Century Systems Inc. RETAIL Order Form Effective JAN 2008 Call to Order 24 Hours a Day 1-800-THE-WOMAN Fax Orders to: 404-696-2480 Call to Order: 1-800-843-9662 Name___________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________ St______ Zip__________ Ph (______) ______-____________ Ship to:(If different from above)________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION ITEM# RETAIL EACH Quantity TOTAL THE CLEANER® The Ultimate Body Detox 2707 2807 2714 2814 Men’s 7-Day Women’s 7-Day Men’s 14-Day Women’s 14-Day 17.95 17.95 29.95 29.95 VITAROL® The Multi-Vitamin You Can Feel (150 Capsules) 2830 2831 2000 746 721 771 772 760 Vitarol® Men’s Formula Vitarol® Women’s Formula 39.95 39.95 MIRACLE 2000® 32oz - 32 Day Supply All-In-One Nutritional Blend 30.00 HEART MIRACLE ® 32oz Heart, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol 36.95 HEART MIRACLE ® CAPSULES Heart, Blood Pressure & Cholesterol 7 Wonders® 7 Wonders® MIRACLE 39.95 LOTION ® MIRACLE GOOD HAIR® 60 Tablets 9.00 OIL® 9.00 15.00 $6 Shipping and Handling (domestic U.S. orders only, excludes Canada & Puerto Rico) International Orders pay entire shipping charges Merchandise Total Place Check By Preferred Payment Method CK MO Visa/MC/AMEX#______ Visa/MC/AMEX ______ ______ ______ All packages shipped exp____ Signature____________________________________ 1-800-THE-WOMAN 3 Day Delivery Guaranteed! Shipping Make payable and mail or fax to: Century Systems Tax (GA. res add 7%) 120 Selig Dr., Box 43725 Atlanta, GA 30336 fax 404-696-2480 www.thewoman.com email: sales@thewoman.com T otal $6
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