Winfield Word - Village of Winfield
Winfield Word - Village of Winfield
August ● 2012 Inside Calendar 1 Volunteer Spotlight 2 Resident Information 2 Things to Know 3 Citizen Feedback, Contacts 4 Letter from Deborah Birutis, Village President Winfield Good Old Days is just around the corner! September 6 - 9 See page 3 for details! Calendar ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Riverwalk Committee 1st & 3rd Monday Plan Commission 1st Wednesday Village Board 1st & 3rd Thursday Environmental Concerns 2nd Tuesday Traffic & Transportation 2nd Wednesday (quarterly) Administration & Finance Coffee with the President 2nd Saturday Communication & Technology 2nd Wednesday Bikeways Planning Group 4th Monday Police Pension Board 4th Monday (quarterly) Economic Development 4th Tuesday Stormwater Management Public Works 4th Wednesday All meetings are held at Village Hall. Please visit our website for times and agendas. July storm clean-up see page 3. VILLAGE OF WINFIELD Did You Know? Parents who allow underage drinking in their home while they are present can be charged with a misdemeanor, punishable with a fine up to $2,500 and possible jail time. Parents can also be named in a civil suit if the child is involved in a car crash that injures another person and providing alcohol to a minor is illegal and punishable up to $2,500 fine and possible prison time. Police Study REM, the police consultants hired by the Village, have provided their options on Winfield's police operations to the Village. The study is available on the Village website at REM presented their findings at a Town Hall meeting held August 8. The video is available on the website and will be replayed regularly on Comcast Channel 10. The Village Board will discuss options at upcoming board meetings. Development Airhart Construction is starting on their last home on Kelly Court, though the builder has single family homes still available at Fisher Farms in Winfield off of St. Charles Road. K. Hovnanian Homes is ready to proceed with development of a new subdivision, Silverwood Glen, situated on 29 acres along County Farm Road. The proposed development will feature 46 single family homes with 11.8 acres of paths and preserved wetlands. K. Hovnanian has worked with Winfield officials to make room for the relocation of the fire station from the Town Center. Silverwood Glen will provide approximately $500,000 dollars annually in property taxes to our schools, fire district, library, parks and the Village. Relocating the fire station from downtown will also open up prime real ● ILLINOIS estate in the heart of downtown for commercial redevelopment! More information is available on this exciting development on our Village website under the August 2nd Village Board meeting and packet. M & I Homes is immediately beginning seven new homes in the Garfield Court subdivision along Roosevelt Road. Townhomes are also available from M & I Homes at Shelburne Crossing off Highlake Road. New Business It's been about a year since I updated you on Winfield's new businesses. In 2012, we have welcomed or will be welcoming soon the following new establishments: Sonsri Thai Cuisine - 27W460 Chicago Avenue (south of train station) This and That Resale - 27W219 Geneva Road Vanilla Sugar Bakery- Opening soon in Town Center Maciano’s Pizza - Opening this fall next to CVS on Geneva Safari Childcare- Opening this school year next to CVS on Geneva Please remember to shop locally and keep your retail sale tax dollars right here in Winfield. Positive Quote of the Month The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it. -Norman Schwarzkopf Deborah Birutis Winfield Village President 630-933-7150 1 August ● 2012 Volunteer Spotlight The “Volunteer Spotlight” highlights the many contributions of Winfield residents that donate their time and talent to improve the community through service on Village Boards and Commissions. Dennis Clark has lived in the Winfield area since 1988, moving here with his wife and daughter being drawn to the “open space, rural atmosphere, better home values, and better people.” His view of the Village hasn’t changed much since then, “Winfield is still a great place to live.” Dennis owns and manages Clark Property Consultants, Inc. This is a firm that specializes in real estate, property due diligence and construction monitoring for national and regional banks and insurance companies. He holds a bachelor’s of science degree in civil engineering, a master’s of business administration, and a managing broker’s real estate license. Currently he is working on a Project Manager Professional Certification. With a background in engineering, real estate and the construction industry, Dennis started volunteering for a number of organizations within DuPage County. In 2005 he was appointed to the Village’s Plan Commission. “Since I had a background in zoning and planning, it seemed like a good place to serve,” said Dennis, “I enjoy volunteering, and the issues we deal with are important to a lot of people.” Today, he is the longest-serving member on the Plan Commission. Dennis says that the typical responsibilities of a Plan Commission member involve the research and discussion of issues related to development in Winfield. According to Dennis, this can include, researching municipal codes, listening to resident concerns, visiting sites, and reviewing proposals. “The issues are often complex, which sparks my interest” says Dennis. Dennis likes the way the Plan Commission members get along with each other. “It’s a group of professionals that have respect for each other. Even though we might disagree on an issue, we can work through our differences and reach a solution that makes sense to everyone.” When he isn’t at work or volunteering, Dennis enjoys the outdoors. He holds Advanced Ocean Skipper and Offshore Sailing Certificates, Woodland Steward and Naturalist Certifications from the Morton Arboretum, and Beekeeping and Horsemanship Certificates from the Forest Preserve District. He is also President of the West-Win Homeowners Association, a board member on the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, a Director of the Illinois Prairie Path, and he supports the Conservation Foundation. To learn more about serving on Village Boards and Commissions, please click on the Volunteer Opportunities tab on the Village website at Resident Information Village Leases Right-of -Way to AboveNet Communications Wondering about all the work that being done along Winfield Road? Cadence Health has contracted with AboveNet Communications to provide an alternate method to retrieve records in the event their primary method fails. AboveNet is installing fiber optic cable by boring under Village right-of-way along Winfield Road to Geneva Road, and along the north side of Highlake Road. Since Village right-of-way is being used, the Village has negotiated a monthly lease of almost $2,900 per month. The term for the lease of the right-of-way is 20 years. VILLAGE OF WINFIELD Back-to-School Safety With the start of the school year just about here, we remind parents and drivers to do their part to keep kids safe as they walk to school. Parents should take the time to talk about safety with children before they head back to school, walk the route to school with their child before the start of the year to assess hazards, and select the course with the least number of traffic crossings. *Kids should not wear headphones or ear buds when walking to school, *Kids (and adults!) should never cross railroad tracks except at approved crossings and never when gates are down. Reminders for drivers: *Slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods and school zones, *Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs, *Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly Reminders for kids: and carefully, *Kids should not cross the street alone until *Watch for children on and near the road in they are at least 10 years old, the morning and after school hours, *Cross the street at corners, using traffic *Reduce any distractions inside your car so signals and crosswalks, you can concentrate on the road and your *Kids should never run out into the streets surroundings, or cross between parked cars, *Don’t talk or text while driving – it’s *Make sure kids always walk in front of the illegal in school zones! bus where the driver can see them, *Kids are unpredictable, plan on the unexpected! ● ILLINOIS 2 August ● 2012 Safety First! Police Fight Drunk Driving Good Old Days The Village belongs to the Illinois Risk Management Agency (IRMA), which is a risk pool providing economical liability insurance for smaller governments. IRMA audits members every three years to evaluate safety practices and policies. This year the Village of Winfield improved its score from the 78th to 88th percentile, earning IRMA accreditation status only achieved by a select group of the 70+ governments in the pool. Four Winfield police officers were honored at the July 18th Village Board meeting for their outstanding efforts in the fight against drunk driving. 2012 Winfield Good Old Days is Winfield’s annual family-friendly festival that will feel like a trip back to simpler times with family, friends, and good old fashioned fun. Good Old Days features live entertainment, a carnival, food, fun activities and a parade on Sunday. This year’s event is being coordinated through the Western DuPage Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Winfield Lions Club, Knights of Columbus, Winfield Junior Woman’s Club, Winfield Historical Society, WEMA, Winfield United, Winfield Park District and Cadence Health. Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day! Officers Mike DeWitt, Joseph Gaske, Matthew Goeb, and Gerald McIntyre were recognized for receiving Certificates of Appreciation from the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) for their commendable efforts to enforce DUI laws. AAIM is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1982 to prevent deaths and injuries caused by intoxicated or distracted motorists. In addition to his AAIM honor, Officer Goeb also received an Achievement Award from the Illinois Department of Transportation in recognition of his efforts contributing to highway traffic safety, as evidenced by his 100th DUI arrest. Winfield Good Old Days runs Thursday, September 6th through Sunday, September 9th and is held in downtown Winfield at Church and Beecher Streets. For details and daily event information, please visit: OR Things to Know Storm Clean Up Efforts The Village would like to thank our Public Works Department, DuPage County Public Works Department, and Winfield Park District for their help with storm debris removal following the July 1st storm that pummeled Winfield and several surrounding communities. This joint effort made the massive clean-up operation possible! Village Saves with Energy Aggregation and You Can Too! Receive Important Village News Sign up for E-Blast At the February 16th Board meeting, the Village Board approved a contract with Energy Choices of Highland Park that will generate a savings on electricity costs of approximately $90,000 over the next 3 years for the Village. This action follows energy deregulation and changes in state law initiated in 2009 with amendments to the Illinois Power Act approved by the Illinois Legislature. Don’t miss important announcements from the Village available through our e-mail notification system. Residents and local businesses can opt-in to enjoy similar savings on electric bills by simply visiting to sign up. Residents should have their latest ComEd bill available when visiting the website. This energy savings program sponsored by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus has saved people millions of dollars off the regular ComEd rate, and the Village encourages residents and small businesses to consider this cost-saving energy option. VILLAGE OF WINFIELD ● ILLINOIS The Village uses this system to send important Village notices, press releases, and emergency information announcements to residents who register their e-mail address with the Village. To sign up, please visit the Village’s website at, and click on the button entitled “Email News Sign-up,” located at the bottom of the left-hand column. The e-blast messages will be sent to the e-mail address of your choice so you can be notified at your home computer, work location or smart-phone. 3 August ● 2012 Communication Citizen Feedback The purpose of this section is to provide a way for you to communicate with the Village Board. We hope you will take the time to jot down any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions regarding the Village. Your comments are appreciated. Mail your responses to the Village of Winfield, 27W465 Jewell Road, Winfield, IL 60190 or drop it off in the Village collection box located behind the Village Hall. You may also email us at As a citizen, I would like to offer my opinion that: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME_____________________________ADDRESS_________________________________________PHONE_______________ Coffee with the Village President The Winfield Word is published by the Village of Winfield to keep our residents informed about Village services and events. Village Board meetings and community bulletin information are broadcast on Comcast Channel 10. Contact Information President Birutis will host Coffee with the Village President on the second Saturday of each month from 9:00 - 10:00 AM at the Village Hall. This will give residents an opportunity to meet with the President and share their thoughts in an informal setting. Main Number…….. …… (630) 933-7100 (TDD) ……….................. (630) 933-7155 Emergency ……………... 911 Non-emergency Police…. (630) 933-7160 Report Power Outages….. (800) 334-7661 Water & Sewer Problems.. (630) 933-7100 Communicating with our residents is so important to the success of the Village! We hope to see you there! Village Hall The entire Village meeting calendar and Village Board agenda documents are available at 27W465 Jewell Road Winfield, IL 60190 Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:30 Thursday - 8:00 - 5:30 Front Desk Only Elected Officials President, Deborah Birutis (630) 933-7150 1S093 Normandy Woods Trustee, Tim Allen (630) 344-9354 27W174 Birch Street Trustee, John J. Bajor (630) 339-6344 0S670 Oak Lane Trustee, James Hughes (630) 474-4127 0N057 Preserve Court Trustee, Jay Olson (630) 536-6807 26W475 Churchill Road Trustee, Tony Reyes (630) 933-7100 0S303 Summit Trustee, Erik Spande (630) 933-7100 0S021 Robbins Street Clerk, Anne Mareachen (630) 933-7100 27W126 Sycamore Lane VILLAGE OF WINFIELD ● ILLINOIS 4
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