Untitled - International Festival of Local Televisions
Untitled - International Festival of Local Televisions
Obsah | Content Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií | International Festival of Local Televisions 4 Organizácia | Organisation 7 Poďakovania | Acknowledments 9 Príhovor | Opening Speech 12 Poroty | Juries 14 Ceny | Awards 17 Archív víťazov | Archive of Winners 18 Program festivalu | Festival program 20 Panelové diskusie | Panel Discussion 22 Workshopy | Workshops 25 Participatívny tréning | Participative training 26 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ | Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 27 Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ | Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ 55 Sprievodné podujatia „Esencia Košíc“ | Accompanying events „Essence of Košice“ 67 Register filmov (v abecednom poradí) | Register of Films (in alphabet order) 72 Kontakty na tvorcov | Producer´s Contacts: 74 Kontakty na účastníkov | Participants‘ Contacts 78 Tlmočníci | Interpreters 82 4 Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií International Festival of Local Televisions Realizované s finančnou podporou Ministerstva kultúry Slovenskej republiky The festival is held with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic Nad festivalom prevzali záštitu: The festival is held under the auspices of: Maroš Šefčovič - podpredseda Európskej komisie zodpovedný za “medziinštitucionálne vzťahy a administratívne záležitosti“ Maroš Šefčovič - Vice-chairman of the European Commission responsible for “Inter-institutional Relations and Administration”. Zdenko Trebuľa - predseda Košického samosprávneho kraja Zdenko Trebuľa - President of the Košice Self-Governing Region Richard Raši - primátor mesta Košice Richard Raši - Mayor of Košice Organizátor: Organiser: Nadácia City TV City TV Foundation Spoluorganizátori: Co-organisers: Košice2013 - Európske hlavné mesto kultúry Aliance Francaise Ster Century Cinemas Košice2013 European Capital of Culture Aliance Francaise Ster Century Cinemas Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií International Festival of Local Televisions Hlavní partneri: Main Partners: Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky Košický samosprávny kraj German Marshall Fund Mesto Košice Irány TV, Hungary Elaia Design Studio Trilabit s.r.o., Czech Republic Equinoxe s.r.o. Kosit a.s. Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic Košice Self-Governing Region German Marshall Fund Mesto Košice Irány TV, Hungary Elaia Design Studio Trilabit s.r.o., Czech Republic Equinoxe s.r.o. Kosit a.s. Ďakujeme za podporu a spoluprácu: Special thanks for support and co-operation to: Veľvyslanectvo Spojených štátov amerických Veľvyslanectvo Srbskej republiky Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu Veľvyslanectvo Nórskeho kráľovstva Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici Generálny konzulát Maďarskej republiky Ruské centrum vedy a kultúry Embassy of the U. S. A. Embassy of the Republic of Serbia Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission Royal Norwegian Embassy Academy of Arts Banská Bystrica Consulate General of Hungary in Košice, Slovakia Russian Centre for Science and Culture 5 6 Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií International Festival of Local Televisions Produktoví partneri: Product Partners: Pivnica Orechová Pivnica Orechová Delikatesa Delikatesa Hotel Centrum Hotel Centrum Hotel Yasmin Hotel Yasmin Mediálni partneri: Media Partners: TV Music Box TV Music Box TV Naša TV Naša Millecanali Millecanali Lotos Plus Lotos Plus TV Patriot TV Patriot Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií International Festival of Local Televisions Organizácia: Organization: Riaditeľka festivalu: Eva Dekanovská Director of the festival: Eva Dekanovská Medzinárodné vzťahy: Eva Dekanovská, Roman Gajdoš International relations: Eva Dekanovská, Roman Gajdoš Výber, registrácia a dramaturgia nesúťažných filmov Európa na plátne: Michal Klembara, Juraj Kovalčík, Dejan Dabič Selection and Registration of non-competitive Entries for Europe on Screen: Michal Klembara, Juraj Kovalčík, Dejan Dabič Registrácia súťažných programov a účastníkov: Katarína Holečková, Veronika Svobodová Registration of Entries and Participants: Katarína Holečková, Veronika Svobodová Public relations a promo festivalu: A&D Global Business Relations, s.r.o., Miloslava Hriadelová, Elena Romanato Public Relations and Festival Promotion: A&D Global Business Relations, s.r.o., Miloslava Hriadelová, Elena Romanato Marketing a reklama: Monika Butkayová, Kristína Stražanová, Jiřina Töcziková Marketing and advertising: Monika Butkayová, Kristína Stražanová, Jiřina Töcziková Tlmočnícky servis: Roman Gajdoš Interpreting: Roman Gajdoš Ubytovanie: Katarína Holečková, Veronika Svobodová Accommodation: Katarína Holečková, Veronika Svobodová Stravovanie: Monika Butkayová, Jiřina Töcziková Catering: Monika Butkayová, Jiřina Töcziková Ekonóm: Jana Nežníková Financial Manager: Jana Nežníková 7 Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií International Festival of Local Televisions Organizácia: Organization: Televízny spot: Elaia Design Studio TV Spot: Elaia Design Studio Vizuál festivalu: Vlasta Žáková Festival Materials Design: Vlasta Žáková Design katalógu: Wizard Systems Catalogue Design: Wizard Systems Tlač katalógu: MKV Press Catalogue Print: MKV Press Tlačoviny: Lavacom Printed Materials: Lavacom Autori cien Zlatý žobrák: Arpád Račko, Martin Kudla, Vlasta Žáková Authors of Golden Beggar Awards: Arpád Račko, Martin Kudla, Vlasta Žáková Úvodný a záverečný ceremoniál: Opening and Closing Ceremonies: Scenár a réžia: Málka Sykorová Script and Director: Málka Sykorová Technické zabezpečenie: TV Naša (Ivan Dekanovský, Peter Derenčényi, Martin Kravec, Peter Konkoľ, Miro Vadásy, Inga Húšťová, Robert Kamenický) Technical sevices: TV Naša (Ivan Dekanovský, Peter Derenčényi, Martin Kravec, Peter Konkoľ, Miro Vadásy, Inga Húšťová, Robert Kamenický) Produkcia: Mária Beerová Executive Producer: Mária Beerová Web stránka servis: Peter Roško 8 Website Service: Peter Roško Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií International Festival of Local Televisions Poďakovania: Acknowledgements: Czimbalmosné Molnár Éva Generálna konzulka Maďarskej republiky Czimbalmosné Molnár Éva General Consul of Hungarian Republic Stela Jovanovic Honorárna konzulka Slovenskej republiky v Srbsku Stela Jovanovic Honorary Consul of Slovakia in Serbian Republic Milan Šebo Assistant for Political, Press and Cultural Affairs Royal Norwegian Embassy Milan Šebo Assistant for Political, Press and Cultural Affairs Royal Norwegian Embassy Pavol Demeš a Joerg Forbrig - German Marshall Fund Pavol Demeš and Joerg Forbrig - German Marshall Fund Michail Bondar Zástupca riaditeľa Ruské centrum vedy a kultúry Michail Bondar Deputy Director Russian Centre for Science and Culture Roman Gajdoš - Prezident Francúzskej aliancie Roman Gajdoš - President Alliance Francaise Mária Pichnarčíková - Výkonný riaditeľ Ster Century Cinemas Mária Pichnarčíková - Executive Director Ster Century Cinemas Jana Illéšová - Veľvyslanectvo USA Jana Illéšová - Office of Public Affairs Embassy of the U. S. A. Robert Brenk - Riaditeľ Elaia Design Studio Robert Brenk - Director, Elaia Design Studio Miloš Mistrík - Predseda Rady pre vysielanie a retransmisiu Miloš Mistrík - Head of the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission Miroslav Šrámek - Riaditeľ Domu techniky Miroslav Šrámek - Director of the Dom techniky 9 Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií International Festival of Local Televisions Poďakovania: Acknowledgements: Katarína Fabiánová - Riaditeľka Hotela YASMIN Katarína Fabiánová - Director of the Hotel Yasmin Bruce Bucklin - CINE Golden Eagle Film and Video Competition Bruce Bucklin - CINE Golden Eagle Film and Video Competition Rick Thompson - T-Media Veľká Británia Rick Thompson - T-Media United Kingdom Martina Viktorínová - Hovorkyňa magistrátu mesta Košice Martina Viktorínová - Spokeswoman of the City Council Košice Ďakujeme všetkým spoločnostiam, ktoré nám pomohli s ubytovaním, stravou a ďalšími produktmi, tak, aby sa všetci účastníci a hostia festivalu cítili príjemne. 10 Menovite: Technik Café, Irish Pub, Delikatesa - Gastronomy Group, Hotel Centrum, Hotel Yasmin, Ginka s.r.o., Pivnica Orechová, Špeciality Plus Kežmarok, Kvetinárstvo Baffi, CHEESE syry a víno z celého sveta, Villeroy & Boch, LAVIO - luxusný plastový program, LAVACOM, MILSY, Cukrárenská výroba SZITI, REMPO UNIVERS, DEVA, HEINEKEN, Pizzéria ASTORKA, ALFABAL s.r.o., LYVINA s.r.o., McDonalds, DPMK. Thanks to: Technik Café, Irish Pub, Delikatesa - Gastronomy Group, Hotel Centrum, Hotel Yasmin, Ginka s.r.o., Pivnica Orechová, Špeciality Plus Kežmarok, Kvetinárstvo Baffi, CHEESE syry a víno z celého sveta, Villeroy & Boch, LAVIO (plastics), LAVACOM, MILSY, Cukrárenská výroba SZITI, REMPO UNIVERS, DEVA, HEINEKEN, Pizzéria ASTORKA, ALFABAL s.r.o., LYVINA s.r.o., McDonalds, DPMK - City Transportation Company. A na záver ďakujeme všetkým priateľom, hosťom, známym i neznámym, ktorí nás už 18 rokov vytrvalo podporujú a veria jedinečnej myšlienke medzinárodnej spolupráce lokálnych televízií. Last but not least, we would like to thank to all friends, guests, even unknown people, who constantly have been supporting the idea of international cooperation of local televisions. 11 Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií Existencia lokálnych televízií je nesporným dôkazom, že aj v dnešnej globalizovanej dobe platí staré dobré porekadlo “Bližšia košeľa ako kabát”. Informácie prinášané veľkými televíznymi spoločnosťami sa nám môžu zdať odtrhnuté od života, ktorý žijeme tu a teraz. Naopak lokálne televízie nám prinášajú novinky o tom, čo sa deje v kraji, meste, či dokonca v ulici, kde žijeme. Projekt Košice - Európske hlavné mesto kultúry 2013 je síce európsky, ale jeho poslaním je priniesť benefity predovšetkým pre mesto Košice a jeho okolie. Aj z toho dôvodu je Medzinárodný festival lokálnych televízií podujatím, ktoré v našom meste radi podporíme a je pre nás potešením prívítať účastníkov tohoto festivalu, v meste, kde to s kultúrou myslíme vážne. Ján Sudzina Riaditeľ Košice2013 Európske hlavné mesto kultúry 12 International Festival of Local Televisions Existence of local televisions is a sound proof of the fact that even today, in our globalised era, the good old saying ‘Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin’ still holds. Information brought to us by large global TV companies can often seem to be divorced from the reality we live in. On the other hand, local televisions provide news and information about the life in our very region, city or even on our street. Košice - European Capital of Culture 2013 might be a European project, but it should mainly bring benefits for the city of Košice and its surroundings. And it is also for this reason that we support the International Festival of Local Televisions in Košice. It is our pleasure to welcome all festival participants in the city which takes culture seriously. Ján Sudzina Director Košice2013 European Capital of Culture 13 Porota 18. ročníka IFoLT Jury in the 18 th IFoLT Predseda poroty: E. J. Baumeister Jr. (*1943, USA) Chairman of the Jury: E. J. Baumeister Jr. (*1943, USA) Pracoval ako reportér, moderátor a filmový producent v WGBH-TV hlavnej produkčnej stanice americkej verejno-právnej siete PBS a producent a vedúci producent v CBS News. Jeho program o americkej spoločnosti Chrysler získal cenu Emmy a celovečerný dokumentárny film, ktorý robil pre CBC „Iba ďalšie stratené dieťa“, získal Cenu akadémie v roku 1982. Členovia poroty: 14 Sekcia lokálne televízie Worked as a reporter, presenter and film producer at WGBH-TV, the principal producing station of the American public-service network PBS and as a producer and senior producer for CBS News. A program he produced in 1981 about the Chrysler Corporation won a national Emmy, and a documentary he made with the CBC, Just Another Missing Kid, shown as a theatrical film, won an Academy Award in 1982. Members: Section Local Televisions Marcel Dekanovský (*1948, Slovensko) Marcel Dekanovský (*1948, Slovakia) Absolvoval réžiu na FAMU v Prahe, režisér mnohých televíznych filmov, televíznych inscenácií, detských seriálov, dokumentárnych a hraných filmov. Odmenený niekoľkými domácimi a zahraničnými oceneniami. Graduated in direction from the Prague film academy FAMU , director of feature-Length: films, plays adapted for television, several children’s story series, documentaries, feature films. Recognized with numerous domestic and foreign awards. Katarína Hudecová (*1982, Slovensko) Katarína Hudecová (*1982, Slovakia) Absolvovala Fakultu masmediálnej komunikácie Univerzity Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave. Od roku 2006 až dodnes pracuje ako referent špecialista na programovom odbore Kancelárie Rady pre vysielanie a retransmisiu. Graduated Faculty of MassMedia in Trnava. Since 2006 she has been working in the position of expert at the Programme department of the Office of the Council For Broadcasting and Retransmission. Relations and massmedia communication expert for projects with EU financial support. Porota 18. ročníka IFoLT Jury in the 18 th IFoLT Paul Mihailidis (USA) Paul Mihailidis (USA) Paul Mihailidis je odborný asistent na Emerson College v Bostone, Massachusetts, ktorá sa špecializuje na oblasť mediálnej gramotnosti, sociálnych médií a občianskych hlasov. Je riaditeľom salzburskej akadémie pre médiá a globálne zmeny. Mihailidis sa zaoberá prepojeniami medzi médiami, vzdelávaním a občianstvom v 21. storočí.. Paul Mihailidis is an Assistant Professor at Emerson College in Boston, MA, specializing in media literacy, social media, and civic voices. He is also the director of the Salzburg Academy on Media & Global Change. Mihailidis’ research concerns the connections between media, education, and citizenship in the 21 st Century. Sekcia produkčné Otto Olejár (*1942, Slovensko) spoločnosti Production Companies’ Section Otto Olejár (*1942, Slovakia) Filmový a televízny režisér. Vyštudoval Národnú filmovú a televíznu školu v Beaconsfielde v Anglicku. V roku 1981 založil spoločnosť Cine-Tel Productions a pracoval na niekoľkých projektoch pre Channel 4 a BBC. V súčasnosti žije a pracuje medzi Londýnom a Prahou. Film and TV Director. Graduated from National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, UK. In 1981 he founded Cine-Tel Productions and worked on several film projects for Channel 4 and BBC. In presence he has been moving, living and working between London and Prague. James Sutherland-Smith (*1948, V. Británia) James Sutherland-Smith (*1948, UK) Spisovateľ, učiteľ angličtiny a spolu so svojou manželkou Vierou, jeden z najväčších prekladateľov slovenskej poézie do angličtiny. Žije na Slovensku od roku 2001. Od roku 2002 do 2009 pracoval v Belehrade. Jeho posledná zbierka poézie „Pepek v Belehrade“ a „Obed s rybou a zrkadlom“ - výber zo srbskej poézie I. Milankovej, vyjde v tomto roku. Writer, teacher of English, and, with his wife, Viera, the leading translator, of Slovak poetry into English. He has lived in Slovakia since 2001. From 2002 to 2009 he was working in Belgrade. His last collection of poetry was “Popeye in Belgrade” and “Dinner With Fish and Mirrors”, a selection from the work of the Serbian poet, I. Milankova, is due this year. 15 16 Porota 18. ročníka IFoLT Jury in the 18 th IFoLT Sekcia Mladý Autor: Darko Kovič (*1969, Srbsko) Section Young Author: Darko Kovič (*1969, Serbia) Absolvoval Fakultu dramatických umení v Belehrade. Profesionálna kariéra: Filmová a televízna produkčná spoločnosť KRUG - technický riaditeľ. Radnica Niš – kameraman, obrazový dizajnér, autor mnohých krátkych a dokumentárnych filmov, TV seriálov, mediálnych kampaní, promočných filmov a hudobných spotov. Graduated from Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade Profesional experience: Film & TV Production KRUG - Technical Director; City Council of Niš - Me dia promotions designer; Radio TV Serbia and TV of Niš - cameraman and picture designer, author of many distinctive short and documentary films, TV serials, media campaigns, promotional films and music spots. Katarína Kočalková (*1978, Slovensko) Katarína Kočalková (*1978, Slovakia) Vyštudovala dokumentárnu tvorbu na Akadémii Umení v Banskej Bystrici. V roku 2009 získala cenu Zlatý žobrák v sekcii Mladý autor za film Moja teta Timrava na Medzinárodnom festivale lokálnych televízii v Košiciach. Graduated documentary production at Faculty of arts in Banska Bystrica. In 2009 she was awarded the Grand Prix Golden Beggar in the Young author’s section for the film My aunt Timrava in the International festival of local televisions in Kosice Ceny na 18. ročníku IFoLT Awards in the 18 th IFoLT V každej z troch súťažných sekcií bude udelená hlavná cena Zlatý žobrák: Three of the awards to be presented Saturday night are named Golden Beggars. The sections of Golden Beggar Awards are: 1. ZLATÝ ŽOBRÁK za najlepší program z produkcie lokálnej televízie. - cenu dotuje primátor mesta Košice 1. GOLDEN BEGGAR for the best local television program - donated by the Mayor of Košice 2. ZLATÝ ŽOBRÁK za najlepší film z produkcie produkčnej spoločnosti - cenu dotuje Nadácia CITY TV 2. GOLDEN BEGGAR for the best production company film - donated by CITY TV Foundation 3. ZLATÝ ŽOBRÁK za najlepší film z produkcie mladého autora - cenu dotuje Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky 3. GOLDEN BEGGAR for the best young author‘s film - donated by Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic Kto je Zlatý žobrák? Who Is the Golden Beggar? Medzi vymyslenými príbehmi, ktoré kolujú po Košiciach je aj príbeh o žobrákovi, ktorý mnoho rokov žobral. Svoje vyžobrané peniaze použil múdro a postavil si dom na Hlavnej ulici. Dom skutočne existuje a na vrchole jeho strechy je socha žobráka. Kópia tejto sochy, ktorú vyrobil akademický sochár Arpád Račko, sa odovzdáva lokálnej televízii ako symbol hlavnej ceny na medzinárodnom festivale lokálnych televízií. Autormi sošiek v sekcii produkčná spoločnosť a mladý autor sú výtvarníci Vlasta Žáková a Martin Kudla. In the lore of the city of Košice is the story of a beggar, who begged for years. But he used his beggings wisely - saving them and building one of the grandest houses on the main street. The house still stands today, with a Golden Beggar statue on top. A copy of that statue made by a sculptor Arpád Račko is given to the best program from local TV. Two other statues of Golden Beggar made by young artists Vlasta Zakova and Martin Kudla are given to the prize winners in the category of production company and young author at the IFoLT. V súťaži sú aj ďalšie ceny: Other awards: - Cena Asociácie srbských novinárov „Zora“ - Cena Rady pre vysielanie a retransmisiu za najlepší slovenský film - Cena srbského festivalu Press Vitez - Cena Fogelsong Family Foundation zo Spojených štátov - a PRIZE given by the Journalists‘ Association of Serbia „Zora“ - a PRIZE of the Slovak Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission for the Best Slovak Film - a PRIZE of the TV Festival Press Vitez - a PRIZE from the Fogelsong Family Foundation of the USA K týmto cenám pribudne niekoľko čestných uznaní niektorým produkciám a autorom. In addition, there will be several programs selected as HONORABLE MENTIONS by the jury and announced as well on Saturday night. 17 Víťazi Grand Prix Zlatý žobrák 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 18 „Crime that changed Serbia“ „Daniel“ „Mountain Boy“ „Gone with the Wind“ „Attack“ „Helmut Bistika“ „Possibly You“ „The Rules of the Game“ „21st Century“ „The White Village“ „Muharem Music - The Eyes of Life“ „Doctor Schileru“ „A Mother of the Kingdom of Shadows“ „Humoresque“ „Peking 2008“ „Resonances“ „Flockmaster Jano Cerven“ „Kill the day“ „Adeem“ „The Story Maker“ „I was just a child“ „The Piano“ „Long - haired Men“ Grand Prix Golden Beggar Award Winners B 92, Yugoslavia Sitel TV, Macedonia Alternativna TV Banja Luka, Republika Srpska TV Flux, Moldova TV Niš, Yugoslavia TV Naša, Slovakia TV Global Košice, Slovakia TV Wisla, Poland Alternativna TV Banja Luka, Republika Srpska TV Čačak, Serbia and Montenegro TV Krug, Serbia and Montenegro TV Etalon, Romania OWH Studio, Moldova TV Etalon, Romania TVP Katowice, Poland (Local Television) EVA Berlin, Germany (Production Company) Viluda and Kršiak, Slovakia (Young Author) Andrei Kutsila, Belarus (Local Television) Adel Serhan, Lebanon (Production Company) Jose Gomez Gallego, Spain (Young Author) Branko Lazic, Bosna and Hercegovina (Local Television) Lévon Minasian, Armenia / France (Production Company) Agnes Dimun, Slovakia (Young Author) 19 Program 18. medzinárodného festivalu lokálnych televízií Zlatý žobrák Košice 2012 20 Pondelok 11. júna 2012 : Štvrtok 14. júna 2012: 09:30-12:30 14:00-17:00 21:00-22:00 Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-teória” Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-teória“ Premietanie krátkych filmov v Technik Café na Hlavnej ulici Utorok 12. júna 2012: 09:30-12:30 13:00-16:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-17:30 16:30-17:30 18:00-19:00 19:00-23:00 21:00-22:00 Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-teória” Zasadnutie členov asociácie EFPA Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-teória“ Registrácia účastníkov v DT Otvorenie “Srbského dňa v Košiciach” Výstava Košických maliarov v synagóge Stretnutie účastníkov v Irish Pube Premietanie krátkych filmov v Technik Café na Hlavnej ulici 09:00-12:00 09:00-15:00 09:30-12:30 10:00-12:00 13:30-15:00 14:00-16:00 15:15-16:45 21:00-22:00 10:00-23:00 Prehliadka súťažných filmov Programová burza Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-produkcia” Workshop: “Financovanie nových projektov” Panel II: „Participatívne médiá v Európe“ Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-produkcia“ Workshop: “Lokálne televízie po 20. rokoch“ Premietanie krátkych filmov v Technik Café na Hlavnej ulici Európa na plátne v Ster Century Cinemas Piatok 15. júna 2012: Streda 13. júna 2012: 08:00-15:00 08:30-11:30 09:30-12:30 09:00-15:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-16:00 11:30-12:00 13:30-15:00 14:00-16:00 17:00-17:30 17:30-19:30 20:00-23:00 21:00-22:00 Registrácia účastníkov - Dom Techniky Prehliadka súťažných filmov Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-teória” Programová burza Masterclass Zasadnutie poroty Európa na plátne v Ster Century Cinemas Otvorenie výstavy Srbská fotografia v Dome techniky Panel I: “Benefity sociálnych médií“ Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-produkcia“ Otvárací ceremoniál v Ster Century Cinemas Otvárací film v Ster Century Cinemas Recepcia-neformálne diskusie s autormi Premietanie krátkych filmov v Technik Café na Hlavnej ulici 09:00-13:00 09:00-15:00 09:30-12:30 10:00-12:00 14:00-15:30 14:00-15:30 15:45-17:00 18:00-22:00 10:00-23:00 Prehliadka súťažných filmov Programová burza Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-produkcia” Workshop: “Animácia” Tréning “Participácia občanov v médiách-produkcia “ Panel III : “Reportáže o ekonomickej kríze” Prezentácia participatívnych projektov Košice2013 - zasadnutie Správnej rady Nadácie City TV Európa na plátne v Ster Century Cinemas Sobota 16. júna 2012: 09:00-12:00 09:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 13:00-13:45 19:00-21:00 Prehliadka súťažných filmov Programová burza Masterclass Tlačová konferencia Záverečný ceremoniál spojený s udeľovaním cien a kultúrny program v Hoteli Yasmin Záverečná recepcia Európa na plátne v Ster Century Cinemas 21:00-24:00 10:00-23:00 Program of the 18th International Festival of Local Televisions „Golden Beggar Košice 2012“ Monday June 11th, 2012 : Thursday June 14th, 2012: 09:30-12:30 14:00-17:00 21:00-22:00 Training “Participation of citizens in media (theory)“ Training “Participation of citizens in media (theory)“ Screening of short films in Technik Caff ee at Hlavna street Tuesday June 12th, 2012: 09:30-12:30 13:00-17:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-17:30 16:30-17:30 18:00-19:00 19:00-23:00 21:00-22:00 Training “Citizens and participation in media (theory)” Meeting of EFPA members Training “Participation of citizens in media (theory)“ Registration of participants at Dom techniky Opening of Serbian Days in Košice Exhibition of Košice’s painters Meeting of Participants in Irish Pub Screening of short films in Technik Café at Hlavna Street 09:00-12:00 09:00-15:00 09:30-12:30 10:00-12:00 13:30-15:00 14:00-16:00 15:15-16:45 21:00-22:00 10:00-23:00 Screening Competition Program Fair Training “Participation of citizens in media (production)” Workshop: “Financing of New Projects“ Panel II: “What are participative televisions in Europe?” Training: “Participation of citizens in media (production )“ Workshop: “Local Media 20 Years After“ Screening of short films in Technik Café at Hlavna Street Europe on Screen at Ster Century Cinemas Friday June 15th, 2012: Wednesday June 13th, 2012: 08:00-15:00 09:00-11:30 09:30-12:30 09:00-15:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-16:00 11:30-12:00 13:30-15:00 14:00-16:00 17:00-17:30 17:30-19:30 19:30-23:30 20:00-23:00 21:00-22:00 Registration of participants in Dom techniky Screening Competition Training “Participation of citizens in media (theory)” Program Fair Masterclass Meeting of the Jury Europe on Screen in Century Cinemas Opening of the exhibitons of Serbian Photos in Dom techniky Panel I: “Benefits of Social Media“ Training “Participation of citizens in media (production)“ Opening Ceremony at Ster Century Cinemas Opening Film at Ster Century Cinemas Europe on Screen at Ster Century Cinemas Reception – informal discussions with authors Screening of short films in Technik Café at Hlavna Street 09:00-13:00 09:00-15:00 09:30-12:30 10:00-12:00 14:00-15:30 14:00-15:30 15:45-17:00 18:00-22:00 10:00-23:00 Screening Competition Program Fair Training: “Participation of citizens in media (production)“ Workshop “Animation” Training: “Participation of citizens in media (production)“ Panel III: “Reporting Europe’s Economic Crisis” Presentation of Participatory Projects Košice2013 - Meeting of the Board of City TV Foundation Europe on Screen at Ster Century Cinemass Saturday June 16th, 2012: 09:00-12:00 09:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 13:00-13:45 19:00-21:00 21:00-24:00 10:00-23:00 Screening Competition Program Fair Masterclass Press Conference Award Ceremony, Cultural Program in Hotel Yasmin Closing Reception Europe on Screen at Ster Century Cinemas 21 22 Panelové diskusie Panel Discussion Streda, 13. júna 2012 od 13:00 do 14:15: Wednesday June 13th, 2012 from 13:00 to 14:15: Sociálne médiá alebo sociálna džungľa? Social media or social jungle? Sociálne siete sa objavujú v mnohých formách vrátane časopisov, internetových fór, blogov na webe, sociálnych blogov, mikrobloggingu, wiki, podcastov, fotografií, videí, hodnotení stránok a sociálneho bookmarkingu. Existuje množstvo rozličných typov sociálnych médií: kolaboratívne projekty (napr. Wikipedia), blogy a mikroblogy (napr. Twitter, Tumblr), obsahové komunity (napr. YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo) a sociálne siete (napr. Facebook, Linkedin, Xing). Social media technologies take on many diff erent forms including magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, podcasts, photographs, video, rating sites and social bookmarking. There are many diff erent types of social media: collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia), blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter, Tumblr), content communities (e.g., YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo) and social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Linkedin, Xing). Rast sociálnych sietí a zvýšenie online otvorenosti sú v digitálnom čase prospešné a môže viesť k zvýšeniu spolupráce a zmeniť spôsob, akým ľudia organizujú, riadia, učia a vzdelávajú sa. Arabská jar je skvelým príkladom. Vďaka sociálnym sietiam mohol celý svet sledovať minútu po minúte, čo sa odhralo na Tahrir Square. The growth of social networking and increased openness online are beneficial in the digital age and can lead to increased collaboration and changes in the way people organize, govern, teach, and learn. The Arab Spring is a great example. Thanks to social media the whole world could follow minute-by-minute what happened on the Tahrir Square. Nové mediálne technológie, napríklad sociálny networking či mediasharing webové stránky, rastúci počet mobilných telefónov, umožnili žurnalistiku viac sprístupniť ľuďom z celého sveta, a tí môžu často robiť reportáže o aktuálnych správach. Pre prevádzkovateľov vysielania to ma stále obrovský vplyv na výrobu spravodajstva, podiel a spotrebu. New media technology, such as social networking and media-sharing websites, and the increasing prevalence of cellular phones have made citizen journalism more accessible to people all over the world, who can often report breaking news. For broadcasters this has had and continues to have a tremendous impact on news production, sharing and consumption. Bez jasnej predstavy kladov a záporov sociálnych médií a bez toho, aby sme vedeli, ako z nich ťažiť, skončí vysielanie, miestne či iné, nakoniec v sociálnej džungli. S inteligentným prístupom môže byť budúcnosť žurnalistiky omnoho sľubnejšia ako kedykoľvek predtým. Without a clear sense of the pros and cons of social media and not knowing how to benefi t from it, a broadcaster, local or otherwise will eventually end up in a social jungle. With an intelligent approach, it just might make the future of journalism more promising than ever. Panelisti: Panelists: Paul Mihailidis, PhD; Assistant Professor, Emerson College (USA) Christian Groeneveld - Broadcaster (Holandsko) Jürgen Linke - Bundesverband Off ene Kanäle (Nemecko) Erik Mollberg - Broadcaster (USA) Paul Mihailidis, PhD; Assistant Professor, Emerson College (USA) Christian Groeneveld - Broadcaster (Netherlands) Jürgen Linke - Bundesverband Off ene Kanäle (Germany) Erik Mollberg - Broadcaster (USA) Panelové diskusie Panel Discussion Štvrtok 14. jún 2012 od 13:30 do 15:00: Thursday June 14th, 2012 from 13:30 to 15:00: Aké sú participatívne televízie v Európe? What are participative televisions in Europe? Naše nedávne európske stretnutie participatívnych audiovizuálnych médií, organizované vo Francúzsku v októbri 2011, potvrdilo veľký záujem účastníkov podporiť participatívne audiovizuálnej iniciatívy, pri spoločnej výrobe programov, výmene postupov, v tom, že predstavujú silu, ktorá zastupije komunitu a participatívne televízie. Our recent European meeting of participative audiovisual media, organized in France in October 2011, have confirmed a strong desire of the participants to support the participative audiovisual initiatives, in making programs together, in sharing practices, in being a strength to represent community and participative televisions. V tomto paneli sa zoznámime so skúsenosťami komunitných televízií z niekoľkých krajín: Španielska, Francúzska, Talianska, Nemecka. We will see in this panel some community TV’s experiences in several countries: Spain, France, Italy, Germany. Treba uznať, že televízia je všeobecne považovaná za formu zábavy, reprezentácie a komunikácie viac, než za nástroj pre vývoj, na zdieľanie spoločných aktivít. One must acknowledge that television is generally considered a form of distraction, representation and communication, rather than a tool for evolving, sharing and doing things together. Preto pre komunitné televízie vyvstáva otázka zvýšenia povedomia a vzdelávania miestnych obyvateľov a tých, čo rozhodujú o tom, že: Thus, for the community TVs, it becomes a question of arousing the awareness of and educating local inhabitants and decision-makers: - existuje aj iná forma televízie, televízie so sídlom v blízkosti ľudí, ktorá sa nesnaží len zaplniť kanál, ale namiesto toho vysiela reálny život z tohto územia, - že participatívna televízia sa snaží zapojiť ľudí do každodenného života, namiesto vysielania všeobecných informácií, ktoré už počuli z globálnejšieho hľadiska, - že vzdelávacia televízia, trénuje dobrovoľníkov ako používať obrazy, ako vyrábať programy, ako hovoriť a prezentovať témy a ako viesť diskusie, - že občianska televízia, sprevádza miestnych obyvateľov v ich konštruktívnom prístupe k ich vlastným životom na ich územiach. - that there is another form of television, a television of proximity based in a territory of a human scale, which does not seek to fill a channel / slot but which instead takes time to broadcast the realities of that territory, - A participative television that seeks to involve people in their everydaylives rather than merely broadcasting general information that has already been heard from a more global point of view, - An educational television which trains volunteers in the use of images, in producing programmes, speaking and presenting topics as well as chairing debates, - A citizen’s television which accompanies local inhabitants throughout their constructive approach to their own lives and that of their territories. Panelisti: Panelists: Thierry Michel, Elodie Sylvain, Anne Breuzin, Vincent Aguano (Fédération des Vidéos Des Pays et des Quartiers / Francúzsko) Thierry Michel, Elodie Sylvain, Anne Breuzin, Vincent Aguano (Fédération des Vidéos Des Pays et des Quartiers / France) 23 24 Panelové diskusie Panel Discussion Piatok 15. jún 2012 od 14.00 do 15.30: Friday June 15th, 2012 from 14.00 to 15.30: Prásk! Reportáže o európskej hospodárskej kríze. Crash! Reporting Europe’s Economic Crisis. Košický festival má tradične diskusie o aktuálnej európskej problematike, ktorá zaujíma lokálne médiá. The Kosice Festival traditionally debates a topical European issue of interest to local media. Tento rok je jedna dominantná téma - pokračujúca kríza v eurozóne, a veľmi tvrdé úsporné opatrenia, ktoré boli zavedené v mnohých krajinách na to, aby znížili svoje dlhy a zastavili “krachy bánk”. This year there is one dominant topic - the continuing crisis in the Eurozone, and the very tough austerity measures being introduced in many countries to reduce their debts and stop banks from going ‘bust’. Povedie vysoká nezamestnanosť mladých ľudí k násiliu na uliciach? Čo sa stane, keď si Európa nebude môcť dovoliť zachraňovať veľké krajiny ako je Španielsko a Taliansko? Bude delenie EÚ do eurozóny na 17 a tých ostatných 10? Kto je na vine? Will high youth unemployment lead to violence on the streets? What will happen if Europe can’t aff ord to bail-out big countries like Spain and Italy? Will the EU divide into the Eurozone 17 and the other 10? Who is to blame? V tomto roku, lokálne televízie prinášajú informácie o narastajúcom vplyve škrtov na životnú úroveň, ktoré spôsobili skrachované vlády. This year, local TV is reporting the growing impact of the cuts to welfare being imposed by bankrupt governments. Ale naozaj rozumieme tomu, čo sa deje? But do we really understand what is going on? Panelovú diskusiu povedie bývalý vedúci spravodajstva BBC News Rick Thompson. The panel discussion will be chaired by the former BBC News Editor Rick Thompson. Producenti, redaktori a korešpondenti z lokálnej televízie po celej Európe, sú srdečne pozvaní, aby prispeli svojimi vlastnými skúsenosťami, ktoré nadobudli pri výrobe spravodajstva o kríze a aby predstavili svoje vlastné predpovede o tom, čo sa bude diať ďalej. Producers, editors and correspondents from local TV around Europe are warmly invited to contribute their own experiences of reporting the crisis, and to make their own predictions about what will happen next. Panelisti: Panelists: Rick Thompson - T-Media (Veľká Británia) Zdenko Krajčír - Ministerstvo financií (Slovensko) Ján Hudácky - poslanec NRSR (Slovensko) Dragan Miljković - šéfredaktor NTV Nis (Srbsko) Rick Thompson - T-Media (United Kingdom) Zdenko Krajčír - Ministry of Finance (Slovakia) Ján Hudácky - Member of the National Council (Slovakia) Dragan Miljković - Editor in-chief NTV Nis (Srbsko) Workshopy Workshops Streda 13. jún 2012: Wednesday June 13th, 2012: - od 10:00 do 12:00 Masterclass - 10:00 - 12:00 Štvrtok 14. jún 2012: Thursday June 14th, 2012: - od 10:00 do 12:00 Financovanie nových projektov - 10:00 - 12:00 Financing of new projects - od 15:15 do 16:45 - 15:15 - 16:45 Local Media 20 Years After Televízne vysielanie po 20-tich rokoch Aké očakávania ste mali pred dvadsiatimi rokmi v čase, keď ste začínali s televíznym vysielaním , alebo keď ste začali pracovať v tejto oblasti ? Ako ste si predstavovali budúcu situáciu na trhu, financovanie a tvorbu programu, keby ste sa mali zamerať povedzme na rok 2012 ? Masterclass What were your expectations twenty years ago when you were just starting in television broadcasting or starting with TV in general? What were your expectations of the future of this market, financing, and program production if you were to focus, say, on 2012 ? Looking at it from today’s perspective, what were the basic mistakes made on TV market 20 years ago? Aké základné chyby urobil z vášho dnešného pohľadu vtedajší televízny trh? How do you see the future prospects of television broadcasting, e.g. in 2032? Ako vidíte perspektívu televízneho vysielania do budúcna, povedzme s výhľadom do roku 2032? Moderator : Pavel Pospíšil, Czech Republic Moderátor : Pavel Pospíšil, Česká republika Piatok 15. jún 2012: Friday June 15th, 2012: - od 10:00 do 12:00 Workshop Animácia - 10:00 - 12:00 Sobota 16. jún 2012: Saturday June 15th, 2012: - od 10:00 do 12:00 Masterclass - 10:00 - 12:00 Workshop Animation Masterclass 25 26 Participatívny tréning Participative training Pondelok 11. jún 2012 - sobota 16. jún 2012 (Dom Techniky): Monday June 11th - Saturday June 16th, 2012 (Dom Techniky): Tréning - Participácia občanov v médiách. Training on Participation of citizens in media. Participatívne médiá sú vo svojej podstate sociálnymi médiami, ktorých hodnota a vplyv sú odvodené od účasti mnohých ľudí, a občania nie sú už iba prijímatelia programov, ale majú možnosť reagovať na programové obsahy a podieľať sa na ich tvorbe. Participative media is inherently social media whose value and impact are derived from the participation of many people, and citizens are no longer just recipients of programs, but have the opportunity to respond to program content and participate in their creation. V roku 2010 sa na festivale po prvýkrát predstavil medzinárodný projekt participatívnych médií pod vedením francúzskej federácie Fédération Nationale des Vidéos des Pays et des Quartiers. In 2010, the festival for the first time presented an international participatory media project led by the French Fédération des Vidéos des Pays et des Quartiers. Pokračovaním úspešnej spolupráce participatívnych médií bude tréning pre 6 dobrovoľníkov - občanov Košíc na festivale v tomto roku. The theme of participatory media is the subject of a training for citizens of Košice at the festival in 2012. Spoluorganizátormi a lektormi tohto tréningu sú členovia francúzskej federácie lokálnych médií Thierry Michel, Vincent Aguano, Anne Breuzin a Elodie Sylvain. Co-organizers and trainers of this training are members of the French Fédération des Vidéos des Pays et des Quartiers Thierry Michel, Vincent Aguano, Anne Breuzin and Elodie Sylvain. Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ | Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 27 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 Synopsis: BLIND Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: 28 BLiND 17´19´´ Germany (2011) Young Author / Fiction Malte Wirtz Rosina Kaleab Joseph is seduced by his dealer Locko to take a new pill. One moment later he is blind. A wild party night begins ending with his girlfriend breaking up. When Joseph wakes up the next morning he can see again. Then he finds a second pill... BELGRADE SOFIA VIA CARIBROD Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The heroes of the film Belgrade Sofia via Caribrod are young people born in Dimitrovgrad (Caribrod). After graduation, they had been denied a proper chance in their hometown, so they decided to stay in two capitals of the countries on whose borders they were born and raised. What bothers them in the environment which cannot or will not accept them and use their knowledge? What has Dimitrovgrad lost with the departure of every young person to whom it failed to provide a chance for life. Belgrade Sofia via Caribrod 27´ Serbia (2011) Prod. company / Documentary Lidija Georgijev, Miroslav Nackov Milan Petrovic FROM DAWN TILL DUSK Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Every November 28 the citizens of Pirot, a small town in Southern Serbia, come to one specific place in search of fun and good time. The traditional fair, which takes place on the outskirts of town, is an event which offers entertainment for everyone. The film “From Dawn till Dusk” follows the events at Pirot’s fair during almost 24 hours and represents them in a unique way, unveiling just a part of the secret of why Pirot´s fair is being visited by multitudes for decades. From Dawn till Dusk 12´ Serbia (2011) Prod. company / Documentary Ivica Ivanov Milan Petrovic Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 AND FOR US, AGE - DOES NOT MATTER Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: They forget its venerable age, when they meet at their concerts, or anniversaries. They are looking at all the positive ... and find it. And their vitality is transmitted to others. Who are they? Grandparents, who do not feel old. А ДЛЯ НАС ВОЗРАСТ - НЕ БЕДА 6´ 23” Belarus (2012) Local television / Documentary Liudmila Dzemidzenka Sergey Digalev 2011 FESTIVAL OF LIGHT IN LEIPZIG Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The 2011 Leipzig Festival of Light celebrates the peaceful revolution of 1989. It is not just Leipzig celebrating, though, because Danzig is also taking part. This is because the people of Danzig prepared the way for our peaceful revolution. I´ve now met up with Jaroslaw. He lives in Leipzig but comes originally from Poland. From Danzig which was also a revolutionary city. Today´s the 9th of October. A historic date because in 1989 the 9th October was the exact day when 70.000 people rose up against the East German (GDR) regime. That day became the crucial event in the peaceful revolution. 89 is a special number for Jaroslaw, too... Lichtfest Leipzig 2011 5´ 7” Germany (2011) Local TV / News, investigative report Maria Haase René Falkner Synopsis: ARK Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Kaucheh 24´ Belarus (2011) Young Author / Documentary Andrei Kutsila Jaroslaw Kamienski The usual tour of the National Museum of the sculptor of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic of Zaire Azgur suddenly turns into a mirror, where we observe not only the history of the country in the plastic art images, but also speak for themselves. The film is observation of the observers. Light touch children, hard, distrustful, sometimes sarcastic, attitudes of adults, emotion, or off ended by observing a moment of pensioners animate sculptures of Lenin, Stalin, Marx, and hundreds of other leaders of the Soviet past. 29 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 30 BBC MIDLANDS TODAY, 10TH AUGUST 2011 Synopsis: Original title: BBC Midlands Today, 10 th August 2011 Length: 27´45” Country: United Kingdom (2011) Category: Local TV / News - Inv. Report Director: Ian Pedersen Production: John Bray Last August, rioting and looting broke out in several major cities across Britain. In Birmingham, diff erent communities came together to oppose the violence, something which helped restore peace to the city. This is the story, told as it happened, through our news programme. I’M IN A BAND Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Iceland has a very severe history. Her 320,000 people come through a financial crisis that has greatly upset the economic landscape, politics and culture of the island. But Iceland is still an amazing pool of artists that are occurring around the world. Gulla, Ari and Kiddi have two things in common: Iceland and music. However, they have three diff erent kinds of music, three styles of life, three people. How do these artists, musicians and artists they live in Iceland in 2011? Whence comes inspiration today? I’m in a band 52´ France (2011) Local TV / Documentary Thomas Griffin Cyrille Renaux GENTLE WAY Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The word „judo“ in Japanese means „gentle way“. For young 21-year old Belarusian athlete Valery his way has turned out to be hard rather than so gentle. Valery grew up without a father. When he was nine his mother was denied the parental rights. He was brought up in a boarding school for orphans and his younger brother in an orphanage. At that time the coach and sport became salvation. The fight in life merged with the fight on the mat, where physical pain drowns out soul pain. Miakki shlih 14´ Belarus, Latvia, France (2012) Young author / Documentary Andrei Kutsila Ilona Bičevska, Serge Gordey Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 THE LAST BUS Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: A hunting season has already begun. Forest animals are getting on a small bus and leaving the forest to save their lives. When hunters stop the bus in the middle of the night, the passengers while feeling the existential fears show their real characters. Posledný autobus 15´ Slovakia (2011) Production company / Animation Martin Snopek, Ivana Laučíková Ivana Laučíková A CHANCE FOR A NEW LIFE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The congregation of the “New Life” church in Minsk, Belarus, are mainly intelligentsia and young people. But there are also believers severely tried by fate: former alcoholics, drug users, and homeless people, who have managed to pull themselves together and return to normal life thanks to the community. The congregation have made the news by building their church with their own hands and defending it against officials to this day. They even staged a hunger strike ... Szansa na nowe życie 26´ Poland (2010) Local TV / Documentary Jerzy Kalina Bartosz Barynów THE RED THREAD Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: As a man, a monument has the right to the past. The Red October has changed the course of history, has opened a new era for humanity and has become the main event of the 20th century. Many streets and squares with the revolutionary names were returned their historical aff ection. Красная нить 9´ Belarus (2010) Local TV / Documentary Tatiana Koreshkova - 31 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 Synopsis: AUTISM Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: 32 Autism 9´ United Kingdom (2011) Local TV / Documentary Shirley Henry Shirley Henry This self-authored feature provides a moving insight into the life of a British family with three children on the autistic spectrum. Rosie King, the eldest child in the family, takes viewers into her world to explain what it is like to grow up with autism. Autism is a condition which aff ects how children see life, and the way they relate to others around them. More than half a million people in the UK have autism; about 40 % of children with the condition are bullied at school. The cause of autistic spectrum disorders is not yet clear and there is no specific cure. This feature aims to raise awareness of the condition. NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Exiled Spanish Republican in Bobigny, Daniel Serrano, who is now 91 years old, fights from his suburban house to clean the name of his brother Eudaldo, shot in 1941 after the Spanish Civil War. Despite many approaches Daniel, the figure of his brother, is still not recognized in his native village where the Socialist mayor refuses also to rename streets and public buildings which still exhibit Francoist names. Tired of negative answers, exasperated by the passivity of the Spanish authorities, Daniel finally decided to act alone. Ne pas s´avouer vaincu 90´ France (2012) Young author / Documentary Susana Arbizu, Henri Belin Marina Galimberti RACING DRIVER 4 LIFE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Norbert Michelisz was a boy like any other. He had his own dreams, his idols and carefree life of young boys. What distinguished him from others was the fact that he went hard for its goal of becoming a professional racer. This is his story, and a weekend at the Hungarian Grand Prix. Full of joy and sadness, hard work and hard-earned rewards. Like it goes in the world of racing drivers. Himesházától a világhírig 23´40” Hungary (2011) Production company / Documentary Iván Róbert Stefan Vályi Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 PAWNSHOP Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Empty streets, empty town square... At a time when the dried out leaves are still withholding at the scorching heat of the ending summer, an old lady is taking her most precious possession to the pawnshop owned by Kalin Banderov. Zalozhna kashta 8´ 42” Bulgaria (2011) Young author / Fiction Neshka Karadzhinska Ivan Tonev FRED´S POLE-SITTING CONTEST. CHRONICLE OF 556 HOURS POLE-SITTING Original title: Geniaal dit! Kroniek van 556 uur paalzitten. Length: 30´ Country: Netherlands (2010) Category: Local TV / Documentary Director: H. Beijer Production: Christian Groeneveld Synopsis: The psychological effect of pole-sitting is that you become another human being while you´re sitting there. Maybe it sounds a little bit odd, but it´s definitely true. You can see people change during the contest. It´s a once a lifetime experience. Competitors will remember it forever. The document is chronicle of 556 hours ň pole-sitting. LIDA GHETTO TEARS Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: It has been 65 years since the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders, but the Great Patriotic War is still recalled with pain in the people’s hearts. Historians assert that our country lost every third inhabitant. However, they rarely say that many of the victims suff ered only for the fact that they were born Semites and were not pleasing to the Wehrmacht. Silent witness to one of these tragedies is a forest on the outskirts of a small Belarusian town Lida... Слёзы лидского гетто 9´ Belarus (2011) Local TV / Documentary Nina Poznyak Alex Vadeiko 33 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 FROM HEART TO HEART… Synopsis: Original title: От сердца к сердцу Length: 17´ 48” Country: Belarus (2011) Category: Local TV / Documentary Director: Nina Poznyak Production: Alex Vadeiko One can be healthy, young and strong today. But things can change immediately. We can only admire those people who find strength and desire to move on, to get into rehab and enjoy life despite of everything. BELL RINGER Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Stepan Ilich - the bell ringer in an orthodox Temple in the Belorussian village Doropeevichi. To it 82 years, but he continues to call. Stepan Ilich saw how inhabitants removed the bells and hid them into the ground, because the church did not work during the war time. He met the bad times together with the church - it was closed in 1964 and renewed in 1988. Stepan Ilich lives on suburb of village with wife Aleksandroj. Alexander is ill, and Stepan Ilich cares of it. And still Stepan Ilich tries to transfer tradition of a peal of the village to the young. Званар 25´ Belarus (2011) Production company / Documentary Kate Makhova k/s “Belarusfilm“ Synopsis: REPORT Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: 34 Správa 14´ Slovakia (2012) Local TV / Documentary Peter Ďurišin Peter Ďurišin, TV VRANOV Film reconstruction of report about results of the murder investigation in Uličska Dolina of the end of 1945, when the war ended and returned to the valley from the concentration camps, only a handful of Jews. Less than a year after their return almost all of them were killed by the bullets of armed gang. Unresolved murders of Jews and communists were credited to Banderas groups, but that was never confirmed. Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 WE, CENTRAL AMERICAN WOMEN Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: According to the UN, Central America is the region of the world where there are more cases of violence against women. „We, Central American Women“ visualizes the negative factors that aff ect the lives of women, and delves into to struggles that they carry out to defend their rights. Nosotros, Centroamericanas 29´ Spain (2011) Production company / Documentary Unai Aranzadi PTM Mundubat BLUE SHEEP Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: A magical story between a documentary and a fictional plot that take us to VILLAMAYOR DE CAMPOS in ZAMORA (Spain) where many neighbours are affected by Cancer, caused by an energy tower. Ovejas azules 28´ Spain (2011) Production company / Documentary Noel Gálvez Carlos Martin, Natalia Pattini THE MISSING LOOKS Synopsis: Original title: La Mirada Perdida Length: 11´ Country: Argentina (2012) Category: Production company / Fiction Director: Damian Dionisio Production: Damian Dionisio Argentina, 1976. Claude is forced to live with his family in hiding, due to his political ideals. The house in which they live is discovered by the militaries. No time to flee, Teresa try to shelter his daughter in a fantasy world to avoid the girl look at the horror they are about to live. 35 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 THE LITTLE TEAM… Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Fourteen little kids go over an unsolved football mystery, and they end up teaching an unexpected life lesson to grown - ups. L’equip petit 9´ Spain (2011) Production company / Documentary Roger Gómez, Dani Resines Cristina Sánchez BAZEKITEN Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: What we are capable people in some situations? Bazekiten 7´ Spain (2011) Production company / Fiction Juan Bidegain Juan Bidegain Synopsis: SHE Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: 36 Ella 19´ Spain (2011) Production company / Animation Juan Montes de Oca Universidad de las Islas Baleares In Palma de Mallorca, through five year old kid innocence, and common life coincidences, an Afro-American homeless remember his non-sense life going back 45 years in New York. All together makes his life change to find at least the way to happiness. Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 LUMINARIS Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: In a world controlled and timed by light, an ordinary man has a plan that could change the natural order of things. Luminaris 6´ Argentina (2011) Production company / Animation Juan Pablo Zaramella Sol Rulloni Synopsis: THE BEACH Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: La Playa 22´ Spain, United Kingdom (2010) Production company / Fiction Elisa Cepedal Mariana Murillo Ana lives in a remote village on the Spanish plateau, and spends her summers selling underwear in her uncle’s shop. An unexpected encounter with two youths from a neighbouring village awakens in Ana hope of an escape from this monotony. PHOTO Synopsis: Original title: Foto Length: 7´ Country: Spain (2011) Category: Production company / Fiction Director: J. Enríque Sánchez Production: La Mirilla producciones He only needed one photo. A good one. 37 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 38 NO Synopsis: Original title: No Length: 10´ Country: Spain (2011) Category: Production company / Fiction Director: Guillermo P. Bosch Production: Juan Nemesio Martín “The perfection in your hand”. An emerging model for advertisements suff ers, all of a sudden, a physical defect that drives him into a process of self destruction. A descent into hell around the obsession with looks. DOLLS FACTORY Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Anna works in a doll factory. Her whole life she revolves around performing mechanical motions to put the dolls eyes. But the small change at her work changed her life forever. Fábrica de Muñecas 11´ Spain (2010) Production company / Fiction Ainhoa Menendéz A. Menendéz, P. Erusalimsky FEARFUL JOHN Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: During the holidays at his grandparent’s village, John meets Mary, a mysterious girl who tells the terrifying legend surrounding the peasant’s old house. John, unlike the character in the tale, is fearful. Mary is not. Juan con miedo 11´ Spain (2010) Production company / Fiction Daniel Romero J. Blázquez Ceballos, M. Casal Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 Synopsis: HUNGER Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Glad 14´ Serbia (2011) Production company / Documentary G. Simonovic-Veljkovic, D. Pavlov Krstic Marija Pencic Residents of Stara planina live in memories of the youth. Loneliness was daily life, redemption was death. However, they celebrate birth, maturity and death through song. GAS STATION Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Private company requested a lease of land in the centre of Ružomberok in order to build the parking place. City agreed to this plan without a tender (separate account) and set at the lowest possible rent amount, donated by the city € 15 000. Members agreed to, but six days after signing the contract the company came with a request to change the plan to build a gas station... Benzínka 13´ 46” Slovakia (2012) Local TV / News, investigative report Peter Kravčák Peter Kravčák MINNING THE SMREKOVICA Synopsis: Original title: Ťažba na Smrekovici Length: 6´ 59” Country: Slovakia (2012) Category: Local TV / News, investigative report Director: Peter Kravčák Production: Peter Kravčák Report broadcast in the television current aff airs programs the City Ružomberok. It discusses the dispute between conservationists and Forests of the Slovak Republic in case of logging in the Great Fatra site called Smrekovica. While Woods of SR argue that in order to protect the forest (from bark beetle) should be carried out by extracting Forest Law conservationists argue the Law about the Protection of Nature, which in turn eliminates the extraction for bark beetle. 39 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 40 THE RECYCLATOR Synopsis: Original title: Reciklatorot Length: 15´ Country: Macedonia (2012) Category: Local TV / Documentary Director: Zoran Dimov Production: Zoran Dimov A story of Roma collectors of recyclable plastic bottles who work unorganized and unprotected, in health-risk conditions, until somebody starts taking care of them. For around 5 thousand Roma people in Macedonia collecting this sort of secondary plastic waste material is the only existence. Many of them don’t care if they are protected well or not-as long as they provide money for living. Elvis, Garip, Nafija, Ferdi, Ekrem, Dusko, Dzemko, Alid, Senad are only several of the many plastic waste collectors. TIME OF THE ROMA Synopsis: Original title: Vreme na Romite Length: 26´ Country: Macedonia (2010) Category: Local TV / News, investigative report Director: Zoran Dimov Production: Zoran Dimov The project Time of the Roma is aiming at revealing the problems that Roma people are faced with, their most usual everyday difficulties, but sometimes there is space to say some words regarding some development and improvement of the life of Roma people. The areas embraced within this project are education, health, social welfare, local and regional infrastructure, sawing problems, as well as culture and sport. Roma people from all over Macedonia are embraced within this project, i.e beside Skopje there are people from Kumanovo, Vinica, Prilep, Bitola, Tetovo etc. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: “Human rights belong to every one of us without exception. But unless we know them, defend them and demand they be respected, they will be just words in a decades-old document.“ Know Your Rights 1´ Bulgaria (2012) Young author / Documentary Nenko Genov Nenko Genov Ban Ki - Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 THE FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” The Freedom of Movement 1´ Bulgaria (2012) Young author / Documentary Nenko Genov Nenko Genov The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December 1948 ROMANTIZMIT Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: When Photograph artist Buse comes to the İzmit for her next exhibition, she meets with a common worker Ahmet. Ahmet has depressive and chaotic problems inside himself, and has been prisoned to his own World. Buse´s obsessioned love towards Ahmet and Ahmet´s puzzling character and uncertain behaviours will drag them into a dead end. Romantizmit 20´ Turkey (2012) Young author / Fiction Gurel Kamis Akin Ulku Sevinc A DAY OUT OF A THOUSAND DREAMS Synopsis: Original title: Een Dag uit Duizend Dromen Length: 16´ 45” Country: Netherlands (2011) Category: Local Television / Fiction Director: Melcher Hillmann Production: M. van der Spoel, A. van Santen De drama series tells the story of various residents who live in a so called ‘low class’ neighbourhood in the city of Groningen. All storylines come together at a neighbourhood party which takes place in a park in the centre of the district. The drama series is an unique co-production between OOG TV, AV professionals, various students of the Noorderpoort School of Arts and residents of the neighbourhoods where we shot the film entirely on location. 41 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 42 ETERNITY WAS BORN IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Romania and Bulgaria share their identity and European destiny in the region of Dolj county, respectively Vidin, Montana and Vratsa counties. For thousands of years the history of these places and people has been linked to the Danube, this blessed river older than Europe, poured out of history and culture, enriching the places and peoples settlements. It has never been a barrier, or an obstacle, but a connecting bridge. It united people and destinies and brought together customs and traditions. Eternity was born in the countryside 14´ 25” Romania (2011) Production company / Documentary Dumitrana Ovidiu Dumitrana Ovidiu FUNNY LESSON Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The project “Funny Lesson” want to show the possibility of new methods in teaching. A funny lesson explains and demonstrates the physical, chemical, mathematical phenomena in fun TV show. The whole process is made in the form of a television studio sessions for children with the slogan “I guess and research “. The attempts are broad, said by school teachers and they prepare them according to the French Debrouillards, according to the book of the attempts by Professor Scientifix. Zábavná hodina 10´ Slovakia (2012) Local TV / Participatory Media Project Peter Hudák Renáta Vadásyová 13 YEARS AFTER, WHERE ARE WE TODAY Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: “13 years after, where are we today,” is a film about the consequences of bombing of Nis with cluster bombs and refusal of Serbia to sign the Convention on the prohibition of cluster bombs. Serbia was the target of cluster bombs during the conflict with NATO in 1999. At that time, Nis was bombed with cluster bombs twice. 15 people were killed from the cluster bombs in a single day, on 7th of May in 1999. After the NATO bombing, the cluster bombs scattered across Serbia killed six people and wounded 12 people... 13 godina posle, gde smo danas 29´ 50” Serbia (2012) Production company / Documentary Gradimir Nikolic Gradimir Nikolic, Sasa Dordjevic Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Reportage will follow in comparative way lives of family with intensive internal opposite point of view on leaving Serbia and trying to get asylum in one of western European countries in order to reach better life opportunities. Some of them returned to Southern Serbia from Western Europe, the others intent to migrate to Western European countries. Otići ili ostati? 22´ Serbia (2012) Production company / Documentary Miodrag Miljkovic Milijana Merdovic Synopsis: TRAIL ON Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Trail On 17´ Slovakia (2012) Young author / Documentary Michal Holečko Mimi Poklembová, Jana Kopernická The short documentary Trail On was filmed during the year 2011 in an environment of Slovak cycling localities. It poses a story of a sportsman who has dedicated his whole life to cycling. He talks about his success and falls. He tries to bring downhill near to people who have not heard about this sport yet. VOJČICE DREAM Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: A famous Hollywood actress of the silent film Lia de Putti was born in Vojcice. In her 14 years of age she ran away from home to circus in Trebisov and started to dream about Hollywood. With the beginning of the sound film her dream vanished. Lia died under curious circumstances in 1931. A window fall ended her life. She was 34 years old. The film does not primarily speak about the actress. Her life serves as a dramatic skeleton of people´s mosaics, who dream in Vojcice. It is not important what dream we dream about but the dream itself. Vojčice Dream 17´ 22” Slovakia (2011) Local TV / Documentary Martin Tokár Martin Tokár 43 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: A discovering process by a group of students of secondary school Barri Besos (3st C) in the neighborhood where they are living of Besos-Maresme (Barcelona) becomes a documentary about them and their neighbors. They all talk with residents, they make interviews them and they create a dialogue to build make a collective portrait of the neighborhood, from their point of view. Students also photographed their emblematic spaces, and the new and creative relationship they established with their quarter Besos- Maresme. d-barri 15´ 48” Spain (2011) Local TV / Participatory Media Project Yelang Gurung Institut Narri Besos - Les Salonnieres Hangar.org - Teleduca DYING GREEN Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Set in the beautiful foothills of the Appalachian mountains, DYING GREEN is a short documentary that explores one man’s revolutionary idea of using green burials to conserve land. Dr. Billy Campbell is the town’s only physician and at first his radical concept isn’t easy for people to accept. But devoted to saving some of the land he loves, he wins over the town’s people and succeeds in creating America’s first “green cemetery.” The film also reveals how environmentally costly conventional American burials are, what’s one’s legal options are for burial and how it’s possible to preserve land by choosing a conservation burial. Dying Green 26´ USA (2011) Young author / Documentary Ellen Tripler Ellen Tripler Synopsis: REUNION Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: 44 Setkání 21´ Czech Republic (2011) Production company / Documentary Martina Spurná Václav Špaček The Reunion documentary attempts to capture the various relationships between people and horses and wonders whether we, the modern people, aren’t ever more distant from the animals, despite all the talk of ecological thinking. Do we have enough time and patience to really encounter horses? How do we perceive animals? The history of the coexistence of man and horse - but also of horse and man - is deep. This relationship evolves with time. The question, however, is, in what direction. Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 BEEKEEPER Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: In May 2010 took place in Poland a flood of an unusual scale. In Krakow, water leaking out from the torn embankment flooded „Family garten Plots Zakole Wisly“. Because of this flood Mr. Stefan 92 - years old beekeeper lost on his garden all beehives with bees families which were inside. The flood became a starting point for the memories from the Second World War, which Mr. Stefan survived as a polish soldier. The camera accompanied Mr. Stefan one year, from Summer 2010 after the flood till Spring 2011. Pszczelarz 25´ 45” Poland (2011) Local TV / Documentary Michalina Mrozek, Magdalena Zych Bettina Wiengarn, Magdalenja Zych TRAPPED IN THE NET Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: A documentary film about how far these days we can go to social networks. Mark is a young student of screenwriting and decides on an unusual experiment - decides to change sex. But not really, only fictitious - on the Internet. With the help of makeup artist and photographer to create profiles of their female self on multiple social networks. Marek is convincing as a woman and if he will contact with sympathetic boy from secondary city, Mark does not hesitate to arrange a meeting with him in the cafeteria ... Chytený v sieti 13´ 20” Slovakia (2012) Young author / Documentary Matej Ligač Mária Boďová SCARECROW Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Scarecrow instead of the gnome in your garden? In village Opatová surely YES. This documentary movie presents Ondrej as professional scarecrow-maker. He loves his voluntary firemen team, theatre, his ex-wife and bottle of whiskey. Thanks to this film you can also think about your personal scarecrow, which for sure we hide inside us. Strašiak 19´ 56” Slovakia (2011) Young author / Documentary Alžbeta „Harry“ Gavendová Mária Boďová 45 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 46 HUMULESTI - MEMORIES OF GAMES PAST Synopsis: Original title: Humulesti- Amintiri despre jocurile de altădată Length: 17´ 32” Country: Romania (2011) Category: Local TV / Documentary Director: Andreea Ştiliuc Production: TVR Iasi Humulesti. Once a ‘large and merry village’, nowadays a district in the city of Targu Neamt. The greedy pavement seems to engulf the past. It smells of tarmac and, timidly, of story-telling... Those interviewed in the film live in Humulesti, a place with particular significance for Romanian culture and especially for the Romanian hearts, as this is the birthplace of Ion Creanga, writer, raconteur and schoolteacher of the late 19 th century, one of the classics of Romanian literature. THE SPOTLESS SHIRT Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: People of diff erent nationalities and origins live together in a Roma community and discover the Roma culture, beyond prejudice. Roma, Romanians and French people get to overcome fears and to learn a lot about accepting the others. They try to understand the Roma problems and to find solutions. A project initiated by two associations, Gipsy Eye and Secours Catholique, becomes the starting point of this meeting. In fact, it is much more than that. It is a deep human experience, a way to find out what is best in us. The film shows the human relationships between these diff erent cultures. Cămaşa nouă 47´ 32” Romania (2011) Local TV / Documentary Andreea Ştiliuc TVR Iasi 100 PAROLES, 6TH SEASON Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Fishermen and postmen strike, news from Tunisia, philosophy time with 5-years-olds, meeting in the streets...This year „100 Paroles“ magazine looks like a documentary. Look up on the neighbourhood. „100 Paroles“ is an experience of local participative television built for and by inhabitant of Le Panier, an area of Marseille. 100 Paroles, saison 6 38´ France (2011) Local TV / Participatory Media Project Mohamed Boubidar, Benoit Ferrier Tabasco Vidéo Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 RESIGNATIONSPEECH TO THE HOUSE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Our movie is an experimental replay of Robin Cook’s resignation speech to the house. We are analysing theatrical strategies and impacts of public happenings and politic events on the base of used texts and set aesthetics. This movie was our first attempt. 17th March 2003: with one of the finest speeches in British political history, Robin Cook, leader of the House of Commons resigns from the government on the eve of the invasion of Iraq. We consider political speech to have much in common with the character of an artwork. Resignationspeech to the House 10´ United Kingdom / Germany (2012) Young Author / Participatory Media Project Sara Lehn, Greg McLaren Sara Lehn, Greg McLaren DON’T GO!VIDEO Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: This film is my first and in the same time always most recent film. Over more than 4 years I sculpt the 35mm-film pieces from „Rainman“, which I had found loosely on the ground in a park in Zilina after a cinema had closed down. The cohesion of the fragments of the story is constructed with scissors at the kitchen table, tape glue in the projectionist’s room of the local cinema in Berlin and self animated putty... Don’t GO!video 14´ 30” Germany (2011) Young Author / Participatory Media Project Sara Lehn Sara Lehn HALBER ANKER-HALF AN ANCHOR Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The homemade sailor movie Halber Anker-Half an Anchor tells a story of indecisiveness. A super 8 camera, follows the young main character’s way to escape his everyday life by leaving to the sea, a nostalgic and worn out decision repeated in an outdated amateur-/family/-holiday-style. A digital camera films the shoot with from a little distance and with nostalgia-killing detail, throwing you back into the reality of low budget filmmaking today and inviting the viewer on board... Halber Anker-Half an Anchor 15´ Germany (2012) Young author / Documentary Sara Lehn Sara Lehn 47 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 LA NUIT DU MONTAGE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: “La nuit du montage” (the night of final cut - “the final cut night”) is a “create-video competition”. Musicians join videographers in order to create a short film together. The soundtrack has to be original. Musicians are free to choose their instruments/tools. Once all teams are formed (musicians and videographers), each team will receive one hour of rushs - all teams will receive the same rushs. After what, time is running: 48 hours to create a short movie! La nuit du montage 30´ France (2009) Local TV / News / investigative report Anne Breuzin Com’étik diffusion THE LANDS OF STRAWMAN Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Stephen wolf - farmer, stonemason and writer, he survived the newly-mining fixed all my life difficult. And although the government tried too many times to break it, it´s never failed. The most difficult bore wounds in times when on his land destroyed thousands of healthy fruit trees. His defiance when expressed as it was closest to him - not only in remembrance of these trees, carved on a memorial stone in the shape of an exclamation point, starting that our future generations and not allowed to forget the injustice that we are after more than forty years have witnessed ... Slameníkove zeme 17´ 47” Slovakia (2011) Young author / Documentary Peter Kováč Mária Boďová Synopsis: SISYPHUS Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: 48 Sizyfos 14´ 20” Slovakia (2011) Young author / Documentary Marek Janičík Mária Boďová Life is a big ball that we have to push up to steep hill. All it takes it a single slip to set the ball rolling back down, leaving us with no other option but to start from the bottom again... „Sisyphus“ is a portrait of a former drug addict who has moved to a little house in the country, away from civilization, and spends his time making origami in the loft. Sometimes art is the easiest way to start from scratch. Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 THE GYPSY HEART Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: This film shows the gypsy musicians and their difficult integration into society. Persecution of Braňo’s and Dušan’s marriages due to their white wives. Various failures and falls in their jobs as the result of their skin and race talk about their resistance, eff orts and falls, which again turned in hope for them to go further, although disappointed, but much more stronger. Through faith, they still manage to live among whites, have a family and find a job... Romano Jilo 33´ 30” Slovakia (2011) Young author / Documentary Ján Križovenský Mária Boďová NIS NEW ADDRESS Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: This story is a part of serial program which made NTV once a week, and talk about foreign people who live in our City for years. Nis has become their new home- new address and reasons for it are different. Sometime it is love, sometime business, but all of them agree that THEY adore Nis. Niš nova adresa 16´ Serbia (2012) Local TV / Documentary Marija Milijic Dragana Nikolic Synopsis: THE STAR Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Hviezda 19´ 53” Slovakia (2012) Young author / Documentary Andrej Kolenčík Filip Křížek The documentary film “Star” tells the story about John Slovak, 55-year-old professional welder from Doprastav who is passionate about acting. His desire began to meet when he won the lead role in a theatrical adaptation of the worst movie of all time, Plan 9 From Outer Space by Ed Wood Jr.. “The stage which means the world” becomes his destiny. 49 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 50 MONTENEGRO Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Film is based on amateur shots that I filmed during a few trips to a small but diverse country, Montenegro. Me and my friends wanted to get to know this country better. Film is based on three various trips that took place in April, June and August. It tries to show this country from the mountains to the sea and also during various year seasons. Film does not have any specific idea and every single spectator can have his own feeling about this small piece of our planet... Montenegro 19´ 59” Slovakia (2011) Young author / Documentary Tibor Muššák STEREOSCOPY Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Emilio lives on his own taking refuge in the anonymity of the city. One day on his way to work he is knocked down and he lost his left eyesight. The doctors transplanted the eye of another person and he starts to see his donor´s life. Estereoscopía 12´ 20” Spain (2011) Young author / Fiction Xacio Baño Xacio Baño THINK ABOUT Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Story about the girl who made a decision too quickly. At the railway station she experiencing a situation that make her think again. Razmisli 6´ 50” Bosnia and Herzegovina (2010) Young author / Fiction Milan Džaja Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 SELF-GOVERNED FILM Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Samoupravni film 8´ Croatia (2012) Production company / Participatory Media Project Director: Igor Bezinović Production: Oliver Sertić Participatory project shot in the “Mali Lošinj” shipyard in Croatia. Shipyard workers were asked to film their everyday life. In 2013 Croatia is entering the EU and shipbuilding will therefore cease to be a strategic national industry. NINA Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Nina 44´ 52” Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012) Local TV / Documentary Mira Lolic-Mocevic RTRS Synopsis: TEZIC Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The testimony of one of the most horrific crimes against civilians during the Second World War in Bosnia. The story of crime, hatred, love and forgiveness... Tezic 30´ Romania (2012) Production Company / Documentary Violeta Gorgos TVR Iasi Romania “I’m a Communist Biddy” – one of the most translated books of the year 2009. At his meetings with the readers, Dan Lungu always receives the same question “What is tezic?”. The writer takes us where this “product” is being made out of a mix of cow manure with straws, left to dry in the sun and used at the countryside as a fuel for fire. 51 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 Synopsis: VLADYKA Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Vladyka 20´ Slovakia (2012) Production company / Documentary Vladimír Seman Vladimír Seman NAD KEŽMARKOM VIETOR VEJE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: This documentary film, which is based on the legends of the royal city Kežmarok, captures history of Kežmarok in modern non-traditional manner, using animation elements, funny comments and is intended especially for pupils. Its aim is to learn about the city in interesting way as much as possible. Nad Kežmarkom vietor veje 17´ Slovakia (2011) Local TV / Documentary Pavol Pekarčík Oto Vojtičko WITH ONE TREE LESS A FOREST WILL BE FOREST Original title: Bez jednego drzewa las lasem zostaniee Length: 55´ 32” Country: Poland (2011) Category: Production company / Documentary Director: Dagmara Drzazga Production: Izabela Rudzik 52 In the fifties of the last century, state power destroyed Greek Catholic Church in Slovakia. It was part of a plan how to create atheistic society. Priests and bishops were imprisoned, churches were closed. This scenario was applied throughout the communist bloc. However, in a small Ruthenian village in northeast Slovakia, the story of a man, who has decided to become a bishop of the defunct Church, has just begun. Synopsis: During the II World War the Nazis installed a guillotine in the jail at Katowice (Poland). Then the regular executions began. The machine operated quickly and efficiently - within a single night 20 convicts could be deprived of their lives. „With one tree less, a forest will be forest“ is a documentary about the tragic fate of a priest, Jan Macha, the founder of an underground organization in Ruda Slaska (Poland). Its purpose was to help those who were most in need. For that activity Jan was arrested, then guillotined in Decmeber 1942. At the time of his death he was only 28 years old... Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 CHRIST‘S WANDERERS Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: Being a wanderer implies being homeless and having freedom. Hungarians emigrating to America experienced exactly this duality. The traces and memories of it appear in the episodes of this documentary film and in the comments of those reminiscing. They become bittersweet since they talk about the past and about things fading into the past. At the same time, they are individual and communal fate. A half-disappeared world comes life whose memories may still be found and deciphered in the carved words on the tombstones. The words in the Mother tongue still understandable. Krisztus vándorai 35´ Hungary (2009) Local TV / Documentary Tamas Szeles Tamas Szeles LES BASSINS DE VIE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: The Bouakiz family is moving. They are leaving their building in the suburbs for a house in the country. Once there, adaptation is difficult. In the middle of family tensions and relations with the rural world where suspicion and prejudices are everywhere, Farès chooses to take refuge in the memories of his former district. But this refuge will turn out to be only incidental. For Farès, the only option is to flee, to go back to the suburbs... Les bassins de vie 21´ France (2010) Production company / Fiction Steed Cavalieri Jean-Pierre Lagrange Synopsis: THE WALL Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: La murette 20´ France (2010) Production company / Fiction Steed Cavalieri Jean-Pierre Lagrange A townhall decides one day to redevelop an area which has suff ered from daily squatting: young teenagers used to gather there frequently, along a small wall. These youngsters intend to organize themselves and defend their spot. They use method, obstination and also permanent occupation. But the defense of the “wall” brings about a new debate within the group. Is it really useful? 53 Súťažná prehliadka „Zlatý žobrák“ 2012 / Competition Show „Golden Beggar“ 2012 ON VA TOUT CAFTER Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: A woman receiving social benefits from the CAF (Labour Office) lives in the suburb of Paris, in Seine-Saint-Denis. She is tired of malfunction of CAF, so she decided to make a film about the work of this institution with the intention of finding solution. The result of her survey, which she made with recipients of social benefits, employees and director of CAF, gives a complex, controversial and realistic idea of the disastrous growing crisis within the institution. The author, who is personally interested in this problem, has created a meaningful look, which is in sharp contrast with serious media. On va tout cafter 13´ France (2010) Production company / Documentary Lina Centre Média Local (Riv´Nord et Rapsode Production) Synopsis: FATE Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Production: 54 Usud 19´ Bosnia and Herzegovina (2010) Production company / Documentary Marko Šipka Zoran Galić “Fate” is a documentary that analyzes the issue of intercultural tolerance by addressing the problem of nationalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that, by criticizing the situation, tries to improve it. The movie plot takes place at the time of general elections which will be held in October 2010. The parties in power will then, by spreading nationalism, try to get as many votes as possible and thus keep their positions, and at the same time not showing any concern for the economic, social and legal stability of our country. Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ | Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ 55 Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ Synopsis: GOOD SON Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Hyvä poika 87´ Finland Drama Zaida Bergroth HELLO! HOW ARE YOU? Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Protagonists of brilliantly erected and extremely witty story are the spouses Gabriel and Gabriela, he is a musician, she is the owner of laundry service. During twenty years of living together the magic of their relationship has disappeared and now they are very close to succumbing to Internet chat. Buna! Ce faci? 105´ Romania / Spain Comedy drama Alex Maftei Synopsis: VEGAS Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: 56 After the scandalous premiere actress Leila Manner is running away with her two sons to hide herself from reporters to the old family summer house. Explosive Ilmari is mother’s confidant and protector, while his younger brother Unto is an avid entomologist and a loner. However, peaceful coexistence is soon destroyed by a group of Leila´s friends coming to visit them for the weekend. Vegas 110´ Norway Drama Gunnar Vikene You do not choose your family. You can choose your friends. Vegas is the story of Thomas, Marianne and Terje - three young people who have nowhere to go. Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ Synopsis: UPPERDOG Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Upperdog 100´ Norway Drama / Comedy Sara Johnsen As young children, half-siblings Axel and Yanne are adopted to Norway. They are separated on arrival, he to material wealth on Oslo’s west side, she to an average family on the east side. In contrast to her younger brother, Yanne remembers their journey to Norway, but she has no idea where he might be now. NOS PREMIERES VACANCES Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: The old man is arriving in Normandy, on the island Chausey. He rents a house with the sea view. He used to spend there the second half of June with his wife. This time he comes alone. The story of not everyday love, remembrance, reproach, sadness and reflection at the end of life. Nos premieres vacances 27´ France Drama Matthieu Boivineau RYABINOVIY VALS Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: The story of the heroism of young miners, who at the cost of their lives disposed the minefields and roads. In connection with the regulation of the State Committee of Defense in the years 1944 - 1946 in the territory of Vologda region they worked on de-mining of Oštinský district liberated from the Germans. Ryabinoviy vals 96´ Russia Historical Drama Alyona Semenova, Alexander Smirnov 57 Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ Synopsis: PEČORIN Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: 58 Pečorin 95´ Russia Historical Drama Roman Chrušč The film opens a new perspective on the Russian literary classics, on the popular novel The hero of our time. The film is about Russian society and culture in which “useless man” is again actual theme. PUNK IS NOT DEAD Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Mirsa is a punk who is trying to put up with the struggles of everyday life in Skopje. One day he was off ered to play for some multicultural-happening in Debar. Actually, all he ever wants is to play again with his punk band, so he accepts the off er. The next step is to find all former members of the band and make them play again. Pankot ne e mrtov 104´ Macedonia Fiction Vladimir Blaževski IF THE SEED DOESN’T DIE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Two fathers, a Romanian searching for his daughter who was forced into prostitution and a Serbian seeking the body of his son killed in a car accident, meet on the river Danube. A boatman recounts the 200 year-old legend of Romanian peasants struggling unsuccessfully to move an old wooden church up the hill to their village at a time when building Orthodox churches was prohibited. Daca bobul nu moare 113´ Serbia / Austria / Romania Fiction Siniša Dragin Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ OPERATION SHMENTI CAPELLI Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Operation Shmenti Capelli is one of the most unique filmmaking stories in Bulgaria during the last twenty years. The long awaited eccentric comedy is a personal dream of popular Bulgarian actor Vladislav Karamfilov-Vargala. Operation Shmenti Capelli 118´ Bulgaria Fiction Ivan Mitov ANDĚLÉ NA KOLEJÍCH Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Together with the film you will return to the days of your childhood, naughty fights and steam engines. It is 1934 and memories of childhood are warm and playful. The story will show you things which will change with the arrival of war. Andělé na kolejích 61´ Czech Republic Drama Ondřej Hejna BORDEL ADVOCCAT Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Minimalist image, which on the the background of existential problems of the main characters, two men and one woman, deals with absurd abyss on the edge of which each of us can easily find ourselves. Bordel Advoccat 39´ Slovakia Drama Ivor Bauer 59 Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ CRULIC – THE PATH TO BEYOND Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Animation documentary Crulic- the journey on other world tells the story about Crulice, 33 years old Romanian who dies in polish jail during hunger strike. Famous roamanian actor, Vlad Ivanov, borrow to Crulic his voice, which is full of ironie and which is talking to audience from grave. Strong visual style, quality hand painting, collage, phase and cut-cut animation technique... All this, mixed together, makes incredible, surprisingly compact and unforgettable film. Crulic - drumul spre dincolo 73´ Romania / Poland Animation Documentary Anca Damian Synopsis: THE BOX Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: 60 The Box 86´ Serbia Documentary Andrijana Stojković “The Box” is the tragicomic urban tale of three young men chasing their dreams while trapped under the yoke of UN sanctions in early nineties Belgrade. With the onset of isolation, the film shows Belgrade in a moment of transition between everyday normality and the abnormal conditions about to be imposed on it. THE KNIGHT OF THE BLACK CURSE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Documentary about Janko Polić Kamov, a writer who was the forerunner of many modern literary genres, illuminates his life and work that still attracts the attention of the literary public. The ominous fate of the great cloak unholy painted a series of photos unknown to the public. Version for the foreign market is made on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the great poet. The Knight of the Black Curse 40´ Croatia Documentary Bernardin Modrić Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ NEMOC TRETEJ MOCI Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Political documentary film about black wholes in Slovak justice and about law position in Slovakia. Slovak justice backstage film is also an essay about power forms, which withdrew into seclusion, to later get new name - justice. Nemoc tretej moci 52´ Slovakia Documentary Zuzana Piussi Synopsis: KOLIBA Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Koliba 45´ Slovakia Documentary Zuzana Piussi Director Zuzana Piussi in main role of documentary thriller about Slovak film fate. By way to the hill above Bratislava, where sometimes lived studios of Slovak film Koliba, revelas fragments of contradictory truths, absurd lies, half truths and classified lies and the stealing of the “family silver” - Slovak film. CHICKEN LOVE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: If somebody in Slovakia would like to find perfect „halušky“ or „pirohy“, people will call him a fool. But it didnt happen to one American man, who was determinated to find perfect chicken wings. He actaully found a man who financed his dreams only because of his love to this specialty. Kuracia láska 45´ Slovakia Documentary Zuzana Piussi 61 Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ 62 DEBTOCRACY Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: An old pair Antanina and her husband Viktor, sit knee by knee in their small village hut. He drinks badly and wonders „why does one live in this world for?“. It is very sad and gloomy in winter, but when the spring comes, the nature revives, and so do people and animals. Life goes on. A very colorful and realistic image of old-time people microcosm. 64´ Greece Documentary Katerina Kitidi Aris Hatzistefanou CATASTROIKA Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: It was at the beginning of 1989 when the French academic Jacques Rupnik sat at his desk, in order to prepare a report on the state of the economic reforms in Mikhail Gorbatsov’s Soviet Union. The term that he used in describing the death rattle of the empire was “Catastroika”. Catastroika 87´ Greece Documentary Katerina Kitidi Aris Hatzistefanou THE HIGH PRICE OF GOLD Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Ross Domey’s powerful film “The High Price of Gold” touches on the plight on women living in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The High price of gold 14´ UK Documentary Ross Domey Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ JAN PAWEL II: SZUKAŁEM WAS... Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: The new Polish documentary film dedicated to John Paul II. called “John Paul II. - I was looking for you” was created four years. It was filmed in thirteen countries on four continents. In addition to unique rare archival film footage is the film built on interviews with fifty people selected from a variety of environments. Jan Pawel II: Szukałem Was... 90´ Poland Documentary Jaroslaw Szmidt VYPUSKNOJ NA MINNOMPOLE Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Documentary is about the occipital units staff during the Great Patriotic War - girls and boys who went straight from the classroom to demining fields in the Vologda region. Bыпускной на минном поле 26´ Russia Documentary Aľona Semionovová Synopsis: IN SIGHT Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Nadohled 42´ Slovakia Documentary Andrea Slováková Film essay about supervision, classical and post-classical mechanisms that carry it. The realization of Panopticon, perfect oversight mechanism, described by Jeremy Bentham in the 18 th century, expanded by Michel Foucault, classically allowed the prison a device in which was the supervision along with the main function of punishment - and it currently allows technologies that are able to monitor, store and perform or database the information about people which can identify and distinguish them and from which can be deduced location and timing of meetings. 63 Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ Synopsis: CLOUDS Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Oblaka 25´ Slovakia / Czech Republic Documentary Andrea Slováková INTENT TO ENRICH THE BARE MECHAISTICAL WORLD Original title: Úmysl obohatit holý mechanistický svět Length: 22´ Country: Slovakia / Czech Republic Category: Documentary Director: Andrea Slováková 64 Synopsis: Professor Vopěnka is a world-famous Czech mathematician, author of numerous books on the history of mathematics, especially geometry, and original thinker connecting mathematics to philosophy. He became publicly known primarily by authorship of the largest piece (called Vopěnkův Cardinal) and his two-year background in politics – he was the first Minister of Education after Velvet Revolution. Synopsis: LOOS´S BOX Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Slightly meteorological film about the origin, the behavior and blustering clouds, about how we can make visible something that was not seen until now (eg. water in the atmosphere), as well as coming up like clouds. Also a bit will be said by painter and physicist, the first will talk about the particles and the other one about the colors. Loosova bedna 10´ Slovakia / Czech Republic Documentary Andrea Slováková The so-called raumplan, special space-structuring in the Muller’s Villa in Prague, respecting function and symbolical importance of each room in the house, was Adolf Loos’s specific understanding of functionalism. We build the Villa from thoughts: the film mirrors particular changes in mathematics, cinema and in the social role of media. Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Reality, as beauty, lies in the eye of the beholder. This documentary gives an insight on how blind people perceive both. The Eye of the Beholder 26´ UK Documentary Carolina Pastrana Ardila I WAS JUST A CHILD Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Documentary film “I was just a child” is a story about the man, who has rescued 30 children from certain death from the concentration camp Gornja Rijeka during the World War II, risking his own life. 14 years old Miloš Stanišljević was in 1942 on his way to find his brothers, who have been taken to a concentration camp. He has not found his brothers but he has succeeded to rescue other children, sentenced to death. Some of those children are still alive. And they remember… Bila sam mala 24´ Bosna and Hercegovina Documentary Branko Lazic Synopsis: THE PIANO Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Dashamoure 26´ Armenia / France Drama Lévon Minasian 13 years after the Armenian city of Leninakan was destroyed in a earthquake, Loussiné, a 13 year old orphan lives with her grandfather in a „domic“ a prefabricated small house. She is dumb, but a talented pianist. To prepare for an international competition, the Ministry of Culture lends her a beautiful piano. But when the instrument is delivered, it´s clear that the trailer where they live is too small to hold a piano. 65 Nesúťažná prehliadka „Európa na plátne“ / Non-Competition Show „Europe on Screen“ 66 LONG - HAIRED MEN Synopsis: Original title: Length: Country: Category: Director: Document devoted to long hair as a lifestyle and philosophy, history and social groups, where men with long hair and figure. Dlhovlasí chlapi 25´ Slovakia Documentary Agnes Dimun Sprievodné podujatia | Accompanying events 67 68 Esencia Košíc 2012 Essence of Košice “Esencia Košíc“ je koncipovaná ako široká kultúrna spolupráca rozličných subjektov pôsobiacich v meste, v regióne, na Slovensku, v ostatnej Európe. Ukážka a skúška kultúrnej kapacity mesta, jeho občnov, médií a inštitúcií, ktoré v ňom pôsobia. Kultúrne, športové a umelecké podujatia, domáci, ale aj zahraniční umelci by mali priniesť do Košíc “chuť EHMK 2013“ všetkým občanom a turistom mesta. “Essence of Košice“ is a product of the wide-spectrum cultural collaboration between various entities operating in the city, in the region, in Slovakia and elsewhere in Europe. It is both a demonstration and a test of the cultural capacity of the city, its citizens, media and institutions. Cultural, sport and art events together with local and foreign artists should invoke “the spirit of ECoC 2013“ in all citizens of Košice as well as in visiting tourists. Utorok, 12. jún 18:00-19:00, Synagóga na Zvonárskej ulici: Tuesday 12 June; 18:00 - 19:00, Synagogue, Zvonárska street: Cyklus výstav členov spolku C+S a hostí. C+S Art Society Members and Guest Artists – Exhibition Cycle. Andrea Lipkovičová, Peter Lipkovič, Dušan Štraus, Stano Šalko, Ondrej ,,Bandy“ Jurín, Anna Bartuszová, Viktor Šefčík Andrea Lipkovičová, Peter Lipkovič, Dušan Štraus, Stano Šalko, Ondrej ,,Bandy“ Jurín, Anna Bartuszová, Viktor Šefčík Najstaršia zachovaná synagóga v Košiciach (nielen významný dôkaz krásnej architektúry 19. storočia v Košiciach, ale aj symbol významej židovskej komunity v novodobej histórii mesta). Pred vojnou bol jeden z piatich občanov žid (cekovo 12 000 zo 60 000). Prvý fotograf v meste bol Žid (I. Roth), zakladateľ Košického maratónu B. Bukovský (2. najstarší na svete) a tiež Elie Wiesel - Nobelova cena mieru bola v Košiciach. Posledný spomínaný prešiel cez Košice v deportačnom vlaku. Škaredé časti synagógy znázorňujú, ako bola židovská komunita utláčaná a zredukovaná a ako sa potom počas 40 rokov socializmu nikto nepostaral o náboženské budovy. Synagóga je práve teraz v rekonštrukcii. Je symbolom novej židovskej komunity, veľmi zníženej, ale stále žijúcej a pôsobiacej ako súčasť multikulturalizmu Košíc. (Milan Kolcun, turistický sprievodca). The oldest preserved synagogue in Kosice (is not only a significant evidence of beautiful architecture of 19 th century in Kosice, but also the symbol of importance of Jewish community in modern history of the city. Before the war 1 of 5 citizens was Jew (12 000 altogether of 60 000). The first photographer in the city was á Jew (I. Roth), founder of Kosice marathon B. Bukovsky (2 nd oldest one in the world) and also Elie Wiesel - Nobel price of peace were in Košice. The last one just passed through Kosice in the train of deportation. The ugly parts of synagogue make us remember how Jewish community opressed and reduced and then during 40 years of socialism nobody took care about religious buildings. The synagogue is under reconstruction right now. This is the symbol of new Jewish community, very reduced one but still alive and active like a part of multiculturalism of Kosice. Esencia Košíc 2012 Essence of Košice Streda, 13.jún, 20:00 - 23:00, Metropolitan: Wednesday 13 June, 20:00 - 23:00, Metropolitan: Soren Soren Kapelu Soren tvoria momentálne 4 stáli členovia a niekoľko hosťujúcich členov. V aktuálnom prevedení sa predstavia: Peter Anna (gitara), Marek Fľak( klávesy), Michal Melíšek (gitara) a Veronika Svobodová (spev). Skupina Soren tvorí prevažne alternatívny žáner hudby. V minulosti nahrala 4 skladbový album s názvom Hope. Medzičasom vystupuje aj s “cover“ verziami na rozličných hudobných podujatiach. Soren is formed by four permanent members and several guest members. This time, performing members of the band are Peter Anna (guitar), Marek Fľak (keyboard), Michal Melíšek (guitar) and Veronika Svobodová (vocals). The band produces mostly alternative music. In the past, the band has recorded a four-song record entitled Hope. Soren performs at various events and festivals and also plays “cover” versions of others’ songs. Štvrtok, 14.jún, 19:00 - 23:00, Café Technik Sobota, 16.jún, 19:00 - 21:00, Hotel Yasmin Thursday 14 June, 19:00 - 23:00, Café Technik Saturday 16 June, 19:00 - 21:00, Hotel Yasmin Trio Niť Trio NIT Trio niť bolo založené v roku 2010 v meste Nis. Hrajú staré piesnie z pôvodného teritória bývalej Juhoslávie. Milica Marjanovic je finalistkou prvej série Srbsko IDOL. Okrem spevu hrá na gitaru, píše texty a komponuje. Bojan Carice vyštudoval hudobné školy v Nis - oddelenie klasickej gitary. Aktívne sa podieľa na hudbe od svojich 14 rokov. Podieľal sa aj na mnohých festivaloch v Srbsku. Okrem hrania je aj skladateľom. Tretí člen kapely je Vojvodic Nebojsa, ktorý hrá na bicie 25 rokov a pracoval s mnohými známymi hudobníkmi. Momentálne hrá na cajon, ktorý vydáva špecifický zvuk tohto akustického pásma. Trio niť, je dobre známe pre vytváranie vynikajúcej atmosféry, je veľmi populárne v Niš a Južnom Srbskom. Trio Thead was founded in 2010 in City of Nis.They play remakes of old songs from the original teritory of the former Yugoslavia.Milica Marjanovic is a finalist of the first Serbia IDOL.Besides singing she plays guitar, writes texts and composes.Bojan Caric graduated at Nis Music school department of clasical guitar.He is actively engaged in music since he was 14 years old. He participated in numerous festivals in Serbia.Apart from playing he is also a composer. The third band member is Nebojsa Vojvodic who has playing drums for 25 years and worked with many famous musicians. He now plays cajon which gives a specific sound to this acoustic band. Trio Thread ,well known for creating excellent atmosphere, is very popular in Nis and South Serbia. 69 Esencia Košíc 2012 Essence of Košice Štvrtok, 14. jún, 19:00 - 23:00, Café Technik Sobota, 16. jún, 19:00 - 21:00, Hotel Yasmin Thursday 14 June; 19:00 - 23:00, Café Technik Saturday 16 June; 19:00 - 21:00, Hotel Yasmin Arpád Csete. Arpád Csete. Finalista súťaže Hlas Československa spieva a tancuje už od detstva. Matka z neho najprv chcela mať tanečníka, ale po tom, čo ho počula spievať, zmenila názor. Jeho hlas zaujal nielen porotcov už menovanej súťaže, ale aj publikum a verejnosť. Tento introvertný talent z Košíc považuje za svoj najväčší doterajší úspech svoje narodenie. The Voice of Czechoslovakia finalist has been dancing and singing since he was a child. His mother’s original wish was for him to become a dancer, yet, after hearing him sing, she changed her mind. Just as Arpád’s voice fascinated the judges in the said TV show, it still continues to attract the attention of his audience. This introverted talent from Košice sees his own birth as his greate success so far. Sobota, 16. jún, Hotel Yasmin Los Remedios. Los Remedios je komorné zoskupenie profesionálnych hudobníkov, ktoré sa špecializuje na tvorbu a interpretáciu hudby inšpirovanej andalúzskym folklórom nesúcim názov flamenco. Pod pojmom flamenco sa dnes skrýva neskutočne bohatá škála rôznych štýlových foriem. Remedios využíva hlavne jeho jedinečnú rytmickú pulzáciu a melodické postupy, avšak harmóniu obohacuje aj o prvky džezu, vážnej hudby a nebráni sa ani vplyvom novej hudby 20. storočia (expresionizmus, neoklasicizmus). Sobota, 16. jún, Hotel Yasmin Salónny orchester. Formácia profesionálnych hráčov, ktorí sú členmi orchestra Košickej filharmónie . Vo svojom voľnom čase hrajú populárne melódie známych majstrov, evergreeny a upravené verzie hudobných diel. 70 Saturday 16 June, Hotel Yasmin Los Remedios. Los Remedios is a small group of professional musicians specializing in the creation and interpretation of music inspired by Andalusian folklore, better known as Flamenco. Currently, Flamenco as a term represents an incredibly wide variety of diff erent forms of style. Remedios mainly use the unique melodic and rhythmic pulsation of this style, enriching the harmony with elements of jazz, classical music and even embracing contemporary music influence (expressionism, neoclassicism). Saturday 16 June, Hotel Yasmin Salon Orchestra. A group of professional musicians, members of the Slovak State Philharmonic in Košice. In their spare time, they play popular melodies by famous composers, evergreens and remakes of various compositions. Esencia Košíc 2012 Essence of Košice Sobota, 16. jún, Hotel Yasmin: Saturday 16 June, Hotel Yasmin: Vlado Kulíšek. Vlado Kulíšek. Vlado Kulíšek je výrazná osobnosť slovenskej pantomímy. Narodil sa v Čechách v rodine ruskej baletky, ale od roku 1983 žije a pôsobí na Slovensku. Je výrazným individualistom a vystupuje prevážne sám, ale len zdanlivo. Vlado Kulíšek dokáže upútať pozornosť obecenstva a je spoľahlivým sprievodcom všetkými nečakanými situáciami, ktoré zvláda s humorom a ľahkosťou. Predstavenia sú jedinečným zážitkom práve v súčasnej dobe, ktorá dovolí divákom obvykle sa len pasívne prizerať z kresiel pred televíznymi obrazovkami. Vlado Kulíšek is a notable Slovak mime. Born in the Czech Republic to the family of a Russian ballet dancer, he has been living and working in Slovakia since 1983. He is a strong individualist who usually acts on his own – yet only seemingly. Vlado Kulíšek knows how to grasp his audience’s attention, guiding them eff ortlessly through all unexpected situations with ease and humour. His performances are unique, engaging the viewers and turning them into active participants – a scarce experience in this age when the audience is usually only reduced to passive observers sitting in front of TV screens. 71 GOLDEN BEGGAR 2012 (0-9) 13 years after, where are we today (Serbia) 100 Paroles, 6th season (France) 2011 Festival of light in Leipzig (Germany) (H) Halber Anker-Half an Anchor (Germany) Humulesti - Memories of games past (Romania) Hunger (Serbia) (A) A Chance for a New Life (Poland) A Day out of a Thousand Dreams (Netherlands) And for us, AGE - does not matter (Belarus) Ark (Belarus) Autism (United Kingdom) (I) I’m in a band (France) (B) Bazekiten (Spain) BBC Midlands Today, 10th August 2011 (United Kingdom) Beekeeper (Poland) Belgrade Sofia via Caribrod (Serbia) Bell ringer (Belarus) BLiND (Germany) Blue sheep (Spain) (C) Christ´s wanderers (Hungary) (D) Dolls Factory (Spain) Don’t GO!video (Germany) Dying Green (USA) (E) Eternity was born in the countryside (Romania) (F) Fate (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Fearful John (Spain) Fred´s Pole-sitting contest. (Netherlands) From Dawn till Dusk (Serbia) From heart to heart… (Belarus) From the Neighborhood (Spain) Funny Lesson (Slovakia) (G) 72 Register filmov (v abecednom poradí) | Register of Films (in alphabet order) Gas station (Slovakia) Gentle Way (Belarus, Latvia, France) (T) Tezic (Romania) The beach (Spain, United Kingdom) The Freedom of Movement (Bulgaria) The Gypsy Heart (Slovakia) The Lands of Strawman (Slovakia) The Last Bus (Slovakia) The little team (Spain) The missing looks (Argentina) The Recyclator (Macedonia) The red thread (Belarus) The Spotless Shirt (Romania) The Star (Slovakia) The wall (France) Think about (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Time of the Roma (Macedonia) Trail On (Slovakia) Trapped in the net (Slovakia) (V) Vladyka (Slovakia) Vojčice Dream (Slovakia) (W) We, Central American Women (Spain) With one tree less a forest will be forest (Poland) (K ) Know Your Rights (Bulgaria) (L) La nuit du montage (France) Les bassins de vie (France) Lida Ghetto Tears (Belarus) Luminaris (Argentina) (M) Minning the Smrekovica (Slovakia) Montenegro (Slovakia) (N) Nad Kežmarkom vietor veje (Slovakia) Never admit defeat (France) Nina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Nis New Address (Serbia) No (Spain) (0) On va tout cafter (France) (P) Pawnshop (Bulgaria) Photo (Spain) (R) Racing driver 4 life (Hungary) Report (Slovakia) Resignationspeech to the House (United Kingdom/Germany) Reunion (Czech Republic) Romantizmit (Turkey) (S) Scarecrow (Slovakia) Self-Governed Film (Croatia) She (Spain) Should I Stay or Should I Go? (Serbia) Sisyphus (Slovakia) Stereoscopy (Spain) EUROPE ON SCREEN 2012 (A) Andělé na kolejích (Czech Republic) (B) Bordel Advoccat (Slovakia) (C) Catastroika (Greece) Chicken Love (Slovakia) Clouds (Slovakia/ Czech Reoublic) Crulic – The Path to Beyond (Romania / Poland) Register filmov (v abecednom poradí) | Register of Films (in alphabet order) (D) Debtocracy (Greece) (G) Good Son (Finland) (H) Hello! How Are You? (Romania / Spain) (I) If the Seed Doesn’t Die (Serbia / Austria / Romania) In Sight (Slovakia) Intent to Enrich the Bare mechaistical World (Slovakia/Czech Republic) I was just a child (Bosna and Hercegovina) (J) Jan Pawel II: Szukałem Was... (Poland) (K ) Koliba (Slovakia) (L) Loos´s box (Slovakia/Czech Republic) Long - haired Men (Slovakia) (N) Nemoc tretej moci (Slovakia) Nos premieres vacances (France) (O) Operation Shmenti Capelli (Bulgaria) (P) Pečorin (Russia) Punk is not dead (Macedonia) (R) Ryabinoviy vals (Russia) (T) The Box (Serbia) The Eye of the Beholder (United Kingdom) The High price of gold (United Kingdom) The Knight of the Black Curse (Croatia) The Piano (Armenia / France) (U) Upperdog (Norway) (V) Vegas (Norway) Vypusknoj na minnompole (Russia) 73 GOLDEN BEGGAR & EUROPE ON SCREEN 2012 74 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Mira Lolic-Mocevic Vladi Karamfilov Blagoje Nikolic Neshka Karadzhinska Yana Slavchova Kliment Hristov Nenko Genov Tatiana Koreshkova Nina Poznyak Kate Makhova Andrei Kutsila Liudmila Dzemidzenka Bernardin Modric Duracfilm Moving Pictures Martina Spurná Maria Haase Malte Wirtz Sara Lehn Yelang Gurung Unai Aranzadi Noel Gálvez Roger Gómez Dani Resines Juan Bidegain Juan Montes de Oca Elisa Cepedal J. Enríque Sánchez Guillermo P. Bosch Ainhoa Menendéz Daniel Romero Xacio Baño BA BG BG BG BG BG BG BY BY BY BY BY CRO CZ CZ CZ D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E RTRS young author young author young author young author MKTV Belarus TV Lida k/s „Belarusfilm“ young author young author young author Institut Narri Besos - Teleduca PTM Mundubat Blue Sheep Films Promofest Promofest Promofest Universidad de las Islas Baleares Promofest La Mirilla producciones Promofest Promofest Promofest young author Kontakty na tvorcov | Producer´s Contacts Director Director Translator Director Editor Assistant director, Production Video Director, Producer Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director, Producer Director Director Director Director Director Director, Producer Director Director Director Director Director, Producer Director Director, Producer mira.lolic@rtrs.tv blajo_nikolic@abv.bg blajo_nikolic@abv.bg neshka_kar@yahoo.com litiq@gbg.bg assistaknlitment.hristov@abv.bg nenkogenov@gmail.com kort08@mail.ru katemakhova@yahoo.com a.kutsila@gmail.com dzemidzenka@mail.ru bernardin@istrafilm.hr duracfilm@duracfilm.cz info@moviengpicturec.cz spurna@ssc.cas.cz mariahaase@yahoo.de hinterdemglueck@gmx.de sara.lehn@yahoo.de teleduca@teleduca.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org xaciorb@gmail.com GOLDEN BEGGAR & EUROPE ON SCREEN 2012 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Thomas Griffin Matthieu Boivineau Anne Breuzin Mohamed Boubidar Susana Arbizu Henri Belin InfoWare Productions Tamas Szeles Ivan Róbert Zoran Dimov H. Beijer Melcher Hillmann Norwegian Film Institute Jerzy Kalina Artrama Michalina Mrozek Dagmara Drzazga Magdalena Zych Damian Dionisio Juan Pablo Zaramella Violeta Gorgos Aparte Film Andreea Ştiliuc Dumitrana Ovidiu Predrag Jakovljevic Vladimir Blaževski Željo Željev Saramov Gordana Simonovic-Veljkovic Dragica Pavlov Krstic Marija Milijic Ivica Ivanov Lidija Georgiev F F F F F F GR H H MK NL NL NO PL PL PL PL PL RA RA RO RO RO RO SER SER SER SRB SRB SRB SRB SRB Kontakty na tvorcov | Producer´s Contacts TV Plaiz, La Locale télévision freelancer Cometik diffusion TABASCO VIDEO young author young author Director Director,Producer Director Director Director Director DTV TV BTR Local TV Local TV Director Director Director, Producer Director Director TVP Białystok Director Offener Kanal Magdeburg TVP Katowice Offener Kanal Magdeburg Director Director Director Director, Producer Director Director TVR Iasi TVR Iasi MILLENNIUM VISION SRL Elpromont Elpromont NTV Nis Astra video production Director Director Producer Director Director Director Director Director Director Director tv.plaiz@gmail.com atthieu.boivineau@yahoo.fr contact@cometik.info contact@tabascovideo.com0 h.belin@hotmail.com info@catastroika.com szeles.tamas@dtv.hu tvbtr@tvbtr.com.mk melcher.hillmann@gmail.com post@nfi.no jerzy.kalina@tvp.pl zbigniew@film-tv.pl michalina.mrozek@gmail.com www.katowice.tvp.pl irene@promofest.org irene@promofest.org violeta.gorgos@Yahoo.fr office@apartefilm.net andreeastiliuc@gmail.com ovidiu_byzantium@yahoo.com oktobarfilm@gmail.com oktobarfilm@gmail.com blajo_nikolic@abv.bg gordana.simonovic@gmail.com dragica.krstic@gmail.com marijamilijic@yahoo.com icki_car@yahoo.com lidipan@yahoo.com 75 GOLDEN BEGGAR & EUROPE ON SCREEN 2012 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 76 Miroslav Nackov Miodrag Miljkovic Gradimir Nikolic Vladimír Seman Pavol Pekarčík Peter Ďurišin Peter Kravčák Renáta Vadásyová Martin Tokár Ivana Laučíková Martin Snopek Michal Holečko Matej Ligač Alžbeta „Harry“ Gavendová Peter Kováč Marek Janičík Ján Križovenský Andrej Kolenčík Tibor Muššák Atelier.doc Film Europe Agnes Dimun Ivor Bauer Gurel Kamis Ian Pedersen Shirley Henry Greg McLaren Ellen Tripler Milan Džaja Igor Bezinović SRB SRB SRB SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK TR UK UK UK USA BA CRO Kontakty na tvorcov | Producer´s Contacts UNDP-PBILD NG Tim VS Spirit s.r.o Kežmarská televízia rEhit TV VRANOV - mestská internetová televízia Mestská TV Ružomberok TV Region TV Zemplín Feelmefilm production Feelmefilm production young author young author young author young author young author young author young author young author young author BBC Midlands Today BBC Midlands Today young author young author young author Director, Producer Director Director Director Director Director Director, Producer Director, Producer Director, Producer Director, Producer Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director, Producer Director, Producer Director, Producer Director Director ckonakimi@yahoo.com miodrag@miljkovic@synopsis.rs gradimir.nikolic@gmail.com vladimir.seman@zoznam.sk palopekarcik@gmail.com durisin@vychod.tv peter@mtr.sk renatkavadasy@gmail.com jurismi@gmail.com vava@feelmefilm.com snopekmato@gmail.com altway@gmail.com gartenko@gmail.com harry.gavendova@gmail.com kovac.petrik@gmail.com marek.janicik@markopolo.sk vavensky@gmail.com andrejkolencik@gmail.com Rojko1@post.sk office@atelierdoc.sk info@filmeurope.eu info@agnes-dimun.com ivory.bauer@gmail.com gurel.kamis@artnicomedia.org.tr Ian.pedersen@bbc.co.uk shirley.henry@bbc.co.uk greg@stkinternational.co.uk etripler@yahoo.com dzaja.milan@gmail.com igor.bezinovic@ri.htnet.hr 77 Kontakty na účastníkov | Participants´ Contacts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 78 Piero Bordin Neshka Karadzhinska Kliment Hristov Yana Slavcheva Vladi Karamfilov-Vargala Blagoje Nikolić Siarhei Dzihaleu Liudmila Dzemidzenka Andrei Kutsila Kate Makhova Taisa Bandarenka Eugene Rogozin Liodmila Kapylova Iryna Nazarenka Natallia Vasileuskaya Natallia Klionina Marina Hrihoryeva Aksana Bantsević Tatsiana Karashova Katsiaryna Bulatsetskaya Siarhei Harayeuski Tatsiana Shalamitskaya Bernardin Modrić Darko Domović Václav Špaček Helena Váňová Miloslav Hlavsa Marcel Děkanovský Martina Spurná Petr Pospíchal A BG BG BG BG BG BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY BY CRO CRO CZ CZ CZ CZ CZ CZ Art Carnuntum intendant director assist. director, prod. assistant editor C&R Production director and actor freelancer interpreter and actor TV Company Nireya installation engineer TV Company Nireya director director, freelancer k/s „Belarusfilm“ director The Centre ,,Freedom of Speech for Democracy” director k/s „Belarusfilm“ soundman TV Skif sales manager AV-Studio freelancer TV Intex editor Тeleradiokompani Brest special correspondent ТV channel Lida reporter ТV channel Lida reporter AV-Studio director ТV channel Mozyr special correspondent ТV channel Mozyr cameraman Best Practices Ltd. producer ISTRA FILM co-founder, director ISTRA FILM producer SSČ AV ČR, TV PORT, s.r.o. OAT leader-Tv studio AV ČR MHtv producer/economist MHtv owner Music Box TV Košice CEO, film director SSČ AV ČR, TV PORT, s.r.o. director media expert pb@artcarnuntum.at neshka_kar@yahoo.com kliment.hristov@abv.bg litiq@gbg.bg blajo_nikolic@abv.bg blajo_nikolic@abv.bg digalev@mail.ru dzemidzenka@mail.ru a.kutsila@gmail.com festival@belarusfilm.by taisaorama@gmail.com Neil@tut.by telecomgarant@list.ru yasinskay@tut.by intex_tv@mail.ru natalyia.kln@mail.ru tv_lida@tut.by tv_lida@tut.by koreshkovat@mail.ru tkm@tut.by tkm@tut.by taisaorama@gmail.com bernardin@istrafilm.hr ddomovic@hi.t-com.hr spacek@ssc.cas.cz +420775610315 +420775610315 marcel.dekanovsky@musicboxtv.sk spurna@ssc.cas.cz petr@headline.cz Kontakty na účastníkov | Participants´ Contacts 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Bettina Weingarn Jurgen Linke Isabel Martinéz Ed Baumeister Thierry Michel Elodie Sylvain Anne Breuzin Matthieu Boivineau Vincent Aguano Sandor Harnocz Tamas Szeles Roger Worrod Elena Romanato Elena Gabrielli Flavio Quercia Zoran Dimov Christian Groenveld Pieter De Witt Ruud De Bruin Evert Janse Dagmara Drzazga Mieczyslaw Chudzik Michalina Mrozek Andrea Stiliuc Dumitrana Ovidiu Miroslav Nackov Stela Jovanović Darko Ković Dejan Dabić Olivera Sašek Radulović D D E F F F F F F H H CH I I I MK NL NL NL NL PL PL PL RO RO SER SER SER SER SER Bundesverband Offene Kanaele Open Channels for Europe Berlin University of Vigo Kaysersberg FVDPQ FVDPQ FVDPQ FVDPQ Irány TV TV Debreczen Hungary Vevey Millecanali magazine Milano Femi’s representative member Giovaninrete Association TV BTR Meer Radio and Meer Televisie CMFE ARTTEXT Amsterdam OOG Radio and TV TVP Katowice TVP Katowice Canal Magdeburg TV IASI Millenium Vission Video Production ASTRA City of Nis Polka Dot doo Cultural Center Nis Head of Open Channel Magdeburg wiengarn@ok-magdeburg.de journalist linke@bok.de documentarist and teacher isabelmartinez@uvigo.es journalist, photographer ebaumeister@wanadoo.fr producer taisaorama@gmail.com project manager contact@tabascovideo.com director anne.breuzin@cometik.info director, producer matthieu.boivineau@yahoo.fr manager v.aguano@canalnord.org manager info@docfilm.hun managing director szeles.tamas@dtv.hu Producer/actor rogerworrod2000@yahoo.co.uk journalist romanella98@tiscali.it Videocommunity’s secretary videocommunity@videocommunity.net tutor oakabilly@gmail.com director tvbtr@tvbtr.com.mk station manager christiangroenveld@gmail.com president pmgdewit@me.com producer ruud@arttext.com general manager evertjanse@oogtv.nl director www.katowice.tvp.pl cameraman mieczyslaw_chudzik@interia.pl director michalina.mrozek@gmail.com reporter andreeastiliuc@gmail.com director ovidiu_byzantium@yahoo.com co-director ckonakimi@yahoo.com communication expert, journalist stelaj@eunet.rs general manager darkokovic@yahoo.co.uk film and video-program editor dabic.dejan@nkc.org.rs journalist-editor oljantv@yahoo.com 79 Kontakty na účastníkov | Participants´ Contacts 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 80 Ana Mišić Nebojša Rašić Igor Aleksić Stanislava Todorović Predrag Jakovljević Vladimir Blaževski Željo Željev Saramov Dragana Stanić Dragan Miljković Dragica Pavlov Krstić Igor Aleksić Nada Durman Nebojša Vojvodić Bojan Carić Milica Marjanović Aleksander Dimitrijević Marija Milijić Jelena Ristić Miroslav Jakovljevič Michal Holečko Beáta Oravcová Peter Ďurišin Oto Vojtička Vladimír Seman Katarína Hudecová Otto Olejár Pavol Štec Martin Tokár Martin Vaľko Agnes Dimun SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SER SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK City of Nis Festival Press Vitez Festival Press Vitez City of Nis Oktobar Film Punk Film Hungarian Filmlab representative Communication for Social Development NTV Nis TV Pirot University of Nis Media Art Content Trio “Nit” (Thread) Trio “Nit” (Thread) Trio “Nit” (Thread) Niška TV Niška TV City of Nis OKTOBAR FILM ALTWAY s.r.o. Kežmarská televízia rEhit TV Vranov - mestská internetová TV Kežmarská televízia rEhit VS Spirit s.r.o. Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu Cine-tel Productions TV Naša TV Zemplín TV Zemplín International cooperation affairs officer Vice-president president Mayor’s Press Office producer director, professor director of postproduction TV producer and program coordinator editor-in-chief journalist professor project manager musician musician musician cameraman journalist / author International Cooperation Affairs Officer Technical director and manager director reportér director director director program department producer editor-in-chief director cameraman director ana.misic@gu.ni.rs info@tv-festival.org info@tv-festival.org stanislava.todorovic@gu.ni.rs oktobarfilm@gmail.com oktobarfilm@gmail.com blajo_nikolic@abv.bg csdkosovo@gmail.com dragan_miljkovic@yahoo.com dragica.pavlov@gmail.com igor@constantinus.rs dzzvojvodina@gmail.com vojvoda69@gmail.com morskajezica@gmail.com a.z.dimitrijevic@gmail.com marijamilijic@yahoo.com niosec@gu.ni.rs altway@gmail.com oravcova@kezmarok.sk durisin@vychod.tv riaditelktv@kezmarok.sk vladimir.seman@zoznam.sk hudecova@radartv.sk ottoolejar@yahoo.com pstec@azet.sk valko@tvzemplin.sk valko@tvzemplin.sk info@agnes-dimun.com Kontakty na účastníkov | Participants´ Contacts 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. Ján Libant Katarína Kočalková Elena Kočalková Peter Strojný Jana Illéšová Juraj Kovalčík Dana Pietsch Samo Kolár Oľga Fedorová Lucia Jelčová Miloš Mistrík Ján Hudácky Zdenko Krajčír Robert Brenk Akın Ülkü Sevinç Gürel Kamış Eren Azak Rick Thompson James Sutherland-Smith Erik Mollberg Paul Mihailidis Simona Catozzi Anna Húsková Alekseev Mikhail SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK TR TR TR UK UK USA USA IT SK RU Hlohovská televízia, s.r.o. Bone Production Bone Production TV LUX s.r.o. Embassy of the USA Ministerstvo kultúry SR Ministry of Culture Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu National Council of Slovakia Ministry of Finance Elaia Design Studio ART Nicomedia Association ART Nicomedia Association ART Nicomedia Association T-media Alliance for Community Media Emerson College managing director producer director manager director of sales and marketing dramaturg Chief state counsellor Independent journalist Chief state counsellor spokeswoman Head of council Member of the National Council Director of the Financial Policy Institute director member of Art Nicomedia Association member of Art Nicomedia Association member of Art Nicomedia Association director of T-media writer / poet / translator cinematographer assistant professor, director Elaia Design Studio executive producer Russian Centre for Science and Culture hctv@hctv.sk kocalkova@gmail.com ekocalkova@gmail.com marketing@tvlux.sk illesovaJ@state.gov kovalcik.juraj@gmail.com dana.pietsch@culture.gov.sk samo.kolar@pobox.sk olga.fedorova@culture.gov.sk lucia.jelcova@rada-rtv.sk predseda@rada-rtv.sk jan@hudacky.sk zdenko.krajcir@mfsr.sk brenk@elaia.sk sasi70@gmail.com gurelkamis@gmail.com erenazakk@gmail.com www.t-media.org.uk james.sutherlandsmith@gmail.com emollberg@acpl.lib.in.us pmihailidis@gmail.com huskova@elaia.sk 81 Tlmočníci | Interpreters Slovak - Russian: Viera Chovancová e-mail: ddtecheurope@stonline.sk Slovak - French: Roman Gajdoš e-mail: cassovian@gmail.com Slovak - English: Štefan Vrátny e-mail: vratny@nextra.sk Jana Krajňáková e-mail: bbjanka@yahoo.com Zuzana Zvirinská e-mail: zuzana@a2z-translating.com 82 Organizátor: Nadácia City TV / City TV Foundation Partneri: Consulate General of Hungary in Kosice, Slovakia HONORÁRNY KONZULÁT SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY značka Základní provedení 1.1 značka hotelu Yasmin se skládá nápisu z hotel asmina symbolu listu zastupujícího literu y. nápis je vysázen minusek z písma eurekasansr egular, které je zároveň základním písmem společnosti (viz kapitola 2.1). zobrazená barevná varianta je považována za základní. její používání je upřednostňováno vždy, pokud je to možné z technického hlediskaznačka a vtéto verzi je vdané aplikaci Zdrojové soubory dostatečně čitelná. Pro nápis je zde použita barva Yasmin tmavě tisk přímé barvy zelená, pro list barvaYasmin světle zelená(popis barev viz tisk cmYk kapitola3.1). obrazovka Pro aplikaci značky se vždy využívají zdrojové soubory připojené k tomuto manuálu. manuál je Dnotného vizuálního st Ylu hotel Yasmin ПОЧАСНИ КОНЗУЛАТ СЛОВАЧКЕ РЕПУБЛИКЕ Produktoví partneri: РЕПУБЛИКА СРБИЈА, 18000 Ниш, Обреновићева 38 - I спрат Tel. (+ 381 18) 209-239, Fax: (+381 18) 209-240, Mob. (+381 63) 418-411 E-mail: stelaj@eunet.rs v erze 1/2008 Mediálni partneri: LOm Te d iOá l nSa a gPe nLt ú U S ra