to find in barns from Slovenia, through Croatia and Bosnia up to Serbia. Farmers in every country have a wide selection of German bulls through the distribution network of the GGI Partners, AI Stud Krnjaca in Serbia founded in 1951, CUS Center from Osijek in Croatia, Intervet from Bijeljina in Bosnia and the newly founded Center Bikovega Semena from Slovenia, owned by GPZ on their disposal. Sl ov enia From 2005 German Genetics International is present at the Slovenian AI market through a very succesfull partnership and cooperation with GPZ z.o.o. Govedorejsko Poslovno Zdruzenje is a Slovenian breeding organization of bovine species. GPZ was established in 2003 by the national breeding organizations. Simmental, Holstein, Brown Swiss, Limousine, Charolais and Cika are provided by GPZ. Since 2005 GPZ gained the status of a recognized breeding organization. Croatia With the large and rich cropland region like Slavonia, Croatia is blessed for dairy operations and was very active in the first days of the Holstein popularization. GGI Partner and distributor for the Croatian market is AI Center Osijek (CUSH). Located in Slavonia AI Center Osijek supplies most of the biggest Holstein farms in Croatia and was very famous in Holstein breeding in former Yugoslavia. The main customers of GGI semen are larger holstein farms located in the crop region of Croatia. We still receive a positive feedback from the big operations (over 1000 cows in milk) who experienced easy calving and excellent feet and legs improvement by using the bulls from GGI. Serbia First AI Center “Centar za Vestacko Osemenjavanje Krnjaca” was founded in 1951 and still today holds a major market share in Serbia. Since November 2004 AI-center Krnjaca is the partner and distributor of GGI-products for the Serbian market. The semen of the German bulls was warmly accepted by the top Serbian farms when GGI started in Serbia. Despite the very harsh competition on the Serbian market GGI bulls fitted Photo: M. Hempe Aleksandar Maksic, GGI representative in the Balkan countries, reports on his way to GGI and gives a brief overview about breeding in the Balkan countries. Solid built cow stable well in the current fitness era of breeding. High conception rates, outstanding feet and legs and udder quality were recognized at all dairy operations. Bosnia and Herzegovina From the beginning of this year GGI and Intervet Biljeljina started a cooperation and partnership. Being a partner of the AI-stud Krnjaca from Serbia, Intervet was naturally alluded to GGI as the supplier of German bulls beside the domestic bred bulls from Serbia. Dawn on the Balkan: Growing sucess in Holsteins breeding German Holsteins news More than 500,000 semen doses of Laudan delivered On October 11th, 2008 Laudan – classified VG 89 – turned ten years old. Since many years Laudan belongs to the most heavily used bulls in Germany and the international demand is still very high. Laudan offers an international top class pedigree with Lukas x Raider x Blackstar x Bell x M.E. Tony and sires traits like high production, good udder health, fitness and longevity. His stylish daughters have an average frame and develop quite well. Highlights are the dry feet & legs as well as the high and firmly attached udders. The numerous daughters from the second crop all over the world totally confirm this im- pression. Also the first international Laudan heifers excite quite much. On July 15th, 2008 the mark of 500,000 delivered doses of the top class bull Laudan has been exceeded. EVENTS 7th February „Hessens Zukunft 2009“, Alsfeld Zucht- und Besamungsunion Hessen e.G. (ZBH) 11th March Show „Excellent-Schau“, Leer Verein Ostfriesischer Stammviehzüchter eG (VOSt) 18th March Show „Rind aktuell“, Hannover Rinderzucht Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH (RMV) Laudan 17th - 18th June „German Holstein Show“, Oldenburg Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V. (DHV) Jardin-dam Dea passed 100,000 kg lifetime production The Jardin-dam Dea (MF Tonic) has reached a lifetime production of 100,000 kg milk. She is from the famous German breeder Grünefeld in Backemoor. 3.85% protein makes her one of the best cows in this trait. She also passed on these extraordinary protein percentages to Jardin, showing +1,500kg Jardin mother “Dea” of milk and +0.21% protein. Rinder-Union-West e.G. (RUW) 19th November Show "Blickpunkt Rind", Paaren Rinderproduktion Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH (RBB) 23rd November Elite Auktion, Hamm Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V. (DHV) 11th December Show "Nikolausschau", Bismark Rinderzuchtverband Sachsen Anhalt e.G. (RSA) Belt daughter proves longevity of German Holsteins Novize daughter wins in Denmark Salina VG 89 already has 13 calves and a current lifetime production of 132,216 kg milk with 5,304 kg fat and 4,293 kg protein. She is owned by Karsten Kaak from Ratzbek. At the Danish Nationalshow in Herning in June 2008, “H Novize” won in the class of cows with two and three calvings. She produced over 10,000 kg milk in 346 days and was classified VG 88. “Salina” (s. Belt) 22nd October Show „RUW-Schau“, Hamm German Version available as PDF “H Novize”, 2 La 15 Snapshots ‘Day of the Newcomer’ 2008 The busy helpers at the briefing-breakfast in the morning shoot - make-up please! The diva prior to her foto Break for everyone! sees it ...and that’s how the cow Also necessary on fairs - milking ...Drop-off while bullridi ng: viewer perspective ...and everybody took something home... Important: Feet&Legs Snapshots ‘EuroTier’ 2008 Many daughtergroups.... Chill out... Pro in front of the camera too. ...and behind the cam, ...many transmitters. ...with a cup of ‘water’.