Ramu NiCo Participates in National Mining
Ramu NiCo Participates in National Mining
Inside This Issue: CONTENTS Highlights 01 Progressive Load Commissioning Successful 02 Ramu NiCo Participates in National Mining Safety Week 04 Project MOA Review Meeting Held in Mt Hagen All smile at Basamuk during successful load commission- pg 01 Safety Week Special 05 06 07 08 Basamuk Refinery Open National Safety Week in Style Madang Fire Service and Ramu NiCo Jointly Promote Safety Developer Possess Good Firefighting Facilities Ramu NiCo Conduct Free Medical Checks During Safety Week Corporate and Community Relations MOA meeting at Mt Hagen- pg 04 09 Water and Steam Supply in Basamuk Refinery Pivotal 10 Ramu NiCo Assist Madang Women 11 Medical Team Save Man Attacked by Wild Pig Community Development 12 Former Councilor-cum Successful Cocoa Farmer 13 Lanco to Renovate Rai Coast High School 13 Astrolabe Bay Experience Successful Rice Harvest Basamuk Refinery celebrates National Safety Week in style- pg 05 HSE 14 Ramu NiCo on Target to Managing Environment 15 Slurry Pipeline Weekly Monitoring Give Assurance Women in Ramu Nico 16 Helen – A Familiar Face at Basamuk Infirmary My Say…… 16 John Mollongs - Mine Production Supervisor Feature 17 China-Trained Papua New Guinean Bridging Two Cultures www.ramunico.com Ramu NiCo marks National Women's Day- pg 10 Highlights Progressive Load Commissioning Successful W ith little fanfare, Ramu Nickel Project successfully carried out its first load commissioning in March 2012. The ore mining and beneficiation at KBK Mine commenced on February 29. On March 1, the slurry was sent to Basamuk Refinery via the 135 km slurry pipeline, arriving at the HPAL circuit of Basamuk Refinery on March 3 with the load commissioning at the Train #3 commencing on March 4. After 16 days of continuous load commissioning, the production of the first batch of nickel and cobalt hydroxide intermediate product was achieved at the end of the product filtration system. The rather smooth process suggests that there is no fundamental flaw in the engineering design, construction and operational management and integration between different parts. The commissioning was carried out according to the Commissioning Plan adopted by the Company and approved by the Chief Inspector of Mines at MRA. The Commissioning Plan document was circulated to every section prior to the commencement of load commissioning. With operational experience gathered in the load commissioning and an impressive safety records, Ramu NiCo is now moving confidently with the commissioning of the other two production lines, in order to bring the Project into full official operation. Nambawan Lod Komisining Kamap Orait Tasol R AMU Nikel Projek wokim namba wan lod komisining bilong en long mun Mas 2012. Wok bilong redim gut na putim ol nikel graun i go insait long bikpela haus long Kurumbukari i bin stat long Februari 29, na long Mas 1 ol i salim ol nikel graun bihainim 135 kilomita paiplain i go daun long Basamuk Rifaineri na i bin go kamap long HPAL long Mas 3. Long komisining long Trein namba 3 bin stat stret long Mas 4. Bihain long 16-pela de long lod komisinising, namba wan prodaksen bilong nikel na kobalt haidroxaid intamidiet prodak bin kamap bihain long prodak filtaresen sistem. Dispela gutpela wok kamap i soim olsem ol bikpela wok stat long enjiniaring disain, i go konstraksen na operesen menesmen bilong ol arapela sistem i go orait stret. Wantaim dispela ol gutpela save long stat bilong wok long komisining na gutpela sefti rekot, Ramu NiCo i gat strong nau long muv i go long mekim komisining bilong ol narapela tupela prodaksen lain. Dispela bai bringim Projek i go insait long ful operesen stret. Namba wan Lod Komisining i kamapm bihainim Komisining Plen we Kampani i kisim tok-orait i kam long Sif Inspekta bilong Mains long Mineral Risoses Atoriti (MRA). Ol Komisining Plen pepa i go long olgeta seksen pastaim long stat bilong Lod Komisining. 01 Highlights Ramu NiCo Participates in National Mining Safety Week Safety inspection at Basamuk 02 R AMU NiCo employees from all three sites, KBK Mine, Basamuk Refinery and Madang Office join other mining operations in PNG by participating in the first Apex National Mining Safety Week in March. The National Mining Safety Week is an initiative of Mr. Mohan Singh, the Chief Inspectorate of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) as a lead up to the Second National Emergency Response Challenge scheduled later this year. The week-long activities from March 5 to 11 saw employees at the three sites participating in the events with enthusiasm, and applied their talents in quiz shows, parade, safety drills, safety poster drawing and safety song competitions. Ramu NiCo Chief Operating Officer, Gao Yongxue opened the Safety Week on March 5 at a mobilization conference attended by mangers of all three sites. Mr. Gao said that in organizing the activities, Ramu NiCo is hoping to raise the safety awareness across the Company as safety is everybody’s priority. Mr. Gao asked Ramu employees at all sites to ensure safety is maintained at every level. After a one week’s event, HSE General Manager (Health, Safety and Environment), Wayne Basson thanked all employees who participated with enthusiasm, and applied their talents in the organised activities. “Without you these events would not have been fantastic and successful as we’ve enjoyed.” “I trust that this experience will enhance safety awareness each and every day in the coming years, and look forward to seeing if we can make this an even bigger and better event next year,” Mr Basson said. More reports can be found in the following “Safety Week Special” section. www.ramunico.com Madang staff admiring safety posters Highlights Ramu NiCo Amamasim Nesenel Maining Sefti Wik Gut Stret Mr. Aiso from MRA Inspectorate admiring a safety poster at KBK 03 R AMU NiCo i bin amamasim Apex Nesenel Maining Sefti Wik wantaim naispela ol program bilong en. Dispela Nesenel Maining Sefti Wik i bin stat long Mas 3 na pinis long Mas 11 na i lukim ol wok lain bilong Ramu NiCo i putim kamap planti kain kain ol gutpela sefti program bilong en long amamasim dispela wik. Ol i amamasim dispela wik wantaim ol pilai, kwiz, posta kompetisen long tripela wok eria bilong Ramu NiCo em long Kurumbukari (KBK) Main, Basamuk (BSK) Rifaineri na tu long Madang ofis. Sif Opereting Ofisa bilong Ramu Nico, Gao Yongxue i bin opim dispela Nesenel Sefti Wik program na i tokaut strong olsem sefti em bikpela samting tru na em bisnis bilong olgeta lain long Ramu NiCo. Insait long ol Sefti Wik program i bin gat ol paia drill pilai i kamap we i lukim tu ol lain bilong PNG Fire Sevis long Madang i go givim toktok na tu soim ol wok lain long rot bilong kilim indai paia. Dispela i bin kamap long Ramu NiCo Madang ofis. Progrem long Madang i lukim tu ol lain bilong Modilon Hausik i go givim ol toktok long sait bilong helt. Progrem long Basamuk na KBK i bin lukim ol paia drill na posta kompetisen. Long Basamuk yet, we i bin gat wanpela mas o pereid i lukim naispela kala tru bilong olgeta wok lain bilong Ramu NiCo wantaim ol kontrakta i wokabaut na mas long Rifaineri i go olgeta long ples o eria bilong slip. Kala bilong yunifom bilong ol wok lain i sain nais tru na planti lain manmeri bilong ples husat i sanap lukim dispela mas i tok em i bin nais tru. Narapela program long Basamuk we i lukim Komyuniti Afes (CA) Dipatmen i redim program we i lukim ol medikol tim bilong Ramu NiCo i go long ples Jangang long givim fri medikol sekap na givim marasin na tu givim toktok long sik malaria na sik HIV/AIDS. Planti ol lain manmeri bilong ples i amamas tru long dispela fri medical sek na tu sampela i kisim marasin na helpim i kam long ol medikol tim bilong Ramu NiCo long Basamuk. Long Fraide, Mas 9 i bin gat wanpela kompetisen i kamap long Basamuk tu we wanpela wokman i mekim wanpela Sefti song na tu i lukim sampela ol lain bilong rifaineri dipatmen i go singsing. Long arere Mas 10, Ramu NiCo i givim prais long ol lain husat i win long mekim posta long ofis long Madang. Wankain tu i bin kamap long KBK na BSK. Highlights Project MOA Review Meeting Held in Mt Hagen the opening ceremony. Director & Executive Vice President of Ramu NiCo, Gu Yuxiang later acknowledged and thanked the Project landowners and stakeholders for their support towards the Project. MoA review meeting at Mt Hagen During the round table review, parties deliberated further on the MoA document last revised in Madang in 2011. It covered topics such as business spin-offs, royalties, infrastructure developments, establishment of Ramu Nickel Foundation and other commitments by the stakeholders under the MoA. A WEEK-LONG Ramu Project Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) Review Meeting was held in Mt. Hagen from April 23 to 27. Parties to the MoA present at the meeting included the State team, landowner executives with the four landowner associations (LOA) chairmen and Ramu NiCo team on behalf of the Ramu Nickle Joint Venture. The Madang Provincial Government and concerned Local Level Governments (LLG) were not present. Ramu Project Coordinator with MRA, Carter Oiee welcomed the stakeholders during Main issues concerning the state, landowners and Ramu NiCo were reviewed clause by clause and principally agreed. Parties present at the time also agreed that the Project should proceed into full operation soon. MoA Riviu Miting kamap Long Mt Hagen 04 R AMU Projek Memorandum ov Agrimen (MoA) Riviu Miting i bin kamap long Mt Hagen long Epril 23 i go 27. Ol lain stekholda husat i stap insait long MoA hust i bin bung long Hagen em Gavman tim, ol eksekutiv bilong ol lenona asosesin (LOA) na ol siaman bilong LOA na Ramu NiCo tim husat i makim Ramu Nikel Joint Vensa. Madang Provinsal Gavman na lokal level gavman i no bin kamap Ramu NiCo team at Mt Hagen MoA review meeting www.ramunico.com Ramu Projek Kodineta wantaim MRA, Carter Oiee i opim miting wantaim tok welkam na bihain Dairekta na Eksekutiv Vais Presiden bilong Ramu NiCo, Gu Yuxiang i luksave na tok welkam long olgeta Projek lenonas na ol stekholdas long ol sapot ol i save givim long Projek. Insait long miting ol lain stekholda i toktok long ol samting we MoA Riviu long Madang i bin toktok long en long 2011. Ol dispela bikpela toktok i karamapim ol samting olsem ol bisnis wok, royalty, wok divelopmen bai kamap na tu plen bilong kamapim Ramu Nikel Faundesen na ol arapela komitmen ol stekholdas i laikim aninit long MoA. Ol bikpela toktok na wanem ol samting we Gavman, papagraun na Ramu NiCo i mas mekim em ol stekholda i toktok na karamapim wan wan na ol i tok orait long en. Ol lain stekholda husat i bin bung long dispela taim i tok-orait na laikim olsem Projek i mas go het na kamapim ful operesen. Safety Week Special Basamuk Refinery Open National Safety Week in Style The Parade to safety 05 B ASAMUK Refinery staged an impressively colorful parade and a march-by to mark the opening of the Apex National Mining Safety Week on March 5, in the rural coastal setting of Rai Coast. Ramu NiCo employees from different technical departments and operational sections were remarkably attired in PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) as they displayed banners depicting various safety slogans and themes. They began marching in orderly fashion chanting and waving their multi-colored banners from within the Refinery all the way to the Company’s new accommodation area covering a distance of about five kilometers. It was an impressive show of a unified force as they marched starting at around 5:30 pm carrying banners making the scenery look bright and beautiful as the rays of the afternoon sun was gradually setting in the magnificent Finistere mountain ranges towering in the horizon. Local villagers, some returning from their gardens stood stunned and watched by at the roadside with fascination. Even children applauded the display as it was the first time most of them had witnessed such. “The villagers were thrilled because they’ve not seen such big parade and march-by before,” remarked Mou Bilang, a local from nearby Ganglau village. “And for Ramu NiCo to promote safety rules and standards in such remote locations is very encouraging,” he said, as he happily joined the Community Affairs team in the march. Prior to that activity, Company employees were asked to produce beautiful posters depicting different safety themes and slogans. Some drawn by hand, others designed using computer graphics were later displayed for public viewing. The posters emphasized safety as crucial for all staff of Ramu NiCo and the need to establish and manage real life situations and utilize appropriate equipment and process to uphold safety by promoting “Zero Harm”. The event ended with safety song competition. Safety Week Special Madang Fire Service and Ramu NiCo Jointly Promote Health and Safety M ADANG Office also conducted several e d u c a t i o n a l a w a re n e s s a c t i v i t i e s throughout the Safety Week. However, its activities were differed a fair bit to the two sites because it invited outside service agencies to promote health and safety. These include first-aid training by Modilon General Hospital, road safety lecture by Police Traffic Unit from Madang and firefighting drill by Madang Fire Service. Nutrition and HIV/ AIDS awareness was conducted by Ramu NiCo’s Community Affairs gender officers with all staff participating in safety poster competition. The highlight for Madang Office was the fire safety drill conducted by the PNG Fire Service using its fire engine equipped with modern instruments. Safety drill was conducted in front of Glass Haus complex. 06 Madang staff trying out fire hose www.ramunico.com The management invited the Fire Service to demonstrate how different types of fires can be extinguished, how water pumps and hoses and firefighting equipments are installed and used, and how life saving equipment on their fire engines is used in times of accident and others. “Safety is very important for Ramu NiCo and your high standard demonstration contributes to our knowledge of safety,” Director and Executive Vice President of Ramu NiCo, Mr. Gu Yuxiang said when commending the Fire Service team. First-aid training The fire team was led by Madang Fire Service Station Commander and Inspector Robert Wandokun and officer Joe Dumau, pump operator and officer John Gream and colleague Canute Yamang. Safety Week Special Developer Possess Good Firefighting Facilities R AMU NiCo’s KBK Mine and Basamuk Refinery are well equipped with fire hydrants, extinguishers and other fire-fighting facilities. The sites also have fire-fighting trucks that can properly serve the size of the plants with qualified fire-fighters comprising of both national and Chinese employees. Chief Operating Officer Gao Yongxue made this remark during the fire-fighting drill at KBK Mine site on March 8 during the week long PNG Mining Safety Week campaign. “From the operational safety and risk mitigation perspective, firefighting is very important for our operation.” “Since the engineering stage, we spent lots of efforts ensuring we are properly equipped,” he said. Fire expert from Sustainability with national fire fighters at KBK Mine General Manager of HSE, Wayne Basson also confirmed that fire fighting trainings take place regularly at both KBK and Basamuk sites. Ramu NiCo engaged fire experts from The SUSTAINABILITY based in Western Australia to train the fire fighters. E m e r g e n c y R e s p o n s e Tr a i n e r f r o m SUSTAINABILITY Jayson Dawson said he is training both Chinese and nationals to become qualified fire fighters. “I am happy with them. We also have a Chinese trainer and more fire fighters are now on site,” Mr. Dawson said. During the demonstration at KBK on Thursday March 8, a smashed vehicle was put up in flame and immediately after seven minutes, KBK site fire fighters under the command of Mr. Dawson responded and immediately extinguished the fire and re scued the casualties. 07 Fire fighting drill at Basamuk refinery During the safety week, KBK staff and management also participated in chemical safety training, hygiene competition, isolation Modern fire truck at Basamuk refinery and lockout training, smoking and alcohol awareness and healthy lifestyle awareness poster competition among others. Safety Week Special Ramu NiCo Conduct Free Medical Checks During Safety Week F REE medical checks including health awareness on malaria and HIV/AIDS were conducted at Jangang village in Rai Coast district by Basamuk Refinery medical team on March 7, coinciding with the National Mining Safety Week from March 5-11. Over four hundred people, including men, women and children from Jangang, Mindre and Ganglau villages near Basamuk Refinery converged on Jangang village to mark the day along with Ramu NiCo medical team. Pep-talks on HIV/AIDS were also delivered with emphasis that there is no cure for HIV/ AIDS and individuals must take precaution. pregnant women and children under 5-years of age have the highest risk of dying from it. Random medical checks were also conducted by Ramu NiCo medical officers, Dr. Pomuso Warima and Dr. Tongjun Qi. The checks include chest using stethoscope and eyes for signs of any diseases. Mothers brought along their children, mostly infants to check on their medical conditions such as spleen and also for symptoms of malaria. “The only way to know whether you have HIV/AIDS or not is to do a simple blood test at a clinic or VCT (voluntary counseling and testing),” said the team. Conducting awareness using condom Prior to the medical check-up, Ramu NiCo’s nursing sister at Basamuk, Helen Bruno explained to the villagers that malaria is caused by female mosquitoes that travels and feeds at night. Sr. Helen pointed out that malaria is one of the most serious sicknesses in PNG and 08 Dr. Warima encouraging nutritional values of local food Medical officers carrying out medical check www.ramunico.com Corporate & Community Relations Water and Steam Supply in Basamuk Refinery Pivotal T HE WATER and Steam Supply Section at Basamuk Refinery is responsible for supplying water to the accommodation and various parts of the Refinery plant. Henry introduced that the section is operating six deep well pump houses near the Yaganon river close to the camp, where raw water is pumped from deep well to the water pump station. Moreover, this Section produces high pressure and low pressure steam for the Refinery. Both are very important in the running of the daily operation. The high pressure steam is then sent to HPAL and the low pressure steam to different areas within the Refinery including, the acid plant, limestone plant, power plant, production area and the wharf. Visitors to the Section will meet He Kunpeng, or Jim Henry as he prefers to be called by his English name, the Sectional Deputy Superintendent. Henry is a very amicable person. He joined in Ramu NiCo in 2007 and has been in the country for over four years. One thing that the national staff like about Henry is that whenever he notices any person having a problem, he talks to them and always wants to find out what is really bothering them. Henry loves to encourage his fellow colleagues to do their best and learn as much as they can for their benefit in the future. Henry explained that the de-mineralized water is later sent to four main places including two acid boilers, two stand-by boilers, the power plant and the HPAL. Every two weeks, the Section also produces over four hundred bottles of water dubbed as ’Ramu Spring’ at its purified water station for the staff consumption. Donald at Water Supply and Treatment Plant 09 Donald and He monitoring the water and steam supply at Basamuk Corporate & Community Relations Ramu NiCo Assist Madang Women A S a good corporate citizen of Madang, Ramu NiCo has once again showed its generosity by donating several food items to the Madang Provincial Council of Women in support of the National Women’s Day celebrations. Margaret Zhao Miao from Ramu NiCo’s Corporate Office presented several bales of rice and cartons of tinned fish to the Council secretariat office. Ms Zhao when making the donation emphasized that Ramu NiCo understands the role women play in the development of the society. Ramu NiCo was approached by the president of the Madang Council of Women, Mary Kamang to provide assistance to the women during the occasion. 10 The Ramu NiCo team in the National Women's Day www.ramunico.com Women leaders who attended were from all six districts of the Province, including Madang, Sumkar, Bogia, Rai Coast, Middle Ramu and Usino-Bundi. They gathered in Madang to mark the annual event to raise awareness on a number of issues affecting women in the country as well as petition the authorities concerned about means and ways to help women organizations in the Province. A number of Ramu NiCo staff, both men and women also joined in the event in which the women folks called for “Stop to Violence against Women” and for relevant authorities in the Province to work towards Madang’s former glory and beauty. Margaret Zhao and Madang women rep Corporate & Community Relations Medical Team Save Man Attacked by Wild Pig Raibus Security personals rushed him to Basamuk Refinery infirmary after received a call for assistance from Tenang’s relatives. Blood was flowing profusely when he was brought in. The medical team immediately applied first aid and other life-saving procedures, and then arranged the company ferry m.v. Carrie to transport him to Modilon hospital in Madang on an emergency run. The family of the boy expressed their appreciation to Ramu NiCo for helping them during their time of desperate need. Ramu NiCo praises the Basamuk medical team lead by Dr. Tongjun Qi, nurse Helen Bruno and first-aid officer and driver Timothy Gabong for saving the local, and the mv Carrie crew for cooperating in making the emergency trip outside of its schedule. Medical staff at Basamuk attend to victim R AMU NiCo has time and again showed compassion for people in need when it helped a young man from Rai Coast, who sustained serious injuries after he was attacked by a wild pig. Tenang Bayom, aged in his early 20s from Buf village near Basamuk is lucky to be alive after he was saved by Ramu NiCo medical team at Basamuk following the incident on Thursday April 12 near his village. The wild boar chased by other villagers approached Tenang and suddenly jumped on him and began tearing his body causing horrendous injuries. It is not the first time Ramu NiCo has displayed its love and compassion towards the community. At the end of last year mv Carrie whole-heartedly helped rescuing the Airlines PNG crash survivors and in the following day ferried rescuers and police investigation team to the crash site at Guabe river near Marakum in Rai Coast. 11 Community Development Former Councilor-cum Successful Cocoa Farmer A FORMER councilor, Manawa Putaria from Anieke village in Ward 17 of Usino Local Level Government (LLG), Madang province was once a committed taro farmer. With the earnings, Putaria purchased a generator worth K3,000, a welding machine, built three semi-permanent houses and manages to send all his children to school. Putaria’s taro gardens supported his two wives and ten siblings well, with surplus sold at the local markets. He was satisfied and had no intentions to build up his capital. That went on for some time. “After five years, I plan to buy a vehicle and build a permanent house with toilet, kitchen and everything inside”, determined Putaria said. He never knew that if he invested his energy in cocoa farming then this would transform him into a person to be reckoned with in future. A break-through came to this industrious gardener between 2007 and 2008 following an intensive training workshop jointly conducted by Ramu NiCo and World Vision under the Begesin Bugati Rural Development Project. Putaria was fortunate to attend and acquired valuable information and skills in cocoa farming. 12 Putaria is also assisted by his wife, Lydia who farms a 1.5 hector cocoa plot and his uncle Jeffery who farms two hectares. With the combined harvest, they are eligible to own an eight-by-eight square meters fermentry to harvest dry beans. “I don’t have any regrets. Cocoa only will support me to improve my life,” Putaria said. Putaria and Lydia With the knowledge and regular guidance from Ramu NiCo agriculture field extension officer Samuel Masawa, Putaria converted his taro growing skills to cocoa blocks. And since 2009 till now he has over two hectare cocoa blocks that fetches him around10 wet bean bags. Samuel and Jeffery posing with a cocoa tree bearing more than 200 pods www.ramunico.com The family said with the training from Ramu NiCo and continuous supervision, they have been doing exceptionally well. Ramu NiCo conducts regular agriculture training along its Pipeline villages, including Basamuk and KBK to encourage food security, a necessity for the community to sustain themselves in the future. Community Development Lanco to Renovate Rai Coast High School O N Monday April 16, Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) officially awarded a contract worth over K1 million to Wass Matau Limited, one of Ramu Project landowner companies to do work at the run-down Rai Coast High School. Board Directors of Wass Matau Ltd, the representatives of Ramu NiCo, Madang provincial government, Treasury as well as community leaders from Rai Coast were present to witness the occasion in Madang. This is the first phase contract work under the State’s commitment towards infrastructure development under the Ramu Project MoA and will see work done on students’ dormitories, school mess, kitchen and ablution blocks. Community Project Engineer from MRA, Yako Punin Minaro handed over the cheque and asked Wass Matau to deliver the project on time. the project will be delivered on time and with quality. “We will do our best to ensure the school is brought to its former standard and glory so our children receive better education,” he said. The first project worth K1.3 million was a w a rd e d t o M a i r a g i L t d re p re s e n t i n g landowners from Inland Pipeline to build eight houses at Walium and Usino station, second contract worth K1.2 million was awarded to KBK Ltd representing landowners from KBK Mine to build the North access road, and Rai Coast school project is the third. Ramu Project Coordinator, Carter Oiee congratulated Wass Matau Ltd and challenged them to deliver the project so the students can benefit. John Bivi, Coordinator Mines of Madang Provincial Government and Stotick Kamya, deputy general manager with Ramu NiCo Community Affairs department, also joined others in congratulating Wass Matau Ltd for the contract. Rai Coast High school is located within the Coastal Pipeline impact area of the Ramu Project with Wass Matau being the only landowner company. Ramu NiCo assisted the school over the past years with the major one being K40,000. worth of tractor donated in 2010 for the schools agriculture activities. Mr. Yako presenting cheque to Mr. Saud “As the Ramu NiCo landowner company that will benefit the landowners and school as well, we give the contract with no hesitation but urge you assist us (MRA) by delivering the project on time with quality,” Mr. Minaro said. 13 Board Chairman of Wass Matau, Steven Saud assured MRA and the government that Astrolabe Bay Experience Successful Rice Harvest R ECIPIENTS of rice training conducted by the Ramu NiCo agriculture specialists at Bom village in the Astrolabe Bay area of Madang in November 2011 are now reaping the seeds of what they have sowed. Till March 31 2012, a total of 560 kg of paddy rice were harvested by the farmers and a total of 303 kg of milled rice was produced. The seven small-scale rice farmers were assisted by Ramu NiCo with transport to bring bags of paddy rice to Madang to mill. They included, Wagi Thomas, Thomas Wanopai, Wagi Marus, Abel Knox. Wambu Masab, Tarauba Denmark and William Wagems. Wagems, who spoke on behalf of the farmers said the training by Ramu NiCo training officer, Aldam Bande was very helpful. During the training last year, Ramu NiCo provided 40 kg of rice seeds to the farmers. Today, there are about 103 active rice farmers in the village and they are being encouraged to increase their rice production for food security and income generation. Farmers with their milled rice Ramu NiCo agriculture section monitors the farmers from time to time and provides continuous support in increasing their production. HSE Ramu NiCo on Target to Managing the Environment B ETWEEN March 23 and April 4, Ramu NiCo engaged an environmental consultant, Ninkama Yoba and Associates to conduct reinstallation of its six stream gauge stations in the vicinity of KBK Mine and Basamuk Refinery. The gauge stations are to allow measurement of stream discharge and water quality relations with discharge and also to evaluate water supply sources. Four (4) of the six (6) gauge stations at Project sites were step-up in the vicinity of KBK Mine at Banap creek, Anangri creek, Banu creek and Ramu river at Sepu to measure stream discharge from KBK Mine site operations. The other two (2) gauge stations were established at Gagaiyo river near KBK Mine site and Yaganon river near Basamuk Refinery to evaluate water supply sources to the Mine and Refinery respectively. The six stream gauge stations were initially set up in November 2006 during the baseline survey after Ramu NiCo became the Project Manager. However over the time some of those gauge stations were vandalised, stolen or simply malfunctioned, causing challenges to the monitoring work. During the reinstallation, a DRUK pressure sensor was installed above the streambed connected to a data-logger (CR200 Datalogger) via a protective stainless steel pipe to collect water level readings whilst a protective housing was also set up at each of the gauge locations to house the data loggers. This protective housing is also used as a security measure against vandalism. Apart from the reinstallation and relocation, stream current profiling survey was conducted in the vicinity of the gauge stations specifically at Banu creek, Anagri c re e k , B a n a p c re e k a n d G a g a y o r i v e r to establish monitoring sites within the prospect that was prone to be disturbed during mining activities at KBK. These hydrological activities were established to measure the stream flow (discharge), water quality in relation to discharge and the stream depth. This would now enable a detailed management measure with consistency and continuous hydrological monitoring program implemented during the Project operational stages. Local landowners are hired to look after the stations, providing them the opportunity to earn some money. Ramu NiCo environmental staff, Aaron Yulong, Dickson Yoga and Jennifer Goari led by HSE Manager Johnson Chen were involved with the consultant in the reinstallation exercise. Ramu NiCo Gohet long Menesim Envairomen 14 R Ninkama and assistants measuring the river level AMU NiCo i yusim wanpela nesenel konsalten long helpim na stretim wok bilong en long sait long lukautim bus, graun, wara na solwara. Em i yusim sevis bilong Ninkama Yoba na Asosiets long stretim gen 6-pela wara mita stesen long ol eria klostu long KBK Main na tu long Basamuk Rifaineri. Bikpela wok bilong ol dispela wara mita stesin em long rekotim o kisim mak bilong wara i ron na tu kwaliti bilong wara we i ron kamaut. Ol i kamapim ol dispela wara mita stesin tu long glasim na sekim gut wanem hap ples wara i kamaut long en. Namel long dispela 6-pela wara-mita stesin long Ramu NiCo Projek, 4-pela em ol i putim klostu long KBK Main long Banap wara, Anangri, Banu wara na bikpela Ramu Riva long Sepu long kisim rekot bilong ol wara i ron i go aut na glasim wantaim KBK Main. Narapela tupela wara-mita stesin em ol i putim long Gagaiyo Riva klostu long KBK yet na narapela em ol i putim klostu long Basamuk Rifainri, na tupela em long kisim rekot bilong wanem hap wara i kamaut long en www.ramunico.com Hailans Pasifik Limited (HPL) i bin wokim kamap 6-pela wara-mita stesen long Novemba 2006 taim ol i karimaut beslain sevei bilong Ramu Projek. Tasol long taim bilong wok bilong en, ol dispela waramita stesen i bungim planti hevi olsem ol lain long ples i brukim na stilim ol samting na tu ol masin i ron nogut na i no kisim gutpela rekot. Olsem na long dispela as tasol, stat long Mas 23 i go Epril 4, 2012 Ramu NiCo i kamap gen wantaim tingting long wokim gen displa wara-mita stesen program bilong en. Wankain beslain wok samting em ol i yusim long wokim na kamapim gen ol waramita stesin. Ol HSE wokman meri bilong Ramu NiCo husat i wok klostu wantaim Ninkama Yoba na Asosiets long wokim kamap gen ol wara-mita stesin em Aaron Yulong, Dickson Yoga na Jennifer Goari. Deputi jeneral menesa bilong HSE, Johnson Chen i lukautim ol wok lain bilong em long karimaut sevei wok. HSE Slurry Pipeline Weekly Monitoring to Give Assurance I N ITS weekly Slurry Pipeline Movement Monitoring Report compiled April 22, 2012 and submitted to the Government, Ramu NiCo indicated that the pipeline movement is almost at a standstill while the rectification work is in good progress. relevant government agencies including Madang Provincial Works Department, MRA and DEC on this matter. In February, the Madang Works Department and Ramu NiCo signed a MoU, setting out steps to tackle the issue. Later the Government agencies and Ramu NiCo conducted joint onsite inspection twice to allocate the tasks and monitor the progress. The two spots of focuses are at 38 and 41 kilometre respectively of the slurry pipeline from the KBK Mine which experienced landslip caused by the heavy rain early this year. Slurry pipeline signage In order to avoid displacement of the pipeline caused by further landslip, remedial work commenced where top overburden soils were removed to reduce the weight and also to push pipeline back into alignment. At the same time Ramu NiCo erected safety signs along the spots to warn travelling public and is conducting regular monitoring of the pipeline. Ramu NiCo has been working closely with Ramu NiCo save sekim Paiplain Oltaim I NSAIT long Slari Paiplain Muvmen Monitoring Ripot i go long ol Gavman ejensi we Ramu NiCo i redim long Epril 22, 2012, Ramu NiCo i soim olsem muvmen bilong paiplain i stap orait na sampela wok i go het orait tasol. Tupela eria we moa luksave i stap long en em i stap namel long 38 na 41 kilomita mak bilong slari paiplain stat long KBK Main we i bin lukim graun i bruk taim bikpela ren i pundaun long stat bilong dispela yia. Kawawar landslip remediation commenced Long stopim paiplain long surik taim graun i bruk, sampela wok long sait long stretim i bin kamap taim ol wok lain bilong Ramu NiCo i rausim ol graun antap na long paiplain na daunim hevi na pusim paiplain i go bek long lain stret. Long wan kain taim tu Ramu NiCo i sanapim ol sefti sain long ol ples klostu long rot long toksave long ol pablik i yusim rot na tu em i go het yet long sekim paiplain. Stat long mun Februari, Ramu NiCo i bin wok klostu wantaim ol lain gavman ejensi olsem Madang Provinsal Woks Dipatmen, Mineral Risoses Atoriti (MRA) na Dipatmen ov Envairomen na Konsevesen (DEC) long lukluk i go insait long envairomen. Long mun Februari long dispela yia Ramu NiCo wantaim Woks Dipatmen long Madang i bin sainim wanpela memorandum ov agrimen (MoA long lukluk i go insait long wanem kain ol hevi na wok i ken kamap na husat bai stretim. Bihain long dispela ol lain gavman ejensi na Ramu NiCo i bin mekim lukluk raun i go long paiplain eria na sekim gut wanem ol samting i kamap long hap. 15 Women in Ramu Nico / My Say…… Helen-A Familiar Face at Basamuk Infirmary H ELEN Bruno is already a familiar face at Basamuk amongst the employees at the Refinery Plant. She is the general nursing sister at Basamuk infirmary who attends to Ramu NiCo employees when they are down sick and need medication. Helen hails from Malol in the Aitape district of Sandaun province. She joined Ramu NiCo in November, 2010 after working previously with Chemcare in Madang. Prior to moving to Madang she was working with Vanimo general hospital in her home province, Sandaun. Helen mentioned some of the highlights of her work at Basamuk include her involvement in the community outreach exercise during the National Mining Safety Week. She assisted in conducting random medical checks conducted by the Ramu NiCo medical officers, Dr. Pomuso Warima and Dr. Tongjun Qi who are stationed at Basamuk. Helen conducting awareness at Basamuk 16 Helen Bruno We Train Employees on All Aspects of Safety “Since Ramu Project is the first of its kind in the country, it is quite challenging with people from different cultures working together. However, we try our best to minimize the challenges with our utmost focus to develop the mine into a world-class operation. In order to achieve that, we train national employees in all aspects of safety and safe operation of equipment and safety compliance.” John Mollongs – Mine Production Supervisor John Mollongs www.ramunico.com Feature China-Trained Papua New Guinean Bridging Two Cultures T H E W I S D O M t o b u i l d R a m u N i C o ’s corporate culture based on the commitment of “One Ramu NiCo, One Community” is undeniably paramount and much-needed. Malcolm Philip Taureka, from Lalaura village in the Central Province can be the Company’s another valuable addition in helping minimizing the cultural and language gaps among its muti-national team. “It was exciting working with international experts from all over the world. Geologists, geographers, hydrologist and others from China, Brazil, Africa, PNG, New Zealand and Peru”, he continues. Malcolm at KBK mine site Prior to joining the geo surveying company in Port Moresby, Malcolm enjoyed a wonderful cultural experience in China from 2007 where he underwent a Master of Science study, with specific research on Geo Information Systems in modeling spatial data at the China Mining University of Technology. “My education helped me to study the geological information systems and cultural learning in China. Because I learnt Chinese and able to speak fluent Chinese Mandarin, it helps me a great deal to communicate well with Chinese,” Malcolm said. “My experience in China was pretty exciting and I was able to see and feel myself China’s diverse cultural learning environment.” “I remember travelling to Suzhou and Nanjing, the two beautiful places in China,” Malcolm recalls. Suzhou is literally known to be one of the ‘heavens of China’ with beautiful environment settings. Guilin is another city in Guanxi province where he visited. Malcolm also had the opportunity to attend academic gatherings where he met experts from all over the world. “The locals and Chinese work together to achieve results. When the job is accomplished we are satisfied and share a few jokes and laugh,” he said. Besides being a cultural ambassador in a sense, Malcolm is also busy with his job assignments. He prepares database for drilling and ore modeling, grade calculation, provide geological maps, engineering plans and construction, plans and collecting samples, draw plans related to the department’s needs, modeling ore pits, mine surveying of pits and stock piles, provide in-house training for locals when required and others. Majored in geology, Malcolm is based at the Kurumbukari (KBK) Mine as the GSI (Geological Survey Information) coordinator. He commenced work with Ramu NiCo on March 6, 2012 after a short stint with a geo surveying engineering firm in Port Moresby. What is quite unique with Malcom is that he speaks fluent Chinese Mandarin, apart from his fluent Motu, Tok Pisin and English, making this young lad a potential bridge between the different cultures in the Project. W ith his addition, the Geology Survey department in KBK Mine is fun-filled with Chinese and nationals working harmoniously together. Equipped with those knowledge and cultural experiences, Malcolm has confidence in himself that he is capable to assist Ramu Project in gradually bridging the cultural gap. Carrying out official tasks in line with his designated qualification and also going further to enhance in bridging the two cultures is Malcom’s long term ambition as long as he is happy with Ramu NiCo and the Company is happy with him. 17 Malcom acknowledges that there can be many misunderstanding leading to potential conflicts and problems but he is willing to help bridge using his Chinese language capability. “My aim is to create harmony and bring understanding between a Chinese and PNG. Knowing Chinese environment I think you can capture the essence of working. However, there would be many hiccups… I’m willing to go along with it and bring some formal understanding”. Malcolm encourages fellow employees, including Papua New Guineans, Chinese and foreign-nationals to play their part in promoting a harmonious working environment to bridge the cultural and language gaps. “Try to learn their (Chinese) culture and work along with them although there are certain differences in mind. It is good to establish a friendly environment.” “The best thing is that you learn some Chinese words and see how you will grow to better understand Chinese working environment,” Malcom advised. Malcolm walking the Great Wall of China ABOUT RAMU NICKEL UPDATER We welcome feedback and encourage contributions. Please send your contributions to: The Editor Ramu Nickel Updater P. O. Box 1229 Madang Ph: 4222888 Fax: 4221710 Email: mo@mccgrd.com The Editor reserves the right to hold back any contribution thought to be unsuitable. www.ramunico.com