Untitled - Fable Sounds
Untitled - Fable Sounds
The world’s largest, most detailed non-orchestral multi-sample library ever created the “Broadway Big Band” series. A unique and exceptionally detailed multi-sample library in the form of a highly sophisticated virtual instrument, including a revolutionary custom made midi manipulation software developed especially for it. Recording for hundreds of hours of trumpets, trombones, saxophones, woodwinds and rhythm section instruments in New-York’s finest recording studios, using 4 microphone setups per instrument or more and capturing every articulation and interval imaginable, the Broadway Big Band series of virtual instruments will be the world’s largest, most detailed non-orchestral sample library ever created. Sonically superior sound choices with 4 Mic positions the “Broadway Big Band” series was recorded in a superior accoustic envirament with 26” high ceilings in a state of the art accoustically designed leading recording studio in New York. Each instrument was recorded with 4 different microphone setups or more, creating the ultimate versatility and stylistic flexibility as for the microphone posstioning, choice of pre-amplifier etc. 4 Mic 1 Mic 2 Mic 3 Mic 4 3 Close Microphone Tight Microphone Loose Microphone Room Microphone 1 2 Enjoy The flexibility of a multi-sample library, and the realism of performance elements using “Broadway Performer” our revolutionary and highly sophisticated midi manipulation plug-in Created for the Broadway Big Band products Instruments List: - Bb Trumpet + mutes - Tenor Trombone + Mutes - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - Soprano Saxophone - Barritone Saxophone - Clarinet - Upright Bass - Banjo - Ukalele - Drum set - Latin Perccussion The Revolutionary “Broadway Performer” The revolutionary “Broadway Performer”, both available as a midi plug-in and as a stand-alone program is a unique supplement developed especially for the Broadway Big Band products. It is a highly sophisticated and powerful midi manipulation tool, which enables an exceptionally easy and intuitive access to the numerous samples and articulations in real time based on context, and sets new standards for the amount of flexibility and realism people can expect from sample libraries and virtual instruments. It includes a groundbreaking system of virtual key-switches and data morphing processors, and enables switching between different articulations and note transitions in real time, making the usage of key-switches a much more intuitive one, and giving composers and music producers the true creative freedom and intuitive workflow they were all waiting for. With thousands of sampled intervals in various styles such as Legato, glissandos, chromatic-runs, Rip-Portamento, and the unique “Smear Legato” and “Clap-Bend”, the products of the Broadway Big Band provide highly realistic note transitions, which were always the main obstacle standing between sampler-users and the realism they seek. Now the Broadway Big Band not only includes all the intervals up to major 9th in various playing techniques but also enables switching between them in real-time without the need of multiple midi tracks and complicated programming. It also enables easy and intuitive access to numerous non-legato articulations such as Staccato, Staccatissimo, Falls (up & down), Rips, Flutter-Tonguing, Plunger (Wah-Wah effects), Smearing effects and many more. A HALion based virtual instrument Using one of the world’s most powerful and reliable software sample-player platforms, Broadway Big Band offers not only great sounds but also a reliable and powerful audio engine to ensure sound and performance. www.FableSounds.com
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