- Medallic Art Company
- Medallic Art Company
Our History is Academic Dedicated to Quality for More Than a Century Medallic Art Company was established in 1903 and quickly achieved a reputation as the premier source of art medals and prestigious award medals. Over the course of a century, we have handcrafted medallions, chains of office, ceremonial maces, and related items for more than 2,520 schools and universities – and counting – making the chances good that we already have your design in our archives. The tradition of recording triumph, honor, and success indelibly in metal – as practiced in ancient Greece and perfected in renaissance Europe – still informs our work today. Having created some of the most wellknown medals and awards – among them the Pulitzer, the Peabody, and the Medal of Honor – our customers can be assured that their item will also be an item of lasting significance. If yours is one of the more than 2,520 schools and universities with completed work in our carefully maintained die and mold library, you can easily take advantage to create new medals for your chains, maces and awards. Did this go to the right person at your organization? If not, please contact us to let us know who should receive it. 2 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Table of Contents Chains of Office Symbols of Leadership........................................................... How to Build Your Chain Encompass Your Institution’s Heritage and Identity........ 4-7 8-9 Ceremonial Maces Carry Forward the Traditions of Your Institution.......... 10-12 Macettes and Batons When Smaller is Better...............................................................13 How to Build Your Mace Create a Flawless Representation of Your Institution..........14 Custom Mace Heads Make your Mace as Extraordinary as Your Institution.........15 Stock Maces A Traditional Look for Hastened Need...................................16 Display and Protect Cases & Stands for Your Mace..................................................17 Honoring Heritage Maintain a Consistent Look for Your Institution...................18 Acknowledge Departing Leaders Recognize the Dedication of Departing Leaders.................19 Awards and Recognition Honoring Great Deeds................................................... Presentation and Display Complete the Look of an Award................................... 20-23 24-25 Beyond Convocation Celebrate Extracurricular Achievements.............................. Graduates and Alumni Kindle Alumni Devotion.......................................................... Stock Medals Stock Designs to Make Your Own................................ 26 27 28-31 “This was our first time working with this type of product – and we could not be more happy with the service, response and the end product.” — Carolyn Parks, University of South Carolina Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 3 Chains of Office Symbols of Leadership Be recognized as your institution’s highest authority at academic ceremonies and other prestigious events by having Medallic Art Company handcraft a chain of office (also known as a presidential medallion) uniquely for you. B Medallic Art Company has been creating chains of office exclusively in the United States since 1903. Call us today to learn how we can help you customize this lasting symbol of esteem for you and your institution. Ozarks Technical Community College added a simple chain and leaf banner to their seal medal to create this silver-plated chain of office. C Stillman College repeated its symbol as ornamental chain components, laser-engraved its initials on round chain components, and engraved the names of past presidents on curved banners to convey Stillman’s rich traditions. A Henry Ford College used our Rays Banner engravable component in the chain to accentuate the color of their seal medal. D E Bishop State Community College repeated the seal image on smaller rounds on this 24-karat gold-plated chain. 4 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Cal State Poly Pomona included a leaf surround on the medal to add a sense of sweeping drama to the entire piece. You can update your chain at any time. Add new names, additional images, or custom components. Just call us for a new quote and send your item back for revision. G Carroll College added selective gold plating to the silverplated custom-shaped medal to highlight the detail in its seal. Photo courtesy of Robert Whitehead at CSUSB California State University San Bernardino blue surrounds the school seal in this silver-plated chain. F I H Saint Leo University created a uniquely styled medallion, engraved the name of its current president, and engraved values of deep importance to the university for its chain of office. Past presidents’ names and terms were engraved on the reverse of the medallion. University of Baltimore used their mascot on smaller components on this antique bronze chain. Southern California University of Health Sciences added a large oval chain to their seal medal to create this 24-karat gold-plated chain of office. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 5 Chains of Office J John F. Kennedy University repeated the symbol in its seal medal on smaller custom-shaped components. K Adirondack Community College added a ribbon and our tulip surround to create a unique look. Comfortably Wear Your Chain of Office The most comfortable way to wear a chain of office is by balancing the length of the chain on the shoulders to offset the weight of the chain’s front. You can do this by sewing Velcro, buttons or hooks onto the shoulders of your garment to secure the chain in position. Ask about our optional stabilizing chain link, which attaches to the upper part of the inside of the chain, and when worn behind the neck, helps to position the chain properly. M N L Mitchell College added a ribbon, leaf banner, and engraved the reverse of the seal medal to honor its president. 6 Wilberforce University hung a banner below the medal signifying the president. Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Northshore Technical Community College highlights its uniquely shaped seal by incorporating the oval shape into a custom medal. Chain Travel Case Safeguard your treasured chain of office during transit with a specially designed travel case. Chain Display Case The locking cherrywood chain display case is made to protect and show off your beautiful investment. Temple University added symbolic engravings to the chain to show its history and areas of education. A Classic Look That Spans the Ages Styled after a traditional livery collar, Medallic Art Company will create a magnificent European-style chain of office for your institution or organization. Masterful use of negative space creates a bold and memorable component. Custom shapes and traditional coloring create classically distinctive masterpieces that harken back to honor, integrity, and royalty. Traditional, European-style additions, such as a velvet collar underneath your chain, are available as well. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 7 How to Build Your Chain Choose Your Components Fully Customizable The chain of office artfully encompasses an institution’s heritage and identity, which is why we provide you numerous ways to customize your chain to represent your unique legacy. • Die-strike or Engrave The round, oval, square, rectangle and shield components can be customized to best represent your institution’s mission. The die-striking process (shown in the middle examples below) is best used for adding intricate details or if a three-dimensional look is desired. The engraving process (shown in the right-most examples below) is good for adding words or simple, stylized art. Shown at 55% actual size. Your chain may contain traditional elements such as the ornamental components below or you may also wish to add customized elements using our shapes (at left) including words or images that are significant to your institution, such as a university symbol, a mascot, the institution’s motto, names of previous presidents, or any other item unique to you. • Ornamental Components These components can be added to enhance the symbolism of your chain. Shown at 75% actual size. 1. Leaf Cluster 2. Fleur-de-lis 3. Lamp 4. Hands 5. Tree of Life 19. Round 6. Cross 7. Flame Color can be added 20. Oval 8. Gem 9. Star Color can be added Color can be added • Engravable Components These components allow you to engrave the names of current and past leaders, areas of study, diploma offerings or core values. Shown at 75% actual size. 21. Square 22. Rectangle 10. President’s Banner 11. Curved Banner 12. Book Banner 13. Rays Banner 14. Fleur-de-lis Banner 15. Flourish Banner Transparent color can be added 23. Shield 8 16. Southwest Banner 17. Sante Fe Banner Color can be added Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com 18. Tulip Banner Color can be added Choose Your Metal The metal you choose makes a significant statement. You may choose copper or silver because it’s the state mineral or gold because your institution is celebrating a centennial. Your metal choice will reflect your school’s mission and heritage just as your seal does. A smaller die-struck, or three-dimensional, version of your seal medal can be added to your chain, reinforcing your commitment to heritage. Antiqued silver or silver-plated Antiqued bronze Gold-plated Gold-select plating Create a Custom Shape We can design a new component to create a one-of-a-kind look for your chain. Mottos, individual school names, logos or other images can be laser engraved on the larger chain components. Create Your Medallion The centerpiece of every chain we make is the medallion. We take great care in representing your seal, logo, historic buildings or founders in exquisite detail and relief. Honor past and current leaders by engraving names and service dates on one of our many smaller engravable banners. More engravable banner options shown on page 8. Choose Your Chain Link Style Even the style of the chain itself can reinforce your school’s identity. Components and chain link not sold separately. A. Simple chain B. Large oval chain C. Large woven chain Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 9 Ceremonial Maces A Carry Forward the Traditions of Your Institution The ceremonial mace is the symbolic extension of a leader’s authority. Medallic Art Company combines the finest materials and quality workmanship to create an original work of art that establishes an enduring legacy of leadership for your institution. B West Virginia Northern Community College’s complex, but beautiful 42” walnut mace includes a larger medallion that commands the eye; antique bronze accents vertically and horizontally, and a unique spiral pattern at the base of the mace itself. Lehigh Carbon Community College opted for spare elegance when designing its mace, serving as the ideal platform to draw attention to the medallion at the top. The mace served as a source of pride for the ceremony, faculty, graduates, and their families as Dr. John Hefner, grand marshal of LCCC’s graduation ceremony, led the way. 10 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com C The Africa Multination for Christ College 42” dark walnut mace includes engravable antique bronze accents on the shaft (which can be returned for future messages as needed), a small antique bronze flame at the top, and engraving on the platform. Note different medallions on the lamplight top. D F G E Hamline University’s 39” tall dark walnut mace adds a multidimensional twist by combining traditional design and elements with the university’s character and values. The head of this 36” tall cherrywood mace designed by Bishop Ireton High School features a gold-plated surround that elevates the medals (reverse shown here) and elaborately engraved wood disk. Natural walnut was chosen by Worcester State University for its 42” mace. Note the wood foot, the antique bronze accents and unique lathing. Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute used a similar design as at left, but chose mahogany, silverplated accents and a large silver flame to match silver medallions for its 48” mace. The foot is the only one that can be used with the Base Mace Stand (page 17). Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 11 Ceremonial Maces L H I A commanding 72”, the Oregon Health and Science University’s mace is mahogany. While making many timehonored choices, the school customized the neck piece by cinching it, adding drama to the lamplight top with antique bronze flame and medallions. J The University of Utah added striking copper accents to their 48” tall dark walnut mace for a piece that is not only stunning but honors Utah’s state mineral. K The 45” dark walnut mace created for Johnson C. Smith University stands out for its antique silver platform, around which the primary medal design is repeated in antique bronze. The antique bronze banners are engravable. Union Institute and University chose a classic design for this 42” tall mahogany mace but included an elegant platform engraved with the school’s values. A medallion encircled by a leaf surround tops the 42” dark walnut mace created by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler. 12 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Macettes and Batons When Smaller is Better Macettes and batons are perfect when a more personal size is needed. The smaller size makes them lighter and easier to carry for longer periods of time. If some of your institution’s ceremonies make it difficult to use your larger mace, a smaller duplicate will help you maintain the pomp and circumstance of important events. Macettes and batons will also be cherished as gifts to donors and departing leadership. Faculty and leaders of The University of Southern California use this 17” dark walnut macette during convocation ceremonies. This 20.5” cherrywood baton tapers for a sleek look. The top can be engraved or have a medal attached. The baton created by the Center for Public Administration and Policy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University adapted the baton lower right, utilizing a stock medallion engraved with the name of the institution. Baton presentation stand A variety of matching stands are available for your macette. Macette display stand Macette base stand This 20” cherrywood macette is a miniature of a larger mace for Eastern Virginia Medical School. This 22” oak baton makes a simple-yetbold statement with its elegant metal topper and finial. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 13 How to Build Your Mace Create a Flawless Representation of Your Institution Every aspect of your ceremonial mace or macette can be customized to fit your needs, style, and budget. You can choose from one of our popular styles, customizing with your school’s seal, logos, and mottos, or you can use an existing style as a starting point to create something a little different by changing the head, staff or foot. You can also create a completely new mace or macette to better represent your institution. You choose the materials, the size, any additional custom elements, and the stand that best displays your mace when it’s not in use. • Choose a Head Style The head of the mace can showcase a single medallion or several medallions honoring a long history. Additions like a wreath or flame provide a traditional academic look if desired. An engravable metal platform can be added to some styles to include mottos or values to the mace. Custom mace heads are also a powerful way to express your school’s history and values. • Create Your Medallions Traditionally designed after a school’s seal, the medallions could also showcase important themes, buildings, leaders, or other elements of significance to your institution. • Choose a Staff Style The staff of your mace or macette can be very modest or as ornate as you can imagine. Engravable metal sections or banners (shown here) can be added to honor your institution’s beliefs, leaders, donors, academic programs, or separate campuses. Get Started Early Popular Wood Choices Dark Walnut Natural Walnut Cherrywood Mahogany • Choose Your Materials Your choice of materials makes a powerful statement about how you honor your institution’s heritage and values. For example, the University of Utah chose to include distinct copper accents on the mace staff, venerating Utah’s state mineral. Louisiana State University supplied Medallic Art with wood from their campus, paying homage to the beautiful oaks that cover the grounds. The beauty of your mace is limited only by your imagination and sense of propriety, never by the materials available for its creation. Pine Oak * Other woods are available upon request. 14 • Choose a Mace Stand A mace stand displays and protects your mace while it is not in use. The mace stand is made to order to fit your custom mace. See page 17 to see the options available. An exceptionally high level of customization and attention to detail is required to craft your mace or macette. It is best to begin working on the design at least two months in advance. If time is an issue, please ask about our impressive stock selections. • Choose a Foot Style The final touch on your custom mace or macette should reflect the overall style. The foot can be made of metal or wood to carry out the look and function you need. Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Custom Mace Heads M The highlight of the Beacon College mace is a recreation of the flame in the institution’s seal. The complete seal was created in great detail as the main medal of the college’s chain of office and in smaller medals on the chain and mace (shown below). A custom-designed head piece reinforces the history and symbolism that sets your institution apart. Dr. Terri Ross, Beacon College’s longest serving faculty member, holds the newly crafted 36” tall custom-designed walnut and brass mace (shown larger at left) before presenting it to Dr. George J. Hagerty during his inauguration ceremony. The mace leading your ceremony and procession can be as unique as your institution. There is no wrong way to make a mace as long as you take your heritage into account. Some universities have opted for maces with exceptional designs reflecting their innovative approach to education. The Medical College of Georgia asked for its beloved building in three dimensions atop its mace, creating an avatar that reflected the physical. Saint Leo University added a crystal globe atop its mace – a bold symbol, and Saint Leo used the same crystal globe atop its macette for thematic consistency. The cedar staff was customordered as well. (Some have supplied their own wood.) Its cross is the center of the academic and spiritual existence of Wartburg College, and so it was the appropriate symbol to top the processional mace. When it’s important to stand apart, Medallic Art Company can help you stand at the front with a mace that cannot be duplicated. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com15 Stock Maces Pressed for Time? With just enough time, Medallic Art was able to create a new Central Catholic High School seal medal to place on a stock mace. The 42” style stock mace allows for two medals to be mounted onto the wood disk on top. The traditional look of our stock maces and macettes complement any medal or seal design and can be made available more quickly if you have an approaching event. If we have already made a die for you, we can mint a new medal for the head of the mace. Or you can choose to engrave one of our stock medals (see the selection on pages 28-31) with your seal, other imagery or wording. The 24” style stock mace has a medal mounted on top and brass foot that can be silver- or gold-plated. Reverse The U.S. Sports Academy had two of our stock medals placed on a stock mace in order to meet a fast-approaching deadline for a ceremony. The 14” style stock macette allows for a smaller medal mounted on top and brass foot that can be silver- or gold-plated. Stock maces and macettes are available in cherrywood or dark walnut. Changes or additions may be available if time permits. Cherrywood If time permits, a stand can be made for your stock macette. 16 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Dark Walnut Display and Protect Mace Stands Mace stands are a simple, yet elegant way to safely store your mace or macette. Stands can be masterpieces in their own right, custom-made to match the style and size of your mace or macette. • Horizontal Mace Stand The horizontal stand is often used when the mace will be displayed on a shelf. • Vertical Mace Stand The vertical stand is used when the mace is displayed at floor level. This stand is useful on a stage when ceremonies are being performed after a procession. • Base Mace Stand A base stand is another floorlevel display option that gives your mace a free-standing look. Your seal medal can be mounted to the front if desired. George Mason University added a brass back to its vertical stand. Mace Travel Case Our durable mace travel case protects your investment when you need to travel. It is airline-approved and lockable, with handles and built-in wheels for easy transport. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 17 Honoring Heritage Design Versatility and Consistency Once you have created one necessary item, such as a mace or chain, your medal design makes it possible to build other items essential to displaying your institution’s heritage. A seal design can be used for everything from chain components, to cuff links, to lapel pins, to awards and especially graduation medals. All of your Medallic Art Company articles can share the same art design, which reinforces the values of your institution. Bellevue College saved time and money by using the same medal for both its mace and chain of office. 18 Henry Ford College honors its heritage by incorporating its former names on both the chain and mace. Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Acknowledge Departing Leaders Recognize the Dedication of Departing Leaders How do you reward a leader’s faithful and tireless service to your institution? Give them an enduring symbol of the institution they love and of their term in office. These gifts are perfect for honoring the sacrifice and dedication of outgoing Presidents, Chancellors, Trustees, Regents, or Provosts. You can recognize them with a unique custom piece or you can use an existing piece to create a memorable gift. After his 18 years of dedication, Saint Leo University created a 12” walnut macette and base stand to honor Dr. Arthur F. Kirk, Jr., its outgoing president. The macette is a replica of the 60” mace Medallic Art had created for the university. University of Utah used an existing medal design to create this gift for its retiring chairman. The University of Georgia gifted this chain of office to its retiring president, adding his ending tenure date onto a banner component on the chain. The university had a new chain made for its incoming president. “Thanks so much for the beautiful work you have created for our outgoing president! It looks marvelous and everyone has exclaimed how elegant and appropriate it is to honor her years in office.” — Lisa Purcell, Southern Oregon University Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 19 Awards and Recognition Donor Recognition In Their Honor Great deeds deserve great awards. Any award your institution bestows must convey the full weight of its prestige when worn or displayed by the recipient. Whether the prize is for a student, faculty member, donor, or classified employee, you can rely on Medallic Art Company to give it form with the same care and quality craftsmanship we use for the famed prizes we’ve produced – the Peabody Award, the Newbery Medal, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Medal of Honor. Acknowledging those whose gifts keep the flame of education burning can be done in multiple ways. Create different gifts for donors at discrete milestones to encourage their philanthropy. Award Medals Presentations of medals on neck ribbons add pomp to your thanks – and could wind up in the news or your alumni newsletter. With over 1,700 color combinations in stock – and the ability to create custom-colored ribbons – we are able to match your colors every time. • Drape Pin Ribbons Just as a military medal denotes merit, so too will a medal for a donor, or a student or faculty member who created academic valor. 20 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Celebrating a Milestone Anniversaries & Special Occasions Whether awarding an honorary doctorate, recognizing a patent, significant discovery, anniversary, or a classified employee’s length of service, celebrate special accomplishments or occasions with an award that will last. A milestone anniversary is a cause for a celebration that brings together your institution’s disparate constituents. School spirit soars, and donations frequently follow. One of the many excellent colleges in the District of Columbia, Gallaudet, honored its sesquicentennial with a medallion designed by artist Ann Silver, Class of ’72. A custom certificate accompanied each medal to tell the story of Gallaudet University’s history as well as the making of the medal. • Cuff Links Enhance a special occasion with simple, yet elegant cuff links bearing your institution’s seal or logo. Ann Silver’s design, above, and a high-quality building image, at left, allowed Medallic Art to realize this wonderful commemoration of Gallaudet University’s 150th anniversary. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 21 Awards and Recognition Lapel Pins Honor educators, donors and other esteemed individuals with lapel pins, a popular and elegant way to display affiliation or accomplishment. Award levels of giving or years of service by adorning your pins with a variety of colored gems. Use a prestigious case to enrich the presentation of your pin. Meet Demand Many items you will mint as awards – lapel pins, key tags, bookmarks and more – will be demanded by students, alumni, parents, and faculty to show their connection. Make sure your college bookstores maintain an inventory. Turn an ordinary pin into an extraordinary gift by numbering it as limited edition. Key Tags The refined look of leather and die-struck medallions in bronze or silver reinforce the prestige of your institution for simple awards or gifts. 22 Bookmarks Your seals, logos and mottos can be minted on our bookmarks to provide a reminder to students, donors, faculty and others of your institution’s ultimate goal. Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Faculty, Student and Alumni Awards Recognize your distinguished faculty members, students, and alumni with a custom award they will always treasure. Using simple, yet elegant, designs and stunning, multidimensional artwork, you can turn a recognition ceremony into a lifetime of memories and goodwill. One minted design can be used for many awards by engraving different award titles on the reverse (above) or on separate chain components (at right). Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 23 Presentation and Display • Unforgettable & Impressive Complete the Look of an Award The presentation style you choose will be the ultimate expression of your design’s meaning; make it an enduring reminder to be treasured. From innovative to traditional, ask us to create an award that will be timeless and one-of-a-kind such as the Peabody Award, University of Alabama Birmingham President’s Medal, or the duPont-Columbia Award shown below. • Medal Stands Place your medal on a stand worthy of its design. Medal stands make for a prestigious presentation as well as display for the recipient. Slotted Wood Stand The University of Alabama Birmingham President’s Medal The Peabody Award Deluxe Spinner The duPont-Columbia Award for distinguished journalism Ring of Honor • Medal Cases Present your coin or medallion the way it deserves to be shown, in a stately case or presentation box. Medal cases can be custom made to fit your presentation. Cherrywood Cases Rosewood Pocket Box 24 Leatherette Presentation Box Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com • Plaques & Shadowboxes Add to the prestige of any presentation by providing a custom shadowbox or plaque that displays your medal prominently. Engraved inscription plates commemorate significant people, deeds or events. “The medals and plaque are in hand and are flawless and beautiful. Thanks so much.” — Dr. Earle B. Weiss, Wellesley College Inscription plates can be returned to Medallic Art Company to have award recipients’ names engraved on them. • Galvanos Sharing the Complete Story The Kenai Peninsula College Community Commemorative Coin project commemorated the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s 50th year of service to the area’s citizens and visitors alike. Consisting of both copper and silver coins, each coin included a detailed certificate of authenticity that relayed the history of the borough, the school district, and the college and told the story of the making of the coins. Custom Certificates of Authenticity allow you to share a personal message that goes beyond the message on the medallion. Galvanos are artistic items finished in an attractive metal for maximum effect – compelling the eye and adding import to any item. The galvano above is mounted on walnut for an appealing presentation, but can also be displayed alone. These are ideal for commemorating notable people or events in public locations, or for presentation to an honored recipient. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 25 Beyond Convocation Reach the Whole Academic Community Whether honoring a championship team, a great coach, or an exceptional group on campus, celebrate their achievements and their star amid your constellation the right way with a custom-designed medallion or coin. • For Athletics Athletic programs create esprit de corps and pride in competing for one’s school. Award medallions for participants and coaches, medals for those who excel, and medals or other recognition for donors to these programs. • ROTC Challenge Coins Campuses with ROTC chapters may choose to adopt the military’s tradition of challenge coins for their cadets and graduating cadets. Coins may be made in many shapes, struck in many metals, and even enameled for true fidelity to chapter or detachment symbols. • For Fraternities & Sororities Honor, leadership, and community service are the cornerstones of these societies and provide lasting memories. Help those organizations on your campus solidify their connection by creating awards, symbols of membership, and symbols of leadership they will keep forever. • Campus Police Keep your college security professionals riding high with challenge coins reflecting their dedication and service to your institution. 26 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Graduates and Alumni Honored Keepsakes Kindle Alumni Devotion Medals cement the relationship between scholar and school and serve as a basis for future donations. Awarded at commencement or honors ceremonies, your graduate or honors medals can be made of a wide range of materials and finishes. A large ribbon selection permits us to match your school colors, with custom ribbons available if needed. Die-struck and hand-finished with a rich patina, your graduation and honors medals are sealed protectively in jeweler’s lacquer and conveniently packaged for ease of presentation. No graduation or awards ceremony is truly complete without a high-quality minted medal that reinforces the significance of the occasion. This medal is a powerful symbol that will unite your alumni with your institution and will pay dividends in goodwill for years to come. Ceremonies are a breeze when medals are packaged for ease of presentation. We Have Your Colors! With more than 1700 color combinations in stock and the ability to create custom-colored ribbons, we are able to match your school colors every time. Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 27 Stock Medals Stock Designs to Make Your Own Medallic Art Company borrows from ancient traditions, while adding modern elements, to create stock medals for any occasion. You will find exactly what you need to create a stunning chain of office, stock mace, or award without sacrificing your institution’s style, budget or time frame. Stock medals can be plated in gold or silver, engraved with wording and custom imagery, and enameled with your institution’s colors to create a unique, custom look. • Choose Your Imagery Several of our stock medal designs allow for engraving of seals, logos or other important symbols for a unique feel. • Choose Your Text Deep route engraving of your special message is available on either one side or both sides of each medal. Every stock medal offers a metal canvas suitable for engraving school names, winners’ names, award titles, event dates, or list of accomplishments. • Add Customized Elements Create a custom item by engraving your institution’s logo on a medal, adding engraved chain components, or attaching medals to stock maces (see page 16). You can also incorporate school colors or differentiate between award levels by enameling inside an engraved area. • Choose Your Presentation Create a stunning and distinctive custom award by including a presentation box or wooden stand. Boxes and stands can be customized further with the addition of inscription plates. See presentation options on pages 24-25. 28 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com Pi Rho Sigma (above) utilized our Recessed Wreath stock medal as the basis for its fraternity medal; its name and shield were laser-engraved. Almost any image important to your institution can be laserengraved onto our stock medals. • Many Reasons to Choose, Many Choices Medallic Art stock medal designs offer good options for your varied needs, combining time-honored symbols of history with the finest modern craftsmanship. Choose the right design for honoring your institution, its component, its faculty, its students, and its donors. Mark your accomplishments both academic and athletic. Your result will be distinguished and remarkable. • Donors Honor donors with a lifelong reminder of their support for your institution. Donors will cherish their highly personalized keepsake for years to come, with large areas to engrave names and personal messages on both sides. Thank you for the wonderful job your company did on the medal. It exceeded all expectations in the craftsmanship, attention to detail, and overall quality. In addition, I very much appreciated your patience when working with me through the design and ordering process. It is obvious the importance you place on customer service.” — Sadie Brumley, Mercer Island, Washington Visit our website to see our variety of stock products www.medallic.com • Exceptional Educators Exceptional educators deserve exceptional awards. All educator medals feature exquisite reverse designs, perfect for adding a message of appreciation or dedication, and enameling selections for promoting school pride. Add Your School colors Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 29 Stock Medals • Student/Alumni Awards Use these stock designs to create custom medallions that reward excellence in academics or for honoring notable alumni. Each medal will be beautifully interpreted to meet your needs. Add Your School colors See more online at www.medallic.com • General Education Borrowing from ancient traditions such as the laurel and oak wreaths, these intricately detailed stock designs are perfect for a wide range of uses, from honoring faculty to awarding student excellence or creating a stunning chain of office. Argosy University Chicago, above, and Granite State College, left, customized these beautiful stock designs to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of their faculty members. 30 Call 1-800-843-9854 or email us at academic@medallic.com • General Purpose The use of the finest materials and workmanship combined with an attention to historical detail yield a stunning canvas suitable for honoring employees, leaders, and volunteers. Marion Oaks A/G made a pin with a small stock medal to honor a volunteer. Some stock medals come in multiple sizes to accommodate different needs. Sample engraving and enameling • Student Government Recognize young leaders with a specially engraved stock medal, complete with your institution’s unique colors. • Sports Celebrate the sweet success of victory and achievement on the field with one of these meticulously crafted medals, customized to your needs. Sample engraving Add your colors Add Your School colors Sample engraving Sample engraving Order now to ensure delivery for your event • www.medallic.com 31 Medallic Art Company 80 East Airpark Vista Boulevard Dayton, NV 89403
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